E-Exchanges Archive, Summer 2011


Byzantine Chants


Subject: Byzantine Chants


Good day Brother Peter,

This is Brandon. I wanted to ask you: I know the Greek and Russian "orthodox" are not Christians, and I do not support, endorse, or believe they are Christians, but is it a bad thing to be attracted to their chant? The Greek Byzantine Catholic Rite and the Ukrainian Catholic Rite is almost the same. I just wanted to know if listening to "orthodox" hymns was a crime in the eyes of the Church.


MHFM: Assuming the chant doesn’t contain anything heretical or contrary to the faith, it would be acceptable to listen to it.  It would comparable to listening to classical music performed by a heretic who claims to be Catholic, or listening to Gregorian Chant performed by false Catholics who believe in salvation outside the Church. 




Subject: Thanksgiving


good afternoon


I wondered if you could help me.


as true catholics, we know that "thanksgiving" is a protestant holiday. I do not want myself nor my family to give worship on this day to a false god.  Do you have some suggestions? Special prayers, different name for this day, etc.





MHFM: We recommend that you treat it like any other day.  If your family has a special dinner on that day, you could eat it; but you should not pray with them or say grace with them if they are heretical.  If the dinner entails something more than just a meal - a special celebration or something of that sort – it would probably be a good idea to absent yourself.  It depends on what is done in your house. 




Subject: Louise and the New Mass


I just wanted to point out to Louise, that her argument in favor of the New Mass’s validity (aside from her opinion on what Christ would or would not abandon), centers on the sinfulness of the priest not affecting the validity of the sacrament.  In this she is correct.  The argument against the validity (which she either missed completely or is ignoring, I hope the former) has to do with the validity of the priest, and the validity of the form.  If she familiarizes herself with your material she cannot help but see this clearly. 


Bill Mulligan   




Subject: Novena


Dear Brothers,


I have been praying the novena to the Infant Jesus for cases of urgent need and I would appreciate to have your advice as to whether it would be acceptable, in the eyes of our faith, to repeat this novena for perfection in order to obtain the necessary graces or should  I only pray it once.


Thanking you,


M.Fernanda da Silva


MHFM: One could definitely repeat it.




Subject: votes


Just watched a vid you made about "votes". This has troubled me for years. I don't believe a thing. There have been computer PhD's who risk themselves by showing just how easy it is to trick the voting machine. Vote for 1 person generates a count for another.

Matter of fact, the only trust I have at this point is in GOD, period.






Subject: False Traditionalists


Dear Brothers:


I was thinking of the SSPX and other false traditionalists who hold the God-denying, Redeemer-denying, and Faith-destroying errors of "baptism of desire" and "invincible ignorance".  Plus, in holding these lies, these false Catholics are also denying that life on earth is a test -- and a test for every person. 


How and why do these heretics think that the Three Wise Men were able to find the Infant Jesus?  Coincidence? It's interesting how these wise men are an important part of the events of the Nativity of Our Lord, and it's almost impossible to find a Nativity Scene without them. Perhaps they were meant to give us an important lesson of every good-willed man's search for truth, and how God will assist him every step of the way.


Lee Ann




Subject: Mary


Ohhhhhh I'm so disappointed to find out you're catholic. How oh how can anyone think that Mary is to be prayed to? I loved the video you did on hell. Love the delivery and feel of it...then I find out you're catholic. Bummer.




MHFM:  Why?  The Catholic faith is the only biblical faith.  You need to see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  You should also look at this file:


The Bible teaches Mary's Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Bodily Assumption and more [PDF]


You should also listen to our debate on the Papacy with a Protestant.


E-mail from Ireland on the New Mass


Subject: Ireland


Dear Most Holy Family,


I agree with most of the information on your website. It has helped me immensely.  I think you are right about the Popes losing faith.   Vatican ii has ruined the church but the problems originated a long time ago. Look I am not that intelligent so may God open my eyes to see the truth.  I think you are wrong on one matter. Our Lord is still present in the Blessed Sacrament in the New Mass. There is no way however sinful His church He will leave them. Do You not know He foresaw the state of His church for whom He would suffer. If God is not present at the New Mass then I have yet to recieve My first Communion, confirmation and perhaps I am not even baptised.  No matter how sinful the priest the sacrament is valid, the blessings may not be the same, but the priests sins do not fall on the people for whom His is a minister.  The New Mass lacks reverenc and devotion but then look at the lack of reverence shown to Christ during His Passion. He is going thrown His Passion Now as His foresight at that time would have seen all this happen. You cant make the mass exclusive.  Even if everyone at the New Mass is faithless, sinful and irreverent it remains valid.  it may be an outrage, an abomination but The Mass Is present.




MHFM: No, the New Mass is definitely invalid.  See our article on it.  You are going by emotion, rather than by faith.  The idea that the New Mass must be valid because some “believers” think it is smacks of Protestantism.  It doesn’t matter if someone believes it’s valid; if a valid priest does not consecrate using the proper matter and form, you don’t have a valid sacrament.  The New Mass definitely has an invalid form, and almost all of the priests were ordained in the invalid New Rite of Ordination.  God does allow people to be deceived precisely as a punishment, for He sees that they don’t want the truth.


Also, the Vatican II “popes” are not popes at all. 




Dear Brothers,

Would you please give your reactions to the video of famed Rabbi Kaduri who before he died at age 108 claimed that Jesus appeared to him and told him that He would return shortly after Ariel Sharon's death.  The Rabbi also acknowledged that Jesus is the true Messiah.  Do you give this story any credence?...

Thanks for your good work.

Thomas Reilly


MHFM: No, we don't.  He continued to practice the Old Law, which makes one anathema to Christ. 




Wow! Did you see this video for expresident Lyndon Johnson's wife?  She died recently and at her funeral everyone even the "Catholic" priests that were present all joined
in to "pay tribute" Obviously the "eyes of Texas song" wasn't just a coincidence.







I was watching the movie "The Matrix" the other day and I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the premise of the movie and what has happened to the Catholic church.  Those people who take the blue pill go on with their lives thinking everything is just fine they go to church on sunday they try to live a good life they see the Catholic
church in the light of Vatican 2 they think that we are all brothers and sisters and we will all get into Heaven in the end but there are a few people who do take the red pill and through their eyes they see things as they truly are and what they see is a very lot of our brothers and sisters running head long into damnation and the wonderful Catholic
church headed by B-16 looking like a cesspool of depravity and ugliness.

Dear Brother thank you for going on Coast to Coast three years ago when I was fifty years old because you convinced me… I see things for what they are… I am convinced that there is now an all out spiritual war on right now for the souls of everyone on this planet and I think it has never been this bad before.  Could this be the final
battle, I don't know but for the past three years I have been praying 15 decades of the Rosary every day and that keeps me going, Mary has provided me with a valid priest to go to confession and receive other sacraments if I choose.  I was wondering how just saying the words of the Rosary could have
so much power over evil and how just mere words can change everything about a man’s life and I do mean everything…

Yours in Christ Charles Edwards

Eagle River Alaska




Dear Brothers,


There is a traditional church I attend sometimes in which the priest is a heretic and false traditionalist who rejects the salvation dogma.  Every Sunday immediately following the Gospel and before his sermon he states, "In the charity of your prayers please remember the souls of our young men and women who lose their lives overseas for our freedom in the service of our country.  Remember those also who lose their lives as victims of violence.  May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace".


I have three problems with this.


First : They are not losing their lives for our freedom but for the advancement of the state of Israel, whether they know it or not.


Second : There are barely, if any, of our soldiers who are true Catholics.  So he gives the false impression that people could be saved as non-Catholics.


Third : He is giving in to the political correctness of modern society by his use of inclusive language, namely, "our young men and women".  I have a problem with this because I don't think women have any business serving in the military and especially in combat.  It is contrary to the natural law and God's will.


This priest, who purports to be a traditional Catholic should know better.  I'd appreciate it if you could comment on this.




MHFM: His statement that people should pray for those who die in these actions clearly implies that people can be saved outside the Church, which his heretical.  It demonstrates that he is a heretic.  Catholics must not pray for those who die outside the true faith.


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Suppl. Q. 71, A. 5: “Gregory says (Moral xxxiv. 19): There is the same reason for not praying then (namely after the judgment day) for men condemned to everlasting fire, as there is now for not praying for the devil and has angels who are sentenced to eternal punishment, and for this reason the saints do not pray for dead unbelieving and wicked men, because, forsooth, knowing them to be already condemned to eternal punishment, they shrink from pleading for them by the merit of their prayers before they are summoned to the presence of the Judge.”


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Suppl. Q. 71, A. 5: “Further, the text (iv. Sent. D. 45) quotes the words of Augustine (De Verb. Apost. Serm. Xxxii): If a man depart this life without the faith that worketh by charity and its sacraments, in vain do his friends have recourse to such acts of kindness [prayers and suffrages for him].’  Now all the damned come under that head.  Therefore suffrages profit them not.”




Subject: chemtrails


Brother Dimond


I dont know if you cover any of these on you  website news, but I can tell you from where I live for hours a day here in Colorado there are countless planes swirling criss crossing creating huge clouds and no one notices anything, i recently took a trip to iowa and day and night they are flying. My neighbor  is around 33 and is being treated for cancer  she is an avid gardner it makes you wonder. I do not know if this is chemicals  or weather manipulation or both. The sky resembles the planet venus which if you remember from school trap[s heat like a greenhouse this is what the clouds look like to me .









You have been advertising on the radio sports program I listen to and I really want to get what you are offering.  How can you do this for only five dollars? 


Philip X. Brady

Baton Rouge, LA


MHFM: We’re trying to get the information out to as many people as possible.


Fear of the Lord


Subject: Theresa Gray


…. Theresa needs to [read]… the Book of Ecclesiasticus, reading her email, I kept getting the mental image of her as a flower child of the 1960's, a drug addict of emotion {charismatic}, the first fruits of the vatican ll sect.  Her pride, arrogance and contempt for the fear of the Lord and her defense of the vatican ll sect {freemasonic religion of many religions} is outrageous!  


Some of her remarks of delusion and confusion:

"How do you wish to convert others - by fear?  by degradation under the guise of Truth?  Do you believe God prefers you to operate in fear and hate rather than in peace and love?  This is not what His Son taught this was not his example . . ."   IN FACT, IT IS EXACTLY WHAT JESUS TAUGHT, through fear you learn to know and love God, remaining in peace and justice, all through the Grace of God:

Ecclesiasticus 2:10   Ye that fear the Lord, love him, and your hearts shall be enlightened.  {enlightened to what, THE TRUTH!}


Ecclesiasticus 2:18   They that fear the Lord, will not be incredulous to his word: and they that love him, will keep his way.


Ecclesiasticus 15:13   The Lord hateth all abomination of error, and they that fear him shall not love it.


Ecclesiasticus 25:16   The fear of God is the beginning of his love: and the beginning of faith {TRUTH} is to be fast joined unto it.


Ecclesiasticus 5:12   Be steadfast in the way of the Lord, and in the truth of thy judgment, and in knowledge, and let the word of peace and justice keep with thee.


Theresa, imagine a child in a house, where he runs around in total disobedience to the parent and the parent shows an attitude toward the disobedient behavior of the child with love and peace, the child will think the parent approves of his behavior, that it is just.  It should be that the child knows, through stern instruction and the fear of punishment, which is love, he should not disobey the parent and out of love for the parent, the child would never offend the parent by disobedience.  To love the child is to save him from destruction by correction, this is true charity.


Theresa ends her email by saying the Sacrifice of the Mass is of no effect unless the faithful, first reconcile with the apostates and by declaring as much she denies the dogma "Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation."  This is why we have to listen to Jesus and not man: 


1 Thessalonians 5:21-22  But prove all things; hold fast that which is good.  From all appearance of evil refrain yourselves. 


In Mary,





Subject: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


Dear Brothers,

I was thinking about Antipope Benedict XVI's Assisi Apostasy III speech, and how he pushes the heresy of agnosticism, aka. skepticism, doubt or "critical thinking." He intends to sew doubt into divine revelation, as if the Catholic faith were not a matter of absolute certainty. Also, just looking now, he often talks about the "absence of God," as if God can be absent from anywhere. He implies that God only exists where people believe in Him. It is similar to the false philosophy found in the question, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" This is similar to Buddhism where the "self" is the center of existence, and nothing exists outside one's perception or mind… Benedict XVI essentially promotes a passive "Buddhist" skepticism or doubt of reality - of both seen and unseen reality - which he calls "agnosticism." His goal is for humanity to "wake up" to the realization that they are themselves the Creator God of all things. It is Antichrist!!! I recall my deceased grandfather (who died as a heretic) called himself an agnostic, was a member of an illuminist religion (TOC H), and also had affection for Buddhism (and Islam, and Judaism, etc.). The Illuminati and demons find Jesus Christ's martyrdom and resurrection extremely offensive because He conquered the world, the flesh, the devil, hell and "the self."

God Bless,





I am not a Catholic, but I heard your organization advertising on the radio a couple of days ago and what you said sounded pretty interesting.  I’m getting older so I think I’d better look into this and see what you’ve got.  The signs of the end are everywhere like the Bible states and I want to be ready.


Henry Bechtel

Ackworth, IA




Subject: Ordination


I would like to know what the changes are in the ordination of priests and when it took place, so I can explain it to a friend who is devoted to the Holy Rosary but persists in going to the New Order Mass.  Thank you. 




MHFM: The New Rite of Ordination is without any question invalid.  This file explains why: Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid [PDF File].

Not a devotee


Subject: Your website


I am a devotee of the Two Hearts. 


Christ taught that He is the Light and that many live in darkness.  I believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the one, holy, Catholic, True Church and that Christ is the heart of the Church providing Light for us. 


The fall of many Christians has been the bad fruit of man's desire for materialism and all the false gods associated.  This began much earlier than Vatican II.  Vatican II fundamentally was an instrument to respond to the needs of the Church by the call of the Holy Spirit, but evil had already had entered the hearts of many with a desire parallel to the sin of Eve (to do one's own will and not of God's).  Thus many abuses evolved - but these were not the actual changes or clarifications made by the Council.


John Paul II was intuitive and sought to globalize Christianity and to plant seeds of authentic love of Christ within the Catholic Church.  Thus we have today the fruit of his work, a whole generation of young people that have an authentic love of the Eucharist, which means an authentic love of God and neighbor. Benedict equally intuitive and a proponent of JPII's work and devotion to the Immaculate Heart understand the importance of loving neighbor. Without loving our neighbor we cannot hope to change hearts for Christ, without changing hearts to Christ, the message of Fatima will be incomplete.  Fatima was a message of hope, this is what we must foster to renew hearts so that the Sacred Heart will reigh.


My friend, when one becomes puffed up with self knowledge, there is no fruit to offer your brothers.  


How do you wish to convert others - by fear? by degradation under the guise of Truth? by claiming what is not yours? 


You jab at our Holy Mother Church but she will not jab back at you - it is not Her way.  Where is your Charity?  I have had the ability in peace to speak to some of your followers and have found they have such a lack of hope, and they truly have been kept in the dark about the truth of many events and people of which you distort on your website.  We have been able to have open discussions and in the spirit of Truth we are both seeking to understand our differences - many of which we have both found that we have common ground. Like communion on the tongue, preferring the altar rail, love for our Lady and the need for daily rosary, and more. 


Do you believe God prefers you to operate in fear and hate rather than in peace and love?  This is not what His Son taught this was not his example for he knew the Church would always be filled with sinners. Some curiously seeking to others who are seeking the heights of perfection.


Would it not be pleasing to heaven if some day all peoples would erase all animosity and together in peace came to know, love, and serve God through our Lord Jesus Christ and his mother?  To do so, we must do as Christ ask us to do and before we offer our gift at the altar, we must first reconcile with our brother.-- 


In Christ through Mary


theresa gray


MHFM: You are obviously a spiritually deluded person.  You have imbibed the false peace of Antichrist, to which you are attracted.  You are enthralled by the biggest dogma deniers in Church history (Benedict XVI & John Paul II).  You have no faith in Catholic dogma, and thus Christ gives you over to the delusion you seek.  You attempt to explain away their apostate teachings and actions.  You lie when you say that Vatican II did not contain evil doctrines.  Since you don’t love the truth, these facts probably wouldn’t faze you at all: 


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section]


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]




Subject: Telephone debate with "sedeprivationst"


Today I had a short telephone debate with a member (a nun) of a "traditional catholic" institute (institute "Mater Boni Consilii") who professes the "sedeprivationist thesis of Cassiciacum" near Turin.  Well, I asked their position about Benedict XVI. The nun of this institute said that Ratzinger has been validly elected as a pope, but he has no authority because he is a heretic and an apostate. In other words she said that he is materially pope but he has no authority.  I responded that if a true pope has no authority he is NOT a pope at all. It is impossible to have a pope WITHOUT authority. So I rejected her position as false and heretical. Then this nun began to say that in order to recognize a true pope as a heretic, it is necessary that one or more cardinals admonish him. I responded that this is totally false because, if a true pope falls into heresy or apostasy he is ipso facto excommunicated (latea sententiae), and no admonition or ferendae sentetiae is needed. So this heretical nun contradicted her position because on what basis does she say that Benedict XVI has no authority, since there has not been any declaratory sentence and any admonition by any cardinal ? She destroyed her own point. Short after she said that she had to go, and hung up the phone.




MHFM: Yes, that’s the idea that the Vatican II antipopes are true popes but possess no jurisdiction.  It’s a heretical theory which empties the Papacy of its power; it directly contradicts Vatican I, which declared that a Pope by definition possesses supreme jurisdiction.  This is an excellent canon to refute it.


Pope Pius IX, Vatican I, 1870, Sess. 4, Chap. 3, ex cathedra: “If anyone thus speaks, that the Roman Pontiff has only the office of inspection or direction, but not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the universal Church… let him be anathema.” (Denz. 1831)




Subject: baptists


hello there. just seen a video on youtube.com  called purgatory. i'm distressed over what faith to follow. i was born a catholic, but i've gone to a baptist church 2 or 3 times so far, not that long ago. what should i do, may i ask?...  thanks.




MHFM: You need to stop going to the Baptist church and convert to the (traditional) Catholic faith.  The Catholic faith is the only true and biblical faith.  You should begin to pray the Rosary each day; see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church; and look over our other videos and materials.  When convinced, you should follow these steps to convert: 


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.




I heard your ad today during the Glen Beck Show and I’ve been looking at your website. I want to order that package, but I am having some trouble with the order form.  Your home page is very interesting, very interesting.  I can’t wait to delve into this.  Thank you for this website.






Subject: Pharasee


Dont you have anything better to do than spread hate and point fingers brother.. you have a very self righteous attitude whens the last time you have sat next to Gods throne and took a peek at the book of life.. you do nothing but criticize people all day long.. who are you to talk about who is saved and is not saved.. are you GOD! you need to check yourself brother.. because that verse when christ say about the people that said did i not cast out demons and heal the sick didnt i do this and that... they were sure they were saved like you! yet christ told them away with you I never knew you! and those that asked when did i see you when did i feed you they were saved..you put you hope in a pope in man made of flesh and blood who has no more authority than the next man he is of flesh in blood and made of dust.. you have made him an idol! and live blindly.. you posts disgust me.. and do nothing to build up the body of christ.. 




MHFM: We do nothing but criticize people?  Not exactly.  Perhaps you should learn how to spell “Pharisee,” and then check out our section on the biblical proof for the Papacy.  Jesus Christ made St. Peter the first pope.  The evidence for that is irrefutable.  The Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope [link to section]


Not surprisingly, your e-mail contains baseless accusations without any specifics.  If you provided them – such as precisely what we said or wrote which you think is wrong – you would be refuted.  A true Christian must condemn evildoers and hold that those outside the faith are in a state of separation from God.  You reject the teaching of Jesus Christ, Scripture and His Church on this matter.  Your liberalism rebels against the hard truths of God, probably because you are committing mortal sins and you desire to make the road to Heaven wider than it is.  As a result, you chafe at the condemnation of wicked men.




MHFM: … working on a video.  It might take a few days to finish. 




Dear Brothers,

At the age of 42 I was pregnant. It was a most unbelievable surprise to say the least. Excited, you better believe it. I had all the tests done, except the one where they put a needle into the stomach to draw ambiotic fluid. I refused that one due to the fact that if the baby moved it could possible kill the baby.

To make a long story short, we received the most precious gift from GOD. David Michael, a child born with Down Syndrome. He was not supposed to live past 24 hours. You see, he had no bottom chambers in his tiny heart and his main artery, the aorta was severed. I was told by my heart doctors that David should have never been born alive, it was that severe. Well GOD had other plans. He allowed David to live till three days before his first birthday.  The doctors were stunned, actually dumbfounded. But they had no idea what the Good Lord had done to my family. I can't even put it into words, The blessings and graces just seemed to pour out in this family. Oh and my Most Holy Mother Mary, I could never repay the wonderful things that She is responsible for, and to this day She is still helping, it is so humbling… David was Baptized within the hour of his birth…


May God Bless you both and Our Most Holy Mother Mary protect you always.





hi,i just wanna say i watched your truth video, and i was fascinated by it!i was raised christian.my best friend is catholic.i always question the bibles authenticity,but now i wont so much after seeing your video.i havent been to church in since 2003.if i wanna convert to catholicism,how do i do that?and what are some great churches in sacramento ca i could go to,to restore my faith in god?


thanks brother,sincerely tommy p


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Only true traditional Catholics are Christians.  The steps to convert are here: 


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.


You would need to obtain a basic catechism – which you can get for $5.00 from our store – and we recommend that you begin to pray the Rosary.  You would have to be convinced on issues of the faith before receiving sacraments.  Thus, once you are convinced we can help you with that matter.  We recommend that you continue to look at the videos and information on our website, and that you follow the steps to convert. 






Subject: Rosary/Meditation


Dear Brothers,


I forgot which saint it was who said that in solitude one finds God.  I also saw your video on the beautiful fall colors in your area.  These two things remind me of a weekly practice I have of going to the cemetery where my dad is buried.  It is a rather large and peaceful cemetery with a serene ambiance.  There are literally dozens of oak trees and some evergreens and lots of squirrels.  I bring my chair and sit in front of my dad's grave.  He was a strong traditional Catholic, who, by all evidence held the correct positions and died in a state of grace.  He received Extreme Unction and Confession in the hospital within two weeks of his passing by a traditional priest.  He also died wearing the Brown Scapular.  He had great devotion to Our Lady.  Anyway I sit there and pray the Rosary for him… After the Rosary, I stay a while longer to meditate on God's creation.  I do this by gazing at the oak trees and watching the squirrels running and climbing up the trees and the birds flying overhead, while meditating on life, Heaven, Hell, death, judgement, etc.






Hello Most Holy Family Monastery,


I heard you on the radio a few months ago and called and ordered what you were advertizing.  I confess that I am just getting around to looking at the package you sent me.    I’m just so impressed.  This information is amazing.  I want ten more packages, one for my mother.  I am from Germany originally, but now live here.  My mother actually went to school with “the Rat” believe it or not!  She needs to see your information.  I want everyone to see it, so I will keep telling them about it and keep ordering packages.


I must tell you how very much impressed I am by your presentation so that it is understandable to the average person.  I did not have a lot of knowledge on the things that you are presenting, but now I can understand.  I really want to thank you for doing this. I want the Brothers (Dimond) to know I appreciate how well the information is presented. 


God bless you,

Sybille Murphy




Dear MHFM,


Thanks for the info in the News section and also for clarifying more about Wande Abimbola, the witch doctor that attended the Assisi gathering. Even the Mahometan and the pagan who were in the living room watching Wande Abimbola talking about being a representative of "indigenous" African "religions" began to laugh, knowing that it was a tactful way of describing witchcraft. When he began making a rattle on his instrument in cadence with his incantations, the Islamite and Novus Ordo Pagan were shocked and wondered why the people in the audience did not get up and leave. They thought it was scary. These pagans also proceeded to laughing again when the witch doctor, after resuming his speech in English, then began to chant in a foreign tongue, invoking a powerful demon. He holds his magic practices to be "efficient" since they are based on instructions from the spiritual world. Benedict XVI turns to witch doctors for "peace" because he knows it furthers his Anti-Christ kingdom. He must have had a "charge up" in demonic forces. Since Paul VI was possessed, it is not a stretch to conclude the Benedict XVI is as well. He was born in Bavaria, the place where the Illuminati was formed, plus he is an influential person.


This Evil is bound to bring some carnage, as sacred history attests. While Abraham talked to God, we learned that God would spare a city from His Wrath if it had even 10 righteous people. Padre Pio is a good example. When the Anglo-American pilots began to heavily carpet bomb Foggia (in which San Giovanni Rotondo is located), Capitanata and Gargano; they were unable to demolish the Monastery of Padre Pio and its surrounding areas. The many pilots that were flying their planes saw in the sky a bearded friar with injured hands who prevented them from dropping the bombs. The bombs refused to drop and the planes were turned back in another direction without the pilots piloting them. The 33rd Degree Masons who oversaw the operation must have been shaken, because all those pilots reported to Headquarters, what took place. Padre Pio was a protagonist of incredible events during both world wars….






Subject: fools


catholicism is not more or less then mitraism,mystery religions,paganism,sun worship,satanism and u deceivers sons of satan know it..u should read the vatican holocaust,and the history of the jesuits,or 50 years in the church of rome!this is just a few because theres thousands of books telling us about the crimes of the whore of revelation,the catholic church the extension of the roman empire..revelation tells it all about who u are!the mother of harlots,the great whore.u going to u tube defending the jesuits?!u must be on drugs dude,or u ignorant from hell!ur pope is a pedophile and a murder,ur pope was in the hitler youth,ur pope is calling for a new world order.hitler was finance by rome all the way,the pope have call him son of the catholic church that died defending the faith!i have pictures of ur pedophile murder priests doing the nazi salute and meeting with hitler!jesuits were born to do contra reformation,loyola i spit on ur grave!u talk about the reformers u ignorant brainwashed whore,u have kill millions,,ur time is coming rome read revelation,,king james bible u will never destroy!u deceive the masses because they ignorant of who u really are,kabbalists,mitra  sun worshipers luciferian whores..what does the eye of horus inside ur churches?u shall burn for all eternity with ur father the devil.bye bye dagan,baal....




MHFM: We take it that you are not interested in obtaining extra copies of our Catholic books and DVDs.


Blessed Sacrament


Thank you so much for all the information contained on your website. As someone from Ireland how can avoid the errors that are currently taken place within the church? I hear you say the current mass is not valid? Can i still visit the blessed sacrament? 




MHFM: No, the Blessed Sacrament is not present at the New Mass.  Please consult our section on the New Mass.  Our website covers what one must do to recognize and avoid the errors of the Vatican II sect.


 Where to go to Mass or confession today?




Subject: Joe Paterno Receives The John Wanamaker Masonic Humanitarian Medal


Dear Brothers,

Thought you might be interested in this article.

Joe Paterno Receives The John Wanamaker Masonic Humanitarian Medal:
http://www.pagrandlodge.org/freemason/1001/paterno.html: "Paterno said during his address after receiving the Wanamaker medal, "I get a lot of different awards, but this represents a very special group of people and I'm very honored for you to honor me, to reach out and say 'here is somebody we admireand appreciate what he has done' -- and, I hope is going to do a few more things before it is all said and done. I appreciate it and I'm very humbled.""

Paterno says that the Freemasons "represent a very special group of people" proving he is not even slightly Catholic. What an apostate!!! No doubt many young men breathed a sigh of relief to see him go.

God Bless,





Brother Dimond,


I heard you on the radio a few weeks ago.  I was surprised to hear you on a pop rock station talking about the Catholic Church.  I’ve never heard anything like that before.  I’m ordering the books and dvds for my mother.  She’s really into that stuff and it sounded like it was something she’d want to know.  I would have contacted you sooner but I couldn’t find the paper I wrote your website address on.  I like studying things too, and I know all about the nwo etc.  Glad I heard you on the radio.  Thanks for the info.


Steve Vasquez




If I could add to William's email about Penn State and Paterno, I think Paterno was protecting his legacy instead of trying to protect those boys along with the others who witnessed the acts, protecting their own interests too, which is outrageous, having said that, William mentioned the vatican ll sect and rightfully so.  I believe you will find freemasonry in most of the powerful and key positions in American and the world for that fact, whether its the political, military, judicial, educational, corporate, media etc.  This sexually perverted behavior is part of their religion, this is why it goes on without any action against it unless it is exposed to the outside then they will act in a completely different manner.  The Franklin Sex Scandal was another high profile case that happened involving, Boys Town USA in Nebraska which implicated politicians all the way up to the White House, but it was squashed of course.  The Discovery Channel was going to do a documentary on this scandal but it never aired, I wonder why?  You will find the origins of this behavior in the old testament with the Babylonian jews.

In Mary,


Have been


Dear Brother Michael Dimond,


Your book entitled “Padre Pio: A Catholic Priest who Worked Miracles and Bore the Wounds of Jesus Christ on his Body” has helped me so greatly.  I must tell you, Brother, how this is true. 


For some time now, I have been having a problem in my family.  I will tell you that my wife found someone else and it nearly destroyed our marriage.  I have been consumed with a desire for revenge on her for betraying me and so our marriage is strained with little communication.  I have not been able to forgive her.


I have been praying to God for help in this matter.  Then, somehow, I knew I had to look in a particular drawer in my house for an answer.  I began taking everything out of this drawer, and at the very bottom was your book about the Padre Pio.  Immediately I felt relief in my heart and from my spiritual and mental torment.  I began to read and after a few pages, I was moved to tears.  Everything that was hurting me is now gone.  I have read the whole book and I cannot remember being so happy.  I now love my wife more than ever before and our children as well.  I am now most concerned about our souls and I see more clearly what I can do with God’s grace. 


I want others to be helped by reading about Padre Pio from your book.  Please, Brother, I want to order 500 copies of your booklet, so I can bring this great blessing to others. 


Thank you for writing this book, Brother.  It has changed my life when nothing else helped.  Please also send me information on your other works. 


Thank you again, Brother, and may God always bless you and protect your monastery.


Your friend in Jesus Christ,

T. Hoang




Subject: Joe Paterno and Benedict-Ratzinger


Good morning brothers: I follow college football as recreation.  The parallels between Paterno and B16 are interesting.  When the Penn St. football program finds that a coach had been molesting boys, Joe Paterno gets fired within days.  B16, who has had high authority in the Vatican for 30 years, does nothing when with priests and fake priests that molest boys and girls and cover things up and threaten those that go to the civil authorites (civil authorities which Jesus recognized as legitimate for some things)


Also interesting that Mr. Paterno would have gotten along well at the Assisi meetings as he is "Catholic" and came out last year and said favorable things about the Ground Zero mosque.


Keep up the good work and God bless you.

William H. Sloan




Subject: video of Fall colors at the monastery


Thanks for the beautiful Fall leaf colors pictured on the web site.  They rival the colors in Appalachia and the Carolinas this time of year.
I have begun to pray the holy Rosary each day as I used to.  I recall the traditional Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries on their appropriate days.  However, I received some time ago the new "Rosary" of Karol Wotyla--a.k.a. "John Paul II"-via the mail.  Is there anything wrong with praying Karol's new "Rosary ?"
William Bryant


MHFM:  Thanks for the e-mail.  One should not pray the Rosary of Antipope John Paul II.  The Luminous Mysteries are not part of the true Rosary.






i saw this video you have on hell and death it scared me so bad .  i have committed all these sins all of them and i have done so much wrong . i asked jesus to forgive me and be in my heart i am sad and hurt and afraid at my past . but is there still time for me to change the wrongs i have done will jesus god forgive me now i have turned from my sins i stopped… so many other things right now I’m trying hard to learn how to stop curse words and getting rid of new age religions i have picked up over the years . please help me not to go to hell i dont want to go thru all that for sins of the flesh and of the world i have changed and will keep changing and growing but i want jesus i want god….




MHFM: There is time for you to be forgiven.  You need to start praying the Rosary each day, and follow these steps to convert to the faith.  God has given you the grace to see what’s important.  You need to respond to it.




The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.


You should also continue to review our other videos and the material on our website.




Subject: … My Recent Conversion


Greetings again Brothers Michael and Peter Dimond.


Last time I emailed you, I was unconvinced of whether the post-Vatican 2 claimants to the papacy were true popes. Now I am convinced that not only are they antipopes, but that the bishops and priests ordained in the New Rite are not valid bishops and priests, that the New "Mass" is invalid, and so are the Motu Proprio "Masses" celebrated by priests ordained in the New Rite of 1968. I believe in the dogma that outside the Church there is no salvation, without exception and without compromise. I have also made the profession of faith from the Council of Trent as well…


God's blessings,

Wesley Brittain




Dear Brothers,


That is quite a heresy from H. Cerry.  All of these salvation heretics need to ask themselves a question : Why do I bother professing to be Catholic and waste time saying Rosaries, going to confession, etc., when I could have it much easier by being Protestant and still be saved?  It logically follows that there is no point in religion if it does not matter what one believes.






Subject: interesting story


I would like to tell you an interesting fact that happened today at work (you may even add this to your "news" section). I am working in the hospital of Bolzano, department of dermatology for my training in general medicine. In these last 8 days I had to work on various physician offices of this hospital department with different physicians and nurses. As I said in the other email it happened (with 2 different physicians and 2 different nurses) that they repeatedly, with high voice pronounced the names of God and Mary in vain in front of me. I said to them with a quite tone of voice that they should not do so.  Well, today, the chief-physician and his deputy chief called me for a speech in their room. They said to me that they forbid me to rebuke other physicians and other nurses if they pronounce the name of God, of Mary or of the Saints in vain if it happens again with different persons of the department. I responded that as a catholic I absolutely cannot accept their prohibition and if other nurses or physicians (I referred even to them, the chief and deputy chief) will pronounce the name of God or of Mary or of the Saints in vain in front of me, I will rebuke them. Now they are deciding to expel me from the department.


I ask you to pray for me,

Andrea, from Bolzano.




Subject: More Deception with more "mass" changes


Just more so-called traditional changes within the "mass" that will continue to deceive people into further acceptance of the false and apostate V-2 sect as "Catholic".


May Our Lady of Graces continue to Bless you!

In Iesu et Maria,





Subject: pseudo-sedevacantism


Dear Brothers,

Cerri says that the "thing" that causes opposition by sedevacantists is that Vatican II teaches that non-Catholics can be saved. However, there are many sedevacantists who do believe it is possible for a non-Catholic to go to heaven. There are plenty of "baptism of desire/blood" sedevacantists or "invincible ignorance" sedevacantists. I have often wondered why such heretics are sedevacantists in the first place since if they reject the dogma, outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation, then on what basis do they reject the Vatican II antipopes? If they hold that it is possible, though unlikely, for someone who is not baptized with water and holds the Catholic faith to be saved, then how can they say it is wrong to go and pray with non-Catholics, since those non-Catholics might simply be "mistaken in good faith"?? It is pseudo-sedevacantism, and is much like the false traditionalist SSPX, who hold contradictory opinions, namely, that the Vatican II Antipopes are both "popes" and Antichrists. It is schismatical and heretical. Just like modern "intellectuals," in all their criticism of things they lose the truth. It is more proof that we are in the Last Days and the time of the Great Apostasy. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Colossians 2:8 - "Beware lest any man cheat you by philosophy and vain deceit: according to the tradition of men according to the elements of the world and not according to Christ."

God Bless,

Chris White




… One thing that seems to cause particular opposition by sedevacantists is the idea that according to Vatican II non-catholics can somehow make it to heaven.  The way I interpret this personally is to think that it is still much easier to make it to heaven as a catholic, because we are armed with sacraments and graces that non-catholics lack, but that it is still theoretically possible for a non-catholic to make it. Of course he would have to defeat all temptations, deceptions and tricks that Satan would throw his way throughout his life and somehow remain virtuous and pure- a very unlikely possibility to be sure, but nonetheless not impossible. I guess an analogy would be to think of Satan as a soldier outfitted with the latest weapons, night-vision goggles, rocket-propeleld granades, etc. The catholic who fights his has an even stronger assortement of weapons to fight him, so he  has a good chance to win. The pagan, or other non-catholic has only a bow and arrow or other primitive weapons at his disposal. While it is far more likely the non-catholic will lose, it is nonetheless still possible for someone armed with a bow and arrow if he is careful and intelligent  enough to kill a soldier who is armed with modern weapons once in a while.

Seen in this light, we can still say after Vatican II that we should still try to convert all non-catholics as far as it it realistically possible, not because they will ALL otherwise  end up in hell, but because MANY MORE will be saved if they become catholics and utilize all the beneficial sacraments and help of the church.

Sincerely yours,

H. Cerri


MHFM: It’s a shame you lack the grace of faith.  You simply have no belief in papal infallibility or in Jesus Christ (they go together).  If you did, you would be convinced of what He has revealed (which has been defined by the Church) concerning the necessity of the Catholic faith for salvation.   Your analogy fails on two fronts: 1) You compare getting to Heaven simply to overcoming moral evils and sins (such as impurity).  You thus ignore the requirement that one must possess the correct belief system and truly be incorporated into Christ to be saved, even if one is able to avoid obvious moral evils.  2)  You presuppose that without the true faith (and the grace that comes with it) one can avoid the grave sins he or she must avoid to get to Heaven.  The first point is the main point to consider in refuting your analogy and in identifying your heresy.  Simply put: you reject the authority of the Catholic Church, which has authoritatively declared that no one is saved without the Catholic faith.  That’s the teaching of Jesus Christ.  Since you believe that people can be saved without the Catholic faith, it makes sense that you accept the heresies of Vatican II and the apostates who imposed them.


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832:  “With the admonition of the apostle, that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5), may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever.  They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him.  Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).”


Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Iniunctum nobis, Nov. 13, 1565, ex cathedra: “This true Catholic faith, outside of which no one can be saved… I now profess and truly hold…”


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”




Dear Brother Peter:


Very good video you have about birth control…


Kim-Lan Vu




Subject: Theological Puke


Dear MHFM,

We went to check out Alex Jones down in Dallas [a few weeks ago] at the Federal Reserve and I have a story to pass along:

While we were observing AJ's rants and raves a man approached us with a handout. Jen noticed it was a Protestant flyer so she gave them back. The man was a offended that we didn't want them and thus he essentially instigated a debate.  During the debate (keep in mind Alex Jones is about 10 feet from us on a bull-horn) this Protestant heretic tells us in loud booming words, "Jesus sinned on the cross for us!"  As you could imagine we were rather baffled at what he just told us, and so Jen clarified that He did not sin etc. But the man insisted God's only begotten Son actually sinned on the cross, and qualified that statement of theological puke with, "that is why Jesus said why hast thou forsaken me. " (I am sorry but it is hard not to laugh at this point) Eventually the debate ended and lo-and-behold he was a prominent Protestant who right after our debate gave an on-camera interview with Alex Jones!

Rob Hansen


Seton Hall


Subject: Seton Hill and "ghosts"


After reading your news page recently and hearing of the problems with Seton Hill faculty I just happened to run across an old newspaper article from 1999 while cleaning my house today. It got my attention especially because it was the same university that is currently having problems with a Special Ed Professor who was charged with child pornography. 

In my article it involves a ghostly "nun".  Apparently this "nun" chewed out a sloppy student at Seton Hill in the early 1970's.  This was related by a former rebellious student who left her dorm room always looking like a pigsty.  The spooky "sister" left only after the student promised the "nun" "she would clean up her act".

I decided to do a key word search for 'seton hill ghostly nun', and found this:  http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Haunted:seton:hill:university.html


… I wonder if someone, especially in the faculty isn't into witchcraft at Seton Hill, or uses the Ouija board there, especially on campus? It's really quite common among "educators"  and has been for decades, but that little tidbit they like to try to keep secret.  I personally think it's a real shame that parents don't think about where they put their children into school or who is teaching them.  Additionally, I got my information about the witchcraft from a woman I used to know who was born into a "teaching" family and is a third generation teacher (it could be more). That information confirmed my worst fears and unfortunately time has proven the truth of it because the immoral and evil activities and fruit of this "education" continue and worsen with the passing of time.  Almost everyone blames the problems on everything else but satanic influences.  People are happy with their ignorance.

Thank you for keeping us informed on your tremendous website.  God's richest blessings to you all.






Dear Brothers:


First of all, I would like to thank you for such an enlightening website.  Your information is well-documented and I believe that your intentions are sincere.


To make a long story short I grew up in a secular household, and my heart's desire is to become a Roman Catholic (I've never been baptized).  I am currently enrolled in RCIA classes but they practice the novus ordo mass, which I refuse to attend.  However, I do attend a traditional latin mass every Sunday conducted by priests from the priestly fraternity of saint peter. Are they loyal to the current pope, and if so, should I still attend their latin masses?...


Thank you for your time and I'm really looking forward to hearing back from you.





MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  No, you should not attend the FSSP masses.  Almost all of their “priests” were ordained by “bishops” consecrated in Paul VI’s new rite of episcopal consecration.  That rite cannot be considered valid.  You need to stop RCIA.  The Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church.  Benedict XVI is not the pope, as the material on our site proves.  We believe that when you look it over in more detail, you will see that what is presented in the material is the truth.  It’s critical to act upon it: to hold the correct positions, make a traditional profession of faith, and be baptized into the traditional faith.  There are options for valid sacraments, once you are convinced.  A true Catholic in your area could assist you with baptism, or someone else if there is no true Catholic available (for anyone who observes proper matter and form, and has the minimal intention, can baptize).  You should follow these steps The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.


You should also pray the Rosary each day.




dear mhfm,

i want to thank u for the amazing work u do and let u know that a few persons here in Nigeria have the same opinions as urs concerning the dogmas, vatican 2 e.t.c…






Subject: Do Catholics pray to the dead?


I was really thankful and pleased to see the video you have on the tube. Now please do not take this as a insult or judgement. Because I can tell by your message God to you is God to me. And I do not follow a particular religion because brothers in Christ should have no separation or differences and religion has divided us. Ok here is my question where did Catholicism come up with prayers to saints or Mother Mary who are not God but where as human as you or me spreading what they knew and doing the Lords work. I am not in any way perfect I am a sinner in many ways please do not think I am judging. But dont you think God along with Jesus as is put in the Bible are the only one he wants us praying to. Lets give thanks to GOD for all the Miracles that make life happen. And his grace will be needed in the days to come.




MHFM: The biblical basis for those positions is covered in our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, as well as our section on the biblical proof for the Catholic faith.  You should consult them.  http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/the_bible_proves_the_catholic_church.php


You say you don’t follow any religion, but Christ taught specific things that one must accept to be a true Christian.  Only the Catholic Church teaches those things.  Hence, the other groups are not truly Christian.  Your currently favor religious indifferentism.  That’s a denial of Christ.  We hope you examine the evidence and re-assess your position.




Dear MHFM  


the world is in a very deplorable state. I went to a public library in orange CA, they had a book by benedict 16 called jesus of nazareth. catholism by richard mcbrien, books by the manifest heretic hans kung,  the book of mormon, the quaker sect etc,. I heard that mormons have the highest suicide rate, they are always riding bicyles and smiling. they believe jesus and satan are brothers. they are just ridiculous. people should not waste there time studying false religions, they should study the true faith. catholics should go out and evangelize, not these protestants. for we have the truth. also I saw this on CNN   U.S. officials are  concerned that Israel may attack Iran soon.  any way god bless .  in jesus ,mary, joseph.    from mark v


MHFM: The Massive Heresies in Benedict XVI's book, "Jesus of Nazareth - Holy Week"




…can a Catholic attend a wedding reception ONLY of a Catholic who was married in a Novus Ordo church since that sacrament is still valid but the mass isn't.

John in New Jersey


MHFM: No, a Catholic should not go.  A Catholic must not celebrate the wedding of people who reject the faith. 




Subject: discovery


Hello MHFM,
My history,

I was raised Catholic, church every sunday, CCD etc.  I never knew vat 2 existed or what it meant. I was born in 1965… I left the Catholic church long ago and felt that it was corrupt at the top (covering up crimes ) ( I am not a victim) I never really learned the history of the church, but I did learn and believe in the Trinity. I do love Jesus.  My prayer life for the most part consists of saying the Our Father, then talking to God.  I have been completely worldly, I have gone to non-denominational churches (which I decided were not for me)
… I then found your advert on the Drudge report.  You claimed to be Catholic (which even though I had no faith in Catholic leadership took more seriously than any non- Catholic).  The first thing I noticed was your video on the Osama Bin-Laden killing fraud. I was absolutely shocked !!  I am a 9/11 Truther and I also believe that the recently reported killing of OBL is a fraud. What shocked me was the Catholic/Truth connection which I have never seen before. I suddenly took you seriously.

I have watched many of your videos and on one hand I am quite impressed and on the other hand fearful of what it all means. You guys make sense. Example, protestants (John Hagee types whom I have already deemed false prophets) feel the anti-christ will be political, where as you contend it will be spiritual.

Jesus did not seem to give a hoot about politics, and if the real battle is for souls why then would the devil bother with political take overs. Your explanations of the heretical Popes/leadership helped me understand why I have almost always felt there was something wrong.  The word Sedevacant was new to me, but I think that's what I was without knowing it.  I’m the bad Catholic that left the church, my sister is the good Catholic who goes to church and loves John Paul and even went to Rome to be a part of the beatification and posted pics of Benedict on her facebook (ironically the exact same time I was discovering your site/youtube) Causing me to bang my head on my desk.  I cant get her to accept 9/11 truth how am I ever going to get her to see the truth about the Vatican 2 Church?
I realize my letter to you is long winded and you are probably rolling your eyes at me, but I had to say something to someone about my discovery of your site…


MHFM: We are definitely glad that you came across the website and that you are interested in the information.  We recommend that you pray the Rosary each day.  As you continue to look at the information and become fully convinced, you will need to make a traditional profession of faith for converts.  You will also need to prepare yourself for a general confession of all mortal sins (including leaving the Catholic Church, going to Protestant services, etc.) that were not confessed to priests of the traditional rite.  This file contains the profession of faith and the steps people should take in converting to the true Catholic faith. 


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




Subject: Masons


I saw a video talking about Masons against Catholic church. I believe all this but do recent Popes seem to have a really strong connection with them? I mean, I've seen videos of the recent Pope talking to an audience of them and even one on one. They always seem very happy with each other. I also heard of the order of Quetzalcoatl but Quetzalcoatl has been compared to Jesus Christ by some people in the eyes of the natives since they predicted its coming. They described his as light-skinned like Jesus Christ. So on that topic, is Quetzalcoatl really evil? Now we have to acknowledge the fact that the natives didn't know about Jesus Christ because they lived in different regions.




MHFM: The recent “popes” are not popes at all.  They are antipopes.  You really should look at our other videos and our website.  We discuss Quetzalcoatl in this video, around the 10-minute mark: Cortes' Amazing Conquest of the Aztec Empire.


New Video


MHFM: This is a new video.


Dr. David Allen White - Shocking Salvation Heresy [video]




Subject: Last days, apostasy


Hi brothers,


It is interesting to consider that historically the Catholic Church began in a wicked and satanic pagan empire (the Roman empire) and the same Catholic Church is going through a wicked and satanic pagan superstate (the EU) in these last days. Your analysis in the video "Is the world about to end ?" explains exactly that.


Today I was in a physician office in the hospital for my training and there was a physician and a nurse. BOTH of them pronounced the name of God and of Mary in vain over and over again for 2 and 1/2 hours. At the end I said that they should not do so. The physician (was a woman) began to justify her own behavior saying that she was not saying blasphemies, and that I cannot say to others every time that they should not say the name of God and of Mary in vain. She even laughed at me at the end.


As I said, the wickedness here in Italy/Europe has reached levels that you certainly do not know in the US.




St. Paul


Subject: questions


Well i just wanted to know if you could help me as i look to get closer to Jesus Christ.  I am a Catholic Christian. I often listen to the word of God through the radio, Christian radio… in California their church is the Calvary Church and they always refer to Paul and to the books of Paul and it seems they are always talking down upon St.Peter also I have also heard one of the pastors say that St. Peter disobeyed the Lord Jesus Christ.  It seems that they always refer to Paul for everything why is this?  Do you know?...




MHFM: Protestants frequently refer to St. Paul because their false view of justification by faith alone is rooted in their perversion of St. Paul’s teaching.  They misunderstand a few passages in the epistles of St. Paul and they ignore the rest of Scripture.  In fact, the Bible warns us about twisting the Scriptures – and specifically the epistles of St. Paul – unto damnation.  It is St. Peter, the first pope, who warns against misusing the writings of St. Paul. 


2 Peter 3:15-16- “And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.”


The Protestant view of justification/salvation contradicts the clear teaching of Jesus on salvation, which is why some of the Protestants will even say that people should look at St. Paul’s teaching for the truth on justification before looking at Jesus’ teaching.  The truth is that their position also blatantly contradicts St. Paul’s teaching.  That’s covered in our file refuting Justification by faith alone, and our debates on that topic.  Justification by faith alone and eternal security completely refuted by the Bible [link to section]


You should see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and consult this section of our website: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/the_bible_proves_the_catholic_church.php 


The reason they belittle the authority of St. Peter is because they rebel against the truth that Christ founded the Church upon St. Peter.  Please consult our section on the biblical proof for the Papacy.  We would also say that you should not listen to Protestant radio.  It’s not Christian radio. 


Gates of Hell


You are now a Protestant...

[18] And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it….




MHFM: No, indefectibility (the promise of Christ to always be with His Church, and that the gates of Hell will not prevail against it) means that the Church will, until the end of time, remain essentially what she is.  The indefectibility of the Church requires that at least a remnant of the Church will exist until the end of the world, and that a true pope will never authoritatively teach error to the entire Church.  It does not exclude antipopes posing as popes (as we’ve had numerous times in the past, even in Rome) or a counterfeit sect that reduces the adherents of the true Catholic Church to a remnant in the last days.  This is precisely what is predicted to occur in the last days and what happened during the Arian crisis. 


St. Athanasius: "Even if Catholics faithful to tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ."


Further, it should be noted that the Church has taught that heretics are the gates of Hell which Our Lord mentioned in Matthew 16.


Pope Vigilius, Second Council of Constantinople, 553: “… we bear in mind what was promised about the holy Church and Him who said the gates of Hell will not prevail against it (by these we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics)…”


Pope St. Leo IX, Sept. 2, 1053: “The holy Church built upon a rock, that is Christ, and upon Peter… because by the gates of Hell, that is, by the disputations of heretics which lead the vain to destruction, it would never be overcome.”


St. Thomas Aquinas (c. 1262): “…[that] wisdom may fill the hearts of the faithful, and put to silence the dread folly of heretics, fittingly referred to as the gates of Hell.” (Intro to Catena Aurea.)


Notice that heretics are the gates of Hell.  Heretics are not members of the Church.  That’s why a heretic could never be a pope.  The gates of Hell (heretics) could never have authority over the Church of Christ.  It’s not those who expose the heretical Vatican II antipopes who are asserting that the gates of Hell have prevailed against the Church; it’s those who obstinately defend them as popes, even though they can clearly be proven to be manifest heretics.


Your antipope teaches that Protestantism is not even heresy.  That’s one reason he’s a heretic.  He also doesn’t believe the Gospel is historically accurate.  He denies Catholic teaching on the Papacy.  You thus acknowledge an anti-Catholic apostate.  You hold that the Gates of Hell have prevailed, for you believe that a heretic can impose anti-papal doctrines upon Catholics.  Learn something about the Papacy, about the magisterium, about Church history, about the historical precedents of antipopes, and about indefectibility.  You don’t understand the Catholic faith because you don’t want the truth.




“Cardinal” Joseph Ratzinger, The Meaning of Christian Brotherhood, pp. 87-88: “The difficulty in the way of giving an answer is a profound one.  Ultimately it is due to the fact that there is no appropriate category in Catholic thought for the phenomenon of Protestantism today (one could say the same of the relationship to the separated churches of the East).  It is obvious that the old category of ‘heresy’ is no longer of any value.  Heresy, for Scripture and the early Church, includes the idea of a personal decision against the unity of the Church, and heresy’s characteristic is pertinacia, the obstinacy of him who persists in his own private way.  This, however, cannot be regarded as an appropriate description of the spiritual situation of the Protestant Christian.  In the course of a now centuries-old history, Protestantism has made an important contribution to the realization of Christian faith, fulfilling a positive function in the development of the Christian message and, above all, often giving rise to a sincere and profound faith in the individual non-Catholic Christian, whose separation from the Catholic affirmation has nothing to do with the pertinacia characteristic of heresy.  Perhaps we may here invert a saying of St. Augustine’s: that an old schism becomes a heresy.  The very passage of time alters the character of a division, so that an old division is something essentially different from a new one.  Something that was once rightly condemned as heresy cannot later simply become true, but it can gradually develop its own positive ecclesial nature, with which the individual is presented as his church and in which he lives as a believer, not as a heretic.  This organization of one group, however, ultimately has an effect on the whole.  The conclusion is inescapable, then: Protestantism today is something different from heresy in the traditional sense, a phenomenon whose true theological place has not yet been determined.”




Subject: Eighth king


I have watched your Apocalypse videos multiple times. I think God has opened your mind to the meaning. I was confused about one thing, I could not quite figure what you thought about the eighth king exactly.

And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

Any thoughts you have about it would be greatly appreciated.


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Our view on that is discussed in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pyiJptDgs4




Subject: Mock Crucifixion


I've become aware of your website and plan to investigate further.  My question concerns re-enactment of the crucifixion of Christ.  As you are probably aware, this activity takes place most often during Easter week.  Is such a practice always sacrilegious and thus strictly forbidden and mortally sinful?  The activity in the Philippines comes to mind.


Thank you for your response,




MHFM: We hope you continue to look at the information.  We believe it’s wrong for people to be crucified as a way of doing penance.  Such acts are not efficacious.  They are done out of vanity and a desire to be famous, admired or pitied.  It would be much more efficacious for them to embrace the true faith, to submit to God’s will and the inconveniences He might choose to send them.




Subject: Dr. David Allen White - Shocking Salvation Heresy


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the interesting video exposing the heretic, Dr. David Allen White. The pride, bad will and lack of true charity in such individuals is astounding. It appears that he thinks being a Professor grants him the ability or right to impose his heresies on the public forum. Christopher Hitchens also proves himself worthy of hell. The Devil seems to have convinced David White that by accepting salvation and justification outside the Catholic Church, that he somehow can please both God and men, which is not the case. He shows that he pleases neither!... Hitchens… says that ""invincible ignorance" was invented to deal with an insuperable problem, which is this: why did the revelation of Jesus of Nazareth only begin and occur in a small, remote, inaccessible, illiterate part of Palestine; why are there millions and millions of people who've been born and died never hearing of it? Why are there still millions and millions of people who never had the chance to be redeemed in the only available way; the Church says Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, am I not correct?" Hitchens, a typical Satanic atheist, implies that God is not being fair in expecting people to use their free will, the natural law, and cooperate with God's grace in order to seek and find Him, and then be baptized and saved in the Catholic Church only. "Life and God is unfair," according to Hitchens. The fact is that both men, White and Hitchens, hold that Catholic dogmas should be accommodated, changed or "updated" for the convenience of man. Both men put man in the place of God, and so both their false view points are tailored to comfort and console man instead of God. The supernatural is offensive to them both due to their intellectual pride. This is poignantly illustrated by Hitchen's reference to "little girls playing with themselves," and White's silent acceptance of the mortal sin of masturbation, since the rejection of the truth leads directly to an obsession with natural perversity. Matthew 12:34 - "O generation of vipers, how can you speak good things, whereas you are evil? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Both men believe man can be justified naturally, when justification, sanctification and salvation can only be found, and only begins, with the sacrament of Trinitarian water baptism into the Traditional Roman Catholic Church.

God Bless,

Chris White




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


I Thank you for helping me understand the spiritual battle we are in… I was baptized Catholic, once in the hospital because I was born three months premature, and then again in the Catholic Church but I never got Confirmed.. .I have started to pray the Rosary, and I have read a lot of your teachings on-line and watched several videoss and have started to share this information with my mother who is Catholic but never realized what was going on with vatican II, and I have been trying to share your videos with some of my lost friends and a few Catholic friends I grew up with trying to help them become aware of what is going on and letting them know about your youtube channels and web-site... I cannot thank you enough for all the wonderful work you are doing for The Lord, and I will keep you all in constant prayer…



Saria Sarah Gale




Dear Brother peter dimond


What is the true teaching of the church on baptism of desire not the norvo ordo. the heretic Father Karl rahner said that in his theory on anonymous christanity that there is many non-catholics who desire to be baptised in the Catholic church but for some reason are able to will receive the baptism of desire. Let's use an example person a comes from  europe is not isolated from the world is educated at cambridge and oxford… but he is not a Catholic and as you say he knows what teh CAtholci faith teachings about her dogmas and her sacraments but yet stubbornly refuses to be baptised in the Catholic church will be condemmed to hell with the other heretics.. Karl rahner statment is also ambigious as he does not state where this people and what education they receive. If they were not tribal man or native isolated from the rest of the world they wouldnt receive salvation since they have knowledge of the truth or are obstinate


Yours sincerly in christ

jeremy wong


MHFM: The Church does not teach “baptism of desire.”  It teaches that there is one baptism of water which is necessary for salvation, and that the words of John 3:5 are to be understood as they are written: unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.  You should obtain and read our salvation book: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/the_catholic_church_salvation_faith_and_baptism.php





Not only does this youtube video of Conan O'brien illustrate the God-less sheeple nation, though also the control over the media as all the news outlets within this video were scripted the same.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GME5nq_oSR4

God Bless,
Tom Miles




Subject: Hitchens vs. White


Dear Brothers in Christ,

The Hitchens vs. White discussion about God and The Catholic Church can be described in short terms as an absolute ugliness. Two enemies of Christ are hitching their hellish horses in their attempt to dethrone Our Lord Jesus Christ. Although Hitchens is hitching his wagon to a star, White is even worse in his attempt to defend his Master The Devil by pretending to be a Catholic.  White is so an abominable liar that even the most wicked atheist, such as Hitchens-- who has some respect for logical thinking--turns out to be less dishonest in comparison.

White, who "cannot judge whether an atheist is headed for hell", is JUDGING the Catholic Church and all true popes by saying that they were wrong all along.

The true Catholics of today, when they turn their eyes on the darkness of this world, have an opportunity to compare two utter ugliness--the atheism and V2 satanic man-made religion.

Thank you, and may our Most Blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph keep you strong.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: White & Associates


Dear Brothers:


Your video on David Allen White demonstrates beyond any shadow of a doubt that -- despite their protestations to the contrary -- false traditionalists hold exactly the same demonic religion that is put forth by the counterfeit Vatican II church and its anti-popes. 


Isn't it strange how atheists, Jews, Protestants and Masons always know the historic and true Catholic teaching on particular points, while the false Vatican II "Catholic" is always denying these teachings, or rather, correcting them -- belittling the historical Catholic Church, her teachings, and her faithful.   These modern hypocrites like White, who exult themselves above Christ, are children of Antichrist and apologists for its false religion.


No wonder these people always reek of pomposity.


Thank you for posting this very illustrative and eye-opening video.  You have tried to warn people many times about the false traditionalists and how they despise the dogmas of the Catholic Church which have been consistently taught by the true popes.  This video does an exceptionally effective job of demonstrating just how contemptible these false traditionalists really are -- like the SSPX, Grunerites… and even the so-called sedevacantists.  All of their flappin' around, all of their self-affirming publications, all of their hand-wringing over the "crisis" in the Church.  When they themselves are dogma despisers and prefer any man's teaching over the Revelation of Christ.  Even Dante's


Lee Ann




Subject: Response to L


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

Some thoughts came to mind while reading the letter by "L".

Although I am not sure whether sending a child to public school is condemned, public schools themselves were condemned in the Syllabus of Errors.  Section 45 rejects the idea that,

"The entire government of public schools in which the youth of a Christian state is educated... may and ought to appertain to the civil power, and belong to it so far that no other authority whatsoever shall be recognized as having any right to interfere in the discipline of the schools, the arrangement of the studies, the conferring of degrees, in the choice or approval of the teachers."

Section 47 of the Syllabus condemns a similar idea.

Also, though there is nothing wrong with a woman working, Leo XIII said the following in Rerum Novarum, section 60:

"Finally, it is not right to demand of a woman or child what a strong adult man is capable of doing or would be willing to do."

God's Grace,




Thank you again for everything, especially the extended news coverage; it is a sole source… Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy.                                          


Richard Spinnenweber




… I am so glad to finally know the truth about what is going on in the Catholic Church. Thank you again for explaining about The Vatican II Sect. I thought something was wrong with the way John Paul II was leading the Catholic Church.

In the Truth of Christ Jesus,
Linda Madonna Spurgeon




Subject: Hitchens had it right


Here’s another irony from the Hitchens / White discussion.  At about 23:00 in the host tries to credit White, who had just waxed on about invincible ignorance and such as having undermined Hitchens argument.  Hitchens immediately grasps the significance of the contradiction and says (more or less from my memory): “He would if it were true (invincible ignorance), but in order to submit that he would first have to repudiate the decades old, indeed centuries old, teaching of the Church”.  White then “thanks Heaven”, that he is not responsible for the “errors of people who don’t understand their own religion”, and goes further, suggesting that it (meaning EENS) was due to things including “defects in the hierarchy” (the legitimate one of course).  It is just staggering.  White has made up his own religion, just like all protestants and new-churchers.    And it is Hitchens, the atheist, who understands this.  I have to say I prefer Hitchens to White.  His facts are wrong but at least he applies consistent logic to his faulty assumptions.   I hope he converts, I don’t believe he is in good health, has cancer.


Bill Mulligan


MHFM: Hitchens was correct in pointing out that White rejects traditional teaching, but let’s not forget that Hitchens is (of course) an extremely wicked disgrace and an abomination.  His arguments against the existence of God and true Christianity contain their own contradictions.  You mention that you think White is worse than Hitchens.  Whether an atheist or a pagan is worse than a heretic would obviously depend upon the individuals involved; but speaking generally, one could make the argument that a heretic is worse than an atheist.  Below is a citation from St. Thomas on heresy as the worst of all sins from the standpoint of guilt, but not from the standpoint of the corruption of the faith.


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. II-II, Q. 10, A. 6, Whether the unbelief of pagans or heathens is graver than other kinds?: “I answer that, As stated above, two things may be considered in unbelief. One of these is its relation to faith: and from this point of view, he who resists the faith after accepting it, sins more grievously against faith, than he who resists it without having accepted it, even as he who fails to fulfill what he has promised, sins more grievously than if he had never promised it. In this way the unbelief of heretics, who confess their belief in the Gospel, and resist that faith by corrupting it, is a more grievous sin than that of the Jews, who have never accepted the Gospel faith. Since, however, they accepted the figure of that faith in the Old Law, which they corrupt by their false interpretations, their unbelief is a more grievous sin than that of the heathens, because the latter have not accepted the Gospel faith in any way at all.  The second thing to be considered in unbelief is the corruption of matters of faith. On this respect, since heathens err on more points than Jews, and these in more points than heretics, the unbelief of heathens is more grievous than the unbelief of the Jews, and that of the Jews than that of the heretics, except in such cases as that of the Manichees, who, in matters of faith, err even more than heathens do. Of these two gravities the first surpasses the second from the point of view of guilt; since, as stated above unbelief has the character of guilt, from its resisting faith rather than from the mere absence of faith, for the latter as was stated seems rather to bear the character of punishment. Hence, speaking absolutely, the unbelief of heretics is the worst.”


God is being very merciful to Hitchens in allowing him to get cancer.  Hitchens has been humbled.  He has time to decide whether he wants to persist in his evil ways until death.  Personally, we think he would rather die and go to Hell than humble himself and admit that he was wrong about God and Christianity.  But we hope they both convert. 


White vs. Authority


Subject: White vs. Authority


Dear MHFM-


So according to White, “The Church has always said: 'We do not know how God will judge any individual soul.'“ If the Church has “always” said this, it should be easy to cite specific Magisterial pronouncements to back this claim. Can he name even one?

It's interesting that White doesn't agree with his own “authority,” Dante.  In the Inferno, Dante “judges” many known people to be in Hell, including Cleopatra (for lust) and Epicurus and Emperor Frederick II (for heresy). He “judges” several popes to be in Hell for their personal sins, even though he believed the papacy (and therefore teachings from the chair of Peter) to be of divine origin. He “judges” Simon Magus and Muhammad to be deep in Hell and tormented, and “judges” Judas Iscariot to be deepest of all and suffering the most extreme torments. He “judges” unbaptized babies to be in in Hell, but in the outer ring (Limbo) where they lack hope of Heaven but do not suffer fire.

More importantly, White doesn't agree even with a real authority, Pope Leo X, who in his excommunication of Luther warns all faithful Christians to withdraw from any fellowship with Luther or his followers so that they may “escape divine vengeance and any degree of participation in their damnation.”

Where Hitchens is currently headed can easily be "judged," though he does get a couple of things right: 1) if White and those like him were honest they would admit that they are repudiating Catholic tradition and 2) the "argument of invincible ignorance" was "invented."





i enjoyed this video as it brought me more faith and hope for a better out look in my life. i am a 24 yr old woman with two little boys, i have been confused about our life meaning what it is that i am meant to do, where i should live to be happy and with both of my sons. i feel as though ive lived most of my life unhappy and cant seem to unbind this not i am in even at this very moment. i feel like im missing something, i know it cant be Jesus cause i feel i have him in my heart but like im meant to do something important and cant quit messing up in order to find out what it is.i do try hard to do whats right everyday and yes everyday is an ongoing battle between me and the devil as is alot of people... Do you have any advice?




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We're glad to hear about your interest.  We recommend that you pray the Rosary each day.  The file for how to do so is here:


We’re not sure what religious persuasion you are coming from.  But one must accept the traditional Catholic faith, and not go to the New Mass.  The steps for how to convert are here:





Dear Brothers,


I am interested in your opinion regarding this situation: If a Traditional Catholic mother is successfully homeschoolling her children (ages 2 - 14) and the Traditional Catholic husband earns an income sufficient to support the family and keep them out of debt, is she obligated to return to the workforce and put her children in public school because her husband says so? Wouldn't the potential moral harm to the children outweigh any obligation of the wife to acquiesce to her husband's demand?


Thank you for your time.




MHFM: The answer to your question – is she obligated to return to the workforce and put her children in public school? – is no. 




Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter,


DISGUSTING!!  That is all I can say is, disgusting!  How do people stay under this wolf???


The “pro-life” and republican outgoing Mississippi Governor stated that he had reservations regarding the upcoming vote on the personhood amendment in Mississippi.   – Spoken like a true POLITICIAN.  


What is more disgusting, however, but typical, were the comments recorded by the statement given by the Jackson Diocesan “bishop” –  also spoken like a true politician!! (if his “reservations” were that this personhood initiative did not go FAR ENOUGH – then that would be at least something… but of course it isn’t…)




Mississippi Catholic Bishop Joseph Latino said Catholics are free to vote how they want on the initiative, but he wonders about the effects should it pass.

"The Roman Catholic Church and her bishops are unequivocally pro-life; however, we do not always publicly support every initiative that comes before us in the name of pro-life," he said in a statement announcing the news conference.






Subject: More wimpishness from the USCCB


Perhaps you’ve seen this article.




Nothing new really, just another verification, that the Novus Ordo Church doesn’t really believe that there is anything “wrong” with homosexuals, and apparently doesn’t believe in the Devil either.   The article which they felt the need to retract and apologize for actually seemed pretty tame and ambiguous.  Yet they bend over backwards as the saying goes to appease the “gay community”. 


Bill Mulligan




Dear Brothers,

I ran Apostate Antipope Benedict XVI's Assisi speech through a word counter and found some very evil coincidences. The three most frequent words (apart from: the, of, to, and, etc.), and which are all next to each other on the list in the following order are: God (20), violence (19) and religion (19). This is an impossible coincidence, and it proves either a) Benedict XVI made the speech to deliberately associate God and religion with violence, or b) The Devil made the speech to deliberately associate God and religion with violence. There is not much difference between the two. Next on the list is peace (17). One would think that if Benedict XVI really believed that peace is always where God is, that such a thing would show in the word list. Evidently he thinks that God, violence and the Catholic religion go together. What an apostate!!! …

Matthew 10:26-28 - "Therefore fear them not. For nothing is covered that shall not be revealed: nor hid, that shall not be known. That which I tell you in the dark, speak ye in the light: and that which you hear in the ear, preach ye upon the housetops. And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Benedict XVI prays with female Lutheran "bishop"!


I always knew that Benedict XVI is not different from the rest of them since 1958.






They are changing the norvus ordo liturgy back to read "many" and NOT "all."  Is this due to the fact that sedevecantism has raised the argument or is it that the vatican wants the Pius X society to re enter the church and they raise the same issue?  Can you comment? Or will you comment, please?




MHFM: First, the correction of “all” back to “many” will not make the New Mass valid.  That’s because 1) almost all of the “priests” offering the New Mass were ordained in the invalid new rite and are not valid priests; and 2) the deliberate removal of mysterium fidei from the form of consecration has not been corrected.  The deliberate removal of mysterium fidei from the established and traditional form of the Roman Rite – words that bear a precise meaning signifying the real presence – manifests an intention contrary to that of the Church.  The only reason they are going back to “many” in the new translation is because the Devil and Benedict XVI know that the apostasy is well in place now, and that this act will make no difference except in the minds of duped members of the Counter Church. 


Thus, the reasons you mention are essentially correct.  The False Prophet Antipope Benedict XVI wants to keep “conservatives” and false traditionalists who know “all” is wrong inside the Vatican II sect.  He wants them to believe he is a “traditionalist” who will bring about a “restoration,” when in fact he is a raging apostate.  It’s not an accident that this new missal is coming out after huge acts of apostasy by Benedict XVI in Germany and Assisi.  That’s how the Devil works.  He gets people to accept the bold apostasy, and then he does something which he hopes will make them forget about it.




Brothers Michael and Peter,


I was wondering what a protestant looking at Catholicism as THE means of salvation might do when the Church has become heretical and a non-heretical priest with pre-Vatican 2 ecclesiastical authority is not available to deliver the sacraments.  I'm a baptized protestant (not in thought or belief, but because I guess I'm only a catechumen at this point) and I receive no grace from God through protestant worship or service.  Protestant church feels like a broadway play rather than a holy event.


… Is the current RCIA authoritative at all?  Can I call myself, and my family, "Catholic" after receiving the education and meeting the sacrament requirements?


Your advisement in this matter is greatly appreciated and of the utmost value to me.  Thank you for your time.


Very Respectfully,

Michael Zimmerman


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The Church has not become heretical.  The Church has been reduced to a remnant.  The Vatican II sect is not the Church.  There are options for sacraments, as the file on our site explains.  The RCIA is for initiation into the Vatican II Church.  One must not go through with that if one wants to become a Catholic.  One must reject Vatican II and never attend the New Mass.  Please look at the information on our site about the Vatican II Church, and follow these steps once convinced.  You still identify yourself as a Protestant.  Therefore, it would make sense for you to consult our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, as well as our section on the biblical evidence for Catholicism.  Protestantism is not true Christianity, and one must reject Protestantism before moving forward with conversion.  We would also recommend that you pray the Rosary each day.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




I have heard that a morbidly (over 500 lbs) obese priest ("Fr" Bill McEvoy) who is pastor of a local Novus Ordo church close to my area told a very off-color joke.  He mentioned the deservedly controversial show Toddlers & Tiaras (A show about scantily clad children).  He called the show "Eye candy for clergy".  I am sure there are perverse phony NO V2 religion "priests" who love the show.  I don't know if the Monastery is aware of the controversy surrounding "Bp." Finn of KS City, something about him covering up another (ironically) super-morbidly 500+ pound priest, Fr. Shawn Ratigan, of having a lot of child porn on his computer, as well as actually somehow taking pictures of nude kids.  This scandal supposedly is even known of in other countries.  And it is upsetting many false V2 church conservatives, because "Bp" Finn is very conservative by NO V2 Church standards.  How fitting for such a bizarre scandal to break around the time of another demonic Assisi III called to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of one of the darkest days in world history, Assisi I.  Why would anyone want to commemorate that horrid day of apostasy and rejection of Christ?


