News and Commentary Archive

This section of our website will contain news updates and commentary that we feel are important for our readers to see.  For the newest news and commentary, go here: News and Commentary.  They will concern things that touch upon the Catholic Faith and the apostasy of the Vatican II sect, as well as some other items we deem significant.  These news items and commentaries will provide corroborating evidence for what we have proven in our magazines and videotapes: that the worldwide structure under Benedict XVI, which follows Vatican II and the invalid New Mass (the Novus Ordo), and which claims to be the Roman Catholic Church, is actually a counterfeit sect of the last days that poses as the Catholic Church but is not.  This column is updated frequently.


Report: 11 million Irish Americans have left the C. Church


“A new survey shows 34 million Americans, or 15 percent of the population, say they have no religion.  Even more significant is that one-third of those, about 11 million people, are Irish Americans.”


G-20 to police new world economic order


In the last week there have been tons of articles in the mainstream press which openly announce the New World Order.  Not long ago the notion was mocked by many as a ridiculous “conspiracy theory.”


School children taught to sing the praises of Obama


“The commissioner of New Jersey's Department of Education ordered a review on Friday following the posting of a YouTube video depicting school children singing the praises of President Obama.”


Coins with Joseph's name found in Egypt


This confirms the biblical account: that Joseph ruled Egypt under Pharaoh.  “Archeologists have discovered ancient Egyptian coins bearing the name and image of the biblical Joseph, Cairo's Al Ahram newspaper recently reported. Excerpts provided by MEMRI show that the coins were discovered among a multitude of unsorted artifacts stored at the Museum of Egypt.”


V-2 Church funding Acorn


“He was referring to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), an annual collection authorized by the U.S. Catholic Bishops which is advertised as a charity to “break the vicious cycle of poverty” but in reality has funded left-wing political organizations such as ACORN to the tune of millions of dollars.”


U.S. now says Iran has "secret" nuclear facility

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A “secret” nuclear facility that they just discovered?  This is extremely difficult to believe.  It just fits too conveniently with Israel’s long-held desire (which has almost reached a fever pitch in recent weeks) to have the U.S. attack Iran; or, at the very least, for Israel to attack Iran themselves with U.S. assistance.  Israel is once again dominating America’s foreign policy.  Things just seem to be popping up which fit precisely with their desires. “The New York Times reports that President Barack Obama and the leaders of France and Britain will charge Iran with constructing a secret facility to produce nuclear fuel.”


Obama to usher in New World Order at G-20


Report: more than half of teen pregnancies in Spain end in abortion


“The Institute for Family Policy in Spain said this week that more than half of teen pregnancies in the country end in abortion and blamed the current law on abortion and the use of the morning-after pill for the problem.  The Institute reported that in 2007, 29,036 of the 604,665 abortions that year were performed on girls under the age of 20.  Of the almost 30,000 teen pregnancies in Spain, 13,789 resulted in the mother giving birth, while 15,307 (53 %) ended in abortion.”


Wisc. schools reject pro-life newspaper ad


“Pro-Life Wisconsin's Peggy Hamill tells OneNewsNow the school newspapers are demonstrating they are not always the bastions of free speech they pride themselves to be.”


Ten Commandments monument in Oklahoma tabled


“The question of whether to put a Ten Commandments monument on the LeFlore County Courthouse lawn is being delayed until after a related case is resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court.”


Polish magazine fined over anti-abortion piece


“Polish court on Wednesday ordered a… magazine to pay a fine and apologize to a woman for likening her to a killer for wanting an abortion and equating the practice with Nazi crimes.”


New Video on Luther




We feel that this is an important video.  It’s a revealing look at the life of the first Protestant.  This video covers how Martin Luther, the first recognizable Protestant and the progenitor of all non-Catholic denominations, "discovered" and invented his doctrines by the day.  It explains how all Protestants are following Martin Luther's man-created religion.  It explains how he came upon his beliefs later than you might think, and more.


Dark charges against apostate "Cardinal" Mahony


“Msgr. Richard Loomis, former vicar of clergy for the archdiocese, said under oath that in the year 2000 he wrote a memo advocating that the archdiocese inform police about allegations of sexual abuse by a now-defrocked priest named Michael Baker. Mahony, Loomis testified, directed him not to report the allegations.”


V-2 Cleveland churches now on sale


This is just too obvious


On Fox News today, there was a huge headline.  It said: “Breaking News – Aids Breakthrough.  For the first time, an experimental vaccine has prevented infection with the AIDS virus, a watershed event in the deadly epidemic and a surprising result for researchers.” 

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They come out with this at the very time they are trying to convince literally the whole world to receive a “swine flu” vaccine.  Here’s the link to the article: World First: Vaccine helps prevent HIV infection.  The psychological propaganda could hardly be more obvious. 


U.S. V-2 "Catholic" Bishops officially reject proselytism

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This is outrageous heresy, of course.  It confirms (once again) exactly what we have documented about the teaching of Antipopes Benedict XVI, John Paul II, etc.  The official website of the U.S. "Bishops" states: “9Likewise, proselytism, or the deliberate targeting of another Christian or group of Christians for the sole purpose of getting them to reject their church to join another, is not allowed.  Some people may feel called in conscience to change from one tradition to another, but “sheep stealing” is unacceptable.”


Presbyterian sect cannot rule out active homosexuals


False Christianity: “Presbyterians have come to a similar conclusion as Lutherans recently did about same-gender relationships: they cannot agree.”


China begins mass vaccinations for "swine flu"


“China kicked off mass vaccinations for swine flu Monday in Beijing, making it apparently the first nation in the world to start inoculating its population against the virus.”


St. Januarius' blood liquefies again


Soldier warns of forced vaccination, roadblocks and internment?




This is a video by someone who purports to be a member of the military.  She says that they are planning roadblocks, forced vaccinations and camps for those who don’t receive the “vaccine” this fall/winter.  We don’t know if this is true, but it’s very interesting, extremely alarming and obviously potentially important. 


What is 100% true, however, is that they are imposing the “vaccine” on some people.  Many healthcare workers in the U.S. are being fired or threatened with the loss of their jobs if they don’t take the “vaccine.”  This is being done quietly so as to not alarm the general public.  So while Obama stands up and says that it’s “completely voluntary,” we see just the opposite going on for healthcare workers, some military and others. 


So what are all of those bad-willed individuals – including many in the traditional movement – who laughed and scoffed at facts exposing other conspiracies (such as 9/11), saying now?  It’s a fact that they are imposing the “vaccine” on many people.  They might impose it on most of the country.  If they force you and most of the country to take a shot (a viral cocktail) with who knows what kind of poisons in it – for a supposed “flu” that is (even by their own “facts”) basically the same as seasonal flu – will you then admit that it’s a conspiracy?  Will you then admit that it’s an agenda to give an unnecessary shot to millions? 


Alas, those of you who obstinately denied the truth about other conspiracies (especially 9/11) – who mocked the facts and even laughed at them after having the chance to see the truth – will be held responsible in some way for this travesty, however far it goes.  That’s because you – and we’re speaking to the specific individuals described above – indirectly aided and abetted this evil program.  If you had been more honest and of good will concerning the facts which expose the other conspiracies – particularly the obvious 9/11 conspiracy – then more people would have been alerted to the truth and the evil agenda!  It could have been stopped.  Instead, you allowed them to succeed and thrive by stopping or opposing - to the degree of influence you possess - the spread of that truth.  These people and their evil program could have been thwarted; but instead you assisted them by your bad will, by your human respect, and by your rejection and mockery of the truth!  So if they force one of you to take such a “vaccine,” don't complain.  Keep in mind that you brought it upon yourself. 


Witch doctors hunt children to sacrifice to dead tribal chief


“PARENTS in a remote part of eastern Zimbabwe are keeping their children at home for fear one of them will be abducted and killed as a human sacrifice. The case has opened up debate on ritual killings and witchcraft in this still deeply divided southern African country. Despite denials from local officials, some villagers in Makoni district claim ritual killers have been moving around looking for a victim who will be buried alongside the late tribal chief of the area, Naboth Gandanzara Makoni.  Someone has to be sacrificed and serve as his pillow," sources told the state-controlled Manica Post newspaper…


Concerning this article, a reader pointed out: These pagans will probably be invited to the next Assisi-like event (maybe the ''canonization'' of antipope JP2) to share with the audience some of the ''riches of Africa.''


Man who condemned gays takes on rights tribunal

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“An Alberta [man] who wrote a letter declaring "war" against the "homosexual machine" has become the latest torchbearer in the fight against Canada's hate law, arguing that a provincial human rights commission had no authority to sanction him two years ago.”


Benedict XVI to receive Russian schismatic bishop on Friday

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British nurse of 30 years ordered to remove cross


“In another strange case from the UK, a… nurse from Exeter, in the west of England, with nearly 30 years of service, and just eight months to go to her retirement, is being threatened with disciplinary action after refusing to remove a necklace bearing a Cross….”


UN says "swine flu" could kill millions if West doesn't pay up


“UN report says pandemic may result in anarchy unless western world pays for antiviral drugs and vaccines. The swine flu pandemic could kill millions and cause anarchy in the world's poorest nations unless £900m can be raised from rich countries to pay for vaccines and antiviral medicines, says a UN report leaked to the Observer.”


6.3 magnitude quake kills 7 in Bhutan


“A 6.3-magnitude earthquake shook the remote mountain nation of Bhutan on Monday, killing at least seven people when their houses collapsed and damaging buildings across the region, officials said.”


College sets aside entire dorm for [zero] "swine flu" cases


Note: the article explains that there isn’t one case of “swine flu” at this college.  But the headlines say: “College sets aside entire dorm for swine flu cases.”  Only those who read the article discover that the college doesn’t have any cases; the dorm has been set aside purely as a precautionary measure.  Our point here is that the headline is very misleading.  It serves to create hysteria and fear about the “swine flu.”  The impression created for the multitudes (who will surely look at the headline and probably not read the article) is that the “swine flu” is out of control.  The impression created is that it’s spreading so rapidly at this college that they had to set aside an entire dorm for all the sick students, when the reality is that not one student even has it yet.


Ten "swine flu" lies told by the mainstream media

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Company fined in "religious discrimination" case


“The Justice Department announced the settlement Friday involving Des Moines, Iowa-based Guideone Mutual Insurance Co. and two authorized agents, which had advertised special homeowners' and renters' benefits called FaithGuard to "churchgoers" and "persons of faith… The lawsuit was the result of complaints filed by an atheist, an agnostic, and the Lexington Fair Housing Council.”


5.1 Earthquake felt in Mexico, California


It seems like there have been a lot of earthquakes recently: “A magnitude 5.1 earthquake, classified as a moderate earthquake, struck Baja California in Mexico Saturday afternoon, but caused no known damage or injuries.” 


Congressman says America in political rebellion


“House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) says the country is in the midst of a “political rebellion” because his Democratic colleagues are “bankrupting America.”


Benedict XVI greets Jews, announces another synagogue visit


When John Paul II first went into the synagogue in 1986 – and bowed his head as the Jews prayed for the coming of their “messiah” – it was seen as a revolutionary act.  Now, this act of apostasy is becoming a regular event for the Vatican II antipopes.  “In a telegram sent on the occasion of the Jewish feasts of Yom Kippur and Sukkot, Pope Benedict XVI prayed that God would bestow “copious blessings upon all the Jews and constant encouragement in the struggle to promote justice, harmony and peace.” He also announced that in the coming months he would visit the synagogue of Rome.


200 California schools signed up for homosexual cirriculum


Judge clears school officials of charges in prayer case


“Two school administrators from Florida's Santa Rosa County School District were cleared Thursday of criminal contempt charges over a meal prayer.”


Canada readies body bags for "swine flu"


“The Canadian government sent body bags to some remote Indian reserves as it prepared for the winter flu season, sending a jarring message at odds with its promise that it’s ready for the H1N1 flu.”


New Video





Nashville passes "gender identity" law


“Nashville became the latest city to add "sexual orientation" and gender identity to its non-discrimination policy Sept. 15 but left the two controversial terms undefined, and critics charged the ordinance only opens the city up to more far-reaching laws affirming homosexuality.”


Satan-loving teen lights fire


“A 15-year-old girl who allegedly worships Satan was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of lighting a fire at her Orangevale church.”


V-2 "trad" Pederasty cult of the S.S.J. resurfaces in Paraguay


The Society of St. John was a false traditionalist group in the Vatican II sect which purported to offer traditional sacraments, similar to the FSSP.  After being disgraced and shut down for outrageous alleged sexual and other scandals, they have resurfaced in Paraguay.  In addition to their apparently scandalous abominations, what was most outrageous about their case is the amount of people who supported and were enthusiastic about them.  As soon as they started their group, all kinds of people immediately got behind them.  That was because they presented the externals (not the substance) of the traditional faith.  They wore traditional garb, purported to offer traditional sacraments, chanted Latin, etc.  It didn’t matter to almost anyone that they accepted Vatican II, false ecumenism, the New Mass, etc.  What they cared about is that they had nice cassocks, chanted Latin and apparently said the Latin Mass – with a “bishop’s” approval, too.  They even started to get funding to build a “Catholic” city.  So people many are truly pathetic.  Well, we see what these heretics, who denied the substance or the faith and remained in the Vatican II sect, turned out to be.  And while the people who supported them were probably shocked and dismayed by what they turned out to be, they really got exactly what they deserved for not caring at all about the faith.


“The relocation and restoration in South America of the formerly suppressed, U.S.-based scandal-ridden Society of Saint John (SSJ) is one of the most outrageous examples of ecclesiastical malfeasance…”


Percentage of Protestant female preachers doubles


These sects have female “pastors,” thus violating the clear biblical injunction (1 Cor. 14).  This further demonstrates that they are neither biblical nor Christian: “The percentage of U.S. Protestant women serving as senior pastors has doubled over the past decade, according to the latest study by the Barna Group.  Throughout most of the 1990s, just five percent of Protestant senior pastors were female. Since that time, the proportion has slowly but steadily risen, doubling to 10 percent in 2009.”


Singapore: world system moves toward new world order


“The global economic situation appears to be no longer so dire, as with any major shock to the system, there will be profound structural changes that will shift the equilibrium towards a "new world order," a Singapore official said on Thursday.”


Iran, Brazil can play major roles in "new world order"


“Iran's foreign minister said Iran and Brazil can play major roles in new world order, the official IRNA news agency reported Thursday.”


V-2 "bishop" says Luther offers "positive challenge"

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“The Bishop of Osnabruck in northern Germany, Franz-Josef Bode, has said that the 16th century reformer Martin Luther offers a "positive challenge" to Catholic and other Christian churches.”


This is outrageous and heretical, of course; but in praising the arch-heretic, this V-2 “bishop” is just following the lead of Antipopes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who both did the same.


Teen refused citizenship because she refused vaccine


“Time is running out for a British teen seeking U.S. citizenship after she refused to be injected with a vaccine that protects against a sexually transmitted virus linked to cervical cancer.  Simone Davis, who turns 18 next January, turned down the vaccine Gardasil because she says she is not sexually active and believes the vaccine comes with the risk of adverse health effects.  U.S. law, however, requires immigrants seeking to become U.S. citizens to receive a list of vaccinations, Gardasil being among them.”


It’s horrible that they require them to get vaccines.  In fact, even the mainstream press has admitted that the Gardasil “vaccine” has been linked to deaths:


Benedict XVI to SSPX: respect Judaism, other religions

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This confirms again what we’ve proven: Benedict XVI respects false religions and is thus an apostate.  It also confirms that accepting Vatican II (and its heretical respect for false religions) is mandatory for re-admission into his Vatican II sect. “Respect for Judaism and other religions is mandatory for readmission into the mainstream Catholic fold, Pope Benedict XVI will tell a renegade traditionalist Catholic group. In a weekend interview with a newspaper in Passau, Germany, Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn said doctrinal talks between the Vatican and the traditionalist Society of Saint Pius X would begin soon.  "The SSPX will be told very clearly what is not negotiable for the Holy See," Schoenborn said. "This includes such fundamental conclusions of the Second Vatican Council as its positions on Judaism, other non-Christian religions, other Christian churches and on religious freedom as a basic human right."


By the way, the Society of St. Pius X holds heretical and schismatic positions.


Nano particles in untested "swine flu" vaccines


“Vaccines which have been approved by the responsible government authorities for vaccination against the alleged H1N1 Influenza A Swine Flu have been found to contain nano particles. Vaccine makers have been experimenting with nanoparticles as a way to “turbo charge” vaccines for several years. Now it has come out that the vaccines approved for use in Germany and other European countries contain nanoparticles in a form that reportedly attacks healthy cells and can be deadly.”


CBS skips killing of pro-life activist


“Katie Couric’s CBS Evening News on Friday omitted any mention of the murder of pro-life activist Jim Pouillon in Michigan, despite having discussed the murder of abortionist George Tiller on the June 1, June 2 and June 9 newscasts (and then referencing the killing as a recent “hate crime” in a June 10 report on the shooting at Washington, D.C.’s Holocaust Museum).”


US and UN scholar praises China's population policy


“American scholar Barbara Pillsbury praised China's population control policy in a speech made Thursday at the University of Southern California but also warns of the challenges China faces. Pillsbury, who has worked for the United Nations Population Agency, said China won't have achieved so much in the country's development if it did not pursue its population control policy.”


Bible ban case may go to Supreme Court


“The Rutherford Institute is asking the Supreme Court to hear a case in which a Bible reading was banned from school.  The Institute is representing Donna Busch who was invited to read the Bible to her son's class in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania.”


Mother watches premature baby die as doctors refuse to help


“Sarah Capewell watched her premature baby die after doctors refused to help him - because he was born two days too early for them to try to save him. Miss Capewell gave birth to a baby son when she was 21 weeks and 5 days into her pregnancy and pleaded with doctors and midwives to admit the newborn to a special care baby unit.  Staff at James Paget Hospital, in Gorleston, Norfolk, told her that if her son Jayden had been born two days later, at 22 weeks, they would have tried to help him.”


Gulag book, once banned, is now required reading


This is just another small example of how the situation in Russia is very different from what it was under the persecuting regime of Leninist and Stalinist Russia. This is not to suggest that Russia is good or Catholic; but this fact (among many others) coincides with what we showed in our article, The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia, concerning the precise meaning of Our Lady’s words and promise on July 13, 1917.


“The book that made "Gulag" a synonym for the horrors of Soviet oppression will be taught in Russian high schools, a generation after the Kremlin banned it as destructive to the Communist cause and exiled its author.  The Education Ministry said Wednesday that excerpts of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago," published in 1973, are to be required reading for students.”


Report: France to use "swine flu" to gut laws


“In case of a swine flu pandemic the French government has a plan to introduce emergency measures that would gut legal protections for citizens, the daily Liberation reported Tuesday.  According to documents provided to the daily by a judges' union, the plan would extend the period police can keep a suspect in detention without charge or a hearing before a judge to up to six months.  Suspects would also not be able to contact a lawyer until after spending 24 hours in custody.”


Principal bans Bible, suggests book about witches


“The U.S. Supreme Court has been asked to hear a case in which a kindergarten student, under an assignment in which parents were invited to read their child's favorite book, was denied permission to share a Bible story and asked to read a book about witches instead.”


Christmas out of Texas curriculum proposal


“A proposal for new social studies curriculum in Texas public schools removes a mention of Christmas in a sixth-grade lesson, replacing it with a Hindu religious festival, a change that’s riled conservatives who say it’s another battle in the “war” against the Christian holiday. “It’s outrageous that the war on Christmas continues in our state and in our nation,” said Jonathan Saenz…”


Anti-abortion activist shot outside high school


“State police at the Corunna post have confirmed a well-known anti-abortion activist was shot multiple times and killed this morning in front of Owosso High School.”


Ben & Jerry's renames ice cream to honor gay "marriage"

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How horrible: “Ben and Jerry's has changed the name of one of its best-selling ice creams to Hubby Hubby, in celebration of the legalisation of gay marriage in its home state of Vermont.”


UN wants global currency to replace dollar


What was once dismissed as a conspiracy theory is now being openly discussed in the mainstream press: “The dollar should be replaced with a global currency, the United Nations has said, proposing the biggest overhaul of the world's monetary system since the Second World War.”


Homosexual sues Bible publisher for "mental anguish"


“A homosexual man is suing a third national Bible publisher for "mental anguish" after he says the company published Bibles with a negative connotation toward homosexuals.”


Man killed in V-2 church after stone altar falls on him


Canadian V-2 diocese pays out $15 million for abuse


“A Nova Scotia court has approved a $15-million settlement between a Roman Catholic diocese in the province and dozens of sexual abuse victims.”


FCC Indecency/Obscenity complaints soar


“First-quarter complaints to the FCC in all categories increased by 246% over fourth-quarter 2008 to 245,241, the FCC said Tuesday, but that was driven by a whopping increase in indecency complaints in March.”


Another New Sedevacantism Debate


New Sedevacantism Debate with William Albrecht [link to description and audios]


Demonstrators protest abortion party in Vienna


“This past Friday several hundred pro-life demonstrators in Vienna protested the decision of the city's mayor to host a party celebrating the anniversary of a notorious abortion facility…”


Tony Blair demands equal view of those of all religions


Obviously Blair is suggesting that one can be good and saved in any religion.  Blair is another apostate in good standing in the Vatican II sect: “Last night Tony Blair warned against the “dark side” of religion and said the world’s faith community had issues it must “confront and overcome”. He also said that it was not enough to “tolerate” people of different faiths. Muslims, Jews, Christians and members of all faiths must treat each other as “equal.”


Court upholds ban on Ave Maria hymn at graduation


“A federal appeals panel has upheld a decision to bar the instrumental performance of a Christian hymn at a high school graduation in Everett, Wash.

The case arose after seniors in the Henry M. Jackson High School wind ensemble asked to play an instrumental version of "Ave Maria" at their commencement in June 2006. When school officials said no, one of the students, Kathryn Nurre, challenged them in court.”


V-2 Wisconsin "bishop" defends funeral for Kennedy


More proof of the apostasy of the Vatican II sect: “Another Catholic leader is coming to the defense of the funeral for Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Bishop Robert C. Morlino, the Catholic bishop of Madison, Wisc., wrote a column for his diocesan newspaper reflecting on last weekend’s funeral rites. Morlino expresses “contentment’’ with the church’s handling of the liturgy…”


New Debate


New Sedevacantism Debate with Vin Lewis [click here for a description and to listen]


London mayor: Everyone should fast for Ramadan


Quebec homeschoolers must be taught that homosexuality is "okay"


It’s interesting that in making this evil decision, he relied on the teaching of an apostate “theologian” of the Vatican II “Church”: “The Quebec Superior Court has denied a petition from concerned Catholic parents who wanted exemptions for their children from the province's mandatory relativism program, 'Ethics and Religious Culture' (ERC), reports Patrick B. Craine… In making his decision, the judge, Justice Jean-Guy Dubois, relied heavily on two Catholic sources: (1) the testimony of a Catholic theologian who emphasized that the Catholic Church values instruction in other religions, and (2) the position of the Assembly of Quebec Catholic Bishops, who did not support "a priori" exemptions based on religion.”


UN targets other countries for "gender-identity" rights


“A United Nations committee is trying to force special rights for sexual orientation and gender identity on other countries.”


Same-sex "marriages" now allowed in Vermont


V-2 "Cardinal" O'Malley defends Kennedy funeral

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“And to those who argued that Kennedy did not merit a Catholic funeral because of his support for abortion rights, the cardinal wrote: “In the strongest terms I disagree with that position.’’


Thus, he confirms (once again) exactly what we showed in Benedict XVI is pro-abortion: that they regard as Catholics those who are pro-abortion.


Maine declares state of emergency over "swine flu"


“As schools prepare to vaccinate kids against seasonal and swine flu, Gov. John Baldacci has declared a civil emergency, a step he says will protect school districts and other vaccination clinic participants from liability.” 


Transsexual killer transferred to women's jail


“A transsexual killer who was born a man has won a legal battle to be transferred to a women’s prison.  The prisoner, who was also convicted of attempted rape, will be moved to a women’s jail within weeks after a High Court ruled that the refusal by Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary, to transfer her violated her basic human rights and increased her long-term risk to society.”


More than 2,000 have "swine flu" at Wash. State U


“More than 2,000 Washington State University students have been sickened by swine flu during the first two weeks of classes, school health officials said.”


Lawsuit over homosexual indoctrination classes for kindergartners


“A lawsuit in California that was filed last month by angry parents who object to a gay-friendly curriculum they say is being foisted on kindergartners could well become a test case for schools around the country.  Parents in the Alameda Unified School District were refused the right to excuse their kids from classes that would teach all kids in the district's elementary schools about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender alternative families…The contested California curriculum includes an annual 45-minute LGBT lesson taught to kids from kindergarten through the fifth grade.”


Military receives order to take vaccine

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“All military personnel will be vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus, and the vaccine will be available to all military family members who want it, a Defense Department health affairs official said today.  The H1N1 vaccination program will begin in early October, said Army Lt. Col. (Dr.) Wayne Hachey, director of preventive medicine for Defense Department health affairs.  The vaccine, which has been licensed by the Food and Drug Administration, will be mandatory for uniformed personnel, Hachey said. "What we want to do is target those people who are at highest risk for transmission," he said.”


Detroit V-2 "diocese" losing $42K a day


“The Archdiocese of Detroit announced major cuts today, slashing its central staff by 29% because of a $14.5-million operating deficit, a spokesman said.  It will reduce its central staff from 264 to 187, one of the biggest reductions in years, said Joe Kohn, an official with the archdiocese. And it plans to sell the Gabriel Richard building on Michigan Avenue in downtown Detroit, one of its main offices.”


Pittsburgh V-2 "diocese" sells bishop's mansion


“Pittsburgh's Catholic bishop determined it wasn't practical for him to live in a 39-room mansion, so the huge house in Shadyside has been sold for more than $2 million.”


Mich. "church" enlists Satan in ad campaign


“A Michigan church is enlisting Satan in a bid to drum up attendance at services. Metro South Church in the Detroit suburb of Trenton is posting signs saying the non-denominational Christian congregation "sucks" and "makes me sick." The ads are signed by Satan.  The campaign even has a Web site explaining why Satan hates the church.”


Emory moves students with "swine flu" into one dorm


“Emory University has moved about 50 students with swine flu into a separate dorm, where they are not attending classes and school workers are delivering food to them, officials said.”


FDA approves generic morning after pill


“The Food and Drug Administration has given the final go-ahead for Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc. to sell its generic version of the morning after pill. That is the drug that can either prevent a pregnancy or can sometimes result in an abortion of a unique human being hours after conception has occurred.”


World's most popular Bible to get "gender update"


“The world's most-popular Bible will undergo its first revision in 25 years, modernizing the language in some sections and promising to reopen a contentious debate about changing gender terms in the sacred text.”


Pandemic bill allows health authorities to enter homes

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“A "pandemic response bill" currently making its way through the Massachusetts state legislature would allow authorities to forcefully quarantine citizens in the event of a health emergency, compel health providers to vaccinate citizens, authorize forceful entry into private dwellings and destruction of citizen property and impose fines on citizens for noncompliance.”


Montana court to rule on assisted suicide case


“Mr. Baxter is at the center of a right-to-die debate that could make Montana the first state in the country to declare that medical aid in dying is a protected right under a state constitution.”


Private Federal Reserve fights to keep its secrets

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“The Federal Reserve Board, despite being ordered to disclose to whom it awarded roughly $2 trillion in discount "stimulus" loans, is fighting to keep the information under wraps as a protected "trade secret."


Vatican says: No rollback of Vatican II


In other words, no deviation from the apostasy: “The Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, has dismissed fears that… Benedict XVI plans to roll back major ecclesial changes introduced by the Second Vatican Council.”


US gave fake "moon rock" to Dutch museum


“A treasured piece of moon rock showcased in a key Amsterdam museum is nothing but petrified wood, museum authorities said of a gift made to a former Dutch prime minister by a US envoy.”


Benedict XVI is pro-abortion


See the striking clips which prove it.  This video shows why those who accept Benedict XVI are not pro-life, but pro-abortion.  By examining what his “Church” just did for Ted Kennedy, it proves that Benedict XVI is pro-abortion.  Ted Kennedy was vigorously pro-abortion.  He was even in favor of partial-birth abortion.  He also supported gay “marriage.”  He even voted against the Defense of Marriage Act.  He also wanted to expand “hate crimes” legislation to include special privileges for homosexuals.  Benedict XVI and his Vatican II Church officially consider Ted Kennedy to have been a Catholic and the servant of Christ.  They consider him saved and to be one who will live forever with Christ.  This video demonstrates that all those who do not condemn Benedict XVI as a heretic are pro-abortion.  It proves that Benedict XVI is not the pope, but a heretical antipope.


Lesbians given equal birth rights


“Women in same-sex relationships can now register both their names on the birth certificate of a child conceived as a result of fertility treatment.”


Gay man's "gender bias" lawsuit reinstated


“A federal appeals court has reinstated a gay western Pennsylvania man's lawsuit contending that co-workers who nicknamed him "Princess" and otherwise allegedly harassed him about his effeminate behavior discriminated against his gender, not his sexual orientation.”


CDC admits that H1N1 "vaccine" could maim and kill 30,000


“The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has officially stated that there will be as many as 30,000 serious, potentially lethal adverse reactions to the novel H1N1 vaccine, while the FDA guidelines for the novel H1N1 vaccine only require that it work in 3 out of every 10 recipients.”


Venezuela boots religion class from public ed.


WHO warns of severe form of "swine flu"

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“Doctors are reporting a severe form of swine flu that goes straight to the lungs, causing severe illness in otherwise healthy young people and requiring expensive hospital treatment, the World Health Organization said on Friday. WHO says to brace for second wave… WHO said it was advising countries in the Northern Hemisphere to prepare for a second wave of pandemic spread.”


Wall St. Journal confirms HC bill has tax-funded abortions


“The Wall St. Journal is the latest mainstream media outlet to confirm what pro-life advocates have been saying for months. It has acknowledged that the House version of the government-run health care plan allows for taxpayer financing of abortions.”


V-2 "Cardinal" of  Boston will preside at Kennedy's  funeral


This is more irrefutable proof of what we’re saying (i.e., that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church): “Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley of Boston will preside at the funeral of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy tomorrow at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (the Mission Church). The Rev. J. Donald Monan, a Jesuit priest who was the longtime president of Boston College and is now the chancellor, will be the principal celebrant.”


"Gay rights" activist says Kennedy was their champion


“And on the controversial topic of same-sex marriage, Kennedy was at the forefront of opposing legislative efforts seeking to ban it.”


Court orders homeschool child into government education


“A 10-year-old homeschool girl described as "well liked, social and interactive with her peers, academically promising and intellectually at or superior to grade level" has been told by a New Hampshire court official to attend a government school because she was too "vigorous" in defense of her… faith.”


New Video against Impurity




This is part of a series called, Rejecting the Lust and Impurity of Hell.


UN advocates teaching masturbation to five-year-olds


“The United Nations is recommending that children as young as five receive mandatory sexual education that would teach even pre-kindergarteners about masturbation and topics like gender violence.  The U.N.'s Economic, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) released a 98-page report in June offering a universal lesson plan for kids ranging in age from 5-18, an "informed approach to effective sex, relationships" and HIV education that they say is essential for "all young people."

Homeless people died after Polish bird flu vaccine trial


“Three Polish doctors and six nurses are facing criminal prosecution after a number of homeless people died following medical trials for a vaccine to the H5N1 bird-flu virus.”


Men arrested for sidewalk preaching against homosexuality


A man “is accusing police of violating his constitutional rights after officers arrested him for not having a parade permit while he spoke out against homosexuality on a public sidewalk in Manchester, Ga.”


Pro-homosexual work bill gaining momentum


“The Employment Non-Discrimination Act, or ENDA, would prohibit workplace discrimination-including decisions about hiring, firing and wages-based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It would exempt religious organizations, the military and businesses with less than 15 workers.”


Evolutionists now admit that Appendix is useful


Evolutionists have long believed that the appendix is a worthless artifact of evolution.  They have argued that its presence in man weighs against the idea of an intelligent creator.  But now the blind evolutionists are admitting what a person with faith knew all along: the appendix does have a use and a purpose.  As William Parker, “who co-authored the Journal of Evolutionary Biology article, told, ‘Maybe it's time to correct the textbooks... Many biology texts today still refer to the appendix as a 'vestigial organ.’"


Just like their previous views of the appendix, the evolutionists are completely wrong on every single point which they think weighs against creation and the biblical account.


John Paul II asked the schismatic "Orthodox" to participate in his 1984 "consecration"


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John Paul II with the Romanian “Orthodox” schismatic patriarch, Teoctist


This is a link to an article (written by a Vatican II modernist) about Antipope John Paul II’s “Collegial Consecration of 1984.”  John Paul II was an antipope and therefore his acts were invalid.  But what’s interesting is that the article mentions that John Paul II invited the schismatic “Orthodox” to join him in the consecration of the world: “The Pope decided to renew the consecration in March 1984, with letters being sent to all the world's bishops in good time, including the Orthodox, asking them to join him in this action.” 


This is significant because it provides further proof that John Paul II definitely considered the notoriously schismatic “Orthodox” bishops to be part of the Church of Christ. 


