E-Exchanges Archive 1

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Dear MHFM,

Romans 1:22 For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

...the last heretic that tried to debate you goes by the name of Gnrhead and I managed to figure out what this name stands for. If you didn't know gnrhead is short for gonnerhead (no, it's not Greek nor is it a possessive form of any word; it is a simple word used in North country which means a stupid person, a dunce, a half-wit...). Now that's what I call a fitting name! An old Latin proverb also comes to mind to further prove the point: ''Nomen est omen'' literally meaning "Name is omen." Implies that the name is fitting for the object or person…

All the above would be funny if the situation wasn't actually so sad. I like your videos and audios on different subjects more than the debates just because it is so hard to listen to the idiotic arguments that most of the heretics make in debating you. But on the other hand it is good to show people in a debate just how diametrically opposed the Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith is to the V2 sect and her apostate religion. Anyway, you did a great job in exposing these two apostates, and what is also commendable, you have shown a great deal of patience with them (not something that anyone could handle).

Keep up the great work that you do in face of all the attacks against your monastery. May Our Lord and Our Lady help you in that fair fight.

V. from Croatia

MHFM: The debates are important for a number of reasons.  First, some of the advocates of the opposite position are so blind that they will only listen to the true arguments in a debate.  It’s too humbling for them to listen to the presentations in detail unless one of their friends or fellow heretics is engaged against you in a debate.  Second, some people are of weak faith and are only convinced by the facts when they can see them in a debate context.  Third, and perhaps most importantly, debating people (especially in a conversation format) forces people to address specific questions and facts that they literally ignore (and their readers never focus on) for basically their whole lives.  How many false conservatives in the Novus Ordo go through their lives thinking that they are conservative, while ignoring that their “pope” believes that Vatican I doesn’t matter?  How many false traditionalists go through their lives and ignore the fact that accepting him as “the pope” means that you must accept those who believe in justification by faith alone?  If done correctly, the debates bring out these important points of truth.


In the same way, many false traditionalist sedevacantists (who deny the salvation dogma) simply ignore the fact that their position (and the position of the priests, etc. they support) means that they believe there is salvation in any religion. 




MHFM: Many of our readers have already listened to or downloaded the mp3 of our recent debate with William A.  However, for those who are interested, it’s also now on Youtube in 23 parts.


Recent debate - 23 parts




In regard to Vin Lewis's statement that perhaps Benedict XVI was just being courteous to the muslims when he entered their temple and participated with them in "prayers" (and etc. etc.)! Is it possible that Vin Lewis is ignorant of the fact that over 12 million martyrs suffered and died horribly rather then yield even in the slightest to the pagans demands that their "god" be worshiped?  I am reminded of just one example of a woman, whose name escapes me at the moment, whose hand's were loaded with hot coals with the idea that if she dropped just one, which she didn't, she would be showing homage to their "god"!

It's mind-boggling to see how can people who go to any lengths and "split every hair" possible to justify the anti-popes ignore all this suffering and sacrificial acts!

Phil White


MHFM: Thanks for the comment.  Regarding the “dropping coals” issue, there were different opinions about that in terms of what it would signify.  Some did not believe that to drop the coals would be to worship the false god.  We agree with that opinion.  Just because some pagan says: “if you drop this it means you are worshipping my god,” doesn’t make it so.  For instance, some pagan could say: “if you ever take another step that means that you are worshipping my god.”  Does that mean the person could never move again because moving would be to honor that person’s false god?  No.  In our view, there has to be some explicit and clear worship of a false god – or a clear act of participation in a false religion – for it to constitute idolatry, not just some pagan’s say so.  But your point is well taken about the early martyrs, and how Vin’s assertion was absurd and heretical.




Dear Brothers,


I noticed the frequent use of the word "apostasy" in your material but I was wondering if you could further define and clarify your usage of the word since, as far as I know, the definition means a total repudiation of Christianity and not just rejecting certain beliefs (which would be heresy). 


[Definition] "Perfidiæ is the complete and voluntary abandonment of the Christian religion, whether the apostate embraces another religion such as Paganism, Judaism, Mohammedanism, etc., or merely makes profession of Naturalism, Rationalism, etc. The heretic differs from the apostate in that he only denies one or more of the doctrines of revealed religion, whereas the apostate denies the religion itself, a sin which has always been looked upon as one of the most grievous."


Could you please explain?



Brian Anthony


MHFM: In the very strict and formal sense, apostasy means giving up any profession of the Christian faith altogether.  In the loose sense, any heretic is an apostate because, as Pope Leo XIII teaches, those who dissent in one point of faith absolutely reject all faith.  But in the real sense, apostasy refers to any heresy or heresies that translate into a direct rejection of Christ, even if that person still claims some belief in Christ.  Martin Luther, for example, is frequently called an apostate by historians and Catholic writers. 


Pope Pius IX says this about “Old Catholic” schismatics and heretics in Graves ac diuturnae (#2), March 23, 1875: “Having violently occupied parishes and churches with apostate priests, they have not neglected any deception or cunning to lead the children of the Catholic Church into wretched schism.”


The Vatican II antipopes are definitely apostates in the real sense because their heresies directly translate into a rejection of Christ altogether.  Their heresies mean that false religions which reject Christ are fine.  They have also taken part in and facilitated the worship of idols, demons and the practice of non-Christian religions.  Thus, what they have done translates into a direct rejection of Christ.  They are truly apostates.




Thanks for the recent debates.  Like the data disks, these help a great deal and arm me with a great spiritual arsenal.  Thanks also for keeping them in a format in which I can hear them… Please keep doing these debates!!!






Dear Brothers Michael and Peter:


I listened to your most recent telephone debate with the bible-alone protestant William Albrecht with much interest.  It was one of the most informative debates that I have heard on whether the vatican-two claimants to the papacy are true popes.  The evidence that you brought forward in favor of the true position was authoritative and plain for everyone to see.  Except, unfortunately, for Mr. Albrecht.


He was one of the most dishonest “scholars” that you have debated so far.  It was obvious that he couldn’t respond to any of the evidence that you brought forward and simply ignored it.  Instead, he tried to put forward his lame, bible-only “argument” that the seat of Peter cannot be vacant.  Then, as if to make a fool of himself, he arrogantly claims that you cannot answer his “arguments.”


I was astounded by the level of dishonesty and arrogance, not to mention lack of erudition, on the part of this bible-alone clown.  I hope to hear more of these protestant debates in the future – except, perhaps, from a more qualified candidate.




MHFM: Thank you for the comment.  We think that it’s a very valuable and interesting debate because of the variety of information covered and the back and forth format.  We also agree with your assessment that he is one of the most dishonest people we’ve debated so far.  Before the debate he attacked out material and arguments as “ridiculous” and said he could “scholarly refute every single argument we make.”  Everyone who rejects the truth is of bad will and dishonest, but he is extremely bad-willed.  We do hope for his conversion, of course, as miraculous as that would be.




Dear MHFM brothers:

Your debates with Lewis and Albrecht expose the frightening indifferentism and apostasy of today's pseudo-traditional "catholics". Are some people no longer able to hear or think? You can tell them very clearly, word for word, what a pope or council plainly teaches and they'll respond with an irrelevant private interpretation of a Bible verse (not always from a Catholic Bible) or some stock phrase: "that's your interpretation" or "we can't judge" or "we can't really know what those words mean" (do words mean anything at all to them?). Is lying or bad will always the immediate cause or is it possible that after years of rejecting the grace God has given them to see the truth that they have become possessed or that God has finally abandoned them to their errors?



MHFM: We agree with your sentiments, and we think the answer to your question is “all of the above.”  Their failure to see the truth is bad will, and we believe that some of them are possessed as a result of extreme bad will and other sins; and God also gives some of them over to total spiritual blindness (like Pharao) as a punishment for their bad will.  There are many like that in the traditional movement, especially among the obstinate salvation heretics who believe that souls can be saved in any religion and actually think they are staunch, uncompromising traditional Catholics.




That was an interesting debate.  Albrecht has made videos on youtube "refuting" your claims and he blocked me and several Catholics from commenting on his videos and exposing him.  I was pretty surprised when I saw that he had allowed himself to be exposed then.
Kenneth Connelly




These debates, they just outright prove whose position is the true position.  Thank you Bro. Peter for debating and having to deal with this broken record, "Yeeah, you say JPII and Benedict XVI esteem Islam?... umm how about we go back to Revelations?..."  You know, for a long time I had wanted you to debate this "Gnrhead" fellow, I'm glad you put him on the spotlight and exposed his lies.  In his "six part video series" he clams he has "thoroughly refuted every single significant argument that they [MFHM] levy against the Catholic faith."  WELL!! Now we know WHO has throughly refuted every single significant argument that William levies against the Catholic faith, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH and Her faithful.  Great work and keep it up.  I noticed he sounded just like William Golle, just like a broken record, funny thing is he even admits it. hehe

…Thanks for everything, everyday I managed to learn something new from you website.




Thanks for the interesting debate with Vin Lewis. You really caught him like a fish out of water! Fish don’t live outside water for very long just as heretics don’t live inside the Church. And like all modernists, who worship “the Experience Now,” he has a four second memory like a goldfish, which probably explains his total inability to think logically. Also, I think the devil actually revealed itself in Vin’s closing statement:

Vin – “Sin does not, ordinary sin, does not drive a person outside of the Church. What drives a person outside of the Church is their voluntary decision to do so. And until a person does that, he is still within the Church. That has to be an act of the will and we can’t judge the acts of will of other people except under very specific circumstances such as I detailed by lying. Therefore what I would say is essentially the same thing in the beginning, the case is not proven.”…

Vin was lying when he said that we can’t judge the acts of will of other people because he continued by saying that we can judge others when they lie (11:03):

Vin – “I feel, I judge, I hold and affirm, that it is an act of injustice to accuse someone of apostasy without some evidence of internal conviction. Outside actions do not show internal convictions.” And further (11:35), “You can read a person’s heart under one circumstance. You can read a person’s heart when a person lies, and is prone to lie and does not reconcile er, er, or renounce the lie.”

It is impossible to “reconcile” a lie with the truth! A lie is an act of the will! Thankfully you, Bro. Peter, then summed up the whole debate by saying, “Exactly! Anyone who refuses to submit to Catholic teaching is lying.” But then he persisted:

“When I talk about lying, I mean literally words of the mouth, and I don’t mean actions at all. When I deal with Protestants; when I refute them or confound them, what I do is I expose verbal contradictions. If a person does not resolve a verbal contradiction he’s a liar. A lying status is one that can be read, by which one can the heart but one does not, in my opinion, lie by actions. One can be hypocritical or one can be wrong with actions certainly...”

Vin did not resolve the verbal contradiction that lies can be reconciled with the truth, so he’s a liar! Out of his own mouth he’s condemned! Also, I think Vin was wrong saying that a person can never lie by their actions; Actors lie by their actions as a profession and JP2 was an ex-actor! And if a person can lie by word, which is an action of the tongue and throat muscles, what of the saying, “actions speak louder than words”?!! This isn’t to say that the intention is not to be presumed when a true Catholic Priest follows the correct matter and form set out by the true Catholic Church when administering the true sacraments, but that many people can and often do deliberately deceive others by their actions.

Also, I think Jesus indicates that, to a certain extent, it is fairly easy to see people’s hearts:

Matt. 12:34 – “O generation of vipers, how can you speak good things, whereas you are evil? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”

Luke 6:45 – “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth that which is evil. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”

I thought it was hilarious, and an obvious judgement, when the incident occurred of his dog walking past happened, after he’d said that Jews reject the Council of Trent because they “reject the entire structure of Catholicism,” as though rejecting Jesus Christ is ok, and then said “there’s a difference between a person rejecting things from the inside and a person rejecting things from the outside.” (debate no.2, 27:24 minutes)

Obviously he got burned by his policing background. Maybe this influences him, apart from his bad will, when it comes to defending the faith against the state, since the Vatican 2 sect, apart from acting like the Catholic Church, also acts like a fascist state: On the Church and the German Reich, POPE PIUS XI - The believer has an absolute right to profess his Faith and live according to its dictates. Laws which impede this profession and practice of Faith are against natural law.

Vin obviously has no faith in the true God who is “one absolutely simple essence,” (4th Lateran Council) and “the formal motive of faith.” (Satis Cognitum, Pope Leo XIII) Obviously Vin is a modernist heretic for whom “it is quite impossible to maintain that they [dogmas] absolutely contain the truth: for, in so far as they are symbols, they are the images of truth, and so must be adapted to the religious sense in its relation to man; and as instruments, they are the vehicles of truth, and must therefore in their turn be adapted to man in his relation to the religious sense.” (Pope St. Pius X, Pascendi)

I think Vin, like the Antichrist Antipopes Benedict XVI, John Paul II, Paul VI, John Paul I, John XXIII, embodies the spirit of Antichrist, since he has put himself in the place of God by rejecting Catholic dogmas about heretics being outside the Church, among many other things. Vin is absolutely and truly and absurd apostate and heretic!!!

… Thank you and God Bless,

Kit White


MHFM: One thing that we really took from that debate was another clear example of the fact that anyone who obstinately accepts the Vatican II sect, especially for many decades as Vin has, loses all faith and comes to believe in nothing.




Dear Brothers in Christ,

The debates you had with V. Lewis and W. Albrecht show once again that N.O. people have completely lost light of natural reason. They are insane.  In fact it is impossible to retain one's natural reason and stay with N.O. satanic hierarchy.  As you have said, they don't care about the teaching of The Catholic Church at all. This fact alone shows they are adherents of a false religion, the false religion of the worst possible kind because it calls itself catholic.

I am 100% sure that if the antipope B16 would clearly state, in all world's languages, a sentence "I am a heretic, and I know that and I enjoy very much being such", that his apologists would respond to that "This doesn't  prove B16 is a heretic".

This age and time of total darkness we are witnessing is obviously a punishment, very, very severe and very, very deserved punishment of the whole mankind for its unspeakable sins.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us through the merits of Your and our Most Holy Mother and St. Joseph. St. Michael be our shield in the war against the church of darkness.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Dear Brothers of the Most Holy Family Monastery


Referring to the recent debate with Mr. Vin Lewis, it is so visible, even to anyone with basic Catholic teaching to immediately see that this person is not prepared to stand up to the truth.


He talks about an existing conspiracy within the Vatican, that means he sees and knows the devastating and disoriented state in which Christ’s true Church has fallen, but still, he is so spiritually blind to see the source of all this evil.


He defends that one has no right to presume that the heads of the church are visible public heretics who deviated willingly from the true Church because we cannot read their hearts and intentions, he even goes as far as defending that in their visible per versed public actions and teachings against the Catholic Faith, one is not able to see their true intentions, well I must say that any illiterate person who is honest and truthful will quickly come to the conclusion of the obvious.


If we must consider the heads of the Church as genuine and true Catholics, according to this gentleman, then why are they misleading the faithful from the Catholic Church by denying the holy Dogmas and falsifying the Catholic Doctrine, as well as recommending and esteeming false religions and favouring sects either by word, action or deeds?

I personally know Catholics who were devoted to their faith and today they take part in all type of sects.


From my readings on the last four or so “Popes” including Bent XVI, I found that all of them at some stage criticised the spirit of Vatican II, but in my view they are all liars and not sincere, for my question is, why do they hold on to this diabolic council with all their teeth, yet they appear to criticise it. It looks more like deceit and conspiracy than anything else.


For heaven’s sake, what more proof does Mr.Vin Lewis needs to understand and convince himself of the reality, unless he has some petty interests that are hindering him, if so, this is very serious.


In J.M.J

M. Fernanda da Silva


MHFM: It’s important to emphasize that it’s not the Catholic Church, and these men are (and were) not heading the Catholic Church.  The fact is that no defender of the Vatican II antipopes has or could have any cogent response whatsoever to any of the facts or arguments brought forward.  They have no answer whatsoever to the heresies brought forward from the antipopes’ teachings and actions.  They either ignore them, or come up with outlandish theories to deny their existence, despite irrefutable documentation.


Comment, shallow


You really need better opponents.  It was like a fight between Rocky Marciano and Pee Wee Herman.  You knocked him out in the first round, but then carried him for another 14.


He thought like a Protestant.  He clearly placed his own interpretation of scripture over and above the Magisterium.  Titus 3:10, his sole obsession, which he essentially claimed meant that one had to be both adjudicated and chastised by a superior before being labeled heretical begins: “A man that IS as heretic, after the first and second admonition AVOID.”   This guy, who tried to argue as much on grammar; showing off his familiarity with Greek (which was irrelevant), as he did with logic failed to perceive the clear, simple and obvious English meaning of the scripture. The man in question is ALREADY conceded to be a heretic.  The admonitions only refer to when he is to be avoided.  He is already a heretic and the text assumes he can be discerned as such.  After two admonitions, one can in good conscience give up the obligation to try to convert him.  Of course to one who claims to already be a Catholic, such a dissection of the Bible verse isn’t even necessary, as the Magisterium has told us what it means.


This guy (Albrecht) was so bad he could not, or pretended not, to follow the clearest of your arguments.  It was literally as blatant as though he had said for instance: “can you show me a green flag?”. And you in response showed him a green flag. Then you further proceeded to show him where the thread that made the flag came from, the significance of the dye, and how the flag pole was made. Then you showed him twelve other green flags.  Then in response, over and over again he said: “I don’t know why you keep introducing all of these other subjects, but obviously you are incapable of dealing with green flags”.   It was literally that ridiculous.


I think it demonstrates that some ignorance, or maybe bad will is better description, is truly supernatural in origin.  It is just too astounding for it to be anything else.  Spiritual warfare.


Bill Mulligan   


MHFM: It is definitely spiritual warfare.  The guy clearly enjoys to hear himself quote some Greek, despite that fact that his arguments are completely irrelevant, illogical and heretical.  It’s a prime example of pride begetting his spiritual blindness; in other words, savoring the shallow things of intellectual pride and not the things of God. 


No one is disputing that Titus 3:10 is talking about a heretical man.  Thus, for him to repeatedly mention that the “accusative masculine” shows that we are talking about a heretical man of course proves nothing.  It is to repeat what no one is disputing.  It reveals that there is no substance to his argument, but simply a vain attempt to appeal to dumbed-down shallow people whose ears are tickled by any pretense to intellectual sophistication.  It’s sad, but some people – correct that, MANY people – are so shallow, so pathetic, so of bad will, and frankly so unable to grasp and cut to the point and the truth – which is the true measure of intelligence: conforming one’s mind to the truth of God and communicating it with accuracy; they so savor the things of intellectual pride and not the things of God, that if someone quotes a little Greek or Latin they are just bowled over and their bad-willed hearts are tuned in.  Since they savor such things but not the truth and real logic, they will have tremendous respect for such a person and his arguments, even when the arguments are completely illogical (and thus stupid).  God totally rejects such people. 


In fact, it should be noted that one of the ways that John Calvin was able to acquire great influence and convince many to follow him was because he could read the original biblical languages, Greek and Hebrew.  Many shallow folks thus thought that he understood the word of God.  As a result, they fell into following him and believing some of the most stupid and evil perversions of Scripture ever concocted (such as that man doesn’t have free will, eternal security, total depravity, etc.)


On the same point, William A. did a short series on us and his arguments almost couldn’t have been more illogical.  Yet, a few people thought they were great.  We suppose that they are so of bad will that they are persuaded by the fact that he quotes some Greek.  Well, we saw how well his arguments held up in a debate. 


New Sedevacantism Debate with apologist William Albrecht


New Sedevacantism Debate with apologist William Albrecht [link to description and audios]


MHFM: William Albrecht (also known as Gnrhead) is an apologist who works with a number of mainstream, “conservative” apologetics organizations within the Vatican II Church.  He also works with one well-known, semi-“traditionalist” apologetics organization that has a wide outreach.  He has been promoted and endorsed by Steve Ray.  He has also engaged in many debates with Protestants, including Protestant apologists from one of the largest Protestant apologetics groups in the country (e.g., a.o.m.). 


Albrecht said that he thoroughly studied our information and material.  He claimed to have read our huge book, The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II, four times.  He did a series attempting to refute our arguments for the sedevacantist position and our position against the New Mass.  He also claimed that he could refute every single argument we make.  He challenged us to a debate.


This debate is very interesting.  It covers many different areas.  It’s interesting how when you debate different people many different things come up.  This debate gets even more interesting as it goes along.  Part 2 might be the most interesting.  There is also a rapid-fire, 2 minutes back and forth format that we agreed to adopt after about the first hour. 


In this debate, we see that one side is clearly Catholic and accepts Church teaching while the other side does not.  We see, once again, that the other side has no answer whatsoever to the facts and truth presented…


This will permanently be found in our “Traditional Catholic Audios” section, in our “Antipopes” section, and in our telephone debates section (which is under “Audios”).


By the way, below is a quote from St. Augustine on John 15:22.  This comes up in the debate in reference to a similar passage in the Gospel of John on how the Jews, if Christ had not come and spoken to them, would not have sin.  Jesus was of course not saying that they could be saved if He hadn’t spoken to them; but rather that they would not have the extra sin of infidelity, or disbelieving in Christ.  The people who haven’t heard the Gospel are damned for their other sins, not the special sin of infidelity (if they haven’t heard of Him).  They remain outside the Church and in their other sins unless they come to know Him and are baptized into His faith.  This is how the Church has always understood these passages.


We wanted to quote it here because it was mentioned in the debate from memory, but we didn’t have it handy to quote it in full or the reference.


St. Augustine, Tractate 89, on John 15:22-23- “What, then, does He [Jesus] mean by the words, If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin? [John 15:22] Was it that the Jews were without sin before Christ came to them in the flesh? Who, though he were the greatest fool, would say so?... But when He went on to say, But now they have no excuse for their sin, some may be moved to inquire whether those to whom Christ neither came nor spoke, have an excuse for their sin. For if they have not, why is it said here that these had none, on the very ground that He did come and speak to them? And if they have, have they it to the extent of thereby being barred from punishment, or of receiving it in a milder degree? To these inquiries, with the Lord's help and to the best of my capacity, I reply, that such have an excuse, not for every one of their sins, but for this sin of not believing on Christ, inasmuch as He came not and spoke not to them.”


     Fr. Francisco de Vitoria, O.P., a famous 16th century Dominican theologian, summed up the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church on this topic very well.  Here is how he put it:


“When we postulate invincible ignorance on the subject of baptism or of the Christian faith, it does not follow that a person can be saved without baptism or the Christian faith.  For the aborigines to whom no preaching of the faith or Christian religion has come will be damned for mortal sins or for idolatry, but not for the sin of unbelief.  As St. Thomas says, however, if they do what in them lies [in their power], accompanied by a good life according to the law of nature, it is consistent with God’s providence that he will illuminate them regarding the name of Christ.” (citation in our salvation book)


St. Augustine (426): “Consequently both those who have not heard the gospel and those who, having heard it, and having been changed for the better, did not receive perseverancenone of these are separated from that lump which is known to be damned, as all are going… into condemnation.” (citation in our salvation book)


2 Corinthians 4:3: And if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of unbelievers, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not shine unto them.” 


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


I thought


Hi ,

I have enjoyed Vin Lewis tapes in  the past... but I was very disappointed with his slithery performance in the debate.. He didn't cite any Church teachings whatsoever to support his beliefs and opinions! I thought his arguments were very lame. He dishonestly accused you of asserting that he was being ridiculous without proof when in reality every time you did first prove it by citing amazingly relevant quotes! The monastery brother trounced him! How can one not be a sede when the arguments it against it seem to be non-existent. Surely Vin will now re-think his position. Sorry to say Vin but you sounded just like a hapless modern Catholic with no idea of the Church teachings and just a lot of prideful opinions.

God bless


pls withhold my name.


Fantastic job debating Vin. I really thought maybe he would have a stronger argument seeing that he claims to be the smartest catholic apologist in America. He had no argument at all. In fact when you would address him about the heart of the matter and him denying the teaching of the church on heretics he would go off on some tangent about proper use of words, and if the heretic referred to in Titus really was a heretic before the rebuke...what complete nonsense. These interactive debates are great to listen to because one can really relate your debate to our own debates with family members etc. Well done.

I had one question I have been meaning to ask you but keep forgetting. Does the Church allow us to pray to people who are not officially declared saints but have died in the odour of sanctity such as Padre Pio?



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Yes, you can pray privately to people who have not been declared saints but appeared to die in a very holy state.  In fact, that’s how many canonization processes began.  People would pray to those people and receive extraordinary favors and then the case would get moving.




Good Evening Brothers,


After listening to this debate it is revealing that Mr. Lewis "wrestles"(as he put it) with many of the topics you confronted him with. This in itself proves heresy for having any doubts concerning Catholic dogma deems one a heretic. I guess what I find most alarming is the conspiracy angle this man was taking. The fact that when confronted with the question about the Council of Trent’s definition of heretics being outside of the one true church, Vin Lewis responded that its reasonable. When asked why? He responded that it sounds good and makes sense to me. Well, the sad truth imo is that God punishes the unjust in this way, by allowing man to work according to his own conscience. In this case we have a man excusing the actions (he never explained this) and the words of these anti-popes by labeling it a conspiracy. So what does this man believe? What his conscience tells him. We of faith know that a man operating according to his own conscience not only thinks he is right, but leads himself to eternal death, so saith the Lord. As Vin Lewis so absurdly claims that we cannot judge an outward action of an inward feeling(or the heart of someone) reveals to me that he also does not believe in the 7 sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ either. For according to Vin Lewis' doctrine we could not be sure that is what Jesus intended.


What I take away from listening to this debate is the temerity of the Novus ordo believers and false traditionalists today. It is true that Protestants error in faith and we can only hope that through prayer and Gods grace he will convert them before death, but at least Protestants are more faithful to their false doctrines.


May we never cease to beg our Father, Please do not give me over to a shameless and foolish mind. Amen


Take care,

Gary Craft




It is an old cliché’, but you certainly demonstrated it in your debate with Vin.   In the beginning, I was sure he was simply of very bad will, as he started out trying to trap you with such “layup” propositions.  I mean could it be that he really didn’t understand the nature of Holy Orders versus merely holding an office in the Church or that heresy and apostasy are not ordinary sins?  His whole argument essentially came down to “all this stuff is really perpetrated by evil infiltrators within the Vatican, especially among the translators” (even though he himself dismissed his own argument as silly).   For his position to be true, then JPII and Ratzinger would have to be literal imbeciles to not be heretics.  It almost seemed insulting that he would be throwing such softballs.   However by the end, he went away almost meekly.  I think it could be that he really didn’t know much coming in.  The telling question for me in this regard was when he couldn’t explain what made a council’s pronouncement binding.  He answered it in modern speak beginning with “it is in conformity with a well formed conscience”, followed by three or four other irrelevant ramblings…


Hopefully Vin will reflect and come to see the light.  At any rate, it was no contest at all.  His positions (the few he actually admitted to holding) were completely devastated.  Thank you for doing this kind of stuff.  It is a very informative and actually an entertaining format.  It exposes and answers so many false notions that most people have fallen under, in fact notions they have been actively and deliberately taught, both in the Sunday sermons and the schools of the Vatican II counter church.    


Bill Mulligan




I just read your comments regarding your conversation with Vin Lewis. I listened to the entire tape and thoroughly enjoyed it.


I will pray for your soul.  Vin is a prophet.  His faith is astounding.  To call him a bad Catholic means you are taking your direction from Satan.   Repent before it's too late.  Trust me, your life will change now that you have criticized Vin.  I have seen it happen first hand. 


You should be worried, very worried.


A concerned Catholic.


MHFM: No, he is unfortunately a heretic and an apostate, like you.  That was clearly proven.  But again, that’s why people remain Protestants in the face of all the evidence.  That’s why people can hear Scripture after Scripture disproving faith alone and eternal security and still contend that the Bible teaches them.  It’s called bad will.




Subject: Vin Lewis is a heretic and an apostate!


I couldn't believe what was coming out of Vin Lewis mouth!  Obviously it wasn't the Holy Spirit, but the devil was doing the talking.


No wonder he is pro Novus Ordo church!!!


Thank You for debating Vin and it cleared up a lot of questions that I had wondered about.




MHFM: There was also another debate we just did with someone else.  It will be posted very soon.






Very interesting series of audios with Vin Lewis. Mr Lewis, who not very serious about his faith, while taking the Catholic Faith as a laughing matter and mocking God, is truly a wishy-washy Vatican II Catholic...a liar, and a snake, trying to slither out of the web that he weaves through his deceit.  All the time trying to catch you in a lie (his bad will) and kill you with his kindness.

Mr. Lewis' "worldly" views of the true Catholic Faith as being that as "your assumption" and a history of conspiracy at best are examples of the bad fruit (errors) and corruption that he and many others like him, (Fr. Coropi, Scott Hahn, EWTN) spread throughout the world. Truly blind and ignorant to the truth (The Catholic Faith).  Nice job of burying Mr. Lewis at the end.

God Bless you,


New Debate with Vin Lewis on Sedevacantism


MHFM: We recently had a debate on Sedevacantism with Vin Lewis.  Go here to listen to it:


New Sedevacantism Debate with Vin Lewis


This will permanently be found in our “Traditional Catholic Audios” section, in our “Antipopes” section, and in our telephone debates section (which is under “Audios”).




Dear Brothers,


I know you have addressed several times the issue of whether one could attend non-Catholic weddings and funerals and I agree with your position 100%.  However I don't think you've ever addressed whether a person could attend the wake of a non-Catholic or Novus Ordo friend.  Less than three years ago I attended the wake of someone who died and was buried by the Novus Ordo Church.  At a point during the wake, a Novus Ordo "priest" arrived for a prayer service and at that time I got up and left since I did not want to participate in prayer with heretics.  But the point here is that I went simply to offer my condolensces to the family without praying for the deceased and I did not attend the funeral the following day.  Could you please comment? 


Thank you,



MHFM: No, one should not go.  A Catholic must not be involved in honoring those who lived and died at variance with the true faith.




Hey Brothers since i watched your videos my eyes opened up to the Truth of What Happened to the Catholic church and What the Vatican 2 council is, anyways can you help find a church that Celebrates the Old Latin Mass… cause I’m leaving the New mass and all the New orders to return to the True Orders of the Church...

God Bless ya :)

Also when i started to become religious and [went] to the mass of nothing, that’s what i call the New Mass… i was deciding to Leave the church and Journey to another religion… but then you guys came along and made me see the Truth in the Church and I decided to stay THANK YOU SO MUCH :).






lutherans lift ban on gay marriage and support premaritial sex








Dear Brothers,


I was trying to watch the video link "New Video on Abortion, Ted Kennedy and Benedict XVI" on your news portion of your website, but it the message "the video has been removed by the user" appears.


Would you restore the video link so I can watch the video?




Eric P., a reader of http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com


MHFM: For some reason our recent video, Benedict XVI is pro-abortion, is not being accepted by Youtube.  So, you can watch here:


Benedict XVI is pro-abortion


This will be found permanently in our section on Benedict XVI.




MHFM: Hopefully in the next day, or within the next few days, we will have some new audios which we think some of our readers might find interesting.




Dear Brothers,


In regard to the video on Ted Kennedy and Benedict XVI, I totally agree with a reader who mentioned that a Satanic Hierarchy has been occupying the Vatican.

About two to three years ago when my heart still wished to believe that I was in the true Roman Catholic Church, it came to pass that a Catholic funeral celebration

of a political personality and well known to be a Freemason, was authorised and took place in the Catholic Basilica in Lisbon, this was even spoken about on the News…


M. Fernanda da Silva


Vatican II


Dear MHFM, 


Dr. Ratzinger's organization, the Vatican II sect could easily suffer its demise if only Vatican I was reopened, and declared Vatican II as null and void.  The simplicity of the Great Council of Trent, and Vatican I drowns the actions and words of this pitiful council, Vatican II.  It doesn't take much effort to decipher the appalling, and unequivocal transfiguration of Holy councils fully, completely filled with the power of the Holy Spirit in Holy Trent and Holy Vatican I, and the stale infiltration of the Modernist minds of Vatican II in full force to destroy Catholicism by incorporating specious language of Lucifer posing as Roman Catholic.  Martin Luther made his advance in the 16th century, and in the late 20th came the sullied Modernists… May Jesus and his angels protect you and your ministry…






Dear Brothers,


I might have missed it somewhere on your website  - but did you notice at the Kennedy Funeral Mess, that the table area - was shown most of the time from the very start until the very end - but that during "communion" - they showed the choir and anything else or everything else but who was receiving etc?  I found this very telling.  I even had a brother of mine call me right away while this was going on and he could not get over it.  He asked me:  "have you noticed how blatantly apparent it is that they do not want to show who is receiving Communion, since the camera focused on everything but what was going on during Communion?"  I wonder if it was because Obama and Clinton and whoever received Communion.  And to this day I have not heard a word about it on the news etc?  Just thought it was strange but noteworthy.  I guess if Obama had received - it would have made the news for days.....who knows? 


Sincerely in Christ,








I was reading a seemingly solid Catholic book when I ran into the BOD heresy being propagated. And I had some thoughts on this to share with you:


With BOD, in a way similar to water baptism, is real and natural desire a requirement for a valid "baptism?" In other words, can a lack of real desire mean what the protestants believe; that a man never had the true faith to begin with? After all, we have desires and we lose them many, many times in our lives. One minute I desire a certain food, the next minute I lose that particular desire. And if a man is "born again" and loses his desire, does he then become "unborn" again?


On BOB, in a way similar to water baptism, a man is martyred for the "faith," is he born again, i.e., resurrected from the dead? Obviously, if a man is "born again," you would think that he would not and could not be born and perish at the same time. It sounds like we are speaking of a partial birth abortion, not a holy and spiritual beginning for a soul trying to commune with God. BOB is a spiritual impossibility just by the fact that you cannot physically live and die at the same moment. These heretics would then have to create a temporal "limbo" to sustain this new piece of anti-faith.


Regarding La Salette: I took another look at one of your works which said that we have "one hour" in God's eyes, which started counting with the imposition of the novus ordo anti-mass in April of 1969. That would mean that Advent of 2010 would be when that "hour" had elapsed. In Our Lady of La Salette's secret to Melanie, one of the parts indicated that Lucifer and his demons would be let loose in the year 1864. Now supposing that the "time, two times and half a time" in the Book of the Apocalypse refers to "hours," I counted, if my math holds, 145.95 years in our time, 3 1/2 hours in God's eyes, which, depending on what month Lucifer was let loose, either Advent 2009 or 2010 would be when the Bibical prediction(s) would intersect with Mary's words to Melanie and the apostate actions of antipope/antichrist Paul VI.


Your video on anti-saint ted Kennedy was superb. The vatican may try to slip his name in when the anti-canonizations are announced for JPII, Paul 666 and Pope Pius XII. Except for Pius XII, Kennedy would fit right in with them.








Subject: honoring Ted Kennedy


If this abomination does not prove that the V2 church is satanic, nothing will.  It's amazing that the roof didn't cave in. This has got to be the last straw. Pray the Rosary!!!








This story broke a couple of days ago, but the above links a mainstream news article which suggests that Martino was in fact fired.  Judging by his age alone, this guy wasn’t a real bishop and probably not a real priest.  But he acted like he thought he was.  He for example refused to give pro abortion politicians communion, told his subjects that voting for pro abortion candidates was a mortal sin, was very vocal against homosexuality, etc.   So now he is out.  Another example of what the New Church simply won’t tolerate.


Bill Mulligan    


MHFM: That’s interesting.  Obviously we are not suggesting that he is a real Catholic (of course not); but it’s interesting to see how those in the Novus Ordo, who are even slightly conservative on issues such as abortion, find themselves as fish out of water.




Subject: Regarding many sedevacantist priests’ denial of the salvation dogma


I thought it might've been noteworthy to mention this:

I was having some email exchanges with a sedevacantist "priest", Charles McGuire (who is in league with Cekada) about BOD/BOB and the "Soul of the Church" heresy, and I told him that the "Soul of the Church" and all that denied the dogma, and he replied with this:

"The dogma "Outside the Church there is No Salvation" is not being denied in any way, shape or form. However, one can belong to the Church by desire (think of the many souls who never had the Faith preached to them, yet who sincerely desire to do what God wants of them). This dogma goes much deeper into Theology than most people will ever know. Perhaps in a future email I will explain it better. For now, time is too short to delve into this one."

These guys are essentially modernists! Don't they know that dogmas have to be believed as they are once declared?

This guy also has some wacky views on the number of the saved/damned souls:

In another discussion we were having, I told him how most people go to Hell, and how the great majority of the world isn't even Catholic and thus doesn't go to Heaven, and he said this:

"Furthermore, there is no teaching of the Church saying that most souls go to hell. Some theologians say that most go to heaven. God only knows. We may have opinions on this subject, but we will have to wait until Judgement Day to find out for sure."

So it looks like these people, instead of believing and going by the infallible dogmas of the Church, instead go with what the "theologians" say. They are modernists.






Hi Brother Peter and Brother Michael,
Thank you for the video exposing the evil of Benedict XVI's support for the heretic Ted Kennedy. Whenever I see those Novus Ordo ceremonies I immediately get the sense that they are praying to Satan and not to Jesus Christ. How else can they pray for a dead someone who aggressively pushed for murder and sodomy to be written into law?!!! Benedict XVI is a satanic heretic, Ted Kennedy was/is a satanic heretic, and so are any other people who support them.
Thanks again and God Bless,
Kit White




Subject: Rejection of Freemasonry and the Devil


Dear Brothers,
While making a purchase at a friend’s store, who I assumed was `Catholic` since he had a crucifix displayed in full view; I noticed, to my horror, that he wore a masonic ring.  When I inquired as to what he was doing wearing the ring of an antichristian cult, he nervously stated that he was a member of a local lodge and not aware that it was a non-Christian cult. In charity, I debriefed him on the diabolical nature of the lodge and left.  On my next visit I arrived with a bagful of all your videos and books (including yours and Dr. Wardner’s videos on the freemasonic infiltration of the Catholic church and its takeover of society).  He subsequently viewed and read the material and shared it with several other lodge members who had joined at the time he had.  He was quite upset over having been bamboozled by masonic doubletalk and ritual, and vowed to leave that diabolical institution.  A fellow lodge member who had joined when he had, and who was also a former Catholic seminarian, immediately left the masonic lodge in shame and disgust, severing all contact with it and his former colleagues. I pray that two more souls will be saved due to these courageous Catholic educational books and videos.
May Almighty God continue to favor your efforts!
In good will and charity,
Dr. James J. Lapinsky, D.C.




Subject: Video


Your video is EXCELLENT!  I sent it to a lot of people in my email list.  (I have not heard back from anyone-yet!)  But I feel it had to be said.  However, I came across a NO woman from the church I used to go to, and she watched the whole funeral , thought it was wonderful, beautiful eulogy by his son, etc etc. and she loved the letter to Benedict!!!  I tried to tell her that Kennedy was pro abortion, pro gay, etc, but she just rambled on and on the he did 'good'?!   As you well know, these people do not get it!  And this woman knows that I go to the Latin Mass only, and I have tried to tell people, but they are SO blind!  God have mercy on us all.!  Please keep up the excellent work you are doing!...

God bless you and He is!

Kathryn Rubio


MHFM: Yes, the bad will is mind-boggling.  Someone else wrote to us and completely ignored the fact that he accepts pro-abortion apostates as Catholic.  It just doesn’t even faze these people.  Instead, he recommended a writing of Benedict XVI.


Had to re-upload




MHFM: We had to re-upload (to Youtube) our recent video on Benedict XVI and abortion.  It had almost a thousand views after only being posted for a short time.  Since it had to be re-uploaded, the view count was reset to zero.




Subject: New Video Comment


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter:


I just finished watching your new video on the pro-abortion, pro-“gay marriage” apostate and chief political toady to the Jewish new world order Ted Kennedy.  It was so refreshing to hear the Catholic point of view about this wicked man’s life and the so-called “Catholic” funeral that the vatican-two sect held in his honor.  It showed once again the undeniable fact that the vatican-two sect is totally pro-abortion and not remotely Catholic.


What’s interesting is how many people in the vatican-two sect can watch their apostate leaders on TV, such as his Immense Evil, “Cardinal” O’Malice praise these pro-abortion politicians alongside such creatures as “President” Obama and Nancy Pelosi and not denounce them as apostates.  Even more interesting is that these same people will then jump on a bus to attend the annual pro-life march in Washington D.C.  The level of hypocrisy and bad-will within the vatican-two sect is just astounding.






Subject: Ted Kennedy video


5 star rating from me






Dear Brothers in Christ,

The video clip on Ted Kennedy's funeral is nothing less than a show of a satanic ritual.  The "cardinals" and "priests" praising a life full of murders and other vicious acts--and nobody can deny that Ted Kennedy is responsible for the murder of millions of unborn human beings and constant rebellion to God in many other ways--this show is the worst mockery of God the world has ever seen. Of course, the shows of this kind are not limited to the U.S. Far from that.

The satanic hierarchy now occupying Vatican is very inventive regarding the ways to mock the God, our Lord Jesus Christ. We can only wonder what is next we will see from this "treasury" of all abominations in the world.

I am so, so sad, and I am angry. Very angry with these demonic creatures.

Our dearest and most holy Mother, pray for us.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




Subject: Excellent video on Ted Kennedy


I couldn't have said it any better!  I didn't watch any of the coverage of the "tribute" to Ted Kennedy.....but I am glad I watched your video on it.  Their reference to him being one of the "faithful" completely disgusted me.  Isn't it interesting that Boston is involved?  Boy - If you are Fr. Feeney, you are completely a jerk.....but, Ted Kennedy, and you are "faithful".  What a farce.


Thank you for sharing.


Teri Thurman




Dear MHFM    


I was quite upset about the whole ted kennedy fiasco.  I noticed how it started to pour rain on the people after the service was over. Was this a sign of God’s displeasure over this whole affair?  Rome has indeed become the seat of the anti-christ.  The world is completely upside down. Time is growing very very short.  I think we all know pretty much what the third secret of fatima is.  Thanks! And God bless in Christ.   






I would like to understand how you think ted kennedy is so great of a person, do you know how many unborn Babies he has had a hand in killing and with this health care he wanted to kill more. … no choice for the baby. What are you thinking about was his money more important then GOD'S word. They are using his death and him being a catholic to push this health care and what about him pushing gays. There is a GOD and he does not care about you holding any position in the church. If you go against his word then you go against his word. You are doing a disservice to GOD and the unborn and the people you are leading wrong in this world. I"m starting to believe everything they say about your church. And I thought yiu cared about the babies.




MHFM: Are you insane?  We condemn abortion and Ted Kennedy.  That's what the video is about.  Watch the video and wake up.




Dear Brothers,
First, I would like to thank you both for the labor you do for our Lord and for the conversion of sinners. Secondly, I have a heavy heart about what curriculum is the best for homeschooling.  I am currently using Catholic Heritage Curricula but have to scan through literally everything to make sure the V2 references in it don't slip out to my children.  Every other "Catholic" curriculum that I have searched through is the same (all are Vatican II and lovers of heresy). Then there is the dilemma of buying secular studies. All of that will surely not teach creation, but evolution. I don't know if any other homeschooling mothers have written to you about this issue or if you would even have an idea of what direction to send me, but if you do I would greatly appreciate your opinions and feedback on this issue. It's sad when you are out of the public school systems and still having great concern about what your children will learn from their school books.

May God Bless You,


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Perhaps one of our readers has a suggestion.




In good faith I ordered the booklet that The Bible proves the Catholic Church is the true Church, and then in seeing your last page, and all the post Vatican II attacks on the recent Popes, Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and visiting your website, I was scandalized beyond words !!!!  You have committed the greatest sin, abandoning the Holy Spirit in His guidance of the Catholic Church, and then propagating it… you are dancing on the edge of condemnation.  You are in heresy, and you are disconnected from Rome.  I am shredding my booklets from you.  They are tainted with hate. 


Marilyn Treder


MHFM: You are completely wrong and very deceived.  You understand nothing about the Catholic faith or fidelity to the Papal Office.  The Church teaches that a heretic cannot be a valid pope.  If you understood anything about Church history, you would realize that there have been over 40 antipopes in Church history. 


Moreover, if you had the good will to look at the information, you would discover that Benedict XVI rejects the papal office.  He holds that one should not even convert Protestants.  He also engages in the worship of false religions, such as Islam and Judaism.  That's apostasy.  He has agreed with the Lutherans on Justification.  He is also pro-abortion.  By accepting him, you are pro-abortion.   


It proves that the Vatican II sect – which you wrongly think is the Catholic Church – accepts as members those who are notoriously pro-abortion.  That proves that Benedict XVI holds that one can be pro-abortion and be Catholic.  By accepting him as a Catholic, you are therefore pro-abortion.  In other words, you believe that one can promote and defend abortion and remain a member of the true Church.   


Benedict XVI is a manifest heretic.  He is not the pope.


New Video on Abortion, Ted Kennedy and Benedict XVI




MHFM: See the striking clips which prove it.  This video shows why those who accept Benedict XVI are not pro-life, but pro-abortion.  By examining what his “Church” just did for Ted Kennedy, it proves that Benedict XVI is pro-abortion.  Ted Kennedy was vigorously pro-abortion.  He was even in favor of partial-birth abortion.  He also supported gay “marriage.”  He even voted against the Defense of Marriage Act.  He also wanted to expand “hate crimes” legislation to include special privileges for homosexuals.  Benedict XVI and his Vatican II Church officially consider Ted Kennedy to have been a Catholic and the servant of Christ.  They consider him saved and to be one who will live forever with Christ.  This video demonstrates that all those who do not condemn Benedict XVI as a heretic are pro-abortion.  It proves that Benedict XVI is not the pope, but a heretical antipope.




Dear Brothers Dimond,


I and my family have been spending some time in Algarve for the summer holidays and as usual I took my Bible along, as well as some of your books on the Catholic Faith to study.  When I was deciding on what to read in the Bible, it came to my spirit in a very clear way the curiosity about King David and how the construction of Solomon’s Temple came about, although I did not know exactly where to find it, I somehow discovered it without any difficulty.


So while reading I came to understand more about God`s Justice and how generous He was to those who did good in the eyes of God and walked in His ways by obeying His Laws and running away from sin, but on the other hand God was very severe and punished those Kings and people with many calamities because they did bad in the eyes of God by turning away from Him. Therefore we know that God does not change and that his Justice will stand until the end of Times.


I thought it interesting that when I arrived in Lisbon and got back to your site, there it was, a video on King Solomon´s Life.


Wishing you well, and keep up the good work,


M. Fernanda da Silva



… Brothers Peter & Michael Diamond
I am really glad from reading your material, specially the book "What really happened to the Catholic Church..." and the DVDs.
When I purchased some material from your web-site, I had ordered some other books and ended um getting the Salvation book, the "What happened..." and the DVDs. At that time (something about 6 - 10 months ago) I was still a "false traditionalist", in other words I… was very afraid of reading sedevacantist material, since the SSPX and others from where I live 'warn' all the time to don’t read sedevacantist material, and all the typical absurd defense that is common.
But thanks to God Almighty he made me come across your website, and although at beginning I thought it too drastic and radical, little by little my thirst to know the truth grew bigger and bigger, to the point that now your community is my only safe reference in the Church´s doctrine. As I mentioned earlier at first I didn´t read the "dangerous" (=sedevacantist) material, but later on, as my eyes got open to the OBVIOUS truth as I saw the more and more scandals of the "pope" I ended up taking a stand and reading it for once! I thank God Almighty and His Most Blessed Mother for having led me to the search and finding of the truth, which your monastery/website are the chosen vehicles in this time of apostasy.
Thanks brothers!! I am most grateful of having found your information over anything else! It´s as if all the time, even when I was already a 'traditional(sic) catholic' there was still something eerie, as if they simply live on their lives happily with no mention of the most obvious anti-catholic scandals of the conciliarist 'popes'!!
I hope I do not disturb much of your time with my writings, but I would like to share this with you.
Last month I traveled to Italy… because although I already traveled there as a child, I really liked to visit once again the holy cities and basilicas, specially Saint Peter´s…. What a shock!! In ALL of the churches I visited, there was no holy lamp, no kneelers, only some plastic chairs, or even worse, no chairs at all. The churches were exposed as museums, and 100% of the people in there just behave as if were in some party, with immodest clothing and irreverent behavior. Although I recognize the faith has long been lost by the 'modernist' catholics, the total desacralization of these places really stunned me.
Now as I return home, I visited the SSPX website and saw a lot of "anti-sedevacantist" material that was not there before. I think that as the truth starts to become more and more evident each day for everyone about the so called 'conciliar church' and it´s 'popes', they have to fight to preserve it´s position of 'communion' with this apostate traitor! Just to note, as I scrolled trough the documents fighting the sedevacantist attacks, they enter into many pages philosophical, historical, exegetical, etc themes to try to explain the 'inconsistency' (as they call) of the sedevacantist position, but do not enter into the infallible church teaching and into more basic and obvious truths. It´s as if by a massive attack of "well written nonsense", the person by appearances get´s convinced of their point, when the truth is simple, plain and obvious.
Brothers thanks for your time of letting me share this with you… your monastery, which is really a voice of the truth in this last times of apostasy.
God guide your paths!!
[asked for name to be withheld] Brazil




Dear Brothers:


Great work. Thanks for the video on impurity, most people will not swallow this commandment easily because the world was deceit us for a long time on this sin…


No wonder why Jacinta of Fatima said that "the people fail to hell because of the sin of flesh are like flakes of snow...that are so so so many".  We should be aware of that and guard our eyes, our bodies, and our souls. Thank you for spread out the truth of teaching of God Most High, no sugar coat. People go to another religion because they knew in their hearts they commit this sin and loved it, they don't want to change. The reject everlasting life. God did not condemn no one to Hell. People choose to go to Hell as their own will. Period.


Glory to God


Kim-Lan Vu




Subject: “St. Edward M. Kennedy”


I heard some reporters talking about Kennedy's funeral shortly after the funeral "Mass" this morning.  One of them said she liked the "Catholic" way of thinking (probably from the priest’s sermon) that he is in a better place where it is peaceful.  No more war; no more stress, plenty of medical care, whatever. Another pro-abortion St.(Edward M.) Kennedy has gone to heaven.  If this doesn't convince a Catholic that the V2 church is not Catholic, nothing will. 


And then there was the reporter's comment about Michael Jackson looking down on the crowds who were honoring him…




MHFM: Yes, it’s really something.  We did a new video on this topic. 




Subject: Ted Kennedy’s letter to antipope Benedict


This is weird as all about Kennedy is.  What is he trying to do?  Ask for sainthood? – which he has from the drive by media!  On Rush Limbaugh's show Friday, Rush aired a piece from one of Kennedy's pals, saying that he loved to hear more new Chappequidia jokes!  How sick is that? Just as I said to myself  "sick"  Rush said it was 'sick'! 




MHFM: It’s another facet of this whole thing.  We didn’t have time to mention the letter in our video.  It’s just another example of the fact that Benedict XVI is fully aware of what’s going on, and that Ted Kennedy considered himself to be “Catholic” while the V-2 “hierarchy” did nothing to dispel that notion.




I am a 61 year old cradle Catholic, who experienced 16 years of a Catholic education & your information brought me back in time when I was educated by the nuns from 1954 to 1962. I can remember them telling us that we were never allowed to enter a non-Catholic church & when we were instructed to bring our bibles to class, I remember sister Francella nearly having a stroke when one of the students brought a king james bible.


In these days we have Catholic priests in their homilies saying; "God's love is unconditional" I would raise issue with that by saying; "How can God judge the living & the dead without any conditions." I will try to answer my own question & suggest that with the attendance of church activities on the down side, it becomes a situation of competition amongst the churches in the communities to tell the people or congregation what they want to hear & we come up with the idea that we are all going to heaven & as you people so eloquently point out, this is not the truth…




MHFM: Yes, it’s the religion of man.  It’s all about accepting man, and their inability to condemn man and his sins.  It’s the religion of Antichrist: denying Christ and His truth in order to please man.  This is exemplified by the man-centered New Mass, by the shocking and explicit teaching of Antipope John Paul II that man is God, and by their de facto recognition of man as God in their utter unwillingness to condemn man, even when God’s truth requires it. 


For a striking illustration of the last point, just take the example of Ted Kennedy.  Not one Novus Ordo “bishop” can or will denounce the guy as a heretic.  They worship man.




I just wanted to mention how much I appreciated your honesty on how those "Catholics" who support antipope "Benedict 16" as "pope" (which, thanks… to YOUR fine work, he is CLEARLY NOT....) are aggressively out there promoting the unspeakable sin of abortion, since as a supposed Catholic "leader", that is exactly what he does, by outrageous sins of omission, (silence, compliance on the issue, etc, thereby totally CONDONING abortion!) and so as you mentioned,  those who lend their support to B-16 are promoting his incredibly EVIL pro-abort stance.  Most V-2 "Catholics" do not want to view themselves this way.  But how many souls is this anti-pope sending to Hell on the abortion issue, alone?


Your recent videos on purity are excellent.  All your work has really snapped me out of a spiritual lethargy and stunned me with the Truth of the actual Catholic Faith, about which I was truly ignorant, (as a life-long former V-2 "Catholic") but I ask you to pray for me since your work has inspired me to try harder to become a much better person, one worthy of Heaven…


Sincerely, and Thanks again, Anne  


New video against Impurity




This is part of a series called, Rejecting the Lust and Impurity of Hell.




… My family goes back generations in the Roman Catholic Church and in investigating the Church, I realized the apostasy that had happened. I wish to be able to have contact because I have many unanswered questions. I am twenty years old right now and I am very confused about several things in my life right now. I have questions that need to be answered. I wish to have people to help me thing these things, by the grace of the Most High God. I thank you for spending the time to read my email, because I am sure that you get many e-mails each day. May God bless you for your efforts.

Michael H


MHFM: Michael, the material which is available on our website (and by ordering from us) contains the truth that people need to know about the Catholic faith and other topics.  You really need to take a deep interest in this material.  We would encourage you to listen to the audios, obtain the books, and pray the Rosary. 


Since you seem to be unsure about this, one thing we’d recommend is that you dispel from your mind what other people might say about this information.  The Devil deceives and destroys the faith of countless souls by means of people around them.  Most people go to Hell.  Most are of bad will.  That’s especially true today.  You need to examine this information, give special attention to the merits of the arguments, and completely disregard what this or that person might say.  Focus on the facts, the truth and the teaching of the Catholic Church that is presented.  Focus on how these conclusions are proven by Catholic teaching, and ignore what the bad-willed herd (which is headed for Hell) thinks.   




Subject: Why I am upset with Christianity




I love your website and will be studying it for hours.  I ask Christians this -->  How can a Christian be happy when God will have the majority of the human race tortured in hell for ever?


They say "No, most will go to Heaven"


but Jesus said in Matthew that wide is the path to destruction and many will go there, narrow is the way to salvation and few will find it.  That proves that God will torture good people who don't want to be religious and just want to be left alone.  I have no trouble with rapists and child molesters going to hell but what about all the good people that are not religious?  This really bothers me… Why is Christianity so cruel?...




MHFM: Your premise is false.  Good people don’t go to Hell.  They go to Hell because they are bad.  They might not externally seem bad like open criminals do, but they are liars in their hearts.  We see that so clearly all the time.  Hell is the only place for people who are liars to the core.  Sadly, almost all people today are liars, and most people throughout history. 


Apocalypse 21:8- “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”


There are many examples we could give to demonstrate this point.  We could discuss moral issues, such as abortion.  We could discuss Protestant issues, such as the heresy of faith alone.  We could discuss Vatican II issues, such as those who obstinately defend the clear heresies and apostasy of the antipopes.  But the example we would give is one we mention frequently. 


Think of all the people who claim to be traditional Catholics.  They claim to accept all Catholic dogmas, including Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  They claim to believe in papal infallibility.  They even claim to believe in what Pope Eugene IV solemnly defined, that all who die as Jews, etc. go to Hell.  But then, when questioned further, they admit that they are not convinced that all who die as Jews go to Hell.  That proves that they are liars.  Some of them will then proceed to deny that they deny the dogma.  God sees all of this, and detests them for their dishonesty and their rejection of His truth.  They are of bad will, and liars to the core.  One must not be deceived by appearances.  Externally they might seem good to some, and they might even pray.  They might even put out a decent amount of effort in what they think is the practice of the traditional Catholic faith.  The fact, however, is that they are liars and therefore wicked to the core.  God rejects them and their efforts, and they must be condemned to Hell.  They must be condemned because they are not of Him; they are not of the truth.  The perfect justice in this can be seen by someone with faith.




Dear Brother Dimond,


…Thank you for your the terrific work you do in helping people to see the errors and horrors that we face daily, due to corruption of Vatican II!





Thank you for your instructions.  You have renewed my faith in the Catholic Church and my God.  I am about to be unemployed so I have had time to read your information on your web site.  Keep up the great work.  Pray for me and all the unemployed.

God Bless you

Lucille Beyer




Dear Bros, Michael and Peter Dimond,


Once again, another excellent job on this latest video on King Solomon... this latest production, is particularly interesting, because of the little known details subsequently revealed


...Great pictures as well to go along with the narrative.


God bless






Dear Brothers,
Thanks for the new video on Solomon. It's very relevant for our time… That quote of St. Athanasius' on how the Arians are abhorred by everyone except the devil is very powerful. It shows how crucial it was for our Lord Jesus Christ to institute the Papal Office as a defense against all heresies. How critical it is to be certain that we accept all the Catholic Councils (like the Councils of Nicaea, Trent, and Vatican I, etc.), all the decrees and condemnations therein, and to accept them exactly as they are written, not as we would like them to seem, especially if we come from a non-Catholic background! Your monastery is the only place I know of and can trust at this time to be 100% faithful to such Councils because of the eclipsed state of the Church due to the Great Apostasy…

God Bless,
Kit White




Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter

I would like to show my appreciation for the excellent video you made on King Solomon, which was very instructive and interesting to watch.  I really like it when you refer to the lessons contained in the Old Testament and show their relevance for today.


I am currently reading the Old Testament (having first read the New Testament) and I came across a passage in Deuteronomy chapter 28 verses 15-68, concerning God's punishments if the Israelites fail to observe His Law. This passage cries out its relevance for our own evil times, with the consequences of the mass apostasy of the New Israel - Christendom - from the Catholic Faith. Although this passage describes the punishments to be inflicted for unfaithfulness which are specific to the times of Moses, many of the curses contained in this passage of Holy Scripture appear to describe the chaos, fear, immorality, evil, spiritual blindness, and undermining and ongoing destruction of our own Western civilisation. It is salutary to consider that God is not remote and aloof from what is going on in the world today, that we could consider that temporal punishments are being inflicted now on what was Christendom for the heinous sins of the Great Apostasy.

Yours in Jesus and Mary





Dear Brothers,

I just finished watching the short video on King Solomon and wanted to make a quick observation.  When you mentioned King Solomon building the idols for the pagans it reminded me of the Vatican 2 "Bishops and Priests" who go around promoting and helping protestants, Muslims, Buddhists, or whatever build their places of abomination.  Their promotion and taking up collections for these places is no different than King Solomon building them. 




Subject: “Satanic voices in Sydney’s Suburbia” newspaper article


Hi Brothers,

I'm not sure if you already know about this disturbing story, but I think you would find it very interesting:


Kind Regards,



New Video on King Solomon






I wonder if the year 2000 computer crash hoax was created to make people incredulous, so that when this swine flu thing happens everyone will disregard it and catch everyone off guard.  No one seems to be concerned about it. 








I have learned a great deal from your excellent videos.  Thank you for producing them and offering them at such a low price... Thank you!






Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


My dear friend Scott P., who has to suffer on d/r Livingston in Texas sent me your letter you wrote to him lately, thank you so much for taking your time for him and enlightening his days on d/r with your friendly words and the three booklets you sent, this has been very kind of you and our HOLY GOD bless your good heart.


I apologize my English is very simple, hopefully you understand it… GOD bless your ministry and place


Karin Eberhart  



Apostate defends the Devil


Subject: “A bad rap for Satan”


Dear Brothers,


FYI - For your readers.




This apostate gave a lecture before other apostates at the 2009 "Catholic" Biblical Association meeting at Creighton Univ. - Omaha.   I attended C.U from 1956-59, but do not remember this evil doer at that time.


“The Fonda, Iowa, native challenges the notion of Satan (or Lucifer) as a fallen dark angel who tempted Adam and Eve into committing the “original sin” and who now runs Hell and tempts humans to sin.”



Donald Livingston  






I've been re-reading the ". . . No Salvation" book, page 138, regarding St. Thomas Aquinas and the silence of the popes who recommended the Summa but never pointed out its errors.  A few things come to mind besides the reasons you have given:


The pope(s) had already spoken on these errors, and any theologian with a brain in his head should have known this. The fact that baptism of blood and desire and salvation outside the Church literally scream that God is not Almighty, is enough to send a theologian running to inspect the infallible interpretations of the popes of Christ's words, on these matters. Were these theologians stupid or was something else going on in the 19th, 20th centuries? Father Feeney's "excommunication" literally reeks of conspiracy.


Many more questions arise. Why was one of the priests who taught our religion classes in a Catholic High school, taught by a Jewish professor. What was a Jew doing teaching Catholicism to Catholic seminarians?  And what was he teaching them?


Does anyone at all know of any… priest who does not honor the Vatican II heretics as popes? The devil once told St. John Vianney that if he had just three more like him, he would be defeated. Just three more.


St. John V. who converted an entire village and probably thousands who came to confess to him, predicted that in 100 years his church would not be the same. This was in 1858 or 1859 (according to a biography), and 100 years later we have antipope John XXIII pretending to be the pope. Of course there was Padre Pio who was very similar to St. John V., but where are the faithful priests? Bishops? Not one member of the clergy exists, it seems, who fights for truth and exposes the Vatican II heretics. And all of them taught the salvation lies, even in the pre-Vatican II church.


When I was in the Vatican II church there was a lot of sneakiness going around. The priests would yell at you, snub you, tell you that you could no longer teach CCD, lie to you, beat around the bush, and even run away from you when they saw you coming, but not one would counsel you as to why you were wrong and they were right. They didn't even tell me I was wrong, just that I was causing dissension. Of course when I found out that the sneakiness, lies and contradictions went all the way to Rome and the "popes", I immediately separated myself from this literal garbage pile of false doctrine, and from what I've seen of the neglect of duty of priests through my life as a pre and post-V2 "Catholic", nothing much surprises me.


Now, regarding St. Thomas errors in the summa, including his denial of the Immaculate Conception, all of these errors were, as MHFM has written, ultimately or previously made moot by previous infallible papal directives and in 1854, Pope Pius IX defined Mary's Immaculate Conception, thus proving, again, that St. Thomas Aquinas was not infallible.


St. Teresa of Avila, ordered by her spiritual director, wrote extensively on the spiritual life, and throughout her writings, one reads that should any errors be found in her writings, that she would humbly accept correction. The same can be read in the writings of St. Margaret Mary, also ordered to write. No doubt St. Thomas Aquinas wrote with the same kind of understanding and his errors are proof of the fallibility of even the great saints, no matter how knowledgeable of the faith they may have been.


All Catholics should know and are taught that Christ's guarantee of infallibility (that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church) was only given to Peter and his successors, and no theologian or anyone who claims to teach the Catholic faith, who clearly sees (the errors of the V2 popes are well advertised) that a pope teaches contradictory to Peter and his true successors, can fail to conclude that these men are not Catholic. So why do they not teach this truth? Is it because they are not or never were Catholic? No one can be that ignorant. Did their Jewish professors teach them these errors? Bad will in many cases, but bad will plus conspiracy in many others. 


When I was in the V2 church, I always wondered why this hard working seemingly "orthodox" V2 priest who even often prayed the rosary with his congregation, would leave his chalice uncovered, in spite of the V2 rubrics that ordered a covered chalice.  He didn't even put a pall over it like the other priests.  Then he began to promote false apparitions; sold heretical books about them inside of the church; not in the foyer, but inside of the church, and just before he was transferred, he held a charismatic healing service in the sanctuary of the church with priests and lay persons anointing with the baptism of the "Holy Spirit".  He always seemed to want to be on my good side, but when he did those things, I quit talking to him.  Later on… I wrote him a letter telling him what I thought of him.  I also sent him a MHFM ". . . no salvation" book; throwing pearls before swine, no doubt.


Just some thoughts....






…Thanks for the Jurisdiction audios…

Thanks and God bless you and the monastery





Hi Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Thanks for the recent update on the "Swine Flu" and the link to that article...


Just as a matter of interest for your readers, up to the 14 August, 2009, here in New Zealand, the death rate for the "Swine" Flu, was 0.0000034%; the total number of deaths due to "swine" flu being reported as 14.


Since the total population of N.Z. is around 4.1 million, it seems that in the middle of this "pandemic" we should be in CODE RED by now, but instead, it seems more like a 'whiter shade of pale! '....


God bless




p.s. somebody might like to check on my sums!




I was just browsing through the book: What Really Happened to the Catholic Church After Vatican II.  I must have underlined and annotated every page… How anyone who calls him or herself Catholic can even glance at this book and not be totally appalled [by the Vatican II apostasy] and convinced that Vatican II Rome is not the Catholic Church, then they are mentally blind.  The seminarian's description of what he was taught is totally demonic. It also shows how much the devil hates the rosary but will tolerate it in order to fool certain people.


I saw much of the same kinds of things as a V2 "Catholic", and it's all out there in the open. 


They had to murder Sister Lucy or she would have exposed the whole mess.  Further proof, as if we need any more.  







Concerning your exchange about the NY funeral homes. This site that tries to debunk the FEMA camps and grave burial liners has a remark by someone concerning a nationwide effort to inform funeral homes of an upcoming incident. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/4312850.html

"...my best friend of thirty years wife works in a large funeral home and held a meeting with the management at the funeral business, including her, instructing them as how to manage large numbers of deceased more quickly and efficiently. They mentioned that these instructional meeting were being held nationwide. Sounds to me like they are preparing themselves for something over and beyond the ordinary".

God Bless,



Dear Brothers,


I have found I believe another example of apostasy in our times, I saw an ad for St. Barnabas Hospital located in northern New Jersey advertising "in vitro" fertilization and other artificial forms of reproduction. How can a truly "Catholic" hospital engage in that?   




Catholic miracles


Dear Brothers:


… If the people still refuse to believe perhaps they should look at the incorruptible bodies of so many saints in the Catholic history.


If they still cannot believe the miracles of Fatima, the miracles in incorruptible bodies of the saints, the host of Eucharist which had been examined and proved to be real heart tissues and human blood, things predicted and prophesied happened... then I don't know what else will cause people to come to believe the true church.


The main point is "If you love me, keep my commandments". But the commandments of Jesus are too difficult for those who do not love him. Only light to the people who love the humble life as Jesus.


Modern men and women must learn from three little saints of Fatima. They are the real conquerors, great heroes who recognized the truth… at a very young age and they haven’t even have passed the fifth grade yet.  They don't ask for proof… they understood deep in their hearts without asking for explanation as people do now.


Thanks God for the work you are doing. Seems like there is not much time left…


Glory to God,


Kim-Lan Vu




Dear Brothers,

I was thinking about the singular 'name' instead of 'names' in the Trinitarian baptismal formula, ‘...in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.’ (Matt. 28:19) Given that God’s name is Jehovah, then Jesus is admitting that he is Jehovah Incarnate; and seeing that God's name means, 'He Who Is,' then Arius was totally contradicting the truth when he said, 'there was time when Jesus was not.' Isn't it interesting that the Arian heretics, like the Jews and the JWs, all claim to worship God the Father but actually deny Him because they don’t accept or believe in the God the Son’s absolute eternity, Divinity, and likeness to the Father (1 John 2:23) - yet a child can and will believe that Jesus is the one true God made flesh!! How ironic that Arius denied the Alpha by saying that ‘there was a time when Jesus was not,’ but in the end there was no way that he could avoid the Omega! (Apocalypse 1:8)

Thank you and God Bless,

Kit White




Dear Brothers in Christ,

I must correct you regarding the "swine flu" issue. You said that this thing does not exist at this point.  I disagree.  Every time when some of the officials in the UN, or in any government in the world, gets a flu we have a swine with the flu.

Let Our Mother Mary and St. Joseph guard us against these mass murderers.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




"Public health officials are no longer sending most suspected cases for confirmation, but instead are assuming that anyone who tests positive for influenza type A in a rapid test at the doctor's office has swine flu since regular, seasonal type A flu is rare right now."


http://www.al.com/news/birminghamnews/metro.ssf?/base/news/125075617428450.xml&coll=2  Scroll down after clicking on link to view article


So let me get this straight, I had a sore throat for a few days now, so I guess that means I need to get stuck with 20 vaccines??




MHFM: That’s very interesting!  Thank you for sending that article.  The bolded portion coincides precisely with the opinion we’ve been expressing all along: there’s probably not one person on Earth with “swine flu.”  As we pointed out in our original audio back in April, only certain select agencies and individuals can “confirm” a “swine flu” case.  So if people get sick, they send in a sample and have to wait for the “official results.” 


There are many people who are exposing the “swine flu” hoax.  They are exposing how it’s being used to implement total control and possibly martial law.  They are also exposing the dangers of vaccines.  However, almost no one (besides us) has emphasized that a special “swine flu” probably doesn’t even exist at this point.  Many of these other speakers and groups believe it’s a manufactured virus; in other words, it’s real but deliberately created.  We have a different opinion.  It’s our opinion that there is no such thing at this point; it’s all hype and propaganda created by dishonestly “confirming” regular cases of flu-like symptoms as “swine flu”; or, at the most, by dishonestly confirming certain idiosyncrasies found in some cases of regular flu as some new kind of “swine flu.”


The fact that it’s no different from regular flu is why so many prominent figures and celebrities who have “contracted it” recover without a problem.  This article seems to corroborate our opinion because now they are simply fast-tracking the “confirmation” process.  No longer do you need to even bother to send it in and get the phony result back.  That strongly suggests that the “confirmation” wasn’t worth anything to begin with!  Now they just assume that anyone with any flu-like problem has “swine flu.”  What a sham!  But once they start giving the “vaccine” to millions, we believe that at that point you might see a real, bona fide (or rather mala fide) virus with devastating and probably deadly results.  So if there is a major “outbreak” in which vast numbers of people truly become sick and die, it will be caused (in our opinion) not by some “swine flu,” but by the vaccine.  And millions will believe that it’s “swine flu” that is causing so many to become sick and die.


Fiction becoming reality




Here is a worthy article on the swine flu scare.




The ensuing aftermath and devastation must be one of the pestilences mentioned in Matthew XXIV. Famines will be next and will probably occur at the same time as the outbreak, since truckers may be too afraid to deliver to "plague areas."


What's truly intriguing about this is that one of the ingredients in these "vaccines" that is incubated or some such from monkey kidneys. Now, a novelist named Tom Clancy wrote a book 15 years ago with the Iranians concocting a "super ebola virus" incubating in monkey kidneys, to be used as a bio-terror weapon against the U.S., followed by martial law, a cessation of interstate commerce, an attack against the "first family" by more Muslims, a failed bomb plot by "homegrown patriots," a land battle with Iranian forces, and to top it all off, a smart bomb dropped bullseye into the house where the Iranian president is staying.


Judging by the haste in which this "vaccine" is being deployed, perhaps fiction may merge with reality very soon.


May the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Holy Family, all the Saints and all the Heavenly Hosts pray for us and protect us all during these times, and though the laborers be few may the harvest be bountiful.






MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  The Iran connection is quite interesting.  In our April discussion (linked to above), we mentioned the possibility of how they might try to blame it on Iran.


Tornado, Lutherans


Dear Brothers,

You probably saw this, but a tornado hit the Lutherans:

The tornado happens on a Wednesday...during the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America's national convention in the Minneapolis Convention
Center. The convention is using Central Lutheran across the street as its church. The church has set up tents around it's building for this

http://www.virtueonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=11043 (includes a interesting picture)

Many thanks again for your good works




The brief video is very timely for me.  Thanks.  I like the picture of the green fields too!  Thank you both for being there.  I hope you continue to make short videos!





Age of the Church


Hi Brother Dimonds,


I have been told that we are in the 5th Age of the Church. These people are expecting two more ages before everything wraps up. What are your thoughts on this? These people assume on this premise that we will see a Church Restoration and the restoration of the Catholic monarch before the final apostasy with the anti-Christ. Can you give me insights on what to believe? After reading your section on Fatima and the Consecration and Conversion of Russia, I am inclined to believe your position over the speculations of these people.




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  No, we don’t agree with their opinion.  They are probably deriving some of those opinions from various private revelations that have been compiled, some of which are contradictory and of questionable authenticity.  We believe that we are definitely in the Great Apostasy and living shortly before the coming of Christ.  The Vatican II apostasy is not just some run-of-the-mill crisis.  It’s the great crisis and falling away from the faith – the final spiritual deception – just before the return of the Lord.  In our opinion, this can also be seen by carefully considering other things that are going on in the world. 


If there will be a “restoration,” as they believe, then that means that this Vatican II apostasy is not the Great Apostasy.  It means New Mass is not the abomination of desolation, etc.  We do not agree with that opinion.  Moreover, in her interview with Fr. Fuentes in 1957, the real Sr. Lucy clearly indicated that we are in the final days, and that Fatima was essentially the last big warning for the world.


Furthermore, in our section on Fatima, we show that the miracle of the sun was in itself an indication that the final apostasy and the final spiritual deception was about to happen.  The people who saw the miracle thought that it was the end of the world.  That was God’s way of indicating that this is the last warning.  Even the secular press unwittingly acknowledged that the miracle of Fatima was the sign of Heaven of Apocalypse 12:1.  That’s explained in the article.


New Video on King David






Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


I received several weeks ago my order of your book "Outside the Church there is no Salvation."  Thank you very very much for sending much more than what I requested!


Your dvds are a revelation; Your works are very inspiring.


May the Good Lord bless you for your generosity, zeal and love of truth.  May your work be guided and truly blessed.


With much gratitude,


Rommel dela Rosa




I got in recent debate last week and the 2 people I was arguing with contradicted themselves over n over again...And when I brought up LaSallete, Pope Leo XIII message, Fatima should have been released by 1960 to show we’re in the endtimes etc...they changed their position which they held for many years & now say  "Oh, were not in the endtimes, nor is the church in a crisis today".....wow what bad will !!  but up until that point they agreed with me that we were in endtimes and the church was in crisis etc...




Arians, Trinity


I have a question as a Catholic for Michael Dimond if you can help. It has to do with the teaching of the Trinity...

They say that Arianism holds that Jesus was not divine and some say Isaac Newton was an Arian, - but Newton says in many places that Christ was Divine but was just a separate entity of God. SO I guess he was Unitarian but he believe in the Trinity of all three he just thought God was at the Top as the one true infinite and perfect creator of all things.

My question can be formed as this,

What is wrong with seeing the three as separate forms, God being the greatest of the three, but all divine and Jesus and the Holy Ghost "leading" to God?




MHFM: What’s wrong with it is that it’s not true, it’s not biblical, it’s heresy and it’s apostasy.  You are saying that Jesus and the Holy Ghost are divine in some way, but not equal to God.  The Bible and the Church infallibly teach that there is one God in three divine and co-equal Persons.  That’s why we read that people are to be baptized IN THE NAME (singular) of the Father, and of the Son and of Holy Ghost (Mt. 28:20).  The three divine persons have one substance.  They are co-equal and co-eternal.


On this point it’s interesting to note that the Arians had various forms and shades of their apostasy.  They would often equivocate as well.  For instance, some of them would say that Jesus is divine or even God, but that He was not true God.  They would dishonestly claim to consider him God, but they would refuse to say that He is true God and co-eternal with the Father.  They would say that He is like God, but ultimately a creature of the Father.  This is blasphemy.  That sounds like what Newton was saying and how he used the term “divine.”  It’s also a reminder of how heretics frequently use ambiguity or dishonest phraseology to disguise their heresies.  But when the true position is specifically presented and they are held to it – and forced to condemn the contrary – their heresy is made clear.  That’s why those who say they believe in the necessity of Christ for salvation, but don’t condemn documents and persons which contradict it, deny that truth. 


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439:

“Sixthly, we offer to the envoys that compendious rule of the faith composed by most blessed Athanasius, which is as follows:

     Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity.– But the Catholic faith is this, that we worship one God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in unity; neither confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance; for there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Spirit, their glory is equal, their majesty coeternal...and in this Trinity there is nothing first or later, nothing greater or less, but all three persons are coeternal and coequal with one another, so that in every respect, as has already been said above, both unity in Trinity, and Trinity in unity must be worshipped.  Therefore let him who wishes to be saved, think thus concerning the Trinity.

     “But it is necessary for eternal salvation that he faithfully believe also in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ...the Son of God is God and man... This is the Catholic faith; unless each one believes this faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved.”




Dear Dimond Brothers,

My name is Leonardo Perez and I too agree that there is a great problem with Pope Benedict.  I ask in all humility if you would be so kind as to help instruct me better.  What must a true Catholic do in these times?  If it is true that we are in the end of time, where are we to receive Eucharist if Truth has been compromised ?  How are we to follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth?  What are the solutions that you would offer me as to where I would receive the Sacraments?  What solutions can you offer me to perfect myself in truth in these dangerous times?  I remember in hope what Christ my Lord said:  and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. Your response and help would be greatly appreciated.

God bless,


MHFM: You cannot receive sacraments to your benefit until you reject Benedict XVI as an antipope and accept all the other teachings of the Church.  You cannot follow the Lamb wherever he goes if you maintain a communion of “faith” with a manifest heretic who rejects Vatican I, the Council of Trent and accepts false religions.  Please listen to our audios and read our books and articles on these topics.  After a person is fully convinced and committed on these issues, we can help him or her with where to receive sacraments.  (We also have a file on our site which gives the guidelines.)


By way of spiritual recommendations, we recommend everyone to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.  An easier way to get that accomplished is one set of mysteries three different times in the day.  We also recommend people to obtain, read and put into practice what is contained in St. Louis De Montfort’s book, True Devotion to Mary (which we sell).




Subject: the Rosary



I just would like to ask about the part when will the Litany of the Blessed Virgin be recited? also I would like to thank you for this wonderful site without which I would still be accepting any heretical ideas stated by the V-2 sect. I'm Tristan and I'm from the province of Cebu in the Philippines… Godspeed to you all and may your ministry reach us here in Cebu Philippines.

Tristan, Cebu, Philippines


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The Litany of the Blessed Virgin is an excellent prayer that is separate from the Rosary. 




I have reasons to highly disagree with the entire "Mystical" part of the Catholic Church.  Frankly, it's a sham.  How could this man have had "The Stigmata."  He was "Suffering as Our Lord suffered."  This is what I call a HUGE SHAM!  It irritates me more than anything.  Mystical people say that because they are holy, nobody likes them. What kind of attitude does this bring about?  Just be a jerk to everyone than think that nobody likes you because you are holy.  I have seen this attitude with people I have known many a time.  I want them to open that casket and take out all the preservatives they put into that man's coffin and see what happens. Mystics are what I call creepy.  They claim the ability to suffer for other people etc.  This is CREEPY CREEPY stuff.  Padre Pio was not a girl, but if he had been, he would claim, like Mother Teresa claimed, that he was married to Our Lord.  This is another one of those most ridiculous things in this world.  It's flat out creepy.  And people who get into it start thinking they are holy and start acting like weirdos.




MHFM: The word stigmata actually comes from Galatians 6:17.  It refers to the marks or body-marks of Jesus.


Galatians 6:17- “From henceforth let no man be troublesome to me; for I bear the marks [stigmata] of the Lord Jesus in my body.


Some believe that St. Paul was saying that he had the actual Stigmata.  Both in the Old and New Testament, God describes His Church (His people) as His bride.  Mother Teresa was not a real Catholic.  She was an apostate.  It seems like you should get and read our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.


You seem to reject the idea of a person suffering for another.  You don’t seem to realize that this is a biblical concept.


Colossians 1:24- “[I] now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for his body, which is the church.”


This verse might be a shock to some who are not familiar with it.  St. Paul says that he fills up, for the Church, those things that are wanting or lacking in the sufferings of Christ.  Christ’s suffering was perfect and of infinite value; so what does this mean? 


What St. Paul means is that many sufferings are still wanting and needed for the members of the Church to work out their salvation, which was all made possible by Christ’s sacrifice.  This verse proves that Christ’s sacrifice doesn’t do away with all worries about the possibility of future punishment due to one’s sins.  If so, then Paul would never say that his sufferings fill up for members of the Church that which is wanting in the sacrifice of Christ; nor would Jesus speak of the punishments for sins, which He repeatedly does.  This verse, Colossians 1:24, also proves the Catholic doctrine of the communion of saints, and the effect of intercessory prayer and sacrifice.


This is also seen in the fact that the Bible teaches that people can pray for one another.  When you pray for another, you are asking God to intercede for another on behalf of your petition.  You are expressing the conviction that your actions (your prayers) could make a difference in how God deals with another.  If that is true of prayers, it could also be true of certain sufferings that God sends to a person, as St. Paul makes clear.




Since I found your website my whole life has turned around.


Gary Craft




Subject: Lunar landing Hoax




Here's some thoughts regarding the moon landing hoax:


In the book, "The Russian Space Bluff," the Soviets cannot seem to make a rocket big enough to carry a designated payload sufficient to propel someone to the moon, due to the fact that extra weight requires extra fuel, meaning simply that it doesn't seem to matter how big the rocket is; the extra fuel load will always negate the benefit of a more powerful engine when you get to a certain point.


The intriguing part to all this is that the Soviets finally gave up, according to the author of this book, a high ranking-Russian officer, as the Soviets could not "keep up" with the U.S. But other books I've read indicate that we either gave or sold the Soviets everything they ever wanted or needed since 1917, obviously due to the fact that both countries were and are controlled by the same judeo-masonic cabal. A cold war movie called "Failsafe" appeared in 1964 actually had the character of the U.S. president speaking to the president of the U.S.S.R. during an accidental bombing attack against the Soviet Union, "reminding" him that, "Can't you shoot them (our planes) down? You have the same equipment as we do."


Lastly, there is one other thing that I had not heard spoken of: the fact that when the returning module "blasts" off, separating itself from the main module on the "lunar surface," I noticed a slight tilt of the camera skyward, and even a slight pullback. Now, it seems that, since we did not leave a cameraman behind on a real lunar surface to handle the appropriate shots of this blastoff for posterity and the evening news with freemason Walter Cronkite, how could the camera tilt and refocus without a man operating it? I never realized this until just a couple of years ago while watching another show on this conspiracy.


The "space race" was just one of many distractions from the destruction of the legitimate Catholic hierarchy and the loss of faith of a few hundred million people.








Dear brothers in Christ,

You've said you are totally convinced that U.S. astronauts were never landing on the Moon. I do not share your conviction, at least not totally.

There is one crucial detail which you may have overlooked, and that is a motion through the space filled with air. There is ALWAYS an air drag behind a moving solid body. This drag should lift up the smallest sand particles, and that should be very visible on the film. After seeing the relevant videos more than once, which you've recommended, I couldn't see nothing of the sort. On the contrary, I saw the motion consistent with airless surrounding.

My conclusion is: if the landing on the Moon is a hoax, it is very elaborate one. The authors of the hoax have pumped out the air form the whole stage. There is no other explanation besides the possibility that they indeed were walking on the Moon, and driving a vehicle etc.

I don't know if it was possible--that is, pumping out the air form such a huge stage-- then, in 1969.; I'm not sure is it possible today.

All other considerations, however convincing they might be, could be explained consistently with the airless environment and/or other, mainly optical, phenomena.  We cannot, and must not, disregard the physical laws concerning the motion of solid bodies through the air.

May Our Blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph cherish your holy efforts.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia


MHFM: We can see an air drag of sand in Part 3, at the 1:34-1:36 minute-mark. 


(As an aside, we thought that it was funny that – at the 1:24 minute-mark of Part 3 – the astronaut, who is supposedly walking on the moon, comments: “it’s absolutely unreal.”  We think that he was telling the truth when he said that.)


Moon landing hoax- Part 1 [about 10 minutes each part]

Moon landing hoax - part 2

Moon landing hoax - Part 3

Moon landing hoax - part 4

Moon landing hoax - Part 5


But in addition to all the evidence covered in the above documentary, there are a few other things to consider.


First, the documentary called A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon shows the actual video footage of the crew faking being half way to the moon.  One must pay close attention to what is explained in the clips below to understand why this is so revealing.  This video was only released as part of a public demand for information.  Apparently they sent it out by mistake.  The fact that they were faking being half way to the moon of course lends great support to the idea that they didn’t go to the moon.


This is the clip which has, and explains, the footage of the crew faking being half way to the moon


The second part of it


There is also the fact that only the U.S. has gone to the moon.  With all the advances in technology, what are the chances that the U.S. was able to go to the moon 40 years ago, but every other country to this day remains unable to do it?  Or is it more plausible that only the U.S. was able to “go to the moon” because only the U.S. (at that time) had a bunch of well-financed conspirators who were bold enough to fake it?  It’s also strange that the only “trips” occurred about 40 years ago.  There hasn’t been one “trip” since the early 1970s.  This is peculiar when we consider how much more sophisticated we become with each passing decade.


That being said, we’re not saying that someone couldn’t have a different opinion on the moon hoax issue.  But with some other conspiracies – such as 9/11, the Federal Reserve, the JFK assassination, etc. – the evidence is so overwhelming, indisputable and factual that to deny it (after one has seen all the well-presented evidence) is, in our view, to be dishonest.


Modest Clothing


A good place to get Modest Clothing for women, girls and infants [link]




Dear MHFM, 


In regards to baptism of desire/blood the Great 20th century saint, Pope Pius X says it best in Acerbo Nimis #6-"...It is indeed vain to expect a fulfillment of the duties of a christian by one who does not even know them..." How can one who has a desire for being in the church, and not have the knowledge of the church, without being taught, be saved?  St. Pope Pius X says it so simply.  You can't.  Having the knowlege, gives the desire to be in the church, hence, baptism, which God in the Trinity allows every time, without cessation by providing the agent and form to enter into the kingdom.  The infiltrators, liberals of the Church use desire and blood to confuse and separate the flock much like in Corinth in the time of St. Paul-1cor1-10-17 used baptism to try and better each other.  Another tool, by satan, thrown into the reasonable mind of man to confuse christians and separate them and lead the flock into Hell.






Hello Brothers,

I have a quick question which I've been trying to find the answer to these past 2 weeks but I'm having troubles.  With the new book which I thank God and you guys for writing it, I am more confident to help non-Catholic, Protestants, etc. come to the knowledge of the True Faith, and lead a few to conversion. 

Unfortunately there are still those who won’t get it and bring up ways to justify their false beliefs, but recently I've been debating with a protestant.  The Papacy is always a key point to convincing them but I've noticed that I have heard this objection, which they bring up something similar to this: "Yes, Christ has one Church, but God does not talk about the one true religion, the word religion is not even in the Bible."  How may one clear up this whole "The word religion is not even in the Bible" objection?

Any quick response, maybe some verses to look at for clarification would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.



MHFM: There are two quick responses.  The first is that the word religion is in the Bible, in many verses:


Galatians 1:14- “And I made progress in the Jews' religion above many of my equals in my own nation, being more abundantly zealous for the traditions of my fathers.”


James 1:26- “And if any man think himself to be religious, not bridling his tongue, but deceiving his own heart, this man's religion is vain.”


If the true faith of the Old Testament is described by St. Paul as the Jews’ “religion” – and the faith of Christ has superseded the faith of the Old Testament – it follows that the true faith of the New Testament is a religion.


The second quick response to the question is that the word “Trinity” is not mentioned in the Bible.  We bet your friend claims to believe in the Trinity.  Even though the word isn’t in the Bible, the concept is clearly there.  One cannot reject the Trinity just because the word isn’t mentioned.  That’s because the truth of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (one God in three Divine Persons) is clearly taught in the Bible.  Likewise, the Bible clearly teaches that one must hear the Church (Mt. 18:17) and accept all of Christ’s teachings.  Adhering to that Church and to all of Christ’s teachings constitutes practicing a religion.


Pope Gregory XVI, Summo Iugiter Studio (# 2), May 27, 1832: “Finally some of these misguided people attempt to persuade themselves and others that men are not saved only in the Catholic religion, but that even heretics may attain eternal life.”




Dear Brothers,

Can you clarify what is meant by works of piety and practices of the Christian militia?


>>he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church>>>

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”





MHFM: It’s referring to all the things that the faithful (i.e., baptized Catholics) – who are the Church MILITANT – do in their Catholic lives.  These include observing the liturgical calendar (and thus fasting on required days), saying prayers to obtain indulgences (“works of piety”), and other things.  The definition of Florence means that even if one does all of those things, and even if he sheds blood in the name of Christ on top of it, he cannot be saved unless he is in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.




Dear Brothers:

Here is something I found that is quite sad: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/08/14/australia.right.to.die/index.html

It's about this man (a quadriplegic) in Australia who, presumably, is a "...person that's rational and lucid.." despite the fact he wants to die and has even considered going to Switzerland to do so.  The nursing facility seems to be very glad that they will not be held liable in the event he "refuses" food and water.  Now considering that he needs speech pathology, it seems that it would be very easy for the nursing staff to let him starve to death and claim they he "said" he did not want to be fed.  Of course, the right-to-die crowd will probably jump all over this, claiming that there are people who want to die because there's "...just pain."  But, they just show that they will exploit an invalid to push their own agenda.  Is there no end to all the cruelty?  This man does not need a right-to-die clause...he needs serious spiritual help.  There was a time when someone who said he wanted to die was considered to be not right in the head...or on something.





Dear MHFM   


This is in response to a person named  AV  who sent you a negative e-mail  exchange.  Bayside is demonic!  Our lady would never tell us to follow and obey an anti-pope, or stay in the false counterchurch, or attend the false invalid service, novus ordo.  It’s time for people like him to start learning the true catholic faith, and to wake up and realize the massive spiritual deception going on all around us. We get our truth from the teaching church, scripture and tradition, not unapproved private apparitions.  This is gnosticism.      


God bless!    Mark, CA


Opinion, B.O.D.


Dear Brothers,


In your recent audio on Gerry Matatics, you mentioned that theologians such as St. Thomas and others could never make their arguments for baptism of desire square with Church teaching.  This is so true.  St. Thomas’ theological defense of this position always seemed to me surprisingly weak.


Moreover, if you pick through the BOD issue argumentatively, as opposed to doctrinally, certain logical problems also present themselves. 


For example, if one assumes for the sake of argument that the desire for baptism is efficacious of salvation by itself, it follows that baptism is not absolutely necessary for salvation.  But the goodness of a desire depends upon the goodness of the object of that desire; and that which is necessary is better than that which is not necessary, all other things being equal.  Therefore, the BOD argument is saying, in effect, that the desire for something that is not necessary for salvation (and, therefore, less good than if it were necessary) is, by itself, efficacious of salvation.  This seems absurd.


Moreover, if one assumes that baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation, it follows that the mere desire for it would not be efficacious of salvation.  Therefore, the desire for the better thing, i.e., necessary baptism, would be worse than the desire for the worse thing, i.e., unnecessary baptism, for only the desire for unnecessary baptism can be logically thought to achieve salvation by itself.  Therefore, the worse desire would be better.  This, also, seems absurd.  Moreover, we have a paradox:  It seems that God can not make an object so good that the desire for that object is consequently so good that it can achieve the fruits of the object itself.


But don’t believe it.


For, while desire for baptism is not efficacious of salvation per se, because that would make the worse desire better, it is efficacious per accidens, that is, through baptism, which is alone efficacious per se.  In other words, he who truly desires baptism desires with a desire so good that he will surely achieve that baptism, which is absolutely necessary for membership into the one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all can be saved.


Best regards,


George R.




Hi Bro. Peter,
Thank you for the talks on G.M. I think he would make a terrific double jeopardy game show host - if only!! Having spent 20+ years in show business, I can confidently say that G.M. should be in the business of entertainment, not in the business of saving souls… It would be overwhelmingly frustrating to have these radical schismatics slithering around without your courageous work, Brothers – thank you. Here is a silly poem I wrote on G.M. even though he's obviously a very grave problem at this time:
Who gave Gerry Jurisdiction -
To preach his heretical fiction?
He wants to give priests an eviction
With slicing schismatics conviction
Water’s not good enough for Gerry
He thinks salvation’s for many
His logic is steady as a ferry
He’s as faithful as a bottle of sherry
The mad hatter’s got nothing on Matatics
He's counted his eggs before chicks
He changes like bingo picks
His religion is a crack addicts fix
Water is the matter, Mr. Matatics
Gerry’s desire is to be 'in' with heretics
His ideas burn up like wicks
It's magical Matatic’s heretricks
… Thank you Brothers and God Bless,


Cut off, question


Br. Michael or Br. Peter,

I was hoping you might be able to expound on this a little for me. I was reading St. Thomas' Summa looking for an explanation about the subject of admonishing the sinner and this is what he said, “On the contrary, It is written (Dist. xxiv, qu. 3, Can. Tam Sacerdotes): "Both priests and all the rest of the faithful should be most solicitous for those who perish, so that their reproof may either correct their sinful ways. or, if they be incorrigible, cut them off from the Church." pg. 1329 Q.33 Art. 3 (Fraternal Correction)

What does he mean by cutting them off from the church?

I am in the process of listening to your new audios. They are great so far. I am sure the rest are good too. Thanks for your help.




MHFM: In the “On the contrary” section, St. Thomas generally cites someone else (an authority) to contradict the objections advanced.  In the quote he cites here, the phrase “cut them off from the Church” refers to excommunication.  It’s referring to the same thing that St. Paul mentioned in 1 Corinthians 5:5


1 Corinthians 5:5- “To deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.  


Commentators generally understand that, in 1 Cor. 5:5, St. Paul is referring to excommunicating a notorious sinner.  Excommunication is the most severe form of fraternal correction.  Excommunication is said to be medicinal because the thought is that when a person is formally cut off from the Church, and deprived of its communion, benefits, graces and sacraments, he or she will be humbled.  This humility and separation will hopefully cause the person to repent and truly convert.  That’s what the quote is referring to when it says “cut them off from the Church.”  That’s why the quote is given in the context of fraternal correction and admonishing the sinner. 


To do


Dear brothers


I have with me the V2 catechism books which contain the heresies of the council, and also some Divine mercy pictures. In my house, there is placed a huge divine mercy picture at the stairs (i don't think i'm able to remove them since my parents holds the Novus Ordo position). What should I do with those that I have?


Secondly, I have a (Protestant) aunt who has been moving from different mental institutes, one to another. She used to give problems to my family due to her strange behaviour that we couldn't take care of her. Is this a form of demonic possession? She has been like that for many years. She seems to understand things, knows what she wants, but at times could not control herself. What do you think I could do to help her?

God bless



MHFM: You don't have to trash the books, in case you want to use them as references or to expose the V-2 sect.  But you could trash them.  You should get rid of the Divine Mercy pictures.


Regarding the aunt, it’s a spiritual problem.  You should try to convert her.  We would recommend our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  Try to get her to pray the Rosary.  If she won't do that, then there is not much you can do.






The Kennedy funeral was a disgrace, some of the people there just prove the Kennedy's are totally wacky.  I saw pictures and some of the attendees were outrageous.  Russell Simmons, a rapper, imagine this guy at a Traditional Mass, but he looked comfortable at this thing.  You can just tell by the pictures they were worshiping this woman, not Christ.  I'm a sinner, but the disrespect and clueless-ness of these people is astounding.








MHFM: Readers of our website notice that there are developments in terms of secular news that are quite interesting and even more concerning.  While people should do their utmost to expose and oppose those evils, we must keep in mind that the real battle is ultimately spiritual, not physical. 


Luke 12:4-5- “And I say to you, my friends: Be not afraid of them who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.  But I will shew you whom you shall fear: fear ye him, who after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell. Yea, I say to you, fear him.”


Some people might tend to forget that in light of the dramatic news coming out.  It might cause some to think that the real battle is a physical one, which will be played out against people’s lives and freedoms.  The real battle is for souls.  It’s ultimately about having the fullness of the Catholic faith and being in the state of grace.  If someone doesn’t have that, nothing else will matter at all. 




I'm not quite understanding "retirement" in the context of the quote of the day. Please explain the meaning of “retirement” in this quote. I think of a person who is retired from full time work and I just don't understand. Thanks so much! May The Holy Trinity continue to lead souls to your outstanding works! Thanks again!


St. Alphonsus: “The principal means of acquiring an ardent love of Christ are mental prayer, Communion, mortification, retirement.” (The True Spouse of Jesus Christ, p. 28)




MHFM: It means being by yourself, being away from other people, to have time to pray and build a relationship with God.  It means going away (or retiring) to your room or some other place for that purpose.




Subject: I purchased your book & will give comment


I have been reading your comments on the popes & you must remember that you can't take everything literally. They must word everything carefully for fear they might be shot as in the case of pope John & if you remember, when Benedict was reading about an emperor who condemned the teachings of the Islamic faith he was forced to retract his comments to preserve his own life.




MHFM: What you have said is heretical.  Even if one were threatened, one cannot deny the Catholic faith.  The martyrs were tortured and did not deny the faith.  Benedict XVI willingly denies the faith; he does it with enthusiasm.  It’s outrageous to attempt to excuse the apostasy of the Vatican II antipopes on the grounds that they are scared of being harmed!  They consistently deny the Catholic faith – not only when they are away in Muslim countries, but also when they are secure within confines of the Vatican.  The attack on Antipope John Paul II was a major spiritual deception to make it look like he was a hero when in fact he was the evil one in the Vatican. 




Dear Brothers Dimond:


I'd like your opinion on something.  I work in the security field and where I am currently posted it is part of my duty to ask homeless people and panhandlers to leave the property.  They are a nuissance to the public.  But the thought has crossed my mind if it might be wrong or sinful to do such a thing because they are hungry and need money for food and then I kick them off the property.  Those are the rules where I work.  I believe that in most cases it is their own fault that they are homeless.  Homelessness is usually the result of living a life of mortal sin such as drunkenness, drugs, crime, etc.


MHFM: No, it’s not a sin.  Almost all of them are pagans who don’t ask God for help or really try to help themselves.  They can also almost certainly find another place to go.




Great channel and videos.

What do you think about orthodox faith?

It seems that this church still worship the old basic christian values.

God bless




MHFM: They reject the Papacy and other Catholic dogmas.  They are not part of the true Church.  This contains the biblical evidence for the Papacy.  Their rejection of the Papacy is the main reason that they are not true Christians.  This section also contains the evidence for the Papacy in the ancient Christian Church.


The Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope [link to section]




St. Alphonsus: “The religion of the Jews, although formerly holy and revealed by God, was at that time [even in the primitive Church, after the coming of Christ] not less manifestly obsolete and false.” (Victories of the Martyrs, p. 24.)


Dear Brothers,


I wanted to Thank you so much for posting this quote.  I too, agree it is sufficient enough to condemn them.  I sent it to a number of my contacts… it definitely gets the point across that the Jews are not of God.


Thank you again for your MUCH appreciated work,


Carol D.


MHFM: What was interesting about it is how clearly he makes the point that their religion is “obsolete,” even though it was formerly revealed by God.  It provides a total contrast to what we hear all the time from members of the Vatican II sect: that the Old Covenant was never revoked, that the Jews are still people “of the Covenant,” etc.


More Audios Posted


Jurisdiction Part 4 - More points and La Salette [20 min. audio]


Note: This part 4 contains some important information.  It will not be as interesting for our general readers as part 5 or some other sections.  The information in this part is for those who have a deeper interest in these topics.  This part also covers a controversy that some of our readers have asked about: did the Holy Office, before Vatican II, condemn commenting on the Message of La Salette?  Hear our response to this issue.  This section also contains some more important points from Supplied Jurisdiction According to Canon 209.  It covers intrinsic cessation of the law.  It also covers the dilemma of canonists in determining the precise extent of common error, etc. and how their comments serve to further obliterate the schismatic “No Jurisdiction Position.”


Jurisdiction Part 5 – Their outrageous hypocrisy and the issue of consecrating bishops [30 min. audio]


This section refutes the advocates of the “No Jurisdiction Position” on the issue of consecrating bishops without a papal mandate.  It covers what Pius XII said about that matter.  It refutes Gerry Matatics’ outrageous attempt to justify his clear violation of the normal canons against preaching, etc. without permission.  It focuses in on their hypocrisy, the laws they violate, and how they condemn themselves out of their own mouths.  It also covers lessons from Our Lord and the Machabees which further refute the “No Jurisdiction” schismatics.


NOTE: There might be another audio on this topic (or connected with it) that will be posted soon.  The audios in this series will be found permanently in the following places of our site:


“Traditional Catholic Issues and Groups”

“Traditional Catholic Audios”

Our Sub-section to E-Exchanges: New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists"

Maybe in our “Beware” Section




Jurisdiction – Part 1 Quick Intro [9 min. audio]


This is a quick introduction to the controversy and the importance of Jurisdiction.


Jurisdiction Part 2 - facing up to the facts of the GWS  [18 min. audio]


This part begins to get into the facts of the Great Western Schism.  It shows how these facts completely refute the advocates of the “No Jurisdiction Position.”  They have no response to these points.  This section addresses and refutes Gerry Matatics on “extraordinary mission” and more.  


Jurisdiction Part 3 - More devastating facts [40 min. audio]


This section further pins down and refutes the advocates of the “No Jurisdiction Position” on the point of the Great Western Schism.   This part shows how Gerry Matatics cannot address the facts, so instead he dishonestly shuffles them to the side.  This section also addresses many other points, including epikeia, the external and internal forum, and a book called Supplied Jurisdiction According to Canon 209.


This book, which Gerry Matatics wrongly says “devastates” the other side, actually devastates his position and that of other advocates of the “No Jurisdiction Position.”  This audio covers, with supporting citations from the book, the extent of supplied jurisdiction, doubt of fact, doubt of law, colored title, putative title and more.  It explains what these mean and why they are significant to this issue.  The facts in this section serve to further completely refute the schismatic “No Jurisdiction Position.”


Gerry Matatics' heresies against the salvation dogma  [40 min. audio]


This audio proves that Gerry Matatics rejects the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  He rejects it by accepting as Catholics those who reject it.  It proves that he is actually a Christ-denier, by recognizing as Catholics those who believe that Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation.  It also proves that he denies the dogma by considering Suprema haec sacra to not be heretical, and by failing to accept the absolute necessity of water baptism.  It also proves how he dishonestly tries to deny that he denies the dogma, but is refuted by his own words.  Hear the very clips which prove the point.  It also examines his position on Geocentrism.  This audio shows how his position on Geocentrism undermines and refutes his criticism of our position on the status of the absolute necessity of water baptism.  It also refutes his claim that St. Thomas Aquinas did not deny the Immaculate Conception (before it was defined).


Mental Prayer


I also had this question, that I wanted to ask for some time now: can the Rosary be prayed mentally only, or does it have to be prayed vocally?

And, if you can pray it in both ways, mentally alone or vocally, is it the same? That is, does it matter if you pray it one way or the other? In spiritual gains/terms that is.




MHFM: It can be prayed both ways.  Mental prayer is excellent and is generally considered a higher form of prayer.


St. Alphonsus: “St. Ignatius of Loyola used to say that mental prayer is the short way to attain perfection… In mental prayer the soul is filled with holy thoughts, with holy affections, desires, and holy resolutions, and with love for God… by praying for them in mental prayer we can save many sinners, as was done by St. Teresa, St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, and is done by all souls enamored of God…” (The True Spouse of Jesus Christ, p. 451.)




Dear Bother Michael,


… My husband became a Catholic about 2 months ago.  I have to say that after being raised in a Protestant family and having been a member of a Protestant church since the age of 13, I was totally devastated by this.  For the first week I cried every day and then realized that I was just going to have to accept this change.


My husband never tried to coerce me into becoming a Catholic.  But he would say listen to this and would read something to me.  I also began to see a drastic change in him and the way he was living each day.  So about two weeks ago I began to pick up one of his books and read a little here and there.  I was quickly coming to realize that what I had believed all of these years was right in concert with what the Catholic Church was teaching.  


About a week and a half ago, I was having a nightmare and woke up saying in my mind "Hail Mary, Mother of God, full of grace" and this continued in my mind after waking up.  Now it is important to tell you that I had never prayed to Mary in my life  -  in fact, that was totally against everything I had been taught.  My husband says that I was blessed by this event.


This past Sunday morning, my husband went into the other room to say his prayers and I sat down and picked up the book "The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church" and I began to read.  I was reading the section on Jesus making St. Peter the first Pope.  All of a sudden I had the strange feeling come over me  -  it was almost as if I was outside of my body and looking down at myself in the chair.  I instantly began to understand everything that I was reading and was convinced that it was the truth.  My husband called it a miracle and I have to agree with him.


I am going to become a Catholic…


I just want to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful material that you are producing and sending out from the monastery.  All of the books are easy to read and to understand and that is very important.


Once again, Thank You!!


Margaret Mackey       




Dear Brothers of the Holy Family Monastery!


Brothers, every time I delve into your most precious web site, I always come away with some little tidbit that makes my Roman Catholic heart jump for joy!!! I am so very proud to be a part of the One True Holy Catholic And Apostolic Church.


We, my Brothers, are a part of a great remnant and I pray to God that it will double in size daily…


Without your most cherished web site, I personally, had one foot in perdition and the other on a banana peel, but know I am a happy happy man. Again thanks.


Michael Mello




MHFM: With the official endorsement and acceptance of Judaism by Vatican II and by the Vatican II antipopes, the following simple quote (because it reiterates the 2000-year faith of the Church) is basically sufficient to refute and condemn them.


St. Alphonsus: “The religion of the Jews, although formerly holy and revealed by God, was at that time [even in the primitive Church, after the coming of Christ] not less manifestly obsolete and false.” (Victories of the Martyrs, p. 24.)


Paul VI


I don’t support your video claiming that our holy father pop paul VI used black magic! how dare you ridicule him! all these modernizations of the mass wre not done by him but by rather the imposter pope…




MHFM: No, Paul VI was a radical heretic before and after his “election.”  There was no impostor.  You are deceived by the false Bayside Messages.


Paul VI (manifest heretic who claimed to be Pope 1963-1978) [link to section]


False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section]







Yes and so tell me why Sister Lucia Loves John Paul II!

why you think he is an antipope you are sick you are not even catholic maybe you are the one who wants to distroy the chucrhc anyway Jesus said that the hell will not win againts Catholic church so please stop!




MHFM: She was not the real Sr. Lucy.  Look at the evidence.  If you believe she was, then you must accept the Vatican’s phony Third Secret (for she endorsed it).


Also, Benedict XVI is not a Catholic.  He embraces all religions, and teaches that it’s fine to reject the Papacy.  Wake up, and learn something about the real Catholic faith.


Fatima (the sign, the miracle, the Consecration of Russia, the False Sr. Lucy) [Link to Section]


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section]





Subject: Amazing Heresies of Benedict XVI


Hi, i´m from Brazil and i don´t write or speack very well.


I´d like to get the video: The Amazing Heresies of Benedict XVI.
But with legend in portugues, to delivery to many people here in my country, about this false papa.

Congratulations for your videos!

thank´s a lot.




When Faith Mattered


MHFM: It’s interesting to read about the period of Church history following the Council of Chalcedon (451).  The Council of Chalcedon defined that the Lord Jesus Christ is one divine person with two natures.  However, this council was rejected in many parts of the Empire because some people wrongly considered it to be Nestorian.  They thought that to acknowledge two natures in the one person of Christ was to divide Christ into two persons (as the heretic Nestorius did).  As a result, many of these people (who were called monophysite heretics) rejected the council.  There were battles and brawls all over the Empire for different Episcopal Sees.  Obviously people took the issues seriously back then.


“At Alexandria, as might be expected, resistance was even more fanatical… the ecclesiastical and civil authorities selected as the new patriarch, Proterius, the archpriest to whom Dioscurus had entrusted the administration of his see in his absence at Chalcedon.  The city broke out in revolt at this news: troops driven into the ruins of a pagan temple were burnt alive.  The government responded by interdicting food supplies and closing the baths and theatres.  Even under military occupation the mass of the people resolutely refused to accept Proterius.  At the death of Dioscurus in exile three years later, riots broke out again, and even a dispatch of an imperial ambassador could not reconcile the populace.” (Davis, The First Seven Ecumenical Councils, p. 195.)


“Juvenal returned to his see to face a riot.  One of his suffragans was murdered, and the monk Theodosius managed to get himself elected patriarch of Jerusalem.  The new patriarch began installing his own bishops to replace the ‘traitors’ returning from Chalcedon.” (Ibid., p. 194.)




Dear Brothers,
That article on the JW refusing life-saving medical treatment is unfortunately quite common for them. It shows you how a true sickness of heart, mind, body, and soul has infected them. For example, at their 'district conventions,' I remember seeing a whole third of the basketball stadium allocated to the infirm! I wonder if that is God's judgement on their flesh for rejecting God become flesh?!! How sad to see apostasy so rampant and then mixed in with NWO mind control!!!
God Bless,
Kit White




Dear Brothers,

I thought you might like this.  It's Allan Keyes speaking truth about Obama  It's not long.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqkMfToY9Pk



Some New Audios


MHFM: This is a new series of audios refuting the schismatic “No Jurisdiction Position.”  This position is held by some in the traditional movement.  It has recently been adopted by Gerry Matatics (a person some of our readers are familiar with).  These audios completely refute this schismatic error.  The last audio below covers Gerry’s rejection of the salvation dogma. Please note that this series is not finished yet.  There are about three or so more audios that will be posted on this Jurisdiction issue.  They will be posted in the next few days. 


Jurisdiction - Quick Intro [9 min. audio]


This is a quick introduction to the controversy and the importance of Jurisdiction.


Jurisdiction Part 2 - facing up to the facts of the GWS  [18 min. audio]


This part begins to get into the facts of the Great Western Schism.  It shows how these facts completely refute the advocates of the “No Jurisdiction Position.”  They have no response to these points.  This section addresses and refutes Gerry Matatics on “extraordinary mission” and more.  


Jurisdiction Part 3 - More devastating facts [40 min. audio]


This section further pins down and refutes the advocates of the “No Jurisdiction Position” on the point of the Great Western Schism.   This part shows how Gerry Matatics cannot address the facts, so instead he dishonestly shuffles them to the side.  This section also addresses many other points, including epikeia, the external and internal forum, and a book called Supplied Jurisdiction According to Canon 209.


This book, which Gerry Matatics wrongly says “devastates” the other side, actually devastates his position and that of other advocates of the “No Jurisdiction Position.”  This audio covers, with supporting citations from the book, the extent of supplied jurisdiction, doubt of fact, doubt of law, colored title, putative title and more.  It explains what these mean and why they are significant to this issue.  The facts in this section serve to further completely refute the schismatic “No Jurisdiction Position.”


Gerry Matatics' heresies against the salvation dogma  [40 min. audio]


This audio proves that Gerry Matatics rejects the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  He rejects it by accepting as Catholics those who reject it.  It proves that he is actually a Christ-denier, by recognizing as Catholics those who believe that Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation.  It also proves that he denies the dogma by considering Suprema haec sacra to not be heretical, and by failing to accept the absolute necessity of water baptism.  It also proves how he dishonestly tries to deny that he denies the dogma, but is refuted by his own words.  Hear the very clips which prove the point.  It also examines his position on Geocentrism.  This audio shows how his position on Geocentrism undermines and refutes his criticism of our position on the status of the absolute necessity of water baptism.  It also refutes his claim that St. Thomas Aquinas did not deny the Immaculate Conception (before it was defined).


Remember, this series is not complete.  A few more parts will be posted in the next few days.  These audios will be found permanently in our: New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists," and possibly in our “Beware” section.


P.S. These audios became necessary not only to further refute these schismatic and heretical errors, but because Gerry is attacking the true position and true Catholics.  He has also not responded to our debate challenges on the salvation issue and the Jurisdiction issue.  The former was offered well over a year ago, and the latter in early July of this year.




Dear Brother Michael Diamond


I listened to Whitley Strieber response to you saying ufo's are actually demons. It was so stereotypical Whitley Strieber is falling right into satans trap. I know this because I have heard this response before. When I tried to tell my friends about God and the true faith they responded with that exact answer, the universe is too big we can't know anything you need to humble yourself God is bigger than Jesus. They say we need to humble ourselves to the fact that "we don't know, and we can never know". Which is just a new buddist like religion the buddists try to empty themselves and attain nothingness and this new, I don't know idea just says the universe is too big God is too huge we can never know anything. Jesus Christ sacrifice wasn't good enough for these people they what super complicated answers like there is infinite universes and they all cross over into a multiverse and God lives in that multiverse. This Whitley Strieber thinks he has a bold new theory but he doesn't realize he is just going with the crowd








The articles you just posted regarding schools struck a chord with me. 


We know that participating children will be "vaccinated" with a concoction which will kill them or make them seriously ill. We also know that a very real "event" will force all people to choose between dying or taking the "shot." At first glance, it does not seem conducive for the satanic government to want to keep schools open, as this will allow the "virus" a greater opportunity to spread, thus claiming more victims. But since victims are the only thing government produces, this last step is just about as bold a step as Satan could ever hope to take. Think about it: keep the kids in school, sick and dying, but make sure they have access to… propaganda. To increase the number of victims AND to maintain the relentless pursuit of brainwashing in the middle of a "pandemic" is almost just too, too much to believe. 


Imagine: Parents, while watching their children die at the hands of those who are supposedly protecting them, now have to drag their kids to school for continued… indoctrination, which will no doubt include homosexual studies among the many other perverted subjects. And as you probably already are aware, an acceleration of the "1984-type" mindset is being forced upon the children, which including reporting parent to the "authorities" for every "transgression." So keeping kids away from the "schools of satan" during a "pandemic" would actually inhibit the number of victims and the number of state-controlled zombies from being propagated.


Satan is doing everything in his power to speed up the process of destruction; there is no slowing down now.


A new and real genocidal catastrophe is being formulated and is about to be let loose on the world as a punishment for its sins.






C to C


Hi Bro. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Almost by chance, stumbled across George Noory interview with Bro. Michael on "UFO's and Demonic Activity"...


Very interesting, well presented and also well defended and explained by Bro. Michael; a great exposure for the true faith, as well a few things not mentioned in the book that came to light during the interview...


For those outside the U.S. you can listen to the full interview with George Noory by typing in "youtube C2C bro.michael dimond ufo's and demonic activity" in google.


Check it out...you won't be disappointed...


God bless


David N.Z.




MHFM: Thanks.  We don’t know who posted it, but obviously someone put it on Youtube.




Thank you for your site, I have learned much in just the short time I have read and viewed your information - I am telling others...


Mary Underwood


St. Thomas and Florence


In a debate you had with someone named Ken, the sedevacantist I think, over the "baptisms" issue, the one that lasts 1hour and 45minutes, you mentioned at the 1:38:40 mark that, in the Bull Cantate Domino, which says that the Sacrament of Baptism is the only remedy for children, for their salvation, you say that it used St. Thomas Aquinas's form, and that, where St. Thomas says that, he goes on and says in the next paragraph that "on the other hand there is a remedy for adults, in desire", but that the Council did not include that part and that it stopped there.

So I just wanted to ask you where exactly does St. Thomas says that? In his summa? I looked for that there but I couldn't find it, so I would appreciate it if you could tell me where exactly is that.