-Michael Rudnicki


Assisi III




… If I could add a point in reference to your commentary on benedict and the third false ecumenical meeting of evil, it is definitely to further deceive the masses but I believe by doing this evil act three times, the devil is directly trying to blaspheme each Divine Person, the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, the Blessed Holy Trinity!  Even in these three evil acts, the devil can't help but reveal the Truth about the Blessed Holy Trinity, that there are Three Divine Persons, One God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost!


In Mary,






Very positive and well researched information about the shroud.  I believe it is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus.  Thank you…





Why does the current Pope Benedict (not his sordid past either) in favor of the New World Order and hob nobs with the Bilderberger group who wants to murder 80 percent of the population? I do not support this Pope and I am a Catholic. He is the devil in disguise!




MHFM: It’s because he’s not a pope, but an antipope.  Please consult the information on our website.




MHFM: Someone e-mailed us somewhat recently and asked about possibly baptizing a child that had been aborted or miscarried some time ago (or something to that effect), in the hope that the child’s soul was still in the body.  If that person could e-mail us again, it would be appreciated. 


New Video


MHFM: This is a new video.


Br. Andre & The St. Benedict Center [video]


This video discusses: our challenge to debate Br. Andre of the St. Benedict Center; why the St. Benedict Center is not traditional, but Novus Ordo; some of the other heresies of the St. Benedict Center; why the St. Benedict Center does not believe Outside the Church There is No Salvation is a dogma; Br. Andre's endorsement of Protestant prayer books and liturgies; the outrageous inconsistency of the St. Benedict Center; why people give financial support to such heretical groups; their obstinately false teaching on justification; and more.




To Brother Michael Dimond,


I have recently received a copy of your [material]… I had wanted to acquire some more of these, but instead I have ordered your other literature and videos. 


I am a traditional Catholic.  Your [material] states that the SSPX denies the dogma of Outside the Church there is no salvation.  Your monastery says the SSPX believes one may find salvation in any religion.  They most certainly do not believe that!  It is preposterous to say that someone who is not a Catholic can have salvation.  I do not believe this, nor do I believe this is the position of the SSPX, for I have read all of their books, but I will investigate further into what you have said and find out if it is true. 


I am enjoying your [material] and am very much looking forward to receiving my order.  Thank you and God bless you.


Alfreda Gurley


MHFM: Yes, they do believe that, as our material documents.  See this video: The SSPX rejects Catholic salvation dogma.


See these quotes:


Fr. Schmidberger, Time Bombs of the Second Vatican Council, Angelus Press [SSPX], p. 10: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is clear that the followers of other religions can be saved under certain conditions, that is to say, if they are in invincible error.”


Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Against the Heresies, Angelus Press [SSPX], p. 216: “Evidently, certain distinctions must be made.  Souls can be saved in a religion other than the Catholic religion (Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.), but not by this religion.”


Bishop Bernard Fellay, Conference in Denver, Co., Feb. 18, 2006: “… And the Church has always taught that you have people who will be in Heaven, who are in the state of grace, who have been saved without knowing the Catholic Church.  We know this.  And yet, how is it possible if you cannot be saved outside the Church?  It is absolutely true that they will be saved through the Catholic Church because they will be united to Christ, to the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Catholic Church.  It will, however, remain invisible, because this visible link is impossible for them.  Consider a Hindu in Tibet who has no knowledge of the Catholic Church.  He lives according to his conscience and to the laws which God has put into his heart.  He can be in the state of grace, and if he dies in this state of grace, he will go to Heaven.” (The Angelus, “A Talk Heard Round the World,” April, 2006, p. 5.)


Please consult this file: The Society of St. Pius X [Link to Section].  Almost all of the sedevacantist priests hold the same heresy.




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery, 


I am curious about the Catholic religion. In my youth I was Catholic, and am currently a Baptist. My grandmother is still a Catholic and I just want to learn more. I am 19 and attending college at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville. My faith in the Christian faith is without doubt, I attend a Baptist church because of the people I associated there. I have read considerable amounts of the Holy Bible kjv, but it was primarily the old testament. I just want to learn more. I spent time learning about all the other religions of the world including atheism. 



Antonio Christian Hiladio Zuniga


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The Catholic religion is the original and only authentic form of the Christian religion.  You need to see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  We have audios and debates on this topic as well, in the section of our website dealing with the biblical proof for Catholicism.  It's critical that you investigate these matters, for having the true faith of Christ is necessary for salvation.


Also, most people who today call themselves Catholic are actually not Catholic.  That's what the material on our website explains. 




Subject: Gay marriage, liberty and conscience


Chris is of course correct in the assertion that homosexual marriage is the result of “religious freedom” and not merely a threat to it.  Chris explains the spiritual causes of homosexuality and cites Romans to close the case.  However the case that religious liberty must lead to such abominations as homosexual “marriage” can also be made from natural reason.  This device should be available to anyone, even those unfamiliar with, or not accepting the authority of scripture.


If the notion that all “religions” are somehow good and should be allowed to flourish freely (religious liberty) is accepted as a good and positive value, then other conclusions logically follow from this premise, at least implicitly.  (These conclusions are rarely if ever articulated, but they are nevertheless undeniably logical prerequisites):


1)      The right of each man to choose his own religion, or no religion, is superior to the right of God to be obeyed by each man.

2)      The Truth ultimately is not knowable, indeed the very notion that something may be said to be “true” with certitude is off-putting, indeed arrogant.

3)      Since truth is a matter of opinion, each man’s opinion must be respected, if not honored.  Indeed this is among the most sacred of all modern mantras and is embodied in the modern American slogan “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”  (I doubt most who say this have the fortitude to honor it, which kind of serves to exaggerate its already sophomoric banality).

4)      The only limit to such liberties in the modern American sense, is when one’s “free right to practice his beliefs infringes on someone else’s rights”.  Sound familiar?  This is basic American morality.  Except that other person whose rights are threatened can never be God.  (Remember, we can’t really know God, that’s the key underlying, albeit unspoken premise of the whole silly idea.)


Now with these four generally unspoken but very easily demonstrable rules in place, it is quite in accordance with the rules, and not opposed to the rules of religious liberty (as “modern conservatives” imagine without thinking it through), that “homosexual marriage” be accepted, and no one be allowed to actively attempt to thwart it, or even to criticize it.  You see the homosexuals clearly have their rights under rules 1) thru 3) above.  And if a “Christian” were to attempt to assert his own right to act out his own religious conviction (by say refusing to sign a marriage license ), then he comes squarely up against rule number 4), and this is their most sacred one.


So the “problem” now manifest to the phony Christians, who despite their claim to believe in Jesus Christ, think it somehow good and wholesome that other religions are formally protected, is that “religious liberty”, the very notion, puts man’s right to commit error above God’s right to demand Truth.   Hence the 19th Century Church labeled the very idea of religious liberty and “insanity”. 


The problem now confronting those offended by homosexual marriage is strictly speaking one of “conscience”, not religion.  They have complete religious freedom, just like the Satanists.  They just don’t have the right to “impose their morality” through any meaningful action that might offend the homosexual’s rights (rule number 4). 


It had to happen once we put liberty above truth.  The Catholic Church ALONE has always understood this.  (Well actually her enemies probably understand it too, that is why they invented the notion of religious liberty and used “human respect”, a form of concupiscence, to sell it).  The protestant founders of our nation valued a sort of phony peace among men above the Truth of Heaven.  They thought that religious liberty would give it to them, and thus enshrined this idiotic notion.


Bill Mulligan




Subject: New World Disorder


Dear Brothers:


The video clip in the Lucis/Lucifer Trust article showed people outside the Basilica at Assisi protesting what they see as the planning of a new world order and a new world religion by the "pope" and the world's "religious" leaders.  How sad that people in that once-Catholic nation (like people everywhere) cannot realize that what they are looking at is Satan's one world religion: the amalgamation and exultation of all false human beliefs. Satan doesn't care how one's religion is false, or if a man has no "religion" at all.  U-pik.  As long as people do not hold the true Catholic religion, they are his.


The "old" world order -- the only correct world order -- was God's order; it was called Christendom. Its destruction began and continued with the rise and spread of protestantism whose principle of private interpretation demands separation of "church" and state.  Of course, the only religion that the state can be attached to (or separated from) is Catholicism because, appearances to the contrary, the world like the individual is either with Christ, or against Christ.  There are only two cities.


The world and every society in it were made for Christ the King.  And while it is very useful for us to be aware of the political and other demonic tribulations going on around us in these last days, it is important for us to continually keep our eyes fixed on the faith and to remember that Satan's time is now very, very limited.  When his blind stooges least expect it, God will pull the rug out from under them.  That will be the Last Day, occurring after the world's final blasphemy which, as MHFM has indicated, might be related to the "canonization" of Antichrist John Paul II by the False Prophet.  If possession is Satan's aping of the Incarnation, then the false Vatican II antipopes, and especially the last two, will be his greatest achievement…    


Lee Ann




Subject: WW III


I was reading some news articles about various countries moving troops around, one is our troops moving from Iraq to other parts of the middle east for the purpose of Iran.  I read another article about China moving troops into the disputed Pakistani and Indian Kashmir region, which has been said that China has built a superhighway through that area, which leads towards the middle east, its name is Karakoram Highway.   I believe if there is an attack on Iran it will lead to a nuclear world war lll.  

Zacharias (Zachariah) 14:12   And this shall be the plague where with the Lord shall strike all nations that have fought against Jerusalem: the flesh of every one shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.        {fought against the Catholic Church}


In Mary,





Subject: Br. Andre


Brother Peter,

The recent video conversation about the coward Br. Andre is excellent. To the question as to who has more faith (anti-Catholic Protestant or the N.O. Benedict Center), I'd say all the false religions have a religion and believe in something, even though it is false, and are out in the open as to who their false gods are (Satan) and are not ashamed to dress up and announce it to the world. B16 (VII) is the white elephant in the room without a religion or faith as they try to mirror the other false religions, while they cowardly hide in the closet with their false beliefs so not to be exposed as the devil they truly represent. Moreover, since the beginning of the VII faith in the 1960's, the anti-popes have been trying to distance themselves more and more from anything to do with the Catholic Faith and moving-in and bedding down with the devil as seen at the family reunions at Assisi. As I stare at the photo of B16 and all the other leaders of phony religions during the video, I wait for a couple of big hooks to come from the left and right to pull all these pathetic actors off the worlds stage.

Unless it's a Halloween ploy (which I doubt), B16 is beginning more and more to resemble his predecessor JPII as he sits hunched over in his chair like the evil hunchback of N.D..

God Bless,

Tom Miles




Subject: Brown Scapular


Dear MHFM,


Hi, I recently bought a brown scapular from the religious section of a department store, is it okay to acquire a brown scapular from there? I don't want to get a brown scapular from the local novus ordo church here, so I decided to buy it from there. Thanks.





MHFM: Yes, if it seems to be a traditional scapular.


Ambiguity & Heresy


MHFM: This is another quote on how heresy is frequently shrouded in, or accompanied by, ambiguity.  This further refutes certain false traditionalists (such as Chris Ferrara) who ridiculously assert that any ambiguity or self-contradiction on the part of a false teacher necessarily removes his heretical teaching from the category of heresy.  The quote concerns a French bishop in the 17th century named Bossuet.  This is not necessarily to endorse everything this bishop did or taught, but simply to give another example of how heresy frequently works.


“In his perplexity Noailles appealed to the theological adviser who had so recently come to his rescue, the Bishop of Meaux.  Whether influenced by friendship for Noailles or antipathy for Molina, Bossuet now allowed himself to be deceived by the ambiguity of Quesnel’s book.  Provided a number of modifications were made, he thought the book might be defended as orthodox, and with this view he drew up an apology of those points of the Moral Reflexions which were most sharply attacked.  Bossuet did not defend Jansenism, he merely endeavored to show that the book was wrongly accused of Jansenism.  However, he withdrew his dissertation in time and later on described Quesnel’s book as hopelessly Jansenistic.” (Dr. Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 33, p. 202.)




If prochecy has fulfilled itself in the Vatican's becoming evil, then where would the true center of the Church stand?

Jared M Shenefield 


MHFM: The center of authority rests with the magisterial teaching of all true popes in history.  The Church is visible in all true Catholics.  An antipope reigning in Rome is not incompatible with any promise Christ made to the Church.




Subject: No Salvation Outside Catholic Church


Hi Brother Michael & Brother Peter


…No Salvation Outside Of The Church…


Our Holy Fathers Pope Eugene IV & Pope Sylvester II could not be more explicit about this.


This Baptism of Desire is purely heretical. On that basis it can give a Catholic person the licence to sin, by leaving the Catholic Church to convert to a false religion, with Baptism of desire as the backup option upon death in a false religion. For the record leaving the Church is a sin, and Baptism of Desire is heretical.


Well done Brother Michael & Brother Peter for exposing this absolute heresy of Baptism of desire.


In Domine

Gerald Purves




Dear Brothers Michael and Peter,
… It dawned on me that Sister Lucy's death and being replaced by the Imposter is the human demonstration of what is going on in the Larger picture of the True Holy Bride being replaced by the Imposter Vat2…
God Bless and Keep you,
Carol D.




Subject: What's a pro-lifer to do?




As you know, willful murder is a sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance. Which certainly describes abortion to a "t."


That being the case, what do you think that traditional Catholics should do about it? While it is true that the Church teaches we ought not associate with heretics, you can hardly avoid it these days. Particularly when you go to abortion mills to save children.





MHFM: You should not pray with those heretics, even if you are protesting abortion.




Dear Brothers,

What are the necessary steps a Catholic must take to prepare himself in order to worthily receive the sacrament of penance?  There is a valid priest in my area (only for confession) and someone I know is interested in receiving the sacrament. Although he is a baptized Catholic, he has never received this particular sacrament and he is completely unaware of how to properly prepare to make a good confession. Specifically, how do I stress the necessity of resigning one's self to completely avoid the near occasion of sin? Is someone who continuously falls into the same sin, but desires amendment and wishes to receive the sacrament, ready to receive it? I would be very grateful for your input.

Sincerely in Christ,



MHFM: Your question is, “Is someone who continuously falls into the same sin, but desires amendment and wishes to receive the sacrament, ready to receive it?”  The short answer is no.  To be forgiven one must possess the firm purpose to stop committing the sin.  To assess whether a person is resolved to avoid the sin, one would have to know what the sin is and where it is being committed.  For instance, if a person travels to a party each weekend and commits mortal sin, that person needs to stop going to such a place.  A person should have demonstrated the ability to avoid the occasion of the sin and the sin for a certain period of time before making a confession.  Thus, a person who continually falls into the same mortal sin is not ready for confession.  He needs to stop committing the sin before going to confession. 


Regardless of the circumstances, the person guilty of the sin knows whether he is sincerely resolved to change.  Therefore, it’s up to that person to be honest with himself (or herself) before approaching confession.  He needs to toughen up, exercise his will (by the grace of God) and stop committing the sin!  He would do well to heed these words.


St. Alphonsus (1760): “If you neglect God’s call on this occasion, he may perhaps abandon you forever.  Resolve, then, resolve! ‘The devil,’ says St. Theresa, ‘is afraid of resolute souls.’  St. Bernard teaches that many souls are lost through want of fortitude.”




Dear Brothers,

Your "Doctrine Quote" today, [Pope St. Pius X, Our Apostolic Mandate (# 36), on the “
Sillon,” Aug. 25, 1910: “… there is no true civilization without a moral civilization, and no true moral civilization without the true religion; it is a proven truth, a historical fact.”] is quite fitting for the recent actions of the anti-pope and his sect.  The false traditionalist anti-pope is calling for a global authority on the economy at the top of his lungs for the world to hear, as he "pretends" to portray a false sense of unity between church and state. Although at the same time, being quiet as a big mouse (rat) and allowing for the removal of anything to do with God and Jesus images and prayers from all public buildings around the world.

After just a few minutes of watching videos on the anti-pope in Assisi, the message of "false peace" seamed to regurgitate from all the mouths of these "false prophets".

2 Corinthians 11:13- For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

God Bless,
Tom Miles




…the "Death & Journey To Hell" video… I specifically watch this video every day. It keeps me grounded. I was baptized as a Catholic. I then was baptized as a Mormon. Now, because of your work, I have become a believer in the true Catholic church, and I no longer believe in the Mormon church. Thank you for helping me find the true way to salvation.


God bless you and all of your work.




Gay “Marriage”


Subject: "gay marriage" and religious liberty


Dear Brothers,

Here is an article that says "gay marriage" is a threat to religious liberty: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/observers-see-clash-between-gay-marriage-and-religious-freedom-growing/

It's interesting that due to Benedict XVI and the Vatican II sect's preaching of the heresy of "religious liberty" that false conservatives think that "gay marriage" is a threat to such "freedom," rather than a result of it. Apostasy and idolatry causes homosexuality, not nature, and so allowing the public expression of false religions obviously opens the door to perversion of morality and the destruction of the family. All non-Catholic religions are demonic, and so they will tend toward moral perversity. What an abomination!!!

Romans 1:25-28 - "Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.  For this cause, God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts, one towards another: men with men, working that which is filthy and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient."

God Bless,





Subject: recent emails and videos


Gary is so similar to the SSPX "third order" members who love to exalt themselves as sooooo charitable, obedient (to their heretical bishops) and humble. And yet they refuse to humble themselves before the infallible teaching of Holy Mother Chruch as She has once declared in Her dogmas, falsely obey their errant pastors, and so throw any hope of charity out the window. I pity people like Gary who agree to debate MHFM… Gary, why don't you just get truly humble, admit you are wrong, and thank MHFM for their help?
Thanks for the great video about the St. Benedict Center… Another point about the video. I assume the picture was from Assisi III. I was struck by the way the reps of the pagan camp were more "toned down" in their clothing, the first guy even wearing a suit and tie. No outlandish togas and Indian chiefs in head dress toking big peace pipes here, at least in this photo op. An attempt by the Vatican to make paganism look more mainstream, normal, acceptable?...

Thank you for your apostolate of Catholic truth.
Joseph Ramirez




I really wish that Br. Andre would debate Br. Peter and Br. Michael, that would be incredibly entertaining and hopefully eye opening for the many, but unfortunately those that are in the dark want to remain in the dark.  In the video, "Birth Control is Condemned in the Bible" Br. Peter explains why sometimes there is great reason why the sacred writer of a book of the bible will use explicit textual description to prove the point of truth being given in the text.  With that being said, in regard to Br. Andre and the St. Benedict center and their belief in baptism of desire and St. Matthew's explicit description of Jesus being baptized by St. John the Baptist:


St. Matthew 3:13-17   Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan, unto John, to be baptized by him.  But John stayed him, saying: I ought to be baptized by thee, and comest thou to me?  And Jesus answering, said to him: Suffer it to be so now. For so it becometh us to fulfill all justice. Then he suffered him. And Jesus being baptized, forthwith came out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him: and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him.  And behold a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. 


As we can see by what St. John the Baptist says to Jesus and as we already know, Jesus being God, He didn't need baptism but wanted to show that it was mandatory for all men who would follow after Him, as in, let it becometh us to show all things that are necessary {fulfill all justice}, that of being baptized.  In this description one would clearly recognize that by this action {baptism, the work being performed}, God gives to us the Tree of Life again that was taken away, due to disobedience in Genesis ch. 3, grace descending upon him, putting a man in the state of sanctifying grace, becoming a child of God and if he dies in that state, Heaven is open to him and without a doubt, would be necessary {mandatory} for every man, if he wants to be saved.  You can clearly see Jesus had the desire to be baptized by St. John and then took the action of walking to Galilee to the Jordan and going into the water, was baptized by St. John. 


Baptism of desire in a way, is nothing but an outrageous false declaration of man as god, that is to say, just by a word, thought or desire, man can accomplish something, only God by His Thought or Word can do, create, bring into being or destroy!  It is necessary for man to desire and then physically take the action of doing to accomplish something and even then it's only by the Grace of God…


Listening to the video about Br. Andre and the St. Benedict center, trying to appear traditional and at the same time having communion with and recognizing benedict and the vatican ll sect as true and valid, this is basically what St. Paul was saying to the Corinthians:


1 Corinthians 10:21   You cannot drink the chalice of the Lord, and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of devils…


In Mary,





Marvelous material you provide!  Very well-researched and interestingly presented, with wonderful video/pictorial accompaniment.  You are remarkably logical and poised in your debates, stay focused on topics, and amazingly quick-witted with your substantive rebuttals.  Most impressive!  May the Lord you serve prosper your work and give each of you great peace and joy in His service.


Alan Harvey




Subject: an odd question


Dear Brothers,


I want to share with you this ironic question which I composed some time ago, though it's probably of little worth.


Question: In the USA, what percentage of fatal injuries that occurred in the past year, would not have occurred if only pregnant women had refrained from violence?


Answer: 99.5 percent. This is because of abortion, which kills so many that it has brought the average life span in America down to only 14 years. Consider the estimated number of abortions using surgery or poison.


I've lost the references for this, but I recall they were from Pharmacists for Life, and some sources about injuries and vital statistics.






Subject: Conversion


Dear MHFM-


On the eve of October 28, 312, while preparing for battle, the pagan emperor Constantine had a vision of the Cross of Christ and heard, in Latin, this interpretation: “In hoc signo vinces” (In this sign, conquer.). Constantine and his soldiers then marked crosses on their shields and were victorious.


In the years following Constantine's conversion, Christianity went from persecuted to victorious. Conversion after conversion led to Christendom, and with it, a proper form of society in which a true pope rules from Rome and the heads of all Catholic nations are subject to him. Pagan worship was uprooted and infidels were driven back into their heathen lands. Agriculture and trades flourished, usury was abolished, and the faithful kingdoms were largely at peace. The first universities were established and great cathedrals came to grace the landscape.


Of course this great Age of Faith was only a foretaste of a proper human society and was not to last forever. With the rise of heresy came the pagan Renaissance and then the breakup of Christendom at the hands of the protestant heretics. Usury and war were quick to return and the Church was abandoned by many. After the darkness of the “Enlightenment” had descended—often literally on the blade of the guillotine—the protection of Constantine was completely gone and the True Faith was again persecuted. How much worse could things eventually get?


Yesterday, 1,699 years to the day that Constantine saw the Cross which brings victory, some 300 “religious leaders” –of types once expelled from Christendom– assembled at Assisi. At the end of their journey across this once Christian land –now rife with apostasy, abortion, homosexuality, terrorism, fraudulent debt, false religions, and even outright satanism– waited the head of the novus ordo religion to greet them with open arms. His message? To acknowledge “with great shame” the Crusades and the use of “force” to spread Christianity in the New World. Of course the concentration camps of WWII also got special mention.  Novus ordo “conservatives” are pleased that the meeting did not include common prayer. But why should it? The Mohammadans attending didn't need it; Europe is already falling to them. Many of the others are just in line to get their share among the ruins. And the one who claims to be pope “blessed” all of their “prayers” while publicly stating that each should pray in his own way so as to stay within his own religion. Why should he want to convert anyone? Only someone who follows the Cross would want to do such a thing.






Subject: Necessity of Christ and the true faith


Dear Brothers:


In your excellent video on why Christ is the Light of the world, you explained the Church's teaching that the observance of the Old Testament ceremonies would be mortally sinful today, because these rituals all pointed to the coming Messiah.  To observe them would be to declare through one's actions that the Messiah has not yet come.


It seems to me that the heresy of Baptism of Desire is of the very same nature as the sin of observing Old Testament ceremonies… The Old Testament faithful knew the coming Messiah would institute baptism, which is why they wondered why John the Baptist was baptizing if he was not the Savior.  The true faithful were praying for the Messiah and the gifts, like baptism, which He would give to the world.


In addition, it seems that the very name of the New Testament Church states its necessity for salvation: it is Catholic, meaning universal. Universal compared to what?  Compared to the Old Testament religion, because the true religion can't be compared to anything else.  Strictly speaking, the OT religion was not universal (that is, not every man had to be a member in order to be saved); its purpose was to prepare and to preserve a nation or family from whom the Messiah would emerge, which is why the Gospel of St. Mark opens with a kind of Birth Certificate of Our Lord.  The issue of race, like the Old Testament ceremonies, are now obsolete having all been fulfilled by Jesus Christ (despite the absurd claims made by the Jews today of being a race).


I did not have the Catholic faith at the time of the initial Assisi horror, so I did not pay attention to it and know it primarily as an historical event.  But thanks to MHFM, I do have the faith now and can recognize this blasphemy as being of biblical proportions; I eagerly await your commentary on yesterday's abomination which was chilling to see.   Half expected the earth to open up and swallow everyone. I guess in a spirtual way it already has.


God bless MHFM.


Lee Ann




Subject: Apostate Traveler - B16


Dear MHFM,


I saw the morning session of Assisi 2011. When "cardinal" Peter Turkson gave his opening greeting, he said "It makes us fellow travelers, fellow pilgrims of truth." A pilgrim is a traveler and truth is knowledge. Secret society members use the phrase 'fellow traveler' to identify themselves. For as they say, they are in search for knowledge, the light (which is represented by the sun) Lucifer himself. I have some masonic relatives, and one of them (who is a master mason) told me that he has prayed at a Buddhist temple, a Mosque and a Hindu temple and that it is all the same god - it was part of his freemasonry. He even said that Buddhists are closer to "God" than Catholics, because of their exercises in worship and deep meditation. He says freemasonry teaches that no "religion" has the full truth, but all of them share some elements of truth.  "No religion has the full truth" is a big term with him, like some mantra. He always brings it up when I say there is only One True Religion, the Catholic Faith. He has a virulent agitation against the Catholic Church, that he even attacks it by saying the Crusades etc killed a lot of people, and that's all he knows about it. He always has something negative to say about the Church and has even imbibed the popular fiction and bigotries of the day, that are launched against the Priesthood. I keep differentiating to him between a Novus Ordo "priest" the non-Catholic individual (fake priest), and an actual Priest; but he doesn't get it and just seems to burn and lash out at every turn against the Church. This is natural brute beast blindness - speaking evil of the things they understand of not. 


At Assisi, when all the false "religious" leaders prayed, of course they all prayed to the same god - the Devil. The Voodoo leader when talking about the legitimacy of the recognition of his "religion" as with the major "religions", began spewing forth abominations from his mouth in his native tongue while waving a strange instrument in his hand. He then commenced speaking in English again, then he began his strange chanting and waving of the strange instrument. There was also a Hindu leader who spurted out his abominations in his native tongue to his false gods, in chant form. There was also an atheist woman who represented the humanists and unbelievers (she spoke in what seemed to be French). She deified knowledge and science throughout her discourse (which of course is Satanism - the deification of human knowledge). So Satanism/Devil worship in all its flavors and forms was represented at Assisi. Masons seek oneness with the "great architect" / "the supreme being"/ "the light" / the "force"/  Lucifer;  which can be used either for good or evil, as they say. Benedict XVI spoke last during the morning session and said "The absence of God leads to decline of man and of humanity." Interestingly, Satanists believe that by worshiping the self (man), they therefore worship Satan; by doing one's will one is paying homage to Satan. Benedict XVI definitely had a massive trip of Apostasy, beyond magnitude. My masonic relative says that when one is in search for knowledge, one 'travels from west to east and from east to west, for the east is the position of the rising sun, where the knowledge comes'. 


The mystery religions did originate in the east. I was taken to a huge bar 5 years ago that served soft drinks and beer. Little did I know that it was actually a huge masonic lodge. My other masonic uncle gave me a tour with his masonic "brother mason" around the place. It had secret doorways that just led to huge halls. He said that since I'm not a mason, he can't take me down certain areas and halls; but nevertheless we did go down one hall and it was filled with pictures of men dressed in masonic garb (from the 1800s to current). We then entered a room and it was filled with judge podiums and judge hammers all around, with a prominent one in the center-back of the room. He stood in the middle of the room and began speaking about the supreme being and how he is a center of light. He said that we were standing in the center of the universe. While uttering strange gnosis material, he then grabbed my finger and rubbed it on a rough stone, saying that it symbolizes the sins I've done during life.  He then made me rub my finger on a smooth stone and said, now I'm clean and my sins are forgiven. I then had "choking" attacks twelve nights in a row. At night while I still looked, but not quite sleeping yet, I was paralyzed and couldn't breathe or utter a sound; I was held still and it was weird. I couldn't break free from it - it's as if all your energy is gone. I nevertheless persevered in interiorly saying "Mother Mary" or "Jesus" and it stopped for that night, if I really meant it when I said their names. It's like some strange thing envelopes you and drains all your power out. These episodes lasted for a while sometimes. To make matters worse, it was Novus Ordo "holy water" that was sprinkled on my bed each night, to help me. It never worked. I always thought to myself that St. Samson would break free - he was strong.  Thanks for all your work, it's really astounding to see that you don't even give breathing room especially to the antipopes; that's how extensive your amazing efforts are. 






hey man are you protestant Methodist or what and i was thinking of joining Catholicism but i saw the pope sit on the inverted cross oh and do i have to be baptised to go to heaven?

thanks for your time.

From Liam :D


MHFM: You obviously need to look at our videos and material more carefully.  We are Catholic.  Catholicism is the only true form of Christianity.  You should see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  John Paul II, who sat under the inverted cross, was not a true pope but an antipope.  The steps for how to convert to the true Catholic faith are on our website.  It’s critical that you act on this issue.  One does need to be baptized and have the true Catholic faith to go to Heaven.  We hope you look at the material. 




Subject: A short example


Hi brothers,


I would like to make a concise example in order to describe the devastating apostasy in Europe:


Take the town of Trent (where the Council took place 500 years ago). I live 30 miles north from Trent. Well consider how Trent (and the surrounding Region called "Trentino") has been the symbol of Catholicism and of the Inquisitorial fight against the lutheran heresy. An area of strong Catholicism. The bishop of Trent had also secular authority, because he was a vassal of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. So the Trentino was one of the strongest Catholic regions in Europe, and the symbol of the defense against lutheranism.


And today ? The only valid option for a Latin mass is the one celebrated by an undeclared SSPX heretical priest in a desolated room in a modern building once a month.


Think about the difference: devastating.






Subject: On Merit


Dear Brother Peter,


Gary, the man who denies that grace can be merited, clearly does not understand the vital distinction between absolute merit and relative merit. He would do well to study St Thomas Aquinas on this point: Summa Theologica, First Part of the Second Part, Question 114.


Absolutely speaking, of course, we can merit nothing at all from God and we all deserve damnation. But relatively speaking, i.e. relative to God’s own merciful ordinance, we have the ineffable privilege of being able to “earn” grace and to win the prize of eternal life from Him (1 Co 9.24).


It seems Satan loves to corrupt this essential component of the Good News. And one sees why. For to deny it leads logically to either presumption or despair, either of which leads a man straight to his door.


Thanks indeed for defending the Church’s teaching so robustly.


Timothy Johnson




MHFM: Benedict XVI’s event in Assisi constituted an extremely significant day of apostasy.  We will have some more extensive comments soon.




Subject: Rare Northern Lights Paint Skies Deep-Red Across North America | Fox News


As hitler viewed the auroras at his retreat house before the start of WW ll and with this evil Assisi prayer day… on Thursday, this present display of the auroras borealis {red} seen all the way down to Alabama, is to me a very ominous sign or the calm before the storm?  




In Mary,



New Video


MHFM: This is a new video.


Can a man be worthy of salvation? [video]


A man wrote in and condemned as absurd something we said in one of our videos.  So, we had a conversation with him.  In the conversation, his accusation is discussed and analyzed.  The conversation shows how well his claim holds up.


Sr. Lucy


Subject: Death of Sr. Lucy of Fatima


Good Day Brothers,

I recently reread your article on Fatima and Sr. Lucy. The woman who sent in the information regarding Sr. Lucy being killed by freemasons. If you notice the date, she said it was late October 1958. Now what event happened in the Catholic Church of note that occurred in late October 1958? Antipope John XXIII was "elected" "Pope" on October 28, 1958 if I remember correctly. I do not think it is a coincidence. Possibly the Antipope and/or his Freemason handlers had Sr. Lucy killed as the first act of the reign of John XXIII as Antipope. That is a distinct possibility.








Dear Brother Diamond--Against your advice, my friend and I went to the Visitation Nuns monastery in Tyringham, Ma. for an overnight retreat. Unfortunately, they nuns receive Holy Communion in the hand and act as altar servers, Eucharistic ministers and Lectors. It was a hybrid Novus Ordo Mass as we see on EWTN (half English, half Latin) and offered by an extremely elderly priest from the Marian Order of the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, Ma. which is  a short distance from the nuns monastey. To their credit, the nuns wear the traditonal Visitatiion habit--not updated.

  So sorry to hear that Rosalind Moss is an apostate and actually spent an entire year in this monastery to learn the charism of St. Francis de Sales before starting her own order of nuns which is called, Daughters of Mary, Hope of Israel. This is quite disturbing to me as the Bishop of St. Louis  Missouri has granted Ross permission to start her order in his diocese. What is your opinion on this? Thank you for your answer.  




MHFM: That’s why we told you not to go there.  You need to become convinced of the faith and that the Vatican II sect does not represent it.  It’s interesting that you mention how the nuns wear the habit.  So what?  That’s another example of the deception of externals without substance.  We hope you continue to look at the information and change your views.




Dear Brothers Michael and Peter Dimond,


I am greatly interested and fond of your website at vaticancatholic.com and read and like much of the material you have on there. I am a traditional Catholic who holds that outside the Church there is no salvation. And I believe that it's absolute, no baptism of desire/baptism of blood stuff. But I am kind of fence-sitting on whether the popes since Vatican II are legitimate or not. In other words I have no opinion one way or the other on it…


God's blessings,

Wesley Brittain


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We believe that as you see more of the information, you will be convinced that they are not true popes.  In fact, one cannot believe in Outside the Church There is No Salvation if one obstinately considers Benedict XVI to be a pope.  To consider Benedict XVI to be a pope is to hold that a man without the Catholic faith can be a member of the Church.  That contradicts the dogma.  Benedict XVI denies dozens of dogmas, and is an outrageous heretic.  Please watch our Fatima DVD and consult our file on his heresies.  You could watch our recent YouTube video on the heresies in his latest book, Jesus of Nazareth – Holy Week.  They are massive.  You could also consult our recent article and video on his massive heresies in Germany, as well as our debates.  One must reject him to have the true faith. 




Subject: Worthy of salvation… Calvinist


Dear MHFM, 


… brother Peter points out, in patience, the error of these monster heretics.  Moreso, the false traditionals who know in their hearts and minds that Vatican II the fault of the Church since the hideous inception of full blown Modernism inside Vatican City after '65-'69.  These false traditionals state the heresies, the lies, the deceptions of the antipopes, but they nod their pliant heads in submission, 'cause-he's the pope.  He's in Rome, sitting on the Chair of Peter.  "He's the pope," in their somber mantra.  "He's the pope."  Pathetic!  And the sheeple follow straight to hell these vile imposters spewing their Modernism morphed into NWO satanic reign!  God bless MHFM.






Subject: Insane Animosity


This weekend I was surprised at the amount of bad will shown by my family. I was home for the weekend with my faithless mother(V2) and brother(atheist), I started talking about this video I saw about this guy who thinks the economy will collapse by means of hyperinflation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI-BIVWlc7A. Im not an economist but I just thought it would make interesting conversation. My brother started freaking out saying the guy is a liar he is a scam artist. Then I am like but you did not even watch the video, how could you possible refute him. Then my brother types into his internet phone 'Porter Stansberry fraud' (the guy who made the video). Then he is like look it says he is a fraud. I said well thats not fair, you type anybody into google and get a blog on why someone does not like them. Then my mom (who I told about the video, but didn't watch it, but seemed interested in his arguments), okay then my mom freaks out at me also 'William why are you defending this man, just accept that he might be a fraud'. Im like look if you don't want to watch the video it is fine, but I think it's unfair to judge someone's arguments without listening to it. Then they both freaked out at me more my brother is swearing, kinda having a break down, my mom is telling me William calm down, even though I am barely talking, meanwhile my brother is really swearing badly. Then he is like fine ill watch the video (it is about an hour long), he watches about 7 minutes of it and lectures me on why the guy is a fraud for 45 minutes.


Next my mom realized that I was only going to my Church for only the sacraments, I was not participating in a community. She gets mad at me and starts mocking real Catholicism because we have few members. I say the Church is not a building but a faith, she says no the Church is the buildings and the communities. I take her mocking for only so long I yell at her I say she ignores the words of Jesus Christ, instead she just goes with the herd. Then she says that I am becoming mentally ill, she said I need to pray to God to let go of my obsession with religion, she said I would get eternal life but at what cost, truly the words of the devil.  




MHFM: Anyone who promotes the truth on a large scale will be attacked by liars and bad-willed men.  This is especially true of those who promote the truth on the most important matters – those which concern the true faith and salvation. 




Dear Brothers,

I am shocked by the hard-heartedness of Gary's position. He lacks charity, much like a schismatic. Also, if no one can be worthy of baptism or salvation, then what's the point of even trying to convert anyone to the Catholic faith, since according to Gary, God does everything, and man is merely moved around like a chess piece without free will. His position also appears to be an inverted form of the Antichrist Gospel, where instead of putting man in the place of God, he puts God in the place of man, so that God does everything, man does nothing, and no one deserves anything good. Let's hope he converts, because it appears as if he desires the good and conversion of no one else. There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.

God Bless,





Subject: Question


Just a question from someone who has watched your video and took them completely to my mind and heart… I was born catholic baptized and held my communion but never finished catholic schooling for my conformation after now what i realize , I let myself believe in man and not god. I spent 4 years in the military and served on countless detachments read through the bible for guidance in my actions and hoping I would not be damned for them. I fear that i have sinned in every way possible...I fear not for my life but for my soul in eternity and which path i have decided for myself which God will choose upon. I am lost and have though about suicide a lot recently until I watched you video's and found a catholic church who preached the true meaning of Vatican Catholic and I thank you for speaking out against the actions that have taking place. I was Baptized in 1986 so that should help but i'm scared that i was maybe brought in to Vatican II Church. I have not been to that church in over 10 year...But well my question is really i live in Ca … and i wish to go to church, aswell as my fiance and child… anyway we are looking for a church out here that maybe you could approve of ?..it's scary alone thinking of what man to trust especially where i am as a Catholic the only church i've seen is an orthodox one..my grandmother told me long ago that if I were to even walk into one of those I would need to ask forgiveness, so i'm lost on where to go. any help would be appreciated but until then I will continue to watch your videos and get as many people as i can to understand how real this is and how scared we should be of what we leave our self with at the end of life and start of eternity.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  God is definitely giving you the grace to move in the right direction.  You should pray the Rosary each day.  That will give you enthusiasm and the hope to continue your pursuit of salvation.  One must not go to the New Mass.  It’s invalid.  We can help you with where to receive traditional sacraments, but first you should look at the material and come to the point where you are committed never to attend the New Mass again, that you believe in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”), that you reject NFP, that you won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?.  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments. 




Subject: Abraham video, faith, providence, etc.


I enjoyed your video, sounds like you guys are headed the right way down the narrow path.

Catholic, truly means universal and that universal church are those who are spiritually born again. Just like Jesus said in John 3:3.

There are some issues I have with the roman catholic church like praying to Mary, Saying Allah and God are the same God, holding the traditions of men at the level of scripture, saying that any other church than theirs is apostate, saying the pope is the head of the church on earth. Not sure why some sent me your video on Abraham, but I enjoyed it. I don't think you were saying baptism is necessary for salvation...but I might be wrong.

God bless




MHFM: Your concerns are addressed in our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  It shows that there is overwhelming biblical support for the ideas you mention, except the heresy that the false god of the Muslims is the same as the true God of Christianity.  That’s not the teaching of the Catholic Church, but rather the teaching of the Vatican II sect.  As our material shows, the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church.





Do you think Stalin was the second anti-christ?





MHFM: No.  Our thoughts on the Antichrist are covered in these videos.








Subject: Can a man be worthy of salvation?


Dear Brothers,


Another great debate showing the pawns of satan for who they really are, deaf and dumb. Gary seems to be hypocritical throughout this entire debate, pretty much jumping from one pit of error to another getting burned by his on fallacies on the way. It might be just my view but doesn't seems to be a lot like the jansenist Heresy, or at least steming from it.  and I'll quote from the True Devotion to Mary book by the beloved servant of Mary, St. Louis De Monfort. "pg.xii ( One of St. Louis De Montfort's greatest problems was the opposition he encountered from propagators of the Jansenist heresy, which was very active in France. The Jansenists spread an atmosphere of harshness and moral rigorism, claiming that human nature was radically corrupted by Original sin .... The Jansenists denied that God's mercy is available to all, and they allowed only infrequent reception of the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist.... Although Jansenism had been CONDEMNED by the Church twice even before St. Louis De Montfort's birth.)pg.xii". Well Gary is obviously blinded by his sins, and corrupted by Heretical notions, so is in Fact a HERETIC. So Gary=Heretic case closed, May God bless you on your Crusade of Truth, Sorrowful Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us…


A Slave of Jesus and Mary,

Roy J. Sandbank




Good Morning Brothers,


My husband and I just ordered a whole bunch of DVDs to pass out. Your work is AMAZING!! I am very grateful to God for leading me to your website. 


I know we are not supposed to believe everything anti Catholic Alex Jones says but here is a very interesting article he posted on the website INFOWARS.


It is entitled "Vatican calls for Central World Bank"... I followed the link ... http://www.cnbc.com/id/45013499


I guess your DVD... "Is the World about to End?"  is pretty much dead on!


May Our Lord Watch over You and Protect your Mission!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me understand what is happening!






Subject: Is the World about .... Part XI


Dear Brother:


You made a most interesting point about the name "Barabbas" meaning "Son of the Father." While Our Lord is the true son of the true Father and God, He also told the Jews their "Father" was the Devil. It's quite fitting, is it not, that Barabbas would be called the Son of the Father, the Devil.






Subject: Can a man be worthy of salvation?


I was astounded at the arrogance and false humility of your caller.  He claims that no one, without exception, can be deserving of God's graces/eternal life… He has the nerve to call himself Catholic; of course, people can deserve or not deserve God's grace depending on the interest shown by the individual and his search for knowledge of God and how well he obeys the commandments.  God is eager to shower his graces on those who want them; people have to ask for them and want to do His will.  In all the debates/conversations I have listened to, your callers always switch topics when they cannot refute your information.  Why can't any of these people be honest enough to say "All right, I admit I was mistaken.  You have proved your point"…


God bless you all, 

Brenda Roy




Subject: Anti-Church pushes One World Government


Dear Brothers,


Thanks to your correspondents for pointing out the anti-church’s spine-chilling call for a one-world bank.


The so-called “Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace” recently published this proposal in support of the globalist Rothschild agenda for one-world government (www.youtube.com/watch?v=-taocO6R1RU&feature=relmfu). Their job is clearly to promote the long-planned imposition of the worldwide Bank of Satan using the kind of pseudo-moral phrases like “new global humanism”, “global public authority” and “ethic of brotherhood and solidarity” which fool all those who have effectively separated themselves from God. Here we see the Hegelian dialectic formula operating once again: first we have the Rothschild-engineered financial crisis (thesis), then the Rothshchild-sponsored Occupy Wall Street protests (antithesis), and now the Rothschild-controlled anti-church’s call for a World Bank (synthesis)…


Timothy Johnson


MHFM: That news item is another example of how Antipope Benedict XVI and the Vatican are under the control of Satan.  What’s pathetic is that some false traditionalists and false conservatives in the Novus Ordo will not be fazed by the overwhelming and irrefutable evidence of Benedict XVI’s heresy and apostasy.  However, if he makes a statement endorsing the New World Order or one of its chief components, they sometimes get concerned that he really is a wicked antipope – perhaps even a conscious conspirator.  If they had faith in Jesus Christ and His revelation, the evidence of heresy and apostasy that has been produced would have persuaded them of that some time ago.




Subject: Martin Luther


Dear Brothers   


We all know that  martin luther was condemned in 1520 and excommunicated in 1521 by pope leo X by his bulls. luther who was very defiant burned his bull in public. luther caused this revolt against the divine order, and look what we have today in the world as a result of this. the vatican 2 sect wants to rehabilitate luther and lift the excommuincation against him. That’s why I believe that God wont allow protestantism to go on beyond 500 years…


… anybody notice the protestant influence in the novus ordo.? and that man that brother peter was debating in is a man worthy of salvation audio, needs to get some humility. some people get upset over trivial things. I believe God rewards good will and he sees man’s interior intentions…


God bless you  from mark v


from mark v






… A show called TheSundayMass airs on ABC on Sunday mornings. I went to their website… and found their toll free phone number… I asked the person who answered if one needs to be a Catholic to receive salvation. He said, "Of course not, where did you hear that?" He went on to say, "All I need to do is have a personal relationship with God"


God bless you,

Mr. Clemens




Subject: Just found your website




I just found your website Most Holy Family Monastery and watched the 3rd Secret of Fatima... video.   I am a new convert (3 yrs) to Catholicism and love the Catholic faith.  It was so upsetting to see the "ecumenism" exposed.  I had no idea all these abominations had taken place… The idea of the leader of the faith performing all these abominations is so upsetting!  So many faithful have died for refusing to do just these types of things over the centuries.  Many would still be alive if they had simply burned a little incense to Caesar.  Apparently our popes would have had no problem doing so.  I can't tell you how offensive their actions are to me.


Now, as I begin to see, what am I to do?  I must admit that myself and most sincere converts I know all long to a return to the "old" Catholic faith. 


Is the Eucharist I receive truly the Body of our Lord?...


Dee Strahle


MHFM: We are extremely happy that you came across the video and found the website.  The Eucharist is not present at the New Mass.  The New Mass is not valid.  This file is relevant to those coming out of the New Mass.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.


As you consult more of the material, you will see that the Vatican II “popes” are actually antipopes. 


There are options for traditional sacraments.  However, before receiving traditional sacraments, one must be committed to never attend the New Mass again.  One must also believe in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”), reject NFP, and not support any heretical priests.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.


Calls for


Subject: Vatican Calls for:


Dear Brothers,

More proof of who they really are.



God Bless and Our Most Holy Mother protect you both.





There we go:


Vatican Calls for 'Central World Bank' to Be Set Up


The Vatican called on Monday for the establishment of a "global public authority" and a "central world bank" to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly with crises..."In fact, one can see an emerging requirement for a body that will carry out the functions of a kind of 'central world bank' that regulates the flow and system of monetary exchanges similar to the national central banks," it said...Of course, this transformation will be made at the cost of a gradual, balanced transfer of a part of each nation's powers to a world authority and to regional authorities, but this is necessary at a time when the dynamism of human society and the economy and the progress of technology are transcending borders, which are in fact already very eroded in a globalizes world.




Subject: Alex L.


… The definition for cannibalism on google is "the practice of eating your own kind". So it is not true Catholics who partake in the eucharist are Cannibals, because the Eucharist has the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. Occultist sometimes try and point out that Jesus was just a magician, because of the Catholic similarities to some parts of the occult. These idiots fail to realize that this is simply satan mocking God. A coven of witches has 13 members, just like Jesus and his twelve. Vampires live forever by drinking the blood of humans, similar to how a Catholic can live forever from the benefits of Christ's blood. This gives people of bad will simple concise arguments against God, "Catholics are cannibals", "Catholics are vampires", they don't think and they don't care. Secondly the "I don't understand why God would want us to eat him", comment is filled with errors. One, Isaiah 55:8, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are my ways your ways, saith Jehovah", stop trying to understand why, and just obey God. Also if any one has studied the Bible at all they will notice that a lot of it has to do with food. First it was, don't eat from the tree of good and evil, then we had to toil for our food. Next the flood came after words God said to Noah, "And ever thing that moveth and liveth shall be meat for you: even as the green herbs have I delivered them all to you". Next 'kosher' food comes, this and that are unclean. Not to mention the manna from heaven that God’s people lived on for years. Then Jesus comes and we eat him, to gain eternal life. some say Jesus is the tree of life talked about in genesis, Cross = wood, Jesus = fruit. The point that I think God is trying to get across in the old testament, with the manna, and the unclean animals, and other things. Is the fact that humanity will be saved by what they eat, being the Eucharist.




MHFM: Yes, the key consideration in refuting the outrageous claim of cannibalism is that the body and blood of Christ are not the body and blood of a mere man.  They are the true body and blood of a man, but not that of a mere man.  They are the body and blood, “together with the soul and divinity,” of God the Son.  The body and blood of Christ are inseparably united to His divinity in the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.  Consequently, there is obviously no comparison between consuming His body and blood and consuming that of another man.  His body and blood are “spirit and life” (John 6:64), being inseparably united to His divine nature in the one person of the Word. 


Second Council of Constantinople, 553, Canon 9- “If anyone says that Christ ought to be worshipped in his two natures, in the sense that he introduces two adorations, the one peculiar to God the Word and the other peculiar to the man; or if anyone by destroying the flesh, or by confusing the Godhead and the humanity, or by contriving one nature or essence of those which were united and so worships Christ, and does not with one adoration worship God the Word incarnate with his own flesh, as the Church of God has received from the beginning; let him be anathema.”


Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, on the Holy Eucharist, Canon 1: "If any one denies, that, in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, are contained truly, really, and substantially, the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ; but says that He is only therein as in a sign, or in figure, or virtue; let him be anathema."



Dear Brothers,

About the Transubstantiation email from Alex L. Some thoughts that come to mind are how the Original Sin was that of eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That tree was not symbolic, but a real fruit tree. So the Original Sin was EATING something. Next, the grace of physical immortality was lost as a result of the Original Sin. Adam and Eve were not naturally immortal, as if they had supernatural genes. Their immortality was a supernatural grace, a free gift which they lost by obeying the Serpent. A thought now comes to mind. Fruit has seeds, so the forbidden fruit must have had seeds. God tells Eve that there will be enmity between her Seed and the Serpent's seed. The Seed will be one of Abraham's progeny. Then through David and so on (Matt. 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38). The Israelites are commanded to eat the lamb on their last night in Egypt before their escape, and so as to be protected from the Angel passing over (viz. Passover) to kill the Egyptian firstborns. It was a life and death protection. The Israelites are then fed miraculous bread from Heaven in the desert after escaping through the Red Sea, called Manna, a jar of which was kept in the Ark of the Covenant (a type of Christ the true Bread of Life incarnate in the womb of Mary, the New Ark of the Covenant).

Christ says that unless you (meaning Catholics) eat His Body and drink His Blood, we have no life in ourselves. He allows many disciples to leave Him who are scandalized by His words. He would have explained Himself more if He were only speaking a parable, because He even threatens the Apostles by saying, "Will you also go away?" St. Peter replies, "Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life." (John 6:67,68). Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, and so His words that we must eat His flesh are true.

The V-2 heretic that Alex L. speaks to implies that the two natures in Christ are separated in the Eucharist. It reminds me of the Protestant heresy of Consubstantiation where they claim Christ becomes the bread and wine ("spiritually"), rather than the substance of the bread and wine completely changing into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ (though the appearances of bread and wine remain, called accidents). It is essentially the heresy of Eutyches applied to the Eucharist, wherein the bread and wine are called divine, just as they say the body and soul of Christ is divine. There is no confusion or separation of Christ's two natures - ever. The heresy of Consubstantiation has eerie parallels to the occult teaching of reincarnation, because they imply that Christ - "in His Divinity alone" (i.e. not His Body and Blood) - unites with or "becomes" the bread and wine. It is like saying that Christ reincarnates everytime a priest consecrates the Eucharist, which is outrageous heresy, because it thus implies that: a) Christ's life, death and suffering in His humanity was worthless, and b) That Christ needs to suffer again. It makes no sense because it is heresy. Since the Protestants essentially believe their "Eucharist" is only symbolic (as they do with baptism), it opens the door to Erastianism, the heresy that no one should be excommunicated (barred from receiving the sacraments), which is identical to how the Vatican II apostasy operates, namely, that everyone is saved no matter what.

… The Catholic Church condemned the Protestant heresy of Consubstantiation at the Council of Trent:

Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, On the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, CANON I: "If any one denieth, that, in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, are contained truly, really, and substantially, the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ; but saith that He is only therein as in a sign, or in figure, or virtue; let him be anathema."

Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, On the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, CANON II: "If any one saith, that, in the sacred and holy sacrament of the Eucharist, the substance of the bread and wine remains conjointly with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ [viz. Consubstantiation], and denieth that wonderful and singular conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the Body, and of the whole substance of the wine into the Blood-the species Only of the bread and wine remaining-which conversion indeed the Catholic Church most aptly calls Transubstantiation; let him be anathema."

Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, On the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, CANON III: "If any one denieth, that, in the venerable sacrament of the Eucharist, the whole Christ is contained under each species, and under every part of each species, when separated; let him be anathema."

Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, On the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, CANON VIII: "lf any one saith, that Christ, given in the Eucharist, is eaten spiritually only, and not also sacramentally and really; let him be anathema."

The V-2 heretic blatantly contradicts the Council of Trent, and shows that she aligns herself with the Illuminati cannibals who reject the Body and Blood of Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist by eating human flesh separated from divinity, since she holds one can eat the divinity of Christ separated from His humanity…

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Transubstantiation


Dear Brothers:


I have to wonder if the underlying reason people refuse to accept the Transubstantiation is that they really do not believe in the Divinity of Jesus, regardless of whether or not they claim to do so.  The first section of MHFM's The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church gives an excellent treatment of Jesus' own explicit teachings on the matter.  We believe because God said so. 


The Jews of Jesus' time understood precisely what Jesus was telling them, which is why they walked away from Him -- and He allowed them to do so.  He did not change His truth to suit them.  And the rise of Protestantism was, first and foremost, all about the denial of the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Eucharist.  It's the first thing Satan tries to get rid of.  To me, one of the most noticeable things about the way most Protestants believe or claim to believe (other than the uncommon Protestant individual who is in the process of seeking truth), is that there seems to be no real supernatural dimension to their belief, or even to their manner of praying.   Maybe this is what Jesus meant when he criticized the Jews for being carnal. 


I remember hearing explanations (such as how bread becomes our body, etc.) given in an effort to convince people of the Real Presence, but I think this subject is a prime illustration of the principle you discussed in the video on Abraham:  we believe first, and then we understand.  Perhaps Alex should try giving his friend the Bible Proves book if he has not already done so, and also direct her to your video on Abraham.  As to the "professor" teaching what he teaches, well, that's just one more example of the modern world in the grips of Satan, doing all it can to rip the true faith from the hearts and minds of as many people as possible.


Lee Ann 


New Video


MHFM: This is a new video.


Abraham: Faith, Providence, Prefigurement [video]






I respond to Alex L's email, since he did not mention any papal document about the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, so he can give them to his university mate.


Infallible Magisterial decrees about the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist:


Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, Chapter I, 1215: "There is indeed one universal church of the faithful, outside of which nobody at all is saved, in which Jesus Christ is both priest and sacrifice. His body and blood are truly contained in the sacrament of the altar under the forms of bread and wine, the bread and wine having been changed in substance, by God's power, into his body and blood, so that in order to achieve this mystery of unity we receive from God what he received from us."


Pope Julius III, Council of Trent, Session XIII, Chapter I, 1551: "In the first place, the holy Synod teaches, and openly and simply professes, that, in the august sacrament of the holy Eucharist, after the consecration of the bread and wine, our Lord Jesus Christ, true God and man, is truly, really, and substantially contained under the species of those sensible things. For neither are these things mutually repugnant,-that our Saviour Himself always sitteth at the right hand of the Father in heaven, according to the natural mode of existing, and that, nevertheless, He be, in many other places, sacramentally present to us in his own substance, by a manner of existing, which, though we can scarcely express it in words, yet can we, by the understanding illuminated by faith, conceive, and we ought most firmly to believe, to be possible unto God: for thus all our forefathers, as many as were in the true Church of Christ, who have treated of this most holy Sacrament, have most openly professed, that our Redeemer instituted this so admirable a sacrament at the last supper, when, after the blessing of the bread and wine, He testified, in express and clear words, that He gave them His own very Body, and His own Blood; words which,-recorded by the holy Evangelists, and afterwards repeated by Saint Paul, whereas they carry with them that proper and most manifest meaning in which they were understood by the Fathers,-it is indeed a crime the most unworthy that they should be wrested, by certain contentions and wicked men, to fictitious and imaginary tropes, whereby the verity of the flesh and blood of Christ is denied, contrary to the universal sense of the Church, which, as the pillar and ground of truth, has detested, as satanical, these inventions devised by impious men; she recognising, with a mind ever grateful and unforgetting, this most excellent benefit of Christ."







Subject: The Transubstantiation


Greetings Dimond Brothers,


I have a story to relate to you about the Transubstantiation of the Eucharist.


I am enrolled in a philosophy course at a public university and it is a course on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas. As the university is secular, we deal almost entirely only with Aquinas's philosophy, but refrain from speaking about the Catholic Faith he held. Before class began, a fellow student told me a story about how one of her other professors from a different class said that Catholics are cannibals because they eat human flesh in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The student then told me that she doesn't believe the Eucharist is actually the Body and Blood of Christ, but that by eating the bread and wine we gain Christ spiritually. I proceeded to tell her that that is not what the Traditional Catholic Faith teaches, but that the bread and wine actually do become the true Body and Blood of Christ upon being consecrated by a validly ordained Priest or Bishop. Not only did she deny that the Transubstantiation happens now (which for her, as we know, does not occur because she attends the Vatican II sect) but she also said that the Catholic Church has never taught the Transubstantiation and that the Bible does not teach it either. 


I was wondering if you could post a quick video on this subject dealing with what the Church's traditional teaching on the Holy Eucharist is, and demonstrate that this is not a form of cannibalism. I know you are very busy, and I appreciate that you even take the time to read incoming emails from so many people. I feel that this issue on Holy Communion is grossly misunderstood in our time, as this is not the first time I've heard people criticize Catholics for being cannibals or even asserting that the Catholic Faith has never taught the Transubstantiation.


I believe the Transubstantiation as a Dogma of Faith but I cannot recall to mind actual Papal pronouncements, or the exact words of Infallible Councils to quote to this fellow student. I quoted the Bible "This is my Body etc" but she denied that Jesus actually meant it literally because (and I'm quoting her now) "I cannot understand why God would want us to eat him."


Thank you again for your time Brothers!




Alex L.




Subject: Satanic Percentage


Dear Brothers in Christ,

It is very fitting that the reader Vlv, an obvious adherent of the V2 satanic sect, mentioned the supposed difference of 1% (maybe a few percentage points) between the Catholicism and other "Christian" denominations. Such a difference between two things, one that represents something true and the one that represents something false is very characteristic for the "scientific theory" named the theory of evolution. The devil's minions, the evolutionists, who put on themselves the masks of science, while promoting probably the worst unscientific theory and a hoax the human mind invented, often say that the difference in gene material between a chimpanzee and a human is a few percent.

No wonder that the adherents of the V2 satanic sect are admirers of this hoax, and that they are very fond of the characteristic language of this hoax.

I would like to ask the adherents of the V2 sect a few questions:

1.) For the sake of argument let us suppose that the difference between The Only True Doctrine, the Catholic Church Doctrine, and the doctrine of one out of numberless "Christian" denominations is only 1%. Why do you think that this 1% is unimportant?  For example, you can easily find a thousand topics which you agree upon with an atheist. Only one topic-- does God exist or not--you don't agree upon. Will you consider your "brother atheist" as good as any of your "Christian brothers"? Come on, it's only 0.1% difference between you and an atheist.  You cannot reject your "brother" over this insignificant difference. Can you?

2.) Why do you reject Christ's words in Matthew 12:50 :"For whosoever shall do the will of my Father, that is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother." ?

     Calling a "1% heretic" a brother, or a sister, calling an "0.1 %" atheist a brother, or a sister, etc. and considering yourself a follower of Christ, you are saying that they, who deny God or some of His commands, are doing the will of The Father. 

     How satanic can you get?

3.) At the same time, when you consider a few percent difference in spiritual matters as insignificant, I bet you are extremely careful of such a difference in worldly matters, such as the physical health or business. How about giving you a bottle of the purest natural water with only a tiny drop of a lethal poison in it? Would you consider this far less that 1% difference between healthy and deadly water as insignificant?  How about one bankster offers you a credit with 5% interest rate, and the other bankster offers you the same credit with 5.1% interest rate? Would you consider this… difference in interest rates as insignificant?

How hypocritical can you get?

May our Heavenly Mother and St. Joseph pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: 2 Thessalonians 2:10


I have been trying to show a co-worker the truth about what has been going on for the last 53 years with the Church and how the Supreme Punishment was not even recognized, the rising of a false church and an evil nation to punish the world and talking about all the bad fruit of this vatican ll sect and the Apparitions of Our Lady of La Salette and Fatima.  Talking about all the signs and warnings that God is giving to the world thru the shaking of the earth, which to me is like grabbing someone’s shoulders and shaking them back reality.  All the unprecedented calamities in the world but he can't make the connection.  He tells me that "I'm right, it makes sense and its logical but what if I'm wrong, what if I should be going to Church and do the right thing, I will be ok?"    


    You can clearly see how he couldn't recognize the truth but was confounded and confused when he was forced to think about it in a conversation, he even said to me that he had such a headache thinking about it, you can see the same thing in pilate, he knew Jesus was innocent but at the same time he says:

   John 18:38   Pilate saith to him: What is truth? And when he said this, he went out again to the Jews, and saith to them: I find no cause in him.


   I know it’s obvious and elementary but sometimes it should be said because the obvious can be hidden in plain sight, in regard to 2 Thessalonians 2:10,  God sending the operation of error, to believe lying because of sins and consenting to it, that means it’s impossible for people to believe or recognize the Truth, the mystery of iniquity!  


In Mary,



MHFM: That’s an interesting story.  You say that he seems to recognize the truth, but he doesn’t see the necessity to act upon the information.  That’s somewhat common.  We believe it’s a clear case of a lack of interest.  He simply doesn’t care.  Deep down he probably realizes that what you are telling him is true, but he hardly cares.  In most cases, people lack the interest in the faith they need because they are committing mortal sins of the flesh.  Such sins often stifle their interest in spiritual pursuits and God’s requirements.




Subject: WWII Research




I found some interesting things while researching P.O.W. memoirs.


First, from "Ghost of Bataan," quoting 33rd degree freemason Douglas MacArthur:


My men and I sat back from our gruesome job and listened to these words coming over the radio from the lips of General Douglas MacArthur on board the U.S.S. Missouri. "Duty, honor, country---always their blood and sweat and tears as we fought the way, the light, and truth----"


It sounds like an admission of freemasonry's all-out battle against Jesus Christ.


From another book, one Catholic priest anointed a non-Catholic with oil when the man appeared to be ready die at any moment. Another Catholic priest, when approached by potential catechumens on conversion to the Faith, told them and I paraphrase, "You need to worry about food, you don't need to convert to Catholicism."




New Heresies from Benedict XVI


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's Recent Heresies file with some new heresies from Benedict XVI.


Benedict XVI’s Incredible Assault on the Catholic Faith; His Apostasy in Germany and more




Subject: Purgatory


Hello. I have come upon your videos on YouTube and they have inspired me. Until I watched some of the videos I doubted if the Catholic denomination was the true one. Now I believe it to be the true one. I just have one question about purgatory that I have been wondering for years now. Where did the idea of purgatory come from?

Jared M Shenefield


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  It comes from Scripture and the early fathers.  We have a section on it in our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  We also have an audio dealing with that issue.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.




Hello… brothers,

I couldn't help letting you know about this youtube video of a novus ordo worship service in Washington DC. This video proves that the desecration of the catholic church is still going strong. There seems to be no standard, every diocese tries to please people instead of God. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQKZVTKk9Ro&feature=fvsr or search St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church, Washington DC (the mispelling of the word church is in the title of the video).

This is so different from the humility of the black saints like St. Martin de Porres or Benedict of San Fratello. It's hard to believe that this is a Catholic church, but they do have an altar which there seems to be a tabernacle… Anyways, another thing I noticed around my town is that priests don't even dress like priests anymore. They dress like ordinary people, they don't wear the black shirt, pants and white collar (sorry, I don't know the correct name of this dress). Is this because they are ashamed to be noticed as priests. Are they ashamed to be associated with Jesus?  I was wondering if you had noticed such thing or had an opinion.

take care,
keep up the great work.


MHFM: If they were Catholic, they should wear a collar; but they are ashamed of Jesus and the priesthood.  They are also not true priests.  The sad reality is that the Vatican II sect has done its best to make the priesthood/religious life appear to be a disgraceful vocation.




Subject: Translation of your material

Hi. My name is Rafael, from Portugal. I was wondering what can i do to help you since you done so much to me. If there is a chance that i'm not damned, it's because of your work. I don't know how to repay that.  I dont have much money. i can barely finance myself. So i thought that i could start translating some of your material to portuguese language. This is something i can do. Think about it: Portuguese is the 6th most used language in the world. The biggest portuguese country in the world is Brazil. I born there and i know, they, in general, can´t understand english. 

Hope you're well, brothers. 

Rafael Rodrigues Centeio




Subject: anti-pope Joseph Ratzinger


Dear MHFM  


Great audio by brother peter about all the fake terror plots. also I read that joseph ratzinger  denies the dogma of the Immaculate conception, he believes that anybody can have the Immaculate heart not just mary. he is a pure modernist, extreme manifest heretic. that is why we dont submit to him, because he is not a pope. also I just saw on the Internet, GADDAFFI is dead , was shot and killed. any way thanks and God bless!     


from mark v




Subject: Vlv's comment


Dear Brothers:


In my naivete (after I had started to look at your website), I thought that if I could just get people to watch your videos, the battle would be won.  And to some extent, I guess I will always feel that way.  Because these videos are like beacons of light and truth that captivate the mind and heart.  How could they fail to miss the mark?


Then I read a comment like vlv's, or see a similar response in someone close to me, and I have to conclude that this hatred of truth is the mystery of iniquity.  How these V2'ers love the satanic lie of peace and brotherhood without God's truth.  Have these people never heard of the Tower of Babel?  And after 50 years of sham peace and brotherhood efforts, don't they ever wonder why there is no peace and brotherhood in the "church" or in the world, and that things keep getting worse all the time?  I guess when a person rejects God's truth, his mind no longer works.


About a hundred years ago Fr. Faber (a convert from Anglicanism) perceptively wrote that, even then, men were already beginning to lose the horror of heresy -- which by now, of course, is completely gone.  So much so, that B16 can deny that there even is such a thing as heresy, and yet men still call him "Pope".  Today, in this time of total apostasy, men imagining themselves to be "Catholic" so love the lie that they (like vlv) not only embrace the lie themselves, but propagate and defend it!!   They are Satan's missionaries. 


I am always amazed… that MHFM can receive these imbecilic emails from supposed Catholics…


Lee Ann




Why do you criticize other faiths? when coming to peace and respecting others is more godly than criticizing others. Fanaticals are the reasons why there is hatered in this world. I mean, I'm sure you know that the bible teaches us to love your bothers and sisters. You on the other hand are not teaching truth but rather hate, seperation, and ignorance. You are blind sir....

Don't forget, that the difference between Catholism and other denomational/non denominational churches is 1 percent, maybe a little more, I don't know. The point is, if you think about it, we all have the same basic ideas. The differences is very little.

I know, non that you speak of involves hateful words, but those videos that you post leads to others ignorance.

Take care and god bless.




MHFM: One must criticize other faiths because there is only one true religion that leads to happiness and Heaven.  It would be uncharitable to not give your fellow man true information and what he needs to know to be saved. 


Pope Pius VIII, Traditi Humilitati # 4, 1829: “Against these experienced sophists the people must be taught that the profession of the Catholic faith is uniquely true, as the apostle proclaims: one Lord, one faith, one baptism.”


Here is what the Bible teaches about those who do not have the true faith.  As we can see, it does not tell us to accept people of any religion.


2 John 10- “If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him, God speed you.”


As Pope Gregory XVI points out, you should consider the testimony of Christ Himself.


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832:  “With the admonition of the apostle, that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5), may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever.  They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him.  Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).”


It is uncharitable to tolerate lies and falsehoods.  God desires the conversion of all people, but He makes it clear that all non-Christian (and thus non-Catholic) religions are false and of the Devil.  He says that he who believeth not is condemned (Mark 16:16).


The difference between Catholicism and the various denominations is not just one percent.  It involves a host of dogmas which implicate core truths about the Church, the sacraments, what the Lord did while on Earth, justification (i.e., how men are saved), sin, Our Lady, and more.  Protestantism is not Christianity.  You obviously lack the grace of faith; you have fallen into unclean religious indifferentism.  You are currently a heretic and very deceived.  You need to pray for the true faith and convert. 




Brother Dimond:


Thank you for opening my mind and eyes.


I believe that you may have helped save my soul.






Hi, I want to attend to Latin Mass with my family. There is only one church in the city offering Latin Mass and the celebrant is a member of the order FSSP which was founded in 1988 under John Paul II. Is it a valid mass?  Thanks




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The FSSP would not be an option.  Their priests are ordained by bishops who are made bishops in Paul VI's dubious new rite of Episcopal Consecration.  The FSSP also accepts Vatican II and false ecumenism, among other heresies.  Their priests are faithless apostates.


One must not attend the New Mass.  It’s invalid, as the section on our website shows.  There are places where one may receive traditional sacraments, but a person must first be in full agreement on the issues.  For example, one must hold Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”).  One must also reject NFP, and be committed to not supporting heretical priests.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Thank you very much for putting out such interesting and informative videos.  It is a very good thing to be reminded of certain basic facts about our faith and especially about stories such as Abraham and his faith.  (If only Adam had the strong desire to do God's will, the world would be a much different place!)  Your insights are always very interesting and it should give others lots of food for thought regarding the reality of God's existence and His eagerness to bring people to conversion and salvation.  He even shows hell to little children in an effort to get people to convert!  Hardly anyone is listening. 


One major event possibly in the making that should make people aware of how short life really is and the necessity of not postponing one's conversion is the possible volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands, which may result in the landslide of part of the island of LaPalma.  Geologists are very afraid that if this happens, there will be a huge megatsunami that will hit the east coast of North and South America, killing millions.  See Lew Rockwell article from Oct 20.  Everyone on the East Coast should be aware that there have been thousands of earthquakes and a "preeruption" off the coast of one of the smaller islands.  The government of the US is not bothering to inform people of the possible danger.  If this landslide happens, there will only be about 7 hours to evacuate before the first wave hits.  


God bless you and thank you once again for assisting souls in these latter days.


Brenda Roy


The Church


Subject: the Church


I have studied church history rather recently trying to discern truth. I've studied orthodox claims, anabaptist history and now roman catholic. Many claims in the anabaptist study have stated that the church before Constantine was anabaptist in it's practice and that most of the things you say would have always been catholic beliefs  did not come in until after Constantine legalized christianity and church and state were united and the church corrupted. How can I know who's telling the truth? Are there any articles on your site you could recomend that already answer these questions?


Thank you, Diana Tyree


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The idea that Catholic beliefs did not originate until the time of Constantine is a widespread yet baseless idea.  We have a book called The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  It shows how Catholic beliefs are proven by the Bible.  Moreover, this video on St. Justin Martyr discusses how one of the most prominent writers of the primitive Church, who was born about A.D. 100, expressed Catholic beliefs.


Proof for Catholicism in St. Justin Martyr's First Apology (2nd Century) [24 min. video]

See how this ancient Christian writer and martyr, who is acknowledged as an ancient Christian even by those in non-Catholic denominations, taught Catholicism. 


We would also recommend our series of audios on how the ancient Church recognized the primacy of the Bishop of Rome.  These deal with information that is directly relevant to your question: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/papacy_mainpage.php


Bible translation


Hi Brothers,
I know you guys use the Douay-Rheims Bible, but is there any specific reason? Is the King James Bible okay to use? If not, why? I personally use the same Bible as you because my parents do and I would rather have an answer from you than them.
This is about the end times. I know no one knows the exact hour Jesus will come again, but I wanted to know what you think it might be like?... Thanks if you decide to answer any of my questions.
God bless both of you.




MHFM: The reason is that the Latin Vulgate is the translation preferred by the Catholic Church, and the Douay-Rheims is a translation of the Latin Vulgate.  The King James Bible is a translation done by Protestants.  The Douay-Rheims is a translation done by Catholics.  We are not saying that the King James is all bad, or that it can never be used.  We frequently use it to demonstrate to Protestants, from their own translation, that the Bible proves Catholic teaching.  One can utilize a variety of translations; but, if you are looking for one version of the Bible to obtain and read, the Douay-Rheims is the one we recommend.    