Abomination: "Catholic" funeral for Ted Kennedy - Obama eulogy

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This is a total abomination, and Antipope Benedict XVI of course says nothing.  Kennedy was one of the most pro-abortion, ultra-liberal apostates in the history of the U.S. Congress.  And now the Vatican II sect will commemorate him as one of the “faithful departed”!  What more proof does one need that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church!  Be assured: if the Basilica were going to feature a speaker who had a different opinion on how many Jews were killed during WW II, Benedict XVI would immediately condemn it from the housetops.  However, a “Catholic” commemoration of a pro-abortion apostate is not a problem.  This is why all of you who claim to be pro-life, but don’t condemn Benedict XVI as an apostate enabler of abortion, are not pro-life.  You are pro-abortion.  For you defend by silence the one who enables the most notorious supporters of abortion, Antipope Benedict XVI.


President Barack Obama will deliver a eulogy at US Senator Edward M. Kennedy's funeral Mass on Saturday, a White House official has told the Globe.  Kennedy's funeral will be held at a time yet to be determined Saturday morning at The Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in the Mission Hill section of Boston. Commonly known as the Mission Church, the 1,450-seat basilica on Tremont Street was built in the 1870s. Kennedy prayed there in 2003 while his daughter, Kara, was being treated for lung cancer.”


Jail time and fine for refusing "swine flu" vaccine in MA


“If you are no longer worried about swine flu, maybe you should be. This new law passed in MA. imposes fines of $1000 a day and 30 days jail time for refusing the swine flu vaccine.”


FL students sent home for Islam is of the Devil shirts


“A handful of students were sent home from Florida schools this week after showing up in shirts proclaiming that "Islam is of the Devil”...”


Soft drink giant Pepsi forms "gay pride" organization

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“Soft drink giant PepsiCo is continuing its support and sponsorship of the homosexual agenda despite growing protest and a continuing boycott of Pepsi products that include Frito Lay chips, Tropicana orange juice, Gatorade and Quaker products…”


Residents can get $50 for "swine flu" shot


“With the cash for clunkers program now kaput, Uncle Sam is offering a smaller cash incentive in Somerville and nine other US cities.  The federal Center for Disease Control (CDC) is hosting a swine flu forum on Saturday at the Center for Arts at the Armory on Highland Avenue. The event is open to 100 residents, and those who preregister will receive a $50 stipend.”


Huckabee: "Evangelicals" more supportive of Israel than U.S. Jews


This is one of the bewildering and bad fruits of false Christianity (i.e., Protestantism): aggressive support for a non-Christian and anti-Christian state: “Mike Huckabee, most widely known as a former Republican presidential candidate, said recently that evangelicals are more supportive of Israel than even American Jews.”


New Video on King Solomon




V-2 sect denies rumors of liturgical reform


In order to deceive bad-willed phony conservatives, the Vatican II sect and the Devil have played this game for years.  They put out rumors that they are going to correct abuses and make changes to the New Mass; but they don’t follow through with them.  This is another case in point.  We should keep in mind that even if they did correct certain abuses, it would not change the inherent invalidity and uncatholicity of the New Mass.


“The Vatican is denying rumors promulgated by some news organizations that announced forthcoming changes in the liturgy.  Father Ciro Benedettini, deputy director of the Vatican press office, clarified that "for the time being there are no institutional proposals for a modification of the liturgical books used at present," Vatican Radio reported.”


President says: "Swine flu" could infect half the U.S.


“Swine flu could infect half the U.S. population this fall and winter, hospitalizing up to 1.8 million people and causing as many as 90,000 deaths -- more than double the number that occur in an average flu season, according to an estimate from a presidential panel released Monday… This could mean that doctors’ offices and hospitals may get filled to capacity,” the report says… the current strain “poses a serious health threat to the nation.”


Obama wrong, Abortion funding in H Care plan


“A nonpartisan web site that routinely serves as a watchdog for public officials, the media and political groups says President Barack Obama has it wrong. says the current health care plans pending in Congress do authorize abortion funding, contrary to Obama's claims otherwise.”


Conference plans for mass vaccinations and quarantines




We don’t endorse this individual, but this is worth watching.


First Lady requires 26 servants

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“She is served by twenty-six attendants, including a hair dresser and make-up artist.”


Wisconsin requires institutions to provide contraceptives coverage


“… a state provision that requires providers of health insurance include contraceptive services.”


Man steals Virgin Mary picture to pay for abortion


“A Nebraska man who stole a painting of the Virgin Mary to finance an abortion for a teen he raped has been convicted of first-degree sexual assault and felony theft.  Aurelio Vallerillo-Sanchez, 39, of Omaha pleaded no contest to the charges Friday and faces up to 70 years in prison when sentenced in October, Douglas County prosecutor Brenda Beadle said Saturday.”


Spain: "Swine flu" causes restrictions on venerating saint

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St. James the Apostle


Lutheran sect officially confirms active homosexual "clergy"


“The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America passed several resolutions Friday that recognize committed gay relationships and, for the first time, permit non-celibate homosexuals to be Lutheran clergy.”


Court: religious displays can stay in store offering postal services


“A federal appeals court has reversed a federal judge's order that religious displays be removed from a Manchester, Conn. store that offers postal services.”


San Diego teacher fired for playing song with Christ in it


Not that we endorse such a dance class, but this is interesting: “Kathy Villalobos was a dance teacher for two San Diego Public Middle Schools. For five years she taught young teens how to dance. One day in class she played a song to her students that had the name "Christ" in it. Within five days, she was fired. That event transpired 4 1/2 years ago.”


Calf born with dark, reptilian skin worshipped by Cambodians


The darkness of idolatry: “Villagers in this poor community in central Cambodia live hand to mouth, but many dug into their pockets to help pay for a funeral here Friday for a three-day-old calf with a dark, reptilian hide that many believed was holy.  Outh Kdep, the calf's owner, said villagers believed in the animal's divinity because there had been a drought in the area for three months, but it rained the day after it was born.”


Ruling: SD doctors must tell women that abortion ends a life


“A federal judge upheld part of a South Dakota law that requires women to be told abortion ends a human life, but struck down disclosures that the procedure increases the likelihood of suicide and that they have an existing relationship with the fetus.”


WHO predicts "Explosion" of "H1N1 flu" cases

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Scanning for "swine flu"

They’ve been telling us for months: it’s going to explode in the fall, right in time for the opening of school and the arrival of the “vaccine” (or should we say viral concoction?).  Now the psychological programming is in overdrive.  They are really preparing the minds of the public for the promised “outbreak.”  We are supposed to believe that their “experts” are so precise that they not only know that it’s going to explode right in the fall, but that cases might “double every three to four days for several months.”  Wow, that’s scientific precision!  It seems quite obvious that they are desperate to pump as many million people as possible with their “vaccine.”  As hard as it is for some to believe, it’s simply a sad but well-documented fact that deranged eugenicists (who are intent on eliminating those whom they consider to be “useless eaters”) abound in powerful positions.


There will soon be a period of further global spread of the virus, and most countries may see swine flu cases double every three to four days for several months until peak transmission is reached, said WHO's Western Pacific director, Shin Young-soo.  "At a certain point, there will seem to be an explosion in case numbers," Shin told a symposium of health officials and experts in Beijing. "It is certain there will be more cases and more deaths."


New video on King David




Novus Ordo parishioners lock their "priest" out of church


Just in case anyone thinks that they’re locking him out because they care about the Catholic faith, think again.  They’re locking him out not because he’s a heretic, but because (in their opinion) he’s not nice enough to the Spanish-speaking community and illegal immigrants.  They really take action when their national pride is offended (and the over emphasis on nationality is rooted in pride), but they couldn’t care less about whether he is a real Catholic.


“A large group of parishioners of the Iglesia Catolica San Andres padlocked their pastor out of the church Sunday morning to protest his continued assignment to the Spanish-speaking Catholic community of Robeson County… They say he fails to embrace his Mexican parishioners, a flock of lower-income people who, in many cases, have made their way into this country illegally. They say he is aloof and sarcastic to them.”


Baby Jesus' head stolen from church statue


"If the head doesn't reappear, we'll have to replace the entire statue," Labermeier said, which would cost… about $12,000.”


Possessed, “zombie” teen stabs three in Bronx


“A teenager in The Bronx yesterday was arrested after stabbing his three younger siblings because he was "seeing demons" and was "zombielike."


Polish group calls Madonna a crypto-Satanist


“On Thursday, a group of Polish nationalists condemned a planned weekend concert by pop diva Madonna in Warsaw, branding her a “crypto-Satanist” who wants to insult the Christian religion.”


Swedish paper slams Israeli propaganda machine


Mass. man stabbed pregnant girlfriend after abortion refusal

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“A Massachusetts man has been arrested and is in policy custody following an alleged multiple stabbing which saw him attack his pregnant girlfriend after she refused to have an abortion. Police say they have 18-year-old Alex Santana in custody and he is being held on $500,000 bail.”


NY college scraps ban on "religious services"


“The Broome College case is just one of numerous cases of religious discrimination on college and university campuses…”


NY funeral home says brace for 85,000 deaths


“City officials are bracing for a surge of swine flu cases this fall and funeral home directors need to be prepared to accommodate a possible related 50,000 to 85,000 deaths, the director of the Metropolitan Funeral Directors Association told a gathering of funeral home representatives in Forest Hills last week.”


Government urges businesses to distribute H1N1 "vaccine"


“Government officials are calling on U.S. businesses to help manage swine flu this fall by getting vaccines to vulnerable workers and encouraging employees with symptoms to stay home.”


OK judge halts abortion law requiring ultrasound


“An Oklahoma judge has overturned a law that required women seeking an abortion to receive an ultrasound and a doctor's description of the baby.  Oklahoma County District Judge Vicki Robertson granted a permanent injunction against the law Tuesday afternoon. She said it violated constitutional requirements that legislative measures deal only with one subject. The law in question dealt with several topics involving abortion.”


Nurses in UK catching on to "swine flu" vaccine

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“One in three nurses say they will not be immunised against swine flu, despite being offered the vaccine as a priority to protect patients… Of those who said that they would not be vaccinated, 60 per cent cited concern about the safety of the vaccine as the main reason.”


Under-age abortions in Scotland under Gov. sex-ed


“The Daily Record newspaper reports that 87 13-year-old girls and eight 12 year-olds as well as almost 3,000 girls under 15 had NHS abortions between 2000 and 2008. The government has responded to the statistics with promises of still more sex education in Scotland for young people, despite statistics demonstrating the failure of the strategy.”


Witchcraft in the White House

''...A close friend of Michelle Obama says the president is furious at his mother-in-law after learning that she was practicing Santeria, an African spirit cult, in the White House....''


Lutheran sect considers active homosexual "clergy"


“A proposal up for a vote at this week's convention would permit ministers and lay leaders who were in 'lifelong, monogamous, same-sex relationships.”


Some Facts about Martin Luther, the Originator of Protestant "Christianity" [PDF]


Croatian president wants all crosses removed from state buildings

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“President Stjepan Mesic believes all Catholic crosses should be removed from Croatian state offices.”


V-2 Miami "diocese" to close 13 churches


V-2 "bishop" runs over six, kills one


“One person is dead and five injured in Mexico after a Roman Catholic bishop apparently lost control of his vehicle and ran them over.”


Congressman thinks elite are planning to declare martial law


“The Athens Banner-Herald reports today that Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) told constituents yesterday that he thinks Democratic leaders are planning to declare martial law: He also spoke of a “socialistic elite” - Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - who might use a pandemic disease or natural disaster as an excuse to declare martial law.”


College faces lawsuit over contraceptives


Not that this is a truly Catholic college, but this is interesting.


Man threatened with arrest for reading Bible in public

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A man “is at the centre of a row over freedom of speech after police threatened to arrest him for reading the Bible in public.”


Cop tasers mom as children watch


“A police officer in the Syracuse, New York, area Tasered a 37-year-old mom repeatedly in front of her children during a routine traffic stop—and then arrested the mom, leaving the children alone in their family minivan for 40 minutes in freezing weather.”


UK officials warn of deadly "swine flu" vaccine


“In a confidential letter this month from the UK Health Protection Agency, neurologists were warned that the swine flu vaccine is a potential trigger for cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), a neurological illness often triggered by autoimmune induced nervous system damage following vaccinations. Swine flu vaccinations in the USA flu epidemic of 1976 triggered a rash of GBS cases that led to far more deaths and severe disabilities than the influenza did.”


KS Court drops charges against woman for protesting abortion


“A Kansas court has thrown out charges against a woman who wants to assert her free speech rights to help women outside the Planned Parenthood abortion business in Overland Park.”


"Holocaust" denier begins jail term in Australia


“An Australian who was convicted earlier this year of publishing anti-Semitic material on the Internet began serving a three-month jail term Friday after a top court overturned his appeal.”


Holocaust Controversy


City sued for rejecting construction of mosque


“The Maine Civil Liberties Union has filed a federal lawsuit claiming the city of Portland violated the rights of Afghan Muslims who want to use a building as a mosque.”


School prayer charges stir protests


“Students, teachers and [others] are protesting over a court case involving a northern Florida school principal and an athletic director who are facing criminal charges and up to six months in jail over their offer of a mealtime prayer.”


In India, "swine flu" panic spreads faster than virus


“The streets of the western city of Pune were half-empty, schools in Mumbai were ordered closed, and people suffering aches flooded hospitals across the country as India confronted dueling outbreaks of swine flu and swine flu panic.”


Mandatory gay lessons spark lawsuit


“Parents in the Alameda, Calif., school district who have been told their children will be required to undergo a controversial homosexual instruction program have sued the district to protect their children from the indoctrination.”


National Guard takes over school in "swine flu" riot drill

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“Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School will be the site of a National Guard riot control drill Thursday morning to prepare in the event of a panic over distribution of serum to treat the swine flu.”


NY Times covers up abortion funding in HC bill


“The New York Times is the latest mainstream media outlet be taken to task for covering up the abortion funding found in the Congressional health care bills. The Times joins the Associated Press…and CBS News in presenting a false picture.”


Pentagon moves to put 400,000 military personnel in U.S.

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“The Pentagon has approached Congress to grant the Secretary of Defense the authority to post almost 400,000 military personnel throughout the United States in times of emergency or a major disaster.  This request has already occasioned a dispute with the nation’s governors. And it raises the prospect of U.S. military personnel patrolling the streets of the United States, in conflict with the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.”


Confirmed: No evidence for "right wing extremism" report


“A freedom of information act request has revealed that the Department of Homeland Security’s now infamous “rightwing extremism” report, released in April, was not based on any reliable supporting evidence whatsoever.”


This was a propaganda report in an attempt to demonize conservatives.  That way they can control and attempt to silence all vigorous opposition to the takeover of America.  As they become desperate – if more and more people reject the move to socialism – they might even pull off a “terror attack” and then blame it on some “right winger,” as they have in the past.


CNN bans talk radio hosts

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“TV Newser has learned, and a CNN spokesperson confirms, that in his morning editorial meeting today, CNN/U.S. president Jon Klein asked his show producers to avoid booking talk radio hosts. "Complex issues require world class reporting," Klein is quoted as saying, adding that talk radio hosts too often add to the noise, and that what they say is "all too predictable."


In our view, CNN is deliberately cracking down because many Americans are starting to catch on to the New World Order’s move to take over America and destroy the Constitution.  Most unfortunately remain in a fog about the most important spiritual issues (the true Catholic faith); but with the bankster bailouts, Cap & Tax, and the move to socialized medicine, people are beginning to realize that something big is afoot.  By even having independent local talk radio show hosts appear on their network, some people might be alerted to some of the insanity that is going on.  As a result, CNN has decided to stop having such people appear.  That way they can make sure that almost no one watching their network gets a real view of the news and the crazy things that are being done or proposed. 


All of the mainstream networks are controlled, but the most truth by far is from Fox News.  Some conservative truth gets out on Fox News because they have a few independent personalities.  But none of them would remain on Fox News if they told the full truth about the true geo-political situation (e.g., the truth about 9/11, the New World Order, the reason for the Mid-East conflicts, false flag terror operations, Israeli influence, etc.).


6.5 quake rocks Japan's coast


V-2 "priest" says Eunice Shriver had "Catholic faith"

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This is another example of the apostasy of the Vatican II sect.  Did Eunice Shriver reject and condemn her pro-abortion and pro-homosexual daughter and family members?  No.  Besides the fact that she almost certainly accepted the modernist apostasy of Vatican II, the fact that she did not totally condemn and reject her apostate family members would be enough to show that she was not a Catholic.


“Eunice Kennedy Shriver's longtime priest says the Special Olympics founder was a strong, opinionated woman who attended church regularly near her Maryland home.”


Health Care horrors


These are some things in the proposed Health Care legislation that might concern some.


School officials face jail time for meal-time prayers


“A principal and an athletic director are facing criminal charges for a lunch-time prayer.”


"Swine flu" concerns close schools in Peru


“Mike Fietje is with Kids Alive International Peru says the Peruvian schools usually take a 1-2 week break at the end of July, but the government has made it a mandatory 3-week break to try and stop the spread of H1N1. The government has threatened to jail any directors who go against the school ban (which includes Care Center type programs).”


Court spectator yawns, gets 6 months in jail


"Once saved, always saved" – “Deacon” says killer is in Heaven


Applying Protestant heresy to real life: “George Sodini rests in heaven now because he professed a faith in Jesus years before his shooting rampage, a Tetelestai Christian Church leader said.  Jack Rickard, a deacon at the Plum church Sodini attended for years, said the Bible makes it clear that "professing a faith in Jesus as savior means you will have complete eternal salvation."  Rickard, 80, of Indiana, Pa., said Tetelestai members "are firm believers in 'once-saved, always-saved.'"


Justification by faith alone and eternal security completely refuted by the Bible [link to section]


Typhoon hits Taiwan

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“Raging floodwaters and a deadly mudslide spawned by Typhoon Morakot buried at least 400 people and destroyed hundreds of family homes in Taiwan Monday — the worst flooding the island has seen in half a century.”


Huge quake strikes Indian Ocean


“A huge 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck off the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean on Tuesday, triggering panic as people fled their homes amid initial warnings of a possible tsunami.”


"Religious" liberals wade into H Care fight


“Liberal religious groups announced on Monday they are teaming up with President Barack Obama in a national campaign to counter the surprisingly vehement conservative opposition to his plan for overhaul of the U.S. healthcare industry this year.”


Typhoon floods China, forces a million to flee

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“A typhoon pummeled China's eastern coast Sunday, toppling houses, flooding villages and forcing nearly a million people to flee to safety. Officials rode bicycles to distribute food to residents trapped by rising waters.”


Mass “swine flu” coffins owned by CDC?


This is a Youtube video about mass human coffins which (according to the video) are being stockpiled by the CDC.


Watch it Here


Health Care bill could trump Missouri law against abortion funding


“When it comes to the health care bills in Congress and the issue of abortion funding, the bills could have federal taxpayer dollars paying for abortions. But, as one Missouri pro-life advocate tells, the health care bill could also trump state laws that prevent abortion funding.”


Lutheran groups spar over inclusion of gay "pastors"


… another false “Christian” sect considering the inclusion of sodomite “pastors”…


Our Lady of Guadalupe "completely beyond" scientific explanation

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“Researcher and physicist Dr. Aldofo Orozco told participants at the International Marian Congress on Our Lady of Guadalupe that there is no scientific explanation for the 478 years of high quality-preservation of the Tilma or for the miracles that have occurred to ensure its preservation.”


New Bible requirement hits Texas schools this fall


“Despite new mandates, state is not providing teacher training and materials.”


V-2 "Catholic" teachers take course on "Holocaust"


At a time when the V-2 “Catholic” schools are immersed in total modernist apostasy, and are oblivious to the basics of what a course on traditional Catholic teaching would offer, they are taking a class to learn more about Jewish propaganda: “Catholic school teachers from around the country traveled to Israel to learn about anti-Semitism and the Holocaust as part of the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) nationally acclaimed Bearing Witness Advanced program.”


How nice: Feds might allow schools to remain open despite "swine flu"


“New recommendations call for local districts to be conservative about school closures. Parents are urged to vaccinate children.  Educators should be conservative when they consider shutting schools because of outbreaks of swine flu, or the H1N1 virus, federal officials said Friday as they released guidelines for school districts.  While emphasizing that such matters are local decisions, the officials said a desire to prevent the virus' spread must be balanced with the fallout from school closures -- parents struggling to find child care, children left unsupervised, and disruption to education.”


Think about this: over 30,000 people die every year as a result of seasonal flu.  About 200 people have supposedly died from “swine flu,” which happens to be suspiciously similar to regular flu.  Yet, not only are they somehow aware of a definite “outbreak” that will happen in the fall, but they are talking about it as if allowing schools to remain open is a concession.


With the control they have over the mainstream media – combined with the gullibility of the people (i.e., the fact that people believe basically everything the mainstream news reports) – they could literally shut down the entire country if people begin dying from regular, seasonal flu.


Judge orders seizure of creationism theme park

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“A federal judge has approved the seizure of a dinosaur theme park developed by one of America's favorite biblical creation teachers and lecturers.  According to a report in the Pensacola News-Journal, a recent ruling from U.S. District Judge Casey Rogers ordered that nine of 10 properties linked to the Dinosaur Adventure Land launched by Kent Hovind, who also founded Creation Science Evangelism, can be seized.”


Court grants "Jehovah's Witness" right to refuse treatment


“A Jehovah’s Witness has been granted the right to refuse life saving medical treatment by the NSW Supreme Court, on the grounds of religious belief. The ruling isn't a recognition of the man's "right to die", the court said.”


Very few V-2 "Catholics" go to confession


Mom in U.K. fined for grieving too long at funeral


“A grieving mother in Britain was fined $173 for spending too long at her son’s coffin…”


V-2 "priest": bishop wanted to send me to the nuns


This is something that you would probably only hear about in the Vatican II sect.  “A former priest claims a bishop who played a leading national role in responding to the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal threatened to send him to live with nuns after he hired a private investigator to look into his pastor.”


Hundreds panic in India after one report of "swine flu" death

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“Yesterday, only anxious students turned up. Today, almost everyone in Pune’s Camp area, where India’s first swine flu death occurred, thronged the government-run Naidu Hospital.  Wearing surgical gloves and masks, hundreds queued up to get screened for the H1N1 virus, jolted into taking the first step after Rida Sheikh, the 14-year-old from the Camp area, died on Monday.  But the authorities, overwhelmed by the rush, complained that many were “overreacting”. “There is panic, mainly in the Camp area. General practitioners and private hospitals are overreacting and referring people with no symptoms of the flu to Naidu Hospital. This is not fair,” said Pune municipal commissioner Mahesh Zagade.”


Gov't Health Insurance would allow coverage for abortion


“Health care legislation before Congress would allow a new government-sponsored insurance plan to cover abortions, a decision that would affect millions of women and recast federal policy on the divisive issue.”


Portugal's high court keeps gay “marriage” ban


“Portugal's Constitutional Court on Friday upheld the country's ban on gay marriage, rejecting a challenge by two lesbians who are seeking to wed.”


STD Testing to be offered at all D.C. high schools


“All D.C. high school students will now have the option of getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases.”


Dad found guilty in prayer death case


“A Wisconsin jury has found a father guilty of killing his daughter by praying instead of getting her medical care.  Forty-seven-year-old Dale Neumann was charged with second-degree reckless homicide in the March 2003 death of his 11-year-old daughter, Madeline, from undiagnosed diabetes. Prosecutors say he should have rushed the girl to a hospital because she couldn't walk, talk, eat or speak.”


Britain installing cameras inside private homes

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“Britain's Children’s Secretary, Ed Balls, has announced that his government is planning to spend 400 million pounds over the next two years to "put 20,000 problem families under 24-hour CCTV supervision in their own homes."


Mel Gibson's marriage annulled by his dad


“No wonder Mel Gibson is giving the thumbs-up. Full time has been called on his 28-year marriage to Robyn Moore… That edict came from Mel's 90-year-old father Hutton Gibson, and it paves the way for his son to marry his pregnant Russian girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva by Christmas.”


Mel Gibson and his heretical father are not true Catholics because they both believe in salvation outside the Catholic Church.


V-2 church in MA sold to Pentecostals


“A former Catholic church closed by the Diocese of Worcester last year has been sold to a Pentecostal congregation for $555,000.”


B-16 praises Teilhard de Chardin


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file with some new heresies.  Benedict XVI praises “the great vision” of the apostate evolutionist priest, Teilhard de Chardin; Benedict XVI also endorses Harry Potter and Bruce Springsteen


Pelosi dodges question about tax-funded abortions


“Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for a second time dodged a question from Friday about whether she supported prohibiting abortion funding in the health-care reform bill.”


Navy rescinds restriction on "Christian" chat room


Greece will implement mandatory vaccinations


“Greece will vaccinate its entire population of 12 million against the H1N1 swine flu pandemic which has swept around the world in weeks… the country's health minister said on Friday.”  “Swine flu” has not caused the death of even one person in Greece.


"Catholic" bank buys heavily into birth control


“A Roman Catholic bank in Germany has admitted dealing in shares attached to companies that make contraceptives… Pax Bank has apologised for what it has a described as unethical behaviour in buying the shares which became part of a fund that had been advertised by the bank as an ethical investment.”


Governments Stockpile Pandemic body-bags

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“As concerns grow of a possible flu pandemic onslaught this autumn, alert authorities worldwide have been stockpiling emergency supplies. Masks, gloves and anti-viral medications are on the list. And body bags.”


RU-486 abortion drug allowed in Italy

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“Italy has approved the use of the abortion drug RU-486…”


City rejects "In God we Trust" logo


“Commissioners in the city of Kissimmee, Fla., have rejected a proposal to add "In God We Trust" to the municipality's logo after the mayor launched a diatribe against the opinions of the commissioner who proposed it.”


Actor in blasphemous "Jesus Christ superstar" hangs himself


It’s not surprising that those who engage in such blasphemous acts frequently take their lives.  They become dominated by evil forces which cause extreme depression and mental problems: “An actor who starred in Jesus Christ Superstar, the musical, hanged himself after fearing he had lung cancer, even though he was totally healthy.


Medjugorje "priest" quits over sex claim


Our material covers the fact that Medjugorje is without any doubt a false apparition: “The priest who helped to turn the Bosnian town of Medjugorje into one of the Catholic Church's most visited shrines has left the priesthood after being investigated by the Vatican.  Fr Tomislav Vlasic, the former "spiritual director" to six visionaries who claim that the Virgin Mary visited them nearly 40,000 times over 28 years…”


China's flag to go up in White House Sept. 20

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That’s really evil: “The national flag of the People's Republic of China (PRC) will be hoisted at the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on September 20, media reported Sunday. Chinese associations in the United States had applied to hold a ceremony in front of the US President’s residence to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC.”


China's one-child policy will be "enforced for decades"


“China has rejected suggestions that it is easing its controversial “one-child” population control policy, following reports that authorities in Shanghai are encouraging eligible couples to have a second child… “Officials say [the one-child policy] will be strictly enforced as a means of controlling births for decades to come as overpopulation is still a major concern,” the Xinhua state news agency reported.”


Wal-Mart to dispense "swine flu" vaccine


“It will be like something out of an under budgeted B science fiction flick — shoppers pushing carts stacked with cheap plastic goods manufactured by slaves in China queuing up in a grubby annex at the local Wal-Mart to get a toxic shot of mercury, disodium phosphate, squalene, chicken embryos, and various virus cultures (as listed in a Glaxo biopharma database).”


Anti-abortion health care measure fails


“An anti-abortion amendment to controversial health care bill was voted down late Thursday just hours after it had received approval.”

VN:F [1.4.6_730]


Pregnant woman killed, unborn taken from body


“A pregnant woman in Massachusetts was apparently killed on Monday and the assailant in the incident killed Darlene Haynes purposefully because she was pregnant. The attacker stole Haynes’ unborn child after slicing open her womb following the attack.”


Former trooper: plan for vaccine bracelets at roadblocks


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“Have you been made aware of the massive roadblock plans to stop all travelers for a vaccine bracelet (stainless steel band with a micro-chip on board) that will force you to take the shot? Refuse it? You will be placed on a prison bus and taken to a quarantine camp.”


UK schools to get free humanist DVD


They will get a free DVD which celebrates the evil Charles Darwin and the myth of evolution.


Quakers to allow gay "marriages"


More of the bad fruits of false Christianity: “One of the UK's oldest… denominations - the Quakers - looks set to extend marriage services to same-sex couples at their yearly meeting later.”


Airport "chapels" now embrace all religions


“Across the country, chapels designed to offer passengers refuge and reflection in bustling airports are making changes: Removing denomination-specific decor, adding special accommodations and hosting services geared to accommodate an increasingly diverse group of travelers… In Atlanta, it means a simple stained-glass window marking the entrance to the 1,040-square-foot chapel on the third floor. Inside there's room for 30, and a library stocking everything from Gideon Bibles to Jewish mystical texts. A large floor mat provides a cushiony spot to kneel for prayer; officials don't set it aside for any specific faith.”


Report: 13 million abortions in China each year


Military poised  to help FEMA battle "swine flu" outbreak


“The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted to set vaccination priorities for certain groups Wednesday during a meeting in Atlanta as the Pentagon prepares to help the Federal Emergency Management Agency tackle a potential outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall.”


It’s truly amazing that they are able to predict that this “outbreak” will suddenly happen in the fall, when people are back in school and the vaccine is ready.


Nicaragua's abortion ban called "cruel"


Justice and truth are completely inverted by these evil people: “Nicaragua's total ban on abortion is a "cruel, inhuman disgrace"… human rights organization Amnesty International has said.”


"Swine flu" keeps Orange County men's jail under quarantine


“Orange County men's jail will remain closed today as part of a continuing, temporary quarantine. The closure was ordered after five inmates were infected with swine flu last week and more were diagnosed over the weekend, officials said.”


Traces of Aramaic found on Shroud of Turin

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The Shroud of Turin is the authentic and miraculous burial cloth of Christ.  See our videos page and the videos we offer for more information on it.


The Moon Landing Hoax


Here’s a very interesting 5-part program on the moon landing hoax.  It’s excellent.  It’s not boring at all – definitely worth watching! 


Moon landing hoax- Part 1 [about 10 minutes each part]

Moon landing hoax - part 2

Moon landing hoax - Part 3

Moon landing hoax - part 4

Moon landing hoax - Part 5


Suspect in abortion doc's death pleads not guilty


“An anti-abortion activist pleaded not guilty Tuesday to opening fire on late-term abortion provider George Tiller...”


Thousands lobby against Abortion mandates


“Americans by the tens of thousands are making it clear to Congress that any health care legislation being considered should exclude abortion as a mandatory health benefit.”


Woman hears voice, cannibalizes her newborn


“Otty Sanchez, 33, is charged with capital murder in the death of Scott Wesley Buchholtz-Sanchez. When authorities found the infant's body Sunday, Sanchez told officers the devil made her do it, police said.”


Vatican preparing for "swine flu"


Anger after Bible defaced at British gallery


People “voiced anger and dismay Tuesday after a Bible, which was part of an exhibition inviting viewers to add their reflections, was defaced with offensive and foul-mouthed scrawl.”


B-16’s recent heresies


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file with some new heresies.  He covers the New World Order, the SSPX and some other heresies.


Proposed law would require father's consent before abortion

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“An Ohio state legislator has introduced a bill that requires written permission from an unborn baby’s biological father before an abortion.”


NY proposes mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers

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“The state Department of Health is proposing mandatory flu vaccines for all health care workers in the state. The new rule would apply not just to staff, but to anyone who potentially comes into direct contact with patients. That includes contract workers, students and volunteers.”


NY High School to provide pregnancy, STD testing


“As Port Chester High School gets ready for the new school year, officials have signed off on a new service that will offer free testing for sexually transmitted diseases and even pregnancy testing to any student who asks.”


50 million US "Christians" support Israel


You can’t support an officially non-Christian state and be a Christian.  “‘Christian’ supporters of Israel who gathered in Washington last week did not just sit through policy briefings and lobbying sessions; they danced the hora, blew a shofar, sang Hatikva and celebrated all that they love about Israel.”


Doctor sacked over gay adoptions reinstated


“A… doctor who was sacked from an adoption panel for her views on homosexual parents has been allowed to resume her work following a public outcry.”


Europe fast-tracking "swine flu" vaccine


“In a drive to inoculate people against swine flu before winter, many European governments say they will fast-track the testing of a new flu vaccine, arousing concern among some experts about safety issues and proper vaccine doses.”


Biden uses Christ's name as curse word


Oregon "faith-healing" pair acquitted of manslaughter

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“The jury forewoman in the trial of an Oregon couple acquitted of manslaughter in their daughter's pneumonia death says she felt the pair were "loving people" who didn't mean to harm the 15-month-old girl.”


Iran vows to hit Israel's nuclear sites if attacked


“Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said today that it would strike Israel’s nuclear facilities if Tel Aviv attacked the Islamic state, state television reported.”


Notice how the headlines and the articles make it seem like Iran is threatening to be the aggressor against Israel.  The fact is that they are saying this in response to the talk of Israel attacking them.  This is what they would do if they were attacked by Israel.


North Korean woman killed for distributing Bible


ACLU will check Bible use at Charter


“The American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho will investigate Nampa Classical Academy's use of the Bible as a classroom text to see if it violates separation of church and state rules.”


CDC says "swine flu" could kill hundreds of thousands


“Hundreds of thousands of Americans could die over the next two years if the vaccine and other control measures for the new H1N1 influenza are not effective, and, at the pandemic’s peak, as much as 40% of the workforce could be affected, according to new estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”


Empty churches becoming theatres


Hillary Clinton admits CFR controls government


“Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put at least one foot in her mouth in stating a major geopolitical truth, inadvertently or otherwise, about the secretive, elitist, globalist organization, The Council On Foreign Relations, and the tremendous influence and power it wields over the US Government.  Her remarks came during a major speech she was invited to give at the new at the new CFR Washington DC branch.”