MHFM: Just so our readers know, he’s referring to this debate on baptism of desire: Debate on baptism of desire with sedevacantist Ken [1 hr. 46 min. audio – Jan. 2009]


We also cover the point in this file, EENS, in section 34 dealing with the horrible and heretical book by Fr. Laisney.  We discuss it while blasting Laisney for his horrible and mortally sinful lies about the Council of Florence.


We pointed out that the Council of Florence used passages from St. Thomas in its dogmatic decrees.  We mentioned that Florence’s definition that there is “no other remedy” for children other than THE SACRAMENT (i.e., water) of Baptism is basically a quote from St. Thomas.  We also point out that while the Council of Florence used that quote almost verbatim, it stopped using the quote from St. Thomas RIGHT BEFORE he taught the false idea of “baptism of desire”!  Here it is:


St. Thomas, Summa Theologica, Pt. 3, Q. 68, A. 3: “I answer that, In this matter we must make a distinction and see whether those who are to be baptized are children or adults. For if they be children, Baptism should not be deferred. First, because in them we do not look for better instruction or fuller conversion. Secondly, because of the danger of death, for no other remedy is available for them besides the sacrament of Baptism.  On the other hand, adults have a remedy in the mere desire for Baptism, as stated above (Article 2).”


The bolded portion (the truth about how infants cannot be saved without water baptism: “no other remedy”) was incorporated into the teaching of the infallible Council of Florence.  The next sentence, in italics, which teaches the false idea of baptism of desire, was not used. 


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Session 11, Feb. 4, 1442, ex cathedra: “Regarding children, indeed, because of danger of death, which can often take place, when no help can be brought to them by another remedy than through the sacrament of baptism, through which they are snatched from the domination of the Devil [original sin] and adopted among the sons of God, it advises that holy baptism ought not be deferred for forty or eighty days, or any time according to the observance of certain people…” (Denz. 712)


Notice that the Council of Florence did not use the sentence of St. Thomas on baptism of desire (the one italicized in the quote above from St. Thomas), even though it was the very sentence which followed the one they did use.


Those who have supernatural faith – who really believe in the dogmas and in the promise that was given to St. Peter and the popes, WHICH WAS NOT GIVEN TO OTHER MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH – see this as an example of God’s providence.  They see how God watches over the infallible decrees, so that no error can be taught therein.  He doesn’t give that protection to the teaching of doctors of the Church.  Modern baptism of desire apostates, who don’t believe that there is any distinction between fallible and infallible teaching (despite what they might claim), wrongly conclude from these facts that Florence must have favored baptism of desire, since it used some of St. Thomas’ other lines.  Oh, how wrong these faithless heretics are.  They do not believe in the supernatural protection given to the dogmas.  Thus,  they remain blind to the truth and reject it.  It really comes down to the fact that they don’t believe in papal infallibility.


Sede debates


MHFM: We have two people lined up who would like to debate us on sedevacantism.  We plan on doing that in the next month or so, either by way of formal debates or more informal telephone debates.  We are currently busy with some projects (but will continue to update the website as usual), so those debates probably won’t happen until at least September.





Concerning Jehovah's Witnesses. Before moving, I lived next door for four years to a couple that were Jehovah's Witnesses. I found out by my Protestant neighbor as it seems Jehovah witnesses don't preach in their neighborhood. Kinda like a dog, doesn't poop where it sleeps. The JW's were very to themselves, just like the Buddhist on the other side of me.  She was busy with all her Gods.

God Bless,




How can anyone argue the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a hoax?  The Jews have done everything it says!  They continue to do it to this day.  It is almost laughable to here people argue it was a "fraud" and a "hoax."  Everything in it has come to pass.

-M. Rudnicki




Subject: Re: Diplomat


Dear Brothers,

It never ceases to amaze me how blind some people are to Truth.  So many don't seem to understand that anything they consider to be the truth, can not be truth if it contradicts another truth.  In Mr Neo's letter he stated, "It was the responsibility of the former Pope to promote peace and encourage peaceful diplomatic solutions to long existing problems". 


What Mr Neo fails to understand is that there is no real peace apart from Jesus and His Church.  Also what are the "long existing problems" but none other than the rejection of Christ.  The very message that JPII and BXVI should have been preaching, namely accepting Jesus and entering His Church, is the very message they reject and refuse to preach. 

Based on his interpretation of JPII's kissing of the Koran, I can only guess what his interpretation of Judas' kiss to Jesus would be.  Just another kiss like any other?  Both are kisses of betrayal.  One in the positive sense (Judas' kiss to mark betrayal) and the other in the negative sense, (JPII's kiss to a blasphemous book which rejects Jesus)

Out of curiosity I wonder if Mr Neo's last name is Catholic.  Mr Neo Catholic





Most Holy Family Monastery has opened my mind revealing the apostasy of the antipopes and the false church.  I now know that vatican II was the work of the devil to destroy Christ's Church and its sacraments especially the Eucharist.  Your web site is comprehensive and your dvd's, audios and written materials are excellent.  I am purchasing and distributing your resources to family and friends; encouraging them to acquire the truth through your web site.  I am pleased to donate to support your work.




Matthew 16 meaning


Dear Brothers in Christ:


I am a lay Catholic (Ph.D. in Sci.) who has been defending the Faith from Protestants using my own studies and resources. The greatest Biblical defense that I site against the Protestants is Matthew 16:18-19:

"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.  19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven;
whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." (NIV).


THUS, Jesus, in Matt 16:19, has authorized the CHURCH, through Peter and his successors, to make changes, not contrary to spiritual and moral truths revealed in the Bible, to the doctrines, practices, and perceptions of the Church with the times to allow for a LIVING CHURCH and not a dead one frozen in time.


If so, should not all Catholic Church Orders accept Vatican II on the strength of Matthew 16:19? I love to hear your comments.


Isabelo S. Alcordo, Ph.D.


MHFM: No, Mattthew 16:18-19 does not mean that the pope can make changes to the Church’s doctrines.  That idea has been specifically condemned. 


Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Session 3, Chap. 4, Canon 3:
"If anyone says that it is possible that at some time, given the advancement of knowledge, a sense may be assigned to the dogmas propounded by the church which is different from that which the Church has understood and understands: let him be anathema."


Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Session 3, Chap. 4, on the true progress of knowledge:
"For, the doctrine of faith which God revealed has not been handed down as a philosophic invention to the human mind to be perfected, but has been entrusted as a divine deposit to the Spouse of Christ, to be faithfully guarded and infallibly interpreted."


Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Session 4, Chap. 4:
"For, the Holy Ghost was not promised to the successors of Peter that by His revelation they might disclose new doctrine, but that by His help they might guard sacredly the revelation transmitted through the apostles and the deposit of faith, and might faithfully set it forth."


Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, 1870, Session 4, Chap. 4: “…the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra [from the Chair of Peter], that is, when carrying out the duty of the pastor and teacher of all Christians in accord with his supreme apostolic authority he explains a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the universal Church... operates with that infallibility with which the divine Redeemer wished that His Church be instructed in defining doctrine on faith and morals; and so such definitions of the Roman Pontiff from himself, but not from the consensus of the Church, are unalterable.”


Matthew 16:18-19 means that a pope has the power to bind teachings and laws, to make solemn judgments, to change disciplinary laws (not dogmas) and to lift penalties (e.g., excommunication).  It certainly does not mean that a pope has the power to change a dogmatic teaching of the Church.  That is why Vatican I, the dogmatic council which most extensively defined on the papal office, specifically rejected any such idea.


Vatican II is without any doubt heretical because it clearly contradicts dogmas that were revealed by God and solemnly defined by the Church.  All who claim to believe in the Papacy and the authority of the true popes must reject Vatican II as heretical. 


Vatican II - false council




[This guy is commenting on our videos which expose the false ecumenism and religious indifferentism of John Paul II and Benedict XVI]


The world is a complex place. What you are seeing has been referred to by other critics as the Pope "wearing different hats", meaning he is also a diplomat. It is very difficult to understand by modern day societal structures, especially within the U.S. because of separation of Church and State. However, in other parts of the world such separation has been deemed impossible, such as in the cultures of the Middle East. In order to reach universal peace, leaders must at least respect each other enough to create dialog. It was the responsibility of the former Pope to promote peace and encourage peaceful diplomatic solutions to long existing problems. Among the most difficult teachings contained in the Bible is to pray for your enemies. It is clear to me that certain rituals are meaningless in the eyes of one believer towards another....only if you "believe" that the Pope "believed" in the Qaran when he kissed it does it make him a participant in worship, otherwise it's viewed the same as kissing any other book in existance. Spiritual armor is not something I just made up, it is very real and exists everywhere in the world! So please stop spreading bias propaganda.

God Bless You,

Mr Neo


MHFM: No, a Catholic is not a diplomat.  To kiss (and thus honor) the “sacred” book of a false religion which rejects Christ, as John Paul II did when he kissed the Koran, is to deny the Catholic faith.  A Catholic cannot praise false religions and deny Catholic dogmas in order to please people in different parts of the world.  Both Benedict XVI and John Paul II have praised Islam and denied many other Catholic dogmas.  Benedict XVI even called the evil Koran “a holy book.”  It’s called apostasy, not being a diplomat.  See all the evidence. 


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section]


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]




Subject: Nice… thank you


Just a quick note... I WAS Catholic many years ago... since the changes it has been all down hill up to now where I do not even consider myself Catholic in any way. Your website is, indeed, refreshing.

Ron McCarthy




Subject: Extreme bad-will by Novus Ordinarian


I just came out of a fiery chain of email exchanges which I just closed for good right now, with my Novus Ordinarian uncle, which began like 3 days ago, about sedevacantism and about the last 5 antipopes and all of that then. He's like 53, and I'm 19.

He claims to be a "Catholic", and a "defender" of the Church, but in reality he's a complete and utter wicked and evil heretic and apostate who doesn't even believe in the Church or Her teachings.

You won't believe the extreme bad-will of this guy. I showed him heresy after heresy, apostasy after apostasy, abomination after abomination, but there was no way. He defended it all! He claimed John Paul II and Benedict XVI were not heretics nor apostates but still valid popes after all I showed him! I was simply outraged, and shocked, to see the level of bad-will and dishonesty that he showed.

After the countless proofs I showed him, he still persisted in the same thing.

I proved to him again and again that all I was showing him was the teaching of the Church, and the dogmas and the infallible teaching of Her, but he still obstinately persisted in saying that "they were my opinions and my arguments", and that they were all untrue. Astounding!

This just revealed to me how incredibly bad-willed and dishonest the Novus Ordinarians like him really are. There was no way to get anything through this guy.

I even proved to him how he is anathematized as a heretic from the very Novus Ordo itself, from his "church", because he doesn't like/accept the false ecumenism, which is the "infallible" and "official" teaching of the Novus sect.

This guy was just unbelievable.




MHFM: Yes, you are absolutely right.  Your obvious sentiments of righteous indignation arise from seeing first-hand how the truth is being rejected and distorted.  We see and experience that time and time again.  The bad will becomes strikingly clear when you debate or argue with such individuals.  You can really see it when you are involved with trying to spread the truth.  That kind of bad will is rampant among “traditionalists” as well.


Making amends


Dear Brothers,


Can you tell me if a person can go to confession for the following types of mortal sin. First, if someone gets a tattoo and then regrets it. Can that person go to confession for engraving their skin?  Second, if a woman ties her fallopian tubes and then regrets it and can't afford to have an operation to reverse it, can she go to confession for that? Lastly, if a married person grudgingly grants a divorce to his or her spouse who refuses to stay married, but doesn't remarry or have sexual relations again until that spouse dies, can they go to confession for getting a divorce?  I would greatly a appreciate it if you can respond to me. I can't wait to receive the books I just ordered from you. God Bless you and continue to never tire to spread the truth.  




MHFM: If someone has taken steps to remedy a sinful decision (such as trying to get the tattoo removed), but can’t do it, then that person should go to confession and live with the result.  He tried to have it removed, but couldn’t.  Regarding the woman, if she is married she needs to make it her priority to get the operation reversed.  A half-hearted effort won’t suffice.


If a person has made an honest attempt to make amends, and simply cannot reverse the physical effects of some decision, then that person can simply go to confession.


Regarding the marriage issue, one may get a civil divorce to sort our secular disputes, financial issues and to legally separate.  However, that cannot imply any acknowledgement that the other side is spiritually free to marry again. 




MHFM: Note – Hopefully this weekend or early next week we will have a new audio series on a topic that some of our readers might find important.




I am asking for your help in trying to find a traditional Catholic Mass in my area…


I would appreciate your response - I had spoken with Brother Michael many years back and his conversation with me has forever changed me.  I believe all of the tenets of the true Catholic religion - although many hurt my heart - but from reading your website - one must believe first before understanding - and the latter might never happen, but we must follow by faith alone.


Thank you,



B-16 praises Teilhard de Chardin


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file with some new heresies.  Benedict XVI praises “the great vision” of the apostate evolutionist priest, Teilhard de Chardin; Benedict XVI also endorses Harry Potter and Bruce Springsteen.




Bro Dimond


This may be a stupid question but my friend is having trouble with his girlfriend.  She feels french kissing is okay as long as it doesn't lead to anything sexual. However i heard it's a sin.  He doesn't want to commit a sin so he wouldn't engage in french kissing until he knows would it be a sin.  Is french kissing fornication?


Thank You


MHFM: Such kissing between two unmarried people would have to be considered a mortal sin.  It would be considered one of the acts leading up to fornication and therefore essentially part of it. 


Errors on moral matters, #40: “It is a probable opinion which states that a kiss is only venial when performed for the sake of the carnal and sensible delight which arises from the kiss, if danger of further consent and pollution is excluded.” – Condemned under Pope Alexander VII, March 18, 1666 (Denz. 1140)




Dear Brothers,


I would like to ask if a person commits a mortal sin what should he do if he can’t get to confession to a valid priest?


Thank you.




MHFM: Well, the person would need perfect contrition to be forgiven and justified without the Sacrament of Penance.  This involves sorrow for committing the sin not only because one fears Hell, but principally because it offends God.  This is acquired only through a strong prayer life, such as praying the full 15-decade Rosary each day.


However, there should be a place to go to confession.  The position that one may not go to confession to a valid priest who is a heretic, or even a very old Novus Ordo priest who is validly ordained (and uses the proper words of absolution), is completely wrong.  People in mortal sin need to go to confession. 


Within an hour or within a few hours of where you live, there should be a valid Eastern Rite priest (or even a very old Novus Ordo priest) who could hear the confession.  This is explained in: Where to go to Mass or confession today?


Sabbath, rest


Subject: Sabbath (Sunday) Day of Rest


Dear Brothers,

You have answered many question for me on spiritual matters and for this I am humbly grateful.  Additionally, you have answered my questions on "keeping the Sabbath free from works".  I have a particular question concerning keeping the Sabbath holy that concerns works for our Lord.  If one was constructing a place of prayer to our Lord and Lady, would it be a sin to work on the Sabbath?

God Bless you for your works,



MHFM: No, that type of construction is work that should not be done on Sunday, even if it is to construct a place of prayer.  It should be done on the other days of the week.




Subject: Vatican II, Limbo thing


I wanted to ask: did the Vatican ever release the document/statement they were planning to release in 2005, which said that unbaptized babies went to Heaven? Did they ever release that abomination? … I was interested to know if they ever released that thing.




MHFM: Yes, we covered the heresies in it during this radio program: August 11, 2007 Radio Program


[55 min. – discusses Benedict XVI giving back the Latin Mass, his statement that there’s proof for evolution, his declaration that another schismatic leader is a pastor in the Church, the hypocrisy of false traditionalists on B-16 and schism, a very quick synopsis of Benedict’s new heretical document on the Church, and “Cardinal” Bernardin.  This program also takes a careful look at the Protestant bible and the book of 1 Corinthians.  It examines all the places in this book alone which completely refute Protestant beliefs.  This program also discusses in depth the major heresies in Benedict XVI’s document on limbo, which until now have only been summarized in news reports.  It shows that this document rejects major dogmas and attempts to justify its heresies with “baptism of desire” and the same arguments that many false traditionalists use.  This program also covers other recent heresies of Benedict XVI and some other issues.]






I am very upset with you saying that the catholic church is the only true religion. i am a born again Christian and so was the 12 Apostles so where do you get that the catholic church is the one true faith. that is garbage. Catholic religion was created after Rome. Before that it was a Christian movement, no labels except for to be a christian which meant Christ=Like and i take offence at you saying that i am not of the true faith because i am not a catholic and only a born again Christian and when the Lord does come back you will answer to him for that.


Larry Bricker,

A True Christian


MHFM: All you have to do is look carefully into the history of the Christian Church.  There was only one Church from the beginning.  That was the Catholic Church.  All the rest of the “Christian” denominations are man-made break-offs.  Look at all the evidence in this file: Refuting Protestantism from the Bible and Eastern "Orthodoxy" (audios and articles).  It proves that the Catholic Church alone is the biblical and Christian Church.


You obviously believe in justification by faith alone and/or eternal security.  In other words, you think that you will be saved because you acknowledge Jesus as the Lord and Savior.  That’s completely unbiblical.  Not all who say “Lord, Lord” shall enter Heaven (Mt.  7:21).  It isn’t enough to claim to believe in Jesus as the Lord and Savior.  Please look at this file, which contains all the biblical proof:


Justification by faith alone and eternal security completely refuted by the Bible [link to section]


You cannot be saved as a Protestant, for you aren’t a true Christian.  You need to look at the evidence and convert.




Really Appreciate this New Format… Also this nice cool green color is more soothing in there trying times….


I've been following all your woes here with your clunker 'brother' or whatever he was.  I certainly support you and know that God will bring you through… Looks to me like we are in Chapter 10 of Rev. where God is strengthening His (real ) Church to get ready for what we have ahead of us...as per Fr. Kramer's Book of Destiny.  Nasty events in our lives do make us stronger although we are doubtful at the time.


I wouldn't be surprised if the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse will happen with this Israeli attack on Iran this fall.  Guess we need to rent Brave Heart and Mad Max and gear up.  (kidding...sort of.)


God Bless You, I'm praying for you,


Carol D.





How interesting the recent e-exchange concerning the thief on the cross next to Jesus. The person who wrote in fails to see the great lesson by Jesus the teacher, the savior, the priest, that had forgiven the thief his sins. How great that must have been to have had his final confession heard by Jesus himself.

On the other side of Jesus was also a criminal that instead of asking forgiveness, decided to taunt and ridicule Jesus. He must have been a protestant thinking he was going to heaven anyways. Jesus knew he was of bad-will and didn't plead with the criminal to confess. There was definitely a lesson of goodwill and bad-will, to learn after all the parables throughout Jesus life and after being scourge and hung on a cross to die.

I'd read that the thief that had been forgiven on the cross had actually crossed paths earlier and helped the baby Jesus, Mother Mary and St. Joseph on their exile to Egypt.

God Bless You,


MHFM: Yes, and the Good Thief died before the Resurrection and the Law of Baptism became obligatory on every man, as we mentioned in the other exchange.


Another phony


MHFM: We were recently contacted by a certain non-sedevacantist “traditionalist” named Matt (Snyder?).  He fancies himself to be theologically sophisticated, and apparently accepts Antipope Benedict XVI.  He also goes by the name Caminus.  To our knowledge, we had never previously conversed with this man.  He wrote in out of the blue and began attacking our position that Benedict XVI is not the pope.  He also included all kinds of completely irrelevant attempted personal insults – very vicious stuff.  He demonstrated unbelievable arrogance. (We italicize attempted because his attempted personal insults were completely without merit.)


We responded by pointing out to him that not only is he completely wrong on this theological issue and other matters, but a Catholic does not approach someone the way he approached us.  Even if someone is in doctrinal error or heresy, you don’t approach him and begin by attempting to personally insult him.  You bring forward the evidence which shows that he is contradicting something he must believe to be saved.  If he remains obstinate and issues of personal conduct become relevant, they can certainly be mentioned.  But to write someone you’ve never conversed with before and out of the blue begin by throwing out vicious attempted insults shows no charity.  It shows that he man is blinded by hate, and possibly by envy (for it’s difficult to explain his vicious insults any other way).  We pointed this out, and challenged him to a phone debate.  Was he willing to back up his bravado?  Some would probably expect that he would, given what he had said in the e-mails.  Was he willing to back up his confidence and demonstrate that understands and that we don’t, as he said so arrogantly?  Does he really believe that he is right and that we are “fools”?  Can he back that up?  He responded with more unbelievably arrogant attempted argumenta ad hominem, and IGNORED THE DEBATE OFFER. 


For all of his arrogance and supposed confidence when behind a computer, he’s just another spiritual fraud and an abominable phony coward.  He even tried to hide his cowardice and his refusal to debate.  In a desperate attempt to hide his cowardice and failure to back up his words, he said that he could no longer discuss these issues until we sent him all kinds of information – information that is completely irrelevant to whether Benedict XVI is the pope.  What nonsense.  He understands nothing of the Catholic faith, and his heretical position would be completely refuted in a debate.  He’s afraid to defend his position because his position is false.  We post this because this bad willed, evil heretic demonstrated such a level of self-impressed arrogance that it was truly remarkable.  The very least he could do to back up his bravado was to accept the offer; but no.  His confidence vanishes when he’s not hiding behind his computer.  We found this to be a striking example of extreme bad will and spiritual blindness begotten by pseudo-intellectual pride.  These are the type of heretics God abhors.




Hi Bro Michael Dimond;


I ordered your book on ufos and am quite impressed with the in depth research you put into it.  I would love more info on Jack Parson's magic portal if you have any.  I am a protestant and will never believe that the bread and wine in the eucharist turn to blood and flesh in your stomach.  That would be cannibalism which is forbiden in scriptures.  The thief on the cross got to see Jesus in paradise that day and he never took of the eucharist and he was saved. What do you think of the late Father Malachi Martin?


Thanks for your help.


Sincerely, Peter Veenstra


MHFM: Thanks for the interest, but you are completely wrong about the Eucharist.  You need to read this:


The Bible teaches that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist [PDF FILE - Article]


The Bible definitely teaches that Jesus Christ is present in the true Eucharist.  The early Church fathers unanimously believed this as well, since it was the teaching of the Christian Church from the beginning.  You are wrong about the Good Thief.  He did not go to Heaven that day; for not even Jesus went to Heaven until His Ascension.  That was after His Resurrection (see John 20:17).  Since Jesus was the first to go to Heaven (Colossians 1:18), that means that neither Jesus nor the Good Thief went to Heaven on the Day of the Crucifixion.  Jesus brought the Good Thief into the Limbo of the Fathers, the waiting place of the just of the Old Testament; and eventually the Good Thief went to Heaven. 


The Eucharist is necessary for adults who hear the command and can fulfill it.  By rejecting the Eucharist and other Catholic truths, you remain outside the one Church of Christ.  Protestantism is not the Biblical faith.  Please get our book and consult our section to see the proof for that.


Malachi Martin said some true things, but he was not true to the Catholic faith.  He taught the heresy of salvation outside the Church and failed to denounce the Vatican II antipopes.




Greetings to all at MHFM,

Each Saturday my neighborhood is attacked by congregants from the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. I have been cordial with all who come to my door.  During a recent discussion the question of the Holy Trinity, Jesus as true God and true man… arose.

In my Catholic bible, in the book of John, it opens by saying that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

The Witnesses stressed that in their bible it stated, "...the Word was a god," not God, or one in being with the Father.

I know they will return and I would like something to present to them to help them think. What would you suggest?

Thanks for all you do.

Howie Farrell


MHFM: That’s their corruption of the text.  It’s not the true translation.  We would recommend this: Where does the Bible teach that Jesus is God?.  It’s found in our “Refuting Protestantism” section.




Dear bros…


As usual excellent responses to questions, particulary "concerns" from larry sparks...


Stu, montana


One Baptism


You know in the Bible it says "One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism" (Ephesians 4:5), and in many other declarations of the Church, and in your book about the salvation dogma, you use this against the "baptisms", that is, you use this to say that the Bible says that there is only 1 baptism, not 3, but how do we know for sure that that passage is referring to quantity? That there is only 1 baptism and not 3? Isn't it saying one baptism in the sense that you can only be baptized once? Because that's true of course, you can only be baptized once, more that one time would be sacrilege of course.

So how do we know for sure the meaning of that passage?




MHFM: It means that there is only one baptism in terms of number and kind (i.e., all have the same type of baptism).  We learn this from numerous things.  Section 12 of our book: EENS has many quotes on this point.  First, the Council of Vienne dogmatically taught that the “one baptism” refers to that one baptism in water.  In other words, all have the same kind or type of baptism (water).


Pope Clement V, Council of Vienne, 1311-1312, ex cathedra:  “Besides, one baptism which regenerates all who are baptized in Christ must be faithfully confessed by all just as ‘one God and one faith’ [Eph. 4:5], which celebrated in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit we believe to be commonly the perfect remedy for salvation for adults as for children.”


Second, it’s clear from the context.  Ephesians 4 is talking about the unity in the Church of Christ.  It’s teaching that all in the Church have the same Lord, the same Faith, and the same baptism.  It is thus referring to unity not just in number, but in kind: all have the same kind of baptism.  That’s also clear in many papal references to Ephesians 4:5, which cite it in the context of Church unity.


Pope Pius VI, Inscrutabile (# 8), Dec. 25, 1775: “… We exhort and advise you to be all of one mind and in harmony as you strive for the same object, just as the Church has one faith, one baptism, and one spirit.”


Notice that they have the same kind of spirit, and the same kind of baptism (and faith).  Perhaps this quote of St. Jerome, however, best articulates the point that it’s referring to the same kind of baptism:


St. Jerome (386): “The Lord is one and God is one… Moreover the faith is said to be oneAnd there is one baptism, for it is in one and the same way that we are baptized in the Father and in the Son and in the Holy Spirit.”  (Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 2: 1368.)


Vatican II


Dear MHFM, 


Since 1965, the onset of  this horrid pastoral council called Vatican II what greater crescendo than to have a Hitlerist youth aka-Dr. Ratzinger- as its leader who boldly preaches religious freedom where he defines it as all  false religions of the 'world' have equal status to the one true Roman Catholic Church founded by the Savior of all mankind, Jesus Christ, who commanded his apostles to go throughout the whole  world and convert every single human being, society, government, to this Holy Church, the Roman Catholic Church.  If Catholics throughout the world can't see the hypocrisy of this antipope, and lead by the 'spirit of man" Vatican II pastoral council, and refuse to rebel against this climate of evil encompassing Rome...  Mater Immaculata, ora pro nobis!  Praise to Most Holy Family Monastery.  Praise to the Church Militant-alive and well in the early 21st century.  Rome will surely burn once again.  St. Michael unleash your Angels-I pray most fervently!






Dear Brothers,

I'm sorry to hear of your being so viciously persecuted by E.H.  Here are some scriptures I thought you might find encouraging.  I think that you may come across a lot of envy and jealousy in the future because of your great honesty, charity, and your mission:

Wisdom 2:23 -25: For God created man incorruptible, and to the image of his own likeness he made him. But by the envy of the devil, death came into the world: And they follow him that are of his side.

Canticles 8:6, 7: Put me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thy arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy as hard as hell, the lamps thereof are fire and flames. Many waters cannot quench charity, neither can the floods drown it: if a man should give all the substance of his house for love, he shall despise it as nothing.

Matt. 27:17, 18: They therefore being gathered together, Pilate said: Whom will you that I release to You: Barabbas, or Jesus that is called Christ? For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.

Acts 5:15 -20: Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches, that, when Peter came, his shadow at the least might overshadow any of them and they might be delivered from their infirmities. And there came also together to Jerusalem a multitude out of the neighboring cities, bringing sick persons and such as were troubled with unclean spirits: who were all healed. Then the high priest rising up, and all they that were with him (which is the heresy of the Sadducees) were filled with envy. And they laid hands on the apostles and put them in the common prison. But an angel of the Lord by night, opening the doors of the prison and leading them out, said: Go, and standing speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life.

Acts 13:45: And the Jews, seeing the multitudes, were filled with envy and contradicted those things which were said by Paul, blaspheming.

Hebrews 7:9, 10: And the patriarchs, through envy, sold Joseph into Egypt. And God was with him, and delivered him out of all his tribulations: and he gave him favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharao, the king of Egypt. And he appointed him governor over Egypt and over all his house.

Philippians 1:12. Now, brethren, I desire you should know that the things which have happened to me have fallen out rather to the furtherance of the gospel: So that my bands are made manifest in Christ, in all the court and in all other places. And many of the brethren in the Lord, growing confident by my bands, are much more bold to speak the word of God without fear. Some indeed, even out of envy and contention: but some also for good will preach Christ.

The first saint I invoke after praying the Rosary is St. Drausinus, the patron saint of champions... Apparently the crusaders used to sleep at his tomb the night before a crusade. Also, apparently St. Thomas a Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, who was slain in the Cathedral on 29 December 1170, slept at St. Drausinus’ tomb the night before he returned to England from exile in France (1 December 1170).

God Bless,
Kit White


MHFM: Thank you for the e-mail.  It is a very interesting reminder of how often envy was the cause of evil people attacking something good.  Frankly, some of the hatred we have received from people whom one would think would appreciate the work (or much of it) is shocking and inexplicable.  Perhaps you have pinpointed the reason: their frustration at not being able to do anything, so they attack those who are.


Neil Armstrong


Neil Armstrong's final expression on the 50 second video seems to be a statement all its own.  It looks like one of regret?   "removing one of truth's protective layers..." indeed!"  Discover what?  The gullibility of the majority of humanity?   How many of his listeners actually heard what he was so clearly saying? How many who heard it even dared, for fear of reprisal, to question it?  










From a prior visit to your website, I seem to recall a quote attributed to St. Alphonsus Liguiori who died in 1787 (and seems, in his writings on conformity to God's will, to have been influenced by Fr. Jeremias Drexelius, who a century earlier had written Heliotropium).


The gist of the quote was that even most Christians are not saved, that very few souls are saved.  Now, I do not know the context of this quote.  If the saint was trying to convey that, of those Christians who are saved, most will have to spend some time in Purgatory - that makes sense to me and I think it would make sense to most reasonable people.  However, it does give one pause to wonder about a religion that will assert that even most of its own adherents will be damned eternally to Hell.


I dare say that the Founder of the Catholic Church had intended it to be a religion of salvation and redemption, and not one of damnation.  If God is truly just, loving and merciful, then it strains credulity to believe that the vast majority of Catholics burn forever in Hell.


Salutary fear of God is good.  But paralysing, irrational terror of God can do more harm than good.  Some non-Christian observers of Christianity have remarked that the image we have of God is of a vengeful and wrathful being perhaps devoid of love and mercy.  I can see where they get this impression when I consider the unduly pessimistic view that asserts that the vast majority of Catholics, in all past periods, were damned.


I can only venture to observe that some of the most pessimistic views in the Church have come from monks and cloistered nuns living in the Middle Ages.  I wonder if they were estranged from the normal human condition.  (And, if one reads some of what St. Augustine taught, one can see that he did not entirely abandon his Stoicism, Gnosticism, and Manicheanism when he converted to Christianity.)




Larry Sparks


MHFM: In addressing your e-mail, the first thing that needs to be emphasized is that when we’re talking about Christians, we mean true Catholics, not heretics or false “Christians.”  All who die as heretics are lost.  The sad truth about the fewness of the saved should not lead us to conclude that God is unreasonable; it should not lead us to an irrational terror of God. “For my yoke is sweet and my burden light,” Jesus says (Matthew 11:30).  It’s not that God is that demanding.  He demands that we accept His entire faith, defend it without compromise, spread it, remain out of mortal sin, and pray.  The reason that most Catholics are lost is because almost no one is of good will. 


First, very few individuals have supernatural faith: an unhesitating acceptance of God’s dogmas, especially the necessity of Christ and the Church.  They just won’t accept it.  They gravitate toward that which is liberal and heretical.  For example, almost no one accepts the absolute necessity of Christ and His Church and the necessity of water baptism.  That reveals the almost universal bad will of man.  Almost all of them gravitate toward the heresy of salvation outside the Church and “baptism of desire” (which is the same thing in our day).  Every single person who sees all the evidence against “baptism of desire,” and still gravitates toward it or defends it – rather than gravitating toward the no exceptions position indicated in Catholic dogma – is of bad will.  This has been confirmed time and time again.  God rejects that person.


For instance, the other night one of us had a conversation with a couple which claims to be “traditional Catholic.”  They are pretty familiar with the different issues.  They have taken the “no jurisdiction” position (which is schismatic and refuted on our website).  We will be refuting it in more detail soon.  Hence, they consider themselves to be knowledgeable and astute “Catholics,” and they even consider almost all others to be in counterfeit versions of the faith.  They were adamant that they only believe in explicit “baptism of desire” for catechumens, not the heresy that it extends further.  They made it clear that they do not believe in or accept the heresy that those who are “invincibly ignorant” of the faith can be saved.  We did not believe their claim.  We pointed out that every single person who obstinately accepts “baptism of desire” in our day (even explicit baptism of desire) is of bad will and also accepts/tolerates the larger heresy of “invincible ignorance,” etc., even if that person doesn’t believe it himself. 


He accepts it either by accepting as Catholic others who hold that heresy, or by not condemning documents which teach it.  Well, we put their claim (that they only believe in “baptism of desire” for catechumens) to the test.  Are they honest?  Are they true to their claim?  We asked them whether they therefore reject Suprema haec sacra, the 1949 document against Fr. Feeney.  This fallible and heretical document not only teaches explicit “baptism of desire,” but also invincible ignorance.   It teaches that not just unbaptized catechumens can be saved (which is also wrong and heretical of course), but also those in “invincible ignorance,” as well as those who are not “members” of the Church or inside the “body” of the Church.  If they were honest and not mortally sinful liars, this husband and wife would have quickly responded: “yes; it is heretical.”  But no, they did not.  They hemmed and hawed.  The wife flatly refused to condemn it.  At one point, the husband reluctantly condemned it; but then he contradicted himself and was not definitive.  He also refused to denounce as heretical those who agree with it or accept it (e.g., his wife and others).  This proves the point: that almost all the people who claim to be “traditional Catholics” (and certainly Novus Ordo) are horrible liars in heart and of bad will.  They are dishonest and not of the truth.  That’s why they go to Hell.  That’s why God completely rejects them.  So, is that God being hard? No, it’s just people being dishonest and of bad will.


Further, among those who do accept supernatural faith, there is a tendency to pride and an overestimation of one’s status, talents, etc.  This often leads a person into schism or other sins.  Then there are those who do not take steps to avoid clear mortal sins, such as sins of the flesh.  These damn a countless number of souls.  They don’t fear God enough to avoid these sins or to pray to get the grace to live an upright life.  That’s not God being hard.  It’s man failing to avoid the very observable laws of God.


Few are Saved- Most Adult Catholics are damned




Subject: …. That’s so funny


Hi Bro. Michael and Peter Dimond,


I just had to send this...Love that cartoon strip!  It's so appropriate.  Unfortunately, it is hard to read, being very faint in many of the frames…


I don't know whether guys can do something your end. However, no big deal, as I am slowly deciphering it! And having a quiet chuckle at the same time!


Ah, a sense of humor!


A good sense of humor keeps us lighthearted and hopeful, "when you are down in the mouth remember Jonah. He came out O.K."- Thomas Edison


God bless




P.S. A prisoner was about to be executed. When he was offered a cigarette, he replied," No thanks, I'm trying to quit smoking."


MHFM: Yeah, it’s really funny.  There are also some truths that one can be reminded of by it, we think. 


After the first few hours it was posted, the type was made darker and much easier to read.  So, if someone looked at it then, it’s much easier to read now.  Also, one word was replaced and substituted with a word that is more proper.




Dear MHFM:


I have to admit that attachment was totally hilarious.  I couldn't stop laughing…






Thank you at the Holy Family Monastery for bringing me the truth.


Anthony Smole


Comic Relief – a Satire


Dear MHFM:


… So, a non-Catholic who is sincere needs God's grace to move towards conversion to the true (Catholic) Faith.  Without this predisposing grace, that person would never arrive at a true conversion.  I assume that we can pray for a non-Catholic who is sincere, so long as it is for their conversion.  I also assume that a non-Catholic who prays to God for things other than his conversion to the true Faith will not be heard by God.  Is that correct?


By the way, I enjoyed your most recent audios dealing with these schismatic "traditionalists".  It really exposed just how bad-willed a lot of these people are who claim to hold the Catholic Faith.  The one guy who talked about how good looking he was in front of the sister is obviously bad-willed and totally out of line.  Also, I thought the statements that "R.I." made about murdering other people or giving them "penances" was quite revealing.  It showed how totally evil and stupid he is.  I don't understand how anyone can take this man seriously let alone follow him.




MHFM: Yes, if God sees that a non-Catholic can be of good will, He will lead that person to the Catholic faith.  Catholics certainly can and should pray for their conversion.  We believe that God will hear certain prayers of a non-Catholic, in order to make him see what he needs to do to be led in the right direction.  For instance, if a non-Catholic prayed to God to be removed from danger, God could answer His prayer to enable him see that God exists, and that he should pray for other things.  God’s answer to that one prayer would make him see that if he would pray for the true faith he would be led to it (Mt. 7:7).  If that person doesn’t follow it up with other prayers and actions for the truth, he will remain outside the Church and be lost.


Regarding your comment about that radical schismatic, a reader of ours sent this to us.  We thought that this was hilarious.  This schismatic not only called up here and repeatedly mentioned (to Sister Ann) how “tall and good-looking” he thinks he is; but he also said that he would, for that reason, make a “big impact” when he became a priest.  (He also said that he was “well built.”)  That was a few positions ago, when he agreed with one of the independent bishops and at that time thought that it was “Catholic” to join that bishop to become a priest.


"The Dave L. Zone" [Pdf] –

a satire of true comments by a radical schismatic (3 pages, so you need to scroll down to see all of it)


For those who don’t know what we’re talking about, we are referring to the person covered in part 1 of our recent series on the radical “traditionalist” schismatics.


Part 1- Introduction and quick background on Dave L. and these radical schismatics [9 min audio.]

Part 2 - In depth refutation of their false arguments regarding the Council of Basel and the salvation dogma [50 min. audio]

Part 3 - Refutation of the Argument that Canonizations are not infallible by virtue of the teaching of Vatican I [20 min. audio]

Part 4 - Exposing the demonic and shocking statements of the schismatic RI – the source for many strains of "traditionalist" schism [16 min. audio]




MHFM: Regarding the moon hoax issue, we thought this was interesting.


Neil Armstrong's cryptic speech [50 seconds]


On the 25th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, Neil Armstrong makes a very cryptic statement.  He says that you can make great discoveries if you “remove one of truth’s protective layers.”  In other words, you can make incredible discoveries if you remove the truth (i.e., lie or create a hoax).


B-16’s recent heresies


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file with some new quotes.  He covers the New World Order, the SSPX and some other heresies.




Good evening,

first of all, I want to thank you for providing so much information about the True Catholic Faith - and this even for free. Your website really helped and still helps me finding answers to a lot of questions I hear from friends and foreigns, or questions that come up, while I study myself…

*Best wishes





Dear MHFM   I was sorry to hear about the lawsuit that was filed against you. I listened to your audio… I believe this is an attack by the devil to discredit and destroy your apostolate.  The devil does not want large numbers of people converting to the true faith. And also in reading books about the lives of many saints,  the devil wants to distract and put fear in the minds of people especially those who are trying to serve him in religious life by extreme scruples, jansenism, elitism, the spirit of  the pharisees, legalism, terror etc. instead of serving the lord in religious life with joy and peace of mind and soul.  The lord said my burden is light and my yoke is sweet.  Anyway keep up the great work you are doing for souls.  


Mark CA


MHFM: Thanks for the comments.  We think that your sentence accurately describes a big part of the problem he fell into: “the devil wants to distract and put fear in the minds of people especially those who are trying to serve him in religious life by extreme scruples, jansenism, elitism, the spirit of the pharisees, legalism, terror etc. instead of serving the lord in religious life with joy and peace of mind and soul.”




Dear Brothers,  and all at MHFM,  My husband and I just wanted to write and lend our support to you during this trying time with this evil lawsuit----personally, we don't think this guy has a legal leg to stand on and you'll easily win, it’s so obvious that he's wrong.  We wanted to lend our support since we went through something similar----severe persecution----in regards to work we were doing for the Immaculate Heart…


 Michael and Anne Kraft  




… thanks for the update on your lawsuit, and it's quite sad and so devastating… This lawsuit reminds me, if I recall correctly, of that story in which St. John the Baptist de la Salles had a similar situation and was accused of theft and/or fraud.  It involved a young man entering his order and he was rich, so he decided to give St. John a piece of land to make a school, well a few years later, this young rich man decides to leave the order and goes to his Father (who I believe was a governor or had some high position thus riches) and then sues St. John because the young man no longer was in his order, so he demanded all his money back…






Hi Brother(s) Dimond,

I finished listening to the audios about your lawsuit.  I cannot think of a better word than disappointed to say the least.  Even though it is a complete joke, it is still completely sad.  (What he was describing reminded me of both of my sister's radical positions....and how far someone can fall).

I finished the life of St. Alphonsus about 2 months ago, and there was an almost identical story in it to this.  When I was reading it, I kept thinking, how can somebody do that?  I couldn't believe that somebody who was in his own congregation sue him!  The man brought upon himself so much debt in the process of suing St. Alphonsus.......and for what?!?   

May God continue to reward you and the charitable work you provide us!

Teri Thurman




Dear Brothers,

I listened to you audio about the lawsuit and it was wonderful.  The devil is certainly trying to destroy your good work.  It is true that what the Lord said, 'if they persecute you, know that they have persecuted me before you'… You are trying to show the world that the ONE TRUE Church that Our Lord founded is the only church and the only way to get to heaven.  You back up everything you say with facts and dogmas passed down through the centuries by good and holy Popes and Doctors of the Church.  So how can anyone say false things about you.  Our Lord is trying to keep HIS Church alive through the work that you are doing.   Our Lord and the Blessed Mother will protect you and help you… God bless you.

Katryn Rubio


Dear Brothers:


… If Satan wants to fight OUR LADY in court? which they have no knowledge or power to judge her nor her son JESUS CHRIST. That means they know they are about to end up in HELL forever and they want to fight the decisive last fight. That means they are out of time, their time is up. Otherwise, they would not be so stupid to file a lawsuit like this.


This guy absolutely has bad will right from the beginning in his first email. His intention is to try to be "insider" so they can destroy from within. He needs to be the one to live inside, to gain your trust and turn around to destroy everything…


When a honest person who intend to devout their lives to religious order. They donated everything they have and beg for an acceptance in the monastery or convent so that they can live their lives totally for God and God alone. This guy apparently was not right from the beginning when he details his personal stuffs before he enter the monastery like this, give me a red flag he is absolute an agent for Satan.


And now he goes get the… LAWYERS to fight against GOD, one more time. How many time they want to crucify JESUS CHRIST. How much longer they think they can make Christ suffers.


God gave them 100 years when they asked Jesus to give them time to destroy his church. Jesus allowed them the time they asked for. They asked for 75 years or 100 years in this time frame, they are very confident that they can destroy JESUS CHRIST'S CHURCH. Guess what, 100 years is almost up, if you count from the day OUR LADY appeared in Fatima. 1917 - 2017. Only a few years left, less than 8 years, and they are so in hurry…


And here, we are the children of OUR LADY, we are not sitting back and doing nothing, we fight to the end with her to reclaim back the truth church for Christ and to bring out the TRIUMPH OF HER IMMACULATE HEART. They cannot take that, they will do everything to harm and hurt us doesn't matter what. Look up and be strong, we are on the right track.


Don't give in even one inch to Satan and his children. I pray for you and God be with you and guide you, protect you and do everything in the intention for the Glory of Holy Trinity.


Glory to God,


Kim-Lan Vu


Dear MHFM, These thugs tempting your order has Opus Dei stamped all over it. This vatican organization has tremendous monies pouring into it to deal with any attempts at deriding their Luciferian enactments.  Keep up the fight for Christ and his Church.  They can shatter your bones, but Jesus will preserve your souls eternally in the end.  Mater Immaculata, ora pro nobis.





It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you guys wouldn't be in the "real" [Vatican II] Benedictine order…




Other point


Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter

I just wanted to express my support to you both at this stressful time due to the lawsuit you have to deal with. I listened to your audios and looked at the other information and I think you have suffered very unjust treatment and the allegations made against you are just not borne out by the facts. In particular, it is not credible that someone could now claim you misrepresented that you are part of the Novus Ordo Order of St Benedict as even a quick perusal of your website makes it clear you are totally opposed to the official Vatican II Counter Church and all its institutions. It's just breathtaking how this argument could be made by somebody who is intelligent, and had visited your monastery before joining, and was there for more than two years and was closely involved in all your apostolate. Also, if the only people entitled to call themselves "OSB" monks are in the Vatican II sect, and must be officially approved by the Vatican II Order, then you rightly raise the question of the legitimacy of the Anglican, Orthodox and other Orders of St Benedict, who must also be misrepresenting themselves too according to this fallacious argument.


The crisis in the Church has meant that in order to remain Catholic people must place themselves outside the authority of the official Vatican II Church, which is why there are independent chapels and other organisations with priests and bishops who administer the sacraments in defiance of the Diocese and Rome. Your monastery is in this position too, as for you to continue to speak the truth of the Catholic faith you have to conduct your apostolate independently of the official Vatican II Order of St Benedict who would close you down if you submitted to their authority. It is incredible to think that the individual who left your monastery did not know and understand this while simultaneously assisting you in your apostolate and advising inquirers and the Faithful who contacted your monastery.

I hope and pray that you will not be distracted too much from your ministry of helping souls and that you will succeed in achieving justice in this lawsuit. Your work is vital in these times of apostasy from the True Faith.

God Bless you



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We will continue on as usual.  There was one other point that we wanted to emphasize concerning this matter.  We did mention it in our discussion, but we didn’t emphasize it, probably because there was a lot to cover. 


It is this: this individual is definitely committing an act of apostasy in order to make his claim.  For his claim says that the Order of St. Benedict is “widely” recognized and comprises many “abbeys” and monasteries in existence (“existing”).  He says that these members of the Order of St. Benedict exist and new ones come into being.  He says that only these are able to use “O.S.B.”  There is no doubt, therefore, that his claim recognizes that the Vatican II sect’s apostate “Order of St. Benedict” is the true one.  Not only that, he claims that the Vatican II sect’s apostate order is the only true one. 


If he were true to what he really believes, that there are no Benedictines that he knows of (since Benedict XVI is an antipope), he would say that there aren’t any Benedictines.  Further, he would say that he doesn’t know of any place that one could become a Benedictine or properly use “O.S.B.”.  But he’s willing to attack at all costs, even if it means committing total apostasy according to his own standards.  He’s willing to attack, even if it means recognizing Antipope Benedict XVI by recognizing as valid and Catholic the apostate order which is under him.  This is truly evil and sickening.  (This fellow is a heretic and schismatic on other issues, by the way.) 


Isn’t it ironic that he departed our monastery because he didn’t agree with our position that one may receive sacraments from certain priests who recognize Benedict XVI. 


We correctly point out, in accordance with Catholic teaching, that receiving sacraments from certain undeclared heretics (if you don’t agree with or support them) doesn’t necessarily involve you or implicate you in their false positions (see St. Thomas).  It’s interesting that as a result of his schismatic error on that point and other matters, this individual fell outside the Church; and he is now professing as legitimate the very apostate orders of the antipope with which he supposedly wanted nothing whatsoever to do!  It’s amazing how the Devil uses his tools. 




Dearest Brothers,


After listening to the horrid details of this lawsuit against you, my heart sank.  I just want to tell you how sorry I am that you are having to deal with such an awful situation.  My heart goes out to you, and you are ever in my prayers.  I have often feared for your safety, and as David in New Zealand noted, it should really come as no surprise that the devil would find a way to attack your apostolate.  I know you will continue to fight the good fight for the true holy Catholic Faith.  May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary give you the graces and strength you need in weathering this storm!


Yours in Christ,

Margaret Moore




Hi Bro. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Thanks for bringing us up to date on this disturbing, if not unexpected news...our prayers, support and sympathies go out to you at this stressful time...


You are obviously doing a great job; the fact that the devil is throwing so much at you, at this point in time, in the Great Apostasy, is surely proof enough!


God Bless


David S.






Dear Brothers,


This A.M. we reviewed yr. lawsuit post; it is excellent and we agree with your position totality. You are completely in the right with your presentation and defence of the Catholic Faith.  I have since 2006 and continue today support for your monastery's excellent efforts in Catholic apologetics. 


On Nov. 30th 2008 I wrote a condemnation against the Universal Salvation heresy entitled, "Machinations of A Gnostic Mind, Heresies of Fr. Martin Stepanich, OFM, STD---Directed Against The Dogma, OUTSIDE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH THERE IS NO SALVATION."  In my article I gave credit to Bro. Peter for his well researched book on this subject.  I sent out about two dozen of these articles and received perhaps six favorable comments.  Today arrived a letter from Bro. Andre Marie, M.I.C.M. of Saint Benedict Center, Richmond, NH, dated July 17, 2009. 


He writes, "Where we differ from Brother Peter Dimond primarily is that he has become sede vacantist - stating that the Pope is not the Pope.  We do not accept that, nor do we tolerate such beliefs at our chapel.  Whatever the problems and weaknesses of recent popes, it is not our place to judge him.  We can criticize or dislike a particular statement or action of the Holy Father, but we do not have the authority to declare that he is not the Pope.  This is for God to decide.  We pray for the Holy Father in every Mass and recognize Benedict XVI as a valid successor to St. Peter."


Of course Bro. Andre's position is both heretical and schismatical.  It is an example of hard core and encrusted pride to defend that which is not a Catholic position, but rather a synthetic substitution for the truths of the Faith. 


Back to your lawsuit--- for a good defense against Hoyle's argument that you committed fraud in your assertion that you were members of the Order of St. Benedict, and that MHFM was in fact a legitimate Benedictine Monastery, YOU MUST, ABSOLUTELY AND EMPHATICALLY DECLARE THAT -- the intention and design that St. Benedict had for his order and approved by the Church from the beginning of the Order and its Rule was that of independent houses united by The Rule which would be styled by local circumstances, customs and times.  This most certainly applies in your case without any valid argumentation by Hoyle to the contrary, whatsoever.


Please read the entry, "Benedictine Order" from The Catholic Encyclopedia for a explanation.  Perhaps you have reviewed this in the past. THIS VERY IMPORTANT-- STRESS THIS CLAIM.


You have every right under Heaven to claim that your House and Rule conforms to the concept of St. Benedict and that of the Church and popes which validate your position.




Donald Livingston


MHFM: Yes, we quote that very article in our article on our community.  Those who say we are not Benedictine not only don’t understand the origins of the Order, but they also don’t understand canon law or how God looks at things.  Almost all of them are heretics and apostates who accomplish nothing.  The courts cannot get involved in such religious disputes about who or what is Benedictine.  So theoretically that cannot even come into play.  You cannot have a religious debate in the courtroom.  The claim against us is a complete joke.




Subject: Eric Hoyle


I spoke with Br. Edmund on the phone while he was with you and he said that MHFM was a great place or the best place for a young person to join…





I was looking at your site and saw the audio on the "lawsuit".  I was going to bed but started playing it and I was so taken by it I set by the computer to listen.  It is so sad.  I am praying for you.  You were friends with the man for two years and look what he did to you.  In the "End Times" even your own family will turn on you, and think they are doing God a favor.


Our Lawsuit


Our Lawsuit [click here]


MHFM: This file gives a person the information which explains why we are currently in a lawsuit.  It explains the truth of our case, and contains many corroborating documents and audios which prove the truth of our case.  Some very interesting stuff… It utterly refutes the vicious and injurious lies that have been spread on this topic.  It explains how and why we are being unjustly persecuted.


John 15:20- “Remember my word that I said to you: The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept my word, they will keep yours also.”


Matthew 5:11-12- “Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you…”


2 Tim. 3:12- “And all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution.”




Here’s more proof that Medjugorje is fake: the “visionaries” reported that people were encouraged to read Poem of the Man God in one of their “apparitions.”


Just those little excerpts in the previous e-mail are enough to show the heresies contained in that book.







Reading over the anti-pope B-16's recent encyclical on your site I couldn't help but get a chill when seeing the description of "the family of nations acquiring real teeth".

Benedict XVI’s encyclical Charity in Truth #67: “In the face of the unrelenting growth of global interdependence, there is a strongly felt need, even in the midst of a global recession, for a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth.

Just that the word "teeth" is used and the thought of some of the eerie photos of B16 gave me a sense of demons gnashing and tearing of the flesh. I did a search of the bible and there are about 50 occurrences of the word "teeth" with a number of the versus describing "teeth" as a weapon of destruction.

Interesting videos on the moon landing. I figured that there were no astronauts at all that were actually shot up into orbit for eight days. That the spacecraft that we saw come down out of the sky with parachutes was pushed out like a bundle from a high altitude military cargo plane. Interesting all the same.

God Bless You,


Moon landing


Dear Brothers…

For a long time I thought that the landing was a hoax for sure. It wasn't until my co-worker, a protestant pro-creationist, brought up the fact that when the astronauts supposedly landed, they were surprised that the dust on the moon wasn't much deeper. They said that the dust was only about a 1/2 inch thick, whereas it was supposed to be much deeper than that if the moon was billions of years old.

Why would the astronauts say that if they hadn't actually landed there? It's not like evolutionists very easily concede facts to us about Creationism.
Believe me, I agree with a lot of conspiracy theories because they are almost always true, especially when our government is involved.

Maybe you can give me your opinion on this or maybe you've come across this argument before.



MHFM: After looking into the subject some more, we are totally convinced that we did not go to the moon.  The whole thing was a hoax.  In regard to your question, we think that they mentioned only a little bit of dust because it was easier to fake small amounts of dust than huge un-earthly amounts.  The correspondence of their lie to the truth of a young Earth was almost certainly just a coincidence.  Here’s a very interesting 5-part program on the moon landing hoax.  It’s excellent.  It’s not boring at all – definitely worth watching! 


Moon landing hoax- Part 1 [about 10 minutes each part]

Moon landing hoax - part 2

Moon landing hoax - Part 3

Moon landing hoax - part 4

Moon landing hoax - Part 5


One of the most interesting parts of this series concerns Area 51.  Area 51 in Nevada, a top secret military base, is almost certainly where the moon hoax was filmed.  Russian satellite images show that the terrain of Area 51 in Nevada is very similar to what is shown on the moon, including the presence of craters.  This might very well explain why Area 51 is so secret that anyone who enters it will be shot.  If people had full access to it, they would almost certainly identify the terrain used for the moon hoax.


In addition to all the other evidence, we also find the press conference of the original three astronauts to be quite revealing.  Notice how uncomfortable and strained they are.  Neil Armstrong is not speaking freely at all.  He is extremely tense in the press conference.  Buzz Aldrin is also visibly uncomfortable and moving in his seat.  It’s not the appearance of men who would be very enthusiastic, confident and excited about what they had done.  They would speak freely about what was most exciting and remarkable to them.  Rather, it’s the appearance of men who know that they have just lied to the entire world and will have to continue to lie for years.  Consequently, Neil Armstrong is weighing every word, moving at an extremely slow and measured pace, so that his story doesn’t reveal the lie.  He is not speaking loosely and freely.


The original tense, strained, uncomfortable post-moon landing press conference [3 min.]




Dear Brothers Diamond


In your News and Catholic Commenting Section, informs that “Two Anglican dioceses in Britain are changing how they handle Communion in an attempt to reduce the spread of swine flu.”   This is also happening in the Vatican II Church here in Portugal.  They have given strict orders to the priests that their hands must be extra well washed with a specific product and not to give Communion to the faithful in the mouth but only in the hand, to reduce the spread of swine flu.



M. Fernanda Silva




Subject: Baptism of desire and Limbo


A quick proof that Baptism of Desire is false and that the True Catholic Church has not taught it in the past. The invincible ignorance argument says that the church has always taught that if through no fault of your own you don't hear the gosple it is possible that you can have a Baptism of desire and go to heaven. But everone knows that the church teaches limbo (until the antipope). So they are saying an unborn child with no sin other than original can't go to heaven but the godless unbaptised pagan can. To me this was the biggest flaw in the baptism of desire argument and I think the antipope saw this contradiction so he just said no more limbo.




MHFM: Yes, we make that point in our book, in the sections concerning “invincible ignorance.”




Dear brothers:


I was very pleased with the audios recently posted. They prove without a shadow of doubt the orthodoxy of your position, and the insanity in the claims of certain individuals. 

I came across [one of those guys] a short time ago, and not to my surprise, [he] has even suggested that Saint Pius X was an antipope. He later retracted his statement, but as Brother Peter pointed out, he makes accusations out of the blue, and then abjures it as if it was a small matter, and the next day he starts all over again daring to challenge even the status of saintly figures.


It was a very nice and deserved exposition you guys made. 


Now, talking about a different subject, I would like to make a request…


I understand you are busy, but this subject is of major importance: How about an article or audio about overcoming the sins of the flesh? After all, the Mother of God even mentioned in Portugal that this sin is the one sending most people to hell. And that was almost a century ago, when we did not have easily available porn magazines and filmes, the movie industry was in its infancy and the internet was speculative science fiction. Many people have problems with looking at porn and practicing masturbation, but it´s hard to do something about it. If you go to a doctor or counselor, he will say it´s only normal. I know the simple true is to just get a hold of oneself and drop it, but isn´t there anything more that can be said and done regarding this topic? Many people recognize it´s a sin, feel ashamed about it, struggle with it, and fail. 


MHFM: We have something in mind that we’d like to do on that topic.  The issue has been discussed in our materials, in E-Exchanges, Death and the Journey into Hell, recorded audio discussions, this article, etc.  But there is something more specific and focused that we’d like to do to show people the evil involved in sins of the flesh and how most are damned for such sins.


But really, if people commit such sins it’s because they don’t have a prayer life and don’t fear God.




MHFM: Some new heresies from Benedict XVI are coming soon, as well as an audio with the real facts and truth concerning a recent lawsuit.




… the new book is outstanding.  Your work is well researched and presented in an easy to understand format.  Anyone who disputes the statements made in your book is simply hopeless.  Keep up the good work.


God bless,


Misty Mortensen




Dear brothers in Christ,

[Regarding The Poem of the Man God by Maria Valtorta]

I visited the site www.valtorta.org in order to get a glimpse of this "poem". I was shocked with what I found. Here I quote some examples.

On abortion:

"Oh, let fathers and mothers not profane the innocent holocaust of their clipped flowers with their imprecations! Let fathers and mothers know that not a tear of their children, not a moan of these immolated innocents remains unechoed in My Heart.  Heaven opens to them, for they do not differ at all from their distant little brothers, killed by Herod out of hatred for Me.  These, too, are killed by the sinister Herods, stewards of a  power which I have given them so they would use it for good and for which they must give Me an  accounting.

I would come for all.  But especially for these, just born to life, a gift of God, and already uprooted from life by cruelty, a gift of the devil.  You should know,
however, that to wash the contaminated blood which fouls the earth, which is shed with rancour and cursing against Me, Who am Love, this dew of innocent blood is needed, the only blood still  able to flow forth without cursing, without hating, just as I, the Lamb, shed My Blood for you.  The innocents are the little lambs of the new era, the only ones whose sacrifice, gathered in by the angels, is completely pleasing to My Father."

These passages promote the so called baptism of blood, wouldn't you say?

On extraterrestrial life:

"But how is it that they have never considered that the 'great Babylon' is /the whole Earth?  I would be a very small and limited God the Creator if I had created only the
Earth as an inhabited world!  With a beat of My will I have brought forth worlds upon worlds from nothing and cast them as luminous fine dust into the immensity of the firmament.*

*"The Earth, about which you are so proud and fierce, is nothing but one of the bits of fine dust rotating in unboundedness, and not the biggest one.  It is certainly the most
corrupt one, though.  Lives upon lives are teeming in the millions of worlds which are the joy of your gaze on peaceful nights, and the perfection of God will appear to you when, with the intellectual sight of your spirits rejoined to God, you are able to see the wonders of those worlds.*

Well, I could expect these passages to come out of a Star Trek fan's mouth, not from a mouth of God's prophet.  By the way--the perfection of God is obvious from EVERYTHING we can see  in creation.

In short--Maria Valtorta is the Devil's servant, promoting false gospel.

May our Perfect Holy Mother and Joseph watch over you and your holy works.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia


MHFM: Those passages contain obvious heresies against the faith.  They are definitive proof that her messages are not from God.




If people think the world is getting better they are "Nuts".  When I was a boy if you mentioned homosexuality, it was the same as taking the Lord's name in vain.    Homosexuality was sickening.   I remember a man who went to jail for homosexual acts.  Today if you are not for homosexual "marriage"..... you are a bigot.  When the "Hate Bill" is passed it will be the people who speak out against homosexuality that go to jail, not the homosexual.  My how times have changed.




Hey, nice videos you put up yesterday, it was about time those radical schismatics were refuted, I really enjoyed them. And guess what, they were previously accusing you of [many] errors and/or heresies, but once they listened to your audios, they reduced them… And they revised and recanted yet again their heretical and schismatic abjurations.

But I wanted to ask you something else that these schismatics… say, which is that, supposedly, the Catholic Church can still exist and go on even if there is not a single Catholic person in the world. Is that true? That something I was really interested in, because, where was the Catholic Church, or who exactly were the only Catholics left, once this whole apostasy and the Vatican II started in the 60's? Where was the Church in those times, or since the time of antipope John XXIII?

Thanks anyways.



MHFM: Thanks for the comment.  The promise that Christ would be with us “all days” presupposes that some members of the faithful will always be on Earth.


Matthew 28:20- “…and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.”


There were Catholics in the 1960s who recognized Antipope John XXIII.  They didn’t become heretics or schismatics simply because they wrongly thought that he was the pope.  They only became heretics or schismatics once they saw the evidence for his heresies and went along with them.




Dear Brothers,


    I was hoping you'd clarify the following statements from the section "The File on the positions of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)" on your web site.  When it mentions that "...heretics are outside of the Church...", is this inferring that the SSPX is outside the Church?  Are there instances of herectics who are inside the Church?


    If I read it correctly, it appears to be stating that: the SSPX are heretical since they recognize manifest heretics as Catholics who possess authority in the Church.  This is followed by a quote that states "...heretics are outside of the Church".


     ...1) They recognize manifest heretics (the Novus Ordo bishops and the Vatican II antipopes) as Catholics who possess authority in the Church, which is heretical  They need to recognize that these heretical bishops are outside the Church and have no authority at all.


        St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, lib. II, cap. 30: “Finally, the Holy Fathers teach unanimously not only that heretics are outside of the Church, but also that they are "ipso facto" deprived of all ecclesiastical jurisdiction and dignity.”


    If I am misreading this, or if there are other considerations that result in a different understanding of the above, please clarify.


Thanks for your efforts to get people to look at the truth in these modernist times...


MHFM: Those who obstinately agree with the heretical positions of the SSPX would be heretics.  The SSPX is heretical because it recognizes the heretics of the Novus Ordo Church as inside the Catholic Church, and it believes that souls can be saved in false religions.  The point was that it’s a dogma that heretics are outside the Church.  Hence, it’s contrary to the faith to assert that the obvious heretics of the Novus Ordo are their “bishops.”




In your most recent audio, you again proved that the Father and the Son (the filoque) was infallibly added to the Nicene Creed.  Was the orginal Nicene Creed infallibly ruled upon by a True Pope?  Or, I guess my question is:  can an infallible ruling be added to or subtracted from?




MHFM: A dogmatic definition can be expanded upon to give a more detailed explanation of the very same truth.  When that is done it is always in the exact same sense.  The more elaborate explanation remains literally in perfect harmony with the previous definition. 


Important New Audios


MHFM: We’ve received one too many e-mails from certain radical “traditionalist” schismatics, who spread their falsehoods and perversions of Catholic teaching in small groups.  So, we’ve decided to completely and thoroughly refute and expose them once and for all.  Here’s the series you need to hear if you’ve been exposed to them or to any of their arguments.  This series refutes all of their main arguments, including their many false accusations against us.  This series focuses on three “traditionalist” schismatics in particular: R.I., Dave L., and Frank.  However, the detailed points and issues that are covered apply to a vast array of similar schismatics and their false arguments.  These audios are listed in reverse order because our general readers will probably find Part 4 to be the most interesting.


Part 4 - Exposing the demonic and shocking statements of the schismatic RI – the source for many strains of "traditionalist" schism [16 min. audio]


This section exposes the shocking statements of R.I.  Listen to the audio clips, including: his threats to kill those who don’t agree with him; how he would have someone blow a cat’s brains out as part of her penance; how he would torture St. Thomas Aquinas if he could; how he claims to be a prophet, but admittedly falsely identified the other “witness,” and more.  Most importantly, however, this section explains how this false prophet and non-Catholic schismatic was the source for much of the radical traditionalist schism that floats around now, in various forms.  He was the source of the schism even among those who don’t fully agree with him on all points, but apply portions of his demonic thought.  This is especially true concerning the rejection of canonizations, abjurations, etc. 


His heretical teaching was also the reason that a member of our community left our community a few years ago.  A few days before he left, this member of our community read this guy’s writing on Mass attendance and suddenly came to the conclusion that he was a “heretic,” and that had been committing many mortal sins against “the faith” each week.  He abruptly left.  (We will tell the true story of that in another audio coming up.  It will refute the totally false and very injurious lies that people are spreading, as if we have done something wrong when we have not.)  This former member of our community was a total supporter for over two years, but then it was as if he was called by the demonic teaching of this false prophet and he suddenly changed his entire theological viewpoint. 


Part 3 - Refutation of the Argument that Canonizations are not infallible by virtue of the teaching of Vatican I [20 min. audio]


How can canonizations be infallible if divine revelation ended with the death of the last apostle?  This section answers that question and refutes the heretical position of these schismatics.  It also refutes another objection that they launch concerning Pope Pius XII.


Part 2 - In depth refutation of their false arguments regarding the Council of Basel and the salvation dogma [50 min. audio]


This section covers a number of detailed objections, including: the Council of Basel’s decree (was it dogmatic?); Quam Singulari; when does the baptized child of a Protestant become a schismatic or a heretic; a supposed “stumper” question concerning Martin Luther; their lies about our view of the salvation dogma; and a lot more.


Part 1- Introduction and quick background on these radical schismatics [9 min audio.]

A quick background on the schismatic Dave L and more.


This will be found permanently in our: New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists"




I ordered some books from your site… I am a Father of five kids, 9 to 19 if they don't want to say the rosary am I obligated to make them say it as head of the family.  My wife, sad to say is more of the world so the kids gravitate to her unfortunately.  I feel so alone and broken hearted for my kids.  I have always through our marriage tried to promote prayer but was resisted a lot.  I have never liked the new mass, it never sat right with me: the priest petitioning Jesus with his back to Him, interrupting the most holy part of the mass with hugging and hand shaking... I am so very sad because I love the true Catholic Church and the sacraments, especially confession and the Eucharist.  Where does one find a priest that would absolve you of the sin of going to the new mass among other things?  Please help. 




MHFM:  You should have the younger ones say it, but you should first explain to them the importance of praying it.  In other words, they need to realize that if they don't pray and practice the faith and show interest and avoid sins, then they will lose their souls.  That’s why the religious videos, including those on our website and those available from us, are helpful.  Kids need to see that it's in their best interest to get interested.  For if they are not excited about the faith at all, they won’t stand a chance in this pagan world.


As far as the 19 year-old goes, you should share the material with him and earnestly communicate the importance of believing and practicing the Catholic faith.  But if it's not in his heart, then you cannot force him to be interested.  Since it's your house, you should not allow things that are sinful to occur there.  For example, rock or rap or popular music or sinful shows should not be allowed to be played in the house.  If he doesn't like it, he should move out.


We can help you with where to go for the sacraments if you contact us (that’s assuming one is in full agreement on the issues of faith).  Also consult our “Where to Go to Mass” section under Traditional Issues to have a familiarity with the guidelines one should use in assessing where to go.




Dear Brothers,


Recently we ordered and received numerous copies of your work that proves the Catholic Faith from the Protestant bible.  Both my wife and I are so impressed with its scholarship and wide ranging scope.  We are planning to use it with some Protestant friends at the appropriate time.


We wanted to just take the time to let you know what a valuable work we believe it to be.  Also included is a small donation that we feel you should have charged us for the shipping, at least.


God bless you and your work,


Jason and Peggy Mead


Response, Matthew 5


MHFM: In response to recent attacks:


Matthew 5:11-12- “Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you…”


We will expand upon this as opportunity permits.


Papal Teaching


Dear Bro. Dimond,

I greatly enjoy your archived debates and radio broadcasts.  Some of my favorites have been "Proof for Infant Baptism" & "The Bible Teaches Purgatory", both of which hit the nail right on the head and totally refute Anabaptist & general Protestant doctrine.

I have two questions for you, first, I was raised in V2, but it may as well have been the Anglican church. Prayers to saints were never covered in basic Catechism classes and Limbo was certainly never mentioned!

First question, this should be easy. I was baptized in 1978 and have no clue if the priest performing said sacrament was ordained pre-V2 or post V2. I could find this out without too much trouble, but before I go through all that I would like to know if my baptism was valid if performed by a V2 "priest"?

Second question. Being new to Sedevacantist thought, my next question concerns papal infallibility. If the Pope is infallible and Pope Gregory the XI condemned the Scriptures translation into the English language by John Wycliffe, would that not mean that every Catholic bible published in any language other than Latin/Greek/Hebrew (OT only) is an admonishment of this decree and if it isn't, would that not mean that Pope Gregory XI was in error?

Please don't misunderstand my intentions. I am willing to admit that I may have misunderstood the doctrine of Papal Infallibility. If I have, perhaps you can post another audio file to clear up the confusion some have over this doctrine (esp. Old Catholics/Polish Catholic schismatics).

God Bless everyone at the MHFM and keep up the good work!

Best Wishes,
Joe Kelly

Thank you for your time!


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Anyone can baptize.  It’s not necessary that he be a valid priest.  Thus, if the proper matter and form were used, it was valid.  You seem to have some doubt that it was done properly.  For that reason, someone should do a conditional baptism.  The form is in this file. 


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


Such a decree of Pope Gregory XI forbidding his translation of the Scriptures would be a disciplinary decree.  It could be changed by another pope.  It’s different from a solemn statement on faith or morals which cannot be changed.  Popes did have different laws and issued many different disciplinary decrees on that issue, depending upon what they deemed best for a particular time. 


Regarding the “Old Catholics” and similar schismatics, they simply do not accept the dogma of the Papacy.  They are not Catholics.  They reject what was defined at Vatican I, the full scope of the authority that Christ gave to St. Peter and his legitimate successors.





Thank you again for all the long hours that are spent behind the scenes to bring the "Truth" to the world. I've been thinking lately about when JPII was spreading the message "Be not afraid", and there were t-shirts, hats and cups available for sale to the public.  I'm sure this was quite misleading at the time when all the child molesting N.O. Priests were running loose. JPII tried to make everything seem so natural and not a care in the world while hiding the truth. Falls in line with Paul VI and his "the smoke has entered the Church" stunt.

God Bless You,


MHFM: Right.  It was a subtle encouragement to remain unafraid of anything and anyone, including God.  This was his message at a time when sin abounded like never before, when the message they really need to hear was:


Luke 12:4-5- “And I say to you, my friends: Be not afraid of them who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will shew you whom you shall fear: fear ye him, who after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell. Yea, I say to you, fear him.”


Wedding form


The wedding formula once was “prendo te come mia legittima sposa” -  “I take you as my legitimate wife”.   Now it has been changed into “accolgo te come mia legittima sposa” -  “I accept/recognize you as.....”


This because prendere/take could mean in a large extense an idea of possession/violence.  From an active action it is transformed into a passive one.  What is your opinion about?


Best Regards

Roberto F.


MHFM: It doesn’t affect the validity because in marriage the two people constitute the matter of the sacrament and their mutual consent is the form.  It doesn’t have to be a specific set of words.  The changes that were made to the other sacraments by the Vatican II sect do affect validity, however.


Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid [PDF File]

This article explains why the New Rite of Ordination – which was instituted by Paul VI on June 18, 1968 after Vatican II – is not valid.)


The New Rite of Consecration of Bishops [PDF file]

This article explains the changes that Paul VI made to the rite of consecrating bishops after Vatican II.)


The Changes to the Other Sacraments [PDF file]

This article explains the changes that Paul VI made to the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Marriage and Extreme Unction after Vatican II.




A Soldier Encounters an Angel






I recently listened to your audio tape about vatican 2.  I thought you easily won the argument and was very impressed.  I would just like to mention that I prayed for the truth and a couple of days later came across your website which I found quite strange.


I would just like to raise a few points which I find difficult to understand.  Firstly you mention unbaptised infants, saying they will not go to heaven if they are not baptised.  I cannot understand how an infant can be rejected by God for something he/she is not responsible for as they were not permitted to make this choice.  Recently there was a 3 year old child (one of many) who was tortured by its parents and killed.  I cannot see how Jesus could reject this child because it was not baptised.  I feel he is bigger than that and would always find a way.  He loved children a lot and never rejected them.  (also, what happens to aborted babies, are they also not saved). How can be reject his own creation? 


I am not disputing Vatican 1 as I accept they have far more wisdom and knowledge than I do.  I just feel worried that God's love and mercy is sometimes forgotten.  For example, I recently heard about a suicide and felt extremely sorry for this person.  Am I saying I have more compassion than God which is completely ridiculous, and as this person was suffering from a mental illness are they still responsible for their actions?  I do not deny God's justice but I also accept he is love.  I do not consider myself to be a really good person but despite this Jesus has helped me in my life many times even when I wasn't deserving of his help.


I would also like to ask your opinion about the 'Bilderberg Group' who meet in secret to plan future world events.  I have recently come across sites on the internet which are showing secret concentration camps in America.  Apparently they want to eliminate 90% of the world's population.  (Do you believe this?) They say they will target christians and anyone who is against the New World Order.  As you probably know both Pope John Paul 2 and Pope Benedict XV1 have spoken in favour of this NWO which I find very odd as it is completely anti christian.  I just feel know that it is a world-wide conspiracy and the vatican has been completely taken over by the Illuminati.  Why did Barak Obama request all crucifixes be covered at a catholic college before he would agree to speak there.  Very strange!


Anyway, thank you for reading my e-mail and if you have the time can you please respond. 




MHFM: Thanks for the interest, but you do not accept Catholic dogma at this time.  God has revealed that no infant is saved without baptism.  To be Catholic one must hold that without hesitation.  All unbaptized infants have original sin; this bars them from the Kingdom of God.  It’s not our job to question this truth, but to accept it.  The dogmatic teaching of the Church on this point is quoted in this file.  You need to change your position on this matter; it’s incompatible with the true faith.


Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation file


We hate to make this argument (because we don’t want to give the impression that it’s okay to withhold faith in a dogma until you can see the justice in it); but how do you know that those infants, if they lived to a mature age, would not have sinned mortally and become horrible sinners and/or enemies of God?  Thus, right away we can see that there is a plausibly just reason for how God could bar unbaptized infants from Heaven for all eternity.  But even if this reason were not apparent, a person with faith would be convinced of the dogma anyway.  Someone without faith refuses to accept it because it doesn’t make sense to him or her.  That’s the case, unfortunately, with countless people who reject the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  As a result of refusing to believe Him, He rejects them as well.


St. Anselm, Doctor of the Church, Prosologion, Chap. 1: “For I do not seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand.  For this also I believe, that unless I believed, I should not understand.”


If one doesn’t accept it as infallibly true then one simply does not accept Jesus Christ, because the dogma comes to us from Jesus Christ. 


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896:

… can it be lawful for anyone to reject any one of those truths without by that very fact falling into heresy? – without separating himself from the Church? – without repudiating in one sweeping act the whole of Christian teaching?  For such is the nature of faith that nothing can be more absurd than to accept some things and reject others.  Faith, as the Church teaches, is that supernatural virtue by which… we believe what He has revealed to be true, not on account of the intrinsic truth perceived by the natural light of human reason [author: that is, not because it seems correct to us], but because of the authority of God Himself, the Revealer, who can neither deceive nor be deceivedBut he who dissents even in one point from divinely revealed truth absolutely rejects all faith, since he thereby refuses to honor God as the supreme truth and the formal motive of faith.”


More on Coin


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter:


The image on the back of the proposed future world currency is a variation of the "Seal of Bathomet".  I have overlaid the coin with the "Seal of Bathomet" below.  Notice the hebrew script (Jewish) and the pentegram on the original Seal.

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\E_Pictures\Coin_Bathomet2.jpg

The reason you don't immediately see the goats head, is because it is depicted in such a way that mostly conceals it from the general public (whom they regard as being too stupid to figure it out).  So, you really have to know what to look for in order to positively identify these occultic symbols.  It also helps to understand a little bit about what these reprobates of God, or sons of the devil (John 8:44), actually believe about others.




MHFM: I don’t think it’s there.  I think it’s a stretch.


Thanks for your reply.  It is a bit of a stretch…




V-2 Church


This could apply to the Vatican II Church:


"And to say that the whole of Christendom has failed, that the whole Church has erred, and all truth disappeared,--what is this but to say that Our Lord has abandoned his Church, has broken the sacred tie of marriage he had contracted with her? And to put forward a new Church,--is it not to attempt to thrust upon this sacred and holy Husband a second wife? This is what the ministers of the pretended church have undertaken; this is what they boast of having done; this has been the aim of their discourses, their designs, their writings. But what an injustice have you not committed in believing them? How did you come to take their word so simply? How did you so lightly give them credit? The Catholic Controversy St Francis DeSales, 1567-1622, Bishop and Doctor of the Faith (The famous writings used by St. Francis de Sales in his remarkable re-conversion of thousands of Calvinists back to the Catholic Faith), TAN Books, 1989.






Also do catholics become free masons or is it just protestants.  I was brought up in the Catholic faith and my mum went to Mass, but my dad was a freemason, we never knew what it was about because it was all a big secret!! He had an apron and a coin and would talk about the handshakes.  When I got older I studied theology and I now attend a Presbyterian church.  An Anglican priest in my town said that her father was also a freemason and that he was a Christian, but my understanding is that freemasonry is in fact satan worship?  I am genuinely interested in your views on this,




MHFM: The Catholic Church forbids membership in Freemasonry under pain of automatic excommunication.  Membership in a secret society, with its rituals, requirements, etc., is incompatible with the profession and practice of the true faith.  One cannot be a true Catholic and a Freemason at the same time.




Dear Brother Peter,


I have just finished reading your new book.  What a wonderful book... You have clearly pointed out the true meaning of the different Scriptural passages which non-Catholics twist and deny, etc.  I believe that many non-Catholics reading this book if they are of good will are are searching for the truth, will be converted.  The scope of your apostolate with your books, DVDs, radio programs, etc. is just astounding.  I truly believe that there is nothing more important than disseminating the Catholic Faith in its entirety and exposing its enemies.


Roxanne Doogan




Dear Brother Michael Dimond,


Thank you so much for the information you have provided to me.  I know in my heart God will bless you for it.  I wish you could know how long I have been trying to find the truth.  Through dedication to our Most Holy Mother - she sent me to you.


Mary C. Sevier




Dear MHFM,


I received the three books and the flyers that you sent me.  Thank you very much.  I have been studying them and sharing them.  I was especially impressed with the books UFOs: Demonic Activity and Elaborate Hoaxes Meant to Deceive Mankind.


God bless you,


Malcom Wright




I recently received my order and wanted to thank you for the extra literature you enclosed... Anyone can see how much work and effort that is placed in getting these messages out to everyone.  The time in research is beyond my comprehension...


Tonya Bittich


Now I get it


Subject: Medjugorje – now I get it!


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for your wonderful site. I am spending most of my free time reading and downloading all the info there. Now I am so astounded at the VII heresies that I cannot bring myself to have further contact with this New Church.


I visited Medjugorje twice and witnessed some incredible and bizarre stuff there, which I assumed was miraculous. I got caught up in the "cult" of Medjugorje and became very uneasy about many of its fanatical aspects and the actions and words of the "visionaries". I stopped believing in the apparitions and have been attempting to figure out what is happening there for years now. I think I get it, finally !


Anyway, I had a thought about Medjugorje and its "conversions" which its followers hold as proof of its authenticity. They also claim that JPII endorsed the apparitions - of course he did, they are from Satan ! I now can see that Medjugorje does indeed convert people - but it converts them to a FALSE RELIGION of the Vatican II church with its ecumenism. It is possible for Satan to present himself in such a way to convince people to worship in a false Church, and I think this is what is happening there.


Your thoughts ?


Margie in Massachusetts


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  That’s exactly what’s happening.  God is allowing Satan to work these false signs and wonders to keep people in the New Church, as we point out:


False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section]


These are the false signs and wonders of Satan which are predicted in Matthew 24 and 2 Thess. 2, and which are said to arrive in the last days to deceive people.




Dear Brothers,

… Thanks for the new DVD's that you've posted. I particularly like the Case for the Creator link you have up.  I hope to watch the other two new ones in the next few days.  After watching The Case for the Creator I decided not to live in fear of the devil anymore and then I noticed I needed to be afraid of my own sins (myself and my weakness) and others who may lead me into sin.  And I fear God who at any instant could destroy me for my pathetic wretchedness.  But I choose to trust Him and love him and will always have recourse to his mother.  I have stepped up my rosaries and God has been faithful…




Choking game


[Teen kills himself possibly by playing choking game]


Brothers...I’ve done lots of dumb things in my past, but seriously though,  this stunt just boggles the mind to do this !!!




Questions, weddings


Dear Brothers,


May God continue to bless you in all your work!!


I am writing to you because of the crises in our family.  My sister got married several years ago, in what we thought at the time, was the Catholic Church.  A few years after that, she got divorced.  She proceeded to live with a number of men. She got "married" to at least two of them in a non-Catholic church, and divorced them soon after.


Now, she is living with another man, and announced that they were going to get married.  I told the members of my family that they were not allowed to go, because God does not allow divorce and re-marriage.  Also, she was endeavoring to be married outside the Catholic Church.  So, my parents went and asked the "pastor" here in town if they were allowed to attend her "marriage".  He told them that as long as my sister knew that the did not approve, they could go!! 


So, I made an appointment with him and asked how he could give my family permission to attend this sacrilege.  He gave me the same answer.  I showed him material and facts that stated that Catholics are not allowed to attend non --Catholic functions.(Much of it from your web site.)  It did absolutely no good. (Everyone in my family. except me ended up attending!)  When I tell my sister that she is not married in the eyes of God, she becomes very angry, and says that as long as she believes in God, That is all that matters.


Then, we got on the subject of the novus ordo "mass" being invalid.  Of course, the "pastor" tried to defend it. Again, I had brought along facts and teachings condemning the Vatican II church… I told him that the words of consecration were altered, and therefore consecration does not take place.  He said that the words didn't matter.  I brought up so much, Brothers, but he remained steadfast in his thinking. When I left, I let him have the book, (The Truth of What Happened to the Catholic Church Since Vatican II).  Maybe it will do some good.  I hope so!!


I have… questions: Was I right in telling my family they were not allowed to attend the "marriage"?...


How can I persuade my family that the entire novus-ordo mass and Vatican II church is sacriligious and invalid?  I have shown them your videos, but it does no good.


Again, thank you for all the hard work and devotion you are giving… I pray that God will continue to bless you all!!!... Thank You!


Wayne C. Lang


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  You were absolutely correct in telling them that they may not go to the “marriage.”  It would be sinful to go to a non-Catholic (not to mention invalid) marriage ceremony.  The Novus Ordo “priest’s” advice is horrible, but typical.  What’s really outrageous is that many “traditionalists” hold the same thing on that issue.  Many of them wrongly believe and teach that it’s permissible to passively attend non-Catholic services, such as funerals and weddings.  The particular case of your sister’s invalid second “marriage” really drives home how such a position leads to sin and compromises the faith.


Can one passively attend non-Catholic funerals, weddings?  No.


How can you persuade your family?  It's obvious that you can't.  You have to realize that they are simply of bad will.  You have repeatedly presented the evidence, but you cannot force bad-willed people to believe.  It’s a waste of time and a distraction to continue with them.  You should just move on (Titus 3:10).




Hi Brothers Peter and Michael,


… i do follow daily everything that you help the faithful with on your web-site, and the charity that you display towards others. Thank you. I wanted to make a comment about the Steve Mcnair issue. After reading the e-mail that was sent to you in regards to you having it all wrong about GOD i thought to send this to you.


Proverbs teaches us (14:12) "There is a way which seemeth just to man, but the end leadth in death". It’s this lack of faith in the doctrine of our God Jesus that brings about this spirit of conscience we see today in the world. Our master speaks of this to his apostles to show us the extreme measure that man will go when guided by their own conscience. John (16:2) " They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think he doth a service to God. And these things will they do to you, because they have not known the Father, nor me".


St. Augustine relates it this way,


Reason is the eye of the soul, like the bodily eye, it needs light to see. How then can it see clearly Divine things, when the light is extinguished to Divine revelation?


It’s clear that when the vast majority of people think that God Almighty loves adulterers, fornicators, pagans, jews, heretics, etc.... who are separated from the body of Christ it is this lack of faith that turns them to their own conscience…




Romans 4


Dear Brother Dimond:


I introduced my biblically astute Protestant friend to your lesson on Justification.  On your major point on Romans 3:28 on the law being a reference to the problem in Galatians, he noted that you have to take every verse in its context, as you, yourself said.  He noted that you did not address Rm. 4:1-6 which is the context.  Abraham was not dealing with the Jewish law problem in his time.  I was without response.  If you have any material on this please send it to me… If not could you suggest an answer I could give him with special emphasis on verses 4 and 5?


Yours in Christ,

David Tully


MHFM: Our answer is here:


New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists"


1260 days


Dear Brothers,


Here is some research I’ve been doing on the length of time of the Great Apostasy, as indicated in the book of Apocalypse. The period is specifically given at 4 different locations in the book of Apocalypse (11:2, 3 and 12:6, 14), but in three different forms (42 months, 1260 days, and 3 ½ times). Some simple cross analysis of these and other relevant Bible verses reveals a pattern:


1.    Apocalypse 11:2 – ‘But the court which is without the temple, cast out and measure it not: because it is given unto the Gentiles. And the holy city they shall tread under foot, two and forty months:’


42 (months) x 30 (days to a month) = 1260 days


2. Apocalypse 11:3 – ‘And I will give unto my two witnesses: and they shall prophesy, a thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.’

1260 days


3. Apocalypse 12:6 – ‘And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, that there they should feed her, a thousand two hundred sixty days.’

1260 days


4. Apocalypse 12:14 - ‘And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert, unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.’


3 ½ times. If 1 time = 1 year = 12 months = 360 days, then 3 ½ times =1260 days  So just how long is the 1260 prophetic days? The book of Psalms may give us a clue:

Psalms 89:10 – ‘The days of our years in them are threescore and ten years. But if in the strong they be fourscore years: and what is more of them is labour and sorrow. For mildness is come upon us: and we shall be corrected.’


Three score and ten is 3 ½ score, or 70 years.


If we assume that 1 score (Ps. 89:10) = 1 time (Apoc. 12:14), then 3 ½ score = 3 ½ times. And if 3 ½ times = 1260 days (Apoc. 11:2, 3; 12:6, 14) and 3 ½ score = 70 years (Ps 89:10), then the 1260 (prophetic) days = 70 years. ...


Some other significant 70 year periods in history are the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the 7 Popes at Avignon for almost 70 years from 1309-77, called the ‘Babylonian Captivity’!...


May Jesus and Mary grant all Catholics the grace of final perseverance. God Bless.




Kit White


World Currency


Subject: United Future World Currency


Dear Brothers,


My good friend brought this to my attention the new United Future World Currency coin resembles the occultic goat head on the back of it, the more I look at it I can see what he's talking about.  I will post the link so the two of you can take a look at it, see if you can make out the symbol, I myself can sort of make it out but I'm not completely sure if I can truly see it.  Be sure to hold down the Crtl key and enlarge the image with the plus key.  http://www.futureworldcurrency.com/ Please let me, the rest of your readers and/or followers know what your opinion on this matter.  Keep up the excellent work the two of you do to bring more souls to the true Catholic Faith, the two of you are most certainly blessed to carry on with the research you provide to those seeking the truth. God Bless Us All...Thank you so much for the perseverence to forge ahead for the salvation of many souls...


Sincerely, Doyle A. Maser...Jesus, Mary, Joseph, please pray for us...


MHFM: Thanks for the interest and the words of support.  We don’t see any symbol, but we’re open to arguments for how it’s there.  Regardless, it’s interesting how quickly and openly they are pushing for a one world currency.




Dear MHFM,

The pictures that i link to in this e-mail further corroborate your position on antipope JP2. The pictures are from June 12, 1999 and they were taken in Zamosc,Poland on the occasion of antipope's 6th visit to that country. As they say : ''A picture is worth a thousand words'' ...


Pay attention to the stage in the picture (the Novus Ordo 'altar' pics 8.,9., .. ). The writing in the pyramid ''Mocni nadzieja'' means ''Great'' or ''Mighty Hope'' ( that is what I get from a web dictionary)....The symbology is pretty much ''in your face''.

Keep up the good work.

V. from Croatia




The comments in your e-exchange section from the novus ordo Catholic make me sometimes laugh. Why would they worry about us? According to the Vatican II, everyone can be saved and that includes us too. Or maybe they think that everyone can be saved, including the Jews, Muslims, pagans but just not us Traditional Catholics. Its not like their Jewish and Muslim brothers accept their antipope. I notice that all the different Christian sects and pagans all "get along" quite well, but all are very hostile to Traditional Catholicism. It’s like they all respect and appreciate each other’s Church (ex. Anglicans and Lutherans) but just not the Catholic Church.






Subject: blasphemy


i cannot believe my eyes and ears what i am hearing. u sedevecantists are the true anti catholics. how dare u call a pope and the church and the novus ordo mass heresy. u will burn in the pitt of hell for eternity for this unless u repent. there is ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APISTOLIC CHURCH. so do go and make up ur own church because the chair is not empty. ur brain is empty. wake up to urself


B… matty


MHFM: Only a person whose soul is empty could look at the evidence and conclude what you have concluded.  Benedict XVI endorses false religions, such as Islam.  He holds that Protestants don’t need to believe in the Council of Trent or Vatican I.  He teaches that souls can be saved without believing in Christ.  He teaches that the members of schismatic sects are in the Church.  He is a heretical antipope.  You are a bad-willed heretic headed for the pit of Hell; and you blaspheme God when you say that your apostasy is a defense of Him or the Catholic faith.  If you were willing to learn anything, you would see that, according to Catholic teaching, the Novus Ordo Mass is an invalid non-Catholic service.


Re: S M


Re: steve mcnair, etc.


I just watched the video you posted. What a terrible terrible picture of GOD you have. GOD loves Steve McNair more than you love your own family and you want to give the illusion that GOD punished him by allowing this. Are you crazy? If you were to give up your only son for Steve McNair, then why would you want him to die? Ponder another thought, would you want to kill a family member of yours because they committed as you say a mortal sin. GOD's doing everything possible, without the use of force, to save us. GOD gave us a free will. Sin is the enemy my brother, not GOD. By the way, here's some Bible to validate my claims. John 3:17 Matthew 1:21 Romans 6:23 John 10:10 Jeremiah 29:11 2 Peter 3:9




MHFM: It’s obvious that you don’t understand God or the Bible.  God struck people dead for engaging in sinful and iniquitous behavior.  He teaches that most men go to Hell (Matthew 7:13).  Jesus speaks of those who call out “Lord, Lord” and wind up damned (Mt. 7:21).  The Bible clearly teaches that all who die in grave sin go to Hell, as our article refuting Justification by faith alone proves (1 Cor. 6:9; Eph. 5:5-8; etc.).  It’s obvious that you hold the Luciferian heresy of Justification by faith alone, according to which adulterers and anyone else who claims to believe in Jesus inherits the Kingdom of God.  My, you are very deceived.  You have totally misunderstood and misused all the Scriptures you cite.  You have twisted them to favor your evil “sin as much as you want and still be saved” lie.  Such a lie is appealing to Protestants who refuse to give up their sins and expect eternal rewards.  The true meaning of the passages you cite is addressed in our article refuting the awful heresy of Justification by faith alone.


Justification by faith alone and eternal security completely refuted by the Bible [link to section]


James 2:24- “Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only?”




Subject: Catholicism


I have been checking out your site.  Being an ex catholic, I'm wondering why your all still catholics when your religion is so corrupted and obviously pagan and always has been. Or did you all like them better when they were torturing and murdering millions of true christians in jesus' name.by the way my KJV Bible is in perfet harmony all the way through.  I would like to hear your thoughts on any of these topics thank you.




MHFM: The ideas you have about the Catholic faith are false.  They come from Protestant propaganda.  You need to realize that your religion is completely unbiblical, completely unhistorical and completely man-made.  Our book and materials prove, from the very King James Version of the Bible that you prefer, that the Catholic Church is the only Christian Church.  The Bible clearly teaches the Eucharist, the Papacy, Confession, Baptismal Regeneration, etc. – all of which you reject.


Refuting Protestantism from the Bible and Eastern "Orthodoxy" (audios and articles)


What is Time?



Mortal sin


Dear Brother Dimond:


Thank you for all your valuable information.  If it weren't for you, my family would not be Catholic.   I have a question; in the Baltimore Catechism, it is said that for a sin to be considered mortal three things are necessary; grave matter, sufficient knowledge and full consent of the will.  Since the Baltimore Catechism gives heretical answers to other topics, I would like to know from you whether their answer in the above question is correct or whether it is another invention by heretical clergy.  I am asking because it seems to me that most people committing mortal sins do so out of ignorance (culpable or not) or on impulse(insufficient consent).  A mortal sin is a mortal sin, and we all have a responsibility to find out if what we are doing is gravely sinful.  Those three requirements seem to me to take away responsibility from people, and I'm wondering what the true Faith has to say about that.


God bless you, and thanks again,



MHFM: Thanks for the comments.  The Baltimore Catechism’s explanation is wrong (or at the very least ambiguous and potentially misleading).  The true requirements are: 1) grave matter, 2) sufficient reflection, 3) and full consent of the will.  Instead of “sufficient reflection,” the Baltimore Catechism has “sufficient knowledge.”  This is misleading because it implies that one must know that what one is doing is a mortal sin.  That’s not correct.  Countless professing “Catholics” have understood it that way to the triumph of liberalism. 


For instance, suppose a young man goes out and gets drunk.  He doesn’t know anything about what a mortal sin is and he doesn’t care.  By deciding to get drunk he fulfills all three requirements.  He commits a mortal sin even though he lacks “sufficient knowledge” of the teaching on mortal sins. 


In fact, if one believed in the “sufficient knowledge” requirement, then it would be a good idea to withhold the Catholic teaching on mortal sins from everyone because no one could commit a mortal sin without that knowledge.  But that’s ridiculous, of course.




Dear Brothers,

Matthew 24:7?


About B-16. Along with the quakes, the Pope must be out of his mind. He is calling for exactly that which is spoken of in prophesy, a new world order that can only enslave man under the control of what he must know will be a few, evil people to rule the world’s economy.

He is leading the sheep to the slaughter by repositioning the church's stand on matters of world economic matters, traditionally in the form of charitable efforts, to promoting a global one world financial body that clearly can be used to control, and manipulate the masses.




MHFM: Thanks for the comment.  We would just point out that one shouldn’t call Benedict XVI the pope.




Brother Dimond:

Thank you for… getting the book, "The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church," to me… I'm a daily reader of your web site, and your messages over the last several years have really made me re-think my position as a Catholic.  It's a journey for me, and I haven't quite reached the destination.  I am very thankful for your sound logic all the way.  Keep up the good work.


Bob Bugiada


B.O.D., Faith


Dear MHFM,


In regards to baptism of desire/blood- Sort of reminds me of how Abraham was pleading with God the Father on saving Sodom from destruction and how Abraham bargained souls down to ten and how the Father agreed if ten were found Holy and of God saving the perverted city Sodom would be no problem.  However, not ten were found and the city of perversion was destroyed.  A similar analogy by the modernists and liberal-heretics down the centuries infiltrating the Church to spew their venom of lies and deception can clearly be noted by the belief that one can be saved by the desire or blood alone merely by the depth of sense for the love of God and his divine laws imprinted on the heart only.  As with Sodom the city was destroyed since not ten good souls existed, and so it is with the false belief that desire and blood can supercede actual baptism to enter into the life of the Church where there is only one path to enter, and then work out our salvation with fear and trembling, as St Paul admonished Catholics in the early Church and for all time, even unto the end.  The taint of liberalism is obvious in desire and blood advocates, and that small poison has become a large pool of death in the modern world.  It's true soldiers for Christ like Most Holy Family Monastery in the modern world surrounded by Satan's minions in and outside the Church who lift the innocent and believing Catholics out of this nightmare enveloping the so-called modern era filled by darkness and death as the end is so very near.   The modernist heretics have the Churches, but you have the faith.  May Jesus Christ fill you with truth, strength, and knowledge leading heavenward.-




MHFM: Thanks for the comments.  We fully agree with your sentiments.  We should point out that certain people who historically believed in the false ideas of baptism of desire and blood defined them very strictly – only for unbaptized catechumens who believed in the essential mysteries of Catholic faith.  They were clearly wrong, but not necessarily heretics.  But essentially everyone who believes in or accepts the ideas today is an apostate.  Every such person accepts salvation outside the Church.  And if there were even one person who only believed and accepted the idea of explicit baptism of desire strictly defined, once he saw all the dogmatic evidence against it there would be no excuse for him to hold the theory.




I just had to say this is pretty unbelievable. Not sure if you have seen this yet, but here is the link. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090710/ap_on_re_us/us_upside_down_flag

Since when is it "illegal" to inadvertently "cause a disruption". I couldn't believe it when I saw it. Even the simple towns of this country are getting overrun by brainwashed cops and the crazy government.





Hi brother

   I was reading your book "The Bible proves teachings of the catholic church", I intend to used this book to defend the catholic teachings,

    I would like to know which bible have you used for your citations in this book?


Alain Pelletier


MHFM: Almost all the citations are from the 1611 King James Version of the Bible.  A famous Protestant version was chosen in order to prove to the Protestants, from a translation they prefer, that the Bible proves the teachings of the Catholic Church.  The few that are not from the King James are from other widely used and well-known versions.  The King James was not chosen in those few cases because the passage was so mutilated in the KJV that it just couldn’t be used. 




Thanks for your audio on McNair.  It is a tragedy of his own doing.  He put himself in the position where this "girl" wanted to kill him.  He has only himself to blame… He was a good football player, but he was not a good man… I can only hope that NFL fans (especially young men) and other NFL players realize how dangerous and stupid committing adultery is from McNair's example. 





Nice video on Steve McNair. My question concerns adultery. As my N.O. wife is considered married in the eyes of God to another man, due to her previous marriage, both of them being baptized Catholic. Would I be considered an adulterer for being with someone's wife? I always felt that I had committed this sin and have confessed it. Would I have to make the same confession again once the divorce is finalized?

After following your site for over a year and a half now, I was able to talk my bad willed N.O. wife into filing for divorce… Please keep me in your prayers… My N.O. family wants me exorcised due to your site.

God bless your work,



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  If we understand this correctly, you have already confessed the sin of living with this woman (and acting as if she is your wife).  If you have already confessed it, and haven't committed the sin since – but are only waiting for the civil divorce proceedings to finish - then you would not need to confess it again once they are finalized. 




Hello HFM,

The article The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy… is the clearest and most decisively expository and rational account of the schism that I have ever read : Soli Deo Gloria.




The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy - Massive confusion, multiple antipopes, antipopes in Rome, an antipope recognized by all the cardinals; The Great Western Schism proves that a line of antipopes at the heart of the post-Vatican II crisis is absolutely possible-


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.


More on our view of Antichrist, quotes


MHFM: We have a new entry in this section of our website.  It serves to refute some people who have criticized our opinion about the Antichrist.


New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists"


Some people are so adamant about their opinion on the Antichrist – and so vigorously opposed to our view – that they not only wrongly claim that our view is demonstrably wrong – despite all the evidence favoring it; but they maintain that an error on this matter (if we made such an error) would somehow undermine us.  This entry totally refutes these bad-willed individuals.  It contains interesting new quotes from St. Athanasius on the “abomination of desolation,” Pope Paul III on the Son of Perdition, St. Bernard on the Beast and the Antichrist, and St. Vincent on the Apocalypse. 


John Paul II


Reg Pope John Paul being Anti-Pope

Pope John Paul was a saintly man, he traveled the world & was all about peace, now my thoughts are that nearing the end of his reign he could have been misguided because that was out the norm for him, do you believe he's always been anti-pope or was it after these pagan gatherings?

I am Catholic & i myself disagree with welcoming ANY other religion into Gods house, but i feel as if Pope John Paul acted out of character, could it be that satan manipulated him & clouded his beliefs?




MHFM: He was always an antipope because the Church teaches that a non-Catholic cannot be validly elected.  The heresy of religious indifferentism runs all throughout his heretical writings.  He was totally of Satan.  You need to become convinced and look at the material on our website.




Dear Brothers Dimond,


I have been reading your site lately and I do appreciate the articles you post.


I am very much interested to buy one copy of "Outside the Catholic Church there is Absolutely no Salvation."…


Thank you very much and God bless.








For all the people who don't believe that JPII was an antichrist because he is dead, well you need to get the fabulous book and read the last chapter.  Your jaw will drop to the floor!


For me this was the last hurdle to jump over because I couldn't explain how there could be a dead person who was the antichrist.


It's a great book, but they saved the great part for last.


You'll need to get the book and read it from start to finished.


Kevin From Pullman,WA.


MHFM: This reader is referring to this article, a section of our book:


John Paul II preached the Doctrine of the Antichrist


It’s simply a fact that John Paul II preached the doctrine of Antichrist.  We have proven that in a way that is beyond dispute.  It’s a matter of opinion about exactly what he represented.  It has been our opinion – and still is our opinion – that John Paul II, by his preaching and his reign, represented the definitive reign of Antichrist in the temple of God.  Those who scoff at that notion don’t understand what the Bible says about “Antichrist” (it’s only mentioned in John’s epistles, and “Antichrist” is given a precise meaning); nor have they internalized the full impact of what John Paul II was saying and just how amazing and jaw-dropping it was: e.g., declaring in his very first address that he and every other man is the Christ, the Son of the Living God of Matthew 16:16.


Further, many of these same people contradict themselves, by arguing, on the one hand, that John Paul II (and Paul VI’s abolition of the sacrifice) only represent the precursor or precursors to Antichrist; but, on the other hand, they say that we are living through the fulfillment of what Our Lady of La Salette prophesied.  Our Lady of La Salette prophesied that “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”  Has that happened or not?  If the Vatican II antipopes do not represent the definitive reign of Antichrist, but only evil precursors, then Our Lady of La Salette’s prophecy has not yet been fulfilled.  But we don’t hold that position.  We believe that we have been living through its fulfillment.


Sign of Peace


Hi, I just wanted to ask you: is there something wrong or bad with the part of the New "mass" where they "give peace" or "make peace" or whatever, you know the part I'm talking about right? I don't really know how it's really called, but it's just the part when they "make peace" or whatever, it's right before they raise what would-be the consecrated Host.

So is there something really bad or wrong with that, with giving peace with everyone around? Didn't they used to do this in the Tridentine Mass, before Vatican II? Please tell me all you think about this particular thing.




MHFM: Yes, it’s horrible.  It epitomizes the irreverence which characterizes the invalid New Mass.  Right after the invalid “consecration,” people are not recollected or focused on God but are rather shaking hands and hugging each other and turning what they wrongly think is a Mass into a community gathering or family reunion.  It’s a prime example of why the New Mass is neither Catholic nor holy (and something cannot be the latter without the former of course).


Steve McNair


A Catholic view of Steve McNair's death [4 min.]



B-16’s new encyclical


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file with some quotes from his new encyclical.


Stone to Bread


Dear Brothers,

With all the attention on the death of Michael Jackson, his music is all over the media. During a retrospective, a song he co-wrote called, "We are the World", was shown…

I've always liked the song, but a particular verse stood out that I've never noticed, and now doesn't seem right. Here it is:

"As God has shown us by turning stone to bread"


Unless I'm mistaken, I don't know of a place in the scriptures where God turned stones to bread. We all know the scripture where the evil one tempts Jesus to do this, to which our Lord replied "Man does not live by bread alone..." and rebukes him. Jesus did feed the multitudes, but he did not create fish and loaves from stone. In the Old Testament, the Jews received manna from heaven, it too, came not from stones, but from the sky…

This verse is subtle, but so incorrect, and misleading, to imply that God, did something he did not do, and the evil one could not make him do, that I am amazed the 40 plus "artists" there did not question its authenticity.

Now that I've noticed this, I cannot approve of this song because it can plant the idea that God, Jesus, accepted the Evil One's challenge and can mislead. I'm sure this was not the intent, but it is interesting to note.

Am I wrong?

Finally, since michael Jackson co-wrote the song, it is likely he may have written that verse. I don't know…

Yours in Christ,


MHFM: One must not approve of the song or his music.  The fact that he’s attributing to God that which He didn’t do – and the very thing the Devil wanted Him to do – is evidence in itself that he was being directly demonically inspired in his lyrics and more. 


Luke 4:3-4 “And the devil said to him: If thou be the Son of God, say to this stone that it be made bread.  And Jesus answered him: It is written, that Man liveth not by bread alone, but by every word of God.”

This point was covered in the powerful video we offer: Video: Rock-n-Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution.  This video covers most of the popular music stars from the past few decades and their connection to the occult.  It shows, in striking fashion, how the Devil was working through them and through popular music.




Thank you again for your website.  I enjoyed your e-exchange on annulments that you posted July 6.  The Nervous Order church would have annuled his marriage with missing a step.  The annulment issue is one of the biggest clues for me to change to the true Catholic faith… To go from 9 annulments in 1930 to 60,000 every year shows one or two problems.  Either presbyters do not step in on the front end to not marry couples that should not marry and/or they give away annulments like they do candy to a 5 year old.  The woman I was debating this with mostly was of bad will and was trying to talk about invalid marriages.  The lady could not realize that there are 2 problems which is just one symptom of the fake Catholic Church. 








I just wanted to tell you what a Great Response you just gave to the annulment question that someone just wrote about on your e-exchanges..  The guy who was writing about his friend, who only got married because of low self esteem, and because she threatened to kill herself.


Every sentence you wrote on this was… dead on.  It is so nice to hear you guys tell it like it is...  and not try to spare anyone's feelings, like other people do.


Your Padre Pio audio was also excellent…


                                                    Thank you for all you do






E-Exchange Annulment:  "...married to a woman he never loved."  Typical V2 drivel.  Along comes the V2 church and it's a big free for all.    If you love your spouse but someone else catches your eye, then obviously you never loved your wife in the first place.  Annulment guaranteed!  They used to call it temptation; now it's grounds for annulment.    




Dear Brothers,
I hope that you can help me to help a friend. A friend of mine was married many years ago (in a novus ordo ceremony) to a woman he never loved. Some background:
He never loved her - he had been engaged to someone else before he met her that had broken up, and this had left him devastated. He was set up with the woman that would become his "wife" on a blind date by a friend. Because of a very emotionally abusive childhood he had (has) extremely low self esteem, he felt pressured into going through with the marriage. Before the wedding -(actually before they were even engaged) his "wife" told him she would kill herself if he ever left (if you knew this guy that would make him stay).
 They never had kids and were only married for less than 3 years - the last year they were pretty much separated...he told me he felt it was a greater sin to live a lie and to bring kids into the world in a lie.  They divorced and the marriage was annulled.  My question is because he never loved her and would have broken up with her years before they were married (if she had not told him she would kill herself and other things she did) is his annulment valid? This torments him everyday.
Thanks for any insight


MHFM: Based on the little you’ve said about it, it seems like he was in a valid marriage.  Therefore, he should not have been given an annulment.  Again, an annulment is a declaration that a marriage was never valid to begin with due to a hidden or known impediment.  The evidence must be clear.  He chose to marry her.  He did it freely.  The excuse that he felt “pressure” sounds like complete nonsense.  In fact, if he’s that weak and easily forced into things, then he shouldn’t get married at all.  He isn’t fit to be the head of a household.


The claim that he didn’t love her but married her anyway because she threatened to kill herself is outrageous.  If a Catholic man were in that situation, that would be a clear signal that this is not a woman to marry.  Further, even if her threats to harm herself were serious, which is highly doubtful – for people like that say many things they don’t really mean – he would tell her that he’s not going to ruin his life because she wants to ruin hers.  He would of course try to counsel her against harming herself, but he wouldn’t marry her.  Unless he was forced into a ceremony against his will – which doesn’t seem to be the case at all – all of these are simply excuses for a bad decision. 


In a dishonest desire to be free of their marriage, many people dramatize all kinds of things after the fact.  The bottom-line is that he wanted to marry her.  That’s why he went through with the marriage.  If he wasn’t prepared for the commitment with that particular person, he shouldn’t have done it. 


The Vatican II sect worships man.  That’s why they can’t tell anyone: NO, you are married!  Hence, they allow almost everyone to marry again, even if the reason is nothing more than a profound regret about a past decision and a huge disappointment about not being able to marry someone else.  Our article on annulments is relevant here:


The Annulment Fiasco - The Vatican II sect's De Facto acceptance of Divorce and Remarriage [PDF File]




Now I don't understand a few things. Say for argument that there is this sensual person who committed hundreds of these type of sins in the past and can't remember the hundreds if not thousands, i.e the number of times. Now for argument he went to priests of the new world order for confession and all these confessions are invalid. So he finds a valid priest that lives in some sort of monastery somewhere, and confesses to him all the sins he ever confessed to the new world order priests in the past but can't remember the number of times he committed these sensual sins of the flesh...what is the rule about that?


MHFM: In that case, a person would say: “I ask forgiveness for having committed [specify the sin] possibly thousands of times.”  One must do his best to approximate.




MHFM: We’ve added to Youtube our discussion of the true story behind The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel/ Emily Rose.


Part 1


Part 2


Book, Islam


Dear Brothers,


Recently I ordered a copy of The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church…. The Bible Proves... is an excellent resource, handy for refuting Protestants.


I spread The Popes Against Islam audio to those aware of Michael Ryan's false argumentation - not one… bothered to respond.  Your analysis can't be bettered.






MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  This reader is referring our recent audio: The Popes Against Islam. 


He’s also referring to a certain Vatican II apostate who used to be a sedevacantist.  Within the last few years or so, this individual became a sedevacantist and then went back to accepting the Vatican II antipopes.  To become a sedevacantist and then go back to the Vatican II antipopes (after seeing all the evidence against them) is a heinous sin, a true abandonment of Christ. 


Well, after falling back into the clutches of the Vatican II antipopes and renouncing the sedevacantist position, he then decided to become a sedevacantist again.  And then, even more recently, he switched his position again and is now a supporter of the Vatican II antipopes and a defender of Vatican II!  So, to summarize: he went from non-sedevacantist to sedevacantist to non-sedevacantist to sedevacantist to non-sedevacantist (and defender of Vatican II).


Needless to say, this kind of flip-flopping on core issues of faith is diabolical.  It’s symptomatic of a truly faithless soul – one who has no interior conviction about the dogmas of Christ.  This is only relevant because this apostate had been circulating heretical defenses of Vatican II among small groups via e-mail.  A reader forwarded a few of them to us.  The aforementioned audio shows, from new angles and with more proof, why he and the other heretical defenders of Vatican II are of course totally wrong.  Like its other heresies, Vatican II’s teaching that Muslims and Catholics together worship the true God is indefensible. 




Dear Brothers:


I realize you may not have the answer on this one, but there is something I don't understand with this story.  As the public has been brainwashed into believing that embryonic stem cells are just blobs of cells and not alive, then why the experimentation?  Why experiment with "blobs" of cells? 


See, this story infers that doctors know that stem cells are alive and therefore useful for experimentation.  Otherwise, why test drugs on just a bunch of cells?  Why? 


But the telling point in this story is: "...stem cells harvested from human embryos could even replace lab rats as the primary scientific testing method."  Huh? 


How are blobs of cells equal to the sentient rat?  Oh.  I see.  Stem cells are alive and therefore fully human and with a soul attached.  "Calling Dr. Mengele. Vivisection in Lab 2."   But, of course, Mengele has been the exemplar for the abortionists in America since 1973.   Many thanks always for your work,






Hello Bro.,


I just couldn't accept the fact that almost all Catholic Masses being celebrated nowadays are invalid.  Specifically the traditional Latin catholic Mass that i attend to now.  I think it is almost nil if what you are saying is true.  Do you mean to say that those priests who were ordained after vatican Council II are not celebrating the Mass validly? Please enlighten me on this…. 


You think God will not acknowledge the Sacrifice of the Mass now even if it is offered with a sincere faith? How can we remedy this situation?


Please reply to me regarding this issue for clarification and enlightenment on my part for I am deeply bothered.  Thanks.


Maria B


MHFM: The New Masses are all invalid, in addition to any others that are offered by “priests” who were ordained after 1968 in the New Rite of Ordination.  That's covered in this article.


Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid [PDF File]


The fact that someone thinks that a Mass is valid doesn’t make it valid.




Hello Dimond Brothers. I am wondering whether or not you may drink milk on Fridays, on days of complete abstinence. Nothing from animals may be taken, does this go with milk too? It did not speak of this on your site…


Thank you, and God bless you for your great work.

V. Veikko


MHFM: Milk is allowed on days of abstinence.  What is forbidden is meat (and soup or gravy made from meat).




Subject: Heresy


Dear Brothers,

You correctly, time and time again point out blatant heresy in the V-2 church, its adherents, priests, etc…

About the apparent cult activity on Staten Island, I can tell you that the Island has a history of cult activity, especially satanism. I know this because I used to live there before I moved to Europe. I was in that very park, many times. It overlooks Ft. Wadsworth, underneath the Verrazano Bridge. I was surprised when I read this, because most of the cult activity, historically, occurred on the grounds of the Goodhue Center, a summer camp run by the Children's Ais Society. It also was thought to happen in Willobrook Park. This was years ago, when we were warned to be care of exploring the woods in those locations.

But you should know, that the type of ritual slaughters seen very often in NYC parks, is Santeria, or Voodoo in nature. This of course, is because of our criminal immigration policies which have allowed the influx, in large numbers, of practitioners of these rituals. These rituals by the way, are considered by the V-2 church as an equal expression of mans desire to know God, on par with our Holy Catholic Church. So widespread is this evil, that our new martyr to the faith of popular culture, St. Michael Jackson, paid a Voo Doo "Priest" to sacrifice 42 cows to ensure the deaths of his rivals.

Yours in Christ,





Subject: Marriage

I am posing this question please. I have been married 3 times. I was never married in the Catholic church. I was at the point of 2 of the marriages a Novus Ordo catholic. The first time I was married I was 17 years old. My husband divorced me. The second time I married (this is the father of my children) I divorced him. He had become an alcoholic and did drugs. I tried al-anon and counseling but this did not work. For the safety of my children I had to leave. When I married the third time I was only married for almost one year. The person divorced me because he decided he did not like children after all. After all this my question is am I allowed to be married in traditional catholicism. I have been dating a man for 15 years now. I am soon to be 55. Thank you for any information you can give me or direct me to.




MHFM: To form an opinion about the validity of a marriage (or marriages), one would have to know more about the specifics of each case (e.g., were you baptized a Catholic?  What about him?  What did he profess to be?  Where did it occur?).  The likelihood is that you are not free to marry.  However, if you gave us more of the specifics, we could offer a more definitive opinion.