To your second question: we have many DVDs that deal with our views on the end times, and how we believe the prophecies are being fulfilled.  They discuss the issues in much depth.  See our Fatima DVD, Is the World about to End?, John Paul II was the Antichrist, John Paul II’s Amazing Connection to the Upside-Down Cross, and more.








Dear. Brothers,


Beautiful display of God's wonders, of which there beauty cannot be properly described in the tongues of men, in the recent video which you've shown. Just to think winter is just around the corner.  So apparently mexico is back to its bad habits again?... interesting clip about Santa Muerte, obviously devil worship. Then again this is not a surprise! Every single sniff of tradition in Mexico over the last century (60 year approx.) has completely vanished, and as the true faith goes, so does sanity, morals, ethics, common sense. I met a person from mexico a few days ago, supposedly was catholic, Completely immodest, and had a filthy mouth, but most of all, she was part of the Vatican 2 sect. So anyway for over half an hour approx. I tried to convince her of the truth, Decrees of the Council of Trent Errors of Vatican Two, Latin only Masses. I presented her with 202 heresies of the V2 pamphlet, she refused of course. So It's quite obvious that mexico has gone Fall Circle around back to its Hellish mayan/aztec past. WEll as Jacinta said "War is punishment for sin," You can be sure that World war 3 is just around the corner. Italy, on the other hand is indeed in the worst shape out of all of them. 1: Tradition is obviously erradicated there, 2: Like Spain, Probably worse, they are infected by sins of the flesh, which is getting more obvious daily, "Remember when old Benny the 10 horned toad, had those male gymnists touch each other in front of him" WEll that would only be scratching the surface of how degenerate Italy has become.  Well I'm not sure how much it would take for people to wake up and smell the monolithically huge steaming pile of Apostasy. But for the most part few will even consider the thought of it. I Remember not too long ago when I had to rebuke my German professor, for Taking the Lord's name in vain: Any way here’s what I Emailed him.  I Tried to be as discrete AS I Could be.  To My Shock He Actually Took my Advice Thanks to the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin, The Holy Queen of All Hearts, the Bright Star of Ocean…


Roy James Sandbank




Another great bible commentary, from beginning to end especially the end, the parallels are amazing.  If I may add another prefigurement, the rams head was caught in the thicket, this would be a prefigurement of the third sorrowful mystery, the crowning of thorns of Jesus.  I can truly say there is a big difference when you try to read the bible without saying the Rosary, as opposed to saying the Rosary… and reading the bible.  In order to understand the Word, you have to honor The New Living Ark of the Covenant, this is why Our Lady destroys all heresy!

In Mary,




I need help in finding out what I should be doing. I am 64 years old, raised in the true catholic mass and now see the mass completely changed.  Is the tridentine or latin mass of today what I should be attending or are there no real masses anymore.  I am completely confused.  Thank you


Ed Pascu



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  One must not attend the New Mass.  It’s invalid, as the section on our website shows.  There are places where one may receive traditional sacraments, but a person must first be in full agreement on the issues.  For example, one must hold Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”).  One must also reject NFP, and be committed to not supporting heretical priests.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Subject: B-16's latest heresies


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the recent refutation of Antipope Benedict XVI's incredible assault on the Catholic faith. He asks for God in His goodness to "protect the Jewish community”… He praises the "Orthodox" schismatics and says they are "patient and humble," when they are neither. He also says there is a distinction between the "nature and form of the exercise of the [Papal] primacy," as if the Papacy can somehow be divided from a true pope in the execution of its authority. What a schismatic!!! He is implying that the Bishops as a whole can be a "pope" or have the same authority as a true pope, which is not true, for else Christ would have told all the Apostles they are the rock (Matt. 16:18), when He only said Peter is the rock. Benedict XVI tries to steal the dogma of Papal Primacy like a Rat stealing cheese!!! He then says that Jews have "essential traditions" with the Jews when, a) Jews reject the New Law and Catholics accept the New Law of Christ, and b) Jews reject the dogma that Jesus Christ is of the same Divine Essence as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit… He says that Nostra Aetate (V-2) made an "irrevocable commitment" to Jewish-Catholic communion, meaning the "Catholic Church" sold its soul to the devil. What an apostate!!!... He says that to reject the Jewish rejection of Christ is to lose our "common hope" in God and to lose our humanity. He puts man in the place of God, and rejects the New Testament again. Benedict XVI just can't get enough of the Jews!!! He then pushes "peaceful coexistence" and "respect" for Muslims, when Islam teaches it is permissible to kill Catholics and that non-Muslims are second class citizens… He then says it's "understandable" why people would leave the Church if they or someone they know is sexually abused, yet he himself doesn't excommunicate those pedophiles and rapists. Anything can be justified, and nothing is wrong, according to Benedict XVI. What a demon!!! There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. He then says Lutheranism has "great ideas, great truths," proving he cares nothing for truly great ideas and Catholic dogma… Benedict XVI says that Luther's "struggle for oneself" is a struggle for and with God… Antichrist!!! He then says "faith has to be thought out afresh," as if the eternal truths of the Gospel can deteriorate or change… He says that "true greatness" is to pray with the Lutherans in Erfurt. What Protestant!!! He doesn't see that all his efforts are for hell…

God Bless,

Chris White




Hi brothers,


I wrote you many emails, but I forgot to thank you for your extremely important apostolate. You are spreading the Truth all over the world so that people can get the true information about the authentic Catholic Faith that is necessary to be saved.  Your work is of immense value. If I did not come across your website and youtube channel, I would never know the Truth. 


Thank you very much,








Subject: Brother Michael's article


Dear Brothers,

Brother Michael's article, Benedict XVI's Incredible Assault on the Catholic Faith, is a striking expose of just how evil this man is.  It is simply outrageous the things that come out of this anti-Christ's mouth, and to hear him praising such a notorious blasphemer as Martin Luther shows us that his hatred for the Catholic Church could not be more apparent! Benedict XVI is an anti-Christ who shamelessly shows his contempt for our Savior and the holy martyrs who sacrificed their lives rather than deny their Catholic faith.

Also, thank you for posting your recent video, Understanding Christ's Natures. It was very, very interesting. You did an excellent job in explaining your points, exposing the dishonesty of heretics, and once again showing the truth and validity of the Catholic faith. How unfortunate that David L., who became Sedevacantist at one point after coming across your material, rather than persevering in the truth, ultimately rejected God in favor of himself. He is not the first to do so but it is my hope that he will be the last. Most Holy Family Monastery has brought so many to one, true faith. May God continue to bless your efforts.

"May the perfect love of God reign in our hearts."

Sincerely in Christ,





Subject: SSPX-Vatican Preamble Agreement Failed


Hi Brother Michael & Brother Peter


Hope you are well.  Just to inform you both that i was at the St Pius V Chapel in Groombridge East Sussex England last Sunday, and it was announced that the Sspx-Vatican preamble agreement has failed.  The notorious heretic Levada came up with some strange conditions that the Society could not accept.


Also to tell you that i have purchased some books and DVDs… which i look forward to receiving and reading.  Brilliant expose on Benedict XVI in Germany.


I loved your YouTube video on opposition to interracial marriage…


Many thanks Brother Michael & Brother Peter.


In Domine

Gerald Purves




Subject: Animosity




I wanted to comment on the increased animosity mentioned in your recent e-mail exchanges.  From my observation, it seems as though more people are starting to wake up.  If indeed God's grace is beginning to flow in greater measure, as it appears, it makes sense that the devil would increase the animosity in his followers toward those who stand up for the truth, as a counter-weight.  It will be interesting to see where this increased friction leads.  I've been enduring this dry martyrdom for so long, that part of me (a big part) wants it to become bloody…




New Video


MHFM: This is a new video.


More Fake Terror Plots Leading Us into Disaster and War [video]




October 2011


Brothers Peter and Michael Dimond greetings in Christ!


The sole purpose of this little note is this: Thank you.


I just can’t get over how straight-forward, honest and point-blank all your studies/works are!  Because of them I’ve had the great pleasure to have heard eleven truly remarkable “conversion” stories in which your writings and DVD/CDs were the snowball that got the avalanche rolling.


Thank you… May God continue to bless you and the beautiful mission He has seen fit for you to undertake…


Marie Dimmel




Subject: Antipope wheeled up St Peter's instead of walking | Reuters


I guess he is trying to stir up feelings of blind emotional support from the faithless, for himself.




In Mary,



Mortal sin


Subject: Mortal sin


Hi Brother,

I have a friend who is in a state of mortal sin, he now is a believer in Christ, he goes to a church which is not a traditional church, there is none that I can find in my city of Montreal Canada, what should he do to confess his sins? thank you




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  He would have to be in agreement on all the issues and make a traditional profession of faith. 


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.


After that, there are some options for confession.  They are explained in this file, Where to go to Mass or confession today?  We can help a person with that when he is fully convinced. 




Dear Brothers,


I would like to ask and clarify something. Would one sin if one does physical exercise during Sundays, ex. jogging/running? Also would one sin if during Fridays, days of abstinence, if one eats seafoods? ex. fish, squid and others…


God speed,


MHFM: It is not a sin to jog or run on Sunday.  However, one should not go to a business to do so.  Eating fish or seafood on Friday is acceptable. 




After watching the recent video at your website about the Lord's natures, I was wondering if it is ok to refer to the crime of "Deicide".  This term is out of favor today, it is called 'antisemitic', of course.  Since the Divinity did not die, can we say that Deicide was committed?  




MHFM: The answer is yes.  It is true to say that God was killed.  Jesus Christ is only one Person.  Even though He could not die in His divine nature, His human body was killed.  And whatever happens to His humanity truly happens to God (even though not in His divine nature) because He is one (and only one) Person. 




Subject: Charity & MHFM


Dear Brothers:


Your quote today reminds me of another area that is so distorted in the false Vatican II "theology":  the matter of charity.  People think charity means philanthropy extended to anyone, anywhere.  This is not charity, and is definitely not a supernatural virtue. Furthermore, philanthropy extended to the wrong people or the wrong causes can actually be sinful.


The concluding prayer to the Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus gives a really important reminder of what charity is.  The relevant part of this prayer is as follows: 


O Lord Jesus Christ ...grant us the gift of Thy divine charity, that we may ever love Thee with our whole heart and with all our words and deeds, and may never cease from praising Thee.  Make us, O Lord, to have a perpetual fear and love of Thy holy Name...


Whenever I come to this part, I think of MHFM and the charity it exercises in seeking to reach souls for the love of God.  And to reach them all over the world.


I know that the efforts MHFM must take to reach people -- such as through the maintenance of the website, advertising on Drudge, printing and distributing books and videos, etc. -- all these and more must require huge outlays of cash. 


Every day all of us receive in the mail requests for donations, and we always see around us organizations asking for thousands of dollars.  But I can't help but notice that MHFM does not send out similar requests. Nor do I hear MHFM asking often for donations on their website.  In a way, I wish you would -- for two reasons.  First, since most people do not have internet businesses, many may be unaware of what these projects actually cost, and what kinds of significant donations are needed to make certain they can continue -- at least for as long as time permits  (which may not be too long.)


Second, when people think of a "monastery", they picture a group of men hidden away in an idyllic setting -- in prayer, with few wants, and few needs.  And while MHFM is still a Monastery in the true sense, it also has an extraordinary mission in these last days to try to evangelize the world, and to reach as many people of good will as possible.  And while we are all certainly grateful beneficiaries of that mission, we must also be generous supporters of that work, because projects cannot continue without being underwritten by lay people.


And that's why I believe MHFM would not be remiss in asking people to donate, and to be as generous as they possibly can.  We never know when it will be our last chance.


Almost all of the people who have converted to the true Catholic faith thanks to MHFM have either ceased going to a counterfeit "Catholic" church or to a Protestant church;  presumably, they supported these churches when they were attending there -- both on Sundays and at other times.   Now, hopefully, they are no longer donating to these false churches or any of the heretical programs associated with them. 


So what are they now supporting?  Does one's obligation to support the Catholic Church cease simply because the Church has fled to the wilderness and exists in a Remnant?  It would seem to me that as the true Catholic Church still exists, so does the obligation to support it.


Lee Ann  




Dear Brother Peter Dimond,

I was scanning through the TV channels and I came across Jimmy Swaggart promoting his anti-Catholic book "Catholicism & Christianity".  I was wondering if you could send him your excellent book "The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church".  Also, if you can challenge him to a recorded debate, that would be the debate of the decade.  I know that you would easily defeat him in a debate.

Thank you,




Hi Brothers Dimond
Just like to comment briefly on Andrea's letter ("Apostasy in Italy worse than in the US"). I found the point to be interesting because I have recently figured that the 144,000 Elect of Apocalypse Chapter 7 may well be "signed" in North America:
7:1  After these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that they should not blow upon the earth, nor upon the sea, nor on any tree.
7:2  And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the sign of the living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
7:3  Saying: Hurt not the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, till we sign the servants of our God in their foreheads.
7:4 And I heard the number of them that were signed, an hundred forty-four thousand were signed, *** of every tribe of the children of Israel. ***
What makes up the main part of the populations of the United States and Canada ? European descendants, from every nation of Europe. I think this will happen in 2012, not long after the Sixth Seal (Apoc. 6: 12-17) which will come at any time after what I think is the Fifth Seal (Apoc. 6: 9-11) which is the second "Assisi" Act of Apostasy coming on October 27. Perhaps something will happen there which will cause an 'exodus' of Traditional Catholics from Rome/Babylon (Apoc. 6:11), which is another way of looking at the "revolt" spoken of by St. Paul in 2 Thess. 2: 3-4...




Dear MHFM,


Hi, my name is Glenn from the Philippines, I recently downloaded your file about the "Profession of Catholic Faith". Should I say it in front of a traditional priest or can I recite it myself? thanks for your time.





MHFM: You should say it by yourself, not in front of a heretical priest. 




Subject: Apostasy in Italy worse than in the US


Hi brothers,


I think that the apostasy here in Italy has reached levels that you may do not know in the US. The level of paganism, of idolatry of man and indifferentism are incredible here. When I meet with people (I hate to meet with people, but for work I have to) I have the terrible feeling of desolation and the awful impression that from this country Catholicism has been almost completely eradicated (remember that Italy has been the capital of Catholicism until...60-70 years ago). But if one thinks at Italy as a country one can realize that there is a parallel with Israel in the Old Testament. Italy has been the capital country of Catholicism for 2000 years. Likewise Israel has been the capital of the Old Law in Old Testament times. In both cases a tremendous apostasy happened. In the case of Israel the apostasy grew up with the talmudic and cabalistic "tradition" of the Scribes and Pharisees, and in Italy (and in Catholic Europe) the apostasy grew up with the progressive denial of dogmas, due to freemasonic infiltration of the modern times. But it is very interesting the fact that both infiltrators (of the Old Testament and New Testament) have the same root: talmudic and cabalistic doctrines that in fact are the background of almost all freemasonic sects today. So the enemies of the Mosaic Law in Old Testament (when it was valid) and the enemies of the Catholic Faith are still the same. The talmudic-cabalistic jews in fact have always been behind the western freemasonic lodges. 


There is another relevant fact: among western countries, Italy has had the largest communist party and the most violent communist terrorist groups in the '70 and '80 (the so called "Brigate Rosse"). This is another sign of the attack of the devil against the capital country of Catholicism that apostatized so horribly.  It also makes sense that the apostasy struck more strongly the (former) catholic countries (in particular Italy) than the countries where Catholicism has not been the main religion, like North America. In fact the devil pushed for the creation of the European Union, and not for the destruction of America.  So my strong impression is that in America there are much more true Catholics than here in Europe (and in particular Italy). Here the apostasy is total and complete: islamization, atheism, worship of man, false doctrines like zen buddism, yoga and other evil things.






Hello Brothers,


My name is Mike and I'm new to your site.  I consider myself a Catholic and very interested in everything you have to say.  I just started to pray the Rosary, my question to you is, I want to know if it's ok to wear the Rosary in order to pray during the day?  Is wearing the rosary ok? should i keep it in a pouch or even in my pocket? what do you suggest?  Thank you very much for your input.


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  That’s great to hear.  We think it’s a good idea to wear a rosary and carry one in your pocket at the same time.  However, it’s fine to do one or the other. 




Subject: Thanks for Video


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

Thank you for your latest video on the fake terror plots.  From what I have seen, I concur with you that you are the only organization calling itself Catholic that is aware that almost every single "terror plot" is encouraged, allowed, or created by the very government purporting to be the victim.

I have taken 9-11 to be the litmus test for bad will: if one doesn't believe that 9-11 is an inside job, and one has seen the evidence (it is virtually impossible not to), then one has at least some level of bad will.  Just like with so many other worldly things - e.g. that vaccines and fluoride are bad, and that raw milk and saturated fat are good - the
evidence is overwhelming, but most people refuse to correct their false beliefs in light of it.

Sadly, it seems that this willful ignorance about worldly things often translates into spiritual ignorance… I pray that the hearts of men will soften.

In Mary,
Curtis Sharp


New Video


MHFM: For those it might interest, this is a new video.


Autumn at Most Holy Family Monastery [video]




Dear MHFM,


Thank you for taking a clear and decisive stand against the terrorism and fake terror plots carried out by government sanction. Government corruption is a taboo subject to many that are merely just living a conditioned response to their environment. It is just like a whole new galaxy of reality to them. Your stand is courageous and authentic, in that it is truly Catholic. Government sponsored terrorism is truly corruption to manifold levels. The Foreign Relations Committee released the de-classified Vietnam-era transcripts. It is on the record that the staged Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964, in which Lyndon B. Johnson made up the story of a U.S vessel being attacked by 3 Vietnamese torpedo boats twice, was a complete hoax. In response to this hoax, came the Golf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave Lyndon Baines Johnson the authorization to go to war with Vietnam, without a formal declaration of war by Congress. It resulted in the deaths of 60,000 Americans and 2 million Vietnamese. Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson reported about drugs being shipped in to the U.S through the body cavities, of the dead bodies of soldiers, during the Vietnam War. He covered details of government corruption extensively. It's sad he died July 31, 2011 as a heretic. Then there is Operation Gladio, a CIA - sponsored terror operation, in which hundreds of bombings were carried out by Western intelligence agencies and NATO, in Europe, Latin America, Italy and Asia. It's been admitted publicly that Operation Gladio targeted innocent civilians. Many countries have de-classified documents concerning Gladio, it’s on record. This Satanic operation targeted trains, buses, schools and even took special interest at targeting school buses, thirsting for images of dead children, to incite desired public indignation, and make them docile in accepting draconian police-state bent regulations and 'laws".  In 1980 August 2, in Bologna Italy, a Gladio bombing killed 85 people and wounded more than 200. This famous Gladio incident was very gruesome, in that it caused much carnage, and was particularly bloody. Then, no one need mention the shameful vices which pervade Government run facilities such as the CPS, "mental" institutions, Juvenile detention centers, day cares etc. These vices have an industry of their own, in these settings and more. Somehow, it is strange how depraved minds are always able to manage sophisticatedly their shameful industries, through apparently respectable fronts. Of course, the predominant media covers not a whiff of this. For it is ultimately owned by the Illuminati families, Satan's Elite; but managed by in between Luciferian families. It still remains a fact that the Government has declassified its own documents, that reveal it carries out terrorist murders against its own citizens…






Great video, it’s because of the stupidity of the masses of the world {2 Thessalonians 2:10}, these perpetrators believe in themselves to be the elitists of the world… What’s hypocritical about these so called elites because they play a leadership role, they have a feeling of superiority but they won't turn their heads around to see what is behind them also, as pointed out in the video on the brothers website  "Demon appears in photograph", everyone is playing their part in the end time history of mankind, knowingly or unknowingly.

Ephesians 6:12  For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.

In Mary,




Subject: Video



Excellent YouTube presentation on the fake terror attacks. The question remains when and if the public will wake-up in time and realize that today's world leaders are the terrorists. The only possible solution may be the return of Jesus Christ, that he may wipe the face of this earth clean of all evil-doers and bring Heaven on Earth.

Any future possibility of creating a DVD containing your collection of YouTube video's that are not already on DVD?

God Bless,
Tom Miles




Subject: More Fake terror plots leading us to war and disaster - video


Dear Brothers, 


Another Excellent Video on the fake terror plots!  And the news media is eating this up, wanting us to enter yet more wars!  There apparently are not enough disasters, wars and riots (and flash-mobs on wall street) in the world to satisfy them!  We are heading faster and faster into the endtimes! May Our Lord and Our Lady help us!...






Subject: Fake Terror Plot Video


Dear Brothers,

Great video exposing the Israeli interests behind almost every single act of "terror." The mainstream media would have us all believe that no one in government can lie or deceive another human being, and that everyone is always 100% honest - except for the "terrorists." There have been so many "false flag terrorist" events that it boggles the mind, yet most people don't want to even imagine that their own government could be complicit in such crimes. The Rothschild Illuminati ensured that Australians would be disarmed when they pulled of the Port Arthur massacre, where it is alleged that a mentally retarded invalid shot 17 people in the first 15 seconds of his rampage, killing 12. All while shooting from his hip. However, it seems that nowadays the New World Order uses stupid idiots to do their dirty work - I suppose it's cheaper for them than to use professional assassins! At least the dirt always leaves a trail. Great work MHFM on exposing the Conspiracy while being the only authentic source of Catholic faith and light in these dark times. The Vatican II sect is similar to the false flag terrorism in that they commit atrocious acts of heresy, schism and apostasy while blaming it on the Catholic Church… As Jacinta of Fatima said, "war is punishment for the sins of mankind." The level of deception and ignorance in these times is very saddening…

God Bless,

Chris White




On EWTN a program called "The World Over" had the actor Martin Sheen. The host called him a :Devout Catholic". When I called in to state that Martin Sheen sign a letter to President Obama asking the President to pass a "Gay Marriage Act" and that he promotes and supports a pro abortion pro homosexual President my question was never put on air. I sent proof to EWTN and called many times but, no answer. What can be done?




MHFM: One can recognize that EWTN is not Catholic, but part of the Vatican II Counter Church.  One can reject the New Mass, the entire Vatican II sect, etc.






Hello i'm a catholic that grew up in North Dakota. A friend of mine whom was catholic but turned away and went to some denomination called Four Square is getting married next summer. is it a sin for me to participate in his wedding even though i could give 2 cents less about his church? I still care for him because i have known him since childhood. though as of late we have butted heads on religion… thank you and God Bless.




MHFM: Yes, it would be a sin to participate in his wedding.   You should not attend, participate or send a gift.  Instead, you should charitably explain to him that you cannot be involved with a wedding for people outside the true faith. 




… thank you. I used to be catholic, and left the church many years ago for a protestant… Who I married, then adultery was found in his heart, I renounced His religion, but never god, since then..Ive been a stagnet soul, and relying on my native american tradition, but thank you for your witnessing tools i see clearly now. amen...I m also thinking about learning about saints.




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We’re glad to hear about your interest.  We assume you mean that you no longer follow the Native American traditions; for they are not of God but of the deceiving spirit.  It's critical that you embrace the traditional Catholic faith.  The steps for how to convert are on our website.  We would recommend that you pray the Rosary each day.  




Dear Brothers

Again I write, this time full of praise for all the overwhelming information, books, videos, research, quotes, pictures, you have used to backup your position.   They are more than informative, they are life changing.

If a person doesn't take up the sedavacantist position… he or she has a closed mind and heart, and has already made up their mind not to do so.

What you say makes absolute sense, and you back it up with the above information.  Unlike others who present an argument but really don't or can't back it up sufficiently...

Many thanks and God Bless you for all your hard work.



New Video


MHFM: This is a new video.  This video could also be called, Radical Schismatic Teaches Heresy on Christ’s Natures.


Understanding Christ's Natures [video]




Subject: Wow!


Dear Brothers, 


Your Autumn video really captured God's beautiful paint brush at its peak!!  It was so beautiful and relaxing with the music in the background!  I love the Autumn and the only thing I regret is that it is so short!  But if it was longer, we probably would not appreciate it as much as we do!  God knows what he is doing!  The colors up there in NY are a little faster than here in Ohio, although now they are at their peak, and even though I have a lot of trees in my yard and LOTS of leaves to rake and blow,  I LOVE to do it!  I think it is fun!!  Thanks again for a most beautiful video and God bless you and your wonderful work.


PS.  I also think the snow in winter is beautiful and people are always putting that down.  They do not see God's beauty in it!  Maybe when you get a beautiful snowfall in winter, you can make another video, as the grounds there are absolutely gorgeous!


New Mass


Subject: invalid mass


Dear Brother's,


HELP!! I'm in a discussion with a friend in regards to the validity of the mass.  I have argued the "many" versus "all" with her and have given her all your quoes that prove with out a shawdow of a doubt thathe Vatican II/ Novus Ordo mass is false.  She has the nerve to send me the following:  "Many" is a Biblical idiom that often means "all." Daniel 12:2 speaks of the general resurrection and states "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Here, "Many" means "all". On the last day everyone will be ressurected, not just some people.  The catechism of the Catholic Church points out that when Romans 5:12 states that by Adam's disobedience "many" were made sinners, it means that all men were made sinners (CCC402)  Christ did shed his blood for all men in some sense. 1John 2:2 says "Jesus is the expiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. "It is by the shedding of Christ's blood that the sins of the world could be forgiven. 


I looked up the ccc402 and found that it contains this quote however I have the feeling this was the revised english version that was brought on by John Paul II and Ratzinger, in the New Catechism.  I'm not sure of this and wanted your expertise on the subject if possible.  I feel that things are being spinned in the wrong direction, but I always like to have back up to prove my point.  Can you help?


God Bless,


Roselynn Brown


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  There is a simple answer to her argument.  The fact that “many” can mean “all” in some passages of Scripture is irrelevant.  “Many” doesn’t mean “all” in all passages of Scripture.  Try substituting “all” for “many” in Matthew 7:13, for instance; but most importantly, “many” cannot mean “all” in the consecration formula.  That’s because the Church has infallibly taught that the consecration expresses those for whom Christ’s blood is effective.  That does not include all.  That’s why the Catechism of Trent specifically taught that “all” is unacceptable in the consecration, for it would signify falsely. 


The Catechism of the Council of Trent, On the Form of the Eucharist, p. 227:  "The additional words for you and for many, are taken, some from Matthew, some from Luke, but were joined together by the Catholic Church under the guidance of the Spirit of God.  They serve to declare the fruit and advantage of His Passion.  For if we look to its value, we must confess that the Redeemer shed His Blood for the salvation of all; but if we look to the fruit which mankind has received from it, we shall easily find that it pertains not unto all, but to many of the human race.  When therefore (our Lord) said: For you, He meant either those who were present, or those chosen from among the Jewish people, such as were, with the exception of Judas, the disciples with whom He was speaking.  When He added, And for many, He wished to be understood to mean the remainder of the elect from among the Jews and Gentiles.  WITH REASON, THEREFORE, WERE THE WORDS FOR ALL NOT USED, as in this place the fruits of the Passion are alone spoken of, and to the elect only did His Passion bring the fruit of salvation."


As we can see, according to The Catechism of the Council of Trent, the words “for all” were specifically avoided by Our Lord because they would have given the consecration form a false meaning.  This is covered in our New Mass section.


St. Alphonsus De Liguori, Treatise on the Holy Eucharist:  "The words for you and for many are used to distinguish the virtue of the Blood of Christ from its fruits: for the Blood of Our Savior is of sufficient value to save all men but its fruits are applied only to a certain number and not to all, and this is their own fault...




Subject: new video


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for sharing such beautiful, thought-provoking pictures of autumn with your readers.

In Christ,





Thank you, Brother Peter and Brother Michael,

The pictures are just breath taking. I could almost smell the air, and hear the leaves crackling under foot.  What a most beautiful area to live. Thank you so much for sharing the wonders of God's creation.  Absolutely wonderful!

May God Bless and Our Most Holy Mother Mary protect you always.





Subject: Autumn Video


Dear MHFM,


What an amazing video.  I can't help but pause at the beauty of the colors exploding in the air, and the calm and comfort it brings from the turning of the leaves.  What a perfection of splendor Autumn is. "All the days of the earth, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day, shall not cease".  Genesis  8:22.






… Thank you for the recent video of the amazing countryside at MHFM. The first piece of music I had not heard before - will that be in a new video?? It is a good piece - strong. Some trees turn bright red or yellow in Autumn. Everything in nature should glorify God since He made everything good. Simple yet beautiful. Good point about the passing of time. So many people waste their lives because they don't have the Catholic faith. That's something I've particularly noticed with the "Orthodox" schismatics - they are time-wasters (in general). Maybe it has something to do with their rejection of 1000 years of Catholic teaching. Thank you for the inspirational video.

Romans 1:20 - "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. His eternal power also and divinity: so that they are inexcusable."

God Bless,





Subject: Fr. Corapi Exposed


I would like to thank you for exposing Corapi and his dark past and his misconduct. It seems that what they (the masons) do all the time. They take someone with a dark past and promise them protection from exposing it and make a celebrity out of him with the idea of; if they get too powerful or run astray, they can bring that dirt to the surface…






Subject: Iranian plot?


OK guys, what do you think?


1)      A sinister plot by Iranian intelligence agents and special forces to commit an assassination on US soil using a “weapon of mass destruction”  (also known in more traditional circles as a “hand grenade”) was foiled by our highly competent DEA (the very same ones now under investigation for giving guns to Mexican gangsters)  because this highly trained and dangerous Iranian agent was tricked into spilling the plot to an undercover DEA agent whom he thought to be a Mexican gangster whose aide Iran needed (strange that such a dangerous country should need help from Mexican gangs) to carry out their sinister, evil scheme.

2)      The Israelis are getting ready to bomb Iran and this obviously phony story is meant to provide political air cover by reminding people how evil Iran is.


Krauthammer (does he also have an Israeli passport?) said on Fox yesterday that this was really scary because the next time the hand grenade might be an Iranian NUKE!   Be very afraid. 


How dumb do they think we are?...


William T. Mulligan, Jr.


MHFM: Yes, it’s so obviously a hoax that words fail to capture what a heap of nonsense the whole thing is.  They would come up with anything to send us into war against Iran for Israel whose interests dominate our country.  It’s an outrage.  It’s all about Israel.  For years now we’ve been talking about how they were obviously planning something to “justify” military action against Iran.




Subject: Wow!


Dear Bros.,

The information you provide on your website is simply amazing. I only found the Most Holy Family Monastery website a week ago, though it is clear you have been disseminating information for years.

 I found your website while doing a search about John Corapi and looking for more information about his recent problems.

I was doing this research because I had just finished meeting with a friend of mine who at the age of 44 had decided to study for the Priesthood. He is an old classmate of mine from a Jesuit High School we graduated from in the 1980s.

 I had asked to talk with him because I felt it was time to renew my faith and I felt I needed some answers. I am not a lifelong Catholic and converted in 1999. Since then, I had always felt like something was missing with the Church. There are many things that happened to me when I was first converted that pointed me towards traditionalism, but for some reason, I was not comfortable with traditionalist ideas. As you have stated on your videos, we believe in order to understand…


Jason Esposito




Subject: Request



I came across your website and found it to be a blessing.  I am a Protestant that has felt an increasing call to Catholicism, but have been held back by the apostasy that appears to have arisen within the Catholic Church.  I have been seriously considering conversion as I now believe it to be the true church, but worry that the changes in doctrine within the Church post Vatican II will mean that the priest will not be the true teacher of God's will and would lead me astray even if unintentionally. 

Do you have any advice for me?  I was thinking that there may be places where they teach the traditional dogma and say the traditional mass.  Is that true and can you provide any information about them?  Many thanks




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  This file covers the steps to convert.  Once a person follows them, and is ready to proceed, we can help that individual with where to make a proper confession.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.


We would recommend that you begin to pray the Rosary each day.  The file for how to do so is on our website.




Dear Brothers,


That comment from Micheal, from Texas, about an article which will canonize JPII this Christmas is simply mind boggling to think that his beatification was during May. Saints under the true popes waited centuries to be canonize and now JPII waited only 7 months? its outrageous. Let those heretics be they'll deny anything for the sake of convenience (I may not be writing charitably for this reason). if the doctrine is against them they reject it instead of conforming themselves to it all for the sake of convenience.


God speed,





Subject: Reply to Protestant emailer


Dear Brothers:


I would like to make a reply to the protestant e-mailer, Fred.


The Catholic Church was established by Jesus Christ.  It did not become a "state religion", as you put it, until some four centuries later.  And the acknowledgment of the Catholic Church established by Jesus was not just a state religion:  It was Christendom.  The destruction of Christendom (and the beginning of the end of the world) began in the 15th century with the Protestant revolt, and has culminated in our times with the Counterfeit Catholic Church.  The papacy was a great gift of Christ to the world so that the world might know His truth, but God does not force his blessings on a world that doesn't want them.    


Jesus Christ never authorized any other Church but His, and no man-made Church can save you.  Protestants love to hear themselves say:  "Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords", but they are actually mocking the Kingship of Christ.  Even the devil knows that Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, but the only way Christ's kingship is recognized by any society is through that society's acceptance of the one true Church Jesus Christ founded. 


When you or your anti-Catholic friends complain that the symbols of Christ are no longer allowed in society, just remind yourself that you don't live in Christendom.  It was destroyed by Protestantism.  And as long as you persist in Protestantism, you are not a member of Christ's Church. 


Lee Ann




Dear Brothers:

  I've been reading through the first volume of The Faith of the Early Fathers and I was shocked to come to the writings of "Saint" Hippolytus the third century anti-pope.  It did say something of him dying as a martyr.  So I was wondering was he a heretic who got his act together and died for Christ holding the true faith or was he one of the sham saints who was canonized by the antipopes of the twentieth century?  It just didn't make sense that an anti-pope could be a saint.  Also, I wanted to comment on how much I enjoy the comments from your readers… They keep me humbled and always on my toes to be a better traditional Catholic and keep knowing doctrine.

In Mary's sweet name,
Nathan Barton


MHFM: Hippolytus was an antipope (the first antipope, actually) at one point in his life because he set himself up as the Bishop of Rome in opposition to the pope.  When he was exiled during a persecution, he was reconciled and died as a martyr for the faith. 




Dear Brothers,

In thinking about Dave L and his heresy of Eutyches, I realized that the radical schismatics have no place for God in their lives. If they did, then they would have some fear of God, and would not fall into such blatant inversions of Catholic dogma. It reminds me of the Luciferian initiation that shorts out the brain's wiring… Their pride is demonic…

God Bless,



New Video


MHFM: This is a new video.


Benedict XVI's Lutheran Pilgrimage [video]




Subject: The "canonization" of Nuno Alvares Pereira



First of all, i want to thank you for the information that you gave me about the validity of a confession, if i am not mistaken. 

Perhaps you are aware of the "canonization" of Nuno Álvares Pereira, a 14th century portuguese military. Because he was "canonized" by antipope Benedict XVI, his "canonization" process was not valid, right?  My question is: Even so his "canonization" was not valid, his beatification (correct me if i'm wrong) was performed by the Pope Benedict XV and, by that fact, a valid one. Does the false canonization invalidate the previous beatification?  Can you give some thoughts about that?

Thanks for your time. Nice videos about the Conquistadores, by the way. Very remarkable. One can see that you are from the truth, the only one, and that you embrace it.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  No, it would not affect a previous beatification by a valid pope.




Subject: False Christians


Dear Brothers:


Scripture tells us that a prerequisite for membership in the Kingdom of God (which is Christ's true Catholic Church on earth) is the acceptance of God's revelation, which is essentially the definition of religion or faith.  Truth means God's unchangeable truth.  But, as Pope St. Pius X warned at the beginning of the twentieth century, even the meaning of "religion" itself was already being denied in certain influential quarters of the Catholic world.  It is denied today by all modern, apostate men.  Today, almost all men calling themselves "Christian" (whether Protestant or Vatican 2 "Catholics") do not define Religion or Faith as:  that which has been revealed by God and is to be accepted by men.  Instead, the reverse is true.  In their proud manner of thinking, men universally consider that faith means:  that which is imagined or created by men, and must be accepted by God.  


This is a complete and diabolical inversion of the truth, and all false Christians put man in the place of God, which is antichristNot only that, but almost everyone forgets that man's time on earth is a test (just like the angels had to undergo a test before obtaining the beatific vision, and not all of them passed that test).  As MHFM has demonstrated again and again, the eternal outlook for modern man is not good, either.


No wonder that men like St. Louis de Montfort and St. Vincent Ferrer who lived around the 15th century when Protestantism was just beginning, recognized it as the beginning of the end of the world.  These saints might not have known how long the last epoch might be -- whether 100, 500 or 1,000 years, but they were correct in recognizing that the final countdown had definitely begun.  The proliferation of false "Christian" sects that began with Luther spread like cancer, because if one man can make up his own doctrines and his own Church, so can every man.  Or so the Protestant heresy goes.


The world is like one giant, demonic supermarket or warehouse, where people can select any and all heresies to their liking, and can fill their carts with any sort of beliefs or no beliefs at all.  Don't like the papacy founded by Christ?  This way please.....Don't like the Mass Christ instituted?  Check out our alternatives.....God's teaching on marriage or morality a little bit too difficult for you?  No problem, there are ways you can avoid God's law and still feel good about yourselves....Got friends and family who are outside the Catholic Faith but whom you really don't feel like evangelizing?... Not to worry, there are ways you can deny the Catholic faith while still imagining that you hold it....Rather not think about God at all, or prefer a God more to your liking?  Right this way, sir...


And if you try to warn these people who are outside the true faith that they have not chosen to follow God's truth but are following man-made doctrines and religions, they will say:  But how does one know what truth is?  How does one know what God thinks or cares about?  And they put on the airs of one asking a profound, rhetorical question.


As if these liars didn't know that there is more evidence for God and the true Catholic Faith than for anything else on earth.  Biblical evidence.   Historical evidence.   Scientific evidence.   Geological evidence.   Natural evidence.    Miraculous evidence.   And the list goes on and on.


Lee Ann




I would just like to give a small story to the people who doubt brother Michael and Peter Diamond. When I first heard about the position I was spiritually shocked. I was angry, I had never been so challenged, I wanted to disprove them and throw it in their face. But they said say three rosaries a day and you will be convinced, (but no luminous). So I said I'll say double that then I'll beat them in a debate. But that backfired. I became convinced. For all you doubters, do not doubt the rosary, it will convince you, stop saying divine mercy and say all three mysteries a day. I was real bad, I was doing at least 300-400 mortal sins a day, and I was saying the rosary with the intention of disproving brother Michael and Peter and still I converted. Now it’s three years later, I have gotten out of mortal sin and the feeling is deep. I was V2 for 18 year I know the feelings you get, the strange rush John Paul 2 can give you, the feeling of electricity rushing through your body. It is not of God and it does not come close to true spirituality. Truly being out of mortal sin is powerful it is humbling almost to the point of horrifying you, you know your forgiven yet you realize how bad you were and how bad you still are.  






Your description of the way the Bible give power to Priests to forgive sin, is disgraceful.  God/Jesus forgives sins directly.  No priest is needed for that… This unwarranted power has existed since the Roman Catholic church was founded as a state religion. Your claim to holy power is as false as that of the pharisees.


In His Name,

Fred Goepfert


MHFM: Your rejection of the obvious truth is disgraceful and demonic.  The Bible explicitly states that Jesus gave the Apostles the power to forgive sins. 


John 20:21-23- “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so I send you.  And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.”


Of course, this means that Jesus gave men the power to forgive sins, directly contradicting your statement.  It also means that men were to hear confessions of sins.  That’s how they would determine which sins to forgive and which sins to retain (not forgive).  




Dear Brothers,

Your material never ceases to amaze me over the years.  Every time I revisit the information on your site, I discover something new that I missed the first, second or third time. I came up with an analogy while listening again to the audio "Is The World About to End?". 

I see the ends times as a rodeo; where you have the bull as the beast or the EU; the bull rider (who the beast hates) as the Harlot or Vatican II Church; the audience as the faithless world cheering on the beast to trample the Harlot and the faithless Vatican II Sect members cheering on the Harlot to go the distance; there are the rodeo clowns who represent the heretical VII priests standing around amusing the crowd while trying to protect the Harlot from the Beast's horns or insults; the announcer is the anti-pope sitting safely away from harm, shouting praises for both the Harlot and the Beast as the anti-popes reign is dependent on both the EU monetary support and the Vatican II Church; the gate-keeper that opens the gate to release the Beast and it's Harlot rider is one of the few faithful and is the most excited because he knows once the Beast and Harlot are released, time will run out and both of them are going to meet their demise in one way or another.

God Bless,

Tom Miles




I like the video of the things that are biblical. But the items that are Catholic and what is said about the Catholic faith are nothing but a big bag of baloney. What bible are you reading? Catholic/Catholicism isn't even a word in the bible. One faith, one religion.....believing and following in the foot steps of  Jesus. Nothing more, nothing less. You my friends have been deceived by the devil. Just like the Muslims. My opinion....nothing more, nothing less. Have a great life.




MHFM: No, you are deceived by the Devil and quite dishonest.  The word “Trinity” is not in the Bible.  Since the word “Trinity” is not there, based on what you’ve said, you would have to reject the Trinity.  But that’s one of the central truths of Christianity.  The word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible, but the substance of the doctrine is there.  The same is true with the Catholic Church. 




The Catholic teachings on the Papacy, the Eucharist, Baptism, Confession, etc. are all in the Bible.  The proof that there is a universal Church which adheres to these truths is also found in the Bible, even though the term Catholic Church – which was used as early as A.D. 110 by St. Ignatius of Antioch to identify the one Church of Christ – was not used in the Bible.  The Bible also tells us that it’s not the only rule of faith.  It tells us that we must accept Tradition and the Church (2 Thess. 2:14-15).  You are wrong on every front.  As much as you currently reject the Catholic faith, it’s better to humble yourself, investigate these matters, and convert than it is to die, find out you were wrong and go to Hell forever.




Subject: [LIFE magazine: John Paul II with prologue from Billy Graham]


The subject says it all. 

… I think when they canonize JPII something will happen... I think it will be on a Christmas day...

- Michael in Texas




Subject: New Novus Ordo "bishop" of Bolzano


This is the new Novus Ordo "bishop" of Bolzano:




His facial expression is revealing: this is clearly a demonic expression and indicates a link to dark forces





Subject: Halloween


Dear Brothers,


I made plans to visit my brother, his wife, and children out of state at the end of October and beginning of November.  Halloween has nothing to do with my trip.  I chose those dates because I will be tied up with other things for the rest of the year.  Today my brother texted me and asked what will I be dressing up as to go trick or treating and he will be buying his own costume.  I replied and said that I do not celebrate Halloween because it is the Devil's holiday and Catholics should have nothing to do with it.  He replied and said that is the silliest thing he ever heard.


Now I am thinking of perhaps cancelling my trip because I think I will feel strange being there while they are out celebrating this pagan holiday while I stay in the house and not participate.  Additionally, they go to extremes in decorating their house with pictures of monsters and audios of scary voices.  I think it will be better if I cancel and go some other time.


I recall several years ago on Halloween, some children were trick or treating in my neighborhood.  When they were about to ring my bell, one of them, a girl who appeared to be around 10 years old, stopped and said, "Don't go there.  They are christians.  Christians don't celebrate Halloween".  I was standing at the window in the dark where they could not see me, watching and listening.  The only clue they had that it was a christian house was the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which is prominently displayed.  I thought this was interesting and worth mentioning.




MHFM: That is interesting.  To your question, yes, we think you should cancel the trip.




Dear Sirs,

I am catholic and I came across your website recently.  I find it impossible to understand your characterization of Pope Benedict XVI as being a heretic.  On what authority do you say that? How can you or anyone  be "more catholic then the Pope"?. Jesus Himself gave the first pope Peter a special charism of infallibility on matters of faith and morals and and sole authority over His church as his vicar on earth.  If you depend on your own reasoning as your ultimate authority and  rule of faith then you are no different than a protestant.

How could Jesus allow the papal See to remain unoccupied for a prolonged period? - This would cause great confusion among the faithful since only by being in obedience to and in communion with the Bishop of Rome can we be sure someone is following the will of our Lord. THAT is how Jesus set up the rule of his church - if you don't like it, then take up your protest with Him, but in the meantime remain faithful and 100% supportive of the pope- that is what obedience to God's will demands of you…


Hugo Cerri


MHFM: The Church teaches that Catholics have not only the authority, but the obligation to reject as heretics those who publicly deny Catholic teaching.  It’s the very same authority by which we reject as heretics pro-abortion public figures who call themselves Catholics.  You don’t believe in or understand Catholic teaching.  The rule of faith that was given to us does not mean that we follow whoever sets himself up in Rome and preaches a new gospel.  It means that we must adhere to what the popes of the past have authoritatively taught.  We follow that rule; you don’t.  You have set yourself up as a Protestant by pitting yourself against defined Catholic dogmas.


You find it impossible to understand how we call Benedict XVI a heretic.  We find it amazing that you could deny so much evidence.  He denies dozens of dogmas.  He teaches that people who reject the very charism of infallibility which you mentioned remain in the Church.  That’s heresy.  In defending it, you also deny papal infallibility.  Wake up and take a look at the evidence.  Learn something about what it means to be a Catholic.  Accepting the Papacy does not mean that one should follow a man who pretends to be the pope and preaches a completely new and anti-Catholic gospel.  Such a man is a heretic and not a true pope.


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section]


Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file]


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope and loses the papal office automatically [PDF file]


You also say the Chair of Peter cannot be vacant for an extended period of time.  That’s wrong.  It has been vacant for an extended period of time.  These objections are all addressed in the files on our website.  Your final line reveals that you don’t understand the Papacy at all.  You don’t embrace faith in God and the Church He founded, but rather you engage in anti-papolatry.




Dear brothers,


First, I want to say again that I’m totally grateful for what you did to my life and others.


 _ I need to go to confession for mortal sin although I went 4 times by now. (I know I deserve to die and go to Hell)


In France there are some sedevacantists priests but as you mentioned they seem to be all heretical. The 3 times I went for confession in a place was with a priest who I tried to make him understand the true message of the Roman Catholic Church with all your works translated in French…He was brutal in his rebutals and so I did not see him again.

  The fourth time for confession was in another place whom the pre 1968 ordained priest seems also unfortunately heretical. I did not yet told him about your work but I will. I went to him, said everything, and he gave me absolution….


_ Also I was thinking for confession that for the subject of obeying to superiors; I have been tough with mine who is my uncle and to whom I told him about your work. We argued and I kind of refused his orders… Also for temporal reasons ( saying he must change this and this…). And I am also brutal with my family members (saying… insults to them for not understanding like heretics and apostates).  Is it mortal sin ? I feel like it is wrong, but I do not know if there is some orders that we can disobey.


Please help me…


Hoping  that with the help of  Our Lady, our Queen, I will… never commit mortal sin again, being faithful to Our Lord Jésus-Christ like a soldier, in order to continue the Holy Fight in France for my part…


Sincerely in Christ.



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  When you say that you are brutal with your family, perhaps you mean stern.  It is not a sin to have forceful or stern words for heretics, or even to issue insults if the defense of the faith or the denunciation of heretics requires it.   You do not have to obey a heretical uncle in everything he says, and there is no sin in not doing so. 




Would it be possible for me to join the Catholic faith through the Most Holy Family Monastery?  If so, please send information.


Docc M. Jonsson


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  This is the file you need to see: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.




To whom it may concern,


Just want you to know I think you both do some nice work!  I currently have your large book, outside the Catholic Church no salvation, Bible proves the teachings of the Catholic Church, Padre Pio and multiple DVDs. I have a friend I am trying to help convert.  I think the book you carry (The Bible proves the teachings of the Catholic Church) will help him tremendously...






Fantastic, you are advertising on the Drudge website, I hope it bears a lot of fruit!!!  That gave me a proud feeling to see Most Holy Family Monastery on a major news website!

In Mary,




Just saw Drudge, you guys are really going bigtime now !!!!! WELL DONE!!!!






I cannot tell you how excited I was to see two large ads streaming for MHFM on Drudge Report… Thank you so much for your hard work. What you manage to accomplish is stunning, thank you.


Ave Maria!






Dear Brothers,

The pagan world is mourning their Gadget god today after Steve Jobs died last night. As I was watching t.v., the liberal media decided to flash a red "Special News Event" screen on the t.v. before announcing that Steve Jobs died. Once seeing the "Special News" announcement, I thought something big must have happened, only to learn the media considers one of their own patsies of the Devil, going to meet his master, a "Special News Event".  I'm sure the faithless believe he is looking down on them and will continue to inspire the Apple Company from Heaven.

God Bless,

Tom Miles




Subject: Luther


Dear Brothers:


Thank you for posting your radio program on B16's visit to Erfurt, Germany in which the Rat so clearly demonstrates, as usual, his embrace and important role in the revolt against Christ and the Catholic Church which Christ founded.  In a very scary sort of way, it seems historically significant that the False Prophet (and beast out of the earth) should be wrapping up the apostasy with his endorsement of Luther - as if events have come full cycle.  Have to believe the end is very near -- there just don't seem to be that many more ways that the false popes and their followers (regardless of what they call themselves), can continue to mock God.


I can recall reading that Luther's real family name was Luder which, it was said, means "beast".  And I can also remember hearing that the excrement-fixated Luther accused Christ of sins against purity.  These  servants of Satan are, indeed, like a Brotherhood of Beasts.


Nor was it any problem for the Rat to bow to the Protestant altar/table: one abomination of desolation is as good as another.


What's saddest of all, however, is that almost all people imagining themselves to be "Catholic" have no problem being in union with Antichrist and Company.  That almost no one in the world today holds the true Catholic faith as it was delivered by Christ is almost too hard for the mind to grasp, and would be impossible to believe had it not been foretold in Sacred Scripture.


I thank God for the Most Holy Family Monastery which has taught us the true faith.


Lee Ann




Dear MHFM, 


Thanks again MHFM for presenting the stench of Modernism on display to the world for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.  The heretical/secular nature of this filthy event should clearly demonstrate that from Pope Leo X til Vatican II how multiple pontiffs, near forty of them covering over 400 hundred years of Catholic dominance eviscerated through dogmas, decrees, exhortations, and papal infallibility the errors that lead to hell in the guise of protestantism, and the holy war against those who would dare embrace such evil, wicked, heretical religions.  Is the world about to end?  Did Sodom and Gomorrah end in total destruction?  Modernist reconstructionists (satanists, antipopes) would say-Ha!   






Subject: B-16 Lutheran Pilgrimage


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the video on Antipope Benedict XVI's Lutheran Pilgrimage. It's amazing how obvious he makes his heretical acts. It's as if he does it on purpose so that no one who's really paying attention could possibly miss it. He's trying to prove a point, namely, that it doesn't matter what religion a person professes, so long as they follow their conscience. However, the human conscience is not an infallible guide, as is shown at 1 Timothy 4:1,2: "Now the Spirit manifestly saith that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error and doctrines of devils, Speaking lies in hypocrisy and having their conscience seared." According to the Vatican II sect and almost every Protestant, a person can follow their burnt out conscience all the way to heaven and not miss a step. Protestants such as Lutherans imagine that merely reading the Bible can save a person, and that that's all they need to do - "justification by faith alone, except for reading the Bible."… How can anyone say he's a pope? It's ludicrous!! There is absolutely no merit in being in communion with Benedict XVI, and for anyone who is aware of his heresies but still yearns to be in communion with him, there will only be condemnation. It should be a wake up call for the SSPX, since the New "Mass" was essentially taken from the likes of the Lutherans. Benedict XVI also looks very possessed in the photos. He deserves eternal torment and fire in hell for praying with the Lutherans! What a HERETIC!!!

Pope Leo X, Exsurge Domine, CONDEMNING THE ERRORS OF MARTIN LUTHER: "23. Excommunications are only external penalties and they do not deprive man of the common spiritual prayers of the Church." - Condemned

Pope Leo X, Exsurge Domine, CONDEMNING THE ERRORS OF MARTIN LUTHER: "24. Christians must be taught to cherish excommunications rather than to fear them." - Condemned

Pope Leo X, Exsurge Domine, CONDEMNING THE ERRORS OF MARTIN LUTHER: "25. The Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter, is not the vicar of Christ over all the churches of the entire world, instituted by Christ Himself in blessed Peter." - Condemned

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Apostates at work


Hi brothers,


Today I had a discussion about religious issues at work with my tutor of my training in general medicine. All started because he very often says the name of Mary in vain, almost every day. I rebuked him and said to him that if he says "Mary" as an interjection and therefore in vain he commits mortal sin. He responded that he does not agree. Then I asked him if he is Catholic, he responded that he does not believe that Catholicism is the one true religion, and he said also that he believes that all religions have "good elements" (this is the typical heresy of the Vatican II heretics). I said to him that his beliefs are heretical and therefore mortally sinful. I explained to him that if he does not convert to the traditional catholic Faith he cannot be saved. He responded that my position is absurd, and that he supports "religious freedom". He was very obstinate. So I will not engage in religious discussions anymore with him, since he demonstrated bad will. These apostates will discover their wicked errors when it will be too late.






Dear Brothers Michael and Peter


My name is George. I am a subscriber to your youtube channel and I've been following your work for years. I'm very impressed with the way you have and continue to try and bring the world to light with the truth about what's really going on…


I attend mass 4 times a week at 2 different chapels. The one is an independent chapel with an independent priest who doesn't belong to any society. The other is an FSSP chapel. A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with one the priests of the FSSP chapel. I was telling him about how I thought that the novus ordo mass was invalid. I was very surprised with the reaction I got from him as a priest that says only the traditional latin mass (Mass of St. Pius V). He said that the novus ordo mass is indeed valid and that not even Archbishop Lefebre (SSPX) doubted it's validity. He went on to say however that the new teaching that all religions can be saved is a false teaching, but he and the society FSSP believe that Benedict XVI is the true pope. It's clear that he and the the society of FSSP are confused and believe only what they want to believe. Why then did he spend 7 years studying at a Traditional Catholic seminary when he could have become a novus ordo priest in half the time? After all he believes in the new mass. I think that it was so he could wear a cassock, as they don't wear cassocks in the novus ordo church.


… I think that it may be that there are priests out there that know and believe the truth about anti-pope Benedict XVI and his predecessors, but they're just too scared to stand up for the truth with fear of being cast out. What are your views on this?...




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Almost all of the FSSP “priests” were ordained by bishops who were themselves made bishops in the new rite of Episcopal Consecration.  Since the new rite of Episcopal Consecration is doubtfully valid, one must not attend the FSSP “masses” or receive sacraments from them. 


The New Rite of Consecration of Bishops [PDF file]

(This article explains the changes that Paul VI made to the rite of consecrating bishops after Vatican II.)


Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid [PDF File]

(This article explains why the New Rite of Ordination – which was instituted by Paul VI on June 18, 1968 after Vatican II – is not valid.)


Let’s be clear: the priests to whom you refer do not have the faith.  They lack a real belief in Christ and his dogmas, but we do think that some of them know that Benedict XVI is not a Catholic, even though they publicly act as if he is one.  When we consider the magnitude and frequency of Benedict XVI’s heresies, it’s remarkable that anyone who claims to hold Catholic dogma in any way really believes that he has the Catholic faith.  Some of them know that he’s an unbeliever and a non-Catholic, but they don’t take the position that he’s not the pope for reasons of human respect or out of fear that they will lose their status or position.  In short, they serve Satan and not Christ. 


Others who know that Benedict XVI is actually not a Catholic nevertheless truly believe that he is “pope” because they don’t believe the Church is supernatural or governed by supernatural principles.  Even though they would deny it, they definitely dismiss supernatural principles such as divine anathema or automatic excommunication.  To such heretics, what most “Catholics” think and externals are what determines reality.  They believe in a completely human Church. 


Hence, they hold that even if one doesn’t have the faith at all (e.g., Benedict XVI) – even if one rejects the Gospel and the necessity of Christ, embraces false religions, etc. – as long as he walks around in Rome and dresses up in the papal robes, he’s in possession of what’s most important and in fact determinative: the external component of the office.  Lacking any supernatural faith in God or His dogmas, they conclude that since most identify with the external component, and Benedict XVI possesses it, that’s what truly renders him “holy father” and “the pope.”  In their heretical minds, the views of most people and externals trump what God has said about the reality of the situation.  Provided they don’t convert, they will be quite disappointed when they die, are condemned to Hell, and discover that supernatural principles do determine reality.




Subject: Luther & Lucifer


Dear Brothers,

I liked John's comment about the V-2 sect being summed up by, "Luther was right." I think they would go one step further by saying that "Lucifer was right," since they preach that man is God: Genesis 3:4,5 - "And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death. For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil." The Vatican II sect worships man, and so teaches what the Devil told Eve - that man can be God - the Antichrist Gospel. It's interesting that the name Luther is somewhat similar to the name Lucifer, and both teach the same thing: "do what thou wilt," and "justification by faith alone." Luther taught that a pope is the Antichrist, and the Devil made the Antichrist look like a pope, i.e. John Paul II (and Benedict XVI). Both Luther and Satan use opposition to all that is good and true to bring about their goal of the ruin of souls - both are/were dedicated to the destruction of the Catholic Church and faith. Both put on the appearance of being good, when they are both evil, and both twist scriptures according to their liking. Both are fathers of the lie - gates of hell - heretics.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 - "And we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of our gathering together unto him: That you be not easily moved from your sense, nor be terrified, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by epistle, as sent from us, as if the day of the Lord were at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God."

2 Corinthians 11:13,14 - "For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light."

God Bless,





I watched the abortion and rock music video. I grew up during that era and listened to that music but, never would have listen to it backwards.


MHFM: The point is not that people generally listen to it backwards.  The point is that what comes out when it’s played in reverse demonstrates that the music is inspired by Satan and that he influences people with it.




Subject: Response to Jennifer's e-mail


I, too, cannot tolerate what I see and hear out there. I find that most people I must associate with at work, etc. present an occasion of sin. Many of them use God's name in vain or the subject of their conversations is unacceptable. For example, many of them speak about sex and relationships, etc. I always keep to myself and avoid them when possible. I have very few friends. Whenever I discuss religion with people I always feel like I'm in a world all by myself. Protestants tend to respect each others' beliefs but not Catholic beliefs. There is hardly anyone I meet who comes even close to being a Catholic.  Also, I have a room in my house which I feel very comfortable in to pray in peace and quiet before a crucifix and a statue of Our Lady of Grace. I think all Catholics should devote a room in their home for this purpose.



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  If someone takes the name of God or Jesus Christ in vain right in front of you, that person should be told that it’s wrong to do so.




Subject: New Animosity


I was not going to email anything about this, "animosity", thing but reading the new E-exchanges is made me change my mind. I talk to a lot of V2 seminarians and recently something has changed. The hatred of me has been increased dramatically. The last one I talked to said how he had a vision of Jesus suffering, and how it was me stabbing Jesus in the vision, I was a little confused and also a little shocked, cause he had just met me 15 minutes ago, and allegedly had the vision years ago. At first he said it was the world hurting Jesus but then he just kept pointing at me and saying you, you, you hurt him. We were talking on a cliff and he had this look in his eye's like he wanted o push me off, so I left. It is strange also because usually I feel a push to go talk to people but recently, like the last few days, it has subsided and I feel pushed to be alone and pray. I am no mystic or anything but I feel like something has spiritually changed.




Short new video


MHFM: This is a very short new video.


Freaking out after watching Fatima film




If any human who believes in Jesus Christ, dies and spends eternity in hell, the devil wins?




MHFM: No, the Devil loses in the end because he will be tortured for all of eternity.  Even when he is able to win individual souls for Hell, it doesn’t bring him happiness.  He is simply driven by hate to make others feel the misery that he experiences.  God gives people free will.  Thus, whether people win in the end depends upon God’s grace and their cooperation with it.




You are right regarding the "popes" of vatican 2 they are not really popes at all, this I agree with you. But from what I believe a sedavacantist doesn't belong to a Church so to speak. Let me explain I go to a Latin Mass with the SSPX and even though they don't believe in what the modern Church teaches or in most cases what the "pope" says they still think he is a pope but a bad pope at that.

This is very confusing for me, I like to go to Mass and the sacraments but I disagree with their stance on the pope, however, after a while it can be almost brainwashing to accept what they believe as true.

I know of no sedavacantist Church to attend esp where I live so I go to the SSPX Church because it's the one Church I know of that still holds to the traditional faith and practises the old Mass and the sacraments.

I like your website, it looks very interesting for now I have bookmarked the page so I can go back to it later on and see what may be of interest to me.

God Bless you



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  You really should take a look at the file on the positions of the SSPX.  They hold numerous heretical positions and they must not be supported. 




Our “Where to go to Mass” section covers the issue of which priests one may receive sacraments from today.




Your video "Dinesh D'Souza, Evolutionist falsely posing as "believer"" is locked for comments. So I was unable to post the question, "Can't a Believer also recognize evolution as correct?




MHFM: No, belief in evolution is not compatible with a legitimate reading of Scripture or even a belief in God as Creator. 





God Bless you and your brothers.

… I am a Roman Catholic interested in attending a Latin (pre-Vatican II) Roman Catholic church and I live in the Vancouver , British Columbia area of Western Canada. I just wondered if you might be able to direct me to someone who may know where I may find a Latin Roman Catholic church here?

I did find one church here which has strong German ties and was authorized by Pope Benedict XV1 and this is not my Pope and I reject Satan...

Thank you,



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  You need to continue to look at the material and come to the point where you are committed never to attend the New Mass again, that you believe in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”), that you reject NFP, that you won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?.  People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file.  Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.  We also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.




Subject: Love your video blog


… I am a survivor of bacterial meningitis. It prompted me to study religion(s) and my own faith. I've given up God a few times- even after being with God for a brief moment. I am currently writing a book about the Shroud of Turin. Your information is splendid! And I love how analytical you are!






Dear Brothers,  


Today I met a couple of ladies I know and they were telling me , (or should I say COMPLAINING!) about the changes in the 'new' mass!  One lady said her husband has been upset with the NO Church since the communion in the hand bit!  When I asked her about some of the changes she said they changed the words in the Apostles/Nicene Creed.   And when the 'priest?' says  "the Lord be with you"  they have to say  "and with your spirit" instead of  'and with you'.  The other lady was just as upset and said that they have "classes" to teach WHY they are making the changes!   Neither one of them understands why they are doing this, and the one lady said you don't know when to sit, stand etc.  I said that they are going to drive more people away and they agreed.  I told them that I go to the Traditional Latin Mass, then I went out to my car to get some of your flyers which I carry, and gave the one a DVD also, "why the New Mass is invalid'.  I told her that her husband should appreciate that and I explained your website and how much there is on there to learn.  Hopefully, I pray their eyes will be opened.  God bless you and your work!


P.S.  Here is a news clip I saw on rt.com on TV this morning about how the French are changing their History.  Of course, this is happening all over.




With the Elenin date that came and went, I wonder if in fact, this dwarf star that is supposedly still out there, would make its appearance next to the Sun, on the anniversary of the miracle of the Sun Oct. 13, giving renewed proof to the world that GOD exists and that the Fatima miracle did happen.  Just wondering, at any rate I truly wish JESUS would show His Wrath to the world, which in reality is a Great Act of Mercy.  Just as a parent would spank a disobedient child to jolt him into realizing he is on the wrong path, Jesus by His Wrath would hopefully wake the world up.  Jesus did this countless times with the jews in the old testament!  Very few recognized the Supreme Punishment, the eclipse of {Rome} the Bark of Salvation, the Church and Her Sacraments. This is my hope because maybe with God's Wrath, it would make it easier on all those who are trying to save souls by making the people aware of what has been going on for the past 53 years by handing out the brothers material, exposing the vatican ll sect.  


Isaias (Isaiah) 30:26   And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days: in the day when the Lord shall bind up the wound of his people, and shall heal the stroke of their wound.

Apocalypse (Revelation) 6:10   And they cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord (holy and true) dost thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?


(Challoner) commentary  "Revenge our blood"... They ask not this out of hatred to their enemies, but out of zeal for the glory of God, and a desire that the Lord would accelerate the general judgment, and the complete beatitude of all his elect.


{Commentary from the Haydock bible}  These holy souls, who had been slain for the word of God, do not beg the Almighty to revenge their blood, through any hatred to their enemies, but through the great zeal with which they were animated, to see the justice of God manifested: that by this severity they might be moved to fear him, and be converted to him. 


In Mary,





Dear Brothers,

I concur with A who's noticing increasing animosity in people. I noticed this week that many people are wearing things with satanic symbols: t-shirts, jackets, pendants, etc. The other day I was walking down the street and offered a quote card to a man. He refused and kept walking - then I noticed a picture on the back of his jacket - a picture of the devil playing some kind of flute (looked like baphomet) and then the words "Lucifer and Lightening." Then I sat at a table for a coffee and a skateboarder rolled past with the El Diablo hand sign on his t-shirt. Then a couple of minutes later a man walked past with the word "HIM" on his t-shirt, which means the Devil. To top it off, I saw one of my flatmates wearing a t-shirt with upside-down crucifixes all over the back of it. The sad thing is that I had tried to get him to watch the Rock 'n' Roll Sorcerers program you sell, but he kept making excuses to avoid it. Next thing you know, he's a full-blown satanist. There is also a weird static in the air whenever he goes past. Why people get involved in the dark side is simply insane. It all goes back to the Vatican II sect because they're the ones promoting salvation outside the Catholic Church, and when that's done, anything goes. Thankfully the light of Truth keeps shining brightly from MHFM…

1 John 5:19 - "We know that we are of God, and the whole world is seated in wickedness."

Pope Vigilius, Second Council of Constantinople, 553: "If anyone will not confess that the Father, Son and holy Spirit have one nature or substance, that they have one power and authority, that there is a consubstantial Trinity, one Deity to be adored in three subsistences or persons: let him be anathema. There is only one God and Father, from whom all things come, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and one holy Spirit, in whom all things are."

God Bless,

Chris White


MHFM: Yes, the best explanation for why so many people (including those who are not Satanists) make overt tributes to the Devil is that they are marked by him as a result of their mortal sin.  He can and will sometimes compel them to externally manifest the fact that they belong to him. 




Subject: Response to "A" NOTICING


Dear A,

What you describe in your note is so true. I have been going through the animosities, nasty words etc,etc for 16 years now. I have basically lost all of my "so called" friends. I have been challenged by family members, concerning my belief in the TRUTH. They never want to hear the response to their challenge of course. It has become very difficult for me to even be around people including my siblings. I have a very hard time even leaving my house. I just can't tolerate what my eyes see out there or my ears here.

I have good news for you though. If possible make a place in your home, room, or where ever possible and just sit and pray. The Brothers have a wonderful piece on their you tube site called Solitude: Behold where GOD is found. This is just a wonderful tool and has helped me tremendously. I listen to it almost everyday.

May the good Lord Bless you and keep you,




Subject: Hypocrisy


Dear Brothers:


There is a chilling remark of Our Lord which people calling themselves "Christian" would do well to think about.  While the atheists, Jews, Buddhists, Moslems and all others who deny Jesus Christ outright will, on that day, call on the mountains to fall on them and to hide them from the wrath of Christ, the prospects for false Christians will not be any better. We see in Matthew 7: 21 etc. that on that day many will say to Jesus that they are Christians, but He will tell them that they were workers of iniquity.


Consider one modern manifestation of hypocrisy on the part of false Christians which includes all Protestants as well as today's counterfeit "Catholics" -- that is, all who hold a faith that is not the faith delivered by Jesus Christ. 


All false Christians espouse the belief that "The Church Must be Separated From the State".  This belief has been condemned by the true popes because to entirely separate the true Church from the State is to deny the kingship of Christ. This idea of the separation of the State from the Church was brought about when the Protestant revolt began 500 years ago; it is synonymous with the gradual destruction of Christendom in the world. (As MHFM has pointed out, Vatican II was responsible for the destruction of the last remnants of Christendom in Spain, etc).


In real and practical terms, the State can only be attached to Christ or antichrist.  Christ assured us: we are either with Him or against Him.  If in certain places or at certain times in history, a state seemed "attached" to Protestantism, it was attached to antichrist even though it may have had the external (and false) appearance of Christianity.  These states, like the false religions themselves, may have had aspects of a Christian culture, but not the Christian faith itself -- a phenomenon which seems to be exactly what Jesus is talking about.


Notice how in these (very) last times, so many false Christians profess support for Israel and want America to support Israel financially, militarily -- in fact, any way possible.   Now, by its own definition at least, Israel would claim to be a religious state; it publicly identifies itself as an antichrist religion.  So all false Christians loudly profess that they don't believe a state should be officially attached to Christ, but they have no problem with a state being officially attached to a "religion" whose very reason for being is to deny Jesus Christ.  This is what happens to people who receive not the love of the truth. 


Isn't Satan amazing in what he can get his stooges to do?  When St. Louis de Montfort saw the beginning of the Protestant revolution -- the revolt against God -- he knew it was the beginning of the end of the world, even if he did not know how long that revolt would actually take, or the horror of its culmination including its satanic antipopes.  If the world imagining itself to be "Christian" does not want the true faith, it does not need true popes.


God bless MHFM for teaching us the true Catholic faith and helping us to understand the times we live in.


Lee Ann 


In case you missed it


MHFM: In case you missed it, this article we published a few months ago is an important read for those who carefully follow the refutation of non-sedevacantists.  It constitutes a complete destruction and exposé of the massive errors, false arguments and astounding contradictions exhibited by those who defend Antipope Benedict XVI: John Salza Has No Idea What He's Talking About.  It’s permanently located in this file, in our “Beware” section.  Here are a few highlights:




Salza not only contradicts himself on core issues in his first article (“The Errors of Sedevacantism and Ecclesiastical Law”), but he also contradicts himself on many things in his second article (his response to me).  In fact, as I will now show, he also contradicts what he said in his first article with what he said in his second article.


That means we have three layers of contradictions laid by Salza’s erroneous writing on the sedevacantist issue: 1) contradictions within the first article; 2) contradictions within the second article; and 3) contradictions between what he said in the first article and what he said in the second article.   Let’s consider #3 right now: contradictions between his first article and his second article.






In Salza’s first article, he argued that the key error of the sedevacantists is failing to recognize a distinction.  He distinguished between 1) the fact that a heretic ceases to be a member of the Church and vacates his office without declaration; and 2) the fact that Catholics supposedly cannot know who is a heretic “until the Church tells us.”  The left column reflects his first article, and the right column his second.  Notice (in the left column) that he applied his false argument, that we need the Church’s judgment to consider someone a heretic, to all professing Catholics and to clerics in general, not only to a pope.


Then notice (in the right column) how he changes his position and even lies about having ever taught it.







John Salza, First Article: “Sedevacantists correctly maintain that Divine Law expels a formal heretic from the Church without further declaration… However, the same Code of Canon Law also determines how we know a cleric has publicly defected from the Faith and lost his office as a result of the defection: The Church tells us. Thus, ecclesiastical law follows Our Lord’s directive: “tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector” (Mt 18:17). While the person in Matthew 18 was publicly suspected of a transgression, Jesus tells us to treat him as excommunicated only after the Church judges the matter.


“… St. Paul is not giving every Catholic the authority to make a formal and binding determination of another Catholic’s orthodoxy.”











John Salza, Second Article, p. 5: “Ability to Recognize a Formal Heretic: Catholics are able to recognize a formal heretic without a declaration from the Church. See canon 188.4 and Cum Ex Apostolatus. While Dimond and I agree with this statement, Dimond (as you will see) repeatedly claims that I don’t believe Catholics can recognize a formal heretic, and that is simply not true (I have never held such an error). This is a deliberate or negligent mischaracterization of my position.”



In his first article (left column), he clearly teaches that a declaration from the Church is necessary to consider someone a heretic; and he argues that this principle applies to “a cleric” (not just a pope) and even to “another Catholic’s orthodoxy.”  That means that he was applying his false principle to all who professed to be Catholics.  He was arguing that you cannot consider any “Catholic” a heretic until “the Church tells us.”  In my article (John Salza’s Arguments Against Sedevacantism Crushed) I completely refuted his false argument, and that’s why Salza abandoned it in his second.  He now argues (right column) that you can recognize a professing “Catholic” as a heretic without a declaration from the Church, and he even dishonestly says he never taught otherwise.