Our Lawsuit


Our Lawsuit [click here]


MHFM: This file gives a person the information which explains why we are currently in a lawsuit.  It explains the truth of our case, and contains many corroborating documents and audios which prove the truth of our case.  Some very interesting stuff… It utterly refutes the vicious and injurious lies that have been spread on this topic.  It explains how and why we are being unjustly persecuted.


John 15:20- “Remember my word that I said to you: The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept my word, they will keep yours also.”


Matthew 5:11-12- “Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you…”


2 Tim. 3:12- “And all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution.”


Invention allows pregnant women to hold models of unborn babies

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“Pregnant women are being given the chance to hold life-sized models of their unborn babies, thanks to an invention that converts data from ultrasound and MRI scans.”


House votes to keep funding abortion clinic


“An effort to defund Planned Parenthood has failed in the House.”


Nurse "forced" to participate in abortion

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“The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a Catholic nurse who was forced to participate in an abortion, despite voicing her moral objections… Cenzon-DeCarlo reminded her supervisors of her religious objections, but was told that if she did not participate, she would be charged with “insubordination and patient abandonment,” which could result in disciplinary action and the possible loss of her job and nursing license.”


We put forced in quotation marks because nothing should force a person to assist in an abortion.  It was a mortal sin for her to participate – even if it meant the loss of her job – and of course it’s abominable that they “forced” her to do it.


Atheists choose "de-baptism"


“Using a hairdryer labeled "Reason", some American atheists are going through a "de-baptism" ceremony followed by a "de-sacrament" of crackers with peanut butter.”


Battle over Ten Commandments rages on in Fargo


“Thou shalt not display a Ten Commandments monument on the lawn outside Fargo City Hall, a group of self-described "freethinkers" has been demanding for years.”


Anglicans alter "communion" ritual due to "flu" scare


“Two Anglican dioceses in Britain are changing how they handle Communion in an attempt to reduce the spread of swine flu.”  Anglicans don’t have valid Communion, by the way.


V-2 "priest" moonlights as fashion designer


Role of homosexuality in African AIDS spread ignored


“The role of gay sex in the transmission of the virus that causes AIDS in Africa has been long ignored, say the authors of a new study in the medical journal Lancet.”


Obama administration takes aim at gun rights revolt


“The Obama administration is raising the stakes in a fight over states' rights and firearm ownership by arguing that new pro-gun laws in Montana and Tennessee are invalid.”


Jury in "faith-healing" trial deadlocked


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“A jury says it is deadlocked in the trial of an Oregon City couple accused of relying on faith healing in the death of their 15-month-old daughter.  Judge Steven Maurer sent the jurors home Monday and told them to resume deliberations the next morning.”


State House edits “Jesus” from man's prayer


Chicago V-2 "Diocese" to pay $3.9 million


“The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago has agreed to pay $3.9 million to six survivors of sexual abuse by priests.”


Two V-2 "priests" charged with Indian nun murder


“Seventeen years after the death of Kerala nun Sr Abhaya, India's CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) has charged two priests and a nun with offences related to her murder.”


Walter Cronkite's push for abortion and homosexuality


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“Famed CBS news anchor Walter Cronkite has been lauded in the media since his death on Friday, at the age of 92, with tributes paid not only from secular media, but even Vatican Radio and other Christian news sources.  But while remembered by many as "the most trusted man in America," many of Cronkite's more radical, but lesser known views, would be considered repugnant even to many of his greatest fans.”


EU and US666 Biodefense stockpile?


Drug companies to reap "swine flu" billions


“Some of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies are reaping billions of dollars in extra revenue amid global concern about the spread of swine flu.”


"Hate Crimes" legislation attached to defense bill


“A spokesman for an ex-"gay" group says Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's successful move to attach hate crimes legislation to the Defense Authorization bill was a "filthy, sleazy tactic."


Doctor sacked for failing to back gay adoptions


“A… doctor has been told she will be sacked from a council's adoption panel after refusing to recommend cases involving gay couples.”


V-2 "Connecticut" diocese appeals to U.S. Supreme Court


Atheists sue to keep 'In God We Trust' off Capitol Visitor Center

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“A California Republican congressman wants to do a little writing on the walls of Washington's newest federal building. If Rep. Dan Lungren gets his way, Congress will spend nearly $100,000 to engrave the words "In God We Trust " and the Pledge of Allegiance in prominent spots at the Capitol Visitor Center.”


V-2 Church agency backs gay couples as "parents"


“Terry Prendergast, the chief executive of Marriage Care, claimed there is "no evidence" that children do better if they are brought up in a traditional two-parent family.”


State, church face lawsuit over unearthed remains


Document gives vaccine makers immunity


“On Friday, Kathleen Sebelius, who is Secretary of Health and Human Services, signed a document which gives legal immunity to vaccine makers and Officials alike.”


Court favors mother's rights over lesbian partner


“A Utah woman involved in a lesbian relationship left her partner and took her child with her, a move that led to a courtroom battle.”


Nasa issues new moon landing video for the "lost" one


This story is really something.  Nasa has issued a new moon landing video because (guess what!) they claim that the original video was “lost”!  What are the chances that they lost the original video of man landing on the moon?  It's not exactly like losing a recreational video of a family picnic.  We’ve seen a little bit of information concerning the theory that the moon landing was a hoax and another conspiracy.  Prior to this news item, we would have needed more information to form an opinion on that matter.  But this is almost impossible to believe.  It’s extraordinarily unlikely that they would have lost that video.  It’s much more plausible that they realized that the original video (which was faked) was vulnerable to debunkers, so they created a new “touched up” version which they believe constitutes a better fraud.

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“With the help of Hollywood, those historic, grainy images of the first men on the moon never looked better. NASA unveiled refurbished video Thursday of the July 20, 1969, moonwalk restored by the same company that sharpened up the movie "Casablanca."  NASA lost its original moon landing videotapes and after a three-year search, officials have concluded they were probably erased. That original live video was ghostlike and grainy.”


Court upholds prohibition of bible-distribution at school


“A federal appeals court decision bans the distribution of Bibles to grade schoolers in a rural southern Missouri district.  For more than three decades, the South Iron School District in Annapolis allowed Gideons International to give away Bibles in fifth-grade classrooms. Some parents raised concern, prompting a lawsuit.”


B-16 leaves hospital after breaking wrist


NZ Mason jailed over sorcery claims

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“A New Zealand man spent a "wretched" night in a Fiji prison cell after frightened residents and police raided his Freemasons meeting, suspecting witchcraft and sorcery… Police also seized lodge paraphernalia, including wands, compasses and a skull.”


Medical research: the unborn have memories


“They weigh less than 3 pounds, usually, and are perhaps 15 inches long. But they can remember.  The unborn have memories, according to medical researchers who used sound and vibration stimulation, combined with sonography, to reveal that the human fetus displays short-term memory from at least 30 weeks gestation - or about two months before they are born…


“The baby's responses - primarily eye, mouth and body movements - were closely monitored over the weeks with ultrasound imaging to gauge "fetal learning" patterns. The researchers found that the babies acclimated themselves to the sounds and vibrations to the point that they no longer bothered to respond - a process known as "habituation.  "The stimulus is then accepted as 'safe' " by the babies, the study said.  The team also found that the tiny test subjects actually improved these skills as they grew older, with those who were 34- or 36-weeks old clearly showing that they had become familiar with the hum outside the womb.”


Imagine No Religion billboard draws ire in Alabama


“A billboard that was put up by the Alabama Freethought Association is causing debate, with some saying the sign reading "Imagine No Religion" is offensive and should be removed.”


A Soldier Encounters an Angel




Calling Jews Nazis may be criminalized


“Parliament will be asked to consider whether the use of Nazi symbols and terms in reference to Jews, Israel and Zionism is breaking the law on incitement to racial hatred.”


Ft. Worth mayor apologizes for gay man's injuries


NM Dept. of Health prepares for mass vaccination

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“The New Mexico Department of Health is planning for influenza mass vaccination clinics that will take place this fall to protect people against the novel H1N1 strain of influenza (earlier referred to as swine flu) and against seasonal influenza. The Department of Health is also ensuring that the State and its local partners are prepared to deal with the possibility of an increase in severity of H1N1 influenza cases, including a potential pandemic in New Mexico.”


Holy water banned for "swine flu"


“The Bishop of Chelmsford… said at some churches people were invited make a sign of the cross using holy water.”


Upwards of 70% cohabitate before marriage


“Couples who shack up before tying the knot are more likely to get divorced than their counterparts who don't move in together until marriage, a new study suggests.  Upwards of 70 percent of U.S. couples are cohabiting these days before marrying, the researchers estimate.”


Judge rules against college that censored anti-homosexual speech


“A California court has ruled in favor of a student who was insulted for defending traditional marriage and has ordered the college to strike from its website a sexual harassment policy that censors speech deemed "offensive" to homosexual people.”


Some Greek "Orthodox" circulate document against heresy of ecumenism


The “Orthodox” are certainly schismatic and heretical; but it’s interesting how this group can figure out what the Vatican II sect cannot (that ecumenism is heresy and apostasy): “A group of Orthodox clergy in Greece, led by three senior archbishops, have published a manifesto pledging to resist all ecumenical ties with Roman Catholics and Protestants, reports Ecumenical News International.  ‘The only way our communion with heretics can be restored is if they renounce their fallacy and repent," the group said in a "Confession of Faith against Ecumenism" that they circulated recently.’”


MA "Transgender" bill fuels bathroom debate


Mandatory "Swine Flu" Vaccination Alert


“On July 13, a World Health Organization (WHO) Global Alert headlined, "WHO recommendations on pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccinations" suggest that universally mandated ones are coming… There's no pandemic. Yet WHO said the virus "is considered unstoppable," while admitting little evidence of spread so far, most cases are mild, and many people recover unaided.”


EU Court moves key abortion case to Grand Chamber


“The European Court of Human Rights has moved a key abortion case to its Grand Chamber, making the international effects of its decision even greater. The case involves the Ireland law that bans most abortions and the move could have more of a legal effect on the court's member states.”


Sotomayor calls abortion rights "settled law"


“Supreme Court aspirant Sonia Sotomayor says she considers the question of abortion rights "settled law" and says there is a constitutional right to privacy.”


Vatican gives Harry Potter film two thumbs up

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The Harry Potter series is evil: “In the newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican gave the film two thumbs up for its treatment of adolescent love and stated it was the best adaptation yet. The newspaper also said that the Potter film achieved the "correct balance" and helped deliver the message that good prevails over all evil.”


Episcopal sect to affirm gay clergy


“The Episcopal Church moved Monday toward affirming their acceptance of gays and lesbians for all roles in ministry, despite pressure from fellow Anglicans worldwide for a decisive moratorium on consecrating another openly gay bishop.”


British kids ignorant of Good Book


“Only one in 20 Brits can list all Ten Commandments and 16% cannot name any, a… study of modern-day knowledge of the Bible has found.”


Spain liberalizing, but teen abortion hits a nerve


“Spain's Socialist prime minister has irked his natural enemies on the right… by legalizing gay marriage and instituting fast-track divorce. Now he has hit a raw nerve even among his supporters with a proposal to let 16-year-olds get abortions without parental consent.”


All Britons to be vaccinated against "Swine Flu"


“All Britons could be vaccinated against the A/H1N1 flu as the number of confirmed cases in Britain is moving closer toward 10,000, health authorities said Sunday.  The first doses of A/H1N1 vaccine are set to arrive in Britain in September and could be fast-tracked through regulatory approval in less than a week.”


Obama science czar called for forced abortion

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“The man President Obama has chosen to be his science czar once advocated a shocking approach to the "population crisis" feared by scientists at the time: namely, compulsory abortions in the U.S. and a "Planetary Regime" with the power to enforce human reproduction restrictions.”


Egypt calls for New World Order to overcome crises


“Egyptian Assistant Foreign Minister Naela Gabr said Saturday that the world society should make joint efforts to set up a new world order to deal with various crises.”  It sounds like they read Antipope Benedict XVI’s recent encyclical.


What is Time?




Arizona approves bill on religion in school


“Arizona public school students will have new rights to express religious viewpoints under a bill signed by Gov. Jan Brewer.  The "Students Religious Liberties Act" prohibits schools from discriminating against students or parents on the basis of religious viewpoint or expressions.”


Cop charged over church camp exorcism


“Three camp leaders, including a policeman, are accused of performing an exorcism on a teenage boy at a Lutheran church youth camp.”


Massachusetts is first to fight US marriage law


“Massachusetts, the first state to legalize gay ‘marriage,’ yesterday became the first to challenge the constitutionality of a federal law that defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman…”


Groups demand that jail stop censoring Bible passages


“Civil and religious rights organizations are demanding that a Virginia jail stop removing Bible passages and other religious material from letters written to inmates. Anna Williams, whose son was detained at the Rappahannock County Regional Jail, says officials cut out entire sections of letters she sent to her son that contained Bible verses or religious material. She says the jail cited prohibitions on Internet material and religious material sent from home.”


UK assisted suicide amendment defeated


“An amendment that proposed legalizing assisted suicide was defeated Tuesday evening in the House of Lords.”


Swine Flu 1976 & Propaganda


This is a link to a 16-minute video on Google video.  It’s absolutely worth watching!  It’s called Swine Flu 1976 & Propaganda.  It's the first video on the list; you can play it on the right-hand side.  It’s a 60 Minutes piece from decades ago about the 1976 “Swine Flu” Scare and the harmful effects of the vaccination which many people received at the time.  It interviews a woman who took the vaccine and was paralyzed.  Also pay close attention to the incredible admissions and contradictions especially around the 8-9 minute mark, concerning how they knew in advance about the harmful neurological effects of the vaccine.  In light of recent news, this 16-minute video is a must-see.


States told to prepare for "worst-case" swine flu scenario

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They really seem to be psychologically preparing everyone for an outbreak that they somehow seem to know will happen in the fall.  It just so happens that the vaccine will also be ready then.  “Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told government leaders at a swine flu preparedness summit Thursday that a vaccine to fight the H1N1 virus should be ready for distribution in mid-October.  But Sebelius also advised 500 government, health and education leaders to plan for the worst-case scenario of the virus reappearing with renewed strength this fall.”


Preparing for Martial Law in Alaska?




Abortion pill used in a quarter of U.S. abortions


"Roughly a fourth of American women getting early abortions last year did so with drugs rather than surgery, statistics show, as a new study reported improved safety in using the so-called “abortion pill.”


Canadian PM allegedly pockets Novus Ordo host


Controversy surrounds the latest Novus Ordo scandal.  The Protestant Prime Minister of Canada not only was given the Novus Ordo “Communion” (which is not true Communion, by the way), but he allegedly pocketed it instead of consuming it.  He has denied pocketing the invalid Novus Ordo host.  He claims that he consumed it.  However, the video doesn’t seem to bear that out.


NY News rightly identifies B-16's "stunningly radical prescriptions" for world gov.

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 “As we said, Benedict's encyclical, titled "Charity in Truth," is stunningly radical, notably in its prescriptions for the temporal order. There's no doubt that in urging the creation of something akin to a world government, he has established a landmark for his papacy and for Catholicism.”


Man steals, smashes Virgin Mary statue from church


“Surveillance video shows a man smashing and stealing a statue of the Virgin Mary that adorned a fountain outside a Turlock church.”


Aussie V-2 “priest” pleads guilty to 29 sex offenses


“A New South Wales Catholic priest has pleaded guilty to molesting dozens of boys on separate occasions in the 1970s and 80s.”


Sotomayor supported censoring biblical verse against homosexuality


“Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is again drawing fire from conservative groups, this time as the result of a 2003 ruling against a Christian group.
In the case of Okwedy v. Molinari, decided in 2003, Sotomayor sat on a three-judge panel that upheld a lower court’s ruling (from 2001) against Keyword Ministries and its pastor, Kristopher Okwedy. The ministry had purchased billboard advertisements featuring Bible verses that condemned homosexuality.”


Conn. hostage taker demands priest for last rites


“A Connecticut advertising executive who police say is holding his ex-wife hostage has told a reporter he wants a priest brought in to give the woman her last rites.”


Retired General / Intelligence Official rejects official 9/11 story [5 min. video]



Even though he doesn't really say anything new, this is interesting.  Some people refuse to acknowledge facts or accept truths until someone with “qualifications” says it.  We can see that the retired general is just being honest and acknowledging the clear evidence.


Benedict XVI’s New Encyclical


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file with some quotes from his new encyclical. 


7th Grader Sues School Over Pro-Life T-Shirt

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“A California mom says her public school administrators violated her daughter's First Amendment rights when they ordered the seventh-grader to take off her pro-life T-shirt.

Anna Amador has gone to court on behalf of her daughter, who she says was ordered by her principal to change her shirt on "National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day." The shirt the girl was wearing displays two graphic pictures of a fetus growing in the womb.”


This is a very interesting story.  This principal and the school are a complete disgrace.  The article mentions that not one student had complained about the shirt (not that it should matter anyway); yet she was dragged by the arm to the principal’s office and ordered to change the shirt.  It’s obviously because they are evil pro-abortion infidels.  The picture bothers their consciences and convicts them of their abominable support for abortion. 


V-2 "cardinal" praises Obama's "measured approach" on abortion


“Cardinal George Cottier, 87, former theologian of the papal household under Pope John Paul II and Vatican adviser, has praised US President Barack Obama's "humble realism" and measured approach to abortion.”


Russian pagans from ancient cult greet solstice


FIFA says: Christian prayers bad, Muslim prayers good


“International football has thrown its weight behind Islam and Sharia Barbarity in its double standards on the issue of prayers on the football field.  Brazil was censured for its Christian prayers at the Confederation Cup final (here is the story in English) whereas the Egyptian side which faced Mecca in prayer after their defeat Italy were not criticized.”


Irish civil marriages may overtake religious marriages by 2012


“New figures published by the Central Statistics Office show that thousands of couples are opting for civil ceremonies rather than religious weddings. The proportion of civil marriages has increased dramatically from just 6% (or 928) of all marriages in 1996 to just over 23% (or 5,127) in 2006. In Dublin, civil ceremonies accounted for some 42% of all marriages in 2006, the highest figure in the State.”


VA law allowing Choose Life plates goes into effect


Vatican hit by economic downturn


Turkish TV gameshow looks to convince atheists


Family arrested for trespassing at "Gay Pride" festival


“You'll find all kinds of people and booths at the Twin Cities Pride Festival.  But what you didn't find this year was the Johnson family of Hayward, Wisconsin handing out free bibles in Loring Park.”


Amsterdam considering bank help for prostitutes


“Amsterdam city council is turning its attention to a pressing problem for one of the city's key business sectors -- banking and credit for prostitutes who can't get accounts from mainstream institutions.”


Vatican newspaper praises arch-heretic John Calvin


This is monstrous heresy: “The Vatican newspaper Friday praised influential French Protestant John Calvin, a critic of the Roman Catholic Church, hailing him an "extraordinary" figure… "Considering the strength of arguments against him, we think it necessary to point out that Calvin is a Christian," the daily paper said of the man who played a major role in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century… the Osservatore Romano continued, praising Calvinism as a "ingenious creation" which resisted "all the changes or revolutions of modern life."


It’s interesting that our quote of the day for today was this (it was posted before we knew about the headline above):


Pope Gregory XVI: “But later even more care was required when the Lutherans and Calvinists dared to oppose the changeless doctrine of the faith with an almost incredible variety of errors.  They left no means untried to deceive the faithful with perverse explanations of the sacred books…” (Inter Paecipuas #4, May 8, 1844)


John Calvin was one of the worst heretics in Church history.  He not only denied and attacked a range of Catholic dogmas, but he denied that men have free will and taught the hideous heresy of total depravity.  According to him, an unregenerate man sins mortally in every action.  For instance, a pagan who has a football catch with his son or feeds his dog or opens a door for someone is sinning mortally.  The Church of course teaches that a pagan cannot be saved unless he is converted, baptized, etc.; but he is not sinning mortally in every action.  The notion is sick and inhuman.  Calvin taught that God blindly picks certain men for salvation and certain men for damnation.


Grisly find in NY is evidence of cult activity


Boston "Archdiocese" can't pay retired "priests"


“The Boston Archdiocese has admitted that, within two years, it won’t have the money to pay for the care and housing of its elderly and sick priests, unless major changes are made to those benefits.”


General Electric to use embryonic stem cells for testing

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“General Electric has announced that it will use embryonic stem cells provided by Geron Corporation for the purpose of testing toxic effects of drug treatments.”


Israel kidnaps, jails former congresswoman delivering aid to Gaza


“Former U.S. lawmaker and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney and several other human rights activists remained in an Israeli prison Thursday after refusing to sign a deportation form that they claim is self-incriminating… "We were in international waters on a boat delivering humanitarian aid to people in Gaza when the Israeli Navy ships surrounded us and illegally threatened us, dismantled our navigation equipment, boarded and confiscated the ship," she said in a statement, adding that they were immediately taken into custody.” 


Indian Court De-Criminalizes homosexuality


“A court passed a groundbreaking ruling Thursday decriminalizing homosexuality in the Indian capital.”


Norway will vaccinate entire population


“The Norwegian health authorities will this fall begin a program of mass vaccination against the A H1N1 flu, also called the swine flu. A total of 9.4 million doses have been ordered from the suppliers.”  The article mentions that Norway only has 23 “confirmed” cases; yet they will vaccinate the entire population this fall anyway.


Man tasered after confrontation with police at "church"


“A Webster minister angry over a traffic stop involving a church member was arrested Wednesday after police Tasered him and tried to break up a crowd of churchgoers with pepper spray, officials said.”


Vatican says it has remains of St. Paul

Obama to meet Antipope on July 10


''...Vatican officials said the U.S. leader would have an afternoon audience with the pope in the Vatican after the conclusion of a July 8-10 summit of Group of Eight industrial nations, scheduled for the Italian city of L'Aquila.....White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters in Washington the pope and the president would "discuss a range of issues, including their shared belief in the dignity of all people......."


Poll: 18% of Italians trust sorcerers


“Nearly 18 percent of the Italian population -- 11 million people -- trusts self-styled sorcerers and healers, a consumer watchdog said in a report Monday.”


Apocalypse 22:14-15- “Blessed are they that wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb: that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates of the city.  Without are dogs, and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie.”


V-2 "priest" blames “consecrated wine” for his drunk driving


Obama hopes to persuade everyone to accept homosexuality


House Passes Nightmare "Cap and Tax" Bill


If this bill passes the Senate, it’s the end of America as we know it.  This is far worse than just a "new tax" as Republicans are complaining - this is the total takeover of the American economy by private banking interests through the carbon trading system.  It is also the entrée for the complete and total subjegation of any freedoms we had left and the beginning of nightmare regulation and suffocating control over every aspect of our personal lives by millions of green stasi tasked with enforcing impossible to attain goals of 80% carbon dioxide reduction - all based on the manufactured threat of global warming.”


Under this bill, an American won’t be able to sell a home until it’s inspected by an agency to see if it conforms to new environmental regulations.  If it doesn’t conform, the owner must pay for the additions to make it conform.  It will end freedom in this country, and it will destroy the economy (what’s left of it, anyway).  It will enslave the people to the banking and international elite and the federal agencies which will be able to control and tax every aspect of their lives.  It can still be defeated if it’s stopped in the Senate.  The actual name of the bill is “Cap and Trade.”


Rome catacomb reveals oldest image of St Paul

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“Vatican archaeologists using laser technology have discovered what they believe is the oldest image in existence of St Paul the Apostle, dating from the late 4th century, on the walls of catacomb beneath Rome.”


Ireland grants rights to same-sex partnerships


This is horrible: “Ireland recognized the legal rights of same-sex couples for the first time Friday in a civil partnership bill that gave people in long-term relationships many of the statutory rights of married couples.”


Scotland's last "Catholic" Seminary to close


The devastated wasteland of Vatican II: “Centuries of Catholic tradition in Scotland will come to an end this summer, as declining numbers training for the priesthood force the country's last remaining seminary to close.”


Court won't get involved in Bible club question


“The Supreme Court on Monday declined to stop a school district from blocking a group of Christian students from forming a Bible club on campus.  The court refused to hear an appeal from the high school students who wanted to form the Truth Bible Club at Kentridge High School in Washington state in 2001.”


CA school forces LGBT curriculum on students


Federal Reserve threatens economic collapse if audited

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A bill to audit the private Federal Reserve is gaining momentum.  As usual, they have threatened the country in order to maintain their power.


The Private Federal Reserve Bank Exposed




We’ve added our sedevacantism debate to Youtube.  Click here and scroll down for the links to all the different parts.


Doctors want right to talk faith


“Doctors are demanding that NHS staff be given a right to discuss spiritual issues with patients as well as being allowed to offer to pray for them.”


New Church transforms Sacrament of Extreme Unction


This shows how, in the new Vatican II Church, the Sacrament of Extreme Unction is no longer the sacrament to be received in danger of death.  Their doubtfully valid version of the sacrament is given to people in sickness where recovery is expected.


Council of Trent, Sess. 14 on Extreme Unction, Chap. 3: “It is also declared, that this unction is to be applied to the sick, but to those especially who lie in such danger as to seem to be about to depart this life: whence also it is called the sacrament of the dying. And if the sick should, after having received this unction, recover, they may again be aided by the succour of this sacrament, when they fall into another like danger of death. And if the sick should, after having received this unction, recover, they may again be aided by the succour of this sacrament, when they fall into another like danger of death.


Dawkins sets up kids' camp to groom atheists


Paganism is going mainstream


“Look out, here come the pagans. It's late May in central London and a man dressed as a tree, a witch in a velvet robe and a woman pretending to be a raven with a long black beak are dancing through the streets of Holborn, with several hundred others, moving to the rhythm of a dozen loud drums.”


"Swine Flu" Shot Campaign Could Involve 600 Million Doses


“A potential fall swine flu immunization campaign may involve an unprecedented 600 million doses of vaccine, but health officials are still trying to figure out how to find enough workers to administer all those shots.”


Ariz. Legislature approves some abortion constraints


“The Arizona Senate on Tuesday narrowly approved a bill to impose an array of new restrictions on abortion, including a mandatory waiting period and a requirement for state-scripted disclosures by doctors.”


Ruling that CA library cannot ban "Christian" group


“A federal judge ruled Friday, June 19, that Contra Costa County officials can no longer prohibit a Christian ministry from accessing Antioch Branch Library public meeting rooms just because government employees consider its scheduled activities to be “religious services.”


UN Treaty jeopardizes homeschool freedom in Britain


“British homeschoolers may no longer be able to teach independently. Children's Secretary of Britain accepted a report in full last week that could change the face of homeschooling in Britain indefinitely. In the report, the author, Graham Badman, Chair of the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA), argues for an end to homeschool freedom.”


Ethiopian claims he has Ark of the Old Covenant

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“The patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia says he will announce to the world Friday the unveiling of the Ark of the Covenant, perhaps the world's most prized archaeological and spiritual artifact, which he says has been hidden away in a church in his country for millennia, according to the Italian news agency Adnkronos.”


Court upholds Virginia's partial-birth abortion ban


“A sharply divided federal appeals court upheld Virginia's ban on a type of late-term abortion Wednesday...”


Cashless society by 2012, says Visa chief

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“Paying for goods with notes and coins could be consigned to history within five years, according to the chief executive of Visa Europe.”


Church creates stir with gay exorcism video


“A Connecticut church has outraged gay rights advocates by posting a video of members performing an apparent exorcism of a teen's "homosexual demons."


They have the right idea: that homosexuality is a result of an evil spiritual takeover.


Obama to meet with Benedict XVI next month


“A White House spokesman says President Barack Obama and Pope Benedict XVI will talk about their shared belief in the dignity of all people at their meeting next month.”


North Korea threatens to wipe out U.S.


“North Korea threatened Wednesday to wipe the United States off the map as Washington and its allies watched for signs the regime will launch a series of missiles in the coming days.”


Episcopal "priest" says: God rejoices in abortion


Nurse resigns over hospital crucifix ban


“A devoutly Catholic nurse at the centre of a crucifix row has resigned after hospital officials banned her from wearing the religious symbol at work.”


Study: Two thirds of teenagers don't believe in God


“Nearly two thirds of teenagers don't believe in God, according to a study by Penguin books. It also emerged six out of ten 10 children (59 per cent) believe that religion "has a negative influence on the world.”


Canada plans to vaccinate entire country


“Under Canada's official pandemic plan, the entire population would ultimately be immunized against the H1N1 swine flu.”


WI leaders prevent vote to stop late-term abortions


“Democrats in charge of the Wisconsin Assembly have prevented a vote on an amendment to the state budget bill that would prevent the University of Wisconsin health system from doing late-term abortions. UW will be doing late-term abortions at the Madison Surgery Center.”


Atheist group challenges MI prayer booth


“An atheist-agnostic group is angry that a Detroit suburb allows a prayer booth to be set up at City Hall.  The booth is located in the lobby of Warren's city offices and is adorned with a banner that reads "Prayer Station."  It has prompted the Freedom from Religion Foundation to file a request for copies of city policy, its rental agreement with a church and verification it is being charged to use the space.”


Paramedics paid extra to take part in "gay pride" march


Oops! Fossil of "early human" turns out to be ape


Another evolution hoax falls apart: “Nearly 15 years ago Russell Ciochon shook our family tree when he announced that a fossil found in a Chinese cave was evidence of a new form of early human. Today the anthropologist announced that the fossil, a partial jaw, is from an ape after all—a "mystery ape."


Antipope Benedict XVI joins U2, Lady Gaga label

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Pope Benedict XVI has signed a record deal for an album of religious music and prayers for Christmas to be released under the Geffen label, which also distributes music for Lady GaGa and U2.”


S.F. asks federal judge to toss Prop. 8


“San Francisco has asked a federal judge to overturn California's ban on same-sex marriage, allying the city with a lawsuit that could reach the U.S. Supreme Court.”


Britain told to set up "swine flu" distribution centers

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“Health authorities told to set up testing and drug distribution centres in case of autumn outbreak.”  Isn’t it amazing that they all seem to know that it’s going to break out in the fall?


Texas court rules against city in religion case


“The Texas Supreme Court says a South Texas town violated legal protections against government limits on religious practice when it shut down two religious halfway houses for parolees.”


Nigeria rejects Abortion bill pushed by U.S. group


“The legislature of Imo State, Nigeria voted 13-1 on June 1 against a bill that would have made abortion legal in the pro-life state. The rejection of the Reproductive Rights Bill was called “a victory of the superior Imo cultural values over the new global Western Cultural Revolution,” by the Nigerian newspaper.”


New Videos

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We’ve added three important and interesting videos to our “Watch Our DVDs” page. The videos are called: The Case for the Creator; Intelligent Design – Unlocking the Mysteries of Life; and The Privileged Planet.  To watch them, just go to the WATCH OUR DVDS page and scroll down.  They are all worth watching.


Even for a Catholic who is fully convinced that evolution is a hoax, these videos are very powerful.  They remind us of the inscrutable and awesome power of God.  They are spiritually uplifting because they re-energize one’s faith and inspire one to a greater love of God.


Schoolchildren could be first in line for "swine flu" vaccine


“Schoolchildren could be first in line for swine flu vaccine this fall — and schools are being put on notice that they might even be turned into shot clinics.”


Lithuania passes law against homosexual propaganda in schools


“Lithuania’s parliament has given final approval to a law that bans the media and schools from promoting adverse behaviors to the development of young people, including the public promotion of violence, suicide, and homosexuality.”


Society of St. Pius X to ordain 13 in Minnesota


They again defy the orders of the Vatican II sect, even though they continue to profess communion with it.


Destroyer moves to possibly intercept N. Korean ship


“The U.S. military is preparing for a possible intercept of a North Korean flagged ship suspected of proliferating weapons material in violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution passed last Friday, FOX News has learned.”


NYC mom accused of burning girl, 6, in voodoo act


“The mother and grandmother of a 6-year-old New York City girl were charged with burning her during a Haitian voodoo ritual and then failing to get help for the crying child.”


Richard Dawkins acknowledges Intelligent Design [5 min. video]

This is a very interesting 5-minute video clip from the documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed by Ben Stein.  We recommend this interesting documentary.  In this short clip, we see that Richard Dawkins, the notorious atheist and promoter of evolution, admits that scientific evidence could suggest intelligent design.  However, Dawkins says that the evidences of design might have come from some “evolved” alien civilization which did the designing.  Okay, so the evidence might show intelligent design, according to Dawkins, as long one doesn’t think that God is the designer… very interesting.  This is quite an admission by the notorious atheist.


Despite his learning and his pretension to intellectual sophistication, Richard Dawkins is actually a wicked fool (see Psalm 52:1).  In one simple five-minute interview, his arguments against the existence of God (the Intelligent Designer) crumble as he contradicts himself.  Sadly, this reminds us of some in the traditionalist movement.  Like Dawkins (though perhaps not to the same decree), they savor the things of intellectual pride rather than the truth.  Examples of this would be credentialists and pedants.  As a result, God blinds them to the simple truths; and, in the final analysis, they are actually dumb like Dawkins.  Just as Dawkins is so sophisticated, yet so dumb that he cannot figure out that God exists – and he completely contradicts himself in making his arguments – these people cannot see that Benedict XVI is not Catholic or the simple truths on salvation or on some other issue; for they savor the things of intellectual pride and not the things of God.