Further, if you’ve been dating someone for 15 years, then there is a high probability that sin is occurring.  That’s far too long for people to date.  Either two people have decided to marry after a certain period of time or they must break it off.  You are also 55 years old.  You should look to dedicating yourself and God and saving your soul and probably not getting married (that's even if you were free to marry, which is highly questionable). 


Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1758) on Rome as Babylon


MHFM: In our article on the Whore of Babylon (Is the Vatican II sect the Whore of Babylon prophesied in the Apocalypse?), we bring forward the evidence that the Whore of Babylon or Great Harlot prophesied in the Apocalypse is the Vatican II Counter Church. 


The Catholic Church is NOT the Whore of Babylon.  Rather, the counterfeit Church of the Vatican II sect, which poses as the Catholic Church in the last days but is not, is the prophesied Whore of Babylon.  Some apologists of the Vatican II Church have argued that Rome is not Babylon, but that “Babylon” (the city of seven hills) in the Apocalypse refers to Jerusalem or something else.  The following quote from Pope Benedict XIV confirms that they are incorrect.  Click here to see the new quote:


New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists"


This quote, coming from a true Catholic pope, is important in refuting apologists of the Vatican II sect, who argue that the spiritual deception in the last days will not surround Rome.




Dear friends,

I'd like to thank you for all the information which you provide on your website and youtube.

How many followers do you have in America? I just ask, because I live in a town where I live for more than ten years already, and I found not one single catholic (not even NO-pseudo-catholic) and sometimes I get the feeling like needing to leave my country. The situation here is horrible. We have much more Turks than Germans, at least where I live. (Btw. here the word muslim and pagan used to have one and the same meaning till like 50 years ago!)…

Also here everything bows to the Jews, no matter if atheist or heretic-'Christian' (we have some baptists here and comparable groups). If you say one single word against Jewish crimes, you will lose your position here. Recently a 73 years old man was condemned for six years of prison for not believing in the holo.c. - he says, that most probbably he will die in jail.

Or if you don't let your children go to the government's school but want to teach them at home, they will take your children away and often you will not be allowed to see them. Recently one family fleed Germany and went to America because of this reason. They didn't want their kids in the government's school, so first they had to pay a big summ of money as a punishment, then the father had to stay in prison for a short period of time, and then they still didn't send the kids to school, so the judge decided the kids should be taken away. This is why the parents fleed (they belong to a protestant sect btw). It is horrible!..

Well, just needed to speak this out. I'm very thankful that people like you stil exist - although I have some problems with the amount of sedisvacant groups who differ from each other and often fight each other. That reminds me the protestant sects somehow. Bishop Williamson (whom I deeply respect) has written a good text on that.

Thanks in advance and all the best (and sorry for my bad English)



MHFM: The issues which divide some people who hold the sedevacantist position are crucial matters of faith, such as Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  Thus, it’s inaccurate to compare it to petty infighting.  Those people either believe in salvation outside the Church, just like the Vatican II Church; or they hold wacky radical schismatic positions which cause them to reject the Catholic saints and valid popes before Vatican II.  So, by their bad will and their rejection of Catholic teaching, they have divided themselves from true Catholics who hold the sedevacantist position.  As a result, they aren’t really part of the Church.  Williamson is unfortunately a heretic and a schismatic, for he adheres to the false positions of the SSPX.


The Society of St. Pius X [Link to Section]




I just wanted to share with both your readership and you, that in reading, just now, both your website and also the book "The Life and Miracles of St. Benedict", that I believe that Saint Benedict is still working mighty miracles in our world of TODAY, through YOU!  I found your "e-exchange" section today particularly truthful in a marvelous way (especially the one statement somebody made about 'why would God give a real Catholic pope to such as the likes of the V2 sect', so abhorrent and putrid as this pretender to the Bride of Christ is?!)  Also, in reading the story about the miracle of how Saint Benedict saved the boy Placid from drowning, (though of course the Saint in humility would not take the "credit" for this miracle however the boy Placid stated that he SAW the Abbot Benedict saving him! Chapter 7) I was reminded of the absolute, (and in my case most highly undeserved) miracles of grace I believe Saint Benedict is working though your monastery, in revealing the truth to people, right now, in our times.  In my own case, I was so unhappy with what was going on in the V2 "church" late last winter, that in total desperation I prostrated on the ground in prayer in my own living-room and begged God for help, I distinctly remember saying "God, if I am in the wrong religion, get me out!"  At that time, I had no info. that would have given me any correct "alternative" to the V2  "Catholicism"--- but God worked a great miracle very shortly thereafter----possibly through the intercession of Saint Benedict himself?----and He delivered me!   I can identify with that boy Placid whose very soul, and body,  was interceded for, as a mighty arm came and pulled him out of the fast-moving water in which he was surely drowning.  I pray every day that others might be delivered, too.  I recommend all the prayers to Saints on your website, especially the ones to Saint Benedict, to your other readers.  Many thanks.    Hail Mary!  Hail Christ Our King!          




Subject: Imperfect


I just read on your e-exchange today this creep who states "women are basically imperfect men"--wow!  I'm not a psychologist, however I believe by making that statement, "he" (probably a demonically possessed woman-hating homosexual?  just guessing.....) has just placed himself in the category of being a misogynist, or one who hates all women with no reason, which is in fact is a serious psychological disorder,  it is a real mental illness---- thus "he" is in effect a psychopath.   I wonder what part of hell "he" will end up in!  There but for the grace of God, and of His Blessed Mother's mercy, go I!  Oh well, tell "him", by the way, to try "his" description of "women are basically imperfect men" out on Our Blessed Mother!  God help "him"!

    I agree with the person who says he suspects people/priests in V2 are familiar with your web-site/info.  I've sent your site info to certain "Marian"  V2 "Catholics hoping it might help them, only to get back from them videos and other propaganda about how "great" the anti-christ JP2 was!  (They must be "worried" about me!)  My excellent husband (yes, some husbands ARE excellent, EVEN in this day and age, I think such deserve A LOT of credit!) and I are, THANK GOD, completely and totally OUT of the V2 counter-church, never to return to such abuse.  But I look back at some "homilies"/talks made especially about Fatima by certain V2 priests and I think they may have been DIRECTLY lifting/"borrowing"? from your info without giving you guys the intellectual credit you deserve for your work....or was it just "coincidence" they happened to have YOUR specific info. in their "homilies"?  And the same V2 "priests" stay in the "New Order" V2 sect......even though it seems patently clear  they have at least read some of your info...geee, I wonder, what's in it for them?    




MHFM: Yes, his comment about women was off the mark.  We didn’t know where he was going with that.




Subject: Spiritual Deception


Hi, I wanted to ask you: how can God allow someone like Sr. Faustina Kowalska, who was a nun and devoted entirely to God and all, to be deceived so much? Did God wanted to deceive her? Because well, there really are many heretical things in her Diary, but how could God allow someone like her to be deceived like that? That goes for all the other cases like that as well.


MHFM: God allows them to be deceived because He sees that interiorly they are not really honest and sincere.  Just look at how many so-called traditionalists claim to be devoted to the Catholic faith, but reject the necessity of Jesus Christ Himself.  Look at how many of them still maintain that Benedict XVI is not a formal heretic, after all of the evidence that has been brought forward.  Look at how so many of them pile on with a particular group or against a particular person or in a particular false position even though, deep down, they know that what they are fighting for is not really true or fair. 


Some of these people even put out a lot of effort traveling to traditional Masses, etc.; but they don’t accept the truths of faith.  Without getting to know and see them in action, one might think (from afar) that they are very devoted.  But the truth is otherwise.  Interiorly they are not sincere, and it shows in certain contexts and when confronted with certain things.  Just listen to some of the audio debates we’ve had in the Traditional Catholic Audios section of our site.  


We cannot tell you how many people have, in the same conversation or exchange, 1) denied that they or priests they support believe Jews who reject Christ can be saved, and then 2) defended the possibility of that very thing (or justified the teaching of that very heresy) when questioned further, only to 3) again deny that they believe it’s possible for Jews to be saved.


Religious Liberty


Dear Brothers,
Wow! It seems like the Beast is really getting crazy, what with the auditing, and the Cap and Tax, not to mention the Whore's constant offenses against God. I was thinking how the V2 sect just loves their perverse 'wisdom of contradictions.' Like for instance, 'Religious Liberty,' is an oxymoron (self-contradiction). If Religion means, 'to bind,' and Liberty means, 'to loose,' then you've got yourself an oxymoron. I'm sure if B16 announced that 'black is white,' many would applaud! Keep up the great work, Brothers.
God Bless,

Kit White


C & T


Subject: Cap and Tax Bill


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter Dimond,


That's certainly interesting...I wonder how much further the One World Government will proceed in it's diabolical plan to control this planet...and using so-called climate change/warming hoax to scare people into submitting to it's agenda..


Recently, here in New Zealand there was a write up in our local newspaper, about aircraft being used to do thermal scans of the city using infra red technology, to show which homes were inefficient/ wasters of energy, and thus endevoring, somehow, to embarrass the offending home owner into doing something to rectify this "waste" of energy,as if somehow we were very soon going to run out of it!


This is the same as the "Swine Flu" hoax; people need to wake up, before it's too late and they find they have lost all their freedom, their lives having become regulated by the state, even to when they should have their next tea break, let alone stoke up their woodburner!...


God bless






Subject: priestly Fraternity of St. Peter


The priests that are from this fraternity, are the validly ordained?  



MHFM: They cannot be considered valid because the "bishops" they use are ordained in the new invalid rite of Episcopal Consecration.  That's covered on our site.  They also accept the heresies of Vatican II and the New Church.




…I was noticing in your book about Pope Leo saying they have laid impious hands on her most precious treasures.  Hands are generally for manipulating things. Sad.  You know between you and me I think some folks that go to our church are reading your site and the issue of the Popes legitimacy seems to be coming up often. One of the priests in his sermon Sunday said we have had 40 anti-popes. I was surprised he knew the word and then used it in the sermon.  He spent an hour on the sermon denouncing what Ratzinger is doing but won't call it heresy. I wish Rome would "excommunicate" all followers of SSPX. It might force SSPX into not being in communion with the V2 faith at all. Do you think that would be a better situation? Would they be a legitimate Catholic Church? What would it take to have a legitimate Catholic Church?


Are you working on a seminar that Catholics could do around the world? Something like "What Really Happened To The Catholic Church".  Volunteers like myself could rent certain venues and do the seminar. I know your swamped. It's just a thought.  I would probably need a bullet proof vest! I pray for you guys when I pray the rosary. God bless you.




MHFM: The SSPX would still deny the salvation dogma.  That’s the biggest problem by far among “traditionalists.”  There aren’t enough believers in that dogma and in the necessity of water baptism.


The Society of St. Pius X [Link to Section]



Group, Martin


Brother Dimond:

I'm learning a lot from your website and have purchased your Outside the Catholic Church there is Absolutely No Salvation and some other materials.

I've belonged to an SSPV parish for many years, but now see their connection with heresy. I'm thinking that I could still go there for confession from time to time or receive communion (they do have some valid priests), but should disconnect in all other ways. But if you know of a better place for the sacraments (I live in Minneapolis) I'd be glad to hear
of it.

BTW- I'm sure you don't agree with everything written by Fr. Coomaraswamy, but I knew him and was able to visit with him in Arkansas in the last few days of his life (July 2006). He was good friends with Malachi Martin and was able to confirm that Fr. Martin had ultimately become a sedevacantist (had a letter stating it in Fr. Martin's own handwriting). The thing that was most concerning Fr. Coomaraswamy was an intense upsurge in demonic activity in the Chicago area. It didn't make sense to me at the time, but within 2 years Barach Obama had come "out of nowhere" (Chicago) and was on his way to the whitehouse.



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  No, you should not go to the SSPV for anything, not even for confession.  They are notorious and imposing heretics.


          The SSPV – a group which believes in salvation outside the Church 


Our file on: Where to go to Mass or confession today? explains the guidelines on options for the sacraments.  (If a person is in full agreement on the issues, we can also help him with that if he contacts us.)  Regarding Martin, even if he did become sedevacantist, he had other problems.  He believed in salvation outside the Church.  In one interview he expressed his heretical belief that Buddhists can be saved. 


Regarding Coomaraswamy, he also believed in salvation outside the Church.  We knew him a little bit.  He was so heretical on that issue, in fact, that he made a statement to the effect that many pagans will be saved.  But actually that’s what most sedevacantist and “traditional” priests believe on that issue.


Mentally retarded, women


I think St. Thomas Aquinas believed this (that the mentally retarded go to Hell), he wrote about everything.  This "part of Hell where there is no fire", I've heard you brothers speak several times of this.  Is that not unequivocally Limbo?  There is only a Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell (the latter most of which the super vast majority have gone/will go).  So Limbo must be the least horrid part of Hell no doubt?  So would not the part of Hell the retarded people go is Limbo?  Does this interestingly equate the fate of the retarded with the aborted/miscarried babies?  Retarded people cannot understand the truths of the Faith.  There are certain truths of the Faith Catholics must know of.  If they cannot comprehend these truths, they cannot attain salvation, if I'm not mistaken.  Faith is not experienced through emotion, but intellect, in the Catholic understanding.  That is another reason women are basically imperfect men.  They are driven by emotion rather than intellect.  They are emotionally and physically inferior to men.  Is this why some Traditional Catholics see women's confession as unnecessary?




MHFM: Concerning those who are completely mentally retarded, they would be directly analogous to individuals below the age of reason (infants).  To be saved they would need to be water baptized.  If they die unbaptized, they go to a part of Hell where there is no fire.  This place in Hell is confirmed by Pope Pius VI and also indicated by the following statement:


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Letentur coeli,” Sess. 6, July 6, 1439, ex cathedra: “We define also that… the souls of those who depart this life in actual mortal sin, or in original sin alone, go straightaway to hell, but to undergo punishments of different kinds.”


Notice the reference to different kinds of punishment for those who die in original sin only and those who die in mortal sin. 


If they are only partially retarded, it would depend upon what they are capable of knowing.  If they are capable of wishing to be saved, they would have to be baptized and know the Trinity and the Incarnation to be saved (the essential mysteries of Catholic faith).  We don’t know what you are driving at with regard to your comment about women.  A confession of mortal sins is definitely necessary for women.  Women have a different role and different strengths.


We must say that it’s sometimes appalling to see many women (not all women) follow their heretical husbands into whatever religious view they adopt.  Many of them will go from this or that religion or into this or that new wacky heresy or schismatic position just because their heretical husbands do.  That’s certainly not true with all women; we want to make that clear.  There are some strong traditional Catholic women in our day.  But with so many out there, they would probably follow their husband if he chose to become Protestant again; or they would follow him back to the Novus Ordo or into supporting some heretical priest, etc. 


That is not to suggest that men are, on the whole, better – not at all.  Most of them couldn’t care less about spiritual issues.  They are bogged down with all kinds of sins (especially of the flesh), and the only interest in spiritual things many of these pathetic men have is because their wives care and pray a little bit. 




Hello Brothers, Our Lady said that in the last days the church would be in eclipse.Interesting,there were solar eclipses on may 18 1920 and april 8 2005.Those two dates are jpii's day of birth and the day he was buried.






Dear MHFM,

After reading your news and commentary on the Federal Reserve audit, I'm just curious as I'm sure you are, just how does an audit cause the rise and fall of the economy? Not sure what they would be so worried about? The investigation would be like The Corp of Engineers auditing their own faulty levies after the man-made tragedy of Hurricane Katrina.

God Speed to you,


Soul of Church


Hello Brothers,


What are your thoughts on those who claim "baptism of desire" for those who are not part of the visible Church as being "united to the soul of the Church, but not the body"? Is this a real concept that has any basis on the spiritual and practical order? Has the Church ever taught such idea? Where are these people getting this idea?




MHFM: Our book has a section on that very issue.  You should click here, and then go to Section 18: the Soul of the Church Heresy.


Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation and refuting baptism of desire - book, audio program, articles [see section 18]


The error really stemmed from St. Robert Bellarmine’s erroneous use of the terms.  He was attempting to explain how unbaptized catechumens (who believe in the Trinity and Incarnation and desire baptism) could be part of the Church.  The truth is that they cannot.  That’s why St. Robert, who wrongly believed they could, was unable to explain it with consistency.  He admitted that they are not part of the faithful (which is a devastating admission in itself) and thus he wound up arguing that unbaptized catechumens could be in the soul of the Church but not the body.  This is completely wrong, as the papal teachings in our section on this issue clearly show.  He was so wrong, in fact, that even Msgr. Fenton criticized St. Robert’s use of the distinction, as we show in this article:


Can one be "inside" the Catholic Church without being a "member"?


It’s important to note that St. Robert did not employ this false distinction with reference to pagans, unbelievers, etc. – people who don’t believe in the essential mysteries of Catholic faith.  He was only speaking of unbaptized catechumens who knew of the essential mysteries of the Catholic faith but were unbaptized.  His error has been abused by countless apostates and heretics in our day who love “baptism of desire.”  Even Fenton, who was a heretic himself, admits that St. Robert’s mistake has been abused and expanded upon by modernists.  Nevertheless, any attempt at advancing the “soul” of the Church idea – as a way that people who are not part of the body can be inside the Church – is incompatible with Catholic dogma.  If it’s done directly in the face of the dogmatic definitions we bring forward which disprove it, it is heretical.  It’s certainly always heretical for those who use this distinction (as countless “trad” priests do) to advance the idea that people who don’t know of the Catholic faith can be saved.




Subject: Interesting E-Exchanges


"Hope you return...Brother Juan":    Return to what?  Since I left the Vatican II church, I have not missed it for even a second.  To even think of returning is sickening. The immodest dress they allow is reason enough to stay away, and, oh, yes, the numerous heresies, irreverence and useless rites, all of which offend God. 


Re:  Golle debate:  Mr. Golle wonders how we would get the next pope, as if God is helpless and could not provide for our needs.  Why, anyway, would God provide a pope for a world that almost unanimously rejects him, including those who call themselves Catholic?  Does he think for one minute that Vatican II counterfeit Catholics would give up their numerous annulments, immoral marriages, belief in universal salvation, their love of JPII "the great" and all the goodies provided by the V2 church if God would provide a true pope to return them to Catholic truths?   Faithful V2 counterfeit Catholics have their popes and they will never exchange them for a true pope.  They have failed God's final test and they will not be saved. 


MHFM: Yes, people need to realize that this is a major punishment for the bad will of the world. 


M. Jackson:  Very accurate and thorough description.  His actions were very similar to our local pedophile who is embraced by his Vatican II "Catholic" buddies and continues to oh, so reverently receive "Communion".    He bragged about sharing his bed with boys like MJ did' He provided games and treats for boys as MJ did; he had delusions of grandeur as MJ did; He pretended to be charitable as MJ was reported to be, and oh, did they love him, even when they found out what he had done to wreck the lives of numerous boys who are now young men. He never apologized to those he harmed as MJ never apologized.


 All pedophiles, indeed, seem to be haunted by the same evil demon who does the exact same things, and they can't seem to resist revealing themselves to the world in more than subtle ways….






What's amazing about the bold illuminist antipope John Paul II is that he would usurp the power of the Queen of Heaven by not only adding a mystery to her Holy Rosary, but naming it after his demonic cohorts, the illuminati, the satanic cult of false light. Hence, the luminous mysteries.  How bold and how obvious, and how demonic.  But the masses of ignorant Catholics in name only, don't get it.  Mater Immaculata, Ora pro nobis!-  rr




Dear Bro. Dimond,

What happens to a child who was miscarriaged? Does it have to be baptized to go to Heaven? My mother said she first had a miscarriage where the infant just fit on a shoe box and was dead already in the womb, the other baby was just a blob of blood and has no form yet. They were not baptized. What will happen to them?...



GOD bless,



MHFM: This is covered in our book on salvation, which we strongly recommend you to get.  It’s a dogma that no one is saved without the Sacrament of Baptism.  Children are conceived in original sin.  This cannot be taken away until they are baptized.  As a result, unbaptized infants are not saved.  They go to a part of Hell where there is no fire. 


Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation and refuting baptism of desire - book, audio program, articles


Catholic Church


Who gave you the authority to start your own "Catholic" church ? You have no authority whatsoever . You should return to the Church and try to make a difference from within… That is the correct way to do it, rather than going off on your own, and starting your own church .

The priests in the Roman Catholic Church still have the ability to transform the bread and wine, into the body of Christ . Where do you receive communion ? You're walking on thin ice, by leaving the Roman Catholic Church and starting your own ..thing .

Hope you return .

Bro Juan


MHFM: Your Vatican II Church, which you wrongly call the Catholic Church, professes communion with non-Catholic sects.  Benedict XVI teaches that non-Catholics don’t even need to convert.  He is therefore not a Catholic.  Your “priests” do not transform bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ because the “Mass” they say is invalid and not according to the form of the Catholic Church.  Moreover, they are not ordained in a rite which is valid according to the teaching of the Catholic Church.  It’s invalid for the same reasons that the Anglican Rite was declared invalid. 


Wake up and get a clue that the Vatican II heretics embrace Protestantism and accept salvation outside the Church.  That makes them non-Catholics with no authority in the Catholic Church, according to the teaching of the popes themselves.


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section] –

The Invalid New Mass vs. the true Latin Mass

The New Rite of Ordination

The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]




Dear Brothers,


Watching all the news of Michael Jackson's death, I can't help but notice how many people seem to worship the guy very much in the same way that young Novus Ordo "Catholics" worship Antipope Benedict XVI at World Youth Day, just like a rock star.




MHFM: He was, one must say, such a freak that it was almost as if he wasn’t alive.  Even the pagan media seems to admit that he was a freak.  He was human, of course, but it didn’t always seem that way.  He was like some kind of strange being or evil spirit that lived and moved.  He was a huge figure in the total moral deformation of the culture.  He was therefore very evil, and a large part of his success was almost certainly due to the assistance of evil spirits.  The evidence also seems to suggest that he was a pedophile; yet the universal-salvation embracing pagan world will laud him.  They will never mention the eternal consequences of his actions, for they don’t believe there are any.


Debate comment


Dear Bro. Michael and Peter, I was listening to the debates with William Golle all over again. 

First off it is amazing that his whole argument began and ended in the first 1-2 minutes because all he did was repeat himself over and over again. 

Second his argument that your position does not stand because you can't answer how we will get the next pope is absurd, to use Mr Golle's word.  In order for him to be consistent then the following example would also have to be.  Imagine you and Mr Golle were driving in the desert and were far far away from anyone and anything and had a flat tire.  According to Mr Golle if you didn't know how you were going to get the tire fixed then the tire must not really be flat.  It is as if he expects the two of you to be all-knowing.  And since you are not all-knowing then according to him, what you say is wrong.



MHFM: Yes, we agree.  Moreover, his claim that we did not answer how we could get another true pope is completely false.  We very clearly pointed out the fact that in the first millennium the pope was elected by simple acclamation of the Roman clergy (without any specific process or number of electors or any requirements for those electors).  The same exact thing could happen again if a truly Catholic bishop were acclaimed and acknowledged as the Bishop in Rome (and thus as the pope).  That could come about in any number of ways.




MHFM: Here’s a short account of a miracle during the reign of Pope St. Pius V (1566-1572) which helped stifle the spread of Protestantism in Italy.


“In spite of the wide extent which the Protestant movement seemed likely to attain at Faenza, it was soon evident that even there, as in the rest of Italy, it had taken no real root among the masses of the people.  In a great fire which had broken out in the city an image of the Madonna remained unharmed amid the flames.  Everyone saw a miracle in this occurrence, and at once the daily diatribes of the Protestant preachers against the [veneration] of the saints and their images failed to have any effect.  The clergy, the city council and the populace ran to witness the miracle; pilgrims came in great number from the surrounding country to the miraculous image; startling cures were effected to the amazement of physicians…” (Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 17, p. 314.)




Dear Brothers,


I have a question about praying all 15 decades. If I know I will likely be praying the entire 15 decades in a single day (which I have been striving to do) am I supposed to pray the Hail Holy Queen after every 5 decades and then re-pray the beginning prayers at the start of the next 5 decades? What I have been doing is just praying all 15 decades straight and then concluding with the Hail Holy Queen at the conclusion of the Glorious mysteries. Didn't know if it makes a difference or not.


Thanks for your time.



MHFM: You do not need to pray the Hail Holy Queen after each set of mysteries if you are planning on praying the entire 15 decades.





I really like your site.

Is it sinful to listen to classical music?




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The answer is no. 


Debate Uploaded


MHFM: We just added our sedevacantism http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/debate.php with William Golle to Youtube.  You can watch all 19 parts online.  Many of our readers have obviously heard some or all of the debate, but it’s nice to have it up there and broken down into parts:


The breakdown is, roughly:


Parts 1-2: Golle’s opening statement

Parts 2-3: Our opening statement

Parts 4-5: Golle’s next rebuttal

Parts 6-7: Our next rebuttal

Parts 8-14: Questions and Answers Cross Examination

Part 15: Golle’s next rebuttal

Part 16: Our next rebuttal

Part 17-18: Golle’s closing statement

Part 18-19: Our closing statement


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6G3gW9AysA&feature=related 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLurCh4Gje0 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2279MpJqEe4 3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvCfaevfMZY&feature=related  4

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc8zHe39TQ0&feature=related 5

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVLUtu90IeQ&feature=related 6

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUY1BvdNbqM&feature=related 7

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOKKDDpFxyg&feature=related 8

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kzYEndJoG4 9

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLZzrZwG0Hw&feature=related 10       

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfjPvCbi5K4&feature=related 11

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39Yk1LrRXHQ&feature=related 12

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UDHqNUenoc   13

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwDr1YSRbCg 14

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHJPv-A6yTk&feature=related 15

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttQZUfI1VAQ 16

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgQxROKEuHs&feature=related 17

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3wMh0OuO-U 18

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm1DrjiuuUA&feature=related 19

Notice how, for example, there is no answer whatsoever to (among other things) Vatican II's heretical teaching on religious liberty. From Part 10:


New book


Dear Brother Peter,


I have just finished reading your new book.  What a wonderful book!... You have clearly pointed out the true meaning of the different scriptural passages which non-Catholics twist and deny, etc. to the peril of their own souls.  I believe that many non-Catholics reading this book if they are of good will and are searching for the truth, will be converted.  The scope of your apostolate with your books, DVDs, radio programs, etc. is just astounding.  I truly believe that there is nothing more important than disseminating the Catholic faith in its entirety and exposing its enemies.  May God continue to bless all of you.


Roxanne Doogan




Dear MHFM.


I am wondering what is your opinion about candles with pictures of Catholic Saints on them. The candles may have a picture of St. Martin, St. Joseph and Our Lady of Guadalupe. They're popular among Mexican Catholics. But, I am not  sure if such candles are used by non-Mexican Catholics like Irish and Italians. Does the MHFM support the use of candles with pictures of Saints on them?


MHFM: The short answer is yes. 




Recently, due to the outstanding work of your new book, I've had in a very short time 3 non-Catholics wanting to convert.  Seeing themselves that the Catholic Church is indeed the Church of God.  I gave them a link to Steps to Convert on your website.

But something that I have been trying to understand due to the hard finding of any true priest, what do we do to those who become baptized which from the order of the sacraments shown in catechisms, after baptism comes confirmation but mostly all bishops are so heretical.  What do I tell these converts? How will they be able to receive communion, if say a place is available for them to receive communion? Do they have to go through the ceremony of the First Communion? Can they still go receive Confession? What are the rules on these hard times? May you please help me on this issue, your answers are very rewarding.  Thanks again for the magnificent new book, it hasn't been out for 3 months at least and the fruits are overwhelmingly high. May God give you the graces to continue with your amazing work, and Mary protect you!



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Our section on where to go to mass answers many of those questions.  Confirmation is not absolutely necessary, and there are valid options for confession.  Receiving Communion depends upon whether there is a validly ordained priest in the area who satisfies the criteria which are explained in this file:


Where to go to Mass or confession today?




Sir…as you and your group are admitted Sedavacantists you appear to be as you accuse others to be-outside the church.  To say that there is no pope is to imply that Christ broke His promise. If there is no visible head of the church on earth that promise has been broken. But since Our Lord is truth itself this cannot be.  


Yes the recent popes have not measured up to the saintly ones of the past and have even caused  great scandal for the church…this does not imply that the elections were invalid. Ours is not the only time in the history of the church to see such calamities occur in the church.  The Arian heresy when it occurred in the fourth century the pope went along with it-even going so far as to excommunicate St. Athenasius twice for defending the True Faith.  Other popes had mistresses and at one point two people claimed title of pope.  She survived the "great schism" of Martin Luther and will continue to survive until Our Lord will come in glory. Just as Our Lord was crucified so the church is crucified. Remember it is Our Lord who is permitting the current crisis in the church and will use the evil to his great benefit.


 It is not for us to judge the actions of God's vicar on earth but to pray for him. We need not obey his teachings if it puts the salvation of our souls is in danger-we first owe our allegience to God and His teachings. Remember St. Paul said in one of his epistles "If I or an angel of God should give you new teachings other than what I have received from God let him be anathama."




MHFM: No, there have been over 40 antipopes in Church history and many periods without a pope.  Fidelity to the teaching of the popes requires one to conclude that these men are not popes but rather antipopes.  Try to understand that a person who becomes a heretic automatically ceases to be a Catholic.  In the same way, a non-Catholic cannot remain or be elected as pope.  This is Catholic teaching, which you reject.


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]


You say that a pope excommunicated St. Athanasius.  That’s not true.  You are referring to Pope Liberius, who was falsely accused by the Arians. 


Pope Pius IX, Quartus Supra (# 16), January 6, 1873, On False Accusations:  “And previously the Arians falsely accused Liberius, also Our predecessor, to the Emperor Constantine, because Liberius refused to condemn St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, and refused to support their heresy.”


Finally, you bring up popes who were morally deficient.  A pope who is morally deficient remains the pope, but a non-Catholic apostate such as Benedict XVI does not.  To obstinately accept Benedict XVI is to deny the papal dogmas, for he holds that it’s completely unnecessary to accept the dogmatic definitions of Vatican I on the Papacy.




Subject: Letter from Luis C




I just came across Luis C's email to you at MHFM and had to offer a brief response.   Luis's claims, verbatim : 


 "so u r catholics and u do post vids saying that Benedict XVI is a deceiver?  GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOU.  you are the work of satan. are you free masons or communists by any chance?  it's because of those attitudes that the world is in the state it is today... Benedict XVI is the Pope, chosen by the Holy Spirit to guide us through these last end days.  be careful with what u say cos seems to me u r on the road of perdition.


God bless you


Luis C


While anyone who has dug into the plethora of information provided on this website will know it has been clearly postulated that Freemasonry's hands have been all over this false, Satan influenced, Universalist, and New Age VatII church that claims to be the Roman Catholic Church.  Should Luis read this, he would be well served to open his heart and head and spend at least an hour a day for the next 6 months reading and learning all that's offered by MHFM on this site and in MHFM's books, videos, and tapes - all of which are tools to be used for the safety and security and health of our souls - and then question who and what are really doing the deceiving of him and countless others throughout this world.


May God Bless you all at MHFM!


Kevin Ryan, 



One World


One World


Dear Brothers,


It is my humble opinion that the "One World Religion" is already here, and that is you can be any "religion" under the sun so long as it's not the one true religion, the Catholic Church of all times founded by Jesus Christ.


MHFM: There is such a general religious indifferentism that almost everyone out there believes in universal salvation and thus accepts as salvific any kind of beliefs or actions.




Hi, I'm commenting on your video, "Important Information about the Catholic Church"

"And fortify yourself with a strong prayer life, and a true devotion to the mother of God, who is the key in bringing us to her son."

Romans 10:13 says: For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."

Where does the Bible say that the mother of God is the key to getting to Jesus?

Romans 10:13 didn't say anything about Mary. It says WHOEVER calls on the Name of the LORD SHALL be saved.

This is something I've never understood about catholics. Its not an attack. I'm just curious to how it can be backed up by scripture.




MHFM: Our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, shows where the Bible teaches Catholic doctrines on Mary and the importance of having devotion to her.  Concerning your reference to Romans 10:13, your misconception about the meaning of that passage is specifically addressed in our article (and book) refuting Justification by faith alone.


Justification by faith alone and eternal security completely refuted by the Bible [link to section]





I like your attitude, and i am a Roman Catholic Christian from the Netherlands who is also deeply concerned about the present state of our Catholic Church.
The present state of preaching of the doctrine by our bishops and priests (they keep silent about every dogmatic teaching of the Church) and the present state of our Church going catholic laymen and women.  I am concerned because every time i visit a Holy Mass, i have to worry whether or not the Mass is valid, and whether or not i do receive in truth the Most sacred Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ when receiving Holy Communion.

No wonder why our lands are being invaded by islamists. Northern Africa,which was entirely fallen prey to the heresy of Arius, was conquered by muhammadanism too, and this fate awaits us very soon now if the Bishops of our Church don't wake up.

A great danger is threatening our entire culture, and we have been asleep for too long now.

i bless your community and i hope you keep up the good work of presenting these videos on you Tube,

in Our Lord Jesus Christ, H i thank you brothers


MHFM: Thanks for the interest, but you must get out of the invalid New Mass.  Please look at the information on our site which pertains to that issue.




…. I very much appreciate your site, and visit it daily.

I also very much respect your latest research into the church's authentic position on Islam. Of course, the modern Catholic catechism boldly grasps at straws and abandons the historic realities of Catholic, Islamic encounters through fifteen centuries. Our church is engaging in heresy plain and simple to hold this constant danger to Christianity, and souls, Islam, in any regard other than the correct one based not only on its' fruits, but more directly, by any casual examination of their holy book or life of their "prophet." They do this in my opinion for reasons of politics, something the church should stay out of.

It is abundantly clear, as you point out here from your website, that Pope Pius II was keenly aware that unopposed Islam meant Islamic world domination. We see already the Islamification of Europe by mid-to-late century at the latest according to ALL demographic studies…




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We would just stress that one shouldn't say "our Church is engaging in heresy"; for the Catholic Church cannot engage in heresy.  It's the Vatican II Counter Church which is doing that.


Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas (# 22), Dec. 11, 1925: “Not least among the blessings which have resulted from the public and legitimate honor paid to the Blessed Virgin and the saints is the perfect and perpetual immunity of the Church from error and heresy.”





How do I become saved (I live in Denmark)?

Kind Regards



MHFM: You must be a baptized traditional Catholic and die in the state of grace.  Our website explains how to do that.






Dear Brothers Michael and Peter Dimond:


I hope the 2 of you are doing ok.  Although I´ve been reading and listening to your material for quite some time, this is the first time I have the distinction of addressing you.


Allow me to make a brief introduction about myself. I´m a 28 years old Brazilian, and thanks in large part to the work your monastery produced, I´m now a Catholic.  Months ago I came across your youtube channel, and your video on the Novus Ordo "Mass" caught my attention. Soon after I was trying to study everything from you I could find. It was all too shocking at first, but after careful consideration, the facts started to defeat my doubts and denials. I wanted you guys to be wrong. I wanted it so much, because then the reality of the situation would not be so sad. But one can´t hide from reality once he realizes it.


The amount of evidence your material provides is simply astonishing. And to think I used to go to the new mass on a daily basis... I knew all along about the abuses, and even that it was watered down liturgy, but I still regarded at the time to be valid and a choice in places where tridentine masses or other rites weren´t available. I was trying my best to walk on the good side, but I was on a totally evil road. The entire context was bad, as I later understood.  Even during the ceremony, I used to say a  prayer, asking God not to take in consideration any possible abuse that was happening, but to look at the good will of those present. And that if something there saddened Him, that He had a friend in me I would like to join Him in His sorrow. Soon after, as if in answer to my prayers, I discovered the works from the MHFM. 


Brother Michael and Peter, God Bless you for giving people the chance to open their eyes and see through the intense fog that blinds the souls. I´ve seen your videos and listened to all of your audios, read a good portion of your site, and it helped me change many misconceptions I had for years. I´m glad you shared your clarity of vision. You will always be included in my prayers.   This first email was just to express my thanks, for all your efforts. I still have many questions in my head, many things that are still not clear. 


Best regards. 


More on the Scapular


Dear Brothers,

Forgive my ignorance or possibly overlooking an aspect of the Faith.  If someone is in the State of Grace, a Catholic etc..., how can that person go to hell? What is the point in wearing the scapular at all, other than for sentimental reasons or whatever, if it has no spiritual benefit?  It seems to me that there should be other reasons for wearing it. I suppose it could dispense graces but what's the point other than that.  Am I wrong? Is it possible to go to hell if you are in the State of Grace and a Catholic?

Not that I wouldn't want it, but what intercession could the Blessed Virgin offer after death? Shorter Purgatory? I don't know.  This has perplexed me since I first read that info on your site. I guess I should've asked sooner.  I have worn a scapular for the last four years, but is there any great spiritual reason for it?



MHFM: It is not possible to go to Hell if you die in the state of grace.  Even though the scapular does not guarantee salvation, there are great spiritual reasons for wearing it.  It would be analogous to why one would wear a crucifix or a miraculous medal.  First, they are protections against evil spirits. 


Second, one receives certain graces for wearing these sacramentals.  In the case of the Brown Scapular, it’s a sign of devotion to Our Lady.  She will more carefully watch over those who honor her in this way.  It’s an assistance, even though it’s not an absolute guarantee of remaining in the state of grace.


Finally, in the case of the Brown Scapular, wearing it (along with fulfilling some other requirements) makes one eligible for the Sabbatine Privilege.  Those who depart life in the state of grace and receive this privilege will be aided in a special way (e.g., in Purgatory) on the first Saturday after death.  To not wear the Scapular is to be bereft of a certain mantle of the Mother of God’s protection.  It is to make yourself more vulnerable to evil influences.


St. Thomas on Blindness of mind


MHFM: This is St. Thomas’ interesting explanation of how lust and gluttony cause blindness of mind and dullness of sense.


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. II-II, (Second and Third Articles): “Different causes produce different effects. Now Gregory says (Moral. xxxi, 45) that dulness of sense arises from gluttony, and that blindness of mind arises from lust… The perfect intellectual operation in man consists in an abstraction from sensible phantasms, wherefore the more a man's intellect is freed from those phantasms, the more thoroughly will it be able to consider things intelligible, and to set in order all things sensible. Thus Anaxagoras stated that the intellect requires to be "detached" in order to command, and that the agent must have power over matter, in order to be able to move it. Now it is evident that pleasure fixes a man's attention on that which he takes pleasure in: wherefore the Philosopher says (Ethic. x, 4,5) that we all do best that which we take pleasure in doing, while as to other things, we do them either not at all, or in a faint-hearted fashion.  Now carnal vices, namely gluttony and lust, are concerned with pleasures of touch in matters of food and sex; and these are the most impetuous of all pleasures of the body. For this reason these vices cause man's attention to be very firmly fixed on corporeal things, so that in consequence man's operation in regard to intelligible things is weakened, more, however, by lust than by gluttony, forasmuch as sexual pleasures are more vehement than those of the table. Wherefore lust gives rise to blindness of mind, which excludes almost entirely the knowledge of spiritual things, while dulness of sense arises from gluttony, which makes a man weak in regard to the same intelligible things.”




MHFM: In the file below, there is a mini-debate/e-mail exchange with a person who wrote in and condemned a portion of our article on Hutton Gibson. 


New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists"




MHFM: When Our Lady gave the Scapular to St. Simon Stock, she said: “This shall be to thee and to all Carmelites a privilege that whosoever dies clothed in this (Scapular) shall not suffer eternal fire.  It shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace.”


As we see, the original promise was for the Carmelites who wear the Scapular and die in the good graces of the Order.  The point here is that Our Lady did not guarantee salvation to all laypeople who die wearing the Brown Scapular, nor has the Church taught this.  The promise that has been declared by the Church concerning the Brown Scapular is the Sabbatine Privilege.  It has various requirements attached, one of which is to be a baptized Catholic who dies in the state of grace.  This issue is covered in our salvation book.  People should wear the Brown Scapular.  It’s an important sacramental and a sign of devotion to Our Lady; but, contrary to what some believe, it’s not a guarantee of salvation for everyone who wears it.


In The Glories of Mary, St. Alphonsus tells us about the Scapular.


St. Alphonsus, The Glories of Mary, p. 272: “… the sacred scapular of Carmel… It was also confirmed by Alexander V, Clement VII, Pius V, Gregory XIII, and Paul V, who, in 1612, in a bull said: ‘That Christians may piously believe that the blessed Virgin will aid by her continual intercession, by her merits and special protection, after death, and principally on Saturday, which is a day consecrated by the Church to the blessed Virgin, the souls of the members of the confraternity of holy Mary of Mount Carmel, who shall have departed this life in the state of grace, worn the scapular, observing chastity, according to their state of life, recited the office of the Virgin, and if they have not been able to recite it, shall have observed the fasts of the Church, abstaining from flesh-meat on Wednesdays, except on Christmas day.”


St. Alphonsus here lists the promises of the Sabbatine Privilege; he mentions nothing about the alleged promise that “whoever dies wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.”  He points out that one must be in the state of grace (which presupposes the Catholic Faith and Baptism); one must be a member of the confraternity, etc.  So it is possible for a person to die with the Brown Scapular on and still go to Hell, if the person is a non-Catholic or a Catholic in the state of mortal sin.  This is the teaching of the Catholic Church.  Those who say otherwise are simply mistaken.


Re: Heretics


Hello Brothers,

I recently saw that someone use this phrase of "Failure to respond to this e-mail will imply an inability to sufficiently defend your position on these issues." If I may I would like to use it as well although I don't prefer using such tactics in order to have a question answered. However this will be the second of e-mails I have sent you, the first being some time ago without a response. My question is, how do you reconcile receiving the sacraments from heretics and if I may point out, not only heretics but "filthy, amazing, abominable, disgusting" heretics. If one clearly knows the position he is taking and puts himself outside the Church, why is it okay to receive the sacraments from him? Now if I understand correctly, you may say out of necessity, but never the less the green light is given. Now if you say avoid such a person who clearly knows the full background of his positions. Would you suggest only going to ignorant clergy? If so, where does the Church teach that? I would like to know, aside from your personal position on the matter. Where does the Church teach infallibly or even the private opinion of a Church Father or theologian if nothing else can be found that a Catholic can receive sacraments from those outside the Mystical Body? This is troubling for me because I understand that not all priests are saints, but to receive what is most precious and a source of grace from those who are no longer functioning members of the Church doesn't make sense at all. I would also like to ask that you include the novus ordo as a possible place to go for sacraments like confession or may even an indult, given that all the conditions are met. Please in a yes or no answer, if someone finds an Old Catholic who is validly ordained can this person go there for sacraments? If you answer in the affirmative, wouldn't you therefore have to include every heretical schismatic person who has valid orders and given they don't tamper with anything that would render the sacrament invalid? Given the current state of the Church, the scaraments are crucial to every Catholic. Thank you for your time and I hope that you can put my worries at ease.



MHFM: You are very confused, obviously.  Like the last objector, you haven’t closely paid attention to our responses on these issues.  We have a whole section on this matter.  It answers that question and contains general guidelines: Where to go to Mass or confession today?.  You ask where a Church authority has ever taught that you may go to a heretic for the sacraments.  St. Thomas Aquinas taught that you may go to an undeclared heretic, as we’ve pointed out many times.


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Part III., Q. 82, A. 9, Whether it is permissible to receive communion from heretical, excommunicate, or sinful priests, and to hear mass said by them?: “I answer that, As was said above (5,7), heretical, schismatical, excommunicate, or even sinful priests, although they have the power to consecrate the Eucharist, yet they do not make a proper use of it; on the contrary, they sin by using it. But whoever communicates with another who is in sin, becomes a sharer in his sin.  Hence we read in John's Second Canonical Epistle (11) that "He that saith unto him, God speed you, communicateth with his wicked works." Consequently, it is not lawful to receive Communion from them, or to assist at their mass.  Still there is a difference among the above, because heretics, schismatics, and excommunicates, have been forbidden, by the Church's sentence, to perform the Eucharistic rite. And therefore whoever hears their mass or receives the sacraments from them, commits sin. But not all who are sinners are debarred by the Church's sentence from using this power: and so, although suspended by the Divine sentence, yet they are not suspended in regard to others by any ecclesiastical sentence: consequently, until the Church's sentence is pronounced, it is lawful to receive Communion at their hands, and to hear their mass.  Hence on 1 Corinthians 5:11, "with such a one not so much as to eat," Augustine's gloss runs thus: "In saying this he was unwilling for a man to be judged by his fellow man on arbitrary suspicion, or even by usurped extraordinary judgment, but rather by God's law, according to the Church's ordering, whether he confess of his own accord, or whether he be accused and convicted."


We carefully point out that you may only go to an undeclared heretic who professes to be Catholic and is not notorious about his heresy (or less obvious, as some like to say).  One must not support the priest or agree with him.  Just think how many such priests were operating in parishes at different times in Church history.  There were many undeclared heretics and modernists who professed to be Catholic and were operating in the years before Vatican II and at other times in Church history.  Pope St. Pius X even said that modernism was almost at the very veins and “bosom of the Church.”  You may not go to an “Old Catholic,” for he is a notorious heretic who doesn’t profess to accept all of Catholic teaching.  Further, he is part of a group that has also been specifically excommunicated by the pope.  See our section for more Church teachings and discussions on this issue.




[The following is from a person who read the new book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  He has a non-Catholic wife.]


Brother Peter’s new work is excellent.  It was easy to read… If she won’t read this, then it will take direct intervention from Heaven to move and convert.


I will look forward to any and all works that MHFM produces.




Failure, “Baptism of Desire” Objection


Failure to respond to this e-mail will imply an inability to sufficiently defend your position on these issues. 
Dear Dimond Brothers,
By claiming that all who acknowledged Paul VI as the pope were heretics, you condemn Padre Pio.  Not only did Padre Pio accept Paul VI; he wrote a private letter to him applauding the latter's defense of human life.  Moreover, since you do not believe that John XXIII was ever a valid pope, you cannot say that Paul VI was ever a valid pope either.  So, for Padre Pio to accept Paul VI as the pope at any time would have placed him outside the Church.        
You also must necessarily, though indirectly, claim that Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, along with many of the other theologians and Doctors of the Church, were outside the Church for holding that the Baptisms of Desire and of Blood were legitimate substitutes for Water in invincible cases or in cases of martyrdom.  Moreover, you cannot compare Thomas Aquinas' denial of, or rather ignorance of, the Immaculate Conception, with his acceptance of accidental substitutes for Water Baptism, on account of the fact that the Immaculate Conception was not declared a dogma until the 19th century, while the dogma of the necessity of Water Baptism, even as you claim, has always been held by the Church (seeing as it is related in Scripture itself).
In Christ,


MHFM: For our answer, click here:


New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists"




Subject: I’m a Protestant Universalist


It's great to see that the Roman Catholic Church is finally coming around to the ancient way of Universalism. The first 500 years of Christendom for the most part embraced Universalism. Four of the six schools taught it. Only one school taught eternal torment. Hell as tradition has taught cannot exist because sin is finite while eternal punishment is infinite and to impose infinite punishment for finite sin is not justice, it's insanity. The Bible says that Jesus is going to draw (drag) all men unto himself and St. Paul said that Jesus Christ was the Saviour of all especially those that believe but not excluding everybody else. Pope Benedicy XVI just apologized to our aboriginal peoples here in Canada for the way the Roman Catholic Church abused their ancestors in our former residential schools and I'm happy to hear that he did. Pope John Paul II was not a hereitc like you say because he embraced Universal Salvation because it wasn't heresy he taught. It was simply the truth paying him a visit. In fairness to the Roman Catholic Church, I don't support the Protestant teachings of eternal torment and hell either and have written many rebuttals to various videos on You Tube and elsewhere that teach it.



MHFM: No, the Catholic Church has not embraced Universalism.  The Vatican II Counter Church and its antipopes have.  The latter do not represent the Catholic Church.  Moreover, the Bible is very clear that Hell exists (Matthew 25:41) and that most men go there (Matthew 7:13).  The early Church did not embrace Universalism.  Rather, it taught – in accordance with the clear teaching of Scripture and tradition – that Hell exists.  It taught that all who die unbaptized or outside the Church or in the state of grave sin go there.


You embrace Universalism (Protestant Universalism, as you say) because it suits your desire not to give up sins.  The only thing that’s correct in your e-mail is that Antipope John Paul II and Antipope Benedict XVI taught/teach the heresy of universal salvation.




so u r catholics and u do post vids saying that Benedict XVI is a deceiver?  GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOU.  you are the work of satan. are you free masons or communists by any chance?  it's because of those attitudes that the world is in the state it is today... Benedict XVI is the Pope, chosen by the Holy Spirit to guide us through these last end days.  be careful with what u say cos seems to me u r on the road of perdition.

God bless you


Luis C


MHFM: No, you don’t understand the Catholic faith.  There have been over 40 antipopes in Church history, and the popes teach that heretics cannot be valid popes.  Benedict XVI is without any doubt a manifest heretic and apostate.  Wake up; you are very deceived.


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section]


Paul VI


Subject: Paul VI


I do not judge any of the Pope's since i feel i am not in the position to do so, however i find it striking in Paul VI public appearance's he never made the sign of the Christian Cross when blessing people, but rather it was a vertical line and a horizontal line not placed across but under it.

Furthermore i am very un-happy with the whole conciliar Church as it is now and though i was shocked in unbelief the first time i saw these video's, nevertheless they contain some very striking evidence of where it went wrong with the Church….

Thank you for the trouble of going through all this material and enlighten us about the new mass, the new rite of ordination, and about true catholicism.




MHFM: Catholics have an obligation to judge and denounce heretics when they manifest their rejection of Catholic truth by their words and actions.  Paul VI was an antipope. 


Romans 2


I have a question about Romans 2:10-16, especially the part that starts, "When Gentiles who do not have the law keep it as by instinct, these men although wihtout the law serve as a law for themselves.  They show that the demands of the law are written in their hearts.  Their conscience bears witness together with that law, and their thoughts will accuse or defend them on the day when, in accordance with the gospel I preach, God will pass judgment on the secrets of men through Christ Jesus."

Could you more fully explain what Paul is saying about the Gentiles who do not have the law and how they will be judged? Does their conscience substitute for the law and if so it states they will be defended.  What does this mean?  Thank you for your help with this.

Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne


MHFM: What he’s saying in this context is that the “law” – i.e., the Ten Commandments, which are also called the moral law – is written on every man’s heart.  Each man knows that he should not steal, that he should not murder, that he should not commit adultery, etc.  Hence, when the Gentiles do such things, even if they have not been exposed to the teaching of the Jews and the actual Ten Commandments, they are convicted in their hearts. 


With regard to your question about their thoughts defending them, St. Augustine explains it well:


St. Augustine, Against Julian, 421: “Their thoughts will defend these unbelievers on the day of judgment, so that they will be punished more tolerably, because in some way they did naturally the things that are of the law, having the work of the law written in their hearts to this extent, that they did not do to others what they would not wish to endure.  But even in this they were sinners, because, being men without faith, they did not refer their works to that end to which they out to have referred them.” (Jurgens, Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 3:1905)


As St. Augustine correctly explains, this verse does not teach that non-believers can be saved.  It teaches that, on the Day of Judgment, they will be excused for those particular actions which were performed in accordance with the moral law.  Further, those who act in line with the natural or moral law (and refer them to the proper end) will be brought to the knowledge of the truth; for the Church has always taught that the people who are left in ignorance of the Gospel are left in that ignorance for their sins in matters which were within their knowledge.


Pius II


MHFM: Here’s one of the quotes which were referenced in our new audio, The Popes Against Islam.


Pope Pius II, Address, Sept. 26, 1459: “In the royal city of the East they have slain the successor of Constantine and his people, desecrated the temples of the Lord, defiled the noble church of Justinian with their Mahometan abominations… Each success [of the Islamic Sultan] will be only a stepping-stone to the next until he has mastered all the Western Monarchs, overthrown the Christian Faith, and imposed the law of his false prophet on the whole world.”


Disturbing, develop


… I find some of your videos rather disturbing. Are you and your order in full communion with the Church? Also it would seem to me that Vatican II left room for interpretation, which has led to some confusion. To me at least, it appears that Benedict XVI is working to clarify some of the liberal ideas that have arisen as a result of Vatican II. I believe it is unbiblical to believe that the Church can exist without the Pope as the head. I am just curious as to what exactly you believe in regards to the current condition of the Church. According to Vatican I, the pope can make errors. It is also a fact that doctrine in all areas of Catholicism has developed over time. I just don't see anything in Vatican II that destroys the idea of papal infallibility according to its own definition. Because, let's face it, that is what some of your videos are claiming.

However I do have some questions in this area and would be interested in hearing your take on it.

God bless.




MHFM: We’re not with the Vatican II Church; for it’s not the Catholic Church.  Benedict XVI is not working to clarify liberal ideas.  He consistently teaches heresies and exhibits apostasy.  You mention Vatican I.  Well, one of Benedict XVI’s main heresies is that Protestants and schismatics don’t need to accept the definitions of Vatican I.  You really need to look at these files:


The Heresies of Benedict XVI [PDF file]


The Heresies in Vatican II [PDF File]


Also, Catholic doctrine does not develop.  It is handed down.  The idea that Catholic teaching develops and grows is heretical.  It’s a modernist concept.  There can be more precise definitions of the same truth, which give one a more precise understanding of the same truth in the same sense.  But doctrine does not develop.  


You mention not having a pope.  Every time a pope died in Church history there was no pope for a period of time.  This sometimes lasted for years.  There have also been over 40 antipopes in Church history.  The other objections you raise are addressed on our website.


See this file




Hi my friend,

I think you incredibly exaggerated, calling Martin Luther "one of the most heretical persons in church history".

On which bases do you permit yourself to denounce Luther?




MHFM: He certainly was one of the most heretical individuals in Church history.  This is true in terms of the effect he had, as well as the very evil and corrupting content of his heresies.  You really should read our short article about him.


Some Facts about Martin Luther, the Originator of Protestant "Christianity" [PDF]




Dear Sir,

Do you honestly think His Holiness John Paul 2 is an antipope. He heavily promoted the Divine Mercy Chaplet and is on his way to canonization. Paul 6 and John Paul 2 are not anti popes. I understand you may disagree with what he did, but that is no reason to call them the anti christ. As a matter of fact, if you read the messages of our Lady of Naju, you will see that our lady refers to the pope as "his son's high priest". Also John Paul 2, when he was a priest in Nazi accupied Poland, carried a jewish girl to a train after that girl survived a prison camp. He also heavly denounced Abortion and other mortal sins.


C… Patriot


MHFM: Sir, you really need to wake up and learn something about the Catholic faith.  John Paul II promoted and believed things that represent a total rejection of the whole Gospel and all of Catholic dogma.  To believe that he was a Catholic and/or good is to disbelieve in Jesus Christ and the historical Catholic faith.  Begin to understand something about Catholic dogma and what constitutes heresy.  Look at this file.  Look at our website.


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]


The message you reference is false.




Hello. I really like your videos (keep 'em coming)! i consider myself a true catholic in where I believe in the fundamentals in which Catholicism was born, yet, question the resolve of the vatican (I believe the vatican may be the wolf in sheep's clothing the bible prophisies about)....

just a little curious

your friend

A  I


MHFM: What you need to realize is that the post-Vatican II Church is not the real Catholic Church.  The Catholic Church is the one true Church founded by Christ.  Please look at the information on our website.  It's the Vatican II Counter Church that is prophesied in Scripture: The Great Apostasy and a Counterfeit Church predicted in the New Testament and in Catholic Prophecy.




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


My mother and I converted to the true Catholic Faith through information supplied in your books, as has an elderly woman named Claudia who converted in a remarkable way... Claudia is one of my residents... We wish you the best with your endeavors, which have already provided my family and Claudia with eternal results.  Yours in Christ, who Graces flow through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary,


Alexander Tjerslon




[Subject: Concerning the comment below]


Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Very soon after I learning about the Most Holy Family Monastery site, in 2002,  and the truth about the Vatican II antipopes, I  e- mailed this crowd, explaining to them that it was a big mistake to keep referring to these claimants to the papacy, "popes"..I can't recall the response, except in follow up emails they refused to discuss the topic with me as a sedevacantist person,and that is still the case today, 7 years later, incredibly they haven't woken up to the facts, in spite of all the evidence you attempt to point in front of them.


One can only conclude that they terribly "thick", and of bad will, or they working in with the Novus Ordo crowd, since they keep leading people down the wrong road, by accepting these apostates as true, but, albeit, bad popes, and also calling what they think is the Catholic Church ,"Newrome" and "newchurch". Of course… this is blasphemy... One hates to think how many Catholics are still being sucked in by their evil "charm", by appearing as the "good guys" in this final Apostasy.


David. N.Z.


This site


I did not listen to you on Coast to Coast but here is what [this guy’s] website has about you on their website.  I suspect perhaps they are attempting to denigrate your good name because you speak the whole truth and they do not? :


Extraterrestrials are back! Previous… Commentaries have described the New Order sect's fascination with the subject. Now this fascination has gone beyond the New Order sect. One Brother Michael Dimond appeared on a May 26, 2009, a radio talk programme, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. Noory writes that he focuses on topics like paranormal phenomena, time travel, alien abduction, etc. Dimond indicated on the programme that he believes in UFOs and extraterrestrials and calls them "demonic spiritual entities." He contends that demons masquerade as aliens in UFOs. He claims a 1947 incident in which somebody conducted a Satanic ritual at the future site of Area 51, a U.S. military base located in southern Nevada, which is a focus of extraterrestrial and UFO stories. The ritual, he says, "allowed evil entities to come through."…


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We have a few comments.


First, he refers to “one Bro. Michael Dimond,” as if he doesn’t know him.  That’s interesting because he knows very well who Bro. Michael is – in fact, they’ve spoken.  So this is just an example of his pride and bad will.  He wants to give the impression that he doesn’t know him when he most certainly does.  He also puts a picture of some wacko, and subtly implies that it’s a picture of Bro. Michael (which is not true).


Second, the man who runs the site is an utter heretic.  In fact, he’s an apostate.  Believe it or not, after all of these years and all of their heresies, he still regards the Vatican II antipopes as true popes!  That’s right.  He specifically says that he’s not a sedevacantist.  Since he’s obstinately independent of his “pope,” he is in schism with the Church he recognizes.


At the same time, however, he constantly denounces Benedict XVI and his apostate “hierarchy” as non-Catholic, heretical, and every name in the book.  He constantly denounces their V-2 “Church” as illegitimate, apostate, heretical, evil, a joke, a sect, etc.  He does this while simultaneously and obstinately regarding this institution and its leaders as the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.  This is extremely evil. 


Considering all of this, it’s obvious that he’s not only a heretic for obstinately recognizing a manifest heretic as pope – and thus for denying the twin dogmas of the Church’s unity and that heretics are outside the body – but he blasphemes the Catholic Church by constantly identifying a false Church with the true Church.  He holds that the very “hierarchy,” which he admits is apostate, is the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.  He equates a body which he admits is non-Catholic, apostate and evil with the Catholic Church.  This is blasphemy. 


That means that every time he mocks the Conciliar Vatican II Church, he is actually mocking himself; for he professes communion with its leaders.  Every time he casts aspersions on the Vatican II Church and its outrages, he is condemning himself and what he considers to be the Catholic Church.  For these reasons, his beliefs require him (even though he would deny it) to hold that the Catholic Church is a false sect which has defected.  He considers the Catholic Church to be something that deserves to be mocked. 


It’s quite accurate to say that he’s not a believer in Catholicism.  Rather, he is more accurately described as an “Old Catholic” or an “Eastern Orthodox” with some traditionalist Catholic trappings.  He doesn’t believe in the Papacy; that’s for sure.  That’s precisely why he believes that the popes and the Church can officially err in solemnly canonizing saints. 


But his heresies and perversions of Catholic teaching don’t end there.  He also denies the salvation dogma.  He denies that it’s necessary for all men to be baptized Catholics.  He holds the invincible ignorance salvation heresy.  This heresy is rampant among false traditionalists, as we’ve covered.  Under our cross examination, he would be forced to admit that he believes that a soul in any religion can be saved by “baptism of desire.” 


He also holds that people may be Freemasons.  This is particularly interesting.  In this quote below, he indicates that (in his view) it was okay for Mozart and his mentor to have been Freemasons:


March 5, 2006 Commentary: “But whenever the name of Mozart comes up, someone always asks, but wasn't Mozart a Freemason? The answer is a qualified yes. Mozart was influenced by the ideas of the eighteenth century European Enlightenment as an adult and became a Freemason in 1784. However, his lodge, the same one in which his devout father Leopold and his mentor Joseph Haydn were both members, was a specifically Catholic rather than a deistic one. Both composers were at the time furnishing church music in the court of the Catholic Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg.  According to Msgr. Philip Hughes, one of the most noted Catholic historians of the first half of the 19th century, Freemasonry in Mozart's time, before the French Revolution, which occurred some eight years after Mozart's death, didn't necessarily include the anti-Catholic fanaticism, which after the Revolution became obligatory and was later universally condemned by the Church, but could be considered, at least in the Catholic lodges, as an humanitarian work compatible with the Faith. It wasn't until the mid 1790s, in the turmoil of the war with France that the Austrians grew concerned about secret societies, and in the mid 1790s Masonry was forbidden in Austria.”


He is clearly defending membership in Freemasonry.  He even describes people who entered it as “devout.”  This kind of false teaching is subversive of Catholic principles.  It really makes one wonder about this guy, beyond the obvious heresies.  Is he more than just a false traditionalist apostate who holds a mixed bag of heresies and true objections to the Vatican II sect?  After all, it doesn’t take much research to learn that Pope Clement XII had already condemned Freemasonry and universally forbidden people to enter it in 1738; but this guy says it’s no problem that Mozart was a Freemason in 1784.


Pope Clement XII, April 28, 1738: “Wherefore We command most strictly and in virtue of holy obedience, all the faithful of whatever state, grade, condition, order, dignity or pre-eminence, whether clerical or lay, secular or regular, even those who are entitled to specific and individual mention, that none, under any pretext or for any reason, shall dare or presume to enter, propagate or support these aforesaid societies of Liberi Muratori or Francs Massons, or however else they are called, or to receive them in their houses or dwellings or to hide them, be enrolled among them, joined to them, be present with them, give power or permission for them to meet elsewhere, to help them in any way, to give them in any way advice, encouragement or support either openly or in secret, directly or indirectly, on their own or through others; nor are they to urge others or tell them, incite or persuade them to be enrolled in such societies or to be counted among their number, or to be present or to assist them in any way; but they must stay completely clear of such Societies, Companies, Assemblies, Meetings, Congregations or Conventicles, under pain of excommunication for all the above mentioned people, which is incurred by the very deed without any declaration being required, and from which no one can obtain the benefit of absolution, other than at the hour of death, except through Ourselves or the Roman Pontiff of the time.”


There are other heresies which we could cover.  But his most prominent and consistent one is his mockery of the Papacy.   He constantly denigrates the authority of the Church in the ways explained above.


On the positive side, he does say that the New Mass is invalid.  This is something that his fellow false traditionalist apostates are unwilling to say or too dishonest to believe.  Overall, however, he epitomizes the false traditionalist movement and he brings people to a dark disbelief in the Papacy and the infallibility of the Church.  To obstinately hold his position is without any doubt to forfeit faith in the Papal Office and in the promises of Christ to the Church.


Benedict XVI’s Tidal Wave of Apostasy

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Benedict_XV_with_Jews\receiving_J_plaque3.jpg

MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file. 


KC “Bishop”


[Note: This reader is referring to a recent post in our News and Commentary section.]


I am writing you because this article (KC V-2 "Archbishop" says abortionists "not evil") brings up the need for many important points to be considered:


… This is an excellent example of V-2 salvation theology. The "Archbishop" is in good standing with his church. No V-2 tribunal could properly discipline him. The V-2 concept of "There is salvation outside the church" justifies itself by saying "good people" outside the church go to heaven. Aquinas said that all people think they are doing good. Even a pedophile "priest" or abortionist thinks he is doing good. Therefore, universal salvation. Therefore, pedophile "priests" and abortionists are not evil, they are just confused. With the V-2 theology, the "Archbishop" was correct in praying for the repose of the mass murderer's soul, in order to quicken it's arrival in heaven…






What's your opinion on Martin Luther King Jr.? Did he held heretical beliefs? It's revealing that much of the whole liberalism and satanic influence exploded in the 60's (Rock Music, increase of demonic activity, the Great Apostasy, the heretical Vatican II, etc.).  Almost like the marking of the beginning of the end.  Thanks for your great work, and I love your new book, it has helped me teach others and at the same time teach myself basic understanding of the roots of Catholicism.  It has facilitated the refutations of those heretical objections that non-Catholics bring up.  The book is so well written that a friend of mine who is a non-catholic (who is now willing to be baptized and accept the True Faith in the upcoming weeks) told me that when they had read it, it was so easy to understand and comprehend.  What I noticed though from their feedback was that they showed good will and honesty.  You have to be humble first to understand the amazing teachings of Christ.  Thanks again for all your hard work and may the celebration of Corpus Christi from the faithful help you receive graces from Heaven to fortitude the outstanding work you Brothers have accomplished/are accomplishing and win souls for Christ.  God bless you and Mary protect you.



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Martin Luther King, Jr. was a heretical Protestant.




Subject: Mary proves all non-Catholic religions are demonic


In Genesis is contained proof that the Mother of Christ would have a definite role in salvation history.  New Testament Scripture, especially in St. Luke's Gospel is practically ignored by nonCatholics who call themselves "Christians", and Mary is relegated to a picture on a Christmas card with no more power than the mythical Santa Claus.  


Mary's God-given powers are feared by the demon who knows that if he allows his cooperators in nonCatholic religions to recognize Mary, not as co-redemptrix, but as a powerful asset created by God to aid in overcoming temptation, he might lose the battle.  


The whole reason behind God's use of Mary remains somewhat of a mystery, even to Catholics, but apparently not to Satan. Satan knows how powerful devotion to Mary is, which is why you will never see a Protestant minister, Buddhist, Muslim or any nonCatholic "priest" promote her Rosary.


Satan may use a false Mary… to fool a few faithless and idiotic Catholics to keep them on his side, but he has never inspired even one of them to allow Mary into any of his false religions as part of their belief system.  In fact, it seems that most nonCatholics dislike and even hate the fact of Mary.  They insist she had other children and that she was nothing more than a tool to bring Him to the earth that he cast aside immediately after his birth.  They seem to forget that he spent only three years teaching the apostles but 30 of his 33 years on earth were spent with Mary and Joseph.  Apparently Mary's role is so effective that Satan can't even use her effectively in a deceitful way in his nonCatholic churches.  


    To diminish Mary is to diminish the holiness and almightiness of God.  The Vatican II church has diminished Mary as much as possible. To completely eradicate her from Vatican II would arouse suspicion in Catholic minds who see her inclusion in V2 documents as proof that they are Catholic.


V2 priests do not preach, pray or even carry the Rosary.  I remember years ago a V2 priest joking about the fact that he did not carry a Rosary when a little old lady approached him and asked him to pray a rosary with her. 


In the years following Vatican II's beginnings, it was nearly impossible to buy rosaries and religious articles or to find a Christmas Creche, but religious articles have made a comeback because whatever is left that is Catholic in V2 Catholics continues to demand them and they seem to prefer to ignore their "priests" and their "Catholic" magazines who insist upon teaching that Catholics do not need sacramentals to identify themselves as Catholic. 


Any church that diminishes Mary, makes distorted ("modern") images of Jesus, Mary and the saints, such as those in V2 churches, is demonically inspired.  When we keep our mind upon Mary in the mysteries of the Rosary, all of which are also found in Protestant Bibles, she will lead us to or back to Christ and the truth.   




Pope Benedict XV on the Redemption


Some people are also claiming that this is proof of manifest heresy from Pope Benedict XV.  What’s your response?


Pope Benedict XV, Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum, #1, 1914: "For the whole of mankind was freed from the slavery of sin by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ as their ransom, and there is no one who is excluded from the benefit of this Redemption ..."


MHFM: No, the radical schismatics are wrong again.  For our answer, click here:


New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists"




Subject: I’m glad I stopped going to the Novus Ordo Mess (“Mass”)


I walked out of the service because the so-called priest was saying that the Deluge was in fact a myth and it was a local flood and not a world flood.


The same jerk who said:"Don't tell Protestants that they are going to hell."


I wrote to him that he was denying Catholic Dogma…


In the WSU newspaper the Daily Evergreen he even supports ecumenism!


The heretic’s name is Steve Werner.




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We’re also glad that you stopped.  Those are really some heresies from the “priest.”  However, one needs to be convinced that it’s wrong to go to the New Mass because it’s an invalid and Protestant service.  In other words, if one has only stopped going because the priest uttered heresies, then one doesn’t yet believe what one needs to believe on that point.


The Invalid New Mass vs. the true Latin Mass


Sr. Lucy


Hi there. As regarding your text about sr. lucia… you can actually see sr. lucia listed (by her own order!) as deceased in the year 1949 on may 31st!!!!! i guess that’s the last
proof one needs -you just might want to imbed this with your article…




Dear Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


With reference to the recent "Apocalyptic" cloud sighting in Iowa, in my opinion, this cloud formation best fits the description Stratocumulus cumulogenitus mamma, based on the International Classification of Clouds.


It is obviously falls into the Low Cloud Group, ( stratocumulus, stratus, nimbostratus, cumulus and cumulonimbus ) with the main cloud base between ground level and 7000ft, since the cloud formation appears to be around 5000ft.


Notice, that in this case, clouds in the sky at any given time can be a combination of two or more types, in this case cumulus and stratocumulus, both low clouds.


To further define the formation the appearance of ragged mamma, on the lower side of stratocumulus can be produced by the spreading of cumulus tops. The end result can be that pendulous blobs of cloud sink into the clear air and warm up ,evaporating, so that individual pendants of the mamma are short lived and do not sink much below the general cloud level. 


This , in my experience is not a too unusual cloud formation, I have seen more dramatic skies...


See Attached recent cloud photo of water spout beneath cumulonimbus cloud, Sumner, New Zealand.


David S., N.Z.


MHFM: Yeah, we don’t know.  There are more pictures here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1189877/The-cloud-Meteorologists-campaign-classify-unique-Asperatus-clouds-seen-world.html




Dear Brothers,

I've been meaning to write for some time but never quite found the time to do so.  I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude for the information that you have made available…. I came from the Novus Ordo (actually, I ran) and will never go back.  I think I would have left anyway because the services (for lack of a better word) just became progressively more asinine.  I know now this was the wrong reason, but you helped me to see the NO for what it is - the New Order…







…Thank you for your wonderful article on the Sabbath being on Sundays.  I almost didn't read it, because I didn't need any convincing, but I am glad that I did - because it was full of beautiful meditations.  I especially loved the garden comparison. 




Strange Clouds


Subject: Numerous Apocalyptic Cloud Sightings


Dear Brothers,


Have you heard of this? Scientists have reported a new kind of cloud formation that looks just like armegeddon. Is this not another sign of the end times?








Demonic metamorphosis


Dear MHFM,


My name is Ruben, I am a 26 year old Hispanic male. I heard your interview with George Noory, and I agree with you that UFOs are a demonic deception.  One of your videos of exorcism features a man named Bill Ramsey, although he did not actually turn into a wolf he did acted like one. In the past there have been accounts of actual metamorphosis like in the case of Peter Stumpp (died 1589). Now my question is, do you think the devil can fool our senses to make it appear that a warlock can actually change his shape into an animal? I know it's a controversial question but there have been world-wide stories of warlocks and witches changing shape to animal form. I know there is a good chance that your probably not  going to believe me when I tell you this story:  my grandfather once told my dad that while he was still a child living in Mexico, he was walking in some field during the night and while there  he claims that he saw a man turn into a bird. I'm not sure if I even believe in that story. But it does sound like it has some truth to it. Saint Augustine writes about this subject in his De Ciuitate Dei, chapter xviii of the eighteenth book, whose rubric runs: Of the devils power in transforming mans shape: what a Christian may believe.  I've read a book called The Werewolf in Lore and Legend (1933). After reading it I think that an apparent metamorphosis is possible. Although it is only illusionary like the UFO phenomenon is.




MHFM: A demon cannot change a man into an animal.  However, when a soul is afflicted with demonic possession, God could allow the demon to make the man act and (to a certain degree) take on the external appearance of an animal, even though he would remain a man.  St. Augustine says:


“And indeed the demons, if they really do such things as these on which this discussion turns, do not create real substances, but only change the appearance of things created by the true God so as to make them seem to be what they are not. I cannot therefore believe that even the body, much less the mind, can really be changed into bestial forms and lineaments by any reason, art, or power of the demons; but the phantasm of a man which even in thought or dreams goes through innumerable changes may, when the man's senses are laid asleep or overpowered, be presented to the senses of others in a corporeal form, in some indescribable way unknown to me, so that men's bodies themselves may lie somewhere, alive, indeed, yet with their senses locked up much more heavily and firmly than by sleep, while that phantasm, as it were embodied in the shape of some animal, may appear to the senses of others, and may even seem to the man himself to be changed, just as he may seem to himself in sleep to be so changed, and to bear burdens; and these burdens, if they are real substances, are borne by the demons, that men may be deceived by beholding at the same time the real substance of the burdens and the simulated bodies of the beasts of burden.” (St. Augustine, City of God, Bk. 18, Chap. 18.)




I have acquired your reading and audio materials and I am delighted to say that I am quite grateful for your zeal and your Apostolate!  Your materials have answered many questions and continue to quickly bring together many of the missing 'pieces' to my puzzle.  I thank Our Lady for her undeniable leading and direction, and for your continued devotion to her and Our Lord!






Subject: Episcopal “Communion” sent by mail




I thought you might be interested in this article from a British newspaper -




I know they are not catholic, but I was stunned by this.






Subject: It's time for the weekly "holocaust" indoctrination injection


[Regarding the story about the idiotic gunman who shot a guard at the “Holocaust” Museum]




The lies are so thick, so numerous, and so pathetic that one almost needs an H-bomb to cut through it. I found it interesting that Obama was notified. I'm sure when the average American of African descent is killed on the streets of D.C., no one at the White House notices. Tomorrow, we'll hear from Benedict. Well, I guess it won't be a slow news cycle this week.


Sincerely, Howard  AR.


Church and Islam


Subject: Church and Islam



Thank you for all your information on your website.  I am trying to understand the churches relationship with Islam.  For myself, it is a handmaid of the devil.  Muhammad's "angel" was no more than a demon. However, why is there not more teachings from the church on Islam?  You quote the council of basel which is not a real council?  Or its not infallible, so I can't quote it.

I have your quote from the council of vienne.  thanks.  You quote St Francis of Assisi but didn't he also say positive things about Islam?  So I'm not sure that he is a reliable source.  I have your quote from Suma Theologica however, its not really a condemnation of Islam.  obviously a Catholic who worships at the tomb of Muhammad would be an apostate correct?
I can't for the life of me understand how Pope John Paul II could invent these cozy ideas about Islam and make them dogmatic teachings in Vat II?  Did the church never infallibly declare Islam to be demonic?  Is there no infallible teaching condemning Islam?
I'm so confused.  Do you have any more sources?

Leisa....I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I hear the popes talk about Muslims worshiping the god of abraham. 

MHFM: There are a number of things.  First, the early sessions of the Council of Basel were approved by Pope Eugene IV.  Other sessions were not.  The quotes from Basel which we cite were from the sessions which were approved.  Therefore, the quote on Islam constitutes an official condemnation of Islam.  The same is true of the other quotes from Pope Clement V, etc. 


Contrary to what you state, the quote from the Summa Theologica is also a condemnation of Islam.  He says that it’s apostasy to worship at the tomb of Muhammad, Islam’s “revealer.”  Ergo, Islam is an evil and false religion.  No saint said positive things about Islam.  There are many other interesting quotes we have on this topic, which we will put into a new audio and/or new article in the next few days (hopefully).  Stay tuned.  This new information will also refute an objection that the defenders of the Vatican II sect make with regard to Vatican II and Islam.


Pope Callixtus III: “I vow to… exalt the true Faith, and to extirpate the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [Islam] in the East.”


For more of the quotes against Islam which are cited in our material, see our sections on Vatican II, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and this file:


The Glossary of Terms and Principles [PDF]


Not evangelizing


Hello, I spoke to a novus ordo priest in my former diocese and asked him why they never evangelized anyone and he citied the catechism paragraph 841 that said "the plan of salvation involves those that beleive in a creator" etc.... basically that faith in christ is not necessary, only some belief in an impersonal deity. it just shows the weakness of the priests here in nyc. this is being taught to the parish since i've had novous order ppl tell me they heard that in the pulpit.... your site is tremendous and im distributing your material


MHFM: That’s very interesting.  Thanks for the interest.




Bro. Michael -


I had a spiritual awakening of the most profound kind listening to you on WABC's coast to coast with George Noory.  I agreed and still do, with everything you said and have written...  I am on a journey now to seek salvation in the traditionalist Catholic Church, thanks to you…






Hi, I have watched a lot of your videos and sadly you seem to make a lot of sense to me. My problem is that if I am commanded to go to mass every Sunday under pain of mortal sin and the mass is invalid what would you suggest I do? I have always followed the teachings of the catholic church, prayed the rosary daily went to confession every month etc...


sincerely, Barry Wood


MHFM: There is no obligation to attend the invalid New Mass.  It’s not a sin to avoid it, but it’s a sin to go.  If there is no acceptable traditional option for the sacraments (see the guidelines on our site), then you must stay home and pray the Rosary.




Dear Brothers,
Another fine talk, thank you. It's incredible how many and varied problems those slimy schismatics create in order to avoid simply accepting in charity the whole truth of the Catholic faith.
God Bless,
Kit White




Dear brothers in Christ,

I would like to add a comment on the statement that antipope's B16 calling mosques jewels is not heretical.

Our Lord taught in the synagogues. And yet He calls some synagogues as synagogues of Satan, in spite of the fact that in those synagogues of Satan people were speaking of God. Those people were faithless by the very fact that they did not accept our Lord, no matter how persistently they pronounced the word 'God'. They were all liars.

Calling mosque a jewel is a lie in extreme, and everyone who does so is a liar in extreme. And likewise, everyone who defends a liar is a liar.  May our Blessed Mother Mary guard your holy works.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia




[NOTE: This is a follow up e-mail from a person who e-mailed a little while ago on this topic.  He now thinks he can explain why Benedict XVI’s statement that a mosque stands out like a “jewel” is not heretical.]


Subject: Pope is saying mosque is jewel of building


Brother Diamond:


I share your concerns re Islam as would any devout Catholic, and I thank you for the Papal quotations but I absolutely cannot share your concerns with Benedicts remarks. Your concerns are alarmist. Benedict, has carefully chosen his words so as to not be heretical. He is looking for common ground. He doesn't find much, other than both traditions build magnificent structures to facilitate worship. That's what he focuses on.  His remarks actually serve to also praise the Catholic tradition of fine church structures.  Benedict finds common ground in both the Catholic and Muslim tradition of building, "places of worship" that "stand out like jewels across the earth’s surface"


A mosque can be considered a jewel. An architectural jewel. A fine stucture. Magnificent even. That is what he focuses on. He is simply trying to achieve good will with this segment of God's creation, that happen to also be Muslim.  At no point does he embrace or even acknowledge their Muslim beliefs.


Unlike Pope Clement of the 14th century, Pope Benedict in the 21st century, does not have the political authority or influence to ban the practise of Islam in any land. Benedict instead attempts to stake a common ground- as limited as that ground might be.  You could say he milked the "magnificent building" angle for all its worth and then quit as there was no other material to work with.  The impressionable Muslim ear will hear a gesture of good will towards Muslims. The more discerning ear, both Catholic and Muslim, will hear a frank acknowledgement of how little the two faith traditions have in common.


If all you've got to go with are great looking buildings with crosses pointing heavenward, you really don't have much.  His remarks might at least serve to re-affirm that Catholics and Muslims can be united against, what is  IMO a more pervasive enemy-that of liberal secular atheism which shuns all faith traditions.


To quote your own words below. "He further declares that men have always gone to a place like a mosque to acknowledge the presence of the Almighty, and that such places point to the Almighty". So what! This is simply a statement of fact. Not Apostacy. This is what men have done. And these physical structures do point to the Almighty, with crosses that do point heavenward.  Place like a mosque". Not a mosque. He's not even giving the mosque a special status and this is what you draw attention to. You help make my point.


You should work with this Pope. He is a staunch defender of the true faith.


JR Toronto


MHFM: We must say that your comments are false and outrageous.  They are illustrative of the profound bad will and interior dishonesty which afflict so many.  Benedict XVI is not speaking of the structure of the mosque!  He is speaking of “places of worship” in general, ancient and modern, which obviously have diverse kinds of structures.  He even makes reference to their “sanctuaries,” not aspects of their construction.  In that context, he remarks with approval and not a hint of condemnation that people go to all such houses of worship to acknowledge the Almighty.  This is the heresy of religious indifferentism.  People do not worship the Almighty in the temples of false religions and pagans.  In that context, he calls the mosque a “jewel.” 


After Benedict XVI visited the Al-Hussein Bin Talal Mosque, he had a meeting with Muslim leaders and gave an address on May 9, 2009: Places of worship, like this splendid Al-Hussein Bin Talal mosque named after the revered late King, stand out like jewels across the earth’s surface.  From the ancient to the modern, the magnificent to the humble, they all point to the divine, to the Transcendent One, to the Almighty.  And through the centuries these sanctuaries have drawn men and women into their sacred space to pause, to pray, to acknowledge the presence of the Almighty, and to recognize that we are all his creatures.  For this reason we cannot fail to be concerned that today, with increasing insistency, some maintain that religion fails in its claim to be, by nature, a builder of unity and harmony, an expression of communion between persons and with God.


So, your comments are wrong and, in fact, evil; for you are defending apostasy.  Moreover, even if (for some reason) a real pope thought that a mosque was impressive from a purely architectural standpoint, he would never praise it; for that would give the impression that he is praising a place of iniquity and a false religion.  Benedict XVI’s statement is just one of many examples of his apostasy vis-à-vis Islam.  Here are other clear examples:


Benedict XVI, Address, Dec. 22, 2006: “My visit to Turkey afforded me the opportunity to show also publicly my respect for the Islamic Religion, a respect, moreover, which the Second Vatican Council (declaration Nostra Aetate #3) pointed out to us as an attitude that is only right.”


Benedict XVI, speech apologizing for his comments on Islam, Sept. 2006: “In the Muslim world, this quotation has unfortunately been taken as an expression of my personal position, thus arousing understandable indignation.  I hope that the reader of my text can see immediately that this sentence does not express my personal view of the Qur’an, for which I have the respect due to the holy book of a great religion.”


Benedict XVI “Hailed for Praying like Muslims Toward Mecca,” Dec 1, 2006 — ISTANBUL (Reuters) – “Pope Benedict ended a sensitive, fence-mending visit to Turkey on Friday amid praise for visiting Istanbul's famed Blue Mosque and praying there facing toward Mecca ‘like Muslims.… ‘The Pope's dreaded visit was concluded with a wonderful surprise,’ wrote daily Aksam on its front page.  In Sultan Ahmet Mosque, he turned toward Mecca and prayed like Muslims,’


To express respect for a false religion is apostasy.  To pray like the Muslims in a mosque is apostasy.  To call the Koran a holy book is apostasy.  You can see many other examples in these files:


The Heresies of Benedict XVI [PDF file]


-Some other recent heresies from Benedict XVI


Answering Objections Against Padre Pio


MHFM: This is a new 42-minute audio discussion which answers objections against Padre Pio.  We discuss and respond to the claims that he endorsed the heresies of Vatican II, Humanae Vitae and salvation outside the Church.


Answering Objections Against Padre Pio [new 42 min. audio discussion]


This will also be found in our New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists."  It will also be found in our “Traditional Catholic Audios” Section.


Lutheranism, Tiller


MHFM: Many people heard about the death of the late-term abortionist, Dr. Tiller.  Tiller claimed to be a Lutheran and actually attended a Lutheran church.  Heretical and Protestant churches are not good, of course, but it surprised some that a murderer of children would approach anything that purported to be a church.  In thinking about it more, it’s quite interesting that Tiller was a Lutheran; for it was Martin Luther who famously said:


“No sin will separate us from the Lamb, even though we commit fornication and murder a thousand times a day.”


In Lutheranism Tiller obviously found the theology that suited him.  For the full citation of the quote from Luther, see our book The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church or our article on Luther: Some Facts about Martin Luther, the Originator of Protestant "Christianity."




Dear Brother Peter,


In a sermon by St. Robert Bellarmine about "Hell and its torments" (page 43) I read the following, which is a confirmation of your "Quick thoughts on Why Hell must be Eternal": My dear people, this eternity is of such a nature that without it no punishment can be adjudged to be heavy, neither with it can we reckon any punishment to be light.


May God bless you.






… I'd like to tell you, Brother Michael, that you did an excellent job on the interview on Coast… I was proud of you that you shared the dogma, EENS, with millions of listeners!  I plan to put in an order for your books you advertised on this program.  I thank you for the work you are doing to promote the true Church of Jesus Christ, the Roman Catholic Faith… 


Not Reported


Subject: graduating students/Lord’s prayer


This was not reported in our censored Gannet-owned Pensacola News Journal. 


Pensacola, Pace, Pea Ridge and Milton are all along highway 90 and Santa Rosa has always been known to be a more conservative county.  Although it's spread out, my #3 son who lives in Milton says it's a place where everybody knows everybody else.


You wonder how many times this has gone on and has not been reported.  I sent the article to one of the columnists at the News Journal but he's a yes man and certainly will not comment lest he lose his job.  He's also a V2 "Catholic". 




MHFM: Yes, the article mentioned the interesting fact that the media pretty much ignored it.




I love the website.  It’s great because you show us what we are supposed to know and believe as Catholics.  You bring out a lot of information I’ve never heard before.  I love the way you research and put it all together… I want more people to know about it.






Hello Brothers,

I told some friends I could not attend their wedding and it is causing me a great deal of heartbreak, and also they are quite upset with me.  However when reviewing your wedding material, and trying to strengthen my resolve, i read this with some trepidation.

Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos #9, Jan. 6, 1928: “Everyone knows that John himself, the Apostle of love, who seems to reveal in his Gospel the secrets of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and who never ceased to impress on the memories of his followers the new commandment ‘Love one another,’ altogether forbade any intercourse with those who professed a mutilated and corrupt form of Christ’s teaching: ‘If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him: God speed you’ (II John 10).”

>>altogether forbade any intercourse with those who professed a mutilated and corrupt form of Christ’s teaching

This seems to say that I cannot be friends with Lutherans.

Please advise, I am rather depressed at the idea of only being friends with traditionalists.

Thank you


MHFM: You definitely may not go to their weddings.  However, we think you could be friends, depending upon what that friendship entails.  For instance, if you have a friend with whom you play ping pong or basketball or monopoly and it’s a source of recreation for you, we don’t see why you would have to cut that off because he’s a Lutheran.  As long as he’s clear on where you stand that you hold that he must convert to be saved, and the friendship doesn’t involve any approbation of his heretical beliefs or non-Catholic lifestyle, then we think that you could continue a sort of friendship.  However, all of that of course presupposes that you have clearly and earnestly tried to bring him to the faith.




Dear Sir


I have 2 pressing questions.


1.   I have baptized my children on my own since avoiding the novus ordo church. Is this valid?

2.   Is it acceptable to eat pork, seafood and other forbidden food mentioned in the old testament?


Thank you,

Brenda M Fernando



MHFM: It’s valid assuming you observed the proper matter and form.  To your second question, all foods are acceptable.  However, a Catholic may not eat meat on days of complete abstinence (e.g., Friday).  See our Traditional Catholic Calendar (under “Many Other Topics”).


Full of Grace


Dear Brothers,


Please correct me if I am wrong, but "Favored one" and "Full of Grace" has two different meanings therefore, you can't swap them around as if they have the same meaning.


"Full of Grace" means Sanctifying Grace that she has no sins at all.


The NAB uses incorrect choice of words and that is one reason I read the Douay-Rheims Holy Bible.


MHFM: Yes, “full of grace” (the correct translation) indicates freedom from sin.  That’s addressed in our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.


New Section, Benedict XV


MHFM: We’ve created a new sub-section to our E-Exchanges.  This sub-section will be for issues, objections and topics that are relevant to smaller numbers of people in “traditionalism,” especially certain radical schismatic types.  But it will also cover other issues.  Some of these responses and entries become too long or specific for the general E-Exchanges discussion.  A note will be posted here in E-Exchanges when this new sub-section is updated.


New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists"


The first entry concerns Pope Benedict XV and the following objection:


Hi, some people are saying that this quote of Pope Benedict XV is a heretical denial of the unity of the Church.  They say it’s the same as the Vatican II ecclesiology and that it proves that Pope Benedict XV was a heretic and therefore and antipope.  What’s your response?


Benedict XV, Pacem, Dei Munu Pulcherrimum, #21, May 23, 1920:  "We humbly implore the Holy Ghost the Paraclete that He may 'graciously grant to the Church the gifts of unity and peace' ..."


MHFM: The people who are saying this are quite wrong.  See the response and explanation in the above file.


Baptism, Impossible


MHFM: Here are two very interesting new quotes from St. John Chrysostom (father and doctor of the Church) on how it’s impossible to saved without baptism.  Obviously he didn’t believe that there are any exceptions to the necessity of baptism if he believed that it’s impossible to be saved without it.


St. John Chrysostom, Homily 3 on 1 Cor. 1:10- “Yea, again I say, great indeed is baptism, and without baptism it is impossible to obtain the Kingdom.  Still a man of no singular excellence is able to baptize, but to preach the Gospel there is need of great labor.” (NPNF1, Vol. 12, p. 12.)


St. John Chrysostom, Homily 3 on 1 Cor. 1:10- “… so also in baptism.  It is impossible to be saved without it, yet it is no great thing which the baptizer doth, finding the will already prepared.” (NPNF1, Vol. 12, p. 13.)




Hello, please send me the document that says that the "Vatican consul made it law that only Catholics are saved for Heaven by Christ"  Or something to that effect that I heard you say on the George Norrie Show.  I'd like some type of answer, please acknowledge.




MHFM: The dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation is simply the summation of the truth that there is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ and thus no salvation without accepting all of His truth.


… the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ… Nor is there salvation in any other.  For there is no other name, under heaven, given to men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). 


Since there is only one true Christian Church, the Catholic Church, to be saved in Christ requires that one possess the one true faith of Christ.


“If anyone abideth not in me, he shall be cast forth as a branch, and shall wither, and they shall gather him up, and cast him into the fire, and he burneth.” (John 15:6)


That’s why we read in the Acts of the Apostles that the Lord added daily to the Church (to the one Catholic Church – the only one that existed) those who were to be saved.


Acts 2:47- “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”


From the very beginning, the Church has taught the dogma that one must be Catholic to be saved.  You can read the history of it here:


Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation




Dear Brothers,


When praying the Rosary I use the meditations in the booklet Holy Rosary by Josemaria Escriva (please, see excerpt below). Because of concentration problems I cannot meditate in a different way.  My questions is: are these texts adequate?  I pray the mysteries at three different times of the day. Do I need to begin with the Apostles' Creed and the three Hail Marys before each mystery?


Thank you very much.  God bless you.



Jos Valkering


MHFM: No, you shouldn’t use his meditation.  You should simply pray while concentrating on a mental picture of the mysteries.  You don’t need to say the Apostles’ Creed and three Hail Marys before each mystery, but only at the beginning of the Rosary.




With all due respect, the Coast to Coast AM guest spoke of some single Monolithic Catholic Church which he views as the only path to salvation. From what I understood, he thinks everybody else outside that institution is Damned to Hell and essentially evil or misled and judged by God as "wicked".
I accept that the man is sincere and devout and has probably done more charitable deeds in a week than I'll do in ten years, however if the man is sincere he will be open to the idea that others may sincerely view his ideas as in-error.
I do not critique this body of discussion lightly, but out of a sincere belief that it is too narrow and does not represent what we know is in the bible if we only read it….
The bible says there is only ONE criteria for salvation: "Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and ye SHALL be saved."…


Graig Burns


MHFM: No, the Bible clearly teaches that few are saved (Matthew 7:13) and that there is no salvation outside of Christ or His Church (as covered above).  So your understanding of the Bible is very wrong.  The Bible does not teach that one only needs to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved.  This is shown clearly in our article on Justification and our book (The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church).


Justification by faith alone and eternal security completely refuted by the Bible [link to section]




I wanted to let you know that i just purchased 3 of your books after hearing you on coast to coast. I thought you were pretty sharp and worth reading. I am however looking for information on the truth about the lost Ark and the Shroud of Turin. I hope you can recommend some reading and media for me.

Sincere thanks,



MHFM: Our DVD Creation and Miracles covers the Shroud, and we sell another DVD/Video which is specifically on that topic.  It’s excellent and highly recommended.


DVD: Jesus and the Shroud of Turin




I just placed my second order.  Your material is shocking and frightening – a real eye-opener, but it’s excellent.  We just need to know the truth!  You showed me how the “pope” has Protestant views and we need to be faithful Catholics.  We can’t have Protestant views and be in the Catholic Church because you’re not Catholic then!


I pray to go to my death holding the Catholic Faith.


Mary Jacob





Subject: News Article: “Black Magic Booms in Venezuela”


Curious, isn't it?  Venezuela has the misfortune of once electing a Communist as President, a man likely possessed by Satan, and a man the citizens of Venezuela have little chance now of ever removing from office.   And now 'Black magic booms in Venezuela'.


Curious also is the second article below this on your website.  It is entitled 'Obama declares that it's 'LGBT' month'.  I for one, would not be at all surprised to see, in a matter of months, a headline similar to the following: 'Black magic and occult practices the new 'in' religion in America'.


How can anyone not believe with certainty that Satan does indeed rule the world in these times, and is the 'light' behind the New World Order and their Agents.


Kevin Ryan


MHFM: He rules the world only in the sense that God is allowing the Devil to be very active in these days.  God is in complete control, and evildoers can only do what God allows.  But because these are dark times, the battle for goodness and truth and souls is uniquely fierce.


Spiritually Dead


Hello Brother Diamond,

I listened to your show on Coast to Coast AM… & have a question. 

If there can be no salvation in Christianity outside of the Catholic Church, & all other Christian denominations lead to hell - & the last 5 Popes, including the current one, are all apostates to the Church - then how can one be saved by joining a spiritual organization that is spiritually dead from the head down?  If true, these things would leave people no place to go to obtain salvation.

Thank you for your thoughts,



MHFM: One cannot be saved by joining a spiritual organization that is dead.  That’s the point.  The Vatican II Church, with its false teachings and antipopes, is not the true Catholic Church.  It’s the Counter Church of the last days.  You can be saved by joining the Catholic Church (i.e., the traditional Catholic Church) by accepting the traditional Catholic faith and living the life of grace.  The Catholic Church is not dead, but is alive in a remnant of traditional Catholics.  The Church’s teaching and morality lead people to salvation, and communicate the same holiness that they always have.  All of the non-Catholic denominations, which are man-made, which teach heresies, which reject clear teachings of the Bible, do lead to Hell.  You really should obtain our new book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church. 




Thank you for your wonderful website and for all of the life-saving information.


Darrell Maul




Dear Dimond Brothers,


I watched a brief segment on CNN about the abortion doctor who was killed in a Lutheran Church in Wichita.  They interviewed a woman about the killing.  Here is what she said about the abortion doctor : "He was such a good christian man.....what is this world coming to...."   Can you believe that?!  She says that a man who murders babies in such a brutal fashion as partial birth abortion is "a good christian man".  Then she wonders what the world is coming to because this doctor was murdered!  Why doesn't she wonder what the world is coming to when unborn babies are legally allowed to be murdered in their mother's womb by such doctors?  This is someone who's really blinded by the Devil and living in a world of spiritual darkness.  She thinks she's a christian but the Devil is preventing her from seeing the abomination that abortion really is, and of course from seeing that the Catholic faith is the true faith.




MHFM: Yes, the level of spiritual blindness is astounding. 




Dear Brothers,
Adrian sounds like the typical JW. Just doing what he's trained to do like an obedient dog. Unfortunately, in his bad will, he remains enslaved to the Watchtower Society. It's interesting to note that the first Gentile convert was Cornelius, a centurion! The Holy Ghost didn't say, 'Nope! He can't be with us because he carries a sword.' This concept of neutralism makes them tools of satan to bring in the new world order ('the new system,' they call it)…


Kit White


Sabbath Article


Hi, I listen to you on coast to coast and i would like to know why you do not keep the sabbath? it is GOD LAW to obey the right day to worship…


MHFM: We have a new short article which specifically covers that issue. 


Is Saturday or Sunday the Holy Day?


This article refutes the view of Seventh-Day Adventists and Seventh-Day Baptists who believe that the day specifically dedicated to God, rest and worship is Saturday not Sunday.


It will be found permanently in the “Refuting Protestantism” and “Many Other Topics” sections of our website.


“Fr.” Alberto Cutie


Hey, it looks like "father" Cutie now turned Episcopalian! I just saw a video of it in yahoo. He abandoned the Vatican 2 sect and now turned episcopalian. He even gave his first "sermon".

The point is, it will be very interesting what Benedict XVI or any other "heavy" or "important" person of the Novus Ordo will say about this.

They should condemn him as a heretic and an apostate right? But I bet they won't say anything at all.


Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\E_Pictures\fr_cutie.jpg

Florida's "Father Oprah" turns Episcopalian


MHFM: Yes, for those who don’t know, “Fr.” Alberto Cutie was a popular and well-known priest in the Novus Ordo.  He also appeared sometimes on EWTN.  He was recently caught fornicating on a beach with a woman.  A great scandal erupted and Cutie was forced to give up the woman or give up the Novus Ordo “priesthood.”  Faced with the choice of giving up his illicit relationship and returning to the Novus Ordo or staying with the woman, he came up with a third route.  He decided to become part of the Episcopalian sect.  This, he thinks, will allow him to be a “priest” and stay with the woman.  The whole story is outrageous, yet quite interesting on a number of levels.  It’s interesting for what it reveals about the Vatican II Church.


First, this “Fr.” Cutie is an abomination.  Not only was he sinning mortally with this woman (and as a heretic in the Novus Ordo), but the woman is (according to reports) already married!  It seems like he plans on marrying her, but she’s already married.  What does that tell you about the Novus Ordo “priesthood”?  Cutie was so thoroughly filled with the “Catholic faith” in his Novus Ordo formation – not – that he not only has no problem becoming Episcopalian (and thus abandoning what he knows of Catholic dogma), but he has no problem accepting divorce and re-marriage.  Episcopalians also accept artificial contraception and other moral evils.  So, to summarize, in becoming Episcopalian Cutie is: completely denying what he thought of the Papacy; accepting things such as artificial contraception; accepting that Episcopalians have true priests and sacraments (a total rejection of Catholic teaching); accepting the concept of “marriage” to a woman who is already married; etc.  This is really something.


What this reveals is that basically all Novus Ordo priests believe in universal salvation.  Cutie was a Novus Ordo “priest” – in fact, he was (wrongly) considered one of their few “normal” and “successful” ones.  Yet Cutie obviously believes that people who fornicate (e.g., himself), that people who divorce and remarry, that people who belong to non-Catholic sects and religions (Episcopalians), can be saved.  He believes that everyone can be saved.  That’s the truth. 


Moreover, in becoming Episcopalian – and this is quite important to consider – Cutie has simply applied the false theology of the Vatican II sect.  For in explaining his decision, he stated (in so many words): “My brothers (in Protestantism) serve God while married, so why can’t I.”  He is simply logically applying the teaching of the Vatican II Church.  In other words, he is saying that “we (in the Novus Ordo Church) already believe that Protestants are saved, so why should I not become Episcopalian and do what I want?  And there is nothing that any bishop or priest or “pope” in the Vatican II sect can say about it!  They can’t say anything about it because their false Church officially teaches that Episcopalians are brothers in the faith and part of the Church and on the road to salvation.


There is not one cleric in the entire Vatican II sect who would or could say that Cutie is on the road to Hell for leaving the Novus Ordo to become Episcopalian.  This is so revealing.  Cutie not only stands out as an example of an abominable false minister, but as a devastating and convicting symbol of the Vatican II sect’s false theology.


One must also say something about the despicable laypeople.  In both the Novus Ordo parishes and in the Episcopalian church, people are clamoring for Cutie.  These people have drifted so far from a concern for God’s law.  They are so blind in their pride, impurity and vanity – they are so driven in their desire to justify the moral evils of themselves and others – that they are rushing to defend this horrible Cutie.  They boldly proclaim that they have no problem with his mortal sins or his apostasy.  They have no problem with what he has done and they boldly proclaim that he is justified.  One can only imagine what God thinks of these people.  God’s disgust at their impiety must be compounded by the fact that these heretics and sinful laypeople actually have the audacity to proclaim as acceptable actions He has specifically revealed are mortally sinful. 


Heresy defined


What is the Catholic Church's definition of heresy?  Denial of dogma?  Denial of Ordinary and Universal Magisterium?  Denial of Scripture?  All of the above?  Where has the Church taught this?




MHFM: Yes, a denial of dogma would be heresy.  A denial of something taught by the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium would be heresy.  A denial of Sacred Scripture would be heresy. 


The 1917 Code of Canon Law defined a heretic in the following way: “After the reception of baptism, if anyone, retaining the name Christian, pertinaciously denies or doubts something to be believed from the truth of divine and Catholic faith, [such a one] is a heretic” (Canon 1325).  From this it’s clear that any denial of a truth to be believed with divine and Catholic faith is heresy. 


Pope Leo XIII provides us with perhaps the best and simplest definition of heresy:


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896:“The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium.”


So heresy is a departure from a point of doctrine authoritatively taught by the Church’s Magisterium.


Show, JWs



I am really enjoying tonight's show with you as guest. I have believed that the "unexplained" objects, beings and creatures people see are simply demonic activity. However, keep in mind that the world empire of false religion is another tool Satan uses. For example, the Catholic church has historically supported both sides during war-time and thereby pitted brother against brother. True Christians must never take sides in this world's wars. There is no "Christain" side when it comes to this worlds rulers either. 1 John 5:19 "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one." Also, Jesus himself told his disciples to not mix in with unbelievers. "John 17:16 - "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world." Any religion that mixes with this worlds affairs cannot be true Christianity. While true Christians in Nazi Germany, Jehovah's Witnesses were being put in concentration camps for not Heiling Hitler, which means Salvation comes from Hitler, the Catholics there were doing this in order to save their own lives. THIS is not christian. You cannot call yourself a Christian if you are taking the side of God and of men. 1 Cor. 10:21 - " YOU cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; YOU cannot be partaking of “the table of Jehovah” and the table of demons." In the "Lord's prayer" we pray for God's Kingdom to come; that kingdom IS an already established government in heaven that will put an end to all of earth's corrupt governments. (Dan. 2:44) - "And in the days of those kings (the last days) the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;" It is to that kingdom and to Christ as it's ruler that True Christians must pledge their allegiance. Also, The Catholic church has been at the forefront of spreading unscriptural teachings such as the immortality of the soul, hell-fire… It is not doctrines of men but God's Word, the Holy Bible that determines what True Christianity is. According to this standard the Catholic Church is sorely lacking. Please feel free to respond to me or to speak to any one of Jehovah's Witnesses. We can show you from the bible the way God wants us to worship him.




MHFM: No, “Jehovah Witnesses” (and obviously you) belong to a false religion which began with a false prophet name Charles Taze Russell.  We sell a book which proves the Catholic teachings and the Catholic Church from the Bible.  You should obtain it and read it.  You don't believe in the eternity of Hell or Hell fire, which is a clear denial of scripture (Mt. 25:41; Luke 16:24; etc.).  You don't believe that Jesus is God, which is blasphemy.  The Bible clearly teaches the Trinity and that Jesus is God.


Where does the Bible teach that Jesus is God?


You have many other false views.  You are on the path to damnation and need to convert.  Regarding fighting wars, Jesus didn't tell the centurion to cease being a soldier (Mt. 8:13).  He certainly knew that people of His true faith (the Catholic faith) would be of many nations.  It’s a universal Church, not a small man-made sect like yours.  Thus it might happen that people of the Catholic faith might come into conflict; for in a world-wide Church there will always be some bad people who don’t live up to the morality or the pure intentions which the Church itself so clearly and uniquely teaches.  Jesus didn't tell everyone that they couldn't defend their nation if they were unjustly assaulted.  The issue is not whether two people who are Catholics (or claim to be Catholics) ever happen to come against each other in conflict; the issue is who is justified in the conflict, in the reason for it and in the manner in which it is carried out.  So your criticism is just stupid.  It's the kind of petty stupidity that bad willed people harp on and thus remain blind in their false man-made religions.


Right Path


Dear most holy family monastery.


My name is Tony Tweed, I'm a United States Marine and am currently stationed overseas in Japan. I was born a raised a catholic and as a young child I was made aware of the true catholic church. I'm currently listening to Brother Michael Dimond on coast to coast am and it has raised many questions for me. One of them being how do i know if I'm on the right path as a catholic? and what do I do if my church isn't is conducting mass according to God’s will. Really these questions just scratch the surface and what I want to ask is there any way that I can get in touch with Brother Michael Dimond? Via Email or address? Listening to him speak has really had an impact on me as a catholic and I would like to respectfully thank him, as well as ask him for guidance. It's nice to see that there is an organization out there that defends the integrity of our church. Thank you.


Most Respectfully

Tony Tweed


MHFM: You can know you’re on the right path as a Catholic if you believe and live in accordance with the traditional teaching of the Church.  One must come to the realization that all the churches which have the New Mass (the vernacular Mass) of the Vatican II Church cannot be attended.  It’s not a valid Mass.  It must be avoided under pain of mortal sin.  It’s not a sin to stay home in order to avoid going to that false Mass.  Pray the Rosary and listen to the audios.  Please continue to look at the material.  As you continue to do more of that, you will come to a better understanding of what’s happening and what a Catholic is supposed to do.  We also have steps for those coming out of the New Church, which include making a traditional Profession of Faith from the Council of Trent.  That’s something that you should look at and make.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


Bible Book


Dear Brothers,


I just finished your book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church and it is excellent!!  With facts like that no one can argue with us again!  It tells exactly what Our Lord did for us and it shows how the true traditional Catholic Church is the only one!

God bless you for your work.



Kathryn Rubio




I am 71 years old and have had 12 years of Catholic School education.  In all of these years I have been told that the Eastern Orthodox Churches were fine.  If there was an Eastern Orthodox church in a town I was visiting I could keep my Sunday obligation by going to that church.


I disagree with you whole heartedly about that particular portion of your program



Bill Corrigan


MHFM: No, the Eastern “Orthodox” are not Catholic.  You cannot go to non-Catholic churches.  The “Orthodox” are unfortunately heretics and schismatics because they reject the office that Christ established in St. Peter.  They reject the full scope of the primacy given to St. Peter to rule the Church (the Papacy).  St. Peter’s full primacy of jurisdiction (which the “Orthodox” reject) is clearly proven by Jesus’ words to St. Peter in John 21, in which He commands Peter to rule and feed His flock.  That’s covered in our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  Eastern “Orthodoxy” is also refuted in our audios which prove the Papacy from the Bible, and which address and refute Eastern “Orthodox” views from the evidence in the early Church.  The Eastern “Orthodox” do not have the biblical faith. 


The Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope [link to section] – also contains audios on the primacy of the Bishop of Rome in the early Church


Nothing heretical?


Dear Brother Diamond:


Heard you on the radio last night. I found your discussion with George to be very interesting, however after checking out your website, I have lost interest.  There is absolutely nothing heretical in the remarks made by Pope Benedict, during his recent Middle East tour.  If you can't see this, then that is your loss.  You are out of step with the church. I suggest you re visit Benedict's comments and you should see that they are not heretical.


John Roberts



MHFM: No, sir, you couldn’t be more wrong.  To refute your statement, we will just consider one example.  Others could be considered.  


In the quote below, Benedict XVI says that a mosque (i.e., a temple of a false religion – a house of spiritual iniquity) stands out like a jewel.  He further declares that men have always gone to places like mosques to acknowledge the presence of the Almighty, and that such places point to the Almighty.  This is nothing short of the blasphemy that all religions lead to God and that God is present in all religions.


After Benedict XVI visited the Al-Hussein Bin Talal Mosque, he had a meeting with Muslim leaders and gave an address on May 9, 2009: Places of worship, like this splendid Al-Hussein Bin Talal mosque named after the revered late King, stand out like jewels across the earth’s surface.  From the ancient to the modern, the magnificent to the humble, they all point to the divine, to the Transcendent One, to the Almighty.  And through the centuries these sanctuaries have drawn men and women into their sacred space to pause, to pray, to acknowledge the presence of the Almighty…”


To state that a mosque stands out like a jewel is heresy and apostasy.  Here’s what the Catholic Church says about mosques and about the false worship that occurs there:


Pope Clement V, Council of Vienne, 1311-1312: “It is an insult to the holy name and a disgrace to the Christian faith that in certain parts of the world subject to Christian princes where Saracens [i.e., the followers of Islam, also called Muslims] live, sometimes apart, sometimes intermingled with Christians, the Saracen priests, commonly called Zabazala, in their temples or mosques, in which the Saracens meet to adore the infidel Mahomet, loudly invoke and extol his name each day at certain hours from a high place… This brings disrepute on our faith and gives great scandal to the faithful.  These practices cannot be tolerated without displeasing the divine majesty.  We therefore, with the sacred council’s approval, strictly forbid such practices henceforth in Christian lands.  We enjoin on Catholic princes, one and allThey are to forbid expressly the public invocation of the sacrilegious name of Mahomet… Those who presume to act otherwise are to be so chastised by the princes for their irreverence, that others may be deterred from such boldness.”


We can see that the Catholic Church teaches that a mosque is a disgrace.  It’s abominable, for it’s the place in which they conduct the evil practices of a false religion.  It’s a disgrace to the true faith.  Benedict XVI asserts that a mosque is a jewel.  This is heresy and apostasy.  So, you are completely wrong.  To defend his heretical statements is heretical.  To defend his statement above about the mosque is apostasy.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Basel, 1434:

“… there is hope that very many from the abominable sect of Mahomet will be converted to the Catholic faith.”


Pope Callixtus III: “I vow to… exalt the true Faith, and to extirpate the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [Islam] in the East.”




Dear Br. Dimond,

I heard you on Coast To Coast the other night and I have a few concerns.  I was baptized by a Lutheran (heretic) minister, so do I need another water baptism to be saved?  I want to claim the Catholic faith, I'm learning to pray the Rosary, but I'm not Catholic.  A lot of Catholicism is confusing to me, the idea of the "mysteries" of the 
Faith I don't understand, but I DO understand that faith without works is "DEAD".

I just don't want to go to Hell from dying in a mortal sin, but I like to get drunk and listen to rock'n'roll music, I love Jesus, but I'm a musician, too, and I like to rock out in my studio when I'n high on drugs, maybe Satan really has me through drugs and rock music?  I love Ozzy Osbourne and punk and heavy metal, he's a cool guy, how could God send him to Hell?  It's like he's tread ground that angels fear to tread, he's like a friend to me, he's so mellow and cool.  I'm not afraid of Ozzy at all.  But I am afraid of going to Hell.

I don't want to go to Hell.  Please pray for me.  I ordered your books, but a lot of it is too deep for my understanding.  Maybe I could visit your monastery sometime and talk with you personally.  I'd like that, and to have you counsel me.  Because of your teaching, I was delivered from [a mortal sin of the flesh].


MHFM: Your baptism might have been valid, but it should be done conditionally again just in case.  But it should not be done until you are ready to convert and break from all mortal sins. Getting drunk, using drugs, playing and listening to rock and roll are all mortally sinful.  You will go to Hell as you are.  You must break from those evils.  Ozzy Osbourne is an evil freak.  I'm shocked that you would say what you said about him. 


Pray the Rosary more often and better.  Ask for the grace to convert and break from your mortal sins.




Brother Michael,

Concerning your visit on Coast to Coast, I was surprised to see the amount of air time Mr. Noory allowed you compared to your two previous visits. You presented a very clear and precise message to an audience that is indeed searching for the truth. Seemed like the viewers perspective of the Catholic Church is that of the Vatican II false Church. Totally unaware of what the true Catholic Faith involves, while acting off what the current Anti-Pope declares, rather than what the true Popes of the past have declared…

I'm sure the response to your Monastery after this show was incredible. Would you care to share the response your Monastery has received through calls and emails thus far? Whether good or bad? Thank-you.

God Bless,
Tom Miles


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  There was a huge reaction.


C to C


Subject: Fantastic Job on Coast to Coast


Dear Brother Michael,

I wanted to add to all those congratulating you on a job well done on Coast to Coast. The promise to St. Benedict that his order would, in the last days, be a great service to the Holy Catholic Church and confirm many in the faith is made manifest through Most Holy Family Monastery's work...again job well done…






Dear Brothers Dimond,


I was wondering about your analysis of the heretic Hutton Gibson and how you went about explaining his heresy.  When you take the point of view of Jesus Christ (God) and pronounce the sentence against Hutton how is this not the sin of blasphemy against the Second Commandment?


Peace in Christ


Rob Glynn


MHFM: Because it's a very reasonable description of what could happen, and it has been done many times by Catholics writing on spiritual matters.  I guess you would consider The Imitation of Christ blasphemy, for it uses that description throughout the book.




Subject: Hello from Transylvania


Dear Brother Dimond,

I am an American from NYC living in Transylvania, Romania. I discovered your website by accident some time ago, while looking for information on Padre Pio. I was fascinated by the position you take on the current state of the Catholic church, post Vatican II, and sadly agree that it is not the authentic Catholic faith of the church fathers, and is not faithful to our Lord, Jesus Christ, especially where religious (ecumenical) equivalence and acceptance is concerned.

I brought your website to the attention of a fallen away Catholic here today in Transylvania. She is a woman who sadly, has become a "Born Again Christian ". I have had many interesting discussions with her about the authenticity of her new found faith, and have convinced her that, though I share her rejection of much of the current Catholic church, it is better for her to try to come back to the Catholic faith as Church militant, attempting to create awareness of the problem, while accepting the authentic church, post Vatican II. She is seriously doing just that now. I showed her your website, where she paid particular attention to your article "The Great Harlot..." What do you think of the Born Again Christians? Are they Heretics?

… I listened to most of your broadcast on UFO's on Coast to Coast…


About the subject of UFO's, I am in agreement with you that this phenomenon is demonic, though I never thought of this before reading your site.

Thank you Brother Diamond.

Yours in Christ,

Anthony Damato


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Since they reject one or more dogmas of the Catholic faith, “Born Again Christians" are heretics; for a heretic is one who rejects a dogma of the Catholic Church.  All Protestants (i.e., those who reject one or more dogmas of the Catholic faith) are, by definition, heretics.


We recommend that you obtain some copies of our new book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and give her one.  The book covers the biblical proof and issues that are so relevant for her.