Anyone can see that Salza’s statement is false and dishonest.  He clearly taught that Catholics cannot recognize another “Catholic” as a heretic “until the Church tells us.”  The fact that Salza is changing his position (again) and lying about it should make it clear to anyone that his position is false and indefensible. 




Salza’s new position is that while Catholics can recognize some people as formal heretics without the Church’s declaration, in the case of a pope a declaration is always required.  This opens up a whole new can of worms for his position because the canons he consistently cites and misuses don’t specify that they apply exclusively to a pope.  Even more importantly, in making his false argument that a claimant to the papal office must be declared a heretic before anyone could consider him one, Salza violates the dogmatic principle that a pope and the First See cannot be judged.  As I will show, there are literally dozens of errors, lies and contradictions in Salza’s second article, but this error might be the most important.




The principle that a pope and the First See cannot be judged is bound up with Catholic teaching on the primacy.  It was articulated from the earliest days of the Church.  Essentially, it means that since the pope is the leader of the Church with universal primacy and jurisdiction, no cleric, bishop or Catholic can depose the pope or SUBJECT THE POPE TO A CANONICAL TRIAL.  While a pope can summon a lower cleric (such as a bishop, cardinal or priest) to a trial for heresy, no one can do the same to a pope; for there is no authority on Earth higher than a reigning pope. 


Pope St. Nicholas, epistle (8), Proposueramus quidem, 865: “… Neither by Augustus, nor by all the clergy, nor by religious, not by the people will the judge be judged… ‘The first seat will not be judged by anyone.’” (Denz. 330)


Pope St. Leo IX, In terra pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 11: “By passing judgment on the great See, concerning which it is not permitted any man to pass judgment, you have received anathema from all the Fathers of the venerable Councils…” (Denz. 352)


Pope St. Leo IX, In terra pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 32: “… As the hinge while remaining immoveable opens and closes the door, so Peter and his successors have free judgment over all the Church, since no one should remove their status because ‘the highest See is judged by no one.’” (Denz. 353)


Canon 1556, 1917 Code of Canon Law, On trials in general: “The First See is judged by no one.”


Nevertheless, throughout his second article, John Salza argues that the pope not only can be judged to be a heretic by an official declaration, but that such a declaration (and a preceding trial) are necessary for a Catholic to consider the pope a heretic! 


John Salza, Second Article, p. 7: “Second, even if the pope were subject to canon 2200 and thus his formal heresy were presumed (which is not true), the pope would still be entitled to rebut the presumption in a canonical trial…”


John Salza, Second Article, p. 6: “Even if there were evidence of malice or disregarded warnings, the pope would be entitled to rebut such evidence as a matter of due process. That is why Dimond fixates on a Catholic’s ability to recognize heresy without the intervention of the Church (because he wants to personally judge the heresy) and also why he ignores or dismisses the canon law that requires declaratory sentences for heresy (again, because he wants to personally judge the heresy).


He teaches that there must be a process and examination of the pope.  He even says that the pope would be entitled to rebut such evidence in a trial.  All of this reveals his flawed theology, and his heretical understanding of the issue.  The pope cannot be subjected to a trial or examination, nor can he be deposed by a declaration from any cleric, bishop, body of bishops or even a council.  In fact, the notion that a council could judge or depose a pope is the heresy of Conciliarism; yet many non-sedevacantists argue that a council must handle the matter.  (A non-sedevacantist on YouTube, whose user name begins with “September,” made a similar false argument.  Like Salza, he also refused our debate challenge.)  That’s why the loss of papal office, and the ability of Catholics to recognize it, must happen WITHOUT ANY DECLARATION; for no one can judge the pope.  Any Catholic, on the other hand, can recognize that a manifest heretic is not a pope.


Here are some more quotes in which Salza promotes his primary heresy on this matter: that a pope can be judged, subjected to a trial, and deposed.




The sheer number of times that Salza promotes his fundamental heresy is alarming.  His entire argument revolves around this heretical position, which he vomits forth page after page.  When reading his repeated utterances of heresy on this matter, which serve to demonstrate that his position is false and his understanding of canon law fatally flawed, keep the pure Catholic truth on this matter firmly in mind: since no authority on Earth or in the Church could officially judge a reigning pope or subject him to a canonical trial or depose him, a claimant to the Papacy who demonstrates manifest heresy must be considered to have lost the office WITHOUT ANY DECLARATION, JUDGMENT OR TRIAL (BY VIRTUE OF THE DIVINE SENTENCE OF HERESY).  For that reason, one is not judging a pope when one recognizes that Benedict XVI (an obvious heretic) isn’t a Catholic.  Rather, one is simply acknowledging that a manifest heretic, who has publicly defected from the faith, is outside the Church and, as a result, devoid of any Catholic authority.  




John Salza, Second Article, p. 7: “Second, even if the pope were subject to canon 2200 and thus his formal heresy were presumed (which is not true), the pope would still be entitled to rebut the presumption in a canonical trial…”


John Salza, Second Article, p. 10: “… in Peter Dimond’s world, the pope is presumed guilty until proven innocent (actually, Dimond would not even give the pope a chance to prove himself innocent in a canonical trial!


John, that’s because a pope cannot be subjected to a canonical trial.


John Salza, Second Article, p. 10: “Further, the pope, above all men, would have the right to rebut any evidence that he is intentionally departing from the Catholic Faith as a matter of justice and due process. Again, that goes without saying.”


John Salza, Second Article, p. 10: “Even if the popes were not ignorant of Church teaching (a fact that would have to be established in a canonical trial)…”


John Salza, Second Article, p. 15: “The Dimond brothers can compile all the heterodox quotes of the conciliar popes that they wish and “adjudicate” them on their website as if they are the Magisterium… When it is a question of evidence which can deprive one of an ecclesiastical office, an ecclesiastical authority must resolve the question.”


Here Salza clearly articulates the condemned heresy that an “ecclesiastical authority” can deprive (at least de facto) a pope of office. 


John Salza, Second Article, p. 18: “A condemnatory sentence for heresy is declared only after a canonical trial, and canon 2223.4 requires a condemnatory sentence to be declared if it is for the common good of the Church (in the case of a claimant to the papacy whose heresy has not yet been proven to be morally imputable).”


John Salza, Second Article, p. 20: “Hence, the only way Dimond can strip the pope of his office is through the canonical procedures that he, quite wrongly, says do not apply.”


No one can strip the pope of his office.  This is staggeringly false theology.


John Salza, Second Article, p. 6: “Even if there were evidence of malice or disregarded warnings, the pope would be entitled to rebut such evidence as a matter of due process. That is why Dimond fixates on a Catholic’s ability to recognize heresy without the intervention of the Church (because he wants to personally judge the heresy) and also why he ignores or dismisses the canon law that requires declaratory sentences for heresy (again, because he wants to personally judge the heresy).











Pope St. Nicholas, epistle (8), Proposueramus quidem, 865: “… Neither by Augustus, nor by all the clergy, nor by religious, not by the people will the judge be judged… ‘The first seat will not be judged by anyone.’”


Canon 1556, 1917 Code of Canon Law, On trials in general: “The First See is judged by no one.”


Pope St. Leo IX, In terra pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 11: “By passing judgment on the great See, concerning which it is not permitted any man to pass judgment, you have received anathema from all the Fathers of the venerable Councils…”


Pope St. Leo IX, In terra pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 32: “… As the hinge while remaining immoveable opens and closes the door, so Peter and his successors have free judgment over all the Church, since no one should remove their status because ‘the highest See is judged by no one.’”





Pope St. Nicholas, epistle (8), Proposueramus quidem, 865: “… Neither by Augustus, nor by all the clergy, nor by religious, not by the people will the judge be judged… ‘The first seat will not be judged by anyone.’”


Canon 1556, 1917 Code of Canon Law, On trials in general: “The First See is judged by no one.”


Pope St. Leo IX, In terra pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 11: “By passing judgment on the great See, concerning which it is not permitted any man to pass judgment, you have received anathema from all the Fathers of the venerable Councils…”


Pope St. Leo IX, In terra pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 32: “… As the hinge while remaining immoveable opens and closes the door, so Peter and his successors have free judgment over all the Church, since no one should remove their status because ‘the highest See is judged by no one.’”








Pope St. Nicholas, epistle (8), Proposueramus quidem, 865: “… Neither by Augustus, nor by all the clergy, nor by religious, not by the people will the judge be judged… ‘The first seat will not be judged by anyone.’”



We’ve uncovered the fatal flaw of Salza’s second article.  His false theology leads him to the dead end that a declaration, preceded by a canonical trial, would have to be rendered against the pope.  He argues that only after such a trial and declaration can Catholics remove their submission to him.




In Salza’s heretical world, we could have the following ridiculous scenario.  Evidence of heresy is produced against a claimant to the papal office in Rome.  The cardinals, some of the bishops or a council call for a trial against the pope.  In response, the pope (to use Salza’s words) tries “to rebut the presumption in a canonical trial.”


John Salza, Second Article, p. 7: “Second, even if the pope were subject to canon 2200 and thus his formal heresy were presumed (which is not true), the pope would still be entitled to rebut the presumption in a canonical trial…”


During the trial, the pope vigorously maintains his innocence, and he even issues a decree on the matter.  Nevertheless, the finding of the trial is that the pope is guilty.  Catholics are therefore forced to remove their obedience from the pope, as a result of this declaration against him.  Hence, the declaration serves as a deposition.  Moreover, they are forced to reject the pope’s own authoritative decree which proclaimed his innocence.  Hence, they pass judgment on the judgment of the Apostolic See!  Of course, all of this is heretical and clearly contradicts Vatican I.


Vatican I, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ, Sess. 4, Chap. 3: “And since the Roman Pontiff is at the head of the universal Church by the divine right of apostolic primacy, We teach and declare also that he is the supreme judge of the faithful [cf. n.1500 ], and that in all cases pertaining to ecclesiastical examination recourse can be had to his judgment [cf. n. 466 ]; moreover, that the judgment of the Apostolic See, whose authority is not surpassed, is to be disclaimed by no one, nor is anyone permitted to pass judgment on its judgment [cf. n.330 ff.]. Therefore, they stray from the straight path of truth who affirm that it is permitted to appeal from the judgments of the Roman Pontiffs to an ecumenical Council, as to an authority higher than the Roman Pontiff.”


Since he’s a proven liar, Salza will probably either change his position on this matter (now that we’ve refuted it) or flat out deny that he taught the heresy that a pope can be subjected to canonical trial (despite the proof above).  Denying that he taught it won’t get him anywhere, however, for his heretical position (that a pope can and must be judged, subjected to a trial and even de facto deposed by a declaration) is the core of his argument.  It’s mentioned throughout his heretical article, and it demonstrates that he has no idea what he’s talking about.  That having been established, let’s return to the beginning of his article and consider more of his errors, lies, and contradictions.




Hello Peter,


For the past 5 years I have been slowly awakening to the truth. For the past 6 mths or so I have been struggling with admitting to myself that I am sedavacantist. Even if I did have so much proof and truth to look at it was still hard to admit for me. I felt bad, like I was about to do something very bad, I love the Church, am I turning my back to what I love so much I asked. I knew that the vatican ii sect was so false and not the True Church, but it was still so hard to finally break ties all the way. Satan's power is very hard to overcome. SSPX seemed right for a while until I had the feeling again, no this still is not right. I knew I had to step over the line physically to what my heart and mind had done already. I struggled with this so much, until I finally spoke it out loud, "I am a sedavacantist" then I took a very deep breath. Something in me changed, I felt at peace, like a burden had been lifted from me.


Thank you for all of the time and work you have put into teaching the truth. I just found out a few minutes ago that you are a monk. Please pray for me. If I were an old man I would just go on with life feeling so good, being at peace ready for God to call me home. I am only 35 and have a wife and kids, this is going to be tough. A valid priest is hard enough to find these days... There are no Catholic schools anymore that I know of. The one that I attended was liberal in those days, now it is even further out there to the left. They would have to pay me to send my kids there and even then I would make them wear a blind fold and ear plugs.


Thank You,





Subject: Birth Control


Hello Brothers, I have just watched your eye opening film on birth control. I watched in amazement how that "cool pastor" tried to talk the congregation out of believing the bible condemned birth control. I have a couple questions though. First, is it a sin for a man to get a vasectomy or a woman to get a hysterectomy because this interferes with the natural reproductive system? Second, some women take birth control pills to help with the pain and cramps that the experience during their menstral cycle. Is is a sin to take these pills just for this reason, without engaging in intercourse? I can't wait to hear from you.


Blessings and Peace


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  To your first question, the answer is yes: getting those procedures done would definitely be mortally sinful.  To your second question, our answer would be that a Catholic must not take birth control pills for any reason. 




I just happened to bump into a very old formerly close friend today, she said she is working up at the (fake) catholic church in town,  probably in the office I suppose...I doubt I'll be seeing her again.  Lately I've been noticing a whole new kind of animosity maybe I'm just imagining it? that some people seem to have toward me it is noticeably different than anything I've experienced before it is kind of like the ill will is just OOZING out of them even their fake smiles no matter how much they try to hide it…






Subject: Forgiveness


Hello Brother…

is it possible to be forgiven of mortal sins as long as you are truly sorry and doing your best to make amends until the end of your life?

I ask this because I used to go to an old retired priest for confession every month, then the people who ran the place thought I was bothering the residents… and now I'm not allowed to go back there, and I have no other options.

I did explain to them I needed a priest ordained before 1968, but all they did was direct me to the novus ordo parish, and I'm not about to do that, and I do intend to confess my sins as soon as possible when I can get to a valid priest.

I also ask because Saint Ambrose said "True repentance is to cease to sin" and I was wondering if he meant it for something as serious as this.

As you can see, Brother, I'm in a bad spot, and I would like to know if there is a way out.


MHFM: It’s possible for a person in mortal sin to be restored to grace by perfect contrition and the determination to go to confession; but you should be able to find a priest to whom you could go to confession.  You should look around for other older priests in the cities near you or priests ordained in the Eastern Rite, applying the guidelines in our “Where to go to Mass and confession” file.




Subject: question for the Dimond brothers


Hello I just had a question I listen to your videos from time to time I was born a Roman Catholic , it is one the subject of Veronica Leuken I have read brief excerpts of her statements here and there and two of her supposed visions revelations where of ufos being demonic and of the coming great financial collapse  the former about ufos I personally know to be true and with the events surrounding the markets and the federal reserves actions it looks as if the usd will be worthless in the near future as she says. I noticed her comment about ufos were dismissed by many catholic religous leaders as being toally false (I know the direct opposite is indeed true) and that she was never given credit by the church, which makes me feel that she was most likley telling the truth please respond.




MHFM: You really need to read this file: The False Apparitions at Bayside, NY [PDF File].  It proves without any doubt that there were heresies and false prophecies in the Messages of Bayside.  That fact in turn proves that Veronica Lueken’s messages and visions were not of God, but of the Devil.  Of course, false apparitions will contain some true statements.  Many of these are delivered in a calculated fashion to get people interested in the false apparitions.  But an apparition or message that contains clear heresies or false statements cannot be of God. 




Hello Brothers Dimond,


Watching your Apocalypse DVD and thought the portion that claimed the Beast would be the 8th Pope might mean a similar action to what the Chinese Government did to the Buddhists.  That is, the Chinese Government propped up their own version of the Dali Lama certified by them.  If the EU wanted to gain complete control over the Vatican they, might install, either overtly or covertly, their own boy.


While I am not a Catholic and therefore am not fully in concord with all of your belief systems.  However, it is my observation that the "end time" seems to be here.  That is, at any moment we might expect the return of the Savior.  However, I am perplexed as to the entire scenario, in that, it appears to be a sort of Play or Script that the Human Race is doomed to follow and complete.  And, in the process, there is so much suffering, harm and death of millions, if not billions of human beings.  It might be God's Will, but, it is still not easy to watch, whether those who have suffered lie in the past or present or into the immediate future.


I am not a big believer in the 2012 conspiracy, however, many faiths seem to believe something great will happen to the human race and/or the planet during the next 1 to 2 years...  


God's Will be done!

J.B. Johnson


MHFM: What we said in the DVD is not exactly what you have described.  However, we are glad that you came across the information.  Your priority should be to save your soul, and you can’t do that unless you embrace the one true faith in Christ.  The information on our website demonstrates that (traditional) Catholicism is that faith.  We pray that you make finding the truth on that issue your main concern. 




Why would anyone need to convert to Catholicism when she is leading people astray..The only ones in schism has been the roman catholic church..St. malachy prophesied over the fall of the church..lucia also prophesied over the fall of roman Catholicism... the papal position is the reason for the catholic faith has fallen into heresy there is one head of the church and that is Christ...I believe soon there will be a mass exodus of people that will come away from the catholic faith and come back to orthodoxy.. Are you forgeting your roots??? Have you forgotten it was the papal position that sent crusades that desecrated the Eastern Churchs??? All in the name of our Lord Jesus..that defies logic.. and the very basic teachings of the bible...The holy spirit blows where he wishes he has scattered his flock because of our many sins but the day will come when the lord will gather all his people..The Roman Catholics have been infiltrated by free Masonry and the Illuminati...Your forgetting the scripture that jesus taught that whoever is not against us is for us... no one ever talks about this they pick and choose what scriptures to see fit for their own personal belief which has led to doctrines of demons.. I pray for you I know I am just a lay person and sinner that is just now finding my way back to God but through my year of research and history and using logic and knowing all the evils that have been done by roman Catholics my conscious will not let me return to the church..I believe Orthodoxy has maintained its roots..and Holy Tradition. Furthermore, I would warn you to not judge whom God whishes to Save.. It is not us to determine the salvation of man.. His thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways..Christ and Christ alone knows the heart of man... Just look at the man on the cross he was anyone special no a religious leader, he simply had faith in christ and was taken up with him in paradise.. God chooses who he wishes to save it is true that in order to experience and have the fullness of the faith one must come back to the original church.. Which I believe were seeing today many are coming to know orthodoxy that were protestants and even many roman Catholics are in search of her.. I humbly speak this with all concern for many Catholics that are being led away.. and follow the pope blindly




MHFM: You are quite wrong about basically everything you say.  Your concerns are addressed on our website.  Simply, the biblical and historical evidence for Catholic teaching on the Papacy is overwhelming and irrefutable.  Consult this file http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/papacy_mainpage.php and the audios relating to “Orthodoxy.”  “Orthodoxy” is a false and illogical sect which rejects what Christ clearly established in St. Peter.




Dear Brothers,

           What an exciting story about that man who watched the third secret of Fatima story.  I am so happy for him and you and the Heavenly court!  Its also completely refreshing, because all I've heard of for the past two years of my discipleship are people seeing these videos which are irrefutable and coming up with every excuse in the book why they're still not going to be a true Catholic.  I mean it was so mind-boggling and frustrating that it tried my Catholic patience.  Keep up the good work!!  Obviously there are still some good-willed souls out there who want the truth in these very last days.  Oh Lord increase the size of the elect!!!

God Bless,




Subject: Re: V-2 "Catholic" says he has problems with Jesus


This man is yet another example of how blinded so many people are especially today to the truth and how they can agree with the truth and then speak total contradiction in their very next breath.

It is truly frustrating! I don't have the patience to even answer people like this. It was so very clear and clean cut how you answered him and when he wasn't cutting you off with more nonsense he was going on about even more outrageous heresies. Is this is all from his bad will? Does he truly not listen (whether it's fully on purpose or not) because he just wants to be right? Is it just him in total blindness because of his bad will ?

I am greatly saddened when family members are also like this, especially since they are family and loved ones it is all the more frustrating and bothersome that they don't listen long enough to even take any of your points into consideration, no they don't even want to listen. True, it reminds me of the verses from Matthew 10:34-39…





Subject: LUTHER






Hi. Im Rafael Centeio, from Portugal. I've been reading your sites and listening to your debates and videos. Today, i can say that i'm persuaded to hold your Sedevacantist position in general, aswell in all specific points that i have understood, to be the truth about Christianity. In your debates, one can see in which side the truth rests.


I have a question: Since we have no Pope for about fifty years, how can i know if a priest is valid ordained or not? Im asking this because i am… in need of valid confession… I deserve Hell, but I yet, have some hope for Salvation.

Please help me. 


Im sorry about my bad English, its not my mother language.

Thank God that you have appeared in my life.


MHFM: It’s great to hear that you came across the information.  The way you know if a priest has been validly ordained is you ask him questions about the year he was ordained, the rite in which he was ordained, or both.  If he was ordained in the diocese before 1968, then he was validly ordained because they used the traditional rite of ordination at that time.  If he was ordained in the diocese well after 1968, then he was almost certainly ordained in the invalid new rite of ordination promulgated by Paul VI.


If he was ordained in the Eastern Rite, the year is not an issue because in the Eastern Rite they have retained a traditional rite for ordaining priests.  Thus, you would ask an Eastern Rite priest if he was ordained in the Eastern Rite by a bishop who was ordained in the Eastern Rite. 


If he’s an independent priest – i.e., if he’s part of a group that celebrates the traditional Mass but operates independently of the diocese – then you would have to find out which rite he was ordained in, who the bishop was, and who ordained the bishop.  However, information about the rite and the bishop employed by independent groups is usually well known.  In those cases, one might only need to know the name of the priest or the group.  This is explained here: Where to go to Mass or confession today? 




Dear Brothers,


I have a question about the commandment as explained in the penny catechism. it says in #206 it forbids willful murder, fighting, injurious words and scandal err is sports such as boxing included in the forbidden? just wanted to clarify this for something is nagging behind the back of my head about this issue…


God speed,



MHFM: As opposed to other acceptable sports (e.g. Football, Basketball, Baseball), we believe that Pro Boxing is not an acceptable sport.  Pro Boxing is immoral because the goal of the sport is to harm and/or incapacitate the opponent.  In Boxing a person is awarded victory if he knocks his opponent unconscious.  This is immoral. 


Pope Leo XIII, Pastoralis Officii (#1), Sept. 12, 1891: “Clearly, divine law, both that which is known by the light of reason and that which is revealed in Sacred Scripture, strictly forbids anyone, outside of public cause, to kill or wound a man unless compelled to do so in self-defense.”


In Football the goal is to bring the opponent to the ground and get the ball into the end zone.  One is not awarded victory or points for knocking the opponent out.  That’s why Football is not immoral, but Pro Boxing is.




Subject: The cultic mania of JOHN PAUL 2


Dear MHFM  


I noticed this perverse mania or worship and admiration of the beast ANTI-CHRIST ANTI-POPE JOHN PAUL 2.  I recently received this catalog from leaflet missal company… you might want to warn your readers of this novus ordo goods company.  They make it seem as if JOHN PAUL 2 was the greatest thing that ever lived. Also I heard that his blood has been on display . this is enough to make a true catholic Incensed and troubled. I agree with you on this that it would be a grave sin to give financial support to such a group. guess what  I threw the magazine catalog away in the trash.!  I believe this is what is going to happen in the future, the eventual canonization of the first beast. it also says in the apocalypse that the false prophet and his followers are thrown alive into the lake of fire or pool of fire to be tortured with the first beast who had the wound by the sword forever. interesting stuff.  anyway thanks and God bless your work and apostolate of catholic truth.   from mark v




Dear Brothers,


     Thank you for clarifying the Gallileo affair; clearly I misunderstood the information in one of Solange Hertz's books that I read many years ago.  According to the said author, the reason St. Robert Bellarmine and the pope at that time (I forget his name) condemned Gallileo was that they believed Heliocentrism to be heretical because it contradicts certain passages in the Bible that, if taken literally, would indicate geocentrism to be the correct theory.  Correct me if I'm wrong, are we then free to hold either theory as being correct?  

     I no longer read Mrs. Hertz's books; she has some pretty wacky views about various subjects, including a speculation that St. Joseph may have been preserved from original sin for the same reason that Mary was.  Thank you once again for all the great information on your website, and may God bless you now and always.


Yours in Christ,

Brenda Roy


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  One would be free to hold either theory.  Last time we checked, Solange Hertz believed that Antipope John Paul II was the pope and she believed in salvation outside the Church.  She also attended (and probably supported) a SSPX chapel.  Based on those positions, she was quite heretical. 




Subject: Walking Dead


I love it in holy scripture where it states, "...The dead shall know nothing..."  Look at all the walking dead out there who walk in the footsteps of Vatican II, 1965 onward of the Modernists, condenmed by pre-Vatican II pontiffs, repeatedly.  You tell them the truth, the remnant few and they listen and pray and beseech Our Lord Jesus and His Holy Mother for forgiveness and mercy and the masses condemn your work as heretical.  What utter, blind fools.  God bless MHFM…!






Subject: Father Pavone Scandal


In the tortured world of the Novus Ordo Church, where truth is only ever told 'in part,' and all 'good works' can only exist against the backdrop of heresy, Father Frank Pavone now finds himself disgraced, along with his ministry Priests For Life, on the basis of charges laid against him by Bishop Patrick J. Zurek of Amarillo.  Zurek has recently been described by another Novus Ordo priest in Texas as "a careerist clergyman," who served in Austin for several years as "the gatekeeper for who got into the seminary, who continued, and who was ordained to the priesthood," while he held the office of Director of Vocations in Austin, 1987-1988.


Zurek is reportedly a man who demands obedience, and is known moreover for a controlling 'modus operandi,' using passive-aggressive forms of manipulation, according to said priest, who has been ordained for the past 15 years in another diocese.


Many commentators on various blogs have noted that Fr. Pavone has abided by transparent accounting procedures for over a decade, and been quick to document all expense not only to the Board of Directors of Priests for Life, but also to his Ordinary, Bishop Zurek.  But the Bishop basically accuses Fr. Pavone of "financial independence"... In other words, 'how' Priests for Life spends donations is the real issue, since it appears that the Bishop in fact wants to control policy and operations, as if he himself were in charge of Priests for Life.  In a Church which is a counterfeit manmade organization, with no oversight by the Holy Spirit, these games are often played.


Sadly, the soul of Father Pavone will not be saved, nomatter how many babies he has saved from being murdered in the wombs of their mothers.  Blind to the inherent, deadly corruption of the fake Church he has committed himself to serve, he is now himself becoming its prey.  His panegyrics to John Paul II and Mother Theresa will not help him now.




Cheryl-Helene Thomson, Canada


MHFM: Although Pavone is without question a heretic, he’s probably not guilty of any wrongdoing in this regard.  We believe there are two reasons they are cracking down on him.  1) The Vatican II sect is thoroughly pro-abortion at this point.  The V-2 “bishops” accept and commemorate pro-abortion public figures without exception.  Hence, having a large and vigorous opponent of abortion (albeit a completely heretical one) in their midst stands as a constant rebuke of their acceptance of abortion and its most public supporters.  In other words, it’s an embarrassment.  2) He has access to about ten million dollars (every single year) that they would like their hands on. 


Birth Control


That Protestant denying that the Bible condemns birth control reminds me of the perverts who deny that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of the homosexual sins being committed, saying that those cities were destroyed because of their lack of "hospitality"!!!  They refuse to give up their sin and try to justify themselves by denying the obvious.  


If I understand the Gallileo affair correctly, all the Church wanted from him was that he not teach the theory of Heliocentrism as proven fact but only as another theory.   If he had said only "this is another theory" etc etc , Gallileo would not have earned himself the censure of the Church.    You are correct in saying that the Church has never declared geocentrism to be defined dogma, but people should be aware that there is no proof that heliocentrism is scientific fact.  As a matter of fact, neither geocentrism nor helliocentrism can be proved scientifically;  the relative motion of celestial objects can only be determined by standing outside the universe and observing said motion.  The Bible seems to support geocentrism.  


Brenda Roy


MHFM: With regard to Galileo, according to the Church authorities at the time, Heliocentrism was not permitted to be viewed as another theory or to be considered as even possibly true, as the 1633 condemnation and abjuration of Galileo makes clear. 


The 1633 condemnation and abjuration of Galileo: “We say, pronounce, sentence and declare that you, the said Galileo, by reason of the matters adduced in trial, and by you confessed as above, have rendered yourself in the judgment of the Holy Office vehemently suspect of heresy, namely, of having believed and held the doctrine – which is false and contrary to the sacred and divine Scriptures – that the Sun is the centre of the world and does not move from east to west and that the Earth moves and is not the centre of the world; and that an opinion may be held and defended as probable after it has been declared and defined to be contrary to the Holy Scripture; and that consequently you have incurred all the censures and penalties imposed and promulgated in the sacred canons and other constitutions, general and particular, against such delinquents. From which we are content that you be absolved, provided that, first, with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, you abjure, curse, and detest before us the aforesaid errors and heresies and every other error and heresy contrary to the Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church in the form to be prescribed by us for you.”


This was pronounced by the Holy Office, but it was not approved in solemn form or promulgated by the papal magisterium. 


Examining the Theological Status of Geocentrism and Heliocentrism and the Devastating Problems this creates for Baptism of Desire Arguments




Subject: Lapsed Catholic, would like to study REAL Catholicism


Brother Michael,

I'm a lapsed Catholic who has been involved with some terrible, wicked things. I did not realize that the people I was dealing with were Illuminati….

I have started praying the Rosary. I have my departed Father's Rosary from when he was a child. It is dear to me.

Brother, I thought I was developing the TRUE GOD in me, but I have been involved in Luciferianism...is it too late for me? I beg Christ's forgiveness, but I don't know exactly what to do. I'm afraid to go to the local church as I believe they are infiltrated with Illuminati. I have NEVER worshipped Lucifer nor have I harmed anyone. I would NEVER do that...no matter what I was doing, I always felt "odd" about it, like maybe it wasn't what it was, now I know the Lord Jesus Christ was protecting me.

I know there are still demons tempting me. I hear cracks in my house at times, though they are less now. Brother, what else can I do to completely become a servant of our Lord, Jesus Christ? I don't care about anything, now, but helping others and serving the Lord. I am not a rich man, but I am strong and smart and can help others and that is what I want and need to do.

May God have mercy on me,

Joseph Balsamo


MHFM: Thanks for the interest, but only a small portion of the people are members of the Illuminati.  The big problem is heresy and bad will.  You need to make sure you hold all the correct positions, have made a traditional profession of faith (it’s on our site), have confessed any mortal sins that might not have been confessed to valid priests, are praying the Rosary, and avoiding grave sin.  Learn more about your faith by doing Catholic reading and consulting the materials and videos on our website.  Also, you should ignore the influence of the demons and focus on serving God.  They can do nothing that He does not allow.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts




Subject: Red Banners, White Mantle - "New Age"


Dear Brothers,

I just finished reading Warren H. Carroll's Red Banners, White Mantle about the Communist revolution and Our Lady of Fatima. For some reason I felt compelled to finish it today. Any way, when I got to the very last sentence, I realized what the false devotees to Our Lady are getting at when they talk about the Utopian illusion of Russia converting to the Catholic faith, rather than to a temporary period of peace in contrast to the persecution against the Catholic Church as you explain in your book about the Truth of what happened after Vatican II. The last line reads:

Warren H. Carroll, Red Banners, White Mantle: "The tomb and the body [of Lenin] will remain there, in all probability, until Russia is converted, as the Mother of God promised at Fatima, ushering in a new age in the history of the world and of Christendom."

I realized that the devil is using the false understanding of Mary's words to "usher in a new age" in line with the Satanic New World Order agenda. Whether Carroll realized it or not, he was promoting the Masonic New Age or One World Government. It just struck a cord with me knowing the truth about what Mary actually said and meant from your material, as opposed to the false interpretation given to her words by false devotees…

Luke 1:46-55 - "And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because he that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is his name. And his mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear him. He hath shewed might in his arm: he hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. He hath received Israel his servant, being mindful of his mercy: As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Questions for the Emailer Metal


Why would a person not love the God who created and redeemed Him?  Why would a person not choose to believe all that such a God revealed?  Why would a person not choose to obey all that God commanded him to do or not to do, since this obedience not only brings the greatest good which is heaven for all eternity, but also brings right order, true peace and other blessings in this life as well?  Why would a person refuse to use his intellect to seek and know God's truth -- which was the very reason why God gave the intellect to man in the first place?  Why would a person prefer the material (which rots and turns to dust) to the supernatural, and the Creator?


Lee Ann






     I’ve been noticing lately on TV,  with people I speak with and the populace in general,  that people use the words ‘awesome’ & ‘perfect’ a lot more and more when describing things.  Such as, my new car is perfect.  Or, that new movie that came out is ‘awesome’.  Since these two words can only be used to describe God, could it be that most people who use those words outside of reference to God, indicates that frivolous creatures rule their lives instead of God?




Counter Church


Dear Brothers,


With reference to my recent email to you on my sister-in-law being still very deluded with this Counter Church, as I mentioned, I gave her some of your material, CDs etc.

I furnished her with the two books, The truth about what happened to the Catholic Church and “Outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no Salvation so that she could read and possibly obtain them from you, I left these with her.


She returned the books to me by post with no written justification, I thought that I would phone her just to hear her thoughts on the information. She answered that she only paged through and that is it. We spoke on the issues some more and she said that she felt sorry for me and I of course returned that I felt sorry for her and said she must pray for enlightenment, after awhile the conversation was over.


Well I had already presumed this to be a very difficult task, she is in agreement with almost everything we discussed and knows everything of what is going on inside the Church and their ungodly behavior but still continues to refuse the invalidity of the “popes``, priests and the Holy Eucharist etc. and says she does not want to know, she discards and shows no interest in what the Popes always taught saying that “all that is important to her is her strong intimacy with Jesus, she even says that she gets answers direct from Jesus and that is what is important to her, so many good feelings  and that God sees her sincerity and full stop.  She will not stop going to “Mass “. How sad, she simply does not want to know, how deep in blindness can one be, please pray for her and for my family.



M.Fernanda da Silva




Why would a loving god send one to burn in hell forever?




MHFM: Because the people who go there deserve it: Why Hell must be Eternal [video].




Subject: Masons


Masons say they are of God but they are not of Jehova. I have added your video and I thank you 4 posting it.






Subject: Conversation


Dear Brothers,


As I've read the conversation of William to a supposed seminarian I could not help but read it in disbelief. What are these guys studying in the seminaries nowadays, eh? Its completely ridiculous. It's like a fantasy movie that they're in. One more thing as I've reflected on the Bible stories that one has read when one was still 9 years old, the Bible stories were actually from the Adventist group as I was told, the part that came back more often to me was Adam's preaching to his son's and grandsons to repent their sins and have recourse to God but they only said that Adam was old fashioned and that he doesn't know the 'modern' ways and by an inspiration by God, undoubtedly, one has been made to understand that New Age, modernism and the occult is not new at all, they were already present after Cain slew Abel and as the passage in Ecclesiastes states 'Nothing is new under the sun.' proves this point. Last but definitely not least is my heartfelt gratitude to you for my conversion, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your prayers. May the Blessed Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary watch over you and your apostolate always…


God speed,



Dishonest Article


Subject: "Traditionalist Catholics" Expelling Protestants in Mexico?


Dear MHFM,

I found this rather strange news article, from a few weeks ago:

"Christians [sic] in Mexico forced from village; threatened with crucifixion or lynching"


Aside from the subject matter, it is strange because it goes way out of its way to identify the expelling "Catholics" as "Traditionalist Catholics": this phrase occurs in the article no less than nine times!  The meaning is clear: a traditional Catholic is intolerant, barbaric, "medieval", and violent.

However, even stranger is the fact that these "Catholics" are considered "traditionalist".  The article tells us that, "The traditionalist Catholics... practice a blend of indigenous and Catholic rituals."  Since when does a traditional Catholic blend the Faith with paganism?

I am just amazed at the outright dishonesty of this article.

God's Grace,
Curtis Sharp


V-2 Seminarian


Subject: Conversation


While talking to a V2 "seminarian" and "brother" I heard the most dishonest argument ever, (it was shocking). 


Me: No one can be saved without baptism, even babies cannot enter heaven.

Them: Why would God be so unmerciful.

Me: Cause He said so, in the Bible, and the council of Trent. 

Them: God wouldn't be so evil, God wouldn't be such a monster.

Me: He is the same God who killed every first born in Egypt, and destroyed Sodom and Gomorra.

Them: That wasn't God.

Me: Really, who was it?

Them: Have you read the scriptures in their original language?

Me: No.

Them: Well the term used for the first born in egypt was THE SPIRIT OF DEATH.

Me: Oh, so what you say the devil did it.

Them: No.

Me: So it was God.

Them: No.

Me: Okay so there are three teams: God the Devil and the Spirit of Death...

Them: Silent... well God gave us free will. It really comes down to that.

Me: So free will destroyed Sodom and Gomorra.

Them: Yeah.

Me: So let me get this straight, the people of Sodom willed a fireball from the sky to come and kill them.

Them: Yeah.

Me: So people with their wills can summon fire from the sky. I could summon a fireball.

Them: Ummm, yeaah...




MHFM: That’s an interesting story.  He’s precisely the kind of “material” they are looking for in the Vatican II seminaries.  He’s full of faith and devotion to God’s word – not.  Of course, the seminarian is wrong in what he says about Scripture.  Exodus 12:29 clearly says that “the Lord” struck every firstborn in Egypt.  That remains true if the Lord had His destroying angel do it.


Exodus 12:29 –“And it came to pass at midnight, the Lord slew every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharao, who sat on his throne, unto the firstborn of the captive woman that was in the prison, and all the firstborn of cattle.”




Subject: Good day to you Bro Michael Dimond and Bro Peter Dimond


Hello and good day to you Brothers,

I'm a Greek Orthodox Christian living in Australia and have researched alot of your great work opening our eyes and ears as to what is occurring.

I understand that you consider my beliefs (Greek Orthodox) as being heretical however I do consider myself to be a true christian and share many of your beliefs, so I would like to understand and or obtain more information on the great Schism that occurred and what your views are towards the Eastern Orthodox Church in relation to this matter.

I hope to hear from you soon.



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  There are two things we would recommend that you consider carefully.  First, we recommend our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and specifically the section on the biblical evidence for the Papacy.  In that section there are a few quotes from Eastern “Orthodox” scholars admitting that Peter was indeed the rock of the Church.  Here’s one example:  


“There is a formal and real identity between Peter and rock.  Jesus will build the church upon Cephas.” (The Primacy of Peter, edited by John Meyendorf, St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1992, p. 48.)


Many proponents of Eastern “Orthodoxy” admit that Peter had a primacy and that he was the rock, but they deny all of the implications of this fact.  The section in the book provides the biblical evidence that Jesus gave a full jurisdictional primacy to St. Peter.  Any other kind would be pointless and illogical. 


Second, and this is very important, we recommend our audios on the Papacy in the ancient Church.  They are found in this section of our website: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/papacy_mainpage.php  These discussions include some interesting admissions from Eastern “Orthodox” scholars on the primacy of popes in the ancient Church.  These facts point clearly to the truth of Catholic teaching on the Papacy, and that’s the most important issue to consider with regard to the difference between us. 


Catholic teaching on the Papacy can be demonstrated from Scripture, and it was acknowledged in the ancient Church.  It’s critical that you give up Eastern “Orthodoxy” and convert to Catholicism.  Besides its denial of Christ’s teaching on Peter and the foundation of the Church, “Orthodoxy” is fraught with inconsistencies.  For example, since it rejects the notion of a supreme bishop, “Orthodoxy” has no logical way of differentiating between councils it accepts (and considers binding) and councils it rejects.  Perhaps you would pray the Rosary for the grace of true faith on these matters?  If so, we believe you would get it. 




Subject: Rosalind Moss (EWTN) starting new order of nuns


Dear Brother Dimond----I recently heard that Rosiland Moss, former EWTN guest host, is starting a new religious order for women, with a sublte Jewish slant. Have you hear of it and if so, please tell me your feelings about "Sr." Moss starting a Catholic order (with diocesan approval, I'm told). She recently spent an entire year with a congregation of Visitation nuns in Tyringham, Mass. to adopt their rule, according to St. Francis de Sales. I am going to spend a few days in retreat next month with these nuns (my second retreat, the first being in 2006) but knowing Moss spent a year there, I am having second thoughts. Please advise as best you can..


Thank you very much----Linda


MHFM: Rosalind Moss is sadly not only a Vatican II apostate, but a “Hebrew Catholic.”  The Association of Hebrew Catholics (AHC) is composed of supposed converts from Judaism.  It teaches that Catholics converted from Judaism may continue to practice the Old Law (an idea solemnly condemned by the Council of Florence); it teaches that Catholics may and should celebrate Seder suppers; and it teaches that the “Church, beginning with Vatican II, has been revising its teachings regarding Jews and Judaism.”  Thus, it’s an organization of false converts who have not really become Catholics but desire to remain Jews.  She’s a complete and total apostate.  That’s discussed in this article.


Why would you even consider going on a retreat to a Novus Ordo or diocesan convent?  A Catholic may not do such a thing.  You obviously need to become convinced that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church.  Please look at the information. 




Subject: introns


Dear Brothers,

Great quote about "introns." It'll be nice when the evolutionists realize that their whole theory is junk - a mutant that defies the laws of nature. The theory of "evolution" is consubstantial with the kabbalah, since both require vast non-existent periods of time and colossal non-existing "emanations" of matter. They're both gargantuan lies. The sad thing is that the Vatican II sect and its Antipopes think the Catholic faith is Junk DNA - how little they know, and what little they care.

Colossians 2:8,9 - "Beware lest any man cheat you by philosophy, and vain deceit; according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ: For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead corporeally."

God Bless,





Subject: homosexuality – you Bros. are correct


Dear Bro.s Michael and Peter,


… the “traddys” think the same as the V2’ers in that homosexuals that have “SSA” [same-sex attraction] aren’t sinning and most claim that they were born that way/or can’t be set completely free from it since it’s not “sinful” but just an orientation… I’m begging you please make a video about this subject! I’ve seen your article on your website and WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree but it needs to be in video format to reach all those that are too lazy/busy to read it and you seem to be unfortunately the minority who holds to this truth still.


PLEASE BROTHERS… this “poor homosexual he can’t help it” thing has taken over the world people need to hear this truth!!!


May God continue to bless you,

Mrs. Joselyn Havens




MHFM:  This is an interesting quote about “introns,” something evolutionists once considered “junk DNA” and a supposed example of vestigiality.  It is now recognized that “introns” play an important role in the cell.  In their astounding pride, blindness and dishonesty, evolutionists often label useless whatever they don’t yet understand about God’s amazing creation.  The truth is that everything in living organisms that they wrongly label “vestigial” has an important role.  They are simply ignorant of it. 


“As it turns out, the original DNA text in eukaryotic organisms has long sections of text called ‘introns’ that do not (typically) encode proteins.  Although these introns were once thought to be nonfunctional ‘junk DNA,’ they are now known to play many important functional roles in the cell.” (Stephen C. Meyer, Signature in the Cell, p. 125.)


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.  This video also contains an important discussion of objections that are raised on this point.


Birth Control is Condemned in the Bible [video]




Subject: Benedict XVI Trip To Germany


Dear Brother Michael & Brother Peter.


Hope you are well.  Just to ask if you have taken notice of Benedict 16 recent trip to Germany and his preaching in the Lutheran temple, and other heresies committed there.  Many thanks.


In Domine


Gerald Purves


MHFM: Yes, we’ve linked to a number of items about it in our News & Commentary.  We will have comments about it.  It was a very significant trip.




Subject: Antipope sparks debate over Luther

Dear Brothers,  


This article was in the Cleveland Plain Dealer today and I had a hard time finding it. but here it is.  In this article the Lutherans think that Benedict has done everything to 'rehabilitate' Luther.  They even want him to be a 'DOCTOR' of the church!!!!  God bless you for all you do



Benedict XVI


Benedict XVI saying Mass at Hitler's Stadium can be quoted as saying "Secularization and Religious Fundamentalism poses a threat to ecumenism".  He plans to commemorate heretic Luther, and says that the differences in the ways Luther sought to worship God have no meaning to anyone today.  Oh how evil the world must be not to reject the wicked anti!


-Michael Rudnicki




Koch: Prez and Congress Must View An Attack Upon Israel As An Attack Upon the U.S.


Herman Cain: "If you mess with Israel, you're messing with the United States of America”


Surprising victory in GOP contest: Herman Cain wins Florida straw poll




Subject: Fr. Barron


Hello Most Holy Family Monastery.


I thought you might want to see this,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm_j7kzcpjk&feature=player_embedded


As you can see, this heretic is claiming anyone, even those without any faith, can be saved outside the Church.




MHFM: It’s a good example of the pure apostasy of the Vatican II sect.  One is struck by the emptiness exuded by such pointless unbelief.  His statement that the Church doesn’t consider other sects or religions wrong is obviously blatantly heretical.  (By the way, this “priest” is quite prominent and will be featured in a PBS series dealing with Catholicism).


It’s noteworthy that he admits Vatican II teaches that atheists can be saved.  Many heretical defenders of Vatican II deny that the council teaches any such thing.  It should also be noted that Vatican II goes further than even he articulated.  As our recent debate on Vatican II showed, Vatican II doesn’t merely say that false religions reflect the fullness of truth; it esteems non-Christian religions themselves.  


His statement that an atheist can be saved and be of good will is of course heretical.  An atheist is, by definition, of bad will.  That’s what Vatican I defined. 


Romans 1:19-21: “Because that which is known of God is manifest in them.  For God hath manifested it unto them.  For the invisible things of Him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; His eternal power also, and divinity: SO THAT THEY ARE INEXCUSABLE.”


St. Paul teaches that atheists are inexcusable because God’s creation proves His existence.  Vatican II, on the contrary, teaches that atheists can be excused.  Vatican I dogmatically defined the principle set forth in Romans 1 – which directly contradicts the teaching of Vatican II.


Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Session 3, On Revelation, Can. 1:

“If anyone shall have said that the one true God, our Creator and Lord, cannot be known with certitude by those things which have been made, by the natural light of human reason: let him be anathema.”


Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Session 3, On God the Creator, Can. 1:

“If anyone shall have denied the one true God, Creator and Lord of visible and invisible things: let him be anathema.”




Please read my letter....

As i was looking at youtube for biker gangs specifically the Hells Angels....I came across your channel and dont remember how i came across it...But As a very young toddler in the early 60s i was awoken one night by the sounds of a female voice speaking into my head very softly and all she did was repeat my name 4 or 5 times, i could not speak nor could a move! The following night I was awoken by 2 lions that circled my bed in the dark and again i tried to cry out to my Mom but couldnot make any sound and was to afraid to put my feet on the floor.....Since then i have grown up and once heard of a woman named "Lilith"<not sure of the correct spelling and for some reason i feel strongly that i was being spiritually molested by her at the age of about 3 years old....Can you PLEASE help me make since of its understandings and is it possible for a child that young to be so spiritually distroyed away from God to never be aloud into his kingdom and not know it even at that age? When i was 19 yrs olds in the Army i came into the barracks one evening and feel on my knees and asked the Lord to save me and a Feeling unlike anything on earth came over me,I knew it was the Power of the Lord ..It was Liken strong wind but no breese..a warmth and Love started at my head and went down completely ingulfing me.......Theres so many Preachers and they almost all speak of how the others preacher is wrong in some way "How can me and the others of this world really BELEIVE and trust in anyone? You seem… honest… Please respond to this.....I FEEL SO LOST ON THIS WORLD.....


Sincerely Tony


MHFM: The experience you describe from your youth was obviously a demonic interference.  You should ignore it; you should not spend time thinking about it.  The more attention you give to those events, the more influence they will have in your life.  Christ founded one Church, and that’s the Catholic Church.  You need to embrace the true Catholic faith to be saved, and to be freed from your darkness.  Please see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and consult the material on our website for how to convert.   We would also recommend that you pray the Rosary, but you might not be open to that at this point.




Subject: advice


Dear MHFM,


I would be grateful if you could give me some advice. I believe you are right about the VCII church. I have not been to Mass for over 5 years because I could not find God there and I could not bear the violence and persecution of the priests any longer. However, I don't know where to go. I have been lied to by so many priests that I cannot bear the idea of ringing one of them up and asking the questions you suggest. I feel physically sick if I see one coming towards me. Do you know of any traditional Masses in the Manchester area of England? I have read through lots of your material and the more I read the more confused I become.

Kind Regards,



MHFM: Your confusion might stem from your failure to realize that almost all priests who offer the traditional Mass are unfortunately also heretics.  That means that even if one finds a valid priest who offers the traditional Mass, one must not support him or agree with him.  One may approach him for certain sacraments if he meets certain conditions, as it is explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  However, one must first be committed never to attend the New Mass again and be in agreement on all the other core issues.  You should apply the guidelines in this file to the options in your area. 




Subject: Onan’s disciples


Dear Brother Peter,


Absolutely brilliant exposure of the contraceptors and their diabolical rationalizations of the Sacred Scriptures!


I can't help thinking that Onan was a proto-Pharisee, a total fraud and hypocrite who deliberately tried to deceive everyone into thinking he was following God's law whilst all the time methodically doing just the opposite. By practising coitus interruptus, he utterly debased the intimacy he enjoyed with Thamar, treating her as a prostitute rather than his wife and effectively offering the sexual act, not to God, but to Satan.


The graphic details of his sin were doubtless obtained from Thamar herself, clearly a very determined lady, as the rest of the account in Gn. 38 reveals… she was in the direct messianic line and is one of the few women mentioned in the NT in Jesus' personal genealogy (Mt 1.3).  By practising birth control, Onan and his contracepting disciples seek to frustrate God's glorious plans for humanity and the population of Heaven.


Onan's behavior made me think of Cain, another proto-Pharisee who pretended to make suitable offerings to God but then withheld what was due to God. Another interrupted offering! At least this is what the Septuagint tells us, and this is its first really significant difference from the Masoretic Hebrew text. Perhaps the Pharisees deliberately corrupted the text in their Hebrew version because they realized that Cain had acted just like themselves and with exactly the same kind of hypocrisy that Jesus so roundly denounced. No wonder they reacted just like Cain once their scams had been exposed!


Timothy Johnson


Birth Control


Subject: birth control video


Dear Brothers,


Excellent....Precise.....Straightforward....I learned a lot through this video.  How could anyone listening to your presentation even begin to argue with it.  There is no answer to it.  Thanks for putting the truth out there. 


God Bless You,






Subject: SSPX – Remember Lot’s Wife


Dear Brothers,

It's very sad what the SSPX is getting itself into, isn't it? They're getting closer to the point of no return. At this point, at least in theory, they still have the technical option of criticizing the Vatican II sect (though such is schismatical because they hold the V-2 sect to be the "Church"), but once they sign the V-2 documents, they'll have sold their souls to the devil once and for all. Why don't they just sign the documents in their own blood like people do who make contracts with the devil, just to really drive the point home. I mean, there is no substantial difference, since they are selling their souls for some temporary benefit, i.e. recognition by Rome, and in turn a potential material gain and support from an influx of false traditionalists, as well as glory from men (not God). However, in reality, I think the SSPX lost the plot a long time ago… Lefebvre was an apostate anyway. It seems that hell wanted to make things so bad as to be almost impossible to believe, and in doing so, almost everyone would opt to dull the painful truth with the lie, like a crack addict who refuses to confront reality rather than dig down to the rock of Christ to solve his problems. The question remains: How far will they allow Benedict XVI to go? Or perhaps the real question is: How much farther is it possible for Benedict XVI to go? The SSPX is obviously… willing to accept B-16's likely "canonization" of the Antichrist, John Paul II, which is only next door to worshipping the devil. And which of the SSPX supporters would complain if the SSPX priests started invoking the name of Lucifer during the mass? They'd still put the money in the plate because that's what they've always done - it's Tradition - ALMIGHTY TRADITION. Well, there are certain things that are unprecedented, and which require one to accept a position that the Church authorities have never had to deal with before - such as no pope for 53 years and the entire antichrist apostasy. All the false traditionalists who claim to believe Our Lady of Salette's words need to realize that not only is it impossible for a heretic to be a pope (such as all the V-2 Antipopes), but neither can an antichrist (or indeed the Antichrist) be a pope. The SSPX would do well to remember Lot's wife, who turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah as it was being rained fire and brimstone on by the Lord. There is no substantial difference between the Vatican II sect and Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Vatican II sect is arguably much worse in a spiritual sense since it is Babylon the Great, the Whore of Babylon! At least one should still be able to go to them for sacraments once they have been incorporated back in the V-2 corporation, so long as they meet certain conditions (i.e. not notorious or imposing, and one doesn't support them), much like the Eastern Rite priests now.

Genesis 19:1,12-17,23-26 - "And the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of the city. And seeing them, he rose up and went to meet them: and worshipped prostrate to the ground... And they said to Lot: Hast thou here any of thine? son in law, or sons, or daughters, all that are thine bring them out of this city: For we will destroy this place, because their cry is grown loud before the Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them. So Lot went out, and spoke to his sons in law that were to have his daughters, and said: Arise: get you out of this place, because the Lord will destroy this city. And he seemed to them to speak as it were in jest. And when it was morning, the angels pressed him, saying: Arise, take thy wife, and the two daughters which thou hast: lest thou also perish in the wickedness of the city. And as he lingered, they took his hand, and the hand of his wife, and of his two daughters, because the Lord spared him. And they brought him forth, and set him without the city: and there they spoke to him, saying: Save thy life: look not back, neither stay thou in all the country about: but save thyself in the mountain, lest thou be also consumed... The sun was risen upon the earth, and Lot entered into Segor. And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. And his wife looking behind her, was turned into a statue of salt."

Luke 17:32 - "Remember Lot's wife."

God Bless,





Attn:  www.vaticancatholic.com


RE:  Website information




I encourage the website directors to drop the criticism of His Holiness Pope Benedictus XVI.  The Son of God Jesus Christ stated to the first Roman Catholic Pope (Saint Peter):


"And I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever thou shalt bind on earthmshall be bound in heaven; and whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." ~Saint Matthew 16:19.


This applies to the successors of Saint Peter, including the present Pope Benedictus XVI.  It is wrong and unbecoming for any website claiming to be genuinely Roman Catholic to attack the representative of the Son of God Jesus Christ (Pope Beneditus XVI).


Further, His Holiness Pope Boniface VII stated in the Apostolic Bull Unam Sanctam (1302):




Secondly, I exhort you to change the recommendation of the Eucharistic Fast posted on your website to the former older standard that was in effect during the pontificate of Saint Pius X: No food or drink (including water) from the point of midnight until Holy Communion.


This rigid discipline is a good act of self denial and helps save souls. If anyone wishes to follow Jesus, he must pick up deny himself and carry his cross.


RC+James King


MHFM: Benedict XVI is not the pope.  Look at the evidence.  He doesn’t even believe in the Papacy and he endorses all kinds of false religions.  Wake up.




bro peter


... loved the video Birth Control is Condemned in the Bible .. very nice and very well don // it makes sense . all your videos and writing are very good . and the books the bible prove the catholic church is the right church very nice . now got your video dvd 2 weeks ago . watched it very very carefully ,, very shocking and very strong stuff . the pope is a sinner to right ?? , he makes mistakes to right??... doesn’t the pope have the last say of the changes ,, meaning the pope could make changes after all doesn’t he ??. since he’s the pope and him being pope is from Jesus to peter to the pope ,, so he is the holy man that he is bin sent to us isnt that right ?? .. and have to show obedience to the church and the pope .. ??... isn’t that right?...




MHFM: No, a pope cannot contradict dogma.  To do so is heresy.  Obedience to Jesus and the Papacy involves obedience to the official teaching of the true popes throughout history.  Benedict XVI is not the pope, but a heretic and an antipope.  This is explained in our material.  You need to look at the other material more carefully and learn the basics on these issues.




Hi, I guess it goes without saying that the new Catechism that came out under jP2 is an invalid catechism...one that is not to be trusted/read...What then is considered the TRUE,VALID, HERESY FREE CATHOLIC CATECHISM???  Is it the Baltimore?  And where can I buy it?...


Thank you, and God Bless all of you



MHFM: The Penny Catechism, which can be found on our online store, is the one we recommend.


Explain away


Subject: Birth Control


That heretic who attempted to explain away the Bible's condemnation of birth control is utterly dishonest.  In reality he wishes to persist in practicing birth control so he deceives himself into thinking that the Bible does not condemn it.  It's logical to think that he does practice it.  This is PRIDE!  The very roots of Protestantism.  After 2000 years of consistent condemnation of birth control, they think they know better.  The Church has been wrong for the last 2000 years.  The same goes for all its dogmas.  Jesus was wrong.  Saint Paul was wrong.  All the Church Fathers were wrong.  We have received the truth finally!  Pride is the chief source of all sin, including heresy!




MHFM: The sobering fact is that that heretic is not alone in his line of argumentation: almost all Protestants use or support birth control. 




Subject: support heretics


Hello, I have a question In reading your MHFM pages I came across this quote:


"Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215: "Moreover, we determine to subject to excommunication believers who receive, defend, or support heretics.""


Is support limited to financial?


Thank you for your time,



MHFM: No, although financial support would be the most common example of supporting heretics in our day.  Another example would be if a group produces a heretical newsletter or magazine, and someone assists the group in the production of the heretical publication.




Subject: birth control video

Dear Brothers,


When you showed the clip about the Protestant saying that "nowhere in the bible that birth control is condemned" he basically mentioned about the refutation on the passage on Onan that what Onan did was not birth control and God did not specifically say that it was birth control, was his argument, but then if one asks what do you call it then, what Onan did that greatly displeased the Lord that He put him to death? what do you call it then THE SPILLING OF THE SEED? for if one reads it the holy writer obviously and is clearly referring to Onan's action on that verse. Obviously the bible has no name for that deed because as one can see it was dated during the ancient times and there was no name for science at that time though advances on technology were already obvious. It is truly amazing how these protestants explain away the obvious and the simple.


God speed,





Subject: An Apology (RE: Geocentrism, Pope Benedict XV)


Dear Brothers Dimond,

I realized my error and ignorance in proceeding to attempt to debate you on the status of geocentrism in light of the words of Pope Benedict XV, who wrote that "this earth... may not be the centre of the universe as at one time was thought."

You are absolutely correct that, His Holiness having said this, it would be impossible for geocentrism (at least as it "at one time was thought") could be a dogma of the Faith and, therefore, it could not nor never be defined as a Dogma of the Faith (again, at least in no wise as the earth being "the centre of the universe as at one time was thought.").

After long and deep reflection on this matter, my concern or worry was and is essentially this: Recently you produced a most wonderful instructional video, called "the Real Reason Jesus is the Light of the World," or something to that effect. This video was eye-opening and enlightening, as it wonderfully flushed-out the liturgical context, so to speak, in which Christ posited and revealed the Divine Truths of Himself. In learning of the context of Christ's words, their meaning and gravity are emphasized, and His claims to Deity are made abundantly obviously. Now let us imagine someone were to say something like, "Well, the Gospels themselves do not record the peculiarities of the rites, rituals and customs of the Jewish liturgy that the Dimond Brothers use to lend credence to Christ's claims to Divinity; therefore, they are not relevant or beneficial to understanding His teaching, and are even likely to pervert it." Or if someone attempted to falsify facts or history and re-write the liturgical rituals and observances of the Jews at Christ's time and, consequently, change the meaning of Christ's words by changing the liturgical context in which they were spoken. You Brothers know that such abuses, changes or perversions would be injurious to a proper understanding of what Christ taught and said. My concern, in regards to the geocentric issue, is that in the Scriptures the heavens appear - as I wrote earlier - to serve as a kind of evangel and permanent sign of God's creating power and preservation of the cosmos or the entire natural world. My fear is that if men are given a sort of licence to redefine the meaning of the cosmos, then fallen man - who is already injured by original sin - would be deprived of a wonderfully potent and powerful testimonial to God's majesty and power. The heavens would be transformed into confusion or perverted to signify something potentially even heretical, as modern cosmologists and Hollywood both, for example, together try to infuse into the minds of the people that they are the infinite abode of potentially countless mysterious races, and even imbibing a Messianic hope to those races as being potentially enlightened beings that can instruct humanity or, at least, the potentiality that man can actually explore the stars and find some new earth or earths or some other utopian homeland to solve all his problems, etc. In light of your own works on UFO's, etc., I believe you can perceive the potential danger of the heavens being perverted into a false portent for the devils, so that men might look to them as to a Christ or Messiah, expecting from them their salvation; whereas, as we know, this is a certain perversion, as Christ has already come in the flesh and left for us His Church to instruct and guide mankind.

Again, my apologies for my error, and thank you for not permitting me to abuse the powers of argument to imbibe confusion or error. Please keep up your excellent works and, if you could, please pray for me also, for I know that God hears the prayers of those who love Him and keep His Commandments.

Pax Christi,


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  The fact that Benedict XV made that statement would not by itself make it impossible that geocentrism is a dogma, for a pope could be ignorant of or mistaken about the theological status of a truth; but it’s a powerful piece of evidence that, when combined with the other facts and most significantly that there is no magisterial statement affirming geocentrism, proves that the magisterium has not taught geocentrism. 


Birth Control


Subject: About your new video on birth control


Dear Brothers,

      I thoroughly enjoyed your new video explaining the EVIL of birth control.  I must admit it’s something I used… in the past before I came to your site and found out the real truth about the real Catholic faith and what Jesus really taught.  You really always… do such a good job defending and explaining all the facets of the Catholic faith and its infallible teachings.  You always hit every angle.  I just wanted to comment on the protestant apologist whom you showed in the video and how typical he is of your every day so called christian.  I love the absolute contrast between you ( a die-hard true christian) and him a typical falsely overly-optimistic charlatan.  How he could take a passage as clear and simple in its meaning as the one in Genesis on Onan's sin and try to explain it away as not in condemnation of birth control is mind boggling.  These protestants are all the same always falsely jovial all the time as if in these end times where absolute injustice is everywhere there is really as a serious Christian there is that much to be happy about if you truly care about your neighbor.  Where as you and the other Dimond brother always have a sober and solemn/serious tone to your voice because these are the most important subjects which we all should be talking about.  So once again keep up the good work!  You've changed my life for the better and I know there are a lot of others on this website that have been changed for the better too.

In holy bondage to Our Blessed Lady and Jesus,




Subject: the rat


Dear Brothers,

From your dvd concerning "Is the world about to end", I have watched soo many times.  I'm sorry, but I found myself laughing in the description of the "rat". One thing you forgot to mention: rats are VERY DESTRUCTIVE creatures. Need one say more?  Have a wonderful week.

God Bless and Our Most Holy Mother Mary protect you both always.




Dear Brothers


I feel the need to become a priest. I have been listening to your publications on YouTube, and for the most part I agree with what you say. I am how ever in a situation where I question the existence of God, and if Jesus really was the man he said he was. I am fright full because in the bible it says that I will be damned for my sleight against God the Son. But I can’t help find the truth in what Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins has to say. I truly do not know what to do, I feel as if I have a spiritual dryness but I want to practice the faith.


            As for me wanting to become a priest I want to take the orders so I can help and educate people. Currently I’m studying to get into Med School and become a neurologist so I can work with people with developmental disabilities. However I do not know how I can talk and educate about God if I am an agnostic, this I find to be a terrible lie. I want there to be a God that the true Church teaches, but as Freeman Dyson says “I’m a practicing Christian but not much of a believing one.”

            Even if I were to become a priest I find no validity in any of the clergy as you are constantly writing about. I do feel that some how I could make a difference and start a chain reaction, and help restore the Church. What flabbergast me even as an agnostic is how can you take true to the word of Christ and go against Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.

            I truly do not know what to do and I need help.





MHFM: You say that you question the existence of God and the truths about Jesus.  Obviously a person must possess the faith whole and inviolate before he or she can fulfill God’s will and a religious vocation.  It’s obvious that you have been reading the lies and nonsense of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins.  We believe that’s your problem.  Unless one is reading them in order to refute them, one should not read such attacks on God or the true faith.  It’s like listening to the voice of the Devil, and it will destroy the faith of those who are weak in the faith.  If people read such books unnecessarily or without a good reason, God will often pull His grace from them and allow their faith to be destroyed.  That’s because when one chooses to read them without a sufficient reason, it’s as if one is already entertaining doubts about the truth or giving some credibility to attacks on the faith.  Reading those writings has obviously contributed to the destruction of your faith.  What you need to do is put away their lies and foolishness and pray the Rosary for the grace of faith.  In that way, you can prepare yourself for a profession of faith and a confession, once you are convinced.


Since you mentioned him, this video is of interest:


Richard Dawkins' argument is so stupid and poorly conceived that it would actually destroy all of Science


Two questions


Subject: Prayer/Rosary


Dear MHFM,


I have two questions.  I work at night and when I come home in the morning, I sometimes feel sleepy and when I start to pray I end up dozing off and then suddenly wake up to realize that I was in the middle of my prayers.  Sometimes I cut my prayers short and say only the most essential ones and at times I don't say them well because my mind is set on going to bed.  Am I committing sin when this happens?


The second question is about the Rosary.  I often hear people offer up the Sorrowful Mysteries for the repose of the souls in Purgatory but can't recall if the other mysteries were offered up for the same intention.  Is it ok to offer the Glorious and Joyful Mysteries as well for the repose of the souls in Purgatory?





MHFM: To your first question, no it’s not a sin.  You should try to make time earlier in the day, or say the prayers well when you wake up fresh the next day.


To your second question, one could offer those mysteries for the souls in Purgatory.  However, we recommend that people pray and allow God and Our Lady to apply them as they see fit.  That doesn’t preclude offering special prayers for the souls in Purgatory at times.




Recently I converted to the traditional catholic faith. I am from Galway city on the west coast of Ireland. I was brought up in the Vatican II church but at the end of high school I had lost my faith and then I become an agnostic. While I was an agnostic I looked into different religions like Islam and Judaism. Then one day on the internet I found out about a religion I had never heard of before called messianic or Natsari Judaism. Which is basically Jews who believe that Jesus (who tell call Yeshua) was the messiah, but believe that Jesus did not do away with the Mosaic Law and that all followers of Jesus are still required to follow all the mosaic laws that they possibly can. They believe that Christianity, Christmas and Easter and believing in the holy trinity is all paganism.


After much study I had a great to convert to this movement. I taught that this religion was the true one, I got Obsessed with learning about this new religion this and I start learning Hebrew. I learned how to say the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4) of by heart in Hebrew. I started praying the same way they did. I went to a live messianic synagogue on the internet every Shabbat to them Friday night and Saturday I was even seriously thinking about getting circumcised
Then one night I found your videos on you tube, the one about Benedict XVI in the Jewish synagogue I heard you call him a heretic. I did not understand how a catholic could call a pope a heretic then I watch more of your videos and went on your web site where I learned for the first time about traditional Catholicism and what Sedevacantism is. So I want to thank you for if it wasn’t for I would have more than likely converted to messianic Judaism got circumcised and I would be trying to follow the old law.






Subject: new mass invalid


Ok, so I read your material on the new mass and I do believe what you are saying.  For some time now I have been uncomfortable about this and lately haven’t been attending mass that often because I have felt something wasn’t right and the priest did say something that struck me the wrong way a few times, but then, I would feel I should attend mass and go back. I know this is odd, but usually I feel worse after attending mass....kind of down even as compared to when I go in. 


I have always been a faithful Catholic but there have always been things about the church that have disturbed me even as a child, like kissing the bishop’s ring after confirmation.......that just irked me to no end as I believed, even at the age of seven years, that that was wrong......it just felt wrong in that Jesus would never expect that.....HE was humble and washed the feet of his apostles.  Christ has always been most important to me and I never felt comfortable with the tabernacle off to the left side of the church.  It always seemed wrong, made me kind of sad too.  Also, I never liked the table aspect either.  I could understand the mass being said in one’s own language so everyone could understand, but then, the homily was always said in the native language of the people, so that really didn’t matter too much to me.   The thing that really got me, even when the new mass came in, was that God was ignored, so it seemed, how insulting when the priest turned his back to Him and faced the people; to me it seemed he and we, the congregation should all face God. 


I had read other articles, and it seemed the more I read, the more reality struck and the more I wanted to stay away from church.  However, that being said, God is always in my thoughts, is always #1 to me and that will never change.  I just feel it’s so wrong to keep going to my church......but I live in a small place with no choice as to mass.  What should I do?  Should I just stop going and spend the hour praying and praising God and Jesus at home?  Not sure, want to do the right thing, but evil has gotten into the church and I don’t want to be part of that either.


Thanks for your advice, yours in Christ, Janice


MHFM: The New Mass is invalid.  The dogmatic points that lead to that conclusion are simple and clear.  Thus, when you go there, you are not receiving Jesus or attending a Mass.  You are going to an invalid non-Catholic service.  One must avoid such a service under pain of grave sin.  You are obviously not convinced of that, and you need to become convinced.  You should review those points.  There are places where one could receive valid sacraments, but one must be convinced on all issues of faith first.


Maria Valtorta


Subject: Maria Valtorta legit or a hoax?




Went on an SSPX retreat a few years ago and found, rather mysteriously, a piece of paper that said "Maria Valtorta-The Poem of the Man-God" with Fr. Robinson's email written on it. 


I have a vague recollection of this piece of paper, and must have slipped it in a book and forgotten about it.  I recently found it on the floor.


Looked for the book online and it seemed kind of suspicious to me.


What's your take on it?  Is it worth reading? Seems like Novus-Ordo approves of it.




MHFM: Her writings are false and should be avoided.  They were placed on the Index of Forbidden Books in the 1950s.




Subject: Vatican-SSPX Pantomime


Dear Brothers,


When Abraham Foxman, ADL thug-in-chief, writes publicly to the Vatican usurpers to tell them how to run their new fake “Catholic church”, this is surely pure theatre to make us believe that the Vatican is not already controlled by the same secret Jewish elite so fanatically served by Foxman himself. It's a brilliant ruse and deceives almost everyone, for who would even suspect today that the drive to practise "sensitive relations " with Talmudic and Cabalistic Jews emanates as much from inside the counterfeit church as from outside it?


Now last week, around the time Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX, received a "confidential" Doctrinal Preamble from "Cardinal" Levada, up pops Abraham Foxman again, this time insisting that no reconciliation between the Vatican and SSPX proceed until the SSPX formally accept Vatican II's repudiation of the Church's alleged "anti-Semitism". And, it seems, he's very confident his demands will be met!


Now, who more suited to surrender to these absurd, antichrist demands than Bishop Fellay? He calls Jews his "elder brothers in the faith", he repeatedly trots out politically correct condemnations of "anti-Semitism", he subscribes to Holocaust mythology so uncritically that he'll sack a fellow-bishop just for questioning it, and he has introduced into the very heart of the SSPX's legal and financial administration a corporate attorney whom many now suspect to be an infiltrating marrano Jew (the subject of the Krahgate scandal). SSPX priests seem largely oblivious to the danger. Doubtless this is an apt chastisement for their lack of fidelity to ALL the Church's teachings rather than to just the majority of them.


You are so right about their utter blindness in certain key theological matters. Anyone who wishes to discuss such matters with them will be amply repaid by carefully studying and even memorizing your Answers to the 19 Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism, for these priests (and their laity) are virtually guaranteed to repeat the identical nonsense you so ably expose therein!


Timothy Johnson




Subject: Guidance Regarding Religious Issues


To Brother Peter Dimond


Let me introduce myself my name is Chloe Silva am about 45yrs of age and a  mother of 3 boys . I am writing to you from India, from Goa To be specific we are a small  comunity of Roman Catholics may be population of 6 lacs or so some of whom belong to new sects   By some divine providence i came across your a video on you tube and was able to go on your website . It was like an answer to a prayer cause i was asking God how to handle this problem of Latin Mass. i have  just come to know about the vatican 2 council etc, 90%of our people are unaware of anything wrong going on. I need to know how to handle a couple of issues regarding this matter and there is no one i can  ask  and was hoping you could guide me. Having realised that going  to the Novus Ordo is no longer an option, i would like to know ...........


- Where to go for a confession of mortal sin as there is only one priest i can think of who was hopefully ordained before1968 , and if it is not so what do i do?it goes without saying that this priest belongs to the local parish and says the Novus Ordo mass 


-  I was baptised in 1965 but most probably my 1st Holy Comunion and Chrism was not valid as it was according to the Novus Ordo rite and so was the Baptism 1st Holy Communion and Chrism. So how do i proceed regarding all this matter ?  Can we do the spiritual comunion after handling the problem of confession of mortal sin?