Parish hall bans witches' ball

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Not that this is a truly Catholic parish, but this is an example of how absurd things are getting: “A group of British witches is claiming religious discrimination after a Stockport Catholic church banned them from using its social club for their Crystal Cauldron Witches Ball.”


N. Korea might fire missile toward Hawaii


“North Korea may fire a long-range ballistic missile toward Hawaii in early July, a Japanese newspaper said Thursday, amid escalating tensions between the communist country and the United States over Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs.”


Big city mayors push homosexual agenda


Vatican bans SSPX's ordinations


“The Vatican has banned a small group of breakaway traditionalist Catholics from ordaining more priests and deacons.”


This is another example of the SSPX’s impossible and schismatic position, which obstinately recognizes the hierarchy of the Vatican II Counter Church but doesn't submit to it.


The Society of St. Pius X [Link to Section]


Freak Beijing storm turns day into night

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“China correspondent Stephen McDonell and ABC cameraman Rob Hill saw day turn into night as a freak storm swept across the capital Beijing today.”


Obama extends benefits to "same-sex partners"


“President Barack Obama, whose gay and lesbian supporters have grown frustrated with his slow movement on their priorities, is extending benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees but stopping short of a guarantee of full health insurance, a White House official said.”


Obama proposes to give the Federal Reserve total control


“Obama Administration Unveils Financial Regulation Overhaul- His plan would bestow vast new powers on the Federal Reserve, authorizing it to oversee the entire financial system.”


It’s quite obvious, to anyone who is carefully following his moves, that he’s simply a puppet of the bankers.


Attorney General pushes new "hate crimes" law


PBS says: Enough Religion


“PBS board members, who for 25 years have turned a blind eye to religious programming at some of their member stations' religious programing, have decided to enforce a rule banning the broadcasts -- a move that spells the beginning of the end for religious shows on public television.”


Rome church stops holy water over satanic rite fears


“The Santa Maria Stella Maris church at Fiumicino, near Rome, has stopped offering holy water to worshippers because the parish priest fears it is being stolen for satanic rituals.” 


It should be pointed out that the V-2 “priests,” since they are invalidly ordained in the New Rite, cannot provide true holy water.  However, this is an interesting headline nonetheless.


Cash to become extinct


“They told The Advertiser's round table forum that cash and cards will be replaced by computer chips embedded in mobile phones, watches or other portable devices.”


Australia bans biology program because of pro-life connections


“A biology program originally approved in the Australian state of New South Wales to teach public schoolchildren about the “Wonder of Life” before birth has been banned because of its creator’s connections to pro-life groups.”


Creation Museum's attendance exceeds expectations


“Inside, the students learned from displays that, contrary to mainstream textbooks, science supports the Bible's accounts of the Earth's creation in six days; that the Grand Canyon was created suddenly in Noah's flood; that dinosaurs and humans lived together; and that animal poison did not exist before Adam's original sin.”


Benedict XVI’s Tidal Wave of Apostasy

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MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file. 


School bans bananas over teacher allergy


Marysville schools specifically ban religious influence


“Pastors and youth group leaders will no longer be able to talk with students at length about religion in Marysville schools.  Superintendent Larry Nyland issued new guidelines last week that limit how much volunteers can discuss religion with students.”


Boston "Diocese" to partner with abortion services


Kansas teacher claims conservative views cost him job


“Latham claims it has nothing to do with his abilities as a teacher and everything to do with his conservative politics.”


"Holocaust" Museum shooter also hated Christianity


“The online ravings of the man who shot and killed a security guard in Washington’s Holocaust Memorial Museum on June 10th show that he does not fit the description of the “right wing” or “conservative Christian” extremist that has been portrayed in the liberal mainstream media since the shooting.”


The myth that dinosaurs evolved into birds is now destroyed

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Of course, Catholics knew all along that this was a hoax.  However, it’s interesting that the evolutionary side is acknowledging another fatal flaw in their fairy-tale.  Despite the admission, it should be noted that this article still favors the evolutionary myth.


Woman aborts other mother's last embryo


Antipope's new encyclical will focus on the economy


We wonder if he will be able to avoid teaching heresies, considering that he will be talking about the economy.


Bucknell U requires permit to hand out Bibles


“Giving away Bibles on the campus of Bucknell University is at your own peril, since the school requires a permit for such an activity, according to a new dispute that arose involving the school's Conservatives Club.”


N. Korea threatens military action if U.S. imposes blockade


“The North will take "resolute military action" if the United States or its allies try to impose any "blockade" on it, the ministry said in a statement carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency.”

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Frog worshipped as god in India


The creature, which they idolatrously worship because it changes color, has stopped eating.  It’s probably going to die before more Indians will arrive to idolize it.  And people wonder why God leaves multitudes in cultures which don’t accept the Gospel: "Frogs do change colour to scare away predators," he told the Sun newspaper. "But from what I have heard, the frog at Kumar's place changes colour so frequently it is a bit unusual. I will collect it for study."


UK Government tightens leash on homeschoolers


“Under newly announced Labour government rules, local council authorities are authorized to enter private homes to interview children, without parents present, on their safety and “quality of education.” The new regulations have raised fears among Britain’s homeschooling community of a government attack on the rights of parents to educate their children at home.  Families will be forced to register with authorities and could face criminal penalties if they are deemed to be inadequately educating their children.”


ACLU wants to ban creationism in public schools


“New rules for teaching science in Louisiana should include specific prohibitions on the teaching of scientific creationism and intelligent design, the American Civil Liberties Union said today.”


WHO declares flu pandemic


“The World Health Organization declared an influenza pandemic on Thursday and advised governments to prepare for a long-term battle against an unstoppable new flu virus.”


House Committee approves "In God we trust"


“The House Administration Committee has unanimously approved a resolution directing the Architect of the Capitol to engrave the National Motto — “In God We Trust” – and the Pledge of Allegiance inside the new Capitol Visitor Center (CVC).” 


"Rev." Wright: Jews keeping me away from Obama


Nebraska doctor wants to take over for Tiller


“A Nebraska doctor said Wednesday that he will perform third-term abortions in Kansas after the slaying of abortion provider George Tiller, but would not say whether he will open a new facility or offer the procedure at an existing practice.”


KC V-2 "Archbishop" says abortionists "not evil"

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The apostate Novus Ordo "Bishop" of Kansas City

Even coming from an apostate Novus Ordo “bishop,” this is a surprising utterance of heresy.  After all, they do claim to believe that abortion is murder.  He also offered “Mass” for the deceased abortionist, as if he is one of the “faithful departed”!


“Archbishop of Kansas City Joseph Naumann, writing in his column in “The Leaven” last week, said he responded to Tiller’s killing by offering Mass for the repose of his soul and for the consolation of his family… Archbishop Naumann said abortionists are not “evil people.”


Ohio teacher who displayed Bible sues over firing


“An Ohio school teacher fired over accusations that he preached Christianity in class says in a $1 million lawsuit that his free speech and civil rights were violated. John Freshwater, an eighth-grade teacher in Mount Vernon northeast of Columbus, also says he was harassed because of his religion, was defamed and suffered a hostile work environment.”


"Free" Abortions in PA in "honor" of dead abortionist


“An abortion business in Pennsylvania is drawing criticism or giving away free abortions on Tuesday in honor of slain late-term abortion practitioner George Tiller. The Philadelphia Women’s Center said the free abortions were meant to show appreciation for Tiller…”


Former Sunday school teacher sent to jail


Tiller's abortion facility to close forever


“In a statement released today, the attorneys of late-term abortionist George Tiller confirmed that his Wichita abortion facility would shut its doors permanently, following Tiller's murder last month.”


Appeals court says 10 commandments monument endorses religion


“A federal appeals court has ruled that a Ten Commandments monument outside Oklahoma's Haskell County Courthouse "has the primary effect of endorsing religion."


Kids in same-sex environment 7 times more likely to become gay


Religious school forced to teach course on various religions


“Lawyers for a private Catholic boys school in Montreal are to appear in Quebec Superior Court on Monday to ask that the school be exempted from teaching the province's new religious cultures course.”


Virgin Mary statue damaged with 666 by satanic vandals

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“… a worker opening the church found a statue of the Virgin Mary in the grotto damaged and defaced. The statue had been knocked over, with its left arm and several pieces of the left side broken off.  In addition, 666 was written across the statue's forehead in orange paint.”


Woman killed in pseudo-exorcism "acted like lion"


“A Wainuiomata woman killed during a botched exorcism had been acting like a lion and speaking in "puzzles" after being possessed by spirits from a stolen statue, the High Court at Wellington has been told.”


Under new bill, Atheists could sue over displayed crucifixes


“Church care homes could be forced to remove crucifixes from their walls in case they offend "atheist cleaners" under the new Equality Bill… The way the bill is written means non-Christians could sue for harassment if church authorities do not remove religious imagery…”


A mother launches legal battle after son placed in gay foster home


“The mother of a 10-year-old Catholic boy has launched a legal battle after a council placed him with homosexual foster carers… The child, who attends a faith school and is due to take his First Communion soon, is due to arrive tomorrow at his new foster home, a hotel in Brighton run by a middle-aged male couple.”


Evolutionists try to explain how laughter "evolved"


One can only laugh at this nonsense.


Man arrested for alternative to The Fed's currency


“Federal authorities arrested an Asheville man in what they said was a scheme to undermine the U.S. currency system and defraud consumers with so-called Liberty Dollars.  William Kevin Innes marketed the “barter” currency in Western North Carolina and recruited merchants willing to accept it and give it as change for products bought with real money, according to an indictment unsealed this week.  Innes, 53, faces up to 45 years in prison if convicted. He was indicted along with Bernard von NotHaus, president of the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Codes, and two other defendants from Indiana associated with the corporation.”


Related: The Private Federal Reserve Bank Exposed


UK man convicted after opposing public homosexual activity


Certainly filming the abominable and illegal activity, after his calls to the police were unsuccessful, wasn’t the proper and moral way to oppose the activity.  However, the fact that he was found to be acting illegally and convicted for this – while the homosexuals were defended – is simply amazing.


Graduating students defy ACLU demand


“Members of the graduating class of 2009 at Florida's Pace High School have expressed their objections to ACLU restrictions on statements of religious faith at their school by rising up en masse at their ceremony and reciting the Lord's Prayer.”


Sotomayor joined secret group last year

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It's interesting that it was just last year that she joined a secret society, a female version of the Bohemian grove.  “Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor last year accepted an invitation to join the Belizean Grove, an elite but little-known women’s-only group.  Founded nearly 10 years ago as the female answer to the Bohemian Grove — a secretive all-male club whose members have included former U.S. presidents and top business leaders — the Belizean Grove has about 125 members, including Army generals, Wall Street executives and former ambassadors.”


Study: "Catholic" college women more likely to abort


UCLA prohibits student from thanking Jesus in graduation speech


Polish leader says Europe is anti-Catholic


Late-term abortion endangered? Hardly.


“It is falsely claimed Tiller was one of only three late-term abortionists in the U.S., for instance, in the New York Times.”


This is an interesting article.  We definitely don’t agree with everything the author says, especially at the beginning.  For instance, in the opening sentences she mentions how she prays for the soul of murdered late-term abortionist, Dr. Tiller.  No, you certainly may not pray for the soul of a man who died in a clear state of abominable mortal sin.  This is not even to mention the fact that Tiller was a heretic. 


However, the article covers some very interesting points.  It points out that there are many more late-term abortionists and late-term abortions than the media is telling us.  The media is giving everyone the impression that only a handful of doctors in the U.S. perform late-term abortions.  The procedure is so grisly, so demonic and so obviously evil (to anyone who is not a full-fledged monster) that even the pro-abortion media must attempt to downplay the number of people who perform late-term abortions.  That’s how bad it is.  But there are many more late-term abortionists and abortions than the media is letting on.  And of course there are the countless millions who might not perform the abortions themselves, but make themselves accessories to the abomination by supporting those who accept it.


Obama says U.S. bond with Israel "unbreakable"

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“US President Barack Obama said on Thursday that the US bond with Israel is "unbreakable," in a much-anticipated speech aimed at healing America's rift with the Islamic world.”


How could our bond with any foreign country (especially one that is separated by an ocean) be “unbreakable”?  It could not and should not; for what if that country opposed our national interests, as Israel does?  If our bond with Israel is “unbreakable,” as he says, that means that Israel’s interests are somehow always our interests.  How could Israel’s interests always be our interests?  Israel possesses so much power and control over America that Israel’s interests = America’s interests.  Israel is not actually a separate country in this equation, but a united (and in fact dominating) state.


John Paul II could be “beatified” this year


This would be invalid, of course, because Benedict XVI is an antipope and John Paul II was a manifest heretic and apostate.


Nevada legalizing "domestic partnerships"


Catholic ban on adoption by same-sex couples ruled illegal


“Catholic adoption societies [in UK] which refuse to offer children to gay couples face closure following a tribunal yesterday.”


NH governor signs same-sex "marriage" bill into law


Judge allows graduation ceremonies in "church"


Antipope makes it more easy to "laicize" priests


“Pope Benedict XVI has granted the Congregation for Clergy new powers to dismiss from the priesthood and release from the obligation of celibacy priests who are living with women, who have abandoned their ministry for more than five years or who have engaged in seriously scandalous behavior.”


No Bible allowed at kid's show and tell


“A U.S. court says a kindergartner's mother cannot read Scripture during show and tell, even if the Bible is the boy's favorite book.”


New Sabbath Article


Is Saturday or Sunday the Holy Day?


This article refutes the view of Seventh-Day Adventists and Seventh-Day Baptists who believe that the day specifically dedicated to God, rest and worship is Saturday not Sunday.  (This article will be found permanently in our “Refuting Protestantism” and “Many Other Topics” sections.)


Judge arranges sterilization for woman's probation


“A Charleston woman agreed in Kanawha Circuit Court Monday to a judge's suggestion that she have her fallopian tubes tied as part of her probation.”


V-2 Indiana diocese might dissolve


Controversy erupts over John Paul II letters


“John Paul II’s closest aide is strongly criticizing Dr. Wanda Poltawska over her decision to publish five decades’ worth of private correspondence with the late Pontiff.”


County won't force permit on Bible study organizers


They probably only decided to allow the Bible study after seeing all the negative attention that the story generated.


Black magic booms in Venezuela


Obama may meet Antipope during July visit to Italy


Obama declares that it's “LGBT” month


That is, he declared that it’s “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Month.”  This is an abomination.


Video of B16's Interreligious Apostasy [5 min. video]


This is a 5-minute video of Benedict XVI’s interreligious meeting in the Middle East.  From approximately the 3:00 mark to the 3:25 mark, you can clearly see Benedict XVI holding hands and demonstrating communion with the leaders of false religions.  Around the 4-minute mark, you see Benedict XVI actively praying along with the rabbi and demonstrating apostasy.  This is a clear and undeniable example of an apostate action. 


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Partial-birth abortion doctor killed at church


Mayor says city council may have to scrap prayers


“The mayor of Lodi, California, says its City Council meetings may begin with a moment of silence instead of prayer because of a complaint by the Freedom From Religion Foundation.”


Architect refutes official 9/11 story [7 min. video]


This is definitely worth watching.  For more on this topic, see the videos in the “Watch our Videos” page. 


Judge to rule next week on graduations at a church


“A federal judge in Milwaukee said Friday he will rule next week on whether a suburban public school district can hold its upcoming graduation ceremonies in a church.”


V-2 "Archdiocese" of Miami considers closing 14 churches


“South Florida Catholics may learn struggling churches' fates Sunday, when pastors are expected to announce that 14 struggling congregations in the Archdiocese of Miami are on the cutting block and may have to merge with others.”


"Day of Prayer" suit allowed to continue


“A federal judge has refused to dismiss a lawsuit that claims the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional.  U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb ruled this week the case brought by the Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation can move forward with discovery.”


Mandatory "gay day" for K-5 students


This is outrageous: “A California school district has approved a mandatory homosexual curriculum for children as young as 5 – and parents will not be allowed to remove their children from the lessons.  The mandatory program, officially titled "LGBT Lesson #9," was approved May 26 by the Alameda County Board of Education by a vote of 3-2. Students from kindergarten through fifth grade will learn about "tolerance" for the homosexual lifestyle beginning next year.  The curriculum is in addition to the school's current anti-bullying program and is estimated to cost $8,000 for curriculum and training.  Parents will not be given an opportunity to opt-out of lessons that go against their religious beliefs.  Some parents are threatening to sue the school board and mount a recall. Opponents presented a petition with 468 signatures from people who don't want the homosexual lessons in the curriculum.”


Creationism cost him his post

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“In a rare rejection of an appointment by the Texas governor, the Senate Thursday ousted Don McLeroy as chairman of the State Board of Education, with his supporters claiming the Bryan dentist was the victim of his strong religious beliefs.  McLeroy… believes in creationism and the notion that the Earth is about 6,000 years old. He has steadfastly argued that Texas students should be taught the weaknesses of evolution.”


Test-tube babies on the rise


Homeschooling Shift


7.1 Earthquake topples homes in Honduras


“A powerful earthquake toppled more than two dozen homes in Honduras and Belize early Thursday, killing at least four people and injuring 40 as terrified residents spilled from their homes across much of Central America.  The magnitude-7.1 quake struck at 2:24 a.m. off the Caribbean coast of Honduras, 80 miles (130 kilometers) northeast of the beach town of La Ceiba… ‘It was an earthquake of great proportions," she said.”


High School votes openly gay male "prom queen"


This not only reveals the depravity of the teen, but that of the typical high school students today.  Those who voted for him are almost as abominable as he is: “An openly gay teen has been voted prom queen at his Los Angeles high school in a campaign that began as a stunt but ended up spurring discussion on the campus about gender roles and popularity.  Sergio Garcia said he felt "invincible" when he was crowned queen of the Fairfax High School dance at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on Saturday.”


Obama promises a "hate crimes" law


“Barack Obama has promised the mother of Matthew Shepard fast action in the U.S. Senate to approve a "hate crimes" bill that critics say would establish the first special legal protections for pedophiles and those with an array of other sexual proclivities.”


Couple ordered to stop home Bible study


“David Jones and his wife Mary have been told that they cannot invite friends to their San Diego, Calif. home for a bible study — unless they are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to San Diego County.”


Texas "hates crimes" bill targets children

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"If they committed some crime and it had to do with the issue of 'sexual preference' -- particularly the issue of homosexuality -- they could be punished," he says, "and a judge could order them to go to a program where they have to accept the other side and accept the views of homosexuality."


Gay blood donor's complaint against Red Cross thrown out


That’s good: “A homosexual who was refused permission to donate blood has had his long-running, landmark complaint dismissed by the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Tribunal. The Australian Red Cross refused to accept his blood in 2004 because he had answered yes to a screening question… dismissing his complaint the tribunal said the Red Cross is bound to keep risks to its blood supply as low as possible.”


V-2 "Catholic" school in Racine forced to close


UK nurse suspended for recommending church


Not that we would agree with the church or churches she was recommending, but we can see what’s going on: “An Indian-origin nurse in Britain has been dismissed for suggesting during a training session that patients could alleviate stress by going to church.”


Obama adviser wants to replace marriages with "licenses"


“A top constitutional law professor who served as a surrogate for then-presidential candidate Barack Obama told that he would like to see “marriage” replaced in the legal sense with a neutral “civil license.”


Billionaire club in bid to curb "overpopulation"


“SOME of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population and speed up improvements in health and education.”


Delaware Council defends constitutional prayer


“Another government body that opens its meetings with prayer is being challenged.  Americans United for Separation of Church and State has lodged a complaint with Sussex County Council in Delaware.”


Obama nominates pro-abortion "Catholic" for Supreme Court


CA Supreme Court upholds gay "marriage" ban


“The California Supreme Court has upheld a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, but it also decided that the estimated 18,000 gay couples who tied the knot before the law took effect will stay ‘wed.’  The decision Tuesday rejected an argument by gay rights activists that the ban revised the California constitution's equal protection clause to such a dramatic degree that it first needed the Legislature's approval.”


N. Ireland soccer mob beats man to death because they thought he was Catholic


“Militant Protestant supporters of a Scottish soccer team beat to death a Roman Catholic man in the latest sign of how sports rivalries inspire sectarian bloodshed in Northern Ireland, police and politicians said Monday.”


City orders crosses to be removed from graves

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“The city of Cleveland is warning relatives of people buried in the city's 12 cemeteries to remove crosses and other decorations from graves or have them taken away.”


Irish V-2 "Church" to pay more in abuse compensation


The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II Audio Program, Part 1, Part 2 [2 hrs. each part]


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope and loses the papal office automatically [PDF file]


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section] – The most complete exposé of the astounding heresies of Benedict XVI available


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005)


Justification by Faith Alone refuted and the Catholic teaching on Justification proved by the Protestant Bible [1 hr. 30 min. audio]


The Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope [51 min. audio]


The Bible teaches Confession to a priest [23 min. audio]


Refuting Protestantism and Eastern "Orthodoxy" Audio Programs


Fatima (the sign, the miracle, the Consecration of Russia, the False Sr. Lucy) [Link to Section]


The Invalid New Mass vs. the true Latin Mass


Atheists roll out ad campaign


"In the Beginning, Man Created God."


This blasphemous lie “was plastered on the side of 25 Chicago buses this week as part of an advertising crusade by the Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign.”


Part II - Benedict XVI’s Pilgrimage of Apostasy in the Middle East

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We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file.  In Part I on his recent Pilgrimage of Apostasy (which we posted a few days ago but which is now in the Archive), we covered (among other things) how Benedict XVI said that mosques stand out like “jewels.”  In Part II, we cover more of the astounding apostasy which he manifested on his recent trip.




On Monday May 25, Bro. Michael Dimond will be on Coast to Coast AM radio starting at 11:00 P.M. Pacific Time until 2:00 A.M.  (In the East, that’s 2:00 A.M to 5:00 A.M. on May 26.)


Fear of prayer causes school to disallow student speakers


“Pace and Milton high school seniors shared umbrellas Friday afternoon as they gathered on the School Board lawn to ask why student leaders won't be allowed to speak at graduation. "It's been a tradition at our school for the student body and senior class presidents to speak, and they have been cut," said Carson Howton, a Pace High senior. "The whole class is upset, and we are trying to get answers."


OK governor signs bill allowing 10 commandments monument

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“Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry has signed a bill to permit a Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of the state Capitol.”


US state's first assisted suicide


“A 66-year-old US woman with advanced cancer has become the first person to die under a new assisted suicide law in Washington State.”


WI considers expanding "family planning" program to teen boys


“The Wisconsin Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee is scheduled to vote today on Gov. Jim Doyle’s proposal to expand a confidential “family planning” program to boys aged 15 to 17. Critics charged that the proposal further encourages teens to go behind their parents’ backs and neglects their moral development… “Providing free, taxpayer-funded birth control to 15-year-old boys and girls behind parents’ backs is horrible public policy, and we urge the finance committee to block expansion of this offensive program,” commented Matt Sande, Pro-Life Wisconsin’s director of legislation.”


County: Home is no place for Bible study


Obviously we don’t agree with the heretical conclusions of a non-Catholic Bible study, but this is amazing and totally outrageous: “A San Diego pastor and his wife claim they were interrogated by a county official and warned they will face escalating fines if they continue to hold Bible studies in their home.  The couple, whose names are being withheld until a demand letter can be filed on their behalf, told their attorney a county government employee knocked on their door on Good Friday, asking a litany of questions about their Tuesday night Bible studies, which are attended by approximately 15 people.  "Do you have a regular weekly meeting in your home? Do you sing? Do you say 'amen'?" the official reportedly asked. "Do you say, 'Praise the Lord'?"  The pastor's wife answered yes.  She says she was then told, however, that she must stop holding "religious assemblies" until she and her husband obtain a Major Use Permit from the county, a permit that often involves traffic and environmental studies, compliance with parking and sidewalk regulations and costs that top tens of thousands of dollars.”


UK law will force churches to employ gay staff


“Churches will be banned from turning down gay job applicants on the grounds of their sexuality under new anti-discrimination laws, a Government minister said.  Religious groups are to be forced to accept homosexual youth workers, secretaries and other staff, even if their faith holds same-sex relationships to be sinful.”


Benedict XVI’s Pilgrimage of Apostasy in the Middle East

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\mhfm1\public_html\Benedict_XVI_Pictures_Miscellany\b16_middle_east.jpg

We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file. 


Vatican Newspaper says "Obama is not pro-abortion"


“The Editor-in-chief of the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano explained today to Paulo Rodari, a Vatican analyst for the daily “Il Riformista,” that President Barack Obama’s speech to graduates of Notre Dame was very respectful and that he “is not a pro-abortion president.”


Ohio students get arrested for preaching


We don’t necessarily agree with everything they were preaching, but this is really something: “A group of young…. evangelists ran into trouble with the law while trying to evangelize on an Ohio campus.  Five of seven members were arrested on the campus of Sinclair Community College in Dayton after being told to leave. All of it took place on public property. The group of Christians was approached by police who allegedly denied their constitutional right to freedom of speech… When they tackled Dan and threw him to the ground, she got her camera out and began to film, so we have film of Dan on the ground getting roughed up by the cops," he notes. "And then an officer came over to her and asked for the camera and she said 'No, I'm not going to give you the camera.' And so she was placed in handcuffs, and her camera was confiscated.”

Italian Health Ministry promoting homosexuality in high schools

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This is just evil propaganda.  In these dark times, Christendom is fading and gaydom is descending upon the world: “Materials to be disseminated to schools will include a poster depicting three teenage girls dressed in traditional Catholic school uniforms, with the caption, "She's gay, and we're cool with that."


Senators could drop sex-ed compromise


“State senators will consider today a proposed overhaul of the sex education curriculum and could remove a provision added to reassure skeptics.  The House agreed last month to give parents in every school system a choice between abstinence-until-marriage classes and broader lessons explaining more about contraception.”


Baltimore "Catholic" school closing over low enrollment


“The Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore says St. Mary of the Assumption School will close at the end of this school year. Archdiocese spokesman Sean Caine says enrollment at the 135-year-old kindergarten through eighth-grade school has declined in recent years. He says the school is $1 million in debt and needs more funds from the archdiocese to meet payroll this year.”


Defense calls no witnesses in prayer death trial


“A mother accused of homicide for praying for her dying 11-year-old daughter instead of seeking medical help decided Thursday to call no witnesses in her defense.”


Nurse wins legal battle in Plan B conscience case


“Louisiana nurse won her battle at the state Supreme Court last Friday when it refused to hear a hospital's appeal of a lower court decision siding with her. The nurse, Toni Lemly, sued St. Tammany Parish Hospital in 2005 after it refused to grant a reasonable accommodation for her religious beliefs.  Lemly informed hospital staff that she objected to administering the morning after pill because of her religious beliefs.  In response, St. Tammany Parish Hospital fired Lemly from her full-time position and reduced her to part-time status, working only three days a week. Her demotion resulted in a significant reduction in pay and the loss of employee benefits.”


Ida is an extinct primate - and that's all


Army burns bibles in Afghanistan


“US military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in common local languages over concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman has said.”


Pentagon briefings no longer quote the Bible

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“The Pentagon said Monday it no longer includes a Bible quote on the cover page of daily intelligence briefings it sends to the White House… Air Force Maj. Gen. Glen Shaffer, who was responsible for including them, retired in August 2003, according to his biography.”


Mother and son flee after court rules son must have chemotherapy


“Daniel quit chemo after a single treatment. With his parents, he opted instead for "alternative medicines," citing religious beliefs. That led authorities to seek custody. Rodenberg last week ruled that Daniel's parents were medically neglecting their son.”


"Catholic" governor endorses homosexual rights


And, of course, the Vatican II Counter Church doesn’t excommunicate her: “In a victory for same-sex partners – and a starting gun for social conservatives intent on a repeal – Gov. Chris Gregoire on Monday signed into law a bill granting domestic partners most of the rights of spouses.”


Hundreds of V-2 Irish "priests" implicated in sex abuse


“Hundreds of… priests are expected to be implicated in child abuse in Ireland when a long-awaited report is published this week… At Easter the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, warned churchgoers that when published the report would "shock us all".”


People upset after Bibles made available in Texas schools


But these pagan parents have no problem when students are fed the fairy-tale religion of evolution: “Some parents in Frisco, Texas, are fuming because their public school district allowed Christian evangelists to provide Bibles to students on school grounds, which administrators say was done to stop even more proselytizing outside the schools.  Frisco Independent Schools allowed Gideons International to display Bibles on tabletops in all 13 of the district's middle and high schools last week. Officials say it didn't violate the law, but some parents say school is not the place to be offering the Good Book.”


Crying baby clearly interrupted Obama's ND speech

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“The distinct sound of a baby crying broke out in the capacious basketball arena where the Notre Dame commencement exercise was being held on Sunday when President Obama--who was giving the commencement address--began talking about abortion.”


Girl scouts exposed: lessons in Lesbianism


“When many parents think of Girl Scouts, they imagine young girls in uniform selling Thin Mints and Tagalong cookies – not learning about stone labyrinths, world peace, global warming, yoga, avatars, smudging incense, Zen gardens and feminist, communist and lesbian role models.   But that's exactly what many of 2.7 million Girl Scouts will learn about with a new curriculum called "Journeys" released last year.”


Brazil seeks to remove "homophobic" TV programming


“The Brazilian government is considering adding warning labels to Christian programming it regards as "homophobic," according to Folha de Sao Paulo, one of Brazil's largest-circulation newspapers.”


Protesters removed from Obama's Notre Dame speech


“Shortly into President Obama’s commencement speech Sunday afternoon at the University of Notre Dame, at least three people were escorted out of the Joyce Center… A second man, from near the back of the Joyce Center, shouted, “Abortion is murder.”


Parents fight homosexual indoctrination of kindergarteners


“A California school district seems intent on teaching pre-school children to accept the homosexual lifestyle.


The Alameda Unified School District announced it was considering a supplemental curriculum to eradicate "homophobia" in kindergarten children. Brad Dacus, founder of the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), said the meeting room for the public session earlier this week was overcrowded with angry parents.”


PBS stations may have to lose religion


“The muckety-mucks at PBS headquarters are looking closely at instituting a rule that would strip a public television station of its PBS affiliation if it broadcast any religious shows.”


Obama's 100 days of change [7 min. video]


This is interesting.  It’s worth spending 7 minutes.


Moscow police break up gay demonstration

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That’s good: “Riot police violently broke up several gay rights demonstrations in Moscow on Saturday, hauling away scores of protesters hours before the Russian capital hosted a major international pop music competition.”


Cathedral plays anti-religion song


Atheists create summer camp for the Godless  


“Atheists have become the latest group to cash in on Britain's booming summer camp industry by creating the country's first-ever retreat for irreligious children. Billed as a "godless alternative" to traditional religious summer camps…”


Heroism of dog contradicts evolution


The second video below is a recent news story about a dog who rushed into highway traffic to protect another wounded dog.  The existence of Altruism among animals – the willingness to endanger or lose one’s own life for another – contradicts evolution.  “Natural section, which evolutionists say explains all individual characteristics, should rapidly eliminate altruistic ‘individuals.’  How could risky behavior that benefits only another ever be inherited, because its possession tends to prevent the altruistic ‘individual’ from passing on its genes for altruism?  If evolution were correct, selfish behavior should have completely eliminated unselfish behavior.  Furthermore, cheating and aggressiveness should have weeded out cooperation.  Altruism contradicts evolution.” (Dr. Walt Brown, In the Beginning, p. 7.)


Dog saves dog - first video


Dog protects dog - second video



John Lennon made pact with Satan

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“In "The Lennon Prophecy," author Joseph Niezgoda reveals that Lennon himself, obsessed with the occult, magic, numerology and being bigger than Elvis Presley, confided in his friend Tony Sheridan that he made such a deal. The book also makes the case that the "death clues" long associated with Paul McCartney were actually subliminal messages hinting at Lennon's fate.”


People who "run the world" meeting this  weekend


“The Bilderberg group, the topic of many conspiracy theories, is now meeting behind closed doors in Greece.  From today until May 17, approximately 150 of the most influential members of the world's elite will be meeting behind closed doors at a hotel in Greece. They are called the Bilderberg Group or the "Bilderbergers," and you have probably never heard of them.”


Grace "too religious" according to Cambridge students


“Students at a Cambridge college want to jettison their traditional Grace before dinner because they believe it “too religious”.


Out-of-wedlock birthrates soar


“Unmarried mothers gave birth to 4 out of every 10 babies born in the United States in 2007, a share that is increasing rapidly both here and abroad, according to government figures released Wednesday.”


Moscow mayor bans gay parade


This is a bit of good news: “Moscow has banned a gay parade planned to coincide with its hosting of the Eurovision Song Contest because it will "destroy morals" in the capital, a spokesman for the city's mayor said Thursday.”


Spain moves to ease abortion law


“The Spanish government approved a plan Friday to ease its abortion law and allow the procedure without restrictions up to 14 weeks of pregnancy, pressing ahead with a sweeping social reform agenda that has irked conservatives...”


APA revises "gay-gene" theory


“The attempt to prove that homosexuality is determined biologically has been dealt a knockout punch. An American Psychological Association publication includes an admission that there's no homosexual "gene" -- meaning it's not likely that homosexuals are born that way.”


Of course Catholics knew this all along.  No one is born a homosexual.  Homosexuality is an evil spiritual takeover which results from sin and idolatry, as is covered in this file: The Idolatry of the Vatican II sect is connected with its rampant homosexuality [PDF File].