Church after V-2


Subject: Church after V-2


About a couple of years ago a friend of mine loaned me an audio cassette from your monastery "Why the New Mass and Rite of Ordination are Invalid" & "The Amazing Heresies of Benedict XVI". He loaned them to me asking "listen to these, tell me what you think." I must say that on first hearing I was intrigued, and had my conscience pricked. I had studied on my own the [Traditional] Mass and the history of the Roman Rite… And found your argument about the New Mass very impressive. There had always been this doubt in the back of my mind about it; knowing the history of Bugninni's committee, the council Periti, the protestant "observers", etc. and especially with Pope S Pius V…


There is now no doubt in my mind that the Novus Ordo Missae (part of the Novus Ordo Saeclorum?) is at the very least suspect and does breed heresy. There is no doubt in my mind that John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II are heretics and Antipopes. The Novus Ordo Nova Ecclesia can no way be the true church headed by the successor of S Peter…


Most Sincerely Yours:






Subject: Intrigued


I have only very recently found out about (1 week) your Monastery. I have been on your website quite a lot since I found it. I have read and listened to as much as I could considering family and 2 jobs.


I was not brought up under Vatican II, however I am sure that I have now been converted or indoctrinated into its teachings. Quite honestly I never know there was an alternative till I found your site.


How do I learn more…


Interested 60 year Catholic


Bill Harkins


MHFM: We would recommend that you continue to read the material, and listen to the audios.  In addition, it’s critical to pray the daily Rosary and other prayers to have the graces to see and do what God wants.




Dear Brother Michael,


Your guesting on Coast came off very well.  Was so relieved George treated you with GREAT Respect this time…


Great show…


Carol D.




I heard Brother Dimond on Coast to Coast with George Noory last night… Thank you for putting the info out there.  I will read anything you send about this subject or about the Catholic Church. 


Thank you, Beth




Just one word sir you are a bigot. The most logical idea is we are all part of god our souls combine after death and we become one. As the saying goes "Christians don't practise what they preach" I don't think God is smiling on the Catholic Church the amount of money they have and people go starving. Heard you on coast to coast




MHFM: No, you are wrong.  To repeat the teaching of Jesus Christ and His one true Church on their necessity for salvation is to communicate truth in true charity.  You are presently lost in a sea of unbelief, emptiness and confusion.




Brothers, Hail Mary!
I just finished reading your salvation book, and it really is an astonishing masterpiece! In fact I could not stop almost of reading until it end… I hope someday (if I have time) to make a translation of it in order to help my family (wife and future children) since they don´t know how to speak english. (We live in Brazil).
I also found out about the interview of Brother Michael Dimond at Coast to Coast AM and tried to find it in the web page, but unfortunately if you are not subscribed to coast to coast AM you can´t download the program. Is there any possibility that the show would become available on your web site or any other such as you tube etc?? I hope so, although I´ve already read the UFO book I’m sure in this radio interview there must´ve been a lot more of precious information.
Keep up the good work, you will be in my prayers.


MHFM: Thanks for the supportive words and the interest.  A lot of time, research, effort and thought were put into it in an attempt to compile the very best quotes, arguments and answers to objections.  This was especially necessary on that issue, not only because it’s such a critical issue, but because there are so many heretics who try to deny the dogma in sundry ways.  




… heard you last night on Coast to Coast.  Very interesting show, learned a few things I did not know.


Thanks… and God bless you.






Dear Brother Dimond:


It is with extreme interest that I listened to you as a guest with George Noory on Coast-to-Coast last night.  As a cradle Catholic and a traditionalist, I was proud of your strong, resolute stance in stating the true teaching of our Lord and the one true faith…


Jan Jorgenson




Dear Brother Michael Dimond,


I was fortunate enough to have heard your broadcast on Coast to Coast last evening, actually, early this morning.  It was most enlightening to learn that someone, other than myself, was of the same opinion concerning the so-called aliens.  My interest or research has never really delved into the realm of "aliens", but when confronted with the question of their possible existence, I immediately had my answer.  Without any doubt, modern man requires ever more sophiscated means of deceit and seduction, and these new little demons seem to well cast in their role…


Stay the course and keep the faith...!


Susan Lee Turner




Brother Michael,


You did a Great Job Last night on Coast to Coast...I have called in a few Times and had to say, My Father who Created a Universe does not need a space ship to get around. Thank You!  Thank You! for last nights show!!!


God Bless   Ronnie


Finally see


Wow, I just listened to your brother Michael's talk on Coast to Coast, and I think I finally see what you're saying. 


The supposed UFO sightings couldn't be real.  The abilities of these supposed vehicles and their amazing abilities couldn't really exist in this world.  I mean... vehicles flying through the air with no means of support, light without fire, voices coming out of black boxes????? We all know that these things aren't possible.  Next these UFO kooks will have us believing that horseless carriges are possible, I mean really, everyone knows that these things go against all logic, and that business about the last five popes being tools of satin, saying that you don't have to be christian to go to heaven, I mean really.  


We all know that the vicious lies perpatrated by historians about the Spanish Inquisition were just lies and that the church has never done any of the atrocites people have claimed.   I think we should all stone those people, I mean, the next thing they'll have us doing is working or traveling on Sunday.  Wow, what will these kooks come up with next?


Have a nice day   
James Bannerman






I am…. stationed in Metuchen, New Jersey. I teach Algebra to high school freshmen. I heard that Brother Michael Dimond was going to be on Coast To Coast AM last night and was most eager to listen to him. I woke up just in time and listened to the entire program. I'll be tired today but it was worth it. 


Br. Michael makes a great deal of sense. The entire UFO topic raises a great many questions and I thought that his explanation manages to answer all of them very convincingly.


I was especially gratified to hear Brother Michael speak so convincingly on the issue of Catholicism and 'true Christianity'. I could tell that Mr. Noory and the listeners who telephoned in took issue with that. The tone of the conversation touched on the issue of 'tolerance' and 'political correctness' and it was interesting to hear how Brother Michael handled that; factually, convincingly and yet with great love and charity.  I post on a few internet message boards and have been involved in more than one heated debate over the years with atheists and Protestants. I understand the hostility and ridicule that atheists direct towards Catholicism. In my opinion the reason they do so in order to justify the (questionable / sinful) choices they make If there is no God then there's no reason why anyone should deny themselves any pleasure in this life. But what saddens me more than anything else is the venom with which some Protestants attack Catholics and Catholicism. I have been in internet discussions with people who referred to themselves as Christians who called the Blessed Mother the most vile names imaginable.


It never ceases to amaze me how these people refuse to examine or accept the evidence. Again, the atheists I can understand. Belief in God is by definition a matter of free will and faith. We can choose to believe or not but we will eventually have to face the consequences of our decisions. But the Protestants are another matter. I simply cannot understand how a person can read John 6:35-70 and then turn around and deny the Real Presence in the Eucharist. When I have pointed this out to Protestants in our discussions they either do not answer or they change the subject. When I press them on this point they usually become angry and insulting. 


I am nowhere near the apologist that Brother Michael is, but I have become a fan! I will be placing an order soon for some of your books and DVD's. I plan on sending some copies of your book on the biblical foundations for Catholicism to some friends and relatives… God bless, and keep up the good work!


Kevin M. Finnegan


What about?


I listened to most of the show on coast to coast am last night.  I consider myself open minded and am investigating further what was presented.  I was baptized catholic however have taken a middle of the road approach due to the vast amounts of information in society today and the heresies committed by the church.
I have a question in regards to the UFO excerpt on your website.  You claim there has been no physical evidence but what about Roswell.  What about all the underground operatives with alien beings and craft being investigated.  Why the secret bases, etc. etc. if there was nothing to hide?  What about reverse engineering of technology?  Just some things not covered in that article which may be covered elsewhere in the whole book.
Thank you,
Carol Kagan

MHFM: Roswell is covered in the book.  We would strongly recommend that you get the package.  It’s critical for you to come into the traditional Catholic faith.


Part II - Benedict XVI’s Pilgrimage of Apostasy in the Middle East


Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Benedict_XVI_with_pagans\B16_embraces_falsereligions.jpg

We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file.  In Part I on his recent Pilgrimage of Apostasy (which we posted a few days ago but which is now in the Archive), we covered (among other things) how Benedict XVI said that mosques stand out like “jewels.”  In Part II, we cover more of the astounding apostasy which he manifested on his recent trip.




On Monday May 25, Bro. Michael Dimond will be on Coast to Coast AM radio starting at 11:00 P.M. Pacific Time until 2:00 A.M.  (In the East, that’s 2:00 A.M to 5:00 A.M. on May 26.)




[This is an e-mail from a non-Catholic radio host.  He was raised a Catholic and then left the faith.  He is now looking over material we sent to him, and he is commenting on our new book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.]


Dear Brother Michael,


I want to sincerely thank you for sending me the myriad group of writings and DVDs from both you and Brother Peter.  In my search for the truth, I must say that what you say is true, and what Brother Peter said (and I am only on page 17 of his brilliant analysis of the Blessed Virgin Mary as being the ARK OF THE NEW COVENANT) is the most staggering thing I ever heard of [even having gone through Catholic high school & college,] so please thank him for me for writing so piercingly on these obscure mysteries that regrettably have been twisted by ignorant people.  It also is convincing so far, and can hardly wait to digest the whole of the matter.  When I complete the full reading, I will be in touch, but am really looking forward for our interview.


Cordially in Christ Jesus,



PS: I was going to wait to send this email, but could not contain myself - which is not like me! I can see that you & your brother are indeed doing God's work.


MHFM: We’re really glad that you are reading the information and getting something out of it.  With reference to the biblical identification of Mary as the Ark, many have made this important point; for the fathers and popes of the Church have always recognized this profound biblical truth, as Pope Pius XII mentions.


Pope Pius XII, Munificentissimus Deus (#34), Nov. 1, 1950: “The above-mentioned teachings of the holy Fathers and of the Doctors have been in common use during more recent times. Gathering together the testimonies of the Christians of earlier days, St. Robert Bellarmine exclaimed: "And who, I ask, could believe that the ark of holiness, the dwelling place of the Word of God, the temple of the Holy Spirit, could be reduced to ruin?”


Mary has also been traditionally invoked in the Litany of the Blessed Virgin under the title: “Ark of the Covenant.”  It’s a good example of how the light and tradition of the Catholic Church guide people to the true wisdom and teaching of the Bible. 


Questions, scruples


Hello Brothers I had a few questions for you...

… A society priest told me in confession that the cure to scruples was to only go to confession once a month...is this true?

…I had a friend in high school, I wasn't leading a Catholic life at the time and we both went to drinking parties etc. together. It has been about 4 and a half years since we've really hung out and she is coming to town in a few weeks. I'm wondering if it would be sinful to see her and her children, because it would make the sinful memories come to mind. We talk on the phone about every 3 months as of now and the last time we talked she said she was saving all her boys clothes for me (in case we have a boy) So I have kind of already agreed to see her.

…. What kind of situations should you avoid in regards to immodestly dressed people. I like taking card making classes or quilting classes. I am pretty sure that the teachers will not be dressed right, but since we have to live in this society what precautions do we take. I worry that if I take a class knowing that the people there will be dressed immodestly that I just put myself in an ocassion of sin… these classes are my form of recreation. I think they would be good skills to pass on to my daughters to, since I will be home schooling them..   

… If you forgot what you think is a mortal sin in confession and remember it later can you go to communion the next week without confessing it first, because it was forgiven in your last confession.

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions....

Thanks again,


MHFM: One who is truly scrupulous should go to confession less frequently.  The best thing that a scrupulous person can read is the section on scrupulosity in St. Alphonsus’ book: The True Spouse of Jesus Christ.  As a cautionary note, we must mention that most people are lax, not scrupulous.  They fail to recognize sins in truly sinful actions, rather than vice versa.  For a person who is truly scrupulous, St. Alphonsus says that one should not consider that a mortal sin has been committed unless one is certain of it. 


Regarding the friend, you should explain to her what you believe, in addition to how and why she needs to convert.  If she doesn’t demonstrate the proper interest level, then you should not meet with her.  However, if she seems sincerely interested in converting, it would be our opinion that you could use meeting with her as an opportunity to bring her to the practice of the faith.


You’re not going to be able to avoid all immodestly dressed people.  We don’t see a problem with taking the classes.  People must be strong enough so that it’s not like they will lose their purity if an immodestly dress person walks by.


In reference to the sin forgotten but then remembered: if it’s mortal, one should make arrangements to go to confession first.  All sins are forgiven in a confession sincerely made.  That’s why, when making one’s confession, it’s important to add: “I also ask forgiveness for any sins which I might have forgotten and did not confess.”  If, at some point, one remembers a mortal sin that had not been specifically confessed, it becomes an obligation to confess it at that point.




Dear Brothers, thank you for the videos and books.  When the doctor was showing the list of freemasons on his laptop I thought it was interesting that Darwin’s Grandfather and translator of his works were freemasons.

More importantly I went to church today to attend the Latin Mass and all of a sudden in the entrance to the church there is a sign I saw on another of your dvd's (Christ' institute of something or another) It was so sad. I prayed for a while and I looked around at everybody who seemed so hungry for God and I knew that this beautiful church was empty. I got up and left before communion. I assume it would not be valid thus sinful.  You asked me a few months ago if I was completely convinced about the message you are bringing because I asked you to direct me to a proper church.  I was not ready to commit completely to a very different life so you withheld the answer.  I have experienced so much change the past few months I can hardly relate to people that I have historically been close to.  I could go on and on.  I want to say God bless you and I look forward to speaking to you again soon.

Matt M  


Canon Law


Dear Brothers Peter and Michael,


May I thank you for the great work you are both doing to defend the faith of Jesus Christ and the one true church He founded. I remain astounded at the gullibility of senior clerics who think that what I share with them is off the wall.!!!   My reason for contacting you is to find out if the code of canon law has been altered and if so where can I find the truth on this matter...


May God and the Holy Spirit continue to guide you in this great work.


Kindest regards and God bless you both.


David Soden



MHFM: In 1983 John Paul II came out with a new modernist Code of Canon Law.  He came out with a new Code of Canon Law, to go along with the Counter Church’s new council and its other new teachings.  His new Code of Canon Law contains many of the standard Vatican II heresies.  Some of them are exposed in this file: The Heresies of John Paul II - a comprehensive presentation [PDF file].





I heard your last telephone debate with the SSPX member.    In it you mentioned that Akita was novus ordo.    I don't know much about it.    I had heard a tape on it by Fr. John O'Connor years ago and it sounded quite scary and serious.  Could you explain what is wrong with it.    I am assuming that the Sister is novus ordo but is there anything doctrinally wrong with it?     Thank you!



MHFM:  Yes, it occurred at the New Mass and implies that the consecration of the New Mass is valid.  That alone is enough to prove it false.


Banned in China


Subject: From Shanghai


Greetings from Communist China.  Actually, Shanghai, is amazingly “capitalist”, in an outward “caricaturized” way nowadays.  It is huge, super modern, everything new, well ordered, and very status conscious.   I’m actually here on business….


What I thought you might find interesting, and what really makes your case in a way, is that your web-site is blocked by the Communist government.   I tried to sneak in several ways but no go.


However I had no problem linking directly to the Vatican’s official site, the Vatican News Agency, etc.   What does that tell you?


Bill Mulligan  


Benedict XVI’s Pilgrimage of Apostasy in the Middle East

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Benedict_XVI_Pictures_Miscellany\b16_middle_east.jpg

MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file. 




Dear Bro's


Could you please explain 2 Paralipopemon 19 -2 You had on the quote of the day where it says helping the ungodly you are joined in friendship with them that hate the Lord and therefore thou didst deserve indeed the wrath of the Lord. And 2nd question- I have for years sent money to the Christian Foundation for Children and the aging, and supported many children, until months ago I happen to read on a report they send out that they support the people in what ever religious belief they have or cultural belief they have. This contradicts what they told me over the phone that they were teaching the Catholic Faith! So upon reading what I did I haven't sent any money for 3 months, is that wrong ? I know these children need food, etc, but not to teach the Catholic Faith is not feeding the soul as well! This foundation was presented to us in the Novos Ordo Church years ago when we first came to the Church. I and my husband and two children came out by God opening our knowledge as to why there where wrong things going on. Thanks to both of you Bro Peter and Bro. Micheal. But I must tell the Novus Ordo people who think they are Catholic that we saw there was something Protestant about the false church when we first started visiting it. Why can't they see it, or believe it. We in our ignorance knew this wasn't the Catholic Church, but were told things were changing and were never taught the Dogmas. Sorry I digress from my question. 


Sincerely, Debra Ames


MHFM: The Haydock has a good explanation of that verse: “The Donatists [heretics] hence inferred, that it was not lawful to converse with sinners.  But St. Aug replied, that Josaphat was blamed for aiding Achab in the contempt of the true prophet, and for going to battle conformably to the predictions of impostors.”  Essentially what it’s teaching us is that we must utterly reject others in any matter that touches upon their rejection of God or the true faith.  One must offer a complete and total rejection of the ungodly in any matter implicating their impiety, or else God will reject such a one.


If the group were purely giving them food, then it might be a different story.  But that’s not the case with the group you describe, which is involved with promoting different religious views.  You should not support that or any non-Catholic group.


(We could also greatly use the support that people were sending to heretical groups.  Our outreach in getting new people in contact with this critical information is almost entirely from donations.  The more donations we receive, the more people find out about the information; and the fewer that we receive, the fewer people find out about the information.  Therefore, many souls may be lost that could have been saved had they found out about the information.)




I am a Catholic girl and I come originally from Peru, although right now I am studying as an exchange student for a short period in Berlin. I am really impressed for everyhting that is happening to my church, which I believe is in deep crisis. The problem that I have with my faith is that I just get so different answers of what is wrong and what is right that I feel confused about what is happening. I need something firm where to stand and definitely I can´t get it from our Pope. I would like to get involved in your movement but I don´t think you have any presence in Peru or any other country in Latin America isn´t it? In Lima it would be extremely difficult for me to find a Latin Mass so.. what
shall I do? It would be better not to go to Church at all? In Lima the discussion about the crisis of our church doesn´t take any place and as in other latinamerican countries we are full of charismatic movements that just confuse me more. I would appreciate any recommendation that you can give me, so as to truly live my faith.



MHFM: Thanks for the interest, Miryam.  If you continue to look at the information on our website, you will see that all the churches which have the New (vernacular) Mass are invalid and not really Catholic.  One couldn't attend any of them.  So, if that's all you have, you must stay home.  The entire post-Vatican II structure is a Counter Church.  That's the realization that one must come to.  We have a section on our website which provides guidelines on which traditional priests one can approach.  That's found here: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  But you must first be committed that you will never attend the New Mass again.  One must also be convinced on all the other core issues of Catholic faith, including Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  This file also explains certain guidelines people must understand about receiving sacraments in these times. 


One shouldn't have anything to do with the Charismatic movement; for it's not of God.  That’s explained here: EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]


We would strongly encourage you to continue looking at the information on our website and listen to the audios we have available online.  These will help you understand better what's going on.




It’s critical to pray the Rosary each day, 15 decades if possible.  An easier way to get that accomplished is one set of mysteries three different times in the day.


Praying to Saints

Hi, I just wanted to ask, how is it that we can venerate or pray to the Saints, to any particular Saint we want? How is it that we do this? What has the Church said about this?

Do you just like offer an Our Father or Hail Mary to the Saint or say "I will offer this Our Father and Hail Mary to x Saint", and then ask them for a particular favor or something? How do we do it?



MHFM: There are books, such as The Raccolta, which contain indulgenced prayers to saints.  You can use those prayers.  You can also say an Our Father or Hail Mary in honor of the saint.  You can also compose your own prayer to the saint.  You can also simply invoke the saint and ask for his or her assistance in simple words of your choosing.  In short, you can pray to saints – and ask for their intercession- in any way that you feel inclined.


Prayers to powerful saints





I'm in my twenties and catholic.  i received all the sacraments and was confirmed.  I really like a lot of the information that you are giving on your site.  i was wondering though seeing that all these were in the Vatican II church does that negate all of these sacraments?  I saw your section on conversion.  Do i need to say the profession of faith with a traditional priest, or can it be said on my own and then receive confession?  I live in Rhode Island and would love to know where to go to receive confession and to go to mass.  Thank you i would really appreciate it if you could help.

God Bless,



MHFM: It’s good to hear about your interest.  Confirmation and “Communion” in the Novus Ordo cannot be considered valid.  You can make the profession of faith on your own, and we can help you with where to receive sacraments.




I left the church a few years ago as I could not stand the irreverence and the whole thing!!  I recently discovered your website and was so happy to see there is still some traditional Masses. I will admit I was asleep but now am informed and returning to my faith, thanks to you and your info.


I live in western Wis…. I pray the rosary every day and do feel like the Holy Spirit has been leading me.


Thanks for all your information. You are in my prayers. thanks






Dear Father/Brother.

Many thanks for making the videos available online.  My friend who's computer I'm privileged to use has high speed broadband.  I'm living in Wellington, New Zealand.  For the last six months I've stayed away from the Novus Ordo Establishment and my spiritual life has improved. The indifferentism of the NO… Institution is more infectious and deadly
than "swine flu".  But as a Traditional Catholic I feel quite alone.  It's like living in a hermitage. Maybe that's how I should live.  How does one go about living a Roman Catholic life on one's own?  Especially in a country as isolated as New-Zealand….

I ask your blessing and prayers.  And will endeavor to pray for you too!

Alan George

MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Sometimes people are looking too much for communities and churches where they can meet with other people, rather than delving into the faith itself and building their relationship with God.  That's what we would say about your question of how to live a Catholic life on your own.  The attachment to community, rather than to God, can be a big problem today.  It’s the reason that so many supposed Catholics (and non-Catholics, especially Protestants) wind up following whatever church is closest to them or what gives them the greatest sense of community and companionship.  They follow such a church – rather than what is really true – because the human companionship reassures them and provides them with “moral” support.  So, as disappointing as it might be, to live the faith you don’t need to have many other people in your particular area who believe as you do.




Dear Brothers,
I just listened to your audio on the election night hoax.  Now who would have thunk?  Just imagine 129 Million minus the repentant Catholics and you get pretty much anyone who voted for either of the masons as those who are turned over to a reprobate mind.  Good piece of work. What do you think the chance of the whore allowing its controlled media to do an expose'?  Okay, that was a rhetorical question…






MHFM: This quote really captures the sinister character of the persecution against Catholics by the Mexican government in the 1920s.


“December 30 [1927].  Agents of Calles disguised as priests heard the confessions of the country people, in order to obtain evidence, through their confessions, that they were connected with the movement of revolt.  After this evidence had been obtained, the people, who believed they had been heard by a priest, were imprisoned, and some murdered.” (Fr. Wilfred Parsons, Mexican Martyrdom, pp. 79-80.)


Bible Reading


Dear Brothers,


The Bible is a library rather than one book, and it is not easy to grasp lengthy and complicated reading.  So my question is what is the best way to read the Bible?


Do you recommend reading the Bible in a year?


What are your thoughts?


I am still reading your books and they are a solid Catholic reading.  I have stopped going to the Novus Ordo invalid mass and have no place to go to a Valid Catholic Mass.


I came to the decision that the last five anti-popes are in fact heretics and apostates and are deceiving people who claim to be Catholics!


God Bless,

Kevin From Pullman, Wa.


MHFM: Reading the entire Bible in a year is a good idea. 


For those who are not inclined to do that, we think that they should begin with reading all four Gospels.  Everyone needs to have read the four Gospels.  We’ve been surprised by how many professing traditional Catholics have not read the Gospels.  Acquiring a better grasp of them is a must.  It should be one’s priority, in terms of Bible reading.  After that, one should read the other books of the New Testament.  We would say that one’s focus should be on the New Testament.  If a person is not going to read the entire Old Testament, we would say that people should pick out certain books of the Old Testament that are most interesting to them.  The Book of Genesis is obviously very significant.  In our opinion, the first half of the Book of Exodus and the Books of Kings/Samuel should interest many people.  That’s just a suggestion.


(We would also recommend our book called The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, if you don’t have it.)





Wisdom 12: 3-6  " For those inhabitants of thy holy land, whom thou didst abhor, 4 Because they did works hateful to thee by their sorceries, and wicked sacrifices, 5 And those merciless murderers of their own children, and eaters of  men's bowels, and devourers of blood from the midst of thy consecration, 6 And those parents sacrificing with their own hands helpless souls, it was thy will to destroy..."

I opened the bible to this verse 5 days ago.  It helped me decide to protest at Notre Dame.  After protesting on the streets for 3 hours we went and watched only 30 students attend the alternative commencement.   That's out of 2000 graduating.   It should be obvious to all Notre Dame is apostate.

Bill from Michigan




I was reading something that malachi martin wrote about what happened at vatican II. He said that Paul the 6th held an enthronement ceremony of the fallen archangel lucifer, and that it was held in st paul’s chapel at the vatican. But i read that he believes the prophecies of Bayside are true, so I was wondering what your thoughts are on this alleged ceremony.




MHFM: Just to clarify your question (for those who are unfamiliar with what you’re asking about): you are asking about the large ceremonial enthronement of the Vatican to Satan after the election of Antipope Paul VI.  It occurred on the very day of Paul VI’s coronation.  You are asking whether Martin’s statement on this is reliable, considering that he held other false positions (such as on Bayside).  Yes, we believe that he’s telling the truth that it happened.  He definitely had some false views, but he was privy to information about what they were doing in the Vatican.  Moreover, his statement coincides perfectly with what occurred in the years which followed and with what Paul VI exhibited: such as wearing the breastplate of a Jewish high priest.  It also coincides with the Vatican II antipopes’ sometimes blatant endorsement of antichrist doctrines and luciferian actions.




MHFM: Here’s another very good articulation of why the Catholic Church cannot err (i.e., is infallible) in the canonization of a saint:


Fr. Frederick William Faber, An Essay on Beatification, Canonization and the Processes of the Congregation of Rites, 1848, p. 72: “And can anything more awful be imagined than the idea that all this [the canonizations of saints] may be false, and that the Church may possibly err on the whole matter?  Could there be a more complete triumph for the gates of Hell than this, to have one who is perhaps a reprobate in the dungeons of hell, burning with hatred of God, and venerated upon the altars of the Universal Church, the pillar and ground of the truth?  ‘In the Church,’ says St. Thomas (Quodlibet 9., qu. 7, a. 16) ‘there can be no damnable error; but this would be damnable error, if he were venerated as a Saint who was in reality a sinner.’”


Prayer books


Dear Brothers,

I remember a while back someone asking whether schismatic Ikons were fine to venerate at home. I remember you answered in the affirmative.  I wonder if the same can be applied to "Orthodox" liturgical and service books, psalters, horologions (sp?) For personal use.   Over the years I've obtained a few. They are generally cheaper, more available, always in-print and in beautiful archaic translations, especially the pre-Nikonian "Old-Believers" texts . Catholic versions are rarely all-the-above. In fact, the Ruthenians have adopted gender-neutral translations.  Superior editions are occasionally republished by Rome, but on a limited scale.  I would appreciate your advice/input.

MHFM: Regarding icons, we weren’t saying that people could use “schismatic icons,” but rather acceptable traditional icons which are representative of Greek or Eastern Catholic spirituality and which might be sold or currently in use by schismatics.  Regarding prayer books, one should not use schismatic liturgical books.




Dear Author(s) of your Website:


I'm intrigued by most of your statements...however, allot of the questions you raise would probably be reasonably solved with a solid formation in basic Logic 101!


Also: If the present Holy See, Cardinals and Bishops are heretical and therefore without authority, then "who" has that authority?  Who has the authority to say they are WITHOUT authority???  Seems you begin drifting into Protestant waters at this point!!!  These arguments underline the reasoning of the BVM's insistence at Fatima, to pray the Rosary everyday.



Mt Wauchusett, MA.


MHFM: No, a Catholic doesn’t need any special authority to recognize that manifest heretics do not possess (but have lost) authority in the Church.  Manifest heretics lose authority in the Church automatically and without declaration, whether they claim to be popes, bishops, cardinals or priests.  That’s the teaching of the Catholic Church.


St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, lib. II, cap. 30: “Finally, the Holy Fathers teach unanimously not only that heretics are outside of the Church, but also that they are ‘ipso facto’ deprived of all ecclesiastical jurisdiction and dignity.”


St. Robert Bellarmine, Cardinal and Doctor of the Church, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30:  "A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church.  Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church.  This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction."


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]




To whom it may concern,
Ok.  First of all it seems to me that it is a catholic assumption that the Holy Word of God is not the final authority when it comes to debates on theological matters… am I a Bible only christian? To me that seems to say that if the catholic church teaches something in direct opposition to the Bible, then of course the church is correct and the Bible is wrong.  That is incredible heresy. 
Let's take the false teaching that Mary was a virgin her whole life. I have 3 Bible quotes that contradict that belief.  The first is Matthew 1:24,25….




MHFM: All of your objections – including your objections to Mary being a perpetual virgin – are addressed in our book: The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  You really need to get it.  Also, the Catholic Church doesn’t teach anything that is opposed to the Bible.  On the contrary, the teaching of the Bible proves the teachings of the Catholic Church.


Came Across


Dear Brothers,


I have recently come across with your web site and I'm currently watching the videos and reading the information you have on there. I am constantly seeking the truth and find that I have many questions, I was raised Catholic on Mexico City…. I was reading the article about: Was the most powerful "cardinal" in America after Vatican II a secret satanist?, I saw the pictures about all the changes and additions that were made on the Holy Name Cathedral here on Illinois, I was so sad to see Our Lord on what they call "resurrection crucifix" and also the pics where Our Lady is represented as trapped on a satanic web…


I was thinking about how many people went to that church and probably never notice those changes that were full of emptiness like you mention in your article.


I... want to thank you for my order, I have received within 2 days, everything is amazing, I can't wait to read all my books and distribute the Dvd's and your material to all my friends and relatives.  You are doing a great job….


God Bless you.


E. Johnson


Fr. Miguel Pro


MHFM: Fr. Miguel Pro was a Catholic priest who was martyred in Mexico during the government’s persecution in the 1920s.  One of many interesting stories in his life concerns his evasion of government officials who were following him.  They looked for and arrested Catholic priests.  In order to elude them, Fr. Pro was forced to jump from a moving cab.


“‘I turned this way, and that: they did the same [Fr. Pro relates].  This time you’re a goner, I said to myself.  I took an auto; they did the same.  Fortunately, the driver was a Catholic, and seeing me in such a fix, he put himself at my service.  ‘Look, my lad, at the corner that I point out to you, slow up a bit, I’ll jump out, and you go right on.’

     ‘I put my cap into my pocket and… jumped.  I got up at once and leaned against a tree, but in such a way that I might be seen by them.  They passed me a second later, almost grazing me with the mud-guards of their car.  They saw me, but it did not in the least occur to them that it was I.  I turned to go, but not as nimbly as I could have wished, for the fall I got had left me numbed.  ‘Steady, my boy; now we’re ready for another.’  And with a limp I took the road home.’” (Fr. Wilfred Parsons, Mexican Martyrdom, p. 48.)


Here’s a picture of Fr. Pro before he was martyred by a firing squad in 1927.  He held his arms out in the form of a cross, and at the very moment of the command to fire he cried: “Viva Christo Rey: Long Live Christ the King!”  The initial shots didn’t kill him, so one of the soldiers came up and shot him point blank.


Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\E_Pictures\Miguel_Pro.gif




You say that the New "mass" is invalid because the words of the Consecration were changed to "for all", but I read that this only happened in the vernacular version, not on the Latin or "official" version of it; I read the "for many" was retained in the Latin or official one. What do you say to that? And why was the original formula retained in the Latin version?


Note: I of course hold that the New "mass" is invalid anyways for a number of obvious reasons, just want to clear that up.




MHFM: That’s addressed in our section on the New Mass: The Invalid New Mass.  It’s true that the original Latin version of the New Mass doesn’t say “for all,” as the vernacular versions do.  But that doesn’t matter for three reasons.  First, the Latin version of the New Mass is almost never used.  Second, the “priests” who would be using it are almost all “ordained” in the invalid New Rite of Ordination.  Third, the Latin version of the New Mass is also of doubtful validity because it removed the words mysterium fidei – “the mystery of Faith” – from the words of consecration.  This causes a grave doubt, because “mysterium fidei” is part of the form in the Roman Rite.  Though the words “mysterium fidei” are not part of some of the Eastern Rite formulas of consecration, they have been declared to be part of the Roman Rite.  They are also found in some Eastern Rites.  Pope Innocent III and the Canon of the Mass also tell us that the words “mysterium fidei” were given by Jesus Christ Himself.


Pope Innocent III, Cum Marthae circa, Nov. 29, 1202, in response to a question about the form of the Eucharist and the inclusion of ‘mysterium fidei’: "You have asked (indeed) who has added to the form of words which Christ Himself expressed when He changed the bread and wine into the Body and Blood, that in the Canon of the Mass which the general Church uses, which none of the Evangelists is read to have expressed... In the Canon of the Mass that expression, ‘mysterium fidei,’ is found interposed among His words... Surely we find many such things omitted from the words as well as from the deeds of the Lord by the Evangelists, which the Apostles are read to have supplied by word or to have expressed by deed... Therefore, we believe that the form of words, as they are found in the Canon, the Apostles received from Christ, and their successors from them." (Denz. 414-415)


The words “the mystery of faith” in the consecration are a clear reference to the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  These words were also removed by the heretic Thomas Cranmer in his 1549 Anglican Prayer book because of their clear reference to the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  When words are removed from a rite because the meaning they express contradicts the intended meaning of the rite, a doubt is caused.


G Friday prayer


I wanted to ask about the Holy Friday Prayer for the Jews, the Novus Ordo one, is this the "official" prayer said everywhere in every "church"?


"for the Jewish people, the first to hear the word of God, that they many continue to grow in the love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant."


Is that the official prayer of the Novus Ordo? Where can I confirm this information if it is true? I want to clear this up so I can convince some stubborn Novus Ordo family.


MHFM: You can find it in any Novus Ordo Missal.


Two different Good Friday prayers for the Jews for two different religions


The Novus Ordo Good Friday prayer is: “for the Jewish people, the first to hear the word of God, that they may continue to grow in the love of his name and in faithfulness to His covenant.”




The Catholic Church’s prayer on Good Friday is: “for the perfidious Jews: that Our Lord and God may lift the covering off their hearts, so that they may acknowledge Jesus Christ Our Lord.”


Notice that the traditional prayer has been replaced with a prayer, not that the Jews convert, but that they “grow” in faithfulness to His covenant!  Thus, there is an expression of apostasy right in the official Good Friday prayer of the New Mass.  It’s a promotion of Judaism and the heresy that the Old Covenant is still valid.


Remember Notre Dame


Benedict XVI mum on Obama's Notre Dame controversy


MHFM: As we consider the absolute abomination of Barack Obama speaking and being awarded by Notre Dame (one of the nation’s most famous “Catholic” universities), we must not forget the utter silence of Benedict XVI on the matter.  Benedict XVI is certainly aware of what’s going to happen.  Yet he says and does nothing about it.  We must not forget this silence.  Benedict XVI is quite outspoken when people offend certain non-Catholic groups in interviews, but he says and does nothing about this incredible abomination.  It’s a striking reminder of how evil he really is.


But we can take it a step further.  Consider that many Novus Ordo “Catholics” are rightly outraged by what will occur at Notre Dame.  Many of these same people, however, love Benedict XVI.  By supporting Benedict XVI, they are actually supporting Obama at Notre Dame – which they claim to believe is an outrage.  For they would have to admit that Benedict XVI is complicit in Notre Dame’s decision to award Obama.  He facilitates it by his silence and by his tacit approval.  Hence, by supporting him they are complicit in the very outrage they claim to protest.




Dear Brothers,

… I ordered the books from your online store. I have been studying and praying the Rosary.  You had advised me to stay home and study the books and pray the Rosary, and to call when I was convinced.

As for the information on your website "How to Convert to The Catholic Church This is very helpful and complete, and gave me the proper steps to follow.  Thank You!!  So now I am ready to continue.

I have read the material and still reading some as well.   It is shall we say ongoing. However I am ready to call you or be referred to a Priest to make a Profession of Faith,
and a Confession of Sins... I know as you have stated in your books that it is a very fluid situation at the present. So, I am trusting in your leading me in the right direction. Of course I do understand my personal responsibility as well.  I am in Daytona Beach Florida. I can travel to the West Coast of Florida as well.

About Me:

I am 62yo protestant of a non-denominational Church.  I should really say more accurately I was until I ran across your website.

I Have been married for 42 years to the same woman.  She is also a protestant member as well. I do not think she is ready yet to convert, but may in the future.
I was baptized at about 14years old.  I do not have any document regarding my Baptism.   Below is the words used before I was immersed in the water.

Saying Quote:

By the Authority of Jesus Christ and By His Command.  I now baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.  And for the remission of your sins. Amen (This was done by complete immersion.)

If you think I should receive a conditional Baptism then that is what I shall seek to do…

Please Pray for me!

God Bless





… I was most surprised to see that there are those who claim valid canonizations can be done in error, as I said I am nowhere near as philosophically educated as yourself but as it is seen by a lay man, such as myself, it appears they are saying the church can err when it officially pronounces a teaching or makes a statement of fact. It does not take a genius to see that is a heretical position, if the Church can err on such issues how could we look to it as a source of truth and good? How can we trust its teachings when it can err as gravely as to proclaim that a damned soul to be a saint? These positions cannot be catholic as when the church speaks it ends debate on the issue, that is the entire point of having one central, catholic, universal church…


MHFM: Yes, there are a number of ways to demonstrate the point; but, as you indicate, a person with a simple faith in the Catholic Church itself knows that it cannot err in such a matter.



Thanks for the audio on the voting hoax. What a shame that the freest nation on the planet is a slave to these gangsters!
God Bless,
Kit White




Subject: Moscow Mayor bans gay parade


Dear MHFM,

I am posting this article just to illustrate what has become of the Western culture (and civilization in general). Compared to the West even Russia now seems like a conservative country. It would be very hard, even impossible, to find a mayor of a city in any of the countries of the EU who would dare to do or say something like this:


.....to further prove the point...

the West ''strikes back'' in typical fashion:


(besides this, the whole Eurovision contest is a despicable show)

Keep up the good work,

V. from Croatia




In the 70's, shortly after Roe V. Wade, I read in Redbook Magazine something like, These days with amniocentesis, you get to know the sex of your baby and if you're looking for a boy instead of a girl you can always have an abortion and try again." 


I wrote them an angry letter and never picked up that disgusting magazine again. 


Obituary Contradictions


Subject: Obituary Contradictions


Dear Brothers,


Isn't it interesting that the V2 crowd and all other heretics are so quick to tell sedevacantists that "we have way to know if someone goes to hell or not" yet those are the same type of heretics who write in newspaper obituaries that they can't wait to reunite with their dead loved ones in heaven again some day! Somehow they are certain that their deceased family and friends all went to heaven!


Fewness and Recreation


I have been reading much recently on how small the number of those who reach heaven is.  I thank you for making these types of materials available.  The more I read the more fearful I become.  If “almost no one” who died in World War II, in a time when Catholics frequently were daily mass attenders, daily rosary reciters, followers of Church teaching on sexual morality, etc.; how will we today be saved?  I am not trying to argue, I am just frightened and hoping to hear advice from others who have read what I have read.  What do you do to pursue salvation and separate yourself from the many, even in better days, who are damned?...


In Christ,




MHFM: To be saved one must have a deep interest in the faith, in God and in the things of salvation.  One must be truthful and honest – in short, of goodwill.  That necessarily presupposes that one possesses the grace of faith.  The grace of faith is an unshaken conviction in Jesus Christ, His absolute necessity for salvation, and the absolute truth of the dogmas which have been revealed by His one Church.


To be saved, one must take the faith seriously and not compromise it.  One must evangelize: that is, one must attempt to bring friends and family to the true faith.  For instance, if one has been a Catholic for good period of time and hasn’t attempted to bring his good friends or close family to the faith, then that’s a very bad sign, if not an outright proof that he’s in mortal sin.


To be saved, one must have an attachment to God as the number one priority.  This means that one doesn’t deviate from the truth in order to please others; it means that one is not swayed at all by what friends or family members think if it conflicts with faith. 


A strong prayer life and a true devotion to Our Lady and the Rosary are essential.  They should be each person’s priority in the day.  A strong prayer life means that one must have an interior life, in which praying is something that is sincere, internal, frequent and even instant – not just an external action performed out of obligation. 


For a person with an upright will – who truly believes and sincerely wants to be saved and avoid Hell – it’s not that hard to be saved.  It just takes interest and good will.  The yoke of Jesus is sweet and His burden is light (Mt. 11:30).  To be saved, one must simply accept the fullness of the Catholic faith and be uncompromising about it.  One must take the steps to get into the state of grace and avoid mortal sin.  And one must pray, especially the Rosary.  When a person does those simple things, he/she will please God more in something such as recreation than heretics will in all of their devotions.


We would add something for those who have presumably been living the life of grace and taking the faith seriously.  This is for those who are already being productive for God in their state of life; it’s for those who have already centered their lives around salvation and the Catholic faith.  This is not for those who still need or are in the process of breaking from mortal sin or the sins of the world or who don’t really work for God or souls according to their state in life.  This is not for those who aren’t really productive for God at all or trying to do anything for souls. 


To fully functioning traditional Catholics, we would say that it’s important to have recreation.  It’s important to have a recreation that you can do (preferably) by yourself or at least with your immediate family.  (The recreation cannot be sinful, of course.)  Whether it’s a particular game you like to play or something you like to watch or sport you like to take part in or a hobby you have, it’s important to have recreation.  This is especially true in these dark days, in which the almost universal apostasy and bad will can, at times, be quite desolate.  Recreation keeps a soul balanced, fresh and even humble.  It takes a soul away from the sometimes intense issues which surround the faith; so that when one returns to them, one can be even more productive and focused.  Recreation inspires one to love God; for when one experiences the enjoyment and ease of recreation, one thanks God for His goodness. 


In our experience and observation, we can say that we’ve seen many traditional Catholics who don’t recreate lose all balance and reasonability.  They often wind up either falling into schism or becoming puffed up with pride.  The result is that God resists them and can’t use them.  They frequently fall into Pharisaical errors which cause them to go further than what God wants.  This leads to their downfall. 


With others, we’ve seen that when they don’t recreate, they fill up the void by constantly gossiping about others or constantly needing to be around others.  Instead of remaining content where they are, they need to search out humans simply to talk to as their form of recreation.  This frequently causes them to fall into sin or heresies by attachment to creatures.


Some of these people fill up the void of not having recreation by looking all over the internet for worthless information or gossip.  They are not looking for matters of faith or news that might be interesting or important to them, which is acceptable; but rather for whatever this group or that is saying about someone else.  As a result, the Devil frequently moves in and they are led astray by people and even lose the faith. 


Appropriate movies?


Subject: Appropriate Movies


Dear Brothers,
I found what you wrote on Michael J. Fox and Christopher Reeves very interesting. When I watched these movies in the past I just thought well, of course you can't travel in time or of course Superman is just a made up character. I always of course knew that God was the only Almighty one. When you say no Catholic should watch these movies it makes me wonder what movies are okay for Catholics to watch. They seem so harmless if you know your faith.  Should we only be watching religious videos? Do you think the Disney movies are absolutely a thing to be avoided for children even if they are raised knowing the difference between good and evil and are raised with the True Catholic Faith? Also, I'm wondering if contemporary Christian music should also be avoided since most is written by protestants? I want to do the right thing and really appreciate your input on these issues. Thank you for your time.


MHFM: The thing which makes those particular movies irreparable and unacceptable to watch is that the theme is directly adverse to faith.  A time machine and a superman contradict the true faith.  There are other movies which might have a theme which is not adverse to faith, but which have certain elements which are objectionable (e.g., profane language, blasphemy, immodesty).  It has come to our attention that there are certain companies that edit out all profanity, blasphemy and R-rated content.  So, one might acceptably watch certain major motion pictures which have been edited, if the theme is acceptable or not directly opposed to faith.  One would have to use discretion on that issue.




For example, what is the original church's teachings on the consumption of alcohol, other than the wine in the celebration of the mass? As you may know, alcohol is a drug, that even in a scientific point of view, is damaging to the body. It is even admitted that the body rejects it when consumed for the first time, just like other drugs such as tobacco when smoked...I've noticed that alcohol is directly associated with many automobile accidents and the demoralization of people under the influence...When I was a little child, my mother taught me that one must always pray or at least do the sign of the cross before going to bed, so that one's in good standing with god in case of unexpected death during one's sleep...I believe that drinking in essence is the next step to drunkenness...therefore, the will to loose consciousness, and possibly die in a state out of grace...What is your stand on this issue?


MHFM: The Church does not teach that alcohol is evil or cannot be taken.  Jesus turned water into wine (John 2:9).  The Church teaches that drunkenness is a mortal sin.  However, it is our opinion that it’s a good idea for people not to drink alcohol at all.  This is because so many people abuse it and wind up falling into sin.  They are better off not drinking it at all.




I continue to find interesting and well done material on your site. What I see on the net is a lot of opposition toward you and that is not a bad thing, given that the net is for the most part a sewer of society. However more so that it seems like an orchestrated plot by the devil to discredit your work…


First, for one to be a schismatic he would have to have been in some sort of communion with the church, as I understand it?


The biggest exception people take is that you accept sacraments from Byzantine priests who may do what they do validly, but not legally. You of course many times have made the case that in days past when there was a valid church, each person did not have to know each priests personal views and agree with them, the priest may hold to a heresy in secret, placing him outside the church, but not placing the people who have no control or way of knowing.


It seems many traditionalists who oppose you simply take the most hard line, restrictive view on each possible issue, and declare that as their dogma. Whatever set of beliefs sends more people to hell must be the correct belief it seems in their mind. First they try to twist your position on outside the church. Number two is the sacrament issue I mentioned before.


Number three is most interesting, it was my understanding that a valid canonization is an affirmative statement by the Church that a person is in heaven, a beatification as I understand it means people may validly believe a person is in heaven, while the conferring of sainthood ends the debate, the church has said that the evidence is overwhelming that the person is in fact in heaven. Am I missing something here? If so please correct me...


MHFM: Yes, as our apostolate has continued to help more and more people, the attacks against us from every angle have increased.  That’s to be expected (Ephesians 6:12).  Every heretic inspired by the Devil wants to throw in his two cents of lies, distortions and heresies.  However, we have even been surprised at times by the manner and the ferocity which they have taken on.  All such heretics and liars would be demolished in a debate. 


You mention a few radical schismatics whose false (and sometimes wacky) views have been repeatedly refuted on our website.  We get e-mails almost each day from some of these people.  They usually use fake names because they are too cowardly to put their real ones.  They write to us and they try to figure out how we would refute their arguments.  For it frequently happens that as soon as we converse with them we bring up things that they’ve missed.  This causes them to have to re-assess their religion and change their positions.


You say it correctly when you point out: “It seems many traditionalists who oppose you simply take the most hard line, restrictive view on each possible issue, and declare that as their dogma. Whatever set of beliefs sends more people to hell must be the correct belief it seems in their mind.”  That’s exactly right.  That’s because they are elitists spurred on by pride.  They don’t understand God or the Church.  That’s why they fall into mortally sinful positions such as rejecting the canonizations of the Church.  To hold that the entire Church has erred in a canonization is simply to hold that the Catholic Church officially errs.  That is heretical.  We have refuted them, but we plan on doing an audio further pinning down their completely false arguments on the core issues. 


Regarding the Mass issue, such issues have been addressed and refuted.  But it’s crushed by the points made in this article: Is it ever permissible to go to a validly ordained priest for the sacraments who claims to be Catholic but prays in union with Benedict XVI or holds to some other heresy?


This article points out that most of the priests in the early 1900’s were clear heretics.  Therefore, they would have to say that it was a mortal sin to go to those “non-Catholic” churches at that time.  They ignore and cannot address that issue, which destroys their position.


It’s an interesting study of how schism kills souls.  It’s obvious how heresy kills souls, but this really captures how schism is distinct from heresy (although it is almost always accompanied by it).  These schismatics, being cut off from the vine, also accomplish nothing of value.  The only thing they accomplish is to attack those who do things of value.


Here are some relevant files:

Baptism, Heresy, Schism - Tel Debate- Part 1 [1 hr.4 min. audio – May 2008]

Baptism, Heresy, Schism - Tel Debate - Part 2 [27 min. audio – May 2008]

[Note: this conversation concerns a finer point, which might not be relevant for those new to this information.  It is posted primarily to refute the schismatic errors which have been embraced by a small number of radical “traditionalists.”  Also, the person on the other side had already viciously condemned the true position.  That’s one reason for the combative and aggressive tone to the exchange.]

Quotes on Schism, Baptism, Heresy, Subjection to the Roman Pontiff, the Trinity and Incarnation

Discussion about the "una cum" issue, where one may receive sacraments, refuting radical schismatic views [44 min. audio] File of relevant quotes






The career that I want requires a bachelors degree, do you know of any moral colleges?


Also, What do you think of people joining the U.S. military, I myself am kind of turned off to the idea since Barack Hussein Obama is now the Commander in Chief, would joining it be a moral thing to do?




MHFM: We have mentioned before that there aren’t any moral colleges today.  If you must go, we would say that you should try to find a situation where you can live apart or by yourself.  This way you are not immersed in the things that occur on campus outside of the classroom.  As far as joining the military to fight wars for Israel, we would have to advise against it.




Thank you for all your very valuable and soul saving information…


Is it permissible for Catholic homeschooling families to belong to HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association)?  This group was founded by a group of lawyers, all nonCatholic as far as I can tell, to defend the rights of families who are threatened with legal action because of their decision to homeschool.  However, they do promote Protestant activities on their website, which is why I hesitate to join.  Yet, we may eventually need their help.


I agree, this whole swine flu uproar smells very fishy to me. (10 people in California sick, out of a population of 30 million, and they declare a state of emergency????!!!!!!!).


God bless you all.



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  It depends upon what joining the group entails.  If it simply involves signing up and paying a fee in order to receive certain benefits, then we would say that one may join.  If it means that you endorse and have a part in everything that they promote, then we would say that one may not join.  So, we would recommend looking carefully at what joining involves.




… we have been trying in the past few weeks to introduce the material of your books to V2 friends and family and they act like we are crazy and are satan himself.  I just don't understand why people "don't get it" and refuse to even entertain the thought that the Pope is fallible and V2 is wrong.  We feel like outsiders and the wrong ones in our Catholic faith because we are the only ones who can see the truth.  I can't get anyone to read the books or even discuss the topic.  It's very frustrating - and sad.  Not really sure what to do about that.  Leave them alone and let them go to hell or keep bring ridiculed?


My husband started a big conflict in our Catholic homeschool group because he said there is no salvation outside the Catholic church, and that baptism of desire is not accepted and not the teaching of the Church.  He had so many "Catholic" V2 people argue with him that that statement wasn't true and began quoting from the CC of the Catholic Church.  He only uses the Council of Trent and Dogma of the Catholic Church by Denzinger - which all your books refer back to.


We feel so alone out here, but we know we are right.




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  The reason they don’t get it is bad will.  You are going to come up against a lot of bad will and opposition when you stand for the faith, especially today.


Whore of Babylon


Subject: Whore of Babylon


Good Morning Brothers of The Risen Christ,
Your website is full of knowledge and wisdom, the precious reader will understand.  I write to you as an advocate of your work.  In these perilous times, where the world does not recognize the signature of the fallen one and more importantly are led to believe satan does not exist or that satan is an imbecile.  Contrary, as an angel that used to covereth, who was adorned with precious stones, satan has set up the final chapter and is anything but unintelligent.  Rome is a pawn of satan, to set up the false peace of a world religion after the womans burning…

Joseph Turek


MHFM: We should clarify that when we speak of Rome as a pawn of Satan we speak of Vatican II Rome, not the actual Church of Rome.




Thank you for the information.  It's amazing how the true messages are so concise, and how the words chosen are precise and few.

You may be interested to know that I invited some marxists to watch your video about the Shroud of Turin.  Two different people on two different occasions.  Interestingly, both of them absolutely refused to watch.  These very same people that accuse me of not being open minded on other issues!  As I pressed them, it became apparent they wouldn't watch because they somehow weren't allowed to do so.  Why, after all, should the devil let them watch it?  He rewarded them for  their compromises and their rejection of the Church- and that video provides the kind of evidence that could convert anyone who watched it with an honest intellect.  They still haven't watched it.




Dear MHFM,


Can you please explain why going to a prom is a mortal sin? I have been dating my girlfriend for nearly six months and she wants to go to our senior prom, but I read in your news section that that would be a mortal sin. Can you explain why? I always thought it was just a dance. Thank you.




MHFM: There are numerous reasons which combine to make it a mortal sin to go.


First, the music they will be playing (and to which people will be dancing) is pagan, if not openly lustful and mortally sinful. 


Second, the immodesty of the dress and the dancing is sinful.  In concert with the inappropriateness of the dress and dancing, the close contact of two unmarried people is an occasion of sin, if not outright mortally sinful.


Third, partying and celebrating with people who are in mortal sin and have little or no regard for God’s laws will almost certainly lead to other mortal sins.


The entire atmosphere reeks of the noxious and pestilential spirit of the world, of mortal sin, and of sins of the flesh. 


1 John 2:16- “For all that is in the world, is the concupiscence of the flesh, and the concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life, which is not of the Father, but is of the world.”


Again, here is St. John Vianney on dancing. 


“There is not a commandment of God which dancing does not cause men to break… Mothers may indeed say: ‘Oh, I keep an eye on their dress; you cannot keep guard over their heart.  Go, you wicked parents, go down to Hell where the wrath of God awaits you, because of your conduct when you gave free scope to your children; go!  It will not be long before they join you, seeing that you have shown them the way so well… Then you will see whether your pastor was right in forbidding those Hellish amusements.’” (Abbé Francis Trocu, The Curé D’Ars, St. Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney, p. 146)


What he was condemning was probably mild compared to a modern-day prom. 




If Benedict XVI and his predecessor are as bad as you say, why would God let them visit the holiest sites in the world? (Manger Square, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, etc)




MHFM: The answer is that God sometimes allows evil people to be in holy places.  The Muslims were in control of the holy land at one time.  In the early Church, heretical and evil emperors frequently inserted themselves into the most important church buildings in the Empire.  Scripture itself tells us that the “abomination of desolation” will be “in the holy place” (Matthew 24:15) and that the “man of sin” will sit “in the temple of God” (2 Thess. 2:4).  Thus, the fact that God allows a person be in one of those places (for whatever reason) doesn’t prove that the person is not evil. 




Good Morning,

What do you think of the Bayside messages from New York?  I believe her name was Veronica Leuken.

Thanks,  -Karl


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  This section deals in detail with that issue:


False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section]




Dear Brothers,


I listened your excellent audio about the Media's Election Night Hoax… Please keep up the excellent work you are doing for Our Lord and His Mother. God bless you.



Kathryn Rubio




I am learning each day more and more from your website, which (although not initially) has become my safest catholic source on the internet.
At the beginning of the year I ordered some books from your website and ended up receiving for free the books "What really happened to the Catholic Church after the Vatican II council" and "Outside the Church there is absolutely no salvation".
Initially I putted them aside and did not intend to read them. Although I already was a 'traditional' catholic, I was constantly afraid of coming to sedevacantism, since in the 'traditional' internet pages and communities from where I live (Brazil) are constantly 'warning' against sedevacantism, to don´t come in contact with them, that they are self sufficient, and etc etc.
Now however, on the verge of more and more scandals of the 'Pope' and other 'church authorities' I came to realize that these false traditionalists only come up with news that are convenient, for instance, refuting everything evil the 'Pope' does as being his 'personal opinion' and since is not a matter of faith it is all right, and when he says some statement that goes along with the doctrine, they stamp it over its webpages and pamphlets saying "The pope is really a traditionalist fighting to restore tradition", or "He is fighting against the 'modernist wolves' in Rome which are opposing him"(isn´t he one?), and so on. In the end I realized that these people make a 'free exam' in the pure Lutheran style of the (new) papal encyclicals and pronouncements, taking only what pleases them in their dream that the 'pope' is fighting to restore tradition.
Over this I started to read more and more of your 'dangerous' materials (according to them, since they are very fearful of letting the dialogue with sedevacantists, fear perhaps) I am starting to learn more and more in a very clear manner, and more important, always backed up by the infallible teaching of the church authority (Magisterium) and so on.
I always (even when was 'novus ordo') believed that there was no salvation outside the catholic church, but then one day I found out with some supposed traditionalists that there was something called 'Invincible ignorance' and 'Baptism of desire'. Initially I thought, well, that sounds fine, although with the passing of the years and with some reflection on the matter, it became really senseless and contradictory for me. Because, (example): "How can an indian who knows nothing about the church ('invincible ignorance') but at the same time worships the devil since all the gods of the pagans are devils, can be rewarded with the beatific vision?" It is really senseless, also because you cannot love what you don´t know (the precedence of the faith over the charity). Another problem would be: what is the purpose then of the missions? If everyone can be saved by 'narual law', then why Our Lord said 'Go and teach all nations, whosoever believe and be baptized will be saved'? And what about the infants who die without baptism? Is there any 'ignorance' more 'invincible' than this? But the church although always stated that they can´t go to heaven. So why an indian or whatever who sins in his life and don´t confess and don´t come to God and His Church in any way can be saved and not the infant? So I realized that this is indeed some false speculation. I always thought that it had been pronounced by the infallible magisterium, so I never opposed it, but thanks to your material I realize that it is not so….
I finally would like to thank you for all the good work on the internet for the conversion of the people and to know the integral catholic faith.
God bless you all and keep me in your prayers.

St. Paul’s epistles


Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter

I have just completed reading all of St Paul's epistles and I wanted to share with you my observation that these epistles, especially to the Hebrews, are a means to prove beyond doubt that Vatican II teachings are heretical, and the hierarchy and Benedict XVI are faithless apostates and proponents of a new religion. If there is one clear theme in St Paul's epistles it seems to me it is that Our Lord established a New and perfect Law, promised by God, of faith in Christ. With this New Testament made with the perfect Sacrifice of Christ's Blood, St Paul states it would be evil and insulting to God to suggest the Old Law and Covenant was in any way valid after the promulgation of the New Law fulfilled in Christ. St Paul made no concessions to the followers of the Old Law, i.e. Judaism, as being in some way of any validity or pleasing to God or a path to salvation, which is what Vatican II and the Counter Church insists.


When St Paul spoke of there being neither Jew nor Greek he was specifically, it seems to me, denying any possibility of a multiplicity of Covenants and faiths for salvation, but he insists that only one faith in Christ is necessary and this replaces the Old Law, and cannot co-exist with it. Any person who reads St Paul's epistles, could not, in my opinion, deny that Vatican II and its false "ecumenism" is precisely that "new gospel" which St Paul admonished us to reject even if preached by an
"angel" from heaven.

I just thought I'd share these thoughts.

God bless you in all your work to save souls,



Vatican II


I think you people are sick you say that vatican II was from satan? i think you are from satan. i would like to give me specific proof not made up video specific proof of priests dressing up as clowns and giving  mass. you say this goes on at every new mass? i have been going to  church most of my life and i have never seen this. both you and your brother are going straight to hell and i feel sorry for you. can you tell me one thing though? what gave you this messed up idea? did satan come to you and promise you the world if you lead souls away from God?  because hes a liar and he will not give you anything. well except for eternal damnation in the pit of fire.


MHFM: You are totally deceived and faithless.  Anyone who looks at the facts and has any belief in Catholic teaching can see that Vatican II was of Satan.  You are the one headed for eternal damnation.  You are a clueless heretic.


The Heresies of Vatican II




Thank you so much for all your continued work for the faith. It really is great to be able to visit your website. Soon I plan to order the new book. But for now I need to ask a great thing of you. Would you please join your prayers to mine? I'm specifically need to get a few bad willed people out of my life…


 Thank You Dear Brothers, you are truly a blessing!






Also, a "protestant" of some stripe (never could keep track of all those "denominations"!) was attacking me for being devoted to Our Lady, praying the Rosary, etc.  I tried to instruct him re: Our Lady.  Since he was actually from an old, local Catholic family and a "fallen-away" Catholic, I conveyed to him why he needed to not ever go back into the V2 sect (he assured me everyone would call me crazy and never believe me about this I said "oh well!  like I could care).  But he asked me a question about the thief, the "good thief" who died on the cross next to Jesus and to whom Jesus promised that he would be with Jesus in paradise that very day (Good Friday):  the "protestant" asked me how the good thief could go to heaven without first being baptized---I figured Jesus must have sent  this "good thief" to the same place the righteous of Old Testament times went, such as for example Saint Joseph until Heaven was opened.....was this a good answer?  I really was not certain.  Thanks again,




MHFM: That’s addressed in our salvation book, section 17.




I just became Catholic this year at the age of 31.  I was of no religion before.  But, the Catholic Church is the Church of Jesus.  Nothing else to say!  I am of a strict, traditionalist nature.  I do love your site, and I think that it's so REAL and honest, that it scares those who can't handle the truth. 

Your page however, has caused problems between me and a few "cradle Catholics" that are my age.  Not that I care, because I don't.  However, I was, and always will be, open to the truth.  You guys are honest about the evils of Vatican II… I see the erosion in the faith, I need not be convinced any further!  I use common sense to figure things out about the faith, and it's clear Vatican II was Satan's work.  HOW ELSE CAN WE HAVE PRO-ABORTION CATHOLICS?  John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Kathleen Sebelius, Joe Biden-all use Vatican II as their REASON as to why they do not put politics and GOD together.  HIDEOUS.  If Vatican II is the reason NOT to fight abortion as a Catholic, then that tells me all I need to know about Vatican II.  Paul VI?  What right was it of HIS to flip the church upside down?  I love your site and I wish this Vatican II, "be as Catholic as you want to be" stuff never happened....                  

God bless, Andy Adams






What an excellent audio you prepared on the election hoax. There is so much that is unknown to us that will be revealed according to God's Will and in God's Timing to those that are listening and have not dosed off into a false sense of peace and harmony in the world. 




New Audio: The Media’s Staggering Presidential Election Night Hoax


The Media’s Presidential Election Night Hoax


-Why logic requires one to conclude that the votes are not being used to determine the winner of the presidency-


The Media's Presidential Election Night Hoax [37 min. audio]

This is something that people really need to hear.   We think that almost everyone will find it interesting.  This audio covers this issue from angles that haven’t been covered before.  It includes numerous revealing clips. 


Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Article_pictures\abc.jpgDescription: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Article_pictures\nbc.jpgDescription: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Article_pictures\cbs.jpgDescription: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Article_pictures\foxnews.jpgDescription: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Article_pictures\cnn.jpgDescription: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Article_pictures\ap.jpg

This will be found permanently on this page: The Media's Presidential Election Night Hoax.  This page will be under our “Many Other Topics” section.



Dear Brother,


In the Internet I came across your extensive site. I took some time to nose about its content…


For quite some long time, I have been searching for English reading material to include in my apostolate. I distribute the miraculous medal and the green scapular, had copies in English, of the "Church in Danger", "A priest warns of Hell", which I distributed to most of our parishes in two of the Northern Dioceses...


I personal desire to attend the true Latin Mass. But here there is no such possibility. (Usually, on my home leave I check out that opportunity)…


I hope to hear from you some time. May God bless you!


Franz Zemp






Hi, my name is Curt.  I am Lutheran and am very interested in your website.  I purchased several of your books and am anxious to read them.  My mom’s parents were Catholic and I really want to know what they believed since they died when I was very young.  I had one question that struck me as I read your website.  If the Pope who instituted Vatican 2 was an antipope are all the Popes who followed and did not denounce Vatican 2 also antipopes?....Also, do the Catholics who do not accept Vatican 2 have a different Pope?....If this is covered in one of your books? maybe I already ordered it, please recommend one that would.  Thanks, Curt


MHFM: Thanks for the interest, Curt.   The answer to your question is that all of the Vatican II "popes" are antipopes.  That includes John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and (now) Benedict XVI.  Their elections were invalid because they were manifest heretics.   Regarding who is the true pope, the answer is that the Chair of Peter is vacant, just like it is every time a pope dies.  We hope that answers your question, and that you review the material.




… about the Holy Days of Obligation, I understand that one needs to refrain from any unnecessary work.  I do all my works on Saturdays.  What about mental activities?  I had recently I had a scheduled exam (for work) for which I needed to review.  Would I have had violated God’s commandment if I did study?


Please let me know.


Thank you.




MHFM: The answer is no.  One is forbidden to do servile works on Sunday.  Studying is not a servile work.




Dear MHFM:
I have learned and am continuing to learn so much from your website.  I received your materials more than a year ago and reference them often.  I also left the Novus Ordo church about a year ago.  

You may have answered this question before and I am coming from the position that I believe that Rome is indeed vacant of any true Catholics so..
What do you think the "real" Saints would have done if this mess had occurred in their lifetime?  I know you can only speculate and I know that all the saints did not live at the same time, but say for example Padre Pio (and I have read your pamphlet and he is one of my favorites) what do you think he would have done had he not died when he did?
I just think about this often and wonder if you have any insight…. I am trying to figure all this out and sad that this has happened to our Church and wonder if there is any way it can ever be fixed.  I will continue to stand up for Christ and His Church even though everyone makes fun of me and says that I am crazy.
Thank you again and May God continue to bless you.
In Christ,

MHFM: It’s a difficult question because our era is unique.  The saints of the past had valid popes and approved ordinaries backing them.  St. Francis of Assisi could go and get the pope to approve his order.  Catholics of today don’t have those opportunities.  God chooses different people to live in different times for different reasons.  Therefore, it’s difficult to speculate how a person would react in a completely different set of circumstances.  One thing is for sure, however: no one can be a saint in any era unless he or she stands for the faith whole and undefiled and rejects all heresies. 


Regarding Padre Pio, he died in 1968 and was not functioning well physically in the last few years of his life.  By the time the Vatican II apostasy really got rolling, he was already dead.  Like any other person who aspired to be a saint, he would have had to have rejected and condemned the apostasy of the Vatican II antipopes once it became clear to him. 


Israeli Control


Subject: Israeli Control


Business as usual

Billboards Criticizing US Aid To Israel Stopped:


the billboard:





You know that in order to actually BENEFIT from praying the rosary you have to ask/petition Our Lady with specific prayer requests usually mentioned ( inserted ) in a Prayer Before the Rosary ( a prayer you say before you begin the rosary in which you can also mention your prayer intentions ).

       Well my question is, how should someone petition Our Lady before the Rosary if they are TOTALLY OVERWHELMED with all kinds of problems and unmet needs that would ALL be important to get help for,  my problem is I don't know where to begin to petition Our Lady for help through the rosary, all these problems in my life are piled up and there is always more on the way ( and now we have the recession, and then it's the New World Order coming, and all of my life so far has really been miserable and full of adversity )…




MHFM: You do not have to petition Our Lady with a specific request when praying the Rosary.  You can just pray it, and place the prayers in her hands.  That’s what the consecration to Mary, as explained by St. Louis De Montfort, is about: you give your spiritual actions to her so that she can dispense them in the most fitting way for your needs and others.  It doesn’t preclude offering specific prayers for individuals or specific intentions – not at all.  Those specific prayers are very effective and powerful.  But you do not have to mention a specific intention or petition when praying or when praying the Rosary.




I discovered your website this Saturday by watching your movie on death and hell. This is an extremely moving and inspiring film for anyone struggling with sin. Although it is not the only inspiring film about hell it is probably the best...thank you.






Brother Peter Dimond, Greetings!

I recently listened to your short audio wherein you quoted Fr. Faber in his book speaking on the Infallibility of Canonizations.  I do not dispute that such canonizations are valid by any means. However, what is confusing is that in light of the very recent canonizations of five individuals by Benedict XVI, I wonder how you would reconcile the points
Fr. Faber delivered in his book, over and against the reality that Benedict XVI lawfully canonized these five people?

In other words, how does one say that a 'heretical' Pope can canonize ANYONE, and that such canonizations are then declared to be Infallible?   If you follow what Father Faber said in his book, one would have to conclude that either these five persons were indeed lawfully and infallibly canonized, and that Benedict XVI is the true Pope, or a great injustice and horrific lie was just pronounced to the entire world?  You cannot have both...its either one or the other!

I anticipate what your answer might be.  However, I have not found any recent articles on your site, or by any others for that matter, speaking towards this particular issue.

I would appreciate your insight.

Thank you,



MHFM: No, your argument is flawed.  Your argument is that God could never allow the one who purports to be the pope to do something in an infallible form, even though he is a not a true pope; for then, as you claim, a horrific lie would be pronounced to the world.  You mention the issue of canonizations to try to illustrate the point, but your point can be refuted if we look at the example of Vatican II.   The authoritative and official teaching of ecumenical councils on faith or morals is infallible.  Vatican II purported to be an ecumenical council.  It would have been infallible (just like past ecumenical councils) if Paul VI, the man who approved it, was a true pope. 


So, how could God allow what appeared to be an ecumenical council (Vatican II) to be approved by Paul VI (who seemed to be, for most people, the true pope)?  Vatican II was without any doubt a false and heretical council.  The fact that God allowed Antipope Paul VI to approve it in a manner that would have been infallible if he were a true pope proves that God can allow antipopes, without any diminution of the promises to His Church, to purport to speak or act in an infallible capacity.  It doesn’t derogate from the infallibility of the true papal office; for antipopes are invalid and have no authority. 


So, in short, an antipope can pronounce anything in any fashion no matter how solemn, and it won’t matter because he doesn’t sit in the Chair of Peter.



For Suicide ,

I wish to respond to the person who feels the only way out of his pain is suicide ! No , do not fall into the trap of the Devil.   Yes, pray the rosary no matter how dark moments in your life may see .  Let your Heavenly  Mother help you and she will fight beside you.   I pray the Saint Michael prayer :  Michael Michael of the morning fresh chord of heaven adorning, keep me safe today and in time of temptation, drive the devil away , amen.   It has helped me, as I too have lost someone because he joined a protestant sect and we were having problems arguing over religion.  He does not understand the Catholic Faith and has been fed with lies all his life.  Stubborn and full of Pride.  I could not get through to him.  I was stressed out.  I left it to God.   I still love him and oh yes it still hurts.  Painfully and I still do pray for him.   My heart is surviving and I have no choice, God wants me to live even though I do not always understand.    If it was not for this relationship, I would not have found out the truth about John Paul ll and vatican 2  (it is a longggg story).   Can you see,  you received a grace in meeting this woman,  it has  brought you back to God.   The Devil is angry.   Do not live like this woman is all you need.   You do need God  and he needs you too.   He knows what is best for you and maybe she is not the one.  I know there are times when we do not understand why , but the  bottom line is trust.  He knows what he is doing.  Keep the faith and do not give up  !

A friend in Christ





Dear Brother Michael

Following your guidance on the website on where to go for holy communion, if there is an "acceptable" Ukrainian Catholic or valid Eastern Rite option within a reasonable distance from where somebody lives, is a Catholic bound to attend mass there on Sunday? Or is it still the case that attendance for the sacraments is optional and so no sin is committed by choosing not to attend mass there on a Sunday? If I understand what you have been saying on this subject correctly, as all the Ukrainian Catholic churches are in communion with Benedict XVI this makes them heretical on this point at least (notwithstanding any other heresies individual Eastern Rite priests might hold), and by this fact the Sunday obligation is not applicable. For this reason I have attended mass at my nearest Ukrainian Catholic church only occasionally and on a weekday but not Sundays. I'm trying to apply
your guidance to my situation, so I would really appreciate your advice that I have the correct understanding.

I would like to thank you for the great work you are doing for the Faith and I really appreciate the way you speak the truth, including on many of the issues of what is going on in the world today.

Best wishes



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  If you find a priest who is offering the traditional sacraments and meets the criteria, then you could receive the sacraments from him and it can be very beneficial.  But, since they hold heretical positions, there is no obligation to attend Sunday Mass there or at any of those churches.  Going on a weekday or when it is convenient for you is a good idea. 


John Huss, heresy, abjuration


MHFM: John Huss was a heretic who was condemned by the Council of Constance in 1415.  Huss was a particularly dangerous heretic because his false ideas struck at every aspect of the Church and Church life.  In studying the history of the Council of Constance and how it dealt with Huss, we come across some interesting tidbits.  Suffice it to say, the Council of Constance’s dealing with Huss provides us with quite a contrast to the Vatican II sect’s toleration and promotion of heretics.  In fact, Antipope John Paul II praised Huss and called him a man of “infallible personal integrity.”


After his condemnation as a heretic, “He [Huss] was then degraded from the priesthood with solemn ceremony, every article of the priest’s dress being put upon him and then removed.  His tonsure was obliterated by clipping, and it is amusing, even at this serious moment, to read that they discussed long whether they should use razor or scissors to do it; scissors carried the day.  Then a paper fool’s cap painted with devils was put on his head, and a bishop said: ‘We commit thy body to the secular arm, and thy soul to the devil.’” (Clinton Locke, The Age of the Great Western Schism, 1897, p. 191.)


Huss was certainly of the Devil, but personally we don’t think the cap painted with devils was necessary.  The condemnation of Huss was sufficient.  A Catholic is required to accept the official decrees of the council, but not every action or statement of every bishop.  Nonetheless, this is a very interesting quote to consider because it shows how seriously they took heresy. 


Another interesting quote from this episode concerns abjuration.  The bishops at Constance were trying to get Huss to repent, abjure and confess.  He was obstinate.  He would not abjure.  According to the author below, some of the bishops who had more liberal leanings allowed Huss to confess without abjuration.


“Very mild forms of abjuration were drawn up, but he [John Huss] would not sign; yet so tender were they of him that he was allowed to confess and receive absolution without any abjuration.” (Clinton Locke, The Age of the Great Western Schism, p. 190)


We don’t agree with those bishops who allowed him to confess without abjuration.  However, it’s interesting to consider.  It’s interesting because a few radical false traditionalist schismatics in our day have some false and wacky views on abjuration.  They think that signing an abjuration is about as necessary for heretics as the Sacrament of Baptism is for everyone.  They don’t realize that abjuration is an ecclesiastical law.  Heretics should definitely abjure.  That’s why the Church prescribes the Council of Trent’s Profession of Faith for Converts, which is also an abjuration. 


However, it’s not like abjuration is so necessary that a heretic who is converted on his deathbed would have to sign an abjuration to be saved.  No, he could simply accuse himself in confession of the heresy and that would be sufficient.  Abjuration is an ecclesiastical law.  In light of the above quote, the false theology of the radical schismatics would probably require them to conclude that everyone at the Council of Constance (including Pope Martin V) was a “notorious heretic” for communing with those who denied Catholic teaching on abjuration. 






I make this email in the hope of obtaining information on a religious matter.


I have descided to end my time on Earth if God takes the person I love away from me.

I have given up everything in my life in the hope of appeasing God.


… I was converted back to Christianity by this very special woman who I am in danger of loosing. I gave up political activity and all the power I had. I have cut ties with all my friends.


I am a traditional Catholic, I pray every day, I beg God not to take her from me.

I have given up everything for her.


My question is what punishment awaits me should I end my time on earth?, not that I care, because I cannot endure such pain - and God knows this, I also wish to know what preperations I should make before I were to commit suicide.


I am not planning to do such a thing for quite some time, and I am recieving counselling from a catholic priest who only practices tridentine mass. I will only do this if I have no choice. And I still have hope.


I have put all my hope in Christ and depending on him. I need him.


I hope someone can answer my questions.





MHFM: You will go to Hell if you commit suicide.  It's a mortal sin to take your own life.  Don't do it.  Your attachment to this creature is inordinate.  You must pray for the grace of detachment in this area.  You need to look at our material as well, for the priest you are making reference to is probably in heresy in some way.  Pray the Rosary and ask Our Lady for help. 


At this time you cannot imagine having happiness without this creature.  That’s because you don’t have a sufficient attachment to God.  The Devil will try to convince people that they won’t find happiness without a certain person or thing; but if they overcome that obstacle and fear, and break from the attachment, then God shows them true happiness and freedom.


Strange Coincidence


Subject: A Very Strange Coincidence


Dear Brothers,


Here included a document stating that on 9th march 2009, the French Company "SANOFI AVENTIS" made a contract with the mexican authorities to build a factory to provide flu and other vaccines in view of future flu pandemics. Their objective is to produce 25 million vaccines a year for the mexican market.

En union de priers


Christofora Christiaanse




Subject: Swine Flu Scare


Dear MHFM     I listened to your audio on the swine flu  epidemic.  I thought it was good. I have a feeling what’s going to happen to the USA is that we are probably going to be nuked someday in the future by somebody, probably at night in the early morning hours, after midnight when we are in bed asleep.  That is just my personal opinion.  If Israel or the USA attacks Iran, it could lead to a third world war.  So my advice to all people: become CATHOLIC before it’s too late, confess your mortal sins, go to confession or make an act of perfect contrition if you can’t find a validly ordained priest.  Try to find valid traditional sacraments.  Pray the rosary every day, wear the brown scapular and St. Benedict medal.  Have a strong devotion to the blessed mother.  Pray to guardian angels, saints, pray the prayer to St. michael for protection against attacks of the devil or the enemy. Try to detach from this secular culture  and distractions, read scripture, holy books.    






Dear Brothers,


I don't know if you have seen this article from the British press, it seems that swine flu (if it even really exists) is now almost the only story in the British news. It has even been a cause for celebrity status in Britain with the first "victims" selling their story with the help of publicist Max Clifford. The public are buying into this whole thing completely. I think this is another example of how empty and shallow most people’s lives have become when flu is a reason for a few minutes of fame.






Swine Flu


My husband works in a hospital in the Phoenix area and Mexicans came to ER asking for masks.  They were told the hospital does not give out masks. I can't begin to tell you the ER's do not need this.  They are full enough of real emergencies. And a hospital is not for those who are sick who are to stay home with coughs, running noses and such.




I found this information a couple of years ago. You might find it useful. I know you are aware of most of this. I sent you the links along with a few quotes.


Flu Shot - Induced Illness

Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Centre, a consumer's group based in Virginia, USA, claims vaccines are responsible for the increasing numbers of children and adults who suffer from immune system and neurologic disorders, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and seizure disorders. She calls for studies to monitor the long-term effects of mass vaccination and Fisher wants physicians to be absolutely sure these vaccines are safe and not harming people.

No one can deny the dangers of vaccines. The measles, mumps, rubella (German measles) and polio vaccines, all contain live but weakened viruses. Although health officials tell you that polio has been wiped out in the US since 1979, they often fail to mention that all recorded cases of polio since that time are actually caused by the polio vaccine.  Vaccine investigator Neil Z. Miller questions whether we still need the polio vaccine when it causes every new case of polio in the USA. Before mass vaccinations programs began fifty years ago, Miller insists we didn't have cancer in epidemic numbers, that autoimmune ailments were barely known, and childhood autism did not exist.

Flu Shot Contamination

There is also the problem of contamination that has always plagued vaccine makers. During World War II a yellow fever vaccine manufactured with human blood serum was unknowingly contaminated with hepatitis virus and given to the military. As a result, more than 50,000 cases of serum hepatitis broke out among American troops injected with the vaccine.

In the 1960s it was discovered that polio vaccines manufactured in monkey kidney tissue between 1955 and 1963 were contaminated with a monkey virus (Simian Virus, number 40). Although this virus causes cancer in experimental animals, health authorities insist it does not cause problems in humans. But evidence of SV40 genetic material has been popping up in human cancers and normal tissue. Researchers are now connecting SV40-contaminated polio vaccines to an increasing number of rare cancers of the lung (mesothelioma) and bone marrow (multiple myeloma). In a 1999 report, SV40 DNA was detected in tissue samples from four children born after 1982. Three were kidney transplant patients, and a fourth had a kidney tumour. Could SV40 be passed on from parents to their children? No one knows for sure.



"Even if all the experts agree, they may well be mistaken."--Bertrand Russell


"Do Not Take Any Vaccinations. This is the standard deceptive way you are given the Establishment's Biological Warfare infections." Dr. William D. Kelly

"Like sheep being led to slaughter, people are following the advice of medical pundits as though they are gods with divine intellect. Why is it that so few dare even question what's in a shot before allowing a doctor to jab you with a needle?."--Greg Ciola


An 8 pound baby injected with the hepatitis B vaccine at birth is exposed to 35 times the EPA daily safety level for mercury, (calculated by bodyweight) while a 4 pound infant is slammed with 70 times the EPA level.

We have been so thoroughly conditioned to believe that vaccines work we have never questioned how, or IF, they really do work.

1. Vaccines cause, rather than prevent the spread of disease.

2. Vaccines prepare the body for infertility, chronic illness, behavioral/neurological disorders and/or sudden death.

Regardless that the first mass vaccination program, using Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccine in England, was officially declared a public health disaster by a Royal commission in 1896, the vaccine myth has survived. Today there are vaccines for many diseases and they contain the most toxic substances on earth. Among them are ethyl mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, live and dead viruses cultured in animal tissue and aborted human fetal tissue, phenols, monosodium glutamate, aspartame and ammonium sulfate. It is not uncommon for children to receive several vaccines in one day. It is, therefore, not uncommon for them to have injected into their bodies up to 60 times the safe allowable limit of mercury-the most toxic non-radioactive substance known to man.


If the public were fully informed of all the ingredients that go into flu shots, there would be a mass outrage against them. Unfortunately, your doctor will not tell you anything about this. The news media will not report the truth about these contaminants. The Centers for Disease Control is concealing data. Pharmaceutical companies don't properly warn consumers. Mass retailers pushing the shots don't care even after being warned about the potential dangers of administering vaccines. Churches across America think they are doing a service for the Lord by telling their congregants to go out and get a shot and have their churches being used as distribution outlets.


Another deception perpetuated by the vaccine cartel is that the flu shot contains inactive or dead viruses. If these viruses were completely inactive, then the shot would never stimulate an immune response. The flu shot contains "attenuated" virus. Attenuated means half-killed. The infectious agent is weakened so that it is just below the threshold of being able to trigger an inflammatory response in 99% of people. By allowing the implantation of an attenuated virus or bacteria into the body, we have done something nature would never permit. We have violated the sanctity of the bloodstream. We have tricked the immune system into not mounting an all-out response to a foreign agent. If the vaccine's microorganisms were not attenuated, the powers of the natural immune system would join together to repel and attack the invader.


Theoretically if the entire virus is killed it shouldn’t infect you when the nurse injects it into your body. How do scientists attempt to kill the virus? They mix it with formaldehyde, a dangerous carcinogen, and other poisons, such as ethylene glycol (antifreeze), a kidney destroyer. Formaldehyde is classified as a toxic, colorless, water-soluble gas, which has a suffocating odor. It's used predominantly in embalming fluid and vaccines as a disinfectant and preservative.


If flu vaccines infect people with weaker immune systems, why does the government say the elderly and babies should go to the head of the line? People who believe in conspiracies might say killing off the elderly will stave off the bankruptcy of Social Security; and killing off the babies who survive the abortion mills will make it easier to replace Americans with cheap foreign workers.




Subject: Miracles


In the Old Testament there were many miracles....Red Sea, etc..  In the Gospels Jesus performed  miracles....so many, most were left out.  Followers performed miracles in Acts.  Today in the Vatican Two Church, they cannot even control their own schools.  Much less perform miracles.  In Georgetown they could not prevent the  covering  of references to Jesus, when the pro infanticide "President" spoke.  Now the "Modern day Herod" will speak at the famous, University of Notre Dame, with its "Touchdown Jesus".  They will even give him an award.  The pathetic "Church Hierarchy" tells you they are powerless to do anything about it.  So much for miracles.  So much for courage.  So much for decency.




Bro. Michael Dimond,


Peace be with you. Before and during Vatican II the Pope throught the centuries had authority to make changes in the church.


We see in Luke 10:16-17, Jesus tells his those in authority in the church (the pope) "He who hears you, Hears ME and He who REJECTS YOU REJECTS ME, and he who rejects me rejects the one who sent me."


So Bro. Michael you really don't have a problem with Vatican II or the Pope, you really have a problem with JESUS CHRIST.  Please come in full union with the Church, we need you, God needs you, God loves you so much.  Become another St. Francis of Assisi, as you might know during St. Francis time the chruch was not in good condition, and yet he stayed in full commuion with the church. He could have left like Martin Luther did, instead he HUMBLY and LOVINGLY obeyed Jesus when he told him to fix his church.

God Bless you and be with christ!





MHFM: No, you don’t understand what you are talking about.  You don’t believe in Catholic teaching.  You don’t realize that obeying the Church means accepting what all the popes throughout history have taught.  It is not to follow men who trash and reject what all the popes have taught throughout history.  You need to realize that the popes themselves teach that heretics must be rejected and that heretics cannot be valid popes or bishops with authority in the Church.  Try to get that through your head.  There have been over 40 antipopes in Catholic history.


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]

A complete list of the 42 antipopes in Church history [PDF] In Catholic history there have been 260 valid popes, starting with St. Peter, and 42 antipopes – that is, men who claimed to be true popes but were not… some of them reigned in Rome for periods of time


The Vatican II antipopes completely reject Jesus Christ.  You are rejecting Christ by defending them.  Look at the evidence from their teachings and from Vatican II.  We prove that they embrace false religions and teach salvation outside the Church.  Wake up and get a clue about what fidelity to the Magisterium means and what the Vatican II Church teaches.  You are mocking Jesus Christ by your perversion of Catholic principles. 

Take the blinders off and look at these files which prove that Benedict XVI and John Paul II completely reject Christ and embrace false religions.


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section]


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]




MHFM: This is an interesting verse of Scripture (which is sometimes overlooked) in regard to the biblical evidence for confession.  It’s quoted in our book: The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church. 


Acts 19:17-18- “And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.  And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds.”




Subject: Thanks again


Dear Brothers,

I thank God that he has sent you, so that his work may be accomplished through your daily struggle during these last days. How sad it is to see during these times, the millions of people that turn from God and put their faith in the leaders of this world. So it was during the times of Noah…

Your audio on the flu was quite interesting. As it is prophesied that the Antichrist will attempt to rise as a God to Heaven through miracles before being cast down into Hell forever, it's only a matter of setting up the circumstances for such miracles to occur. Also concerning the U.S. entering the E.U. on your audio, supposedly there is one seat that still remains, that number being number 666.

True hope is through God, his son Jesus Christ, and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To you and your readers,
God Bless and Keep the Faith,

Tom Miles




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery: 


I wish to thank you for posting your series on Youtube "Death and the Journey into Hell" - it has profoundly changed my life. One day, I was watching pornography and immediately afterward felt a sense of utter repulsion at my sin; I remembered that long ago I came across your series when I was still a fervent Catholic and I listened to the whole thing straight through. I wish not to keep you long as you are busy, but once again, THANK YOU!


in Christ, 




(P.S. I would appreciate it if whoever reads this email offers up one Hail Mary for my own sake; thank you!)




I pray that all of the members of Most Holy Family Monastery will indeed return to the truth of the most holy family. You have taken vows of obedience, possibly you have forgotten this. Christ promised that his church would survive, and the Catholic Church in Rome through the popes has done just that for 2000 years. We are asked to be obedient. Your website would indicate that you have forgotten this… Vatican II did not destroy the church, but your current endeavors lead some away from the Church and thus you are responsible for their fall.  Rejoin the Catholic Church and make it strong, do not attempt to tear it down.


May the wisdom and peace of the Holy Spirit be with you,


Rick Athey, T.O.Carm.


MHFM: No, you don’t understand the Catholic faith.  To be obedient to the Papacy means to accept what the popes have magisterially taught throughout history.  That requires us to conclude that the Vatican II religion is not Catholic and that those who have imposed it are heretics and antipopes.  Learn something about the Catholic faith and the papal office.  All you understand is how to follow a man – a man who embraces Protestantism and teaches that Protestants shouldn’t even be converted.  There is no way that he is a true pope, according to the teaching of the popes themselves.




St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30:  "A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church.   Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church.  This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction."


St. Francis De Sales (17th century), Doctor of the Church, The Catholic Controversy, pp. 305-306:  "Now when he [the Pope] is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church..."




MHFM: Someone sent this to us.


The New US Military Enlistment Oath


… This past Saturday evening, I, son, and two grandsons went to the Super Cross races held at Qwest Field in Seattle. Prior to what was a great event, they had an Air Force color guard (woefully out of step) and about twenty young men entering the service on the field. After the national anthem, the new enlistees were given the enlistment oath right on the field. Granted it's been close to forty years since I went through that but I do remember something to the effect that I would uphold the Constitution, etc. The oath they administered Saturday evening didn't mention the Constitution or the law. They swore to obey the 'President of the United States and the officers appointed above them." When did this change? My paranoia is kicking in about what this may mean for the legality of orders issued in any future confrontation between citizens and the military.

Oath of Enlistment In the US Armed Forces Army and Air EXCEPT the National Guard

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

On Monday, April 20, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Mary Patten mpatt@iglide.net wrote:

This past Saturday evening, I, son, and two grandsons went to the Super Cross races held at Qwest Field in Seattle. Prior to what was a great event, they had an Air Force color guard (woefully out of step) and about twenty young men entering the service on the field. After the national anthem, the new enlistees were given the enlistment oath right on the field. Granted it's been close to forty years since I went through that but I do remember something to the effect that I would uphold the Constitution, etc. The oath they administered Saturday evening didn't mention the Constitution or the law. They swore to obey the 'President of the United States and the officers appointed above them." When did this change? My paranoia is kicking in about what this may mean for the legality of orders issued in any future confrontation between citizens and the military.

Oath of Enlistment In the US Armed Forces Army and Air EXCEPT the National Guard

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.




Dear Mhfm, 


What's so ominous about your work is that clearly as messengers for Christ you show the obvious to people who understand the awesome supernatural power of Heaven and the Kingdom of God, and how after a time he gives permission to ill-willed humanity to fall into their destruction.  The monumental errors of our day speak to how near Jesus' second and final appearance is so, so near.  Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge to help prepare us for the final coming and judgment of our Lord.  God Bless You and your final days, end-times clarity.




Your 27 min. dialogue was well worth the time.  It may not be (yet) the time for the government to fully implement a pandemic, but they are preparing us for it, I think. I could easily see them doing.   I could see the executive branch (Obama-Biden) taking advantage of this to create a crisis to take advantage of it to do some evil bidding. 


I think at this point 1 american has died from this.  Compare that to the flu that hits our country every year.  It is interesting and sad to point out that about 4000 innocent unborn citizens will die today at the hands of abortion doctors.  But that will not get 1/4000 the attention that this flu has gotten from the media.


Keep doing what you are doing, Brothers!  God Bless!




Pledge of Vaccine


MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting article for a few reasons. 


Fox News Article


First, it mentions what is now being admitted: that the “swine flu” is quite mild: it’s not more serious than regular flu.  This coincides precisely with what we said at the beginning: that there’s probably not one person with “swine flu”; but rather that they have simply been dishonestly “confirming” regular cases of flu as “swine flu” to create the idea of a possible pandemic. 


Second, it mentions that a vaccine is being prepared for the fall: “U.S. authorities are pledging to eventually produce enough swine flu vaccine for everyone but the shots won't begin until fall at the earliest.”  Notice how they are conditioning everyone to get comfortable with (and prepared for) the idea that the vaccine is coming and that people will get it.  This will allow them to bring the “swine flu” back in a few months, if they desire.  They can always claim that it “mutated” and is spreading wildly. 


It’s also interesting that they might have had to modify their plans – and postpone them for a few months – because enough people spoke out and called their bluff.  Ron Paul recently had some comments about the “swine flu.”  He doesn’t point out that the whole thing is a hoax, but he at least mentions how absurd their reaction to it is.  It’s worth watching:


Ron Paul on the “Swine Flu” Scare [4 min. video]


In other words, they can “confirm” regular cases of flu as “swine flu” all day, but if people aren’t dying, then it’s going to be difficult to convince everyone of a pandemic.  To pull it off, they will have to figure out a way not just to “confirm” cases as “swine flu,” but to show deaths from it.  






Just an observation on the "beatification" of JPII on 4/2/10:  That is Good Friday.  Does the V2 sect have any shame?  They'll probably dispense "Catholics" from laws of fast & abstinence in honor of JPII!


Carl Tabert Jr.




Subject: You are wrong


I really can't believe what you and this web sight are doing. You are a just a group of Mattin Luthers. You quote different Popes don't you. Now all of a sudden this Pope is not infallabe in doctrin and morals? You are rediculous and are not Catholic if you do not obey the Pope. You are quibbling aboput words that have not changed one bit of doctrine. Yes Jesus did die for EVERYONE! Now there are many ibcluding "catholics" that are not true members of the mistical body including this group of yours. You might as well start your own church as Martin Luther did. This site is trying to divide the Church. I will pray for your group so that you may come to know the truth.




MHFM: You clearly don’t believe or understand anything about the Catholic faith.  If you did, you would realize that you are denying papal infallibility, defending those who defend Martin Luther, and rejecting Catholic teaching on the Mystical Body of Christ.




I read with great concern your almost 30 min. segment.  It reminded me of what took place here in the Glendale/ Maryvale area of AZ in 1995, I believe was the year.  I know it was after 1993.  The AZ Republic front page stated that there was a Menigitis epidemic.  Shots were to be given in certain areas with boundaries and if the boundaries needed to be expanded they would. They(state Dept. of Health and Human REsources under Mr. Christopher Myrilla(sp). I knew of him and he was very much pro-life.  I testified for him at the state capitol. Anyway, there was a mass of shots given out in August, very hot. And the kids were to receive these shots and they were given popsicles while waiting.  The thousands of doses were pre-planned and made up.  I know this because Fed. Grants were behind this event that was stated in the newspaper.  I Called Mr. Christopher M. on this issue and questioned the so-called "epidemic" as to the number that defines or makes an epidemic and he could not say much on the phone.  But he pretty much agreed with what I thought, that it was not an epidemic and it was a planned attack on the young children.  I will never know what took place after that.  It is said that with Fed. grants colleges or universities are involved to do studies and this is usually  or just is the case.  I wish I had more info to give to you.  I wonder if this happened any where else in the USA at that same time it did here.  I even wonder what might have been in those shots.  Now that it is almost 15 years later, these children would range in the ages of 20 and older.  This would be their prime age to marry and have children.  HMm? 


Nancy Vogel




Dear Dimond Brothers,
I listened to your audio.  I thought it was very interesting.  What I found very interesting also was what I found out from the internet and my mother who works in the health profession.
What I found on the internet, it said that two of the strains of swine flu were hardly even transmittable diseases, only one could spread among humans and it doesn't spread like wildfire.  After finding out about this I shortly heard from my mother who told me that the novus ordo high school I attended for two years (Marmion Academy) was shut down because there was a confirmed case of swine flu.  What I found interesting was that it's an isolated incident in Illinois, no other student at that school and it is the first reported cae in Illinois.  Also it's only in a few states so far.  The other thing that my mom told me is that swine flu is hardly different then a regular flu, that most people recover easily and the only ones who are at real risk are the very young and the very old, just like any other flu.  Anyway just a few things I heard of it.
God Bless






Is it a coincidence that at the announcement of a swine flu epidemic, the CDC announces they have discovered a gene that proves that autism is genetic? This was on the national news last night, April 29. 


Current statistics on autism are that one out of 150 children is autistic.  Vaccinations that contain mercury are suspect.     




Subject: Historical leverage by lies




Thanks for the audio update on 'swine flu.' I was wondering whether perhaps it may also be used as another false history premise (like the 'holocaust') to create 'historical leverage' through the lie so as to promote Islam (and eventually global Judaism) by means of liberalizing/tyrannizing the global freedom of speech laws, since both these cults ban pork, depending upon how 'successful' they are in propagating their lie. Also swine, being pigs, could be a code for martial law, since police are sometimes called pigs in the underworld. Of course, as you know, many of their agendas can be accomplished through just one 'successful' lie, like the 'holocaust.'




Kit White






Hi Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,


Congratulations...another great expose on this latest hoax...


...people need to inform their friends and neighbors, as soon as possible, and direct them to this website...and find out the TRUTH about what is really going on...


God Bless







I just listened to your flu report.  Very interesting and I think also insightful.  I have thought the same about the Pirate situation off of the cast of Somalia since the first story broke a few months ago.  I think back then it involved a Russian ship.  It seemed strange to me that the blue water navies of the world would simply lie down in front of what are essentially lightly armed teenagers in rowboats.  In fact if you think about it, one sailor armed with a bolt action rifle on board the relatively gigantic, high off of the water, steel cargo ships, could hold the rowboat full of “pirates” at bay indefinitely if they really wanted to.  The pirates have no cover as they try to approach these ships and then they have to make a long, exposed climb up to their decks?  It is just ridiculous that this could really be as it is represented.


At first I thought it some kind of an insurance scam (which may yet be an aspect of it).  But last week on the heels of the American hostage rescue I think I got a clue from a talk show.  Carl Rove was being interviewed on the Hew Lewitt radio show about the pirate crisis.  He spoke of how difficult it was for the Navy’s 10 ship Indian Ocean squadron to patrol an area which he said was four times the size of Texas.  He ended up concluding that the only way to beat the pirates would be to go in on the ground and root them out where they live. 


His argument was beyond ridiculous.  The Navy of course would not have to patrol the whole ocean; they only have to follow the cargo ships.  It isn’t like we don’t know where they are going to be.  And of course as I said, the ships could easily defend themselves were they permitted to.  But I then looked at the map to see where Somalia was.  It is quite strategically located if you needed a forward base for a protracted war against Iran and or Pakistan.  So I think the pirate crisis is another contrivance and another piece of the conspiracy puzzle.


Bill Mulligan       



“Swine Flu” Report


Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\E_Pictures\swine_flu.jpg


Our audio discussion with some thoughts about the "swine flu" [27 min.]


The world is being fed a massive propaganda hoax which is probably part of a bigger plan to vaccinate large segments of the world’s population.  We are going to be posting some thoughts, facts and comments which shed light on this issue.  This is our opinion; people are free to disagree, of course.


Everyone has probably seen the news reports that there have been approximately 150 swine flu deaths in Mexico.  These reports are almost always accompanied by notices of “OUTBREAK” and pictures of people wearing face masks.  They are intended to program the public with the idea of PANDEMIC.  Here just two examples of stories which assert (essentially as fact) that well over 100 have died from swine flu in Mexico.  Almost the entire world has come to believe that over 100 have been killed in Mexico from “swine flu.”


Mexico closes schools as epidemic is believed to have killed 149

“Mexico canceled school nationwide Monday and warned the death toll from a swine flu epidemic believed to have killed 149 people would keep rising before it can be contained.”


This is the same story from ABC News

“Mexico canceled school nationwide Monday and warned the death toll from a swine flu epidemic believed to have killed 149 people would keep rising before it can be contained.”


Is this true?  No, it isn’t true.  Did you know that ONLY seven deaths in Mexico have been “confirmed” to be from swine flu?  That’s correct: only seven.  This article below is from CNN on April 29.  It was published after the other articles and reports were published.  Near the end of the article, there is an admission that only seven deaths have been confirmed.  You would only know that, however, if you carefully read this article from CNN.  CNN had already reported that there were over 100 Mexican deaths.


CNN quickly and subtly admits that only seven deaths have been confirmed in Mexico

“In Mexico, where the global outbreak originated, health officials suspect the swine flu outbreak has caused at least 159 deaths and roughly 2,500 illnesses. So far, 26 cases, including the seven deaths, have been confirmed.”


That’s quite important.  Hundreds of thousands are hospitalized from the flu every year; many thousands die.  Only seven deaths have been “confirmed” in Mexico as being attributable to swine flu.  Therefore, it’s a fact that the mainstream media is lying to us about the swine flu.  They have been pumping the world with the idea that thousands of people are sick and that well over a hundred have died from “swine flu.”  That’s not true, as their own report clearly shows us.  But there’s more, so much more.


Perhaps the most important question is this: Did you know that only the CDC (the Centers for Disease Control) can confirm a swine flu case?  Think about that.  The CDC has always been tied in with the most secretive elements of the U.S. Government.  If people have the flu or flu-like symptoms, they will get scared that they have “swine flu.”  They will go to the doctor.  The doctor can’t confirm one way or another if it’s regular flu or the deadly “swine flu.”  The doctor must send the patient’s sample to the CDC.  The CDC will determine whether it’s “swine flu.”  In other words, we don’t know if anyone actually has the swine flu.  They could literally create a massive scare and convince the entire world that there is a pandemic based on false identifications of regular cases of flu as “swine flu.”  It depends upon whether you trust the CDC and WHO (the World Health Organization).  And once they have enough people believing that there is a real pandemic, they can institute a vaccination policy.  This is something they’ve desired and planned for a long time.  Anyone who knows anything about the Global Conspiracy knows that the people in place – who are running the CDC and WHO – are involved in the agenda for world government and total control of the people.


Is there any evidence that the CDC is misleading on “swine flu”?  Yes.  They’ve identified the supposed “original carrier” of the “deadly swine flu.” 


Meet "patient zero": the boy whose illness started it all


This five-year-old is the supposed original carrier of the deadly “swine flu.”  Well, he is now perfectly healthy.  None of his family members contracted the flu either.  What are the chances that he is perfectly healthy and that none of his family members even got sick from the virus which is supposedly a threat to the entire world?


Here’s another example of propaganda: did you read those reports about two California deaths believed to be linked to “swine flu”?  It was reported all over the world that two Californians were killed by “swine flu.”  When we heard that the Los Angeles County Coroner was going to confirm whether it was swine flu, we were hopeful.  That was because an independent source was going to be able to confirm whether it was swine flu.  In other words, someone besides the CDC would get a chance to see if it was really a result of “swine flu.”  Guess what?  It wasn’t swine flu.  This is significant because the Los Angeles Coroner is obviously not as tied in to the conspiracy as the CDC.  So it makes sense that when independent bodies are able to confirm what people are claiming is “swine flu,” it turns out to be a lie. 


Here are the two headlines: the first headline says that the two deaths are from swine flu.  The second headline concerns the coroner’s later admission that it was pneumonia, not swine flu. 


First US Fatalities: Two Swine Flu Deaths in California


Coroner doubts 2 men died of swine flu

 “The Los Angeles County coroner's office said today that further testing indicated neither of two flu-related deaths being investigated in Los Angeles County appeared to be linked to the swine flu.”


So the media lied to us again.  They accomplished their goal.  Having heard the original report, most people are ready to run to get the vaccine as soon as it’s out. 


At this stage, we are dealing with a massive propaganda hoax in which probably not one person has “swine flu.”  However, later on they probably plan to use this to make people sick either through the vaccination they will receive or chemical trails or some other agent to take control of the world’s population and institute martial law.




What is it?


I was watching this video… and it talked how Copex, Flouride, in other words, toxins will be used to kill the population down to 500million.  I wonder if the Swine Flu is the beginning of this world population reduction.  I'm looking forward to your research, Brothers.  Keep defending the Faith!  God bless you.



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We have posted above our opinion about what’s probably going on with the “swine flu.”


“Swine Flu”


MHFM: This is just a notice that soon we will probably have some comments, possibly an audio discussion, about the news surrounding the “swine flu.”




Hello brothers,         
My name is John Makovich and I want to thank you for all of your priceless information. You guys have opened my eyes so wide that I'm constantly on watch now.  We will never cease to hold the true Catholic faith to my last breath…

Anyway, I could go on and on. What I'm writing to you about is how important I feel about the information you guys have on the freemasons with Dr. James Wardner and brother Michael. Outstanding work -- that is what opened up my eyes, that is what convinced me… 
                                                                                                                                   God Bless all of you!!! 
                                                                                                                                   John Makovich and wife JoAnne.




Hi, I just have some really important questions...I'm a 26 yr old Mexican American that was taught the original doctrine, which you guys are promoting with your websites and videos...I've been living with those teachings about hell and all in my mind through my entire life, feeling alienated and taken advantage of by the majority of the people around me who even though are catholics, were not inculcated the same doctrine...My faith is very serious to me, and since I saw your videos, I've been promoting your website because I truly believe that the church is no longer teaching any of it, and countless souls are being lost...however, I've also stumbled upon other videos on youtube that have information that portrays the hidden symbolism within the catholic church, it's images, and it's temples or shrines...I wish you guys can see these videos and give me an explanation because it's very confusing...Please be honest with me, keeping my faith these days is becoming unbearable because even though my life has been so miserable, I've learned to love god more than anything in the world and I'm truly making an effort to live my life according to the original doctrine...I've learned to reject all vanity and the love of money, and any other materialistic things for him...And I just can't seem to go back to being ambitious at all within the same comforting mentality...


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  When you say the Church is not longer teaching it, we must clarify that you are speaking of the new Vatican II Church, which is not the real Catholic Church.  We would advise you to stay away from anti-Catholic videos, which are filled with lies and false information.  The Vatican II Church employs some hidden symbolism that is evil, but the real Catholic Church does not. 




I found this on the internet, thought it was very clever:


In the beginning there was NOTHING - and absolutely nothing was happening to absolutely nothing. Then, one random day - absolutely nothing exploded and absolutely nothing became... absolutely EVERYTHING. Then the nothing that became everything (for no reason at all) rearranged itself into self-replicating, intricately complex life forms that eventually (for no reason at all) became intelligent beings... that believed in God. Makes sense - huh?...






Hi Brothers Dimond:


First of all this is just to say "hello" and to congratulate you for the excellent ministry work you both are doing in defense of the faith… I' d like to know if you would like me to send you articles on important issues regarding the Vat II sect., but that new article about the "bishop" in Germany is very shocking as well as devastating, and I wonder how many more souls will be lost because of this heresy??...  


                                                          In the Lord,






Dear MHFM,


Thank you so much for your mission of warning and insight on the state of the Catholic Church.  I have utilized all of the materials that you have sent, and have been left in a state of shock over the facts presented.  I was a child when Vatican II took place and for over 40 years…  I have a desire to become a "Traditional Catholic," and to attend mass in the Latin Rite, as well as follow the "real" catholic calendar which celebrates the true saints.  As a parent, I will educate my daughters on these facts and encourage them to follow the True Faith….


Continued success in your endeavor, and may God Bless you.


Michael A. Abbruzzo, CDT


Passive attendance


Subject: Can one passively attend non-Catholic funerals or weddings


Dear brothers Dimond,


I discovered your website 5/6 months ago I am very impressed by the huge work you have done and still do and although I have not yet heard and read everything, I do regularly every day. I just read your article: "Can one passively attend non-catholic funerals or weddings? Could you please tell me if one should consider the SSPX as catholics or non-catholics? I mean, could one go to a SSPX funeral when a very close family member is concerned? (My daughter who makes part of the catholics who think that one cannot go anymore to any Mass at all, because there are no "catholic" priests anymore could refuse to assist to her grandmother's funeral - this is the reason I ask you this question) I would be very greatfull for your reply and thank you for all the great work you do.  Please don't mention my full name if my question is put on your E-Exchanges  Excuse-me if my english is not hundred percent correct.


C. (from France)


MHFM: Some of the people who go there are or might be Catholic, but others are not.  Those who obstinately agree with the heretical positions of the SSPX are not Catholic.  For example, those who obstinately agree with their position on salvation outside the Church and their recognition of a heretic as a Catholic (i.e., Benedict XVI, JP2, etc.) are not Catholics.  So it depends upon the person.  You should not go to a funeral of one who supported the SSPX. 


The article on passive attendance doesn’t really deal with the SSPX.  It deals with the question of whether people may go into non-Catholic churches for funerals or weddings as long as they don’t “participate.”  Many “traditionalists” wrongly believe it’s okay to do that.  The truth is that a Catholic may not go to a non-Catholic church at all, even if it is just “passively” for a wedding, etc.  As stated above, one also shouldn’t go to the funeral of a SSPX supporter, but those churches are not non-Catholic churches in the way that Protestant and Eastern “Orthodox” churches are.






I usually enjoy watching the TV show Law and Order but I may never watch it again.  I happened to tune into a show that might have been done a few years ago.  Mariska Hargitay's character and her police partner find a dead body of a man who may have been involved in homosexuality.  They discover that he is the son of some rich activist who says homosexuality can be cured.  Hargitay, referring to the dead man's father, says, hatefully, something like, "That'll show him." 


Later in the show these police characters and others go on and on about one out of every ten men is gay and that people are born that way. No scientific proof or statistics exist to back up any of these statements. The show began as more like a diatribe and a lesson for the public than a show about police work.  Many shows do this and try to teach lessons to the public. I couldn't watch any more. Subtlety is gone.  They are literally announcing their lies as truths. This was Law and Order SVU.  Just last week Hargitay was in the news with recurring serious lung problems for which she has been hospitalized two or three times…




MHFM: That’s very interesting because it’s such a bold promotion of the evil homosexual agenda.




The Padre Pio book is the most enlightening book I’ve read in all my spiritual reading.  It has changed my life.  I plan on sharing this book with all my acquaintances.  I hope many souls out there read this book!


Jim Davis


False gods


MHFM: The following quote is an interesting summary of the various false gods which were worshipped in and around the Roman Empire at the time of Christ.  Scripture tells us that all the gods of the heathens are “devils.” 


Psalm 95:5- “For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils…”


1 Cor. 10:20- “But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God.  And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils.”


Besides the survey of the various false gods which were worshipped, what’s most interesting about this quote is the reference to Baal.  The demonic cult of the false god Baal is condemned throughout the Old Testament (Numbers 22:41; Judges 2:13; etc.).  Notice how the author below points out that Baal often wore the mask of Zeus and Jupiter (the false gods of the Greeks and Romans).  In other words, all of these false gods are simply different manifestations of the Devil.  In the end, all of these roads lead to the same place:  they all lead back to the Devil, thus confirming the truth of Psalm 95:5 and 1 Cor. 10:20.


At the time of Christ: “The ancient gods of the Roman people led by Jupiter the Thunder and his consort Juno naturally held pride of place.  Once they had conquered the Greek city states, the Romans could easily find that Zeus and Hera exercised equivalent functions in the Greek pantheon… In the great dim temples of the Valley of the Nile, the Egyptians still worshipped their age-old zoomorphic gods, cats sacred to Bastad, Horus the falcon, Souchos the crocodile, Apis the bull and their like elaborately embalmed after their death.  In Syria and North Africa the crowds revered the local Baals and Ashtoreths with fertility rites and ritual prostitution turning the rivers red with the blood of the sacrificed Adonis.  To the north of Syria the citizens of Emesa honored the sacred stone which the sun god had sent from heaven.  Throughout Asia Minor the dominant gods under a variety of names were the Great Mother and her son and consort, in whose honor frenzied devotees castrated themselves.  Father west in Illyricum the unconquered sun was the focus of devotion.  In the Celtic lands of Europe [they] worshipped the gods and goddesses of spring, river, and forest, and above all the sun.  All of these gods became closely associated with villages and towns and took on particular characteristics in the jealous local cults.  Sometimes they were identified with the gods of the Greek and Roman pantheon, and Baal often wore the mask of Zeus or Jupiter.” (Leo Donald Davis, The First Seven Ecumenical Councils, p. 46.)


Mortal Sin


Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter,


Let me begin by stating that I totally agree with you on your theology. Absolutely no argument on that .So, please reserve the heretic, liberal, bad willed Catholic, and other choice names for someone else.


When it comes to you deciding who is in mortal sin, that is out of anybody’s league but God’s. Are you not guilty of rash judgment by stating that Michael J. Fox, Christopher Reeves, and Nick Adenhart all suffered due to punishment from God. Some of the worst sinners have gone through a long life with virtually no physical problems, while saints like Bernadette and Therese had enormous suffering. Punishment is reserved for all who die in mortal sin. To select certain people and to attribute their suffering to mortal sin is not up to any of us.  The hardest thing for any of us is to admit that we may have been wrong in our thinking. I would hope you that you would post this e-mail in its entirety as I’m sure other people hold this same position.


God Bless you for the good work that you do.




MHFM: There are a few problems with your e-mail. 


First, you are quite wrong when you say that no one can determine that anyone else is in mortal sin.  If people act in a way that clearly constitutes mortal sin, a Catholic not only can but must conclude that such individuals are in mortal sin.  To say otherwise is to favor religious indifferentism.  It is to hold that anyone can be justified, even though that person abuses the law of God. 


According to your position, if you had a child who was out cheating or stealing or fornicating, you could rebuke that child but you couldn’t conclude that the child is in mortal sin; for “that’s up to God.”  That’s not the Catholic faith.  Of course God is judge, but people reveal that they are in mortal sin by their actions.  We believe that your thinking on this point, which is very problematic, is the reason that you have a problem with what we’ve said.  It’s a liberal justification for sins, in other words.


Regarding Michael J. Fox and Adenhart, no one is required to believe that what happened to them was a punishment for their actions.  That’s our opinion.  However, we believe it’s obvious.  It should make sense to those who look at life with the eyes of faith.  It’s true that many evil people go unpunished in this life; God reserves punishments for them until the next life.  In addition, many saintly people deal with suffering in this life.  But that has nothing to do with the fact that God will sometimes punish people on Earth for their evil actions. 


God doesn’t always punish people in this life for their evil actions, but He does it sometimes.  If He does it sometimes, then we will see examples of it.  It’s very simple.  Many people rebel at the thought that Adenhart was taken after going to a sinful club simply because they are liberals.  They want to believe that such activity or similar activity is acceptable.  




Dear Brothers,

I had a question about men's shorts and modesty.  My wife and I are constantly focused on trying to make sure both her (my wife) and our daughters are dressed very modestly.  Adhering to everything we can find on what the church has said on modesty, Padre Pio of course always being a good source.  But the question came up recently about men's shorts.  With regards to women, if a lady wears anything that requires them to sit a certain way (i.e. shorter skirts etc.) to avoid immodesty, that it is evident that what she is wearing is not modest.  So with respect to men’s shorts our first impression was to just make sure they were not too short, going to the knee when sitting, and not clingy; such as basketball shorts tend to be.  But after all that, even if a person adheres to those guidelines, when he sits down he would still have to make sure he sits a certain way so as to avoid allowing the shorts to hang down and people being able to see past the knee. 

So would that be a logical conclusion that men's shorts simply are not modest, and they should stick to pants?  Or is that taking it a bit too far? 

Thank you for your thoughts and time.

Robby Hansen


MHFM: We believe that in certain situations men may wear long and modest shorts.  However, if a man is going to be around a lot of other people where he has to sit down, etc., then he should definitely wear pants.  But if he’s exercising or going out quickly on a very hot day or working by himself and he has to do something quickly, etc., then we believe he may wear modest shorts. 


Regarding women, they should generally wear dresses, not pants.  There could be exceptions to this, but they would be rare.  In our opinion, exceptions which would allow women to wear pants would be: 1) if they are forced to work and their job requires them to wear modest pants; 2) if they, for some rare reason, can’t afford the appropriate dresses but have very modest pants; 3) if, for some reason, wearing a certain kind of modest pants is more modest than a dress. 


New “Saints”


Dear Brother Dimond:


What is your take on the 5 new Saints just proclaimed by the Chief Heretic?  Is his canonization of them legitimate?


John Monaco


MHFM: No, Benedict XVI is an antipope and doesn’t have the authority to canonize anyone.




Hi, I'm one who recently got converted to the True Catholic faith from finding your web-site and ordering your books/DVDs etc.  Both my husband and I thank you for your work----we keep learning more and more.  I'm up here in Northern Vermont and was wondering whether there is any acceptable Traditional Latin Mass in this area?  I keep praying to worthily receive the true Body of Christ now that I have learned the truth and repented of being in V2 "church".  I am trying to tell my friends and especially family about all we are learning, please pray for me to have the grace to do so.