-How do i handle the last rite of the old in my family? (my parents and uncle ) this is a reality i have to think about. 


I am in bit of a difficult situation here and i hope i am not troubling you too much with all my queries


I Thank you in advance and God Bless u




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Your first question is answered in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?.  We assume you realize that one must never attend the New Mass for any reason.  You should be able to find a priest who was ordained before 1968 (or in the Eastern Rite) for confession.  If not, then obviously there’s nowhere for you to go.  In that case, a person would need perfect contrition plus the intention to go to confession to be forgiven of mortal sin; but there should be an option somewhere for you to go to confession.  A person must also be in agreement on all critical issues of faith before receiving sacraments, and that person should make the traditional profession of faith. 


Communion and Confirmation are not valid in the Novus Ordo.  Thus, the first time you would receive Communion in the traditional rite would be your first real Communion.  What qualifies as your “first” Holy Communion is not the main issue.  The main issue is that, once you hold all the correct positions, you make sure that you have confessed all mortal sins to a valid priest who says the proper words of absolution, and that you receive Communion if there is a legitimate option.  To your next question, you should not worry about receiving last rites; you should focus on making sure you (and the people you know) hold the true faith and have made confessions of any mortal sins that might not have been confessed to valid priests.   Being in the state of grace should be the focus. 




Subject: Cross, SSPX, Vickery


Dear Brothers,

The Catholic Church has never used the upside-down cross as a symbol for St. Peter or for anything else - the symbol for St. Peter is Keys as is seen on the Papal Flag. However, satanists have always used the upside down cross to show their hatred for Jesus Christ. Antipope John Paul II proved he hated both Jesus Christ and St. Peter by his words and actions of apostasy, e.g. Assisi prayer meeting. He wore the upside down cross because he was the Antichrist, and it is the cross of Jesus Christ that conquered the world, the flesh, the devil and hell. The cross of Christ represents life because Christ rose from death, whereas the upside down cross represents death.

I thought it was interesting how the Jews quote the exact documents in Vatican II which affect them. It shows that they are deeply involved in the teachings of Vatican II. Also, isn't it interesting that Antipope Benedict XVI prays with the Jews, Muslims, Lutherans, Anglicans, "Orthodox," etc. - none of whom are alleged to have "full communion" with the Vatican II Church, yet the SSPX has to jump through rings of fire in order to be recognized. Why the SSPX wants to be in communion with such antichrist apostates is a very big mystery as well - a mystery of iniquity.

Pope Benedict XV would just say "whatever" to Tim Vickery: Pope Benedict XV - "the universe, whatever be the order that sustains it in its parts." It's not that hard to see that Pope Benedict XV doesn't really care that much about HOW the universe functions, but rather with WHY it exists, i.e. because it "is the work of the creating and preserving sign of Omnipotent God, who moves and governs all, and whose glory risplende ini una parte piu e meno altrove." The dogmatic geocentrists remind me of the flat-earthers who, despite all the evidence to the contrary, would still believe the earth is flat...

God Bless,



New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video, a recent conversation.  Also note his open rejection of Catholic teaching, his belief in "baptism of desire," and his admiration for Novus Ordo heretical "bishop" Chaput.


V-2 "Catholic" says he has problems with Jesus [video]





Dear Bros. Peter and Michael Dimond,


          The reason why there was an upside down cross where PJPII sat was because the Roman Catholic Church teaches that he is the successor of Peter and that he is ascended to the throne of Peter. And since that was the Petrine cross and he was the successor of Peter (as many VII Catholics believe) thats why he probably sat in that cathedra.




MHFM: John Paul II had the huge upside-down cross over his head when he was in Israel on March 24, 2000.  When he did that, it was not in commemoration of St. Peter.  There was no commemoration of St. Peter at all, and it wasn’t done on any of St. Peter’s feast days.  The upside-down cross is one of the biggest symbols in Satanism.  That’s why the satanic antipope used it.  The people who argue that it was for St. Peter are simply outrageous, desperate and without anything to back them up.  In fact, John Paul II even used it on his vestment before he was antipope, when he was a “cardinal,” which further destroys their argument.  That is shown in this video.


This video discusses the matter and related concerns.  You should watch it: John Paul II's Amazing Connection to the Upside-Down Cross and the Antichrist. 




Subject: Irony


Dear Brothers:


The Devil must be having a real party in these last times.


The Jews themselves have proven that those who promote baptism of desire, invincible ignorance (and all the other renditions of the lie that there is salvation outside the Catholic Church) are morons and liars.


Consider the recent noise coming from Jewish quarters about the SSPX.  The Jews are voicing their concern that by embracing the SSPX, the "Vatican" may no longer accept Judaism as legitimate, but may return to its pre-Vatican II teaching that modern Judaism is an apostate and false religion and that to be saved, Jews, like all men, must convert to Christ and to the true Catholic Faith.  On the part of the Jews, there is no ignorance at all as to what the true Catholic Church has always taught.


How ironic that the Jews themselves prove that the SSPX and all the other V2 "Catholics" are utter fools and liars, and that the Vatican II "Church" is the end-times Counterfeit Church which is leading millions to hell.


Lee Ann




Dear Brothers,


I have a question about the fast on Saturdays and what it means? Is one obligated to observe it or is it voluntary? your counsel is very much appreciated.


God speed,



MHFM: If it’s not marked as a day of fast on the calendar, then there isn’t an obligation to fast that day. 


More Dishonesty


Also, the Holy Father said that the cosmos "may not be" organized in spheres as "our ancestors" once thought or imagined. That is a specific geocentric model, which is employed by Dante in his works, and does not mean geocentrism specifically, but only a subsequent model based upon it. This theory is similar to how we imagine the earth's atmosphere to work combined with orbits and planetary motions. It held that what we now thing of as space or outer space was - similar to the earth's atmosphere - constituted of less or more substance that differed as one entered, exited or approached another sphere, with each sphere contained the orbits of a planet or set of planets.

You said that the Pontiff said the earth "may not be" the centre of the universe; however, and in fact, he did not say that: he said that the universe or cosmos may not exist in the manner specifically imagined by them (i.e., at a certain period of time), and also utilized by Dante, which is perfectly in keeping with the theory of geocentrism in general, wherein it is perfectly permissible to debate the exact constitution of the geocentric universe, which also is in keeping with Church teaching in general; namely, that the study of natural philosophy is perfectly legitimate so long as it admitts and accepts those certain divine truths that are revealed by God and, therefore, cannot be doubted or discounted or made subject to debate, as if they were merely of human authority, origin or imagination, because these truths are as true as God Himself is True and are, therefore, foundational (so to speak).


Tim Vickery


MHFM: You are just lying at this point.  You claim that Benedict XV “did not say that” the Earth may not be the center of the universe.  Actually, that’s exactly what he said.  But we cannot stop people from lying.  Here’s your statement compared with what he said:


                 YOU                                                                    WHAT HE SAID

You said that the Pontiff said the earth "may not be" the centre of the universe; however, and in fact, he did not say that:

“and though this Earth on which we live may not be the center of the universe as at one time was thought…”


Certain people in the “traditionalist” movement, who believe that the Church has dogmatically defined that the Earth is the center of the universe or that geocentrism is a binding teaching of the Church, cling to this position despite all of the evidence about the specific pronouncements at issue.  In the process, they demonstrate the bad will we frequently see from heretics.  It’s similar to “King James Only” Protestants who, despite reason and evidence, cling to the position that the King James Version is the only accurate and representative text of the bible on Earth.  With both groups emotion gets the best of reason and factual argumentation.  In the case of the dogmatic geocentrists, they feel that if you say the Church has not officially taught geocentrism, then you are capitulating to modern science, which has fed us the lie of evolution.  However, in acting in this way they demonstrate their intellectual immaturity and their inability to be honest when emotion drives them to a certain position.  They fail to realize that to carefully examine the evidence about whether the Church pronouncements on this topic require a belief in geocentrism is not necessarily to deny that the Earth is the center of the universe or to put your confidence in modern science over divine revelation.  It is simply to be honest, accurate and consistent about this precise question, which is something these bad-willed individuals aren’t capable of doing. 


Pope Benedict XV, In Praeclara Summorum (#4), April 20, 1921: “If the progress of science showed later that the conception of the world rested on no sure foundation, that the spheres imagined by our ancestors did not exist, that nature, the number and course of the planets and stars, are not indeed as they were then thought to be, still the fundamental principle remained that the universe, whatever be the order that sustains it in its parts, is the work of the creating and preserving sign of Omnipotent God, who moves and governs all, and whose glory risplende ini una parte piu e meno altrove; and though this Earth on which we live may not be the center of the universe as at one time was thought, it was the scene of the original happiness of our first ancestors, witness of their unhappy fall, as too of the Redemption of mankind through the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.”




Dear Brothers,

I thought this article in your news section was quite interesting concerning upcoming September 27th,
"Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker By US Military".  The article discusses the stresses between Saudi Arabia, Israel, the U.S. and the possibility of an all-out global war. There is mention of the intercontinental military tunnel complex between Washington D.C. and Denver that has cost taxpayers $40-trillion dollars. These tunnels were supposedly nuked (underground) recently and may explain the supposed earthquakes that were detected in Colorado and the D.C. area during the same time period. These tunnels make the sound of the "trumpets in revelations" when massive amounts of air are released through the main openings. I didn't realize the CIA had moved it's headquarters under the Denver International Airport Freemason Complex back in 2005.

The article includes additional information about 9/11, where the weekend prior… [there was] a 36-hour "security update" shut-down of the twin towers.

God bless your work,





Subject: Their Problem with Jesus


Dear Brothers:


It isn't surprising that the Vatican II member whom Brother Peter spoke to recently has problems with Jesus' words.  All Protestants have problems with Jesus' words.  They have problems with the necessity of believing all that Jesus taught, and of hearing His Church.  They have problems with the Papacy Jesus established, which is the only means through which all ages might know truth. They have problems with the doctrines Jesus taught us.  And the Mass and the Eucharist.  And Confession and the other Sacraments.  And the Saints.  They have problems, in fact, with all things Catholic - including the Bible.  Protestants, indeed, are people who have serious problems.


As for the e-mailer believing in Protestant myths:  With the mainline Protestants, the Father of Lies has to instigate and keep alive myths about the Catholic Faith. The sheer volume of these myths and the intensity with which they are held is, to me, yet another proof of the falsity of baptism of desire and all the other deceptions through which is promoted the lie that membership in the Catholic Church founded by Christ is not necessary for salvation.  If these Protestant lies about the Inquisition and all things Catholic weren't necessary to Satan's cause of getting and keeping people outside of Christ's Church, you can be sure Satan would not invest so much time and effort in them.  Satan must keep these people in the Protestant stance:  a stance of protest or revolt.


Any person who can read Scripture (or have Scriptures read to them) knows that Christ founded a Church.  And every Protestant person knows that he is a member of one of many, many sects that have departed from that Church in the 16th century in protest against the Church founded by Christ.  When a person hears about or sees what appears to be problems with that Catholic Church, whether he be Protestant or Novus Ordo, he has to accept one of only two possibilities. He must say to himself:  Either there is a problem with the Church Jesus Christ founded, or there is a problem with my perception or my understanding of things.


Whether they realize it or not, both the mainline Protestant and the Vatican II person refuses to be disturbed by the fact that there is something very wrong with what they themselves are seeing or hearing and that they, therefore, need to examine the matter further.  Whether they realize it or not, both actually contend that the problem lies with Jesus Christ, and not with them or with their perception or their understanding.  Which brings us back to the point the caller admitted:  yes, indeed, he has a problem with Jesus.


God bless MHFM for teaching us the true Catholic faith.


Lee Ann 




Subject: BOD


In God's mercy, all truly repentant sinners are forgiven.  In God's justice, all unrepentant sinners are condemned.  What is Baptism of Desire; but, to say that the unrepentant sinner is forgiven?  Even if a man does not repent before death, and does not desire for baptism, according to modern BOD, he is forgiven without a desire, and without repentance of sin.  What a mockery of the justice of God.

Can unrepentant sinners be forgiven?  Yes, according to Baptism of Desire.






Subject: Revised Missal



You have said that the word ALL instead of MANY in the Wine Consecration invalidates the New Mass. The Revised Missal, due to be put into effect soon, now has restored MANY in the Wine Consecration. Is the New Mass now valid?



MHFM: No, it wouldn’t be valid.  That’s because 1) almost all of the “priests” offering it were ordained in the invalid new rite and are not valid priests; and 2) the deliberate removal of mysterium fidei has not been corrected.  The deliberate removal of those words from the established and traditional form of the Roman Rite – words that bear a precise meaning signifying the real presence – manifests an intention contrary to that of the Church.  The only reason they are going back to “many” in the New Missal is because the Devil and Benedict XVI know that the apostasy is well in place now, and this act will make no difference except in the minds of duped members of the Counter Church.  




I enjoy your posts but… i will not return to the woman spoken of in revelation, nor do I ignore the fact that the catholic church has killed millions in the name of the pope.  The blood of the saints is on the churches hands and I'll paddle my own canoe and try to follow the ten commandments which the Catholic Church by the way has changed to accomidate the pagan practices it has incorperated into its ritualistic half hour worship to baal. God bless you guys no hard feelings just been learning too much lately.




MHFM: No, you have been brainwashed by Protestant myths.  To correct your misconceptions, you might want to start with this video: Catholic Inquisition Myths Busted [11 min. video].  The biblical evidence for Catholicism is overwhelming and irrefutable.  Only a dishonest person could deny it. 




I enjoy watching your videos…Modern "Catholics" are very blind and prefer to hero worship the pope rather than worship the true and everlasting God through the REAL and TRUE Catholic faith. Conversion comes from God himself, if these people don't want to change they will probably die in their sins.

But the real culprit is vatican 11 with all the bad popes, and clergy who blindly teach false teachings they are the ones with the ENORMOUS responsibility of souls answerable to God.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Actually, the post-Vatican II “popes” are not popes at all, as the material on our website demonstrates. 


Are you?


Are you truly Catholic or exposing Jesuits?




MHFM: We are truly Catholic and the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) was a great order that produced some of the Church’s greatest saints and especially missionaries, including St. Francis Xavier and St. Isaac Jogues.  We reject and condemn the modern post-Vatican II “Jesuits.”  They are not truly Catholic and not real Jesuits.  Many Protestants labor under paranoid delusions about the Jesuits: what they are involved with, and what they are capable of. 




Dear Brothers  Dimond,


I have a statue of a “pope” with the name of John Paul II at the bottom. I bought it long before I discovered the atrocities of his actions and before Bent XVI took over.  The image although somewhat traditional, when observing it, it seems strange, first of all it is supposed to be J.Paul II but at the same time it looks very much like Bent XVI, it is quite strange.  I have taken the name of J.Paul II from it and have stored the statue in a drawer. Would it be advisable to actually throw it away ?



M.Fernanda da Siva  


MHFM: Yes, you should throw it away.


False Devotion


Subject: Exorcised Holy Water on Counterfeit Divine Mercy Relic Medal


I came to believe that the "Divine Mercy" devotion was counterfeit/false from reading your webpage on false apparitions.  I had purchased a "relic medal" of the "Divine Mercy Apparition" from a catholic shop.  It has the familiar "Divine Mercy Image" on the front and the typical white cloth on the back.  Still being deceived by the novus ordo "angels of light" I believed I felt that "Divine Mercy" coming from the relic.  I wanted to test the "relic" to see if it was authentic by pouring some exorcised holy water on it and praying that the "divine mercy"presence would leave (obviously thinking it was probably counterfeit/false at this point)  An obvious exorcism through the grace of the holy water manifested.  That "feeling" i had before ceased when I touched the relic afterwards.  I'm not saying everyone should go around throwing EXORCISED holy water on these relic medals because you don't know what can happen.  But I do suggest they use prudence and dispose of them carefully.   I don't know how far this goes in proving the apparition is false, but it certainly points in that direction.




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We would recommend that people just get rid of them, rather than perform ceremonies over them.  However, your story is interesting. 




Your website tells it like it is! I am glad that you stand up for the truth and it's a shame that there just isn't any true catholic priests that have the faith anymore or make a stand against the heresies that are barfed out of apostate Rome for the last 50 years!


For these so-called "trad" priests, they have adopted the policy, "DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL" regime, while they bury the truth behind rituals that look good while pretending they have the faith and ignoring the fact that the man they claim to be with, they rarely make mention of on Sunday, (YES, HE'S THE POPE), try to look the other way as if by ignoring the fact that they truly know that these "popes" are apostates, that SOMEHOW everything will fall back into place in the church someday?? WHEW!


Without your site, I wouldn't have come across alot of the things that have been done and said in Rome since Vatican II. This site of yours is about the only place to get the truth on and that's sad! That Remnant magazine is worse than most novus ordo mags!






Subject: V II Heretic


I guess this guy believes, truths have a shelf life or an expiration date or that Jesus is a liar.  What can you really say after listening to so many people like this, it’s very sad, their confusion, lies and the bad will all over the world.  All of these people need to have this easy false belief system, otherwise they would not be able to live the life style that they have, they would be tormented by their conscience.  After listening to him… I immediately thought of St. Anselm because I got the feeling, he thinks there is safety in numbers:


Saint Anselm: “If thou wouldst be certain of being in the number of the elect, strive to be one of the few, not of the many.  And if thou wouldst be quite sure of thy salvation, strive to be among the fewest of the few… Do not follow the great majority of mankind, but follow those who enter upon the narrow way, who renounce the world, who give themselves to prayer, and who never relax their efforts by day or by night, that they may attain everlasting blessedness.” 


In Mary, 





Subject: Man who has a problem with Jesus




Regarding the man who has a problem with Jesus: Evil.


Your work is much appreciated. I hope that the Lord returns at the end of October in the middle of Benedict XVI’s blasphemous apostasy and puts His precious foot upon that beast’s neck in front of the entire world.


-Thanks again,

Michael Glennon


The Self-Delusion of Evolution


MHFM: This is an interesting quote from biologist and Noble Prize winner, Dr. Francis Crick, one of the men who discovered the DNA molecule.  Confronted with the proof for intelligent design in biology, he said:


“Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but rather evolved.” (Francis Crick, What Mad Pursuit, 138.)


They trained themselves to deny reality. 






My name is Phil...I am a computer technician with a major university...I have a youtube channel and was recently introduced to your channel...from there I went to your website and am becoming quite convinced by your arguments...I have been listening to your radio shows and debates and can honestly say I’ve never heard anyone speak so strongly in defense of their religion...I was raised for the most part as a Jehovah’s Witness...but the Bible is problematic for their religion, and for every religion except the Catholic religion...when I approached the elders with a theological question which could have been perceived by them as a challenge to their doctrine, the only answer I received from them was to wait on Jehovah and see...I have been reading the Bible and there is no question about who Jesus Christ is...He is definitely God...there is definitely a Trinity...it’s all there...It says a lot to me that you don’t back down despite all the things that are happening with the world and the Church...The university here tries to knock the faith out of people by telling them the Bible isn’t true and there have to be other worlds, I’m sure you’ve heard it before...I’d like to order your package...I have a family and must think of their spiritual well-being...I want them to have the true religion...your site is helping me with this decision...thank you


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.  This video discusses and analyzes some false arguments that were e-mailed to us on this topic.  It also discusses our article on the matter. 


Analyzing a false argument and the Theological Status of Geocentrism [video]


The article that is discussed in the video is found here [PDF].




Dear Brother Peter dimond


I know it may be heretical to talk to you. My name is jeremy wong. i am from singapore but i will be going to perth australia to study and i intend to stay there. I hope to become a Roman catholic priest. recently i was sttudying the changes in the Mass of paul vi by the Freemason annibale bugnini amnd i cans ee the contrast. The prayers of the foot of the altar has been deleted  The Intriot has been deleted. The Intriot has always been the beginnig of the order of the Mass. It is rarely said as most of the time the mass of paul vi has enterance hymn. The offetory prayers have been supressed. even the come thoou santifier almighty god let us bless thesse sacrifice that is prepared in thy name has been removed. and so as the prayer to saint michael asking God to bless these incense so reaches with a sweet ascent has been deleted. the priest communion i will take the chalice of salvation and can upon the name of the Lord ahs been deleted. Even tsome liturgical books refers the chalice of salvationa s the chalice being offered ate consecration. the 25 sign of the cross over the bread and wine have been reduced to one time the new rite orf ordinaton is almost lik,e the anglican ordination. But however there are some positive the obedience to the Bishop is placed before a deacon is ordianed a priest and that is important as you do not want any priest who are damaging the unity of the Church the important prayer of consecration is this Almighty Father grant the servant of yours the dignity of the priesthood. renew within him the spirit of holiness.as the co-worker with the order of the bishops may be faithful to the ministry he receive from you Lord God and to others a model of good conduct


Moreover the new rites speaks of the priest offering sacrifice on behalf of the people.  I like teh tridentinne Mass  Pope Pius XII and Pope John xxiiii wanted to allow the verancular translation of the tridentinne Mass and not wholesale changes to the Mass. i believe when Pope paul vi says in Missal Romanus that parts of the Mass that have been added but served little advantage are to be deleted. This goes against the spirit of Tretnt. It is not fair to say readings like the Last Gospel have been delete mean arianism is no more the Muslims Jehovah witness mormons and oneness Christian deny the Triune God and Jesus as the incarnate God.  I know i place muself in serious trouble for talking to you. But no body listen to me


Yours sincerly in christ

jeremy wong


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The information on our website is true.  It is based on the teaching of the Catholic Church.  You must reject the Vatican II Church and the New Mass, and abandon your intentions of becoming a “priest” in the false Vatican II sect.




Good Afternoon,


I am a Christian News publisher.  A good friend of mine sent me a package of your materials in a 12x9x3 box, which included a 600-page book about Vatican II and the heresies of John Paul II and Benedict.  I read this entire book and much of the other material in the package. 


I was asked to give a lecture at Cape Canaveral during the time of the first Assisi prayer meeting held by John Paul.  I knew what that meeting was and that he was promoting an Antichrist doctrine and I said so at my lecture.  The Bible says we must believe in Jesus Christ for salvation and John Paul and Benedict teach differently. 


I am a Lutheran, and do not agree with what you say about Martin Luther, of course, but I’d like to promote your book about Vatican II.  I’m going to publish the information on the back cover of it and recommend to my readers that they contact you to obtain it.


Thank you for putting this invaluable information together.


MHFM: We are glad that you are making the information available to your readers.  We hope you recognize the information that demonstrates why Protestantism is not true Christianity.




Subject: WG Tarpley 911


Dear MHFM,

As the 10th anniversary of the 911 false-flag was approaching, I was listening to some very, very interesting audios on the subject by a fairly serious researcher WG Tarpley. His book is in its fifth edition and he really has some new info ''bombshells'' to share (especially concerning the 46 exercises on 911 that almost no one ever talks about). Long story short, if people want to know what 911 really was (or what it also could have been) and how it could have been accomplished with such precision and coordination you should really listen to these shows (of course if time permits...). IMO amazing info...

thank you and God bless,

V. from Croatia


links to recent 911 connected, downloadable, free audios:









Subject: Bayside Apparitions


I am grateful that I heard your message on the radio here in the Lehigh Valley.  I received your package with the Padre Pio booklet and the booklet which refuted Protestant claims about the Virgin Mary and explained the truths about Catholicism.  It very well addressed these issues and explained very adequately.


I was baptised Catholic at the age of 6 but was not raised in Catholicism due some very bad experiences my father had with the church but the Lord drew me back to Himself and used the Bayside apparitions to do it, I believe.  I was not well versed in the Bible but knew enough to recognize the contradictions you point out in your website.  They bothered me a great deal because I know that God does not contradict Himself.  The Bayside apparitions made me desire to pursue the Lord even more but I could not accept the New Mass and had trouble believing that it is legitimate. I remembered the Masses of my early childhood and missed them.   With regard to Pope John Paul II, I was appalled that he welcomed all the false religions and said that we should not try to convert them!


I want you to know that you are doing a good job of explaining your position and you have underscored my doubts and questions about Bayside and the New Mass.  Most members of my family have quit going to Mass because of the New Mass.  They cannot believe that it is valid.  They have not abandoned prayer nor their Catholic beliefs or practices but feel left adrift with no church to go to.


By the way I am 64 years old, so you can kind of judge how long ago I attended a true Mass… At Bayside they said that if you were baptised Catholic you must remain Catholic to enter Heaven.  I'm sure that is true.  Because of his cleverness, the devil does mix truth and falsehood.  I hope to hear from you. 




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Your e-mail seems to indicate that you accept the Bayside messages.  Those messages contain heresies and false prophecies, as this file shows:  False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section].  Their goal was to keep “conservative-minded” individuals inside the official Counter Church.  The Bayside Messages were definitely false and not of God.


To continue to believe in those false apparitions, after one has seen the evidence exposing them, would be to deny the faith.  You say that if someone is a baptized Catholic, he or she must remain a Catholic to be saved.  Are you implying that if one is not converted or raised as a Catholic, that person might not have to die a Catholic to be saved?  The Church teaches that all who die as non-Catholics are not saved, regardless of whether they were raised Catholic.  One must avoid the New Mass and have the entire faith to be saved.  We’re glad that you came across the material, and we hope that you consult the rest of the information. 




Subject: SSPX flip-flop


Dear Brothers,

Here is a quote from the letter the SSPX superiors sent to the Vatican II sect in 1988 in protest of Lefebvre's "excommunication." Notice their refusal to be in communion with the Vatican II sect, while simultaneously calling them "the Church." That's schismatical!!! Also, they condemn the "religions of Assisi," yet look now how the SSPX is flirting with Rome and doing everything to get back into communion with the Whore of Babylon while Antipope Benedict XVI's new Assisi apostasy is just around the corner. There is no excuse for such apostasy from either side…

Open Letter to "Cardinal" Gantin - Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops , Ecône, July 6, 1988: "Eminence, Gathered around our Superior General, the Superiors of the Districts, Seminaries and autonomous houses of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X think it good to respectfully express to you the following reflections... On the other hand, we have never wished to belong to this system which calls itself the Conciliar Church, and defines itself with the Novus Ordo Missæ, an ecumenism which leads to indifferentism and the laicization of all society. Yes, we have no part, nullam partem habemus, with the pantheon of the religions of Assisi; our own excommunication by a decree of Your Eminence or of another Roman Congregation would only be the irrefutable proof of this. We ask for nothing better than to be declared out of communion with this adulterous spirit which has been blowing in the Church for the last 25 years; we ask for nothing better than to be declared outside of this impious communion of the ungodly. We believe in the One God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, and we will always remain faithful to His unique Spouse, the One Holy Catholic Apostolic and Roman Church."

God Bless,





Dear Michael Dimond,

I've enjoyed listening to you on Coast to Coast and as well have been checking out some audio/videos on your site.  I appreciate your thoughts and interpretations of the times we are living in…

Seattle, WA




Really? Wesley Clark?  The same discredited traitor who is was in command at the Waco siege?  The only time in our history that we used tanks and our military force openly on US citizens!  Come on bro?  At least research a tiny more. They burned 90 civilians to death and had special forces raid a private citizens home because he was a "threat". First amendment: freedom of religion. He won't talk about it either. Don't get all defensive. Just research, move on understand my knowledge. I expect more from you. Ask Ron Paul about Waco and war criminal  Wesley Clark. I bet he cringes.  He attacked our own citizens with the [expletive deleted] US MILITARY AND BRITISH S.A.S!




MHFM: You are obviously a moron.  The fact that we link to a news item in which Wesley Clark is admitting the agenda to cause regime changes in the Middle East [for Israel] does not mean that we endorse other things he did.  In fact, the statement he made is all the more revealing precisely because it comes from one who held an insider position.  If these people don't get elevated in the manner they desire, sometimes they will spill the beans in moments of frustration, and those revelations can be all the more powerful.


Moreover, just because he said something that is true does not mean that we endorse him personally.  We are also familiar with what happened at Waco.  Thus, your criticism is wrong, poorly conceived and demonstrates both your lack of charity and lack of insight.  Your language also demonstrates that you have spiritual problems.




Subject: Questions about how much has changed


Good morning,

  Yesterday morning my mother yelled for me to turn the TV to the local Mass for the Archdiocese of Washington Dc (we don't own a car) and as my fiancée and I watched we realized that the priest was stating things that were "off"; the Apostles' Creed that was professed by the laity is different from what I learned; the version I learned states at the end " I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints....." In what they stated there was no mention of the communion of Saints, and there seems to be a change from Holy Ghost to Holy Spirit; is there a difference?... I turned off the TV… and began to pray the Rosary, which brings me to my next question; I pray the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries...when/why was there an additional Mystery added? Any clarification is greatly appreciated.

God Bless,



MHFM: The changes to the creed are obviously serious and reflective of a new religion.  That’s why people must reject the New Mass and the Vatican II Church.  The New Mass is invalid.  However, both “Holy Ghost” and “Holy Spirit” are acceptable ways of referring to the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity.  We hope you consult the rest of the information.  It demonstrates that the “Archbishop” and “Archdiocese” you are looking to are not Catholic.  Please see our video, Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid. 


You should not pray the Luminous Mysteries.  They were added by Antipope John Paul II in a diabolical effort to depart from the traditional Rosary.  The goal was to change everything.


Beyond Redemption?


Subject: Beyond Redemption?



After studying the Story of Jesus and all he did for us, I realised how wrong I was as an Atheist and wish to be accepted among God and His angels. But I dont know if I am beyond redemption. In my life I have said terrible, terrible things about God, Jesus and the Faith as a whole (For which I am truly sorry), even praising and idolising Satan, but at the same time I have always considered myself a 'good' person. So now I dont know that me wanting to be accepted would be viewed as selfish by God. You, as a man of the Faith, do you have any idea on this? Am I beyond redemption?




MHFM: You are not beyond redemption.  If a person is capable of repentance, then he is not beyond forgiveness.  You can be forgiven of the terrible things you have said about Jesus and the faith.  God says:


Isaiah 1:16-18- “Wash yourselves, be clean, take away the evil of your devices from my eyes: cease to do perversely, Learn to do well…. saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool.”


What you need to do is pray, especially the Rosary, for the grace of conversion.  Once you are convinced, follow the steps to convert: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.  It’s necessary for your salvation.




I've been traveling and handing out a lot of your material, the DVDs.  One lady approached me at a store I had briefly noticed her when I walked in cause she was wearing a longer skirt well she came over to me and said "I noticed you are wearing a brown scapular and Rosary" and she handed me some biz card about some radio show she has on Pius V I said "he was a good pope" she asked me where I go to mass I just told her I am a trad. Cath. she said so is she and wanted me to look at the info on the biz card I said hold on went and got her about 5 or more DVDs she took them.  Well I have a serious question:  I feel a LOT of stress from everything.  We recently moved off the coast it was VERY stressful etc....still not sure where we will stay.  But time feels to me so short it is as if we are living in "fast-forward" ----- yet people go trudging about their lives............I pray and try to give the info out as often as possible however it just seems like most people just do not want the truth or Christ's religion it seems almost as if people really WANT to go or would just rather or prefer to go to hell than to make the effort to pray and study the FAITH....




Dear MHFM:


I just wanted to comment on how profoundly different my world view is now. Before I learned about the true Catholic faith through your website, I used to admire my mother's world. She is a retired employee of the United Nations, and I myself worked for municipal government which received federal funds for local projects and organizations. I used to think that corruption was limited to the few. I never dreamed that the system was corrupt by design.


Needless to say, I am now self-employed, and even though I don't receive a steady paycheck, I know that the funds I receive were given voluntarily. This cannot be said of taxpayer funded employment.


I now shudder to think that the twin towers may have fallen due to greed and power-hunger... And that a municipal government may have been at the heart of making it happen... Thank you for opening my eyes. Even though I miss my old life (through force of habit), my new life is rich in love and life.






I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for convincing me of the truth of the real Catholic faith.  Bless you for doing what you do and I pray that the true message of Christ reaches more souls.


Wesley Flees




Subject: Mankind ten years after 9/11/2011


Dear Brothers,


As I watched memorial events take place this past Sunday one thing is clear. There is an urgent feeling of concern in the minds and hearts of those who currently seek out the truth in all aspects of life. One is able to find the truth, not just about religion, but all about what really happened to America on September 11th of 2001. The greatest conspiracy in modern history was pulled off right under the noses of over 300 million Americans along with billions of people world wide. When one watches those who were well aware of what went down on 9/11/2001, comforting the grieving survivors as well as family members of those lost, it is sickening to watch. World leaders who are cahoots with evil money and those who want to have the world for their own, are the epitome of hypocrisy when they hug and comfort those whose loved ones death is for all intents and purposes was done by people they report to and have loyalties toward. These same victims, along with those with an evil agenda, more importantly have been duped by the master deceiver into believing the lies spread about false religions and that one can be saved in all of them.


God bless your efforts,


Bob Bohr




Dear Brothers


It was good to hear your Radio Discussion, I'd hate to be in Rome when the Heretical Conglomerate Assembly (Assisi thing) happens If Rome lasts long enough to accomplish this… Would a Scapular still be valid to wear when the picture and words are nearly faded? I visited some catholic shop (store is not really catholic (claims to be but there's v2 heresy every where in the store), just go there to buy rosaries and scapulars) Believe it or not there is a Triquetra (Wiccan, Germanic pagan symbol) wooden ornament in the store) along with books on the tales of Aquarius,J.R.R. Tolkein Lord of the Rings novels) Safe sex junk, Benny the heretic novels almost all of them !!!! along with movies with john paul the Damned, Paul the SICK and John the Dirty Mason (23). Has any one heard of the seven sorrows rosary apparently formed in Africa? I haven't but it's smells like Devilry


Sorrowful Immaculate Heart of Mary Pray for us, Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on Us,

A Slave of Jesus in Mary,

Roy James Sandbank


MHFM: It would be permissible to wear one that is faded.




Hello MHFM:


My name is Anthony Reyes.  My mother and I love your book about Padre Pio and want to distribute as many copies as possible.  At the affordable prices you are offering us, we will order five boxes at a time to help the monastery save souls.  We want to be part of the ministry and we can distribute these books to many, many persons…










… Brother Michael Dimond,


Not long ago, I obtained a film you were in about Creation & Miracles Past and Present. I bought said film at St Vincent de Paul’s store at a mall where I live.  Brother, I must say, after watching your varied conversation about different aspects of truth, about the age of things, and other things you had to say and explain about things in past history, I then became astounded... The main reasons I became astounded, and believed what you talked about in your film was because I never heard anyone say the truth… There was a time when I used to be Catholic when I was brought up in an orphanage...the orphanage was run by Sisters of Charity.  This, of course, was back in the 1940s.  I was there from 1942 to 1954. 


Today I am almost 70 years old.


There is a very good chance I will convert back to Catholic…



Richard L. Gergich




Subject: Jared Lee Loughner’s Connection Discovered


What terrible dogmatic views you hold. If the devil caused this then maybe the Catholic church needs to sort out its Own demonic possession…

Maybe you should stop painting people with a broad brush if you don't want people to do the same with you…








I just finished reading a book by Brother Peter Dimond called The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  My friend had a copy of it on her coffee table and she told me I could have it.  This book so impressed me that I want to get your $5 offer.


Thank you so much!



False Arguments


Subject: False Arguments


Dear Brother Peter,

What an excellent and well thought out refutation of yet another ridiculous, utterly illogical argument raised against MHFM! Your correct analysis concerning bad-willed individuals is worth repeating: "It's interesting how when you rebuke these individuals, they look to find fault with argumentation and they wind up falling into pits every time through their bad will, and the dishonesty of their intentions comes out." Sadly, these people blind themselves in their own pride and remain obstinately at enmity with Truth.

"You must ask God to give you power to fight against the sin of pride which is your greatest enemy, the root of all that is evil, and the failure of all that is good. For God resists the proud.
" Saint Vincent de Paul

I'm glad you posted, The Theological Status of Geocentrism. http://www.youtube.com/user/mhfm1?feature=mhee#p/u/6/fY2k-iPvhuY It was very interesting and well worth watching. Thanks.

In Christ,





Most Holy Family Monastery


Hello, for over a year I suffer because of presence of evil spirits. The spirits are with me everywhere, inside and outside of my home. There are at least two men spirits and three women spirits. The spirits came to my life and told me that they come to me to improve my life. But after a year I can see that it is ordinary lie. They are parasites and feed on my energy. They don’t want to help me, they want to control my life for their own purpose. I heart that good spirits only suggest what to do and they don’t do antything by force. The spirits which tormenting me now tell me simply what to do and when I disagree to them they slapping my face, my head, jerking my guts which is very painful.

So please do help me, please pray for me and drive them away from me for good. I realy need your help. I wait to hear from you.


Kind regards,



MHFM: First, you need to pray the Rosary each day, and you should say special prayers to the Virgin Mary that the demons will go away.


Second, this is extremely important: you need to completely IGNORE THE DEMONIC INTERFERENCES.  You must not respond to them, even when they bother you.  Act as if they don't exist.  When people give them more attention, God usually allows the evil spirits to have more influence in their lives.  That’s discussed in this audio. 


Third, if you are committing a mortal sin – for example, a sin of the flesh such as fornication, adultery, masturbation, looking at pornography, or something else – you obviously need to stop.  The commission of mortal sin not only places people in spiritual bondage to the Devil, but it makes them vulnerable to the things you are describing.  


Fourth, if you are a heretic or not a true Catholic, you need to convert to the Catholic faith.   The steps for how to do so are on our website.




Hi Brother Dimond,


My name is Luis C i am writing you after i saw and heard your you tube video about a man calling the monastery and leaving messages claiming he is Jesus Christ and Claiming Virgin Mary was his Mother i also heard when you said thats a clear case of possession and Satan is loose doing damage all over the world… I will like you to hear this  tape recording, it happened Sep 1st at night when my wife and i call a married couple in Florida this is what happened in the middle of that Phone Call…


Best Regards Luis & Donna


5 minutes


Subject: 5 minutes


Dear Brothers,


… I just want to comment on what AandR wrote to you. He spends 5 minutes looking at the information in your website and says 'that it is clear', meaning he understood all the information? wow that's amazing but what is clear to me is the gist of the antichrist's gospel manifested in his statement.


God speed,





Is any rosary acceptable to use when praying or do you know of any online stores that sell them? I'm wondering if they have to be blessed before I pick up any rosary to pray. Thanks for your time.




MHFM: If you have one that appears to be a traditional rosary, you should use it.  It’s not necessary that it be blessed before you use it.




Subject: Catholicism and America


Dear MHFM,

I just re-watched your video "Catholicism and America". . . it's such an excellent piece that's definitely worth watching (especially if you're "uncertain/dissatisfied about the V2 sect to which you might belong", because it is something of a quick summary of the horrible eclipse of the Catholic Church. Also, you clearly state/prove the point that most "catholics" are only interested in "the building" and the "sense of community" rather than Christ Jesus' established eternal truths (Catholic Dogma).


The video mentions only 40 out of some 700 people received Holy Communion when it was actually valid and widely available. . . I hope the numbers are more favorable for the amount of people (few that they may be) who actually take advantage of the last two remedies for the world (praying the Holy Rosary daily and practicing True Devotion to Mary- outlined by Saint Louis de Montfort).

May the perfect love of Jesus and Mary reign in all hearts!


P.S. We are truly blessed during this darkest hour by the most generous and merciful God to have such powerful remedies against the snares of Satan, the flesh, and the world. Also, we are truly blessed with the singular "powerhouse of True Catholicism": Most Holy Family Monastery. . . May God continue to preserve you from all evil and bless all of your work!




Subject: Email from AandR


Dear Brothers:


AandR typifies the V2 mindset in so many ways.  Yes, when it comes to examining the Vatican II antipopes' destruction of the ostensible "catholic" church...the reason for the state of the world in general...and the fulfillment of end-times Biblical prophesy -- well, they'll give it 5 minutes.  This is both the modern apostates' idea of scholarship, and the blindness that has resulted from their denial of truth, especially the denial of the truth that there is No Salvation Outside of the Catholic Church. 


After reading their remarks, I was reminded of the passage from Luke:  "But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?"  


The fulfillment of Jesus' statement is stunning, yet V2'ers completely miss it.  They miss it because, according to their ecumenical/apostate minds, having "faith" means having vital signs.  So everyone alive -- whether they deny the Holy Trinity and Jesus Christ the Redeemer, or the dogmas Christ has taught the world through His Church -- everybody's got the "truth", even the atheists as the False Prophet assures people.  All you need is luv ( and vital signs).  After that, it's heaven for all according to these misguided people. 


How Satan mocks his stooges who receive not the love of the truth.


Lee Ann


Snap Judgment


Subject: AandR


Dear Brothers,

It seems to me that whenever the Just are criticized, it often turns out that the person doing the criticizing is actually condemning themselves; the sinners' curses will bounce back off the Just. AandR being a case in point. They admit to only spending five minutes on MHFM's website, and yet accuse MHFM of being "judgmental," when they've simply made a snap judgment. Anyone of good will examines all the facts and angles of an issue before making a judgment. They are surprised that MHFM has written about the salvation dogma, and then proceed to maliciously and sarcastically imply that MHFM are heretics, i.e. outside the Church, which is outrageous, and also shows the true lack of charity that heretics, schismatics and apostates display - especially of the Vatican II cult - since if they really believed in the salvation dogma then they would try to correct any errors they may have seen and convert the person… The "Divine Mercy" devotion is completely demonic and totally impure.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions, so unless mercy, charity and love are founded upon the truth of the Catholic faith, then all the good works in the world will not get one to heaven. I have also found that many people who are opposed the absolute truth of the Catholic faith, i.e. the dogmas, do not pray the 15 decade Rosary everyday, even though they may try to give the appearance of being very devoted to God.  False Traditionalists are often like that. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the perfect model of truth and charity since it was from her that the Son of God took a human nature, despite the ridicule and hatred the devil stirred up against her. May the Blessed Virgin Mary keep the faithful Catholic remnant in her Immaculate Heart. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us…

God Bless,





Subject: SSPX


You are probably aware that Bishop Fellay has been invited to Rome by "Cardinal" Levada to talk about the theological discussions that have gone on for the past two years between the heretical SSPX and the apostate Vatican II sect and to see what the future holds for their talks. This meeting is scheduled for September 14… this can be nothing more than mutual collaboration in deception. They can talk all they want but the truth is: they have already reached a diabolical accord on the issue that really matters and they won't even touch--the salvation dogma. They both reject it, period, and as you have said before, once the salvation dogma is rejected it's over. They are helping one another fool the world and lead souls to hell. Your recent radio discussion was great and thank you for it. And thank you for the reply you gave to my recent question about the Twelve Step movement, another deception steeped in the belief that any religion is good and respectable--except the true one, the Catholic faith.
Joseph Ramirez




… Your point is well taken, it isn't even possible for the new missal to restore what was destroyed- it’s a deception to put more smoke and mirrors in front of the minds of catholics, to appease without true change and repentance…




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


MHFM Radio Discussion, Early September 2011





After 5 minutes on your site it is clear that you are the judge of what the "true" faith and church are, (not the pope or bishops), and you are the real authority on Fatima, not Sr. Lucia.  Oh, of course she is an imposter since she does not agree with you.  And it is surprising that you make reference to "No salvation outside the church"  I guess it never occurred to you that that may just be where YOU are.    Of course not.  Not YOU.  You in your humility are the only real judge of what is true.   You are truly amazing!

"Oh, blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I TRUST IN YOU!"

(St. Faustina's Diary on Divine Mercy paragraph 84)




MHFM: You are obviously not inclined to the dogmatic truth of the Catholic faith; for that’s the basis upon which we form our conclusions.  You don’t understand proper Catholic judgment, fidelity to the Papacy, or how to adhere to the teaching of the Magisterium.  The “pope” and “bishops” you mention believe in salvation outside the Church (heresy) and endorse false religions (apostasy).  They accept pro-abortion figures as “Catholics,” and promote many other heresies.  According to the teaching of the popes, they are not Catholic and have no authority.  Benedict XVI is without question an antipope.  If you would spend more than five minutes, you might begin to recognize the overwhelming evidence for what we are saying.  You might begin to understand the Catholic faith – but then again, maybe not, for bad-willed individuals will not be persuaded no matter how much evidence is provided. 


Found out


Subject: Aliens & Niburu


Dear Brothers Dimond:


I just found out that "Father" Jose Gabriel Funes on an interview with the Vatican's L' Osservatore newspaper declared in 2008 that "the existence of alien life did not conflict with Catholic theology", and based on this fact can we agree that this is simple a heresy since this his assumption is not based on the Bible or on the Teachings of the Church before Vatican II? Also, I was told that CNN reported 2 weeks ago that the Vatican is preparing to announce the coming of Planet Nibiru along with a fleet of visiting "aliens". If this is true then this is very troubling and deceptive…




Spiritual Illness


Subject: Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness - Yahoo! News


This sounds like the same condition that the Apostles encountered when they were evangelizing the New Roman Empire under the Catholic Church.  It's funny though, they want to portray this problem as a natural sickness and not the true supernatural sickness, POSSESSED BY DEMONS BECAUSE OF FAITHLESSNESS!  The sick kingdom of Europa!



In Mary,





Subject: Chocolate


Dear Brothers Dimond:


I have a question about chocolate. Our family likes chocolate treats and desserts and I decided to see whether the Bible makes reference to chocolate but I cannot find any. I understand that chocolate was not available to Israel in the time of Jesus. So I cannot find a reference to it in the Bible. Do you know how chocolate should be treated? Is it acceptable to enjoy an occasional chocolate bar or does it represent indulgence and gluttony? I would think that moderation would be the key...




MHFM: It is acceptable to enjoy a chocolate bar. 




Maybe you could make a movie that exposes the ufo phenomenon. It would be very popular, and it would implicitly bring more people to your website and view the rest of the information.





Dear Brothers,

Yesterday during mass a lady gave me a card on praying for the souls in Purgatory. I thought that after Sunday's assault God could be leading her to get the truth. After mass I spoke with her and gave her the quote card which always has your website on it. She reminded me of the typical V-2 false charity type. She also looks Pacific Islander, so I was wondering if there was any connection between her and the assault man. However, I ignored that and figured that she might be good-willed since she seemed so kind. She even said to not worry about what some people who go there are like, and that that is why her daughter was not there on Sunday. It seemed miraculous.

However today after mass, she called to me and we spoke. I asked if she had seen the website, and she said her daughter had seen it and said she needs to look into it more, and that she complained that "these people are against all the popes." I explained to her some of the things I had mentioned the previous day - we spoke at length. I demonstrated clearly that Catholics must judge. However, I realized that behind her nice manner, she was determined to try to change my position, and was not interested in finding the truth at all. I told her she is showing obstinate bad will, and that she is a heretic. She said she thinks I am the heretic because I reject "the popes." I asked if she thinks Benedict XVI is a pope when he goes and prays with Jews. She said we can't judge. I said she is an apostate… She called me an antichrist, and as I began walking away she said, "as our Lord said, begone satan." I said, "you're satanic," and left. Once I directly challenged her, her malice became clear. She had also told me that she has 19 grandchildren who go to the SSPX school there, so she has a great deal invested in the SSPX' position…

Apocalypse 2:19-29 - "I know thy works, and thy faith, and thy charity, and thy ministry, and thy patience, and thy last works which are more than the former. But I have against thee a few things: because thou sufferest the woman Jezabel, who calleth herself a prophetess, to teach, and to seduce my servants, to commit fornication, and to eat of things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her a time that she might do penance, and she will not repent of her fornication. Behold, I will cast her into a bed: and they that commit adultery with her shall be in very great tribulation, except they do penance from their deeds. And I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am he that searcheth the reins and hearts, and I will give to every one of you according to your works. But to you I say, And to the rest who are at Thyatira: Whosoever have not this doctrine, and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say, I will not put upon you any other burthen. Yet that, which you have, hold fast till I come. And he that shall overcome, and keep my works unto the end, I will give him power over the nations. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and as the vessel of a potter they shall be broken, As I also have received of my Father: and I will give him the morning star. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches."

God Bless,





The vatican II roman catholic church is false apostate church. Where can I find the One, Holy. CATHOLIC, APOSTOLIC CHURCH TO EXPERIENCE THE EUCHARISTIC PRESENCE OF JESUS CHRIST as member of The Mystical Body of Christ… Can you provide a discussion about the history of the Catholic Church on your you "tube channel" concerning the split of the church into the eastern seat at Constantinople and the western seat in Rome which is now the apostate heretical vatican II "catholic church"  Is the eastern church the True Church that we can be members of Christ's Mystical Body.  Does the eastern rite church recognize the roman "pontiff" but operate separately from the Roman church. If the eastern rite churches recognize the roman apostate heretical "pontiff" then is the eastern rite church the True one, holy, catholic church established by Christ through apostolic succession from Peter the first true Pope. So where do you have the True Eucharist and the True church founded by Jesus Christ. I have read the general information on your web site but it does not specifically answer these concern. PLEASE ASSIST ME IN THIS resolution




MHFM: Your questions about receiving sacraments are addressed in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today? The Eastern “Orthodox” are schismatics and heretics who reject the Papacy.  In our Papacy section, we have materials dealing with their views.  There are Eastern “Catholics” who accept the Papacy, but they generally accept the Vatican II Church.  Some of those priests might be options for the sacraments, however, as the file explains. 




Subject: Vaticancatholic.com


You "Catholics" are trying to spread hate and distrust and should be ashamed of yourselves.  Jesus loved everyone; you are definitely not Christ-like with your rantings.




MHFM: You obviously are just one of a myriad of individuals who labor under a false notion of love.  In your case, it has impelled you to consider the truths of Christ hateful.  You also fail to provide any specific example from our material to back up your charge.  Heretics who write to us frequently employ that tactic.  They don’t specify what they are referring to because, if they did, their error would be refuted.   




Just have watched video "Creation and Miracles, Past and Present", whole 58 minutes kept me on screen, it is very touching and proving that our Holy Catholic Church is the truth, am proud to say that i live in Croatia… I am 19 years old… thank you brother






"Liber Augustalis" on Heretics


I found the following about heretics from a translation of the Constitutions of Melfi, a legal code for the Kingdom of Sicily promulgated in 1231 by Emperor Frederick II…

"Heretics try to tear the seamless robe of our God. As slaves to the vice of a word that means division, they strive to introduce division into the unity of the indivisible faith and to separate the flock from the care of Peter, the shepherd to whom the Good Shepherd entrusted it. Inside they are violent wolves, but they pretend the tameness of sheep until they can get inside the sheepfold of the Lord. They are the most evil angels. They are sons of depravity from the father of wickedness and the author of evil, who are resolved to deceive simple souls. They are snakes who deceive doves. They are serpents who seem to creep in secretly and, under the sweetness of honey, spew out poison, while they pretend to administer the food of life, they strike from their tails. They mix up a potion of death as a certain very deadly poison. These sects have not been marked by their ancient names lest they stand out in public, or, what is perhaps worse, not content to be called Arians from Arius or Nestorians from Nestorius or something of the like from the same kinds of fellows, they call themselves Patarines like those who have been exposed to suffering, in example of the martyrs who underwent martyrdom for the Catholic faith. Indeed, these miserable Patarines, who do not possess the holy faith of the Eternal Trinity, offend at the same time three persons under one cover of wickedness: God, their neighbors, and themselves. They offend God because they do not know the faith of God, and they do not know his son. They deceive their neighbors insofar as they administer the delights of heretical wickedness to them under the guise of spiritual nourishment. They rage against themselves even more cruelly insofar as, besides risking their souls, these sectaries, lavish of life and improvident with death, also expose their bodies to the enticements of cruel death which they could avoid by true knowledge and the steadfastness of true faith."


God Bless.


MHFM: Emperor Frederick II was frequently at war with the Papacy, and was excommunicated numerous times.  However, the quote does reflect traditional Catholic teaching on heretics. 




Hello Brothers.


I have been praying the rosary for a while now everyday.  Now I have one question ? when i start to pray the rosary past the Center, do i start by going clock wise or counter clock wise? i have gone clock wise but the picture on how to pray the rosary starts on the right going counter clock wise, Please inform me 


God Bless you All


Joaquin Ruiz


MHFM: Either way is fine.




Subject: I have a story to tell you, about how blind the Novus Ordo Protestants are check this out


I recently have been trying to help out a Novus Ordo "Catholic" who contacted me on Facebook. I have been trying to explain the truth of the Catholic Church to this woman concerning salvation and there being none in anyway shape or form outside of it...AT ALL.  She told me she contacted a traditional "Catholic" priest and that he told her that Protestants were united to the Catholic Church they just didn't know it etc. This is absolute BLASPHEMY!! So I wrote her back and here is what was said....


Here's something to ponder on about what that priest said.   According to him, someone who is protestant can (AND THEY DO) hate the Catholic Church, talk trash about it, make up lies on it, hate and persecute Catholics, deny apostolic authority, deny history, deny the authority of the pope, deny the existence of purgatory, deny the necessity of confession, deny infant baptism, call catholics idolaters, refer to the mass as sacrilege and the greatest blasphemy that can be performed under the sun, call the eucharist a cracker god and idolatry, call Catholics idol worshippers, bad mouth the saints and call relics as well as the eucharist and confession superstition, bad mouth the rosary as unbiblical repetitious prayer as well as everything else the Catholic Church teaches and Catholics believe in as unbiblical and superstition as well as the Catholic Church being the whore of babylon, Catholics are children of the devil and followers of the antichrist who is the pope. And who teach and believe in every single heresy that the church ever condemned as untrue blasphemy and continue as heretics, continue in obstinate blindness and madness who continue in the MORTAL SIN of separation… who say the bible the church has was blasphemously and sacrilegiously added to and counterfeited.  And these people are part of the catholic church?... the Catholic Church condemns heretics without exception or distinction as well as schismatics and pagans, not the Vatican II sect though who makes excuses for everyone and says be an atheist it’s all good, deny Christ you still go to heaven, blow yourself up for the false god allah (Satan) and go to heaven, worship Kali and you're alright, if all this was alright then St. Thomas should have not gone to India and kept his mouth shut instead so the Hindus wouldn't have killed him, and the deaths of the martyrs was meaningless as well as in vain. St. Thomas More who I took my confirmation name from should have just bowed to Henry VIII's will and saved himself the trouble of having his head chopped off. I could go on but I think I've proved my point, I don't know what all else to say.


Here was her response...


Hi Andrew, like you I also believe the fullness of the faith exists only in the C.C. but it's hard for me to believe that someone who has been raised in a protestant church, will not be saved if they sincerely love Christ and follow the commandments… It's also difficult for me to believe when even the Cathechism says that they are also part of the C.C. though not conscious of it. Well like I said before these are subjects too complicated to write about. If you ever want to call me and talk about it, you are more than welcome but that's up to you. Take care


Obviously she does not believe truly in the Catholic Church… She still continues in this madness even after I e-mailed her over 14 pages of statements by the Saints as well as ex-cathedral statements by the popes such as Eugene IV. She still says protestants are "Christians" despite the fact that she read all those ex-cathedral statements as well as ON THE UNITY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH…






Subject: Concerning the E-mail “Noticed”


Dear Noticed, you sound very involved with eastern mysticism with a dash of your personal brand of Christianity.  You are very focused on feeling good and peaceful. It must take an enormous amount of energy to get "there" because deep down you know fear of God is the first step in wisdom. "Jesus died because he loved us right? :)" You say this and then you smile...When a person lays down their life for someone it's usually to protect them from something. If you really believed God came to earth as a man and suffered a horrible death for you, you would also believe his word...but you don't… You people who preach love of creatures are to be most feared… These people live a lie and so many of them that call themselves Christians think they can have it both ways because of this false notion of God’s love and presumption of God's mercy. St. Louis De Montfort says regarding this:" They say that God is good and merciful; that He has not made us to condemn us everlastingly, that no man is without sin... Nothing in Christianity is more detestable than this diabolical presumption. For how can we truly say we love and honor our Blessed Lady when by our sins we are pitilessly piercing, wounding, crucifying and outraging Jesus Christ her son"?  When love is bound with the truth it is good. When "love" is mingled with untruth such as false religions...run or fight, you're dealing with darkness.






Do protestant christians go to heaven?




MHFM: Someone who is actually a Protestant is unfortunately a heretic and not a Christian.  He or she rejects core teachings of Jesus Christ, usually in the areas of the Papacy, justification, the sacraments, and more.  Thus, the answer is no.  There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. 




There are three [things] which are universal to all religions (and more I am sure).  These are a feeling of importance, an understanding of the afterlife, and a sense of community.  These three things can be obtained in any false religion, and that is one reason that we have so many false religions.  Many people are simply in love with feeling importance, or salvation, or their community.  When you are calling these people and trying to inform them of the truth, they are simply saying that they do not need the Truth, because they have their truth, which already provides for them a great feeling of importance, a great theology and understanding of the afterlife, and a great community of "believers."  Of course anything that is "their truth", or "my truth" is roughly translated as Pride, because there is only one universal truth that is common to all men, which is the Word of God, who is Jesus Christ…

This is a big problem for the SSPX... they recognize that the New Mass is evil, and that the second "Vatican" council is evil... and yet they still support a man who was instrumental in the creation, and implementation of such evil.  They recognize as Pope, a man who is a Heretic, an Antichrist, one of the creators of an abomination of desolation (New "Mass")... and this man Benedict XVI laughs and he claps, and he smiles... tolerating with peace... the scandal, the failure of the "Catholic" schools, the abuses, the apostasy... But... the SSPX doesn't need Truth, because they have their truth.  They have their importance, their salvation doctrine, and their community... according to all false religions, who needs the Truth, when you can have your own truth… your own pride.






God bless all of you and thank you for saving my soul.


Richard Ascencio


MHFM: Thanks for the words of support.  Of course salvation is only attained if people persevere and die in the state of grace; but your sentiments of satisfaction over having found the true Catholic faith, and having been made aware of the deception of our day, are appreciated.




Subject: Very Relevant Proverb


Dear Brothers,


The first Proverb may just shine the most light on what the Vatican II sect needs to do.


"To know wisdom and instruction: To understand the words of prudence: and to receive the instruction of doctrine, justice, and doctrine and equity:"


The fact that this is the first Proverb tells a lot about how important this message would become late in history near the end times. It is like these "sheeple" have two hands occupied and someone wants to give them the truth but they cannot accept it because it would mean they would have to give up some temporal priority. Their eyes have been blinded by their bad will and thus they are on a very dangerous path.


God Bless your  efforts.


Bob Bohr




Subject: Radio


Dear Brothers,

I enjoyed your recent radio broadcast, keep them coming.  Your statements concerning outward appearances being a high priority among the bad-willed so-called Christians is getting worse with these social sites such as Twitter and Facebook, where the friend count is the up-most importance. The modern day priests are more concerned about being "one of the boys", then saving souls with the truth. 

When presenting the truth to non-believers (VII), it's like hitting coach roaches with a spot light, they all scramble. One of the first questions I get from the bad-willed is where am I getting my information from and when I mention the Traditional Catholic Faith, the non-believers go on to say that I must belong to a sect, of all things; considering they are funding the pedophile scandal through their weekly donations.  I have to look at these people as a cancer (devils minions) and just wonder how they can continue to function, as they stand strong in their lies that form their lives.

God Bless,

Tom Miles




Subject: Radio Program


Dear Brothers, 


I loved your updates on your Radio Program!  Amazing how even 'traditional' priests are so vain and proud and want only glory for themselves.!... Thank you And God bless you both!  Please continue to keep us so well informed....





Subject: The Devil & Divine Mercy


Dear Brothers:


I would like to add my two cents on the very interesting comments that have been made about the ersatz Divine Mercy devotion… I believe that the devils -- and Lucifer in particular -- are absolutely brilliant, having been infused with knowledge when they were created by God.  The devils are sometimes called intelligences, and, unlike men, they could not be Redeemed after their fall because when they had sinned, they did so knowing what the consequences of their revolt would be.  And we think their pride was mind boggling, which it was.  By then again, what about the pride of men who think they are the source of truth when they are made from the dust of the earth?


Satan is the prince of this world, and he knows all of its secrets and all of its science -- which may explain why in the 20th century, when the Apostasy was underway, the advances made in science were phenomenal.  Notice, these advances particularly in communications (radio, television, internet) didn't occur at the height of Christendom when they could be used for the glory of God; these 'inventions" arrived in the last century and were used, for the most part, to promote the Apostasy and sin.  Just like the invention of printing.  Can it be any surprise that it arrived on the scene just in time for the Protestant revolt which would culminate, five hundred years later, in the worldwide Apostasy?


We don't know how much of the plan of Creation God revealed to the angels before their fall, but many fathers of the Church believed the angels were shown an image of the Virgin and Christ Child, knew of the Incarnation that would take place, and revolted against God in defiance of it.  They would not worship God as Man.  And the reason was that the created order of angels was so far superior to the created order of man. But Satan and his followers forgot that their own intellectual gifts -- which they couldn't stop adoring -- had been given to them by their Creator. I seem to recall reading that every angel is a unique individual.  And if that is so, I think it might be fair to imagine that Lucifer had been created for leadership - as if it were his very nature.  Which may be yet one more reason why the existence of hell is reasonable, just and necessary.  God does not renege on His gifts.


In the Raccolta there is a beautiful prayer (#455, dated 1921) to the Angel who assisted Our Lord in the Garden of Olives.  It reflects this idea of the humility that was required by the Angels when it says:  "...By the honor thou didst enjoy and by the obedience, humility, and love wherewith thou didst assist the sacred Humanity of Jesus my Savior, when He was fainting for very sorrow at seeing the sins of the world, and especially my sins..."  The Angels by nature are superior to men, but had to recognize in that Man their Creator.  Sometime before the creation of Adam, many angels refused to do this; and these had failed the test.


Just as the Jews had to recognize their Redeemer in the humble Jesus of Nazareth, but most refused in their pride to do so.  And just like all Christians must recognize Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (a truth that was denied by the original protestant heretics, who revolted at the divine teaching just like the apostate Jews some fifteen hundred years before them). 


Satan is the most brilliant of God's creatures, and we can be sure he is a master when it comes to understanding the psychology of man.  As Satan used the woman Eve to introduce sin into the human race, so God would use another Woman (and her seed) to crush Satan and all who would follow him.  As Todd reminded us, the Most Holy Rosary is the little chain that will bind Satan in hell for all eternity.  How fortunate we are to have the opportunity to be faithful clients of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Lee Ann




Subject: Hurricane Erin



It's interesting on 9-11-2001 there was a Category 3 hurricane off the coast of New York, called Hurricane Erin, now with the tenth anniversary of the 9-11 zionist false flag operation there is the potential for another hurricane to be in the same area as Hurricane Erin, this one is called Katia.  Hurricane Irene is very suspicious, the way the authorities went about declaring states of emergency and evacuations in an early fashion as Bill Mulligan pointed out in his email.

In Mary,




Subject: Fatima


Like emailer Mark V and the emailer who got chased around by the muslims he was trying to spread the Gospel to:  I also had a (mini) "bad experience" in the V2 with the whole "muslim" thing-when I had a small job in a V2 fake-Catholic school and there was this one muslim lady there named "Fatima".  Every time I would see her I would smile and say wow you have such a lovely name like "Our Lady of Fatima" and I would thus "gently" attempt to evangelize her.  However,  unfortunately,  her hostility toward me-and my "message", which was the message of Our Lady of the Rosary!-well her hostility toward me and Christ's Gospel could not have been much more apparent no matter how much she attempted to conceal it...looking back it was just such an awful thing,  swimming around in the muck with all the horrendous heretics and not even knowing worst of all that at that time I was also a heretic myself--then GOD threw on the light-switch!  Thanks to you Our Lady of Fatima!...




Subject: Chaplet of the Divine Mercy


Dear Brothers in Christ,


I am in a group of people that say the rosary before mass on sundays and then when mass is over, we will say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. After doing some reading on your site, I've seen that people are calling the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy unacceptable. I do agree that it should not be a substitute for the rosary, but I think it is okay to say after mass is over, while also saying the rosary before mass. I would like to hear your response.


Dominus Vobiscum,




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The Divine Mercy devotion is a false devotion and it should not be said at all.  This file explains why: False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section].  We don’t know what Mass you attend.  If it’s a Novus Ordo “Mass,” of course one must not go.  Concerning those who offer the traditional Mass, only certain priests are an option, as explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?


But you should not pray the Rosary with those people because they almost certainly hold heretical positions. 




I have to say point well taken from TM in regard to the devil being that smart or being allowed to know all things concerning God, the point I was trying to make was that the fight so to speak started in the Garden of Paradise and how Our Lady and the Rosary are very involved, which the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima proves this out.  Once again to TM, point well taken.

In Mary,




Dear MHFM   


I think it is time for the SSPX to fold.  If they are never going to change their positions on the salvation dogma, sedevacantism. Also people should realize at this point, it only takes some good will and some grace, that the devil has his seat in rome.  The true catholic church is in the desert now.  The woman mentioned in the apocalyse 12.  In my diocese they are encouraging people to attend mosques and celebrate ramadan. this to me is BAD BAD. Something is terribly wrong here. Also I believe we are beginning to see the beginnings of a police state here in America.  DIVINE MERCY!  The devils substitute for the holy rosary?  Sister faustina was the Index of forbidden books before vatican 2 duh.  Thank you and godbless MHFM for your tireless work to save souls.   From mark v




Subject: Geocentrism and Baptism of Desire


Bro. Peter Dimond…


You quoted in the article, Examining the Theological Status of Geocentrism and Heliocentrism and the Devastating Problems this creates for Baptism of Desire Arguments. 


You've made a false assumption. Key words are shown in red and explaination follows:


Pope Benedict XV, In Praeclara Summorum (#4), April 20,
“If the progress of science showed later that the conception of the world rested on no sure foundation, that the spheres imagined by our ancestors did not exist, that nature, the number and course of the planets and stars, are not indeed as they were then thought to be, still the fundamental principle remained that the universe, whatever be the order that sustains it in its parts, is the work of the creating and preserving sign of Omnipotent God, who moves and governs all, and whose glory risplende ini una parte piu e meno altrove; and though this Earth on which we live may not be the center of the universe as at one time was thought, it was the scene of the original happiness of our first ancestors, witness of their unhappy fall, as too of the Redemption of mankind through the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.”


You missed something Bro.  The pope isn't stating that the earth may not be the center of the universe, rather he is making a proposition and drawing a conclusion: IF this....AND this...AND this....it still remains this....


You ought to get that argument off your page before someone catches it.  There is no science backing the notion that earth is rotating, barreling through space at 67,000 mph and wobbling.  Science lies.  Earth is firm, fixed and the universe revolves around it.




MHFM: We must say that you are completely wrong.  Since your letter was so arrogant, we will be frank.  You obviously don't read with much, if any, comprehension.  The fact that the paragraph contains "If" doesn't change the point at all.


A Catholic is not permitted to say: "If history has proven that Jesus Christ was not God…"  It would be heretical to make that statement.  A Catholic is not permitted to deny or doubt that which is dogmatically certain.  A Catholic is not permitted to call into question that which is revealed.  Benedict XV is saying that science may have proven that the Earth is not the center of the universe.  That statement could not be made if it were dogmatically certain, or if he considered it Catholic teaching, that the Earth is in fact fixed at the center of the universe.  In that context, he also says, “If… the number and course of the planets and stars, are not indeed as they were then thought to be…”  He is clearly calling into question the cosmological view that the sun and the planets revolve around the Earth.


Moreover, you are further refuted by the fact that his paragraph contains the following independent clause.  He states, as fact: "and though this Earth on which we live may not be the center of the universe as at one time was thought, it was the scene of the original happiness of our first ancestors..."  It's quite clear to anyone who can read.  He plainly states, as fact, that the Earth may not be the center of the universe, a statement that contradicts the position that it's a dogma that the Earth is fixed and immoveable at the center of the universe.


The purpose of our article was not to examine whether the Earth is the center of the universe, or whether it is not the center of the universe.  The purpose of the article was to analyze the issue of whether the magisterium has ever specifically pronounced on this matter.  The answer to that question is no.  You ought to think through your arguments more carefully before sending in such poor ones.




Dear MHFM,


As for the Divine Mercy devotion...it is completely false… We need to ask Our Lady for the graces to save our souls, and to continue to preserve against the enemies of the Holy Faith and those in the counterfeit church.  We need not fear that people think the absolute worse of us.  The most important thing is to serve Our Lord more perfectly each day, and the surest way to do this is through the Most Immaculate Heart of Mary…






Subject: Divine Mercy


Dear Brothers,

I have to disagree with Todd, concerning the devil having plans for spreading the Divine Mercy Chaplet as far back as the garden of paradise. I wouldn't give the devil too much credit for being too intelligent. Remember, he first gave up his place in Heaven by rebuking God with his pride. I don't believe the devil knows the future as only God does.

Once on earth, satan allowed Jesus to be Crucified on a cross that would eventually prove to be the symbol and a reminder of God's Mercy for centuries. The fact that Crucifixion was capital punishment at the time of Christ's first return was God's doing. I believe satan only wished he had known the impact and trouble the Crucifixion would eventual have on his attempts to destroy souls, in order that he may have prevented the Crucifixion as a means of death.

Over the last two centuries we have seen the development of all the false religions created by satan, though this was not good enough for satan.  I believe time was just about over for satan around 1880 and he came up with a last ditch effort to destroy the Church before time ran out. It wasn't until after 1880 that Pope Leo XIII gave us the prayer to Saint Michael. Leo XIII overheard the devil claiming to Jesus that he (the devil) could destroy the Church if given 75-100 more years and a greater power over those who would give themselves over to Satan's service. It wasn't until this time did we see God allowing the freemasons and communists to infiltrate the physical Church properties and a whole slew of heresies being spread around the world.

I believe that the lack of faith among people and God's ability to hide the truth from non-believers, allows the devil to appear somewhat knowledgeable. The devil's only original plan was to "wing it" (no preparation) and to lie and deceive as many people as possible before time ran out.

I recently had a former "VII in-law" tell me that "he doesn't think I'm too smart anymore" after my returning to the Traditional Catholic Faith. I suppose he will feel pretty smart being burned by hell fire for all eternity next to Einstein.





I noticed your page when I was looking up a song by Raphael. I just wanted to tell you how I felt because I think it's important. I used to be Catholic and all anyone (who was also Catholic) would do is make me feel bad all the time about all my "flaws". Well, I am only a human being... nothing more, nothing less... and believe everyone is beautiful and a child of this universe. From what I understand you are spreading the word of God.. so spread who and what God really is... LOVE... not fear. Jesus died because he loved us right? :)

I believe in spreading the word of love... love of this Earth, love of the universe, love of the gift of life that God has given us. When you spread words of fear and anxiety, what good do you do? You might feel as though you are informing people, but really you create guilt, sadness, and fear. This is of no use and won't benefit any souls.

When you open your eyes to the beauty that surrounds you, your soul realizes, there is nothing to fear - and peace will fill up in your heart. You are being held in God's loving arms before this life, in this life, and after you die... for all eternity.  God being the energy that fills up the entire universe.


MHFM: There is no love without truth.  A failure to distinguish the true God from false gods, God’s law from man’s lies, the way to Heaven from the way to Hell, is not charity but a perversion of it.  It’s obvious that you desire a form of religion that takes no account of human deeds or sins – one that allows people to do whatever they want without fear of condemnation.  That’s not reality.  Any “god” that would not set forth a code of proper conduct would not be just; he would not be God.  It’s better for you to wake up to the reality that actions do matter, and that there are things one should fear (as Jesus taught).  It’s better to face reality now than to convince yourself it doesn’t exist and to wind up damned in the end.


Matthew 10:28- “And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell.”


Psalm 110:10 – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding to all that do it: his praise continueth for ever and ever.”