"Bishop" found guilty of loud church bells


Gay "marriage" passes first vote in NY State


“The New York State Assembly passed a bill to legalize gay marriage on Tuesday, but the measure still faces an uphill battle in the state Senate.”


Promotion of homosexuality in Spanish grade school


“The organization, Segovia for Education in Freedom, has voiced concern from parents with children attending a Catholic public school where the students are being exposed to gender ideology through a theatrical play as part of the course, Education for the Citizenry.”


Colombian government fines hospital for refusing to perform abortion


“The Colombian government has announced that it will fine a Catholic hospital for refusing to perform an abortion, according to local news reports.”


Abortion provider launched Mother's Day fundraiser


Sweden rules gender-based abortion legal


Rabbi thanks B-16 for no mission to Jews


“In his welcoming address Tuesday to Benedict XVI at Jerusalem's Heichal Shlomo, adjacent to the capital's Great Synagogue, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger said that the pontiff had agreed that the Catholic Church would cease all missionary activity among Jews, and thanked him for the gesture.”


He also thanked Benedict XVI for not allowing Williamson into his V-2 “Church” because he denied the “Holocaust.”


Jewish groups still not satisfied with B-16's overtures


“The Vatican defended the pope Tuesday from a growing chorus of Israeli critics who accused the German-born Benedict XVI of failing to express enough remorse for the Holocaust — a controversy that threatened to eclipse a papal pilgrimage aimed at building bridges between faiths.”


If Benedict XVI bowed down and worshipped them – which he indirectly does by some of his statements and actions – they would probably still complain that he didn’t bow quickly enough.


Pressure is applied to Facebook to outlaw "Holocaust-denial" groups


We give Facebook credit in this matter (thus far) for a consistent application of principles.  If they’re not going to ban other groups because they express particular historical viewpoints, then they must not ban those who have a different view on the “Holocaust.”  But we’ll see if they can withstand the pressure.  Facebook is also owned by a Jew.


Benedict XVI's subtle and revealing heresy at the "Holocaust" memorial

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“The German-born pontiff paid his respects to the six million Jewish victims of the Nazi genocide at Israel's national Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem. Benedict, at the start of his tour of the Holy Land, said the cry of victims "still echoes in our hearts."  He said: "They lost their lives, but they will never lose their names."


To commemorate people who died outside the Church is, first of all, an expression of heresy. 


Secondly, notice that Benedict XVI says that the Jews lost their lives, but “they will never lose their names.”  This is a subtle (but almost certainly deliberate) statement of universal salvation for Jews.  For in the Apocalypse, it is indicated over and over that the elect have their names written in the Book of Life.  The names of the reprobate, however, are not thus written.


Apocalypse 13:8- “And all that dwell upon the earth adored him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb, which was slain from the beginning of the world.”


Apocalypse 2:17- “He, that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches: To him that overcometh, I will give the hidden manna, and will give him a white counter, and in the counter, a new name written, which no man knoweth, but he that receiveth it.


Jesus also tells His disciples that their names are written in Heaven


Luke 10:20- “But yet rejoice not in this, that spirits are subject unto you; but rejoice in this, that your names are written in heaven.”


Having studied the writings of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, we can say that they frequently express their evil heresies and blasphemies in these subtle (yet quite deliberate) ways.  There is little doubt that Benedict XVI deliberately wanted to express the heretical and false idea that the names of Jews are written in the Book of Life, even though they do not accept Christ and the Catholic faith.  This shows us again how evil and deceptive Benedict XVI truly is.


Opponents of abortion arrested at Notre Dame


“Former U.S. Ambassador and Presidential candidate Dr. Alan Keyes is currently in Jail; along with over 20 anti abortion activists.  They were arrested at Notre Dame for peacefully, quietly, walking on campus with baby carriages carrying dolls covered with stage blood.”


V-2 "Archbishop" Weakland admits he's gay


This isn’t a surprise.  The “archbishop who resigned in 2002 over a sex and financial scandal involving a man describes his struggles with being gay in an upcoming memoir...”


Texas House passes "choose life" plates


“Texas residents are one step closer having a "Choose Life" license plate.  The Texas House recently voted to pass the "Choose Life" plate.”


White House urges tax-funded abortion on demand in D.C.


“President Obama's budget recommendations unveiled yesterday are being criticized by the National Right to Life Committee for recommending the re-introduction of taxpayer-funded abortion in Washington, D.C.” 


Ohio teen suspended for going to prom


A Baptist school suspended one of its students for going to a prom.  Certainly it’s a heretical school, but that was the correct thing to do.  A real Catholic school would do the same.  The fact that the Novus Ordo “Catholic” schools tolerate and sometimes host sinful proms is just another example of why they are not Catholic. 


It should also be pointed out that while it was the correct thing for the Baptist school to do, why do they even care?  Since they (wrongly) believe that people who believe in Jesus are saved by faith alone, actions such as going to a prom would not (according to their false theology) affect his salvation.  Perhaps they would say that his desire to go to a prom is proof that he is not a true believer.  Regardless, it’s just another example of how the false faith alone theology is a mass of contradictions and nonsense. 

Benedict XVI approves of Islam while in Mosque

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This is another act of apostasy.  He not only expresses his apostasy by going into the mosque, but consider how his words clearly endorse Islam as an acceptable religion:


"Muslims and Christians, precisely because of the burden of our common history, so often marked by misunderstanding, must today strive to be known and recognized as worshippers of God, faithful to prayer, eager to uphold and lift by the Almighty decrees," Benedict XVI said in an address at the King Hussein Bin Talal mosque in the Jordanian capital, Amman.”


He breaks anti-papal record for mosque visits


No true pope had ever gone or would ever go to a mosque.


"Gay Day" coming to Calif. public schools?


This is awful: “A California committee passed a bill proclaiming that the state's public school children will take a break from learning every year to celebrate Harvey Milk – a homosexual icon considered by some to be "a martyr for gay rights."


The Media’s Presidential Election Night Hoax


-Why logic requires one to conclude that the votes are not being used to determine the winner of the presidency-


The Media's Presidential Election Night Hoax [37 min. audio]

This is something that people really need to hear.  We think that almost everyone will find it interesting.  This audio covers this issue from angles that haven’t been covered before.  It includes numerous revealing clips. 

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This will be found permanently on this page: The Media's Presidential Election Night Hoax.  This page will be under our “Many Other Topics” section.

School turned math, science class over to lesbian minister


“Parents of students at Castro Valley High School in Castro Valley, Calif., have filed a lawsuit against the educational institution after teachers there summoned a lesbian minister to speak to math and science classes, then tried to keep that information hidden from parents, according to officials with the Pacific Justice Institute.”


Benedict XVI expresses "deep respect" for Islam


This is another expression of his apostasy.


EU wants "Internet  G12" to govern cyberspace


“The European Commission wants the US to dissolve all government links with the body that 'governs' the internet, replacing it with an international forum for discussing internet governance and online security.”


Florida drivers won't get new Christian license plates


“Moves to create two Florida license plates with images of a crucified Jesus on one, and a stained glass window and cross on another, have died in the Florida legislature.”


Hawaii lawmakers create "Islam Day"


“Hawaii's state Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill Wednesday to celebrate "Islam Day" -- over the objections of a few lawmakers who said they didn't want to honor a religion connected to Sept. 11, 2001.”


Benedict XVI venerating Jewish books


This is a picture of Benedict XVI venerating Jewish books when he was in a synagogue in New York.  It’s another demonstration of his apostasy.

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\mhfm1\public_html\Benedict_XV_with_Jews\Jewish_books.jpg

Criminalizing criticism of Israel


Israeli minister blocks zone deal for church sites


Maine becomes 5th state to allow same-sex "marriage"


“Maine's governor signed a freshly passed bill Wednesday approving gay marriage, making it the fifth state to approve the practice and moving New England closer to allowing it throughout the region.”


1.    Fall Vaccination Campaign May Include “Swine Flu” Shots


“The Obama administration is considering an unprecedented fall vaccination campaign that could entail giving Americans three flu shots -- one to combat annual seasonal influenza and two targeted at the new swine flu virus spreading across the globe.”


Obama cuts prayer-day service


We of course don’t approve of the ecumenical prayer day, but this is interesting to consider: “President Obama is distancing himself from the National Day of Prayer by nixing a formal early morning service and not attending a large Catholic prayer breakfast the following morning.”


Bilderbergers plan secret meeting in Greece


Valedictorian's speech barred because of reference to God


“Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute have filed a free speech lawsuit in the Montana Thirteenth Judicial District Court on behalf of a high school valedictorian who was forbidden from making any remarks at all in her school's graduation ceremony after she refused to strip references to God and Christ from her valedictory speech.”


Teen homeschooler jailed under Patriot Act


DC recognizes gay "marriages"


Lawyers for charged Israeli spies credit Obama team for dropped case


A few days ago we linked to a story about two Israeli lobbyists charged with spying for Israel.  We mentioned that it was no surprise that the government dropped the case against them.  This story points out that Obama’s team, which is packed with Jewish supporters of Israel, is to be credited for having the case dropped.  “Lawyers for the two former AIPAC staffers charged four years ago with dealing in government secrets credited the Obama administration for dropping the case.”


Next on Senate agenda? "Pedophile protection act"


U.S. Military destroys soldier's bibles


“The U.S. military is confirming that it has destroyed some Bibles belonging to an American soldier serving in Afghanistan.”


Billboards go up to protest Obama at Notre Dame


“In response to the University of Notre Dame's invitation to President Barack Obama to deliver the commencement address and receive an honorary degree on May 17, the Pro-Life Action League has erected two large billboards located near the South Bend, Ind., campus.”


Notice the tremendous effort they are putting out to publicly protest Obama at Notre Dame.  What’s interesting is that these same phony “Catholics” will not offer a word of protest – but rather approve – when Antipope John Paul II or Antipope Benedict XVI invite manifest heretics and schismatics or the leaders of false religions or even Voodoo high priests to speak at “Catholic” churches. 


Transsexual sues Library of Congress, wins big


“A transsexual sued the Library of Congress over job discrimination and won -- and now taxpayers are footing the bill.”


Texas Senate passes ultrasound bill


Ohio man reports bias against "Darwin doubters"


“For the last 30 years, Mr. Bergman, 62, has interviewed hundreds of people in academia and documented cases in which he contends that careers were derailed because of doubts about evolution.”


"Christian" supporters of Israel gather in Washington


This is truly one of the terrible results of false Christianity (i.e., Protestantism).  A disproportionate and unjustified support for Israel is already causing countless foreign and domestic problems for our nation and the cause of Christ.  But false Christians push for them to get even more power, more influence, more support.  It’s revolting.


1.    Doctors could face orders to "kill on demand"


“Physicians in Montana could be facing "kill-on-demand" orders from patients who want to commit suicide if a district court judge's opinion pending before the state Supreme Court is affirmed.”


3.    V-2 "Church" in NM seeks compromise on "domestic partnerships"


Just another example of the apostasy of the Vatican II Church…


4.    People with no problems flood hospitals


This is a good example of how when you control the media you control the people.  They can convince everyone of a pandemic when none exists:  “After a week of headlines about the H1N1 virus, or swine flu, many emergency rooms and hospitals are crammed with people, many of whom don't need to be there.  The visits by the "worried well" have triggered concerns of overburdening the nation's hospitals and emergency departments, several health care professionals told CNN.”


6.    Judge rules that schools can't ban God from student posters


7.    Gay-affirming "Masses" are held in London


“To the outrage of conservative Catholics, Masses are celebrated twice a month at the 18th-century Church of Our Lady of the Assumption & St Gregory, Warwick Street, Soho. This is an official ministry of the Diocese of Westminster.”


Feds toss spy charges against pro-Israel lobbyists


What a surprise…


Court lets private schools expel lesbians


That’s great news: “The state Supreme Court left intact Wednesday a lower-court ruling that said a private religious high school wasn't covered by California civil rights law and could expel students it believed were lesbians.”


House agrees to "Hate Crimes" plan


“The U.S. House today approved a federal "hate crimes" bill that would provide special protections to homosexuals but leave Christian ministers open to prosecution should their teachings be linked to any subsequent offense, by anyone, against a "gay."


Texas scientist calls for death to humanity


“An award-winning Texas scientist was given a standing ovation after he advocated the extermination of 90 per cent of the Earth's population by an airborne Ebola virus.  The University of Texas evolutionary ecologist, Dr Eric R. Pianka, was addressing the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, in early March, after the academy had named him 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist.”


Canadian families enslaved to taxes


“The average Canadian family spends nearly half its total income on taxes, more than it spends on food, clothing, and shelter, according to a new study from independent research organization the Fraser Institute.”


Biden criticized for warning people not to fly


“President Obama may be warning Americans not to panic over the flu outbreak that is spreading across the world, but Vice President Biden didn't tamp down the hyperbole Thursday, saying he would tell his family not to get on a plane right now or go in any confined space.”


It's interesting that Biden has been so aggressive in hyping the fears around the “swine flu.”  He’s been so aggressive that many have criticized him.  He’s hyping it so much because he wants what he predicted to come to pass.


Biden: “It will not be six months before there is an international, generated crisis…”

Notice how emphatic Joe Biden was when he spoke those words in October of 2008.  He said “mark my words”; he “guaranteed” that there would be such an international and “generated” crisis.  What do you know, we are about into the fifth month of Obama’s presidency and we have such a crisis.  Wow, what an insight… not.  He knew what was going to happen.  He was obviously in on the plan and, in his arrogance, he wanted to go down as the man who predicted it.


Our “Swine Flu” Report


The world is being fed a massive propaganda hoax which is probably part of a bigger plan to vaccinate large segments of the world’s population.


Our audio discussion with some thoughts about the "swine flu" [27 min.]


This is our swine flu report page (found in “Many Other Topics”)

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Orange County restores P. Parenthood sex education funding


“Orange County supervisors agreed Tuesday to restore funding to Planned Parenthood for sex education while at the same time adopting new policies to restrict funds for health education programs in the future.”


Obama congratulates Israel on Independence Day


“White House says president vowed to 'ensure Israel's interests' and is 'looking forward to working with Israel to advance common interests, including realization of comprehensive peace in the Middle East'.”


Obama urged House to pass "Hate Crimes" bill


Artist cancels blasphemous "Messiah Obama" display

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“An artist who planned to unveil a portrait of Barack Obama in a Christ-like pose with a crown of thorns upon his brow has announced he is canceling the event, due to "overwhelming public outrage."


1.    Government Template for Mass Vaccination


In addition to the short article, the 6-minute video clip at the bottom of the article is definitely worth watching/listening to.


NY "Archbishop" took part in Jewish Passover Seder


This is a mortal sin, a denial of the Catholic faith and an expression of apostasy: “Extolling the virtues of unity, religious acceptance and interfaith cooperation, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan shared a symbolic Passover Seder with a group of Catholic and Jewish students.”


Adolescent drinking does most harm to brain


Pupils age 11 to learn about gay activity


“Compulsory sex and relationships lessons for 11-year-old children are to include classroom discussions on gay unions and civil partnerships. Secondary pupils will learn about contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), while primary school children will learn about their bodies and friendships, a review of sex education has concluded.”


FCC "fleeting expletive" rule approved for now


“The Supreme Court ruled narrowly Tuesday in favor of a government policy that threatens broadcasters with fines over the use of even a single curse word on live television, yet stopped short of deciding whether the policy violates the Constitution.”


Homeschooling on the rise


“In Florida, the number of home-school students has nearly tripled over the past ten years.  Nationally, the United States Department of Education says the number has swelled to more than a million kids. Home-school experts say it's even higher.”


Teacher suspended after complaining about homosexual training at school


“A… teacher has been suspended from a senior post for complaining that a staff training day was used to promote homosexual rights.  Kwabena Peat, 54, left a compulsory training session with several other… colleagues at the north London school after the speaker, Sue Sanders, invited by the School headteacher, openly questioned why people thought heterosexuality was natural.”


Ohio district lifts Bible ban


“A ban on Bibles in the Mount Vernon, Ohio, public school district has been lifted "for the present time."  In April of last year, teacher John Freshwater was suspended without pay after a conflict arose over a Bible he kept on his desk (see earlier article). Freshwater is currently suing the school over his ongoing suspension.  Now a new controversy has erupted in the school district after another teacher was told to remove her Bible, and then after filing a grievance was allowed to display the Bible "for the present time." Freshwater says this latest incident proves that someone is singling him out.”

"Choose Life" license plates approved in 24 states


Obama warned at "Holocaust" memorial


State threatens: "marry" gays or else


“Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller is warning the county recorders' offices in his state that workers must process "marriage" licenses for same-sex duos or face possible charges in a court of law.  "If necessary, we will explore legal actions to enforce and implement the court's ruling, working with the Iowa Dept. of Public Health and county attorneys," he warned on his website.”


"Catholic" Xavier to host pro-abortion Donna Brazile


“Xavier University in New Orleans, a Catholic institution, has announced plans to honor pro-abortion political commentator and activist Donna Brazile at commencement on May 9, 2009.”


Atheist Berlin to decide on religion's place in schools


Teen tries to quiet voices in his head

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“The intrusive voices popped into William "Bill" Garrett's head. "They're coming for you," the voices told the 18-year-old. "Find somewhere to hide; they're going to get you."  They told the Johns Hopkins University freshman that his father had poisoned the family dog, his sister had injected crystal methamphetamine into his pet lizard and his grandmother had put human body parts into his food.  As schizophrenia took hold, the Maryland teenager became lost within his own mind and had to leave college after winning a full, four-year scholarship.”


The article claims that the voices are a result of schizophrenia.  The truth is that the voices are a result of demonic activity and/or demonic possession.  Demons are speaking internally to him.  Since the people who are trying to solve his problem don’t have the true faith, they are in the dark as to how to help him.


Maine gay "marriage" debate inflames


Sex-Selective abortions in China leave 32 million extra boys


"Environmental" group calls for one-child policy in Australia


“Australia should consider having a one-child policy to protect the planet, an environmental lobby group says.”


"Archbishop" bans Jewish jokes


We fully agree that people should not make mean-spirited jokes about anyone’s race or nationality.  The Catholic Church condemns all forms of racism as sinful and stupid.  However, why is something like this a priority for the V-2 “archbishop,” while nothing is done against heresies and the public promotions of abortion and other abominations?


"Hate Crimes" legislation moves forward


“By a 15-12 vote, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act (H.R. 1913) was reported out of the House Judiciary Committee, paving the way for a vote in the full House next Wednesday. The bill would add gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability to the list of protected categories under federal hate crimes law.”


Vatican bars Arab mayor after Israeli protest


This is another example of what we’ve been talking about with the Vatican II sect and Israel.  A reader wrote in to our E-Exchanges and suggested that perhaps our characterization of Israel being the Vatican II sect’s master was not correct.  In the E-Exchanges we explained what we meant, and the very next day we see another example of it.


"Rent" homosexual show at high school being protested


The fact that stuff like this is being shown at high schools really shows you where we are: “A Kansas-based church known for celebrating at the funerals of American soldiers killed at war plans to protest the staging of the musical "Rent" at an Orange County, Calif., high school Friday… The staging of "Rent," a story of struggling artists in New York City including characters who are gay and diagnosed with AIDS, has created months of controversy at the affluent school.”


Homo "marriage" in CT now official


FDA approves abortion pill for 17-year-olds


Head of German "Catholic" Bishops denies Christ's Redemption

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“According to the chairman of the Catholic bishops' conference of Germany, the death of Jesus Christ was not a redemptive act of God to liberate human beings from the bondage of sin and open the gates of heaven.  The Archbishop of Freiburg, Robert Zollitsch, known for his liberal views, publicly denied the fundamental Christian dogma of the sacrificial nature of Christ's death in a recent interview with a German television station. Zollitsch said that Christ "did not die for the sins of the people as if God had provided a sacrificial offering, like a scapegoat."


This is bold heresy.


Buffalo church to become mosque


“A Muslim group has purchased the former Queen of Peace Catholic Church, rectory, convent and school on Genesee Street and plans to use the complex as a community center and mosque.”


Local Presbyterians approve homosexual clergy


This is another bad fruit of false Christianity.


Vatican condemns Iran for criticizing Israel


The Vatican II sect must immediately speak out whenever its master is criticized: “Vatican has criticized Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's remarks about Israel at a U.N. conference on racism as "extremist and unacceptable" and said the comments promote an atmosphere of conflict.”


Right to talk about Jesus threatened


“A case in which two… including an American, were arrested for talking in public about Jesus will be appealed to the European Court of Human Rights, according to a law firm working on the case… Keffer was accompanied by Norwegian… Petar Keseljevic last year when both were arrested… along a parade route in Oslo, Norway. IHRG officials said they also will continue to watch developments on the situation in Oslo, where Keffer was tagged by police for his message.”


Creationist group says degree plan violates its civil rights


“The Institute for Creation Research has taken its fight to train future science teachers to the federal courthouse.  The Dallas-based group alleges that the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board violated its civil rights by denying the institute's request to offer a master's degree in science education.”


"Catholic" Georgetown to honor pro-abortion Biden



“Georgetown is honoring Vice President Joe Biden tomorrow at a Symposium Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Biden will receive the Legal Momentum Hero Award.”


Couples turn away from religious wedding ceremonies


“The figures show that couples are shunning religious wedding ceremonies in record numbers and going down the civil path to marriage to gain control and avoid pre-marital counseling, the Sunday Telegraph says.”


Church fundraiser turns into pie fight


“At St. Cecillia’s Church in Rochester, Pa., members were stunned when a state food safety inspector told them that they couldn’t sell homemade pies during events anymore — because they were breaking the law.”


Criticism of Israel causes countries to leave U.N "Racism Conference"


Benedict XVI wishes "Orthodox" a happy Easter


This is another small example of how he constantly justifies the non-Catholics in their schism and heresy, without ever calling them to conversion: “Benedict XVI wished Orthodox Christians a happy Easter during an address Sunday from the papal vacation retreat in Castel Gandolfo, outside Rome.  Orthodox… use a different calendar than Catholics to mark the day of Jesus's resurrection.”


Okla. lawmakers OK teaching on religious documents


Religious song banned from school


“A federal judge has banned a Florida elementary school from having children sing a country song, "In God We Still Trust," at a school assembly.”


Israel demands Palestine recognize "Jewish State"


“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a visiting U.S. envoy on Thursday that his government would condition talks over Palestinian statehood on the Palestinians first recognising Israel as a Jewish state.”


ACLU demands schools allow access to gay websites


The ACLU tries to make sure people have access to everything evil, and that everything good is stamped out: “… the American Civil Liberties Union, which on Wednesday gave Metro and Knox County schools an April 29 deadline to announce plans to open access to the non-sexual sites. A letter to the districts threatened lawsuits if they don't comply.”


High School hazing is becoming more brutal


This is an evil product of a depraved culture: “High school hazing, pervading groups from sports teams to the yearbook staff and performing arts, is as widespread as ever but is also growing more "brutal," a new study has found.”


New York governor to propose legalizing same-sex "marriage"


Four Texas P. Parenthood clinics illegally perform abortions


Iowa woman settles unwanted-abortion case


"Catholic" Georgetown says it covered up reference to Jesus for Obama

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“Georgetown University says it covered over the monogram “IHS”--symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ—because it was inscribed on a pediment on the stage where President Obama spoke at the university on Tuesday and the White House had asked Georgetown to cover up all signs and symbols there.”


Statue of Virgin Mary beheaded


"Homeland Security" mentions "abortion opponents" as possible threat


U.S Court of Appeals  weighs Choose Life license plates


Jay Leno to fundraise for pro-abortion group


“Late-night NBC talk show host Jay Leno is coming under fire for plans to host a fundraising event later this month for a prominent pro-abortion organization. A pro-life group is taking Leno to task for announcing that he will host a dinner for the Feminist Majority Foundation.”


Is it ever permissible to go to a validly ordained priest for the sacraments who claims to be Catholic but prays in union with Benedict XVI or holds to some other heresy? [article]


This article deals with an issue that has been a concern for some: whether one may receive Communion at a traditional Mass where the priest professes to be Catholic but holds a heretical position.  These articles will be found, with others on the topic, in the “Where to go to Mass” section of our site.  That’s found in the “Traditional Catholic Issues” section. (Note: these articles do not deal with the invalid New Mass, which a Catholic must always avoid.) 


Quotes on the Benefits and Importance of Holy Communion  [new]


Benedict XVI included Hindu prayers in Good Friday meditation


This is another act of apostasy: “Hindus have applauded Benedict for including verse from ancient Hindu scripture Upanishads in the Good Friday Meditations and Prayers led by him at Roman Colosseum.”


European Court orders Portugal to pay compensation to abortion ship


The European Court of Human Rights has ordered the government of Portugal to pay compensation to the abortion organizations that operate the “Ship of Death,” which was prevented from entering Portuguese waters by the country’s Navy in 2004.”


"Catholic" Georgetown gives platform for Obama speech


“Amid a continuing firestorm of scandal caused by the University of Notre Dame's invitation of President Obama to speak and receive an honorary degree at graduation, Georgetown University will be hosting the President at 11:30 a.m. today for a speech on the economy, according to yesterday's White House press release.” 


This means that the pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality Obama will speak at Notre Dame and Georgetown, two of the most prominent “Catholic” universities in the United States.  What if those universities had invited a speaker who has a different opinion on “the Holocaust”?  How quickly would Benedict XVI act to denounce it and/or stop it?  He would act right way, of course; but inviting one who is pro-abortion to the highest degree doesn’t cause him to say a word.   


Survey: most American "Christians" do not believe the Devil exists


"Pastor" has caged-fighting-themed service for Easter Sunday


This is the kind of thing which heresy and false Christianity sometimes degenerates into: “A Missouri church leader goes to extremes to get people in pews.  He's organized a cage-fighting-themed service for Easter Sunday.  The preacher says he's seen a lot of people, especially young men, become disconnected with their faith.”


Obama’s “Yes we can” slogan in Reverse


This is a 9-minute video about Obama’s campaign slogan “Yes we can” in reverse.  “Yes we can” in reverse says: “Thank you Satan.”  We double-checked this ourselves by recording his audio and reversing it.  We confirmed that it does say, “Thank you Satan.”  This video is amazing and absolutely worth watching.  Please disregard the speaker’s grammatical errors and references to the King James Bible.  This video is particularly interesting because the speaker shows people who might be skeptical or unfamiliar with this how one comes to this conclusion. 


We should point out that we are not saying that everyone who says “yes we can...” followed by other words or in answer to a question or in some other context is thanking Satan.  But if one consistently makes only those three words "Yes we can" one's slogan, one's mantra and even one's “creed” (as his video says)… well, you can connect the dots.


Vandals shoot at historic cross


Mel Gibson's wife files for divorce


Students encouraged to skip school on "Day of Silence"


“A national coalition of pro-family groups are urging parents to keep their students home this coming Friday in protest of the annual "Day of Silence," when students vow silence to bring attention to the discrimination of gay students.”


Fewer Canadians claim to believe in God


ACLU tries to ban Easter Cross in PA


The Free World Bars Free Speech


“In 2008, a 15-year-old boy was arrested for holding up a sign reading "Scientology is not a religion, it is a dangerous cult" outside the organization's London headquarters. Earlier this year, the British police issued a public warning that insulting Scientology would now be treated as a crime.”


While there are some valid points in this article, it’s interesting that almost all of the examples concern people who wanted to criticize Islam and other religions.  There is only a token reference to a British man who was arrested for criticizing Israelis.


Obama's "faith" appointee says New Testament not true


“President Obama has named to his faith-based advisory council a self-professed Christian who holds that the New Testament's teaching that homosexual behavior is unnatural and wrong--which is found in St. Paul's letter to the Romans--“is not true."


V-2 "convert" Tony Blair denies Catholic dogma without consequence


This is another example of why the Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church, and why Benedict XVI is not a valid pope.  One can believe in anything and be a member of their “Church.”  Among his utterances of heresy, Blair did make one true point: "But I think what is interesting is that if you went into any… church, particularly a well-attended one, on any Sunday here and did a poll of the congregation, you'd be surprised at how liberal-minded people were."


Expulsion threatened over prayer for sick teacher


Dublin "Archbishop" says V-2 sex abuse report will shock


“The Archbishop of Dublin said Thursday that an upcoming report on child sexual abuse involving Catholic priests will likely reveal that thousands of youngsters were abused from 1975 to 2004.”


Pro-life bus ad pulled after one complaint


A pro-life ad which reads, "9 months. The length of time an abortion is allowed in Canada," has been removed from six Sarnia Transit city buses after one complaint by a teenager attending a local school.  The Sarnia Observer reported that Miranda Domingue, a student at St. Francis Xavier school, complained in a letter to the paper that she was "outraged" that the city appears to be endorsing a pro-life position by allowing the sign on city buses, and wants Sarnia Transit to apologize.”


The apostate high school student who complained goes to a so-called “Catholic” school.  She should be immediately kicked out of any Catholic school.


Obama hosts Seder dinner


“President Barack Obama hosted close friends and staff at a private White House meal Thursday evening to mark Passover. It's part of the new president's effort to reach out to Jewish voters.”


Hospital chapel crosses removed


“Senior Staff at Sydney’s Royal North Shore Hospital have ordered that crucifixes, Bibles and other Christian symbols be removed from the hospital chapel in order to avoid offending Muslims, Hindus and other non-Christian groups.”


White House invites gay families to Easter event


What an abomination: “The White House is allocating tickets for the upcoming Easter Egg Roll to gay and lesbian parents as part of the Obama administration's outreach to diverse communities.”


New Book


New Book: The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church


This book contains all the information necessary to prove, from the Bible itself, that the Catholic Church is the one true Christian Church.  This book contains very detailed proofs, arguments, and responses to objections on the most important topics.  At the same time, however, it is deliberately as brief as possible so as to avoid unnecessarily long discussions.  The combination of essential details and brevity make this book especially conducive for mass-distribution and interest to the general reader.  The book also contains sub-headings throughout so that the casual readers (or those with less interest) can the find topics and sections that might interest them, no matter where they happen to flip in the book.  We feel very strongly about this book, and we encourage all readers of our website to obtain it.  The book is 125 pages.


See the description of the book on the back cover below.  You can order the book here.

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\mhfm1\public_html\Website_Pictures\bible_book_frontcover.jpgDescription: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\mhfm1\public_html\Website_Pictures\bible_book_backcover.jpg

[Prices in U.S.- 1 copy is $10.00, 25 copies for $12.00, 40 copies for $15.00, 75 copies for $20.00, 100 copies for $25.00, 250 copies for $30.00. Prices include shipping.  Foreign prices: 1 for $10.00, 30 copies for $20.00, 80 copies for $40.00, 250 for $60.00. All of these prices include shipping. Note: foreign orders placed online will list the U.S. price, but they will be adjusted.]


You can read a sample section of the book here: Some Facts about Martin Luther, the Originator of Protestant "Christianity"


This sample section is the very last section in the book.  It’s also the shortest.  It’s an essay on Martin Luther and non-Catholic denominations.  When did Martin Luther (the first Protestant) actually first come up with, and make the stand for, the Protestant “faith”?  The answer might surprise you.  This section also contains: How Old is Your Church?


The permanent page describing the book is here: The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  It will be kept in our “Refuting Protestantism” section.


NH House reverses itself on "transgender" housing


“By a single vote, the House of Representatives today reversed itself and passed legislation making it illegal to discriminate against transgender people in housing or accommodation.”


New York City looking for homosexual tourists


“New York City officials are turning to gays and lesbians to help reduce a projected $4 billion budget deficit.  The nation's largest city unveiled a marketing campaign Tuesday to attract more gay and lesbian tourists from around the country and the world as other U.S. cities compete to strip New York of its title of No. 1 vacation destination for gays and lesbians.”


Texas "Christian" U will set aside apartments for gays, lesbians


“Texas Christian University will designate some on-campus apartments for gay students and their supporters, creating what may be the only such college housing in the region.”


Wyoming "Catholic" Register to cease publication


There is no interest in the lifeless Vatican II religion: “The Cheyenne Diocese of the Catholic Church plans to stop publication of the Wyoming Catholic Register, a church newspaper that was first published in 1952.”


Vermont Legislature legalizes same-sex "marriage"


Pharmacists win battle in conscience-rights case


“Pharmacists in Illinois have been granted a victory in their legal battle over their right of conscience, according to the American Center for Law and Justice, an organization dedicated to protecting constitutional rights.  The state circuit court in Springfield has issued a temporary restraining order against the governor of Illinois, barring him from enforcing a 2005 administrative regulation that forced pharmacies to dispense Plan B and other abortion-inducing drugs.”


Eastern Mich. U ousts student for not affirming homosexual behavior


“Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund Center for Academic Freedom filed a lawsuit against Eastern Michigan University Thursday after school officials dismissed a student from the school's counseling program for not affirming homosexual behavior as morally acceptable.”


Federally funded group advises teens on deciding if they're gay


“A group that has received more than $16 million in grants from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services over the past 15 years maintains Web sites that advise young people on how to decide if they are gay, how to come out to their parents and getting active in causes ranging from abortion to "comprehensive" sex education.”


Personhood bill defeated in North Dakota senate


"Catholic" senators reject conscience-clause


“Pro-life (R-OK) proposed an amendment to the budget bill that would protect the conscience clause for health care workers but sixteen “Catholic” senators voted against it.”