    After studying Matthew 24, I noticed just how many times Jesus warned his apostles about being careful about not being "led astray", or "deceived", during the last days.  Also I noticed how Jesus said that His Second Coming will be "like Lightning" coming from the  East and going toward the West:  it suddenly occurred to me that at Fatima, how the "lightning" flashed in the skies immediately prior to each of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima's apparition to the children, and I'm pretty sure I read that Our Lady herself proceeded from, or "out of",  the Heavens toward the East, and returned thus.  What an apt PRE-CURSOR of Our Blessed  Lord's Second Coming as Jesus describes it in Matthew, then, would Our Lady of Fatima have provided for us, in this way!...








Seeing George’s challenge regarding your characterization of Israel as the Vatican’s “master” made me think of Machiavelli and some simple and obvious notions that seem lost on so many people.  Is not the most dangerous enemy someone who appears to be a friend?  Or perhaps more to the point here, may not the most effective friend be one who pretends to be, and is perceived by others to be your enemy?


Does the mugger wear a uniform that has “I’m going to try to take your wallet” written on it?  Does the Devil appear to us as a hideous beast and say “I’m here to take your soul”?  Or is he more likely in the form of a something soft and shapely and saying only “nice” things?   How can people with so little a nuanced understanding of the world even survive to adulthood?   Of course the challenge could be insincere, which would be evidence of bad will.  However I’m not sure it says much more about the person’s cognitive ability if he thinks such a simple argument would be effective, than if he were genuinely sincere in making the challenge in the first place.   It is just too dumb.   So I remain perplexed.


But this general naiveté’, the inability to “connect the dots”, is so common.   You present so many facts, any one or two of which should be sufficient to demonstrate the problem.  Openly pro-abortion candidates are permitted to “remain in the church” and take communion.  But Israel’s enemies are condemned for making a demonstrably true statement like “Israel’s founding was based on sympathy for the Jews after the experience of World War II” (the truth of which remains regardless of whether one accepts the Holocaust), in the absolutely harshest of terms.  This is roughly the quote by the Iranian president played over and over again on news casts (if he said anything ‘worse” they would have used it) that caused the well publicized walk-out and the Vatican denunciation.   A real Pope would have threatened the President of Notre Dame with excommunication for planning to give Obama an Honorary Degree.  What more does one need to see?  


In fact I think “anti-semites” are the only people who the Vatican II sect still condemns at all.   This should be enough to close the case for anyone who is honest and has an IQ above their body temperature.    


Bill Mulligan     




It wasn't long ago you posted a new article about Jay Leno  hosting a fund raiser for a pro abortion group...

Now it seems he has been abruptly hospitalized due to undisclosed illness ...


a co-incidence ???

Patrick Walsh J+M+J




Dear Brothers:  I received the copies I ordered of your new booklet "The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church" yesterday and it is GREAT!  I have never seen anything this comprehensive before addressing in depth all the issues protestants tend to misunderstand and argue about!



Phil White




Dear Brothers,


It's strange that you refer to Israel as the Vatican's "master" for the latter's condemning the Iranian president's remarks at the U.N.'s anti-racism conference.  After all, it is well known that Israel pleaded with all parties to boycott the conference entirely.  If Israel were really master, it seems to me that the Vatican would not have attended the conference at all.






MHFM: Israel is the Vatican II sect’s master in a certain (yet real) sense because whenever Israel or the Jewish power structure feels threatened, the Vatican II sect will usually fall in line and sometimes instantly act in accordance with its wishes.  Yes, the Vatican II sect maintains a level of autonomy under its master; but, when push comes to shove, it will almost always make sure not to offend the Jews.  That’s why it was willing to even exclude a member completely from its “Church” (e.g., Williamson) because he upset the Jews and Israel on “the Holocaust” – think about that – while it continues to say and do nothing at all about Obama and other pro-abortion public figures speaking constantly at “Catholic” places.  In short, this latest incident is just another small example of how the Vatican II sect is very quick to speak up for Israel - when it doesn’t have to say anything – yet it does not speak up for the Catholic faith.


Knowing Truth


Subject: Knowing the Truth




i have been reading all the articles on the true catholic church and wondering why the traditional church still sees other religions as being of the devil. Here in Africa Precisely Nigeria The Catholic church can boost of the largest population of Christians, now majority of the priest where ordained after the Vatican 2 meeting, now DO YOU MEAN THAT EVERYBODY HERE IN NIGERIA ARE CONDEMED BECAUSE OF THE VATICAN 2 MEETING SINCE MAJORITY OF THE PRIEST WERE ORDAINED AFTER VATICAN TWO. Where in Nigeria can one attend the real catholic mass. The priest faces the crowd here in Africa, with this are we all condemed, there is no way the mass can be said in latin cos here in Nigeria we have different ethnic groups and thus if you MUST WIN SOULS FOR CHRIST you must preach in a language that they will understand.


finally, i think  the cathoilic church BEFORE vatican 2 meeting  do not Have the continent of AFRICA in mind. do you agree to this..


Pls reply this letter i really want to know the truth






MHFM: The Catholic Church sees them as of the Devil because that’s the teaching of Jesus Christ, the Bible, Catholic Tradition and unchangeable Catholic dogma.


Psalms 95:5- “For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils…”


1 Cor. 10:20- “But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God.  And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils.”


Pope Pius XI, Ad Salutem (#27), April 20, 1930: “…all the compulsion and folly, all the outrages and lust, introduced into man’s life by the demons through the worship of false gods.”


The people who go along with the new Vatican II religion do not have the true faith.  To be saved, they need to come to the traditional Catholic faith.  You need to become a convinced Catholic and stop conforming God’s truth to what you consider acceptable or appealing.  Please begin to pray sincerely for faith, especially the Rosary, and look at the information on our website.  One must not go to the invalid New Masses.  And just because the traditional Mass of the Roman Rite is in Latin does not mean that people are not preached to in their native language.




Dear Brother Dimond

I am a member of a protestant Church. I came across the website, and can't seem to stop thinking about my situation.  I wanted to start the RCIA Process.  Now, I am not sure if the local Catholic Churches are of the Traditional Catholic Faith.

Can you tell me of a Catholic Church here in Daytona Beach Florida that would be in harmony with the Traditional Teaching and beliefs of the Catholic Church?

Thanks Jerry


MHFM: Thanks for the interest, Jerry.  You need to convert to the traditional Catholic faith.  You should not start the RCIA process or go to any of those churches.  That would initiate you into the counterfeit Vatican II Church and the invalid New Mass.  Please consult the material we offer and the information on our website.  After you look at the information and take the steps to convert, we can help you with where to receive sacraments.  You should begin to pray the Rosary each day. 


Praying for People


Based on what you're saying, Catholics shoudn't pray for anyone, because how could one know for sure if someone is in a "state of grace." Even if someone follows all the traditional rules and dogmas that you do, there could be something in their life that one doesn't know about! Why not just let God do the judging?




MHFM: No, you can’t pray for DECEASED individuals who, by all external evidence, were away from the true faith and/or in mortal sin.  If the evidence is that they observed the true faith (i.e., were not heretics) or in mortal sin, then you can pray for them, even if it turns out that they committed mortal sins that you didn’t know about.


And of course you can pray for them if they’re still living, but not if they have died (according to all evidence) outside the Church or in a state of mortal sin.  If the opposite were the case, it would destroy the unity of the faith and you could pray for everyone who has died.  That would lead to pure religious indifferentism.  It would foster the heresies of salvation outside the Church and universal salvation.  In fact, most people who claim to be Catholic in our day believe in universal salvation or the possibility of it, even though they would claim otherwise. 


For when anyone dies in any situation, no matter how non-Catholic or sinful it is, they hold that he might have been saved.  That’s heretical.  If that’s the case, why can’t you pray for Judas or Martin Luther?  You can’t because they died, by all external evidence, in mortal sin and outside the true faith.  And it’s certain that all who die in mortal sin or outside the faith are not saved.  Since prayer reflects belief, to pray for them is to assert that people can be saved who commit mortal sins or die as heretics.  The integrity of the faith demands that you do not pray for such people.


St. Francis Xavier, who possessed the apostolic Catholic faith, understood this point well.  He explains that a Catholic does not pray for such individuals, when referring to a pagan privateer who died on a ship on which he was traveling.


St. Francis Xavier, Nov. 5, 1549: “The corsair who commanded our vessel died here at Cagoxima.  He did his work for us, on the whole, as we wished… He himself chose to die in his own superstitions; he did not even leave us the power of rewarding him by that kindness which we can after death do to other friends who die in the profession of the Christian faith, in commending their souls to God, since the poor fellow by his own hand cast his soul into hell, where there is no redemption.” (citation in our book)




Dear Brothers Diamond,


After reading your post on the death of Angels’ pitcher Nick Adenhart, I was very disturbed. After one’s death, should we not pray for them? And isn’t that especially the work of members of religious orders? Instead, you condemn him, and assume that a young man that you do not know was killed by God for committing a mortal sin. You assume that he was even in a state of mortal sin. You cannot know this. Only God can know this, and because of that, Mr. Adenhart and his family deserve your prayers rather than your condemnation.


Sincerely in Christ,

Christian T.


MHFM: We realize that liberals who tolerate mortal sin will be disturbed by such a post.  That’s because it convicts their consciences and shakes their heretical “faith.”  People who believe that God forgives basically everything and doesn’t condemn anyone will rebel at the thought that God allowed the tragedy to happen because of his mortal sin.  That’s one reason why few people are saved.  They lack the first degree of faith and humility.


St. Benedict (c. 520): “The first degree of humility, then, is that a man always have the fear of God before his eyes, shunning all forgetfulness and that he be ever mindful of all that God hath commanded, that he always considereth in his mind how those who despise God will burn in hell for their sins, and that life everlasting is prepared for those who fear God.”


We posted the story precisely to remind people that God is a God of justice and that He is in control of everything.  Moreover, contrary to your assertion, Catholics can and do consider that those who are away from the traditional Catholic faith and act in a mortally sinful way are in the state of mortal sin.  It’s pure modernism and religious indifferentism to hold that people who act, by all evidence, in a mortally sinful fashion are not in mortal sin. 


Sadly, a Catholic cannot pray for the man.  That’s because he cannot be considered to have died as one of the faithful and with the life of grace.  St. Thomas clearly reiterates the teaching of Tradition on this point.     


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Suppl. Q. 71, A. 5: “Gregory says (Moral xxxiv. 19): There is the same reason for not praying then (namely after the judgment day) for men condemned to everlasting fire, as there is now for not praying for the devil and has angels who are sentenced to eternal punishment, and for this reason the saints do not pray for dead unbelieving and wicked men, because, forsooth, knowing them to be already condemned to eternal punishment, they shrink from pleading for them by the merit of their prayers before they are summoned to the presence of the Judge.”


As we see, the idea that a Catholic can just pray for anyone (or anyone who died claiming to be Catholic) is false.





Would it be of advantage to send a an email of complaint/protest to the Vatican, the biship of Wash. DC and the president of Georgetown Univ. in regard to the disgusting actions of pres. Obama there a few days ago?  If so would you have the email for the archbishop of Wash?  I found the other two.

R&F Johnson, et al


MHFM: No, it wouldn’t.  They are well aware of the criticism and of their own apostasy.




Just wanted to make a comment about the nick adenhart tragedy.  I was traveling down that same route on my way home from work, about 1 hour before it happened. I work in buena park CA. I saw this as divine protection for myself.  for I try to pray everyday now,  the rosary, prayer to st. michael, my own litany to saints.   I realized that life is short and fragile, and very uncertain.  people are focused now on the wrong things,   temporal fame, power ,money. they should be worried about saving their souls.   my mother  told me  they should have gone straight home after the game ,and not to some dance club.  they probably would still be alive.  I also thought your insight on them going to a sinful dance club was interesting. I did not even realize it.  and finally this country of ours is growing very evil and wicked. I believe america is the great harlot, how about yourselves.?  we are about 1,000 times worse than the original sodom and gommorah. obama is going to make this country more immoral and evil.  when will god rain fire down on america.?   anyway thanks and godbless .




Response to Criticism


Dear Brothers,


A couple of comments when you decide to again edit your tapes/books:


“Great,” as in World’s Great Religions, does not mean ‘Wow!” or “Wonderful!” but means “large” or “big.”


When you say you can receive the sacraments from less obvious heretics as long as you don’t give them financial support, you should show a resource or footnote, (unless it is just your fallible opinion?)  Would it not be more obvious a scandal to go up to Communion with heretics than to slip a dollar bill anonymously in the collection basket?  Think about it: you must not go at all.


When someone prayed “for the conversion of Russia” in the old days, the clergy and the faithful did not mean “to peace.”  Being “converts” yourselves, you should tread very carefully when trying to second-guess the august Mother of God, lest your Protestant background influence you!  Don’t think you can’t fall into the devil’s snares – just think of how he hates Our Lady!



Catherine Margand


MHFM: Allow us to address all of your comments, which (we must say) are filled with errors.


1.  First, you make reference to the many statements of the Vatican II antipopes which have we exposed in our works, in which they refer to false religions (such as Islam, Judaism, etc.) as “great religions.”  Here’s just one example of many:


Paul VI, Speech, Nov. 29, 1973: “We likewise rejoice when we recognize venerable and wise voices from the great religious traditions of Asia… The Catholic Church has sincere respect and admiration for those traditions.”


We are well aware that “great” can mean large or notable or having followers in great numbers; however, it can also mean good.  If you understood how a Catholic is supposed to deal with those who are promoting heresy, you would realize that Pope Pius VI teaches that heretics always attempt to lace their apostasy in ambiguous expressions which the bad willed or the uninformed will misuse in order to justify them.  For this reason, Pope Pius VI teaches that when heretics promote things that tend to heretical meanings under the guise of ambiguity, they are to be held to the heretical meaning. 


The use of “great religions” by the Vatican II antipopes is a case in point.  The Vatican II “popes” purport to be leaders of the Catholic Church whose first obligation is to stand for the integrity of the Catholic faith.  Speaking of false, non-Christian religions which lead people to damnation, they constantly call them “great” without ever denouncing them or clarifying what they mean.  In addition, they almost always praise those religions in the very same context in which they call them “great.” 


The quote above from Paul VI constitutes just one example of direct praise for the false religions in the very context of calling them “great.”  Notice how Paul VI states, in the very context of describing them as “great,” that he admires those “traditions.”  This demonstrates that he uses “great” in the sense of “wow” or “wonderful,” not in the sense of big or large.  So, your first piece of criticism is unjustified and refuted. 


We should add that in our recent publications, we haven’t stressed the “great religions” heresy.  That’s because there are so many other heresies to use, and there are so many bad willed people out there who will of course dishonestly attempt to exonerate them on that point.  Nevertheless, the “great religions” statements of the Vatican II antipopes are not justifiable. 


2.  In regard to your second comment, about receiving sacraments, we understand that you have a problem with our position on this issue.  You have a problem with it because we had to specifically rebuke you for supporting heretical priests after you knew you should not.  We often find that people who have failed in this area respond by condemning the whole position in order to justify their own inability to withhold support from a priest who believes in heresy.  Instead of simply not supporting the priest, they wind up saying, in order to justify their sin: “that doesn’t make any sense.”


In other words, the ones who have a problem with the simple and logical concept of “no support” for a priest who holds a heretical position are the ones who cannot muster up the courage to withhold support from the heretical priests.  In other words, it’s the people who have been demonstrating some bad will.  In a similar (though not identical) way, it’s interesting that people who hold that no one may go anywhere at all today to receive sacraments are either: 1) radical “traditionalist” schismatics who reject the canonizations of the Church and wind up arguing that everyone since 1965 was a non-Catholic; or 2) people who believe in the completely false position that no one at all has any jurisdiction today to do anything; or 3) people who regard as Catholics priests and laymen who believe that souls can be saved in false religions.  So instead of recognizing that people may take advantage of the sacraments provided by some of these “traditionalist” priests – without implicating themselves in the false position of the priest, just like one could before Vatican II – they are led to take the position that no one should go at all. 


You act as if we provide no theological justification for our position that one may go to some of these priests.  I guess you haven’t read any of our articles on the topic?  St. Thomas clearly teaches that people may receive sacraments from certain undeclared heretics.  That’s exactly our position.  Thus, your second piece of criticism is also refuted.


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Part III., Q. 82, A. 9, Whether it is permissible to receive communion from heretical, excommunicate, or sinful priests, and to hear mass said by them?: “I answer that, As was said above (5,7), heretical, schismatical, excommunicate, or even sinful priests, although they have the power to consecrate the Eucharist, yet they do not make a proper use of it; on the contrary, they sin by using it. But whoever communicates with another who is in sin, becomes a sharer in his sin. Hence we read in John's Second Canonical Epistle (11) that "He that saith unto him, God speed you, communicateth with his wicked works." Consequently, it is not lawful to receive Communion from them, or to assist at their mass.  Still there is a difference among the above, because heretics, schismatics, and excommunicates, have been forbidden, by the Church's sentence, to perform the Eucharistic rite. And therefore whoever hears their mass or receives the sacraments from them, commits sin. But not all who are sinners are debarred by the Church's sentence from using this power: and so, although suspended by the Divine sentence, yet they are not suspended in regard to others by any ecclesiastical sentence: consequently, until the Church's sentence is pronounced, it is lawful to receive Communion at their hands, and to hear their mass.  Hence on 1 Corinthians 5:11, "with such a one not so much as to eat," Augustine's gloss runs thus: "In saying this he was unwilling for a man to be judged by his fellow man on arbitrary suspicion, or even by usurped extraordinary judgment, but rather by God's law, according to the Church's ordering, whether he confess of his own accord, or whether he be accused and convicted."


In addition, if your position is that no one may go to a less obvious undeclared heretic who professes to be Catholic and is offering traditional sacraments, then you would have to hold that almost everyone before Vatican II (from approximately 1900 to 1950) should have stayed home, as our recent article on this topic points out: Is it ever permissible to go to a validly ordained priest for the sacraments who claims to be Catholic but prays in union with Benedict XVI or holds to some other heresy?


3.  In your final point, you make reference to our position on what was meant when Our Lady stated about Russia: “it will be converted and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world.”  Our position on this issue is explained and substantiated in detail in this file: The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy.  We don’t see why any reasonable person doesn’t agree with it.  In response, you argue that when people would pray for the “conversion of Russia,” it did not mean “to peace.”  That’s a weak an irrelevant argument.  The issue is not what priests and laypeople meant when praying for the conversion of Russia, but rather what Our Lady said in context on July 13 and what Our Lord and Sr. Lucy said afterward about Our Lady’s communication on July 13.  That’s the issue!


Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite, The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 2, p. 465: “[page after quoting what you just read] Let us point out right away that in 1930, in two letters to Father Goncalves, Sister Lucy was to express in a slightly different manner the requests of heaven… [Sister Lucy]: ‘The good Lord promises to end the persecution in Russia, if the Holy Father will himself make a solemn act of reparation and consecration of Russia to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as well as ordering all the bishops of the Catholic Church to do the same.  The Holy Father must then promise that upon the ending of this persecution he will approve and recommend the practice of the reparatory devotion already described.’”


According to Sr. Lucy, the message at Tuy that Our Lord will “save” Russia means that the Lord promises to “end the persecution in Russia,” thus corroborating the point that there is no evidence that heaven ever promised that Russia would be converted to the Catholic Faith.  We find the same thing in another vision that Our Lord granted to Sr. Lucy in 1940:


Our Lord to Sr. Lucy, Oct. 22, 1940: “I will punish the nations for their crimes by means of war, famine and persecution of My Church and this will weigh especially upon My Vicar on earth.  His Holiness will obtain an abbreviation of these days of tribulation if he takes heed of My wishes by promulgating the Act of Consecration of the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with a special mention of Russia.” (The Whole Truth About Fatima – abbreviated: WTAF, Vol. 2, p. 732)


Here we see that the Lord says that the consecration of Russia will “obtain an abbreviation” of the tribulation that is caused by the persecutions of Russia, perfectly coinciding with our point about what Our Lady meant by the “conversion” of Russia.  Most importantly, however, we can see what Our Lady meant in context by the conversion of Russia by a careful consideration of her words on July 13. 


The war is going to end.  But if they do not stop offending God, another and worse war will begin in the reign of Pius XI. When you shall see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is a great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, of hunger, and of persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father.  To prevent this I come to ask the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays.  If they listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace.  If not she will scatter her errors through the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church.  The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.  In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.  The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and it will be converted and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world.” (Our Lady of Fatima, July 13, 1917)


Notice, the consecration of Russia was specifically requested to prevent “war… hunger and persecution of the Church…”  This shows us how firmly set within this specific context Our Lady’s words were on the consecration of Russia – converting this enemy to peace from these persecutions of “war…hunger…of the Church.”  That means that you are completely wrong on that point as well.


Finally, you are wrong when you say that we have a Protestant background.  We do not have a Protestant background.  So, basically everything you say in your letter is wrong. 


Kicked out




I just wanted to let you know that Fr. Griego, rector of Holy Cross Seminary, Australia, just this morning after I received the sacraments of penance and communion, gave me notice that I was never to return to any SSPX property in Australia again, otherwise the police would be notified that I was trespassing! Before he said that though, he said I am his problem because I had handed out literature to seminarians (two salvation tracts!) saying, 'you can't do that.' I asked him if he'd looked at them and explained that there is nothing in them that is not Catholic. He basically said I can't make these sorts of judgments because I don't have a theological degree and I'm not the magisterium. I said, 'No. But I do have the Catholic faith.' I said, 'I don't need a theological degree to have the Catholic faith. (He agreed) I don't need a theological degree to get to heaven. (he also agreed).' I was about to say, 'but you do need the Catholic faith to get to heaven,' but he interrupted me. He said I don't have supernatural faith. He also criticized Bro. Michael, saying you don't have 'the grace of state'! I think because he could see he wasn't going to shake me, he just lost the plot and said don't ever come back.


Finally I said, 'I'll do as you ask, but I just want to ask, why?!' He said because I am my own magisterium. I said, 'No I'm not. You don't have the Catholic faith saying that. You're a heretic.' He just shrugged his shoulders at that as if to say, 'so what.' I started walking away and he' said, 'bye. And don't come back!'  A real nasty piece of work.


Out of the 6 priests at the seminary, I managed to question 4. The other two wouldn't answer a single question; not even, 'were you ordained in the Traditional rite?' One in particular, a Fr. Grun, was particularly aggressive, he even hung up the phone on me after I said, 'Well, I'm quite confident in my views.' I said that because after I had asked him some questions, which he didn't answer, he said, 'I'm not ready to answer.' I said, 'this is strange.' and he said, 'it is, isn't it!' and then he launched into this tirade of questions and statements without any real chance for me to reply. Then I said that I was confident and he just spat the dummy!


They kind of remind me of powder puffs used for make-up, and little girls on roller skates who squeal at spiders! I'm not so much angry as saddened that I can't now receive the Eucharist. Fr. Griego said he would be notifying Fr. Black who presides over the district superior of Australia, in Sydney. That's about a 3 1/2 hour drive from Canberra, where I live! They must really be desperate to keep me quiet!...




Kit White


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail and the interest in the faith.  They are examples of imposing heretics who should not be approached for the sacraments.


Still bound?




I remembered something I occasionally heard in the V2 Church and I think was part of an article in a V2 "Catholic" magazine. 


When I was a pre-Vatican II student in a Catholic high school, we were taught that if we lived in the state of mortal sin,  we were still obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days, but we could not receive Holy Communion, of course.  The reason for this  is that we are already commiting mortal sin and not to add to it by the mortal sin of not attending Mass. 


Mortal sin is excommunication from the sacraments, not from membership in the Catholic Church.  It simply means we are not permitted to receive the Sacraments. This does not excuse us from attendance at Mass.  Hopefully attendance at Mass, the greatest prayer of all, will also encourage the soul to give up its mortal sins.


In the Vatican II Church I was shocked when I heard the priest say that if we are refuse to obey the laws of the church or are unwilling to give up our sins, DON'T COME (to Mass).  He repeated this several times: DON'T COME!


Of course the Vatican II church approves of many mortal sins and no one should attend their false "Mass".  This is just further proof of a counterfeit church.  Since when did Christ tell anyone "Don't come!"  or "Stay away from Me till you can give up your sin!"  ?


People who are encouraged to pray and obey do not remain sinners for very long.   Or am I wrong about this? 




MHFM: In normal Catholic times, people were obliged to attend Mass each Sunday.  This was because there were many Catholic priests available.  This applied to all Catholics, including those who were in the state of mortal sin.  However, it’s not a strict obligation in our day for the reasons we have explained in our articles.  But we do believe that people may take advantage of certain validly ordained priests for a traditional sacrament. 


That being said, we can’t really find fault with what the Novus Ordo “priest” said to those who refuse to obey Church laws and remain in sin.  He’s basically saying: “if you’re just going to remain in sin and be a bad example, then you’re wasting our time.  Stop bringing your evil and corrupting influence around here.”  So we can understand where he’s coming from with that comment.  (That’s to say nothing, of course, about the fact that he’s not a real Catholic because he’s fully part of the New Church.)




Dear Brothers,


Did you catch the furor created over the NFL scheduling a NY Jets home game Sept. 27th at 4:15pm on Yom Kippur. Naturally, the Jews protested and the NFL moved the starting time to 1pm to accomodate the MINORITY of Jets fans who are Jewish.  Once again the power and influence of the Jews in this country is on full display. Have you noticed the four major team sports all have Jewish commissioners.  Games are regularly scheduled on Easter and Christmas without any reservations or regard for Christians.                                        


J. Settimo


MHFM: That’s interesting.  We have pointed out in the past that the commissioners of the NBA, MLB and NHL are Jewish.  We don’t think the commissioner of the NFL is Jewish; but, as you say, “once again the power and the influence of the Jews in this country is on full display.”


Pitcher Killed

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\E_Pictures\adenhart.jpg

MHFM: Last week there were major headlines about an accident which killed 22 year-old California “Angels” Pitcher Nick Adenhart and two others.  Adenhart and two others (one man and one woman, both in their 20s) were killed when a driver named Andrew Gallo, who was drunk and three times over the legal limit, ran through a red light and killed them. 


“The Compass News reports that Adenhart was fatally injured in an automobile accident April 9 in Fullerton, Calif., that also claimed the lives of two others. He died in surgery after the accident, caused by a van running a red light.  The 22-year-old former student of St Maria Goretti High School in Hagerstown had just pitched six strong innings in the previous night's game against the Oakland Athletics. It was his debut season in the major leagues.” (http://cathnewsusa.com/article.aspx?aeid=12962)


Link to story 


The outrage of the tragedy was compounded by the fact that the drunk driver, Andrew Gallo, was already driving on a suspended license for a previous drunk driving conviction.  That’s truly sick.  Not only is it an obvious mortal sin, but it’s unconscionably selfish.

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\E_Pictures\drunk_driver.jpg

The drunk driver

The mainstream and even the “Catholic” press – since Adenhart’s family was, in some way, connected to the Novus Ordo – were clearly aghast at the tragedy: three 20 year-olds killed by a previously-convicted drunk driver running a red light.  Many probably asked: “why did God allow this to happen, when they had ‘so much in front them?’” 


In consideration of that question, we wanted to draw attention to a detail which received basically no significant mention in the reporting on this tragedy.  In our view, this detail explains why God allowed this to happen: 


“Nick Adenhart, a rookie pitcher with the Los Angeles Angels, was killed in the early hours of Thursday, April 9, when the Mitsubishi Eclipse he was riding in was struck at an intersection by an alleged drunk driver.  As Adenhart, 22, and three friends were driving south on a four-lane street in Fullerton, California, just a few miles from the Angels Stadium, a red minivan apparently ran a red light and stuck their car broadside, sending it spinning into a power pole. Two of the Eclipse's passengers died at the scene while Adenhart was transported to a local hospital, where he later died.  The minivan's driver fled the scene, but was captured by police about a mile away. He faces charges of manslaughter, felony driving under the influence and hit-and-run. Incidents involving a failure to heed red lights at intersections are common in the Los Angeles area.  Adenhart and his companions had spent the late evening at a nearby dance club.” (http://blogs.edmunds.com/straightline/2009/04/la-angels-rookie-pitcher-killed-in-car-crash.html)


Why did God allow these three young people, all under 25, to be killed by this reckless drunk driver?  Why were they killed by this evil man, who had already been convicted for drunk driving, when they were so young and observing the traffic laws?  The answer, we believe, is that they had just returned from a dance club where mortal sins and outrages abound. 


This is clearly a horrible tragedy, all the way around.  It’s put in its proper perspective, however, when we consider that God allowed it to happen because of the mortal sins they had committed by going to the evil dance club.  The pitcher just had the greatest performance of his young career.  Instead of thanking God and obeying his laws, he went out and committed mortal sin.  At the very time that mortal sins were being committed in two distinct areas – the drunk driver was getting drunk wherever he was, and Adenhart and his companions were going or preparing to go to the evil dance club – God would bring these two together in a life and eternity-altering event in punishment for their sins.  The three who were killed in the car are dead.  They are left to face the consequences of their lives for all eternity. 


This should remind everyone that God is in complete control of everything.  If at any time one fills up the measure of His mercy, it might be the last chance, even at the young age of 20 or 22. 


While God allowed these young people to be taken from life (almost certainly because they went to the dance club), at the same time He punished the execrable drunk driver.  This man is truly an abomination.  God’s justice is so clearly at work in his case as well.  With his previous mortal sins, God allowed him to be caught and convicted and his license to be suspended – almost as a warning that he’s not going to get many more chances.  However, he again decided to get drunk and drive on top of it, so God allowed him to ruin his life on the natural level.  How selfish are these people?  The man couldn’t even limit himself to committing his mortal sin of drunkenness; but no, he needed to drive on top of it and put other lives in danger.  As a result, he killed three people and faces murder charges. 


This event is truly tragic; but, when we look more closely, it’s an illuminating reminder of God’s justice and providence.  To those who love God, all things work unto good.


Romans 8:28- “And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good…”


For those in mortal sin, however, who don’t love God, things work unto destruction.  (Note: We are not suggesting that everyone who dies in a car accident was punished by God.  In this case, however, it’s obvious considering that they were coming from a den of iniquity.)




Dear Brother Michael

I found your article on the Una cum debate to be excellent and convincing, and that yours is a truly Catholic position to take in these appalling times of the Great Apostasy in the Church…


Best wishes





Hi Bro Michael and Peter Dimond,


Excellent article... it helps to clarify a few things confronting most Catholics today, I surmise...


For those who disagree, too bad, that's just the way it is, in the latter days of the great apostasy...


God Bless


David N.Z.




I am currently reading your book "Outside the Church there is no Salvation" and I was wondering about "invincible ignorance".   I am sure that you are well aware of how "popular" this belief is in the current "Catholic' church and even in what used to be the most conservative denominations---When was the first time (in the history of the Catholic Church) these words were spoken?
We know a couple who still attends Novus Ordo and they think the Second Vatican Council was awesome; they are part of the so-called "conservative" NO attendees that help keep this problem alive---anyway, she told me that the Catholic Church has ALWAYS taught that some men and women can be saved outside the Catholic Church... I noticed that it also states this in the Baltimore Catechism.  We are going to be having dinner at their house next week (they are going to try and convince me that I am wrong about the Second Vatican Council) and I wanted a strong response to her "invincible ignorance' belief.  The strongest response and the shortest---quite frankly, I am tired of arguing with some people.
Thanks for all your help...I will continue on in my reading of your book.

In Christ's Truth,



MHFM: The shortest response is that her statement is false, and that at least seven popes have solemnly defined the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  Not once were any exceptions ever mentioned.  In fact, all exceptions were always specifically excluded.  In addition, none of the saints, fathers or missionaries believed that anyone can be saved outside the Church or in ignorance of the essential mysteries of Catholic faith.  The notion that some men and women can be saved outside the Church is blatantly heretical.


We have numerous sections on the “invincible ignorance” objection in our book.  They are found on pages 105-134 of the 2nd edition.  We would recommend that you look at them before meeting with them.


Also, if one goes to our main section on this issue, Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation and refuting baptism of desire - book, audio program, articles, one can scroll down to section 16 and click on the appropriate sections.  Here are just a few quotes of many that are found therein. 


Fr. Francisco de Vitoria, O.P., a famous 16th century Dominican theologian, summed up the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church on this topic very well.  Here is how he put it:


When we postulate invincible ignorance on the subject of baptism or of the Christian faith, it does not follow that a person can be saved without baptism or the Christian faith.  For the aborigines to whom no preaching of the faith or Christian religion has come will be damned for mortal sins or for idolatry, but not for the sin of unbelief.  As St. Thomas says, however, if they do what in them lies [in their power], accompanied by a good life according to the law of nature, it is consistent with God’s providence that he will illuminate them regarding the name of Christ.”


All the people who die in cultures where the Gospel isn’t known go to Hell for sins against the natural law and the other grave sins which they commit.  The Church teaches that if any of the people in pagan lands are of good will, God will make sure they are exposed to the Gospel and brought into the Church.  


St. Paul, Romans 1:18-20:  “For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and injustice of those men that detain the truth of God in injustice: Because that which is known of God is manifest in them.  For God hath manifested it to them.  For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are inexcusable.”


St. Augustine explains this well in reference to persons who died ignorant of the Faith and without baptism. 


St. Augustine (+428): “… God foreknew that if they had lived and the gospel had been preached to them, they would have heard it without belief.”


John 18:37: “For this was I born, and for this came I into the world, that I should give testimony to the truth: every one who is of the truth, heareth my voice.”


Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas (# 15), Dec. 11, 1925 :  “Indeed this kingdom is presented in the Gospels as such, into which men prepare to enter by doing penance; moreover, they cannot enter it except through faith and baptism, which, although an external rite, yet signifies and effects an interior regeneration.”


St. Augustine (+426): “Consequently both those who have not heard the gospel and those who, having heard it, and having been changed for the better, did not receive perseverancenone of these are separated from that lump which is known to be damned, as all are going… into condemnation.”


St. Prosper of Aquitane (+450): “Certainly God’s manifold and indescribable goodness, as we have abundantly proved, always provided and does yet provide for the totality of mankind, so that none of those perishing can plead the excuse that he was excluded from the light of truth…”


St. Alphonsus, The History of Heresies, Refutation 6, #11, p. 457: “Still we answer the Semipelagians, and say, that infidels who arrive at the use of reason, and are not converted to the Faith, cannot be excused, because though they do not receive sufficient proximate grace, still they are not deprived of remote grace, as a means of becoming converted.  But what is this remote grace?  St. Thomas explains it, when he says, that if anyone was brought up in the wilds, or even among brute beasts, and if he followed the law of natural reason, to desire what is good, and to avoid what is wicked, we should certainly believe either that God, by an internal inspiration, would reveal to him what he should believe, or would send someone to preach the Faith to him, as he sent Peter to Cornelius.  Thus, then, according to the Angelic Doctor [St. Thomas], God, at least remotely, gives to infidels, who have the use of reason, sufficient grace to obtain salvation, and this grace consists in a certain instruction of the mind, and in a movement of the will, to observe the natural law; and if the infidel cooperates with this movement, observing the precepts of the law of nature, and abstaining from grievous sins, he will certainly receive, through the merits of Jesus Christ, the grace proximately sufficient to embrace the Faith, and save his soul.”


As we see, St. Alphonsus is clearly making reference to the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas below, in which he denies that any soul who is ignorant of the Gospel can be saved.  Rather, if there is a person who is completely ignorant of the faith but who is of good will, God will make sure that he comes to a knowledge of the faith. 


St. Thomas Aquinas, De Veritate, 14, A. 11, ad 1: Objection- “It is possible that someone may be brought up in the forest, or among wolves; such a man cannot explicitly know anything about the faith.  St. Thomas replies- It is the characteristic of Divine Providence to provide every man with what is necessary for salvation… provided on his part there is no hindrance.  In the case of a man who seeks good and shuns evil, by the leading of natural reason, God would either reveal to him through internal inspiration what had to be believed, or would send some preacher of the faith to him…”


St. Thomas Aquinas, Sent. II, 28, Q. 1, A. 4, ad 4: “If a man born among barbarian nations, does what he can, God Himself will show him what is necessary for salvation, either by inspiration or sending a teacher to him.”


St. Thomas Aquinas, Sent. III, 25, Q. 2, A. 2, solute. 2: “If a man should have no one to instruct him, God will show him, unless he culpably wishes to remain where he is.”


There is much more on this point in the book.  We would also say that if someone is going to meet with them, he or she should be familiar with all of the main facts and arguments which refute their heresies on this point and on Vatican II.


“Homeland Security”


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter:


In regards to the recent article that you posted in your News and Commentary section entitled, “‘Homeland Security’ mentions ‘abortion opponents’ as possible threat”, please be aware that this so-called “report” is probably nothing more than another attempt to pass gun controls laws in this country.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see another false-flag operation, such as the shooting of some prominent public official (“president” Obama?), in order to get these laws passed.  Sometimes I wonder if these people realize that anyone with a computer and internet connection can, with a little effort, figure out what’s being reported in the “News”.




MHFM: Yes, we thought the same thing.  It seems like an obvious attempt to condition the public.






What do you think about MG's divorce?... given grave scandal by his public conduct and movies, etc.


Several victims of adultery have told me that they could no possibly go back to their wayward spouses because they gave them VD. One can only imagine what poor Mrs. Gibson has had to endure…




Miss Ross


MHFM: We weren’t surprised at all.  He’s married to an Episcopalian, and he’s unfortunately heretical himself on the salvation issue.  It’s also obvious that he doesn’t observe Catholic morality.  So it’s not at all surprising that one who is not a traditional Catholic either in faith or morality (and is married to a Protestant) is not going to have a successful marriage.


What’s perhaps most important to consider in this regard is how the heresy of Mel’s heretical father, Hutton, probably contributes in a significant way to Mel’s activity. 


Mel’s father is a notorious promoter of salvation heresy and “baptism of desire.”  He’s a horrible heretic on that issue.  He believes the same thing on that issue as most of the sedevacantist priests in our day.  If Mel’s father were a Catholic on that issue and not a heretic, perhaps he would have the grace to rebuke and condemn his son for his disgraceful activity.  But because Mel’s father believes like the rest of the proponents of “baptism of desire” in our day, that souls can be saved in any religion, he apparently either sees no problem with Mel’s disgraceful activity or probably thinks that God will forgive him anyway.  After all, if a pagan can be united to the Church, why can’t God make allowances for Mel, since he made a movie or two with some Catholic things?


Once again, this is a prime example of how the salvation heresy has ramifications in everyday life and in practical actions.  It not only takes root in the intellect, but it necessarily spills over into corrupting people’s actions, their ability to live the faith, and their ability to deal in a Catholic way with those around them.  Be assured, if Mel’s father were a real Catholic who believed in the salvation dogma and strongly rebuked his son for his heresy and immorality, you would see a change there. 


A “Cardinal”


Dear Brothers,


Do you know what Cardinal Josè Policarpo of Lisbon said during the Easter Mass in which he was presiding and shown on Tv to the world? Yes exactly, during  the Mass he brought up Charles Darwin`s theory of evolution and stated that this is very possible, he also stated that the Holy Scriptures is merely symbolic, how about that? The antichrist revealed.


There is no more shame in their faces, blaspheming so openly and accepting the world`s Devilish theories, what traitors, thieves of the truth, I agree with you that these Vatican II people are not at all Christians.. This is terrible just look how they are leading astray the flock of Christ, I just want to cry, God taught that all must believe in the Scriptures and all be baptized in order to be saved.


May God forever bless your wonderful work.


Maria Fernanda da Silva.




MHFM: In addition to our regular updates, we hope to have, in the coming days, a new item on the jurisdiction issue, something new and important on the Vatican II Church and Islam, and some new material refuting certain radical “traditionalist” schismatic views.


New Article on “Una Cum” issue


MHFM: This is a short new article on the issue of whether a Catholic may ever receive sacraments or be present at a traditional Mass where the priest is a heretic and/or praying for Benedict XVI as the pope.  Some people have concerns about this matter.  Some people are adamant that one may never receive Holy Communion at the Mass of such a priest.


We have provided the strictly theological arguments and the backing for our position on this matter in the files linked to below.  However, in this new article, Bro. Michael examines the issue from a different angle.  He provides a common sense approach to the issue, and sheds more light on the question by focusing on things which many people are forgetting.  He also discusses the heretic Fr. Cekada. 


Is it ever permissible to go to a validly ordained priest for the sacraments who claims to be Catholic but prays in union with Benedict XVI or holds to some other heresy? [new article]


This new file contains some interesting quotes on the benefits and importance of receiving Holy Communion:


Quotes on the Benefits and Importance of Holy Communion  [new]


For the other things we’ve done on this issue, which deal more with the strictly theological arguments, consult these files:


Where to go to Mass or confession today?


The Question of whether one may receive Sacraments in these difficult times


Audio discussion about the "una cum" issue, where one may receive sacraments, refuting radical schismatic views [44 min. audio]


File of relevant quotes


These last three files, and our new article on this topic, will all be contained in the first file (“Where to go to Mass”).




Dear Brothers,
I have read your great book 'The Truth of what Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II' far too long after I received it… I am now a truly convinced sedevacantist even though I was pretty close even before. There is no way the post conciliar "popes" are/were Catholic. Catholic Popes are not heretics, neither do they destroy the Church with their false teaching.  The only Tradition we have up here in Scandinavia is the SSPX… You must have heard about the terrible tv-program that the Masonic/Socialist Swedish Television broadcasted about Bp. Williamson by the end of January… Everything must be done to show the false "traditionalism" of B16. If he fools SSPX into the modern "Church", Traditionalism as a whole will be severely wounded. Of course, there is also a chance that perhaps about half of SSPX will adhere to Sedevacantism if that will happen. We have to pray that God will do what is right, as He always does.
Sincerly in JMJ,
Please do not publish my name if you put this on your website… Keep up your fantastic work in disclosing modernism and the false Conciliar church.


How to know


If you are correct, then there has been false teaching for 50 years.  Who can possibly sort through all the details and come up with definitive resolutions to all this?  The average person does not have the intellect-ual competence, or the time, or the resources.  And even if you possess all these things, you certainly do not possess the gift of infallibility.  You are probably aware of the existence of several self-proclaimed sedevacantist "popes".  One is a man in Kansas who has the support only of his family; another is one Lucien Pulvermacher, a Capuchin priest who calls himself "Pope Pius XIII".  I would suspect that you do not accept the claims of any such men.  Wouldn't it take validly-ordained bishops, and a properly chosen pope, to resolve this chaos?

In short, why should anyone believe YOU, and disbelieve Pulvermacher, etc.?  Are you claiming infallibility?


MHFM: It’s very simple: you should believe us because we are repeating the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church.  The infallible papal pronouncements constitute the rule of faith.  They cannot lead people astray.  Therefore, you look at the things upon which we base our positions: the teachings of the popes, the infallible teaching of the Magisterium. 


If someone really has the concerns that you have, we must question his faith in the Magisterium.  That’s because the papal teaching and the facts which flow from them aren’t sufficient for him.  He needs something more, when he shouldn’t.


And as far as recognizing the post-Vatican II “popes” as heretics, that should be abundantly obvious to anyone who has seen all the evidence we have marshaled.  It really isn’t that difficult to see that a man who says Protestants and Eastern “Orthodox” don’t need conversion – and who agrees with the Lutherans on Justification – cannot be a Catholic.  To all who have seen the evidence, it should be very clear that Benedict XVI rejects the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation, among others.  He praises false religions constantly.  He’s an apostate.


With regard to the people who have elected themselves “pope,” they’re hardly worth a second thought.  The pope is the Bishop of Rome.  They have no legitimate claim to be the Bishop of Rome, and they hold to different heresies on top of it.


Very bad


Dear Brothers,


That e-exchange about the Diocese of Arlington, VA having a feast day for Martin Luther King is one of the worst things I've heard at the local level in the Vatican II sect.  But I guess it shouldn't surprise me because I recall when I was still in the Novus Ordo, and this was around the early 90's, I used to attend weekday "Mass" at a church in NY and on Martin Luther King's birthday, his picture was prominently displayed next to the "altar".


Alain Perrault




Dear MHFM,

After over 20 years of blasphemy and error, I am considering the return to the Catholic Church. I was born after the II Vatican Council, so Novus Ordo is the only Catholic Church I know, but since I grew up in Poland, which at that time was a very Catholic country, a lot of the elements of modernism hadn't yet entered the Church - for example I have never seen the Holy Communion served to the hand etc…
I loved your video about Death, very sobering. The one on rock and roll is also very true. You are bringing back the kind of Catholicism I grew up with…

I don't know if you mention that in the book on UFO phenomenon, but there is a very clear and openly admitted connection between UFO and a very dark kind of occultism, just read any book by Michael Bertiaux or Kenneth Grant, both of them involved in this evil activity. A perfect material for at least one chapter if you ever plan on future revisions.

Kind Regards,





This is like calling the kettle black. Almost the same deception as when Paul VI said the smoke had entered the church.


MHFM: Right… the Devil knows that a statement like that is all Benedict XVI needs to make every so often and it will deceive most people.  That’s all he needs to say once in a while, as he praises false religions and promotes total religious indifferentism every week.




Dear Brothers,

Interesting take on the "Back to the future" and "Superman"… I see God's work in silencing anti-Pope JPII and Mother Angelica in their latter years. I think this is God's way of putting a halt to all the errors that they were spreading. God was as tired of listening to them as are all the true Catholics.

Happy Easter and God Bless,

Tom Miles




I forwarded a group of people your write up on Michael J. Fox one of them being my brother Shannon who is a protestant.  He instead of responding to me went and picked all the email addresses off the email and sent them this response which he didn't send to me being sneaky.  He obviously lacks any real faith.


[His Response]


Is this suppose to be a joke? Althought I don't believe in embryonic stem cell research, all the back to the future movies are great and classics. Whoever reads this and believes this to be true is pretty sad. First off this is a MOVIE, there are all kinds of movies, action, love, kid, drama, ect. and FICTION. This has got to be the absolute most ridiculous metaphor I have ever seen done and to also try it with superman as well. Its a movie, it is a great movie, instead of sitting around coming up with STUPID false metaphors for who knows why, do something productive for the world. After 24 years you now come up with this? DUDE YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!


MHFM: Yes, he lacks any faith.  It’s his comments that are ridiculous.  The truth hurts.  It cuts people to the heart because it convicts them of things they want to forget.  That’s why they are, in their bad will, so often moved to rebel against it. 


He specifically rebels against that point because it reveals that there are consequences to people’s actions – a concept that is repugnant to Protestantism.  If the star actor in a movie he likes so much has been punished by God for his role in the film (and there is almost no doubt about this), then obviously he might have to more carefully assess what he does in life.  And worrying about the morality of his actions is a concept that is anathema to him and to most Protestants.  Rather, they want to feel “secure” that they can do whatever and “enjoy” everything, as long as they “believe.”  They don’t want to have to worry about refraining from almost anything. 


Thus, instead of honestly assessing the validity of the point, he attacks it.  That’s to be expected.  We receive that kind of thing all the time from blind heretics and pagans.  They will attempt to insult you and attack the truth in every way they can.  People who know nothing about Catholic teaching or a certain issue will even tell you that you are ignorant about something when you are completely right.


As a final note, he says we need to get a life.  He mentions 24 years, as if we’ve been thinking about this for decades.  Actually, it was something that one of us thought of a few days ago after seeing news about Michael J. Fox, stem cell research and his Parkinson’s Disease.  The point about Fox is particularly interesting because it’s not one about an actor who kills himself or does something to himself after taking part in an evil movie.  No, this was God specifically afflicting a person with a malady which corresponds to a part he played in a sinful movie – suffering the effects of old age as a young man.  In fact – and your brother’s e-mail prompted us to look this up – it was in “Back to the Future 2” that Michael J. Fox actually went to the future.  He went to the year 2015.  “Back to the Future 2” came out in 1989.  Fox first displayed symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease the next year, 1990.


We should add that we are obviously not saying that all movies are evil.  It of course depends upon the movie.


Tornado hits lodge



I was watching the morning news on TV this morning and saw a piece of news on a tornado that ripped through Mena Arkansas yesterday (Good Friday) afternoon. General tornado story was in Reuters:



The TV coverage that I watched mentioned that the tornado destroyed a masonic lodge (who were in the middle of conducting a noon meeting).  I thought that was interesting.  This internet article that I found quotes a member of the 'Lodge of the Eastern Star' who said they got hit right as they sat down for their twice-monthly Lodge meeting. The story implies that this Lodge seemed to be the focal point of the damage and deaths of the tornado.


Patrick Walsh J+M+J


Good Friday Prayer


In the N.O., the Good Friday prayer for the Jews is the most blasphemous, apostate thing on God's green earth.  EXPECTING NEW MASSERS TO PRAY THAT THEY GROW IN FAITHFULNESS TO HIS COVENANT ON THE DAY THEY CRUCIFIED HIM!!!  I don't know how many EVEN N.O.-goers heard that evil prayer through the years and thought to themselves: "Hey, that doesn't sound right..."  Even the most "faithful" N.O attendees when they come vis-a-vis with this blasphemy...  How they do not descry the truth IF THAT ALONE was their proof... How something so detrimental could fool so many people for so long... HOW??????!!!!!!!


-M. Rudnicki


MHFM: Yes, that’s quite a heresy.  We mentioned it in our section on the New Mass: The Liturgical Revolution: A New Mass [PDF File].  How could it fool so many for so long?  The answer is bad will, spiritual blindness and lack of interest.




The Novus Ordo diocese I live in, Arlington Virginia (promoted as the most "orthodox" diocese in the United States), officially declared that Martin Luther King, Junior is a Saint. He even has an official feast day - the third Monday of every January - approved as a local feast day by the Bishop to be included in the mass. This was implemented a couple of years ago and reported in the Arlington Catholic Herald newspaper.


Have you heard of any other Novus Ordo diocese having a local feast day for Saint Martin Luther King, Junior?


MHFM: No, that’s pretty bad.




Subject: Little Faust


… I was scanning the radio for some intelligent talk.  I came across EWTN radio, on which a priest was giving a sermon on "Saint Faustina".   I was already aware of the controversy over her, having seen your articles.  However I thought I'd listen a little bit to see what this Novus Ordo supporter had to say.  First he tells us that it was the future JP II who was assigned to investigate her case when he was yet a young priest.  He of course was immediately won over.  Well we know what JP II stood for.  He told us how uneducated she was and how her original writings were almost unintelligible.  This strange attribute he seemed to think was a good thing.  Then, and I don't remember reading this before, he told us that the Lord allegedly told her that "the more sins one commits, the greater the claim they have, in justice, on my mercy".  He emphasized the phrase "in justice", admitted that he at first had trouble with it, but then said that after thinking about it, it made perfect sense.  I couldn't and can't see the sense in it, rather I thought immediately of the parallel to Luther's heresies.  Finally he told us how wonderful it was that her Divine Mercy Chaplet could be said on the Rosary beads, eliminating the need for a new device.  "How economical".   I thought of Our Lady's words at Fatima about the Rosary being a "final remedy".  I thought why would the Lord contradict His Mother with a new devotion to be said on her beads?   Finally I thought of her name, and its similarity to that of the literary character who sold his soul to the Devil.  I thought it is really the same name, except feminized.  A "Little Faust".  As Don Imus says (hey even a stopped clock is right twice a day) "you can't make this stuff up".


Bill Mulligan     






In regards the snippet on Fox, and Reeves- I recall, also, the original superman on the old black and white series, that he committed suicide, remember?  Also, look what happened to antipope JPII-muted, crumpled, speechless!  What awaits his heretic successor-Dr. Ratzinger?  Repent, repent, and repent some more!  Paz.  May the Holy Family bless mhfm.




Michael J. Fox, Parkinson’s Disease and Back to the Future


MHFM: Many of our readers are probably familiar with one or all of the “Back to the Future” movies which starred Michael J. Fox.  The first movie was released in 1985, and the series became extremely popular.  We had a few thoughts about these movies which we wanted to share with our readers.


First of all, we should point out that these movies should not be viewed by a Catholic.  The main reason is that the plot surrounds a car that can travel through time.  A car which can travel through time when it hits a certain speed is almost idolatrous or occultic; for only God is above time.  We also find it interesting that in the car (if we recall correctly, from many years ago), there is some kind of three-part system which is the key to time travel.  In our opinion, this is probably a devilish substitution for the Holy Trinity.


Anyway, the point we really wanted to make concerns the star of the movie, Michael J. Fox.  Fox is frequently in the news because he’s one of the most famous advocates of embryonic stem cell research.  Embryonic stem cell research involves the destruction of living embryos for scientific purposes and it is therefore mortally sinful.  Michael J. Fox supports embryonic stem cell research because he suffers from Parkinson’s Disease.  He wrongly thinks this research will help cure him.  Fox is a rare sufferer of Parkinson’s Disease in so far as he is not even 50 years old.  He has been suffering from the disease since he was 29. 


Parkinson’s Disease, which involves the breakdown of motor skills, is something that usually afflicts people in old age.  Isn’t it interesting that the actor who traveled through time is now suffering the effects of old age as a young man?  He wanted to go to the future.  We believe this was how God punished him for his part in this evil movie.  He wanted to travel through time, and now he is like an old man and he has been so since he was 29!


That’s just something we found interesting because Fox is frequently in the news advocating embryonic stem cell research. 


A similar thing happened to Christopher Reeves, who played “Superman.”  Reeves was paralyzed and unable to move.  Since the role of “Superman” served as a substitution for Jesus Christ (the only God-man), it’s interesting that in life Christopher Reeves was paralyzed and unable to even walk.  The one who purported to fly and leap tall buildings in a single bound couldn’t even walk. 


Galatians 6:7- “Be not deceived, God is not mocked.


Mother of God


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


I'm Francis Walsh, I'm 13 years old and I'm in 8th grade. One of my classmates is a protestant. He believes that God is the True God, but that Mary was not the Mother of God, and is instead, the mother of the "flesh" of god. I would very much like to correct him from his error, and I was wondering if you could help me in what I should say to him.


I told him that because Jesus is God and man, and that those two parts can not be separated, and that therefore Mary has to be the mother of God. He hasn't provided a response to that yet, and he said he is still looking into that matter. However, I'm still trying to find more things to use to convince him, and that is mainly why I'm writing to you.


He also believes that Vatican II (Benedict XVI) is the true papacy, and I have watched your videos concerning that, but I'm not sure how to condense that information to convince my classmate that Benedict XVI is not the true pope.





MHFM: Thanks for the interest.   There is a specific section in our new book which addresses that very issue: you can order the book here.  You can get many copies of the book for an incredibly low price.  We would strongly recommend that you get it for him and for other friends you might have.  It covers the point he asked about, as well as the other biblical evidence. 


Regarding Benedict XVI, we offer a flyer on his heresies which, in a condensed form, explains why he is not the pope: Flyer: The Heresies of Benedict XVI.


We also have a short file which explains that a heretic loses membership in the Church and therefore cannot be the pope: The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file].  You could show him the short file, or simply give him one of the quotes to that effect. 


St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30:  "A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church.   Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church.  This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction."


After that, just pick out a few of Benedict XVI’s worst heresies and actions which are documented on our website, and explain them to him.




Dear Brothers,


I’ve just been reading B16 recent heresies and I can’t believe what an Apostate he is.  I’m tired of hearing him praising Islam and saying we worship the same God.  If he was a real Catholic he would be telling them that they have to convert.


Happy Easter




New from Benedict XVI


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file.  There are some outrageous new heresies.




Dear Brothers,


Regarding the recent e-exchange about the Rock N Roll expose, the same company that puts out that video also puts out a two-part series titled "Hollywood Unmasked". I have both these DVD's. They expose the New Age agenda that proliferates Hollywood and they also expose how most actors and actresses are possessed, and call upon spirits to possess them, just like, you guessed it, rock stars. The only downside to the videos is that they portray way too much sexual images in trying to get their point across that Hollywood uses sexual imagery….




Blind to V-2


My family is very blind the the V2 church even though they consider themselves extremely conservative and religious. My mother was talking about two things she heard on ewtn and they both sounded wrong to me.

First, she was talking about people at her job reading Harry Potter books and the need to protect herself from these people. An ewtn program said she needs to bless herself with special exorcism holy water. It is so strong that as long as the bottle is always half full, you can refill the rest with regular water as many times as you need to. Is there such a thing as exorcism holy water that is more powerful than regular holy water? In my mind, this logic would mean that regular holy water just isn't up for the task and that seems absurd.

Also, my parents are big into "enthronements". All I know is that a priest comes to your house and says a mass to enthrone your house to Mary. My mother was telling me a story of a program on ewtn where a family had this done and they were magically able to see things that were evil in their house - bad books, artwork, etc. Could you comment on whether this is actually dangerous - if it is a V2 service, is your house really being enthroned to Mary?? I am wondering why ewtn is promoting this so much. By the way, my parents had this done a while back and my siblings are doing deplorable things right under their noses.

Thank you so much for your important work.
God bless,


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  A traditional enthronement to Jesus, for instance, is acceptable; but obviously not a Novus Ordo one.  EWTN is modernist and heretical.


EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]


The Virgin


Hey there, I just wanted to ask you guys something about the Rosary.

I know the Rosary is the Rosary and all, and all that comes with it, but somehow I can't help but think that I'm going to be praying to the Virgin more than I'm going to be praying to God, who is the Creator and is God Himself then, and that don't seem too good to me, so are there other prayers like the Rosary but for God only? Like, what are the prayers directed for God only anyways? The Mass? I can't go to Mass anywhere where I live, it's all Novus Ordo, you see the concern I have with this? Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the Virgin or the Rosary or anything of that sort, I just want to clear that up.




MHFM: We think you should obtain our new book, which shows from the Bible how Mary does not lead us away from Jesus but to Jesus.  It shows why she is so powerful with God and why praying to her is so important and effective. 


Moreover, it goes without saying that a person can pray directly to God. There are many such prayers.  True Catholics pray directly to God every day.  The Our Father would be the most famous prayer, but there are many others.  The Our Father is also part of the Rosary, of course.  Jesus and Mary, I love you; save souls is an excellent prayer.  One could also shorten it: Jesus, I love you; save souls.  O my Jesus, pardon us and save us from the fire of Hell, draw all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need is another one.  There are many such prayers.






I am writing you due to having reviewed your materials.  I am convinced the Novus Ordo church is heretical and that I cannot be a part of it.  I have converted to the true catholic faith, and I am needing to go to confession.  I am already baptized.  I was baptized in a Southern Baptist church in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


I read this on your website: Also, if people are fully convinced on all the issues of Catholic faith which are covered on our website, then they can call us at the monastery and we can direct them to possible Mass locations in their area…. 


Thank you.






Dear Brothers,


In regards to your response to a recent email on marriage, I was left confused.  You stated that in the Sacrament of  Matrimony, the sacrament is exchanged between the two individuals, and that a  priest serves as an official witness.  And that a NO priest that has not been validly ordained, does not affect the validity of the marriage.  Does this mean that anyone that has married outside the Catholic Church is seen as married?  I would gladly appreciate your clarification on this matter.  Thank you.


Kind regards, 



MHFM: A professing baptized Catholic who marries in a non-Catholic form (e.g., a Protestant church) is not validly married.  We were addressing a case in which two individuals who profess to be Catholic (and were baptized as Catholics) marry in what they think is the Catholic form (i.e., a Novus Ordo church), but the priest is invalid.  They would be validly married, despite the invalidity of the “priest”; for he acts as official witness with the two exchanging the sacrament between themselves.




In listening to your talk on how Jesus made St. Peter the first pope, you raised some great points. I couldn't help but try to find a way to memorize them into a simple word. I came up with this:




Feed - Jesus said to Peter, not to any other apostle, 'feed my sheep,' etc. when He made him pope. The triple question also cancels the triple denial.

Rock - Peter is the rock on which the Church is founded; no other apostle.

Aramiac - the aramaic, Kepha, allows for no misinterpretations of Matthew 16:18.

Name - only Peter's name was changed; no other apostle.

Keys - only Peter was given the keys of the kingdom; no other apostle.

FAITH - 'I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not.' Jesus prayed for Peter's faith to be infallible; no other apostle. Thus papal infallibility.


I have yet to use these points in a discussion/debate, but feel confident that it will make explaining the papacy easier (then I can follow up by giving the person your new book!).


Thanks and God Bless,




Problem ordering?


MHFM: For a few hours last night, people were not being prompted for a shipping address when placing an online order for the new book.  The problem was corrected last night.  So if anyone decided not to order because of this problem, we wanted to let them know that it has been corrected.


Those who did place an order for the new book without being prompted for the shipping address will be contacted by e-mail to get the shipping address.  There is no problem with the rest of the order. 


Our New Book is Out


New Book: The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church


This book contains all the information necessary to prove, from the Bible itself, that the Catholic Church is the one true Christian Church.  This book contains very detailed proofs, arguments, and responses to objections on the most important topics.  At the same time, however, it is deliberately as brief as possible so as to avoid unnecessarily long discussions.  The combination of essential details and brevity make this book especially conducive for mass-distribution and interest to the general reader.  The book also contains sub-headings throughout so that the casual readers (or those with less interest) can the find topics and sections that might interest them, no matter where they happen to flip in the book.  We feel very strongly about this book, and we encourage all readers of our website to obtain it.  The book is 125 pages.


See the description of the book on the back cover below.  You can order the book here. [Prices in U.S.- 1 copy is $10.00, 25 copies for $12.00, 40 copies for $15.00, 75 copies for $20.00, 100 copies for $25.00, 250 copies for $30.00. Prices include shipping.  Foreign prices: 1 for $10.00, 30 copies for $20.00, 80 copies for $40.00, 250 for $60.00. All of these prices include shipping. Note: foreign orders placed online will list the U.S. price, but they will be adjusted.]


You can read a sample section of the book here: Some Facts about Martin Luther, the Originator of Protestant "Christianity"


This sample section is the very last section in the book.  It’s also the shortest.  It’s an essay on Martin Luther and non-Catholic denominations.  When did Martin Luther (the first Protestant) actually first come up with, and make the stand for, the Protestant “faith”?  The answer might surprise you.  This section also contains: How Old is Your Church?

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The permanent page describing the book is here: The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.  It will be kept in our “Refuting Protestantism” section.




Dear Brothers Dimond,


Being a frequent visitor to your website has convinced me that Catholicism is the one true faith. I was not what you would call a strong Catholic before and still need work to become a better one. Do you have a technique or format you follow in an effort to convert protestants? Unfortunately I currently have more protestant friends than I do Catholic friends. I am naturally concerned about their spiritual welfare. Their intensity towards their current faith runs from lukewarm to strong. I don't want to come on too strong and lose them from the start. At the same time I want to expedite their conversion without delay if possible. Should I just recommend your web site or is their something else you suggest I do. I also have a Catholic sister who is cannot be convinced that their is no salvation outside the Catholic religion. She also believes that God loves all people unconditionally and not many people go to hell. Any suggestions?


The state of world affairs is critical and getting worse. We all must be prepared spiritually now more than ever.


God bless your work,


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We would recommend our new book: The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.


Don’t know


Hi, then if this is all true, the situation we are in, then what happens with all the people who don't know about it? All the people who, maybe they become catholics and want to save their souls and all, what happens to them who don't have a clue about this?

You know, there are only 16 Franciscan monks or franciscans in the world then that, follow the way of life and rigurousity of the primitive or first franciscans, like St. Francis, and 4 of them came here to Nicaragua, to live in a town which is 4km from my house, they live just like St. Francis did, in total poverty and all, but they celebrate the Novus Ordo mass, and well are part of the supposed "Counterfeit Church" we have right now; so you're going to tell me that those good monks are in error and don't know about it? Like I said, there are only 16 in the world of that kind of franciscans, who live exactly the same as St. Francis did, and do you think God would let them be in error like that, if this were all true? They have sacrificed themselves and left everything to serve God, and do you think He wouldn't tell them that they are in error? I can't believe it!




MHFM: The people who imbibe the new teachings of Vatican II are bound to know that what they have accepted conflicts with all of Catholic tradition.  So they are not excused for embracing the Vatican II religion and its religious indifferentism.  This is especially true of the “priests.”  Moreover, don’t be deceived by externals.  In our book, The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II, we have a section on the religious orders of the Vatican II sect: The Religious Orders in the Vatican II sect: Totally Apostate [PDF File].  In that section, we have a sub-section about cloistered Novus Ordo nuns who live in much silence and without any heat.  Yet, they pray for Jews to remain Jews. 


Cloistered Nuns on Mt. Carmel pray for Jews to remain Jews


An article was posted online about cloistered Novus Ordo nuns who spend most of their day in silence and want Jews to remain Jews:


“While Pope John Paul II pleads for religious harmony in the Holy Land, 17 cloistered nuns on Mount Carmel quietly pray for their Jewish neighbors.  Not to win souls for Christendom.  These nuns want Jews to be Jewish


“‘How can you be a servant in Israel if you speak about conversion?’ says Sister Angela del Bono, mother superior of the Monastery of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in a rare interview from behind a metal grille in the parlor of a sprawling granite convent.  She pounds her hand on her forehead beneath a veil.  ’Imagine someone coming in here and telling me to become an Adventist or a Muslim,’ she says, smiling at her own fervor…

”’We pray that Jews remain true to their covenant,’ says Sister Angela del Bono, 68, holding a thick wool sweater tightly around her floor-length brown habit in the unheated convent.

“We pray that people come to the full revelation of God... If they are good Jews and we are good Christians this is already glory to God without forcing anyone to change,’ the native Italian nun says, speaking in English.  ’We pray for all to be happy and be righteous in front of God.  Each man can go to Heaven--Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Zulus--if they are... of goodwill.  If they feel godly, if they follow their own conscience, they will go to Heaven.”


People really need to consider how bad this is.  This shows us again that the Vatican II sect is the sect of Antichrist.  The belief that one can freely reject Jesus Christ – the doctrine of Antichrist – has been imbibed by the religious orders which are supposedly dedicated to Jesus Christ.


1 John 2:22 – “Who is a liar, but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ?  He is antichrist, who denieth the Father, and the Son.”


This also reminds us that people can spend much time in supposedly religious acts for God, and it will profit them nothing if they don’t have the true faith.  These nuns spend much of their day in silence and their convent is unheated; yet they are complete apostates.  They reject God and they are headed for Hell.  This shows us that without the true faith it is impossible to please God, no matter how many other religious and devotional acts one thinks he performs.  Notice that the nun also expressed precisely the heresy condemned by Pope Gregory XVI, that Heaven is open to the naturally “good” members of any religion.


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832:  “With the admonition of the apostle, that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5), may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever.  They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him.  Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate’ (Athanasian Creed).”


Rock video


Dear Brothers Dimond,


     I recently purchased MHFM's video store item: Rock and Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution featuring… Joe Schimmel


    This four hour video presentation was both well-organized and powerfully presented by the speaker, who spoke in an authoritative way about subject matter which he was plainly linked to in the past.  I already have several individuals, particularly parents of both young and teen-aged children, requesting this video's loan from me.


    However, before lending it out, I have several questions to ask you pertaining to my original purchase:


    (1) Rock and Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution indicates that it was originally released in the year 1993; much has transpired in the realm of 'rock music' since then: consequently, I was led to further research and discovered that a longer (10 hours) and more recent new release or expanded re-release in DVD format is also out and now available for purchase. My question then is this: have you yet seen, reviewed or intend to make available this more marathon-length video release to MHFM's own readership?... In any event, I commend MHFM's everyday charity to its readership in its routine offering for sale materials of great spiritual significance at rock bottom prices which has often led me to wonder if MHFM doesn't actually lose money with each and every sale it makes.


     I thank you for your time and attention.


                                In His Holy Name,

                                         Mark Stabinski


MHFM: Thank you for the e-mail.  Despite the fact that it was done by a Protestant, we definitely consider the video against Rock Music to be extremely powerful.  It has greatly helped many who were immersed in the popular music, as well as those who don’t believe in the existence of the Devil.  Thankfully, the presenter doesn’t inject his Protestant views into the presentation. 


Regarding his second version of the video, we did see it.  We liked the first version better, however, which is why we carry that one.


Video: Rock-n-Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution


Looking back


Dear Brothers.


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please I have a small problem understanding Luke’s gospel chapter 9:57-62. What does Christ really mean when he replied to the 1st man “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the son of Man has no place to lie down and rest” and to the 2nd man “Let the dead bury their own dead. You go and proclaim the kingdom of God”. Though the one that I really find hard to understand is the reply to the 3rd man “Anyone who starts to plow and then keeps looking back is of no use for the kingdom of God.”   I am using the good news edition since I don’t have the Douay Rheims yet.  I pray that God continue to strengthen you for all what you are doing in letting people know the faith.





MHFM: Thank you for the question. 


Luke 9:60-62- “And Jesus said to him: Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou, and preach the kingdom of God.  And another said: I will follow thee, Lord; but let me first take my leave of them that are at my house.  Jesus said to him: No man putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”


It’s a very important passage.  It’s cited in our article refuting Justification by faith alone because it presents an image of attaining salvation as a process.  One can begin to walk the path of justification and then turn way: salvation is obtained by plowing through obstacles. 


However, we believe that there is another (perhaps more important) meaning to the passage.  This is that a person who wants to be saved (and, by God’s grace, try to become a saint) must, as St. Francis Borgia points out, immediately trample under foot all concern for what others will say of him:


“St. Francis Borgia says that he who desires to consecrate himself to God must, in the first place, trample under his feet all regard for what others will say of him.  O my God, why do we not ask what Jesus Christ or his holy mother will think of our conduct?” (St. Alphonsus Liguori, The True Spouse of Jesus Christ, p. 296)


This has a special application to relatives and to friends.  God’s will is frequently thwarted in many souls because when they begin to serve God (when they put their hand to the plough) they are often sidetracked and even derailed by concerns and objections that arise from family members who are opposed to what they are doing.  Some people even put off their own conversions for these things.  Instead of completely disregarding and, in effect, trampling upon those concerns, they give value and time to them.  As a result, they fail to accomplish God’s will or don’t accomplish fully what God wants.


Had the saints acted in this manner, they never would have become saints.  We read that certain saints, in order to pursue their religious vocation, had to leave without even consulting their family members, lest they might have been completely stopped from fulfilling God’s will.  They had to put their hand to the plough and not look back at all.


In fact, this is how St. Alphonsus understands the passage.


“St. Ignatius of Loyola refused to interfere in the marriage of one of his nieces, though she was heiress of the family.  St. Francis Borgia would not ask the Pope for a dispensation (which he would have easily obtained) to have his son married to a relative, although the acquisition of a large estate depended upon the marriage.  No man, said the Redeemer, putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).  Let us tremble, for God himself has declared that he who has begun to serve the Lord, and looks back to the things of the world, is unfit for paradise.  When, then, relatives seek to implicate you in worldly affairs, withdraw at once from them.” (St. Alphonsus, The True Spouse of Jesus Christ, p. 285) 




Dear Brothers in Christ,
I find your reporting of history to be most enlightening. I have always felt empty with the new version of Holy Mass. I usually try to attend the real Mass, in classic Latin... It is very difficult for me, to brand the past Holy Fathers as heretics, especially John-Paul II, PM.  The tampering of the wording of The Conseceration, wording of Ordination have been matters of extreme concern, from my first reading.
As a member of The Ancient Order of Hibernians, I am bound to protect and defend the Church, and her religious, I do not like what has transpired since Vatican II, but the results are that of a council and the power of the Holy Father is absolute.  Clowns, cheeseheads and improper attire- well, I speak 5 languages and the proper words of outrage fail me... these acts are all in contravention of Sacred Scripture... One of the latest affronts to Christ was 2 teenage girls using cell phones to send text messages during Mass, and then leaving immediately afte Communion...
May the Holy Spirit enlighten you,
John D. Carver


MHFM: As you continue to look at the information, you should become convinced that John Paul II and the other Vatican II “popes” were clearly heretics and not true popes.


John Paul II




Brothers, This was on the front page of the Cleve Plain Dealer yesterday.  They are trying to prove that the recovery of this young man from a brutal robbery attack from which he almost died, to the intercession of JPII.  The article is very vague and the Cleveland diocese and Vatican know nothing about it as you can see.  For all the talking about how JPII is going to be a 'saint', I haven't heard about a lot of miracles 'performed' through his intercession.  God bless you for all the work you do.



Kathryn Rubio



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  John Paul II was without any doubt one of the most evil men in history.  Anything like that which would be attributed to him would simply be a demonic deception which God has allowed to deceive people at this late stage of the Great Apostasy.


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]


The power of prayer


[This was a story we posted a few years back, which we wanted to post again.]


MHFM: Isabel the Catholic Queen of Spain (15th century), prior to becoming Queen, had to fight for her crown with political schemers who tried to set up rivals to usurp her authority.  She also had to ward off many attempts by other political schemers to arrange marriages for her which she didn’t want.  When such a marriage with an older hoodlum named Giron had been arranged, and there was no way out of it, Isabel prayed that either she or he would die.


This time there was no way for Isabel to divide her enemies.  Even the Pope had decided against her.  Giron would arrive in less than a month.  He had proclaimed his intention to marry her immediately.  She was trapped…. Marriage to Pedro Giron, lecher and despoiler, as totally opposite to Isabel as any human being could be, was beyond bearing…. What does a Christian do in such a situation?  He – or she – prays.  And Isabel did pray, as she had prayed never before… ‘Either let him die, or let me die… Either let him die, or let me die…’ Giron was on the march.  By April 13, at the head of his mighty host, he had reached El Berrueco… North from El Berrueco rode Giron with his men, into the Sierra Morena, the Dark Mountains…. Across the plain, its grapevines spreading their leaves to the spring sun, until they came to its end at the Sierra de la Virgen, the Mountains of the Blessed Virgin Mary… And there they noticed that Pedro Giron, Master of Calatrava, was swaying in his saddle.  They helped him down from his horse.  Fever was flaring through his body.  His throat was burning and filling with alien matter.  He called for water, but he could not drink.  The next day he grew worse; the next, worse still.  Choking, strangling, cursing God with his last breath because He had not let him live to claim his virgin bride, on the third day Pedro Giron died.

      For Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, and the earth is the Lord’s; and prayers to Him are heard.  As Isabel the Catholic had always known, and would never forget.” (Isabel of Spain: The Catholic Queen, p. 31.)


Secret Societies


MHFM: This is an interesting quote from the Council of Trullo in 692.  It concerns conspiracies and secret societies.  The Council of Trullo was a regional council which holds historical importance, but not all of its canons were approved by the authority of the pope.  The following canon is interesting to consider because it shows that secret societies were a concern even back then.


Council of Trullo, Canon 34, 692: “But in the future, since the priestly canon openly sets this forth, that the crime of conspiracy or secret society is forbidden by external laws, but much more ought it to be prohibited in the Church; we also hasten to observe that if any clerics or monks are found either conspiring or entering secret societies, or devising anything against bishops or clergymen, they shall altogether be deprived of their rank.”


EWTN Assault


Subject: EWTN Assault


Your assault on a very remarkable network, and the post-Vatican II Church is an incredible mindless attempt to bring down the Church and its followers pre- or post-Vatican II and can only get the approval and support of likeminded individuals who have lost their humanity and Christianity. May your tribe vanish and vaporize from the surface of the earth!




MHFM: Your defense of EWTN is an incredibly mindless attempt to ignore Church teaching and defend modernist apostasy. 


EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]


Fast Track


It looks like that they are surely on the fast track to get him canonized. 




May I respectfully suggest if you comment on this article, would you also comment on the "light speed", "breakneck speed" that the NewChurch is using in cannonizing saints.  Also, the fact that in the last 700 years, we have had just 2 pope-saints, Pius V and X. 


The story about the cola baptism is crazy.  I would ask that you pray that my sister-in-law (mother of my 3 year old nephew) gets discernment and uses the Protestant "church" that she goes to as a segeway to the true Catholic Church and that she gets my nephew baptized and not merely "committed" whatever that means.  God Bless.


MHFM: If it is indeed something extraordinary, then it’s definitely a false miracle which God has allowed to deceive the Vatican II sect.  Also, the “canonization” won’t have any validity because Benedict XVI is an antipope.




Re: news item Jewish Seder suppers or meals:  They have been routinely holding these in the V2 church for years.  Yes, indeed, a denial of the true Catholic faith but the norm for the V2 counterfeit church. 


MHFM: Yes, it’s an important example of how the apostasy that is contained within Vatican II (e.g., the teaching on the Jews) is being adopted and put into action on the local level.




Dear Brothers,


These are the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto.  They are all in place in America today and very few people know it.  It proves Our Lady of Fatima's prophecy on Russia spreading its errors around the world..


1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.

Today, the governments at all levels have "allodial" title to all property and permit those who have paid for those properties to have possession in exchange for a property tax. Owners are actually renters.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.on earnings 

Misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share".


3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance: Limitation of private property through progressive taxation, heavy inheritance taxes, abolition of inheritance through collateral lines (brothers, nephews, etc.) forced loans, etc.

We call it Federal & State estate Tax (1916); or reformed Probate Laws, and limited inheritance via arbitrary inheritance tax statutes.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels against the majority of the people.

We call it government seizures, tax liens, Public "law" 99-570 (1986); Executive order 11490, sections 1205, 2002 which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of "terrorists" and those who speak out or write against the "government" (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

We call it the Federal Reserve which is a credit/debt system nationally organized by the Federal Reserve act of 1913. All local banks are members of the Fed system, and are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).. This private bank has an exclusive monopoly in money creation which in reality has ended the need for revenue from taxes. So why do they tax? To FOOL YOU into thinking they need them.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State

We call it the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Department of Transportation (DOT) mandated through the ICC act of 1887, the Commissions Act of 1934, The Interstate Commerce Commission established in 1938, The Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Executive orders 11490, 10999, as well as State mandated driver's licenses and Department of Transportation regulations. There is also the postal monopoly, AMTRAK and CONRAIL. Driver's licenses and vehicle licenses control the highways at the state level.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

We call it corporate capacity, The Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture. As well as the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of business through corporate regulations.

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

We call it the Social Security Administration and The Department of Labor. The National debt and inflation caused by the communal bank has caused the need for a two "income" family. Woman in the workplace since the 1920's, the 19th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, assorted Socialist Unions, affirmative action, the Federal Public Works Program and of course Executive order 11000. And I almost forgot...The Equal Rights Amendment means that women should do all work that men do including the military and since passage it would make women subject to the draft.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

We call it the Planning Reorganization act of 1949 , zoning (Title 17 1910-1990) and Super Corporate Farms, as well as Executive orders 11647, 11731 (ten regions) and Public "law" 89-136.

10. Education of all children, from the moment they can leave their mother's care, in national establishments at national cost. Education and production together

People are being taxed to support what we call 'public' schools, which train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome Based "Education" . What will be the influence of communist society on the family? It will transform the relations between the sexes into a purely private matter which concerns only the persons involved and into which society has no occasion to intervene. It can do this since it does away with private property and educates children on a communal basis, and in this way removes the two bases of traditional marriage -- the dependence rooted in private property, of the women on the man, and of the children on the parents




…shouldn't they (sspx) join with Rome? After all they claim he's the pope?
At least the FSSP has an excuse!


MHFM: No, of course they shouldn’t join with the manifestly heretical antipope.  They should correct their heretical position.  You are obviously commenting on the fact that their position is terribly inconsistent.  That’s true. Even though that’s the case, no one should get the impression that a horribly heretical group like the FSSP is better than the SSPX because the FSSP isn’t as inconsistent in certain ways.  Both groups are bad and heretical, but the FSSP is worse.  They fully accept the Vatican II apostasy and the new invalid sacramental rites.


Holy Water


Given that some of the sacraments of the N.O. church are invalid; is it ok to get Holy Water from an N.O. church - would it be properly blessed?

If not, is there any alternative?


Jim, Ireland


MHFM: One should not get the “holy water” from a Novus Ordo church.  One might get it from a validly ordained priest who offers a traditional Mass.


Interesting new quote


MHFM: This is an interesting new quote we recently came across from St. Robert Bellarmine regarding St. Thomas Aquinas.


St. Robert Bellarmine: “It is very credible that St. Thomas, Alexander of Hales, and other scholastic doctors had not seen the second synod of Nice [Nicea II], nor the eighth general synod… [they] were long in obscurity, and were first published in our own age, as may be known from their not being extant in the older volumes of the councils; and St. Thomas and the other ancient schoolmen never make any mention of this Nicene Synod.” (De Imag. Sanct. Lib. II. Cap. Xxij.; quoted in NPNF2, Vol. 14, p. 526)


St. Robert Bellarmine says that St. Thomas Aquinas was probably unaware of what was taught in the seventh and eighth ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church: that is, the Second Council of Nicea in 787, and the Fourth Council of Constantinople in 869-870.  This is a significant statement.  Some people have argued that it’s impossible or unthinkable that a doctor of the Church could be wrong or ignorant of something taught at a council.  We have tried to tell them otherwise.  The teaching of doctors of the Church is important, but it is not infallible.  A doctor of the Church can be wrong and even ignorant of certain things that have been taught by the Church.  Their teaching certainly does not weigh more than the teaching of the Magisterium.


Pope Benedict XIV, Apostolica (# 6), June 26, 1749: “The Church’s judgment is preferable to that of a Doctor renowned for his holiness and teaching.”


Errors of the Jansenists, #30: “When anyone finds a doctrine clearly established in Augustine, he can absolutely hold it and teach it, disregarding any bull of the pope.”- Condemned by Pope Alexander VIII


Pope Pius XII, Humani generis (# 21), Aug. 12, 1950: “This deposit of faith our Divine Redeemer has given for authentic interpretation not to each of the faithful, not even to theologians, but only to the Teaching Authority of the Church.’”


So we can see that the defenders of “baptism of desire” – and even those who say that it’s unthinkable that baptism of desire could be incompatible with Catholic teaching if a doctor of the Church believed in it – are wrong again.  We have added this quote to a new file which will contain new quotes and points on this issue:


New Quotes and Points on the salvation and baptism issue




MHFM: In the next few days we will have an update on an important new project we’ve been working on.


Off the deep end


… My first issue is to convince Catholics that what is on your site is the truth and to fend off its rejection of those who want to hold on to modern, post Vatican II, liberal Catholicism. Most Priests and lay people think that I have gone off the deep end in studying your information. Granted I am out of work and have the time to look at what you have to say. They all lead busy lives with families and their time is limited. I told them to take ten minutes a day to start and look at your material…


Thanks and God bless your work,


Bob Bohr


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  In this age of apostasy, true Catholics will be considered off the deep end by those who are in reality off the deep end. 


The Seal


Dear Brothers,

I found this quote from Gregory of Nyssa you might like.

"I do not know whether, once it has left the body, the angels will  receive the soul that has not been illuminated and adorned with the grace of regeneration.  For how could they, if it does not bear the seal and has no sign of its quality?  Probably it is borne upon the air, wandering and vagabond."

Have a blessed day.




MHFM: Yes, the fathers speak of water baptism as the seal.  If you’re not sealed, you’re not saved.


At least


… the ONLY thing I actually find "consoling" in the new info I have received (I am truly consoled by the truths you explain, but I mean, here, on a more 'emotional' level) from your web-site and your other info is that I now understand that AT LEAST Our Lord Jesus Christ is NOT being desecrated constantly in the "New Mass" since according to your info., He is not actually IN the host of the NO masses, after all.....(of note were long communion lines and almost nobody going to confession at most NO "churches")

     .......for many years, I have been simply HORRIFIED at the often-times seemingly total disregard of Jesus' Real Presence at the NO "masses", disrespect, total lack of reverence, offensive practices, "dress" etc....so I am trying to convey that, to me personally, it is somewhat of a RELIEF actually to understand that HE is not even there, present in the NO "mass" host, to be terribly abused in this way…


Eyes opened


Hello and first off thank you;
The information you have on the internet has opened my eyes to a lot of things I had intuit not to trust. I live in Manhattan, NYC. and am looking to find a good place for prayer, confession and to re-validate my faith, unfortunately I have not come up to any place I feel good about, do you know of a good traditional church here in NYC that I could attend? Seems some of the few places (I'll list bellow) that offer mass in Latin, also offer the "New Mass" and that makes me weary. I feel terrible about having to go and question them about the ordained priesthood and other concerning issues, any information would be gladly accepted.
Thank you dearly;
Tahi F. zedraz   




Reading today’s news article about another person being suspended from work for mentioning God, it reminded me of what one person on your e-exchange section said. The person who said he was offered to join the Freemasons and in doing so, could rise to some of the biggest positions in society. If that is the case, its a big possibility that these [people] who are being suspended from work for mentioning God or wearing a cross are actually being suspended by Freemasons who own and run the companies.


MHFM: Well, even if they are not members of any secret society, they act in this fashion because they are godless and evil.  As a result, they are impelled to extirpate any mention of God. 




In responding to Kristopher, who thinks that BOD is "possible" but not likely, you correctly pointed out that dogmas are to be believed, and not speculated about or refined in one's own mind.  However Kristopher led off his note with a blatant assertion that is just untrue, at least as applied to God's promises or declarations, and I think it needs to be clearly and specifically refuted.  He said  "We know that God is not bound by His own laws and may miraculously make exception to them." 


Pehaps this is true if we're referring to a "Law" of Physics.  However when God says something "is" or "will be" so, then we have to trust Him.  You did quote from scripture, I think with this false assertion in mind,  to the effect that "God cannot lie".  Because this error is so common, so often picked up by modern Novus Ordo types, directly or indirectly when ever confronted by an argument for the absolute nature of dogmas, especially the Salvation dogma, I think it needs to be slammed down hard.  Their typical line of reasoning runs something like:  "well God can do what ever he wants, who are YOU to say that one must be Baptized; God can make exceptions, and my God does."   It makes me crazy mad because the whole fault in their thinking can be reduced to this stupid notion that God is not bound by His laws.  It is like saying that God is not bound by His word…


Bill Mulligan






When I was a child my mother told me that she and my Dad had watched  one of the  Frankenstein monster movies when they first came out in the movie theaters.  They were so disgusted with this move, she said, that they were literally spitting in disgust when they left the theater.  I was reminded of this story when I read, again, another date that JP2 will be "beatified".  It makes me feel like spitting in disgust. 


As for additional proof that this is a counterfeit church, this false "beatification" is just another rotten body on the heap of heresies that have proven time and time again that this is not the Catholic Church.  What a blessed relief it was to finally see the light and to be able to reject it all and return to the true Church,  instead of continuing to fight an obviously losing battle. 




MHFM: It’s definitely horrible, but it will also have a positive aspect.  The positive aspect will be that it will further expose Antipope Benedict XVI and put to shame the false traditionalists who obstinately cling to him.




I have a complicated question, which, I am sure, probably has a simple answer.


Regarding baptism of desire and blood, I could acknowledge intellectually that it may be possible that such a thing may occur. We know that God is not bound by His own laws and may miraculously make exception to them…


It must be acknowledged, however, that if such "baptisms" do occur, they must certainly be beyond exceedingly rare, if they ever occur. Simply because the possibility of occurrence is conceded in theory does not mean that it in fact happens. In other words, I am willing to consider that even if baptisms of desire and blood were possible, I do not think they probably occur in reality. The possibility of one avoiding all sin, so as to maintain only Original Sin and desiring salvation in the True Faith, without any graces, guidance, or remissions, until the end of life, without ever encountering the opportunity for baptism, with these conditions being considered for salvation, is so improbable in practice I can barely concede it in theory.


My question therefore is: By conceding the possibility of these baptisms in theory, though not accepting them in practice, is this still heretical? I would insist to any individual that he be water baptized that he can only be saved by this means alone, even if I considered in my own mind the (very and laughably slim) possibility that this was not necessarily the case. Is even considering the possibility heretical, even if not considered publicly? Please let me know as this will help me to judge. I appreciate your fraternal guidance.


   In Maria,




MHFM: The dogmas are truths we must believe, not just precepts for acting or assumptions about the way things work most of the time.  So a Catholic doesn’t speculate that the reality is different from what the dogma has declared.


Pope Pius X, Lamentabile, The Errors of the Modernists, July 3, 1907, #22: “The dogmas which the Church professes as revealed are not truths fallen from heaven, but they are a kind of interpretation of religious facts, which the human mind by a laborious effort prepared for itself.”- Condemned


Pope Pius X, Lamentabile, The Errors of the Modernists, July 3, 1907, #26: “The dogmas of faith are to be held only according to a practical sense, that is, as preceptive norms for action, but not as norms for believing.”- Condemned


Heresy is also an obstinate denial or doubt of a divinely revealed truth.  Thus, one cannot say that he believes that a dogma (as it has been declared) is probably true.  One must be convinced that it is true – period. 


God will not save any person without baptism because He has said that no man will be saved without it and it’s impossible for God to lie.  He wouldn’t have revealed it that way if it were not true.  It’s very important that people believe this.


Hebrews 6:18- “That by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie…”




Your articles are really very intriguing...... Is the whole Philippines damn ? all catholics here may be on the losing side....If im mistaken, all of the practice on the mass is a traditionalist, for it is handed to them by the spaniards but it suppports the Pope of Rome on the present. The alms is shared to the Bishop & a portion is then allotted to Rome .... how can i classify if all the practices are not right? we do devotions of the Divine Mercy.....is it a mistake? mostly all catholics are baptized after 6 months would be long enough.....we dont particularly investigate this as long as we practice it faithfully.... What shall we do? For those are not gathering are scattering? are the bishops here in Philippines good sheperd? or wolves in sheeps clothing?


MHFM: Thanks for the interest, and we’re glad that you came upon the information.  You must come to the realization, if you haven’t already, that you must not go to the New Mass.  All the bishops of the Vatican II Church are not Catholic and thus have lost authority in the Catholic Church.


The Apostasy of the Hierarchy and prominent members of the Vatican II sect - is this your hierarchy? [PDF File]

This article covers the astounding heresies and apostasy of the “bishops” and other prominent members of the Vatican II sect – the Counter Church – as well as the Catholic teaching that heretics immediately lose authority in the Catholic Church


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]


Regarding the Divine Mercy Devotion, you shouldn’t do that:


False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section]




Hello Bros I love your website! It is wonderful and I was wondering if you know of a traditional latin mass around NE thank you for your time.




Not so true knowledge


Subject: True Knowledge


If one does not understand the basis to human duality in its explanation at the beginning of the bible one cannot comprehend the rest of the book. Jesus said if you do not understand this parable who will you know another. This means that the mind is mathematical and the conceptions to external authority splinter the mind in external measure setting up a countenance to measure, this relates to quantum physics. Religion is based upon explanation explanation is a scientific intuitive nature we share through our gift in perception. Jesus refered to it as the gift as the gift is what forms human economy, it is indisputible evidence that Catholism is opposite of his teachings. It is symbolic in nature to worship the cross and miss the message, symbolism is the creation of a need to not take ones own responsibility leaving us opwn to the tryrrany of mankinds quests in seeking purpose, to find purpose and purpose will find you. peace be multiplied within you brother, and Jesus was from another universe of advanced beings sent here to help humanity evolve.




MHFM: We post this e-mail we recently received only as an example of how sadly empty and dark certain people are, and what complete nonsense they willingly embrace. 




Dear Brothers,


I was listening to Glenn Beck… and I was astonished to hear the man promoting the Knights Templars. You may have heard that he has been promoting his "We Surround Them" campaign which apparently today is the culmination of the campaign where he has encouraged people all over the country who agrees with his principles and values to gather together today and watch his show later today on Fox. He went on to declare that he chose today, a friday the 13th, to give significance to the fact that "the government slaughtered the Templars" and that the "pope had them killed"... I'm take it to mean that Beck is comparing a true pope who reigned during the monarchy to perhaps Barack Obama? This is sick. Of course he failed to mention that the templars were worshipping Baphomet and posed a threat to the monarchy!


Satanists after hosts


My husband and I are really enjoying your web-site and the materials (books, videos) you sent --- more power to you and keep up the great work--but we can not figure out why, as in the news article you had posted… on satanists stealing NO hosts in Italy, (but I know it goes on everywhere and we've witnessed it in NO 'masses' where we live, we've even seen… NO "priests" chasing down the offenders trying to take the hosts out of the NO church) why are these satanists trying to get the hosts when it is not even the Body and Blood of Our Lord, since we can see from your info the host was never even properly confected so it’s still just bread and not Jesus?  Do they not know this?  Before reading your work, I always thought that was a great arguing-point with non-believers about the Eucharist, the fact the satanists are always trying (and often succeeding) to steal the hosts, making the point that obviously satanists "believe" in the Real Presence--even if many Catholics don't.  What's going on here? Thanks,


MHFM: They are going after it simply because they think it represents the Body and Blood of Christ.  Satan isn’t necessarily giving them a full indication about what’s going on, either because God hasn’t allowed it or they aren’t fully possessed; but they are evil and thus moved to attack that which, in their imperfect knowledge, represents Him.  That’s also why there are frequently news stories about satanic people vandalizing Protestant churches.  They wrongly think it represents Christ, so they attack it.  



One of my friends sent me your website and I really enjoy the audio programs….Your website has helped in increasing my knowledge of the faith… Thank you so much and God Bless you.




No longer



Can you refer me to a priest in the Asheville NC  (or surrounding) area?  The sacraments I have received ( Baptism, Communion and Confirmation ) were received prior to 1956.  I discovered your site (3/26/09 ) while searching for information...   Now I better understand my longstanding distaste for the V2 mass…

I will no longer participate in the V2 counter church… 



Striking quote


Dear brothers,


I recently read a sobering story on your website in either your spirituality or Dogma section. It was about Our Lady coming down to earth and setting alight a house filled with sinners, can you please link me to that story as I was telling a Novus Ordo man I know about it and he refused to believe it.






MHFM: Yes, it’s a quote which is found in The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus.  We considered it to be one of the most interesting and powerful quotes in the entire book.  That’s why we have featured it many times in our “quote of the day” section.  The quote is particularly important because it provides a corrective to a false conception which many professing Catholics have.  Certainly the Mother of God was given a special station of mercy by the Lord Jesus Christ.  Any sinner, no matter how dark his state, can feel confident in turning to her at all times.  At the same time, however, it reveals Mary’s justice.  Having a perfect soul and perfect faith, she is also perfectly in tune with God’s justice.  She will not countenance an abuse in this area.  This incident shows us that those who think they can sin mortally and despise His grace – and that Mary will somehow find a way to obtain Christ’s mercy for them anyway – are very mistaken.  On the contrary, she will help carry out the justice of God against them.


St. Alphonsus (c. 1755): “In the year 1611, in the celebrated sanctuary of Mary in Montevergine, it happened that on the vigil of Pentecost the people who thronged there profaned that feast with balls, excesses, and immodest conduct, when a fire was suddenly discovered bursting forth from the house of entertainment where they were feasting, so that in less than an hour and a half it was consumed, and more than one thousand five hundred persons were killed.  Five persons who remained alive affirmed upon oath, that they had seen the mother of God herself, with two lighted torches set fire to the inn.” (The Glories of Mary, p. 659.)


Your e-mail has prompted us to see the need to make this quote a permanent fixture to our website.  We have added it to our file on: Important Spiritual Information: The Importance of Praying the Rosary and Devotion to Our Lady [more]




Subject: Modernism


Dear Brothers,


Please accept my thanks for all the good work you are doing to foster the true Catholic Faith, and to expose the heresies of Vatican II.  May God continue to bless you in all that you do.


I am sure you are aware of all the modernism associated with the Vatican II church, but I thought I would tell you of an instance that happened here at home.

My cousin was dating a woman that was divorced (which is a mortal sin, because in the eyes of God, she is still married.)  Of course, nothing was said about it.  She applied for an annulment, which you can be sure she got.  When the wedding was to take place, the annulment had still not gone through.  So. my cousin went to the "priest", and asked him what he should do.  He told him that the hall had been rented, that the invitations  had been sent out, etc.


The "priest" told him to get married by a judge, and that he would bless the marriage later!!  Unbelievable!!!  And yet, none of my relatives thought there was anything wrong!

It just goes to show how people lose the Catholic Faith by staying in the apostasy of the Vatican II Church.


Please continue to fight the good fight, Brothers, and once again, May God Bless you in all the work that you do.  Please be assured that you are always in my prayers.


Wayne C. Lang


Yes we can



this is just another proof (as if we needed any more) of satan's grip on the world. Obama's well-known mantra ''Yes we can'' clearly translates into  ''thank you satan'' in reverse speech- a method commonly used by satanists (in addition:
Michelle Obama flashes El Diablo hand signal on cover of Vogue magazine).... interesting but not surprising

greetings from Croatia






I read your note on the fish symbol and you are correct, another way of looking at the symbol is, because it was used in Rome it was used as a sign for Saint Peter who was the Fisherman.  It would explain how even the simplest of person could know the sign meant christianity because they were followers of the Fisherman.


Thanks for all you do






Dear Brothers   


I just wanted to make a short comment about certain misguided traditional catholics, the servants of jesus and mary, society of pius x, and some other groups.  we should pray for these people to change some of their false positions before it’s too late.  their false  hope that someday benedict 16 will release the 3rd secret of fatima, consecrate russia, and we will have this era of peace, sort of like the evangelical protestants  who are waiting for their false  secret  pretribulation  rapture, so they can escape the antichrist.  where they get these ideas, is beyond me. anyway thanks! and godbless  




MHFM: We would say that those who are obstinate among them would not be traditional Catholics properly speaking.  Certainly we hope for their change; however, there is a lot of bad will, compromise and unbelief at work with them.


False traditionalism


Dear Mhfm,

Just yesterday I received the Feb 2009 Issue 91 of the Fatima Crusader.  On page 3 there is a title which reads "Introductory note from Father Nicholas Gruner".  In paragraph 3 of this intro it says

"It could be the Catalyst that Finally bring all men of Good Will, both Catholic and ORTHODOX, both Russian and American, both traditionalist and NEW MASS supporters to join together to bring about the triumph of the immaculate Heart of Mary and total World Peace."

Again Gruner does not warn people to leave the new "mass" however he just wants us to join together.  He says the "Orthodox" are of good will if they had any good will they would be Catholic…



MHFM: Yes, what do you expect from a heretic like him.


Good will




Thank you for your explanation, and I agree. You are right that emotional attachments can lead to false beliefs. Many people are not willing to face the fact that Hell is real and many people, including their loved ones, go there.


Fr. Feeney said that after analyzing the situation thoroughly, he found that many people in the USA simply do not have a good will. We here in the USA have had it good for a long, long time, and we like to follow our own will as a result. Which, unfortunately, usually leads to damnation.


Miss Ross






Why do you think Traditional Catholics bicker so much about the Baptism of Blood and Desire when:

a) almost no one sheds his blood for Jesus Christ anymore


b) almost no one wants to be Catholic and


c) asking someone to pour a cup of water over your head while reciting "I baptize thee in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" is really not that difficult?




Miss Ross


P.S. Do hope you reminded the public that our technology is much more advanced and sophisticated than our media lets on. E.g. During the Vietnam War, a soldier told his sister that they had the ability to detect when a plane had left an airfield there with thermography. And that was 40 years ago. You can imagine what it's like NOW.


MHFM: People fight for “baptism of desire” in our day because they are not willing to accept the supernatural truth that everyone who dies outside the Catholic Church is not saved.  They rebel against that dogma.  They will not accept it because they don’t have supernatural faith, and frequently because they have friends or family members whom they refuse to believe are not saved.  Hence, they must break that dogma down.  They focus their attack on water baptism.  Water baptism slams the door shut to the notion of salvation outside the actual confines of the Mystical Body.  It represents actual (not invisible) incorporation into Jesus Christ and His Church.  In their desire to open the gates for people who are outside, they must begin by attacking the necessity of water baptism. 




Hi Brothers:


I had my 1st exposure to sspv which confirmed your assessment.


… I contacted what I thought an independent Priest in Ft. Lauderdale for my elderly parents.


I reached a coordinator & w/o having learned much from u over past 2 yrs.; I wouldn't have thought to ask him what I did.  I asked him if Sacraments were refused to those who accepted all the Dogmas, particularly the salvation dogma.


He told me no Communion was given to one, who they knew, didn't believe non Catholics could be saved.  I didn't inquire if new-comers were tested prior to receiving Communion…


The universal salvation idea is incredibly satanic/destructive as the true Church teaches. 






Thank you for the recent audio on Warren Carroll. I live near Christendom College, and took a class there years ago when I was a convert attending the Novus Ordo church. I have spoken to Warren Carroll on a couple of occasions.


What is shocking about Warren Carroll's College is that they have one particularly odd policy that some of their own staff have never been happy with. Staff and students are forbidden to write, even a term paper, critiquing Vatican II documents or sacraments…


MHFM: That’s interesting, thanks.


Receiving from heretic


“Once these conditions [intention of Orders] are present, the sacraments may be conferred by either the good or the wicked, the faithful or the heretical, within the Church or outside it: but within the Church, they are conferred both in fact and in effect, while outside it, although conferred in fact, they are not effective.”


                                                            St. Bonaventure - The Beviloquium VI, V


Hi brothers!


I must first apologize for my english.. It is not my first-language


I qouted St. Bonaventure in the beginning of my mail as a clear marking against what I think is your false position in this question. However I am not quite sure that you have evaluated all the documents relating to this question (recieving sacraments from heretics). I would advise you brothers to revaluate the traditional teachings again. I think that you soon will find out that the principle of epikaia can't be applied in these situations (recieving the blessed sacrament from heretics). I tell you this in charity because I think that you maybee are driven to the conqlusions you make based upon people constantly asking you about were to go. I do hold the position that it is at least schismatic to recieve Holy Communion from a manifest heretic. I do not however by that imply that you or someonelse automaticly incurr excommunication in this regard if you are not aware of the teachings of the Church about this or are unaware of if the celebrant is a schismatic or heretic. After all this is a finer point of our faith (it if is lawful to recieve Communion of heretics in special circumstances) & the present situation (the great apostacy) we are living in dosn't make it easier for us catholics to always draw the right conqlusions regarding how & when the principle of epikaia applies….




MHFM: The quote from St. Bonaventure simply means that people who receive sacraments when they are non-Catholics and outside the Church do not receive any benefit from it.  In other words, a person who receives a sacrament when he is himself outside the Church sins when receiving it.  He does not receive any of the positive effects.


Your argument is essentially that it’s against the divine law to receive a sacrament from a heretic.  That’s a common argument in radical “traditionalist” schismatic circles.  It’s completely wrong.  Not only does St. Thomas teach that one may receive Communion from, and hear the Mass of, certain undeclared heretics; but, in necessity, an unbaptized person could receive baptism from a heretic, if no one else could do it.  That proves that it’s not against the divine law in every case to receive the sacrament from an undeclared heretic.  Really, anyone who holds the position you are advocating would have to condemn St. Thomas Aquinas as a heretic for what he teaches below. 


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Part III., Q. 82, A. 9, Whether it is permissible to receive communion from heretical, excommunicate, or sinful priests, and to hear mass said by them?: “I answer that, As was said above (5,7), heretical, schismatical, excommunicate, or even sinful priests, although they have the power to consecrate the Eucharist, yet they do not make a proper use of it; on the contrary, they sin by using it. But whoever communicates with another who is in sin, becomes a sharer in his sin.  Hence we read in John's Second Canonical Epistle (11) that "He that saith unto him, God speed you, communicateth with his wicked works." Consequently, it is not lawful to receive Communion from them, or to assist at their mass.  Still there is a difference among the above, because heretics, schismatics, and excommunicates, have been forbidden, by the Church's sentence, to perform the Eucharistic rite.  And therefore whoever hears their mass or receives the sacraments from them, commits sin. But not all who are sinners are debarred by the Church's sentence from using this power: and so, although suspended by the Divine sentence, yet they are not suspended in regard to others by any ecclesiastical sentence: consequently, until the Church's sentence is pronounced, it is lawful to receive Communion at their hands, and to hear their mass.  Hence on 1 Corinthians 5:11, "with such a one not so much as to eat," Augustine's gloss runs thus: "In saying this he was unwilling for a man to be judged by his fellow man on arbitrary suspicion, or even by usurped extraordinary judgment, but rather by God's law, according to the Church's ordering, whether he confess of his own accord, or whether he be accused and convicted."


It’s important to emphasize that we are not suggesting that all undeclared heretics may be approached for the sacraments – not at all.  We would only say that about certain priests who profess to be Catholic and fall into a specific category.  By virtue of a notorious or imposing promotion of heresy, undeclared heretics can certainly put themselves in a category where they would have to be avoided like declared heretics.  That’s the case with countless heretics today.  The point is that this shows that there can be undeclared heretics who could be approached for the sacraments.


We want to emphasize that radical traditionalist schismatics who say it’s heretical to think that one may receive a sacrament from an undeclared heretic must condemn St. Thomas Aquinas, if they have any honesty or consistency at all.  They couldn’t just say that he made an error – as we do with regard to a few of St. Thomas’ other statements – because, according to their (completely false) position, it’s incongruous with the very possession of the apostolic faith and is against the divine law and is mortally sinful in every case to receive a sacrament from any undeclared heretic.  Therefore, they would have to say St. Thomas was a heretical unbeliever for teaching such a thing.  And once they attempt to throw St. Thomas out of the Church, they are saying that the Catholic Church itself is a heretical sect which approves, canonizes, recommends and teaches from non-Catholic heretics.


Here are some additional points which further demonstrate that our understanding of St. Thomas Aquinas on this matter is correct.


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Suppl. Part, Q. 38, A.2: “I answer that, on this question four opinions are mentioned in the text (Sent. iv, D, 25). For some said that heretics, so long as they are tolerated by the Church, retain the power to ordain, but not after they have been cut off from the Church; as neither do those who have been degraded and the like. This is the first opinion. Yet this is impossible, because, happen what may, no power that is given with a consecration can be taken away so long as the thing itself remains, any more than the consecration itself can be annulled, for even an altar or chrism once consecrated remains consecrated for ever. Wherefore, since the episcopal power is conferred by consecration, it must needs endure for ever, however much a man may sin or be cut off from the Church…. Wherefore others said that even those who are cut off from the Church can confer Orders and the other sacraments, provided they observe the due form and intention, both as to the first effect, which is the conferring of the sacrament, and as to the ultimate effect which is the conferring of grace. This is the second opinion. But this again is inadmissible, since by the very fact that a person communicates in the sacraments with a heretic who is cut off from the Church, he sins, and thus approaches the sacrament insincerely and cannot obtain grace, except perhaps in Baptism in a case of necessity. Hence others say that they confer the sacraments validly, but do not confer grace with them, not that the sacraments are lacking in efficacy, but on account of the sins of those who receive the sacraments from such persons despite the prohibition of the Church. This is the third and the true opinion.”


In this passage St Thomas is discussing ordination.  Those points aren’t relevant to our topic.  What is extremely relevant to our topic is the fact that this quotation shows that St. Thomas (and other authors of his time) distinguished between two classes of heretics.  Those who are “tolerated” by the Church are those who have not yet been specifically declared by a judge to be heretics and to be avoided.  These “tolerated” heretics are automatically severed from the Church for denying the faith, but they haven’t been declared.  Those who have been “cut off” are those who have been pronounced against by a judge in a declared sentence. 


Now, notice that St. Thomas says that a person who communicates in the sacraments with a heretic “who is cut off” from the Church necessarily sins.  Remember, those who have been “cut off” are those who have been officially pronounced against.  There is no doubt, therefore, that he is teaching that the absolute obligation not to communicate in the sacraments with a heretic applies to heretics who have been declared against: those who have been officially “cut off.” 


If St. Thomas were teaching what the radical schismatics say, he obviously wouldn’t have mentioned only those who are “cut off” from the Church.  Certain radical schismatics say that whoever knowingly communicates in the sacraments with anyone he recognizes to be a heretic necessarily sins, even if that heretic is undeclared and meets certain conditions.  What St. Thomas says disproves their position.  That should be obvious to any honest person who examines the above passage.


We have pointed out that this passage teaches that you are not absolutely forbidden to attend the Mass of or receive Communion from a heretic in every case “until the Church’s sentence is pronounced.”  Certain radical schismatics, who disagree and condemn our position, have attempted to deny that this is what St. Thomas is saying here.  They have desperately tried to argue that he’s only talking about sinners, not heretics.  Some of them have tried other patently ridiculous and desperate arguments.  We disproved all of that by quoting the Fourth Lateran Council, which clearly teaches the same concept in the very same time period:


Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 3, On Heretics, 1215: “Moreover, we determine to subject to excommunication believers who receive, defend or support heretics… If however, he is a cleric, let him be deposed from every office and benefice, so that the greater the fault the greater the punishment.  If any refuse to avoid such persons AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN POINTED OUT BY THE CHURCH [postquam ab ecclesia denotati fuerint], let them be punished with the sentence of excommunication until they make suitable satisfaction.  Clerics should not, of course, give the sacraments of the Church to such pestilent persons nor give them a Christian burial…”


Speaking of those who “receive, defend or support heretics,” the Fourth Lateran Council decrees that those who refuse to avoid these people, AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN POINTED OUT BY THE CHURCH, are to be excommunicated.  This is another example which demonstrates that our position is the true Catholic position, and that those who condemn it are non-Catholic schismatics. 


Somewhat soon we will also have another little article on this topic.




Dear Brothers,

I’m very grateful what you've done to your great work defending the true catholic church, in regarding to my question, I was married through the new rite of marriage and it happened the priest was in new rite ordination and celebrated the new mass, do you think its valid?

Thanks and God Bless,



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We assume that neither one of you had any impediments to marriage that you are not mentioning.  If that’s the case, we do believe it was valid.  This is because in the Sacrament of Matrimony the sacrament is exchanged between the two individuals, while the priest serves as the official witness.  Therefore, the fact that the priest was not validly ordained would not affect the validity. 



Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
My question is regarding friends and family members who are not Catholic, have never been Catholic and take seriously their own faith.  When I first became Catholic (I married a cradle Catholic) they were appalled.  They couldn't believe that I had joined a church that believed there were other ways to God...that we had to respect the beliefs and teachings of Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, etc...  At the time I did not believe them.  There were so many other issues I had to overcome coming from a conservative, evangelical-type background, such as 'do Catholics really worship Mary"...you know the drill. 
 Anyway, it has taken me several years to realize exactly WHAT the Second Vatican Council even was and WHAT the Catholic Church today teaches.  (I am also thankful to you and your website)  Anyway, we no longer attend V-2 masses (which has caused a lot of marital discord because my husband sees nothing wrong with it--he has also read everything I have read about it and still sees nothing wrong, but respects my feelings) and my family only thinks I am more nuts than ever...

I apologize for rambling, but I hope you are finding my question in this mess....How can anyone who is serious about their faith be expected to look to Rome (current Catholic Church) for their Salvation?  They think the Catholic Church is a joke.  Will they be held accountable when THIS disgusting mess is what the Church is during their lifetime? 
Thanks so much for your time
In Christ,


MHFM: It’s important to emphasize that the Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church, but a counterfeit sect.


People will be held accountable if they don’t have the Catholic faith, the one true faith.  It’s necessary for salvation to have this faith, without exception.  We assume you are asking about people who are outside the Catholic Church who might have an interest in Catholicism, but are turned off by the apostasy and the scandals of the Vatican II Church.  That is undoubtedly the case with many people.  That’s one of the real evils and scandals of the Counter Church.  But the fault exists on their part as well.  They must have enough interest to dig more deeply.  If they do, God will give them the grace to recognize that the Vatican II Church is not the traditional Catholic Church and/or they will come across information, such as the material we provide, which covers what’s happening. 


With regard to the people at the Vatican II churches who go along with the new religion, the answer is yes people will be held accountable if they go along with the heresies and the new religion.  They are bound to know their faith, study it, and reject novelty.  They cannot just blindly follow along with a new, modernist religion and be justified.


B.O.D., war


Hey guys im a 19 year old whos been reading your stuff. I agree with you about baptism of desire but when i talked to my older brother about it and he claims im a heretic because I deny that teaching of the church, also because i think a just war is impossible with modern weapons and modern society. My older brother is a devout v2 Catholic and he is also a lot smarter than me. Also he has warned me about how you guys are trying to destroy my faith, and how I shouldn't even go to your website. He always used to be my spiritual leader but now im starting to think that he is lost. So he knows about your website, he thinks its evil, and he sent me this about baptism of desire. Any ideas on what to tell him, i can't give him your site because he refuses to touch it. 




MHFM: Well, he’s showing his bad will by refusing to look at the information.  He’s obviously not mature enough to weigh the merits of an argument.  Instead, he’s consumed by his bad-willed venom toward us.  Since he’s a Vatican II “Catholic,” we would suggest zooming in on his belief that Jews, etc. can be saved.  Show him that his position is a rejection of Catholic dogma by quoting the Council of Florence’s solemn definition that all who die as Jews, pagans, etc. are not saved.  At the same time, you should quote for him the Athanasian Creed and the teaching of the Gospel on the necessity to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation.  If, at that point, he still refuses to acknowledge that his position isn’t compatible with Catholic dogma, then avoid him because he’s totally obstinate.  The fact that he has already looked at the information – and rejected it – reveals that he’s not operating in good faith at this time.


By the way, we don’t agree with your position that a just war is impossible with modern weapons; but we’re happy to hear about your interest in the faith.


Fish Symbol


MHFM: Did you ever wonder why the fish symbol is used for Jesus Christ and Christianity?  The fish was used in the ancient Church as a symbol for Jesus Christ.  One will also see it used today, especially by Protestants.  The reason for the symbol is that the initials of “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior” in the Greek language spelled Ichthos.  Ichthos is the Greek word for fish.


V-2 Sexual Abuse Problem


Dear Fr.
Would you please explain to me why you feel that the sex scandals all began AFTER Vatican II?  From the books and newspaper articles that I have read, I have "learned" that in a lot of cases, this abuse was going on in the 1930's, 40's 50's and beyond.  The hierarchy in this country was moving them abusers around to different places all the time.
For example, I was told by a priest in the Diocese of Syracuse that he was transferred in the late 50's because his Pastor at the time felt (or heard a rumor) that he was spending too much time with a woman in the parish.  Fr "X" was never asked about it but was sent on vacation.  When he returned, a letter from the Chancery was on his desk with his next assignment, effective immediately.  That was the way that pastor handled his assistants if he wanted them removed from that parish, no matter what the reasons were.
I am 43 years old, raised in a Irish parish on the Westend of Syracuse.  I served my cousin's First Mass in 1974 and continued to serve Mass in that Parish Church until 1984 when I was told that they would be accepting girls to serve Mass.  Needless to say, I left that Parish and began attending Mass at the largest, more traditional Polish Church in the city.  That was the FIRST time that I saw anyone kneel at the Altar Rail to receive Holy Communion, UNDER ONE SPECIES!  The priests there frowned on allowing anyone to receive in their hands.
Here I am, many years later living in the Diocese of Rochester where I see far too many poeple STANDING during the Roman Canon and during the time after the Agnus Dei before they go forward to receive Communion.  I have noticed some weird looks from some people because I kneel during the Canon, before and after receiving Communion. 
Something else that I have noticed that has increased lately is the holding of hands during the Our Father.  I understand Christ's teaching about how we should pray His Prayer to our Father, but I do not think that I should be standing in the middle of the aisle holding hands with the person on the other side.  This is part of the Mass and I feel that it is disrupting MY time in prayer.  I am there to pray, not to talk with everyone around me and hold hands and have a party!
Sorry to ramble, but something else I just remembered.  Four years ago, not too long after they destroyed Sacred Heart Cathedral in Rochester, I had to attend a Mass there.  I was rather shocked and surprised at what was done!!  I mentioned to one of the priests that was there that I did not think that it was right and that it should not have been done.  He started to tell me that this was done according the doctrines of Vatican II.  I responded that if a NEW building was to be built then that was one thing but to do that to an existing one was uncalled for!  Where is the Blessed Sacrament?  Off in a side chapel, not even facing the people as they come into the church!  I do not understand why some people feel that it is ok to destroy some of the most beautiful churches that we have in this part of the country!  We are the Roman Catholic Church, not the Protestant Church down the street!  The central part of our Faith is Jesus Christ, present in the Blessed Sacrament which in many cases is moved off to the side because now the priest is the central part of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and it has become high theater!  WHEN WILL IT STOP???
Thank you for your time and God Bless!
Jim S


MHFM: While there were certainly isolated incidents prior to Vatican II, the problem exploded afterwards.  It exploded after Vatican II for a number of reasons.  First, homosexuality –

the chief cause of the sexual abuse problem among Vatican II “priests” – is caused by idolatry, as Romans 1 clearly teaches.  We cover that in this article: The Idolatry of the Vatican II sect is connected with its rampant homosexuality [PDF File].  Vatican II officially taught that idolatrous religions should be accepted.  It therefore follows that priests who accept idolatry will be more prone to be spiritually given over to that kind of unnatural disorder.