Hi Brothers,

Do or did the "bishops" of the true Catholic Church prior to anti-pope Paul VI altering the rite of Holy Orders (if indeed that is the proper term for the sacrament and not the Vatican II altered name for it), thus rendering the sacrament invalid, produce some kind of publication every year listing all its newly ordained, even better, maybe even all the various orders and where all its priests might have been assigned and/or which priests retired in its diocese or in the orders and where they wound up?  It would be a huge help in trying to track down an old priest (pre-1968).  Since moving, it's been over 6 months since I've been able to confess my sins to a valid priest or at least one I presumed to be legitimately ordained. I'd feel much less anxious if I had a more secure means to check for myself if a supposed bishop was ordained under the traditional rite or episcopal consecration (pre-1968) and the rite they used to ordain priests versus taking somebody's word for it.  Please correct me if I'm wrong because my understanding is if one can't find a pre-1968 priest to confess to, that one can still be saved if they hold the true faith and make a perfect act of contrition, but similar to a waffling Fundamentalist Christian I suppose, being challenged about the lack of guarantee regarding their salvation, I'm filled with endless anxiety always wondering if my contrition could ever be sufficient or my intentions pure or honorable enough for Christ to forgive without the sacrament.  Will I be judged for not trying hard enough to find a valid priest?  That's what I fear.    



MHFM: There is no book that lists all of the validly ordained priests.  You have to call around and ask them some questions.  There should be a validly ordained priest in some city in your area, who could serve as an option for confession.  If you’ve made a sincere effort, you will not be held guilty in the precise matter of not looking for one.  That doesn’t mean that you will be saved if you die in mortal sin.  We think there should be one (at least for confession) somewhere within driving distance.  If a priest was ordained in the Eastern Rite, then the year would not be an issue since the rite is still valid. 





I am curious if your position states that if the post Vatican II Pope's are true Pope's then their teachings violate Papal Infallibility. Is this your view? Do you teach that if they were true Pope's they have taught heresy ex cathedra or what amounts to ex cathedra? If so what teachings of theirs meet that criteria? I am very interested in your perspective on this issue since I remember you saying something of this nature in one of your presentations. Thank you.




MHFM: Yes, if Paul VI was the pope, then Vatican II’s formal decrees on faith and morals would have been infallible.  Since the documents of Vatican II were in fact filled with heresies, that proves that they were not infallible and that the men who promulgated and implemented them were not true popes. 








This false devotion was planned by the devil in the Garden of Paradise, when God rebuked the devil:

Genesis 3:15   I will put enmities between thee and the woman {Mary}, and thy seed and her seed {devotees of the Rosary} : she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.  Those that are devoted to Our Lady and say the Rosary are the heel of Our Lady, that crushes the head of the serpent.  


The devil knew if his heretical false vatican ll church was going to be successful, he had to remove the weapon against heresy, he had to eclipse the Rosary in the same way that he was allowed to eclipse the True Catholic Church with his false vatican ll pit of hell.  Most people would not recognized this false devotion because of its speciosity.  Under the appearance of a devotion of the Sacred Heart {Divine Mercy}, many are drawn away from the True devotion of the Sacred Heart, that being the Rosary.  The Sacred Heart of Jesus comes from the Angelic Salutation, Mary's invitation to the Motherhood of the Incarnation, Jesus becoming Man with a Sacred Human Heart.  The Rosary is the whole story of Salvation!


The other deception is how the devil tries to hide the Gate of Heaven by which Jesus came to us and that being the devotion and submission to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  This is what Jesus wanted when He was on the Holy Cross {giving His Mother to us} and when He sent Our Lady to Fatima, saying He wanted His Mother to be acknowledged and loved, also to establish in the world a devotion to His Mother's Immaculate Heart.  Our Lady in comforting Lucia when she was told that she had to stay on earth longer than Jacinta and Francisco, She said this "My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the road that will conduct {bring} you to God". 


The only way not to be deceived by heresy and falsehood from the devil is to become part of Our Lady's seed that crushes the head of the serpent, what a humiliation for the devil!  The little chain will bind the devil in hell for all eternity!


In Mary,





Subject: UFO


Brother Michael...


You are mistaken to clump all UFO sightings into a demonic falsehood. I had an encounter in 1969 as a young boy of 14 years of age of a golden white disc shaped craft in broad daylight with another witness and in no way did it lead me away from Christ but set me on a path that last till this day on the realization of the creative power of God...I challenge you to prove me wrong.


Mark Quire



MHFM: No, sir, you are mistaken.  The implication of your first sentence is false.  You imply that we consider demonic anything that appears outside of nature.  Obviously we do not.  We believe God can and does give signal graces.  Those signal graces could be signs from Heaven that appear in the sky.  However, they would not appear as crafts typically associated with alien life forms.  A sign in the sky that appears outside of the natural order is either demonic or heavenly.  Thus, if something appears that is not of the natural order and it is not from Heaven, it must be demonic.  And if it’s identified in the way UFOs typically are (as a craft), then the only conclusion is that it’s demonic. 

Second, your conclusion is also wrong because you exclude the fact that God sometimes allows people to see manifestations of the Devil (or things outside of nature that are demonic) precisely to awaken them to a spiritual reality.  In that case, seeing the demonic appearance of a UFO could be a grace.  It would awaken the person to the reality of the supernatural world, and this would accelerate his or her spiritual interest. 


Finally, if we knew what you believed and if we could carefully question you about your positions, we might very well discover that you adhere to heretical beliefs.  You might adhere to them with a false confidence in your own “wisdom” because you consider yourself to have an inside track or a special spiritual understanding as a result of having seen a sign which you believe to be of God (the UFO).  In that way, something you consider to have drawn you closer to Christ could actually have led you away from Him.  It could have made you more complacent in heretical positions.  The Devil frequently deceives people in that way.


In any event, the reasons above (especially number 2) refute your claim that we are mistaken on this point. 


Divine Mercy


… We realize now that the priests of the SSPX won’t look at the evidence proving Benedict XVI, John Paul II, etc, are not true popes and they also won’t give up their baptism of desire heresies, but we try to talk with some of the people who go to the chapels.  Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don’t. 


We have noticed some increasingly strange behavior from the people who attend SSPX chapels.  The most recent example is while my sister was making a longer than usual thanksgiving after Communion, one lady motioned me to the back of the chapel.  She began telling me of the importance of the Divine Mercy chaplet.  We stepped out of the chapel and I explained how the Rosary is what is needed and began informing her about how Faustina and Divine Mercy are false when she suddenly closed her eyes very strangely.  Her eyelids were closed, but I could see her eyeballs moving rapidly around under them while she spoke, telling me that Jesus told her He wants us to say the Divine Mercy more than anything else.  When I refused to agree, she became visibly agitated, but finally left me in peace.  My sister and I left the chapel immediately afterward.  There are other strange occurrences, but probably nothing you haven’t already heard of.


We are grateful for our Catholic Faith and for MHFM.  Please pray for us and our family.  We always keep MHFM in our prayers.


In the Immaculate Heart,



MHFM: That’s very interesting about the (false) Divine Mercy devotion.  In our communications with people, we’ve seen numerous examples where people will say the Divine Mercy devotion instead of the Rosary.  In fact, about a week ago we spoke with another man who was quite receptive to the information, but he was not praying the Rosary.  He was praying the Divine Mercy instead.  Thankfully, after we gave him some facts on the matter, he indicated that he would stop the Divine Mercy devotion and begin to say the Rosary instead.  We believe that the purpose of the false Divine Mercy devotion was, first and foremost, to serve as a substitute for the Rosary, and that’s why it’s said on the beads.  False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section]




Greetings MHFM,


I found your site through a link about sedevacantism and after studying a portion of your material I’ve decided to purchase your large package.  My early education was traditional Catholic pre-Vatican II.  I haven’t been to a Catholic Mass in decades because I won’t go to the churches today.  It seems pointless when they don’t have a proper altar and they’re holding clown parties and the like.  It’s an unholy mess. 


Your articles and videos are very well done and you have the answers to what I’ve been asking for years… I’m really enjoying your site and look forward to receiving the book about Vatican II.


All the best to you,


S. Pinter






I received my order and I am very much grateful for a free book you included.  It was a book by Brother Peter Dimond called The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  I would like to thank you and to convey to him how impressive his scholarship is in this book.  I have not found anything like it.  I plan to order extra copies of this book to give out… Thank you again so very much.






Subject: Devil Story


Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


This was something I found which I thought I should share with you:  http://paranormal.about.com/od/demonsandexorcism/a/tales_11_04_01t.htm.  It's a true story about an encounter with the Devil.  Since you regularly discuss these topics, I figured that it might interest you.  I should take time here to state that your manner of dealing with the subject of the Devil is truly Catholic.  That the Devil can manifest his powers in ways that are apallingly frightening is something else that came to be denied with Vatican II.  Thank you again for your dedicated work, Brothers.


God bless,

Mario Chavez




Hello, I don't know what to say Exactly....I am a 38 year old Male.Single and living in… California. Recently I as well as many individuals either by Coincidence or By Design? have been Alerted to the Truth regarding Many Topics. Researching all sorts of Topics From 9/11 to Weather.. I felt I was doing something Rightous for people who didnt have the Strength to speak out or were too frightened..and I and others could somehow Help Spread Honesty regarding the Lies we Live around the world. I somehow always knew Something like Today was gonna come and I eerily thought to myself "I need to remember that I may be guilty of SomeThing, That I may take out my anger on the Innocent..I had No Idea that When I went to Mass (Which Is RARE these days?) But I feel it’s a disgrace to disrespect any Religion…


WOW! .I am Shook up..I used to be a Wild Child and just grew up I suppose but I always thought I was Cool with God.. By not being EVIL..Now I see they did me in..Initially after watching your fil I confirmed this with a few people. They also found it interesting that I would Text them some messages about discovering some odd things about the Prediction At Fatima..and then I start to see how its Suppressed..I am thinking..MAYBE I AM NOT SO READY ANYMORE...You know what I mean...Look I will be Honest..I am a tough guy but I am Freaking out and Scared!...I am going toput this on Loud Blast Truth and get it out to the streets where hopefully? this can become more widespread and MAYBE?? I mean I am So Confused ...I I feel afraid for what happens when the MASSES find out..TRUE that some are in Denial..But many are like ME..and Many know that If I come out and Say.."Hey,The Modern Inter[petation of the Catholic Church has been corrupted by the Dark Forces.  People are not going to handle it as well as me...What do you suggest?..besides the Obvious I guess??..Or should I ask him since he clearly spoke to me and through me...This Sucks !


-Thank You and I wish I knew sooner!

Much Love!

-Don Michael Lins


MHFM: You are definitely somewhat confused.  You say that it’s a disgrace to disrespect any religion.  That’s heretical.  Jesus teaches that we must reject (and thus disrespect) all non-Catholic religions.  The Church has not succumbed to dark forces.  Rather, God has allowed a Counter Church to be constructed, which has reduced the true Church to a remnant.  You shouldn’t be scared by this information, but excited to see the truth and have the opportunity to act upon it.  You should pray the Rosary each day, continue to look at the information, get out of the New Mass and, when fully convinced on the issues of faith, follow these steps:  The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.


Padre Pio


I went to the National Center of Padre Pio in Bardo, PA and prayed the Rosary, after reading the book about Pio you sent.  I could not help but notice a big picture of John Paul II.  I guess Padre Pio became a saint under his watch...which begs the question...if new order priests are not really priests and the new mass is not a real mass then are saints under the Vatican two sects really saints?


I suspect that you may be saying that is a stupid question...but hey I just thought I would ask.  Look forward to your response.




MHFM: No, they are not canonized because the Vatican II antipopes have no authority in the Church.  You should also pray the Rosary on your own, rather than at the center. 




Mr. Peter, you're not much of a Catholic to attack Fr. Corapi, are you?  You obviously don't know the man.  I do.  You're wrong.  DEAD WRONG!  Stop attacking God's Church.  You will be punished.  Why are you working so hard for Satan?  What has he promised you?  All worldly things will be useless when your dead.  


Or, if you do want to attack Fr. Corapi then don't call yourself a "brother".  You do work for Satan that's for sure.    


Praying for your conversion,

Lean Kon    


MHFM: You people are amazing.  Corapi is a well-documented heretic; he was found guilty by his order, and he didn’t even deny the core accusations against him (thus supplying 100% proof of guilt).  You are simply a liar.  You work for Satan, and without a doubt you are on the road to Hell.  He believes Protestants and Jews have a mission from God and can be saved.


The Truth about "Fr." John Corapi - You Heard it Here First


Almost mobbed


Subject: Almost mobbed


Dear Brothers,

I almost got attacked by a group of about 10 Muslim teenagers. I was handing out quote cards as I walked along the bus station to the train station. I approached them, wondering if they were Muslims, but intent on emphasizing the fact that a person must be a Catholic in order to go Heaven. I told this to one of them after he refused the card, and a few of them said Islam is the true religion. I said, "did you know Mohammed married a six year old?" One got very angry, and most of them stood up.  After some arguing, I was getting a bit worried they might start hitting me, but then one of them told me to "go." So I went and gave the card to a couple up the street a bit, who turned out to be their friend. Also, the angry one followed me and started arguing and insulting me. The rest followed him, and I was thinking it could be the end of my life.

However, I managed to explain a few things about why Jesus died, His two natures, Original Sin and the V-2 sect pedophiles - this was all in response to their questions. Then the angry one came right up to my face, whereas before his friends had been restraining him. I just remained calm and didn't say anything that aggravated them needlessly. I also did not make eye contact when he was so close as I believe he would have seen that as a challenge and then hit me. They wanted to know where I heard that Mohammed married a six year old. It appears that most Muslims aren't aware of this fact. So, for future reference, I noted the exact source of that little nugget of truth (it's in the Islamic equivalent of the Talmud), as well as the Koran's passage condoning pedophilia (65:4). I said I believe an Imam had said it, and that I thought it might be in the Koran. Next time I will be able to quote the precise location. Then one of them told me to go again. I said, "if anyone's interested" while holding up the card, and the one who had asked about Jesus said he was interested and took it. I could easily have antagonized them, after which they would have attacked me, but it's better to be prudent. They could have killed me if they struck the right points. Obviously it would be a different story if there was a Crusade on, or one was defending his property against Protestant heretics, but since neither of such extremes was present, I think it was better to avoid shedding blood. Also, both times God seemed to give me freedom from their hands. Most of them did not seem to want to physically fight, and were restraining those who did want to fight.

2 Corinthians 11:16-31 - "I say again, (let no man think me to be foolish, otherwise take me as one foolish, that I also may glory a little.) That which I speak, I speak not according to God, but as it were in foolishness, in this matter of glorying. Seeing that many glory according to the flesh, I will glory also. For you gladly suffer the foolish; whereas yourselves are wise. For you suffer if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take from you, if a man be lifted up, if a man strike you on the face. I speak according to dishonour, as if we had been weak in this part. Wherein if any man dare (I speak foolishly), I dare also. They are Hebrews: so am I. They are Israelites: so am I. They are the seed of Abraham: so am I. They are the ministers of Christ (I speak as one less wise). I am more; in many more labours, in prisons more frequently, in stripes above measure, in deaths often. Of the Jews five times did I receive forty stripes, save one. Thrice  was I beaten with rods, once I was stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I was in the depth of the sea. In journeying often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils from my own nation, in perils from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils from false brethren. In labour and painfulness, in much watchings, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. Besides those things which are without: my daily instance, the solicitude for all the churches. Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is scandalized, and I am not on fire? If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things that concern my infirmity. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed for ever, knoweth that I lie not."

God Bless,



New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


This man wrongly believes that by accepting Benedict XVI he is staying with Peter [video]


This is a recent conversation that's interesting.  This man (named Eric Kent Little) wrote in and said that he stays with Peter and that we have left Peter.  He wrote: "My sadness is for you!  It is a great tragedy you have left Rome!  I will joyfully stay with Peter, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI!"  We agreed to have a conversation about the matter.  This conversation demonstrates how well his claim holds up.  After he was confronted with numerous facts that demonstrate the falsity of his position, he decided that he didn’t have time to talk any longer. 




Subject: Creation – A Question thereon



I've searched your website as well as watched the creation and miracles dvd that you had and I must say you do have interesting material, I am very thankful to you all for sharing this important truth with us all.

I have an important question that's not only been on my mind for years now but unfortunately is brought up by many non-believers in an offensive way (I only pondered it curiously, never doubting the one truth, just myself not knowing how even though the others bring it up to try and prove their evolution points) and I was hoping that
you can explain this matter and what your thoughts are.

It's about race.  When I read about the tower of Babel in Genesis it says that God only confused their language: But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”   So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel—because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

How did the skin color and bone structure change?  Do you believe it's due to environment and nutrition (not meaning that we 'evolved' so to say, but rather 'adapted' through what was available?

I hope you have time to answer...




MHFM: The races are the result of the isolation of different populations.  The following link is an excellent – and quick – explanation of how the races came to be.  It’s from the book, In the Beginning, by a scientist named Dr. Walt Brown.  We sell this book.  It devastates the evolution hoax.  It also shows how the world-wide flood is Earth’s defining geological event.


This is a good explanation of how the races came to develop




Dear MHFM   


I read in Brother Michael's great book demolishing UFOs that good and evil angels can take human form.  Can they sustain that form indefinitely and even assume a full human alias living in the midst of humans as one of us? My neighbors torment us in many ways and brazenly defy the laws, seemingly have no real regard for the least sensitivity and most remarkably of all seem to have no conscience whatever.  One young man in particular seems to absolutely delight in nothing but evil.  I have had a profound sense in my prayer life that these are otherwordly creatures-the houses on both sides of us.  I asked a sign and clearly saw the young man in a diabolical spirit.    Please pray for me and my elderly mother who has suffered much from these creatures, and if they truly are not human, please pray That Our Lady will remove them completely.






#p/u/6/ege-v7eheyo a really superb new video-the water symbol/image in all scripture is so important, reminds one of Lourdes Holy water, and of the Samaritan woman at the well-of the rivers of Living Water...Jesus: and as for Jesus the Light of the World- wonderful,  very dense info here on Our Lord. 






Dear MHFM:


This is Shawna.  I already received the packages you sent and now we need 20 more of your books, Outside the Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation.  It’s such a good book and I know so many people I want to give it to, I just don’t know how to give it to some of them.  You know, I was thinking, even “baptism” of blood doesn’t make sense because how can our carnal blood take the place of the Precious Blood to ransom us from satan?


One other thing, since learning on your website that we should pray all three mysteries of the Rosary every day I have been doing it.  I was doing only two mysteries, but I now do all three.  The only thing is that I can’t do them all kneeling.  I usually do one kneeling, one walking and one driving.  I hope that’s okay… 


Thank you, Brothers and MHFM.  We always remember you in our prayers.


In the Immaculate Heart,





Good Morning Most Holy Family Monastery,


I just listened to Mitch Pacqua (sp?) tell me and everyone else who was listening to EWTN that I should read the Koran.  This is very disturbing to me.  Does Brother Dimond have some writing somewhere that shows what the Church teaches about that?  I remember being taught that Catholics should be careful about reading even the Bible, in other words, to read it only according to the Church’s interpretation and not like the Protestants do.  I can’t imagine that the Church has ever taught anywhere or at any time that Catholics could, let alone should, read the Koran.  If what he said contradicts what the Church has taught, then what he said is evil.  I will start looking again at your large book with 609 pages to see if I can find something about this, but if you want to respond, I will be grateful for your direction.


Thank you for your help.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  One should not read the diabolical Koran.  The only exception would be if a person (who is strong in the faith) is studying Islam in order to further refute and condemn it.  Advising “Catholics” in general to read the evil book of a false religion is another example of the apostasy of the Vatican II sect.




Hi brothers,


I would like to re-ask you some questions about a possible option for communion… an old priest that I found here in a small mountain village near my town (Bolzano). This priest has been ordained in 1952 and he said to me that when the Novus ordo mass has been promulgated in 1969 he celebrated it just once or twice. He immediately recognized that it is an invalid liturgy and so since 40 years he keeps celebrating the Latin Mass. Surprisingly the Vatican II "bishops" did not remove him. I called him up again. He rejects the false ecumenism of Vatican II and he said that the eastern schismatics should be converted (I specifically asked him about the eastern schismatics). In fact he said that the eastern schismatics are outside the Church because they deny the papal primacy and the papal infallibility. I said to him that I hold the sedevacantist position, he responded that he doesn't agree but he said that he cannot condemn my position.  Is this old priest, in your opinion, a valid option for communion ? 




MHFM: Yes, but one must not support him.




Subject: Questions


Your videos are very compelling. I am, of course, disturbed by some of your assertions. But there seems some contradictions. First, didnt Jesus come to save ALL sinners? Did he not die for, not just the Jews, but for Gentiles? And for all the world? (I am Catholic, by the way)

Secondly, how can you believe in Padre Pio and say that John Paul II was an Anti-Pope? That is contradictory seeing they both had great affection for each other.

I believe the abomination that causes desolation is Islam. I had a dream that Islamic extremists would attack Rome... with fighter jets, many that they confiscated through the turmoil in Libya, Syria, and Egypt... I believe Islam is THEE greatest threat to Catholics and to Christians world-wide. I am Catholic, but how can you say that a devout, true lover of Christ Jesus, prayerful and faithful will not enter Heaven, if they are not Catholic? Yet the Catholic church, and I love my religion, has been permeated by the most evil of people... I have many questions... I have by the way, been supernaturally reborn through Christ 15 years ago... I have traveled the world, I own several businesses and I am in the music, film, and entertainment industries... would love to continue dialogue with you when time allows.


Best Regards, D. Paul


MHFM: No, there is no contradiction between the truth that 1) Jesus died for all and 2) the fact that few are saved. 


Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 6: “But although Christ died for all, yet not all receive the benefit of His death, but those only to whom the merit of His Passion is communicated.”


Islam is an abomination, but it is not the Abomination of Desolation.  There is no evidence that Padre Pio had a high regard for John Paul II.  In fact, the only evidence we have of their interaction leads us to the opposite conclusion.  There is a report that Padre Pio was rough with Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) when, as a young priest, Karol went to confession to Padre Pio. 


You consider Islam to be an abomination (it is), but at the same time you seem to defend the Vatican II antipopes.  The Vatican II antipopes (including John Paul II) endorse, esteem and respect Islam.  That by itself proves that they were/are heretics and not true popes.  We’re glad that you are looking at the material, but you need to focus on accepting the true positions rather than reading into your dreams. 


Benedict XVI, Address, Dec. 22, 2006: “My visit to Turkey afforded me the opportunity to show also publicly my respect for the Islamic Religion, a respect, moreover, which the Second Vatican Council (declaration Nostra Aetate #3) pointed out to us as an attitude that is only right.”  


Benedict XVI, Catechesis, August 24, 2005: “This year is also the 40th anniversary of the conciliar Declaration Nostra Aetate, which has ushered in a new season of dialogue and spiritual solidarity between Jews and Christians, as well as esteem for the other great religious traditions.  Islam occupies a special place among them.”


John Paul II, March 21, 2000: “May Saint John the Baptist protect Islam and all the people of Jordan...”




Dear Brothers:


Thank you for the video on Why Jesus is the Light of the World.  It is absolutely outstanding.


Lee Ann




Subject: Letter to St. James, Martyr


Dear Brothers,

Some of your readers who have written in concerning the treatment of family members who have apostatized from the Faith may be interested in the following quote. This comes during a period of fierce persecution of the Christians in Persia when the king ordered the destruction of all Christian churches, and the sole profession of the Persian religion.

"James, overcome by the fear of losing his property and the honors he enjoyed at court obeyed the iniquitous decree [of the Persian persecutors]. But his mother and his wife, most exemplary Christians, who were then absent, having heard of his fall, wrote to him a letter, in which, after exhorting him to repair his grievous error, they said: "If thou wilt not return to the good path from which thou hast departed, we shall treat thee as a stranger, and separate from thee; it behooveth us not to have any communication with one who has abandoned his God to please men, and to secure to himself the perishable things of this life, which will cause him to perish everlastingly." Victories of the Martyrs, page 80.

Especially in these last days, Catholics must be ever on guard against the malicious enemy and his followers, those bad-willed children of Satan, who are to be found even amongst one's own family, be they father, mother, sister, or brother, etc.

"May the perfect love of Jesus and Mary reign in our hearts."

In Christ,


P.s. Your video: 'The Real Reason that Jesus in the Light of the World.' is striking. http://www.youtube.com/user/mhfm1?feature=mhee#p/u/6/ege-v7eheyo

Adam Miller not interested in debate


MHFM: We recently wrote to Adam Miller, an obstinate defender of the Vatican II sect and Antipope Benedict XVI, and challenged him to a debate.  He quickly responded by indicating that he’s not interested.






My name is Brother Peter Dimond.  I was wondering if you would be interested in a recorded telephone conversation/debate relating to Benedict XVI's validity, the Sedevacantist position, or Vatican II.


Perhaps we could debate one of these topics:


-Does the Sedevacantist or Benedict XVI deny Vatican I?

-Was Vatican II infallible, if Paul VI was the Pope?

-A particular passage in Vatican II that we consider heretical but you consider orthodox.


Let me know if you are up to the challenge.


-Bro. Peter Dimond




Dear Sir,


The duties encumbant [sic] upon me according to my state in life as a husband and the father of eight living children while in a financial state of emrgency [sic] does not allow me the convenient time to engage in a debate.


Thank you

Pax Christi,


Adam Miller


By the way, if anyone reading this wants to debate us on the Sedevacantist position or on a particular passage in Vatican II or on whether Vatican II would be infallible if Paul VI was the pope, please write to us at mhfm1@aol.com.  It would have been valuable to completely expose the position of Miller in a debate.  He actually claims to believe in Outside the Church There is No Salvation, while professing a communion of faith with men who utterly reject it.  His claim to hold that dogma is false, of course, because his position means that Outside the Church There is No Salvation is not a dogma binding under pain of exclusion from the Body but only a nice opinion that people may reject without consequences.  In an attempt to defend the Counter Church, Miller has criticized us and spread outrageous falsehoods on theological matters.  His position wouldn’t stand a chance under careful scrutiny.  




Dear Brothers in Christ,

The "catholic" Eric, whom you were conversing with about anti-pope B16, is just one out of innumerable V2 apostates, a typical one.  These apostates, when confronted with the true facts about their "Peter", always try to get away with it by appealing to some "context", which they, as a rule without an exception, have no idea about. As if some non-existent context would make their position true, when in reality the existent contexts of B16's statements would make those statements sound far worse. Of course, such an ignorance on their part, which is their own fault and the result of their extreme bad will, cannot lead to anything but contradictions. Out of many contradictions, coming out of the mouths of V2 apostates, I would this time single out Eric's "It is a great tragedy you have left Rome!"

Eric, if you follow the doctrine of your "Peter", which says that there is no need whatsoever to believe in Jesus in order to be saved, why would it be a tragedy if someone, anyone, "leaves Rome"?

Eric, I encourage you to search hard for every existent context of your "Peter"'s statements.  In these contexts you will find nothing but heresy, blasphemy, apostasy and then more heresies, more blasphemies and more horrible apostasies. Wake up, Eric, and stop being such a blind apostate you are.

Our Immaculate Mother and The Queen of apostles, and St. Joseph, the protector of Christ' Church, pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Dear Brothers,

I'd like to make an analogy with Tristan's email about Protestants exaggerating the numbers in the Inquisition. The Zionists do the same thing exaggerating the figures in the phony holocaust. They claim that six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis when the Jewish population of the countries invaded by the nazis did not even add up to six million. Poland had the highest Jewish population at about three million. It was much less in France and the other countries. It must also be considered that lots of Jews survived the persecution and many others fled Europe. When I point these facts out to people of bad will they still insist that six million Jews were murdered.





Subject: Mr. Little


Good points on Mr. Little, unfortunately.  I think he said during the conversation that he was “driving”, which would indeed be ridiculous if the conversation had been agreed to in advance.  So either that was a dodge, or he just didn’t take the challenge seriously at all.  The later premise I don’t think is out of the question, because most modern people have so little formation in these matters, they don’t understand that Theology is a well ordered Science (or should be), that they at first don’t even look to “facts”.  They think the whole subject is emotional or experiential, like the dopey followers of Protestant Televangelists.   They therefore may go into such a discussion completely unprepared, but also completely unaware. 


But if you had prior communications, this guy should have had some idea what he was in for… it is hard to comprehend.  I’ll never get used to it, no matter I see it over and over again.






Subject: B-16 - pilgrim of lies and apostasy


Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the recent heresies of Benedict XVI. He is really pushing heresy, schism and apostasy with the Assisi apostasy soon. He praises Judaism and Islam, neither of which worship the true God and both of which condone pedophilia. In order to keep his position, he constantly needs to emphasize the heresy of religious indifferentism, aka. "religious liberty," since people might start thinking that the Catholic Church is the only true religion, which he would never allow. The "pilgrims of truth, pilgrims of faith" is interesting. In reality it means that they are taking a pilgrimage away from the truth and the Catholic faith - a pilgrimage of lies and apostasy. He praises the abominable "Orthodox" schismatics, and can't resist calling them "venerable." Benedict XVI's Freemasonic bent rears its ugly head when he talks about "religion's perennial wisdom." Which religion is that again? Oh, Freemasonry - not the Catholic Church. Freemasons always think their religion is the basis for all other religions, when in reality it is the basis for the Vatican II antichrist apostasy and Whore of Babylon. "Religious diversity" is a new one. The word "diversity" is usually employed by the LGBT hounds, but evidently Benedict XVI thinks it's disgusting enough for his unholy mission from hell. What a heretic, schismatic and apostate! Yet the "false traditionalists" think there is a move back to tradition in the "Church." Think again! Benedict XVI's train is going full speed to hell and it won't be stopping to let anyone off.

Pope St. Pius X, Editae Saepe, On St. Charles Borromeo (#9): "Then those proud and rebellious men came on the scene who are "enemies of the cross of Christ . . .Their god is the belly...they mind the things of earth." These men were not concerned with correcting morals, but only with denying dogmas. Thus they increased the chaos. They dropped the reins of law, and unbridled licentiousness ran wild. They despised the authoritative guidance of the church and pandered to the whims of the dissolute princes and people. They tried to destroy the Church's doctrine, constitution and discipline. They were similar to those sinners who were warned long ago: "Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil." They called this rebellious riot and perversion of faith and morals a reformation, and themselves reformers. In reality, they were corrupters. In undermining the strength of Europe through wars and dissensions, they paved the way for those modern rebellions and apostasy."

God Bless,





Subject: Inquisition

Dear Brothers,


As I've reviewed the Inquisition Myths Busted I've come to a realization about the Protestant's numbers, because the numbers they put out is illogical and as you say outrageous, even ridiculous for when one thinks about it the population in Spain at that time couldn't have reached about 100 million and for the Protestants to say that "millions were killed" one would imagine that almost the entire population is killed or are they saying that these millions were the product of 5 centuries (just kidding with the last sentence).


God speed,



MHFM: Yes, thanks for the e-mail.  The total population of Spain at that time was about six million.




Subject: Thank you for Baptism of Desire Debate


I have been listening to your debate with Ken… about Baptism of Desire and Blood.  Thank you for doing this debate.  It helped to point me to some information that I was unaware of.  I never believed in Baptism of Desire or Blood.  Your information helped me to understand how this error was promulgated. Many traditional groups such as CMRI will not give last rites to those who do not believe in this error.  I really fail to understand their thinking. Thank you again for helping to clarify this issue for others.


Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne




Subject: State-sanctioned prostitution


Dear Brothers:


On the same page as the article about the TSA worker that was busted for lewd behavior with a minor, a link to another interesting article can be found. This article includes the following: "Elko’s legal and regulated brothel industry is unique to most places in the world. Through tight regulations, the city hopes to ensure the safety and rights of brothel workers... What passed Tuesday was a preliminary ordinance that would provide prostitutes with certified translators. Translators would add no extra cost to the city because the state has already allocated money for the use of translators..." The TSA worker is from Elko.

The article in full is located here:





Subject: Eric Kent Little


A very patient treatment of Mr. Little.  I look forward to round 2.  One thing to his credit, is he doesn’t indulge in all of those contrived platitudes, makes no attempt to be “nice” (though he takes credit for being so, which is somewhat off putting).   He so far has been perhaps obnoxious, but he hasn’t shown blatant dishonesty, just understandable (up until this point) ignorance.  We can never underestimate, (once we become thoroughly versed in the facts at hand it is very easy to do) how startling and difficult the Sedevacantist revelation is to the uninitiated.


Let him get out his books, see the “context” he seems concerned with, and then see where it goes.  Maybe, a guy like this, who at first seems more combative than most, is actually more open to truth.  Or maybe just wishful thinking?




MHFM: We think that’s wishful thinking.  He demonstrated a high-level of bad will in a number of ways.  First, he had a chance to look at the website and he decided to e-mail us and criticize our position.  We traded a few e-mails, and then we agreed to have a conversation.  We agreed in advance on the time of the conversation, so he knew it was going to take place.  However, once he got into the conversation – probably because, in his blindness, he was shocked by the facts he was unprepared for – he acted as if he didn’t have a chance to look at the material.


He definitely demonstrated dishonesty in the conversation.  There were a number of contradictions.  He first argued that the quotes from Benedict XVI, in which Benedict XVI declares the schismatic “Orthodox” a “pastor in the Church of Christ,” might not be legitimate and/or were taken out of context.  In other words, he rejected the notion that Benedict XVI would teach such a thing.  However, later in the conversation, when he was confronted with another quote from Benedict XVI’s book, he admitted that Benedict XVI does indeed hold that schismatics are in the Church.  He even indicated that he had previously researched and confirmed this fact.  So, he first argued 1) that the quotes on “pastor in the Church of Christ” are probably or possibly taken out of context (a lie) and do not teach that the schismatics are inside the Church, but then 2) he admits that Benedict XVI does indeed hold that the schismatics in the Church of Christ.  Why would he argue for #1, if he knew #2 all along?  That’s dishonest. 


He also contradicted himself because at one point he argued that, even if Benedict XVI said what we claim about the “Orthodox” schismatic being a “pastor in the Church,” it’s still not heretical.  Yet, he simultaneously agreed with us that it’s Catholic teaching that people who reject the Papacy are outside the Church.  That’s dishonest.  


He was also dishonest when he said that it was not proven that Benedict XVI rejects Catholic teaching on the necessity to accept the Papacy.  He would have been more honest if, instead of the aforementioned arguments, he had said: “if those quotes do say what you claim, they are heretical, and I need to research them...”  He also demonstrated the typical hypocrisy of heretics who are dealt with fairly but complain that they are being treated unfairly when their position is being heavily scrutinized. 


We don’t believe that he stopped the conversation because he really wanted to do more research; for we have not heard from him, even after e-mailing him with some of the quotes.  We believe it was simply because he realized that there was no way around the heresy of Benedict XVI.  We hope he looks at the material and comes around.




Subject: Talmud, Freemasonry, VII Sect


I agree with Tom Miles and wanted to make a glaring similitude between the talmud, freemasonry and the vatican ll sect, they are all one and the same, Tom made mention of religious freedom, yes these three are the religion of Satan.  There are two great videos on the MHFM website {go to, see our video's}, one is called, "The Other Israel" by Ted Pike and the other is by Dr. James Wardner, The Communist and Masonic Infiltration of America and the Catholic Church. 
The parallels of the tenets of the talmud and freemasonry are striking i.e. in the talmud it states that if a jew reveals anything of the secrets of the talmud to a gentile, he is to be killed.  If a freemason reveals any of their secrets to anyone who isn't a freemason, he is to be killed.  The talmud promotes pedophilia and homosexuality, look at the vatican ll sect… Freemasonry is founded on the phallic and sexual perversion.  As Dr. James Wardner stated in the video, the Washington monument, which is called an obelisk, Cleopatra's needle in Egypt, which is the phallic symbol.  Washington DC is loaded with freemasonic symbolism.   Jesus loves purity, chastity and virginity, thats why St. John the beloved was loved the most by Jesus is because of his virginity and the devil loves impurity, fornication, sexual perversion, whoredom , etc. The book written by St. Alphonsus Liguori, "The True Spouse of Jesus Christ" speaks about this topic very well, {virginity}.

This should be a giant red flag for the world to see, which proves the prediction by Our Lady of La Salette in 1846 and Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 in regard to this false church and its sexual perversion but because the world is also the same in all iniquity there are no differences to be noticed, all the sheep in the herd are black, this is why there is a status quo attitude.

In Mary,


New Heresies from Benedict XVI


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's Recent Heresies file with some new heresies from Benedict XVI.


Benedict XVI announces his plan for Assisi - He describes various false religious leaders who will gather there as “Pilgrims of truth, pilgrims of faith” - He also pays tribute to the schismatic “Orthodox” Church and more




Subject: Holy Water-Gate


Dear Brothers,

I recently watched the video of "Holy Water-Gate" that goes inside the Vatican II abuse scandal. The film was made around 2002 and includes Bishop Dolan when he was in Milwaukee WI being questioned back then about the abuse in WI.  I could never figure out how all these "Priests" were getting away with murder; killing a child's spirit through sexual abuse. They are all above the law as far as being put in jail like their laymen counterparts. The excuse the Vatican II seems to be using is "Religious Freedom"; free to do what they want and to whom they want under the protection of their false-god.

This same scenario is being played out within the Homeland Security Department or TSA as well.  Where we see these "agents" (some with criminal records) getting away with lewd acts against the public. Here is a story of an "agent" that was not so lucky and arrested.  http://elkodaily.com/news/local/article_5d965fce-cff9-11e0-9d15-001cc4c002e0.html

Tom Miles




Subject: Article re: Mennonites


Dear Brothers:


I am familiar with the Mennonite/Amish mentality, so I was not surprised that one of their colleges would outlaw the National Anthem.  In short, these people are utter hypocrites because they believe in almost nothing except, of course, themselves. Denying the possibility of a just war is a denial of original sin and, in fact, a denial of Sacred Scripture (which like all heretics they would claim to believe in but, in fact, do not).  In ways that it's hard for me to describe, these people remind me very much of the Orthodox Jews. 


The Amish/Mennonites are in love with themselves and their own culture;  their "religion" is all about externals. And all about the adoration of their heretical heritage.  I've seen huge hardbound volumes in which they record their long family trees that go all the way back to the arch-heretic who founded their false. religion.  It's really sickening to see -- so many generations of heretics whom they are adoring.  It's the cult of man big time: celebrating the Revolt against God


The Amish/Mennonites oppose all things Catholic, which is to say they oppose all truth. They seem to have an utter disdain for the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints, although they consider themselves and their forebears to all be saints.  As they see it, none of them have to worry about eternal salvation since God will have no choice but to accept these wonderful people.  What's really sad is that (at least with the members of this sect whom I've known personally) they have absolutely no love or desire for truth about spiritual matters -- none whatsoever.  And this despite their external pretenses of being "religious".  I had tried for years to figure out what causes their absolute indifference to any information or books I might offer them.  Now that I have learned the (true) Catholic faith through MHFM, I think I understand the reason for their indifference. 


It's pride.  A cult of pride and nothing else. And, sadly, it is so ingrained in these people that they don't even suspect it.


Lee Ann




Subject: Hurricane Shutdown


This is total, wild speculation, and I hope that nothing happens, but I think that NYC’s decision to shutdown of its entire public transportation system including airports, well in advance of last weekend’s hurricane is kind of eerie.  Never before in history have such drastic measures been taken.  Surely there have been other significant storms in what I imagine is something over the 100 years that NY has had a subway.   But in those instances the trains and buses ran as best they could.  Philadelphia also shutdown its public transportation system, but for a shorter, 12 hour period.


So a couple of weeks before the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the system is shutdown, which one could surmise provided a substantial period of time with unfettered access to parked buses, railcars, subway tunnels and airport terminals. 


If something were then triggered and blamed on suicide bombers or Iranian commandos; who would make the obvious connection?  After all interviews with 9/11 “first responders” that talk about bombs, or a video of Larry Silverstein admitting that a “decision was made to pull building 7”, or some of the hijackers turning up alive, all of these things exist, and yet it matters not to the overwhelming number of people.  They would again get away with it.


Bill Mulligan






I wrote to you some time ago and ordered the DVD exposing Freemasonry.  I found this to be valuable, as also the comprehensive MP3 that was enclosed.  Thank you!


A little about me...I have spent the vast majority of my life thus far in the Protestant/Roman Catholic Tradition (approximately 16 years each) before embracing Eastern Orthodoxy.  I did not depart the RCC with feelings of rancor or ill-will, just disillusionment.  From a doctrinal viewpoint, if papal infallibility is accepted, everything falls neatly into place.  If the same collapses, many other distinctives of RC teaching may do so as well.


The Dimond Brothers’ analysis of the Post-Vatican II RCC is hard-hitting, thought-provoking, and, ultimately, hard to deny.  In my own time as a practicing RC, I was scandalized by the irreverence of the Mass, the ignorance of the laity, and the heterodoxy – to say nothing of homosexuality – of the priesthood…


I understand the Brothers’ position regarding the OC is that it is schismatic/heretical.  The hard-liners of both sides tend to view history in reverse.  I would like to hear the Brothers expound their reasoning on this issue... The section in ‘Justification by Faith Alone Refuted’ (from ‘The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church’) should be read by everyone who claims the title of ‘Christian.’


As a final thought, I too believe that my Church (in this case, the Orthodox) represents the authentic fullness of the Apostolic Church of Christ.  The exclusivity of this position, however, is tempered by the exchange between the disciples and Jesus in Mark 9:38-40.


Blessings to you and MHFM,

Justin Livingston


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  In our “Bible Proves” section, we have a sub-section on the Papacy.  It covers the evidence that the position of Eastern “Orthodoxy” is not supported by the Bible or by the teaching of the ancient Church.  The position of Eastern “Orthodoxy” is also inconsistent because it arbitrarily accepts some councils while rejecting others.  It’s not true Christianity.  It’s critical that you investigate this issue and convert to Catholicism. 


Last Night


Subject: 9/11 Conspiracy


Dear Brothers,


Last night at work I was listening to the BBC World News.  With the upcoming 10th anniversary of 9/11, a survey was conducted in the U.S. and England to inquire how many people believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy by the U.S. government in order to wage war on terror and justify their invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.  In my opinion, the findings were astonishing.  In each country 1000 people were surveyed.  1 out of 7 believed that 9/11 was a conspiracy.  The numbers are higher among younger folks.  Among those surveyed between the ages of 16 and 24, 1 out of 4 believed it was a conspiracy.  I did not think the numbers were that high.  I suppose all the conspiracy videos and dvd's are making their way around and convincing many people.






Subject: Mr. Pops




            I find Mr. Pops to be extremely outrageous in offending Our Lady like he did, he should know that to insult the Mother of God like that is a very, very bad sign for him!  Mr. Pops you are not Catholic, you are a protestant!  Blessed Alan de La Roche had this to say: "It is a probable and imminent sign of eternal damnation to have an aversion for the Rosary, to be lukewarm and negligent in the recitation of the Angelic Salutation which has saved the world; and on the contrary, it is a great sign of predestination to be devoted to it"!  Mr. Pops doesn't realize he has an aversion to the Incarnation of Jesus Christ!


             The Angelic Salutation {The Hail Mary} was the Genesis of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and therefore the salvation of mankind, we were not worthy enough for Jesus to come to us directly, which Jesus could have if He so desired but Jesus chose Our Lady as the instrument {the way} to come to us.  Jesus put Himself under the submission of Our Lady for thirty years and after, on the cross, He gave His Mother to the world to follow after Him!...


Our Lady is the Gate of Heaven, the Seat of Wisdom, Mother of Mercy and the Cause of Our Joy!


Mr. Pops, for your sake, I hope you see the error of your ways.


In Mary,





Subject: Mr. Pops/Prayer to Mary is meaningless


Mr. Pops, you say you grew up Catholic. If that is true, when did you become a member of your own church? That's what Protestants do, they are members of whatever their faith is that day.  A Catholic follows Church teaching (Christ's one true Church), you follow man's teaching under the guise of being led by the Holy Spirit through the Bible.


The prayer to St. Joseph was found in the fiftieth year of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  How many miracles have been wrought through devotion and prayer to this powerful Saint?  Certainly, man's history has had an immeasurable impact.  For centuries the Catholic Church by its God given authority ("what you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven") has, through the Popes, the Saints, Confessors and by example of virgins, martyrs, miracles and extraordinary prodigies always taught prayer and recourse to the Holy Mother of God up to their dying breath.  By your reckoning; Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Fatima and countless other Marian events are a farce. Why are your deceased relatives completely decayed and yet St. Bernadette is wrapped in her Rosary, incorrupt?


"this is empty and meaningless"  If there could be such a thing, what joy you would bring to the demons by your prideful ignorance…


Our Lady doesn't speak for anything but the greater Glory of God...ever.  Here is what Our Lady thinks of the Hail Mary: "Know, my son, and make all others know, that it is a probable and proximate sign of eternal damnation to have an aversion, a lukewarmness or a negligence in saying the Angelical Salutation, which has repaired the whole world".  As revealed by Our Lady to Blessed Alan De La Roche…




New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


The Real Reason that Jesus is the Light of the World [video]




Dear Brother Dimond,


I wanted to inform you about a meeting I had earlier in August 2011 with three priests from the SSPX.  Actually, two are members of the SSPX, Frs. Darby and Portugal; the other is a Dominican friend, a Fr. Albert.


I met for two hours with these men after having given some of your material to Fr. Albert, who initially seemed positively receptive of it.  Fr. Albert had told me that if I could prove that Paul VI solemnly ratified Vatican II, he would admit that Paul VI was not a valid pope.  I took him at his word.  During the meeting, I was able to play the audio about Paul VI, though with many interruptions by their objections. They would not allow me to play any DVD, saying their equipment for that was broken, or some such excuse.  They could not refute any of the evidence you brought out against Paul VI, but they only made some insulting remarks about you, which is typical of these heretics.  Portugal told me I was a Protestant.  Fr. Albert showed his true colors by making the erroneous statement that he’s “not absolutely sure, but” he believes “Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922) abrogated the Bull of Pope Paul IV, Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio.”  These men are always trying to sow doubt with their deceit.  They don’t fool me, but they do fool quite a number of others who haven’t learned the truth yet.


Those priests would not accept any of your literature I offered to leave for them to study, but they told me to burn it, to which I replied that I would never do that!  I spent two fruitless hours with these men and now I see that there is no honesty in them at all. 


I’m trying to do my part to spread the truth, but the priests don’t want the truth so most of the people who follow them don’t want it either it seems.  You are the only ones telling the truth.


I’ll make another order soon for your latest materials.  Please keep up your great work and your fight against the heretics and apostates attacking Christ’s flock.


Yours in Christ,

Charles K.


MHFM: That’s a very interesting story.  Thanks for passing it along.  Your statement that they could not refute any of the evidence would also be made quite clear in a debate on the topic.  Despite the fact that it’s ridiculous and completely untenable, the SSPX’s position on Vatican II and their related independence from the authorities they recognize (i.e., Benedict XVI and his bishops) just keeps going and going. 




Subject: Mark on money supply


Hello brothers,

it occurs to me that we've been using 'money' with the mark of the beast since 1964, when the federal reserve note was disconnected from silver. Wasn't it at that time that the nwo pyramid with the eye was printed on the notes?

Also, I wonder how anyone can conduct business 'honestly' with such a corrupt and utterly false money supply.

Thanks and God bless!




MHFM: We believe that the mark on the money has a more specific fulfillment in the mark of the beast out of the sea on the money of the European Union.  That’s explained in our video, Is the World about to End?.  But your point that the Federal Reserve is an evil sham is well taken. 




Subject: Thanks


Your videos have helped me in my search for salvation.  The best I’ve ever seen, thank you






Subject: Sedevacantism


God will NEVER let it happen that a Roman Pontiff, even as a private heretic, to become a public or occult heretic.




MHFM: Your point is both false and irrelevant.  It’s false because Pope Honorius was denounced as a heretic by numerous Church councils.  See our debate: Debate: Was Pope Honorius a Heretic?.  Your point is irrelevant in regard to the sedevacantist position because Benedict XVI, John Paul II, etc. were clearly heretics before their elections.  Hence, they never assumed the office of the Papacy.  Start to have faith and despise heresy.  Maybe then you will realize that manifest unbelievers such as the aforementioned apostates have no part in the Church of Christ. 




hi there how can u say that catholcism is only way 2 salvation ur church is corrupt my friend protestants follow the teachings most in the bible, where does the bible say pray the rosary or pray to mary? what about the evil pope who sent the crusades in the middle ages? i believe if u believe in jesus u will be saved so me and u will be saved :)




MHFM: Catholicism is the only original, historical and biblical Church.  See our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, for a refutation of your misconceptions.  In fact, here are the files that deal directly with your main areas of concern:


The Bible teaches Mary's Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Bodily Assumption and more [PDF]


This refutes your false ideas about Mary.


What were the Crusades, and were they justified [50 min. video]


This refutes your false ideas about the Crusades.




This refutes your false ideas about Justification, faith alone, etc.




Subject: Can you maybe help me?


Good afternoon,

            My name is Niki-Marie and I have a question or two; o.k. my first question is I love my faith and I try to live by it (I am a sinner always repenting) but I was not received into the Church, my issue is if the post Vatican II Church is heretical and governed by the Antipope how can I ever be truly accepted by the One True Church? With that in mind it begs another question, due to my age and the fact that I honesty believe that it is necessary to procreate and raise children as Catholics, how can I ever expect to have a valid marriage if the Church is corrupt? I'm sure that you can understand why one would have these questions. Any response is welcomed.


Thank you,




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  There are simple steps to convert to the faith in this time:  The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic Faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts [link to section].  The fact that there isn’t currently a pope does not mean one cannot convert to the faith. 


With regard to marriage, in that sacrament a priest acts as the official witness.  He is not absolutely necessary for its validity.  It’s possible to be married without a priest, but you should be fully convinced on the issues of faith before you consider moving forward in that regard. 




Hello Brothers Dimond.


I have… questions. One might sound silly but please help me with the answer.


1. When i pray I'm starting to think about the difference between spirit and Ghost which is the proper term to use when praying Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost?

2. On your site regarding How to pray the Rosary, on the pdf file you have a picture of a beautiful rosary i would like to see how i can obtain or purchase one…?


God Bless you…

Joaquin Ruiz


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  1.  Both terms are acceptable.  2.  We don’t think one should worry about what the Rosary looks like.  As long as one has a traditional rosary and tries to pray it well, that’s what matters.  On this point, this quote is relevant.


Abbe Francois Trochu, St. Bernadette Soubirous, p. 127: “A devout woman of Lourdes, a dressmaker by profession, Pauline Sans, too feeble to go all the way down to Massabielle, had met Bernadette on her way and begged of her as a great favor to use her beads when praying at the grotto. 


Towards the end of the Apparition the Lady asked me [Bernadette] where my own beads were.  I replied that I had them in my pocket.  She said to me: 'Let me see them.' I put my hand in my pocket, pulled out the beads and showed them to her, holding them up a little in the air, The lady said to me: 'Use those,' and I did so at once.


“Even after so clear an explanation, M. Pene was still nettled by the rumor which was beginning to spread around the town, and asked Bernadette: ‘Is it true that this morning at the grotto you blessed their rosaries?’  With her exquisite smile she replied: ‘Oh, no, women do not wear the stole.’  It is a touching detail that the Lady commanded Bernadette to use only her own little twopenny rosary; it was a recommendation to hold on to it for it was her treasure; and there was a lesson in humility and the love of poverty, for God abominates ostentation for ostentation’s sake, even in piety.”

Grew up


I grew up catholic, i do believe in the Eucharist, but do NOT pray to Mary. this is empty and meaningless. Jesus prayed the Our Father, not the hail mary. In the bible God says you shall have no other gods besides Me. Pray to Jesus, through Him all is possible. Why would you need to pray to mary or saints...they are not God! ask a friend to pray for you but do not pray to a friend to pray for you...get me? Let me know what you think about this.




MHFM: You are wrong, and very deceived. You need to read our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.

Here's a section from it on Mary:
The Bible teaches Mary's Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Bodily Assumption and more [PDF]






This week marks the fifth anniversary of my conversion.


I just wanted to send you a brief token of my deep appreciation.


From Packet #10 from the American Ex-POW Inc. Natl. Medical Research Comm.


   Our journey begins on a hot day, July 4, 1944, in Manila, P.I., when 900 POW's are forced into one cargo hole of this ship (Missyo Maru). In this small space we are literally crushed, many suffocating from the lack of lxygen. The Japanese are finally kind and divide us into two groups, one group in the forward hole and the other in the aft hole. We are still so crowded that many would not be able to lay down for the 32 day trip.

   In this condition we sail for Japan. Once a day we given a cup of cooked rice with a few potato vines and 3/4 canteen cup of water. One man on this voyage actually turned cannibal and drank the blood of his victim.

   Passing through the Formosa Straits our convoy is attacked by American submarines. Picture 450 men in one dark hole -- the top covered with wooden planks with just enough of an opening that we could see the sky red from the burning ships. We hear torpedoes hitting their targets and exploding -- we wonder -- will we be next? Panic takes over and there is shouting and screaming -- some going out of their minds with fear!

   The Japanese guards shout down to us -- if you don't calm down we will close the hatch completely -- if they did that we would suffocate for sure. Hysteria continues -- the Jap guards now tell us -- quiet down or they will use hand grenades and machine gun us like rats. This only made us worse.

   CHAPLAIN STANLEY J. REILLY rose and said a prayer -- we were calmer - he then recites the rosary -- now you could hear a pin drop where just before was pandemonium. Yes, I believe we owe him our lives.


I thank God that He allowed my dad to survive in one of these "hell" ships.

I thank God that I was given the light to want to know the truth.

I thank God that your work and efforts led me find the truth, hold on to it tightly, and to convert to the faith of Jesus Christ.




Ramadan dinner


Subject: Cincinnati "Catholic " High School cancels Ramadan meal




Here’s one for your files:  A local girls "Catholic" High School had a Ramadan dinner scheduled.  The only reason it became publicly known about is because complaints were recieved by the Archdiocese due to the fact that CAIR was involved and it was so close to 911.   Makes you wonder how many of these types of apostasies take place in the parochial schools around the country that go un-noticed.


Here is the link to the Cincinnati Enquirer article:




-Will Weigand


MHFM: That’s very interesting.  The Ramadan dinner will still be held “in the ‘Catholic’ Center at St. Monica-St. George Parish in University Heights…”




Subject: Laughing at “Visionary”


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for defending me against the radical schismatic who says I should not have laughed at the "visionary".  You said it well.  It would be hard for many people, not just myself, to refrain from laughter after hearing some of the things the "visionary" claims.  What I found most "laughable" was that he claimed to receive a vision from Mary before he was conceived!  Of course, it is sad and unfortunate that people are deceived by the Devil through false signs and wonders.  I pray that this person could see the light and convert.  The term "looney tune" generally refers to someone with some mental illness.  However it may also be used as merely an expression to refer to someone who has some odd or strange ideas or beliefs, as is such in this case.




Radical Schismatic


Subject: Radical Schismatic


Dear Brothers,

That radical schismatic is just sticking up for his possessed mate! The demons like to defend one another. The Devil just wants to take away the simple joy that goes with serving God whole heartedly, and when someone is sooo off the planet, as was the false visionary, then there is nothing wrong with laughing at them, because they are so beyond help – so bad willed - that it's necessary to laugh sometimes just to keep one's sanity. God created man, and gave him the ability to laugh. So laughing at others is not a sin, especially when there is so much bad will around these days. The radical schismatics always accuse others of mortal sin, when it is the radical schismatics who are constantly in a state of mortal sin through their heresies, schisms, apostasies and pride. No wonder they don't laugh! It's the radical schismatics who are the joke!!!

2 Kings 6:16-23 - "And when the ark of the Lord was come into the city of David, Michol the daughter of Saul, looking out through a window, saw king David leaping and dancing before the Lord: and she despised him in her heart... And David returned to bless his own house: and Michol the daughter of Saul coming out to meet David, said: How glorious was the king of Israel today, uncovering himself before the handmaids of his servants, and was naked, as if one of the buffoons should be naked. And David said to Michol: Before the Lord, who chose me rather than thy father, and than all his house, and commanded me to be ruler over the people of the Lord in Israel, I will both play and make myself meaner than I have done: and I will be little in my own eyes: and with the handmaid of whom thou speakest, I shall appear more glorious. Therefore Michol the daughter of Saul had no child to the day of her death."

God Bless,





Subject: False Visionaries


Hello Brothers,


After listening to both recordings of the false visionaries (the lady who was touched by JP2 and the fellow who saw Mary prior to his own conception) I felt compelled to write.  My first reaction, like many others, is that both of these poor souls seem possessed because of their strange way of talking and pseudo-sociopathic traits.  It's no surprise that they were both charismatics.  Their heresies are clear to those of us who are believers in the teachings of the church… 







Subject: The Big Lie


Dear Brothers:


This article could be talking about the V2 BIG LIE, even though it is talking about Wall Street:




This quote in particular rings true: "The art of the "big lie" is to repeat something often enough, and with a powerful enough megaphone, such that your distortions are not challenged."




Hello brothers ,
   I’m 36 years old, I was raised traditional roman catholic. My grandmother showed us (my sister and I ) the great changes and heresies made by vatican II as far back as I could remember. At that time we didnt know the traditional church was still around anywhere. We attended mass every sunday, received holy communion on the tongue kneeling and only from the priest. Every fri. night we would go to church to say the stations of the cross and said our rosary every night.
   At a very young age my sister and I were always defending the faith. In about seventh grade we were sent to catholic school(so called catholic school) I was playing kick ball with my friends and a young priest came up to me and asked me "what is that hanging out of your shirt? " I said " oh sorry father is my scapular hanging out?" he looked at me and said "your what!?" . He had no idea what it was, I was shocked. I could see clearly at that time something was horribly wrong, and I started to really hate the school. We were taken out a year later by my mother and sent to public school.
   My family found a traditional roman catholic church and for the first time I felt home and everything just made sense. I still to this day do not understand why people cant see the truth.
   I just came upon your site by accident , Thank you God bless you in all you have done. I wanted to comment on the phone call with the Texas man. I know alot of people who say they are catholic but just plan do not understand what the faith really is. V2 has taken away our beautiful history and made all catholics ignorant to the faith. They dont even know why they go to mass anymore. It’s very sad! And no they are not catholic…
     Thank you God bless
      Jesus and Mary I love you save souls



MHFM: The story you tell is an interesting one.  You mentioned a “traditional” church.  The problem is that almost all of the “traditionalist” priests deny certain Catholic teachings, especially the necessity of the Catholic faith and baptism for salvation.  Hence, they must not be supported.  If they are validly ordained and fall within a certain category, they might be an option for receiving sacraments; but one must not support or agree with them.  That’s discussed in our “Where to go to Mass” section.  The heresy that the priest holds almost certainly relates to the necessity of the Church and baptism for salvation, and there might be others.  That’s explained in our videos and in our salvation book. 




Subject: New EPA rule could lead to rolling blackouts in Texas, PUC chairwoman says


I believe this is just a deception for the effects of the solar storms that are coming, do to this celestial event that will knock out the electric grid.  I think that many of their deceptions regarding the climate, all point to this event that they have known for a long time. It's interesting that they mention how the electrical system will be taxed next week when the children go back to school?




In Mary,




Dear Brothers,


Today as I write to you this email I have engaged with a conversation with my dad who obstinately refused the evidence that I copied from your site verbatim on Why The New Mass Is Invalid with the document The Communist Infiltration and Other Conspiracies Against The Catholic Church… thus rejecting completely papal teachings. He claimed that he has read all the versions of the bible yet when I told him about Christ's use of 'for many' instead of 'for all' during consecration he scoffed it and said that what's the difference? and I said there is a huge difference and I know that I won't get the conversion that I hoped because I think God wouldn't grant it through me for I'm still a mortal sinner so I told him to challenge you into a debate and I don't get a response.


God speed,






Hello Brothers Dimond: 


I believe antipope benedict was very arrogant and defiant when the BBC reported that his "Mass" was disrupted by a serious rainstorm during the world youth field "Mass" gathering. When he commended the crowd for having "faith stronger than the rain", did he ever mean having stronger "faith" in him or having stronger Faith in God instead?. Of course he meant to say having  a crooked faith in him and by saying this phrase he really showed he was very mad at something greater than he.






Subject: Jesus is the Light


I just want to praise you for the wonderful video posted recently. It is beautifully written and produced and so clearly shows that Jesus is the way and the light. If anyone cannot see this, they are blind or unwilling to see what is so clearly presented.




Since when


Subject: Arrest of German Sedevacantist Priest


Dear Brothers:


Since when is Protestant/Lutheran Germany interested in who obeys or is in union with the "Pope"?  This most anti-Catholic nation where Protestantism began is the home of fake "Christianity" which not only denies the papacy but mocks it and all things Catholic in the most vile terms.  Consider that Germany followed Luther (and continued to follow him for five hundred years) all the while knowing the type of man Luther was. This attack on Sedevacantism continues to exemplify the Scriptural passage about the kings of the earth committing spiritual fornication with the end-times Whore of Babylon. 


The fact that Germany is trying to imprison a priest for being a sedevecantist is, to me, one of the most compelling proofs that Ratzinger is the False Prophet. In terms of logic, this action by Germany is so bizarre it might almost seem farcical -- if we didn't know better.  But I don't think it's a coincidence.  Somehow it does not seem unreasonable to expect that the nation which played a prominent role against the Catholic Church at the beginning of the Revolt would also play a prominent role in its conclusion.


Protestant Germany may hate the papacy, but it sure loves Ratzinger. Birds of a feather flock together.


Lee Ann




Subject: America’s ‘Pope’???



This 60 minutes interview by Morely Schafer with Timothy Dolan is the most incredible and blatantly heretical thing I have ever seen.  If this is conservatism I am purple! Surely a laugh a minute and not remotely Catholic.


Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne


MHFM: It’s an interesting interview.  We should point out that when you say, “Surely a laugh a minute,” you are not laughing at his heresies.  Rather, that’s how CBS describes him (“a laugh a minute”) and it is what he exemplifies.  Of course, it’s acceptable to laugh at times (more comments on that in an E-Exchange below).  People who love God are happy; but it’s a trait of many heretics to laugh frequently when dealing with God’s truth and religious matters.  People who constantly laugh, especially when discussing serious religious matters, basically always compromise and commit mortal sin.  They lack the seriousness to deal with issues concerning God without compromise, and to condemn people when needed.  It reminds us of the various “traditionalist” conferences that took place more frequently ten or fifteen years ago than they do now.  Many of the false traditionalist speakers would laugh and joke all the time, and they would simultaneously commit mortal sins of omission in their presentations, sins of human respect, etc.  They lacked the seriousness to deal with matters of God, and they should not have attempted to teach others the truths of God.


The Dolan interview is a striking example of how “figureheads” who present themselves in robes and assume positions of authority, even though they are devoid of the substance of the faith, are all that matters to most people.  For most “Catholics,” as long as a man putatively fills a position and presides over churches and communities “under Rome,” no matter how heretical, scandalous or empty that man and his churches are, they are satisfied that they have “the Church.”  The same could be said about basically all of the “traditionalists.”  Their priests have externals and they walk around in robes and they even say the Latin Mass, but they lack the heart and substance of the faith.  One should also note that Dolan greets “Church member” Andrew Cuomo with affection and as if he’s a Catholic.  Need one say more?  Actually, there is more. 


In an interview on Fox News, Dolan (the “conservative”) said: We’re grateful to God. We’re conscious that somebody, some… call it Him or Her or whatever you want… somebody beyond us is in charge and we are immensely grateful.”  He also praised “religious diversity.”  If Dolan were interviewed on the matter of non-Catholic religions and salvation outside the Church, the heresies would be astounding.  One positive thing you could say about him is at least he doesn’t sound like a homosexual.  That’s more than you can say about many Novus Ordo “priests,” as well as some sedevacantist priests.  Seeing the emptiness of his diocese, his churches and his jokes, one is reminded of the emptiness and desolation of the Novus Ordo.  The Novus Ordo churches are arranged like masonic temples, with the “priest” in the presider’s chair.  Man is the center and the focus of the service; he has replaced God.  It is the abomination of desolation, and it has swept through the Vatican II sect.  Dolan and the spiritually vacant “archdiocese,” with its sex scandals and sacrileges, but all the robes and externals one needs, is what remains. 




… thank you so much for your latest video "The Real Reason that Jesus is the Light of the World", between the pictures and your commentary you really make it easy for a person to view Jesus' prophetic moment in history like a movie.  Moving back and forth between the old and the new testament, fitting all the pieces together to form the whole picture… while using your imagination and listening, you really get a good understanding of the truth.  It's interesting how the pharisees misinterpreted the old testament just like the protestants of today.  When the jews would attend this festival and building their booths, signifying their time in the wilderness, I wonder if they also knew the reason why they had to wonder in the wilderness for 40 years, because of being a stiff necked people.  You would think after so many years, the jews would be completely tenderized to the acceptance of Jesus.  Please keep these bible commentaries coming.

In Mary,




Subject: “Jay”


Dear Brothers,

Jay’s email does not make sense. He accuses the Church of idolatry by "worshipping images," but then says praying the Rosary and wearing the brown scapular saved his life from drugs. He also questions the perpetual virginity of the Virgin Mary, yet credits his cure from addiction to praying the Rosary…

God Bless,



Laughing at the “Visionary”?


Subject: Visionary - Laughing


People shouldn't really be laughing at another person, but rather be crying and pray for him. Neither should you approve of comments where people express such opinions, at least not without correcting it. That people are deceived are no laughing matter!...


MHFM: For the sake of clarification, this comment comes from a radical schismatic.  We’ve refuted their positions many times.  He is commenting on our recent conversation with the man who claimed a vision from before his conception.  The schismatic says that we should not have posted the following comment from a reader who wrote:


 That false visionary was a looney tune.  I laughed at some of the things he said.” 


We should point out that we didn’t laugh at all in our conversation with the “visionary.”  Rather, we posted the aforementioned comment from a reader who laughed.   For doing so, we have incurred the criticism of the radical schismatic.  He claims that we should not have posted the comment or that we should have corrected the reader for laughing.


Now, we will respond to your criticism.  The first thing we will say is that your criticism is unjust and indicative of your general blindness; for the reader’s laughter at some of the things the man said was not wrong.  He was not laughing at the heretic, but rather at the way some of the wacky things he said sounded.  For example, when “the visionary” spoke of “a galactical shock” that is to come, it’s difficult to restrain some laughter at the way it came out of his mouth.  That’s what the reader was commenting on. 


Moreover, to silence your criticism and to further demonstrate why we don’t need the advice of radical schismatics like you who are, as sure as there is a God is Heaven, headed for Hell, we will cite the prophet Daniel.  When the King of Babylon cried out hoping that his false god had eaten the meats and consumed the wine, Daniel laughed.


Daniel 14:16-18- “And the king said: Are the seals whole, Daniel? And he answered: They are whole, O king.  And as soon as he had opened the door, the king looked upon the table, and cried out with a loud voice: Great art thou, O Bel, and there is not any deceit with thee.  And Daniel laughed: and he held the king that he should not go in: and he said: Behold the pavement, mark whose footsteps these are.”


Was Daniel laughing at the king’s idolatry?  No, he was probably laughing at the way the king cried out in a loud voice.  Go away, you blind radical schismatics whom God despises.  You are a plague of the Earth.  If you continue on your path, Almighty God will say about you:


Proverbs 1:26- “I also will laugh in your destruction, and will mock when that shall come to you which you feared.”




My first-hand account of today's quake I emailed this to my sibs but wanted you to have a first-hand report wow it was really intense wow the earth was really shaking hard it was my first quake I have the feeling this was but a tiny mere warning from God about what is to come---soon…


anne k.  




Subject: The Antichrist is really being enraged


Dear Brothers in Christ,

The priest in Germany, who is imprisoned for being a sedevacantist, is a good sign for the true Catholics of the world. Although I cannot be sure if he is a real priest, that is, if he is ordained as priest in the true Catholic rite or in the V2 false rite of ordination, and although I cannot be sure if this priest (or "priest") is a heretic holding, for example, the possibility of salvation outside The Catholic Church, I can see that The Antichrist is being furious simply by the fact that someone could be a true Catholic priest AND a sedevacantist. Even the remotest possibility of such lethal combination (that is, lethal against The Antichrist) makes him very upset, so upset that the government's "justice" is being engaged in the persecution of such persons-- the persons who COULD be the true Catholics--even if that persecution includes blatant violations of state's laws.

This situation reminds me of a recent situation in Croatia, very different from the situation in Germany, but still the same as regards the behavior of The Antichrist and his minions. Namely, the antipope B16 has against all agreements between the states of Croatia, Italy and Vatican, expropriated the Benedictine monastery in Istria, Croatia and handed it over to the Italian "Benedictines". The "Archbishop" of Zagreb, the "cardinal" Bozanic, as a real apostate and sycophant, knew what was going on but was, and stays, on the side of the antipope. Few local "bishops" and "priests" in Croatia were fiercely against this silent expropriation and brought up this case in media and state's institutions. The state reacted and proclaimed  the expropriation null and void, and proclaimed that the mentioned monastery, that is, the very valuable buildings and surrounding land is a state's property.  The antipope was, and still is, furious about the "arrogance" and "disobedience" of the local "bishops" and "priests", and ordered absolute silence about all this fuss under the threats of "excommunication".

Well, the "bishops" and "priests" in Croatia, as far as The Antichrist B16  is concerned, have absolute freedom--they are even encouraged--in promoting every imaginable heresy against The Catholic Church--they will not be "excommunicated" no matter how hard they try. But, when the material possessions and money comes into the play, the antipope threatens with "excommunications" without a second of delay.

Our Most Holy Mother of The Church, and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia



i just want to let you guys know that i think your channel helps me understanding my religion so much more ( i am a roman catholic) and i absolutely love all your videos please keep them coming

but the video about jon paul the second..... was he really the antichrist ? and i thought ben the former pope is the antichrist ? please help

thank you all and may god bless you and your family :)




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  He was certainly an antipope and an antichrist.  We believe he was also the Antichrist.  He taught that every man is Jesus Christ.  He thus claimed to be Jesus Christ, and he fit the definition of Antichrist precisely.  These videos cover it:


Is the World about to End?


John Paul II was the Antichrist


John Paul II's Amazing Connection to the Upside-Down Cross and the Antichrist


A Catholic, of course, would only be required to believe that he was an antichrist, a heretic and an antipope.




Subject: Finding a good pre-Vatican II church


Dear Brother Dimond,


I recently came across your site and have been listening to your YouTube videos. There is too much information to go through. I am not a Catholic, but am sincerely thinking of joining the Faith. Vatican II is heresy so how can one honestly go to a Catholic Church since they probably all follow Vatican II?... Jam 2:10 for whoever the whole law shall keep, and shall stumble in one [point], he hath become guilty of all…


Doesn't the Catholic Church violate the 2nd Commandment? You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.


Another question: If Mary remained a virgin, how is this explained: Mar 6:3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.


On a positive note wearing the brown scapular and praying the Rosary is the best cure for any addiction. I used to be involved in drugs, but at the time wore the brown scapular and prayed the Rosary. Many of my friend's died, but I was untouched and was only involved a short time. I credit my saved life to our Lord, the Rosary, and the brown scapular. I lost the scapular. So I need to get another one.


I am hoping that you can direct me to links or info that can resolve my questions.





MHFM: The Catholic Church does not violate any commandment.  The Protestants have misunderstood the passages you mention.  Your questions are directly addressed in our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  The book comes with our $5.00 package.  We encourage you to get it.  God is giving you the grace to have interest in the true Catholic faith.  You need to pray the Rosary to follow it through with a full conversion.  The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic Faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts [link to section].  It’s crucial that you do so. 


The Vatican II churches feature an invalid Mass and do not practice the true Catholic faith.  There are some options for receiving traditional sacraments.  We can help you with those when you are fully convinced and ready to convert.  Our “Where to go to Mass” section also deals with that issue. 


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video, a recent conversation.  If we simply described this conversation, and did not have the recording of it, some people might not believe us when we explained that we receive calls like this.


Another deluded, false visionary who receives not the love of the truth [video]






I heard your radio ad… I immediately went to your web site and was so saddened by what I found.  I will pray for you!




Eric Kent Little


MHFM: The Bible tells us that people will go away sad when confronted with the true teachings of Christ, if they are unwilling to do away with worldly attachments or submit themselves to the truth He has revealed. 


Matthew 19:21-22- “Jesus saith to him: If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come follow me.  And when the young man had heard this word, he went away sad: for he had great possessions.”