UK Teachers' union calls for an end to "faith schools"


“Teachers' leaders will this week demand the phasing out of the nation's 7,000 state-funded faith schools.  As a first step, delegates at the National Union of Teachers' conference will seek a ban on opening any new faith schools – on the grounds that their admissions policies have created "segregated schooling" in many parts of the country.”


Georgia Legislature passes nation's first embryo adoption law


“By a vote of 108 to 61, the Georgia House sent the nation's first ever embryo adoption bill, HB 388, to the desk of Governor Sonny Perdue for him to sign into law.”


Pro-life float blocked from parade


Oklahoma could allow pregnant women to use deadly force to protect unborn


“Oklahoma lawmakers are close to approving a bill that allows pregnant women to use deadly force to protect their unborn children… The bill was crafted after a Michigan woman who was carrying quadruplets stabbed and killed her boyfriend after he struck her in the stomach. The woman lost the babies and was convicted of manslaughter.  "Pregnant women who refuse to abort their child are too often attacked by their partner in an effort to force a miscarriage," said state Rep. Mike Thompson, who co-authored the bill after Americans United for Life asked him. "Women put in this position should have the legal right to defend themselves, with lethal force if necessary."


Family flees Germany to home-school in U.S.


Shelters adapt for "transgender" homeless


This is awful: “From Phoenix to New York, shelters have fine-tuned policies to recognize preferred gender over birth gender, as they balance the needs of their mainstream clients with those of an unconventional segment of the homeless.”


Vatican sends apostate greeting to Buddhists for Vesakh

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FAA employee wins religious-speech case


“A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employee disciplined for discussing his religious views at work will no longer face punishment, following a federal civil rights lawsuit filed by the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF).”


Iowa court says gay "marriage" ban unconstitutional


Priest uses lemon cola for "baptism"


“A Norwegian church used lemon-flavoured cola instead of water in a baptism ceremony after its taps were temporarily turned off because of freezing temperatures, daily Vaart Land said on Tuesday.”


This is invalid, of course.


Jewish Seder meal at "Catholic" church


“Syracuse teenages, Katie Lord, 16, who is Jewish, and Annemarie Wolken, 16, a Catholic, have organized a model Seder or Passover meal at Holy Cross Catholic Church in DeWitt.”


This is a mortal sin and a denial of the Catholic faith. 


Virginia law says schools must teach benefits of marriage


Detroit “archbishop” goes into Michigan mosque

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He not only goes into the mosque; but he says that the Muslims, who reject Christ, have the faith of Abraham.  That’s a blasphemous rejection of Galatians 3:29, which teaches that only those who accept Christ have the faith of Abraham.  He also sat there as the Muslim introduced him with these words: "God says in the Quran, 'You will certainly find the nearest in friendship to those who say they are Christian,'" he said. "Jesus and Muhammad are none other than but two channels to God.  Let us open our houses of worship to each other." 


This is total apostasy.


Idaho legislature approves conscience-clause for pro-life pharmacists


Members of the Idaho legislature approved a bill on Monday that would provide a conscience clause for pro-life pharmacists. The bill allows pharmacists who don't want to be forced to dispense birth control or drugs that may cause abortions to opt out of doing so.”


Sweden's Parliament approves same-sex "marriage"


Suspended council worker told: No talking about God


Bosses told him that even saying “God bless” was unacceptable.


Condom distribution at church


Mexico's death cult protests shrine destruction


Disestablishment bill aimed at ending anti-Catholic bias blocked


Clinton leaves flowers for Our Lady of Guadalupe, asks "who painted it?"

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“During her recent visit to Mexico, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made an unexpected stop at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and left a bouquet of white flowers “on behalf of the American people,” after asking who painted the famous image. The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was miraculously imprinted by Mary on the tilma, or cloak, of St. Juan Diego in 1531. The image has numerous unexplainable phenomena, such as the appearance on Mary’s eyes of those present in the room when the tilma was opened and the image’s lack of decay.”


100,000 Britons renounce Christianity through "de-baptism"


“More than 100,000 Britons have recently downloaded "certificates of de-baptism" from the Internet to renounce their Christian faith.”


Judge says Texas pledge of allegiance may reference God


“A federal judge has dismissed the claims of a parent who wanted to remove the words "under God" from the Texas pledge of allegiance recited each morning by public schoolchildren.”


Alarm raised about religion defamation ban


“There are concerns being raised about a U.N. religion defamation proposal which could actually suppress religious free speech rights.”


Texas board approves new standards on evolution hoax


V-2 "priest" gets 50 years for rape of child


Science standard challenging evolution hoax debated in Texas


“The Texas Board of Education this week will vote on science standards that critics say seek to cast doubt on the theory of evolution.”


Calls from suicidal children triple


“The number of suicidal children ringing the telephone helpline ChildLine has tripled in the last five years, the service has said.  The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), which runs the line, said 60 suicidal children ring ChildLine each week.”


UK may allow abortion advice ads on radio, TV



“Organizations that provide abortion advice and referrals could run TV and radio ads in Britain for the first time under proposed changes to the nation's advertising codes.”


Planned crucifixion in club blasphemous


“The Music Factory in North Main Street, which regularly hosts themed nights, is staging a mock Crucifixion on Easter Sunday night with an actor playing Jesus on the Cross being whipped by dancers dressed as Roman soldiers.”


Parents sue school district over religious song


“Parents are suing the St. Johns County School Board saying a teacher made their children learn a religious-themed song for an end-of-the-year program.”


Vatican "cardinal" rededicates Mass. menorah

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“The Vatican's top liaison to Jews helped rededicate a menorah in memory of Holocaust victims Wednesday amid fallout from the Holy See's botched decision to the lift the excommunication of a Holocaust-denying bishop.”


This is another act of apostasy by “Cardinal” Kasper.


Coins circulating without "In God we trust"


2.    Abortion Chain Owner's family dies in crash


“What else is the mainstream news not telling you?  The family who died in the crash near the location of the abortion victim's memorial, is the family of Irving 'Bud' Feldkamp, owner of the largest for-profit abortion chain in the nation.”


4.    Satanic sects proliferating in Italy


Over 100,000 US "Christians” back Israel with petition


This is really terrible.  Do these false Christians realize that it’s against the law in Israel to attempt to convert Jews to Christianity?


5.    Tigers' Good Friday opener draws criticism


6.    Hospital faces million-dollar lawsuit for keeping disabled newborn alive


“Montreal Children’s Hospital faces a $3.5 million lawsuit for allegedly putting a couple’s severely disabled newborn daughter back on life support without their consent.”


Benedict XVI enjoying his own heresies


We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file.  Numerous heresies are covered in the new installment, but what’s particularly interesting is this picture of Benedict XVI reading his (i.e., the Vatican’s) own newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.  This is for those who don’t think he’s aware of what’s published therein.  The update covers a new heresy from Benedict XVI on the Jews, the SSPX and more.

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7.    Court gives 17-year-old girls access to morning-after pill


“A federal court in New York on Monday expanded teenagers’ access to Plan B – also known as the morning-after pill or emergency contraception.”


8.    Notre Dame ignores calls to rescind Obama invitation


10. John Paul II to be "beatified" April 2, 2010

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“John Paul II could be beatified on April 2, 2010, exactly five years after his death, according to a report in the Polish newspaper Dziennik, which claims the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints has already made the decision.”


This will be a monumental event.  It will provide more proof that Benedict XVI is an antipope and that the Vatican II sect is the counterfeit Church of the last days.  The Heresies of John Paul II - a comprehensive presentation [PDF file]


11. Two women die at Benedict XVI's youth rally


“… two women who died after being trampled in a stampede on Saturday as they tried to enter a Luanda stadium with a crowd of 30,000… for a youth rally.”


Luxembourg legalizes euthanasia


“The Parliament of Luxembourg approved a law Tuesday legalizing euthanasia by a vote of 30-26, after limiting the powers of the Grand Duke Henry I, who had refused to sanction the measure for reasons of consciences. Luxembourg has thus become the third EU country to enshrine euthanasia… in its law.”


14. STDs a growing trend among America's youth


"It's just very appalling because the sexually transmitted diseases syphilis and Chlamydia now are continuing to rise," she notes. "And Chlamydia is at an all-time high, an historical high, with over a million new cases a year, which is an increase over last year of some seven percent."


16. Kansas legislators approve ultrasound-before-abortion bill


“Kansas legislators approved a pro-life bill Tuesday that would ensure that women and girls seeking abortions are able to see ultrasound images or hear their fetus' heartbeat before the procedure.”


17. Woman forces daughter to have abortion, then dumps baby


“Florida woman has been arrested and charged in connection with a case involving her forcing her teenager daughter to have an abortion. Tonuya Rainey, 38, allegedly obtained drugs from an abortion center to make her daughter have an abortion and then threw the body of the unborn child in the trash.”


1000 Gambians taken by witch doctors


“Up to 1,000 Gambian villagers have been abducted by "witch doctors" to secret detention centres and forced to drink potions, a human rights group says.”


Company actually sells Voodoo pencil case


Benedict XVI encourages Muslims to promote "genuine religion"

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“He noted that Christianity and Islam share some of the same beliefs and called on the leaders to help foster "genuine religion" which involves reason and religious beliefs working in harmony… [Benedict XVI] finished his brief remarks by calling on Muslims to "imbue society with the values that emerge from this perspective and elevate human culture, as we work together to build a civilization of love.”


This is apostasy.  It obviously means that Benedict XVI thinks that Islam can be or is a genuine religion.  Notice how closely Benedict XVI’s statement corresponds to the teaching of the Modernists which was condemned by Pope St. Pius X.  The Modernists asserted, sometimes in a confused and indirect fashion, that every religion is true.  Pius X even makes reference to Islam in explaining how the Modernists teach, in varying ways, the heresy that all religions are true!


Pope St. Pius X, Pascendi (# 14), Sept. 8, 1907: “[According to the Modernists] It is this experience which, when a person acquires it, makes him properly and truly a believer.  How far off we are here from Catholic teaching we have already seen in the decree of the Vatican Council.  We shall see later how, with such theories, added to the other errors already mentioned, the way is opened wide for atheism.  Here it is well to note at once that, given this doctrine of experience united with the other doctrine of symbolism, every religion, even that of paganism, must be held to be true.  What is to prevent such experiences from being met within every religion?  In fact that they are to be found is asserted by not a few.  And with what right will Modernists deny the truth of an experience affirmed by a follower of Islam?  With what right can they claim true experiences for Catholics alone?  Indeed Modernists do not deny but actually admit, some confusedly, others in the most open manner, that all religions are true.  That they cannot feel otherwise is clear.”


U.S. to sign U.N. "Gay Rights" Declaration


Webster's Dictionary redefines "marriage"


40% of U.S. births out of wedlock


“…births to unwed mothers reached an all-time high of about 40 percent, continuing a trend begun years ago. More than three-quarters of these women were 20 or older.”


2.    Teens taking cow medication to abort


“American Life League is reporting an alarming trend in Wisconsin – teenagers drinking large farm animal veterinary medication to self-induce abortions.”


3.    Feds undercut ammo supply


4.    EU bans use of "Miss" and "Mrs."


“The European Parliament has banned the terms 'Miss' and 'Mrs' in case they offend female MEPs... Guidance issued in a new 'Gender-Neutral Language' pamphlet instead orders politicians to address female members by their full name only.”


5.    Homosexual who abandoned wife given custody of children


Vermont begins hearings on same-sex "marriage" bill


“If approved, Vermont would join Massachusetts and Connecticut as the only U.S. states that allow gay ‘marriage.’”


Moment of silence upheld in Texas schools


“A federal appeals court panel has upheld a Texas law that calls for schoolchildren to have a moment of silence during which they can pray, reflect or meditate.”


Missouri report on militias draws criticism

“A new document meant to help Missouri law enforcement agencies identify militia members or domestic terrorists has drawn criticism for some of the warning signs mentioned.  The Feb. 20 report called "The Modern Militia Movement" mentions such red flags as… talk of conspiracy theories, such as the plan for a superhighway linking Canada to Mexico; and possession of subversive literature.


Bilderbergers excite conspiracists


New England is now least religious region in America

“New England… has surpassed the West Coast as the least religious region in America, according to a new major national survey.”


Arsonist with devil-horn tattoos gets 40 yrs


“He has devil horn tattoos on either side of his head but they were covered by his hair at the hearing.”


Coed showers going statewide?


“A "gender identity" plan for coed showers, locker rooms and other public facilities already implemented in one suburban Maryland county could be going statewide, according to alarmed members of a pro-family organization.”


50 V-2 Cleveland churches to close or merge


“Bishop Richard Lennon plans to close 29 of the 224 parishes and merge 41. The decisions are the result of too few priests, parishioners moving from the cities, and dwindling funds.”


UK deports "Christians" under new immigration rules


Obviously we do not consider the individuals mentioned in this article true Christians.  We post this to show people what is going on.


NC keeps abstinence education


Ruling in favor of homosexual student "club"


“A federal judge has ruled that a student club that promotes tolerance for gays at a north Florida high school must be allowed to meet.  U.S. District Judge Henry Adams issued the decision Wednesday in a case involving two students from Yullee High School near Jacksonville.”


Homeschoolers ordered into public classrooms


“A North Carolina judge has ordered three children to attend public schools this fall because the homeschooling their mother has provided over the last four years needs to be "challenged."  The children, however, have tested above their grade levels – by as much as two years.”


Famous "Life" board game pushes same-sex "marriage"


“The online version of a popular board game from many Americans' childhood includes an option for players to choose homosexual marriage and child-rearing as a way of life… The player's first option in the online version is to choose a persona based on pictures that clearly depict men and women. Shortly thereafter, the game invites players to choose a spouse, regardless of the potential spouse's sex.”


Nobel prize winner backs single world currency


1.    Abuse claims rose against V-2 "Catholic" clergy in 2008


“‘Catholic’ dioceses and religious orders saw a rise in molestation claims against clergy last year, according to a new report from U.S. bishops. Nearly all the 803 cases involved adults who said they had been abused as children decades ago.”


UN proposal to criminalize "defamation of Islam"


“A new U.N. resolution circulated today by Islamic states would define any questioning of Islamic dogma as a human rights violation, intimidate dissenting voices, and encourage the forced imposition of Sharia law… While non-binding, the resolution constitutes a dangerous threat to free speech everywhere. It would ban any perceived offense to Islamic sensitivities as a "serious affront to human dignity" and a violation of religious freedom, and would pressure U.N. member states -- at the "local, national, regional and international levels" -- to erode free speech guarantees in their "legal and constitutional systems."


Prominent rabbi praises Benedict XVI for letter

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“A prominent Israeli rabbi on Thursday thanked… Benedict XVI for "clearly" condemning Holocaust denial.”


Chicago "Catholic" schools lock out 300 kids


“Officials at Marian Catholic High School in Chicago were embarrassed last week as 300 students with unpaid tuition bills were turned away from class.”


Benedict XVI to visit Islamic "Dome of the Rock"

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Benedict XVI will “enter a mosque in Jerusalem when he visits the Holy Land in May. The papal nuncio to the Holy Land, Msgr Antonio Franco, said the pontiff will visit the 7th-century Dome of the Rock, which is one of the oldest extant Islamic buildings in the world...”


He will go into a mosque.  He will venerate the “Dome of the Rock” which, in the false religion of Islam, represents their false belief about the false prophet Muhammad going to Heaven.  This will be an act of apostasy which will rival all others by the Vatican II antipopes.  Here are just three quotes which express the Catholic Church’s teaching on the false religion of Islam. (The citations are found in our book and in our articles.)  We also have some very interesting new quotes on this topic which we hope to post soon.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Basel, 1434: “… there is hope that very many from the abominable sect of Mahomet will be converted to the Catholic faith.”


Pope Callixtus III: “… the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [Islam] in the East.”


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. II, Q. 12, A. 1, Obj. 2: “… if anyone were to… worship at the tomb of Mahomet, he would be deemed an apostate.”


The Philippines considers government-funded contraception


Florida lawmaker files bills which would legalize gay adoption


“As gay rights advocates and religious groups queue up in an effort to influence the outcome of a Miami appeals court case that will help decide whether gay people can adopt children in Florida, a state lawmaker has quietly introduced two bills that could render the dispute moot.  State Sen. Nan Rich, a Weston Democrat who is co-chair of the Senate Children & Families Committee, has filed a bill to repeal the 1977 Florida law that prohibits gay men and lesbians from adopting children.”


Atheists say roadside crosses are "government religion"


“A federal appeals court is weighing Utah's use of crosses on roadside memorials honoring fallen highway patrol troopers, trying to decide if they are an endorsement of religion or a nonreligious, secular symbol of death.”


There is a God ad draws more than 1,000 complaints


“Response to humanists' bus campaign is fourth most criticised ad of all time, says watchdog.”


Teen committed suicide over "sexting"


We post this because it sadly illustrates the truth of Romans 6:23, “The wages of sin is death…”


“The image was blurred and the voice distorted, but the words spoken by a young Ohio woman are haunting. She had sent nude pictures of herself to a boyfriend. When they broke up, he sent them to other high school girls. The girls were harassing her, calling her a slut and a whore. She was miserable and depressed, afraid even to go to school.  And now Jesse Logan was going on a Cincinnati television station to tell her story. Her purpose was simple: “I just want to make sure no one else will have to go through this again.  The interview was in May 2008. Two months later, Jessica Logan hanged herself in her bedroom. She was 18.”


1.    Creationism should be taught in science lessons

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“Guidance is being sent to dozens of secondary schools highlighting how the Biblical story of creation can be used in classes for 11 to 14-year-olds.  It is being employed as part of a joint syllabus for science and religious education.”


2.    Australia ends ban on abortion-related overseas aid


“In a decision condemned by church groups, Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said in a statement he was lifting a 13-year policy outlawing the use of development aid funds for abortion-related activities and services.”


Survey finds more Americans have no religion


"Archdiocese" of Chicago offers free sex-abuse therapy


“The Archdiocese of Chicago announced yesterday that it will begin sponsoring free therapy groups for men and women who suffered from sexual abuse as children. This comes on the heels of its annual report released earlier this month that revealed the Archdiocese paid more than $15.8 million in legal settlements related to sexual abuse in 2008 - bringing its total in claims over the last decade to $80.2 million.”


Atheists may be able to sue companies that hang crucifixes


“Organizations which hang crucifixes on walls could be sued if they upset atheists under equality laws proposed by the European Union.  Any group offering a service to the public, including hospitals, charities, businesses and prisons, would be at risk.”


Elementary school blots out "in God we trust"


“An elementary school in Tennessee, after successfully rebuffing an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit over religious expression on campus, has nonetheless ordered the words "God Bless the USA" and "In God We Trust" covered up on student-made posters in the hallway.”


Homosexual sues Red Cross for refusing his blood


Obama health summit omits pro-life groups, includes abortion groups


“President Barack Obama has apparently shut out pro-life groups from attending today's health care summit to dialogue on how health care reform should be implemented. However, the White House had no problem inviting Planned Parenthood and other groups that support abortion.”


Parents face prosecution over school gay week protest


“Parents who took their children out of school in protest at them being taught about gay, bisexual and transgender history could be prosecuted.”


1.    Police force invites young schoolchildren to write essays on homosexuality


“A police force is asking young schoolchildren to write an essay offering their thoughts on homosexuality and transsexuality… Pupils will be asked what the slogan of the LGBT's history [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender] month "means to them".


Vatican II church features clown Stations of the Cross

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Notice the second item on the calendar in the upper right: “Have you ever seen Clown Stations of the Cross? If so, then you know what a very memorable, moving experience it is.”


Creationist Silenced at Vatican's Evolution Conference


“At the end of the first session Oktar Babuna, a Turkish doctor and collaborator of prominent Turkish anti-Darwin campaigner Harun Yahya, asked for the floor to put forward a question. Babuna… spoke about his view that there were insufficient transitional forms from species to species to support the theory of evolution.  After he began speaking two professors on the dias, Francisco J. Ayala of the University of California at Irvine and Douglas Futuyma of the State University of New York were visibly irritated. Someone in the hall can be heard saying “turn the microphone off” and seconds later two organisers approached Babuna. One of them abruptly took the microphone away from Babuna and another ordered him to go back to his seat.”


The Vatican II Church, which purports to represent the Catholic faith, is not only holding a conference in favor of evolution, but silencing people who question it. 


Fort Worth "Diocese" settles abuse claims


“The Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth on Wednesday reached another settlement involving sexual abuse claims against three now-deceased priests.”


A 2nd State lets doctors lend help in suicide


“Assisted suicide becomes legal in Washington on Thursday… Washington’s law is essentially identical to the one in Oregon, the only other state that allows doctors to prescribe lethal medications. It is the first in the country since the Supreme Court ruled in 2006 that states had a right to adopt such measures.”


1.    Vatican can be sued for clergy abuse, judges rule


“A federal appeals court ruling has brought an Oregon man one step closer to suing the Vatican for sexual abuse he says he suffered by a… priest.”


Vatican II sect claims that Evolution and creation are complementary


This is nonsense.  Evolution is a hoax which is incompatible with the truth of the Bible, with Catholic faith, with common sense, with scientific facts, and with the infinitely intelligent God.


Man sues La. school over religious speech policy


“A federal judge made an initial ruling Tuesday in favor of a Louisiana university being sued by a [man] who claims he was threatened with arrest if he didn't stop speaking on campus.  U.S. District Judge Ivan Lemelle refused to grant a preliminary injunction requested by the Alliance Defend Fund, a… civil rights group that claims Southeastern Louisiana University stifled… Jeremy Sonnier's constitutional right to speak on campus. The group wanted to temporarily block the school from enforcing its speech policy while the lawsuit is argued.”


Cardinal Mahony bans all "Holocaust" deniers from LA "archdiocese"

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“Cardinal Roger Mahony on Tuesday took the unusual step of banning Holocaust-denying British Bishop Richard Williamson from any Roman Catholic church, school or other facility in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.  Holocaust deniers like Williamson will find no sympathetic ear or place of refuge in the Catholic Church, of which he is not — and may never become — a member," said a commentary signed jointly by Mahony, head of the nation's largest archdiocese, and two officials of the American Jewish Committee.”


This is fascinating.  Like Benedict XVI, his “bishops” are excluding from their ecclesial “communion” any “Holocaust” deniers.  Anyone who knows anything about “Cardinal” Mahony (the apostate phony) knows that he is one of the most outrageous heretics in the Vatican II hierarchy. (Considering that they are all heretics, that’s saying a lot.)  He has no problem with paganism and unbelief of every kind, and he tolerates the promotion of homosexuality and pro-abortion public figures.  “Cardinal” Mahony told the National Catholic Reporter (May 21, 2004) that he would welcome the pro-abortion John Kerry to receive “Communion” in his “diocese.”


However, when it comes to the “dogma” of the world (the “Holocaust”), he is now suddenly rigid.  Think about that.  What more proof does one need that the evil spirit is behind this imposition of “faith” in the “Holocaust,” and that the Vatican II sect is the Counter Church of the world?  Also consider how the Counter Church is falling right in line with the position of Antipope Benedict XVI.  What he imposes (“faith” in the “Holocaust”) is likewise being backed up and imposed on the local level, even by the most heretical and liberal among them.  This demonstrates that the toleration of pro-abortion public figures goes right back to his door.  It would stop if he wanted it to stop it.


UK religious schools could be forced to promote Islam, homosexuality


“Church schools could be forced to promote Islam and homosexuality under a new legally-binding code of conduct for teachers, it is feared.”


George Mason picks drag queen as homecoming queen


“George Mason University senior Ryan Allen dresses in drag and doesn't mind being called a queen — homecoming queen, to be exact.  Allen, who is gay and performs in drag at nightclubs in the region, said he entered the homecoming contest as a joke, competing as Reann Ballslee, his drag queen persona.”


SSPX threatens Williamson with expulsion


“SPIEGEL: So why don't you exclude Williamson from the society?

Fellay: That will happen if he denies the Holocaust again.”


Notice how the heretic Fellay is so concerned with kowtowing to the world – with pleasing those who couldn’t care less about the authentic Catholic faith.


Ban on a type of prayer in school allowed to stand


Benedict XVI giving Devil sign

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Poll: 4 out of 5 Britons repudiate Creationism


“The east of England may be the most godless region of the UK, according to a "belief map" published by a theology thinktank today. Almost half of adults there believe the theory of evolution makes God obsolete, and more than 80% disagree with creationism and intelligent design, which propose that humans were created by God in the past 10,000 years, and that life owes its complexity to divine intervention.”


Williamson falsely billed as "Nazi apologist"


This is quite interesting.  Since he simply expressed a different opinion on the number of Jews who were killed, he is falsely labeled as a “Nazi apologist.”  This is another example of how people lie, how myths are constructed, and how people are brainwashed.


1.    Williamson to Fight German Extradition


“British bishop Richard Williamson is to fight with all legal means any extradition request from Germany over remarks he made in that country denying the Holocaust, it was reported Sunday.  The Sunday Telegraph newspaper quoted his lawyer Kevin Lowry- Mullins as saying this after German Justice Minister Brigitte Zypries told journalists last week that Berlin could demand Williamson's extradition to face court proceedings for Holocaust denial.”


2.    University presses on toward abortion facility


“In spite of very vocal opposition, the University of Wisconsin is continuing to pursue plans to do second-trimester abortions at the Madison Surgery Center.”


3.    White House to reverse conscience clause


“The Obama administration plans to reverse a regulation… allowing health-care workers to refuse to provide services based on moral objections, an official said Friday… Under the rule, workers in health-care settings -- from doctors to janitors -- can refuse to provide services, information or advice to patients on subjects such as contraception, family planning, blood transfusions and even vaccine counseling if they are morally against it.”


This is sick.  What’s perhaps most remarkable about this is that these evil people shouldn’t even care if some workers don’t want to perform abortions, provide contraception, etc; for there are plenty of others who will do the evil deed.  Despite what they claim, this isn’t about making the “services” available to all who might “need them”; it’s about imposing abortion, contraception, etc. upon the health-care industry.  It’s so evil, and they are so evil. 


4.    Germany is considering arresting Williamson


“Germany is considering issuing an arrest warrant for Bishop Richard Williamson over his controversial claim that no Jews died in the gas chambers during the Second World War.  The 69-year-old British-born bishop made the comments during an interview with Swedish television last year at a seminary for the Society of Saint Pius X in the Bavarian village of Zaitzkoven, near Munich… Germany's Justice Minister, Brigitte Zypries, confirmed yesterday that officials were considering issuing a European Union-wide arrest warrant for Williamson, who flew into Britain earlier this week after being expelled from the Argentine seminary where he had been living for much of the past five years.”


5.    Pro-abortion "Catholic" Sebelius nominated for Health post

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“Saturday evening it was announced that Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, a professed Catholic who supports abortion, has accepted a position in President Obama’s Cabinet as secretary of health and human services.”


This is just another example of the outrage, the abomination, the sin that cries to Heaven, of a prominent so-called “Catholic” who supports abortion and is not excommunicated by the Vatican II antipopes.


6.    Virginia panel kills police prayer measure


“A state senate committee voted Monday against a bill that would allow state police chaplains to pray in the name of Jesus Christ…”


Vatican says Williamson's apology "not enough"


This is really something: “The Vatican says the apology issued by a bishop who denied the Holocaust is not enough to admit him into the church as a clergyman.”


8.    Man gets 6 years over "Holocaust" statement


10. CA minors can purchase adult-rated video games


“The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has struck down a California law designed to prevent the sale of adult video games to minors.”


3 "Catholic" Universities celebrate promiscuity, porn


“… to begin the holy season of Lent, students at three Jesuit “Catholic” universities are busy celebrating extramarital sex, homosexuality, cross-dressing and pornography...”


Williamson apologizes; his quandary

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Bishop Williamson just issued another apology for his denial of the “Holocaust.”  He didn’t repudiate his view, but apologized again for telling the truth on the issue.  He said: "If I had known beforehand the full harm and hurt to which they would give rise, especially to the church, but also to survivors and relatives of victims of injustice under the Third Reich, I would not have made them," Williamson was quoted as saying in the statement carried by the Zenit Catholic news agency.”


It’s obviously disappointing that he would apologize.  Williamson is under all kinds of pressure, so he is trying to please the Counter Church and the Jewish power structure.  His reference to Antipope Benedict XVI (in the full text of the apology) reveals again how he is devoid of the true faith.  Williamson is in quite a quandary.  They intend to prosecute him in three different countries.  We must say, however, that this quandary could have been avoided if he had been more prudent.  We believe he lacks this prudence because he is not a true Catholic. 


Here’s what he should have done.  Williamson has known for a long time that it’s against the law in Germany to deny the “Holocaust.”  Since this is not a matter of faith, it’s not a question he must answer in Germany.  So, when he was asked about it in Germany, he should have said: “I cannot answer that question here.  I can answer your question when I arrive back home in a free country.”  Or, he could have said: “I will answer your question if you call me when I arrive in a non-Jewish country.”  Or: “I cannot comment on that here.  I can comment if you contact me once I’m in a country where there is no union of Synagogue and State.”  And then he could have done the interview and said the same things while in a free country.


Here’s the big problem for Williamson.  The Jews want to put him away – big time.  He has embarrassed them.  The only way that we don’t see them going after him is if he repudiates his view – and probably if he joins the Counter Church which they run from afar.  If he does that, it would be even more damaging to the Jews to be jailing a bishop who is in full union with the Counter Church for having expressed a historical opinion.  Everyone would then see how they control nations and would react with anger.  However, if he remains independent and doesn’t repudiate his views, they will almost certainly try to have him jailed with the full force of their influence. 


Steubenville "Diocese" forced to close churches


“A major decision is made by the Diocese of Steubenville to close several churches and consolidate others… In all 13 churches are set to close because of a lack of priests and parishioners.”


Bishop Williamson scuffles with reporter


“A Holocaust-denying bishop flew out of Argentina under a government expulsion order on Tuesday after scuffling with a reporter at the airport.”


"Cardinal" of Boston bows to Jewish agenda in meeting

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“Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley, facing a group of local Jewish leaders upset by the Vatican's decision to lift the excommunication of a Holocaust denier, yesterday declared the Holocaust to be "the worst crime in human history" and pledged to move a Holocaust memorial to the new Braintree headquarters of the Archdiocese of Boston.”


This is amazing.  He says that the “Holocaust” (i.e., what he thinks occurred) is the worst crime in history.  According to him, it’s worse than the Crucifixion, worse than the murder of tens of millions by the Communists, and anything else.


Benedict XVI’s new outrageous heresies


We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file. 

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\mhfm1\public_html\Benedict_XVI_Pictures_Miscellany\shoah2.jpg

No photos of Benedict XVI with Pelosi


As we pointed out in our E-Exchanges, Antipope Benedict XVI didn’t even mention the word “abortion” to Pelosi.  He didn’t excommunicate her or even bar her from Novus Ordo “Communion.”  He simply issued a bland statement on human life, which she will ignore with no problem. 


Our point in drawing attention to the above link is that there was obviously a calculated reason that photos and cameras were not allowed.  This unusual step was taken, we believe, because the pictures would have shown Benedict XVI greeting Pelosi (an apostle of abortion and contraception) in a very friendly way.  Pictures can be very powerful.  If his friendly meeting with Pelosi had been captured, it would have been very damaging to his image as a “conservative” – a myth that is critical to keeping duped souls in the Counter Church.  That’s why there were no photos: they would have shown Benedict XVI fully accepting Pelosi.


From the article: “Who visits the pope and goes home without a photo?  Evidently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. There were no news cameras present when the Catholic politician who supports abortion-rights met the pontiff who opposes them. And any private pictures may be staying that way. Pelosi's office did not release any.”


Americans pick Obama as personal "hero"


“President Barack Obama’s popularity overwhelms that of Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa, according to a new poll that shows Obama as the person Americans named as their hero.”


MTV Goes Hunting for Teenage Wiccans


Man found not guilty at Jewish "hate trial"


This man was tried and convicted in Canada because he said things which are offensive to Jews.  The conviction was eventually set aside and then overturned, but this whole ordeal is quite revealing.  “David Ahenakew, a former senator with the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, has been found not guilty of wilfully promoting hatred against Jewish people.”


Lutheran panel supports gay unions and "clergy"


“A task force of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America recommended Thursday that its leaders officially recognize same-sex unions and allow gays in committed relationships to serve as clergy… If approved, the measures would change church policy, which allows ordination of gay clergy but requires them to be celibate.”


Homosexuals Could Head Presbyterian Congregations


“The controversial stance of keeping homosexuals from joining the Presbyterian clergy has just been dropped. A group representing the majority of Presbyterians in Alabama has cast a vote that could call for a big division within the denomination.”


1.    UK libraries move bibles to top shelf to appease Muslims


“Muslims have complained that the Koran is often displayed on the lower shelves… Now library officials in one city have been told to keep all “holy books,” including the Bible, on the top shelves in the interests of equality… this will put the Bible out of the reach and sight of many people.”


3.    Counselor suspended because teens heard "Christian" music


“A veteran youth counselor is suing a California children's home after she was suspended without pay because teenagers under her supervision overheard Christian music. In a suit filed on Feb. 13, Maureen Loya charged Orangewood Children's Home with religious discrimination for slapping her with a six-week suspension for "exposing children to unapproved religious activities."


We are obviously not implying that the music they heard was truly Christian, but simply letting people know what’s going on. 


Satanist inmate sues county

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“A Billings man in prison for drug possession has filed a $10 million federal lawsuit against Yellowstone County for alleged civil-rights violations, including interference with his satanic religious practices… Indreland said he has been a practicing Satanist for the past decade and the confiscated medallion was a "protective symbol" in his religion. The lawsuit claims jail staff refused to return the medallion or allow Indreland access to a "Satanic Bible or Book of Satanic Rituals."