Second, the New Mass is invalid.  (You need to get out of there.  Please continue to look at the information on the New Mass which is covered on our website.)  The New Mass is actually an idolatrous counterfeit “mass” because it purports to contain the real presence of Christ but does not.  The New Mass therefore gives rise to the consequences of idolatry, especially for the “priests” who use it and are immersed in its spirit. 


Third, the Vatican II Church breeds a sinful human respect and a worship of the dignity of man.  It accepts almost everything and everyone.  As a result, homosexuals find a home there and seek to join it.  In order to exclude homosexuality and homosexuals, one must be willing to exclude and condemn certain people.  One must be willing to put one’s foot down and say: no homosexuals here whatsoever.  The Vatican II sect cannot do that, and thus immoral disorders flourish within it. 


Benedict XVI teaches and reads his own heresies


MHFM: We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file.  Numerous heresies are covered in the new installment, but what’s particularly interesting is this picture of Benedict XVI reading his (i.e., the Vatican’s) own newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.  This is for those who don’t think he’s aware of what’s published therein. 

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Benedict_XVI_Pictures_Miscellany\b16_reading_losservatore.jpg

Benedict XVI enjoying his own heresies, as well as those of the other members of his Vatican II "Church"

He’s not only fully aware of his own heresies which are published in the newspaper, but also of the astounding heresies by the members of his Vatican II sect.  For instance, in our newest posting we cover and comment upon this heresy (among others): “… To this end, scholastic books should be revised in order not to contain material which may offend the religious sentiments of other believers, at times through the erroneous presentation of dogmas, morals or history of other religions.”



I want to thank you for the information. I found you…. and I have to say that you truly deliver on your promises...the package was massive in terms of information. I'm still not all of the way through it and I will hold my questions, comments, etc until I am completely through the information and have had time to absorb it fully.

Thank you also for the service that has been nothing short of awesome in the orders that I've placed. I've found them to be far more than satisfying.

Very quick note about me. I grew up Catholic and was confirmed at 19. Since then, I've looked into other religions, texts etc but would always find my way back to Catholicism. Now, at 30, I'm back "home" spiritually speaking and I have to thank you for one thing...opening up my eyes. For the longest time, I was only familiar with The KJV Bible and no other. I used to believe that Protestants were being irrational when they argued that there was a Catholic bible. Now, thanks to you and your organization, I was actually able to procure a Douay-Rhiems Bible for my iPhone.

Hopefully, soon, I'll snag a hard copy of it... 


Travis McMillan


God is Love


… I have been taught over and over that God is Love.  I  understand that but I can't help but believe that God is much more than Love, and that there are very real expectations that our Creator has for all of us.  I wish to be taught those, too.

I found your website 6 or so months ago.  I have read quite a bit of information that is provided, and ordered some books and videos.


Kevin R….


MHFM: God is love, but God is also truth (John 14:6) and justice.  It’s interesting that in the entire Bible, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 110:10; Proverbs 1:7; Proverbs 9:10, etc.) – or at least the need for the fear of the Lord – is probably mentioned more than anything else.  That’s because a person who comes to God must fear Him first and believe in all of His truth.  Fearing Him is the first degree of humility; it is to acknowledge His power.  It is to respect His laws and recognize what He will do for those who obey Him and to those who do not.


St. Benedict (c. 520): “The first degree of humility, then, is that a man always have the fear of God before his eyes, shunning all forgetfulness and that he be ever mindful of all that God hath commanded, that he always considereth in his mind how those who despise God will burn in hell for their sins, and that life everlasting is prepared for those who fear God.”


If one doesn’t begin with the fear of the Lord, one can never learn to love God.  The notion that God is love has been misused and perverted by many in our modernist era.  It has been used to justify liberalism, evil and the denial of His truth.  


Agree, but…


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


While I am not a sedevacantist for a number of reasons which I would prefer not to articulate in this e-mail (since it would distract from the chief point that I am trying to make), I very much applaud your defense of the dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus and also your battle against the sinful practice of NFP.  I am utterly perplexed to find so many Traditional Catholics, even and especially sedevacantists, so far afield on these issues.


There's no question but that ALL of the problematic doctrines promulgated at Vatican II, the Latrocinium Secundum, (with the possible exception of collegiality), flow logically from a denial of EENS.  If I were to hold the opinion that most Traditional Catholics do about EENS, I would immediately accept all of Vatican II and cease to be a Traditional Catholic.  Even the erstwhile Father Ratzinger made this point.


If we accept the so-called loose interpretation of EENS held by most Traditional Catholics, the entire V2 ecclesiology follows quite logically from it.  If we state that non-Catholics may be saved and do not explicitly reject the formula of EENS, we must state that non-Catholics are somehow within the Church.  They simply must be if they are saved and we do not outright reject EENS.  And that sets up an ecclesiology of partial communion, the subsistit ecclesiology of Vatican II.  In other words, there can certainly then be different degrees of belonging to the Church.  People who hold the Catholic Faith are in full and perfect communion, while Protestants, Muslims, Jews, and animists (who are following their consciences, saving their souls, and thus part of the Church) have varying degrees of communion.  They can then truly be called our "separated brethren", for they are within the Church while being separated from us somehow.


By setting up a subjective criterion for salvation, moreover, people are saved (and please God) by following their own consciences.  Consequently, it cannot be disputed that they have a RIGHT to please God, follow their consciences, and save their souls -- ergo Religious Liberty.  Based on this, there really should be no theological impasse between the Vatican and the SSPX, and the various activities of the V2 popes, particularly the egregious examples of communicatio in sacris with false religious, can be attributed to imprudence, excessive human respect, etc. but not to heresy or error.  Strangely, sedevacantists tend to be even worse on this subject.  I knew of a sedevacantist priest (second-hand as related by another sedevacantist priest) who went so far as to refuse the Last Sacraments to a so-called Feeney-ite -- when even Ratzinger at one time admitted that it's at the very least a legitimate opinion (based on the Church Fathers) and the V2 Church tolerates the followers of Father Feeney.


May God bless you,

Laszlo Szijarto


MHFM: We fully agree with your comments with regard to the denial of Outside the Church There is No Salvation by countless “traditionalists,” and how Vatican II flows directly from that denial.  (The only exception is that we wouldn’t describe as “traditional Catholics” those who deny the dogma.)


By continuing to recognize the heretic Benedict XVI as a Catholic, however, you are asserting that Outside the Church There is No Salvation is not a dogma which binds under pain of automatic expulsion from the Church.  For it is an undeniable fact that Benedict XVI rejects that dogma.  Therefore, by asserting that he remains the pope and thus within the Church, you hold that one can reject that dogma and remain within the Church.  As it stands, you cannot consider Outside the Church There is No Salvation to be an actual dogma, but just a nice opinion which people should believe but don’t have to believe under pain of losing all membership in the Church. 




Dear Brothers,


Today I picked up a Dec.2008 Magazine of Newsweek in my .Optometrists' office.   On the cover was and article inside about the "Bible and Gays".  I skimmed through the article as I did not have enough time to read the whole thing, and according to Newsweek, the Bible approves of Gays!! Of course, everything is taken out of context, and I could not find this article on their website. I should not be surprised, No mention of Sodom and Gomorrah .  But the most disturbing thing is that everyone is going to believe this junk and think that the gays are perfectly all right because it was in the Newsweek that the Bible says so!  And the article following that was about gay marriage!

God help us all!!



Kathryn Rubio


MHFM: Yes, it’s more liberal propaganda from the establishment media.


Disagree on JP2


Dear Sir,


I came across your website… and discovered that you believe that Pope John Paul II is an Anti-Pope.   I just wanted to say that I disagree with you on this.  In fact, I believe as it is written in Father Gobbi's book, To the Priests My Beloved Sons, that according to the Virgin Mary, Pope John Paul II is her special Pope.  I believe that this is true, and do not believe what you say about this pope. 



Clifford Partridge


MHFM: It’s obvious that traditional Catholic dogmas mean nothing to you.  All that matters to you is following a supposed “visionary.”  Has it occurred to you that such false signs, wonders and messengers are predicted to arise in the last days (Mt. 24:24-24; 2 Thess. 2)?  Does it penetrate your head that anyone who claims a message which conflicts with Catholic teaching is, by that very fact, not of God and promoting something not of God? 


The notion that John Paul II was Mary’s special pope is insanity.  He praised and endorsed false religions.  He rejected a multitude of Catholic dogmas.  He exemplified a wicked religious indifferentism which was condemned by all the true popes and Sacred Scripture.  He engaged in paganism.  He taught that heretics and schismatics don’t need conversion.  Even if one prescinds from his countless heresies and only examines his immorality, one can discover that he was evil.  He allowed pedophiles to run wild; he oversaw the cesspool of immorality and corruption that is the Vatican II Church; he didn’t excommunicate any public promoters of abortion and contraception; he had topless women at his “masses,” etc.


So, if you can look at the facts about his heresies in the section below and still think he was good and Catholic and “Mary’s pope,” then you are completely of bad will.  “Father” Gobbi is nothing more than a heretical false prophet used by the Devil. 


John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [link to section]





I am currently in an RCIA program at a very liberal parish. Lately, I've been thinking about receiving the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation at a parish that is more traditional.

Anyways, I just watched your video "Why the New Mass is Invalid" and I have one glaring question (not trying to debate, trying to learn): I've been told that God protects his Church, and would never let anything harm it. If this is true, why would he have allowed the NO Mass to be introduced?

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. I'm really interested in attending a TLM.

Myonghwan "Moo" Eiselstein


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Before you could receive the traditional sacraments, you would have to be convinced that one must not attend the New Mass.  One would have to completely reject the Vatican II Church and be convinced on all aspects relevant to traditional Catholic teaching.


Regarding your question, God certainly protects His Church.  But that does not mean that He will not allow a deception to arise which features the construction of a Counter Church which opposes and attempts to obscure the true Church.  In fact, that’s precisely what is predicted to happen in the last days as a final test and punishment for the sins of the world.  Please consult this section of our website: The Great Apostasy and a Counterfeit Church predicted in the New Testament and in Catholic Prophecy [section].  There is much evidence that the New Mass is the prophesied abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15).  The New Mass doesn’t tarnish the protection which God gives to the one true Church.  This is because it did not come from the Catholic Church, but from the Counter Church which is headed by invalidly elected antipopes.


Benedict XVI’s new “mass”


Subject: Benedict XVI celebrates a 'mass' with African drum music


Pls add if possible this link to the article illustrated by a video clip to the 'News and Commentary' section on the web-site. Some people still believe that Benedict

XVI [uses] the Tridentine mass only.



God bless you!







It seems that every pre Vatican II book I pick up has BOB and BOD and salvation outside the church.  One writer says this is the root of liberal "Catholicism" .  Indeed it is, and those roots extend far into the minds of Catholics so that salvation before death is no longer THE most important issue of all. 


Theresa's story about the Lutheran Mother is heartbreaking.  I might have accepted this story only a few years ago because I believed in this easy way to let people die.  Today I planned to do all I could for a dying soul.  I had the profession of faith in my purse, but the poor man, my grandson's grandfather, is in his last moments and may never wake up.  I left a scapular and hope and pray for a miracle that may never occur. 


Letting go of the counterfeit church is difficult.  We must force ourselves to place the salvation of the soul above all else and take our licks.




Another example


Dear Brothers,

     Almost every day I read one or two stories from, "Treasury of Catechism Stories" by Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D., printed in 1965. 
    Some stories I skip here and there because they are kind of empty and void of inspiration but a lot of them are very inspirational about converts and the wisdom in some of their answers.  
    The day before your recording came out about the two bad books on salvation outside the Church and the one on Fr. Feeney my jaw dropped as I got to the end of the following story in the Treasury of Catechism Stories:

                                       The Lutheran Mother of Three Priests

     A devout Lutheran woman was the mother of three priests.  When she came to die, her priest sons were at her bedside.  Often during her lifetime they had discussed the possibility of their mother's conversion to the Catholic faith and had gently done what they could.  She had, however, remained a convinced Lutheran.  Now she was at the hour of her death.
     The three sons sat down once more in council.  They decided that their mother was sincere in her belief, had loved Christ and had lived according to her lights.  Any gesture on their part might disturb her conscience.  So they knelt at her bedside and watched her die a Lutheran; they were convinced that she was a member of the invisible Church and on her way to salvation."

    Each story has a list of topics that could be discussed.   The topics for this story were:  Actual grace.  Christian Doctrine.  Conversion.  Death.  True Church.  Priesthood.  Ecumenism. 

     The only one I can understand is (false) ecumenism.   There is no good example of the priesthood, nor the necessity of belonging to the True Church.  They didn't try to give Christian Doctrine to their mother again.  Actual grace was not acted upon by the priests but instead they worried about disturbing her conscience.  Her death was outside the Church.  They decided that she didn't need conversion since they judged that she belonged to "the invisible church". 

     Brothers, I get overwhelmed with gratitude to God so often at the thought that He has graced us with the True Faith and the knowledge of this holy and almost completely abandoned dogma.   The No Salvation Outside the Church topic is talked about almost every day in our home.   We want our children to know it very well and be able to defend it when the day comes. 

      Please keep us in your prayers, as we do you everyday, that we can give a true return to God by living lives that are worthy of Him.  

To Jesus Through Mary,
Theresa Smith  

MHFM: Thank you for the e-mail.  It’s another clear example of the heresy at the heart of this apostasy.


Heretical book


Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter,


Wanting a good book about the faith for my 15 year old son and because you had referenced Fr. John Laux in his book about Church History, I thought ordering and using his book on Catholic Apologetics, written in 1928 with an imprimatur 1928 would be mostly ok.  After the book arrived, however, I immediately looked it over and went to the chapter on “Outside the Church there is no Salvation” and found it to contain many of the very same heresies that you detailed in your recent audio about the book “The Salvation of Non-Catholics” by Winfried Hurst (sp?).  This book was written for Catholic High School students at the end of the 20’s and would have been used throughout so there is no wonder why our “Catholic” parents and grandparents who went to “Catholic” High Schools during this period imbibed these ideas and heresies.   After reading the content of this high school “text” for the Catholic Faith printed in 1928, I can better understand why Fr. Feeney struck such a chord and had such opposition by the “Catholic” ecclesia of his day.  It also appears to be just an extension of the 1885 & 1891 BOB and BOD teachings in the Baltimore Catechism which I had been using to teach our children the faith prior to finding or being led to the truths revealed on your site.   (We have been using the Penny Catechism ever since.) 


It is so sad that those who had lived “inside” the Church with proper popes (from the 1880’s and possibly before ~ through the 1950’s) were allowed to be taught these errors with regard to Our Holy Faith – especially when it could be easily refuted by looking at all of the official pronouncements promulgated by the Church on the teaching of No Salvation Outside the Church – showing that there were NO EXCEPTIONS included.  


 Thanks again for your important work!


Pax Christi,

  Melanie O’Keefe


MHFM: Thank you for the e-mail.  You are exactly right.  It’s another prime example of the denial of that dogma by priests before Vatican II, which clearly laid the foundation for the Vatican II apostasy.


Audio, article


Hi Bros Michael and Peter Dimond,


What a great job you have done on this latest audio...Also, have been trying to open page on the Miraculous Conversion of the Jew Alphonse Ratisbonne, but no luck.?!...no problems with the rest of page,however...


Thanks and God bless



New Zealand


MHFM: Thank you for letting us know.  The link should be working now.  We took care of the problem.




Thank you for the talk on the heretical books, 'Salvation of Non-Catholics' and 'Fr. Feeney, the Pope Has Spoken.' It was very interesting.


It is astounding and damning how nearly all of those who purport to be the only true, and most rigorous, defenders of the Catholic Faith (false traditionalist priests) are actually the greatest defenders of liberal heresies. Surely the root and matrix of all liberalism is baptism of desire/blood (invincible ignorance) aka. Salvation outside the Catholic Church; and yet they claim to be the bulwarks of Catholic Tradition!...


Thanks again and God bless,


Kit White


New Catechism


Dear Brothers, Please tell me what is wrong about the new Catechism of the Catholic Church. 


Many thanks, Lorne


MHFM: What’s wrong with it is that it teaches the main heresies of Vatican II.  This file covers The Heresies in Vatican II [PDF File].  The New Catechism repeats and teaches the major Vatican II heresies, including: religious liberty; non-Catholics may receive Communion; Protestants and schismatics are united to the Church; Jews are not rejected by God; salvation outside the Church; the Church has a bond with non-Christian religions; all men are united to Christ; and Muslims worship the one true God, just to name a few.  It’s a large catechism, so obviously it has some Catholic truth in it.  But it’s the heretical catechism of the New Church.  Moreover, even in certain parts where it doesn’t necessarily teach heresy, you can see a weakness, an anthropocentrism and a spirit of man that is repulsive.  


New audio on Salvation books


MHFM: This is a new audio on two books called Salvation of Non-Catholics and Fr. Feeney, the Pope Has Spoken.  These books both teach heresy against the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  Why are these books significant?  They are significant because they are currently promoted and published by a small sedevacantist group which is affiliated with Fr. Kevin V.  As explained in the audio, the group which published these books also has some affiliation with Bishop Robert M., Fr. Martin S., Patrick O., and indirectly with countless other “traditionalists” who accept “baptism of desire.”  In other words, most “traditionalists” who accept baptism of desire are in some way connected with the heresies contained in these books.  They are connected either by directly agreeing with them or by tolerating and accepting as Catholic the heretical group which published them.


Exposing two heretical books promoted by "traditionalists," Suprema haec sacra, refuting baptism of desire, and a new argument [new 54 min. audio]


After a necessary four minute introduction, the audio gets into the astounding heresies contained in the book called Salvation of Non-Catholics.  This book was originally published in 1953, and therefore before Vatican II.  Among other things, it teaches: that souls can be saved “outside” the Church; that a heathen can be saved; that these people who are saved outside the Church cannot and should not be called “Catholic”; that men who hate the Church can be saved; that men of any and no Church can be saved; that everyone who follows his conscience will be saved; that some people are bound to follow false religions; and that some non-Catholics shouldn’t even be converted!


Yes, all of those outrageous heresies – including that some non-Catholics shouldn’t be converted – are contained in the book.  Again, this is a book which was published before Vatican II and is currently published by a sedevacantist group which is directly or indirectly connected with countless “traditionalists” who accept baptism of desire.


After dealing with the heretical book, Salvation of Non-Catholics, the audio covers the booklet called Fr. Feeney, the Pope Has Spoken.  Before doing that, however, it pins down the main heresy in the document Suprema Haec Sacra.  Suprema Haec Sacra was the pseudo-Holy Office letter from 1949 (not infallible) which laid the groundwork for the denial of the salvation dogma in the years which followed.  If you are not convinced that Suprema Haec Sacra is heretical, you will want to listen to this audio and the short section which proves that it is heretical.  Identifying the main heresy in Suprema Haec Sacra is important because both of the aforementioned books base themselves on it.  The audio also quickly covers examples of the bad willed and petty arguments which are made in Fr. Feeney, the Pope Has Spoken.


Near the end of the audio, an important new argument is covered which serves to refute “baptism of desire.”  It deals with what it means to be “born again.”  It analyzes a quote from St. Alphonsus, which almost everyone is overlooking.  It shows why something that St. Alphonsus said creates devastating problems for the (false) theory of “baptism of desire.”


This audio should make it clear that ALL of the groups which accept or tolerate “baptism of desire” today are very dark and utterly reject the defined dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation and the necessity to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.


This audio will be found permanently in our main section, Outside the Church There is No Salvation, as well as the Traditional Catholic Audios section.


Pius XII


To Brother Dimond: I am a reader of your website, but only today got a chance to see what you had to say about Fatima and if the Consecration of Russia to the Blessed Heart of Mary took place! You claim it did, but can you show the documentation? How can you say Pacelli, the true author of Vatican II, can have done this when he was NOT a valid POPE? He was mentored by Cardinal Rampolla, a known member and leader of the Masons, who very nearly was elected Pope, but was stopped and justifiably so! Pacelli IS responsible, when he became Secretary of State, of the Massacre of the Christeros of Mexico, by drawing up the document, which was signed by Pope Pius XI, which ordered the Christeros to lay down their arms! Which they did, since they really and truly believed the hierarchy and the Pope were to be obeyed! The result was a Massacre and, in addition, a falling away from the Church that continues to this date!

Furthermore, do you really think the Hashish Kid, "John the XXIII" Really had the intelligence to come up with all the apostasy of Vatican II by himself? If you do, then I got a bridge to sell you, and it is NOT in Brooklyn, anymore!Even many of the Traditionalists, who up until now viewed Pacelli as you seem to, have come to at least recognize the Christeros Massacre as definitely his doing, because even though the Pope signed the document, when the results were found out, that Pope wept bitterly in public for the fact that he and Pacelli were accessories to MURDER!  Those are HISTORIC FACTS, not just my opinion, for once your research has failed you!!!!! John the XXIII, when he was Ambassador to Turkey, got turned on to Hashish and that is even noted in our government intelligence files, as well as several atrocities he and Pacelli either committed or "allowed" to happen! Why on Earth, if Pacelli was a "Friend" to the Jews and helped so many escape the Nazi's during the war, and then turn around and help the Nazi Persecutors to escape at the end of the War? With John the XXIII's help, I might add, by getting forged documents prepared?...


Old Sarge-John Boyle


MHFM: You are referring to our article on the consecration of Russia, which is found in the Fatima section of our website.  The facts speak for themselves on that issue.  We believe the facts in the article will convince anyone who is open to truth on that point – in other words, anyone who is not predisposed to reject the information because of some emotional attachment to how he has imagined the fulfillment of Fatima.  


Regarding your comments about Pius XII (Pacelli), they serve to support the notion that he was a weak pope.  This is something that many false traditionalists fail to recognize to their own detriment; but what you bring up does not constitute proof that he was a manifest heretic.  One cannot reject a validly elected pope unless there is clear and definitive evidence from his own statements or actions that he was a manifest heretic or that the election was invalid.


Finally, we do not assert that John XXIII came up with the Vatican II apostasy by himself.  He was certainly instrumental.  He was the antipope who called Vatican II.  However, it was the denial of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation in the years before Vatican II which greatly contributed to laying the foundation for the Vatican II apostasy.  We are very clear on that matter.  So your statement is simply false.  We wonder if you deny that dogma as well?




I would like to reach out to you.  I recently found your website mostholyfamilymonastery, and it has been a blessing for me.  It has helped confirm many of the suspicions I was already hearing through alternative medias… Since this awakening I have been reading a studying all day and night.  I feel like God is beginning to do a work in me…

Thank You Very Much





I have recently converted from atheism back to Catholicism. Recently I have taken up prayer again and already noticed changes in events that transpire, which strengthens my faith… I am in Dublin Ireland.



Area 51

Does your book reveal what a*r*e*a 5*1 is?  If it does I will buy your book and read it. If your book does not , i will still but and read but now I will ask you


What is a*r*e*a 5*1 all about?


MHFM: Yes, it does.




Subject: Your Swordsmanship


I stumbled on to your website merely by accident or providence. I find your research and historical recall skills most amusing. It would almost appear that your quotes are mostly executed through memorisation alone. Just to attempt to hang with you in a telephone debate, the average individual would need at his diposal a CATHOLIC HISTORIAL REASEARH/RESOURCE LIBRARY full of information. The last person that I can remember talking to over 30 years ago that had those same kind of memory skills was a jehovah witness. He almost converted me. What I observe as being even more amusing is that your pressure tecniques to destroy ones present faith system to seduce and convert is very similiar to his methodologys. The voices sound very much the same they just sing a different song. Your demeaner indicates to me that you can't be much more than 32 or 33 years old. I believe your totaly sincere and the points you make with the accumulative information you present is most interesting and warrants looking into. Your sword is very sharp maybe even as sharp as a two edged sword and there is only one entity found to be sharper and thats the WORD of GOD. I just have to decide if your faith truly resides with , in and around the Word of GOD. I wish you would study 1 Corinthians 13, even the so called heritics utilize it and are sucessful. When you disarm an individual as I've heard you do in listening to your debates, you seem to always go for the throat especially when they make you angry. These people with whom your debating cannot hurt you they don't have the knowledge nor the mental capacity to do so. So why not aim for their heart when you talk to them rather than go for the throat. When they come at you with their sword, just take it away from them and then gently hand it back again. When they've depleted their arsenal, which probably won't take long, then you simply say, I could have stabbed you at anytime with your own sword even more so if I would've drawn my own. Without a harsh word spoken, now shall we reason. It is written for us within the scriptures to be meek as a lamb and wise as a serpent. I was told once by a friend that the most evil man in the world was not the rapist,,the thief, the child abuser, the abortionist or even,the satanist, it was the man that picked up the WORD of GOD with sole  intention to mislead and destroy eternal souls to hell.  I believe there is a place for your methodology…






MHFM: We appreciate your interest. 


We think you need to focus more on the merits of the arguments, rather than on the individuals making them.  You seem to have an unnecessary fear that you will be deceived, as if something that sounds consistent with Catholic teaching has some evil lurking behind it.  When we are talking about sound reasoning from Catholic dogma, that’s not the case.  Catholic truth is simple, solid and sure.  If it leads to a direct conclusion, then one can rest confidently that such a conclusion is definitely true.  If you sincerely consider the facts of Catholic teaching that we present, you will see that we are speaking the truth.


Look forward


Hi Guys,

I'm a Catholic who defended Rome to the hilts, but since the Bishop Williamson incident, I have lost complete faith in Rome.

They bowed before Zionism, and anybody with eyes to see, and ears to hear, noticed it.

As you know, the Pope has put out a letter, which in my mind, is ridiculous…

I've recently ordered your book, What happened after Vatican II, I look forward to reading.

I'm like a ship without direction at the moment, please keep me in your prayers. If you can recommend any further reading material, I would be most grateful.

Gloria In Te Domine



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We’re confident that when you read the book, you will see that Benedict XVI is not a true pope.  He cannot be a true pope because he’s not a Catholic.  He’s an antipope.  The post-Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church, but the counterfeit sect of the last days. 


The book contains a complete exposé of the heresies of all five Vatican II antipopes, including the heresies of Benedict XVI from before and after his “election.” 




Dear MHFM,

Some of your readers may be struggling with your position on the ovens of Auschwitz and the "6 million Jews".  But there was a theatrical film released in 1946, a potboiler entitled "The Stranger", which starred Orson Wellesas a Nazi trying to escape his past by hiding in Connecticut as a prep school teacher while engaged to beautiful Loretta Young.  Welles saw his career as a famous writer/director/producer immediately shrivel after this film, good as it is.  He had received special permission to include footage from the U.S. Army taken of the bodies found at liberated German concentration camps, and this was the first time those pictures were even shown to the public.  But instead of wholeheartedly serving up the Holocaust propaganda, Welles inserted his own moment of real truth, certainly 'caught' by only a few in his audience.  The character of the detective trying to capture Welles, played superbly by Edgar G. Robinson, has a line roughly like this:  "In the camp, they gave the Jews showers first, to open up the pores of the skin to receive the gas better."  While he says this, the audience sees a picture of a long white room lined with showerheads.  Now the whole point of the Holocaust myth is that those showerheads emitted gas, and never emitted water.  They certainly couldn't do both!  And to state that hot water opening the pores of the skin enabled Zyklon B gas to kill better is totally absurd, as Welles and his associate on the film, John Huston, well knew.  So here we are, 60 years later, supposedly well-informed, but so far behind one of the foremost artistic geniuses of the 20th-century... who paid the price for his honesty, I believe.





Hello MHFM,

I am truly inspired by your work and effort. It has TRULY changed my life around.  No doubt.  I went from living a pagan lifestyle, to become a true Catholic…  I do not know how to thank Our Lady.  That is another thing and I STRESS EVERYONE to pray the Rosary of 15 Decades.  I prayed the rosary for about a month, straight, the 15 Decade Rosary.  This was a big change for me because I had gone from not praying 15 years to finally praying it everyday, Well, because of this, I was led to your website.  I was led to find the Truth.  LET THIS BE A TESTIMONY OF THE TRUTH, THAT I CHANGED BECAUSE I PRAYED THE ROSARY EVERYDAY AND HAVE FOUND YOUR WEBSITE BY RECEIVING THE GRACES FROM GOD.  No doubt in my mind.  I have studied your material for 2 years and the logic just clicks.  I love it.  I love the truth. 

Thank you.  God bless you and Good Night.

Bernardo Torres


“Catholic” schools


The story you linked about a "catholic" school locking out 300 students over tuition bills touched a nerve with me.  There are so many lessons in the devolution of "catholic education" over the last 50 years.  Long before I discovered the truth about the apostasy of the Vatican II establishment (largely through your site), I was variously frustrated, angered and confused over what I took to be political naiveté, moral cowardice, ideological/theological confusion and hypocrisy. 


When I was in elementary school in the mid-1960s Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, there was no tuition at all.  A Catholic education was free to anyone who wanted one.  You didn't even have to be Catholic.  Before I finished elementary school there was nominal tuition.  By the time I got to high school, the tuition was becoming significant.  However the official published policy remained that no one would be denied a Catholic Education (and again, you didn't have to be Catholic) for inability to pay…


I thought (and still think) that Catholics are the largest denomination in the country, over a quarter of the population.  If they had any leadership at all, any courageous, moral voice to follow, there would be no legalized abortion, let alone the need to book keep how much money is to be deemed "tuition" and thus be taxed.   The Church Militant could not be opposed by any politician if it were truly organized along Catholic principles.  Look at the Jews, less than a twelfth of the Catholic population, and ostensibly lacking the outward organizational structure, yet they exercise enormous influence in the cultural and political arena.  No politician can challenge Israel and survive politically.  Yet Catholic schools are closing for the inability of anybody to pay for them, while billions of taxpayer dollars go to Israel, to buy bombs to drop on Christian Palestinians.  It is disgusting to contemplate.


But of course the answer (as opposed to the solution) is that the hierarchy did not yield this sad result through 50 years of mere incompetence.  No, it was done by design.  They've been playing for the other team all along.  I used to think they were naive for failing to understand the cultural war in which they were involved, the absolute ruthlessness of the enemy, and their own latent, but potentially enormous power.  Now I know it was I who was naive for failing to see who they really were.  


Bill Mulligan




Listening to an audio on Purgatory I have some questions.


What was Jesus dieing on the Cross all about if not to redeem us.  I understand that all the work was accomplished "It Is Finished" by His death.  That we are to work out our Salvation.  How can we work it out if don't have it yet?


Please just answer those questions.


Mary Lou Festa


MHFM: Your question is one that is commonly raised by Protestants.  They object that the concept of Purgatory is contrary to the all-sufficient Redemption of Christ.  The points below demonstrate that Protestants have an incorrect understanding of the Redemption.


Colossians 1:24- “[I] now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for his body, which is the church.”


This verse might be a shock to some who are not familiar with it.  St. Paul says that he fills up, for the Church, those things that are wanting or lacking in the sufferings of Christ.  Christ’s suffering was perfect and of infinite value; so what does this mean? 


What St. Paul means is that many sufferings are still wanting and needed for the members of the Church to work out their salvation, which was all made possible by Christ’s sacrifice.  This verse proves that Christ’s sacrifice doesn’t do away with all worries about the possibility of future punishment due to one’s sins.  If so, then Paul would never say that his sufferings fill up for members of the Church that which is wanting in the sacrifice of Christ; nor would Jesus speak of the punishments for sins, which He repeatedly does.  This verse, Colossians 1:24, also proves the Catholic doctrine of the communion of saints, and the effect of intercessory prayer and sacrifice.


Second, the aforementioned Protestant argument is refuted by the following: If it were true that Jesus’ sacrifice made up for everything, including the future punishments due to every man’s sins, then no one would have to believe or do anything to be saved.  Jesus’ sacrifice would have paid the price for it all.  But even the non-Catholics who argue that Jesus made up for everything admit that not all men are saved.  They admit that people must do something to be saved.  With such an admission, they contradict themselves and disprove their argument that Christ’s sufferings took care of everything. 


Third, this argument is based on a grave misunderstanding of the Redemption of Christ.  What is the meaning of Jesus Christ’s passion and death?  Jesus Christ redeemed the world and destroyed men’s sins, as the Catholic Council of Florence defined. 


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches that no one conceived of man and woman was ever freed of the domination of the Devil, except through the merit of the mediator between God and men, our Lord Jesus Christ; He who was conceived without sin, was born and died, THROUGH HIS DEATH ALONE LAID LOW THE ENEMY OF THE HUMAN RACE BY DESTROYING OUR SINS, and opened the entrance to the kingdom of heaven, which the first man by his own sin had lost with all succession…” (Denzinger 711)


It means every sin that is forgiven is forgiven by Jesus Christ, and specifically by the merit of His passion and death.  Without the merits of His passion, there could be no forgiveness or true justification from sin.  This forgiveness is granted only to those who follow Him and do what He says must be done, which enables them to benefit from His Redemption.  It does not mean that God will not punish people for future sins.  It does not mean that the penalty of all the sins of the whole world has been taken away.  


You ask how one can “work out salvation” if one doesn’t have it yet.  One does that by avoiding sins, by doing God’s will, and by accomplishing (with God’s grace) works of supernatural merit, as the Parable of the Talents shows.  It’s necessary for salvation to do those things.  That’s how one is said to “work out salvation.” 


St. John Vianney on refusing absolution


MHFM: St. John Vianney is the patron saint of parish priests.  He understood the duties of a priest.  He preached moral truths which have been largely forgotten in our day.  He emphasized that priests must refuse absolution to those who have not extricated themselves from sinful situations or practices.  For example, he believed that a priest who would absolve those who run bars (“innkeepers”) would be damned.


“‘The innkeepers,’ he used to say, ‘steal the bread of the poor woman and her children by selling wine to drunkards who spend on Sunday what they have earned during the week.  If he wishes to escape eternal damnation a priest may not and cannot absolve innkeepers who, either at night or during church hours, serve those drunkards with wine.  Ah!  The innkeepers!  The devil does not trouble them much; on the contrary he despises them and spits upon them.’” (Abbe Francois Trochu, The Cure D’Ars, p. 140.) 




I gave a good friend of mine who lives in Ohio a copy of your DVD 'Exposing the Agents of Anti-Christ'    He told me that he was approached by his boss one day asking him if he wanted to join the Freemasons and lots of wealth would be promised to him if he joined...My friend then went over to his house and brought the DVD with him in which they both watched...  Then while they were watching it, his boss said  "Yea, we killed Kennedy"  But my friend couldnt really tell if his boss was serious or sarcastic....My friend then ended up telling him that he would not join.  Then the very next day my friend got fired...However he did find employment at a better job..




Christ within


Dear Brothers, I wonder if you could expound on the issue of "Christ within " us.  JP2 made mention of "you are the Christ", as if referring to each man, and also in an email exchange someone wrote on " Vat 2 the worship of man'..... 'you are being transferred into Jesus". In Galatians 2,20, St. Paul says, "And I live, now not I; but Christ liveth in me ". What I'm trying to bring out is... the Vat 2 false sect are on to something but are making a heresy or blasphemy out of it. Could you please clarify this? I'd appreciate it very much.

God bless.




MHFM: St. Paul is speaking of the supernatural life of God which dwells in the hearts of all those who are justified (in the state of grace):


Council of Trent, Decree on Justification, Sess. 6, Chap. 7: “For though no one can be just except he to whom the merits of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ are communicated, yet this takes place in that justification of the sinner, when by the merit of the most holy passion, the charity of God is poured forth by the Holy Ghost in the hearts of those who are justified and inheres in them; whence man through Jesus Christ, in whom he is ingrafted, receives in that justification, together with the remission of sins, all these infused at the same time, namely, faith, hope and charity. For faith, unless hope and charity be added to it, neither unites man perfectly with Christ nor makes him a living member of His body.”


The statements of John Paul II and the Vatican II sect are very different from this truth.  First, John Paul II taught that man actually becomes God, rather than that he partakes in the supernatural life of God in justification (2 Peter 1:4).  Second, even if we assumed, for the sake of argument, that John Paul II was simply talking about participating in the life of God (which he most certainly was not), he said this about every single man and man in general.  So even in that case, he was teaching universal salvation and universal justification.  There is no way to defend his heresy, which is covered in much detail in this article.


By the way, this isn’t really related to your question, but notice the last part of this quote from the Council of Trent.  We commented on this in our article refuting Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton and his false attempt to justify baptism of desire.  Fenton admitted that only the water baptized are members of the Church.  In order to try to salvage the idea of “baptism of desire,” Fenton argued that one can be inside the Church without being a member.  It’s a ridiculous idea.  The quote from Trent above is just one of many which contradict that false position, as was pointed out in this article: Can one be "inside" the Catholic Church without being a "member"?




Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 7 on Justification: “Hence man through Jesus Christ, into whom he is ingrafted, receives in the said justification together with the remission of sins all these gifts infused at the same time: faith, hope and charity.  For faith, unless hope and charity be added to it, neither unites one perfectly with Christ, nor makes him a living member of his body.” (Denz. 800)


The justified man is ingrafted into Christ.  The concept of being “ingrafted” is again that of membership: all the justified are ingrafted into Christ as members.  This is proven by the Council’s declaration that becoming a living member of the Church doesn’t happen “unless(‘nisi’) hope and charity are added to faith.  That means that if and when hope and charity are added to faith, one is made a living member of the Church.  Well, hope and charity are added to faith in every justified person. 


A person simultaneously receives faith, hope and charity infused into his soul at the moment of justification, as Trent says above.  Therefore, every person who is justified, since they all have faith, hope and charity, is made a living member (‘vivum membrum’) of the Church.  This totally contradicts the teaching of Msgr. Fenton and Suprema haec sacra, which is that one can be justified by baptism of desire (and thus have faith, hope and charity) without being a “member” of Christ’s Body.  Msgr. Fenton is simply wrong.


Convert to true faith




I have been a protestant since the age of 14.  I am 27 now.  I have studied Catholicism for quite some time and I have realized that its the true faith.  I want to leave the heresy of protestantism.  However, I live in Northeastern Arkansas.  All the catholic churches here adhere to Vatican II.  I don't know what to do about this.  I want to worship God in the true and correct way, but it seems to be impossible for me to worship anywhere.  What is your advice for me to do?  I can't join a church where the supposed 'Vicar of Christ' faces Mecca and prays with the Muslims in mosques.


Thank you.




MHFM: That’s great to hear.  Below is a section on the steps to convert to the Catholic faith.  You should begin to follow them and pray the Rosary.  Then we can help you with where to receive sacraments.  Some people believe that converting and practicing the faith is all about where one goes to church on Sunday.  That's not the case.  The faith is something that one must believe first and live each day.  It's not defined by whether one is able to go to a church on Sunday; for at certain periods of Church history some Catholics were not able to do that.  


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


Eyes opened


I am a… struggling Catholic who came upon your web site several months ago. I would read an article or two and not give much credence to what I read. I then started to watch the videos on your site and it started to register that what was being said was more than likely true. I am now telling all my friends about the web site. I contacted all the priests in the west Michigan area…


I have a long ways to go with my connecting to the true Catholic faith. I have been a terrible sinner for the vast part of my life and now with the help of your web site realize I need to turn to God and repent. Since turning to your site I see all things in a new light. TV shows, activities and habits that were acceptable are no longer acceptable. Please pray for a complete revival on my part and pray that the Holy Spirit may enter into my heart.  It has been a long time since I felt comfortable with my spirituality but I can now see the light coming into view. Thanks again and keep up the good work.








MHFM: Undoubtedly one of the great comforts and satisfactions in prayer well said is that one is accomplishing something of true and lasting value.




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


Outside of the dogmas that we must believe to be Catholic how can we trust any interpretation of sacred scripture, councils, doctors of the church, etc.. that are outside of the magisteriam of the Catholic Church?  Given the fact that there is massive delusion through the Great Apostasy and God has taken away from us Holy leaders, it seems many organizations lay claim to the Truth.  How can I trust the interpretation that you present?    


Thank you for your time,


Jeff Baron


MHFM: This issue was addressed in our books, and especially in our salvation book.  We have copied some of that response below.  In short, there is no interpretation other than what the dogmas have declared.  The dogmas are the interpretation and the rule to which you must adhere.  You know we are right because what we say is in line with the dogmas and the understanding of the Catholic faith throughout history.


Moreover, the heresies of the Vatican II antipopes contradict even a basic understanding of traditional Catholic teaching.  The Vatican II antipopes teach that false religions are okay, that non-Catholics don’t need conversion, and that the leaders of non-Catholic sects are part of the true Church, just to name a few.  Any examination of classical Catholic teaching will reveal that such teachings go against what the Catholic Church traditionally taught.  The claim that it’s just a matter of interpretation is pure nonsense.


Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Sess. 3, Chap. 2 on Revelation, 1870, ex cathedra: “Hence, also, that understanding of its sacred dogmas must be perpetually retained, which Holy Mother Church has once declared; and there must never be a recession from that meaning under the specious name of a deeper understanding.”


 In its Decree on the Sacrament of Order, the Council of Trent solemnly declared that the dogmatic canons are for the use of all the faithful!


Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Sess. 13, Chap. 4: “These are the matters which in general it seemed well to the sacred Council to teach to the faithful of Christ regarding the sacrament of order.  It has, however, resolved to condemn the contrary in definite and appropriate canons in the following manner, so that all, making use of the rule of faith, with the assistance of Christ, may be able to recognize more easily the Catholic truth in the midst of the darkness of so many errors.”


     The word “canon" (in Greek: kanon) means a reed; a straight rod or bar; a measuring stick; something serving to determine, rule, or measure.  The Council of Trent is infallibly declaring that its canons are measuring rods for all so that they, making use of these rules of Faith, may be able to recognize and defend the truth in the midst of darkness!  This very important statement blows away the claim of those who say that using dogmas to prove points is “private interpretation.” 


     Further, if a Catholic who is going exactly by what the Chair of Peter (the dogmatic text) has declared is not finding the truth, but is engaging in “private interpretation,” as they claim, then what does he go by?  Who interprets the dogmatic statement?  And who interprets the interpretation of the dogmatic statement?  And who interprets the interpretation of the interpretation of the dogmatic statement?  And who interprets the interpretation of the interpretation of the interpretation of the dogmatic statement?  The answer is that it would never end, and no one could ever arrive at the truth on anything.  In that system, the deposit of faith – and the dogmatic teachings of the Church – would then be nothing more than private opinions, which is SHEER PROTESTANTISM. 


     St. Francis De Sales explained it well against the Protestants.


St. Francis De Sales (Doctor of the Church), The Catholic Controversy, c. 1602, p. 228: “The Councils… decide and define some article.  If after all this another test has to be tried before their [the Council’s] determination is received, will not another also be wanted?  Who will not want to apply his test, and whenever will the matter be settled?... And why not a third to know if the second is faithful? – and then a fourth, to test the third?  Everything must be done over again, and posterity will never trust antiquity but will go ever turning upside down the holiest articles of faith in the wheel of their understandingswhat we say is that when a Council has applied this test, our brains have not now to revise but to believe.”


     The “interpretation” ends with the words of the dogma itself!  If it doesn’t, then it never ends, as we saw above – you just have fallible interpretation after fallible interpretation after fallible interpretation after fallible interpretation.  If the buck doesn’t stop with the infallible definition (the Chair of Peter), then it never stops. I pointed this fact out to a somewhat well-known “apologist” for the Vatican II sect in a telephone conversation.  He was arguing that our usage of Catholic dogmatic teaching (the teaching of the Chair of Peter) is like Protestant “private interpretation.”  He was saying this in an attempt to defend some of his heretical beliefs which contradict dogma, such as his belief that non-Catholics can be saved.  I said to him, “then who interprets the dogma?  And who interprets the interpretation of the dogma?” After I said “who interprets the interpretation of the dogma… and who interprets the interpretation of the interpretation… and who interprets the interpretation of the interpretation of the interpretation…” he remained deadly silent for the first time in the conversation.  He obviously had no response to the factual point that was made, simply because there is no response.  In the heretical view of dogmatic teaching that he espoused, the Catholic Faith is nothing more than Protestantism – fallible, private, human interpretation with no Chair of Peter to give one the final word. 


Halloween robes


…my priest ordered halloween type franciscan monk robes from a party store/costume shop  for us to wear when he baptizes us in the plastic tote…?

This whole things feeling really sacreligious to me !


MHFM: We haven’t heard that one before.  It’s another clear indication that you must get out of the Vatican II sect.




I knew what Baptism of Desire theory was… I listened to your tapes on the matter and someone who thinks Baptism of Desire is… clouded, or of bad will (liar).  Your discussions refuted any chance that the theory is legitimate.  Good work


I see


Hi, my name is Richard... and I'm a sedevacantist. In fact, I see, that the Chair of Truth for the light of the world has been empty my whole life. It has been around a year now, since I last drank of the cup of the wine of the whore of Babylon. After watching one of your films, I realized, as Mary and Joseph, that Jesus was not "in the crowd walking from the temple", so to speak; and was troubled. But of course, there He was (and is) "in His father's house", so to speak…





I offer the following for your correspondent who asked about the significance of the obelisk in Saint Peter's Square, in Rome:

"The obelisk which comes from Heliopolis, Egypt, where it was built by the Pharaoh Mencares in 1835 BC in honor of the sun, was brought to Rome in 37 BC by the Emperor Caligula (37-41) and erected in the circus he built.  Here it was silent witness of the martyrdom of St. Peter and of many other Christians. In 1586 Sixtus V had it moved to the center of St. Peter's Square."…

Your correspondent should dismiss her suspicions of some sinister motive for its presence before Saint Peter's Basilica, and console herself with the thought that this column of rock stood in the presence of The Rock on which Our Lord has built His Church, when he suffered as his Master had prophesied:

Amen, amen I say to thee, when thou wast younger, thou didst gird thyself, and didst walk where thou wouldst. But when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and lead thee whither thou wouldst not. [John 21:18]


St. John Vianney on vanity


“… at the time of [St. John Vianney’s] arrival at Ars there were women who outraged the most elementary rules of modesty.  Their conduct roused him to indignation.  His anger included parents who idolized their children and fostered their vanity.  Let us listen to him [St. John Vianney] castigating ‘that mother who can think of nothing but her daughter.  She is far more concerned whether her bonnet is put on properly than whether the child has given her heart to God.  She beseeches her daughter not to unsociable – to be gracious to everybody so as to form acquaintances and eventually to ‘get off.’  Soon the girl’s one aim will be to attract.  Her extravagant and indecent dress proclaims her to be a tool by means of which hell seeks the ruin of souls.  Only at the judgment-seat of God will such a one know the number of crimes of which she has been the cause.’” (Abbe Francois Trochu, The Cure D’Ars, pp. 154-155.) 


Becoming Catholic


+JMJ+ I just made the profession of Faith also accusing myself of heresy as member of V2 sect and other false religions I had belonged to and promoted in the past.  I simply want help finding a priest who can hear my confession and yes,  if there is a valid Mass my family and I can attend in South Jersey, whether it is Traditional Latin Mass or the Eastern Catholic Mass, either one is fine as long as it will not compromise or endanger our immortal souls and our salvation, IN ANY WAY!  thanks for your advice and guidance in finding this, if it is available......if it is not, I believe you recommend staying home and praying the family rosary together?  This we also can do, if you think it is better.  

     My family and I wish to worship God "in Spirit and in Truth" at a valid mass and make valid confessions, but not if it is a pit of vipers, like so much here in "Camden Diocese".  Also, both my husband and I WERE probably given a valid and good baptism (1965) but were seriously wondering whether our confirmations were valid…---it feels very deeply sorrowful to NOT Mass on Sunday, (I offer all this "pain and shock" of this revelation from reading your articles but I think it is God's Providence at work! so I also give Thanks!)--- but I believe you said that where there is a DOUBT as to the validity of the Mass, it is better to NOT go, so for the first time, I stayed at home. I long for true Holy Communion but I do NOT want to participate in a sinful, invalid "mass". 


    I was a student of Art and Architecture History at Smith College in Mass.and also Edinburgh Univ. undergrad./ and at NYU (graduate school), and I wrote my undergrad thesis on the construction of St. Peter's Basilica...............could you please comment on the reason why there is a massive "obelisk" read "phallic symbol associated with occult/"Baal" worship surrounded also by the Bernini Columns that basically form a circle around this "point" if viewed from above, another symbol of "sun" worship, according to no doubt accurate info. on your website??  Thank you…


    I feel as if I am becoming truly Catholic for the first time, it is a big step for me and for my husband, who is like-minded as to what you say.  I am afraid to speak to anyone else about it yet, as I feel they will not understand but this will not stop me from taking the proper steps and trying to point others in the correct direction toward Heaven.  Again, THANK YOU for all you are doing and I will look forward to hearing from you.  In Jesus through Mary,  


Anne M. T.K.


MHFM:  Thanks for the interest.  We can help you with your other questions.


There is an obelisk (a Masonic Symbol) in the Vatican, but there is a Cross on top of it that was put there by Pope Sixtus V, symbolizing the Church’s victory over paganism/Freemasonry.  Many Protestant heretics have attempted to use this against the Church to show that the Church is Freemasonic; but they fail to note the Cross on top of the obelisk. 


The Pope [Sixtus V] had a bronze cross placed on top of the obelisk bearing on its base the following inscription: ‘Behold the Cross of the Lord!  Depart ye hostile powers!  The Lion of the tribe of Juda hath prevailed!  Christ conquers, Christ is King, Christ is Emperor!  May Christ protect His people from all evil!” (Fr. John Laux, Church History, p. 488.)


Interesting audio


Wow, that was some good stuff! I haven’t heard such pure logic and reason in a long time. It would require hooking up each priest, bishop, cardinal, all the way to the Pope himself up to a polygraph machine and question them in detail about their acceptance of church teachings, if the pope failed, all Catholics would be schismatic, if a bishop failed, all those under his control would be schismatic, BUT they would not have became schismatic at the time the results of the test were given, they would have been schismatic immediately upon the appointment of any heretic or schismatic, despite having no knowledge of the heresy. That is a ridiculous argument and I am glad you were able to clearly show that….


Had the person not called you a schismatic, I might have felt sorry for him, as his points were getting cut down faster than he could think of them. However he made a bold statement and had no substance to back up the argument, so I don’t blame you for putting him in his place, you could have done it with much less tact. Your knowledge of Church history is very good and it was interesting to hear you apply it to common sense.


Thank you


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.


[Note: This individual was commenting on our audios below, which concern a finer point which might not be relevant for those new to this information.  These audios deal specifically with certain schismatic errors which have been embraced by a small number of radical “traditionalists.”  It concerns when people become schismatics and heretics.  By not understanding this point, they construct a radically false theology and also make false accusations of heresy and schism.  For example, if there is a family who belongs to the SSPX who is obstinately heretical or schismatic, these people (falsely) conclude that all of their baptized children, the moment they hit the age of reason or take their child to the SSPX church, also become non-Catholic schismatics and/or heretics, before they have embraced the obstinately schismatic or heretical views of their parents.  Also, this conversation was quite contentious at times.  This is because, even though it’s not clear at the beginning of the conversation, the other side had already viciously and obstinately condemned the true position.]

Baptism, Heresy, Schism - Tel Debate- Part 1 [1 hr.4 min. audio – May 2008]

Baptism, Heresy, Schism - Tel Debate - Part 2 [27 min. audio – May 2008]


Related file: Quotes on Schism, Baptism, Heresy, Subjection to the Roman Pontiff, the Trinity and Incarnation


Freemason ordain?


Dear Brothers,

I wanted to first thank you for the endless hours you spend in putting out such great information.  My wife and I visit your site regularly and have gotten much out of it.

As my subject indicates I wanted to ask your help in responding to an article my mother sent me.  I am not sure if you have written at length on this subject, and if you have I apologize and do not ask you to repeat yourself. 

My mother sent this article to support her position that Freemasons cannot confer valid sacraments.  Which in itself is a little confusing because in this article it does not mention that Freemasons cannot, but that it is a dubious sacrament…

I pray that all is well with you and hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.


Robby Hansen


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  The Church teaches that one is presumed to have the intention of the Church unless there is clear evidence to the contrary. 


Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “When anyone has rightly and seriously made use of the due form and the matter requisite for effecting or conferring the sacrament he is considered by that very fact to do what the Church does.  On this principle rests the doctrine that a sacrament is truly conferred by the ministry of one who is a heretic or unbaptized, provided the Catholic rite be employed.  On the other hand, if the rite be changed, with the manifest intention of introducing another rite not approved by the Church, and of rejecting what the Church does, and what by the institution of Christ belongs to the nature of the sacrament, then it is clear that not only is the necessary intention wanting to the sacrament, but that the intention is adverse to and destructive of the sacrament.”


Circumstantial evidence that someone might have been a Freemason is not sufficient to consider his ordinations or sacraments invalid.  If one could question the intention of someone just because that person might have been a Freemason, then there would be absolute chaos in the Church.  One could go back into history and start questioning all kinds of lines.  For instance, Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro was the Secretary of State under Pope Leo XIII.  He was a bishop.  It is widely believed that he was a Freemason, and evidence is cited by those who wish to prove it.  How many people did Rampolla ordain?  Has the Church gone back and re-ordained all of those men?  No.  That, in itself, suffices to refute the position advanced by your mom and the heretical priests she is agreeing with.  (They are heretics on other matters; they are in error on this point.)  If the traditional rite has been used, the Church presumes that one had the intention to do as the Church does, unless the contrary is explicitly manifested. 




Dear Brothers,


I had sent DVDs to many more relatives in the recent past. One of them drove to my house yesterday and we talked for almost 3 hours straight sparring back and forth- him maintaining that V2 is still Catholic while I feel I did an adequate job refuting him and trying to get across to him that yes, the Catholic Church still exists, but that it's not the V2 church, and that V2 is a completely new religion all unto itself that calls itself Catholic to deceive souls. He agreed with a lot of what I had to say, but he left still not grasping the truth despite my efforts.


He mentioned that he found out that a different relative of mine who I had sent a MHFM info package to had taken the package and put fuel to it and burned it. This is also the same relative who is heavily involved in the charismatic movement and had one of her fillings turn to gold overnight. If it's true, it's quite a demonic deception to keep her entangled in the V2 church and for her to keep other souls on the path to hell as she is very involved in the V2 church. My guess is that she never read or watched any of your material yet somehow "knew" that it was "evil".


Just thought I'd pass this along.


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  There are many similar examples of that. 


It reminds us of another person who was persuaded to believe in salvation outside the Church, baptism of desire, etc.  We will call this person J.  J. had come to his new position after seeing arguments by another heretic.  The arguments which persuaded J. are false, utterly dishonest and wouldn’t persuade any careful thinking and honest person.  Nevertheless, we did an audio which refuted the heretic’s arguments.  Besides refuting his main points, in the refutation we pointed out that this individual thought that Martin Luther could have been sincere throughout his life, that he believes that souls can be saved in false religions, etc.  We also proved that he falsely accuses people of misquotes where none exist.  We gave an example from St. John Chrysostom to demonstrate the point. (Many other examples could be given.)  So J. began to listen to our refutation. 


But after beginning to listen, J. turned it off after about two minutes or so.  He didn’t get to any of the refutations.  He wrote to us and said that he or his wife (who were both salvation heretics) just couldn’t listen anymore.  They were apparently too frustrated or distressed by the words which were directed against people they admire.  What happened was the Devil intervened and didn’t allow them to hear the truth.  The Devil didn’t allow them to hear the outrageous falsehoods and dishonest arguments refuted; for that would have seriously punctured their “faith” in the apostates whose arguments they now accept.  The point is that some people are so of bad will, so devoid of grace, and so under the grip of the Devil, that they do not even have the grace to hear or look carefully at the true arguments.




Dear mhfm


All these news items are sickening.  Assisted suicide is becoming a reality. The "Vatican" silencing what they disapprove of.   Obama is going to allow all stem cell research. His stimulus bill was passed with all of the bills attached to it passing as well and not even given consideration.  He seems to be a man in a hurry to wreak havoc and destruction, much like Paul VI who immediately began to change everything once he falsely assumed the papacy. 


I remember the days when we used to remark that this was a free country where we could complain about our president as much as we liked.  We pitied the poor Russians who were murdered or imprisoned for the least little remark about their leaders and their children were taught in school to spy on them. 


Someone told me yesterday to not send them emails with anything derogatory about president O. He said a fellow employee was fired for receiving a derogatory email about the president.  This is a private company. 


Every day it gets worse. 





Dear Mhfm
Do you think that Bishop Fellay is a freemason.  The reason I ask this is because he is now bending over backwards to kiss the feet of the Jews.  He silenced his own Bishop for exposing a
LIE WHICH IS THE HOLOCAUST.  But yet everyday Jews mock Christ and nothing is said about it.


MHFM: No, we don’t think he is a Freemason.  He acts in the interests of the Devil and bows down to the world because of his bad will and heresy, but not because he is a conscious infiltrator. 





I just read the article on E-Exchanges about the "Clown Ministry's Stations of the Cross" and looked at their website. Can't they see how ridiculous they are making themselves (V2)look? It would be funny if it were not actually one of the saddest things I have ever seen. What is it going to be next - a McDonalds mass?

Whenever I think that they could not get any worse, it all just sinks even further...  

Jim, Ireland. 




Yes I agree with you.  I do realize that just because a person may be aware of certain secular deceptions (Holocaust, Federal Reserve, etc.) does not mean that they are true Catholics.  Bishop Williamson is an ideal example.  I certainly did not mean to imply that only traditional Catholics could know about these things.


However, it seems to me that for the most part, only people who have some sort of religious conviction, whether Catholics, heretics, or infidels, are inclined to believe or come to the knowledge that there is some kind of secular deception.  But in this country, the vast majority of people don't have any religious conviction.  Even though they may call themselves "Christian", they live their day to day lives concerned only with what will make them happy in this life.  That's why most people now are concerned about our economic issues and not morality issues.  They vote for a pro-abortion and pro-homosexual president because he promises to create more jobs.  His position on abortion and homosexuality doesn't seem to concern them.


On the other hand, people who have religious conviction, (traditional Catholics, conservative Protestants,although heretics) seek to please God first.  They seem to be aware that they are being deceived by the biased news media, and naturally will look for unbiased news sources, and thus learn what is really going on.




V-2 worship of man


You are right about "benedict-ratzinger" being an anti-pope.  I want to add one more thing.  I had a very busy day and did not have time to pray my daily Rosary until 930pm. EWTN shows the Rosary every night at that time.  I know what you have said about the mysteries of Light and Anti-Pope JP2.  I was dubious about them, but willing to listen to them.  I was following along until they got to the Transfiguration.  The sister with the good voice starts the mystery.  She was saying that with the Transfiguration, we were transferring to being Jesus.  THIS IS THE THING YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT WITH JP2 AND THE WORSHIP OF MAN.  I GOT SO UPSET, I TURNED THE TV OFF AND COMPLAINED TO MY WIFE.  I have learned my lesson and will not pray the Luminous Mysteries anymore.  However, as you suggested to me in the past, I will continue to pray the Rosary daily... I have rejected the "new mass".…




MHFM: We hope you also realize also that one must not pray the Rosary with the EWTN modernists, even if it’s via television.


No substance


To Whom It May Concern:


By chance or mistake I discovered your web site.  The visit got me very angry and upset because of your unwarranted vicious attacks.


I have never read such an assault on the papacy and the Vatican Council as vindictive and vicious as yours, coming from people, who claim to be the followers of the "traditional" Catholic Church.


It is not other Christians or other faiths who are the real "professed" enemies of Rome,but you, who claim to be the followers of the true church, and who, once, ate at the same table.  Shame on you! You are spewing hatred in every single line of your web page.


I am not a prophet, but this I can tell you.


The Papacy of Rome will continue for many years to come. You, instead, and your vitriolic hatred are destined to disappear from the face of the earth. Vox veritatis.


Mario Macaluso, Ph.D.


MHFM: You are another example of a heretical defender of the Vatican II sect who issues general complaints about our website and material but cannot identify anything specific which conflicts with Catholic teaching.  For if you attempted to do so, you would be easily refuted; and it would be demonstrated that you are not a Catholic. 


Your statement about Protestants, etc. not being enemies of the faith exudes your modernistic spirit of unbelief.  You obviously reject the Catholic dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  Since you do not accept it and other dogmas of the Church, you do not have the grace to see the truth of what we present about the Vatican II Counter Church.  Moreover, that’s why you are blind to our presentation of uncompromising Catholic teaching, and wrongly call it “vicious” and “hatred.” 


Why no approval?


Dear Brothers,


While reading your info on the falsehood of the apparitions of Medjugore and others, I am convinced that they are manifestations of the devil etc..  However,  it also prompted me to wonder this:  Why, if these false apparitions are manifestations of the devil used  to prop- up the false teachings of Vatican II and lead the faithful away from Christ and His Church, did the  Bishops not approve these false apparitions like Medjugoge and Bayside since that would serve to firmly deceive and ensconce souls in the lie and could ward off any threat of  losing important activity from tmembers such as weekly donations and of people criticizing the (c)hurch  for not acting decisively on the subject?  Or is the conspiracy not quite that mindful, in that the bishops are not controlling things that closely.  As long as the people are deceived then they don't need to make any formal judgement because the damage is  done, and that is most important ?   I am confused by the lack of action on this matter because it could go a long way in promoting the devils cause. 


Another mystery to me is the fact that despite all the falsehood and heresy in the Vatican II sect, people who are members still criticize it for generally not being liberal enough and not coming to terms with the times!  So then, this sect only made the necessary changes to corrupt and destroy the faith, but didn't go any further than that, because if they made too many really noticeable and radical changes, like ordaining women, allowing priests to marry, announcing from the pulpit the right to use birth-control etc. it might become too obvious to the people that they are involved in something diabolical? These anti-popes are careful not to be too obvious?  They are tyring to fake the preservation of the family and the priesthood?  They know as long as they destroy the Mass and Priesthood from the inside no other changes need to be made because souls shall be lost to Hell since those elements are the most crucial to a souls faith and survival?


Can you give me your logical conclusions?  I will be very grateful.


Thank you,



MHFM: Thanks for the question.  The fact that they did not approve many of these false apparitions works to deceive a “conservative” segment of the Vatican II Church which is wary of them.  It’s like one Vatican II “apologist” (who also claims to be a traditionalist) said to one of us in a conversation about the heresies of the Vatican II antipopes: “If what you are saying is true (about the Vatican II antipopes and the Great Apostasy), then I would think they wouldn’t stand firm on women priests, contraception, etc.” (He fell for it completely.  He was apparently oblivious to the fact that these antipopes accept contraception, women pastors, etc. when they endorse sects which accept them; and that, even if they stood firm on those issues, it matters not if they hold the Catholic faith to be meaningless.) 


Nevertheless, the Devil spins a complex web, with contradictions and inconsistencies contained within other lies.  That’s why one cannot analyze things primarily from the why.  People must start with the facts, and how they stack up with Catholic teaching.  Is this Catholic or not?  Is the apparition heretical or not?  The fact is that the apparitions contain wicked heresies which are opposed to Catholic faith, and therefore they are from the Devil. 


It’s also clear that many of the followers of these false apparitions have become more convinced of them because they did not receive approval from the bishop.  This is because many of them are false traditionalists who advocate some measure of independence from the corrupt local church, but overall fidelity to the false council and the Vatican II antipope.  Hence, they persuade themselves that it’s not receiving approval because the bishop is too liberal or just not “enlightened,” and that the antipope is not being told the truth or is “helplessly surrounded” by modernists.


We must also add that the general loss of the Mass and the priesthood are not the most crucial aspect of this deception.  It is the loss of faith Catholic first; and then, after that, the loss of the Mass and good priests.


Pius X on human respect


Pope St. Pius X, Iucanda Sane (#27), March 12, 1904: “Nay, he [Pope St. Gregory the Great] trembled at the very thought that barbarism and immorality might obtain a footing in the life of the clergy, and he was deeply moved and gave himself no peace whenever he learned of some infraction of the disciplinary laws of the Church, and immediately administered admonition and correction, threatening canonical penalties on transgressors, sometimes immediately applying these penalties himself, and again removing the unworthy from their offices without delay and without human respect.”




Dear Brothers,


With all this "holocaust" denial in the news lately, I think God is trying to send the world a message.  He wants people to wake up and smell the coffee and give some consideration about the "holocaust" story.  But no, almost the entire world is of bad will and won't even give it a second thought.  People just automatically presume to be true what the Jewish-controlled liberal and secular media reports on.  It's no wonder that traditional Catholics can grasp the truth on these matters, because since they are good-willed enough to discover the true Catholic religion, then God will reveal to them the truth about secular matters (such as the phony holocaust).




MHFM: Yes, if a person is in the dark spiritually, then generally he will not believe that he could be deceived on something that most of the world believes is a fact.  That’s why it sometimes happens that when one comes to the realization that there is a major deception on a secular issue (e.g., the Federal Reserve, the JFK assassination, etc.) it awakens that person to the real possibility that there is a much larger spiritual deception of which he is unaware – and that much of the world is being led down a false path.


That’s also why it is usually the case that defenders of the Vatican II Church – even among false traditionalists who like the Latin Mass – do not believe and will scoff at some of the main secular conspiracies.  They usually hold the same position on them that the liberal pagans do.  It’s not true in every case, but most of the time.


That being said, just because someone might be aware of what’s going on with secular deceptions does not mean that he’s a true Catholic or good overall.  Yes, that person will recognize how the Devil is working to deceive masses of humanity; but frequently he will become deceived himself on points of faith and fall into heresies.  There are countless examples of bad willed people who are up to speed on many of the conspiracies.  Moreover, many people are distracted from the Catholic faith and the Gospel by putting too much focus on these issues, which can require attention but must be kept in line with the priorities of a Catholic: the Gospel, integrity of the Catholic faith, the spiritual life, Catholic duties, etc.


Living Magisterium




SSPX' Superior General Fellay stated in a recent letter that "tradition has not been excommunicated." No, of course not, as, in my opinion, only traditionalists are and will continue to be, "excommunicated" by the Vatican. "Cardinal" Mahoney's actions are not surprising one bit. It seems that the only thing left for the Vatican to do is "bind" this type of mindset as part of a new set of "dogmas."


Which prompts me to ask you about the term "Living Magisterium." I came across this phrase the other day as I started a new book. This term was used by John Paul II in 1994.

Does this term mean anything to you?


I suspect that when the time comes (soon) when JPII and/or Paul VI are "canonized," a new era of "legal weight" and "dogmatic emphasis" will be given to their works/teachings in its entirety. It just seems to me that now with the worship of Obama taking place, worship of JPII and Paul VI cannot be far behind. It seems logical that the rift since Vatican II would be "sealed permanently," and a preternatural exhibition of power would be just the thing necessary to prime those who would be most susceptible, thus all but guaranteeing filial devotion and trust in the Vatican II hierarchy, regardless of any hideousness that spews forth from it's fount.     


I am not sure if I have ironed out the wrinkles in my idea, but I am hoping you can expound on it at some future time.







MHFM: Yes, the term “living Magisterium” is found in Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Satis Cognitum on the unity of the Church.  This encyclical, by the way, is a gold mine of quotes which condemn some of the main heresies of the Vatican II religion. 


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “… Christ instituted a living, authoritative and permanent Magisterium, which by His own power He strengthened, by the Spirit of truth He taught, and by miracles confirmed… If it could in any way be false, an evident contradiction follows; for then God Himself would be the author of error in man.”


The term simply means that the teaching authority which Christ gave to St. Peter continues to live on in the Church.  In fact, Leo XIII uses it immediately after quoting statements from the fathers about the Church’s ongoing authority in the post-apostolic age.  It has a meaning which is similar to Vatican I’s statement that Peter will have “perpetual successors in the primacy.”  In other words, the teaching authority which Christ instituted (the Magisterium) wasn’t intended solely for the apostolic age or solely for St. Peter, but for all ages down through history whenever there would be a true pope.  It lives on.


Pius XI contra lust


Pope Pius XI, Casti connubii (#97), Dec. 31, 1930: “Wherefore, since the chief obstacle to this study is the power of unbridled lust, which indeed is the most potent cause of sinning in matrimony, and since man cannot hold in check his passions, unless he first subject himself to God, this must be his primary endeavor, in accordance with the plan divinely ordained.”




Dear Brothers,


I am 58 years old and haven't attended Mass since the early 70's. I was an Altar boy when Vatican II came to be. At that time, I felt totally abandoned and lied to. As I grew older, I continued to attend Mass, more to please my Mother than to please God. Something just didn't seem right about the new Mass. The Latin Mass, to me, felt Sacred and the people would observe, but not directly participate in. Touching the Consecrated Host just seemed plain wrong. We were always taught that the Pope was infallible, if that is true; How could He say the Mass, and many other things, should change? If they were right before....why are they wrong now?  It just didn't make sense or feel right.


I was searching on something else when I came across your site. I am really interested in your work and the Traditional Mass. I had no idea that this was happening, and sincerely hope I can find a church in my area that follows the old Latin Mass.


Any help with this would be appreciated.


God Bless You,

Chris C.



MHFM: [We responded.]




MHFM: We are in Lent.  Those who have only been exposed to the Vatican II Church might be unfamiliar with the traditional Catholic laws on fasting and abstinence.  This is especially relevant now because every Monday-Saturday in Lent is a day of fast.  For exactly what that means, please consult our Calendar section:


Traditional Catholic Calendar and Fast Days




Dimond Brothers:

I just wanted to ask you: why do you not mention anything about abjuration to the people leaving the Novus Ordo false sect and re-entering the Church? Why don't you list abjuration in your "steps" to re-enter the Catholic Church? Or for anyone who was not a Catholic, for that matter.



MHFM: First of all, your claim is false.  In our steps to convert we have always had the Profession of Faith from the Council of Trent.  It is an abjuration, in case you didn’t know.  It is the one given by the Church.  That abjuration specifically condemns all heresies opposed to Catholic faith; but we also mention that, when making it, people should add a special repudiation of any sect to which they belonged. 


Moose, Elks


Dear Brothers,


I want to thank you for all the hard work you are doing to promote the true Catholic Church, and to show the evils of the Vatican II counter religion.  My question is this; I have been told that it is forbidden for a Catholic to become a member of the Elks, Moose, Eagles, etc. Lodges, or to join the Oddfellows, because they are all divisions of the Free Masons.  Is this correct?  I hope you can let me know as soon as possible.  Once again, thank you for helping to show everyone the truth.


Wayne C. Lang


MHFM: They are fraternal orders that are similar to Freemasonry.  No Catholic could join them, or any fraternal group which is not Catholic.


Came Across




Thank you for responding to my first order of 3 books so generously by sending 4 books and lots of dvds!  May God bless you!  It has been about 18 months since I first came across your site, and it has been a mighty struggle to accept what you teach as true, but through the grace of God and lots of prayer I can say now I am with you!  I kept praying for God to lead me to the truth, and He led me to your site and I thought, no this can't be right.  I was not a traditionalist and attended a NO parish where we were very involved.  Like I said it was a real struggle, but now I see clearly.  You teach logically where other traditionalists do not…


Bill from Michigan


Catholic Persecutions and the “Holocaust”


Subject: Catholic Persecutions and the Holocaust


Dear Brothers,


With all the news about Bishop Williamson and the holocaust not really being as many as the jews say, I was wondering about the persecutions of Catholics throughout the centuries.  On your video, you said that the streets were running with the blood of Catholics in the year 800 from their persecution by the Moslems and that 50,000 Catholics died in that incident alone.  How can we find out how many more True Catholics were martyrs for the faith, just because they were Catholic?  Like the English martyrs during that persecution.


This would be an excellent argument for the jews and the holocaust. And why doesn't Bishop Williamson state these facts about Catholic martyrs? (I have German neighbors who lived through the WW II in Germany in the 1940's Hitler's era, and even they said no way could there have been that many MILLIONS of jews that died) Thank you for all you do and God bless you



Kathryn Rubio



MHFM: Yes, one could simply point to the horrors of Communist Russia for a death-total which far exceeds even the most extreme version of the official “Holocaust” story.  Serious demographers count at least 15 million victims at the hands of Bolshevik Russia from the years 1929-1933 alone.  This occurred with Stalin’s policy of “dekulakization.”  That was followed by a deliberate genocidal grain famine in Ukraine, which murdered an estimated five million more.  And there was much more.  As quoted in our article below, here’s the type of thing that was happening to Catholics during the hegemony of Communist Russia:


Pope Pius XI, Letter to Cardinal Pompili, Feb. 2, 1930: “This past year during the Christmas holy days, not only were hundreds of churches [in Russia] closed, great numbers of icons burned, all workers and schoolchildren compelled to work and Sundays suppressed, but they even compelled factory workers, both men and women, to sign a declaration of formal apostasy and hatred against God, or else be deprived of their bread rationing cards, without which every inhabitant of this poor country is reduced to dying of hunger, misery and cold.  Among other things, in all the cities and in many villages… during the Christmas holy days last year: they witnessed a procession of tanks manned by numerous ruffians clad with sacred vestments, taking the cross in derision and spitting upon it while other armored cars transported huge Christmas trees, from which marionettes representing Catholic and Orthodox bishops were hung by the neck.  In the center of the city, other young hoodlums committed all sorts of sacrileges against the cross.”


In 1946 the Soviet authorities removed every Lithuanian bishop but one from his diocese… From 1946 to 1948, 357 priests – one-third of all the priests in Lithuania – were deported to labor camps in Russia and Siberia.  One of them, who had been sentenced to 25 years (which meant death, since virtually no one survived more than ten years in the camps) was offered his freedom, one of the largest churches in Vilinius, and 100,000 rubles if he would head a schismatic Lithuanian Catholic church.  He refused, and disappears.”  (Warren H. Carroll, The Rise and Fall of the Communist Revolution, pp. 364-365)


But these deaths of non-Jews don’t really matter to the world because the Jews are treated as the super-race.  You can read a lot more about this in this article we have:


The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia

and the Impostor Sr. Lucy


“Is it necessary to enumerate these nations, which perhaps Our Lady of Fatima designated, announcing that ‘various nations will be annihilated’?  Torn from their age-old traditions, and from their Church, their society destroyed by the great Bolshevik machine, in effect, these countries are no longer themselves… There is Albania, where the persecution against the Church began in 1945.  There is Hungary, with its 7 million Catholics out of 10 million inhabitants, where the apostolic nuncio was expelled in April, 1945… There is Poland (22 million Catholics), where in September, 1945, the government decided to break the concordat.  There is Czechoslovakia, where out of 12 million inhabitants, almost nine million were Catholics.  There is Orthodox Romania with its valiant minority of 3 million Eastern Rite faithful, where the government awaits the favorable hour to perform the same forced integration to the schismatic Church as in Ukraine.  There is Bulgaria, where the Church numbers only 57,000.  There is Tito’s Yugoslavia… where a bloody persecution began in June – July, 1945.” (citation in article)


Benedict XVI Devil Sign


Subject: B16 flashing double el diablo


Dear Brothers,


Have you seen this photo yet? It is quite startling, though not surprising.

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Benedict_XVI_Pictures_Miscellany\ratzinger_devil_sign.jpg

Fresh Air


I have read your website, watched your videos and agree with what you have stated… Your website has been a breath of fresh air, as I had concluded that all the whole church had decided to hold hands into hell together…


Christian Paige


“Off base”


Subject: yu [sic] are so off bace [sic] and damning yourselves


I thought that I hat found my home, but after one glance at this site I now know that you are just as much heretics as the false pope himself! how dare you speak against the one of the greatest images of Christ to ever walk this earth, Pope John Paul II was the greatest pope that has ever been! he was the 111 pope and even by saintly prophesy was to be the greatest. You are all on the right path but in the wrong direction, you are protestants in true form! it is not our place to break from the church even if it has strayed in it's politics and is helping the Antichrist, you must still go to mass, and participate in the sacraments. we must be obedient to the lords church, it is only his place to judge and if we were led astray by the "priests" that he has ordained then we will be pardoned for ignorance, and rewarded for our obedience. you are right in saying that there is no salvation out side the catholic church so why are you outside of it, you have become drunk with power and the true deceivers!




MHFM: Let’s get this straight.  You call him a false pope, and then you say that John Paul II was the greatest ever.  You criticize Protestants, but defend the man who said that Protestants are saved, part of the Church, and don’t need to believe in Catholicism.  You say one must stay with the “Church,” even if it has strayed.  That’s impossible.  The Church is the pillar and foundation of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15); it cannot stray.  You belong to the Counter Church of Vatican II, which is not the Catholic Church.  Heretics lose all membership and authority in the Catholic Church automatically.  The material proves that to anyone of good will.  Begin to learn Catholic teaching.


Read the material and wake up.


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope and loses the papal office automatically [PDF file]


Antipopes Benedict XVI, John Paul II, etc.



No response


Subject: Good job


I brought up/ emailed that news article to people that I debate with that you posted today on whats been going on at "Catholic" Universities and none of them could come up with a response when I asked them why B16 & JP2 never say or did anything about this stuff, along with excommunicating anyone...  They can’t say anything because there is simply nothing to say...




MHFM: That’s right…






My name is Lauren I'm 25 and have been reading your website quite a bit. I really respect many of the things that you have said. I was raised without any type of faith "well my parents are both unitarians" but they are also atheists. I have always been attracted to the catholic church but lost a lot of respect for them because i didn't understand how they could change so radically from what they were for almost 2 thousand years it seemed like they were just placating people who wanted an easier religion. I had no idea that people still celebrated the traditional latin mass. Well in my attempt to make this short. I met a friend at work who was a traditional roman catholic and told me about it. I have been reading about different saints and your website and i bought a rosary and am learning how to pray it. My friend has been sick lately so I was just wondering if you knew of a church in the nky and cincinnati oh area that was a traditional roman catholic church so that i could learn more and begin the process of converting. I know it's a long process and I've never really been baptised so I feel that it is important that I get in contact with them soon.


Thank you so much for your time in reading this and God bless you and all that you do.




MHFM: It's great and encouraging to hear about your interest, Lauren.  We have a file (below) which explains the steps to convert.  It actually doesn't have to be that long of a process.  You should obtain the Catechism from our online store.  It explains the basics.  The first step is to read it and be clear on the meanings of the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Papacy, the sacraments, etc., in addition to the issues relating to the traditional Catholic faith.  This second file (also below) explains many key principles in that regard.  The third file is the profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which you should become familiar with.  After you are clear and convinced on everything, we can help you with where to receive baptism and the other sacraments.


Again, it's great to hear about your interest and we pray that your conversion comes smoothly.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts


The Glossary of Terms and Principles [PDF]


The Council of Trent’s Profession of Faith for Converts


If you continue to pray the Rosary, you will certainly get the powerful graces to continue in your process of conversion.  We recommend everyone to eventually work up to praying all 15 decades of the Rosary each day, if possible.  An easier way to get that accomplished is one set of mysteries three different times in the day.


Vatican II “bound”




In listening to your radio program of 22 August, 2006, you make comments about how the independent groups (such as the SSPX) boldly proclaim that the teachings of the Second Vatican Council are 'not binding' on Catholics for salvation. If this proclamation were true, then why is it that now, since the 'excommunications' of the four Bishops have been 'lifted', these very same Bishops must accept the apostasy and heresies of Vatican II to even be considered in 'Communion' with the 'Church' (though obviously the Counter-Church)? One cannot be saved and yet not be in Communion with the (true) Catholic Church. Doesn't this prove that the Vatican II sect does demand adherence to the Vatican II teachings for salvation?!




Kit White


MHFM: The answer to your question is yes, absolutely they demand adherence to Vatican II.  In addition to the solemn language with which Paul VI closed Vatican II and every one of its 16 documents, we have emphasized the fact that the Vatican II antipopes have repeatedly stated that Vatican II is binding.  They have stated this in their ordinary capacity over and over again, in many different ways. 


The latest public statements about the Society of St. Pius X and Vatican II are just the latest cases in point.  Moreover, there is not one bishop with ordinary jurisdiction in the Vatican II sect who would say that a Catholic can reject Vatican II.  That being the case, even if one were to ignore for a moment the proof that Paul VI solemnly bound his sect to Vatican II (as was covered in this article), Vatican II is clearly proven to be the official and binding teaching of the New Church’s “Ordinary and Universal Magisterium.”  Therefore, if you accept the Vatican II “popes,” you must accept their (heretical) council and its (heretical) teachings.


It is thus true to say that it is absurd and ridiculous for any traditionalist to continue to assert that the Vatican II antipopes are true popes, but that one is free to reject the teachings of Vatican II.  It is to mock God, the Church and the Magisterium.


New DVDs


Recently Bro. Michael did a major revision to 12 of our DVDs.  11 of these are now on sale at our online store.  New pictures, titles and a classical music soundtrack have been added which dramatically improve these versions of the DVDs.


Online Store - DVDs




I just received a bulletin from the St. Benedict Center, rejoicing in the lifting of the excommunications of the four bishops consecrated by Apb. Lefebvre…  Now the Feeneyites do not believe in the heresies of baptism of blood and desire and salvation outside of the church, but those four bishops believe in and teach these heresies that the Feeneyites reject.  Both St. Benedict Center and the SSPX honor the popes who believe in these heresies and who promote the New Mass and numerous other heresies of Vatican II.


All three, however, consider themselves and each other Catholic, and all apparently in line for salvation.  Why not? If you are saved outside the church, you can also be saved inside the church, even if you disagree.   All three:  St. Benedict Center, SSPX and Vatican II non-traditional Catholics support but often criticize each other. 


All three of these variations of Catholics agree that anyone who rejects this apparent disunity and its accompanying heresies in favor of true traditional Catholicism, as taught by Catholic popes for 2,000 years, is a heretic and a schismatic. Proof of these accusations is unavailable except for weak statements that are easily refuted.  This goes beyond stupid.




MHFM: Yes, the St. Benedict Center is heretical.  They are supporters of Vatican II and the Novus Ordo.  It should also be pointed that the SBC DOES NOT believe that Outside the Church There is No Salvation is a dogma which Catholics must hold.  They claim to believe it, yes; they claim to believe that it’s a dogma, yes.  However, they do not in reality.  This is proven by the fact that they regard as Catholics people who believe in salvation outside the Church.  For instance, they know very well that Benedict XVI and the Novus Ordo bishops believe in salvation outside the Church; yet they obstinately regard those people as Catholics.  That proves that they do not believe that Outside the Church There is No Salvation is a dogma which binds under pain of losing membership in the Church.  They hold that it’s just a nice opinion. 


So we tell anyone who thinks like they do: Don’t kid yourself.  You do not believe that Outside the Church There is No Salvation is a dogma.  At best, you hold that it’s a nice opinion which one can reject without consequence. 


Williamson, blindness


I'm not sure I understand your prescription for what Williamson should have done.  First, the remarks (at least those for which he is currently under assault) were not made in Germany, but I believe in Sweden.  Perhaps he failed to understand just how vicious these people are, and it was naive of him not to realize this given his otherwise high level of sophistication.  It is not unprecedented that Germany or France would pursue someone for statements made outside of their jurisdictions.   Historian David Irving was found guilty in abstentia by a French court and fined for statements he made I think in Australia (but to a French newspaper).  Ironically Williamson is reported to be staying with Irving in London, having been exciled from Argentina and maybe on the verge of being kicked out of the SSPX.


I thought perhaps God had allowed these troubles to befall him as sort of a final wake-up call.  And I was hoping he would answer it.  I think the correct thing to do is to stand firm and go to jail if necassary.  Let the SSPX expell him.  If that were to happen perhaps many of the SSPX priests and faithful would finally understand the phoney nature of the SSPX hierarchy and follow him out.  


But what would have been the point of his silence or his shrewdness?  No one would have learned anything from that, and one of the last organizations capable of preserving the VALID Catholic Apostolic priesthood would be absorbed into and compleltely obliterated by the New Church.   I still hope he yet stiffens up. 


William T. Mulligan, Jr.


MHFM: No, the remarks were made in Germany, not Sweden.  It was to a Swedish television station.  Moreover, it wasn’t so much his failure to understand how vicious they are, but his general spiritual blindness about the significance of his actions.  In our opinion, he figured (in his pride): “I’m important; I’m a bishop.  I’ll be fine.”  It’s the same kind of blindness which renders him unable to see his sin in not denouncing John Paul II and Benedict XVI as non-Catholic heretics.  People figure (in their pride): “I don’t need to denounce them as heretics; I’ll be fine if I just criticize their actions.”  People think that nothing will happen to them; they think they are above the law, including God’s law.  They think (in their pride) that they won’t be held accountable.  How wrong they are…


It’s the same kind of blindness that afflicts countless traditionalists.  They think they can compromise; they think that they can withhold Catholic truth because there is safety in numbers; they think they can fail to denounce people lest they appear “radical”; they think that they can ignore the utterances of heresy by their “friends.”  Only when they die will their blindness be removed and they will see things as they are.  Only then will they see how evil they were in failing to do what they knew was right. 


The same thing could be said of Catholics who know the truth, and are content with the fact that they know the truth, but don’t do what they easily could to help others get the truth.  They think they will be fine because they know the truth, but they will be held accountable for not doing what they easily could have done to enable others to get the truth.  (As an example, there are many who see the truth of what we are doing and how people are converting.  They could help our apostolate so that other souls could be helped, but they don’t; and many souls who could have been reached will not be, because they were selfish and just content with the fact they have the truth.  They will have to answer for that as well.  We are speaking here of people who are not in debt and have extra means; and we are obviously not speaking about the people who have the missionary spirit and try to help in their own way.)


So we believe that Williamson’s imprudence was simply a small example of his spiritual blindness in regard to the significance of his actions, and the consequences which flow from them.  He could have said the same thing in a free country.  We of course agree that he should not back down one bit.  The point is that he could have said the same thing without facing prosecution. 


God certainly can work good out of a multitude of situations.  He is working with this event to expose the outrage of the “Holocaust” dogma.  He is pulling the mask off the reality of Jewish power, to which so many are blind.  He is using it to completely expose and disgrace the Vatican II sect and Benedict XVI and their abominable hypocrisy – as well as that of everyone who defends them.  Additionally, it works as a grace for Williamson, so that he can see that Benedict XVI is nothing more than a sick joke.  It shows him that the SSPX is heretical and evil and that it serves the world.  It shows him that the leaders of the SSPX are not his true friends. 




Subject: Religious Articles


Brothers:  I want to thank you for the good work that you have been doing on the website.  You and another website have steered my soul back toward salvation.  Your simple advice to pray the Rosary has set me the right way…


Jack Donlan




Dear Brother Michael Dimond, O.S.B.,


          I was always curious about UFO’s and the strange obsession that people have with them.  It seems one can watch a television program about them almost every night.  After reading your book, UFOs: Demonic Activity & Elaborate Hoaxes Meant to Deceive Mankind, I was very shocked to learn that it is more probable that there are evil forces at work.  I think it was amazing how you point out many scientific explanations to debunk them as aliens from outer space.


          While reading the book, I was forced to ask myself the motive behind aliens allegedly abducting humans, as so many have claimed. They are always described as ugly, scary creatures, who harm us and teach things contrary to what I believe.  Your theories seem to answer this question for me.  Now, I honestly believe they are demonic creatures that want to learn about how our human bodies work, by doing harmful things to them and to try to even steal our souls.   It seems to make more sense.


          I was shocked at the scientific facts that you provided that clearly discredit alien forms of life.  After thinking about what you wrote, it is extremely unlikely for aliens to travel from all over the universe just to visit Earth.  On page 8, you stated, “Traveling at the speed of light, an impact with even one of these tiny dust particles would destroy a space ship. At one tenth the speed of light, the impact would equal to an explosion of almost ten tons of TNT.”  All I can say is, “Wow! I never thought about that!”


          I also liked what you wrote about the concept of the speed of light. It’s mind boggling that, “If aliens came from another galaxy, they would have to travel from a galaxy at least two million light years away. Even if they traveled at the speed of light, it would take them two million years to get to Earth.” It just doesn’t add up.


          It makes perfect sense that these demons would want us to stop believing in God and not to worry about sin, as many of their victims claim they have told them. It makes perfect sense that they would say we all go to Heaven and that there is no such thing as Hell. They even go so far as to say we can all become mini-gods..  It’s a shame that all those victims had to go through that torment. It’s also a shame that so many people are fooled. I no longer include myself with that crowd. 








MHFM: In the next few days we hope to post a sample section (or possibly multiple sample sections) of an important upcoming book we’ve been working on. 


While we have obviously continued to update our website regularly, this book-project has caused us to put off a number of things we would like to post on important and controversial issues in “traditionalism.”  As an example, one of us just read a book on salvation which is circulated in “traditionalist” circles.  This book has to be the most heretical book on salvation we’ve ever seen in terms of one that purports to deliver the “pre-Vatican II” teaching on the salvation dogma.  The denials of dogma contained therein are stunning, but this book is sold and distributed by supposed traditionalists and sedevacantists.  It was also published with approval before Vatican II.  We hope to post an audio about this once time permits.


There is also a talk we plan to do on another controversial issue.  This will dispel many misconceptions people have on this particular topic.  There are also heretics, of every traditionalist persuasion, who attack us from every side with calumnies, false arguments, ridiculous bad will, etc.  Suffice it to say, our material refutes these people and we have dealt in detail with many of them.  It’s simply not possible to scuffle with every heretic in the world and get things accomplished.  But once this project is completed, we hope to delve into refuting in detail some more of these individuals.


Wiccan, demons



My name is Amy and first of all i would just like to say i really appreciate everything you all do! The videos and books are really useful!!

Here's my problem… my friend just told me she was wiccan.  After she told me that it really freaked me out because before i left my home i was having my doors open and close on their own, and my aunt had heard noises coming from my hallway such as hard banging noises and sounds of huge items being thrown around...she woke up to those noises in my home at 4:30 in the morning, and when my grandmother and mother came down to get me we had an exorcism prayer and holy water and blessed the house and everything stopped.  Right now, she is staying at my house until i get home because our husbands are in the military and in Iraq right now.  She told me that my doors are slamming open and shut again, i believe it's doing that again because she brought demons into my home.  I am supposed to be going back home this friday the 27th of February.  I'm nervous about having this in my home again because i don't want to try and do that exorcism again with her in my home (especially because she is a wiccan). I would just like to know what you think the best advice would be for me to do to fix this situation.  I had no idea she was a wiccan until she told me today... I'm really nervous about this and i would like some more advice i don't want to cause harm to anyone especially if she's brought demons into my home.

Thank you very much,



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  She brought evil into your home.  You obviously should not have her stay at your place.  You need to try to convert to the Catholic faith; you need to tell her to break from her wickedness.  But obviously you cannot have her at your place.  You need to pray the Rosary every day in the home.  Say the exorcism prayer and use the holy water.


We must also say that people should be aware of what their friends believe, unless their friends deceive them.  As a Catholic, one has an obligation to attempt to convert friends and family members.  Thus, if one is completely unaware of what his or her friend believes, then that person is not evangelizing the way he or she must evangelize. 




Dear Brothers Michael and Peter Dimond,


My 8th grade son, Mark chose to read your book for his latest Language Arts assignment. Upon completion of reading a book, the students were told to write a letter to the author. Please find attached his letter.


This book has had a profound effect on both my teenage sons, Ryan and Mark. I originally bought this book a few weeks ago as a birthday present for Ryan, who just turned 17 years old. According to them, it most certainly sheds a lot of light on the alien hoax. They are convinced, even more so, with all the scientific facts that you provided and the motive behind demons wanting to lure poor souls away from God. 


Thank you for your research and hard work to expose the 'father of all lies.' My sons witness against heresies whenever they can as faithful Catholics. I will advise you of the outcome of this assignment! He will be providing a copy to his teacher tomorrow. Please pray for him.


Your sister in Christ,



New Heresies from Benedict XVI


MHFM: We’ve updated our: Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file.

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Benedict_XVI_Pictures_Miscellany\shoah2.jpg

John Paul I


Greetings Brothers,


Is it your contention that JP1 was murdered by the illuminati/freemasons? There's been debate that he was indeed murdered and the fact that he only reigned for 33 days, with 33 having masonic significance. If he was murdered by the masons, it makes me wonder why since he was a manifest heretic.




MHFM: Yes, that is our opinion.  He was murdered because he wanted to remove people (cardinals, priests, etc.) who were involved with the Vatican bank, not because he was a good man or a real Catholic.






Note also about Lourdes, that Our Lady appeared in 1858, 100 years before the first antipope of the apostasy.  She confirmed what would be denied, which is that she is the only Immaculate Conception (no Baptism of desire or blood or salvation outside of the church) and that her Rosary is 15 decades, not 20, scriptural meditations on the life of Christ: his birth, death and resurrection.






Dear MHFM,


 I was telling people about the 9/11 conspiracy about how bombs made it collapse and they asked why and I didnt have an answer so I was wondering if you could elaborate to me about why bombs inside the towers is significant…??






MHFM: The videos in the watch our videos page answer that question.  You should watch them.  In short, the buildings were clearly demolished by explosives in a controlled demolition.  That means that explosives were surreptitiously planted in the buildings many days before 9/11, for it takes days (if not weeks) to prepare a building for a controlled demolition.  No Middle Eastern “Terrorists” would have the access to the World Trade Center which would enable them to secretly prepare the buildings with explosives weeks before 9/11. 


We understand that it is shocking information to many people, but the evidence is simply undeniable. 


Ambiguity and Heresy


MHFM: In the past we’ve pointed out how it’s a characteristic of heretics to use ambiguity.  In one place they will contradict heresies which they have taught in other places.  That’s why Pope Pius VI teaches that people are to be held to their heretical statements, regardless of any ambiguity or other contradictory statements they make; for these merely serve to cloak their heresies and deceive readers. 


Another example of ambiguity in heresy is found in the writing of Antoine Arnauld.  Arnauld was extremely influential in the 17th century rise of Jansenism.  Jansenism was a set of heretical ideas – combining elements of extreme rigorism and Protestantism – which were condemned by the Church.  In examining his teachings, Denis Petau noticed these contradictions:


“Petau, on the other hand, did not long keep him waiting for an answer.  When faced with certain statements Arnauld had referred to others in which he had asserted the contrary and in the new book he presented the contested new point in a milder form.  Thereupon Petau added to the third edition of his first book an appendix in which he gave a complete list of the contradictory statements to be found in various parts of Arnauld’s work.” (Dr. Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 29, p. 143.)


This is extremely relevant in our day.  Benedict XVI, for example, frequently teaches that heretical and schismatic sects are true and that they are part of the Church.  But occasionally the Vatican II sect might issue a statement (in order to deceive “conservatives”) that the fullness of truth only resides completely in the Catholic Church, or something like that.  That statement is meaningless because it’s contradicted countless times by Benedict XVI and his Vatican II sect.  Nevertheless, it deceives people of bad will.  So, an assertion of truth in one place doesn’t justify the assertion of heresy in another place or in other places.


In the same way, many traditionalists will assert that they don’t believe non-Catholics can be saved.  When questioned further, however, the truth comes out; and they admit that they do.  So, the fact that they claim to believe in Outside the Church There is No Salvation doesn’t change the reality that, in other places, they deny the dogma.  Similarly, there are individuals who claim to reject the heresy that Jews, Muslims, etc. who reject Christ can be saved.  They might even denounce that heresy on occasion.  The fact of the matter, however, is that they accept that heresy because, at other times, they acknowledge as Catholics people who hold to it.  


Beware of Headlines


MHFM: Beware of headlines, especially with regard to Benedict XVI.  The headlines will often portray his words as much stronger and more conservative than they actually are.  The recent headlines about his meeting with pro-abortion and pro-contraception Nancy Pelosi are a case in point.  Look at this headline:


Pope to Pelosi: Catholics can't back abortion


But did he actually say that?  No.  If you read the article, it points out that Benedict XVI "… took the opportunity to speak of the requirements of the natural and moral law and the Church's consistent teaching on the dignity of human life from conception to natural death ..." a Vatican statement said.  So he didn’t even mention the word “abortion.”  He simply made a bland statement, to appease false conservatives, about the importance of life from conception to death.  That’s very different from telling someone point blank: you cannot support abortion. 


Moreover, even if he had told her: “you cannot support abortion,” that wouldn’t disprove that he’s a monstrous heretic on the abortion issue.  For he has not excommunicated her or even barred her from Novus Ordo “Communion.”  It’s interesting to consider how the false conservatives will do anything to attempt to make Benedict XVI look like a Catholic.


Lourdes and Rosary




I have been searching for more information about what Bernadette saw during the last 15 apparitions.  It seems our Blessed Mother re-enacted or illustrated all 15 of the mysteries for Bernadette, which partially explains why Bernadette often stared so intently without moving for long periods.  Bernadette was watching our Blessed Mother closely. Imagine what Bernadette was shown during the Sorrowful Mysteries (!).


Thus for the Visitation, the BVM left her spot in the grotto and was gone for a few minutes, causing Bernadette to get on her feet and search frantically for her, finally Bernadette started to cry, believing Our Lady had left without saying goodbye.  But then the BVM reappeared in a different spot, illustrating her trip on foot to St. Elizabeth.


This aspect of the last 15 apparitions containing the Rosary Mysteries is omitted in books and I have not been able to find a recounting of this aspect of Lourdes.  There may be accounts in French, but I do not know of them.  Certainly, the French pray the Rosary at Lourdes every night.  Perhaps the knowledge of witnessing the mysteries illustrated by Our Lady explains why Bernadette was so hard on herself for "receiving so many graces and not doing enough with the graces bestowed" [paraphrasing]. 


It seems Lourdes apparitions were quite complex because God, through our Blessed Mother, was trying accomplish a great many things.  There were three secrets given to Bernadette which she never revealed, no doubt because she was instructed not to!…


Finally, Bernadette suffered physically throughout her life but especially during her later years, and suffered a very hard death.  It is something to consider that Bernadette had to undergo a great deal of physical pain in order to be purified enough to go to Heaven!  She was a virgin, celibate and chaste, and *still* she had to suffer physically to be ready enter heaven.  Much like the deaths of Jacinta and Francisco Marto (we don't know about Lucy as her death has been hidden).  A great deal to ponder there.  Does the Novus Ordo ever warn the world about this?  Nah. 


Many thanks for your site,




The interesting 14th apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes


[This was an E-Exchange from some time back.  We thought it was worth posting again.  It’s always good to reconsider aspects of the special messages from Heaven.]


MHFM: In 1858, the Mother of God appeared 18 times to St. Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France.  The miraculous spring which resulted from those apparitions is famous all over the world.  On the day when St. Bernadette expected to receive the 14th visit from Our Lady, a crowd of thousands had gathered to watch as Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette.  The crowd of thousands couldn’t see Our Lady, but they had gathered because they had sensed the reality of the supernatural at past apparitions; and they had witnessed the miraculous appearance of the spring at Lourdes after the 9th apparition.


On this particular morning, however, Our Lady didn’t appear to St. Bernadette.  Bernadette was disappointed, but later in the day she felt impelled to travel back to the grotto where Our Lady usually appeared to her.  Bernadette was only accompanied by a few people when she went back to the grotto (unlike in the morning), and she saw Our Lady again.  Later on Bernadette explained to her cousin Jeanne-Marie why Our Lady didn’t appear to her in the morning.  Jeanne-Marie relates their conversation:


Jeanne-Marie: “‘I have heard that you did not see the Lady this morning.  It’s possible that you will not see her tomorrow either.’  She answered me:  ‘But I did see her during the day.’  I asked her: ‘Why did you not see her this morning?’  She replied that the Lady had told her: ‘You did not see me this morning because there were some people there who wished to see what you look like in my presence, and they are unworthy of it: they spent the night at the grotto and they dishonored it.’” (Abbe Francois Trochu, St. Bernadette Soubirous, Tan Books, pp. 134-135)




Dear Brothers,


I would like to obtain some of your material such as the kit on What happened to the Catholic Church, for myself and also to distribute some among Catholics in Portugal… I am very happy and grateful to have discovered your site which I find very genuine and find nothing contrary to the spirit of truth dwelling in me.  Please continue, never giving up the awakening of souls because there are many baptized souls out there hungry and crying out for the Truth.


 May God Bless you,

 Maria Fernanda da Silva                




Ave Maria 


Brother,… what about this again?.




"Moreover, WHAT the Chief of pastors and the Great Pastor of sheep, the Lord Jesus, established IN the blessed Apostle Peter for the perpetual salvation and perennial good of the Church, this by the same Author MUST ENDURE ALWAYS in the Church which was founded upon a rock and WILL ENDURE FIRM UNTIL THE END OF THE AGES.” (Denz. 1824)


I want really to know about this.

Thank you very much




MHFM: That’s covered in the response to Objection 6 in this file: Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file].





according to your webpage: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/Great_Western_Schism.html  you mentioned Boniface IX (1389-1404) as an antipope, but according to your pdf file 4_Antipopes.pdf there are no mention of these 4 popes (see below) in the avignon line from your great_western site.: 


Urban VI (1378-1389)

Boniface IX (1389-1404)

Innocent VII (1404-1406)

Gregory XII (1406-1415)


Can you please clarify this if Boniface IX was an antipope or not?



MHFM: Boniface IV was a true pope, not an antipope.  The article to which you are referring was moved here to this PDF file:


The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy - Massive confusion, multiple antipopes, antipopes in Rome, an antipope recognized by all the cardinals; The Great Western Schism proves that a line of antipopes at the heart of the post-Vatican II crisis is absolutely possible-


The url which you referenced was the previous version of the article, in which the table was temporarily displaced just a bit one time it was uploaded.  By the way, this article on the Great Western Schism is quite important in understanding how this Vatican II crisis is perfectly compatible with Catholic teaching and the precedents of Church history.  This article is located in our main section dealing with “Antipopes Benedict XVI, JP II, etc.”




It appears that Orthodox Judaism believes in the Messiah being a real person, whereas Reformed Judaism, which sprang up during the age of Enlightenment, decided to change the idea of the Messiah into the Jews themselves.


I suspect that history gets both versions of their false Messiah - one in the form of Communism and one in the more "orthodox" version of Anti-Christ. One is ending (but not without a final intense last stand), and the other will begin too soon enough.


Quoting from the early 20th century Catholic writer William Thomas Walsh referring to the idea in Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler's work 'Jewish Theology' that "the true Messias is the Jewish people".


More quotes within Kohler's 'Jewish Theology', as he promotes REFORMED Judiasm (emphasis mine):


From page 25 (online book), "Reform Judaism...took the election of Israel rather than the Messiah AS THEIR CARDINAL DOCTRINE."


From page 389, "The leaders of Reform Judaism in the middle of the nineteenth century...transferred the title of Messiah to the Jewish nation."


Somewhere I have read that their ultimate goal is to place non-Jewish heathen under Jewish law. Perhaps you have some sources for this?


As Ted Pike exposed in 'The Jewish Encyclopedia', Jewish law would allow for Jews to have sex, as they pleased, with non-Jewish women and children. As if it is not bad enough already, it appears their aims are even worse. This could help explain why the Novus Ordo apostates have pedophelia and worshipping the victims of the "holocaust" as their distinctive marks.  




Subject: What?


I just located your website. I graduated from a Protestant Seminary and after studying the Church Fathers I converted to the Roman Catholic Faith. Do you mean to say that those that are not of your order are phoney Roman Catholics. I love the Roman Catholic Church…


I'll have you to know that even though I was once a Protestant I love the Roman Catholic Church and have a strong devotion to Our Lady. I don't understand how you could say I am not a true Roman Catholic when I love the Roman Catholic Faith so much.


Dr. Ronald C. Spencer


MHFM: We mean that those who do not accept all Catholic teachings – but instead adhere to the new Vatican II religion – are phony Catholics.  A person’s love for the Catholic faith is determined by what that person believes.  It is determined by whether that person accepts dogmas such as Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  This dogma has been defined by many popes from the Chair of Peter, but it is denied by almost all who claim to be Catholic today.


Those who deny it are not real Catholics, no matter how often or vigorously they claim to be.  So, whether one has the Catholic faith is determined by whether that person believes and adheres to the dogmas without compromise.  That necessarily entails rejecting heretics who contradict teachings of the Church.  In other words, one must reject those who go along with the manifestly heretical teachings of Vatican II.


As you see more of our website, it should become clear to you, if you are willing to accept the full Catholic faith, that the Vatican II religion is not Catholic.  You should see that one cannot adhere to the Catholic faith without completely rejecting the Vatican II Church.  We think you would benefit from this program:


The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II Audio Program, Part 1, Part 2 [2 hrs. each part]


Consecration Article


Dear Brothers Dimond

Some time ago I read Bro. Peter's article on the Consecration of Russia.  However I never made up my mind on it.  But after I took another few reads I now know that Bro. Peter is correct.  I would like to thank Bro. Peter for that article.

Our Lady of La Salette, Sept. 19, 1846: “Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Anti-Christ… the Church will be in eclipse.”

This and the PROPHECY OF ST. NILUS have already come true.  It's clear we are in the last days just look at what they teach in the Novus Ordo "Catholic" schools all my years in those schools and I was never told in school what a Mortal Sin is. The disgusting Sex education, this is not just another crisis this is the Great Apostasy near the end of the world without a doubt…






Dear Brothers (Bro. Michael Dimond),


Thank you very much for the light you cast about very important and high matters.  Please follow in your task…


Sincerely yours,


Alejandro Bayer (Colombian)


Anne Frank


Dear MHFM,

the latest holohoax that you expose (the ''rosenblat love story'') is just a piece in a long line of frauds of the Holohoax industry considering the fact that the well-known diary of Anne Frank (which is now a part of the ''Holocaust canon'') is also a proven fake (at least parts of it). Of course, saying that publicly is considered today a ''heresy'' and can get one in prison but when they need to discredit a genuine relic like for instance the Shroud of Turin, you have all the ''scientists'' going out of their way to prove and claim that it is a medieval forgery. What utter hypocrisy, it is sickening.

A ''holocaust'' denier from Croatia


SSPX, heresies


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for the latest abominable heresies of Benedict XVI. He really is a schizomatic!  I wonder if the 'changes' to the SSPX 'communion' with the Vatican II apostates will create a split within the SSPX?!...


God Bless,


Kit White




Rev. Father Of The Most Holy Family Monastery!!


First, let me congratulate you on the God sent web site on the vatican II “con job” which has been running now for forty years.  Your web site and another article that I read have saved my precious soul from perdition. (I hope!!! ) I, as a loyal Roman Catholic, took the bait, hook line and sinker!!!  For forty years I attended, what I thought was a valid, Roman Catholic Mass.  Little did I know what I had gotten myself into!!!!  After doing some research, provided by your web site, I found… pre-l968 Catholicism.


…God Bless you Father and all of the wonderful work that you are doing!!!


Mr. Michael Mello




Can you tell me where in Indiana there are legitimate Catholic Church congregations with valid orders?


Your website is fascinating!



Chris Wynn


MHFM: [We responded.]


Another mind-boggler


Subject: Another mind-boggler


I know these guys (VII establishment) are wicked, but this story is incredible.  When you think they can't get any worse, they do.  This Austrian priest's elevation is criticized by the Austrian Bishops,  and then he resigns under pressure, because he was glad the Katrina destroyed brothels and abortion clinics.  And what Catholic wouldn't be??  Can't the Novus Ordites paint by the numbers?  It’s funny and infuriating at the same time.




William T. Mulligan


MHFM: That is interesting.  Without considering their complete apostasy on the issues of faith, this demonstrates that they cannot even say a few things in the moral arena which offend people, without making themselves total outcasts among their apostate “hierarchy.”




I have a Protestant friend that has moved away from his Protestant positions over the years but is now seriously thinking of joining the Russian Orthodox.  Do you have any articles that I can use to refute their positions?




MHFM: In this section of the “Refuting Protestantism” portion of our website, Biblical and early Church evidence for the Papacy [link to section], there are numerous audios.  The audios which follow the first one get into detail on the evidence that the early Church recognized the primacy of the Bishop of Rome.  They cover the issues which are pertinent to Eastern “Orthodoxy,” their objections, questions, etc.  The first audio in that section is the main one about the biblical evidence for the Papacy. 


Death video


Dear Brothers of Most Holy Family Monastery,

THANK-YOU! After just coming across your website on the internet I just wanted to send you a quick note to say that I just finished watching one of your mini-movies that you very generously have available right on your website for people/newcomers to look at, 'Death and Hell,' and i cant Thank You enough for the amazing effect you must be producing in hundreds and thousands of Souls, just like mine, by dedicating your lives to reaching out to others in this way, and it must produce indescribable joy and comfort in your hearts to know each day that you are affecting souls like this, for your Heavenly Father.  Although I will always recognise our Holy Father as visible head of Mother Church, that still doesn't stop me from being grateful for your efforts in many other areas.

Yours very, very gratefully,
Mrs Allen


MHFM: We’re glad you liked the video.  We thank you for your comments in that regard.  However, you really need to look at these files.  You are not correct on Benedict XVI and the Vatican II Church.  In defending him, you are defending an antipope and a heretic, not a true pope.


The Heresies of Benedict XVI [PDF file]


The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]


New Rite of Ordination


I have read your article on why the New Ordinations are invalid, and I think you have some great information… This information is really devastating to learn… I think your truth movement is great! keep informing!




Gates of Hell


Hey I’m an 18 year old Catholic and I started reading your stuff and I’m confused because i thought the gates of hell would never prevail over the church. I agree with everything you say but how can it be I thought God promised his church would stay strong.




MHFM: The promise that the gates of Hell will not prevail means that the Church will exist until the end of time, and that the official teachings of the Church will not err.  It does not mean that the Church cannot be reduced to a small remnant at the end.  In fact, that’s what is predicted to happen.  You really need to look at the first file below, and specifically the responses to objections 1 and 15 in the second file.


The Glossary of Terms and Principles [PDF]


Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file]


Final Call


Dear brothers in Christ,

Let me make a short review of undeniable facts you have dealt with recently. These facts alone show beyond any reasonable doubt that the pseudo-catholic sect, now occupying the Vatican, is evil to the core. I can't imagine how more evil it could be.  The V-2 sect, with the antipope Benedict XVI as its head (and its past antipopes as well), is promoting two cornerstones of contemporary atheism: the evolution hoax and the holocaust hoax.  These hoaxes DO go together simply because they have no scientific value at all. And yet we can (could) see the V-2 antipopes embracing these lies with all their rotten mind and hearts.  Did we ever hear even one of the V-2 antipopes to say something like:"It is totally unacceptable to deny The Most Holy Trinity"? Or, "It is totally unacceptable to deny the perpetual virginity of The Blessed Mother Mary"? Or any of the dogmas of the Catholic Church?  No, we didn't.  What we did hear and did see was praying in mosques, synagogues and pagan tents; we have heard the antipope B16 say of the heretic Hans Küng: "I respect his path", and of many other heretics as well.  B16 respects Küng's PATH, although, allegedly, B16 does not support it.

This detail alone (among countless others) testifies that B16 is a coward and a liar. Why he couldn't say of Bishop Williamson:"I respect his path, although I don't support
it"? He couldn't because, like other antipopes, his comrades, he is a coward.  He is a Christ-denier and apostate. God would never permit to such a person to act consistently. Personally, I am inclined to think that the recent fuss about "holocaust" was God's final call to bishop Williamson and all other confused heretics to totally reject V-2 sect and its antipopes. I hope I'm wrong in that it is a FINAL call.

Let our Blessed Mother Mary guards your holy path. Please remember me in your prayers.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia


Williamson’s new statement


MHFM: This is a recent letter which Williamson sent to a friend of his.  Sadly, it shows again how weak and heretical he is at this time.  Here’s the letter:


"No, no, a thousand times no", in the words of the old song.  Given the power in today's world of certain people, the game must be played to a certain extent according to their rules. I blame no colleague or Superior for trying to salvage a viable future for the SSPX as a whole from the wreckage caused by a few ill-chosen words on Swedish TV. I am not saying those words were or are untrue. I am only saying that I cannot go along with any repudiation of the present SSPX leadership.


I might go along with it if they were to try to cut a bad deal with Rome, but here and now I absolutely do not believe that to be the case.    If it became the case, I think you could trust me to say so, because the Faith would be at stake, and it does look as though I am liable to say what I think. Trust me then when I say that I do not think the SSPX is heading for betrayal.


Be patient. Pray the Rosary to avoid confusion in a situation in which the Devil is playing almost how he likes with countless hearts and minds.


I send you my blessing, and to all your friends, but not for the idea of setting me up to head a new organisation. No way. 


Pray the Rosary. God bless you.                +Richard Williamson.


Only Truth – remnant


Dear Brothers,

I am 68 years old and a Catholic. Though I am surely a sinner, I have known God since the very earliest moment that I can remember, and been blessed with never any doubt.  As years pass, and with all the sufferings that this life brings I have become more and more aware of the love of God, that he sent himself to be sacrificed, that he guides us minute by minute if we let him. That he is not simply "offended" by our sin but deeply hurt in his Sacred Heart. I am deeply conscious of the love his Mother has for us too.  I have an instinctive and conscious belief in the authenticity of Scripture and believe in the living Tradition and Magisterium of the Church which Christ founded.

I am deeply conscious of the wiles of Satan, all his trickery (even to the point of endorsing some Catholic truth to enmesh the unwary).  The evidence is all around us.

I therefore have much sympathy with many of your views.  But where you lose my sympathy is in purporting that your interpretation of events is the only truth; that you are effectively infallible.  You sound exactly like the Protestant Evangelicals, but with a Catholic twist. 

The arrogance I detect in your postulations is evidence that Satan is working through you too, not just through all those you "accuse and judge".  The Remnant will not behave like that, and that is what exposes you as false in much of what you say…

I offer this opinion well aware of my own fallibility, and I hope you will accept it in the same spirit.



MHFM: You claim to be a believer.  However, your other statements reveal that you are not.  You say that our conviction that we are definitely correct on our positions – that everyone who contradicts our positions on faith is wrong – proves that we are of Satan.  On the contrary, your statement reveals that you are deceived by Satan.  It is a Catholic dogma that the Church accepts no opinions which contradict its teachings in any way.  The Church completely condemns any opposing views.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Bull Cantate Domino, 1442, ex cathedra: “… Therefore it [the Holy Roman Church] condemns, rejects, anathematizes and declares to be outside the Body of Christ, which is the Church, whoever holds opposing or contrary views.” (Denz. 705)


Pope Pelagius II, epistle (1) Quod ad dilectionem, 585:

“If anyone, however, either suggests or believes or presumes to teach contrary to this faith, let him know that he is condemned and also anathematized according to the opinion of the same Fathers.”(Denz. 246)


Hence, if someone does not hold that he is absolutely correct on the matters of faith and that all opinions to the contrary are wrong - it is indeed evidence that he does not possess the faith of the Church.  We are dogmatic on those matters on which the Church has been dogmatic.  Since the Church has taught them as definitive truths of faith, we are (without any doubt) correct in adhering to them.  