The sadness is yours, for you are not inclined to truth.  The joy is for those know the truth and live by it. 




Subject: Dolan…


Dear Brothers,

Sunday's 60 minute story about Arch-Bishop Dolan of New York was a reminder why God allowed the great deception of Vatican II in order to amuse all the unfaithful. Dolan broke into a bigger sweat when asked about the sex abuse cases within Vatican II, then when exercising on his overstressed bike. He would have hoped to have laughed the problem away by suggesting the problem was in the past and for people to focus on the future not the media headlines. At one point in the show, the camera panned over the church audience and the crowd looked like that of the madness within the super-dome during hurricane Katrina.

God Bless your work,
Tom Miles


Blown Away


Subject: Catholic Woodstock Blown Away


Dear Brothers,


I was sent an e-mail about Catholic world youth day in Madrid Spain. The nightly, planned speech by Benedict was struck down by a swift moving wind / lightning / rain storm that blitzkrieged the surrounding area and a crowd of a million, according to the news. The pictures show the beast being protected by his attendants with an umbrella like covering while the youths scrambled, screaming in fear for protection. This had to be an act from Almighty God to disperse the crowds and show them His displeasure over this Catholic version of Woodstock. It is not surprising this story was kept under lock and key by the media. It was great to see this event turned into a run for cover. I hope it made those who attended think long and hard about how God could allow this to happen if He indeed approved of it. I hope most of them begin to see this beast for who he really is.


Bob Bohr 


False visionary


Subject: Another deluded, false visionary who receives not the love of the truth


Dear, Brothers


May God Bless you for your steadfast defense of Catholic Dogma and Truth… looks like someone is blinded by iniquity and driven insane by it!... What Blasphemy, Heresy, Sacrilege… HOW CAN THIS HERETIC CLEAN THE EARTH WHEN HE HIMSELF IS STUCK IN ITS FILTH (Iniquity) One can't fight evil when one is evil…


… Sacred Heart Of Jesus have Mercy on us.


A Slave of Jesus in Mary,

Roy James Sandbank




Subject: 60 Minutes


Dear Brothers,


I watched the segment on Arch-Bishop Dolan of New York last night. It is no surprise that this so called (false) Priest / Bishop is referred to as the American Pope. He is everything the Vatican II sect is looking for in a spiritual leader. He is easy going, liberal and likes (loves) his food and alcohol. He surrounds himself by creatures from morning until night and takes and occasional trip to see his buddy Benny in Rome once in a while. He is as hand picked as Corapi or even more so. I doubt this "Bozo" ever picks up a Rosary and prays to the Blessed Virgin. His life style is almost in complete contrast to the virtues expressed in this model prayer for true Catholics who have an ardent desire of attaining heaven… Morley Saffer called him too conservative which is a joke. If he only knew just how conservative God really expects us all to be. Just because he (Dolan) holds firm on a few controversial matters does not make him conservative. I think he shows his insecurity by making jokes about touchy subject matter and displays that he wants to be popular at all costs. He has no plans to ever get his parishioners to know the absolute truth as does the MHFM. Just point him to the snacks and hand him a beer and let him rattle off a few one liners and he is a happy camper. I am sure his parishioners would not know the difference between a good Catholic Priest and a Baptist preacher. It is just another sign of how far off course the majority of Catholics are.


God bless your efforts,


Bob Bohr




Subject: Visionary


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

I listened to your conversation with the "Visionary" and thought something was interesting.  Earlier in the conversation, he acted as if he had no idea whatsoever what the word 'dogma' meant.  But at the end of the conversation, he said that you were "too dogmatic"…

May the Immaculate Heart bless you,
Curtis Sharp




Often i did bible study in the catholic area.  But many priests believe that all are going to heaven.  This is not what the new testament is teaching.  Many times i had contact with pentecostal and other denominations.  Most of them are teaching tithing money to the church… I myself am a catholic and believe that all who believe in Jesus Christ and are obeying Him are saved.  If you have a comment to this you are invited to answer.
God bless you.


MHFM: You claim to be Catholic, yet you hold that non-Catholics who claim to believe in Jesus and obey Him are saved.  That is contrary to Catholic dogma and Sacred Scripture.  The fact of the matter is that one cannot truly believe in Jesus and obey what He has taught if one is not a Catholic.


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832:  “With the admonition of the apostle, that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5), may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever.  They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him.  Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).”


Your position is heretical, and you cannot be saved holding it.  The biblical proof for the Catholic faith, which also refutes those non-Catholic sects, is found in our book and in our section that deals with that issue: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/the_bible_proves_the_catholic_church.php




Subject: response to video about Secrets of Fatima, etc.


Dear Father Dimond,


I just recently watched the movies you have uploaded in Youtube.com about the Secrets of Fatima and the impostor Lucia. 


I am an ex-seminarian of the Congregation Immaculati Cordis Mariae (CICM) in the Philippines. During that time, I was already revolting internally (as I could not express my opposition of the new practices in the Holy Mass then). However, as years went by, I came to accept them as the new and accepted rites. At first, I decline from receiving the Holy Communion by hand, but later got used to it. 


Three years later, while attending a daily Special Mass, there was this rite of the AETAS performed inside the Catholic Church. the native was calling on their deity. And just two years ago, there were already female-sacristants. 


And having watched your explanation in the videos, this time I am distracted by the kind of contemporary even rock style music sang in   the Mass?

I was born in 1971 and was completely ignorant about the traditions of the FIrst Vatican Council that is why I admit I have no knowledge of the valid and invalid practices. 


Going back to the invalid rites of the mass, my concern is, how could I be able to attend a valid one considering that there is not a single parish Church (now here) in British Columbia, Canada that retains the traditional rites. Does that mean, I am committing a mortal sin? And how could my love ones and I save ourselves and attend to a genuine Mass? 


I am thankful of the Lord for having found your videos. 




Erwin Sibayan


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Your statement that they called upon a false god during a New Mass you attended is certainly noteworthy.  Before you receive traditional sacraments, it’s important that you look over all of the information and that you become convinced on all the core issues of the faith.  That includes a commitment never to attend the New Mass again, that you believe in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”), that you reject NFP, that you completely reject the Vatican II antipopes, that you won’t support any heretical priests, etc.  You should make the traditional profession of faith that is found in the file below.


There is no obligation to attend Mass if there is not a valid and fully Catholic one in your area.  Thus, you would not be committing any sin by staying home in this situation.  You would commit a sin by going to the New Mass.  There are options for receiving traditional sacraments, and they are explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?.  However, first you should continue to look at the information.  When you are fully convinced, we can help you with that issue.  Again, it’s great to hear about your interest.  God definitely wanted you to see this information, and He wants you to act upon it. 




Subject: The saint of Assisi vs. the meeting at Assisi


Dear MHFM-


I recently finished reading The Life of St. Francis of Assisi by St. Bonaventure. Since Benedict XVI – like JPII – uses Assisi as a launching pad for ecumenism it's interesting to note how the great saint of Assisi actually viewed other religions. St. Bonaventure tells us that St. Francis traveled to Syria, "the land of the infidels,” to seek martyrdom by spreading “faith in the Holy Trinity.” After being beaten and bound and brought before the Sultan, Francis fearlessly preached “One God in Three Persons, and Jesus Christ the Savior of all men.” He called upon the Sultan “to forsake the law of Mahomed for the faith of Christ” and challenged the Sultan to build a great fire so that Francis could walk into it along with the Sultan's priests at which time God would reveal which religion was the true one (but the priests of the Sultan were not willing). The Sultan would not convert because he feared his people, but he greatly admired Francis and offered him money and gifts. But Francis “saw no root of true piety in the Sultan's soul” and the offers were “despised as so much dust.” St. Bonaventure must not have seen this lack of ecumenism as “intolerant” because he includes this story under the chapter heading, “The Fervour of His Charity.” 


Incidentally, I have to wonder if the false visionary in your latest video might be possessed. It's as if he's tormented by a swarm of voices and can't bear to listen because another heresy or contradiction keeps struggling to push its way out. It was sad, but I had to laugh at the point where your firmness forced him to utter this bit of truth: “You're very dogmatic. It's almost like you're trying to preach to me.”






Dear Brothers,

In thinking about the conversation with Mr. "I saw Mary before I existed," something struck me as VERY odd. According to him, "Mary" said "not to have a son, because he will suffer." Clearly this is a diabolical trick to draw attention away from Jesus Christ, and it makes it appear as if Mary regretted having Jesus Christ, since He suffered so much (more than anyone else, ever). What blasphemy!!! Secondly, "Mary" allegedly told him to "clean up the earth." When the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in Fatima (not France!!), her entire message was about the salvation of souls, i.e. the conversion of sinners - by means of praying the Rosary, devotion to her Immaculate Heart, and making sacrifices constantly. The false "Mary" is saying just what the New World Order is working for: "Heaven on Earth," or communism. There is absolutely no spiritual value to the false apparition's message, and it reminds me of Medjugorie where the Rosaries turn to gold or other magic tricks. It's all about earth and materialism in the false apparitions, not about the salvation of souls. It seems as if the Devil saw in advance how disinterested the man was going to be in the truth, and so gave him a whopper of a deception. As far as the man is concerned, his experience is the only "dogma," which is pure modernism: the synthesis of all heresies. Thank you for posting it and rebuking him so earnestly. What bad will he displayed! What an Antichrist!!!

James 3:7-14 - "For every nature of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of the rest, is tamed, and hath been tamed, by the nature of man: But the tongue no man can tame, an unquiet evil, full of deadly poison. By it we bless God and the Father: and by it we curse men, who are made after the likeness of God. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Doth a fountain send forth, out of the same hole, sweet and bitter water? [12] Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear grapes; or the vine, figs? So neither can the salt water yield sweet. Who is a wise man, and endued with knowledge among you? Let him shew, by a good conversation, his work in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter zeal, and there be contentions in your hearts; glory not, and be not liars against the truth. For this is not wisdom, descending from above: but earthly, sensual, devilish."

God Bless,

Chris White




That false visionary was a looney tune.  I laughed at some of the things he said.




Subject: German bishop speaks on Benedict's coming visit to Germany


Dear Brothers,

Last night I was watching Deutsch Welle TV and they interviewed Archbishop Robert Zollitsch,Chairman of the German Bishops Conference about Benedict's upcoming 14 day visit to Germany.  He will visit Erfurt, Martin Luther's hometown and visit the Augustinian  Abbey where Luther spent his 'catholic' years. And there will be a 'joint mass?'  Benedict was also invited to speak at he Germany's political arena!  Zollitsch only mentioned Our Lord ONCE!  It is interesting to watch as to see out of touch with God both Zollitsch and Benedict are!



P.S.  I have enjoyed all of your videos, and will watch the Shroud one today

God bless you






The t.v. show, "60 minutes" will be airing a story tonight (Sunday Aug. 21, 2011, 7 p.m. EST.) about a VII Priest that is hailed as the "U.S. Pope".  In the previews, this obese heretic is shown laughing about, drinking beer. The video reminds me of the photo of anti-pope John XXIII when he is shown smoking a cigarette. Seems the liberal media is gearing up for the interreligious meeting at Assisi by promoting the glorious "Limelight" lifestyle of the VII Church.

God Bless,

Tom Miles



Subject: Shroud of Turin from History Channel


Dear Brothers,


As one was watching the video of the shroud of turin from History Channel one has this to say your version was way much better not because one is biased but one can clearly see that history channel is making reservations on their presentation on that video. The chief of the graphics team… Ray Downing must have choked back tears after he finished the pigmentation of the body. As an aside Catholic Schools celebrating Ramadan is not new here in the Philippines every time that that "feast" comes "Catholic" schools celebrates it by not having classes.


God speed,





Subject: Rosary and Breviary


Dear Bother Michael and Brother Peter

If a lay person has limited time, which devotion is more important to accomplish on a daily basis, reciting the Holy Rosary or joining in with the prayer of the Church in the Breviary in as many hours as possible?...

Thank you for your advice.



MHFM: The Rosary…




Dear Brother Peter:


That man is clearly under the devil’s influence or has been possessed. He doesn't even know what he thought that he knew. Everything coming out of that man’s mouth is nonsense, not even one word of Catholic teaching.


Many people nowadays believe they are Catholic, but they are fake Catholics or I call them cafeteria Catholics, they pick and choose what they like and the rest they dump out, and they name themselves Catholic.


So truly what Jesus had warned us of this wicked world and be aware of the poison of them.


May God bless us and protect us to the end.


Kim-Lan Vu




… I could hardly believe my eyes about the AA guy who was attacked for praying to the Virgin Mary..."many times". You would Think that the people Running the show would have shut that down in a hurry...IF...they really Cared to Help the person.  However, I Have overheard conversations at some "Patriot" group meetings where they Did spew Hate towards the Church and the idea of praying "to" Mary....so I know it's out there.  Thank You for making these You Tubes that we can pass on to 'interested' parties.


God Bless and Keep you,


Carol D.




Human society on earth at this time seems quite close to a living hell so maybe a strike by planet? "Niburu" or some other celestial body wouldn't be such a bad thing?  after all, wouldn't that be a "purifying fire"? 






Subject: Visionary


Dear Brothers:


When I first listened to your (attempted) discussion with the deluded visionary, I said to myself that Brother Peter was right:  we would never be able to imagine MHFM receiving such a call.  But when I listened a second time, I changed my mind.  If we could erase from the conversation all references to this guy's particular delusions which are certainly extreme, the conversation (although I hate to say this) would sound like me trying to talk to certain (most) members of my own family.  It's like they have an aversion or allergy to truth.  When you try to tell them something, they rudely and loudly cut you off because, of course, they always know everything.  They even know what you're going to say before you say it.


The degree of this caller's self-love, however, was certainly astounding.  Most despisers of the truth will just try to flee, but this guy called MHFM specifically to tell his "story" (which he says he never tells anyone).  Just like the woman who was touched by Antichrist JP2, he probably thought MHFM would want to make a documentary about him!! 


The very best part was when the caller (realizing he would not have a captive audience as he originally hoped) asked to speak to someone else, saying Brother Peter was too "dogmatic"!!  Out of the mouths of heretics...


I'm really glad you posted this.  I suspect it rang a few bells for other readers, too.


Lee Ann


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Catholic Prayers - "Vain Repetitions" (Mt. 6:7)? [video]





Subject: Shroud of Turin


Dear MHFM,


I watched the video, "The real face of Jesus from the Turin Shroud" and as you mentioned not everything can be agreeable.  However, the one area that struck me with a deep sadness was when they over-exposed (for lack of a better word) the blood of our Savior.  How one could see this and not break down and weep, I do not know.  The scourging was beyond comprehension… and yet, in this day and age, almost no one wants to take up their cross and follow him.


God Bless you for your works.






Subject: Vain Repetitions Video


Dear Brothers,


You did great work on putting out the vain repetition video. So many of my former protestant, heretical friends would see the Rosary as nonsense. One couple I know and no longer associate with started laughing at a Catholic funeral when the Rosary was being said. Heretics are who they are and stay that way because they do not accept any explanations that make sense on repetitious prayer. You gave several examples where the Bible proves that it is not only acceptable but as good as any form of prayer to an Almighty God who warrants our constant attention. If angels pray in this fashion and we will become as angels in heaven then that adds even more evidence to this concept on prayer. I am sure many V2 Catholics have disregarded the Rosary because they do not like the repetition and also because they are basically lazy. It all comes down to a God centered life versus a life where one chooses to do what he or she wants to do and think they can "get away with" and still attain eternal life. Pride once again raises it's ugly head in regards to the matter in which we pray and how we should pray. I sent out the video to a heretical missionary acquaintance on mine and am interested in getting his opinion. I probably won't hear back from him. When I send out any of your materials to people I am trying to convert they usually choose not to want to discuss it. The reasons are obvious to me.


God bless your efforts,


Bob Bohr 




Subject: Annie/Concerned


I'm not picking on Annie, but, a few things come to mind:


Annie says she hopes we all survive these end days living within Christ's love and peace and that she understands that at the end times many are to be led astray, but, she cannot understand how innocent, faithful and believing people can go to hell through essentially no fault of their own.


Annie, if you are focused solely on the Bible (a mistake) then you know Christ asked; would he find then any faith on earth and he told you, few are saved and narrow is the way. You must be questioning your Creator’s judgement. MHFM is simply repeating or confirming what you admit to be Christ's prediction. The truth of it is, you love the world and the people you call innocent have not taken the steps in their interior to receive the gift of grace that is necessary for receiving the truth.


When you say they are trying their best, you seem to have a high tolerance for mediocrity. You must know God is an infinitely perfect spirit, therefore his mercy is infinitely perfect and so must his justice be infinitely perfect. There is no room for two masters...none.


This is a truth that is so hard for one who loves the world to accept. So, we look and listen for doctrine that cheapens the gift of salvation and we breathe a sigh of relief, because this doctrinal error is much easier to live by.  You say they are being deceived through no fault of their own. So, then, it must be Gods fault because they didn't know. It is impossible  for perfect mercy and perfect justice to co-mingle with fault. Therefore, the error is with man.

Christ created his one true Church, the Roman Catholic Church (one God, one Faith and one Baptism) with St Peter and his legitimate successors as head. Catholic Dogma is not man made, it is simply an infallible papal acknowledgement of something that has always been true. Because Christ is just and merciful he built His One True Church in such a way you can know the truth.


When you have doctrine that contradicts these teachings you have heresy and a lie, i.e.. the post Vatican 2 church.

Annie says she is a devout Catholic and in her long letter she never mentions having recourse to her Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary...how sad. She blasts Catholic Dogma (truth) as a man made power grab because it's too controlling and cuts her off from the world. Her letter is titled "concerned" and what follows is a litany of confusion and anger.  She says she prays for discernment yet she is obviously confused. MHFM rebukes her for the sin of pride, the first deadly sin. She should pray the Rosary everyday, starting with the annunciation and praying for Our Lady's virtue of humility, then the mediatrix of all graces may give her her discernment.






Subject: Concerned




i am a devout Catholic and i have been watching and reading some of your videos/articles online and i am extremely concerned. if what you claim is true, many, many, many faithful and God fearing people are being led astray. i understand that this was to happen as the end time approaches but what i don't understand is how can innocent, faithful and believing people go to hell because they are being deceived on a grand scale and can't do anything about it or don't even know it? doesn't God know our hearts? can't He see that we are doing our best to follow His Word and discern truth? if not, then why have mercy if He isn't going to practice it? how can this be if He's a loving God and if we are His children? how do i know what you are depicting to be the truth is not a lie just as you are saying that what the Roman Catholic Church is teaching is a lie? who do i believe? i don't think that God would play games like this but i know that mas does. i believe that he loves us and knows our hearts and sees how hard we try to do right and follow His law and that the ones going to hell will be the ones who are trying to deceive everyone, not the true believers and true followers of The Word and the One True God. if that's so, then all Christians are going to hell because as it was stated on your site, there's been about 46 antipopes throughout history. with a number like that, how do we know what's been switched up or not and for how long it's been going on? that means that all believers in Christ will go to hell because they are inevitable following the wrong teachings directly provided from Christ and Peter and we are all doomed. we would have to go back to living among Christ and His Apostles to truly be saved then. i don't believe God sent His only Son to suffer a horable life and die on The Cross just to save a hand full of mortals. i pray daily for discernment and feel that as long as i follow the 10 Commandments in the Bible and the Beatitudes i will be saved. it's what is said in the Bible. i have 100% faith in this.


although i do appreciate all of your work on releasing your messages and exposing some seriously heinous crimes against Christ, i think in times like these it's best to be prudent and just follow the teachings of the Bible, straight from Christ Himself.


another thing that concerns me is that, if your Church is truly the only true Church, then why are there so few in existence and almost impossible to get to? shouldn't it be available for anyone who wants to be saved to attend Holly Mass on Sundays (which if we're going to follow strict rules was really celebrated on Saturday but was changed after the 10 commandments were given to Sunday and this being so.... then no matter what church we attend on Sunday.... we're all going to hell because the true Sabbath is truly on Saturday not Sunday)…


Focus on God. He is our Savior, not man made up dogmas and clashing views for power and control. i pray that we all survive these end days living within Christs love and peace.


God bless,



MHFM: There are many false statements in your e-mail.  You begin by proclaiming that many “faithful, innocent” and God-fearing people are deceived.  That’s presumptuous on your part.  People who embrace heresies and imbibe the Vatican II religion are not faithful and innocent.  If we discussed the details of doctrine with them, it would probably be quickly discovered that they willingly depart from traditional Catholic teaching.


You then claim that we teach that what the Catholic Church teaches is a lie.  That is a lie.  We believe and promote what the Catholic Church teaches.  You have confused the Vatican II Church with the Catholic Church and not logically applied Catholic teaching to our present situation.  Heretics do not represent the Catholic Church.  Maybe you should look at the material more carefully.


You draw other conclusions that are unnecessary and not warranted by the facts, such as that if there have been antipopes, then we can never know the truth and all Christians must be damned.  No, there are logical and reasonable processes for recognizing a true pope.  Those processes have been in place since the beginning of the Church.  They have enabled the faithful to know who the true popes are, even if at certain times the facts of a particular election might have been temporarily difficult to discern. 


You also claim to be a devout Catholic, yet you criticize Catholic dogmas as “man-made.”  You also assert that the prerogatives of the Sabbath still apply to Saturday, not Sunday.  Unfortunately, you are mired in a variety of seriously heretical ideas, some Protestant and some modernistic.  Sunday is the Holy Day in the New Covenant, not Saturday.  Is Saturday or Sunday the Holy Day according to the Bible?  In denying and criticizing dogma, you actually deny Christ and all of Christianity. 


Pope Leo XIII, Tametsi futura (# 9), Nov. 1, 1900: “To reject dogma is simply to deny Christianity.”


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896:

… can it be lawful for anyone to reject any one of those truths without by that very fact falling into heresy? – without separating himself from the Church? – without repudiating in one sweeping act the whole of Christian teaching?  For such is the nature of faith that nothing can be more absurd than to accept some things and reject others.  Faith, as the Church teaches, is that supernatural virtue by which… we believe what He has revealed to be true, not on account of the intrinsic truth perceived by the natural light of human reason [that is, not because it seems correct to us], but because of the authority of God Himself, the Revealer, who can neither deceive nor be deceivedBut he who dissents even in one point from divinely revealed truth absolutely rejects all faith, since he thereby refuses to honor God as the supreme truth and the formal motive of faith.”


Your problem comes down to pride.  You need to humble yourself and realize that your ideas about what is just are worthless.  God’s revelation is what matters and is what you need to accept.  You need to pray for the grace of faith, but God gives His grace to those who humble their intellects.




Dear Bro Dimond,


When is civil divorce allowed?  My Traditional Catholic husband stopped paying the bills, refused to buy food or water, keeps running up debts, won't tell me anything, and took ALL the money out of our bank account.  He even took inheritance money that I had before we were married.  He has a good job.  He stopped sleeping at our house.  He won't go to church anymore, get counseling or allow me to use any of our cars.  He is also dishonest, violent, abusive and has made threats against my life, our family, friends and even our animals.  By God's grace, I have kept my vows and stayed with him.  I have tried for years to help our marriage but he is not acting like the responsible, mature, kind, religious man that I know. He has gone from bad to worse.  Would it be a sin for me to file for divorce so I have no legal ties to him?  I pray for him to get help and save his soul.  People have told me that domestic violence is a ground for an annulment.  Is that true?...


Please advise


MHFM: Yes, you could sever your legal ties to him, with the understanding that your union is still intact in the eyes of God.  The Church allows divorce in that sense, but not divorce and remarriage.  Domestic violence after a marriage has been accomplished would not be grounds for an annulment.  


Pope Leo XIII, Dum Multa (# 2), Dec. 24, 1902: “It follows then that the marriage of Christians when fully accomplished… cannot be dissolved for any reason other than the death of either spouse, according to the holy words: ‘What God has joined, let no man put asunder.’”


If a man were doing the things you describe in your e-mail, then you should sever your legal ties to him. 




Subject: Evolution and Homosexuality


Dear Brothers,

Apparently the next "World Youth Day" is planned for Rio De Janeiro, the gay capital of the world. It's not really surprising given that homosexuality seems to be the Illuminati's one world religion: http://www.zenit.org/article-33225?l=english. Also, Antipope Benedict XVI has invited Muslims to help battle secularism, as if the demonic religion of Islam does not contribute to the worship of man. People need to wake up to the reality that their eternity is going to begin much sooner than they expected, and that the eternal truths of the only saving faith - the Catholic faith - cannot be found by means of science, such as the false "theory of evolution." The evolutionists are pushing the lie that a baby mammoth was found which is 40,000 years old, as if it is an unquestionable fact that the universe is billions of years old: http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/weird/Russian-Reindeer-Herder-Discovers-Baby-Mammoth-in-Arctic-128063788.html. The universe is less than 10,000 years old as proven by the geological record, and "pre-historic" fossils are not pre-historic since they all formed from the flood of Noah's day. If Planet Nibiru strikes as predicted, it will be before anyone has time to think, and the result will be like Sodom and Gomorrah. Evolution is creature worship, and goes hand in hand with homosexuality.

Luke 17:26-30 - "And as it came to pass in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat and drink, they married wives, and were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark: and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it came to pass, in the days of Lot: they did eat and drink, they bought and sold, they planted and built. And in the day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man shall be revealed."

Romans 1:23-26 - "And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of fourfooted beasts, and of creeping things. Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: I went to someone’s house




     I went over to a person’s house that I know who is self-employed running his business out of his home for some work I needed done.  During the course of my visit, he started in on bashing the Catholic Church and its history & along with why him and his wife left it, thus causing a huge debate.  His wife was on his side during the debate as well.  After arguing for about an hour, I excused myself and went to the bathroom, while in there, I called upon Jesus, Mary and the angels along with rebuking the devil ordering them to flee and to stop hindering and interfering in the situation.  When I returned moments later, their personalities & demeanor completely changed & they listened attentively on what I had to say as I started in on the message and story of Fatima as the woman started paging through your ‘Bible proves’ book that was on the table.   You could tell she was pondering on what I said.  And the guy said, “Hmmm, could it be that the Lord wanted you to come here tonight?   The moral of the story is, even though he still didn’t change his positions, it was neat to see how the weather in a debate suddenly changed once the devil was no longer in the room effecting the situation.  I think this is a good reminder for all of us to pray before, during and after when we enter into a debate.  This is not the first time Ive prayed in situations like this getting instant results.






Subject: Vehicles Subject to Search


Dear Brothers,


Here is a picture of a sign that reads "All Vehicles Subject To Search" as one is about to enter Orlando International Airport. It has been there since shortly after 9/11, however I don't know how much it is enforced here.






Subject: Hell


Dear Brothers:


I'm glad Andrea called our attention to that passage from Chapter 5 of the Book of Wisdom…


It is amazing how often the Old Testament (not just the New) speaks about the reality of hell.  Like David in the Psalms.  Or the shocking episode of Core, Dathan and company (Old Testament protest-ants) being swallowed up by the earth and pulled down into hell.


My thoughts flashed back to the video clip that MHFM posted from HLN's Joy Behar show, when she was interviewing a "Priest", a Rabbi and an Imam about whether or not Osama bin Laden was in hell.  When Behar began, she said that 98% of the population believe in hell.  The Rabbi then said that Behar's comment made sense, since Jews (who are about 2% of the people) do not believe in hell


Like other Protestants of bad will, V2 "Catholics" are blind to the fact that they are being scamed when they are fed the so-called "Judeo-Christian" nonsense -- because they have no problem with "religions" that deny Jesus Christ.  They never seem to wonder:  When Antichrist JP2 bowed his head in the Synagogue to pray for the coming of the Jew's "Messiah" whom the Jews claim is not Jesus Christ, what exactly is that "Messiah" supposed to save them from if there is no hell?  Nations that will not worship Talmudic Judaism?


Isn't it shocking what happens to the apostate mind that abandons Christ and His truth.


Lee Ann




Subject: Eucharistic Adoration




I attend the Novus Ordo church across the street from my house, but am very close to leaving the Novus Ordo church. This church has a Eucharistic Adoration chapel that is open 24/7 for anyone to come to for silent adoration. I'm pretty sure about the answer, but if I leave the Novus Ordo church, would I be able to use this chapel for adoration? It is very convenient for me since it is so close to my house. God Bless all of you.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest, but you don’t yet understand.  The New Mass is not valid.  That means that Jesus Christ is not present there.  It’s nothing but bread.  For the very same reason that you must avoid the New Mass under pain of mortal sin, you would also have to avoid a Novus Ordo “adoration” chapel.  One would not be adoring Christ there; He is not present in that chapel.  You need to watch this video: Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are not Valid.




Hi brothers,


I found an impressive quote in the Book of Wisdom that summarizes your video "Death and the Journey into Hell":


Book of Wisdom 5, 1-8: "Then shall the just stand with great constancy against those that have afflicted them, and taken away their labours. These seeing it, shall be troubled with terrible fear, and shall be amazed at the suddenness of their unexpected salvation. Saying within themselves, repenting, and groaning for anguish of spirit: These are they, whom we had some time in derision, and for a parable of reproach. We fools esteemed their life madness, and their end without honour. Behold how they are numbered among the children of God, and their lot is among the saints. Therefore we have erred from the way of truth, and the light of justice hath not shined unto us, and the sun of understanding hath not risen upon us. We wearied ourselves in the way of iniquity and destruction, and have walked through hard ways, but the way of the Lord we have not known. What hath pride profited us? or what advantage hath the boasting of riches brought us?"






Thank you…for the last two video clips you made on, Why drug addicts and alcoholics so frequently relapse, and Catholic Prayers - " Vain Repetitions" (Mt. 6:7)? … i am now going on six years of being sober, while in my treatment 12 steps AA , I got into many verbal arguments with protestants telling me it was wrong for me to pray the hail Mary… i had a deep feeling that praying to Mary was right and they were wrong... I'm on your site every day… 


Thank you very much





Subject: Alcoholics and Drug Addicts


I have been reluctant to write this email because of the shame and mortification that I have for my sinful life regarding drinking and the use of prescription drugs after having shoulder, knee and hip surgeries four years ago, prescription drugs for almost two years, beer drinking was from teenage years to two years ago…  The most important thing is to save souls, so I felt strongly to write this email because maybe there is someone out there who needs a word of encouragement regarding this problem.  Everything that Brother Peter says in the video, "Why drug addicts and alcoholics frequently relapse is very true, anytime a person is living in disobedience to God, you will find a demon very close to that person, heavily influencing you to continue on that destructive road, that’s why it’s mandatory to turn to Our Lady's Rosary for help but you truly have to want to stop the vicious cycle.  I am telling the truth, Our Lady immediately removed this problem from me, which proves that when you turn to Jesus through Mary and are perfectly contrite, she will work miracles!  I'm not saying this will happen that fast for everyone because God handles each soul differently depending on God's Will for that soul, but for sure if you are faithful to the Rosary everyday, especially the whole Rosary, three times a day {joyful, sorrowful, glorious} Our Lady will remove this problem.


Remember it’s mandatory to avoid the occasion of sin, that could be your drinking buddies, the bar, etc and more importantly to embrace the Catholic Faith, the teachings of the Magisterium and model your life accordingly…


Mark 9:42   And if thy hand scandalize thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into unquenchable fire:                   

If your buddies cause you to fall into drinking again then cut them off, stop hanging out with them!


Proof for the Rosary:


Our Lady revealed in the Thirty Ninth Rose, She said to Blessed Alan, "Just as the Almighty God chose the Angelic Salutation to bring about the Incarnation of His Word and the Redemption of mankind, in the same way those who want to bring about moral reforms and who want people reborn in Jesus Christ must honor me and greet me with the same salutation.  I am the channel by which God came to men, and so, next to my Son Jesus Christ, it is through me that men must obtain grace and virtue.  . . . . The Rosary has the power to convert even the most hardened hearts".  


I noticed Steve's email about the book of Isaiah, I also was reading Isaiah, I believe this also could refer to the pole shift:


ISAIAH 30:25-30 [25] And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every elevated hill rivers of running waters {oceans sloshing around} in the day of the slaughter of many, when the tower shall fall. [26] And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold {two suns}, as the light of seven days: in the day when the Lord shall bind up the wound of his people, and shall heal the stroke of their wound. [27] Behold the name of the Lord cometh from afar, his wrath burneth, and is heavy to bear: his lips are filled with indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire. [28] His breath as a torrent overflowing even to the midst of the neck, to destroy the nations unto nothing, and the bridle of error that was in the jaws of the people. [29] You shall have a song as in the night of the sanctified solemnity, and joy of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe, to come into the mountain of the Lord, to the Mighty One of Israel. [30] And the Lord shall make the glory of his voice to be heard, and shall shew the terror of his arm, in the threatening of wrath, and the dame of devouring fire: he shall crush to pieces with whirlwind {tornadoes}, and hailstones.




Subject: Luke 11


Just a thought related to your video about “vain repetition” in prayer:  In Luke 11, Jesus promises that because of your “persistence” (in prayer), God the father will give you all you need.


Bill Mulligan


New Video Posted


Brothers: Have you written or produced any material about Twelve Step groups from the true Catholic perspective? Many thanks and God bless. - Joseph Ramirez.  MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We answered that question here:


Why Drug Addicts and Alcoholics So Frequently Relapse [video]






I have been watching  some of your shocking videos, I am catholic and  my question would be that if according to the information you are presenting and If the Vatican II is the current ruling body of the catholic church all over the world,  how can I be a true catholic if the mass is invalid? ; How can I truly follow and practice the true catholic teachings and where can i learn them?


by the way, I live in Mexico. 


thank you in advance


Best regards


Irving Orta


MHFM: Vatican II is the doctrine of the Counter Church, not the Catholic Church.  Those who accept Vatican II have possession of what were Catholic buildings.  Those individuals are also regarded by most of the world as the representatives of the Catholic Church.  However, theologically and in reality, they are not Catholic and they are not part of the true Catholic Church.  That’s because they are heretics, and heretics automatically cease to be Catholic.  By virtue of ipso facto excommunication, they automatically lose membership and authority in the Catholic Church.  A good example of this principle is found in the case of Ted Kennedy, the pro-abortion politician from Massachusetts.  Since he was a pro-abortion heretic, he was not a Catholic, even though he claimed to be a Catholic and was declared one by Benedict XVI’s representatives.  


Being a Catholic is not defined by attendance at Mass.  The New Mass is not a true Mass.  Those who go there are not going to a Catholic Mass.  Rather, they are attending a Protestant and invalid service which purports to be a Catholic Mass.  The material on our website, as well the other information we offer, covers what the Catholic Church teaches.  It also explains how one follows and practices the Catholic faith.  The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts






As an amateur astronomer, I found some interesting verses that could indicate a pole shift, asteroid or comet hit or some other celestial object like a planet that cause this.


"Behold, the Lord makes the earth empty…and turns it upside down."   (Isaiah 24:1)   


"The earth is broken asunder. The earth is split through. The earth is shaken violently. Thee earth reels to and fro like a drunkard and it totters like a shack "(Isaiah 24:19-20). 






Dear Brothers in Christ,

The must-see video you've recommended is really interesting.  The situation of blatantly pretending that there does not exist the person who obviously exists… is quite something. In a way it resembles the situation in the Stalin's USSR, where the persons who "fell off the grace" of the communist regime were persecuted and finally killed right before the public’s eyes, and the people in the public pretended that that person never existed and had no part whatsoever in the "merits of the revolution".  The people, who happened to possess the older edition of Soviet Encyclopedia, were the "non-existent" people were mentioned, were publicly "advised" by the regime to cut out certain pages from the Encyclopedia.

Of course, the USA is not the USSR (at least not yet), but the patterns of sycophantic behavior in the media is the same as it was (and is) in the communistic regimes.

Where God is hated, there could not be any honesty and common sense.

Our Most Holy Queen of Heaven, and St. Joseph pray for all true Catholics

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: The Assumption of Mary


Dear brothers,


I found it interesting that the Japanese surrendered on AUG 14 1945 the eve of the Assumption of Mary. I don’t think this is just mere coincidence.  We haven’t had a third world war in 66 years.  Also I would suggest to someone who e-mailed you about bad willed uncle and aunt: try to encourage devotion to Mary and try to convince them to say the rosary.  This is probably the only way to save and convert some people.  I wish you a blessed assumption of Mary.  


From Mark V




Subject: Mohammed pedophile article


Dear Brothers,

The article about the Australian radio host who is being investigated for "inciting hatred" against Muslims for saying that Muhammed married an 11 year old (six, actually) is very interesting. It demonstrates how far removed from reality almost every single Australian is since they don't care about whether what he said is true, but about how offended the Muslims are. However, it's obviously a Masonic plot to silence anyone who criticizes any religion other than the Catholic faith. Also, the perversity of Islam and Muslims is strongly demonstrated by the fact that Mohammed married a six year old, and consummated the marriage when she was nine. He is also known to have had a taste for young boys. How sickening when one realizes that Antipope Benedict XVI prayed facing Mohammed's tomb in Mecca, and Antichrist Antipope John Paul II kissed the Koran - it shows that apostasy is the source of the pedophilia/sex abuse scandals, and that the Vatican II sect esteems and respects pedophiles!!! The Lord Jesus Christ rose from death to prove He is God Incarnate and that nothing can truly kill him, whereas Mohammed is dead, buried and in hell, just like every Muslim will be forever. Also, great video on why addicts relapse. The Rosary is the most important thing we can do each day, apart from receiving the sacraments (where possible). Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Psalms 95:5 - "For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens."

God Bless,

Chris White




mhfm1's Channel - YouTube#p/u/6/ufNOomLX2xk nice video the last time I saw it, the symbol of the AA group is the triangle inside the circle which occurred to me looks a bit satanic/occultic?  Maybe… The groups strike me as a bit cult-like and yes I do believe the power of the Rosary would be by far more effective in these cases and situations… Thanks MHFM






Dear Brothers:


The Counterfeit Catholic Church teaches universal salvation because its goal is actually universal damnation (or at least as close to it as Satan's "magisterium" can effect). 


Many years ago (perhaps in the late 60's or early 70's?), there was a popular, clap-along song called:  "He's got the whole world in his hands."  Of course, everyone at the time would have thought that the "he" in the song referred to God.  But now I have to wonder where the inspiration for that song might actually have come from. That catchy, jubilant - and repetitious - tune would have made quite a theme song for the inauguration of a counterfeit Catholic church and a worldwide apostasy.  It's funny how flashbacks occur to us - though now always in a different light.


Lee Ann


A Must See



A Must-See


MHFM: This is a must-see.  If this doesn’t convince you that we have an almost completely controlled, establishment media that is dominated by Jewish and Israeli interests, nothing will.  What explains the facts and the peculiar discrimination covered in this piece?  It’s clearly that there is only one person in the field 1) who will not go to war unconditionally for Israel’s interests, 2) who will abolish the Federal Reserve, and 3) will stop all foreign aid.  Point #1 is the most significant in the eyes of the media. 




Subject: About converting relatives


Hi brothers,


I have a sort of dilemma. You know that I have many times tried to convert my parents, but they didn't convert. I tried to convert my sister and I have the strong impression that she is not interested about the Catholic Faith. I also tried to convince my old grandmother about these facts. But I've seen no evidence the she converted.


In the building where I live there live also my aunt and uncle. My uncle has always been anticatholic. He is openly against the Catholic Church (he does not know anything about the Vatican II revolution) and he violently hates the papacy. His wife (my aunt) persistently goes to the Novus ordo "mass". My very strong impression is that these people (my aunt and my uncle) are of horrible bad will, so I don't know if it is a good idea to try to convert them. I don't even try because I can see their bad will...so it seems to me a waste of time.


What do you suggest ?


MHFM: You should try to convert them.  You should give your uncle the book dealing with the biblical proof for the Papacy, or the audio on that issue.  You could briefly discuss the biblical support for the Papacy with him.  You should give your aunt information on the New Mass.  In a charitable way, you should mention to both that it’s necessary for their salvation to put away their false views and accept the Catholic faith.  Once you’ve tried, you don’t need to argue with them anymore. 




Subject: Antichrist


Dear Rev'd Bros,

I know that you believe - as do a plurality of Fathers and Doctors - that the antichrist is/will be a false antipope. But could there be a secular one as well, ruling in the temporal sphere? Say, an Unholy Roman Emperor? I have a funny feeling about the kenyan. It could even be someone sent to "rescue" us from his inanity. I'd like your thoughts on the matter.  Thank You and GOD Bless,


P.s. It is my opinion that libertarianism (libertinism) is as anti-catholic a doctrine as statism.


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Our views on that issue are discussed in detail in this video: Is the World about to End?.  The secular dimension is covered in the discussion of the “Beast out of the Sea”: an empire on the Mediterranean in conformity with Daniel’s indications of the meaning of a “Beast out of the Sea.”


New Video Posted


MHFM: This is a new video.


Isaiah 6 and Catholic vs. Protestant views of God [video]




I am listening to the video - man with new perspective. I am a convert to the Catholic Church - through your website I have become a Trad. Catholic and a Sed. My husband is a cradle Catholic but he attends the Novus Ordo.  I am starving here by myself. My husband tells me not to listen to you and if he opens a discussion about the Trad vs. N.O. perspectives, I have to keep my beliefs to myself because if I tell him what I believe he orders me to stay away from your Website… and it only causes a big argument if I speak up. I'm praying that he changes his heart and his views regarding the new religion.  It is so helpful to hear your videos, and I am so glad you post them on YouTube. I can relate to this man in this video - it is lonely, and it's hard to buck against the majority. I quit watching EWTN. I just don't understand why so many Catholics fall for the N.O. please pray for me…




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  You should not obey your husband when he tells you not to speak about the Catholic faith, or when he tells you to stay away from our website and Catholic materials.  He’s a heretic and he should not be obeyed in the promotion of his heresies.  He should also not be described as a Catholic.  He’s not a Catholic.  You should also not pray with him. 


In fact, since he’s not allowing you to even discuss the Catholic faith or to research it, he is not allowing you to fully practice the Catholic faith.  You should leave him.  It certainly would be justifiable.  He’s a complete and total disgrace.  Pardon the bluntness of this message, but it communicates a true and important point: if you told him that you will cease marital relations with him unless he changes his attitude about your practice of the Catholic faith, that would probably get his attention.  Since heretics of that nature care primarily about things of the flesh, upon hearing the news, his strict stance against your desire to research the Catholic faith would probably suddenly change.  




Brothers in Christ,

    You refer to "they" in the video have already predetermined the election results.  Who are you referring to?  The two major political parties in this country who have agreed to take turns winning presidential elections, or secret organizations like the Masons or Bilderbergers or such?  Please explain or give your opinion.



MHFM: We are referring to the individuals who feed the networks with the election results on election night, enabling them to definitively call the elections when 0% of the actual vote has been counted.  The proof that they do call the elections with 0% of the actual votes counted is covered at the 12:08 mark of this video, although important background information is dealt with before that point.  Of course, one may disagree with us on this matter; but there is no doubt that the media’s explanation for how they are able to call the election results definitively without any of the votes (i.e., based on exit polls) does not add up, as the video explains.




Subject: Confession


Dear Dimond Brothers,


My husband and I are both Traditional Catholics.  My husband left me suddenly and filed for divorce for no good reason.  I don't know if he committed adultery or not.  I think he just wants to free and have no responsibilities anymore.  There are no valid grounds for an annulment.  How can my husband still be receiving Holy Communion??  I don't understand.  Even if he went to Confession doesn't he have to try to make amends and stop the divorce for his Confession to be valid or else isn't it sacrilegious???  How about him not fulfilling the vows he made to me at the altar before God?  Is that considered perjury or not??  Is there anything about that in canon law??  I am willing to work on our marriage and do whatever it takes because by God's grace I took my marriage vows very seriously.  I don't know what to do.  Please pray for us. 



Thank you,



MHFM: There are legitimate reasons for separation.  Hence, to form an opinion on your question, one would have to hear your husband’s explanation for his decision to leave.  However, if one assumes that what you say is correct, that there was no legitimate reason to leave, then he should not be given Communion.  On the matter of separation, Pope Leo XIII had this to say:


Pope Leo XIII, Arcanum (#41), Feb. 10, 1880: “In the great confusion of opinions, however, which day by day is spreading more and more widely, it should further be known that no power can dissolve the bond of Christian marriage whenever this has been ratified and consummated; and that, of a consequence, those husbands and wives are guilty of a manifest crime who plan, for whatever reason, to be united in a second marriage before the first one has been ended by death. When, indeed, matters have come to such a pitch that it seems impossible for them to live together any longer, then the Church allows them to live apart, and strives at the same time to soften the evils of this separation by such remedies and helps as are suited to their condition; yet she never ceases to endeavor to bring about a reconciliation, and never despairs of doing so. But these are extreme cases; and they would seldom exist if men and women entered into the married state with proper dispositions, not influenced by passion, but entertaining right ideas of the duties of marriage and of its noble purpose; neither would they anticipate their marriage by a series of sins drawing down upon them the wrath of God.”




Subject: Gay activists forcing travel companies to comply with their agenda


Dear Brothers,


When I saw this posting of yours I thought of a "terrible" commercial I saw used by Expedia. They without a doubt support the homosexual agenda. Their spokesperson, on one of their commercials, is Tom Gunn, who is one of the most blatant homosexuals in the fashion business. The only reason that Expedia must have hired him is to show that they accept homosexuality as normal and are a very liberal company. They are obviously going after the gay market. To hear this "man" talk you can hear the demons in his voice and see them in his demeanor. He has certainly sold his soul to the devil. I wrote them right after I saw the ad which was about a month ago and have not hear back from them. Expedia should by any means not be used by any traditional Catholic!...


Bob Bohr




Agreeing with Vladimir from Croatia, and Chris White, I would totally agree and proffer a possible explanation for the EXTREMELY EVIL "protestants", total rejection, hatred and loathing of--[can one imagine, for it grieves and truly pains a Catholic with excruciating pain of heart and soul to even think it much less say it]----Our Holy Mother Mary,  and All the Holy Saints?  I think they probably hate the reality of God's True Angels as well (versus their "new age" ones)---- though I doubt they would come right out and say that---anyway I think it all boils down to a problem of: extreme JEALOUSY!  Deep down inside if they have a deep down inside (questionable...) surely they know on some level this is blasphemy,  that they WILL LOSE any hope of receiving a Crown of Glory to THOSE WHO WERE MORE FAITHFUL.  No different really than Cain and Able.  Everything stays the same, for God is in His Heaven and His Rule is Forevermore.  However it is encouraging to witness that through MHFM's good work and web-site and the POWER of the Holy Ghost…  MARY IS "giving birth" spiritually to TRUE catholics even now in the very darkest of all human times ever experienced on earth.




Benedict XVI


Subject: Benedict XVI the False Prophet


Dear MHFM:


    You brothers have made a very good conclusion in saying that John Paul II was the Antichrist. It is astounding how he fits every description. Not only that, but I have been looking at Apocalypse chapter 13 and Benedict XVI is certainly the False Prophet as well! I do not know if I would have seen that if you had not pointed that out. He indeed “executed all the power of the former beast in his sight: and he caused the earth, and them that dwell therein, to adore the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” (v.12). They have unfurled banners with JPII’s evil face and torso all over Europe – some 100 feet tall! Benedict XVI rushed his “church” headlong into this JPII worship as quickly as he possibly could. It is surprising also how spry physically he is for his very advanced age. Just an observation. He will be dancing around again at World Youth Day – probably with some pagans. The False Prophet – right in front of our eyes. And nobody realizes it, just like the Great Apostasy is said to be, characteristically – A DECEPTION of such proportions that the lost do not know their left hand from their right, and don’t care to know either. It is also like you have said many, many times, and again during the recent video – the guy can do anything he wants now and nobody will even begin to question it! Who is going to question it for them – Sungenis? He and his kind have belligerently shown that they could care less than the “liberals” do! As long as a man puts on the costume and claims to be the “pope” then they will indeed follow him – to pagan gatherings, to worldwide apostasy and finally into hell. Outrageous, sickening, sad, and really frightening if one contemplates it for long. Continents full of people following the False Prophet around, worshipping John Paul II with ever increasing fervor, claiming to be catholic, then dying and going to hell. What a fearsome and terrible thing it is to fall into the hands of the Living God in His Anger and Wrath! What an Infinite Terror!


Michael Glennon




Subject: Protestantism


Dear Brothers:


I completely share Vladimir's disgust for Protestantism.  Yes, indeed, everything about Protestantism is a fraud. It makes me feel ashamed for ever having thought of them as "Christians".


I seem to recall reading that the early Church used the imagery of the "harlot" to describe any false sect which had arisen and was trying to pass itself off as a Christian church.  This image certainly makes sense when one remembers that there was always only one Bride of Christ and there can never be another.  By applying that same Biblical imagery, every Protestant sect can also be described as a harlot --with the Whore of Babylon simply being a particular one, the most important one, and the last one.  No wonder saints like St. Louis de Montfort and St. Vincent Ferrer knew they were looking at the end times when they saw the first stirrings of what would lead to the protestant revolt.


And although protestants love to call Jesus their "Brother", the child of the harlot is not a legitimate Brother of Jesus and not an heir in the Father's Kingdom. 


Because of the promotion of every kind of immorality, including divorce and remarriage, people no longer can comprehend the imagery of the harlot, and you'll certainly never hear V2'ers referring to the Catholic Church as the Immaculate Bride of Christ.  That's one of the reasons why modern people can't understand the Apocalypse, (while Catholics who lived during the ages of faith probably couldn't ever have imagined such a horror taking place.)   False Ecumenism was a necessary part of the devil's game plan.  By brainwashing people into seeing all "churches" as legitimate, people become incapable of recognizing, as MHFM has explained, that the Whore of Babylon spoken of in Sacred Scripture can only be a false Church -- and one dressed up like and pretending to be the Catholic Church.  Wow.  How the pieces of this demonic puzzle all fit together.


Lee Ann 




Naturally I would agree with Bob that Elenin/Nibiru is just deception, but because we are in the end times, I must remember Jesus' words:


Luke- And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of the sea and of the waves; Men withering away for fear, and expectation of what shall come upon the whole world. For the powers of heaven shall be moved; And then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with great power and majesty.


Mark- But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. And the stars of heaven shall be falling down, and the powers that are in heaven, shall be moved.  And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with great power and glory


What better way to describe these celestial events than a very massive object positioning itself between the Sun and Earth.  Some say that a larger object is following Elenin. Jesus said people will be anxious about what is going to happen, that part hasn't come yet.  So it can't be Elenin, but something else?








MHFM: Among the many facts covered in the recent debate to prove that Nostra Aetate #3 is heretical, here are two of the more interesting quotes.


Benedict XVI, Address, Dec. 22, 2006: “My visit to Turkey afforded me the opportunity to show also publicly my respect for the Islamic Religion, a respect, moreover, which the Second Vatican Council (declaration Nostra Aetate #3) pointed out to us as an attitude that is only right.” (L’Osservatore Romano, Jan. 3, 2007, p. 7.)


Benedict XVI, Catechesis, August 24, 2005: “This year is also the 40th anniversary of the conciliar Declaration Nostra Aetate, which has ushered in a new season of dialogue and spiritual solidarity between Jews and Christians, as well as esteem for the other great religious traditions.  Islam occupies a special place among them.” (L’Osservatore Romano, August 31, 2005, p. 11.)




Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for one more edifying video. The Protestant view on the glory of God is truly stupid and totally against the very same principles they say they wish to protect. You've chosen Isaiah 6 as a very good example which shows the emptiness of the Protestantism--they lie just about almost everything pertaining to the Faith. As for the repetition of words in prayer, we can find even in KJ Bible, in Matthew 26:44, the following verse:

"And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words."

Do the Protestants say that Jesus didn't know how to pray? I wouldn't be surprised if they say so.

As for the Protestant' "care" for the glory of God, which they say they want to present without any distractions, such as holy men in The Heaven or, God forbid, The Holy Mother (who is most gravely insulted by the Protestantism), I would like to ask the Protestants the following questions:

You say you hold the sola Scriptura principle. But, the Scriptura always has the form of a book, either a book made of paper and filled with some symbols made of ink, or in these modern days, a book in an electronic form. Can you show me the glory of God without any material form of the Scriptura? Aren't the symbols, which we call the letters, distractions from the glory of God? Did Jesus Christ read the letters which The Law was written with? Were the stone tablets, given to Moses, the distractions leading away from God, or were those tablets treated as the most holy thing on the planet Earth?  If the material things, used by the people to show their reverence to God, are distractions,
what do you say about the Ark of The Covenant, made of wood and precious metals and other materials, directly by obeying the Word of God, in minutest details?

The Protestant view of everything pertaining to The True Faith is a total disgrace, not only in the eyes of God, but also in the eyes of every honest human being…


Most Holy Queen of Heaven, and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Dear Brothers,

A very powerful little video on Isaiah 6 and the Catholic v. Protestant view of God. It is interesting how Protestants reject the whole concept that God uses creatures to bring about His Almighty will. In effect, they condemn themselves out of their own mouth since according to them either, a) They are creatures, and so can have no part with God, or b) They are God, and so dissolve Christ - Antichrist. The Catholic priesthood immediately came to mind when you spoke about the angel with the coal touching Isaiah's lips, and reminded me of the Holy Eucharist which cleanses and strengthens the soul from vice (though the forgiveness of mortal sins is only in the Sacrament of Confession). Also, it is good to keep in mind the Vision of God that is described in various places in the Bible (and Tradition) so as to remember that this life is temporary… God's grace is all-powerful, and He can and will use creatures by His power…

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Talmud


Dear MHFM:


We sometimes hear how the muslim faith and its sharia law is trickling into our laws. I would suggest the talmud is making its way into everything in an even stronger way. One example is the world’s relaxation of its views on a physical relationship between children and adults. When you read the talmud you can clearly see that this sort of thing is ok, it just needs to be regulated. When I see the "Popes" dressed in their jewish livery, going to the synagogue, praying with jews, "working" with jews and praising everything jewish, is it any wonder that they follow the precepts of jewish law and morals. Is it any wonder these "priests" do what they do? The talmud is evil and demonic, it says Our Lord is in Hell boiling in a pool of unspeakable filth. To say jews don't really believe these things is simply false. Go to Israel and see what happens to you if you preach Christ crucified and try to convert someone, you go to prison because that's illegal in Israel (that's some democracy). Watch a jew in Israel pass a church or a cross and watch him spit.  Yes, these are the friends of V2 sect.






Subject: Perspective



I enjoyed your recent video of the man with a new VII perspective. The whole process of coming into the light is as if shedding your old life/skin of the dark filthy sins. Denying yourself and picking up your cross and following the truth as taught by Jesus and his Church. Leaving friends and family behind to walk the narrow path, that at its narrowest, would only allow a single individual to pass through. The bad-will mystery continues as to why most people will continue to surround themselves with lies (Heresy) instead of trying to discover the truth.

Matthew 13:11. Who answered and said to them: Because to you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven: but to them it is not given.

I remember back in younger days when I enjoyed being alone in solitude to the point of moving my bed into the family garage as a makeshift bedroom to have my own space and to be away from a family that was easily distracted with financial gain and converted to the VII new religion after we were earlier raised in traditional catholic schools. My loner/black-sheep way of life after 1970 was actually God's way of protecting me from all the evils associated with the VII sect. After losing the traditional Catholic upbringing, I slowly was caught up in the evils of this modern world.

Years later after slipping back into the VII mess, my conversion process to get back out for myself was most likely the same for others. I had felt a great grief and joy in my life at the same time. A grief by being overwhelmed with guilt of sin, grief over the possible loss of heaven and the pains of hell, grief over the thought of all the poor souls in hell that are there for an eternity for lesser sins than I, grief as in death of one life into a new uncertainty, grief over the persecution and loss of friends and family members that were not susceptible to the truth. Joy came with God's mercy, answered prayers, discovering and seeing the truth once again, a new life of solitude with Jesus and Mary's ability to shield me from my enemies, that I may learn and grow stronger in the faith. During my conversion I also shed my yoke through separation/divorce of a heretic (so-called spouse) and left my employment of over 20 years.

God Bless,





Dear Brothers:


I have one simple question, is it a sin when your body is so tired, your head cannot think and your eyes cannot open, and your still try to say Rosary or study but nothing gets in your head nor say one Hail Mary correctly. If one falls in this situation and goes to bed because nothing accomplished is satisfactory.


Is it a sin then? If it is so, please pray for me for I cannot win over my physical weakness.  My mind wants one direction and my body goes opposite of what my mind wants…


Kim-Lan Vu


MHFM: No, it’s not a sin.  You should just go to sleep.




MHFM: It’s interesting that Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, hasn’t even officially declared that he will be a candidate for President, and he is already pegged by the establishment media as a frontrunner and one of the favorites.  The media would have us believe that most the country (which, of course, has not been interviewed) favors him over other candidates who have declared, and that he has a real chance to win, while other candidates who have officially declared and begun campaigning do not have a reasonable chance.  The entire thing is a complete and totally outrageous hoax – the “frontrunners” and the outcome are all predetermined – as we discussed in this video:


The Stunning Secret about Election Night, and the Hoax of Political Polls


New Conversation Posted


MHFM: For those it might interest, this is a new conversation. 


A man with a new perspective about Vatican II and the Church [video]




Subject: Elenin/Nibiru


Dear Brothers,


There seems to be so much confusion and varying opinions on what actually is traveling around earth these days. It could very well be that Elenin and Niburu are just a larger extension of the devil’s plan to deceive man kind and get them thinking about things outside of the spiritual and working out their salvation. The devil’s number one goal since his falling from God's grace has been the destruction of souls. The more he can keep people occupied with all things not of God the more likely is the chance that he will accomplish his goal. If UFO's are of the devil, who is to say that unexplained planetary movements and other strange phenomena in our galaxy are not also his doing.


God bless your efforts,


Bob Bohr




Hello Brother Peter,


… I've written to you several times in the past year or more, I truly want to thank you for helping come out of the darkness and into the light. The world is full of liars and evil people. I truly consider myself a very conservative and a traditional Catholic sedevecantist… My life has changed in the most profound way just by praying the rosary all three, mysteries everyday. I read your material everyday and have found the answers to all my questions just by reading and looking, once again thank you. You were so right about that creep corapi! aka crappi...


Thank You Peter, and Michael


Joaquin Ruiz


No child left behind


Subject: “No child left behind”


Dear Brothers:


The Satan-inspired degenerates want to make certain there is no child whose mind and soul they don't destroy.


This article http://www.nbc-2.com/story/15245874/2011/08/10/parents-call-childrens-book-pornographic talks about a book called "It's Perfectly Normal".  It's a graphic book promoting sex and masturbation and has been placed on the bottom shelf of the local libraries in the Children's section (12 and under).


Perhaps time is too short to wait for the very youngest children to become of school age in order to corrupt them. 


Lee Ann




Subject: Sex ed


Dear MHFM,

I wonder if it is just a coincidence that NYC is bringing sex Ed to the classroom right after the governor of NY approved of gay "marriage", since it is the homosexual movement that is behind sex Ed......



Massive pre-Vatican II heresy


MHFM: A book entitled Curso Superior de Religión [The Course in Religion] by Fr. J. Rafael Faría was a theology book published in 1941 in Spanish.  It’s very popular in Spanish-speaking countries.  It’s even promoted by Mexican sedevacantist priests.  One might call it a Spanish equivalent of Ludwig Ott’s Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma.  The book (Curso Superior de Religión) contains an example of the outrageous pre-Vatican II denial of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation. 


Under the section “The Necessity to belong to the Church,” Art. 2 “Who can be saved and who can’t,” Page 155, it states:


“By belonging to the Soul, without being able to belong to the Body:


a) The Just of the Old Testament could have been saved, by having Faith in the future Messiah.

b) Pagans can be saved if they have not heard of the Church and obey the natural law.

c) The same can be saved in another religion if they are in good faith and in invincible error.

Those who are in another religion are in good faith if they have not heard of the Catholic Church; or having heard of her, they have not been able through some invincible prejudices, or by some impossibility, to prove that she is the only true religion.”


Of course, this is outrageous heresy: a clear rejection of defined dogma and the biblical teaching on the necessity of Christ and the Catholic faith for salvation.  Notice that the heretical book even indicates that non-Catholics who have heard of Christ and the Church can be saved, if, for some reason, they are not convinced of the claims for Christ or the Catholic Church.  That is the end result of the heresy that souls can be saved without the Catholic faith and in “invincible ignorance.”  For if one who hasn’t heard of Christ can be saved in a false religion, then how much does that individual have to know about Christ to become culpable?  What if he hears only a partial and incomplete preaching of Christ?  Once you deviate from the revealed rule (absolutely no salvation outside of Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith), in flows every hellish idea.  It’s clear that this heresy is what led to the Great Apostasy at Vatican II.  The heresy articulated in this book is the belief of almost every priest today, including “traditional” and sedevacantist priests.






Have you received any emails from the novus ordo faithless that give you credit for correctly exposing John Corapi? If you haven't received even one, it is quite revealing…




MHFM: We have received numerous e-mails from traditionally-minded individuals who agreed with the original video.  However, we are not aware of any e-mails from members of the Novus Ordo who complained about the original video but can now see that the assessment in the original video was correct. 




Note: A file on our recent Vatican II debate with Sungenis (with links to the video and audio of the debate) has been stored under “Traditional Catholic Audios.”




Subject: Mark Wick - BOD


Dear Brothers,

Mark Wick takes burning issue with the absolute necessity of water baptism - no exceptions - and doesn't realize that to reject baptism is to apostatize:

St. Irenaeus, Against Heretics, Book I, Chapter XXI.-The Views of Redemption Entertained by These Heretics [the Gnostics]: "1. It happens that their [the Gnostics'] tradition respecting redemption is invisible and incomprehensible, as being the mother of things which are incomprehensible and invisible; and on this account, since it is fluctuating, it is impossible simply and all at once to make known its nature, for every one of them hands it down just as his own inclination prompts. Thus there are as many schemes of "redemption" as there are teachers of these mystical opinions. And when we come to refute them, we shall show in its fitting-place, that this class of men have been instigated by Satan to a denial of that baptism which is regeneration to God, and thus to a renunciation of the whole [Catholic] faith."

… The heresy of "baptism of desire" is simply the very Mystery of Iniquity dressed up as "baptism"… Of course, false traditionalists kid themselves that BOD is a legitimate "baptism," but their own impure intentions are therein revealed. It's the ambiguity of the word "desire" that the "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" heretics hide behind, and they usually use "invincible ignorance" to hide behind that as well: "Oh, we don't think baptism of desire has anything to do with carnal desires - it is a holy and pure desire - so holy it justifies." That's how liars, heretics, schismatics and apostates operate, not Catholics. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Ephesians 5:3,4 - "But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not so much as be named among you, as becometh saints: Or obscenity, or foolish talking, or scurrility, which is to no purpose; but rather giving of thanks."

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 - "[the Antichrist] Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity."

God Bless,





Hello wanted to take time to thank you for posting these wonderful vids. They touched me deeply and gave me much thought and insight into death, heaven and hell. Although I am not of the Catholic faith I believe in many of your beliefs. Recently I have found myself watching the Catholic channel on television. I am not religious but love the lord and his teachings for they are true and without compromise. We are living in the end times I believe and it seems the world has become a modern Soddam and Gommorah (sp?). One of your saints is a saint for lost causes and I was curious to know more about this saint could you share some insight for me? Thank you Lin


MHFM: Thanks for the interest, Lin.  The Apostle St. Jude is the patron saint of lost causes.  We would recommend that you say a prayer to him for the grace of the true faith of Christ, which is the Catholic faith.  God is calling you to the Catholic faith, His one true faith, which is necessary for salvation.  You need to see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church; it provides the biblical support for that claim.  Please continue to look at the videos and material, as we believe the information will show you that traditional Catholicism is the true faith.  If you want to convert, the steps are here: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts.




Dear Brothers,
I have a question i would appreciate it if you could help me with it. Recently i gave some  of your material to my sister and she went through it and converted from the V2 church and is now Catholic. The problem she is having is this; she works at a V2 church nursing home where they have "mass" on a daily basis part of her job is to bring the residents down to the service and stay in there to make sure they are all ok. (Lots have alzheimers and other memory issues). She has asked me what i think she should do regarding this and is it a sin. She knows that she can never attend a non catholic church for any reason. But this problem is one I never thought about before and didnt really know what to say to her, I told her to ask her boss if she could get out of doing this activity she hasn't been able to talk to her boss yet about this so i dont know if this is an option for her. However if the answer is no she cant get out of doing this what should she do? Should she go and maybe say her own prayers queitly? Does she need to refuse to do this activity at all cost? Does she need to quit her job? I just dont have an answer to this one. My instincts tell me to tell her not to do it get out of it if she can but again i just dont know. So an answer would be greatly appreciated. She really wants to do the right thing. Thank you very much.
God Bless you


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  She must not bring people to the Novus Ordo service or be present there.  She should inform her boss that she can’t do it; and, if she can’t get out of it, she would have to find another job.  




I like your video very much, I am a Lutheran however and a true believer in Christ. I have to wonder if you believe that the Catholic Church is the only true church, why then do you also have the video Rome is the whore of Babylon. Also, if the Catholic Church had always been the true Church, why did so many of its edicts seemingly conflict with the true teachings of Jesus? why are there people who pray to dead humans (saints) rather than God?Why did it keep people ignorant of the word of God by conducting its sermons in a language that the people COULD not understand and only seek to take money from the fearful? I believe that Catholics are Christian and I see their Church as valid, but in the past they acted in such a way as to require a break with their doctrines.




MHFM: The Lutheran religion is not biblical; it’s not Christian.  It rejects the Papacy; it teaches faith alone, and much more.  All of that is contrary to the Bible.  You need to see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  The Catholic Church alone taught the true word of God.  Protestants adulterate it in many ways.  As the video on The Whore of Babylon explains, the Whore of Babylon is a Counter Church in Rome in the last days.  It’s not the Catholic Church, but a Counter “Catholic” Church set up as part of the final spiritual deception.  It contrasts with the Bride of Christ, the Catholic Church.  The fact that the end-time deception is focused on Rome proves, rather than disproves, the authenticity of the Catholic faith. 




…. by the way i do like your vids, they are great. i thought i wouldnt find one that i would disagree on but did with the catholic teaching on outside the church.

… First of all i believe it is wrong to say who will and will not go to heaven n hell because only God the Father should know this, surly the Son as well. I do believe outside the church WITH Limits, and by this i mean those that willingly accept Christ in their hearts as Baptist, 7 Day Adventist, non-denominational christains? Those few inside Christianity. Outside! Christianity would be much harder to say. No no satanist.




MHFM: Why is Outside the Church There is No Salvation hard to accept?  If you believe in papal infallibility, then it shouldn’t be hard.  If Christ is necessary for salvation (which He is), and He only has one Church (which He does), and one can only truly follow Christ in that Church (Mt. 18:17; Acts 2:47; etc.), it follows that there is no salvation outside of that Church.  The groups you mention all reject core teachings of Christ and demonstrate bad will.  See our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.


New Vatican II Debate Posted


MHFM: This is a new debate between Bro. Peter Dimond and Robert Sungenis.  It took place on Tuesday Aug. 2, 2011.  The topic debated was the teaching of Vatican II on the Muslims in Nostra Aetate #3. 


Vatican II Debate - Dimond vs. Sungenis - on Nostra Aetate #3 and the Muslims [new]


The resolution for the debate is: "Vatican II's teaching on the Muslims in Nostra Aetate #3 is false, heretical, and contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church."  Bro. Peter Dimond takes the affirmative: that Vatican II's teaching is false and heretical.  Robert Sungenis takes the negative: that Vatican II's teaching is not false and heretical.  The relevant portion of the passage that was debated is as follows:


"Nostra Aetate #3- The Church also regards the Moslems with esteem. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God. Though they do not acknowledge Jesus as God, they revere Him as a prophet... Finally, they value the moral life and worship God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting." The Windows Media Audio file is here: Windows Media Audio file


Charismatic worship of man


Subject: Charismatic Movement/Worship of Man


When I was travelling France some years ago, I met many 'charismatic' catholic french people.

At mass I was shocked that they did not kneel at the consecration..

They told me that, because they had been filled with the Holy Spirit, they ARE God. God does not kneel to God, therefore they do not kneel at the consecration.

They have taken the teaching that man is God to heart. There is even a 'museum' to man, which is more like a shrine and which these people highly esteem.

God bless.




What if?


I have a question. What if you are wrong? What if you found out that you have followed a god your whole life that isn't real? What if religion and god was just a way for tribal leaders and early ancient settlers thought up to give there people hope through tough times? I am a Christian and I have been baptized and for 12 years I was one of the most dedicated followers of god. Then I started to drift away from the bible and church. When I drifted I felt no different then when I was dedicated to god. I felt exactly the same if not happier that I wasn't constantly working to please a prescience that might not even exist. So I started to think about what I really believe. I believe that if there really truly is a god and we are his children then he would want us to be the happiest we can be. I don't believe that any father would want their children to bow down in front of him and pray to him daily. I just wanted to get your thoughts if it is at all possible.




MHFM: We know we are right.  You are being deceived by your obvious desire to “do what thou wilt,” the satanic philosophy.  It gives you a temporary comfort, but an enduring emptiness.  Unless you stop resisting the truth, and come back to the true Catholic faith, you will be lost. 




hello i have a question i have recently discovered the fact that the rap industry is involved with this so called "illuminati" and i been researching it more and seen videos of the illuminati being involved with the catholic church i am a firm believer of God and Jesus Christ and all the Angels and Saints i am a born Catholic. i want more evidence and more belief of what i already i have for the Lord and want to know why is this so called illuminati appearing with the pope and other arts found in rome




MHFM: The Illuminati have no involvement with the real Catholic Church.  The current structure in Rome, under Antipope Benedict XVI, is not the real Catholic Church.  It’s the Vatican II Counter Church.  Please consult our website.




what do you believe one must do to be saved in your religion? just curious.




MHFM: One must be baptized, accept all Catholic teachings, die in the state of grace (i.e., avoid mortal sin).  That will only happen if one prays consistently (e.g., the Rosary), practices the faith, evangelizes, etc. 


How about it?


what religion are you cuse you are following a cult believing that pope john paul 11 was anti pope cop yerself on




MHFM: We are Catholic, obviously.  Exercise your mind a little bit; put out just a tiny bit of effort to comprehend the points we are covering, the reasons behind them, and the points you presume to discuss.  Try learning something, rather than giving up on it after ten seconds. 


The Glossary of Terms and Principles [PDF]


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]

John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]




Thank you brothers. I have ordered your materials and am working my way through them. Yours is the ONLY explanation that makes any sense!!!... Many things have 'bothered' me these past few years. For example, I went to Rome as a journalist for a catholic radio station for the beatification of Mother Theresa. Not only was the 'extraneous' religious activities during the mass disturbing, I ran into a lot of older catholics who were upset by it and said so. I believe a lot of people know something is WRONG but can't put a finger on it…






I like your videos. They really help explain the corruption going on in the Vatican right now.






Subject: Sign of the End Times?


Brothers in Christ,

Is this economic downturn that the whole world is experiencing right now part of the signs of the End Times. Today the stock market dropped
634 pts and the dollar keeps losing its value while gold continues to soar.  Is the one world economy which the elitists wanted along with the one world religion and one world gov't all part of the End Times.   Nobody has faith anymore in this federal govt.





Dear MHFM  


… The protestant colonists of the american revolution would never have won their Independence without catholic support from nations like france, and spain.  Also at the battle of new orleans in 1815, because of the prayers of catholic ursuline nuns at their convent to our lady of prompt succor, the americans defeated the british forces who were vastly superior.  Even general jackson admitted that his victory was due to divine intervention and later visited the nuns to thank them.  So america owes a lot to catholics.   These anti- catholics should think twice. This is probably why God has not destroyed this nation by now.  It is because there are catholics  in the USA…


Mark V




Multiple Solar Flares Slam Into Earth, May Disrupt Your GPS, Cell Phones - International Business Times


It is simply amazing that now mainstream media is saying that these solar storms could knock power and power grids out for "years together or even for decades"--------if one thought this world would continue for that long which I tend to doubt,  then that would mean our society would be totally different-------nothing at all as what we know today-----------more like a return to the past…






MHFM: In the recent debate it was mentioned, among other things, that Muslims are called “pagans” throughout the Crusade literature.  This is consistent with papal teaching on the subject.  Here’s one example.