Man jailed for opposing abortion on public sidewalk


“Today… Walter Hoye of Berkeley, California was sentenced to serve 30-days in county jail by Judge Hing of the Alameda Superior Court after being found guilty on January 15, 2009, of unlawfully approaching a person entering an abortion clinic in Oakland.”


Jewish teenager attacks "Jews for Jesus" shop


“Student Jaron Hoffenberg has been given a good behaviour bond after pleading guilty to vandalising the Jews for Jesus’ storefront in Bondi Junction last month.  In Downing Centre Local Court on Friday, February 20, Magistrate William Brydon said he was satisfied that Hoffenberg, 19, from Dover Heights, was repentant for his actions in the early morning of January 29 when he urinated on the Oxford Street store’s door and threw a brick through its window, causing about $3000 worth in damage.”


Lutherans weigh making gay clergy a local decision


“The nation's largest Lutheran denomination will consider allowing individual congregations to choose whether to allow gays and lesbians in… relationships to serve as clergy, an attempt to avoid the sort of infighting that has threatened to tear other churches apart.”


So the Lutheran denomination, which was the first Protestant sect, is open to having practicing homosexual “clergy.”  This is another example of why Protestantism is false Christianity, and why none of the Protestant denominations are part of the true Church.    


Spain saw 100,000 marriages end in first 9 months of 2008


“The Institute for Family Policy in Spain warned that the 100,000 marriages that ended during the first nine months of 2008 revealed that the breakdown of the family continues to be the main problem in Spanish homes and that leaders have not made up their minds to do anything to resolve it.”


Williamson ordered to leave Argentina


“Argentina has given a… bishop who denies the extent of the Holocaust 10 days to leave the country or else he will be expelled, the government said today.  Bishop Richard Williamson… who headed a seminary near Buenos Aires until earlier this month, has said he believes there were no gas chambers and that no more than 300,000 Jews died in Nazi concentration camps, rather than the 6 million figure...”


This proves that Argentina is also a Jewish state.  Its government and laws uphold the beliefs which are important to Jews and Israel.


Oregon "Jesuit" Province files for bankruptcy


More bad fruits of the Vatican II sect: “Confronted by scores of lawsuits alleging sex abuse by priests, the Jesuits of the Oregon Province have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.”


2.     Amazing "Holocaust" hoax covered by ABC News [link to 5-minute ABC News video]


This is a link to a 5-minute video clip about the Herman Rosenblat “Holocaust” hoax.  It’s called “Holocaust Memoir Faker Speaks.”  A reader sent this to us and said it was “amazing.”  We have to agree.  It’s extremely interesting for a number of reasons.  First, notice how Rosenblat admits that he made the whole thing up and that it’s completely untrue, but then argues that he did not lie.  He proceeds to say that his story is true, even though he admits it was made up!  Second, notice how his wife went right along with the lie.  She fully participated in the hoax.  This is a prime example of how dishonest people are and how dishonest they can be.  They will invent stories; they will lie in community fashion; they will completely go along with the lies of those close to them, especially if there is momentum behind them.  Third, notice how Rosenblat says that he would do it again.


Two Brits jailed in California for denying "Holocaust"


This is really something.  It’s apparently against a certain law in Britain to offend the Jewish power structure.  So, upon arrival in the U.S., they were promptly jailed and are in custody under the U.S. Department of “Homeland Security.”  


3.    Oklahoma Intelligent Design bill barely fails


“The Senate Education Committee on Monday narrowly defeated legislation to allow classroom discussion of alternative theories to evolution, along with other topics… The vote was 7-6 against Sen. Randy Brogdon's Scientific Education and Academic Freedom Act.”


It barely failed.  That’s a shame.


"Gay-rights” bill wins first round


“A bill making it easier for gays and lesbians to leave property to their partners and visit each other in the hospital is closer to approval in the Colorado Legislature.  The measure was approved by the House Judiciary Committee Monday and sent to the full House for debate.”


North Dakota passes the first Personhood bill


“Signaling the growing momentum of the personhood movement, North Dakota lawmakers approved HB 1572 with a vote of 51-41. Rep. Dan Ruby introduced the "Personhood" bill, which affirms the rights of pre-born humans and states: "For purposes of interpretation of the constitution and laws of North Dakota, it is the intent of the legislative assembly that an individual, a person, when the context indicates that a reference to an individual is intended, or a human being includes any organism with the genome of homo sapiens."


4.    Benedict XVI to meet with pro-abortion Pelosi


“On Monday at noon in Rome, the Vatican’s Press Office confirmed to CNA that… Benedict will be receiving U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in an audience at noon on Wednesday. Pelosi, a self-proclaimed "ardent Catholic" who has sparked significant criticism from fellow Catholics in the U.S. for her pro-abortion views, arrived in Italy on Sunday for an eight-day official visit.”


She is essentially an “apostle” of abortion and contraception.  To meet with her, without excommunicating her, will constitute another abomination.  It will be another example of Benedict XVI’s heresy, apostasy and outrageous hypocrisy.


5.    Daytime TV will feature first lesbian "wedding"


An "All My Children" episode will feature characters who take part in a lesbian “wedding.”  This will be the first of its kind on daytime TV.


Obviously this is horrible.


6.    Student claims he was silenced, harassed for opposing gay "marriage"


“Student Jonathan Lopez says his professor called him a "fascist…" and refused to let him finish his speech against same-sex marriage during a public speaking class last November, weeks after California voters approved the ban on such unions.”


7.    TV stations drop program exposing homosexual agenda after complaints


“Two TV stations have pulled from their lineup a television special on the "homosexual agenda" that they deemed too "controversial."  WOOD-TV in Grand Rapids, Mich., and WSYX-TV in Columbus, Ohio, both canceled the paid television program "Speechless...Silencing the Christians," produced by the American Family Association, after gay rights activists "bombarded" the stations with protesting calls and e-mails.”


9.    Obama's face appears on prayer candles

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“Store owners Robert Ramsey and David Eiland say they've sold more than 700 candles since putting them on display over the Christmas holiday.”


10. Apostate German "cardinal" wants Williamson response now on "Holocaust"


“Cardinal Karl Lehmann, a long-time former chair of Germany's Catholic bishops' conference, told Deutschlandfunk radio that Williamson, who belongs to the… Society of Saint Pius X, must quickly clarify his views on the Holocaust.”


By the way, since they continue to make a fuss about their "Holocaust" dogma (while they let real heresies run rampant), here's a 3-minute video clip on why Treblinka (one of the alleged extermination camps) was not an extermination camp.  This has been added to our Holocaust page.






14.  Over 900 massacred in Congo since Christmas


16.      Woman booted from team for being heterosexual


18. Brazil says 99% are "homophobic," need re-education

“The Brazilian government has determined that 99% of its citizens are "homophobic," and therefore must be reeducated, according to the Brazilian newspaper O Globo.”


19.  Mother Teresa advisor gets 25 years in prison


20. Benedict XVI says "Holocaust" denial "unacceptable"


22.  “Benedict XVI said Thursday any minimization of the Holocaust was unacceptable, especially for a priest, as he met with Jewish leaders in hopes of ending the rancor over a bishop who denied 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis.”


But it’s okay, according to him, to deny Vatican I, the Council of Trent and Jesus Christ Himself.


23. Ireland's search for unbaptized babies' graves reflects new theology

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This is an interesting article about how Vatican II “priests” in Ireland are searching for the graves of unbaptized babies.  They are searching for them because they now (heretically) believe that unbaptized babies were wrongly excluded from consecrated ground.  This article clearly demonstrates that the Vatican II sect believes that unbaptized babies can be saved without Baptism.  That is heresy.  It was dogmatically defined by the Councils of Florence and Trent that children cannot be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism.  This article is thus a clear example of how the Vatican II religion is a new heretical religion.


“Archaeologists began searching Tuesday for unmarked mass graves containing hundreds of unbaptized babies and infants buried by the Catholic Church on the edge of a Belfast cemetery…"We're coming out of what we can only regard as a mistaken theology of a hundred years ago," said the Rev. John McManus, a Belfast priest who has been working with local families..."


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Session 11, Feb. 4, 1442, ex cathedra: “Regarding children, indeed, because of danger of death, which can often take place, when no help can be brought to them by another remedy than through the sacrament of baptism, through which they are snatched from the domination of the Devil [original sin] and adopted among the sons of God, it advises that holy baptism ought not be deferred for forty or eighty days, or any time according to the observance of certain people…”


Pope Martin V, Council of Constance, Session 15, July 6, 1415 - Condemning the articles of John Wyclif  - Proposition 6: “Those who claim that the children of the faithful dying without sacramental baptism will not be saved, are stupid and presumptuous in saying this.” - Condemned


Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, On Original Sin, Session V, ex cathedra:  “If anyone says that recently born babies should not be baptized even if they have been born to baptized parents; or says that they are indeed baptized for the remission of sins, but incur no trace of the original sin of Adam needing to be cleansed by the laver of rebirth for them to obtain eternal life, with the necessary consequence that in their case there is being understood a form of baptism for the remission of sins which is not true, but false: let him be anathema.”


Boston College brings back crucifixes

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This is a step in the right direction, but obviously Boston College is still not Catholic.  It’s interesting how this move is angering so many.  That’s not surprising because the Devil hates the crucifix: “Some Boston College professors and students say… crucifixes in its classrooms is "offensive" and a break from the Jesuit tradition of tolerance.  The Boston Herald reports that Amir Hoveyda, head of BC's chemistry department, blasted the school in an e-mail to the Herald for "not being interested in an exchange with its faculty members."


The Jesuit tradition of tolerance?  No, the real Catholic Jesuits (such as St. Isaac Jogues, St. Francis Xavier, and the rest) did not tolerate heresy or false religions, but professed in charity and without compromise the absolute necessity of the one true faith.  This just shows us how much the post-Vatican II apostates have corrupted Catholic tradition and disgraced the religious orders.  For examples of why Boston College is not a real Catholic college, see: The Deplorable State of "Catholic" Colleges and Universities [PDF File].


Bankrupt California buys ads for gay adoption


"Facing a $42 billion deficit and a state debt that grows by $28,000 every minute, California has managed to find enough room in its budget to sponsor an elaborate statewide campaign to promote homosexual adoption."


Benedict XVI to visit "Holocaust" site, mosque during Mideast trip


“Benedict XVI will… visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem during his planned May trip to the Holy Land, according to reports…. According to the Italian daily Il Giornale, soon after arriving in Amman, Jordan, on May 8, [he] will visit a mosque, his second visit to a place of Muslim worship since he prayed at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul in 2006.”


These visits will constitute more acts of apostasy by Antipope Benedict XVI. 


Blows struck against Defense of Marriage Act


“Attorneys on both sides of the same-sex marriage issue agree that two administrative rulings last week from different judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California were blows to the federal Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA.”

Chronically ill girl was given vaccine


“Suddenly, Ashley Ryburn was sick all the time, and her mother didn't understand why… A vaccine? Lisa Holtman is convinced that's what turned her perfectly healthy daughter into a chronically ill teenager.  In August and October 2007, Ashley was given doses of Gardasil, a vaccine recommended for adolescent girls to prevent cervical cancer. Her first Gardasil shot was given in conjunction with a meningitis vaccine.”


Benedict XVI’s new outrageous heresies vis-à-vis the Russian “Orthodox”


We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file. 

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\mhfm1\public_html\Benedict_XVI_with_schismatics\all_russia.jpg

There are some very significant new heresies from Benedict XVI with regard to the Russian “Orthodox” Church and Patriarch.  For those who don’t know, the Russian “Orthodox” are not Catholic.  (The same is true of the Greek "Orthodox," etc.)  They reject Catholic dogmas on papal primacy and papal infallibility.  They are heretical and schismatic.  If you get into a debate or discussion or dispute with someone who is defending Antipope Benedict XVI, just say to him: a man cannot be a true pope (the head of the Catholic Church) while he is also part of the schismatic “Orthodox” Church; and Benedict XVI is part of the “Orthodox” Church.  If he wants proof for the assertion that Benedict XVI is part of the schismatic “Orthodox” Church, just show him the new heresy in the link above (as well as those we’ve already documented). 


SSPX sacks bishop from seminary


A “British bishop who denies the Holocaust has been removed from his post as the head of a… seminary in Argentina.”


Following in line with the Counter Church of the world (the Vatican II sect), the SSPX considers the Jewish version of the “Holocaust” to be a Catholic “dogma.” Relevant files: SSPX, Holocaust.


12 states considering ultrasound abortion bills


“Lawmakers in 12 states are considering bills that would offer or require ultrasounds before a woman gets an abortion.”


Atheism-humanism to be taught as "religion" in Australian schools


“Victorian primary school students will soon have religious education lessons taught by people who do not believe in God and say there is "no evidence of any supernatural power". The Humanist Society has developed a curriculum, which the State Government accreditation body says it intends to approve, for accredited volunteers to deliver 30-minute lessons each week of "humanist applied ethics" to pupils in the class time designated for religious instruction. As with lessons delivered by faith groups, parents will be able to request that their children do not participate.”


Italy in constitutional crisis over removal of food for woman in coma


“The Italian government is in a constitutional crisis after President Giorgio Napolitano refused to sign a decree by the Berlusconi government to prevent the removing of feeding tubes of long term coma patient Eluana Englaro.”


Nurse suspended for offering to pray reinstated


“A nurse who was suspended without pay for asking a patient whether she would like to be prayed for has been reinstated and will return to work in the next few days.”


Stimulus bill attacks freedom of assembly, worship


“President Obama's proposed economic stimulus plan makes a deliberate – and unconstitutional – attempt to censor religious speech and worship on school campuses across the nation, according to a lawyer who argued related cases before the U.S. Supreme Court 20 years ago and won them all.  "This isn't like a convenient oversight. This is intentional…’”


Video: “Holocaust” Debunked


This is a very interesting 3-part video debunking the official Jewish version of the “Holocaust” (10 minutes each part).  It was done by a person named Mark Weber.  (We do not necessarily endorse any of his other views, just the facts he brings out refuting the official “Holocaust” story.)  There are some very important points raised in this presentation.  It’s important for people to stick with this especially through the 3-minute mark (starting about 3:16 to be exact) because that's when he gets into how the official story has changed.


Among the important points covered in this presentation are: -how it was officially claimed and supposedly proved at Nuremberg (and “verified" by governments) that there were gassings of Jews at camps in Germany proper, such as Dachau.  That is now completely rejected by everyone.  Now it is only claimed that there were gassings at six camps in what is now Poland.  (The only reason that people still claim gassings at those camps in Poland is because those camps came under Soviet control after the war and couldn't be investigated by the West.)  As this individual points out, the "evidence" for the so-called gassings at the camps in Poland is neither qualitatively different nor more abundant than the already discredited and rejected "evidence" for gassings at camps in Germany proper (which no one believes).


-He covers and refutes the so-called confession of Rudolph Hoess and many other important points, including how it was officially claimed at Nuremberg that Jews were steamed to death in steam chambers (a lie which no one, including the Jewish "Holocaust" community, now believes).  This will be added to our Holocaust page.




Vermont moves closer to legalizing gay "marriage"


“Nine years after becoming the first state to permit civil unions, Vermont moved a step toward legalizing gay marriage Friday.”


"Holocaust"-denying bishop says he will review evidence


“A traditionalist bishop who denies the full extent of the Holocaust has said he must review historical evidence before considering an apology to Jews.”


We will have some comments in our E-Exchanges about why we think he said this and what we believe is going on.


2 more Chicago "Catholic" schools to close


“The Archdiocese of Chicago announced Friday it would shutter two more Catholic schools.  St. Priscilla on Chicago's Northwest Side and St. Beatrice in Schiller Park (both of them preschool through eighth grade) will close in June.”


The Bishop Williamson Interview


This is the 5-minute interview which has created so much controversy recently.  While we are glad that he spoke out against the Holocaust Hoax, we obviously do not agree with all of his theological positions, as our file on the Society of St. Pius X explains. 


It's very interesting to consider how, near the end of this interview, the person interviewing Williamson shows no concern about the validity of the points he is making (i.e., whether they are true), but simply about the fact that Williamson has dared to contradict the "official" story.  It's another example of bad will in action: a person who is not concerned about truth, but about impressions, people, what is popular, expedient.  Bad will, such as that which is subtly displayed by the interviewer, is frequently exhibited when people show concern primarily about the "who," rather than the "what" - e.g., people who resort to arguments ad hominem (to the man), rather than to the facts. 


In this case, the interviewer demonstrates concern only about the who rather than the what – not so much in regard to who Williamson is, but rather in regard to whom he has "dared" to contradict (i.e., the Jewish power structure).  What matters to the interviewer is whom he has contradicted, not what his arguments are or whether they are true.


Talk of global TV channel raises eyebrows


“A UN watchdog is concerned about a proposal discussed at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that would create a global television channel.”


British grandparents lose custody of children to homosexual couple


“Two British grandparents aged 59 and 46 have been told that they are too old and unfit to care for their grandchildren, who are to be placed with an adoptive homosexual couple.”


Benedict XVI imposes "Holocaust dogma" on Bishop


This is really something: “The Vatican, bowing to the growing furor over Pope Benedict XVI's decision to accept a return to the church of a prelate who denied the Holocaust, made a dramatic turnaround Wednesday and demanded the bishop recant. The Vatican sought to distance the pope from the controversy by saying he did not know about British Bishop Richard Williamson's views when he agreed to lift his excommunication last month.”


The Vatican II Church has officially imposed the Jewish version of the “Holocaust” as an article of faith which people in their “Church” must accept.  This is not an exaggeration.  Meanwhile, pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians don’t have to recant their heretical views, and someone like Tony Blair (who is both pro-abortion and pro-homosexual) was admitted to the Vatican II sect without any problem.


There is only one word to describe this: demonic.  What they are doing is equivalent to adding the following to their creed: “I believe in the Holocaust; I profess that 6 million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis during WW II; I profess to remain faithful to this truth all my days….”


For a debunking of Holocaust myths, see our new “Holocaust” File and/or the video presentation below.  After watching the video below, one can see why they must imprison people for looking into the issue.

A Jew debunks the Auschwitz "Gas Chamber," the official Holocaust Story, and many other aspects of the Holocaust

The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz, by David Cole - Part 1 [30 min.]

The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz, by David Cole - Part 2 [30 min.]



“Holocaust” mania sweeps the press


The statement by the SSPX bishop about the “Holocaust” has truly become headline news in the mainstream press.  (A large reason for this is that Jews dominate the media.)  But here are some truly pathetic examples of so-called “Catholics” trying to impose the Jewish version of the “Holocaust” on the world, while they simultaneously have no problem with denials of real Catholic dogmas or even of the Jewish rejection of Jesus.  There is, without any doubt, a dark spiritual element behind this imposition of “Holocaust faith.”


"Bishop" bans Holocaust-denying bishop from his churches


Would he ban pro-abortion politicians or other heretics?


47 "Catholic" congressmen write to Benedict XVI demanding action against "Holocaust"-denier


Most of these heretics are pro-abortion.  So think about this: pro-abortion so-called “Catholics” are brazenly writing the antipope and telling him what he must do to appease Jews.  He responds by doing what they and the Jews want, while doing nothing about any of these people who deny truly Catholic dogmas.  This, in itself, proves that the Vatican II sect and Antipope Benedict XVI are not Catholic and Antichrist.


Scranton "Diocese" closing nearly half of its churches


The bad fruits of the Vatican II sect: “The Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton is closing almost half of its churches, reducing the number of parishes from 209 to 118.  In a statement, Bishop Joseph Martino said the restructuring plan affects every single parish in the 11-county diocese in some way. The drastic cut is blamed on a declining priest population and fewer financial resources.”


Report: high school girl possessed in class


"Students at a Mississippi high school said a fellow student spoke in tongues and made grave predictions for her classmates for three days.  Some of those predictions included when students would die…. It made some students cry and leave school," Sparks said. "Some have not returned yet.  Sparks and his classmates said they think an evil spirit possessed the girl. They were so convinced that Sparks and his friends brought Bibles to school and had a devotional.”


If even the mainstream secular media is expressing the case in these terms, then the evidence of demonic possession must have been overwhelming.


Baby born alive at abortion clinic, then killed and hidden


"This case will trumpet to the world that abortion clinics are places of barbarism…”


"Gay pride" flag flies at police HQ

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What an outrage: “A gay pride flag has been flying above a police headquarters.  The flag... to mark "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual History Month" at North Wales Police, where Richard Brunstrom, the controversial chief constable is in charge.”


Many fear possible demise of "Catholic" schools


“It is a familiar drill in nearly all Roman Catholic school systems: An alarm sounds every few years over falling enrollment, church leaders huddle over what to do, parents rally to save their schools — and then the bad news.”


Nurse suspended for offering to pray for patient


“A nurse has been suspended from her job for offering to pray for an elderly patient's recovery from illness. Caroline Petrie… has been accused by her employers of failing to demonstrate a "personal and professional commitment to equality and diversity".  She faces disciplinary action and could lose her job over the incident.”


Pro-life Ad sacked by Super Bowl


“NBC has refused to air [a] new pro-life ad during its broadcast of this Sunday’s Super Bowl game.  According to a Jan. 29 press release from, “After several days of negotiations, an NBC representative in Chicago told late yesterday that NBC and the NFL are not interested in advertisements involving ‘political candidates or issues.’”


A comment about this ad is in order.  Here’s the ad.  We thought the ad was quite good and effective, until the end which ruined it.





They put Barack Obama in there at the end, as an example of the “great potential” that each human life has.  They obviously did this in the hope that NBC would more likely run the pro-life ad if it praised and supported Obama.  In so doing, they compromised and mixed an evil message with a good one.  Indeed, they promoted the very man who most exemplifies the opposite of the pro-life message.  Barack Obama, who grew up to notoriously promote the abominations of homosexuality and abortion, and made himself responsible for countless deaths of unborn children, is an example of how horrible a human life can be.  But this so-called “Catholic” group portrays him as an example of what great potential human life has.  They thus sinned gravely and compromised, and got nothing out of it; for NBC rejected the ad anyway.  It’s another example of how compromising the truth always has a bad and ineffective result, in addition to mortally offending God.  It also shows us again how most so-called “Catholics” today are compromising and faithless.


New Outrageous Heresies from Benedict XVI


Driver's license applicants can choose their own gender


“The state of Massachusetts, which has been at the forefront of normalizing homosexual relationships in law, has taken a bold new step to allow applicants for drivers licenses to select their gender on official documents… A man using a women's restroom or women's locker room would now show police a legal, official Massachusetts identification that he 'is a woman.' He could get this on the basis of 'the gender he considers himself to be' with the agreement of a 'medical provider,'" the organization said on its website.  A male elementary school teacher can start coming to school wearing women's clothes and using the girls' rest rooms or locker rooms. And this will extend everywhere throughout society, in businesses, public accommodations, schools, and everywhere else, the group warned.”


Colombian Supreme Court grants broad rights to homosexual couples


“The Supreme Court of Colombia has ruled that homosexual couples are entitled a broad array of rights normally granted to heterosexual couples under the law.  Under the ruling, announced on Wednesday, homosexual couples will receive equal status with heterosexual couples under 42 different provisions of the law, ranging from military benefits to naturalization of a foreign partner. Homosexuals will also be excused from testifying against their sex partners.  However, the Court, in an apparent response to the strong pro-family values of Colombian society, did not grant the right to adopt children. It also refused to allow homosexual relationships to be called a "marriage." 


Israeli Jews welcome Benedict XVI's words

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“Benedict XVI's strong stand against denying the Holocaust was welcomed Wednesday by the highest Jewish authority in Israeli, which had threatened to sever ties indefinitely with the Vatican.  The Chief Rabbinate's action was in protest to the pope's decision to lift the excommunication for a traditionalist bishop who denied the existence of the Holocaust.

“Speaking at his Wednesday audience, Benedict reiterated his full support for his ''Jewish brothers'' and said the Holocaust must not be denied because ''the memory of the Shoah regenerates our humanity and helps us reflect on the unexpected power which evil can exert on the hearts of man''. The importance of the Shoah, the German-born Benedict XVI added, ''cannot be denied nor diminished because violence committed against even one man is violence against all men''.


According to Antipope Benedict XVI, the Jewish version of the Holocaust cannot be denied, but Protestants don’t have to accept Vatican I or the Council of Trent; and Jews don’t have to accept Jesus Christ.  That’s quite revealing.  Benedict XVI has strong words for “Holocaust” denial, but does nothing about pro-abortion “Catholic” figures who promote abortion and contraception or other forms of immorality.


People arrested at George Mason U for pro-life activity


“January 26, 2009, two college-age members of the Survivors Campus Life Tour were arrested at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, while distributing literature on the public campus. From the time of their arrival on campus the group quietly held signs, distributed literature and peacefully dialogued with students. When a student complained about the pro-life presence on school, an officer asked the Survivors to leave the campus. When members of the Campus Life Tour refused to stop their free speech activity and leave the public school property, the two team members handing out literature to students were handcuffed and arrested. They were charged with causing a disturbance, although the police later described the group as polite, well behaved, courteous, and respectful.”


Apostate "Cardinal" Mahony under Federal probe for abusive "priests"

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“The U.S. attorney in Los Angeles has launched a federal grand jury investigation into Cardinal Roger M. Mahony in connection with his response to the molestation of children by priests in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, according to two law enforcement sources familiar with the case.”


Spain: children can be compelled to receive homosexual indoctrination


“After three days of debate, the Spanish Supreme Court has declared that parents do not have the right to opt out of a national civics program that includes indoctrination in homosexualist ideology and other offensive elements.”


Wicca growing fast in U.S.


“Although some say Wicca is the fastest growing religion in the United States, most Americans still say they have never heard of the term before, according to a new survey released Monday. Slightly more than half of Americans (55 percent) say they have not heard of Wicca, a national survey conducted by The Barna Group found. Among those that have heard of the religious group, most have an unfavorable view (52 percent) of it…”


“Wicca is a loosely organized, under-the-radar religious group that is best known for its use of magic sorcery, and engagement in witchcraft. It has no recognized guidebook or body of “sacred literature” to define its practices, but instead is based on rituals and pagan beliefs.  Members go through initiation rites and worship gods and goddesses found in nature. In general, Wiccans embrace the concept of karma and reincarnation, and do not follow any strict code of morality.”


UK radio host sacked because he offended Muslims


“A radio presenter is taking legal action after he alleged he was sacked for offending Muslims by defending Christianity on air.” 


We obviously don’t believe this man is a true Christian, but it’s an interesting story nevertheless.


Good: School allowed to expel lesbian student


“An appeals panel finds California Lutheran High School in Riverside County is not a business and therefore doesn't have to comply with a state law barring discrimination based on sexual orientation. Reporting from San Francisco -- After a Lutheran school expelled two 16-year-old girls for having "a bond of intimacy" that was "characteristic of a lesbian relationship," the girls sued, contending the school had violated a state anti-discrimination law.”


Outrage: SSPX silences bishop for questioning "Holocaust"

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The heretical Bishop Bernard Fellay of the SSPX who has silenced a member of his group because he dared to offend the Jews

This is truly outrageous.  The control and influence of the Jews has created a world-wide ambience in which even supposed Catholics and Christians are terrified at the thought of offending Jews or questioning their beliefs.  The official story of the Holocaust is refuted even by Jewish sources, as we’ve discussed.  But even if one isn’t convinced on that point, certainly inquiry and divergent opinions in this area are acceptable for a Catholic.  But no… the heretical leadership of the SSPX is so ashamed of offending the Jews that they feel obliged to silence a bishop of their society for simply expressing his opinion on the matter.  Think about this!  In so doing, they have essentially elevated belief in the Jewish version of the Holocaust to the status of a dogma which one cannot question.


If we continue on this path, in just a short time it will probably be illegal basically everywhere to question anything the Jews do or believe.  If this comes to pass, it will be, in large part, as a result of weak and phony “Christians,” as well as the machinations of those who wield Jewish power and influence.  Here’s a headline which captures where we are headed:  "Holocaust denial violates Catholic teaching" 


“Bishop Bernard Fellay… said that he had disciplined the bishop who made the statement, British-born Richard Williamson, and ordered him not to speak out again on any political or historical issues.  Williamson's remarks on the Holocaust, most recently on Swedish TV last week, provoked widespread criticism by Jews who said he had wiped out nearly half a century of dialogue with Catholics.”


A big reason for this outrageous action is the vanity of Bishop Fellay of the SSPX.  Not only is Fellay a horrible heretic (as our section on the SSPX covers), but he is consumed with vanity.  He is consumed with being a world-wide and well-known figure whose name is in the news.  He is consumed with being considered respectable and a “big deal” by the media.  That’s why he cows to the Jews and cannot handle the criticism which has come to his group as a result of these statements.  He wants to remain “mainstream” and not appear radical.  He is an abomination and a phony.


Most "Christians" define their own theology


"Catholic" House Speaker recommends contraception to stimulate economy

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“Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government."


This woman publicly professes to be Catholic and has not been excommunicated!  In addition to being pro-contraception, she is also totally pro-abortion.  If that doesn’t prove that the Vatican II Church is simply a non-Catholic sect, nothing will.  She is suggesting 200 million dollars worth of contraceptives to “stimulate the economy,” and yet nothing happens to her.  The Vatican II sect thus officially holds that one can be pro-abortion and pro-contraception and remain Catholic.  Related: One can be pro-abortion and part of the Vatican II sect at the same time [PDF File]


"Hate Speech" Allegations in Holland: Dutch to prosecute Islam critic


“An Amsterdam court ruled on Wednesday that populist Dutch politician Geert Wilders, an outspoken critic of Islam and maker of the anti-Muslim film "Fitna," should be prosecuted for hate speech.”


Obama and Bush are actually cousins


“George W. Bush and Obama, meanwhile, are 10th cousins once removed - linked through a 17th century Massachusetts couple, Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole, according to the Sun-Times.”


Out-of-wedlock births at record high in Iowa


“Iowa babies are being born to unwed parents in record numbers.  And the trend likely is to keep climbing given the nation's changing cultural and social mores, experts say.  Iowa's out-of-wedlock births climbed to 14,018 in 2007. Slightly better than one out of three deliveries involved a baby born to unwed parents, according to the latest vital statistics report issued by the state Department of Public Health.”


High School teacher develops program to combat "homophobia"


“A high school English teacher in Wisconsin has developed a 38-day program to combat "homophobia" in her students.


“According to, Sarah Arnold created the curriculum called "Exposing Hidden Homophobia" when she noticed what she calls "anti-gay undertone[s]" in student conversations. The regimen asked students to examine depictions of homosexuality in mass media, to view numerous homosexual-themed films, and read pro-homosexual books and novels. Arnold even issued questionnaires to the students that featured questions that are commonly asked of homosexuals but instead were given to heterosexuals, such as "When did you decide to become heterosexual?"


NY "Archdiocese" forced to cut 10 schools loose


“The Catholic Archdiocese of New York has notified the 10 high schools it owns and operates that starting in September each will become a financially independent entity responsible for its own budget and could no longer depend on the diocese.  The New York Times reports that the announcement on Friday was the latest in a series of blows for Catholic schools in New York and around the country, where shrinking enrollments, rising costs and closings in recent years have led to a revamping of traditional models.

“The Diocese of Brooklyn, comprising Brooklyn and Queens, announced plans two weeks ago to close 14 elementary schools; about 100 others would operate under a financial model similar to that proposed by the New York archdiocese.”


Antipope Benedict XVI lifts "excommunications" against SSPX


As our file on them points out, the SSPX holds a false position vis-à-vis the Vatican II Church.  They are rightly independent of the false Vatican II Church, but they wrongly maintain that the Vatican II Church’s hierarchy (i.e., Benedict XVI and his bishops) is the true hierarchy.  Since they are obstinate in this false stance, it is schismatic.  They have obstinately maintained this impossible position for years, and rejected the proof that the Vatican II hierarchy is not a legitimate hierarchy (e.g., that public heretics lose offices in the Church).


Benedict XVI has now removed the “excommunications” that the Vatican II Church issued against the SSPX.  He has done this simply to lure the SSPX back fully into the Counter Church at this late stage of the Vatican II apostasy.  It is a demonic deception intended to bring conservative-minded people fully into apostasy. 


What’s interesting is that the SSPX told Benedict XVI that for them to unite with him fully, he needed to grant permission for the Latin Mass and remove the “excommunications” against the SSPX.  Now he has done both of those things.  Thus, if they continue to remain independent of him, they are further demonstrating how schismatic they truly are.  On the other hand, if they join up with him they would be, of course, diving completely into heretical apostasy.  This whole affair is thus another illustration of the falsity of their position.  It reveals, once again, that the only true Catholic position is a complete rejection of the antipope and the false Vatican II Church. 


Texas silences criticism of evolution


This is an outrage.  How evil is this country?  Evolution is nothing more than a hoax and a fairly tale.


“The State Board of Education tentatively decided to amend school science curriculum standards Thursday, dropping a 20-year-old requirement that critics say is used to undermine the theory of evolution. The change in curriculum drops the mandate that science teachers address both “strengths and weaknesses” of scientific theory. It would be in place for the next decade.”


Some New Debates


File of Recent Audio Debates on Outside the Church There is No Salvation and "Baptism of Desire"


Family tells police their teen broke into church


“A Wausau teenager who faces a felony burglary charge for a church-break-in can thank his family for the arrest. Court records said an 18-year-old teen's father and sister told investigators he admitted using a golf club to break a glass window at St. Michael Catholic Church and crawling inside last weekend.”