It is obvious that you are a blind modernist and a false traditionalist of bad will.  You mention the heretical, pathetic group called The Remnant.  They are nothing more than a cheerleader for the satanic antipope.  They have gone beyond false traditionalism at this point.  They have become completely deadened defenders of Ratzinger and the Counter Church.  Any person who loves Catholic teaching would be and is totally disgusted by their constant defenses, appeals, fawning support, etc. for the biggest enemy of Catholic dogma on the planet (i.e., Antipope Benedict XVI).  They believe in salvation outside the Church.  They justify members of false religions, including Jews.  They ignore the weekly apostasy and heresy emanating from Antipope Benedict XVI.  They go out of their way to promote any conservative statement that he might utter, while they ignore his weekly revelation that he’s part of the Eastern Schismatic “Orthodox” Church (see the link below).  They are a total abomination before God, as is obvious to everyone who loves and cares about truth. 


We knew they were evil and heretical.  However, the level of blindness and sickening support for the antipope which they now display is worse than one would have expected.  It reveals that there is a dark force overwhelming all false traditionalist heretics in this day, especially those who defend the antipope.  Since they have despised God’s grace – which is there for all to see the full truth – they are now even darker and more abject supporters of him.


Read the file below and see how you are defending a rejection of the Papacy.  That is called a mortal sin and heresy.


Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file.


Occult symbols


Greetings brothers!
When I looked over the football clubs from the Czech Republic I noticed a lot of them had the 5 pointed star turned upside down, which represents evil and is also a symbol of Freemasonry. It is my understanding that Freemasonry is very influential in certain European countries like Great Britain, France and the Czech Republic. The Czechs are also one of the most non-religious people in Europe. About 60% of Czechs are atheists. The same trend happened to France after the French Revolution, which used to tbe the strongest Catholic empire in the world.
Some might argue that the reason so many clubs in the Czech Republic have a 5 pointed star, even if it is upside down, is because of its Communist past. I would have to disagree with that since I looked through Russia and other Eastern European countries and haven't found any of them. There are numerous number of clubs in Serbia that still carry the red star but the star is pointed up, not down. Only one club in Serbia has the star pointed down.
In the Czech Rep., one of the two biggest clubs has the Satanic/Masonic star on its logo, Slavia Prague. Slavia claim the red star is a symbol of "hope and good mind". On their jersey, they don't display their logo but only a big red star pointed down. I have attached the photos for you to see. They are all clubs from the Czech Republic. One of the clubs has a pyramid in its logo instead of the star.





I'm also in DISTRESS (for real, I'm very anxious about it ) over my Baptism validity question… my forehead was only moistened with the sign of the cross, and my question is, IF i'm not really Baptised then why was the Devil/or Demonic wreaking havoc towards me in my life for a long time now, because I am sure that some of my problems and adversities had supernatural evil involved in it ? I've had some strange experiences, where I could see that there was supernatural evil (demonic influence ) behind what was occurring. Why would the Devil BOTHER to bother someone who wasn't BAPTISED ? (that is just the question that comes up in my mind in regards to this issue )


That St.Nilus prophecy is very good and very TRUE, what struck me especially is what he prophesied about the people of the last days that they are like WILD ANIMALS and without REMORSE ! That is so TRUE , almost all of the people these days lack feeling, sensitivity, empathy, compassion, morals, ethics and Love, they are CALLOUSED like the N.T says about the people in the last days, and they behave like PIRANHAS (that is what I always compare them to) or VULTURES or something coming to attack or peck at you !...




MHFM: You should have a conditional baptism performed.  The form is on our website.  Anyone you trust who would do it well and with care could perform it.  But if you could find a strong traditional Catholic, that would obviously be better.  That might not be an option for you, however.


If you are not baptized, you cannot read too much into why you feel the Devil has bothered you and made his presence known.  He could have done that (with God’s permission) for any number of reasons.  You should not read into it.


You mentioned that most people today lack concern and are calloused.  Yes, the biggest problem today is a lack of interest in God and the matters of God.  We believe the reason for this is that most people are dominated by sins of the flesh.  As a result, it's very difficult for them to have interest in spiritual matters; and, if there is a certain level of interest, it's not enough for them to see the full truth and really follow after it.  Hence, the typical pagan out there is very selfish and not concerned about any of these things.


Prophecy of St. Nilus


Brothers, I thought this was interesting.  A lot of truths concerning phones, airplanes, submarines that were predicted during the last times.



Realizing that St. Nilus is scarcely known to a large part of the Church, a brief sketch of his life, taken from the Catholic Encyclopedia (1911 copyright edition), is related below: St. Nilus was one of the many disciples and fervent defenders of St. John Chrysostom. He was an officer at the Court of Constantinople, married, with two sons. While St. John Chrysostom was patriarch, before his exile (398-403), he directed Nilus in the study of Scripture and in works of piety. St. Nilus left his wife and one son and took the other, Theodulos, with him to Mt. Sinai to be a monk. The Bishop of Eleusa ordained both St. Nilus and his son to the priesthood. The mother and other son also embraced the religious life in Egypt.


From his monastery at Sinai, St. Nilus was a well-known person throughout the Eastern Church; by his writings and correspondence, he played an important part in the history of his time. He was known as a theologian, Biblical scholar and ascetic writer, so people of all kinds, from the emperor down wrote to consult him. His numerous works, including a multitude of letters, consist of denunciations of heresy, paganism, abuses of discipline and crimes, of rules and principles of asceticism, especially maxims about the religious life. He warns and threatens people in high places, abbots and bishops, governors and princes, even the emperor himself, without fear. He kept up a correspondence with Gaina, a leader of the Goths, endeavoring to convert him from Arianism. He denounced vigorously the persecution of St. John Chrysostom both to the Emperor Arcadius and to his courtiers.


St. Nilus must be counted as one of the leading ascetic writers of the fifth century. His feast is kept on November 12th in the Byzantine Calendar; he is commemorated also in the Roman Martyrology on the same date. St. Nilus probably died around the year 430, as there is no evidence of his life after that.


Now the prophecy:


After the year 1900, toward the middle of the 20th century, the people of that time will become unrecognizable. When the time for the Advent of the Antichrist approaches, people's minds will grow cloudy from carnal passions, and dishonor and lawlessness will grow stronger. Then the world will become unrecognizable. People's appearances will change, and it will be impossible to distinguish men from women due to their shamelessness in dress and style of hair. These people will be cruel and will be like wild animals because of the temptations of the Antichrist. There will be no respect for parents and elders, love will disappear, and Christian pastors, bishops, and priests will become vain men, completely failing to distinguish the right-hand way from the left. At that time, the morals and traditions of Christians and of the Church will change. People will abandon modesty, and dissipation will reign. Falsehood and greed will attain great proportions, and woe to those who pile up treasures. Lust, adultery, homosexuality, secret deeds and murder will rule in society.


At that future time, due to the power of such great crimes and licentiousness, people will be deprived of the grace of the Holy Spirit, which they received in Holy Baptism and equally of remorse.


The Churches of God will be deprived of God-fearing and pious pastors, and woe to the Christians remaining in the world at that time; they will completely lose their faith because they will lack the opportunity of seeing the light of knowledge from anyone at all. Then they will separate themselves out of the world in holy refuges in search of lightening their spiritual sufferings, but everywhere they will meet obstacles and constraints. And all this will result from the fact that the Antichrist wants to be Lord over everything and become the ruler of the whole universe, and he will produce miracles and fantastic signs. He will also give depraved wisdom to an unhappy man so that he will discover a way by which one man can carry on a conversation with another from one end of the earth to the other. At that time men will also fly through the air like birds and descend to the bottom of the sea like fish. And when they have achieved all this, these unhappy people will spend their lives in comfort without knowing, poor souls, that it is deceit of the Antichrist. And, the impious one! – he will so complete science with vanity that it will go off the right path and lead people to lose faith in the existence of God in three hypostases.


Then the All-good God will see the downfall of the human race and will shorten the days for the sake of those few who are being saved, because the enemy wants to lead even the chosen into temptation, if that is possible... then the sword of chastisement will suddenly appear and kill the perverter and his servants. 


God Bless,



Vatican II


Recently, as I was surfing the internet I came across your website.  I read much of the material you provided with great interest… You describe the heresies of John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI… Today I can still hear Paul VI's voice ringing out at the United Nations: "no more war, no more war."  I realized then that his voice was truly the voice of Peter.  I can still see him placing the papal tiara on the altar as a act of humility and seeing that tiara at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.


I hear John Paul I at his inaugural mass saying "we greet with reverence and affection the world and all of its people."  This man, this pope, was echoing the words of Christ himself.  I remember seeing John Paul II at Auswitch praying for forgiveness for all transgressions any Catholic may have committed against God's chosen people, our brothers, the Jews.  I recall his admonition that denial of the Holocaust is a "sin against man and a sin against God."  Surely, John Paul II, a man who endured the occupation of his homeland by the Nazis, walked in the shoes of the Fisherman.


When I see Benedict XVI reaching out to the world with humility I see Peter the fisher of men.  These men are not heretics, they are men who have brought the Church into the world and have made the message of Christ relevant in today's world.  Open your heart to charity.  Let the light come in.  Let us salute these Vicars of Christ.


I know nothing about dogmatic theology nor about the legalistic and obscure arguments defining that theology.  What I, an uneducated layman, do know is that Vatican II brought truth to the fore and ushered in an age of ecumenism, religious liberty and social concern.


MHFM: You cannot see that they are heretics because you don’t look with the eyes of faith.  The dogmas, the truths of Christ, mean nothing to you.  Vatican II clearly taught a religion contrary to what has been revealed by Christ and dogmatically defined by the Church.  The Devil knew that if he got an antipope into the physical structures, most people would follow him right to Hell because most people don’t have supernatural faith but simply follow the man they see and the people occupying the physical structures.




I have spent a few days on your website and have become convinced of the truth you are promoting.   The Catholic Church that I have converted to from Protestantism is false and I cannot attend any longer without being in mortal sin.




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  For those who might be new to this information, we just want to clarify that you obviously mean that the post-Vatican II churches (which claim to be Catholic but aren’t) are false.


Benedict XVI’s new outrageous heresies vis-à-vis the Russian “Orthodox”


We’ve updated our Benedict XVI's recent Heresies file. 

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\Benedict_XVI_with_schismatics\all_russia.jpg

There are some very significant new heresies from Benedict XVI with regard to the Russian “Orthodox” Church and Patriarch.  For those who don’t know, the Russian “Orthodox” are not Catholic.  (The same is true of the Greek "Orthodox," etc.)  They reject Catholic dogmas on papal primacy and papal infallibility.  They are heretical and schismatic.  If you get into a debate or discussion or dispute with someone who is defending Antipope Benedict XVI, just say to him: a man cannot be a true pope (the head of the Catholic Church) while he is also part of the schismatic “Orthodox” Church; and Benedict XVI is part of the “Orthodox” Church.  If he wants proof for the assertion that Benedict XVI is part of the schismatic “Orthodox” Church, just show him the new heresy in the link above (as well as those we’ve already documented). 


Looking for info


I recently received your book "What really happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II"

After reading the chapter of what we're supposed to do at the end of the book, I was wondering if you have or will put together some sort guide of common things (sacraments) Catholics will come up against, that with a "priest" not readily available that a lay person can/should perform. Such as in the book you show how to baptize children. Maybe something along the lines of starting the guide with baptism "a layman is permitted to do this", "for confirmation a layman should do this… I understand there are some things that a layperson should not and cannot perform, but more of a worst case situation...


Bob Neff


MHFM: We have sections which address many of those issues.  For other questions, people can contact us here.  A layman can baptize by simply pouring the water on the candidate so that it moves and strikes the forehead as he or she pronounces the baptismal formula.  The formula is given in the file below.  Confirmation, of course, can only be done by a valid bishop, or in some cases a priest.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic Faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts [link to section]


Where to go to Mass or confession today? [link to section]




You people spend to much time hating everything. I to hate the novus ordo mess the last few popes got us into but for us to judge the pope is wrong. We can disobey when they are WRONG which is what SSPX has done and unlike you they have stayed the course instead of wasting time pointing fingers and complaining. In the end you will see and apologize.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Legge


MHFM: No, the SSPX has obstinately (and for years) separated itself (in belief and operation) from the hierarchy it recognizes.  That is called schism.  The SSPX also teaches that souls can be saved in non-Catholic religions.  That is heresy.  The SSPX also obstinately recognizes manifest heretics as part of the Church.  That is also heresy. 


Stop going just by externals, and start to care about and believe in the Catholic faith and the dogmas.  It really is disgusting that people like you do not care at all about the issues of the faith, but only about the Mass and whether a group has churches, etc.! 


Our file on the Society of St. Pius X deals with their heresies.


Judging Heresy


Dear Brothers,


I am half way through your extraordinarily brilliant book, 'The Truth about what happened the Catholic Church after Vatican II.' Thank you.


It struck me that people who use the argument against the Sedevacantist Position, 'No one can judge the Pope,' must find it terribly difficult to be Catholics these days (if they actually are anyway!). Obviously the safest place in Christendom when it comes to heresy (the Chair of Peter), by supernatural protection, must necessarily also be the only place that can only be found containing a heretic 'ipso facto.' And surely it is a peculiar test from the devil, reserved for the Last Days and the Great Apostasy, that only true Catholics will be able to recognize the Antichrist sitting in the Chair of Peter (like John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI), by the very fact that they (the Antichrist) are heretics!!! Otherwise, without the supernatural Catholic Faith, how else will the real Catholics be able to weather the approaching storm, wherein the whole world including the Antipopes and the devil and his minions, will raise themselves against us?!!! The Catholics of the Last Days will have to be those who can easily judge heresy!!!


God Bless,


Kit White


MHFM: Yes, God has allowed the antipopes to preach their heresies and antichrist doctrines from what appears to be the Chair of Peter, although they don’t truly sit in it, as part of the test of the last days.  It is a test of faith to see if people will simply follow the man into a new religion, or adhere to what the popes of the past have taught.  By adhering strongly to the past papal teachings and dogmas, rather than simply accepting the new heresies, they will come to realize the full scale of the spiritual deception and that the post-Vatican II claimants are antipopes carrying out the prophesied Great Apostasy.


End times?


Dear MHFM,


I am sure this question has already been addressed or asked, but I would like to know your opinion about the belief that so many have that we are in the actual last days of the world...


Do you agree that we are near the Second Coming of Christ soon or do you believe Catholic prophecy which as I have learned is that we are only in the 5th Age and maybe in the beginning of the Sixth Age of the church?  And that we are just approaching the end of an Age....and will have a terrible chastisement that will bring a time of peace or Golden Age or what have you?  That this is not the time for the actual Second Coming - nor for Armagheddon and is not time for the actual Anti-Christ...I have traditional Catholics who tell me it is not time for the last Anti-Christ yet and that we are only in the 5th Age or beginning of the Sixth Age...so we have alot of time before the Second Coming and that the Fatima Message supports this because it warned that the Immaculate Heart would triumph at the end of the chastisement and that a period of peace would be granted....?


Thank You,



MHFM: We believe that we are definitely in the last days.  This is undoubtedly the Great Apostasy.  There are many things which, in our view, lead one to this conclusion.  The most important is obviously what’s going on in Rome: the creation of an apostate Counter Church and a line of antipopes, as well as the almost complete apostasy from the true Catholic faith by the nations, including many of those who claim to be “traditionalists.”  This is not just your general crisis of faith.  This is clearly the Great Apostasy and the final spiritual battle. 


Other signs which, in our view, make it clear that the time is short and that these are the final days, include: the predominance of homosexuality and the rise of homosexual “marriage”; the almost universal teaching of the evolution fairy-tale; the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and its replacement with a revived Roman Empire (the European Union) which doesn’t recognize the doctrine of Christ, but binds faith in the “Holocaust” and tolerance of homosexuality; the almost world-wide acceptance of the abortion abomination, even in countries which were almost totally Catholic; the almost universal loss of purity through the avalanche of sins of the flesh which consume and lead to Hell almost the entire world in a way that the world has never seen; and many other things one could mention.


We wouldn’t look too much into those private revelations about the end times.  There are a few which stand out and definitely fit what’s happening.  But there are many others which do not hold true, and they are frequently contradictory.  The guide must be the Catholic faith, and what’s happening to it.  That consideration clearly shows us that what’s going on in Rome is the Great Apostasy.  Fatima also indicates that we are in the last days.  In Sr. Lucy’s 1957 interview with Fr. Fuentes, she said that God has given two final remedies (devotion to the Rosary and the Immaculate Heart of Mary).  She said that signified the last days, for it meant there wouldn’t be others.  She also said she knew we were in the final days because the Blessed Virgin said the Devil was engaging in a “decisive” or final battle:  "Father, the Most Holy Virgin did not tell me that we are in the last times of the world, but She made me understand this for three reasons."


Fellay and SSPX


Dear Brothers,

I am a parishioner at a SSPX chapel in the Los Angeles area. As an SSPX church-goer, I was sickened by the news that Bishop Fellay removed Bishop Williamson from his post as superior of the seminary at La Reja, Argentina. I have always believed that Bishop Williamson is the most outspoken voice of truth in the SSPX, especially in regards to his unapologetic statements on the 9-11 false flag attacks, the New World Order, globalism and the police state. Bishop Williamson has proven himself very intelligent and well-informed on these issues, so I regarded his statements on the Holocaust as ones that should, at least, spark independent research and investigation and not immediate rebuke by his superiors. I'm disgusted that Bishop Fellay silenced Bishop Williamson into submission and ordered him not to speak on political or historical matters. I get the sense that Bishop Fellay does not want Bishop Williamson to spoil his friendship with Benedict XVI and sour all the recent media attention on the Society. It seems to me that Bishop Fellay is more concerned with saving his relationship with the Vatican and their friends, the Rabbis, than professing and exposing the truth, not matter the inconvenience or embarrassment. I fear that Bishop Fellay will continue to entangle all the faithful of the SSPX into the Vatican's nefarious agenda, instead of protecting the purity of the Traditional Catholic movement. I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

Thank you and God bless you.

Los Angeles, CA


MHFM: First of all, it must be made clear that the SSPX embraces numerous heretical positions.  That includes Bishop Williamson.  You really need to consult our file on the SSPX, and our article about Bishop Williamson.  Like the SSPX, he believes in salvation for members of false religions and obstinately regards manifest heretics as part of the Catholic Church.


File on the Heresies of the SSPX and Williamson


You are correct that Williamson has been more honest and truthful about such matters as the “Holocaust” and 911, but he is unfortunately still a heretic on the issues of the faith, the most important matters.  No one could support him, or any of the priests of their society.  And the people who agree with their heretical positions are losing the true faith.


Regarding Fellay, it’s pretty obvious to us that he is consumed with vanity, with being in the news, with being considered an important figure as the leader of the SSPX.   He is a faithless heretic who is now completely serving the Counter Church and the interests of the world.  He believes in salvation outside the Church, etc.  (As an aside, the only reason so many people make such a big deal about the SSPX and what their priests and bishops have to say is not because of the content of what they produce – but rather because they have priests and churches.  Sadly, most people care only about externals and where they go on Sundays, not about the meat of the faith.  That’s the only reason the SSPX is such a “big deal” – they have the externals and the external structures which is about all that matters to most people.)  Fellay has been completely deceived by the Devil into thinking that it’s most important for his group to have world-wide credibility.  Since he does not possess true faith or devotion to God, he is not rescued from his blindness and thus serves the interests of the Counter Church and the world. 


“Holocaust” debunked comment


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter:


I just finished watching the series of three videos that you posted in your News and Commentary section entitled, “The ‘Holocaust’ Debunked”.  It is interesting to note that the Jews have a long history of such preposterous claims.  The Talmud claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar (Gittin 57b).  It also claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans (Gittin 58a).  The latest claim that 6 million Jews died during World War Two is equally preposterous, considering the fact that there is no evidence of such an atrocity.




911 Mysteries


Dear Bros. Michael & Peter,

I hope both of you have been well.   I recommended your site to a friend & a malfunction appears to have developed in your online viewing of "911 Mysteries".   I did not know if you were aware of that.   I am into your site rather frequently & enjoy it very much.   Thank you for the many free items you have sent us.  Keep up the courageous work you have been doing.   God Speed !!!

Pat H.  


MHFM: Thanks for letting us know.  The problem seems to have been resolved now.  For those who are interested in the event of 9/11, the 911 Mysteries video on our “Watch our Videos” page is a must-see.  After a few seconds of irrelevant clips (and a stupid one of a wrestler), it gets into the devastating presentation.


On a related note, here’s a story about a building in Beijing which was on fire and burned throughout, but did not collapse.  The building was about the same size as World Trade Center 7, which was the third building which completely collapsed and was demolished into a pile of rubble on Sept. 11, 2001.  For those who are unfamiliar with the significance of this, you’ll just have to watch those videos on 911 that are found in our videos page.


Still Standing: The Building That Proves WTC 7 Was Imploded


Sin? and Abe Foxman


Would it be a sin to say one believes in the "holocaust", when one believes it is not true? Could Williamson be thinking that he is willing to give in on the "holocaust" in hopes of gaining a greater good - some sort of greater acceptance of Divine Revelation? In other words, would it be okay to say that 2+2 does not equal 4, in hopes that in doing so, people will accept what one has to say about God? Does 2+2=4 have anything to do with God? Can one do that in good conscience?


I suppose the question could be asked: Is the Jewish "holocaust" a god?  To make killing Jews something more of a sin than killing non-Jews is to place Jews above the rest of mankind. The "holocaust" looks like a false religion that worships a false god. In the last week, it has become clear that the Vatican considers the "holocaust" to be above Jesus Christ, claiming that it is esential to believe in the "holocaust", but not essential to believe in Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Vatican worships Jews, corporately, as the true messiah. What a week of discovery!


MHFM: It would be a sin because it would be to deny the truth, even though it’s not strictly a part of the Catholic faith.  One might, in certain circumstances, ignore the issue or not emphasize it, but to positively say that one does believe in it when one doesn’t would be wrong. 


Prior to the last few weeks, this issue didn’t really have to be addressed much because it’s not strictly part of the faith.  It held relevance primarily for issues of the secular conspiracy and Jewish control.  But with Benedict XVI’s recent imposition of faith in the “Holocaust,” the issue became exceedingly relevant for all Catholics who are (and should be) concerned about the battle for the faith in these days.  Catholics, who must keep up to speed with the actions of the Conciliar Counter Church (in order to expose it), simply cannot avoid the issue at this time; for the Conciliar Church has forced everyone to examine this new “dogma.” 


Regarding your second paragraph, we pointed out that what’s going on here is the replacement of the Crucifixion and Resurrection with the “Holocaust” as the central event of history.  That’s why there is a diabolical movement to outlaw any discussion of the issue, and why so many apostate “Catholics” are possessed to hammer anyone who contradicts the Jewish position on this issue.  Without any question, the Vatican II sect considers the “Holocaust” above Christ, as you touched upon.  It binds the “Holocaust,” but tolerates the rejection of Christ.  We are seeing, right before our eyes, the world bowing down to the forces of Antichrist.  This is manifested in a multiplicity of ways: submission to the Jews and their “Holocaust” lore being a prominent one of them.


Concerning the diabolical replacement aspect of the “Holocaust,” the Jew Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League wrote this: 


Abraham Foxman, ADL on the Frontline, January 1994 issue: "The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God's chosen children and thus, on God Himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of Creation as recorded in the Bible; and like its direct opposite, which is relived weekly with the Sabbath and yearly with Torah, it must be remembered from generation to generation."

He says that the “Holocaust” is an attack on God Himself.  What was the Crucifixion?  It was an attack on God Himself.  This is the diabolical replacement of Christ with the Jews.  Since they did not accept Christ as God, some of them put themselves in the place of God.  (We have added this to our "Holocaust" page.)


Hence, they replace the attack on God with an (exaggerated and largely mythological) assault on their own dignity.  It is the attempted deification of the Jewish race; and apostate “Catholics,” including many false traditionalists, are complicit in it by their acceptance of Antipope Benedict XVI and their bad willed failure to consider the facts. 


SSPX removes info regarding Jews


Subject: SSPX now has dead links on the Jews




MHFM: That’s very interesting.  They have totally caved in to the forces of Antichrist.  This Bishop Fellay is very evil.




Dear Brothers,


I just realised after I sent you the article " Is the Devil gaining a foothold in Rome?" that you have actually already covered it.  My apologies.


I live in Belfast N Ireland and found your wonderful website about 2 years ago and have told others about it.  I was born 1969 after Vatican II and have only ever known the New Mass.  I have tried to discuss the issues with my local priest in Belfast, Benedictine Monks in Rostrevor and have twice e-mailed the Local Redemtorist Brothers at Clonard Monastery but to no avail... 


I have a question with regard to that article above.  As Father Gabriele Amorth is the Vatican's Chief Exorcist; therefore; I presume he still practices or has practiced the New Mass.  If this is the case, why would he have such great power to exorcise demons?  As he is 82 years old, perhaps he has been ordained pre vatican II ?  So would that be the reason?... 


I look forward to hearing from you, 


Best Wishes,




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We presume that you are convinced that one must not attend the New Mass.


Regarding Fr. Amorth, he can have some success against demons in exorcisms, even though he is a heretic and a modernist, because of the power of the name of Christ and the power of the valid priesthood. 


Matthew 7:22-23- "Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity."


A person with the real Catholic faith (with whom God is pleased) would perform exorcisms with greater efficacy.  However, there is a power that is inherent in the priesthood that can be effective in exorcisms, despite the unworthiness of the minister, as this passage shows.





This so called controversy with Joseph Ratzinger, Bishop Williamson and the Jews is a clever manipulation of events to further the one world church.  The Illuminati use the tactic of: *Problem, reaction, solution.  *They create the problem, which in this case is antisemitism, they control the reaction through media coverage of *Jewish outrage*, then Joseph Ratzinger will supply the answer with his one world church.  The world is being manipulated!

Bill from Michigan


MHFM: We think that God has allowed it to show how the Vatican II Church is nothing but a tool of the forces of Antichrist.  In addition, we think He has allowed the Devil to test people in this matter, to see who will stand for truth and who will simply bow down to the world.


“Church” of the world revealed right before our eyes


MHFM: With Benedict XVI’s recent imposition of faith in the “Holocaust” on those who would be part of his “Church,” we are witnessing something very interesting indeed.  God is really making it so clear – for anyone with eyes to see – that the Vatican II Church is not the Church of God, but the “Church” of the world.  Indeed, God has arranged and allowed this latest episode in such a way that it both completely mocks the Vatican II sect (highlighting their inestimable hypocrisy) and serves to convict those who fail to denounce and condemn this sect.  Scripture teaches us quite clearly that there is an opposition, an irreconcilable division, between the things of God and the things of the world.


James 4:4- “Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God.”


John 15:18-19- “If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”


Now, the “Holocaust” dogma (i.e., the Jewish version of it) is, simply, put, the super-dogma of the world.  It is imposed upon countries by force of law, even though the tenets of other religions are not favored by those countries.  It is the one religious belief which countries which claim to favor no religion impose.  To question it is to be ridiculed and despised by those in control of governments and the press, by those in control of “the world,” by those who savor the things of the world and being loved by the world.


Therefore, as the “Church” of the world, the Vatican II sect is following right along with the world, and necessarily imposing belief in the Jewish version of the “Holocaust” on those who would join its “Church” – lest it be ridiculed by the world and lose its status as the “Church” of the world.  It will even exclude someone from its “Church” based on what the world says and thinks.  This “Church” of the world binds people to this one issue (faith in the “Holocaust”), even though it happily tolerates all kinds of people who profess to be Catholic but deny true dogmas (e.g., hordes pro-abortion politicians; “Cardinal” Kasper; etc. ad nauseam.)  In other words, this “Church” of the world tolerates the denial of true dogmas OF GOD, but will not tolerate the denial of the one dogma of THE WORLD. 


Since it is the “Church” of the world, it cannot, of course, be the Catholic Church; for the Catholic Church is the true Church OF GOD.  It is, rather, the Counter Church of the last days.  If this episode does not make it plain to a person that the Vatican II Church is not Catholic and that Benedict XVI is totally evil, heretical and hypocritical, then that person is extremely blind indeed.  The SSPX has also now fully revealed itself to be a part of the “Church” of the world, and not the Church of God, by imposing belief in the dogma of the world on those who would belong to its group. 


SSPX tosses priest for rejecting “Holocaust”


Fr. Abrahamowicz denies Jewish version of Holocaust -- the new dogma of the false Catholic Church.


He also said that the Second Vatican Council was "worse than heresy."





Michael R. Rios


MHFM: Wow… that is a significant development.  It shows that the leadership of the SSPX is far worse than we already knew they were.  They are declaring that it’s a dogma which one must believe!  It proves that they are part of the Church of the world. 




A real missed opportunity here. I never hear anyone talking about the real "holocaust" (or shall we say "plight") of the Jews. I saw pictures of Jews during WW2 - obviously distressed, whether they were gassed or not, and the idea crossed my mind how horrible was their situation, because when they die, they go to hell, and suffer even worse than death on earth for rejecting God. It is hard to even fathom the pain of the rejection of hell. There are no public museums or mandatory education regarding this, but it is far more important than even the worst estimates of suffering of the Jews during WWII.


Also, if Williamson had said the sky was not blue (or was blue), would a Pope say that he can not be in the Church? What does one's ideas about the Jewish "holocaust" have to do with whether one is a Catholic or not? Yet, the Vatican says Ratzinger said that he would not have "lifted" the "excommunications" (as if he had the power to do so) if he had known of Williamson's views. If people cannot see that the Vatican and Ratzinger are not Catholic after this, how will they ever?


Also, it is not right for Catholics to accept any non-Catholic holocaust. The only real holocaust is Jesus Christ. All others are counterfeit and should be denied as holocausts. A real holocaust is a sacrifice to God. What did any Jewish suffering during WWII have to do with making a sacrifice to God. Only a Catholic can do that. Even if 6, or 60 million Jews were killed by Nazis, that is not a holocaust. As to how many Jews died at the hands of the Nazis, I am not sure - the research the media hates seems credible, but if I did truly believe that 6 million Jews died, I would still be a Jewish holocaust denier, because I am a Catholic, and Catholics do not believe that people outside of the Catholic faith can be any kind of pleasing sacrifice or holocaust to God.




MHFM: Yes, that’s the real evil here: these Jews are dying without Christ and going to Hell.  They are headed for a far worse fate than anything here on Earth.  But the Vatican II sect doesn’t preach or believe that, of course, which demonstrates how evil and uncharitable they are to the Jews they purport to please and serve. 


Everything has been inverted.  The Vatican II sect teaches that the greatest crime in history (the Crucifixion) can be denied by Jews, but no one can deny what the Jews claim to be the greatest crime in history (the fictitious mass murder of 6 million of them).  The Vatican II sect teaches that the truths delivered by the crucified and resurrected Lord can be denied, but the truths delivered and made up by the Jews must be believed.  We will have more comments on this.  But what we are seeing is, no doubt, the “Holocaust” of the Jews replacing the Crucifixion and Resurrection as the central event in history.  The Crucifixion and Resurrection (the central event in history) was once protected by the European nations, but now the “Holocaust” is protected by the European nations and cannot be denied.  It is the replacement of Christ with the denial of Jesus as the Christ: the replacement of Christ with antichrist, and so many “Catholics” are worshipping it and defending it.


Ratzinger on water baptism


[A dogma denier wrote this to us:]


You're in good company:


With regards to those who hold strictly the absolute necessity of water baptism, it would be quite wrong to charge them with heretical constructs. As they merely assert that which was the near-universal consensus of the Patristic era, such a charge would be proximate to condemning all but a few of the Fathers as heterodox. (Der Glaube das Pimmelkopfgelauben, Communio April 1997 p 13. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.)


MHFM: That’s an interesting quote.  Certainly we’ve documented that Ratzinger believes in salvation outside the Church.  He believes that non-Catholics, the unbaptized, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, pagans, etc. can be saved.  In the quote above, he is simply noting that the fathers of the Church taught the absolute necessity of water baptism.  This confirms the truth of our position; for it shows that the absolute necessity of water baptism is the faith of the ancient Church. 


The fact that Ratzinger says it’s not heresy to hold the absolute necessity of water baptism demonstrates nothing.  Ratzinger doesn’t believe that anything is heresy, except for denying the “Holocaust.”  Hence, his acknowledgement of the teaching of the fathers on this issue doesn’t put us in his company.  He doesn’t believe that water baptism is necessary for salvation.  He is simply admitting that this is what the fathers believed.  On the contrary, he believes exactly what the “traditionalists” who love “baptism of desire” hold: that people can be saved in any religion. 


Thus, you send us a quote which contradicts your heretical position; but in your blindness you think it supports it.




Dear MHFM,

Debating with a protestant has gotten very difficult because of his stubborness and lack of good will.  I got into the issue with this protestant about judging and what does it mean to judge.  That it was not possible for me to say, "Well, that particular person is a heretic." because that is judging and we can only leave that to Jesus, who is Justice Itself.  But all he quotes is Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that you may not be judged." and how "with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again." 

Now, my question to you is, how can I refute such objection?...

Bernardo Torres


MHFM: Yes, Matthew 7:1 is about the only Scripture that countless liberals know.  They make sure to remember that one because they (wrongly) think it justifies their sins or heresies or other kinds of evil.  However, the context of Matthew 7 is about hypocritical judgments, as Matthew 7:5 clearly shows.  Jesus is condemning hypocritical judgments, not all judgments.  The Bible teaches that one must judge.


1 Corinthians 6:2-3- “Know you not that the saints shall judge this world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?  Know you not that we shall judge angels? how much more things of this world?”


John 7:24- “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge just judgment.”


Moreover, his claim that you cannot judge someone to be a heretic directly contradicts the teaching of the Bible.  The Bible tells us that we should avoid the heretic after the second rebuke.  Obviously one could only do that if one has the ability to judge (recognize) when someone is a heretic.


Titus 3:10- “A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid:


On “Holocaust dogma”


It shows what phonies they all are.  These Vatican idiots.  Bp. William MUST retract his statements he made against the "holocaust" myth OR ELSE.  Since when was holding a historical opinion that has nothing to do with the holy Faith merit excommunication?  And in the meantime… HERETIC SCUM like Kasper get to keep their "offices" without any perturbances!!!  New Vatican is nothing more than a doormat… This should expose the Modernist Vatican.  This alone!  Wouldn't someone with half of a brain stop and think: "Hey, it's the Catholic Church... WHO CARES WHAT THEY [THE JEWS] THINK!!!” 


MHFM: We agree with your sentiments.  It’s truly outrageous.  We will have some more comments on this.


Chicago Fire


Interesting that Cardinal George made this statement on February 3rd...and only a day later his cathedral mysteriously catches on fire!



On Church Closings

I lived in the Scranton Diocese when I was young, Pre Vatican Two.  When I would go to Mass if you did not come early, you would have to stand in the back.  The churches I attended are now being closed or are relegated to "satellite" status.  The churches were in Susquehanna County.

Nuns use to tell this story.  The Catholic Church was always full, the Protestant Church next to it was half empty.  The Nuns would joke to the Protestants about it.  Today the irony is that the Catholic Church is closing and the Protestant Church is not.



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Yes, the buildings which purport to be Catholic are closing, even though the Church still exists with a remnant of traditional Catholics.




Dear Brothers,


CNN gave a brief coverage of Benedict XVI’s lift of the “excommunication” of the SSPX and spoke of Bishop Williamson’s denial of the “holocaust” and Benedict XVI’s position on solidarity with the Jews.  Perhaps you will agree with me on this: I suspect Benedict XVI knows the Holocaust is a fraud but for the sake of false ecumenism and respect for the Jews and all other religions, he will never publicly admit it.  The day he does, it will harm relations between the Vatican II sect and the Jewish community and he knows this.






Thank you for your perseverance and dedication to exposing lies from the truth!




UFO book


Dear Brother Dimond:


I just recently received and read your book on UFOs.  Your book reinforces what I have believed about the UFO phenomena.  Thank you for reinforcing my beliefs.


Allen Monroe


SSPX Seminary History Teacher


Dear Brothers,


The news items regarding the SSPX apologizing reveal how far those heretics will go just to lie! I used to go to mass at the Holy Cross Seminary in Australia, until I found your site.


In a semi-casual conversation with the actual history teacher for the seminary after mass one day, I was informed that there were indeed no gas chambers. Having never looked into the subject properly, I expressed my astonishment, and innocently asked 'how can you be sure (that there were no gas chambers) either way, whether there was or there wasn't?' This question invited a searing glance from someone close by, as if to say how could you question such a thing. Then the history teacher gave me a very quick and sharp run down of the facts. It should be noted that he was using his hands to gesture and made it quite clear to me by his body language, that he was extremely angry that I had questioned him! (his hands were basically 'buzzing' around me like an angry wasp as he spoke to me - we were standing quite close to one another).


In other words, every single student, seminarian, priest, religious or lay who has been to the Holy Cross Seminary knows, without the least shadow of a doubt, that there were indeed no gas chambers in World War II. And they are proud that they know it!!!!


It proves again that the SSPX, deep down, are systematic and conscious liars who are willing to whitewash their own tombs, just like the yellow-bellied heretics that they are!!!


Outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation!


Thank you for your outstanding work, Brothers.


God Bless,


Kit White


MHFM:  Very interesting… thank you for the e-mail.  We’ve created a separate page for facts and news items about the “Holocaust” controversy.  This file will be expanded as time goes along, but in this file (near the top) is a two-part video presentation by a Jew named David Cole.  He investigates and debunks the Auschwitz “Gas Chamber,” the official Holocaust story and many other aspects of propaganda in this regard.  It’s definitely worth spending an hour watching this presentation, if you are interested in this topic.  After some minutes of necessary introductory points, it really starts to get interesting.


New “Holocaust” File


This will be found in our “Many other Topics” section.

A Jew debunks the Auschwitz "Gas Chamber," the official Holocaust Story, and many other aspects of the Holocaust

The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz, by David Cole - Part 1 [30 min.]

The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz, by David Cole - Part 2 [30 min.]



B-16 ability to consecrate


Dear Brothers,


Regarding the e-exchange about B16's ability to consecrate the Eucharist, I have a question. Is it possible that Benedict never had the intention of carrying out God's duties as a priest when he was ordained a priest, and if so does that mean that God still truly gives him the power to effect sacraments? Considering all of B16's outrageous heresies and the fact that he showed up to V2 dressed in suit and tie, I have my doubts as to whether he ever had the true intention of doing God's work when he joined the priesthood.




MHFM: The Church teaches that if one uses proper matter and form, he is presumed for that reason to have the intention to do what the Church does.  The same is true in the case  of people who receive sacraments.  They are presumed to have the necessary intention to receive it, unless there is proof to the contrary.  This is true even in the case of evil heretics, such as Benedict XVI.  Thus, the presumption when he celebrates the Latin Mass is that it is valid, although he is obviously sinning mortally in doing it as a heretic; and no one should go to his Latin Mass because he is a notorious heretic. 


There is no doubt that Benedict XVI is utterly evil, that he is used by Satan, and that he is doing the work of the Devil.  It is possible that he is even a clandestine occultist who is willfully participating in an occult conspiracy (rather than just being used by the Devil for one); but that is speculative and cannot be presumed.  What has to be presumed is that when someone uses the external matter and form of the Church, he is considered to have the true intention of performing the sacrament, unless there is certain evidence to the contrary.




Funny, but I think this Anti-Pope's reinstatement of Bishop Williamson plays right into the hands of the Zionists.  And I am the suspicious kind of person who has come to appreciate the devious logic of this pseudo-Christian gang in the Vatican.  Benedict XVI is obediently taking the role of the 'fall guy,' along this line of speculation, quite willingly and on-purpose.  After the P.R. debacle for their side following Gaza war crimes, the Zionists NEED another high-profile 'Holocaust Denial' uproar.  This plays right into their hands, as they say: 'See, we will ALWAYS have to defend ourselves against this kind of fanatical, radical Anti-Semitism. Our wars are wars of self-defense!"  So now, instead of Israel being stuck on the defensive, they are again receiving worldwide sympathy.  Since my belief is that International Illuminati Freemasonry controls both the Vatican and the Zionists, it is not at all a stretch to have them manipulate this whole controversy.  By the way, I am enjoying the videos on your website prepared several years ago by Dr. James Wardner.  Also, for the record, let me state that it took me about a decade of serious trepidation to come to this conclusion, but finally I realized that the PROOF is overwhelming.  There were no gas ovens.  The Zionists of Israel have falsified Jewish census records.  In fact, the "6 million dead" figure was bandied about during WWI, and it was used after WWII with just about as much scruple as the $700 billion bail-out number, which started our Zionist-orchestrated remedy to the economic meltdown they themselves have planned and are now executing.  If Benedict XVI is forced to step down, as is now being openly discussed, get prepared for a rocky ride with his successor.


MHFM: We don’t think Benedict XVI will resign.  By not doing so, he will win praise from false conservatives for appearing to stand up to the Jews, while he has already preached that the Holocaust is a dogma which must be accepted.  Thus, he serves the Jewish agenda while pleasing phony conservatives – a true false prophet.


Seminarian and B.O.D.


[Most Holy Family Monastery]


Nice to meet you… This mail is from Japan.   I am atually seminarian of Holy Cross Seminary in Australia.  I have just finished my first year at 2008. After the ordination on 27th January 2008, I had an opprtunity to talk with a former Benedictin monk in U.S and France, to whom you might have already talked by telephone. He told me about your and your bother Michael`s books. At the beginning, I couldn`t be agree with his explanatioins about "Baptism of Desire", but after having read those books that are clearly proving infallible Church`s teachings rejecting possibility of the existence of the baptism of desire. I am very sorry for such horrible English I am using here.


Brother, I want to ask you some questions, first is " Is there no possibility to judge that if the Second Vatican Council had not been called by JohnXXIII who was an antipope as you show, true valid pope,for instance,Gregory XVII, might have called a valid Council and defined,as a dogma, baptism of desire, introducing many personal views of many Saints, such as Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Alphonsus and so on?".  My second question is " Do you think that Archbishop Lefevbre was formal heretic because of this issue, baptism of desire?". As you know, (Saint) Padre Pio welcomed him and asked him a benediction at his monastery; of course, it can not be any proof for the archbishop to be valid; but if he was not legitimate prelate, this holy monk must not have showed respect to him, that is, asking his benediction instead of that he received a benediction from the archbishop, I think you have seen that photo.


My third question is "Would I be heretic, if I will go back to Holy Cross Seminary to continue my study knowing that baptism of desire is not De Fide?".  Because I am still thinking that baptism of desire is a kind of open question.  And I also think that Our Lord`s word "Unless you be borne again by water and spirit,......(John3,5)" can include the possibility of "desire for water baptism in the case of necessity".  … would you like tell me your view. I hope you understand that it is for me great question and important point in my life, which I have never experienced. So it was not evitable to ask these questions to make decision. I am fourty one years old, and have been given a chance to study the Society`s seminary, after having experienced eleven years of religiouse life in catholic sect and two and half of the SSPX`s  seminary`s life. I am very afraid to mistake again. I trust in your sincerity, thank you very much.


Sicerely yours


In Christo


[Name deleted]


MHFM:  Hello.  Thanks for the e-mail.  To your first question, the answer is no.  God would not have allowed a true pope to define baptism of desire.  That’s because it's not a true theory.  That's why He never allowed it to be defined even once before, even though many councils dealt with baptism, Church membership, salvation, original sin, the sacraments, etc.  He only allowed the Church to teach the truth that no man can enter Heaven without being born again of water and the Spirit, that John 3:5 is literal, that there is only one baptism of water, that the Sacrament of Baptism is necessary for salvation, etc.


To your second question, concerning Archbishop Lefebvre, yes we do believe he was a formal heretic.  He was a formal heretic because he believed that souls can be saved in false religions - indeed in any religion – after he was aware of the dogmatic definitions on Outside the Church There is No Salvation.


Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Against the Heresies, Angelus Press [SSPX], p. 216: “Evidently, certain distinctions must be made.  Souls can be saved in a religion other than the Catholic religion (Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.), but not by this religion.”


This heretical view has been taken up by members of the SSPX, as we see here.


Fr. Schmidberger, Time Bombs of the Second Vatican Council, Angelus Press [SSPX], p. 10: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is clear that the followers of other religions can be saved under certain conditions, that is to say, if they are in invincible error.”


They are formally heretical for promoting this view, for they are already aware of the dogma defined by Pope Eugene IV, etc.  No honest person can maintain that there is not a contradiction between what is quoted above and what Pope Eugene IV defined.


To your third question, no you should not and cannot go back to the SSPX seminary.  Not only are they in heresy on the salvation/baptism issue, but also for obstinately accepting Antipope Benedict XVI and the Vatican II Church.  They also accept Natural Family Planning, which is sinful birth control.  A Catholic must not stay in such a seminary.  You must also become convinced on the baptism issue.  Baptism of desire is not compatible with dogma.  Perhaps you will benefit from listening to these audios, File of Recent Audio Debates on "Baptism of Desire", and we encourage you to look at our book on the topic.


B-16 and Latin Mass


Dear Brothers,

I heard today that B16 celebrated and Tridentine Mass in Rome a little while ago.  Since he is a valid priest, although heretical, would not the congregation have gotten a true sacrament.  If so, why would Lucifer allow this? Is it just to keep people thinking he is conservative.   What do you think about this?... (This does not have any effect on my faith, in case you were wondering, I was just curious and this struck me as odd)



MHFM: Yes, they would have received a valid sacrament, but not to their benefit when they accept him and his heresies.  The Devil would want him to display this on occasion, in order to keep people thinking that Benedict XVI is a conservative, just as you said; and also because they will not be benefitting from the sacrament anyway when their faith is compromised and heretical.


We have obviously documented that Benedict XVI is an outrageous heretic, but people can tend to forget how bad he is if it’s not put front and center for them again.  That’s why we think that the recent heresies we just posted, in which Benedict XVI is expressing total apostasy and religious indifferentism, really reveal again what’s going on.  In fact, it would be almost impossible for him to indicate any more clearly that he has no problem with Eastern schism (i.e., “Orthodoxy” - a complete rejection of the dogmas of Vatican I).  He also expresses total religious indifferentism.  Thus, the people who are enamored with his conservative gestures are being by played by the Devil like a fiddle.  They are thinking that maybe this is the true pope who is going to change the course of the Vatican II Church; maybe he is going to steer it back toward Tradition; but the Devil is just luring them in.  Yes, Benedict XVI will grant them some traditionalist trappings and recognition, but they will have to swallow his manifest heresy, his complete apostasy and his religious indifferentism.


For those who go only by externals, which is the majority of those who profess to be “Catholic” and traditional, it can be slightly deceptive; but, for those with supernatural faith, it’s actually not deceptive at all – because what he’s all about is proven by his manifest heresy and apostasy.


SSPX Bishop Apologizes




Here is an article on the SSPX and its bishop's "apology" for his "holocaust" remarks. I had a feeling this was coming.







MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  That’s really terrible and pathetic.  He apologizes for the distress that he has caused the arch-apostate Antipope Benedict XVI!  This shows us again what we already knew: that Williamson is a total heretic.  Moreover, notice how almost everyone is terrified of displeasing the Jews!  This is sickening.  Williamson obviously believes what he said, but he’s apologizing for it simply because of the reaction it caused.  He doesn’t have the fortitude to even stand up for what he thinks.  The Jews are intimidating almost everyone into submission.  It’s really pathetic.  Basically, what the SSPX is doing is consenting to the idea that the Jewish version of the Holocaust is a super-dogma that everyone must believe under pain of being ridiculed and despised, if not jailed.  And apostate evil “Catholics” assist them in creating a world of Jewish supremacy.


John 7:13- “Yet no man spoke openly of him, for fear of the Jews.”




Greetings brothers!
The guy that wrote to you about licking John XXIII's shoes, the Spanish Inquisition and I assume the Vaticans silence over Germany's killings of the Jews, I think it’s apparent that he believes, like many today even novus ordo Catholics, that certain events in Catholic history, like the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades, were totally wrong. People should know that the Crusades were an answer from the Vatican to help the Catholic population in the Holy Land that was being persecuted by the Saracen Muslims.
It is common among atheists and liberals to use events like the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades to slander the Catholic Church, to make religion seem evil, and as something "man-made" that only separates people on earth.




MHFM: Yes, we figured that’s where she was coming from; but since she did not articulate her objections with any degree of specificity, they weren’t worth responding to. Also, her statement: “How about keeping your own congregants ignorant?” didn’t make any sense. 






This weekend I watched a movie titled Stigmata. This movie is an obvious attempt to discredit the Catholic Church, which would be easy enough to do in the minds of some Catholics who falsely believe that no saint could err in his teachings.  Christ gave us papal authority for the very reason that saints are human beings who are quite capable of error. 


The movie concerns a teenage girl who goes through various phases of Christ's passion.  She becomes possessed and writes the Gospel of St. Thomas in Aramaic on a wall.  They quote often from this gospel something like "The Kingdom of God is within all of us and in us and around us and in all things....  It is not in a building, etc.  This sounds like the philosophy of the Church condemned Father Teilhard DeChardin, however, if this was indeed St. Thomas Gospel, he could have meant something very different which could too easily be interpreted as heresy and therefore his gospel was rejected.  


These movie makers try to make it look as if the church is trying to suppress some sort of truth as they show a (Vatican II) priest attempting to strangle the teenager as he says, "I won't let you destroy my church." 


At the end of the movie is a notation that tells about the discovery of the gospel of Thomas discovered in a cave in Egypt in 1945 and that these were the actual quoted words of Jesus and that the Catholic church declared it was heresy.  How do they know that Jesus said these words and that they were not just an embellishment of his words? 


I just looked up the Gospel of St. Thomas on Amazon and the front inside cover says that these words were "attributed" to Jesus.  They do not say that these were his actual words, which, of course, they could not be since they contradict his actual words.  No mention is made of the fact that when the Bible was put together and approved by the Church, there were other gospels that were rejected as well because Christ is the author of truth, not contradiction.  Still, they continue in their own illogical and stupid ways to contradict and attempt to  destroy the Church in the minds of the people, which is why Christ established infallible authority in his Church which has never failed to preserve the ultimate truth. 




MHFM: The Gospel of Thomas was rejected by the Church as spurious, and not included in the Bible.


Atheist “Holy Day”



In Florida, an atheist created a case against the upcoming Easter and Passover holy days.  He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians, Jews and observances of their holy days.

The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days.  The case was brought before a judge.  After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring, "Case dismissed!"

The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case?  The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others.  The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and  Hanukkah, yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays."

The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do.  Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant."     

The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists."

The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day. Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool.  Therefore, April 1st is his day.  Court is adjourned.”

New Outrageous Heresies from Benedict XVI


MHFM: We’ve updated the file on Benedict XVI’s recent heresies.  There are some new ones that are quite bad.  They express total religious indifferentism, respect for all religions, and a specific acceptance of schism and heresy.  They remind us, once again, that Benedict XVI is an apostate antipope; but also how the false traditionalists who think that Benedict XVI is a pope are completely deceived.  They are quite excited right now because Benedict XVI is welcoming the SSPX completely back into the Vatican II sect.  They are thinking there is hope in Benedict XVI, and that his actions in their regard demonstrate that he is a real pope.  Boy how they are deceived.  Little do they realize that this is all part of the Devil’s plan.  Benedict XVI is preaching heresy and apostasy just as blatantly as the other Vatican II antipopes did; but he is cleverly getting them to accept it (and thus fall into total apostasy) by making them think that he is a conservative who is open to them.  Yes, he is open to them as long as they are open to him and to his apostasy, which they demonstrate by accepting him as a Catholic. 


New Outrageous Heresies from Benedict XVI






Your response to JH concerning his alcohol abuse questions is correct. I have worked in this field for several years. Certainly one addicted must undergo the usually short period of physical withdrawal from alcohol or addictive drugs and deal with the other medical problems associated with substance abuse and alcoholism. But dealing with the spiritual aspect of this problem is essential. It is essentially a sin problem and must be addressed as such. Your response to him was very appropriate.


EJP, M.D., D.D.


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We believe it’s completely a sin problem.


Justification and Baptism


Decrees of the Infallible First Vatican Council (1869-1870)


"Wherefore, by divine and Catholic faith all those things are to be believed which are contained in the word of God as found in scripture and tradition, and which are proposed by the church as matters to be believed as divinely revealed, whether by her solemn judgment OR IN HER ORDINARY AND UNIVERSAL MAGISTERIUM."


We must also believe as Divinely Revealed in the ORDINARY and UNIVERSAL Magisterium which clearly teaches universally at all TIMES and places that justification can be attained before water Baptism.


In +JMJ,



MHFM: No, you are completely wrong, as was shown in the conversation before you skipped out.  You are, sadly, of very bad will.  You believe in salvation outside the Church (as proven by your defense of Lefebvre’s heresy in this regard) and you are a heretic.  The Church does not teach that justification can happen before water baptism.  Here is a quote from St. Ambrose (father and doctor of the Church) which quickly refutes your statement and which expresses the universal teaching of Catholicism on this point: that justification cannot happen without water baptism.


St. Ambrose, De mysteriis, 390-391 A.D.: “You have read, therefore, that the three witnesses in Baptism are one: water, blood, and the spirit; and if you withdraw any one of these, the Sacrament of Baptism is not valid.  For what is water without the cross of Christ?  A common element without any sacramental effect.  Nor on the other hand is there any mystery of regeneration without water: for ‘unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.’ [John 3:5]  Even a catechumen believes in the cross of the Lord Jesus, by which also he is signed; but, unless he be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, he cannot receive the remission of sins nor be recipient of the gift of spiritual grace.” (Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 2: 1330.)


St. Peter


Subject: Peter


Dear Brothers, I'd like some clarification to a statement that Our Lord made to Peter. Maybe you could help me out, and I apologize if you've answered this before. It has to do with when Our Lord said to Peter: "I pray that thy faith fail thee not". How do we understand this in light of the apostasy of the Vat 2 anti-popes? Of course it can't be that Our Lord's prayer was lacking in any way. However we are seeing that their faith has failed.  I'd appreciate you help.  Thank you and God bless.




MHFM: It refers to the infallibility given to the office of St. Peter.  It refers to those teachings declared by a pope from the Chair of Peter, as Vatican I teaches.  Since they were heretics at the time of their “elections,” the Vatican II antipopes never validly assumed the office of St. Peter.  Thus, they did not inherit any of the protections that are given to true popes; and their official promulgation of heresy does not contradict the promise of Christ to St. Peter and his successors.



 Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, 1870, ex cathedra: “… the See of St. Peter always remains unimpaired by any error, according to the divine promise of our Lord the Savior made to the chief of His disciples: ‘I have prayed for thee [Peter], that thy faith fail not ...’” (Denz. 1836)




To whom it concern,


My husband and I have recently come across your web site and are currently watching the videos and reading the information you have on there. We are constantly seeking the truth and find that we have many questions.  First, we were wondering if you know of a pre-Vatican church for us to attend and ask questions in St. Louis, Missouri.  Second, we are buying a home In St. Louis and were looking at sending our 5 year old twins to a Catholic school. Is the Catholic school suitable or would they be better in a regular school?


Third, when it comes to fasting, how would that apply to my kids? Should they participate, etc.?  One of our main concerns is obedience.  Aren’t we suppose to be obedient to the church? We feel that being obedience is one of the best points of the church. We have always felt that the authority is necessary to keep us from chaos. Authority and obedience has always been the foundation of our faith.  Who decides something is heretical, the parishioners or the hierarchy? Is there someone we could call and talk to with our questions?


Thank You for your time,

Thomas and Angela


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Homeschooling your children would be the best option.  The “Catholic” schools are not Catholic anymore.  Once convinced on the issues, contact us here and we can help you with where to receive sacraments.


People must know their faith well enough to identify something that is heretical.  The heresies of the Vatican II sect (e.g., ecumenism, religious indifferentism, salvation outside the Church, etc.) represent such a blatant departure from Catholic dogma that every person is bound to reject them and to denounce those who promote them.  The body which gives these heretical teachings to you is not the Catholic Church, but a counterfeit Vatican II sect posing as the Church.  We think you would benefit from listening to this program we did, which summarizes what's going on.


The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II Audio Program, Part 1, Part 2 [2 hrs. each part]


St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, lib. II, cap. 30: Finally, the Holy Fathers teach unanimously not only that heretics are outside of the Church, but also that they are ‘ipso facto’ deprived of all ecclesiastical jurisdiction and dignity.”


This quote from St. Robert Bellarmine articulates the traditional Catholic teaching that all heretics, whether bishops, priests, whatever, lose jurisdiction (i.e. authority) when becoming heretics.  In being obedient to them, you are not being obedient to the Catholic Church, but to manifest heretics.  Therefore, in being obedient to the Vatican II Church, you are not being obedient to the Catholic Church.  You are actually opposing the Catholic Church and being obedient to heresy.


To your other question, the laws of abstinence bind everyone 7 or older.  The laws of fast bind everyone (unless health or work impeded) 21 to 59 inclusive.  This is covered in the calendar section of our site.


John XXIII’s shoes


You aren't fit to lick John XXIII's shoes.  Have you read the Church's history?  At all--how does the Spanish Inquisition strike you?  How about Nazi's and the Jews and SILENCE?  How about keeping your own congregants ignorant?  You have sinned beyond measure.  You ought to be ashamed.  Truly ashamed.


Sharon Mary Holzschuh


MHFM: Yes, we aren’t fit to lick John XXIII’s shoes, for only a heretic (or perhaps a Freemason) would do that.  Regarding your other comments, they aren’t worth addressing since you don’t express your objections with almost any clarity.  The only thing that is clear is that you don’t accept the Catholic faith.




I read the exchange where the one person told you all to drop dead. I find it quite interesting that Novus Ordo "Catholics" respect every "Christian" Creed under the sun. Methodism is fine, Lutheranism hey that’s close enough to Catholicism. But when you say you're Traditional Catholic they can't stand it, try to convince you otherwise, and react violently to the truth. Most people I know respect the other 2 billion "Christians" then question whether I'm a Christian. I think the reason they react this way is that deep down, they know they are convicted and the truth is painful to them.
Kenneth Connelly


Debate Audios


I wanted to tell you that I just finished the audios on the BOB and Desire debates.....except the William one....I am still trying to muscle through that one.  I don't know if I ever will be able to finish it. 
I thought you made a most wonderful point on how CMRI and like groups could condemn 90% more of Ratzinger and the counterfeit church if they didn't accept the heresy on Baptism of blood and desire.  I never thought of that before.
I also loved how you were told to define Baptism of Blood and Desire.....as if that could possibly be done....since everybody disagrees on the meaning and proper application.
Lastly, the 8-minute audio with Ken is a perfect and quick example of bad will. 
Thank you for sharing the audios.  It's a very sobering reminder of how Vatican II happened.  
Thank you again for all of your hard work.
Teri Thurman 

Struggling with Alcohol


I am a Catholic that believes what you do. I am also struggling with alcohol addiction and am trying to find a place to go to that is not secular or apostate. Can you help me?

Thanks, JH


MHFM: We don't have anywhere to recommend, but your problem can be solved if you pray the 15-decade rosary each day and do it well.  You need to pray to Our Lady for help and your problem will be knocked out.  And obviously you must avoid the occasions of sin.


In fact, we all hear about stories of people who are in and out of rehab centers.  They take all the steps they are told to take, and conquer their problem, but then fall back into it again and again.  The reason that they fall back so frequently – and that it’s such a difficult struggle for so many to overcome the addiction – is that their addiction is not simply physical, but spiritual.  They are tied down by spiritual powers.  If all the people who entered drug and alcohol rehab centers were given rosaries and told to pray them (and they did it well), they would all be cured of their problem and wouldn’t relapse.


Judaism and Incarnation


Dear Brothers:

On pages 299-300, in the chapter WHY YOU NEED TO BE A JEW, Kushner states:  "Christianity believes that God incarnated Himself, became flesh, in the person of Jesus and changed the world thereby.  JUDAISM TEACHES THAT GOD INCARNATES HIMSELF IN EVERY ONE OF US, AND GIVES US POWER TO MAKE HIM REAL, NOT JUST AN ABSTRACT NOTION, IN THE WORLD, CHANGING THE WORLD THEREBY.

Just thought this was interesting,




MHFM: Yes, that is interesting.  It’s interesting because the doctrine of the Antichrist is a denial of Jesus as the Christ (1 John 2:22); and it is also the dissolving of Jesus (1 John 4:3) and a corruption of the truth that Jesus is God in the flesh (2 John 1:7).  That quote combines all of those into one: by the Jewish denial of Jesus as God incarnate, and the antichrist assertion that God is actually incarnated or dissolved into each man, which is what John Paul II also taught.




Subject: Where to Start


I left the church when I was 12 years old only to begin what would be a long road back to the Catholic church. When I returned it was a quiet event followed by remaining anonymous for quite a long time. My first question (I had no knowledge of Vatican II) was, "I wonder if the Pope knows what is going on, the mass, the lack of silence in the sanctuary, the constant talking among parishioners while mass is being celebrated and children leaving Mass presumably to go to the bathroom. If I seem angry I am not but I am disappointed in the changes of the church that I recall as a youngster when my Catholic grandmother was alive. Unfortunately she left me at 9 years of age to be with the Lord. A few years later I left the church. My journey has been lengthy and very painful. I became aware of what a disappointment I must be to the Lord. Any suggestions you may have will certainly help me to be true to my faith and the church.




MHFM: The Vatican II “popes” certainly know what’s going on in the local churches.  It was their apostate programs which caused it, and they allow it to continue.  You should study the material on our website, obtain the special package we offer, and take the steps to return to a belief in and a practice of the traditional Catholic faith.




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

My name is Marco

I have been reading your materials for some time and I would very much like to speak with a Traditional Catholic Priest. 

I live in Reading, PA.  Do you know of any Traditional priests I can speak with, who might be within driving distance, on subjects such as the Church, marriage, family, NFP etc.

Thank you for your time,



MHFM: Thanks for the interest, Marco.  We assume you agree and are committed to never attending the New Mass for any reason.  Also, before we would give a location for the sacraments, one would have to completely agree on the issues of faith (e.g., the Vatican II Church, Outside the Church there is no salvation, etc.).  There are almost no fully Catholic priests in the country today.  There are valid priests who profess to be Catholic, but they hold certain false positions which are contrary to the faith.  You can approach some of them for the sacraments, but you cannot agree with or support them.  Call us here and we can help you with that.  We also have a file on where to go to Mass which explains certain guidelines on that issue.  If you haven’t already, please consult our article on why NFP is not acceptable.






I've ordered some of the DVDs on the heresies of Benedict XVI, etc.  I've decided to send one to each Vatican 2 believing organization that sends me solicitations.  Occasionally I'm asked where I go to church.  Hand them a disc.... Everything that needs to be said is in there.  I listened to the B16 section again this morning.  Incredible that he could get away with this. 


40 years without the true Mass come Advent......




Dear mhfm,  Isn't it so obvious to false traditionals and their double-tongued speech when they denounce Dr. Ratzinger as the antipope and false, but yet believe as he does that one can be saved outside the Roman Catholic Church, after dogma points directly entering through the Roman Cathoic Church the absolute way of salvation, and the only way to enter is through water baptism?  Mind boggling, no?




MHFM: Yes, it’s a mystery of iniquity that there are so many people of bad will, so many liars, and so few people of truth.  Another example came yesterday.  We were contacted by a person who claims to be a traditional Catholic sedevacantist.  However, he has now gone against what we are saying (and attacked us publicly) because he thinks we are contradicting Catholic teaching on “baptism of desire” and invincible ignorance.  During the conversation, we addressed and refuted all of his objections, and then asked him a few questions about his “faith.”  Typical of a heretic, he was extremely reluctant to tell us what he believed.  He refused to answer a simple question about whether Martin Luther was definitely in mortal sin and of bad faith when he was blaspheming and attacking the Catholic Church.  The obvious implication was that he couldn’t simply say that Luther was of bad faith.  He also indicated that he couldn’t say that Jews who reject Christ, etc. are not in the state of grace.  He is thus open to universal salvation and anonymous Christianity, just as basically everyone who believes in “baptism of desire” today.  They would try to deny it, but the truth is that they believe it’s possible for anyone in any situation to be saved.  They cannot say that anyone is definitely excluded.  It’s very dark.  They truly believe in nothing, yet they think they are traditional Catholics.  It’s really bad out there.  There is so much bad will it’s startling.  Most “traditionalists” are apostates, especially on that issue.




My dear friends and brother in faith,

I can hardly find the right words to express my gratitude for your amazing website and your dedicated work in exposing V-2.  As we say in German you hit the nail right on the top and express the feelings, I as a young man of 30 years had all my life concerning the "catholic" "church".  I feel strong affection towards the true Catholic Faith, the Holy Virgin and our Lord but hardly ever felt "home" in the V2-church.  The problem for me is that I live in Germany, and I was never able to attend a real mass in Latin or receive the sacraments in all my life.  Since my life has been sinful, I want to repent and ask for forgiveness and take part in an actual church life.  So my question is: where can I go? Is there a true catholic community here in Germany (or at least on the European continent) or would I have to travel to the United States to do so?  In case you know of true Catholic networks in Europe and elsewhere I would like to suggest that you publish this on your great website to make it easier for people to find fellow catholics and get in touch with them.

Thank you for great work and may God blesss you






I was wondering how you explain ghosts?

Also, I know a lot of protestants and their reasoning for not believing in apparitions is that "no one even knows about those. Don't you think it would be a really big deal around the world if Mary appeared to someone?" How do I convince someone that they are real?



MHFM: If a person claims to see a “ghost,” he is probably seeing an evil spirit.  Regarding apparitions, one could start by showing him the evidence for the message of Fatima and the miracle which was witnessed before tens of thousands of people, including non-Catholics.  As this file covers, the secular newspapers even reported on it, and described it (amazingly) in a way that corresponds exactly to the sign predicted in Apocalypse 12:1.


The Message of Fatima: a heavenly sign marking the beginning of the end times and a prediction of apostasy from the Church [PDF]


Double Oaths


Dear Brothers,


Recently, Obama repeated his oath of office because a mistake was made in its form, during the inauguration.  This was done, even though he had won the popular election and it was confirmed by the electoral college!  All this was done, to give proper authority for a political office!  Imagine, how much more important the words are to a holy sacrament, before God!!  i wish the VII church would be as meticulous with God's sacraments, as the politicians!  God bless and keep you!


MHFM: That’s right.  Regarding the “popular election,” if we get some time we plan on posting something about some interesting questions about the “popular election.”


Drop Dead?


I have seen your website and quite frankly...you are an evil and nasty group. An organization worthy of being classified as a cult. Not worthy of the name "Catholic". You yourselves have exposed yourselves as heretics, apostates, and schismatics. You dare to call yourselves Christians, when you have actually been brought onto this earth from the bowels of hell, which is where I hope you return to rot. May all of the members of your cult DROP DEAD you...


MHFM: You obviously don’t know the first thing about the Catholic faith, and you are an apostate.  You are led by the forces of Hell.  The evil in you stirs you to react and viciously attack the uncompromising presentation of the Catholic faith.  Should you continue on your evil path, soon enough you will find out just how blind and deceived you are.




I listened to a couple of them [the debates].  The man that you were attempting to debate with during the 8 minute session was in a very sad state.




MHFM: That’s right, and yet they actually think they are strong Catholics.




You all are doing such great work.  Thank you so much for your information it’s changing my life.


Ricardo Perez


I have recently discovered your web site, and I am absolutely pleased and happy God helped me find it.


Carlos E. Cerritelli


Judging Heresy


Subject: Judging Heresy


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for the Baptism of Desire debates.


I got to thinking that when people (like the SSPX) accuse us of not having the authority to judge heresy/heretics, they may as well be saying that we don't even have the authority to be Catholics. If you're not allowed to figure out what is or isn't Catholic, how on earth are you going to be one?!!


God Bless,


Kit White


MHFM: That’s absolutely right.  The notion that a Catholic does not have the authority to recognize and denounce a heretic is modernist nonsense.  In that particular conversation we didn’t have time to get into any teachings of the Church in this regard, but simply to refute it by pointing out that it undercuts that individual’s own rejection of the Vatican II sect.  (We saw that he wasn’t even willing to denounce Benedict XVI as a heretic, thus proving that he is a heretic and that his flawed theology leads to a heretical conclusion which undermines his own position.)  Only a person who is completely faithless would assert that a Catholic does not have the authority and ability to recognize and denounce a heretic.  But faithless is exactly what all those who obstinately defend the salvation/baptism of desire heresy are.


If you cannot identify who is not in the Church – or who is not to be considered in the Church by his or her external actions and beliefs – then there is no true rule of faith or Church unity.  You must accept as Catholic anyone who claims to be.  What that individual said is completely contrary to the true faith, as these two quotes (among many others) show: 


St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30: “… for men are not bound, or able to read hearts; BUT WHEN THEY SEE THAT SOMEONE IS A HERETIC BY HIS EXTERNAL WORKS, THEY JUDGE HIM TO BE A HERETIC PURE AND SIMPLE, AND CONDEMN HIM AS A HERETIC.”


St. Robert Bellarmine is not asserting that people who demonstrate clear and obstinate heresy could have good hearts.  They do not.  He is simply pointing out that Catholics recognize and denounce them as heretics by their external actions (undeniable, clear and obstinate heresy), not by reading their hearts.  (Their external actions of heresy, if clear and obstinate, demonstrate that they have evil hearts.)  St. Polycarp (who knew the apostle St. John) also understood the apostolic faith, and thus did not hesitate to denounce the heretic Marcion as the firstborn of Satan.


St. Ireneaus, Against Heresies: “Once he [St. Polycarp] was met by Marcion, who said to him, ‘Do you recognize me?’ and Polycarp replied, ‘I recognize you as the firstborn of Satan!’” (Jurgens, Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1:212)


So what the individual said in the conversation about not having the ability to denounce heretics is ridiculous and heretical, and it condemns his own rejection of the Vatican II Church.




Regarding your debate with Ken G; Perhaps Mr. G can consider Matthew XVI, 23. After contemplating that verse, Mr. G can consider Matthew V, 48.


It seems to me that if Jesus chastises Peter by calling him Satan, (Mt XVI) and for not thinking like God and not savoring the things of God, it is because Peter’s thinking is opposed to God’s thinking. We know Jesus’ words are truth and that Satan is a liar and the father of all lies. In the simplest terms; if we think and act like God we are God’s children, conversely, if we think and act like man (Satan) we are man’s (Satan’s) children. And if one wants to be perfect (Mt V) one needs to be perfect as his Heavenly Father is perfect. Therefore, we need to think like God in order to achieve perfection like God. And if it is a requirement to think as God thinks to avoid being called Satan, surely we can quickly and simply make an accurate assessment (thinking as God thinks and being perfect by adhering to truth, not error) based upon fact, knowledge and evidence as to the publicly and/or privately revealed spiritual statements a person, any person, makes known.


How about John Wycliffe, Denziger, page 209; Error # 6:


“God ought to obey the devil.”


Is Wyciffe a heretic, or do we need confirmation from God that He does or does not obey the devil before we label Wycliffe a heretic? I would not tempt God by asking for confirmation. I would call Wycliffe a heretic.





MHFM: Yes, what he said is pure modernism, as covered above. 





I have just found your website and read a few articles concerning heresies and our catholic faith. I am aspiring and praying hard for my vocation to the priesthood. I wish to help Christ bring His flock back together and empty myself out to let Him do His work.  Hopefully someday I can actually help others in an elevated role by bringing our Lord Jesus Christ to them.  I am trying hard to navigate between traditionalists and modernists within the Catholic Church as well as those who have separated themselves from the fold.

Thank you very much for your well presented website and the opportunity to explore another viewpoint within the catholic faith. I will discern among the information provided to glean valuable insight. I have been inspired to write this email to perhaps find some guidance on a question I have. Who is the "real" Pope when those who claim an antipope is on the chair of St. Peter?

Peace be with You!



MHFM: Thanks for the interest, Matt.  There is no doubt that the traditional Catholic faith is the true faith, not the modernist Vatican II religion.  There is currently no pope, no one sitting on the Chair of St. Peter.  It’s the same as the situation in the past when popes died, leaving the Chair of Peter vacant. 


St. Francis De Sales (17th century), Doctor of the Church, The Catholic Controversy, pp. 305-306:  "Now when he [the Pope] is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church..."


Pope St. Siricius


MHFM: Since the idea of “baptism of desire” has been under discussion this week, we figured we’d post this again.  It’s covered in our book, but it’s important to consider again.




     In his letter to the Bishop of Tarragona in the year 385, Pope St. Siricius also shows how the belief in the early Church rejected the idea of baptism of desire.


Pope St. Siricius, Letter to Himerius, 385: “As we maintain that the observance of the holy Paschal time should in no way be relaxed, in the same way we desire that infants who, on account of their age, cannot yet speak, or those who, in any necessity, are in want of the water of holy baptism, be succored with all possible speed, for fear that, if those who leave this world should be deprived of the life of the Kingdom for having been refused the source of salvation which they desired, this may lead to the ruin of our souls.  If those threatened with shipwreck, or the attack of enemies, or the uncertainties of a siege, or those put in a hopeless condition due to some bodily sickness, ask for what in their faith is their only help, let them receive at the very moment of their request the reward of regeneration they beg for.  Enough of past mistakes!  From now on, let all the priests observe the aforesaid rule if they do not want to be separated from the solid apostolic rock on which Christ has built his universal Church.” (Fr. Jacques Dupuis and Fr. Josef Neuner, The Christian Faith, Sixth Revised and Enlarged Edition, Staten Island, NY: Alba House, 1996, p. 540.)


     This quotation from Pope St. Siricius is striking in that it again clearly shows how the early Church rejected belief in the concept of baptism of desire.  He begins by affirming that the observance of Paschal time should not be relaxed.  (He is referring to the fact that Baptisms were historically performed during Paschal time.)  After affirming that this tradition should be maintained, he warns that infants and those in any necessity or danger should be baptized immediately, lest they are “deprived of the life of the Kingdom for having been refused the source of salvation which they desired.” 


     In other words, the man who desires water baptism and begs for regeneration will still be denied heaven if he does not receive it!  This clearly rejects the idea of baptism of desire.  And it comes from a pope, saint and father of the early Church.  (This also proves that the delay in baptizing adults is for the instruction and the testing of the catechumens, not because it was held that these catechumens could be saved without baptism.)


     This point is made again by the pope in the second half of the quotation, where he says that when those unbaptized persons “ask for what in their faith is their only help, let them receive at the very moment of their request the reward of regeneration they beg for.”  This means that receiving water baptism is the only help to salvation for such persons who earnestly desire to receive Baptism!  There is no help to salvation for such persons in their desire or martyrdom, but only in receiving the Sacrament of Baptism!




I was wondering if you could quote me what you mentioned about distinctions in Justification?


MHFM: Michael du Bay denied the following distinctions, and was condemned for it.  The two quotes that are most relevant are found in Denzinger 1063 and Denzinger 1064.


Denz. 1063, Errors of Michael du Bay #63- “Moreover that distinction of a twofold justice, one which is brought to pass through the indwelling Spirit of charity, the other which arises from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit exciting the heart to penance, but not yet dwelling in the heart and diffusing charity in it, by which the justification of the divine law may be fulfilled, is similarly condemned.” (Condemned by Pope St. Pius V, in the Bull "Ex omnibus afflictionibus," Oct. 1, 1567)

Denz. 1064, Errors of Michael du Bay #64- “And likewise that distinction of a twofold vivification, the one, by which a sinner is vivified, when the resolution to penance and the beginning of a new life through the grace of God inspire him; the other, by which he is vivified who is truly justified and is made a living branch on the vine for Christ, is equally deceitful and in no way consonant with the Scriptures.” (Condemned by Pope St. Pius V, in the Bull "Ex omnibus afflictionibus," Oct. 1, 1567)






I remember being taught in pre-Vatican II high school religion class that if we came across someone, suppose someone we knew had never been baptized, who was dying, who said he did not want to be baptized, then, even if we baptized him anyway, he would not receive the sacrament because he did not want (desire) it. 




MHFM: That’s correct.  The Church teaches that one should not baptize a person who does not want to be baptized and who does not at least know the essential mysteries of faith (which no adult can be saved without believing), such as the Trinity and the Incarnation.  Even if one is in a coma, for instance, one could not baptize him or her unless that person manifested beforehand a belief in the essential mysteries of faith and a desire to be baptized.


The fact that no one who wishes to be saved can be saved without a knowledge and belief in the mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation is the reason why the Holy Office under Pope Clement XI responded that a missionary must, before baptism, explain these absolutely necessary mysteries to an adult who is at the point of death.


            Response of the Sacred Office to the Bishop of Quebec, Jan. 25, 1703:

“Q. Whether a minister is bound, before baptism is conferred on an adult, to explain to him all the mysteries of our faith, especially if he is at the point of death, because this might disturb his mind.  Or, whether it is sufficient, if the one at the point of death will promise that when he recovers from the illness, he will take care to be instructed, so that he might put into practice what has been commanded him.

    “A.  A promise is not sufficient, but a missionary is bound to explain to an adult, even a dying one who is not entirely incapacitated, the mysteries of faith which are necessary by a necessity of means, as are especially the mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation.” (Denz. 1349a)


Another question was posed at the same time and answered the same way.


Response of the Sacred Office to the Bishop of Quebec, Jan. 25, 1703: “Q. Whether it is possible for a crude and uneducated adult, as it might be with a barbarian, to be baptized, if there were given him only an understanding of God and some of His attributes… although he does not believe explicitly in Jesus Christ.

    “A. A missionary should not baptize one who does not believe explicitly in the Lord Jesus Christ, but is bound to instruct him about all those matters which are necessary, by a necessity of means, in accordance with the capacity of the one to be baptized.” (Denz. 1349b)


New Baptism of Desire Debates


MHFM: One of us recently engaged in numerous debates/conversations with “traditionalists” and sedevacantists who believe in baptism of desire.  The following four were the only people confident enough to do a recorded phone conversation about the issue (3 “traditionalists” and 1 member of the Novus Ordo).  Even though we had numerous sedevacantist priests on the phone and specifically asked them to have a recorded conversation about the issue, including Bishop McKenna, Fr. Collins, Fr. Adam C., none of them were confident enough to have a recorded discussion. 


This is particularly revealing, especially when we consider that they claim to be correct and knowledgeable.  If they claim to understand the Church’s teaching on this issue, why the reluctance?  Why are they so afraid to simply discuss the issue in a recorded conversation?  It’s because their positions would be refuted and exposed.  We also had about five other outspoken lay-proponents of baptism of desire on the phone.  Many of them even had time to discuss the issue, but wouldn’t have it recorded.  It’s a shame that they did not give permission for the exchanges to be recorded because their false positions were refuted.  If anyone is willing to debate the issue in a telephone conversation, contact us.


These debates (and the file which contains them) will be found permanently in our Traditional Catholic Audios section and in our Outside the Church There is No Salvation section.


File of Recent Audio Debates on "Baptism of Desire"


Debate on baptism of desire with sedevacantist Ken [1 hr. 46 min. audio – Jan. 2009]


This Ken is a different Ken from the one below.  This Ken, who originally liked our material, became very much opposed to us and to our material after being persuaded by arguments for baptism of desire which were made by other sedevacantist priests, bishops and groups.  He became convinced that they had the truth on this issue and that we did not.  The cordial tone of this conversation doesn’t really capture how very opposed Ken had become to our position.  Coming into the conversation, Ken thought that we were completely wrong, heretical and theologically ignorant on the issue.  He denounced us in no uncertain terms.  To our pleasant surprise and to his credit, in the course of the conversation Ken couldn’t resist the arguments from dogmatic teaching which refute baptism of desire and he changed his position!  Many angles to the baptism of desire controversy are discussed in this exchange, especially later on.  However, we simply didn’t get to some other facets of this issue.  (As an example, a passage in Sess. 7 of the Council of Trent is mentioned in passing but we simply never got to discussing it.)


Debate on baptism of desire with "traditionalist" Roger [24 min. audio – Jan. 2009]


Roger claims to be a traditional Catholic.  He wrote to us saying that we are wrong on the baptism of desire issue.  He said that the Church teaches that people can be justified before baptism by desire.  He agreed to call us and debate/discuss the issue.  Unfortunately, this debate only lasted 24 minutes.  Roger suddenly became unwilling to discuss the issue after his first few arguments were refuted.  (Since Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of the Council of Trent is discussed here and in following conversations, it should be emphasized that the reason for the inclusion of the word “desire” in that passage is because it’s talking about justification of adults and it’s necessary for those above the age of reason to desire water baptism, in addition to being baptized, as the Catechism of the Council of Trent teaches.  That’s discussed more at length in the section on that decree in our book.)


Debate-exchange on baptism of desire with sedevacantist Ken G. [8 min. audio – Jan. 2009]


This is an interesting short telephone exchange with a sedevacantist supporter of baptism of desire named Ken G.  He has strongly criticized and attacked people who don’t believe in “baptism of desire,” such as ourselves.  We would characterize this individual as part of the vicious crowd of pro-baptism of desire heretics in our day.  He purports to be a knowledgeable “Catholic” who understands the traditional faith.  This conversation, although short, reveals that he doesn’t understand the Catholic faith.  It exposes his bad will and his false position, even though we barely had any time at all to develop anything, but only to quickly refute the first two objections he raised.


He only stays on the telephone for eight minutes and barely gives us a chance to speak.  In that short time, however, one of the myths that is central to his belief in baptism of desire (the false idea that a doctor of the Church cannot teach doctrinal error) is refuted.  His false understanding of theology is further exposed.  He asserts that we are wrong and that we don’t have the authority to denounce anyone as a heretic.  When that is refuted by simply pointing out that, based on such an assertion, he could not denounce Benedict XVI as a heretic; and he should therefore submit to the Vatican II Church, we see that he gets flustered, contradicts himself, and runs from that fact which just refuted his false assertion.  His assertion, that we don’t have the authority to say anyone is a heretic, undercuts his own rejection of the Vatican II sect and forces him to conclude that he cannot denounce Benedict XVI as a heretic.  He thus proves that he is a complete modernist.


If he had stayed on the phone longer, all of his false arguments would have been refuted.  That’s why he (in his bad will) had to skip out early and attempt to not let me speak for the duration of the time he stayed on the phone.  This conversation shows us again that the baptism of desire advocates, including the most knowledgeable, have nothing to prove their position with except for a collection of fallible arguments and theological myths (such as that a doctor of the Church cannot make a doctrinal error) which crumble when put to the test.  That’s why it’s so hard to get any of them to do this kind of thing.  They prefer to hide behind their computers (where they cannot be put on the spot) and ignore and pervert the truth by specious argumentation.  He also says that disputes on this issue are simply Satan’s attempt to divide “traditional Catholics.”  On the contrary, it is the heresy that people don’t need to be baptized Catholics to be saved, which he and others accept and defend, which has been the key to the Vatican II apostasy and which divides them from the Catholic faith.  In fact, this conversation reveals how his heresy on this point leads him into modernistic apostasy, that people don’t have the authority to denounce anyone as a heretic.  Heretics such as this must be refuted and exposed.


Debate-exchange with William Golle on baptism of desire - part 1 [51 min. audio – Jan. 2009]


Debate-exchange with William Golle on baptism of desire - part 2 [29 min. audio – Jan. 2009]


This is a debate/discussion with William Golle.  He believes in baptism of desire and is also a member of the Vatican II Church under Benedict XVI.  This was an informal debate, but the understanding was that he would let me speak without interruption and vice versa.  After letting Mr. Golle speak without interruption to begin this debate/exchange, notice that almost immediately after I begin to speak (about the 3:06 mark) he interrupts me.  This would set the tone for this exchange, in which he interrupted me repeatedly.   Conforming to this tone which was set by Golle, we began to interrupt each other throughout.  Nevertheless, despite this choppy and highly contentious format in the first part, many very interesting and important points are covered. 


In Part 1 of this exchange, we see again that baptism of desire is a tower of sand.  All of the arguments raised for baptism of desire are from fallible sources and can be refuted.  In short, the arguments do not prove that the Catholic Church has taught baptism of desire.  We also see that Golle is forced to admit that a very source which he deems definitive on this issue (the Catechism attributed to Pius X) teaches heresy on this very issue; but then he tries to deny it after having admitted it.  Invincible ignorance is also discussed.  Among other things, we see that Mr. Golle shows profound dishonesty on numerous fronts.  For instance, he asserts that St. Thomas taught invincible ignorance, which is not true.  At the 30-minute mark, Mr. Golle claims that he does not believe that Jews can be saved.  In the second section, however, he bluntly admits that they can be saved, demonstrating again that he (and others who hold his position) are utter liars. 


After the first 50-minutes of this exchange, we agreed to pause the recording and start afresh (in Part 2) with an exchange during which each of us would remain silent for about 2 minutes as the other person spoke.  It’s a shame (and probably not an accident) that only 30-minutes into this imposed silence format, he didn’t want to go any longer.  In the second section, his claims on the Council of Trent are addressed and refuted, including the common error that Sess. 6, Chap. 4 of Trent taught that desire for baptism justifies, which it does not.  It taught that justification cannot happen without water baptism or the desire for it (as in a shower cannot be taken without soap or water – both are necessary), mentioning the desire because it’s discussing adult justification and recipients above the age of reason must desire water baptism to be justified, in addition to being baptized. 




Hi Brothers,

I recently listened to a very interesting debate (which you won) with a gentleman who was attempting to pass off a phrase in Orientalium Ecclesiarium (#27) concerning separated eastern brethren, having "the right dispositions" as meaning already converted. Your response was it referred to the morals of the eastern communicant before reception of the Eucharist. I was reading in Mediator Dei (#31) a passage where Pius XII uses this idea of right disposition in the sense in which you were trying to enlighten the caller:  "But if they are to produce their proper effect, it is absolutely necessary that our hearts be PROPERLY DISPOSED to receive them. Hence the warning of Paul the Apostle with reference to holy communion, "But let a man first prove himself; and then let him eat of this bread and drink of the chalice."[30] This explains why the Church in a brief and significant phrase calls the various acts of mortification, especially those practiced during the season of Lent, "the Christian army's defenses."

Thought this might be useful the next time someone asks you about this topic.

God Bless,
Mark Turner.


MHFM: Yes, thanks for the e-mail.  The notion that Vatican II wasn’t teaching that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Communion because it said they must be properly disposed (which supposedly means that they actually convert) is absurd.


For those who might not be familiar with what this reader is commenting on, he’s referring to this: Debate: does Vatican II teach that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion? [39 min. audio – June 2, 2008]




I came across your Website today.  I was very surprised at what I was reading. I was born and raised Catholic, but I was attending a non-catholic church when all the "changes" were made and returned around 1986.


I never would have imagined that some of what I was now experiencing in the church, may be wrong. I am still in the Catholic Church and I have been reading Catholic Prophecy and other prophecies throughout the years… I will return to your site and read some more material and ask the Holy Spirit to help me discern the truth.


Thank you

Leona in Dayton, Ohio


MHFM: Well, what the material proves is that the church you are going to is not a real Catholic church.  It's a Vatican II counterfeit church.  This is proven by the past teachings of the popes.  Thus, if one accepts the authority which Christ established in Peter and his successors, one will see that those teachings prove that this Vatican II Church is not the legitimate Catholic Church.  Rather, it is a counterfeit sect which is predicted to arise in the last days to lead people astray, which reduces the true Catholic Church (which still exists) to a remnant.


JP2 and Mother Teresa


Dear Bro Dimond,

It is my understanding that Mary's role as Co-redemptrix is already a doctrine of the Church, why would those who promote its elevation to dogma be considered "phonies and false devotees of Our Lady"? Would John Paul II be considered as such based on the numerous references he made to this term/doctrine? Would Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Mother Angelica, etc. also be in this phony camp???

In the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Martin LaMartina
Franciscan University of Steubenville Alumni


MHFM: It is not a doctrine of the Church.  A person would only be a phony and false devotee of Our Lady if a person were to obstinately insist on the title after that person has clearly digested and carefully considered the following dogmatic definitions, which declare that Christ alone is the Redeemer and that He redeemed the world alone


Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Sess. 25, On Invocation, Veneration and Relics of Saints, and on Sacred Images, ex cathedra: “…the saints, who reign with Christ, offer up their prayers to God for men; and that it is good and useful to invoke them suppliantly and, in order to obtain favors from God through His Son JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, WHO ALONE IS OUR REDEEMER and Savior….And they must also teach that images of Christ, the virgin mother of God and the other saints should be set up and kept… But if anyone should teach or maintain anything contrary to these decrees, let him be anathema.” (Denz. 984)


Here we see that Jesus Christ alone is our Redeemer.  Notice that this definition even mentions Mary.  So, in the very context of mentioning the Blessed Virgin and the saints, the Council of Trent declares that Christ alone is the Redeemer.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches that no one conceived of man and woman was ever freed of the domination of the Devil, except through the merit of the mediator between God and men, our Lord Jesus Christ; He who was conceived without sin, was born and died, THROUGH HIS DEATH ALONE LAID LOW THE ENEMY OF THE HUMAN RACE BY DESTROYING OUR SINS, and opened the entrance to the kingdom of heaven, which the first man by his own sin had lost…” (Denz. 711)


Regarding John Paul II, Mother Teresa and Mother Angelica, they were/are all heretical.  They accept religious indifferentism, salvation outside the Church and the heresies of Vatican II.  That makes them non-Catholics.  Please consult these files.


The Heresies of John Paul II - a comprehensive presentation [PDF file]

EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]

The Religious Orders in the Vatican II sect: Totally Apostate [PDF File]

This article includes a section on the apostasy of Mother Teresa and her religious order, The Missionaries of Charity




Dear Brothers,


I have a prediction to make. Obama will give a speech to America within the first quarter of his presidency that will go something like this:


"My fellow Americans. This country can no longer tolerate the rhetoric of hatred if we are to move further toward a New Age of freedom and peace. Whether it be hatred towards homosexuals or lesbians, Jews, or any other race based hatred! There will be no tolerance for hatred in the 21st century! That is why I have signed an executive order banishing all hate speech from this day forward. This order, known as "The Freedom from Hatred Act" will pave the way toward a more tolerant more peaceful world where fellow citizens need not fear bias due to race, gender, religion, or sexual preference. Yes, we can have a more peaceful world! Yes, we can!"


Eyes opened


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


During my early life, I got put into a childrens home by my parents. My parents didnt practice any religion, but when i went to the home, i had to go to church. Well, with the taint of the freemasons on the world, I went to a baptist church… i did get baptized there. As i grew up i lost God, and started becoming an Atheist. Through coincidental means i found this site, and all it has to offer. This site has opened my eyes to the true faith, and i thank you.


Well, as you may know, a global conspiracy is on us, the freemasons. And with all this infiltration of the true faith, and with their taint on the churches, I got a question for you, and by this question i can probably find the rest of my questions from it.


While I can find a catholic church in my area, how do I know that church hasnt been tainted? What are the signs of an authentic church that practices the true faith?


 I don’t want to go to a church that I think is real, and mock our God.


MHFM: We’re really glad to hear about your interest and that you came across the website.  As you now seem to recognize, there’s only one true Christian faith and that's the Catholic faith.  We would recommend this section of our site for the biblical proof for Catholicism: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/refuting_protestantism_mainpage.php


You should also begin to pray the Rosary each day.  We have a file on how to do that.  When you are completely convinced of all the points of faith, you need to take the steps to convert.  The steps on how to do that are on our website, and then we can help you with where to receive sacraments.  All of the New Masses are invalid.  They are false and must be totally avoided. 


Salvation doubt


Hello...I have been reading up on many of the readings on your website… I have ordered the package with 7dvd's and 2 books. I am currently reading the PDF about No salvation outside of the Catholic church, which I will tell you is the one thing I am having difficulties with because, although you make some great points (I am not yet finished reading it) It is difficult for me to believe that people who are not Catholic will be going to Hell because God is so merciful and besides that the Bible...Jesus says if you pick up your cross, deny yourself, follow me, love God with your whole heart, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor. And yes I believe that Peter was given the keys to heaven and the 1st pope and that his successors were indeed real popes, but my problem is that Jesus never stated that if you don't follow Peter you will go to hell. I don''t know this I am still praying about because if I am wrong God rebuke me and humble me to know the truth I pray, but the main reason for this e-mail is that i see a contradiction. If the pope is infallible (which i believe) when in the seat on Peter then what about the anti popes? When they teach on faith are they still infallible?  Please help me to understand because I am just trying to discern everything I have been learning from your website...which i believe are hidden truths, but in some things I need guidance. Not only for me but to help my loved ones who are devout Catholics, but open to hear to the truth. thank you and God Bless!



MHFM: We do appreciate the interest, but you have to accept the faith.  How can you claim to believe that Jesus gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, when you don’t believe what Peter’s successors have defined with the power of those keys?


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “… can it be lawful for anyone to reject any one of those truths without by that very fact falling into heresy? – without separating himself from the Church? – without repudiating in one sweeping act the whole of Christian teaching?  For such is the nature of faith that nothing can be more absurd than to accept some things and reject others.  Faith, as the Church teaches, is that supernatural virtue by which… we believe what He has revealed to be true, not on account of the intrinsic truth perceived by the natural light of human reason [author: that is, not because it seems correct to us], but because of the authority of God Himself, the Revealer, who can neither deceive nor be deceivedBut he who dissents even in one point from divinely revealed truth absolutely rejects all faith, since he thereby refuses to honor God as the supreme truth and the formal motive of faith.”


Those who refuse to believe in the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation until they understand how there is justice in it are simply withholding their faith in Christ’s revelation; they are demonstrating that they don’t really believe in papal infallibility.  It has been defined many times by popes speaking ex cathedra that all who die as non-Catholics are not saved.  Jesus also said that if you don’t hear the Church (which was founded upon Peter), then you are as the heathen (Mt. 18:17).


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


We’re glad that you have the interest to look into the information, but we must say that you don’t have the faith at this point.  One must hold that all those who die outside the Catholic faith will not be saved because they are not of good will.  If a person cannot accept this truth, then that person doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ.  He or she simply doesn’t believe that Jesus does what He promises, that He protects the teaching of the popes when they use the keys which He gave to Peter and his successors. 


Jesus is merciful to those who fear Him and accept and obey His truth.  He is not unconditionally merciful.  That’s why He tells us that most people go to Hell (Mt. 7:13). 


Regarding the antipopes, their teaching is not protected by the papal office because they were not validly elected and thus never assumed the papal office.


Modesty, swimming


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


1. Do you have any modesty guidelines for women?

2. Are women allowed to wear pants that are not tight?

3. How about swimsuits what should we wear?


Thank you


MHFM: Thanks for the question.  Women should wear dresses in public, not pants.   Regarding swimsuits, people should not go swimming in public.  




Dear Dimond Brothers

I just want to say all your information on your web-site is great.  I have your books, mp3 disk, and some of the videos.  They are all great, I truly have learned a lot through the information that you provide.  Before I came across your website I always had the feeling that there was something wrong with the Church because whenever I went to mass I saw things that were just not right and my mom would always say it wasn't like that when I was a child.  I now understand why everything is the way it is.

I read your article on the deplorable state of Catholic Colleges - it is horrific to think that such things could take place.  I am a college student right now, and I too can see the deplorable state of Public Colleges and it is beyond the point of no return.  Parties, Drunkenness, Sexuality are rampant, non-Catholic groups are everywhere, and the Catholic Ministry on campus follows the counterfeit Church.  School is just not the same anymore and I am leaving to volunteer on a family farm, I feel it is the right thing for me to do right now.

I have been gradually learning about the Traditional Catholic Church and her teachings.  I have read your material, and I have read (True Devotion to Mary, the Secret Rosary, and I am going to be starting on the Glories of Mary).  I would like to know what is a good reading to learn more about Traditional Catholic Teachings?  I would also like to know when one gets to the day of consecration in true devotion to Mary, one cant receive communion if there is the new mass; therefore, how can one fulfill the consecration?  One last question:  I have always tried to pray the Rosary in the past but I was unable to continue, I would pray for a while stop for a while then start.  It would be a continuous process.  But then one day I started praying the 15 decades throughout the day and I haven't stopped.  I can't explain how such a thing could happen.

Well I just wanted to send a email to you Dimond Brothers because I just wanted to thank you for all your work.  Sorry if this email is a little long but I haven't talked to anybody that knows what they are talking about when it comes to Traditional Catholic teachings.  I have many other questions, but I'll ask those another time.

Christopher Collins


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Regarding the consecration to Mary which is prescribed by St. Louis De Montfort, if there is something that you cannot exactly fulfill (such as receiving Communion on a specific day) then you just omit that and your consecration will be just as valid; for we are in unique circumstances and one must never go to the New Mass, of course.






There were lots of gays (men and women) in the military when I was in the U.S. Navy in the early 1960's.  It was “don’t ask don’t tell” before "don't ask don't tell" and it was not very well hidden, either.  




Apocalypse 18:2


[Satanic cults spreading in Rome]


Link to a report


Could this be a fulfillment of Apocalypse 18:2?


MHFM: Yes, that was a very interesting news item.  We linked to it about a week or so ago.  We do think that it’s a fulfillment of Apocalypse 18:2.


Apocalypse 18:2- “And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen; and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every unclean spirit, and the hold of every unclean and hateful bird.”




…you provide documented and verifiable dogmatic evidence to back up what you say—I do many times check your Denzinger references with my own copy, and others too when I have or can get them, and find you to be accurate with your citations.


Of souls saved I pray many will be attributed to you, mine included.


God bless you,






Dear Brothers,


Regarding the Holocaust body count; In Roger Garaudy's book, "The Founding Myths of Modern Israel," he indicated that the Dachau camp had to publically state that there were no gas chambers. This admission coming after decades of parading school children and tourists through the camp expounding on the "horrors of the gas chambers," and that every city had a crematorium, which obviously had to have ovens to burn the remains of the bodies. That is what crematoriums are for. The number 6 million is roughly the amount of German p.o.w.s who were starved by the American, French, British and Russian governments. This charade must be kept up by the Jewish power elite, as it covers their near-genocidal crimes against God & humanity… and keeps people off balance in general, even today.


Regarding the "gay super-hero; I gave myself two guesses as to the characters name, but I failed in both attempts. Captain Queer Man and Captain CrossDresser didn't make the cut. But seriously, I don't know which is a worse abomination, the unveiling of such a figure or the clamoring and applause of the comic-book reading public. And what is the point of hiding his identity, when "coming out of the closet" is an honor, a cause for "celebration," and a sign of militant activism?





MHFM: Yes, you bring up a very good point about the Dachau camp.  In fact, in 1945 it was part of the official Holocaust story that there were 22 camps that had gas chambers.  Sometime later that was completely abandoned and only six of those 22 camps were claimed to have had gas chambers.  16 of the camps had been eliminated because those camps were able to be investigated. 


Documented Deaths


TOTAL                                                                     296,081
AUSCHWITZ                                                                60,056
BERGEN-BELSEN                                                             6,853
BUCHENWALD                                                               20,687
DACHAU                                                                       18,456
FLOSSENBURG                                                               18,334
GROSS-ROSEN                                                               10,951
MAJDANEK                                                                      8,831
MAUTHAUSEN                                                                78,859
MITTELBAU                                                                     7,468
NATZWEILER                                                                   4,431
NEUENGAMME                                                                  5,785
RAVENSBRUCK                                                                  3,639
SACHSSENHAUSEN                                                            5,014
STUTTHOF                                                                     12,634
THERESIENSTADT                                                            29,375
OTHER CAMPS                                                                   4,704


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail, and for quoting all the specific data.  We were familiar with the Red Cross angle to the issue, but it’s good to have the specifics here.




Dear Brothers,


In reference to the supposed Jewish holocaust, according to a well referenced DVD I watched about Auschwitz, not only were there no gas chambers at Aushwitz, there was also a swimming pool!...




MHFM: Yes, we’ve seen the devastating exposé of the supposed “gas chamber” at Auschwitz.  The exposé was actually done by a Jew.


Audio content on b.o.d.


MHFM: We will have some interesting new audio content relating to the issue of “baptism of desire” which we will hopefully be able to post soon.


Holocaust Research


MHFM: There are some interesting facts about the Holocaust which we’d like to share with our readers.  This is relevant to how a Catholic should consider many events in the world today and in recent history.  Let us preface this by saying that we are not “anti-Semitic” and we desire the conversion and eternal happiness of all Jews.  As Catholics, we hold firmly that no Jew (or any other non-Catholic) can be saved without baptism and the Catholic faith; and we work to expose Jewish domination and evil Jewish enterprises in the world, which (one must say) constitute the main power of the secular conspiracy.




That being said, let’s move on to the point about the Holocaust.  As we’ve mentioned before, it’s illegal in at least 14 countries to deny the official “Holocaust” story.  Think about that for a moment, and then ask yourself who is really in power.  It’s illegal to question the official story of the “Holocaust,” even though it’s perfectly legal in those countries to deny the Divinity and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 


Anyway, the official Jewish Holocaust dogma (which people can be jailed for denying in many countries) is that 6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis during World War II.  The official story also declared that about 4 million of those 6 million were murdered at the Auschwitz camp in Poland.


Here’s the plaque which was displayed at Auschwitz for many years to commemorate the supposedly 4 million who died there.  The claim that 4 million died at Auschwitz was part of official Holocaust dogma for decades.

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\E_Pictures\Auschwitz_plaque_4mil.jpg



In 1990, however, the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel and the Auschwitz Holocaust Museum decided that they would come out and publicly admit that 4 million did not die at Auschwitz.  They officially revised the total to about 1.1 million.  That’s quite a revision, isn’t it?  Here’s the new plaque, which was put up at Auschwitz after 1990.  It says that 1.5 million died there (apparently they rounded the 1.1 million figure up to 1.5 million). 

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\E_Pictures\Auschwitzplaque_1_mil.gif

Since 4 million of the 6 million supposedly came from Auschwitz, and now even the Holocaust museums have decreased the Auschwitz death totals by about 3 million, we would say that’s problematic for the idea that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, wouldn’t you? 


4 million decreased to 1.1 million eliminates 2.9 million


6 million – 2.9 million = 3.1 million (that’s if you accept every other part of the story)


Therefore, the revised total would have to be (even if one assumed, for the sake of argument, that everything else they claim is true) about 3 million, not 6 million.  But the official story remains unchanged and binding upon nations: 6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis. 


This is not to suggest that we believe that 3 million Jews were murdered in what is called the Holocaust.  It is simply to refute the official story from official Jewish sources and to point out how this outrageous piece of propaganda is being spread and used.  There are many other points to be raised on this matter, and we will be raising them in the future. 


Sole Redeemer


[Agreeing that “Co-Redemptrix” title is not compatible with Catholic teaching]


I put together a write-up regarding Jesus Christ as being the sole redeemer. I included 19 callouts from Councils and 30 from scripture the first 18 of which use the word Redeemer and it is never plural. I had found this decree that specifically excludes the powers of human nature in the redemption:

Council of Trent > Fifth Session, First Decree, Decree Concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 3: “If any one asserts, that this sin of Adam, … is taken away either by the powers of human nature, or by any other remedy than the merit of the one mediator, our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath reconciled us to God in His own Blood, made unto us justice, sanctification, and redemption; or if he denies that the said merit of Jesus Christ is applied, both to adults and to infants, by the sacrament of baptism rightly administered in the form of the church; let him be anathema.”




MHFM: Yes, as you note, there are all kinds of quotes from the councils about Jesus Christ as our Redeemer.  Never do they include anyone else in reference to the Redeemer.  And of course there are the two dogmatic definitions which declare that Christ alone is our Redeemer, and that specifically excludes anyone else. 





The recent news article on "transgender" public restrooms should be a wake up call to this country as the evident path of descent they are on. It was not to long ago that all this homosexual activity, pornography, divorce, etc., was considered dysfunctional in our society. While studying for my degree in psychology, the craze was that everyone should be happy, and if not, it was OK to see a psychiatrist (although suffering is part of life according to God!). Today, you don't hear too much about psychology, or mental health facilities. I truly believe the severely dysfunctional have been released back into society and taken over most of the public office positions.

God Bless,



MHFM: We also think that those psychological problems are a result of spiritual problems.




Last year the founder of Movimento dei Focolari Chiara Lubic died.


What is your opinion about this world wide movement inside the Catholic Church?


Best Regards




MHFM: It’s a movement in the Vatican II/Novus Ordo Church.  As such, it is heavily involved with the Vatican II heresies, especially religious indifferentism.  Catholics must reject it.  Perhaps our readers also have some comments on this.


Freemasonry visits school


Subject: Freemasonry visits public school


Hello MHFM,

I really enjoy reading your e-mail exchanges, since I've pretty much gone through the whole information, although recently, I discovered a few more audios, like on the Papacy which has truly answered many of questions on "how to respond the objections of non-Catholics."  I pray that I may hold the Faith until my dying breath, final perseverance, and to help you with your great work.  You know, the other day, my 5th grade sister told me that the elementary school had an assembly which brought 7 members from the Masonic Lodge.  This was really shocking, for me, because this did not happen during my grade school years.  Just to let everyone know that the Masons are making themselves be known more and more by the world and make themselves look like the good guys.  Its just incredible that this incident occurred.  Well, that is all I wanted to say and thanks again for all the great help with truly knowing my Catholic Faith.

Bernardo Torres


NFP and praying Rosary with concentration




I have a comment and a question. First, my comment. I completely agree with your stance on NFP. I have looked all over for an answer to the clear and inherent problem with NFP. I have gotten some really weird answers, none of which have been satisfactory. Your explanation for why it is wrong represents my exact thoughts on the matter…


Now, my question: I struggle greatly with praying the Holy Rosary. My primary difficulty is that I cannot concentrate on the words of the Hail Mary while at the same time meditating on the mysteries. It is a mental juggling act that I have no idea how to do. When I recite standard prayers, I say them with a genuine heart, so as to not just be saying empty words. I believe when people pray without really meaning what they are saying, they tend to view prayer as "magical," and these people are superstitious. Of course, meditating on anything requires a great deal of concentration. So I don't know how to do both. I usually drift in and out of one or the other. Do you have any tips?


Thank you,



MHFM: When people begin to pray the Rosary with attention for the first time (or after they have been away from it for a while), the Devil labors hard to fill them with distractions.  He wants them to get discouraged and give up.  Thus, when people first attempt to pray the Rosary with concentration and meditation, they often have trouble concentrating and are filled with distractions.  St. Louis De Montfort explains that you must continue to pray, and continue to focus on the mysteries despite the distractions.  As you continue to do it, it will become easier and easier. 


He also explains that when trying to avoid the distraction and move back to the mystery, you don’t want to make a violent movement of your mind.  For in that violent movement you can often put more focus and attention on the distraction that has arisen.  You want to calmly move back to the mystery.  Also, continuing to attempt to concentrate on the Rosary despite involuntary distractions can increase the merit of the prayer.


There is something that we believe would be very helpful for you and others who are new to praying the Rosary while meditating on the mysteries.  It is to use a colorized depiction of the mysteries of the Rosary, so that you can look at it and focus on the picture of the mystery while saying the words.  That will really help you to concentrate on the mystery. 
There are many colorized depictions of the mysteries of the Rosary available.  You should try to obtain one that is simple and traditional.  After you’ve prayed it that way for a while – and concentrating on the mysteries while saying the words isn’t so much of a problem – then you won’t need the colorized depiction.  




Dear Monks

What exactly does St.John Vianney mean by " stay away from the dance" ? Was he refering to attending DANCES (the social event ) where it could lead into other sins OR  ALL DANCING (even dancing alone )?

Is all dancing a sin ?


MHFM: St. John Vianney was clearly condemning social dances where unmarried men and women (or boys and girls) would get together.  Those were the occasions of many sins, and he would refuse absolution to anyone who participated.  Is all dancing sin?  It would depend upon what one meant by other kinds of dancing.




Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter

I would be very grateful for your advice on whether it is sinful to interpret dreams? I do not mean by this any attempt to predict the future, but whether it is sinful even to consider whether the subconscious expressed through dreams can give understanding on a person's state of mind or help them to understand aspects of themselves. I would never wish to engage in anything concerning Divination, which is why I would greatly appreciate your advice. I understand that a Father Pedro Meseguer wrote a book entitled "The Secret of Dreams" concerning what the Catholic Church's position on dreams is, but this book is not easy to get hold of. Clearly dreams have played a role in the history of the Church, but I am concerned as to where the line is drawn between innocent study and self understanding and sin?

Best wishes



MHFM: We would say that people need to be very cautious and not give much attention to them.  It’s not sinful to interpret dreams, for God used that means to warn people, deliver messages, etc. (Genesis 37:5; Judges 7:13; Matthew 2:12; etc.). But those dreams were probably supernaturally so powerful and clear that there was no doubt that it was a message from God.  People are often deceived by reading too much into dreams.  The Devil can lead people astray in this way, and get them to focus on signs and wonders.  Therefore, we would say that people should not give much attention to them.


Ecclesiastes 5:6- “Where there are many dreams, there are many vanities, and words without number: but do thou fear God.”




Dear Brothers,

I received your package recently and am overwhelmed by the sheer volumn of research that has gone into your wonderful work. Congratulations…




Fasting question


Dear Brothers,

I have a question concerning fasts and abstinence.  I have downloaded your material on the Traditional Catholic Calendar and the fasting days but am a bit confused.  In the material you mention "days of fast", "days of partial abstinence", and "days of complete abstinence", however the calendar (January 2009) only shows (Fridays and First Fridays) as "days of abstinence". 

My question is:  Are the "abstinence" days listed on the calendar, "days of partial abstinence", "days of complete abstinence" or "days of fasting".  Please forgive me for my ignorance, but I am seeking to abide by God's word and complete devotion.  Please help my soul in understanding and observing the correct laws.

God Bless you for your works.....



MHFM: Thanks for the question.  There is an explanation of fast days, etc. which can be found on our calendar mainpage.  The explanation is located just under the link to the calendar. 


A day of fast is a day on which only one full meal and two other smaller meals (which together do not equal a full meal) are allowed.  On a day of fast, meat may only be eaten at the main meal.


On days of complete abstinence (e.g., Fridays), no meat may be eaten at all.


On days of partial abstinence, meat may be eaten only once.


A day of fast is, therefore, necessarily also at least a day of partial abstinence.  Sometimes it is a day of complete abstinence (e.g., when it falls on Friday). 


Silent Mental Prayer


Is it okey to say silent prayers in your head, like Our Father or Hail Mary, while doing things like walking outside or driving a car? Do these prayers "count" or does a person have to fully concentrate and meditate when praying?




MHFM: Absolutely you can say silent prayers in your head, and you can say them while you are doing other things.  Those prayers are very effective.




The past two days I've watched almost every single video on your website and I have thus come to find the Novus Ordo Mass appalling.  I wish never to attend it again.  However, I found myself bound in two issues.  Firstly, that there is no Parish near my house which celebrates a weekly Tridentine Mass.  I don't understand that if Canon Law requires me to attend Mass weekly, how I am exempt from attending at least some sort of a Mass, even a false Novus Ordo one.  A weekly Latin Mass unfortunately is not an option right now.  Am I truly allowed to stay home on Sundays until the opportunity to attend a Tridentine Mass arises?  That seems odd.  Please tell me.  Also, I am involved in the worship service at my Church, a "contemporary" service which includes rock music, unfortunately.  Should I leave this Mass and abandon my fellow worshippers, or should I tolerate the errors for the greater good?  Please help me here.  I am at a crossroads in my faith life right now and am confused about these two issues.  God Bless You!   




MHFM:  It’s great to hear about your interest.  No, you definitely should not go to the rock service.  You need to abandon it (and the invalid New Mass) completely.  The law that a Catholic must hear Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation only binds if the Church provides you with a fully Catholic one in your area.  There were many situations in Church history where Catholics didn’t have an acceptable option for Mass.  Therefore, they had to stay home.  Once you are convinced that you must not attend the New Mass – and are convinced on all the other issues – then we can help you with where to receive sacraments.


Great Heresies


It is so laughable and lamentable that EWTN is broadcasting a new show called, The Great Heresies with Fr. Charles Connor.  During the show, Fr. Connor teaches the viewers about the great heresies and heretics of the early Church (such as Nestorius) and makes absolutely no mention whatsoever about Vatican II or anything going on since the 60s.


-Michael R.




Subject: Curious


Dear Bro. Dimond,
I have recently listened to some of the archived programs and read some articles. Many things I had never heard before, very surprising. Two questions for you.  If you have heard this one before please disregard it, if you brother has sinned go talk to him, have you been able to contact Benedict XVI personally about his heresy?  What are the problems with the FSSP? I am guessing that one of them is that they had to accept JPII as pope?
God bless you.
Alan Mackowiak


MHFM: The FSSP accepts Vatican II and false ecumenism.  They also profess communion with manifest heretics who believe in salvation outside the Catholic Church (i.e., the Vatican II bishops and antipopes).  They were also ordained by “bishops” who were consecrated in the New Rite of Episcopal Consecration, which is of gravely doubtful validity.  Therefore, they cannot be considered to have valid priests.


We haven’t spoken to Antipope Benedict XVI.  But it’s really a pointless question because he’s well aware that his teaching contradicts and rejects traditional Catholic dogmas.






A quote from you from your web site: You can know what sources are credible by measuring everything against the infallible teaching of the Church.  If a message is in conflict with it, then it’s not true.   This is MHFM in a nutshell.  People constantly tell me I should stop listening to "those people".  What  people?  I have "measured everything  these "people" say "against the infallible teaching of the Church",  and found them credible.   I have measured the teachings of Vatican II and the V2 church and have found them IN-credible and contradictory.  It's not that I have listened to any man.  It is our accusers who take the word of man above that of God.






MHFM: This is an interesting quote about Pope Urban VIII’s actions against smoking in churches.  Pope Urban VIII reigned from 1623 to 1644.


“The abuse of smoking in churches had necessitated several measures by several synods in Spanish America… When this abuse also spread to Spain, Urban VIII, at the request of the Chapter of Seville, issued a decree forbidding under pain of excommunication all smoking or taking of snuff in the churches of the diocese.” (Dr. Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 29, p. 3.)


Sedevacantists and Resurrection


Dear Brothers,


Thank you once again for your marvelous website. I just finished listening to the radio show of 06_09_02.


Your comments on people who reject the Sedevacantist Position on the basis that it is impossible for there not to be a Pope for 50 years reminds me of the Jews who say that it's impossible for the Messiah to be crucified. How do these kinds of people even believe in the resurrection?!!


They sure are in for a surprise at the Second Coming!!!


God Bless,


Kit White


Warnings from Beyond



Thank you for your wonderful website and for all you do.  I was wondering if you have heard of this "Warnings from Hell" book where demons speak to the church today… Have you heard if this is valid or not?   If it is true and believable? There's some very pertinent information in all three parts but in part 2, the section on traditionalists conflicts with what you say.  It says the new Mass is not as pleasing to Heaven as the Latin Mass, but is still beneficial. What do you think?  Also, how can one know what sources are credible?  Particularly with all that's out there!


God Bless you and your work.




MHFM: No, it’s not true and not believable.  The site promotes the false Bayside messages, which are clearly deceptions of the Devil.  It is a mixture of some truth with significant heresies and falsehoods.  The goal of these false messages is to keep people in the Vatican II sect and at the New Mass.  You should look at this:


The False Apparitions at Bayside, NY [PDF File]


You can know what sources are credible by measuring everything against the infallible teaching of the Church.  If a message is in conflict with it, then it’s not true. 