“[Raymond of Aguilers says]: ‘Raymond [of Toulouse] caused a wooden siege tower to be built, and it was strong and lofty, so engineered and constructed that it ran upon four wheels.  On the top storey stood many knights and Everard the Huntsman, who blew loud blasts on his horn, and underneath were armed knights who pushed the tower up to the town wall, over against one of its towers.  When the pagans saw this they immediately made an engine by which they threw great stones upon our siege tower, so that they nearly killed our knights.’… Horrified by the threat of the tower, the Muslim garrison concentrated its efforts towards repelling the attack.” (Gesta Francorum, p. 78; quoted in Thomas Asbridge, The First Crusade, p. 266.)






My name is Lily, and I am a Catholic from Malaysia. I heard about your site from an American Catholic sedevacantist who is a firm believer in your interpretations of the Bible (we are engaged now).  I have never heard of this before, so at first I was appalled about the many things that were published in your site. But there is within me a realisation that these could indeed be facts and that we are indeed at the end of times. You must understand that I come from a country of ethic and religious diversity where we are taught about tolerance and acceptance, to be inclusive, learn to appreciate and respect people of diverse background and religion. So I learn to love and accept and respect these others  in the spirit of Jesus love and that indeed my was my formula of success of peace within me, my colleagues and my family without having me to sacrifice my love and passion of being a Catholic. So accepting your truth (yes, I said truth), may not come that soon or if it does, it may die of, just as soon. So I' d rather pray and contemplate and have a full embracement of your teachings rather than accept and leave midway. To me its a journey.


However my fiance comes on hard about these teachings and is completely unaccepting of my situation of giving me time and space to have me draw these teachings to heart rather than to commit to mind only. I hope you understand that I would also be cautious about accepting anything too fast as we are indeed at the end of time and will see many sects growing. Please I am not making any accusation here. I am most unworthy of it!  But my fiance is giving me the ultimatum, its now or never, and this might jeopardise our relationship. He gives me the facts without telling me the expectations, so to clarify some of these misunderstandings that we have, please help me understand the followings : 


… Do you expect people to be 'converted' immediately?


… Is it correct to make judgements, eg. of the pope (although the evidences are clearly presented, do you think we still need to take a modest view about judging others lest we be judged too)…


Please help to provide me some insight on my questions above and save our relationship which God himself had designed for me.


Thank you.



MHFM: First, you call yourself a Catholic, but you admit that you have embraced religious diversity (presumably salvation outside the Church, etc.).  That is not consistent with the possession of the core mysteries of the Catholic faith.  Hence, in reality you have not been a Catholic, and you would need to make a true profession of faith and convert.  You also say that you were appalled by what was published on our site.  However, if you consider these matters carefully, you would see that the teachings you found appalling are the traditional teachings of Christ and His Church.  It should not take you long to see that these positions and conclusions are based on the authority of Christ, and that you should therefore immediately conform yourself to them, if you accept Christ.


It seems that your first question is really geared toward your own situation.  Since you claim to be Catholic, you should immediately align your views with that of dogmatic Catholicism.  If you do not, you should admit that your problem is not with our material, but with the teaching of Christ and His Church.  To your second question, it is not only correct to judge and condemn clear heretics, it is necessary to do so.   


We recommend that you pray the Rosary each day for the grace of faith. 




… A friend of ours asked my husband an interesting question; are we free to disagree with or disregard the message of Fatima?  He claims that since it is a "private revelation" he doesn't have to pay any attention to it at all.  In fact, he seems to place more importance on the opinions of protestant writers than on anything Our Lady says in her last apparitions (LaSalette as well as Fatima).  I disagree, the stupendous miracle of the sun should tell anyone that the message was divinely inspired and approved of and it would be a huge mistake to ignore it.   This fellow used to be a protestant, then he claimed he converted to the Catholic Faith, now he seems to be drifting back towards protestantism.  I am interested in your opinion.




MHFM: Thanks for the question.  In terms of a dogmatic or magisterial obligation, there is no obligation.  However, we believe the moral obligation would be equivalent to the moral obligation to stand for the truth in any aspect of life.  For example, if you worked in the field of science, and the evidence pointed you in a certain direction, you would have a moral obligation to stand for and embrace the truth on that scientific matter.  (Of course, all of this presupposes that the matter we are talking about does not contradict any Catholic teaching and real scientific truth could never contradict Catholic teaching).  To reject what the evidence indicated on that scientific matter, and head in a different direction, would be to sin and demonstrate bad will, even if it would not be heresy.


In the same way, we believe the evidence for the authenticity of Fatima and its miracle is so strong, overwhelming and irrefutable that only dishonest people of bad will would reject it, even if they could not be called heretics.  With the power of its message, Fatima has a supernatural air to which any real and honest Catholic would be attracted.  That’s why we frequently see darkened, radical schismatics whose position causes them to lose all reasonable faith in the Church, embrace the position that Fatima was of the Devil. 


Forty Martyrs


Dear brothers Dimond,


I have a question regarding the Baptism of Desire (according to my understanding, Baptism of desire means: a person having the desire to receive christian baptism and positively wanting to become a Christian, but dies without having been able to receive the sacrament. Such a person would be saved by his faith, at least that's what the old catechism says). My understanding is that you do not believe in the Baptism of Desire or that people can be saved with the Baptism of Desire. If that means that you only reject the broad interpretation which is used by Vatican II apologists (they explain it as a sincere desire for "God", in whatever religion), we do not have a difference of opinion. People do not get saved simply by wanting to obey "God", whoever they might think that is. But if you took it to mean that absolutely no one is ever saved without the physical sacrament of christian baptism, we would have a difference of opinion. In that latter case: 


What do you think about this historical example:


The 40 martyrs of Sebaste…




Mark Wick



MHFM: Our salvation book covers this matter in detail, and it contains a section on “The 40 Martyrs”: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/the_catholic_church_salvation_faith_and_baptism.php


“An example of how the baptism of blood advocates err in this matter is their assertion that the fortieth martyr of Sebaste was unbaptized.  They say that he was unbaptized, but that he joined himself with the other thirty-nine martyrs and froze to death for Christ on the lake.  The fact is that there is no proof that the fortieth martyr of Sebaste was unbaptized, whose identity is unknown.  The accounts of the story reveal that he “cried out with a loud voice that he was a Christian,” probably because he was already a baptized Catholic who was spurred on to martyrdom by the example of the other thirty-nine.  Further, in the Roman Martyrology under the date of September 9, we read:


“At Sebaste in Armenia, St. Severian, a soldier of Emperor Licinius.  For frequently visiting the Forty Martyrs in prison, he was suspended in the air with a stone tied to his feet by order of the governor Lysias…”


It is certain that Severian was not the fortieth martyr (from the date and circumstances of his death), but we see from this account that other people and soldiers were able to visit the forty in prison.  Thus, the forty martyrs easily could have baptized any soldiers who showed interest and sympathy with their cause, including the one who joined himself to them eventually (if he wasn’t already baptized).  Thus, there is nothing that proves that the fortieth martyr was unbaptized, and we know that he was from the truth of our Faith.  The same can be said about all of the approximately 20 cases which are brought forward by the baptism of blood advocates.


Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439:  And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5].  The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”


Moreover, “the broad interpretation” of the false idea of “baptism of desire” is not only held by supporters of Vatican II.  It is held by basically 100% of those who support “baptism of desire.”  In fact, if we had a conversation with you, it would probably be discovered that you accept, in one form or another, the broad heresy which you call an “interpretation.”  Indeed, to obstinately embrace any version of the utterly false and ultimately faith-destroying idea of “baptism of desire,” in light of the dogmatic arguments we bring forward, demonstrates bad will and is contrary to the Catholic faith. 




Subject: Your debate, videos and the Gays!


Dear Brothers,  


Excellent Debate!  That man knows nothing about the Muslims!  They are a false and evil sect!  He knows nothing about Sharia Law and how it is overtaking England and the World!  I saw this on rt.com, Russian news.  http://rt.com/news/sharia-law-conquer-london/  This is a very scary video and shows how they want to take over the whole world.  What part of The Battle of Lepanto doesn't this guy understand? The Muslims have been trying to overtake Christianity for centuries and he is willing to let them do it yet again!  There is only ONE God, the Catholic God, and ALL OTHER RELIGIONS ARE FALSE!!!  This guy knows nothing about the TRUE Catholic Church and its teachings and dogmas like you pointed out to him!  You most definitely won this debate as always!  (Also, I have so enjoyed the last 4 or 5 videos you show!  Keep them coming!)

Also, in regards to the 'gay/?' Nativity Scene.  I agree with LeeAnn completely.  We are so living in the 'Twilight Zone" and that was supposed to be fiction!!  Also, in regards to the gays who are taking over the world along with the Muslims, i.e. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/20/us/20vermont.html?_r=3 about the gay Couple? who want to sue the Vermont place because they cannot have their reception there!  It must be very difficult to be in any business today, for example the Reception Halls, Florists, Bakeries, anything to do with weddings! They will most definitely be sued for not 'understanding'! 

May Our Lord and Our Lady protect us in these final days.  Keep up the great work you are doing for us…


God bless you.




Subject: Debate with Sungenis


Dear Brothers,


As one listened to your debate one is forced to conclude that your opponent is suggesting, in defending Nostra Aetate, using Euphemism so as not to offend the Muslims or other "great" religions. Great job on shedding light on the truth and instructing the true believers what they should guard against.


God speed,





Dear Brothers,

I managed to speak to a few people [of the SSPX] about sedevacantism… One man, Lusgavo (and architect) was quite resistant. He is a member of the SSPX third order, and he was saying the old "you can't judge" heresy. I just told him that we judge with our brain, and that the Councils and past true popes have declared what is to be believed and rejected, and that a pope can't be subjected to a trial, so the excommunications are automatic. He struck me as very attached to externals - very impure intentions… the SSPX and its supporters pour all of their blood, sweat and tears into making everything look perfect, but when it comes to the real substance of the Catholic faith, i.e. the substance of the words of Catholic dogma, they don't have it… Basically, they just want to be told they're going to Heaven, which the SSPX priests are more than willing to do.

I was thinking how the Devil can appear as an angel of light, but that's it. Jesus and Mary are flesh and blood people, not merely spiritual, and Jesus is uncreated from all eternity, consubstantial in the Holy Trinity. The Devil can make himself look like God, but in substance he is obviously not. The same with the SSPX - they look like Catholics, but in general are not. Also, since all lies originate with the Devil, they are also of an intangible nature, whereas the truth is usually verified by physical three dimensional space, matter, time events. So the truth has real substance, whereas lies are simply imaginary. I was thinking how that's connected with the heresy of Nestorianism since that heresy rejects the hypostatic union of God the Word with Jesus' flesh as Christ. Also, Nestorianism is essentially the Antichrist heresy worship of man in its primitive form, and is connected to Arianism since it is creature worship. Sometimes I think of the Trinity like the three dimensions of the universe: horizontal, vertical, and depth. All three dimensions are co-equal and exactly alike in substance, only they each have a different function, though they all work together too and are essentially inseparable - just like the Trinity - one in three and three in one. Like the sun, which is a ball, and the three dimensions of the sun could represent the three persons of the Trinity (e.g. Vertical = Father, Horizontal = Son, Depth = Holy Spirit), and the heat and light of the sun is a property of all three dimensions, not just one, though the heat and light we get on earth from the sun is more properly attributed to the depth dimension. Just some thoughts. I also completed the renewal of my consecration to Mary.

God Bless,



MHFM: That’s very true: the hardcore SSPX supporters are very impure in their intentions.  They are quite dedicated to externals and community, but devoid of the substance of the faith and true devotion to Christ.  



Dear Brothers:


Just when we were thinking that, with the acceptance of so-called "gay marriage" things couldn't get any worse, along comes the notice of lesbian/homosexual nativity scenes.   The world is like a giant sore which never stops exuding pus.  One might almost be tempted to ask:  Is this hell? were it not possible to still pray the Rosary.


Same with the festering Uncatholic church.  Only yesterday, on the feast of Our Lady of the Snows, did I come to learn how that designation of Our Lady came to be, and of its connection to the important basilica of St. Mary Major.  It involved a miraculous snowfall in August, the hottest time of the year in Rome.  I recall that this very important basilica was awarded to "Cardinal" Bernard Law by JP2 when the US was trying to investigate Law for his facilitation of massive sex abuse in Boston (home of the official "death" of the EENS dogma by the enemies of Christ, and home of many other evils as well).  Although I was not a sedevacantist at the time of Law's transfer to Rome, I can still remember the complete revulsion I felt when the televised picture was aired of Law being met with a big embrace from Antichrist JP2.  (I don't see how anyone can see that picture without feeling like vomiting).  With every passing day (and with every Rosary), one sees more and more clearly the horror of Apostasy - and how much Satan and his human stooges hate God, Our Lady, and especially the Incarnation.  And, like many false "Christians" whom he also inspires, Satan hates the saints and, in fact, all things Catholic.


When the false Vatican II traditionalists assure themselves and one another that they can see signs of hope and stirring of new life in "the Church", this insanity is a punishment that comes from their lying to themselves and others so often - and from refusing to receive the truth.   As MHFM has helped us to understand, the real reason said people are not troubled by the horrors of the counter church and the demonic world of which it is a part, is because they simply do not care.  End of story.


Lee Ann




Congratulations Br. Peter on another successful blow to Devil and his Wicked Lies, Blasphemies and Sacrileges.  Sungenis seems to be confused, last time I checked the Church condemns "all opinions (free thinking)" contrary to dogmatic teachings and anathematizes them. If one supports one in anyway shape or form (especially when one does not stand up to the wicked and rebuke them) who openly promotes heresy, then, one is indeed guilty of consenting to evil in so doing one commits the very sins the individual commits through consenting to it whether coherent or incoherent to fact. "Everything that comes out of Benny the Heretics mouth is Heresy" that should be obvious to any decent Traditional Catholic (which there are few in number anyway). Sungenis is one of the many Blind sheep who are falling into pits of Heresy led by Benny and his Ilk from Hell… But with most people one can't convince them of the Truth just as you could not explain to them that their Hair is on Fire even as their shoes are melting to the floor. Because of their iniquities they are blinded. 


The muslims worship some worm frying in the Eternal pit, They do not Worship God!  They Blaspheme the True god (The Holy Trinity). It seems that Sungenis was trying to find the meaning of this debate? He keeps saying this is not about benny, this is not about blah blah blah useless Rhetoric...John Paul 2nd went astray? What? he's a Pawn of devil! did someone forget to notice his satanic Broken Cross Staff formed by Satanists which he carried everywhere with him! This reminds me of a certain passage of the Bible that states 'My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge". Just curious Sugenis what do you think the Debate is about? cause Obviously everyone else knows but You! It is Heresy to esteem any one who worships Devils!!!!!! They don't worship God. Even Sugenis admits that muslims don't have true worship obviously because 1. they worship Hell 2.  They blaspheme the Holy Trinity 3. They like to kill women and children who are Christians 4. They are not in anyway in the Church so it would be impossible for them to please God, hence not True worship.  Kissing a Koran and calling for St. John the Baptist to bless Islam is not just an Error; its Abominable Heresy worthy of Infinitely more Punishment than 1000 Hells. People like Sugenis make me Sick, I mean it's so obvious that he is in error, if one esteems muslims,pagans etc... then one is not Catholic at all!

May God always guide you and your brethren at the Most Holy Family Monastery to help save souls and enlighten those who are in darkness through the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and St. Benedict.  Sorrowful Immaculate of Mary Pray for us, Sacred Hear of Jesus have Mercy on us.


A Slave of Jesus in Mary,

Roy James Sandbank




… Great job on your most recent debate with bob sungenis.  Vatican 2 is a non-council.  No council has any worth or validity unless invoked and confirmed and promulgated by a true pope.  Also I read the part of your book about the great western schism, in the truth about what happened to the catholic church since Vatican 2.  This was interesting about the multiple anti-popes.  Anti-pope John 23, Angelo Roncali, took the same name as a previous anti-pope John 23 1410- 1415.  Anyway thank you and God bless you.    


From mark v


Baptismal Grace


Subject: Baptism


Brother Dimond,


    If someone is above the age of reason when they are properly water baptized in a protestant sect, but that individual knowingly rejects Catholic teaching when they undergo that baptism, then wouldn't that be an invalid baptism? If so, then can you show me the Catholic teaching which says one must have proper form, matter, intent and "FAITH" in order for their baptism to be considered valid?


Thank you,



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  First, in answering your question, let’s make it clear that you are asking about someone who knowingly and obstinately rejects Catholic teaching and is therefore a heretic.  The answer to your question about the baptism of such a person is that if the proper, matter, form, etc. were observed, the baptism would be valid and the heretic would receive the character (or mark) of baptism.  However, the heretic would not receive the grace of justification that comes with the sacrament.  In the following canon from Trent (among other decrees), we see the concept that a sacrament can be received but the grace will not be conferred if an obstacle (such as heresy) is in the way.


Council of Trent, Canons on the Sacraments in General, Canon 6: “If anyone says that the sacraments of the New Law do not contain the grace which they signify, or that they do not confer that grace on those who place no obstacles in its way, as though they were only outward signs of grace or justice received through faith and certain marks of Christian profession, whereby among men believers are distinguished from unbelievers, let him be anathema.”




Subject: Sungenis's "one god" not Catholic


Dear MHFM-

Mr. Sungenis has long been considered one of the ablest apologists for the legitimacy of the post-Vatican II claimants – well, until now. It was amusing how quickly he had to run from any mention of his affiliation with Benedict XVI; his “pope” is for ceremonial and display purposes only, you can't rely on him for doctrine!

You fully exposed his false claims about Nostra Aetate. Anyone who reads this document can clearly see that it's expressing what the Vatican II counter church believes about Islam, not merely relating what the Moslems believe. It clearly says “they adore” the one God … not “they claim to adore” the one God.

Vatican II adherents like to make so much of the fact that Moslems believe in only “one god.” So what? The Philistines also believed in “only one” god – Dagon!

Interestingly, Nostra Aetate does admit that the cross of Christ is the fountain from which every grace flows (but tries to dissolve this truth in the acid bath of universal salvation). Once someone grasps this ancient truth about the cross of Christ it becomes immediately apparent why the cross is always present at worship of the true God, the Blessed Trinity – and why it is always absent (and despised) wherever the "one god" religion so “esteemed” by Vatican II is practiced.





Subject: Sungenis Debate


Dear Brother Peter

Congratulations on such an excellent debate with Robert Sungenis and for completely exposing the pathetic and unconvincing arguments of this defender of Vatican II and the antipopes.  Sungenis seemed to be arguing that Nostra Aetate was looking for points of commonality between the True Faith and other religions and for this reason did not condemn them. In the case of the Muslims, he seems to be saying that as they worship one God like Catholics, therefore the God they worship, since there is only one True God, has to be the True God even though they don't intend it.  But this does not follow at all and Sungenis should know from Sacred Scripture that he who has not the Son
has not the Father, and that followers of false religions worship devils, and that God wishes to be worshipped in the Catholic religion and no other is pleasing to Him. Just because Muslims believe in one God that does not give them anything in common with the True Religion as their one God is not at all the same as the Holy Trinity and therefore the God they pray to is not the True God and the True God is not in any way the recipient of their worship or is pleased in any way with their religion.  Also, although looking at the wording of Nostra Aetate is important, it is also essential to look at what this document unleashed in terms of interreligious syncretism and "dialogue" and numerous statements from the antipopes praising false religions. Nostra Aetate opened the door to religious liberty and the heretical and abominable Assisi meetings and they all find their justification in the obvious intention of Nostra Aetate to see good in all other religions and abandon any attempts at condemning them and following Our Lord's instruction to preach the Gospel.

God bless the work of your Monastery.

Yours sincerely





Subject: Debate


Thank you for the debate as it once again proved the astounding dishonesty of these Vatican II defenders.  Sungenis is being completely disingenuous in supposing that Vat. II is not heretical b/c the "popes" have not said that they are, yet he does not even have to agree with them about what Vat. II states.  What a liar.
Further, all you have to do is read the document and see the heresy plain and clear. 


Nostra Aetate #3: "The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God."


The Moslems do not adore the one God.  But apparently they do according to Sungenis.  How can you reject God (Jesus) yet simultaneously adore God... it is not possible.  Just as it is not possible to hold the Catholic faith if you reject even one of the Church's teachings.  I guess Sungenis believes if you adore one part of the Trinity while rejecting the rest you are in good stead.  By that ridiculous logic you can hold true to one Catholic teaching and reject the rest, yet be in the Church.  If he were honest he could simply read the Gospel and see for himself that Christ declared that those who reject Him do not worship the God of Abraham.






Dear Brothers,

Great debate against Robert Sungenis on the fact that Vatican II's Nostra Aetate #3 is heretical. Robert Sungenis is a typical Vatican II apostate who rejects Jesus Christ. There is no common ground between the Catholics and Muslims, as anyone who has had experience preaching the true faith to Muslims will know! Muslims… do not worship the one God because Jesus Christ is the One God (John 14:6), and no one goes to God the Father except through Him. To reject that fact - as do the Muslims - is to reject the one (true) God.  It is irrelevant what the Muslims think about there being one God, because Satan poses as the one God when He is obviously a mere creature (and the Devil)… Islam is Antichrist - man in the place of God (1 John 4:3, 1 Thess. 2:4)! There is no common ground between Christ and Allah because those who worship Allah blaspheme the Trinity and say that those who believe Christ is the Son of God will go to hell - outrageous blasphemy!!! The Christian faith is about the salvation of souls for eternity, not about keeping the peace on earth. The true religion has been revealed by Jesus Christ only, given to the Apostles, and passed down and defended in the Catholic Church only. The Holy Spirit is not responsible for, or found in, false and demonic religions such as Islam. God the Holy Spirit guards and defends the Catholic Church only, especially in the office of the Papacy. Robert Sungenis is a demon worshipping apostate, blinded by his own pride and lies. He is a schismatic who holds Antipope Benedict XVI to be a "pope," yet rejects the faith of his "pope." Robert Sungenis is a heretic who thinks there is common ground between heaven and hell, Christ and Allah, the Catholic Church and Muslims… What a modernist heretic Sungenis is!!! Excellent defense of the true Catholic faith, Bro. Peter. It proves yet again that to obstinately defend Vatican II is to be an Antichrist apostate!!!...

Psalm 95:4,5 - "For the Lord is great, and exceedingly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens."

2 Corinthians 6:14-16 - "Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness?  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God; as God saith: I will dwell in them, and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

Matthew 10:32-36 - "Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's enemies shall be they of his own household."

1 John 2:22 - "Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist, who denieth the Father, and the Son."

God Bless,

Chris White




Subject: Sungenis Debate


Dear Brothers,


You did a wonderful job in this very interesting debate.   Mr. Sungenis doesn't seem to understand that worshipping one "god" is not necessarily the same thing as worshipping the Blessed Trinity. It is an undeniable fact that the Muslims reject the Trinity, so how could they possibly worship the same God as Catholics??  Perhaps the counterchurch "Catholics" do worship the same god as the Muslims, since both groups are outside the Catholic Faith, they both worship demons.  I also learn from and appreciate the commentaries of different people writing in the email exchange.  It is so good to know there are other Catholics out there, that we are not alone…






Subject: Latest Debate


Dear MHFM,


The latest debate was just like all the others, that is, for all the opponents of the Catholic Faith.  The heretic Sungenis calmly and coldly denies dogmatic definitions as Brother Peter so succinctly brings them to their place, in the light.  It is truly amazing that they all seem to have such pride and blissful arrogance when denying these Dogmas and don't even flinch when they are wrong.  The two comments below, for me, put Nostra Aetate in the best context.  That is, that they are teaching a new religion and one that is of the Devil.


Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (#2), Jan. 6, 1928:


"Certainly such attempts can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule. Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it, and little by little. turn aside to naturalism and atheism, as it is called; from which it clearly follows that one who supports those who hold these theories and attempt to realize them, is altogether abandoning the divinely revealed religion".


Pope Pius IX, Qui Pluribus (#15), Nov. 9, 1846:


"Also perverse is the shocking theory that it makes no difference to which religion one belongs, a theory which is greatly at variance even with reason. By means of this theory, those crafty men remove all distinction between virtue and vice, truth and error, honorable and vile action. They pretend that men can gain eternal salvation by the practice of any religion, as if there could ever be any sharing between justice and iniquity, any collaboration between light and darkness, or any agreement between Christ and Belial".


P.S. Another wonderful debate for the Catholic Faith by MHFM.  I never tire of these and could listen for hours to the truth.


God Bless you for your works...






First of all I would like to once again say “Thank You” from myself and I feel safe to say it for all true Catholics that are left in the world today. You do so very much for the cause of Christ… The very Person of Jesus Christ is so attacked now during this the Great Apostasy that it truly sickens all of the true believers. This man Robert Sungenis is a child of Satan for even defending that passage in any way. It is certainly needful to exercise a debate of that length in order to expose the false arguments of these closet Satanists, but the argument is actually very, very concise and simple – The passage esteems Islam, and shows respect and esteem for their prayers. Islamists reject and attack the precious Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and are possibly the greatest enemy of the Church in history and still are! Islamists have been Magisterially pronounced to be Pagans, and Pagans worship the Devil as St Paul tells us and as the Psalmist tells us (as the Holy Ghost tells us). Christians know that one who rejects Christ is damned, is not a child of Abraham but of the Devil (as Our Lord proclaims in the gospel of John chapter 8). Anyone who esteems Islam, and approves of their prayers, is a heretic and this is undeniable for a Catholic. Sungenis is simply not going to submit to these simple truths because he is not only not concerned with being a Catholic, he is all tied up with being a “star” in the “traditionalist intellectual circle”. He does not care what Jesus Christ proclaims and demands about those who knowingly reject Him to His Holy Face. Sungenis could care less – because if he cared he would be sitting with us and crying out against the esteeming and approving and the Loving of Satanic, Pagan religions by his “popes” and his “councils”. He says it does not concern him that Benedict the XVI calls Nostra Aetate his rule and guide – well when his pope “invokes” a “Magisterial” pronouncement from a “council” which Sungenis holds as valid, then he is indeed bound by it. He is bound to exactly what Benedict XVI has said when he “invokes” the council and “confirms” the council.

     Can you imagine exactly how you are I or any true Catholic were supposed to act if we had a true Pope right now and he invoked some passage from Trent, or Vatican I, or Florence. Could we say “well, that is his private opinion because he didn’t publish it in a Papal Bull”, I disagree with him, I will not obey what he says there”. Nonsense! That would be immediate heresy to deny what a true pope says in invoking a true council and confirming the council as having made the statement as true and as the “teaching of the Catholic Church”. How can this guy Sungenis even have any followers, he is so unbelievably weak! I had thought that he might have at least some sort of twisted program he would attempt to follow in debating you, but he just kept backing off into that old “well, it doesn’t really say they like the Muslims, they are just stating some facts regarding the Muslims” nonsense. He is a liar and a weak one. No substance at all. What crass lies. Give that passage to any objective, unbiased and honest third party who has not heard of any of this and that person will say “I am forced to conclude from the plain language that the writer candidly admits his esteem for this religion. He approves of it and believes that it is good. He supports it entirely and wants it to go on and succeed. He says openly that their prayers and alms are good and obviously very pleasing to God.” What else can one conclude? This is what it says! If Sungenis were true he would say “yeah that is a clearly heretical passage. I really don’t know what to do about that one!” But he is not true. He is a worker of iniquity… What do you think will occur about this debate on judgment day – because it will NOT be overlooked. What will Sungenis tell our precious Lord then. This passage is an OUTRAGE to our Lord – He has been gracious to reveal to us His Mind on these topics. An entire system which rejects Christ and persecutes His Beloved Bride!? Muslims who hate Christ and oppose His Gospel? Sungenis will pay for this and rightly so. There is no room for compassion in some instances and this is a definitive model of that. Ones like Sungenis will suffer the deepest of Hells, and he has earned every bit of it and more. To defend such a horrid thing!... I really hope that the Lord comes very, very soon – mostly so that He will be glorified and shut the mouths of these devils incarnate. So He will crush His enemies under His feet and establish His society sweet and lovely wherein such things are never heard of. I believe that you and Brother Michael are correct as well – that John Paul II was the antichrist and that Benedict XVI is the False Prophet. Just look at how unusually close they were when JPII was here. Look how strangely closely they always colluded. Now look how JPII is being resurrected – with 20 foot banners of his evil face all over. My 8 year old daughter told me that she was at the supermarket with mother and saw a bunch of candles with JPII’s face upon them – a number of them glaring at the people. Really wicked.


-Thanks and best to you – Godspeed,

Michael Glennon




Subject: Debate with Robert Sungenis


Dear Brother Peter,


What an excellent debate with Robert Sungenis! And you were absolutely right to correct him regarding Acts 17.22. Here he fell into the same error as William Albrecht, repeatedly mistranslating the Greek adjective deisidaimonesterous as “religious”. This is disappointing as he possesses a far better understanding of Ancient Greek than the latter, who, as you have rightly pointed out, is a phony Greek “scholar”.


It is clear that, when St Paul called the Athenians deisidaimonesterous (Ac 17.22), he was reprimanding them, with mild irony, for the scrupulosity with which they attempted to appease their pagan gods. St Jerome, whose understanding of Koine Greek, was vastly superior to that of Mr Sungenis, picked up the tone perfectly with his Latin translation superstitiosiores. Even the New Vulgate promulgated by Antipope John Paul II fully endorses St Jerome’s translation, so Sungenis is out on a limb here.


If Sungenis were faithful to the significance of a Greek comparative, he would have to translate deisidaimonesterous not as “religious” but as either “too religious” or “rather/somewhat religious”. But neither translation would serve him well, for St Paul would hardly recommend the Athenians to practise religion less (!), nor would he describe them as “rather religious” and then immediately proceed to upbraid them for their ignorance and idolatry, two vices entirely contrary to the virtue of religion.


No. The underlying adjective deisidaimon derives from deido (I fear) and daimon (a pagan supernatural spirit), so its fundamental meaning is spirit-fearing, hence superstitious. A good English translation for deisidaimonesterous would therefore be “rather superstitious”.


It is intriguing, not to say disquieting, that men like Sungenis, Albrecht, and even Fr Maximilian Zerwick SJ (who treats the word as an elative superlative meaning “most pious”!) commit this woeful exegetical mistake. Why do they do it? I can only think that the powers of evil are ultimately at work here. They want Catholics to praise pagans for their worship of demons and to view such idolatry as a praiseworthy and perhaps even logical step on the road towards the worship of Almighty God…


Timothy Johnson




Subject: Esteem for the Devil


Dear Brothers in Christ,

I've listened to the debate you had with Mr. Sungenis about the V2 Nostra Aetate #3.  The main "argument" Mr. Sungenis has is that the NA never states that the Muslims have the true worship of God. The absence of the words "true worship", or something equivalent to that, is the "proof" that the NA #3 is not heretical.  By quoting many statements from the true popes and the Scripture, you have proved beyond any doubt that the position of Mr. Sungenis is false and dishonest.  I would like to add some of my thoughts to illustrate more the dishonesty of Mr. Sungenis.

For example, in Luke 4:41 we find the verse: "And devils went out from many, crying out and saying: Thou art the Son of God. And rebuking them he suffered them not to speak, for they knew that he was Christ."

In this instance the devils are saying what is true, and what is belonging to the core beliefs of The True Faith. Let us suppose that someone is saying something like this: "I esteem the devils for their univocal recognitions of Jesus as The Son of God. I admire their dedications to The Truth in that matter, and I find the common ground to live with them in peace and mutual respect."  How would that sound, Mr. Sungenis?

But, in the search for "common ground" with the unbelievers, Mr. Sungenis could argue: "The devils you've pointed to are not human beings with their potential to convert to The True Faith. They are already damned forever and could not be saved no matter what they do or say. So, this comparison to Nostra Aetate #3 fails, because it is addressed to the living human beings, who could be saved if they convert to The True Faith."

Exactly, Mr. Sungenis. So, please tell me, what is the proper way of speaking about The True Faith to the human beings who DO have the potential of conversion simply because they have the free will?  Is the way of endlessly esteeming and admiring them for their acts and words which superficially resembles that of The Only  True Faith, and not even with one word condemning them for their clear rejection of Jesus as The Son of God, is this the proper way of dealing with such people? Is it?  Simply by not condemning the statement that Jesus is not The Son of God, the Nostra Aetate #3 is blatantly heretical, blasphemous and of the father of all lies--the Devil. And so are you, Mr. Sungenis.

I'll tell you why NA #3 is not condemning the notion that Jesus is not The Son of God. It is so because the authors of this satanic document are stating that the search for the "common ground" with every damned false religions of this dark world is more important than anything which is pleasing to God. They searched to please the people, not God. In your satanic pride you are searching to please your imagined (that is, nonexistent) intellectual superiority. You couldn't care less for what is true and pleasing to God.

Our Most Holy Mother and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: Debate with Sungenis


Thank you for the debate with Robert Sungenis; you did a wonderful job.  In listening to this debate, I remembered from my V2 days why these "apologists" have followings.  First, because almost all V2 people are ignorant of the faith (and are kept that way).  And second, people don't carefully listen to exactly what's being said. Here are some "for example's".


Sungenis kept repeating that it's really inconsequential what a Vatican 2 "pope" (such as B16) would say about a Vatican Council II document.  On the other hand...Sungenis says the documents of the council (such as Nostra Aetate) can't be infallible or heretical because none of the "Popes" have said that they were. Well, which is it, according to Sungenis?  Does it matter what a "pope" says about a contemporaneous council, or not?...


Although you reminded Sungenis of the V2 "popes'" continuous embrace and praise of false religions over the past 50 years -- Sungenis completely missed the point that this would be the "ordinary magisterium" which Sungenis declares exists, and which he insists on defending.  He just didn't get it.


He kept repeating that, although Nostra Aetate praises or esteems the "worship" of the Moslems, it did not use the word "true" worship and, therefore, it can't be a heretical statement. And he says the Catholic Church recognizes different forms of worship.  Since when?


Sungenis says that the Church approves of Islam to the extent Islam believes in "one God", follows the natural law, and has tenets very close to what Catholics believe in.  And that the whole purpose of the discussion of this in the V2 council was so that men can find peace.  That's precisely the Masonic agenda. 


He also promotes the "they have pieces of the pie" theory which all of us are all too familiar with. 


Sungenis obviously does not believe in the dogma Outside the Church there is No Salvation.  He points out that Nostra Aetate does not say that Moslems will be saved by following the natural law, and then adds: maybe they will [be saved], and maybe they won't.


When Sungenis tries to compare the Moslems to the Gentiles in Acts, Sungenis is forgetting one thing: the infant Church and Christianity were just getting started. Jesus had just recently issued His command to teach all nations, while Islam arose almost a thousand years after Christ.  And although Islam was a serious threat to Christianity, the true popes of the Church preached the conversion of the Moslems.  They did not recommend compromise in order to find "peace".


Sungenis remarks that he is writing a critique of B16's recent book, and I think he said he was doing so at the invitation of B16.  Well, perhaps that explains it.  His followers can all be of good cheer.  Sungenis will explain to the "pope" how he is denying Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity.  And that will fix everything. 


Lee Ann 


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  With regard to this sentence, “Sungenis says the documents of the council (such as Nostra Aetate) can't be… heretical because none of the "Popes" have said that they were,” it’s interesting to note a few things.  In the debate it was pointed out that 1) it’s truly absurd to argue (and require) that a heretical “pope” would declare his own council heretical and 2) Sungenis rejects the Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification as heretical (or at least erroneous), even though he does not have a decree from his “pope” saying it’s heretical or erroneous.  And of course, there was no response to the point that the Vatican II antipopes’ confirmation of the meaning of Nostra Aetate would be magisterial and exceeds what we have from the popes who approved Nicea, Ephesus, Constantinople III and Nicea II.


Sungenis Challenge


Subject: Sungenis Challenge


Dear Mhfm, 


Brother Diamond, the cobra defending the Church vs Sungenis the big… rat of Vatican II gobbled up in his proverbial double talk.  It's laughable!  It's nice to know that heretic anti-pope John 23rd was a full blown mason, which  is undeniable, and convened his masonic council, Vatican II.  That in itself speaks gigantic volumes of this heretical, wicked modern day council and its devastating effect in the so-called modern world.  It continually breeds these double talk, fat cats who spew lie, after lie, after lie defending this wicked council.  Great work Mhfm.






Subject: Sungenis



Your debate with Sungenis is quite interesting. Sungenis is a cunning wicked man as he tries to present himself in his false sense of calmness.  His opening statement, esteeming the Vatican II sect, shows upfront that the fruit he is about to display is rotten to the core. Sungenis can write a book about B16's heretical statements, though can't see B16 as a heretic, without B16 calling himself a heretic. He fails to put all the pieces of the puzzle together in order to see the true picture of the reality of Nostra Aetate #3.  Overall, Sungenis adds nothing of value to the debate, only acting as a politician and tries to value his side and devalue and belittle the truth with utter nonsense. The veil is clearly keeping the truth from the faithless Sungenis, who is clearly no genius of the "Son".  Thank-you for exposing yet another VII Sect "genius" who knows nothing about the true faith that was handed down by the true Popes and Saints.

Also, thank-you for your news section that allows everyone to distinguish between fact and fiction in this world, the news that is not covered in the liberal media. Scanning over the multitude of news titles is like looking through the window of reality that portrays how dark these final says truly have become.  The recent news of the extortionists getting their ransom from the sheeple (raising debt ceiling) before their possible exit, brings Jesus' return that much closer. The "false" governments, with their false flag activities, paid through taxpayers money, are targeting societies as a whole as terrorists.  By looking at all pieces of the news together as of a puzzle, then do you realize how clear, there is no real threat of terrorist activity in the world from society.  Should the government agencies target the "real" terrorists that were created to carry out 9/11, these Government agencies would soon discover there is no real enemy, be out of work and the house of cards (One World Order) would fall. Jesus' return may be the only possible means of exposing the real terrorists to the flock of sheeple that are not keeping watch and are failing to enter the ark of truth in these last days.

God Bless,

Tom Miles




Hi brother Peter,


I listened to your last debate. Nostra Aetate clearly refers to islam as a "true worship" of God. The heresy is undeniable.


Nostra Aetate #3: "The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God."


(latin version):

Nostra Aetate #3: "Ecclesia cum aestimatione quoque Muslimos respicit qui unicum Deum adorant, viventem et subsistentem, misericordem et omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae, homines allocutum, cuius occultis etiam decretis toto animo se submittere student, sicut Deo se submisit Abraham ad quem fides islamica libenter sese refert."


Moreover the document Lumen Gentium #16 confirms the heresies of Nostra Aetate and the fact that Vatican II considers the false religion of islam a "true worship" of God. 


Lumen Gentium #16: " But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Mohammedans, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind."


(latin version):

Lumen Gentium #16: "Sed propositum salutis et eos amplectitur, qui Creatorem agnoscunt, inter quos imprimis Musulmanos, qui fidem Abrahae se tenere profitentes, nobiscum Deum adorant unicum, misericordem, homines die novissimo iudicaturum."


These quotes speak by themselves.


Bye Andrea.




Subject: The Debate


So, basically Sungenis openly admits that he disagrees with what his Popes teach, as regards to the documents of Vatican 2.  So, what if I have an opinion on the teachings of Vatican 2, which is different from the Vatican 2 Popes, and from the opinion of Sungenis?  Talk about a "vicious circle."






Subject: Ouija Board


The article you posted about the ouija board is quite interesting. It reminded me of the status of my country, Brazil, where 80% of the population claim to be catholic but the national movies praising spiritism and their leaders like Chico Xavier usually get a very high number of viewers. Spiritism is a false religion that is quite widespread in our country, and it's very evil because it deceives people by saying they can remain catholics while attending to spiritism centers. They say that there's no heaven or hell, whenever you die you reincarnate in another body. If you did good things you would reincarnate in a better social position or in a better planet (in the 19th century even race was involved). By good things they mean being gentle and helping other people. They have a huge tolerance for extra-marital sex (as long as there is "love" involved) and homosexuality. If you do bad things then you reincarnate as a wicked person or an animal. They usually gather with so-called "mediums" to talk with the spirits, similarly to the ouija boards, and to heal people's diseases. It's an evil religion that many people are attached to because it makes they think that there will not be any final judgment.




Pedro A.





Reading that article on the oujia board was interesting.  I never have seen one taken out of the box.  I did see at a games club meeting in high school one of my chess teammates get one.  I don't remember why but I ended up not seeing the "fun" of them getting it out of the box. I understand now that makes me very fortunate.

On an unrelated note, I scrolled down your news column and saw the article on military recruitment up on the recession.  It is so far up that I can't re-enlist as an active duty MP (Military Policeman) for the Army, I can only get part-time even though Ive already been to training.  I'm talking to a Navy Recruiter now.  It’s incredible how over-strength all the military branches are, especially the Army.  Before the recession people who had done well in the service would be offered upwards of $40,000 to re-enlist.  Those days are over.

In Christ,




Subject: Ouija Board




That Ouija Board story you posted reminds me of a time when someone I used to hang out with told me that when they did the board, they asked it if it ever seen God before, then the board spelled the word ‘HATE’, then the planchette started spinning around really fast then flew across the room and never worked after that.  Another friend told me when he tried to get rid of board by throwing it away, it kept mysteriously appearing back under his bed somehow.  Another person said when him and some others were dabbling with the board, they asked it who was making the board work, then all of a sudden the candle they had lit melted all the way down in an instant, all the dogs in the neighborhood started barking as it spelled out the word ‘BEEZELBUB’.  Why anyone would want to mess around with this madness is beyond me.




New Video Posted


MHFM: This new video addresses some recent e-mail questions and more.


Questions: Carroll heresy; stirring in Novus Ordo; non-Catholic friends; the eternity of God the Son [video]




Is "James" trying to insult you is he calling MHFM "zealots"?  If James is calling you "zealots":  what a lovely compliment!  I always ask the Apostle Simon the Zealot for that important grace! 

    Yes the Saint Augustine quote comparing the light of the fire to the Son of God issuing forth from one-in being-and-substance-with the Heavenly FATHER-it is a special quote because it really helps one understand this mystery!  Saint Monica's prayers were heard and so amply rewarded the day her son converted…






Subject:… recent video


   While listening to your recent video - “Carroll Heresy, Stirring in the Novus Ordo, …”, you made a point which really sums up everything about this present apostasy. You had made the point about the CMRI, SSPX, etc., and their traditional façade = being concerned with liturgical exactitude, outward show, but lacking essential faith in the gospel. Also regarding how one should be repulsed immediately when one sees the facts regarding JPII and BXVI. When we were still in the Novus Ordo we were having an extremely difficult time with it all, constantly fighting with the local priests, etc., and we just did not know what was happening. We thought that maybe we were involved in a local apostasy that had some real momentum, and that eventually the “Pope” would catch on and do something about it. Then I happened upon your site and saw JPII pictured during his Assisi apostasy and my stomach just turned over. Really, I was initially going to vomit at seeing this, something we had never heard about in our insulated local parish. Well just seeing that man praying next to the Dalai Lama was much more than proof enough that he was a sickening apostate who HATED our Lord and who was a diabolical son of Satan. After that, all the reading and learning about all his other heresies was just academic. A photo of the man in apostasy was just disgusting and proved the point entirely. No further proof needed.


     This is why your point is so relevant and sums up the entire sedevacantist argument. If one just reads through the gospels (which anyone who loves Christ will be naturally attracted to doing, more than anything else except praying or communicating) then one could not abide/tolerate at all a man who is an apostate. It is the ultimate in HATRED toward God – who IS our Lord Jesus Christ. Apostasy is an attack upon our Lord. If one is a Christian AT ALL then they are entirely in Love with our Lord through HIS GRACE. It is a Divine Charity which precludes any real attachment to anything else. One desires to please Him, to know him, to find a deeper revelation of Him in prayer and seeking Him, to see Him glorified on earth as in Heaven, to see all men revere and adore Him and Him alone, to know and obey His law…


    Since we came out of the Novus Ordo it is always the case that we might show the information concerning the antipopes to some person or the other. It is always true, that if they are not repulsed immediately by the sight and sound of the vicious heresies of these men, then they never respond at all, no matter what you show them. They just do not care about their so – called pope praying to a hindu god, or worshipping at a Jewish temple, or a Moslem mosque or even denying Christ or attacking His teachings and dogmas and His Church and His saints and even His Person. If they don’t get initially repulsed by JPII worshipping at Assisi with every type of Christ’s enemies, which is what I generally show them first, then they don’t care about anything at all. As a matter of fact, sadly, tragically, of all the people I have talked to since coming out of the Novus Ordo, not one single one has cared at all about these tremendous attacks on our Lord and His Church. Not one cares even a little about Jesus Christ. But they will all be there at the Novus Ordo service every single Sunday morning (or Saturday afternoon as they have it).


     One other point that Brother Peter has made quite often in the past is this: These people believe in nothing! It is not that they just do not worship the true God but have some false religion. They simply are proponents of the most crass form of relativism. They do not believe in anything at all! Complete intellectual and spiritual inertia. It is a sad – really tragic time that we live in, and for any true believer, one has to remind him or herself constantly that this is a form of trial and suffering which is so deep and painful in itself that many true Christians in the past not only never suffered it, but there are comparatively few who could have even envisioned such a time. It is a time of real trial for the faithful and one MUST PERSEVERE through the Grace of God in order to be saved. It will not last forever. One day soon (whether by death or the Lord’s return) true Christians will be rewarded for faithfulness during this the Great Apostasy, and all the rest will find an eternity in hell, despite all their twisted justifications.


Thank You for another very good video,

Michael Glennon


New Blood


Subject: New Blood


Dear Brothers in Christ,

I've been thinking of the phrase "there is new blood running through the veins of the Church", which, according to some of the readers, is applied to the alleged stirring in the NO church.  The answer you've given regarding this "stirring", in your most recent video, is true and clear. 


… I would like to encourage the anonymous reader, who, by his/her own words, is a sedevacantist to recognize the Devil's trickery, who always uses phrases pleasant to base human emotions. Let the reader bear in his/her mind the fact that the Devil designated the false V2 council by the phrase "new springtime", suggesting that The Catholic Church was (is) in "winter", i.e. that The Christ's Bride was (is) dead. For a true Catholic, the only acceptable stirring in the Church is the one occurring when a true priest in the True Mass is mixing the water and wine (the Blood of Christ) in a chalice during the consecration.  The "new blood" of NO "mass" is not.


It is not Blood at all. It is a human invention without supernatural power and holiness. It is impure and will stay impure regardless of all lies about "springtime", "newness", etc.

May our Most Holy Mother and St. Joseph pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: Is the World about to End?




I just finished watching the entire video series "Is The World About to End" and I am stunned.


… Andrea




Subject: The Gospel of John Describes the iniquity of bad will


Hi brothers,


This quote from the Gospel of John describes the iniquity of bad will of those people who are blind and don't see the Truth:


John 8, 43-47: "Why do you not know my speech? Because you cannot hear my word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.  But if I say the truth, you believe me not. Which of you shall convince me of sin? If I say the truth to you, why do you not believe me? He that is of God, heareth the words of God. Therefore you hear them not, because you are not of God."


Bye Andrea.






Dear Brothers:


Soon, my family and I will be moving to New Orleans to be close to my father and his sister and her family.  I have noticed that there is a very large "Catholic" population there, with many "Catholic" schools.  I mean to say that there are very few Protestants.  The environment is quite different from the Midwest, where I currently live, which is filled with Protestant and non-denominational churches.


My question is, what is the best way to approach these V2 "Catholics" in my attempt to point out that my true Catholic faith is nothing like theirs? How can I distinguish myself in deeds and words from these V2 people? How can I best open the door to show them the errors of V2? Short of directing people to your website?  I fear that I will be talking about my Catholic faith but they will think I am of their false V2 sect.


Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated…


Pax Christi,




MHFM: The only way is to explain the distinction, tell them what has occurred, and direct them to the information.  An emphasis on the necessity of Jesus Christ, which many Protestants claim to hold, would also be a way of distinguishing yourself from the Vatican II sect.




Subject: Good Video


Dear mhfm,

Very good video you posted. I was actually going to ask what stance should you have about having non-catholic friends so I was quite happy to hear your opinion. I guess you got to tell the friends what you believe so they know exactly where you stand…. My goodness these novus ordo heretics are like talking to walls. They just can't consider that they are wrong. Everything I say about benedict XVI's heresies etc they just ignore and put up smoke screens.

Last thing and it's just my opinion. Pretty soon here in Ireland a new president will be elected. The man who is in favour to win the elections based on polls is an open homosexual David Norris is his name. I think this is another sign of the end of the world. Ireland was arguably the most Christian country at one point in time. Now we have a digusting man who maybe president. I think it really shows the fall of Christianty in this country. Abortion is outlawed here thanks be to God. However based on what I’m seeing within the next few years you will see abortion clinics being opened here. Very dark times we are living in for sure.

God Bless





Subject: Important Book: Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation


What a disgraceful perverted claim by zealots......James




Subject: Carroll Update Video


Dear Mhfm, 


Thanks again and again for presenting the truths against the modernist knuckleheads who St. Pius X detested with great passion.  Your monastery defends this great saint's teachings against the riffraff in modern day Vatican City lead, of course, by the modernist stench Ratzinger and his crew from hell, and his sheeple who voice modernist, nonsensical gibberish on your site, ad nauseam…






Dear Brothers,

Great video on the recent emails. Very cool picture too! Jonah Lippert, who criticized your video against Warren Carroll appears to be full of intellectual pride. He says: "[infallible statements are] in no way guaranteed as perfect by papal authority," showing that he has no faith in the authority of Jesus Christ because he rejects the foundation Jesus laid - the Papacy. The woman who wrote in saying her confidence in sedevacantism is being erroded by the deception that there is some kind of "restoration of tradition" in the Church, (as if the Church or God can change, neither of which can) seems to show evidence of modernism, i.e. faith in feelings rather than the dogmatic facts - a typical symptom of false traditionalism. Sylvestre's question is interesting. I generally try to avoid people (if possible) unless they have shown an interest in the… true faith… Great quote of St. Augustine too on the eternity of God the Son and that God the Son was always existing with God the Father… It's interesting that in the 1907 Catholic Encyclopedia, the section on Arianism says, "It [Arianism] is not a modern form of unbelief, and therefore will appear strange in modern eyes." What a bizarre statement when one considers that the modernist heretics already had infiltrated the Church at that time, as is proven by Pope St. Pius X's encyclical, Pascendi (1907). Arianism seems to be a particularly hard heresy to combat because it requires absolutely pure faith in Jesus Christ, which is essentially faith in His co-eternity, co-equality and consubstantiality with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost. In other words, unless a person looks at things with eyes of faith, rather than going purely by external, concrete and visible things (though one needs to go by such things most of the time), then they will be led down the road to the denial of Christ's divinity and/or that God is a creature. Also, I was reading St. Ambrose' "On the Christian Faith" recently which is a very good refutation of the Arians. It is not hard to see why the Church was almost completely engulfed by Arianism and, apart from the Antichrist Apostasy of the Vatican II sect, there doesn't appear to be any other heresy to rival its severity…

Colossians 2:2,3 - "That their hearts may be comforted, being instructed in charity, and unto all riches of fulness of understanding, unto the knowledge of the mystery of God the Father and of Christ Jesus: In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

Hebrews 11:1 - "Now faith is the substance of things to be hoped for, the evidence of things that appear not."

God Bless,





Subject: Restoration


Dear MHFM,


I am very grateful for you information and exposing the counterfeit church...I have recently taken the sedevacante position.. however, I am troubled when I go to some traditional Catholic forums and news websites and I see nothing but "encouraging" news of increases in traditional diocesan masses, increased interest in tradition, newly ordained NO priests who are looking at the traditions of the church and rejecting Vatican II, etc....the impression I am getting is that there is truly a restoration and stirring in the church...and then we hear the SSPX coming out with statements such as "there is new blood running through the veins of the Church..." which causes an erosion in my confidence of the new position that I have taken...that of believing that the seat is empty....can you offer an opinion to strengthen my confidence?...


[Name withheld]


MHFM: We address your comments in the video posted above.  We will provide a link: here [video].




Subject: Non-Catholic Friends


Dear Dimond Brothers,


In your opinion, to what extent is it ok for Catholics to have non-Catholic friends or acquaintances?  Last week I had a falling out with my heretical, anti-Catholic co-worker.  For almost a year I have been discussing Catholicism with her.  She has uttered many blasphemies against God and the Catholic Church, and most recently against the Blessed Virgin.  Like a typical Protestant, she bases everything she believes on "sola scriptura", and thus dismisses any papal or infallible teachings I present to her.  I offered her your book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  She accepted on two occasions, but when I told her I was ready to give her a copy, she declined and I think it's because I refuse to go to her "church" with her.  I lost my patience with her and told her not to discuss religion with me anymore and then called her a heretic.


I have decided not to have as friends anyone who is so blatantly and openly anti-Catholic as she is.  For I have also overheard her say anti-Catholic remarks to others as well.  But there are people who are not Catholics and do not necessarily oppose the Catholic Church nor utter anti-Catholic statements.  Is it ok to be friends with such people?  I have removed my heretical co-worker's number from my cellphone(at her request)…


Thank you and God bless you,



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We address your comments in the video posted above.  We will provide a link: here [video].




Hi!  First off, thank you for your video on remembering death--I found it very edifying.

I just stumbled onto your website this morning, and began eagerly reading the rather provocative and intriguing articles and claims about the meanings of certain statements and actions by the pope and, for instance, Cardinal Kasper.  In reading them, however, I have noticed two things and thought that I should bring them to your attention…

The first point/comment is--that the language used in the article denouncing these actions and statements is rather severe (severity itself is no blot on it, but I continue); the tone takes an authoritative stance of labeling and condemnation against these actions, a tone which bespeaks either an official capacity of Church watchdog (I too believe I'm supposed to be vigilant--but that does not give me the right to condemn the conscience of another by presupposing what they were intending or the nuances which might have redeemed their actions)…  I looked up the Bull "Unam Sanctam" you mentioned, after watching the video about Warren Carrol, in which he is declared by you to be a heretic--and found that what he said seems to have no bearing on the content of the dogma, but rather on how the way it is written (which is in no way guaranteed as perfect by papal authority) allows for needless apprehensions about temporal authority which a later pope (Clement V) declared unnecessary and invalid concern--the bull is clarified to be about the Church's spiritual authority, and Carrol's criticism about its vagueness being labeled as heresy, seems to me to be far-fetched at best, and uncharitable at worst.

… I think both popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI have been unjustly attacked as false-ecumenists, when, growing up in their pontificates, I have received exactly the contrary impression--that they are champions of orthodoxy and sanity in both theology and philosophy--enemies of the very relativism and false-ecumenism you have accused them of…



Jonah Lippert


MHFM: We address your comments in the video posted above.  We will provide a link: here [video].




Dear Brothers in Christ,

The reader MJ is a typical V2 liar. Just one detail illustrates this. He begins his (too much misspelled) letter with a sentence: "I don't know if you are catholic."  A few sentences after, he says: "You are not catholics."  So, at one moment he doesn't know and a little later he does know the same thing which he said he doesn't know.

The mentioned contradiction is a consequence of the V2 false theology. It is typical for the V2 "theologians" to claim one thing at one moment, and claim just the opposite few seconds later. This is typical satanic confusion. In such a "logic" the words could not have any meaning.  That "logic" is against natural reason and intelligence. It is against words just because it is against The Word.

Our Heavenly Queen and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: Bad Will


Dear Brothers:


I'm glad you posted the remark from James about the use of the word "father".  It's been a while since I heard a remark like this and think it will be a useful example in trying to explain what "bad will" is.  In this asylum of liberalism that we live in, when you mention bad will to someone, they hear "not nice".  The protestant going through his "call no man father" routine is a very simple and perfect illustration of bad will.


Another serious error people make is to excuse bad willed people by saying or thinking:  he's not too bright  or he's not this, or he's not that  or this happened or that happened -- as if God made certain people incapable of knowing and loving God and His truth, or as if God somehow prevents certain men from doing so. I always try to remind others (as well as myself) to notice how "competent" said people become --  when their own pleasure, recreation or other interest is at stake.


Bad will masquerades in many disguises and attempts to excuse itself with many excuses. But it is always the same thing: lying hypocrisy.


Lee Ann




A very patient and kind response to MJ, more than he deserved.  He not only has a problem with the truth, he has a problem with spelling and syntax as well.  Why can’t people take a little care to get their letters and words in the right order?  Another sign of the total disintegration of culture and civility.


Hey MJ, why not give the brothers a phone call; tell them precisely how they misrepresent Corapi and Ratzinger?   You could enlighten many.


Bill Mulligan




Subject: Purgatory Question


Dear Brothers,


Please forgive me if I have overlooked the answer to my question. What is your position on Purgatory ?... Could it be all the wandering human spirits I photograph, some coming out of the earth. I pray for their souls, as the Bible states.  Sounds strange I know, I have some filters and lighting techniques, and have had experiences that have confirmed my undying faith in our Lord, Mother Mary, Padre Pio and the Holy Trinity. Without their protection I would not be on this earth. I have felt evil, love and taken photo's of both. I believe as St. Antony stated, that sometimes one is blessed with the gift of discerning spirits. I thank the Lord every day. I am writing to you because lately I have noticed a literal ground swell of human spirits in need of something. I could shoot every night thru the windows of my humble cottage  and view a hundred or so, men, women and children from different periods. I am not afraid, I have my Catholic faith, I try to humbly pray for their souls in our Lords name. Maybe they just know I know and are curious. I thought you should know, seems like things are intensifying. I trust in your opinion, seems they are waiting for something. Thanks, your friend Paul Baracani

MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The Catholic Church’s position on Purgatory is articulated here:


Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Session 25, Dec. 3-4, 1563: "As the Catholic Church, instructed by the Holy Spirit, has taught from holy scripture and the ancient tradition of the fathers in its councils and most recently in this ecumenical synod that Purgatory exists, and that the souls detained there are helped by the prayers of the faithful and most of all by the acceptable sacrifice of the altar."


One should only pray for the faithful departed: people who died in the true faith. 


We must give you a word of caution.  You are reading too much into the “spirits” which you claim appear in your photographs.  By attempting to read into photographs or find “signs” in similar things, many have been deceived by demonic forces.  Numerous false apparitions have featured false signs in photographs.  The Devil wants to lure people in and, once he does, what they think they are seeing in photographs becomes the focus of their spirituality and the measure by which they evaluate the faith.  You should not look for such things or place much emphasis on them.  They could be evil spirits. 




Subject: You Catholic?


I don´t know if you are catholic… In your videos I have seen, you defend very well the Catholic Dogmas... But you became a PROTESTANT when you insult the pope, fahter corapi.. and I heard the video "Father Corapi Expose" and heard the clips and accuse Fr Corapi of teaching something HE DOESN¨T teach and the clips doesn´t prove what you accused him of.

You are not catholics.. you became PROTESTANTS, just like Martin Luthero in the 16th century.. he also comdemned the pope and the Church of his time for "selling indulgencies",,, and look what he did...

take care,, you thing guys you are the real catholics, butyou are protesting and missinterpreting "activities" of the Pope and others..

You call yourselves "brothers" of what? You insult the pope just has any anticatholic protestant does. (to whom you also you condemn for insulting the pope) You are exactly like them...

Take care of your soul friends...




MHFM: You have two problems, sir.  First, you are not honest.  You are not honest because you say that Corapi doesn’t believe what we said he believes.  Yes, he does.  He accepts false ecumenism and salvation outside the Church.  That fact is not difficult to discover.  He’s a heretic.  He was also found guilty of extreme immorality by his own order.  See this video: The Truth about "Fr." John Corapi - You Heard it Here First


Second, you don’t understand the Catholic faith.  You fail to recognize that heresy expels a man from the Church, even if that man claims to be a Catholic.  Pro-abortion politicians are good examples of this principle.  Benedict XVI teaches that Protestantism is not heresy; he has agreed with Luther’s teaching on justification by faith alone, and he has praised Martin Luther.  He also teaches that schismatics are inside the Church, to name just a few of his countless heresies.  By defending him, you actually defend Protestantism and proceed along an anti-Catholic course.  All the proof for our assertions on this matter can be found here: Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section].




Dear Brothers in Christ,

The reader James, who is very probably a Protestant, has criticized the title Father for a pope. Well, do those people, the Protestants, the V2 "Catholics" etc. ever read The Bible? For, even in KJ Bible one could find many verses in which God call Abraham "The father of many nations". For example, in KJ Bible, Genesis 17:4 we read:

"As for me, behold, my covenant [is] with thee, and thou shalt be a FATHER of many nations."

So, GOD is calling Abraham a father of many nations. Do the Protestants have Abraham for a father? In answering to this rhetorical question I can only quote the words of our Lord Jesus Christ with regards the Protestants and other heretics:

"You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do." (John 8:44)

Being a pope is an office.  The Catholics call a true pope The Holy Father, because the pope represents God, in the same manner as Moses did represent God before pharao:

"And the Lord said to Moses: Behold I have appointed thee the God of Pharao: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet."(Exodus 7:1)

Most Holy Mother and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics




Subject: End of the World


Hi brothers,


The massacre in Norway is really a sign of the end… In fact just before the "beatification" of John Paul II took place, there has been the brutal earthquake/tsunami in Japan with the related nuclear accident. And before that, there have been another couple of tsunamis in the south east of Asia, earthquakes in Pakistan, in south America, in Haiti, in southern Italy (Abruzzo) and the tornado in New Orleans. The world is in a state of total apostasy, idolatry of man, worship of demons, satanism, depravation, corruption, drug addiction, violence, deception, iniquity, dishonesty, impurity and bad will. The countries in Europe that were strong Catholic countries until 50-60 years ago, are spiritual deserts today, invaded by all kinds of false and diabolical religions and ideologies like islam, buddism, cabbalistic-talmudic-masonic-satanic doctrines, new age doctrines,  astrology, esoterism, neopaganism, globalism and relativism. The Final Judgment will come like a lightning and when it will come, all these dishonest bad-willed liars, apostates, heretics, idolatrers of man, secret worhsippers of demons and false gods, false prophets, all these enemies of God and of His Church will realize that they are lost for all eternity.


Bye Andrea




Brother Peter,
I was listening to your debate with William Albrecht on the Vatican 2 antipopes. I noticed that during the entire debate he never once brought up any papal documents or teachings to disprove any of your points. He just kept going back to Titus 3 saying his interpertation was correct and your interpertation was wrong. What amazing pride. Later in the debate he tried to twist the words of St. Robert Bellermine and say that they prove his point that a heretic can be pope. This is only one of a few writings that he even used to try to disprove you and he still got it wrong. You brought up numerous papal decrees and examples of other Saints who shared your same opinion and he swept them under the rug saying you can't answer and you keep going off topic. Because of his blind pride he believes he understands passages better than Saints and Popes. Mr. Albrecht is a total protestant. He reads the bible and believes the way he wants to and not the way the Church has taught us to. I don't understand why he even brought up your your opinion on the whore of babalyon. It has nothing to do with the V2 antipopes being heretics he just wanted to attack your opinion, get off topic and not deal with any of the real issues. Like you said in the end he didn't have an answer for any of the heresies you brought up regarding any of the antipopes. If his opinion were correct on any of these issues wouldn't it have been taught before Vatican 2?... He talks about you reading into things and getting it wrong, well i would have to say this is the height of reading into things. It is Infallible dogma that Outside the Church there is no Salvation. Anyways thought I would share. Take care.
God Bless




Gellar: Who added "Christian" and "Conservative" to Norway shooter's FB page? - Fayetteville Political Buzz | Examiner.com   I can't think of even one "Christian-Conservative" (who would have to be a sede. trad. Catholic and how many of them are even around on the planet? Few,  very few!!) who would have had either the time or the money to spend in the photo studio to do this kind of a photo shoot that this guy obviously had done!?  To whomever the people who concocted this story,  I would say:  "GET REAL!"   






Can you please share the correct way to pray the rosary? JP2 and others have screwed it up.


I come from a high church Anglican background, and I think that I was taught the correct way, but I want to be sure.


I will look over the new DVD tonight… I am not sure if I will get paid this month thanks to the fighting in the government. And all its about is making the other side look bad so they can stay in, or gain power in the next election cycle. IT makes me sick.


And please bros, tell me the traditional teaching on homosexuality.


Take care,




MHFM: These files address your questions: How to Pray the Rosary [PDF]


The Idolatry of the Vatican II sect is connected with its rampant homosexuality [PDF File]




Typical Catholic nonsense. First place....Peter was not a Pope...You call him Father??? Oh yes you do....against what Christ warned about…




MHFM: No, you spew more typical, non-Catholic nonsense which is directly contradicted by the words of Scripture.  As the passages below prove, Jesus was not condemning every use of the term “father.”  Rather, He was instructing people that they should not treat any man as if he were God the Father.


Acts 7:2- “Who said: Ye men, brethren, and fathers, hear. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charan.


Romans 4:12- “And might be the father of circumcision; not to them only, that are of the circumcision, but to them also that follow the steps of the faithful, that is in the uncircumcision of our father Abraham.”


As far as the Papacy goes, only a dishonest person could reject the overwhelming biblical proof for it.


The Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope [link to section]











My name  is Eugene Pinto and I currently live in India in a place called Gorakhpur… I have lived in the US for 18 years and now have settled down in the place where I was born…

Here the priests  are more interested  in  running schools  rather than discharge their  pastoral  responsibilities. so the liturgy is not followed on most Sundays, I have to look for a priest to hear confession and generally the people here have weak faith.

I am part of the management of a primary school  here and I do conduct prayer services which a  lot of Non Christians attend.  Some are possessed others are interested in the Gospel but I dont get any help from the priests who  operate this  diocese . Kindly advise

Eugene Pinto


MHFM: We’re glad that you found the information, Eugene.  However, you need to look it over carefully and come to the realization that the Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church.  You must get out of the invalid New Mass, and completely reject the Vatican II sect.  You definitely should not be conducting prayer services with heretics and non-Christians.  That is contrary to the faith.  If you continue to look at the material and pray the Rosary, you should see that the faith you are involved with at your local church is not the true Catholic faith.  Consult the section on Outside the Church There is No Salvation; and when you are convinced on the issues, we can help you further with making a traditional profession of faith and receiving valid sacraments.  




Subject: Recollection

Dear Brothers,


I'm writing to you now to share what transpired during the graduating student's retreat (which I happen to be in). I would say this in its entirety, the whole activity is a complete waste of my time and money though i gained friends sadly I almost lost my Lord. The retreat master often would act like she's entertaining an audience not teaching us, there were incidences that the whole thing was a complete idolatrous worship like when the she said "Turn to your friend and say 'I can see Jesus in you'" and I thought about the video of Bro. Michael "Why John Paul II was the Antichrist" and heard a voice that said "This is heresy." That statement occurred a number of times and specially when she told us to say "I can see Jesus in you." Another incident was when she made jokes on Our Lord Jesus on the cross, I was shocked that she can make such comments on His Death and Passion and when she asks us what the letter on the crucifix stands for and I promptly said INRI she answered me that I was probably hungry and the answer was TY or Thank You and I ask myself when did they change that inscription? Also I wonder why she always insists on "dramatics" and "with feelings". The incident that made me confirm her being a heretic and possessed by the devil was when she explained about the Eucharist and praised JPII as the greatest man on earth and she taught us that the latin/tridentine mass was a wrong practice, I was dumbfounded on what I heard while she was showing us a video on the miracle of the host turning into a living heart of Jesus. She also explained back then, when the Catholic Church was not yet infiltrated, that our ancestors would compensate devotions, like the rosary and novena, because the priest turns his back on the people when consecrating the host and because they don't understand the latin prayers being offered so, as she mentioned, to make meaning on their going to mass they would pray the rosary and, she made a snide comment about that too, she even taught us to teach our grandparents the "new" way. Another thing she taught us was no matter how many rosaries we pray or novenas or whatever devotions it would still be incomparable to the Eucharist then I thought to myself yes that would be true if the Eucharistic Celebration was the True Mass or Latin Mass. Oh yeah and lastly the highlight for this activity was the "pledge cards" she explained all about the heinousness of abortion and everything but one thing she failed to say that these pledges won't work unless we guard against the dangerous occasions to sin and invoke the protection of St. Michael also I noticed I rarely heard the invocation of saints during this retreat I only heard her mention the saints only 3 times. I think this is the most devastating of all or the most amazing heresy of all her heresies was that she implied subtlety to us that St. Peter was the betrayer of Jesus instead of Judas for according to her St. Peter boasts to the Lord that He would not leave Him, for Jesus foretold that He was going to be handed to the Jewish people, and St. Peter abandoned our Lord by denying Him 3 times that He didn't know Him. I got the implication because of her "dramatics" she passionately reenacted how St. Peter boasts to the Lord about His conviction to never leave our Lord and she never mentioned how Judas betrayed Jesus instead she just shows us a clip on The Passion of Christ by Mel Gibson. An additional to the Eucharist teaching that she taught us was receiving communion with the hands she taught it was wrong but did not condemn it and in connection with this she showed us a clip on how the Illuminati pushed for the New World Order and where the signs and symbols were seen but she failed to mention the connection with Freemasonry and the Illuminati if my deductions are right the Illuminati are the ones using the York Rite of Freemasonry but correct me for I have no evidence yet and I based it on what the Illuminati's symbols implied. 






Subject: Recommendation to New Comers


Dear Brothers:


When I first began to study your materials (and was just emerging from the V2 world) I did not fully understand the significance of the denial of the Outside the Church there is No Salvation dogma and its attendant lie of Baptism of Desire.  Reading your No Salvation book fixed that problem very quickly. I recommend that book to all with this note of caution:  when you first begin to read the book, the devil will whisper in your ear the lie that this book is "too technical" - because the devil does not want you to read it.  After you have read it, you will understand why.


"Conservative" Vatican II historians don't mind mentioning that Protestants don't accept the Papacy and the Mass (although they will insist that these people are still "Christians").  Likewise, said historians will readily mention that the Orthodox don't recognize the primacy of the Pope (although these historians generally don't bother to mention all the other dogmas that these "Christians", as they call them, also deny). 


And what's most certain of all: you'll never hear these modern historians mention that the denial of the necessity of membership in the true Catholic Church was, is, and always will be the underpinning for all forms of fake Christianity, including that of the V2 sect.  In other words, whether people deny EENS

explicitly or implicitly, there could be no fake Christianity of any sort without it.  We can be sure that when the "Orthodox" severed themselves from the Holy Sea a thousand years ago, and when the Protestant revolt began some 500 years ago, the leaders and followers of these movements denied the dogma of No Salvation Outside the Church. 


As pride goeth before the fall (every fall), the denial of EENS goeth before every schism and every heresy.

There could be no Revolt or Apostasy without it.


Lee Ann




Subject: John S’s Letter


... If John were to leave the VII sect... I hope I'm wrong but, his kids will fight him (depending on age), his wife will fight him, his family will fight him and anyone else close to him will fight him.  Then of course you have the rest of the world to deal with. Most people don't go looking for crosses, but, that's a good start.






Subject: Illuminati


Dear Brothers,

The Oslo bombing and massacre has Illuminati written all over it! They always do exactly the opposite of what they say they believe because they worship the father of the lie. I wonder what the apostates over at EWTN would have to say about it all: "Oh! What a poor lost soul. May God have mercy on him." The EWTN apostates would probably say that Breivik could be saved because he had "conviction." That's all the Vatican II Novus Ordites care about: conviction, regardless of whether the person's convictions are true of just. A true Christian - a Catholic - would have used the sword of the spirit and tried to preach to and baptize those souls with the water that surrounds the island (without no one can be saved - no exceptions), and the "baptism of blood" heretics would argue that anyone unbaptized who was murdered could have been saved, even if they rejected Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith. It shows the influence of Antipope Benedict XVI since he teaches that it is not necessary to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation. Benedict XVI is the Beast of the Apocalypse and an Antichrist!!!

Matthew 28:18-20 - "And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world."

God Bless,

Chris White




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