We post this because this family did the right thing, despite the family tie.  How many people change their belief systems and fall into heresy simply because their husband or their wife or their son does?  There is a major problem with human attachments, and not enough of an attachment to God and to the truth.


Benedict XVI approving of paganism

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Jews in frenzy over Holocaust comments by bishop


This is an interesting article.  Bishop Williamson of the SSPX has outraged Jews by denying the official story of the Holocaust.  As we’ve discussed, the “official” story of the Holocaust is propaganda which can be refuted by Jewish sources themselves.  Williamson is unfortunately in heresy on numerous points, as we’ve pointed out; but he is going to face prosecution in Germany for speaking out on this issue.  The Jews are also attempting to influence Antipope Benedict XVI to not lift the “excommunication” against Williamson because of this issue.  We mention this only to comment on how much influence the Jews have; they can actually attempt to tell the Vatican II Church who should or should not be “reconciled,” based upon whether those people conform to Jewish beliefs and desires.


For information on why the positions of the SSPX are not Catholic in many areas, click here [Link to Section]


Another dictionary removes Christian words


“…words reflecting Britain's Christian heritage were especially hard hit: "abbey, altar, bishop, chapel, christen, disciple, monk, nun, pew, saint," and "sin" were all axed. Even Christmas took a hit: "carol," "holly," and "mistletoe" were removed. In their place, kids got "tolerant," "interdependent," and "bilingual."


Benedict XVI may lift "excommunications" against SSPX

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His goal is to lure the false traditionalist supporters of the SSPX fully back into the Vatican II Counter Church: “Whilst the Holy See would neither confirm nor deny the reports, many Vatican commentators believe the pope has already signed the pontifical decree cancelling the 1988 excommunications of four bishops from the Society of Saint Pius X, the society founded in 1970 by the controversial, traditionalist French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who died in 1991.”


For information on why the positions of the SSPX are not Catholic in many areas, click here [Link to Section]

Illinois moment of silence law ruled unconstitutional


“A federal judge has ruled that a state law requiring a moment of silence in public schools across Illinois is unconstitutional, saying it crosses the line separating church and state.”


Obama mentions non-believers in inaugural speech


Biden receives standing ovation at "Mass" after receiving "Communion"


“Two days before he became the next American Vice President, Sen. Joe Biden attended John F. Kennedy's own Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church for Mass, where parishioners gave the pro-abortion politician a standing ovation minutes after he received communion.”

Wow… that’s really outrageous.  It reveals that the typical person who attends the Novus Ordo (i.e., the New Mass) is in complete apostasy.


"Catholic" Bishop Wuerl participates in prayer with Obama, Jews, Muslims


“On his first full day in office, President Obama spent part of the morning at the Washington National Cathedral, placing his own stamp on the traditional National Prayer Service with a larger-than-usual group of interfaith religious leaders participating and newly written prayers meant to emphasize liberty and diversity… The list of 20 clergy participating in the service included… Washington Catholic Archbishop Donald Wuerl…”


This is complete religious indifferentism and partaking in non-Catholic worship, which is condemned in Catholic teaching.  It’s another example of the apostasy of the hierarchy of the Vatican II sect.


Obama White House calls for repealing Defense of Marriage Act

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“President Barack H. Obama is poised to be the most pro-homosexual chief executive in history.  Unveiling his agenda Tuesday on the newly refurbished version of the White House Web site, Obama called for the repeal of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), as well as the extension of more than 1,000 federal marriage benefits and of adoption rights to homosexual couples.”


Troops unhappy with Obama pledge on gays


We would hope that there would be opposition.


Court: Mom's child must visit lesbian


“A Christian mother has been told by a Virginia court that her 6-year-old daughter must now visit the mother's former lesbian partner in Vermont, and if she refuses, the law will remove the girl by force, if necessary.”


Benedict XVI praises "progress" in Lutheran-"Catholic" dialogue

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“On Monday morning… Benedict XVI received an ecumenical delegation of Finnish Lutherans and Catholics on the Feast of St. Henry, patron saint of Finland. [He] spoke with the group about the progress made on a joint declaration about justification.”


Related: The Vatican II sect's Protestant Revolution: the 1999 Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification [PDF File]


Homosexual Portland mayor admits to relationship with teen


"No God" bus ads banned in Italian city


This is good news: “Italian atheists have lost a bid to run “no God” advertisements on city buses after strong opposition from conservative political parties, a member of the group said on Saturday.”


Military bows to ACLU demand against preaching


California Democrats pushing "gay rights" in wake of Prop. 8


“Democratic lawmakers are moving forward with legislation expanding rights and recognition for gays and lesbians in California while the state Supreme Court considers the fate of same-sex marriage.  Assembly Bill 103 by Assemblyman Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, would allow two people, including same-sex couples, who co-own a home to avoid having their property tax reassessed and raised when one dies.”


Bible giveaway banned at school

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“A Southwest Florida man who in past years has been allowed to distribute free Bibles to high school students… was turned down this year by the district's superintendent.”


1/3 of "Christians" say "Jesus sinned," according to poll


Obviously this is heresy and they are not true Christians. 


Stillborn baby from Montreal hospital found by laundry staff


“A Montreal hospital has apologized and is promising a thorough investigation after the body of a baby delivered stillborn at the hospital was found in an industrial laundry in the city's east end.”


Arkansas school under attack for "religious bias"


“Americans United for Separation of Church and State is challenging an Arkansas school.  According to an Americans United press release, Fountain Lake High School in Hot Springs has allowed construction of a special meeting room for Fellowship of Christian Athletes gatherings. The new addition to the public school's football complex -- called the "FCA room" and paid for by private funds -- is being called discriminatory and unconstitutional by Americans United.”


Krispy Kreme “celebrates” Obama with "freedom of choice" doughnuts


“The doughnut giant released the following statement yesterday: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. (NYSE: KKD) is honoring American's sense of pride and freedom of choice on Inauguration Day, by offering a free doughnut of choice to every customer on this historic day, Jan. 20. By doing so, participating Krispy Kreme stores nationwide are making an oath to tasty goodies -- just another reminder of how oh-so-sweet ‘free’ can be.”


"Hate Crimes" bill back on the table


“Plan to federalize penalties for 'perceptions' reappears in Congress.”


V-2 “Cardinal” says rock-balloon “Mass”


These are pictures of a rock-balloon “Mass” said by “Cardinal” Christoph Schonborn of the Vatican II sect.  Schonborn is actually considered to be a “conservative cardinal” and a leading candidate to replace Antipope Benedict XVI.  This shows us (once again) how even the most “conservative” among them are not remotely Catholic.

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Obama to end military's ban on homosexuals


“President Obama will end the 15-year-old "don't ask, don't tell" policy that has prevented homosexual and bisexual men and women from serving openly within the U.S. military, a spokesman for the president-elect said.”


EU approves resolution to force homosexual "marriage" on member states


“A resolution has been passed today at the European Union that proposes to standardise among all member states the legal status of same-sex relationships.  Pro-life and pro-family leaders have called for a strong Christian response to the move that will force EU member states to adopt same-sex “marriage” or civil unions and bring legalised abortion, even in countries who uphold legal protections for the unborn and in which only natural marriage is legally recognised.”


Man to create world's first "gay" superhero


“Stan Lee, the creator of Spider-man, is planning to unleash the world's first homosexual superhero in a new television programme.”


Hospital could force staff to dismember pre-born babies


“According to an ADF press release, the plan could force reluctant employees to "[dismember] preborn babies," regardless of firmly held religious views they might have against it. The act could also be determined as illegal funding of abortion by the state.”


ACLU strikes again and stops prayer at FL school


“Officials ordered to stop prayer at schools - ACLU wins injunction against Santa Rosa School District. A federal judge has ordered the Santa Rosa County School District to stop promoting religion and prayer in the classroom and at school events. U.S. District Court Judge Casey Rodgers ruled Friday after school officials admitted allegations in a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union.”


Oral contraceptive use linked to breast cancer


“Oral contraceptive (OC) use has been linked to increased risk of breast cancer, largely on the basis of studies conducted before 1990.”


11 NYC "Catholic" schools to close over low enrollment


“Nearly a dozen Catholic schools in Brooklyn and Queens are slated to close this summer because of plummeting enrollment, diocesan officials said Monday. The proposal would shutter 11 schools and merge nine others to form three new schools.”


Baby born to mother who had been dead 2 for days


“A champion ice-skater gave birth to a child two days after she collapsed and died from a brain haemorrhage.  Jayne Soliman, 41, who was 25 weeks’ pregnant, was declared brain dead by doctors, but her body was kept alive by a life support machine so that the girl, her first child, could be born safely.”


Spanish judge convicted of "homophobia" for not approving lesbian adoption

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“A Spanish judge has been convicted for the "homophobic" act of failing to quickly award custody of a child to a lesbian who sought parental rights over her sexual partner's daughter.  Fernando Ferrin Calamita, a Family Court judge from the Spanish province of Murcia, was removed from the bench by a tribunal of three provincial judges, who further barred him from serving on the bench for 27 months, and ordered him to pay 6,000 Euros ($8,182) in restitution to the lesbian pair, as well as court costs.  The decision was announced on December 23.”


Obama invites gay "bishop" to offer inauguration prayer


“US president-elect Barack Obama has invited the world's first openly gay Anglican bishop to offer the prayer that will mark the beginning of the inauguration festivities.”


What an obama-nation.


Hate Crimes bill - threat to biblical teaching


“A political activist warns that unless enough Americans "stir up a major stink" about the newly introduced federal hate crimes legislation, the measure is likely to pass in the first 100 days of the 111th Congress.”


"Catholic" marriages fall by 24% in UK


“The number of marriages in Roman Catholic churches in Britain has fallen by a quarter since the start of the decade to just 9,950 last year. This is a 24 per cent fall on the figure for 2000, when there were 13,029 Catholic marriages across England and Wales.”


"Priest" and Rabbi will preach to each other's congregations

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“The Rev. Richard Eldredge and Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker are about to trade congregations.  On the last Friday of this month, Eldredge will stand in the pulpit to address worshippers at Congregation Beth Israel. Two days later, Cytron-Walker will fill Eldredge’s usual space at Good Shepherd Catholic Church… We’re not out to say that all Jews are to become Christians or Catholics. We’re looking to bring down prejudicial barriers between our young people and theirs."


This is obviously manifest heresy and apostasy.


Funding cut for U.K care home accused of "institutionalized homophobia"


“The Government specifically states the home must be open to the gay and lesbian community and that it must demonstrate this to qualify for funding. In the absence of any willingness to do this, funding has been withdrawn.”


Cowboy churches rope in false Christians


“Moments after flying headfirst onto the arena floor dirt, the man gets up and brushes off his protective vest as rodeo clowns rush in to distract the still-bucking bull.  The crowd cheers as the announcer reveals he's fine, just before the chute opens with another cowboy atop a menacing bull.  But this isn't a typical rodeo. It's an outreach ministry of the Cowboy Church of Ellis County, which has grown from about 300 to 2,200 members since it began nearly nine years ago.”


It’s sad that so many people are not interested in the true content of Christianity (i.e., Catholicism), but flock to false Protestant churches such as those described above.


Transgender restrooms spark fury in Florida

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This is beyond outrageous: “… a gender identity provision added last year to the city's anti-discrimination ordinance, which now allows the city's roughly 100 transgender residents to use whichever restroom they're most comfortable using.”


The Bible teaches that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist


We have a new article on the biblical proof for Catholic teaching on the Eucharist. (This article is found permanently in our “Refuting Protestantism” section.)  More articles like this one will be coming.


The Bible teaches that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist [PDF FILE - Article]


This article contains irrefutable, short and quick proof that the Catholic teaching (that the Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, is truly, really, and substantially contained in the Eucharist) is the teaching of the Bible.  See the clear evidence from John 6, from the specific Greek words given in John 6, from the contextual indications and the reactions of Jesus’ listeners, from Old Testament typology (the Passover lamb, the manna in the desert, the institution of the Old Covenant), 1 Cor. 10 and 11, and more.  This also quickly covers how the fathers of the Church unanimously believed that the Eucharist is the actual body and blood of Christ.


Since the average person has a limited attention span and interest level, the goal with this article (and with all of our articles on the Protestant issues) is to provide the powerful proof in as quick and to the point fashion as possible.  More could be added, but if these points don’t convince a person that the Bible teaches that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, then that person is just not of good will.  One point from the article which some might find interesting is this:




The word phago (meaning “to eat” or “consume”) is used nine times in the Greek text of John 6:23-53.  Phago is sufficient to convey the idea of eating Jesus’ flesh.  Immediately after the Jews expressed their disbelief that Jesus could mean such a thing, we read (in John 6:54) that Jesus switched to an even stronger and more graphic word.  The word He then used (in John 6:54 and following) is trogo.  This word literally means “to gnaw, chew or crunch,” as even a Protestant study bible accessible on the internet will confirm (  Therefore, to eradicate all doubt about the necessity to eat His flesh, Jesus switches to a word which means nothing but literal eating (“gnawing, chewing”).  The same word trogo is used to mean literal eating in Matthew 24:38 and John 13:18.


John 6:54-56- “Whosoever eateth [trogo] my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.  For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.  He that eateth [trogo] my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.”


In light of this evidence, it is absurd to argue that Jesus didn’t mean that people would actually eat His flesh and drink His blood.


20% of Albany parishes to close or merge


The bad fruits of the Vatican II sect: “Roughly 20 percent of worship sites in the 164-parish Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany will close or merge in an unprecedented restructuring plan expected to be released this month, Bishop Howard Hubbard said Wednesday.”


Homosexuals immune to Mass. budget cuts


“A pro-family advocate says budget cuts are coming for Massachusetts schools, but programs aimed at promoting homosexuality need not worry… more than 1,000 state jobs as well as public school funding have been cut, while mental health facilities have also been closed. However, pro-homosexual programs in Massachusetts' public schools have remained.


Pepsi gives $1 million to promote gay agenda


Library settles suit over religious meeting for $3


“A southwestern Ohio public library that had barred a couple from holding a financial planning seminar because they intended to quote the Bible has settled a lawsuit brought by the couple.  George Vandergriff said Wednesday that the Clermont County Public Library board had paid $2 to him and his wife, Cathy, and $1 to the Institute for Principled Policy, which joined the couple in the suit.  The 10-branch system will also pay $10,000 to attorneys for the Vandergriffs, who filed the suit in a Cincinnati federal court in June. The couple had claimed that their First Amendment rights to free speech were violated when they were blocked from holding their seminar.”


800 satanic cults are active in Rome


“In this predominantly Catholic nation, the devil is gaining a foothold… In fact, Rome has been called the most satanized city in Italy… There are an estimated 800 satanic cults operating in the country, with more than 600,000 followers. And according to Silvano Lilli… their numbers are growing.”


It’s not at all surprising that the Devil is extremely active in Rome at this time.  The takeover of Rome by the Vatican II sect and its antipopes was an extremely evil event.  It was accompanied and executed by satanic forces.  With the traditional Catholic faith and the true Mass displaced from most of that area, the Devil has moved in and fortified his presence.  Moreover, apostasy from the Catholic faith in areas where it should be most sacred represents a special kind of evil.


British schools give morning after pill to girls as young as 11


“Secondary schools in England are under fire for giving the morning after pill to girls as young as 11 years old without the knowledge of their parents. Norman Wells, director of campaign group Family Education Trust, obtained the information from the health department under the Freedom of Information Act.  The information shows that, in Oxfordshire alone, school-based health clinics have given 1,081 Plan B pills to schoolgirls in the last six years.”


V-2 “Trappist monks” practice Hinduism


This is a picture of “Trappist monks” of the Vatican II sect who incorporate Hinduism as part of their life.  They live in India.  This picture shows them sitting in the Lotus position.  They even use Hindu songs as part of their “Mass.”  They basically practice a Hinduized "Catholicism."  This constitutes apostasy, of course.

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Milwaukee approves "gay-affirming" school


“An Illinois family advocate says she's stunned by the approval of what she believes is the first homosexual-affirming middle school in the U.S.  The proposal for the Alliance School was approved unanimously by the Milwaukee Board of Education in late 2008. The school will serve Milwaukee's six-, seventh- and eighth-graders.”


11th-hour abortion-refusal rule draws 200K protests


This is a good rule.  It allows doctors who are opposed to something such as abortion to refuse to provide information or procedures in that area.  Evil organizations such as Planned Parenthood are, of course, in a diabolical frenzy over this development and are stirring up protests: “An 11th-hour rule from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is stirring national controversy by allowing people who provide reproductive health services to refuse information or procedures that violate their conscience. Under the so-called "conscience rule," scheduled to take effect Jan. 19, any health care provider can refuse to disclose information or provide services to clients without disclosing such actions to supervisors, even if the individual's actions counter the mission of the organization in charge.”


Homeschooling goes boom in America


“A homeschooling movement is sweeping the nation – with 1.5 million children now learning at home, an increase of 75 percent since 1999.  The Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics reported homeschooling has risen by 36 percent in just the last five years.”


“Priest” uses Jewish symbols in his “Mass”


“Fr.” William Sanchez is a Vatican II “Catholic” priest in New Mexico.  He incorporates Jewish symbols and rituals into his “Mass” because he has Jewish blood.  Below we see him using a Jewish horn and the Star of David on his cross (Albuquerque Tribune, Dec. 12, 2006).  This is another example of the Vatican II apostasy in full effect at the local level.

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Former Mexican President Fox gets Vatican permission for another "marriage"


“An ecclesiastical tribunal in the Vatican informed the Leon Archdiocese in Mexico that former President Vicente Fox may be married in the church now that his first marriage has been annulled...”  This is probably another example of a phony annulment and the Vatican II sect’s de facto acceptance of divorce and remarriage.


The Annulment Fiasco - The Vatican II sect's De Facto acceptance of Divorce and Remarriage [PDF File]


An annulment is a declaration that a marriage was never valid to begin with due to an impediment or invalidating defect.  It is not a declaration that a true marriage no longer binds.  Traditionally annulments were very rarely given, and only if there was clear evidence that the marriage didn’t exist in the first place.  The Vatican II sect grants annulments to almost everyone who wants one.  Almost all of those which they have granted should not have been granted and are of no effect.


According to Reuters, the reason for the annulment of Fox’s marriage was that he is “self-obsessed and narcissistic and has a personality disorder” (  Sorry, but that doesn’t constitute proof that his marriage, which lasted about 20 years, was never valid to begin with. 


Gay "marriage" backers target New England


“Two New England states have already legalized same-sex marriage, and a Boston-based advocacy group wants to see the other four join them.  Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, known as GLAD, has launched a first-of-its-kind regional campaign aimed at winning approval for same-sex marriage in the six-state New England region by 2012.”


Evil ACLU sues to allow Arkansas same-sex couples to adopt


“More than a dozen families filed a lawsuit Tuesday challenging a new Arkansas law banning unmarried couples living together from becoming foster or adoptive parents.  The Arkansas chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit on behalf of the families in Pulaski County Circuit Court seeking to overturn Act 1, which was approved by voters in last month's general election.”


Pagan rituals at L.A. “Mass”


This is a picture of a New Mass in a Los Angeles “Catholic” church on March 28, 2008.  The Spanish "Mass" incorporated pagan rituals representing false pagan gods.

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Fetus law may be used in murder case


“Members of Congress approved the federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act in 2004 and a case out of New Mexico may be the first to involve a prosecution under the law. The law makes it so criminals are held accountable for killing both mother and child in an attack on the pregnant mother.”


Mother has healthy baby despite abortion warning by doctor


“A mother who was twice advised to have an abortion by doctors has gone on to have a 'perfectly' healthy son.”


Licensing proposal could require lawyers to endorse homosexuality


“One of the top lawyers in the nation in the battle to protect traditional marriage, historically Christian lifestyle choices, parental rights and the key freedoms provided by the U.S. Constitution is warning that there eventually could be no lawyers left to take up those disputes.  That's because of a recommendation before the State Bar of Arizona – the organization that licenses attorneys – to require all new lawyers to swear they won't let their personal religious perspective on homosexuality affect their representation of any client.”


Benedict XVI receives “blessing” from witch doctor


This is a picture of Benedict XVI (in another manifestation of his apostasy) receiving a pagan “blessing” from an aboriginal witch doctor at World Youth Day 2008 in Australia.

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Primary school drops "school" from name because it’s too negative


“A new primary school has banned the use of the word ‘school’ in its title because it has ‘negative connotations.’”


Natural disasters killed over 220,000 in 2008


“Natural disasters killed over 220,000 people in 2008, making it one of the most devastating years on record and underlining the need for a global climate deal, the world's number two reinsurer said Monday.”


Houston gets court victory in battle against strip clubs


“The city of Houston claimed a significant victory Wednesday in its effort to stamp out strip clubs and pornographic boutiques that have set up shop too close to neighborhoods.”


More “Communion” in the hand from Benedict XVI


False conservative defenders of Antipope Benedict XVI like to claim that he’s against Communion in the hand.  That’s completely untrue.  Here’s another example (from April 19, 2008 in St. Patrick’s Cathedral) of him giving “Communion” in the hand.  (It should also be kept in mind that this is not true Communion, of course, because the New Mass is invalid.)

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Another “Holocaust” story now an admitted hoax


“A heartwarming Holocaust memoir that is to become a big-budget film has been exposed as a hoax by a Jewish survivor in Britain only weeks before it was due to be published.” 


Not surprisingly, this story had been aggressively promoted by the major media for a long time.  A major book, a motion picture and even a children’s book were all based on it!   “The two had told their love story for years and years, inspiring a book deal, an upcoming movie, and stories across the globe on television, in papers and on the Internet. A children's book, "Angel Girl," was also based on their love story.”


"Church" of England paves way for first women "bishops"

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This is just another bad fruit of false Christianity: “The Church of England has reached an historic agreement on the consecration of women bishops.  After years of struggle to avoid schism, bishops have agreed a formula that enshrines the principle of equality for male and female bishops while appeasing opponents of women’s ordination. The first women bishops could take their place in the Church of England within three years.”


The “Church” of England (the Anglican Church) was created in the 16th century by King Henry VIII, a former Catholic.  He left the Catholic Church and created his own schismatic “Church” simply because Pope Clement VII said Henry was bound to his valid marriage to Catherine of Aragon.  The Pope wouldn’t allow him to do away with the marriage so that he could marry another.  Instead of honoring his marriage vows, Henry decided to create his own “Church.”  When people consider the foundation of the Anglican “Church” (and all the Protestant sects for that matter), it’s mind-boggling that anyone could not see that the Catholic Church is the one true Church.  Sadly, the answer is that it’s bad will. 


On the other hand, there are the post-Vatican II apostates.  They deceive themselves by thinking and arguing that because the Vatican II antipopes have not allowed women “bishops” or “priests,” that proves that they are still Catholic and that the Vatican II sect is still the Catholic Church.  They are very blind.  The Vatican II antipopes don’t allow women “bishops,” but they justify the members of all the Protestant sects and specifically the leaders of those sects.  They embrace total religious indifferentism and thus any kind of religion.  Hence, it matters not that they haven’t embraced that particular heresy when they teach a multitude of others.  The Vatican II antipopes also indirectly accept women “bishops” and “priests” by praising every kind of Protestant and Protestant sect, which includes sects which accept things such as women “bishops.”


Lawsuit seeks to remove "so help me God"


“In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Washington, the plaintiffs demand that the words "so help me God" not be added to the end of the president's oath of office.”


N.J. panel faults religious group in "gay rights" case


“A church group that owns beachfront property discriminated against a lesbian couple by not allowing them to rent the locale for their civil union ceremony, a New Jersey department ruled Monday in a case that has become a flash point in the nation's gay rights battle.”


Ind. mom sues over religious ed. classes


This program over which the evil ACLU is suing isn’t even mandatory, but optional: “A complaint filed last month by attorneys with the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana on behalf of an unnamed woman and her 8-year-old son asks a federal judge to shut down the program and bar the school district from providing it with utilities or any other support.”


Celebrating Christmas banned in parts of Vietnam


“The authorities have banned all religious events in the city because “there are no religious followers” in town. In reality [professing] Catholics are around three thousand…  This year it was again impossible to celebrate Christmas Mass. A curfew was even imposed on Christmas night to prevent Catholics from meeting in private homes.”


V-2 "Catholic" Church in U.S. has to import priests

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“The Roman Catholic Church says one in six diocesan priests now serving in the United States is from another country. An estimated 300 priests from abroad arrive annually to work in the United States while about one third of the men studying in Catholic seminaries in the United States are foreign-born, The New York Times reported Sunday. "If we didn't get international priests, some of our guys would have had five parishes" to oversee, said the Rev. Darrell Venters, who in the last six years has brought 12 priests from Africa, Asia and Latin America to the Catholic Diocese of Owensboro, Ky.”


La. must list gay "dads" on birth record


“A gay couple in California have won a federal court ruling that orders Louisiana to put the names of both men on their adopted son's birth certificate despite state law against unmarried adoption.”


UK to become completely godless, report says


Church attendance 'to fall by 90%' - In one of the most holy weeks in the Christian calendar, a report says that in just over a generation the number of people attending Church of England Sunday services will fall to less than a tenth of what they are now.  Christian Research, the statistical arm of the Bible Society, claimed that by 2050 Sunday attendance will fall below 88,000, compared with just under a million now.”


This is not to suggest that going to any of these non-Catholic and heretical churches pleases God.  No, it is rather to note that the trend in the UK is toward a total godlessness and disinterest in things even approaching Christianity.


UN battle expected over homosexuality as a "human right"

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“France fired the opening salvo last week in a battle at the United Nations over making homosexuality a “human right.  The European nation tried but failed to get the U.N. to approve a non-binding resolution decriminalizing homosexuality worldwide. The United States refused to sign onto the measure, the only Western power to do so.” 


Benedict XVI’s recent heresies


More Outrageously Heretical Statements on the "Orthodox" from Benedict XVI


Internet filter causing uproar in Australia


“A proposed Internet filter dubbed the "Great Aussie Firewall" is promising to make Australia one of the strictest Internet regulators among democratic countries.  Consumers, civil-rights activists, engineers, Internet providers and politicians from opposition parties are among the critics of a mandatory Internet filter that would block at least 1,300 Web sites prohibited by the government — mostly child pornography, excessive violence, instructions in crime or drug use and advocacy of terrorism.  Hundreds protested in state capitals earlier this month.”


While a truly Catholic country would certainly filter out the evils mentioned above (as well as other evils), this move to regulate the internet sounds like it could be the beginning of a plan to eventually take control of the entire internet under a one-world system. 


Revisiting the massacre of the Vendee during the French Revolution


The Vendée rebellion was a Catholic rising in France against the evil French Revolution.


Vendée French call for revolution massacre to be termed 'genocide'… In early 1794 – at the height of the Reign of Terror – French soldiers marched to the Atlantic Vendée, where peasants had risen up against the Revolutionary government in Paris.  Twelve "infernal columns" commanded by General Louis-Marie Turreau were ordered to kill everyone and everything they saw. Thousands of people – including women and children – were massacred in cold blood, and farms and villages torched.”


Christmas songs banned at New Jersey school


“Last year, when students in the chorus sang Christmas songs at holiday concerts, a few people complained that lyrics about the baby Jesus or angels made non-Christians feel left out. So, the music director for the New Jersey district issued an edict that all songs representing any religion were to be avoided.”


More Canadians protest religious indifferentism class


“A new religion course taught in schools across Quebec… is generating deep division as hundreds of parents pull their children out of class.  A high school in Granby, Que., has in the past week handed one-day suspensions to seven students boycotting the Ethics and Religious Culture course… In nearby Drummondville, a couple will be going to court next spring with a constitutional challenge to the mandatory course.  The course "is forcing children to learn the content of other religions," Jean Morse-Chevrier, president of the Quebec Association of Catholic Parents, said yesterday. "Therefore it is the state deciding what religious content will be learned, at what age…"


The Federal Reserve Abolition Act ignored


“On June 15, 2007, Ron Paul introduced HR 2755: Federal Reserve Abolition Act. There were no co-sponsors, no further action was taken, and the legislation was referred to the House Committee on Financial Services and effectively pigeonholed and ignored.”


V-2 "priest" puts mosque in Nativity Scene


“The miniature mosque, complete with a minaret, was included in the skyline of Bethlehem in the nativity scene at Father Bonzani's Our Lady of Providence church in the northern port of Genova.”


This constitutes apostasy.


Man wins battle with state to have religious message on tractor-trailer


“A New York man has won a battle with the New York Department of Transportation over a trailer he parked on his private property along a public highway that was targeted because of its Christian message.”


Woman claims "Merry Christmas" got her fired


“A… woman claims she was fired from her job because she greeted callers with "Merry Christmas," but the vacation rental company says it's no Scrooge and the woman is just a disgruntled employee.” 


“Tonia Thomas, 35, said she refused to say "Happy Holidays" and was fired, even after offering to use the company's non-holiday greeting. The Panama City woman filed a federal complaint that accuses the company of religious discrimination. She is seeking compensation for lost wages. “…All I wanted was to be able to say 'Merry Christmas' or to acknowledge no holidays," she said Tuesday. "… I don't recognize any other holidays."


Bush pardons man who illegally helped Israel

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What a surprise... illegally help Israel and get a pardon: “US President George W. Bush granted a rare posthumous pardon Tuesday to a man jailed nearly 60 years ago for illegally helping Israel during its 1948 war of independence.  Charles Winters was sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined 5,000 dollars in 1949 for helping provided Israel with two B-17 "Flying Fortress" warplanes that he had converted for use in his Florida fruit business, US officials said.”


It’s also interesting that this was a rare posthumous pardon (i.e., the man is already dead).  The pardon will therefore have no effect on the man, but it was done to show how much Bush serves Israel.


Vermont jury awards $3.6 million to victim in V-2 priest abuse case


“A Vermont jury has awarded a former altar boy nearly $3.6 million because the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington didn't protect him from an abusive priest in the 1970s.”


"Catholic" schools wary about enrollment


“The Archdiocese of Baltimore recently announced that St. Michael School in Allegany County, which is the last parish elementary school in far western Maryland, will close at the end of this school year because of falling enrollment and financial trouble.  In an open letter to the Catholic community last month, Edwin F. O'Brien, the Archbishop of Baltimore, said enrollment in the city's Catholic schools is down 5 percent, or about 1,200 students.”


Most Britons do not believe in the Nativity


“Most Britons do not believe the Biblical story of the birth of Jesus, a study has found.  Young people were particularly doubtful about the nativity, with 78 per cent of 16-24-year-olds saying they were not convinced of its historical reliability.  Overall, 70 per cent were sceptical of the baby's birth in a manger to a virgin mother, according to the poll of 1,000 people by the British Marketing Research Bureau.”


Campbell soup embraces homosexual agenda


“… Campbell Soup Company embraces the homosexual agenda.  Campbell Soup bought two 2-page ads in the December and January issues of The Advocate, the nation's largest homosexual magazine. The ads promote their Swanson line of broth, and one of the ads highlights the lives of two lesbians, who are portrayed as being married, along with "their" son. Other ads feature chefs from New York City.”


Nativity Scenes vandalized nationwide


Univ. of Chicago to introduce coed dorm rooms


This is another sign of the times: “The University of Chicago, proud home of Nobel laureates, will undertake a bold experiment in chemistry: coed dorm rooms.  The pilot program allowing male and female students to sleep in the same room will start next month. It's not intended for romantic couples, but they won't be excluded, because the university won't ask students why they want to live together.”


Seven students suspended for refusing anti-Christian class


“Seven… students in Quebec have been handed suspensions in the last few days – and could face expulsions – for refusing to participate in a new mandatory Ethics and Religious Culture course that, according to a critic, is a "superficial mishmash of trendy theoretical platitudes" with the goal of convincing children that "all religions – including pagan animism and cults – are equally 'true.'"


"America's Pastor" to "bless" Obama's Inauguration

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“Megachurch pastor Rick Warren and civil rights leader Joseph Lowery will deliver the invocation and benediction, respectively, at President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration next month (Jan 20).”


The so-called “Christian” Rick Warren (who has been dubbed “America’s Pastor”) will be praying with the pro-abortion, pro-gay rights Obama at his Inauguration.  This is another example of how far Protestantism is from real Christianity (i.e., Catholicism).  Warren is a hugely popular Protestant “pastor” who is frequently featured on the mainstream news networks.  We can see why they don’t have a problem promoting him.


Benedict XVI meets with Muslims for "inter-faith talks"


“Benedict XVI on Wednesday met with 11 Libya-based Muslim scholars and experts who participated in two days of inter-faith talks at the Vatican. The talks themed "Responsibilities of Religious Leaders especially in Times of Crisis," are part of several Vatican initiatives to reach out to Muslims and improve relations damaged in 2006 when Benedict, in a speech, appeared to associate Islam with violence.”

Student’s grade docked after mentioning Jesus in poem


“After Andrew referenced Jesus in his poem, his teacher Latasha Atkins docked his grade and told him that mentioning Jesus was not allowed. She then instructed him to write a new poem.”


UN passes Islamic "Defamation" Measure


“A ‘defamation’ of religion resolution stating that ‘Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism’ passed in the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday – but with fewer votes than in previous years.”


North American Union Products?

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“She bought this meat at Krogers, a large grocery chain. In the upper left corner of the photo, you will see: “Product of U.S., Canada, Mexico.” How is it this product came from all three countries? Or is this meat product produced within the North American Union? Or is it a typo?


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