All children of God?


Dear Brothers, many of Benedict's speechs, false apparitions, and almost all who those whoe a trying to get the New World Oro going claim that we are all God's children or that we are the human family.  I know that's true in a general sense that he created us but I don't think that's the whole story.  What would you answer to that?




MHFM: Thanks for the question.  No, not all men are children of God.  All men are creatures of God, but only those who are baptized, in the true Church, and in the state of grace are children or adopted sons of God.  That’s why Jesus says in John 1:12:


“But as many as received him, he gave them power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name.” (John 1:12)


Moreover, the Council of Trent explains (in its Decree on Justification – Sess. 6) that the term “adoption of the sons” (Rom. 8:15) is synonymous with the state of grace.  That means that “sons of God” are only those who are in the true Church and in the state of grace.


Pope Leo XII, Ubi Primum (# 22), May 5, 1824: “He who hears you, hears me; and he who despises you, despises me; and the Church is the pillar and firmament of truth, as the apostle Paul teaches.  In reference to these words St. Augustine says: ‘Whoever is without the Church will not be reckoned among the sons, and whoever does not want to have the Church as mother will not have God as father.’


The Bible teaches that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist


MHFM: We have a new article on the biblical proof for Catholic teaching on the Eucharist. (This article is found permanently in our “Refuting Protestantism” section.)  More articles like this one will be coming.


The Bible teaches that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist [PDF FILE - Article]


This article contains irrefutable, short and quick proof that the Catholic teaching (that the Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, is truly, really, and substantially contained in the Eucharist) is the teaching of the Bible.  See the clear evidence from John 6, from the specific Greek words given in John 6, from the contextual indications and the reactions of Jesus’ listeners, from Old Testament typology (the Passover lamb, the manna in the desert, the institution of the Old Covenant), 1 Cor. 10 and 11, and more.  This also quickly covers how the fathers of the Church unanimously believed that the Eucharist is the actual body and blood of Christ.


Since the average person has a limited attention span and interest level, the goal with this article (and with all of our articles on the Protestant issues) is to provide the powerful proof in as quick and to the point fashion as possible.  More could be added, but if these points don’t convince a person that the Bible teaches that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, then that person is just not of good will.  One point from the article which some might find interesting is this:




The word phago (meaning “to eat” or “consume”) is used nine times in the Greek text of John 6:23-53.  Phago is sufficient to convey the idea of eating Jesus’ flesh.  Immediately after the Jews expressed their disbelief that Jesus could mean such a thing, we read (in John 6:54) that Jesus switched to an even stronger and more graphic word.  The word He then used (in John 6:54 and following) is trogo.  This word literally means “to gnaw, chew or crunch,” as even a Protestant study bible accessible on the internet will confirm (http://www.studylight.org/lex/grk/view.cgi?number=5176).  Therefore, to eradicate all doubt about the necessity to eat His flesh, Jesus switches to a word which means nothing but literal eating (“gnawing, chewing”).  The same word trogo is used to mean literal eating in Matthew 24:38 and John 13:18.


John 6:54-56- “Whosoever eateth [trogo] my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.  For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.  He that eateth [trogo] my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.”


In light of this evidence, it is absurd to argue that Jesus didn’t mean that people would actually eat His flesh and drink His blood.




Dear Brothers,


May God bless you in all of your work.


My parents, members of my family, and relatives are all older than I am.  They grew up in the true Roman Catholic Church, and, of course, attended the Latin Mass.  Now, however, they attend the Novus Ordo service, and believe they are still in the Catholic Church.  To make matters worse, they continually watch EWTN, and think it is the greatest thing to come along.  I have shown them your videos, I have shown them literature from you, and I have even given them the book: "The Truth of What Happened to the Catholic Church Since Vatican II".  Recently, when I mentioned to them that the host is not consecrated in the Novus Ordo "mass" they became very angry and literally told that I am not Catholic.  Besides praying for them, what else can I do to bring them back to the true Church?  I do not want them to lose their souls.


Thank you again for all the wonderful work you are doing, and my God Bless you and keep you in His care.


Wayne C. Lang


MHFM: We would say that you should (if you have not yet done so) deliver a clear and charitable message that they will not save their souls continuing to go to the New Mass and continuing to believe in the Vatican II religion.  We would recommend that you explain some of EWTN’s heresies to them.  We have recently created a separate section on EWTN, in our “Issues and Groups” section.


EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]


This section contains our main PDF article on EWTN, but also a new file which combines some of the interesting heresies which have been featured on EWTN recently.  This new file also contains EWTN heresies which some of our readers noticed.  More will be added in the future.  Here’s the new file:


Other Outrageous Heresies Spread on EWTN


Explain to your parents that EWTN accepts salvation outside the Church, Protestantism, false ecumenism, etc.  Explain to them that their beliefs contradict the defined dogma: Outside the Church There is No Salvation. 


We would also recommend that you print out for them a few of the dogmatic statements on Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  Print out for them the ex cathedra statements from Eugene IV, etc.  And then ask them if they believe them, and if they recognize that what’s taught by Vatican II, EWTN, etc. contradicts that infallible teaching.  You will almost certainly discover that they will not accept that dogma as it has been defined.  Then you can explain to them that they don’t accept the Catholic faith.  Once you’ve done that, there is nothing more that you can do other than to pray for their conversion.




Thank you for your website and contributions to helping guys like me out in these times.

God Bless,
Patrick Curtis




Hi again. Thanks a million for your reply. Your site just confirms in my mind what Jesus said about the "gates of hell not prevailing against his church". You stand out like a beacon in a dark world.  I was wondering if you knew any traditional masses in the New York City area. I know that some bishops are trying to re-instate the Latin Mass but they are in communion with the V2 bishops and its just not the same. So I was hoping you knew of a like-minded Traditional Church in the NYC area that is not in accord with V2? Thanks a keep up the work of God.




Paul VI with Protestant


Dear sirs,

Can you be of help to me?  Although a Roman Catholic, I attended a  Protestant school at primary level until 1961.  This was in Co Antrim, seven miles outside Belfast, in Northern Ireland.  One day walking home from school, my little friend, Audrey, who was a Protestant said, "Our minister has gone over to help your Pope."  Her minister's name was Rev Shepherd. I was embarrassed because I thought she was telling lies, and so did not inquire further.    However recently I saw a picture of Paul VI with Protestant ministers who had helped him write the new Mass.  I was shocked when one of them looked awfully like the reverend Shepherd and in fact said as much in the caption below.  How can I find out if this was the same protestant minister?

If it is, then no one in the world could ever imagine my feeling of betrayal.  We Catholics suffered through the years from Protestantism.  My friends have been shot dead by Protestants.  My father and uncles could never find work because they were Catholic.  We had no vote because we were Catholic and not rate payers.  This is easy to forgive for it is the stuff of following Christ.  But if I consider that the words of my friend were true the desolation I begin to feel is too hard to bear.

Many thanks,
Mrs Christabel Noreen Pankhurst.

P.S. the above I first sent to the SSPX but have not had a reply.  I was given your book about Vatican II and saw the picture again in your pages.  How can I find out more about this?


MHFM: There were six Protestant ministers who helped Antipope Paul VI with the New Mass.  They are pictured below.  One of them was named Massey Shepherd.  You would have to check whether that name matches the person you are talking about.  There is no doubt that Paul VI was a heretical antipope who accepted Protestantism.  His heretical teachings and actions indicated that he had no problem with Protestant heresies.  Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI have all taught that Protestants don’t need conversion.  That is blatantly heretical. 


We hope you recognize that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church, and that the Vatican II antipopes are not valid popes.  We hope you recognize that the New Mass is invalid and cannot be attended.  Also, the SSPX is heretical in many areas and could not be supported at all.


Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Paul_VI_pictures\sixprotestantministers.jpg



Dear Brothers,


Been keeping up with the e-exchanges, and I get fed up with so many people who cry "Why would a loving God allow such-and-such to happen?" When they really should be asking "How could God's creations be so unloving to their Creator and so disobedient?".




MHFM: Yes, if it’s happening right in front of them then clearly God has allowed it and they should not be asking why it’s happening.  Moreover, if they believe that few are saved (as is clearly taught by Jesus) then it shouldn’t be a surprise that so many are deceived, especially at such a late and dark stage in history.


Heresy against Jesus


I remember when I went to the N.O. Mass years back, the priest said in his sermon, "You know, many theologians believe Jesus discovered his divinity when he was baptized in the Jordan River."  Heresy straight from the pulpit!!!  Even when Jesus was an Infant lying in the manger, He knew He was God!  Even when he was in the womb, He knew!  He knew an infinity ago it was going to happen! 


Anther heresy I heard from this priest: "Jesus had to learn the languages.  He had to learn Hebrew, Latin, Aramaic, etc."  What a bunch of apostasy!  Jesus NEVER had to learn any language!  Even in the womb, He knew every language, past, present, and future!  And He knew everybody's thoughts, past, present, and future.  Whenever I read, "historically, it is not likely that Jesus knew Latin", I want to cause physical harm to whoever said it! 


-Michael R.


MHFM: Yes, it’s definitely heresy.  That kind of heresy against Our Lord is frequently taught at the Vatican II sect’s mainstream “Catholic” colleges and universities. 


Secular Matters


Dear Dimond Brothers,

I'd like your opinion on something.  You and I know that the vast majority of mankind is bad-willed and will not accept all of God's truth, even when all of the evidence is laid out in front of them, because the Devil blinds them to the truth.  Do you think the same could be said pertaining to secular matters?  Over the past few years, I've tried convincing several people about the real causes of our social problems, including Zionist and Jewish control of American politics, the "Holocaust", just to name a few.  Almost all of them ignored me or dismissed what I had to tell them, despite all of the evidence that I presented to them.  I even had sent an e-mail out to several people.  I only had one reply. And that person thought I was crazy and requested that I remove his name from my mailing list.  Everyone else was silent, so I assume they didn't believe a word I told them.  To me this is similar to heretics who refuse to accept all of God's truth even when infallible rulings are presented to them.  It reminds me of that saying, "The Truth Hurts".



MHFM: Yes, we believe there is some correspondence, especially if the evidence (which leads undeniably to a certain conclusion) is clearly presented to someone and rejected.


Shadow Figures


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


I am being haunted at night by a dark shadow figure. Somehow I manage to wake up out of sleep in the middle of the night to see a dark black "figure" that hovers around my bedroom door. It always disappears within seconds of my being conscious of its presence. It doesn't appear every night, but has been appearing more and more lately.


I know the remedy to the problem, but my particular attachment to mortal sin is so strong that I've practically given up. I've been giving into the same sins of the flesh for most of my life, and I wonder if it's too late for me to be saved even if I did give these sins up and try living a chaste life.




MHFM: No, it’s not too late for you if you change.  But if you reject this opportunity to change – this grace that God is giving you right now which enables you to see that you must change – then it could be your last chance.  So if you want to avoid Hell, you need to act now to cut out of your life that which is causing you to fall into sin.  You need to begin to pray and stop sinning now. 


Mark 9:42- “And if thy hand scandalize thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into unquenchable fire.”


In addition to asking God and Our Lady for help, we would recommend that you watch the Death and the Journey into Hell video on our website.


On Freemasonry












MHFM: We would recommend Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Humanum Genus, from April 20, 1884.  It’s one of the many papal documents against Freemasony.  It’s available online here:






Hi, I am a returning catholic that is seriously getting into his faith again. after being dissatisfied with the post vatican 2 nonsense at my church i started looking into classical catholicism and i stumbled upon your site. just wanted to say that your doing a terrific job…

- jesse





Amen on your recent reply to "Stumbled and Why". If I may add that as far as revealing the truth to all those lost in the world; God, through Mary at Fatima gave the world the third secret concerning the great apostasy, that should have been revealed in it's entirety by 1960. Look what the forces of darkness did to prevent the Light from getting through. "Let no man deceive himself: if any man among you seem to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise".  1 Corinthians 3:18

The forces seem to be against me this weekend as I finished my consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary on Friday…

God Bless you,





Dear MHFM,


These Vatican II people, particularly those who call themselves Traditionalists, remind me of someone putting together a puzzle by inserting pieces that don’t fit, resulting in a distorted image they call the Catholic church. Then when you tell them what they’ve done and try to show them how to logically fit in the right pieces, they accuse you of schism, of having no authority to do so and of causing disunity and dissension, etc.


…If Traditionalist writers rid themselves of their pride and admitted to the obvious truth, that the V2 church is a blatantly false church, instead of insisting , like Michael Davies, that “the Roman Rite Has Been Destroyed,” they seem to feel they would have nothing more to complain about or that they would lose their readers and therefore their current livelihood and reputations. Yes, and they will also lose their places in heaven…


Re: Benedict XVI being blessed by a witch doctor:  I thought it was bad when a former friend of mine told me she was asked by a priest to bless him with oil.  They used to bless each other with oil in one V2 church I attended.  Of course this is done to help emphasize that the priest is just an ordinary man with no special powers.  They've taken control of the church buildings, but they keep trying to rid the V2 churches of what little Catholic beliefs are still retained by the more traditional Catholics who still worship in them, but without letting them know who they really are and what they are up to. 






Dear brothers in Christ,

I would like to add just one more thing to the answer you gave to the "novus ordo" man (hopefully not for long time since now) about God's love, saints etc.  I recommend to him to think about God's words in Deuteronomy, chapter 13:

1 If there rise in the midst of thee a prophet or one that saith he hath dreamed a dream, and he foretell a sign and a wonder, /2/ And that come to pass which he spoke, and he say to thee: Let us go and follow strange gods, which thou knowest not, and let us serve them: /3/ Thou shalt not hear the words of that prophet or dreamer: for the Lord your God trieth you, that it may appear whether you love him with all your heart, and with all your soul, or not. 4 Follow the Lord your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and hear his voice: him you shall serve, and to him you shall cleave. /5/ And that prophet or forger of dreams shall be slain: because he spoke to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you from the house of bondage: to make thee go out of the way, which the Lord thy God commanded thee: and thou shalt take away the evil out of the midst of thee. etc.

Let Our Lord blesses you and your works in this year 2009, as He  already has blessed you before, through the intercession of our most  beloved Mother Mary.


Stumbled and Why?


Hello and Happy New Year!


I am a New Mass Catholic and have been my whole 39 years.  Somehow I stumbled upon your site the other day when I was looking for more information...  


I have been horrified, fascinated, and totally and utterly blown away by your website and all the information there.     It's all I can think about now and I am praying the Rosary every day to help me know the truth.


I thought of a few honest questions which I hope you don't mind answering for me.     


First of all, I am having a hard time with the fact that God would let so many of us be deceived.  I was so sick when I read that we think we are serving God and love Him but really are serving the devil.   Doesn't he love us too much to let us all be deceived like that and go to Hell, when we really think we are serving Him and love Him?   


Secondly, wouldn't God allow Padre Pio and other chosen people know the Truth and how they should reject the New Mass?    I know so many good, devout Priests and my fellow parishioners...and also non-Catholics...  I have a hard time understanding how God could truly love us, yet let us be deceived and go to Hell.   I know so many non-Catholics who truly love Jesus yet don't follow the faith.   How could God reject their love and send them to eternal damnation?


If Jacinta said almost all the people who died in WWI went to Hell, what possible hope is there for anyone nowadays who honestly believe they are serving God?  


I don't even know if I should attend Mass (the new one) tomorrow bc of all this.    Your articles and arguments are SO WELL WRITTEN, researched, and your information is backed up by credible sources.   Again, I was totally blown away.   Your articles about Medjugorje and Pope John Paul II reinforced the problems I believed were there too!!


Thanks so much for your website and for answering my questions.  I, too, am seeking the Truth.







MHFM: We’re glad that you came across the information.  We’re also glad that you are expressing some sincere interest in the truth.  You will find the truth of the Catholic faith here.  To your first question, you need to realize that most people are lost.  That includes most who profess to be Catholic.


Few are Saved- Most Adult Catholics are damned


Lucia found Jacinta sitting alone, still and very pensive, gazing at nothing.  ‘What are you thinking of, Jacinta?’  ‘Of the war that is going to come.  So many people are going to die.  And almost all of them are going to Hell.’” (Our Lady of Fatima, p. 94; p. 92 in some versions)


Why does God allow so many professing “Catholics” to be deceived?  There’s a lot of bad will out there.  It’s actually staggering how much bad will there is out there.  We’ve been shocked at how many people who profess to be conservative and traditional “Catholics” are of bad will.  So many of them are liars deep down; so few are really believers.  This bad will results from a combination of things, but mostly from pride.  Most people think they are knowledgeable and dedicated Catholics, when the reality is otherwise.  Most people don’t have much interest in Catholic things and don’t know very much about Catholicism, but they fancy themselves devout and knowledgeable Catholics.  (In a similar way, some people think they obey God’s laws and are pious, but they compromise God’s laws with their family members and friends.)  This pride (which contradicts the reality) causes God to spiritually blind them and leave them in darkness as to what’s going on.  They think they have the inside track and are insightful, but God leaves them totally deceived because He resists their pride.  (As an aside, this problem with pride and every person thinking he/she is the super-expert on everything is almost universal.  Almost every person today thinks he/she is super-insightful and understands everything the way it is, how things should be done, what people are all about and how they should act, communicate things, etc.  They think they have all the insights on all these matters, even if they don’t understand much about the topic or the person they think they have figured out.  And at the same time these people are clueless and accomplish very little of value.)


Another problem is touched upon in your second point.  People are too quick to toss around the terms “good and holy.” 


Luke 18:19- “And Jesus said to him: Why dost thou call me good? None is good but God alone.”


Jesus was undoubtedly good, but He said this to teach us to be careful about whom we label “good.”  Priests in the Novus Ordo, who accept religious indifferentism and the New Mass, are not good.  Nor are non-Catholics good.  They can be nice and kind, but they cannot be good without the true faith.  It’s a dogma that non-Catholics cannot be saved, and therefore they cannot be in the state of grace without the Catholic faith.  Thus, they are not good.  You don’t seem to be convinced yet of the dogma that all non-Catholics will be lost if they die as non-Catholics.


Third, it’s not that hard to be saved.  It just takes interest and good will.  The yoke of Jesus is sweet and His burden is light (Mt. 11:30).  To be saved one must simply accept the fullness of the Catholic faith and be uncompromising about it.  One must take the steps to get into the state of grace and avoid mortal sin.  And one must pray, especially the Rosary.  When a person does those simple things, he/she will please God more in something such as recreation than heretics will in all of their devotions.


Fourth, you ask about Padre Pio.  Padre Pio only knew what God revealed to him.  He was just a human being, albeit an extraordinary one.  He didn’t know many other things, as documented in our book.  That’s true with all the saints.  St. Vincent Ferrer, for instance, was following an antipope during the Great Western Schism while he was working miracles.  Should we assume that the antipope he was following (Antipope Benedict XIII) was the true one, because God would have revealed to St. Vincent the truth on that matter if he also gave him the power to work miracles?  No, St. Vincent didn’t know and he was just wrong on that matter.  Likewise, Padre Pio didn’t know about the Vatican II antipopes.  He died early on during the Vatican II apostasy.   God didn’t give him a revelation so that everyone could just follow that.  He made people examine the facts and what was happening.  That’s why we follow the magisterial teaching of the Church, not what saints might or might not have known. 


If you are sincere and pray to God for the truth, you will see that this is the truth.  You will see it because the sources of Catholic faith upon which the material is based and documented are irrefutable and are what a Catholic must believe.  You have shown good interest in looking at the material.  We pray that you follow through with it.


Rosary and Office


Dear Brother Michael and Brother Peter

I would be grateful for your advice on some spiritual matters. I would like to know whether it is more important for a lay person to say the 15 decade Holy Rosary every day than to say the Divine Office. I usually say only one set of mysteries per day and try to say some of the Divine Office, but is it preferable to say the entire 15 decade Rosary even if there might not be much time to say any of the Divine Office. I would also appreciate your advice on whether it is important to read some of the Bible every day, and whether you could recommend a book which would help as a guide to understanding the Bible…

In past e-exchanges you have advised against giving Christmas presents to heretics. Does this also include that Catholics should not receive presents from heretics?

Sorry if there are too many queries.

Thank you for your help.

Best wishes



MHFM: We believe that the 15-decade Rosary is more important for you to say than the Divine Office.  Therefore, our opinion would be that you should say the full Rosary rather than part of it and some of the Office.  We believe the Haydock Commentary is good for reading the Bible and understanding many difficult parts.  It consists of a few large red volumes.


You shouldn’t give Christmas gifts to heretics, but you could receive them from heretics.




Dear Sir


I think I have been invaded by unknown entities.  Do you know anyone who can help me to exorcise these?




MHFM: As we recently pointed out to someone who had a similar question, we would say that you don't necessarily need an exorcism.  If you believe fully in the traditional Catholic faith and in the correct positions on all the key issues of our day; if you remain out of mortal sin and make a good confession; and if you pray the 15-decade rosary each day, then you should be delivered from your problems.  You should make sure that you take those steps first.  If a person doesn’t take those steps, then a priestly exorcism will not have lasting value.  


But if you are in agreement on these basic points and have taken these steps and the problem persists, then we can help you with the next step.


Leaving Vatican II


I'm joseph wilson castro from manila philippines. i'm leaving the vatican II mass. is there an eastern rite mass here in the philippines? do you have a video of a latin mass and is it alright to hear it at home instead of going to the "new mass" every sunday? i have a sister in new jersey so i can ask her to order for me your books and videos… i was devoted to the divine mercy until last year but i felt empty spiritually. i prayed hard to GOD to show me the true faith and on that same day i accidentally or is it divine intervention that i came across your website. now i pray the 15 decade rosary everyday. i'm also devoted to the SACRED HEART OF JESUS. it's my 7th cosecutive first friday of the month to the devotion today. i also say the novena of st. therese and st. joseph everyday. hope to hear from you soon.


Thank you.


Human Respect


MHFM: One of the biggest problems in our day is human respect.  The unwillingness to disappoint or offend people when the defense of God’s truth requires it is a major problem today.  Countless people are being condemned to Hell because of human respect.  This is especially true in the “traditionalist” movement, where obstinate heresies are justified or ignored because people don’t want to offend other people. 


In that vein, this is a portion of a letter which we recently sent to an individual who claims to be a sedevacantist.  The letter was a charitable rebuke.  While claiming to be sedevacantist, this person links to and promotes groups which obstinately deny the sedevacantist position and which teach heresy on the salvation dogma.




…As people who care about your soul, we are also bound to tell you the following: we must say, in charity, that we believe you are a heretic at this time.  We say this (sadly) because of what you are promoting and currently willing to defend.


It's obvious to us that you are still in a spiritual fog.  You promote all kinds of heretical groups on your website, many of which are non-sedevacantist.  Some of them are "priests" and "priestly" fraternities that don't even have valid priests (e.g., Brian Harrison, FSSP).  It's problematic, to say the least, that you do not see the problem linking to these heretical and invalid groups.


You have the false idea that essentially everyone in favor of "traditionalism" in some way is in good faith.  This is not the case.  You need to have more respect for God and more fear of God.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  You justify man too much.  Perhaps (I must say) you do this out of an internal desire to justify your past transgressions.  This is not a game where people can just promote anything that is somewhat traditional or anything that leans in a certain way against Vatican II.  No, one must defend the full truth.  There are consequences for not accepting and promoting the Catholic faith without blemish.  God will condemn anyone who clearly fails in this matter.  The groups you link to are obstinately heretical and evil; they have spurned the obvious truth on these issues for years.  They are on the road to Hell and they mislead people.  To promote them is gravely sinful.


You also link to all kinds of groups which believe in salvation outside the Church and which attack the necessity of the Catholic faith for salvation (e.g., Cekada, Sanborn, etc.).  The same comments apply to those individuals.


You also defend heresy on the salvation dogma by your willingness to defend that people can be saved without baptism.  You obviously accept the heresy that "baptism of desire" can save members of false religions.  This is obvious from your promotion of groups which believe in it.  Moreover, 99.9% of those who defend "baptism of desire" extend it to people in false religions.  If you claim to be among the super-minority who only limit it to unbaptized catechumens, the fact remains that you accept the heresy because you believe that groups who obstinately believe in it (Cekada, Sanborn, etc.) are still Catholic.  You thus hold, at the very least, that one can obstinately believe in salvation for members of false religions and still be Catholic.


Your comment that you took the link to us down because of our "injudicious condemnation of trads" reveals that you have too much human respect.  You are too concerned with injustices which have been done to man, and not concerned enough with the injustices against God's truth.  This is why you perceive injustice against them, when in reality there is no injustice but a justified and necessary denunciation; but you are unable to see the injustice done to God by their obstinate failure to take the true positions and by your promotion of them.


We would also point out, as a general rule, that people who engage in public writing or teaching on Catholic matters must be completely uncompromising and not swayed by human respect.  They must stand for the complete truth and not be cowed by what others think or by people's opinions, if they need to alienate them in the defense of God's truth.  If they are unable to do this, or if this is a great struggle for them, then they are not fit for teaching on Catholic matters and they should cease all public writing and teaching on the Catholic faith.


All of this has been said in true charity.





More on Outrageous Priest


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter:


I came across an interesting quote from St. Alphonsus that reminded me of your most recent email exchange that deals with that outrageous priest who told the person not to say the Rosary and that “sex and dating is suppose to be fun.”  This quote pertains to the idolatrous heathens who worshipped the sun, but were careful not to sin in the presence of their god.  He states:


According to St. Cyril of Jerusalem, some adored the sun as their god, that during the night they might, in the absence of the sun, do what they pleased, without fear of divine chastisement.  “Some regarded the sun as their God, that, after the setting of the sun, they might be without a god.” (Catech. iv.)  The conduct of these miserable dupes was very criminal; but they were careful not to sin in presence of their god (Serm. VI On the Malice of Mortal Sin, par. 7).


Now, if this outrageous priest did not take such care in the presence of his God, who is everywhere and, in a particular manner, present in the sacrament of Penance, then that makes him either worse than the idolatrous heathens or, most likely, not a real priest but rather a minister of Lucifer.  I suspect that it is the latter, since this totally outrageous “priest” has no regard for our Lord and no fear of the Divine chastisement.


St. Alphonsus goes on to say about sins committed by Christians:


But Christians know that God is present in all places, and that he sees all things.  “Do not I fill Heaven and Earth? saith the Lord.” (Jer. xxiii. 24); and still they do not abstain from insulting him, and from provoking his wrath in his very presence: “A people that continually provoke me to anger before my face.” (Isa. lxv. 3.)  Hence, by sinning before him who is their judge, they even make God a witness of their iniquities: “I am the judge and the witness, saith the Lord.” (Jer. xxix. 23.) (Ibid. par. 7)


If Christians so offend God by their sins, then imagine the chastisement that He has reserved for this minister of Lucifer who tries to mock God in the sacrament of Penance and, in a particularly egregious way, attempts to provoke Him to anger.  One can only rejoice at this thought with the saints, who “not only do not pity the damned, but they even rejoice in the vengeance inflicted on the injuries offered to their God.” (Serm. X On the Pains of Hell, par. 17).




Priest reading


Just wanted to let you know that I've been reading your many articles in your website and find them very interesting. As a Hispanic "Novus Ordo" priest I find it very difficult and outraging the fact that they have made the Holy Mass a politically correct religious celebration especially with the inclusive language and female altar servers. Everytime they change the lectionary which aggravates me a lot.  Who are they are trying to fool I wonder? I'm considering leaving the ministry, go back my original country and find another job because of the abomination that is taking place in the Catholic Church. But I think you have a valid and solid point especially in regard issues like the anti-popes, the so- called Marian apparitions, EWTN, the abuse scandal ect.  You have opened my eyes leading to acknowledge that we the present Church are living  into a farse. Is there any hope at all for the True Roman Catholic Church or just these are signs of the beginning of the end times? Thanks for your attention and consideration.

                                                         Fr. Agustin 


MHFM: We’re very glad to hear that you are looking at the information.  The post-Vatican II Church is definitely not the Catholic Church.  The Catholic Church still exists, but with the remnant of traditional Catholics who maintain the faith whole and undefiled.  There is absolutely hope, but only in uncompromising adherence to and practice of the traditional faith.  You really should look at this article, if you have not done so.  It shows how the New Rite of Ordination isn’t valid.  That means that if you were ordained in it, the ordination wasn’t valid.



Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid [PDF File]

This article explains why the New Rite of Ordination – which was instituted by Paul VI on June 18, 1968 after Vatican II – is not valid.)


Your inclination to leave the Novus Ordo Church is the correct one.  It’s not a valid Mass.  You have to get out of there.  You must have no part with the false mass and the false Church and all of its heresies; and then concern yourself with a possible re-ordination, once you are convinced on all the issues.  If you are in agreement, we can help you through this process.


Rock and Roll Exposed


I finished watching Rock n Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution which I recently purchased.  It was very good.  I grew up listening to rock music and pop music as well.  I've always heard that they were satanic but couldn't really comprehend how, perhaps because it's often hard to make out the lyrics, except in the case of John Lennon.  I listened to alot of pop music in the 80's and I'm surprised to discover that Michael Jackson was also inspired by the Satanist Allester Crowley.  The video of Jimi Hendrix sacrificing his guitar is disturbing and to me, indicative of someone who is possessed.  Also, I have a Madonna cd entitled, The Immaculate Collection (get it - Madonna).  Would you say this was blasphemous against Our Lady?....


MHFM: Rock and Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution is quite a video.  It’s definitely worth getting if you’ve been exposed to the popular music or if you know someone who doesn’t believe in the Devil.  Yes, Madonna’s actions are blasphemous. 


Rock and Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution


Benedict XVI’s latest


MHFM: About a week ago we updated Benedict XVI’s recent Heresies file.  He continues to show, basically on a weekly basis, how he is an utter heretic, schismatic and apostate.


Benedict XVI's recent Heresies

(More Outrageously Heretical Statements on the “Orthodox” from Benedict XVI)


In his latest, Benedict XVI again justifies the “Orthodox”; he promotes them, accepts them, and indicates that they are saved.  It serves as another reminder of how outrageous it is for people to obstinately regard this man as a Catholic after all of this evidence.  He couldn’t give stronger indications that he has no problem with schism, and that he holds that it’s pointless and of no necessity to be a Catholic as opposed to being an “Orthodox” schismatic.  In light of this, we must say that if you obstinately consider Benedict XVI to be a Catholic and the head of the true faith, you would have to be an idiot to be Catholic.  Why would anyone who obstinately believes that Benedict XVI is not a heretic, bother being a Catholic at all when, according to him, one can be “Orthodox” and go straight to Heaven?


His latest flurry of heresies really drives home, once again, what an outrage it is for the false traditionalists to fail to denounce him as an antipope.  One such group (“tia”) still maintains that Benedict XVI is not a heretic but the pope!  In the face of all this evidence, such a notion borders on Luciferian.  Only faithless and evil people could see all of this proof, for this period of time, and still maintain that he’s not a heretic!  They also mock and condemn themselves every time they expose his interreligious and ecumenical apostasy; for they maintain that one can do all of that and remain Catholic.  They mock what it means to be Catholic.  They are outrageous and abominable before God.  They are heretics on the road to Hell.


Ran Across


Before you read this you need to know that I am not a Roman Catholic.  I ran across a hot link on Yahoo to your website so I clicked on it and did some reading.  I notice that you have the opinion that your pope is expressing heresies (that's a pretty strong word to apply to someone like him, isn't it?).  It sounds to me like you are posturing (I don't mean that in a bad way) yourselves as gatekeepers: you're going to preserve the faith once delivered from the saints.  I suppose the erosion of the faith is a phenomena that is pretty universal to every faithm .  It sounds to me that your perspective on your role puts you pre-Vatican II. 


Recently I've been doing some study into your faith and history.  Quite honestly it makes my blood run cold.  Do you have any idea of your own history and how your church compares to the simple Scriptures? 


MHFM: Actually, the simple Scriptures lead to the undeniable conclusion that the Catholic Church is the only biblical Church and that the Protestant sects are man-made.  For the Scriptures clearly teach the Papacy (Mt. 16), Confession (John 20:23), the necessity of faith and works (James 2:24), the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist (John 6), the necessity to hear the Church and not just the Bible (Mt. 18:17), etc.  You really should consult this section, which covers the undeniable scriptural proof for Catholicism in more depth (more will also be added to this section).


Refuting Protestantism


Regarding erosion being common to every religion, we must take issue with that as well.  Being the only true Church founded by Christ and indefectible (Mt. 16:18), the Catholic Church can never fall away.  However, a large apostasy from it – leaving only a remnant in the last days and a spiritual deception centered around a Counterfeit Church headed by antipopes – is predicted as part of the final spiritual trial.  Such an apostasy from the true faith in the last days doesn’t in any way contradict the notion that the Catholic Church is the true Church, but confirms it.  It shows that the primary goal of Satan in the final days is to deceive Catholics (the adherents of the one true faith).  Please consult the information on our website which explains and documents all of this in more detail.




… I was baptised a Catholic, but my mother didnt drive and my father was in the navy and out at sea a lot so I wasnt able to finish my sacraments. However, I always felt something else divine was keeping me away from the church. I always felt the the Catholic Church was the true and only church of god but I saw the vatican 2 council for what it was. Through the years I have done a lot of research and have been greatly troubled with the state of the so called "christian" faith and the millions of souls that have been deceived. Through my research I found your website. My main question is where can I go in San Diego or anywhere close to it to receive my remaining sacraments and more importantly, where can I take my daughter to be baptized without having to do it myself and where can I safely go to mass and receive the true communion. I am also considering starting a catholic group with the mission of teaching the true gospel and the true laws of the most holy church. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Patrick Martin


MHFM: We contacted this person.




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


I have been taught that if the homosexuals do not act on their orientation then they can go to Heaven. If one dies a homosexual, will he go to hell? Also I brought this up with my teacher and I said is it true that homosexuality is caused from idoltry and an act of grave mortal sin, just to see what she would say, and she replied no thats not true, the Church teaches that we do not know the cause. Thank you.


May the Blessed Virgin Mary by Her holy and Immaculate Conception  bless your monastery.

Sincerely, Daniel


MHFM: The perverse orientation is a result of mortal sin.  Therefore, as long they continue to have it, it’s because they are in mortal sin.  All who die in mortal sin go to Hell.


Valid bishop?

Thank you for your interview concerning Archbishop Thuc.  Perhaps you could tell me if you think Fr. Kelley of the SSPV is a validly consecrated bishop? The reason I ask is that SSPV has the only traditional chapel near where I live, and several things appear doubtful concerning Fr. Kelley's consecration: 1) the consecration seems to have been in secret and not announced until after bishop Mendez's death (raising doubts as to whether it really happened), 2) bishop Mendez appears to have been novus ordo, not Catholic (and if Catholic, only in secret), and 3) Cardinal Spellman's intention in consecrating Mendez would be dubious; as you know, Spellman was one of the main defenders of 'Religious Liberty' at the council (and by some reports a practicing homosexual) and would likely have already apostatized by 1960 when the consecration was done (though possibly the co-consecrators were still Catholic). Anyway, should a Catholic consider Fr. Kelley to be a true bishop?

In Jesus & Mary,


MHFM: We believe that he is a valid bishop because heretics (such as Mendez) can validly consecrate and heretics (such as Kelly) can be validly consecrated.  The intention is presumed if the traditional rite is used, and the evidence indicates that the traditional rite was used.  However, Kelly is a horrible heretic.  He heads the group called the SSPV.  They believe in salvation outside the Church (heresy) and they reject the necessity of water baptism.  They are so vigorous about their heresy against the salvation dogma that they impose their heretical beliefs upon the people who approach them for the sacraments.  Therefore, no one should go to them for any sacraments at all.  Here’s just one example of their denial of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  


The SSPV, The Roman Catholic, Fenton Article, Fall 2003, p. 6: “So, is it true and an article of faith that ‘outside the Church there is no salvation’?  Yes, it is.  Does this mean that a person, no matter how praiseworthy a life he may have led, will be eternally lost who, through no grave fault of his own, is not an actual member of the Church at the moment of death?  No, it does not.


Here we see that they indicate, in their heretical way of trying to dance around the issue, that they believe that people can be saved in false religions.  That is blatantly heretical.


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832: “With the admonition of the apostle that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5) may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever.  They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him.  Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate(Athanasian Creed).


For more on their heresy, please consult section 35 of our book Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation [PDF FILE], or simply go to this page, and then scroll down a bit to the Table of Contents, and then find section 35 and click on the section about the SSPV.


Sin by Praise


A fellow community college student of mine committed fornication.  A friend of mine congratulated him for committing this shameful, unholy iniquity.  I told my friend he committed a mortal sin and if something happens to him before his next confession he will go straight to hell.  I told him that confirming somebody in their sin is to commit a grave violence against them.  He thinks he just committed a venial sin by congratulating the mortal sin.  Who was right?  Thank you for settling this dispute.


MHFM: He definitely committed a mortal sin by congratulating him for his mortal sin.  He confirmed him in his sin.  Such an individual has no respect for the laws of God.  A person who would do that is in such a state of spiritual darkness that he almost certainly commits other mortal sins. He shouldn’t go to confession until he remains out of mortal sin for some time, until he begins to have a true prayer life and wakes up from his spiritual slumber.  At this time, he is in no position to make a good confession.


More Catholic times


MHFM: This is a passage about what it was like in 1462, when the head of St. Andrew (apostle and martyr) was brought to Rome during Holy Week.  It’s a slightly interesting example of the excitement that was generated by the faith and the saints in more Catholic times.


“After the Pope and all present had venerated the relic, and Pius II had invoked the protection of St. Andrew against the Turks, the Te Deum and other festival hymns were sung.  Then the solemn procession moved towards Rome, the Pope bearing the Apostle’s head.  The Via Flaminia was filled with multitudes of people; and, as an Indulgence had been proclaimed for the feast, countless Pilgrims had flocked together, not merely from all parts of Italy, but even from France, Germany, and Hungary… The streets were strewn with flowers and fragrant herbs, and sheltered with rich tapestry from the rays of the sun.  The great men of the City and the Cardinals… had vied with one another in the adornment of their Palaces, and the Churches displayed all their relics and treasures.  Lights were burning everywhere, and sacred music filled the air.  The streets were thronged with worshippers, and it was believed that so many had not been present on any single day of the Jubilee of 1450.” (Dr. Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 3, p. 260.)

Pre-Vatican II Heresy




The following quotations are taken from an undated pamphlet titled, Which is Christ’s True Church? by (Father) John A. O’Brien, Ph.D. The imprimatur is by John Francis Noll, D.D., Archbishop of Fort Wayne, IN and the pamphlet is published with no visible copyright by Our Sunday Visitor Press, Huntington, Indiana. The pamphlet is yellowing and is at least 50 years old. Nevertheless, the theology is Vatican II… Father John A. O'Brien was a very popular pre-Vatican II Catholic writer, or so I once believed.  Can you imagine a man with a Ph.D., probably in theology, failing to study Scripture and the infallible statements of the popes?  As I re-read this pamphlet, I can see how absolutely foolish and ambiguous it is and how completely lacking in documentation. I’ve emphasized the most obvious ambiguities: O’Brien starts out very Catholic:


Page 3-4: “When a person, after careful consideration, comes to perceive the fallacy of the common saying, “All religions are equally good and true,” and realizes that it does “matter what a man believes,” he finds himself confronted with two important questions (1) Which is the true Church? (2) How can I discover it? The answer might be obtained by finding out which Church possesses the marks of unity, sanctity, catholicity and apostolicity. For these are the marks which Christ imprinted upon His Church to distinguish her from all others…


Now here comes the first ambiguity. It sounds a lot like the V2 popes. With theologians like this one, it’s no wonder we so readily accepted the V2 “ecumenism.”

“In prosecuting this investigation into the claims of the various denominations to be the true Church, the writer does so with nothing but sentiments of friendship and goodwill toward the members of all these faiths. ..”


If you think O’Brien is just being kind, read further: Pp. 4-5: “In maintaining that the facts of history stamp the Catholic Church as the one true Church established by Christ for all mankind, the writer does not wish to give our non-Catholic readers the impression, already too prevalent, that the Church regards all who are not members of the body of the Church as outside the pale of salvation. Indeed, the broadmindedness and maternal solicitude of the Church for the salvation of all mankind are nowhere more strikingly apparent than in her teaching that people, even though not in visible communion with Christ’s true Church, may nevertheless be saved if they act according to the sincere conviction of their own conscience. No man is guilty in the eyes of God, says the Church, except he who acts contrary to the light of his own conscience. All people who are true to the commands of conscience are members of the soul of the church and will be rewarded by God for their fidelity. Even though they are objectively wrong, they are in good faith, and therefore blameless in the sight of God, at least for their non-membership (emphasis mine) in the corporate body.


Let’s interrupt O’Brien here while we ask “which Church?” Where is his documentation? Where is his quote from Jesus in Scripture, contradicting John 3:5, etc.? Where are his papal quotations that tell us “no man is guilty in the eyes of God …even though they are objectively wrong….and therefore blameless in the sight of God, at least for their non-membership in the corporate body” ?


There are no such quotations from Scripture or from Catholic popes from Father O’Brien because there are no such quotations to be had. Either Father O’Brien was making up this information about the Church or he was writing about a different Church than the Catholic Church. He was obviously a preconciliar  precursor to the Vatican II church who prepared Catholics to accept the heresies of Vatican II. 


Then he goes on with yet another confusing ambiguity about everyone’s duty to search for the truth: P. 5-6: There is a duty, however, resting upon everyone (emphasis mine) to search for the truth and thus to enlighten his conscience so that it will honestly reflect the objective realities instead of the distorted caricatures of the truth which spring from ignorance, prejudice and misunderstanding. The writer asks but one favor of the non-Catholic reader: that he will examine the evidence with an open mind. If he will do this, the writer is confident (emphasis mine) that the facts of history will make the same powerful appeal to his mind that they have made to the thousands of millions of honest (emphasis mine) men and women who during nineteen hundred years have clung to the Catholic faith as “the pearl that passeth all price.”


According to Father O’Brien, it’s just a nice thing to belong to the Church which only honest men will be able to find. However, it’s okay to be dis-honest as long as you are nice and sincere and follow your so-called “conscience” which may lead you in a different direction from the true Church established by Jesus Christ. Either way you will be saved.


How insane is this? It is clearly demonic thinking on his part. There is no other logical way to look at it, and yet V2 Catholics will look upon such writers as authority figures they respect.  You, MHFM, on the other hand, have no authority to contradict them, but if you substitute automobile for church, you can be sure they would be outraged.  When it comes to our souls, however, they invent a God who gave us directions on how to save our soul but we can eliminate those commands that are too uncomfortable. 




MHFM: Yes, it’s another good example of how the Great Apostasy began with pre-Vatican II heresy against the necessity of the Church for salvation.


No priest in desire


Dear mhfm, 


I desire to be a priest, therefore I am a priest in desire and if I die suddenly I am martyred as a priest of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.  Bod, bob thinking, no?  I love the novelty.  It's so modern Rome, not!


MHFM: Yes, you cannot be a priest by desire just as you cannot be baptized by desire.


Outrageous priest


Dear Brothers,

If you need to go to a pre V2 priest for a valid confession, I wonder how many of those are actually left.  And when they die, will there be no one who will be able to absolve sins?.  I'm rather depressed, I don't know any pre v2 priests in Chicago, so I just went to a v2 priest because I figured it was better than nothing, like in those exorcisms sometimes protestants can cast out demons, so I figured its worth a shot. But during confession he told me not to say the Rosary and that "sex and dating is supposed to be fun".  So I'm rather of the mind that he's a complete heretic and that my confession is probably null and void.  I am reading through all the information on your site, so if you've answered this before in an E-Exchange, then I will probably find it there.  Thanks for showing me what it means to be Catholic.



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Obviously you must find a valid priest; please contact us here and we can help you with that issue.   We also have posted guidelines which concern the issue of where people can go for the sacraments.


Since that priest was so outrageous, you should make the confession again.  It’s possible for heretics to absolve validly if they are validly ordained and use the proper form, but considering his statements it’s questionable whether he absolved you at all.  It's amazing that a so-called priest would tell you those things; but, when you think about the Vatican II sect, it's not that surprising.  Obviously you should never go to him for confession again.


Chair of Peter


Dear Brothers,


It seems obvious that the whole point that Christ chose St. Peter as chief Apostle is because in disputes on doctrine, His (Christ's) Word is there preserved. So it's ridiculous for people to appeal to Saints, Theologians, Doctors or even the Ordinary Magisterium, over the Chair of St. Peter for the final word, when Christ himself has chosen St. Peter as the final authority, even over the other Apostles!


God Bless,


Kit White


MHFM: That’s correct.  Again it gets back to the fact that those who constantly appeal to theologians, etc. over the dogmatic teaching of the popes (especially heretics on salvation and baptism) really have no supernatural faith in the infallibility of the papal office.  A careful consideration of their position reveals that it ultimately puts infallible papal teaching on the same level with non-infallible teaching, thus rendering the papal office pointless.  But the unfailing faith was only given to the popes in the Chair of Peter.


Luke 22:31-32- “And the Lord said: Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have all of you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren.”


     Satan desired to sift all the Apostles (plural) like wheat, but Jesus prayed for Simon Peter (singular), that his faith fail not.  Jesus is saying that St. Peter and his successors (the popes of the Catholic Church) have an unfailing faith when authoritatively teaching a point of faith or morals to be held by the entire Church of Christ. 


Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, 1870, ex cathedra:

 Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, 1870, ex cathedra:
“… the See of St. Peter always remains unimpaired by any error, according to the divine promise of our Lord the Savior made to the chief of His disciples: ‘I have prayed for thee [Peter], that thy faith fail not ...’”


Comment on Colleges


Dear Brother,


I like the comment you made about whether going to college makes sense.  Not only the high cost as you mentioned, but also there is the overall atmosphere and mindset of the colleges which is reflective of the modern day cultural revolution, such as diversity, political correctness, revisionist history, and all the rest of the garbage they embrace.


When people, who by the grace of God, have come to the realization of what has been taking place and is taking place in our society for the ruin of souls, via organizations like Freemasonry, communism, the New World Order and international bankers, etc., they should seriously consider whether they should be a part of it.


Too many people are conditioned to think they will not "make it" in life without a college education.  There are plenty of jobs out there that do not require a college degree but allow people to live comfortably.  I, myself, started college but did not graduate.  I am content with what I do.  I am neither wealthy nor poor.  Many people today who graduate from college wind up in some profession where they may make good money but are not necessarily happy in other aspects of life.  It's better to make less money and be happy rather than to make alot of money and not be happy.


God bless you,

Alain Perrault




Dear mhfm, 


I asked this young child-"What is baptism to you?"  She responded, "Baptism means to become part of Jesus and where he lives." 

You mean, "In heaven," I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"How did you get baptized?"  I asked.

"With water," she replied.

"Is there any other way to receive entry into heaven?" I asked.

"No!"  She stated, matter of factly.

"Oh, okay."  I replied.

The innocence of a child is so sublime.

God Bless, mhfm.  Keep up the truth, the way, the life.


MHFM: Yes, there is definitely something to say for holy simplicity.  The truths are simple; it’s in refuting the distortions and false arguments of heretics that things get more involved. 




Dear Holy Family Monastery,


I enjoy your website and its direct exposing of the false Novus Ordo Church.  I currently attend an Indult Mass in Southern NJ.  The priest was ordained in 1982 in the New Rite.  I am convinced that the "popes" since John 23 are heretics but I don't know where to turn.  Is there a place where I can go to Mass in my area of Southern New Jersey that you may be familiar with.  Your advice is appreciated. Thank you and have a Merry Christmas.


Sincerely in Christ,



MHFM: Thanks for contacting us.  The one you are going to isn’t valid because the priest was ordained in the invalid New Rite.  Assuming you are in agreement on all the issues, please contact us and we can help you with this matter.




Dear Sir:

I have come across information that tears my heart and soul to bits. I did not seek this information consciously or for any particular purpose.  I was aware of some priests not practicing Catholic protocol, as we have one at St. Mary's Catholic Church here in Odessa, Texas.  In confessing my mortal sin… this priest would always tell me that it was no longer a sin.

However, each time I went to holy confession and if I was burden with this particular sin, I would again confess it and again this priest would reiterate the same advice… I am discovering that the last three popes are not what they appeared to be and that I may be attending an illegal mass.  I have learnt about the Jewish (Adam Wieshaupt) and Freemasonry conspiracies against Church and state.

How can I become a force against all that is not Roman Catholic? How can I help? How can I tell the truth to others w/o being outcasted? I need ur guidance n help.. Please inform and in the meantime I will explore.  Thank you.


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  It’s true that the Vatican II priests justify everything. 


We hope that you continue to look at the information and that you act upon it.  You can help by becoming convinced on all the points a Catholic must believe; by helping to spread the information; by prayers; by contributing to the work of the traditional Catholic faith; etc.  The traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent is on our website.  All people who are new to the traditional faith should make it.  And once convinced on all these points, a person needs to make a good confession, including of any mortal sins which might have been confessed to priests ordained in the invalid New Rite of Ordination.  We can help you with where to do this.


Christmas Letter


Christmas Letter  [PDF]


He that is not with Me


Dear brothers,
Before I go into the object of my letter,  I wanted to draw some attention to  Our Lady of Fatima's words she spoke to the children about this time of the apostacy concerning discords in families. (which is Satan's goal) " cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop....mother against daughter..." which I believe is what she said.  Arguments and separations in the name of religion.
I am suffering from this and… now I fear I am losing my mother as well.  First , let me present you my mother.  She has forgotten the true Catholic faith.  She goes to false mass, protestant reunions,(stopped and started again), prays her rosary everyday, prays a lot, goes to confession and genuflects often, communions on the tonque. Practices the first saturdays and first Fridays very devoted to Our Lady.  I really feel sorry for her and she seems so confused and lost but she is always convinced she's truly Catholic 100 percent.
I recently had a discord with my mother about religion. We were walking one day and came pass a protestant false church.  She quoted ' oh a church ... like she was drawn and attracted to it.  It was really disgusting and I had to respond. I quoted "you are really drawn by that , this is not a church, it's protestant...false church!..." She said she was aware of that and I don't know why since she continues to go to protestant services- La Bible she calls it.  I responded and I don't remember what I was trying to say, but that is when she cut me off saying angrily " will you stop talking about religion, when you start you never stop!"  It really sounded diabolic, could she be kind of possessed!  I am worried.  Dear brothers, she never spoke to me that way before.


MHFM: Yes, she is unfortunately not a Catholic, and she is in a state of grave sin.  Jesus said: “He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth” (Matthew 12:30).  It follows, therefore, that when a person does not accept the faith and is in a state of mortal sin, the Devil has moved in.  So it really shouldn’t surprise you that she displays some diabolical hostility to your beliefs and to your practice of the faith.




Dear Dimond Bros,

I am a recent unhappy dropout from college and a recent happy discoverer of your website.  I am a true traditional Catholic who believes rightly in the church's condition (sede vacantism)… (extra ecclesia), etc...  In short, I am a thorough and faithful reader of your website.

I write you today to petition you to address colleges on your website.  There are certain colleges in this country that advertise themselves as being traditionalist but which, once one arrives, are actually hotbeds of modernity (albeit in calico and other traditional trappings).

One such college which is especially insidious is Christendom in Front Royal, VA where, although there are a few professors who believe rightly, even they are public heretics and only dare to confess the truth in the secrecy of their offices.  I went to this school for three semesters but finally left in utter disgust and horror at the handiwork of the devil there…

I was wondering therefore if you might be able to post an article on your website about the dangers of the "traditional" colleges such as Christendom and Magdalen in N.H., and TAC in California.  I had been told by the grapevine in the Duluth area where I live that their claims of fidelity to the magisterium were just window dressing and that they were really filled with students who believed rightly as I do.  While there were a few students who were faithful, the vast majority were fetid pools of temptation to theological softness and loss of vigor.  Meanwhile, some members of the faculty were virulently heretical.

I believe it would be a great blessing to those like me who seek a higher or humanities education if we could be spared the pain and disappointment of colleges like Christendom.  I also believe that you could truly help those potentially like me by posting a warning article on your website to denounce and condemn these centers of false traditional learning.  Also, young people would love to know where you would recommend going to study or, if there is no place, how can we start an institution in true fidelity to the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and NECESSARY church.

Thanks in Christ,
Raph Marvinsky
Former Christendom College Student (2005-2006)


MHFM: We do have an article exposing “Catholic” colleges and universities.  It focuses primarily on the major mainstream “Catholic” universities.  It doesn’t really get into the handful of supposedly “conservative” ones.  They are also quite heretical and modernist, however, as you point out in the case of Christendom.


The Deplorable State of "Catholic" Colleges and Universities [PDF File]


We would add that every college or university in our day is quite heretical or pagan or evil in many ways.  So if one is expecting a college that is fully Catholic, then one would be unable to go at all. 


If a person can find a situation where he or she is sheltered from the evil atmosphere (preferably by living at home or alone off campus – not in the dorms with a pagan), then that could be an option if the person took religiously neutral classes.  But even in a situation where one is spiritually sheltered to a great extent, people need to deeply consider and pray about whether going to college makes sense.  Considering the high costs (etc.), people need to prayerfully consider whether it’s worth it and if it’s what God wants them to do.


“Do what thou wilt”


[This was an interesting one from a reader who wrote in some time back.]




Watching EWTN the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople doing vespers, just for curiosity of what the Pope would say, my wife and I heard the Pope talking about St Paul, say "love and do what thy wilt".  I was shocked, the Patriarch looked over quickly too.  Maybe I just misunderstood, but you may want to look in to this.  Do what thy wilt is a satanist saying.

Bill J.


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  That’s interesting. We would just add that people shouldn’t call Benedict XVI the pope.  For those who might not be familiar with the point you are making, “do what thou wilt” is a central belief in satanism.  That’s what he heard Benedict XVI say. 




I was wondering why you quote the king james version of the bible instead of the catholic bible?


MHFM: We obviously do so, in the materials refuting Protestantism, to show the Protestants from their own bible that their views are not biblical.




Dear Brother Diamond,

… I am a french guy…  I am here in France.  I asked the help of one the priest of my Chapelle in Paris, because I think I may need an exorcism, but he doesn't want to do it on me for the moment.  Even if I can make a mistake thinking I need it, sometimes I feel like I'm not "alone".  Sometimes I'm so angry about life, about the others. Sometimes I feel so sad and with no will.  In these moments, I can even hardly turn my face towards God to ask Him for help.

That is why I contact you. Maybe you know some exorcists I could contact in France?  Please help me.

Dominus tecum.

MHFM:  We would say that you don't necessarily need an exorcism.  If you believe fully in the traditional Catholic faith and in the correct positions on all the key issues of our day; if you remain out of mortal sin and make a good confession; and if you pray the 15-decade rosary each day, then you should be delivered from your problems.  You should make sure that you take those steps first, and then go from there. 




Brothers in Christ,

I would like to add a few thoughts on 'co-redemptrix' issue. I can see there are a number of traditionally-minded people  who are struggling with this important question: is our Blessed Mother Mary the Co-Redemptrix (Co-Redeemer)? The answer to this question, which you already have elaborated abundantly, is in negative.  I think that most people who do not accept your arguments are struggling with their own strong temptations rooted, if not in their bad will but in their own untrained psychological drives. They feel as if they would insult the perfect person they love very very much if they say that that person is not something which could be perfect in and by itself. So, I would recommend to these people to consider the divinely defined truth: There is One God and Three Divine Persons--The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. Our Blessed Mother Mary is NOT the Divine Person. She IS the most perfect creature, She is The Queen of Heaven, She is conceived without original sin, etc. etc., but She IS NOT one of The Three.  She IS NOT the "Co-Godess"(whatever could this mean). Yes, we are FORCED by The Holy Obedience to God, to say and accept in  our hearts that no creature, however perfect it could be, is  worthy to be  deemed as  "Co-Divine  Person".

The uniqueness of a certain CREATURE, and our Blessed Mother Mary is the most unique CREATURE in the Universe, does not in the slightest degree imply that this creature takes part in The Holy Trinity. The Saviour is The Divine Person, therefore there could not exist a "co-saviour". If we resist this conclusion, then we will be led to
accept many heresies, the most "famous" one being the notion of "saviours' contest" mentioned and embraced by the antipope JPII.

Let our beloved Blessed Mother Mary through Her mighty intercession lead  us all to The One and Only Saviour, Jesus Christ, Her only Son and God.

Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  It comes down to the fact that the people who refuse to accept this don’t have real faith in the Church.  They don’t really believe that the dogmas are definitive and that they are supernaturally protected.




To Most Holy Family Monastery:


Merry Christmas and God bless you all.


This is Kim-Lan Vu, I have a question hope that you can help me. I attend a philosophy class. Yesterday, the professor says something like...no one ever writes a good argument about homosexuality...because it is difficult to have a valid and sound argument. Therefore one cannot argue that homosexuality is right or wrong...anyone can have different view about it and it depends on their preferences; but to write a good argument, there is none.


How can I write a good argument about this horrible unnatural thing.  Please give advice. I want to write this argument just to prove to him that there are so many things wrong about homosexuality; it doesn't matter how he looks at this, philosophy's point of view or theology's point of view. Wrong is wrong, period. Help me brother


Your monastery is the only one I know so far are still keep fighting for the truth, and I pray God bless you all.


Glory to God,




MHFM: Quickly we would say that it’s naturally abhorrent to normal people.  It’s sterile and cannot reproduce; thus human nature screams out that it’s disordered and wasn’t intended by the Creator.  It would lead to the end of the human race.  It’s the cause of all kinds of diseases, etc.  Those are just some quick points.




…Have already started reading the UFO book, quite interesting and opened my eyes to what they truly are.  I will be ordering again in the next few weeks as well.  Your material is incredibly beneficial to the soul and the Catholic Religion.… I believe you are right on with the message in your book "The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II"…


Kind Regards,


Bruce K.




Dear Brothers,

I was the one who emailed the original quote regarding St. Benedict Labre and NFP... I remember that soon after I emailed that to you I realized that it didn't make sense what I wrote because St. Benedict Labre would have been born first. I don't remember for sure, but I think I sent a follow up email notifying of my mistake, but if not, I apologize. I need to be much more diligent in putting facts ahead of emotions! Again, sorry for the mistake.



MHFM: That’s alright.  It happens.




MHFM: The other day we posted an e-mail from a reader who pointed out that St. Benedict Labre was the eldest of 15 children.  The reader said this was an indictment of NFP, because St. Benedict wouldn’t have been born if his parents (who had 15 children) had used NFP.  We agreed.  That was not correct, obviously.  We had read his e-mail too quickly and assumed that he was pointing out that St. Benedict Labre was the youngest, not the eldest of 15.  So obviously St. Benedict, being the first child, still might have been born if his parents used NFP.  It was an oversight on our part.


The point about large families still holds true to indict NFP, however, just not in the case of St. Benedict Labre.


St. Ignatius Loyola, who was the thirteenth of thirteen children, wouldn’t have been born if his parents had practiced NFP; and most certainly not a St. Catherine of Siena, who was the twenty-fifth child in a family of twenty-five children!  Other examples could be given of saints who would have been phased out of existence by the sinful birth control practice. 


Questionable Paintings


Is it acceptable for a traditional Catholic to have Renaissance paintings of nude women around the house?

What types of prayers will need to be said in order to allow this?



MHFM: Our position would be that people should definitely not have such paintings around the house.


Help with B.O.D.


Subject: Help with Baptism of Desire


Dear Brother Dimonds

I was having a debate with a guy who claims to believe in the Dogma that There is No Salvation Outside the Church. But he started saying about people who never have it preached to them. I told him that if they were of Good will, they would hear the Faith. Then he says but what about Guadalupe. I said what do you mean and he said, they had it preached to them and many didn't convert and yet Our Lady worked a Great Miracle for them. Then he said that he's sure that there is one person in China who would accept the Faith.  He went on to say why doesn't God give a country like China a Miracle like Guadalupe to convert them. How would I answer him on this?

Thanks for your Help

God Bless



MHFM: Thanks for the question.  First it’s worth pointing out that your question is really a question about ignorance.  But it’s interesting that you title it: “Help with Baptism of Desire.”  In debating with defenders of “baptism of desire,” you have obviously discovered that for basically all of them baptism of desire = salvation through ignorance.


The man you’re conversing with isn’t very familiar with what he’s talking about.  Countless people in China know about the Catholic faith.  He seems to be under the impression that the entire country is ignorant of the Gospel.  That’s not true.


Regarding his point about Guadalupe, it’s not totally clear what he’s saying.  Approximately 9 million people converted after Our Lady’s miraculous appearance at Guadalupe.  (It was basically a replenishment of the Church’s numbers right as the Protestant revolt was taking away millions.)  Just because some people didn’t convert after the miracle of Guadalupe doesn’t prove anything.  The miracle was the avenue for those people of good will.  Why were some Mexicans given an extra chance through the miracle of Guadalupe?  We believe that the third point below is the answer to that question.


In answering the question about why God doesn’t work a miracle similar to Guadalupe in all places, we would bring up three points.  We think that all three points contribute, in some way, to shedding light on the issue.  1) God leaves certain places in complete ignorance of the Gospel and doesn’t work miracles in certain places because of bad will and unbelief.  We see that clearly in Matthew 13.


Matthew 13:57-58- “But Jesus said to them: A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.  And he wrought not many miracles there, because of their unbelief.”


2) God wants people to search to find the truth.  If they do, they will; and God will make the truth known to them.  People have to put out a little bit of effort.  God does not cast His pearls before swine.


3) It’s part of the mystery of providence, grace and free will.  We don’t know the answer to many questions concerning how much grace impacts free will and vice versa in the lives of so many people.  Of course it’s a dogma that grace precedes all good acts and faith itself, but the responsiveness of man’s free will often determines whether God will grant additional graces for that person; but others are granted to people as a result of the prayers and sacrifices of others, etc.  There are many mysteries in this regard. 


That’s why it’s our job to accept what the all-knowing God has revealed to us, not to refuse to accept what He has said (or modify it) if we cannot immediately see the justice in it. So many people believe in the “invincible ignorance” heresy because they don’t have a supernatural belief in God, and thus they cannot submit to His revelation unless the justice in it is readily apparent to them.  The bottom-line is that God has revealed to us that people who are left outside the faith are not saved; and obviously we must conclude that it’s because He, in His perfect justice, sees that they were not worthy of the truth. 


As St. Augustine put it:


St. Augustine (428): “… God foreknew that if they had lived and the gospel had been preached to them, they would have heard it without belief.” (Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 3: 1997.)


A “Co-Redemptrix” Argument


Dear Dimond brothers,

I wish to comment on your position regarding Mary as Co-redemptrix. Before I begin, so that you understand my perspective on the matter, allow me to mention that I hold the true Catholic faith, I believe in the dogma of no salvation outside the Catholic Church, and I have found your resources most beneficial in answering long-held questions about the conciliar Church. I regularly use your information while attempting to bring others to the truth.

However, I believe your opposition to the title "Co-redemptrix" represents your weakest argument for two reasons: First, I do not believe the statements "Christ is Sole Redeemer" and "Mary is Co-redemptrix" are contradictory. Your argument seems predicated on this presumption. Second, if your argument is true, then Popes Benedict XV and Pius XI are manifest heretics according to your own definition.


At first glance, it would seem that Christ cannot be the Sole Redeemer if Mary is a Co-Redeemer. This would suggest there are two redeemers. However, it is necessary to properly define the prefix "co." The prefix "co" is derived from the Latin word "cum", meaning "with." That the Blessed Mother participated WITH Jesus Christ, our SOLE Redeemer, in the salvation of mankind is an indisuptable fact. At the annunciation, the words "Be it done unto me according to thy word" represented an act of free will that forever links the Blessed Mother to the Redemption of mankind. Her participation was more than a function of geneology, it was an act of the will, an act of obedience. It represents the opposite action of Eve's disobedience, and clearly, Eve "co-operated" with Adam in the fall in the same way the Blessed Mother "co-operates" with Christ in the redemption. Though we suffer original sin solely because of the sin of Adam and are redeemed solely by Christ, a woman "co-operated" in both events.

I think a simple, albeit imperfect, analogy exposes a similar relationship:

The sun is the sole light source in our solar system. This is an indisputable fact. However, the moon, also in our solar system, is the heavenly body that lights the night sky. This is also a fact. On the surface, these statements appear contradictory, but a closer look reveals the nature of the relationship. As we all know, the moon reflects the sun's rays to light the night sky. In truth, it is still the sun's rays lighting the darkness of the night, but it happens only through the "co-operation" of the moon. The moon complements and aids the sun in its mission to bring light to the earth. The moon is a "Co-light source" with the sun, though in reality it is nothing but dust, infinitessimally small, and produces no rays of its own.


In the section of your book entitled "19 Objections" you state the following: (The Vatican II anti-popes) cannot be material heretics because 1) they know very well of the dogmas which they deny; 2) they are bound to know the Catholic Faith as “bishops,” especially the dogmas which they deny; and 3) they lack and contradict the essential mysteries of Faith which one must hold to be a Catholic.

If what you contend is true (and I believe it is quite true), then by your own definition and by the statements in your article, Popes Benedict XV and Pius XI are manifest heretics. The dogma that Christ is Sole Redeemer is infallibly defined, as you articulate in your article. I think we would all agree that one must know this truth in order to be a Catholic. However, you claim that these popes are not heretics, but simply "erroneous" in their denial of that dogma. This is not possible. If it is possible, then one might argue that the VII Anti-popes are also "erroneous" in their heretical positions. The conclusion is rather simple: either Popes Benedict XV and Pius XI are manifest heretics who lost their office by receding (even in the least degree) from the faith, or the position that Mary is Co-Redemptrix is not a contradiction of the infallibly defined definition of Christ as Sole Redeemer and therefore not heresy.

I believe the latter is the only logical position. Thank you for your time and I am interested in your response.

Daniel Curtis


MHFM: The arguments you raise are all false.  Turning to your last argument first, it’s obvious that you didn’t listen to the audio on this issue.  The audio covers more than what is covered in the article.  If you had listened to the audio, you would have discovered that the argument you bring forward about the popes is completely wrong.  It has already been addressed and refuted.  You state that if Co-Redemptrix is not consistent with dogma, as we say, then Benedict XV and Pius XI must have been manifest heretics.  That’s not true.


Is Our Lady the Co-Redeemer?  No.  This audio explains why [36 min. audio]


As pointed out in the audio, Pope John IV said that Pope Honorius’ heretical letters to Sergius (which we know were heretical from the III Council of Constantinople) were not heretical.  How is it possible for a pope (John IV) to say that Honorius didn’t teach heresy, when we know that Honorius did?  According to your argument, Pope John IV must have been a heretic and an antipope.  He said something was not heretical which was heretical.  The answer is that he was simply wrong, not a heretic.  Popes can be wrong about finer points of dogmatic issues without being heretics, if there is legitimate reason for confusion or if the correct position on the issue would require knowledge of a specific decree.  They cannot be wrong about basic and fundamental dogmas, or totally obvious issues, such as that Protestants need conversion, that false religions are evil, etc.  They cannot be wrong about issues which every adult Catholic is bound to know.  Thus, there is no comparison between papal ignorance and papal errors on these finer points of dogmatic matters and the undeniable heresies of the Vatican II antipopes on basic and fundamental matters of faith.


Another example which completely refutes your point (which is also covered on the audio) is the geocentrism issue.  (This issue also devastates, by the way, most of the arguments raised in favor of baptism of desire from the teaching of theologians, their view of what is magisterial, the authority of the Holy Office, the authority of a doctor of a Church, etc.)  The Holy Office under Pope Paul V and Pope Urban VIII said that geocentrism is an article of faith and that heliocentrism is heretical.  The Congregation of the Index felt the same, and forbade all heliocentric works.  But in the 18th century the Congregation of the Index reversed itself and allowed heliocentric works.  And in 1921 Pope Benedict XV said the Earth might not be the center of the universe.  So in 1921 Pope Benedict XV said the Earth might not be the center, well after the Holy Office under Pope Paul V and Pope Urban VIII had declared that idea heretical.  According to your fallacious argument, Pope Benedict XV was a heretic for contradicting a dogma, or Pope Paul V and Pope Urban VIII were schismatics for considering a dogma something that was not.  These examples demolish the argument you have raised.  They prove that popes can be wrong and/or confused about points which touch upon dogmatic matters and in evaluating the status of a dogmatic truth.  They cannot be wrong in their magisterial/infallible teaching.  (By the way, the answer to the geocentrism dilemma is covered in our article Examining the Theological Status of Geocentrism and Heliocentrism and the Devastating Problems this creates for Baptism of Desire Arguments [PDF].)


So your last argument clearly has no merit and has been refuted. 


Regarding your first argument (about the sun and the moon), it also fails.  It fails because you use the term “light source” with ambiguity.  If you specifically defined what you mean by light “source,” then the error of your argument would be even more obvious.  If by “source” you mean that which itself produces light in the solar system, then it is the sun alone; and in that case it would be a contradiction to assert that it is the sun with the moon.  But if the word “source” is used to include that which brings light either by reflection or production, then it can be the sun with the moon.  So your analogy fails. 


The term Redeemer, on the other hand, is specific.  It specifically refers to who redeemed us from the bondage to the Devil, which was the result of the sin of Adam.  It refers to who “destroyed our sins” and “opened the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven.”  When we consider that specific question (who opened the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven by making satisfaction to God the Father and destroying our sins), the answer is: Jesus Christ alone.  That’s why these councils said this:


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches that no one conceived of man and woman was ever freed of the domination of the Devil, except through the merit of the mediator between God and men, our Lord Jesus Christ; He who was conceived without sin, was born and died, THROUGH HIS DEATH ALONE LAID LOW THE ENEMY OF THE HUMAN RACE BY DESTROYING OUR SINS, and opened the entrance to the kingdom of heaven, which the first man by his own sin had lost…” (Denz. 711)


Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Sess. 25, On Invocation, Veneration and Relics of Saints, and on Sacred Images, ex cathedra: “…the saints, who reign with Christ, offer up their prayers to God for men; and that it is good and useful to invoke them suppliantly and, in order to obtain favors from God through His Son JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, WHO ALONE IS OUR REDEEMER and Savior….And they must also teach that images of Christ, the virgin mother of God and the other saints should be set up and kept… But if anyone should teach or maintain anything contrary to these decrees, let him be anathema.” (Denz. 984)


Christ alone is the Redeemer.  But it’s troubling that you see no contradiction between these two specific statements:


“X” did something alone

“X” did something with “Y”


There is definitely a contradiction. 


John was in the car alone

John was in the car with Maureen


Sorry, there is a contradiction.  Likewise, there is a clear contradiction between:


Christ redeemed the world alone

Christ redeemed the world with Mary


If you cannot see that there is a contradiction between Christ alone being the Redeemer, and Mary being Co-Redeemer with Christ, then we cannot really help you.  In that case, we would have to say that you are not of good will at this time.  You don’t savor truth.  You have no problem saying “it is” and “it is not” at the same time (2 Corinthians 1:17-19).


Vatican II


Dear MHFM:


I have read some of your Web-site and I'm getting confused trying to separate the Catholic Faith from the 2nd. Vatican Council.


What specifically does the 2nd. V. C. teach that's contrary to the Catholic Faith?


I'm a praticing Roman Catholic and I see nothing wrong with its Canons.


I would like to know, what Holy Bible are you reading?


Thank You.




MHFM: It’s all covered in this section.  You really should print it out and read it. 


The Heresies in Vatican II [PDF File]


Our book (The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II) also contains this section.




This article made me think that these people are insane....one girl said:
"In today's day and age it's not really fair to discriminate based on gender anymore," said Asha Woodall, 19, a sophomore at the U. of C. and a supporter of the plan. "Sexuality is more of a spectrum"
What does that even mean?  More of a spectrum?  And how does not having co-ed rooms constitute "discrimination"? 
Anyway-thank you for all of your hard work,
Teri Thurman


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  The story is an indication of the complete evaporation of even basic morals. 


Miraculous Baptism


The “Liturgical Year”; vol. 12, p. 405; Time After Pentecost book III; Gueranger:


“The prince of the Apostles was awaiting his martyrdom in the dungeon of the Mamertine prison, when, led by Divine Mercy, there came to him two Roman soldiers, whose names have become inseparable from his own in the Church’s history. One was called Processus, the other Martinianus. They were struck by the dignity of the old man, confided fro some hours to their ward, who would not see daylight again unitl he was led out to execution. Peter spoke to them of eternal life, and of the Son of God who loved men as to give the last drop of His Blood for their ransom. Processus and Martinianus received with docile heart this unexpected instruction; they accepted it with simple faith, and craved the grace of regeneration. But water was wanting in the dungeon, and Peter was forced to make use of the power to command nature, bestowed by our Lord upon the Apostles when He sent them into the world. At the word of the old man a fountain sprang up from the ground, and the two soldiers were baptized in the miraculous water. Christian piety still venerates this fountain …”


This account coupled with all the other examples you have provided (St. Isaac Jogues, Father De Smet, and others) of miraculous occurrences of water specifically for baptism are confusing if “desire” is acceptable.


MHFM: That’s correct.  That’s because water baptism is absolutely necessary and God will make sure that every person of good will receives it. 





I found your site through Alex Jones. Quick history i was born into the Roman Catholic Religion (or at least i thought) and for the past 18 years i have either not attended church or currently attend a non-denominational church that until now i thought was on the right path. The church i currently attend teaches straight from the bible and as my wife says has an awesome kids program :) Any ways i am really intrigued by your work and your site, I was confirmed in the Catholic faith and have always wanted to stay within, but needed to find that equal ground with my wife who was raised Baptist. Needless to say i am always drawn to the Roman Catholic faith.  Are there any Roman Catholic churches out there that are not Vatican II sect ( i live in Georgia)????? I have so much catching up to do such as getting my children baptized and getting my self re-acquainted with my true faith. I know i sound all over the board but i want to get on the right path, hopefully you can be of assistance.

Best Regards,



MHFM: It’s great to hear that you found the site and are interested.  The Catholic Church (the traditional Church) is the only Church Christ founded.  All of the Protestant sects, such as the Baptist sect, are false, man-made and reject many teachings of the Bible.  Please consult this section of our website: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/refuting_protestantism_mainpage.php


You really need to investigate this and follow through with conversion to the traditional Catholic faith.  We have the steps how to do that on our website.  We can help you with your specific questions when you contact us.  You should begin to pray the Rosary each day.  We must say that you don’t want to find "equal ground" with your wife because, at this time, she’s not a Christian.  She needs to convert to the traditional Catholic faith first, and then you can find equal ground with her in the true faith.


Antipopes position


I am fascinated by your website.  I would agree with many of your views to a point.  I did have some questions which I would love your answers.

You have stated your case clearly that you believe that we have had anti-popes since 1958.  DO you largely base that on an opinion that Cardinal Siri was elected pope in 1958
(and 1963) and did not properly resign, but did resign under duress?  Or do you base your thesis just on the anti-pope's heresies? 




MHFM: No, the position is based strictly on irrefutable facts and doctrinal evidence.  It is proven, first and foremost, by the Catholic teaching that a heretic is not a valid pope and the undeniable fact that the Vatican II “popes” are manifest heretics.  Secondly, it’s proven by the fact that the Vatican II antipopes have taught heresies in what would be an infallible capacity if they were true popes.  An example of this is Paul VI’s solemn confirmation of Vatican II.  This proves that they did not have papal authority to begin with.


The points about prophecy, Cardinal Siri, etc. are interesting and further confirm what’s happening.  However, they are not necessary to prove the point.


San Jose Gay “Mass”



According to the official website for St. Martin of Tours Novus Ordo Parish, they have "gay and lesbian" so-called "masses" every Saturday! From the website:

As part of the Diocese of San Jose's pastoral outreach ministry, the diocese sponsors a Mass in the Chapel at St. Martin's Church every Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. for gay and lesbian Catholics and their family members and friends. The community also has monthly potluck gatherings.

The Emmaus Mass has presiders from throughout the diocese, including Jesuits from Santa Clara University. The Emmaus community, which has formed from those attending this Mass, provides a community which is very caring and supportive in many ways.

The website also shows a sickening homosexual Novus Ordo style table cloth and candles that will be used during the so-called "mass".

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\E_Pictures\rainbow_cloth.jpg


Not that we need anymore proof that the Novus Ordo sect is non-Catholic, but the proof really is endless!

God bless


Speaking in Tongues


Brother…  I do respect your office and your work.  I fear God.  I neither judge anyone work for the only true and righteous judge has that power.  He tells us to judge the fruit.


I would like to hear your view on "tongues" Before you answer I believe to be fair and have no hidden reason on why I am asking you.


This what I have personally experienced.  While on my way to minister in a nursing home I was led to see a certain elderly lady.  After visiting with her, found out she was a missionary who traveled all over the world, but also a scholar.  I asked her the same question about the issue of "tongues".  She turned to me and said "do you want it" of course I said "if its for us to have it, yes I want it"

She told me to kneel down and sing to the Lord and she would place her hands on my head and pray for me.  I received the evidence of speaking in tongues within 10 minutes, and after I left her room at 5 PM or so, I went home (I was full of excitement and gladness) I continued to pray until 3 am (yes, without stopping) then I asked the Lord in English "I want to sing" and Immediately a Mafioso start coming out my mouth and have not stopped since that day. I was raised Catholic, but how much I have missed for not knowing the truth about the riches that our Lord has for all of us due to ignorance of the benefits awarded to those who seek HIM.


My further question.  Why the church does not teach on tongues?





MHFM: The true gift of speaking in tongues (e.g., Acts 2:4) involves a person miraculously speaking in languages he didn’t know, or speaking in his own language and miraculously being understood by people of a different language.  The “speaking in tongues” that predominates today, especially in Charismatic and Protestant circles, is definitely diabolical.  That is to say, it’s not a gift of the Holy Ghost, but a satanic deception.  This article has some important information on that issue.


EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [PDF File]


This “gift” usually comes after a person has had hands laid on him/her in some way.  Many cases of undeniable demonic possession and demonic problems have resulted from these  people having had hands laid upon them by a Charismatic in order to receive some spiritual “gift.”  It frequently results in “the gift of tongues,” which often means speaking in gibberish and engaging in absolute foolishness (more evidence that it’s demonic).  The person who is usually performing the ceremony is either a non-Catholic, a layman or a woman.  In all of those cases, it’s definitely not of God.  As explained in the above article, the Devil comes into people and gives them this false “speaking in tongues” – even though at first most people don’t realize it’s a deception – because they are participating in a “laying on of hands” that is unauthorized and outside the system instituted by Christ.


The laying on of hands is present throughout the New Testament as the matter for the Sacrament of Confirmation (e.g. Acts 8:17; Acts 19:6) – a sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ.  It’s ironic that in the new “Confirmation” in the Vatican II sect the laying on of hands has been abolished, but Charismatics continue to use the laying on of hands in their own services in order to transmit “the spirit.”  Since we know that their laying on of hands in an attempt to transmit the “spirit” or “the gift of tongues” is not the Sacrament of Confirmation (for even women and laymen do it), it is actually the Counter Confirmation – a false sacrament which therefore gives access, once again, not to the Holy, but to the evil spirit.


So, as a worthy recipient of the Sacrament of Confirmation receives a deeper endowment of the Holy Ghost, the active participation in such new “rites” or “sacraments” of the false Charismatic religion – by partaking in things such as the laying on of hands – gives these unfortunate individuals a deep endowment of the evil spirit. 


What was performed on you by the woman would have to be put in the category of the false gifts of tongues.  People must be clear on that. 




To Most Holy Family Monastery


Hello! I am a senior at the University of San Francisco, a Jesuit Institution. I have decided to begin a correspondence with you, and would like to express my gratitude for your website. I have long suspected the true devotion of our current Catholic Church to Jesus Christ our Savior and the saints. I feel that in a world filled with heretical propaganda, the word of God is almost always lost under the American notion of unparalleled consumerism. The most recent attack on Catholicism comes in the form of a feature film, Doubt; it pertains primarily to a Priest and his unsavory actions towards young school boys! Granted, some parish priests have been accused of and convicted of such atrocities, but never the less the main stream and primarily Jewish run media delight in the lashing of Catholic Clergymen. Little by little American boys and girls have been deliberately led away from Christ's truth and funneled into Godless and satanic paradigms of American culture. They, call them the media, call them freemasons, call them what one will, the point being they all bask in Luciferian light and have an agenda to ensure that every man, woman and child do likewise bathe in the blood of their own undoing. As I type these words my hands tremble and my eyes well-up with water, for they do not know what they do my lord, and I wish only to expose the false radiance of Lucifer that has taken such a firm grim upon the likes of my peers. I was born and raised in San Francisco California, so eccentricism among populations has never been a point of grievance for me. The problem that I now see arising is Godlessness and narcissism. By Godlessness, I am referring to individuals that have no faith in anything besides what is tangible and apparent. By narcissism, I mean people which are self-involved and self-interested to a degree that serves only in spreading the morals and dogmas of Lucifer. By the way I read part of the previously alluded to literature by Albert Pike and it is almost instantly recognizable as a Luciferian doctrine.  It is an uphill battle that we as true Catholics must now face, and I have faith that individuals like you and I can change the hearts and minds of countless lost souls if only we get to the bottom of this wicked cesspool from which deception spews. I often have dreams, literally and figuratively speaking, but this one will only be extinguished when the Lord sees fit to grant me my last breath.
Piously yours,

George Anthony Samayoa II

MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We hope you understand that one cannot attend the New Mass, and that one must reject the Vatican II sect completely.  Based on your e-mail, it seems that you probably do, but it's important to make sure.  There are probably many young people at your university who need to see the information on our website.  Many of them would probably find it interesting. 




Hello Brother Diamond,


I have been reading over your web site and I am deeply concerned. I want to convert over to the traditional Catholic faith. I was baptized in 1977 and I am not sure if I was baptized by a Novus Ordo priest or a traditional one. Do I need to be re- baptized? I also need to find a Latin Tridentine Mass around my area in Westchester, IL. It is necessary that I find one so that I can attend confession and mass. I am willing to purchase books from you that will help me convert. Please get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you for all of this valuable information. I am so glad that I found this site. I am looking forward to hearing back from you.




MHFM: It's great to hear about your interest.  We have a section on our website which explains how one is to convert. 


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic Faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts [link to section]


As explained in that file, a conditional baptism can be done if there is a doubt about the validity of your baptism.  Heretics can validly baptize, so the doubt would come in only if the priest messed around with the proper matter and form or did not do the baptism seriously.  Please call us here and we can help you with where to receive sacraments.


Sermons of the Cure


Dear Brothers


Have you ever heard of read the book The Sermons of Cure of Ars?, I've read Sinners Guide, Prep for Death & Four Last Things. Even though they are all great books, but all them combined don’t have the weight of this one... You may want to put this in your book store, or I can send you a copy...If someone wants a mirror to see their soul, just hand them this book..When I read it back in the day, I started weeping and made a general confession




MHFM: Yes, we do have it and have read it.  It’s very good.  Some of our readers will probably benefit from your recommendation.


Loved by the World


Dear Brothers,

I gave a new friend of mine who, who is a self-professed Baptist, a copy of your Communism/Freemasonry DVD. He watched all three segments in their entirety and told me he was appalled by the scandal of JP2 going around cavorting with leaders of pagan religions and dictators. He then exclaimed to me something that I'd never heard before but that is right on the money: He said that there's one true way to gauge if any given pope is a true pope or not and that is to ask, "Is the 'pope' loved by the world or hated?" Because a true pope would be shunned by the world and it's leaders. Certainly this hasn't been the case since V2.

Even this Baptist (who I'm praying for his conversion) was easily able to decipher that the V2 is of Communist origin. Yet so many followers of the V2 like the ones who've been in the e-exchange's lately don't get the picture because they don't love the truth.


On “Co-Redemptrix”


Thank you for the recent article and audio file on the term Co-Redemptrix.  I am pretty sure now that it is inappropriate to use.  Although Our Lady had a unique role in bringing The Redeemer into the world, and suffered uniquely alongside her Son during his Passion, she did not perform the redeeming act of opening the Gates of Heaven to souls.  And you are right about The Council of Trent having more weight than Pope Benedict’s statement.


I studied Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and my Mariology professor was Dr. Mark Miravalle.  He is one of the main lobbyists to have “Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate ” declared as the “Fifth Marian dogma” by the “Holy Father”.  I remember in our first class he explained how many people fall into “Marian defect” or “Marian excess”.  Many who follow the post-Vatican II changes fall into these categories.  And the “conservative” Miravalle seems to have fallen into an excess here.  Interesting that he also promotes the apparitions of Medjugorje…


Thank you and a Blessed Advent Season to you,




Catholic teaching shows us that Mary is not to be considered Co-Redemptrix


Bap. of Desire


Dear Dimonds,

There is a new heresy going around in defense of Baptism of Desire. In an attempt to explain away the Nicene Creed when it says "We confess one baptism for the remission of sins" and the Tridentine Creed when it says "I confess one and baptism for the forgiveness of sins", some Baptism of Desire/Blood advocates are now saying that Baptism of Desire and Blood are not just sacraments, but are ONE sacrament. They are saying that it's three forms (water, blood, desire) in one sacrament. Just like the Holy Trinity. They say that when the creeds say "I believe in One God..." it means One God in three persons, which is true. But they are such liars and are really grasping at straws when they say "one baptism for the remission of sins" means one baptism in three forms.

Can you believe this? Not even the heretical catechisms that popped up in the mid-late 19th century and early 20th century would dare state such a thing. Such a notion is unbiblical, untraditional, and uncatholic. This is not a divinely reveal truth from God. The Church has never taught this. No saint or theologian I know of even entertained such an idea. I don't know where this whole Trinity-esque "one baptism in three forms" originated, but I know
Patrick J. Miron teaches this in his book Behold the Lamb of God, which was released fairly recently, in 2006, I believe. Perhaps he started this heresy.

God bless


MHFM: Well, if they are arguing in that way, then they are creating even more problems for their false position.  All who favored the idea of “baptism of desire,” including St. Thomas Aquinas, admitted that it’s not a sacrament.  They knew they must admit it’s not a sacrament because it does not confer the indelible mark of Baptism and it doesn’t have the outward sign instituted by Christ. 


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica III, Q. 66, A. 11, Answer 2: “As stated above, a sacrament is a kind of sign.  The other two [baptism of desire and blood], however, are like the Baptism of Water, not, indeed, in the nature of sign, but in the baptismal effect.  Consequently they are not sacraments.”


Fr. Laisney, Is Feeneyism Catholic?, p. 9: “Baptism of Desire is not a sacrament; it does not have the exterior sign required in the sacraments.  The theologians, following St. Thomas… call it ‘baptism’ only because it produces the grace of baptism… yet it does not produce the sacramental character.”


The admission that “baptism of desire” is not a sacrament provides us with another example of how baptism of desire is not consistent with Catholic dogma.  That’s because the Church has infallibly taught that THE SACRAMENT of Baptism is necessary for salvation.


Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547, ex cathedra: “If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”


It’s also been defined that incorporation into the sacramental system is necessary for salvation.


Pope Pius IV, “Iniunctum nobis,” Council of Trent, Nov. 13, 1565: “I also profess that there are truly and properly seven sacraments of the New Law instituted by Jesus Christ our Lord, and necessary for the salvation of mankind, although all are not necessary for each individual…”


Notice that Pope Pius IV in “Iniunctum nobis,” the Profession of Faith of the Council of Trent, declares that “the sacraments” as such (i.e., the sacramental system as a whole) are necessary for man’s salvation, but it adds that all are not necessary for each individual.  This is very interesting and it proves two points:


     1) It proves that every man must receive at least one sacrament to be saved; otherwise, “the sacraments” as such (i.e. the sacramental system) couldn’t be said to be necessary for salvation.  Hence, this definition (besides the others) shows that each man must at least receive the Sacrament of Baptism in order to be saved. 


     2) Notice that the Council of Trent (and Vatican I below) made it a special point when defining this truth to emphasize that each person does not need to receive all of the sacraments to be saved!  This proves that where exceptions or clarifications are necessary in defining truths the Councils will include them!  Thus, if some men could be saved without “the sacraments” by “baptism of desire” then the Council could have and would have simply said that.


But nothing about salvation being possible without the sacraments was taught in these dogmatic professions of Faith.  Rather, the truth that the sacraments are necessary for salvation was defined, with the necessary and correct qualification that all seven of the sacraments are not necessary for each person.


Now, back to the “new” argument…  There’s a good way to refute that new heresy.  If they are arguing that baptism of desire/blood are the Sacrament of Baptism, then they must admit that one who receives baptism of desire/blood cannot ever receive water baptism.  For if he did, he would be receiving “the Sacrament of Baptism” twice, you see.  And the idea that someone can validly receive the Sacrament of Baptism twice has been condemned.


Council of Trent, Can. 9 on the Sacraments in General: “If any one saith, that, in the three sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation, and Order, there is not imprinted in the soul a character, that is, a certain spiritual and indelible Sign, on account of which they cannot be repeated; let him be anathema.”


(Note: this is not to suggest that someone who is in doubt about his/her baptism cannot be baptized conditionally.  Rather, it is to assert the theological truth that one who has been baptized cannot be truly baptized again.)  Therefore, if people are arguing that baptism of desire is the Sacrament of Baptism, they are relegated to the position that baptism of desire can only come upon a person just before he dies.  For if it comes upon a person who remains living, then that person who received the baptism of desire would or could (if preached to) subsequently approach water baptism and thus would be receiving “the sacrament” again. 


So, with their new heretical position that baptism of desire/blood is the Sacrament of Baptism, they are relegated to arguing that it only comes upon a person in danger of death.  But there’s already a sacrament for danger of death.  It’s called Extreme Unction.  Therefore, their “new” heretical argument is filled with contradictions and winds up turning the Sacrament of Baptism into the sacrament for the end of life.  It’s just another one of the many interesting contradictions that arise when people attempt to defend the false position of “baptism of desire.”  So regardless of whether they argue that it’s a sacrament (most of them do not), the position is shown to be incompatible with the teaching of the Church.


There are also a number of interesting ways of refuting the completely false idea that the “three baptisms” are comparable to the three persons of the Trinity.  At some point we will expand upon that.


Gospel of John



In an email regarding the difficulty in understanding the Gospel of John, I have found that the only way to understand it is to read it. John's Gospel contains by far a huge amount of Catholic teaching and dogma. After the 3rd or 4th reading of it issues become quite clear. I've read this Gospel, oh, 22 or 23 times since I began reading Scripture. One must only have a real desire to understand what Jesus is trying to impart to the reader. This is the simple formula I used when I started reading the New Testament 5 1/2 years ago, and in my case, it made the process of understanding your material extremely easy to assimilate. and my conversion was no doubt accelerated.

But if one has no real desire to understand what Jesus Christ is trying to communicate, the fault clearly lies with the reader, and, of course, the Gospel or any of the Gospels will always remain a mystery.



MHFM: Yes, if people were to focus on just one book of the Bible, they might want to consider focusing on the Gospel of John.  In addition to its abundance of powerful passages on salvation, it is a treasure chest of information which proves Catholic teaching from the Bible.  


The Fed


Dear Brothers in Christ,


I was very troubled when I came across your article "The Private Federal Reserve Bank Exposed" I always had suspected some sort of conspiracy going on in the country and in the world and I have a question. Why are the "Money Masters" doing all of this. What are they trying to accomplish. Are they agents of the Antichrist? Does their activities have anything to do with religion. Please get back to me.


May God Bless you

and keep you+


MHFM: They are definitely used by the Devil to stir up evil in the secular realm.  The Devil uses them to create a usurious empire in the world.  This empire ensures that people have less time for spiritual pursuits because so many of them have to work so much (often both parents) just to pay interest and taxes to the bankers.  They are greedy and their goal is power and control.  In addition to the other evil they spread, the Devil uses them to waste people’s lives by making it more difficult and time-consuming to live everyday life.


The Private Federal Reserve Bank Exposed


Comment on Homosexuality


Dear brothers in Christ,

The recent message abot homosexuality as a "brain disorder" is just one more piece of evidence that the V-2 apostates  embrace  plain lies. Consider their evil "logic" in the light of indisputable fact that the whole world (governments, various associations, etc.) are very busy, and very successful in that regard, to try to convince the people that the homosexual behavior (that is, homosexual crime) is NORMAL, is HEALTHY; they are working very hard in trying to prove that the homosexuals in "marriage" are capable of adopting children, etc. etc.

And in the midst of this satanic show playing before our eyes, the V-2 sectarians have audacity to tell us that the supposed "brain disorder" is proven and aknowledged by
the relevant world's institutions. What an abomination!

Let our Blessed Mother Mary destroy the abominable V-2 and all other false religions.

Vladimir from Croatia




Dear Brothers Dimond,


I came across your website by accident... I'm not sure what link I followed to get to the Most Holy Family Monastery, but what a revelation it was for me!  I can't thank you enough for saving my soul and, hopefully, others to whom I will refer your website... May God bless you and support you in your mission to bring the truth to all faithful Catholics.


Many, many thanks!




Rose Clancey


MHFM: Thank you very much for your words of support.  Of course salvation is only attained if people persevere and die in the state of grace; but your sentiments of excitement over having found the true Catholic faith are greatly appreciated.




How can you call yourselves a Catholic Monastery and print the junk you print on your website.  Don't tell me for one minute, that since 1969 I have been going to Mass and it does not count.  What is wrong with you.  And calling Pope Benedict XVI a heretic is completely crazy.


Please stop putting this stuff out there about the Catholic Faith.


And for Homosexuals, they have a definite proven brain disorder that cannot be helped.  We as Catholics cannot condone the actions of the homosexual, but we MUST be aware that this is a definite brain disorder.


You people are just horrible for the things you print in this terrible website, and you call yourself Catholics and followers of Christ. 


Please STOP printing this junk immediately.




MHFM: It makes sense that someone such as yourself, who defends the heretic Antipope Benedict XVI, would also hold that homosexuality isn’t a result of mortal sin but rather a “brain disorder.”  Such a false and faithless conclusion (which contradicts the clear teaching of Romans 1 on the cause of homosexuality) is in line with your faithless acceptance of the clear heresies of Benedict XVI. 


You express disbelief at the notion that the “Mass” you are going to could be invalid.  It has been demonstrated on dogmatic grounds that it cannot be considered valid.  Moreover, it has been predicted that such a deception will come and be allowed to occur.  In the Gospel, Jesus Christ not only informs us that in the last days the true faith would hardly be found on the Earth, but that “in the holy place” itself there will be “the abomination of desolation” (Mt. 24:15), and a deception so profound that, if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived (Mt. 24:24).  St. Paul says that the man of sin will sit “in the temple of God” (2 Thess. 2:4).  God allows this kind of deception in part because of faithless and bad willed people like you.


If you had any faith at all, which unfortunately you don’t, you might have the grace to see that the abominable fruits and scandals of the Vatican II “Church” are a clue about what’s going on.




Subject: Please, I beg you; Stop!


Dear Representatives,

I do not grovel, but I will make an exception and do it now--your site is blasphemous!   Please reconsider what you have posted, because I fear for you.  I was contesting Playboy's using a cover suggestive of Blessed Mother and nearly fainted when I read your beliefs.  I respectfully request that you read this in its entirety; you see, if I do not speak up, I am complicit in sinning with you.  You are well aware that we will one day stand before the Lord in Heaven and account for every word we said on earth, every deed we did and did not do.

I am a Catholic, named after Blessed Mother.  I teach at a Catholic High School.  My heart broke, as you believe that Vatican II was heresy.  Heresy?  It was a huge movement by the Holy Spirit in reforming the Church, bringing us together as a community, helping us to understand the meaning of Scripture and mass.  The only sin which is not forgivable is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit--as Pope John Paul II said, "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit!"  I recall being a very young girl before Vatican II; the priest would say mass with his back to the congregation, while some people prayed the Rosary, others prayed novenas, and yet more read the bulletin.   I love the Rosary and pray novenas, but this was wrong.  Why?  Because they could not understand or relate to what was happening.

Please--don't dismiss me.  While on earth, did Jesus hide himself away from others and speak in a way they could not decipher?  No, He walked among men and women, touched them, and gathered them together.  He did it for a reason--there is power in combined prayer, in unity.  There is power in God's Word.  St. John's Gospel is too hard for our feeble minds to fathom but for an instant:  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."  Catholics were not encouraged to read the Bible.  It is Scripture which has seen me through horrible and wonderful times in my life; because of it, miracles were wrought.  How can you not see this?  I'm befuddled!

I dare you to contact me; I have nothing to hide, but the Lord is leading me to tell you to cease and desist.

God Bless and Worship as Christ Directed,
Gigi Sommers DePascale


MHFM: You are a typical Vatican II apostate.  You do not remotely belief in the Catholic faith, as it has been taught and defined.  You only accept the modernist counterfeit “Catholicism” that arose with Vatican II.  Vatican II teaches clear heresies against the Catholic faith, as we prove without any doubt.


The Heresies in Vatican II [PDF File]


The teachings of Vatican II, which include that there is salvation outside the Church (heresy), that false religions are acceptable (heresy), that the Church is united with heretics and schismatics (heresy), are quite different from “bringing us together.”  The only way to charitably bring people together is with the truth.  Vatican II taught that there can be unity without the truth.  Sadly, we don’t expect any of these points of Catholic faith to impact you, since you don’t believe in or care about the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church.




Dear Br. Dimond,


I have always heard the advocates of the Co-Redemptrix title say that it was because of her being Our Lord's Mother.  Without her, He would not have been born, so she had a role in the Redemption in that way.


My response has always been that this means St. Anne, St. Joachim, King David, Solomon, Judah, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, etc. (all the way back to Adam) are ALL Co-Redeemers.  All of Our Lord's ancestors deserve that title.  As this gets rather pointless, the title should be abandoned.


Keep up the good work!


-Steve H.




Subject: large Catholic families


Many thanks for your page on the evil of natural family planning which is making me think. I would like to learn more about the virtues pf large Catholic families. Please would you link me up with someone interested in this subject.

best wishes

Mark A.


The Way


Subject: Jesus Christ is the Way, Jesus Christ is the door


I don't know if you accept e-mails as this but I had to send my thoughts to you about your web site.  I've been reading you documention about the last 4 or 5 antipopes and being raised as a Catholic, I haven't been a practicing Catholics\ for 30 years now, but raised as a church going Catholic. The one thing that stands out from all the quotations from the last 5 popes to all these inter-faith get togethers is NOT once did any of them say Jesus Christ is the Way, Jesus Christ is the door to everlasting life with God the Father in heaven. All I read is the pope's believe and pray to the same God as the Jews, as the believers in Islam and the Orthodox believers. Is it because all these religions don't believe in Jesue as the Christ who shed his blood for our sins and our belief in this saves us. I agree with all your comments that this is all heresy coming from Rome. Thank you and I'm glad I came across you web site.


MHFM: We’re glad that you came across our website as well, John.  That Jesus Christ is the only way – that salvation is truly found only in Him – is one of the foundational truths of the Catholic faith (the only biblical and Christian faith).  This is so true that we read that knowing Jesus Christ is life everlasting:


“Now this is life everlasting, that they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3)


It’s critical that you act upon this information and return to the traditional Catholic faith.  We have a section on our which explains how one is to do this.


Gates of Hell


If what you're saying is true then Christ lied to us!! The Gates of Hell HAVE Prevailed against the Church! The FSSP does not "use" bishops. They only fall under 'supposed' juridstiction of the local diocese. I have never seen a bishop from the novus ordo visit the Church I go to where I live. The priests over there have blasted the new mass and the novus ordo constantly where I attend! The bishops of the local diocese have nothing to do with traditionals.   I used to believe as the sedavecantists believe. The only problem is that when I believe that way I question everything always! There is no peace within my heart and without the FSSP & SSPX there is no where to attend mass.                




MHFM: To your first question, the FSSP “priests” are ordained by “bishops” who are made bishops in the New Rite of Episcopal Consecration.  The New Rite of Episcopal Consecration of is of doubtful validity.  For that reason, the priests of the FSSP cannot be considered valid priests and people should not go to those priests.  They are also heretics who accept Vatican II and the heresies of the heretical Vatican II antipopes.


Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid [PDF File]

This article explains why the New Rite of Ordination – which was instituted by Paul VI on June 18, 1968 after Vatican II – is not valid.)


The New Rite of Consecration of Bishops [PDF file]

This article explains the changes that Paul VI made to the rite of consecrating bishops after Vatican II.)


Regarding your statement about the gates of Hell, you are not correct.  You should read these files.


The Glossary of Terms and Principles [PDF]


Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file]


The indefectibility (the promise of Christ to always be with His Church, and that the gates of Hell will not prevail against it) means that the Church will, until the end of time, remain essentially what she is.  The indefectibility of the Church requires that at least a remnant of the Church will exist until the end of the world, and that a true pope will never authoritatively teach error to the entire Church.  It does not exclude antipopes posing as popes (as we’ve had numerous times in the past, even in Rome) or a counterfeit sect that reduces the adherents of the true Catholic Church to a remnant in the last days.  This is precisely what is predicted to occur in the last days and what happened during the Arian crisis. 


St. Athanasius: "Even if Catholics faithful to tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ."


Further, it should be noted that the Church has defined that heretics are the gates of Hell which Our Lord mentioned in Matthew 16!


Pope Vigilius, Second Council of Constantinople, 553:

“… we bear in mind what was promised about the holy Church and Him who said the gates of Hell will not prevail against it (by these we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics)…”[1]


Pope St. Leo IX, Sept. 2, 1053: “The holy Church built upon a rock, that is Christ, and upon Peter… because by the gates of Hell, that is, by the disputations of heretics which lead the vain to destruction, it would never be overcome.”[2]


St. Thomas Aquinas (+1262): “Wisdom may fill the hearts of the faithful, and put to silence the dread folly of heretics, fittingly referred to as the gates of Hell.”[3] (Intro. To Catena Aurea.)


Notice that heretics are the gates of Hell.  Heretics are not members of the Church.  That’s why a heretic could never be a pope.  The gates of Hell (heretics) could never have authority over the Church of Christ.  It’s not those who expose the heretical Vatican II antipopes who are asserting that the gates of Hell have prevailed against the Church; it’s those who obstinately defend them as popes, even though they can clearly be proven to be manifest heretics.


Pope Innocent III, Eius exemplo, Dec. 18, 1208:

“By the heart we believe and by the mouth we confess the one Church, not of heretics, but the Holy Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church outside of which we believe that no one is saved.”[4]


St. Francis De Sales (17th century), Doctor of the Church, The Catholic Controversy, pp. 305-306:  "Now when he [the Pope] is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church..."


Further, during the Arian crisis almost all the bishops became heretics.  The gates of Hell did not overcome the Church. 


How? Confused?


Dear brother Michael,


I have been attending daily mass until a friend who calls himself a traditionalist introuduced me to this site of yours. you have me completly confused. Can i join your movement and still attend the english mass while saying 15 decades of the rosary in a group before the mass or should i start attending the tridentine mass or both. I always thought the media were malinging the pope &the catholic church.  You say there are anti- popes since the vat-2 How can our Lord do such a thing to us when he has promised us he will be with us until the end of the world. I think you are to fundamental, & formula orinnted. Hope you can open your mind to change & stop your divisive work.  May our mother bless you & bring you back to the unity of the church in these troubled times.




MHFM: As the traditional Catholic teaching on our website shows, when you go to the English “Mass” you are not going to a valid Mass.  It doesn’t have the form of consecration.  You should not receive any sacraments, even at a traditional Mass, until you convert to the traditional Catholic faith.  In our material and in the E-Exchange above, we address in detail the false objection that the Vatican II apostasy contradicts the promises of Christ to the Church.  The Church’s teaching on indefectibility does not preclude the possibility of antipopes and the Church being reduced to a small number of faithful.  We have seen both in the past.  This apostasy has also been predicted in Catholic prophecy and Scripture.  Are you aware that there have been antipopes?  Are you aware that heretics cease to be Catholics?  Are you aware that it’s Catholic teaching that heretics lose and cannot occupy the papal office?  Have you read the heresies in Vatican II which are exposed on our website?  You need to wake up and become convinced of Catholic dogmas.  You seem like a modernist.  Until you embrace the faith and put out a little more effort to inform yourself about Catholic teachings by looking into the material on our website, you will be unable to see the truth on this. 


New Audio and Article on “Co-Redemptrix” Issue


MHFM: We have two new items on the issue of whether Our Lady is to be considered “Co-Redemptrix.”  As we’ve pointed out before, according to the infallible teaching of the Church the answer is no.  This is not in any way to diminish the role of Our Lady or any of the truths about her or the necessity of devotion to her.  It is to state the truth about this issue.


Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Sess. 25, On Invocation, Veneration and Relics of Saints, and on Sacred Images, ex cathedra: “…the saints, who reign with Christ, offer up their prayers to God for men; and that it is good and useful to invoke them suppliantly and, in order to obtain favors from God through His Son JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, WHO ALONE IS OUR REDEEMER and Savior….And they must also teach that images of Christ, the virgin mother of God and the other saints should be set up and kept… But if anyone should teach or maintain anything contrary to these decrees, let him be anathema.” (Denz. 984)


To maintain that Mary is “Co-Redemptrix” in light of these dogmatic definitions, which infallibly declare that Jesus alone is our Redeemer, one would literally have to hold that there is no contradiction between these two statements:


Joshua walked into the desert alone

Joshua walked into the desert with Margaret


Beware of phonies and false devotees of Our Lady who will agree with any statement which appears to praise her, even if it is not consistent with Catholic teaching


Why it is not Catholic teaching that Mary is "Co-Redemptrix" [37 min. audio]

This audio contains important points.  It also addresses a number of objections that are raised on this issue.  The last part of it addresses the objection that the title of “Co-Redemptrix” couldn’t be contrary to Catholic dogma because there seems to be a handful of papal statements which favor the notion.  In the course of answering that objection, the issues of Geocentrism and Pope Honorius are discussed.  It’s very important to understand these points that are covered on Geocentrism and Honorius because they serve not only to refute objections on this issue, but also objections on the baptism of desire issue – objections which arise from false ideas about what constitutes the official teaching of the Church.  


Catholic teaching shows us that Mary is not to be considered "Co-Redemptrix" [new short article]


One of the new points that is covered in this article is this:





Here’s another way of showing why it’s incorrect to call Mary “Co-Redemptrix.”  Most people who engage in Catholic apologetics agree that Jesus Christ is the second Adam.  That’s made clear in the New Testament (1 Cor. 15:45).


Romans 5:14- “Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure [type] of him that was to come [Jesus].”


Consistent with this typology of Jesus as the second Adam who reverses the curse of Adam, Mary is the new Eve.  Jesus is the new Adam, and Mary is the new Eve.  Just as Eve, the first woman, was intimately involved with the first man in the events which led up to the fall of mankind, there is a woman, Mary, who is intimately involved in the events leading up to the Redemption.  Eve disobeyed God and sinned.  Mary obeyed God and never sinned.  Much more could obviously be said on this issue; but the point here is that while Eve’s role with Adam in the events leading up to the original sin were unique and crucial, it was nevertheless the sin of Adam alone which constituted the original sin and effectuated the downfall of mankind.  That’s very clear in Catholic teaching.


Romans 5:12- “Wherefore as by one man sin entered into this world, and by sin death…”.





The idea that Mary is formally “Co-Redemptrix” would be consistent with the idea that the original sin was the sin of Adam and Eve.  But that’s not Catholic teaching.  In fact, in the following passage, St. Thomas dismisses such a notion.  He says that it was not the sin of two that constituted the original sin and the downfall of mankind.


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. I-II, Q. 81, A. 5: “…On the contrary, The Apostle says (Rom. 5:12): By one man sin entered into this world.  Now if the woman would have transmitted original sin to her children, he should have said that it entered by two, since both of them sinned, or rather that it entered by a woman, since she sinned first… I answer that, therefore original sin, is contracted, not from the mother, but from the father: so that, accordingly, if Eve, and not Adam, had sinned, their children would not contract original sin: whereas, if Adam, and not Eve, had sinned, they would contract it.


Notice that St. Thomas rejects the idea that it was the sin of two which constituted the original sin.  Moreover, the Council of Trent is quite clear that the original sin is the sin of Adam alone, not the sin of Adam and Eve.  Eve certainly sinned; but Adam’s sin alone effectuated the downfall of mankind and brought death into the world.


Council of Trent, Sess. 5 on Original Sin, Can. 1: “If any one does not confess that the first man, Adam, when he had transgressed the commandment of God in Paradise, immediately lost the holiness and justice wherein he had been constituted…”


Council of Trent, Sess. 5 on Original Sin, Can. 2: “If any one asserts, that the prevarication of Adam injured himself alone…”


Council of Trent, Sess. 5 on Original Sin, Can. 3: “If any one asserts, that this sin of Adam -- which in its origin is one, and being transfused into all by propagation, not by imitation, is in each one as his own -- is taken away either by the powers of human nature, or by any other remedy than the merit of the one mediator, our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath reconciled us to God in his own blood, made unto us justice, sanctification, and redemption… let him be anathema.”


The Council of Trent says over and over that it was “the sin of Adam,” never once asserting that it was the sin of “Adam and Eve.”  It even says that this sin was that of one man and “one in origin.”  Therefore, even though Mary’s role was unique and integral to the events which led up to the Redemption, the Redemption itself was effectuated by Christ alone.  That’s why Jesus Christ alone is the Redeemer and only He should be called such.




Adam and Eve intimately involved in the events leading up to it


Adam’s sin alone constituted the original sin and effectuated the fall


“...this sin of Adam -- which in its origin is one…” (Trent, Sess. 5 on Original Sin)







Jesus and Mary intimately involved in the events leading up to the Redemption


Jesus Christ alone effectuated the Redemption





This is just one point that is covered in the short article.  Please consult the article and the audio, as they cover other important points.  


Benedict XVI’s recent heresies


Benedict XVI's most heretical statements in October and November 2008


The Glories of Mary


I just finished reading "The Glories of Mary", which I got from your store.  And I wanted to thank you for having it at your online store.  Sometimes when I go to TAN books, it's hard to decide which books to order.  But I trusted the selections offered on your site, and was greatly rewarded with one of the best books I have ever read. 
It changed my heart and rekindled my fervor! 
Thank you again for all of the guidance.
Teri Thurman


Amos 8, prophecy of Great Apostasy


Amos 8:12-13 says:


"Yes, days are coming, says the Lord GOD, when I will send famine upon the land: Not a famine of bread, or thirst for water, but for hearing the word of the LORD.

Then shall they wander from sea to sea and rove from the north to the east In search of the word of the LORD, but they shall not find it. "


Do you think that this is a prophecy for the great apostasy?


MHFM: We think that it probably does have some application to the last days and the Great Apostasy that is now upon us.  That is not necessarily to say that it didn’t have application to any other period.  But the famine of hearing the word of the Lord is the worst kind of punishment that the Lord can send to the Earth, and that seems reserved for the last days.


Vatican II “popes”


I have been reading over your website and some points seem interesting; but I was wondering if you are Catholic do you still acknowledge the Pope, even though he is pro Vatican II?


MHFM: We acknowledge all true popes before Vatican II.  According to the teaching of the popes themselves, a heretic is not a valid pope.  The post-Vatican II "popes" are not, according to Catholic teaching, true popes but antipopes.  Please consult this file: The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope and loses the papal office automatically [PDF file]


Sounds from Hell


Have you ever heard the audio from Siberia of the sounds of Hell.If so do you think there real.  The reason why I believe them is because the guys who recorded it didn't believe in God. So it would be hard to understand why they would make it up. There is another case with Jacques Costeau the deep sea diver he was down in a deep trench and when he came back to the surface he said he heard screams of millions of humans and said he would never do deep sea diving again.

Another case was with another deep sea diver in the Bermuda Triangle all of a sudden he asked to be let back up and when he got to the surface in panic he said he heard Humans in complete agony.  He also quit deep Sea diving.

What’s your opinion on these?

Thanks for reading this.

God Bless



MHFM:  Yes, we have heard it.  It seems authentic, especially when we consider that Hell is under the Earth and that’s where they were digging.  The clip constitutes a striking and powerful glimpse of the incomprehensible horrors of Hell.  If that doesn’t put things in perspective for people and show them what really matters (obtaining salvation), we don’t what will.  It can be listened to here:






More on “Invincible Ignorance”


I noticed the brief email from one of your website's visitors on "invincible ignorance".


In my research, I have found no papal encyclicals written to the universal Church, describing the concept of "invincible ignorance". I found that the the papal document of Pius IX, mentioning invincible ignorance (pertinent portion shown below) is:


1. specifically written to the Cardinals of Italy and is therefore not infallible, since it does not address the entire Church. If the Pope was trying to tell the entire Church that they needed to believe something, he should have addressed it to the entire Church. This is one of the limitations on Papal Infallibility that was defined at The Vatican Council - that he must be addressing the entire Church (and therefore not a subset of it). This being the case, it does not automatically mean he is wrong, it simply means one has no assurance it is correct, other than by comparing it with known doctrine. 


2. It makes no sense how unbaptized infants go to the limbo of hell, but at the same time older unbaptized people who do not have the intelligence to sin willfully go to heaven. At what age is the dividing line, since nothing but age is the factor? This is a ridiculous theological concept. Perhaps many bad theologians picked up on this one statement and tried to define a loop-hole salvation outside the Church as doctrine to please the world instead of pleasing God.


3a. At best, his statements could be summed up by positively, within Church doctrine, saying that those in original sin, but who have never deliberately sinned themselves suffer no punishments per se, but only the loss of heaven (loss instead of punishment). This is known as Limbo. It could be said that they did not gain heaven, and that is a form of punishment for original sin, but it could also be said that they are not punished for their own sin, because they have not sinned. Since one must apply all of Church doctrine as a whole, and not cut and paste, one must assume Pius IX meant it within this context - that they do not go to heaven, but go to Limbo, where they have a certain natural peace, and do not suffer the fires of hell that affect those who have sinned personally and deliberately. It seems Pius IX could have been more clear about whether he was talking about the loss of heaven from original sin, or the punishments in hell for those who deliberately sin. He did not make it very clear, so one must understand it under the context of what the Church teaches instead of what one wants the Church to teach. 


3b. The key seems to be that one does not ever suffer the loss of heaven as if it was a right or priviledge that one loses. Heaven is a reward. Hell is the natural abode for all of mankind in original sin. Perhaps some who call themselves "traditional catholics" have a difficult time understanding the Catholic concept of hell, with it's different layers (hell proper and limbo), because they are so immersed in the Protestant culture, and they prefer the enjoyments of the socializing aspect of "traditional catholicism" over actually studying it. Or perhaps they are content with finding a group of people who appear more "Catholic" than the Novus Ordo Catholics, and then simply tossing their souls into the hands of some convenient Priest, so they can go back to the cares of the world.


I strongly advise all to keep studying and learn the Catholic terminology on basic themes such as hell. I think many may think of hell as defined by Protestantism.


4. This issue should not be confused with the terminology for the issue of "Baptism of Desire" or "Baptism of Blood".  That issue should be reviewed separately, since obviously someone who is not aware of the religion, as Pius IX mentions in his document, is not aware of baptism, and therefore does not even have a desire for it. If one is talking about people involved protest groups who baptize, then yes, if they are baptized, but are too ignorant to know the Catholic faith they are being baptized into, such as retarded people for example, then there is a possibility of heaven, as long as they stay out of mortal sin, and do not embrace the protest group's false religion against the true religion. But then, once again, they do not desire baptism - they have it. "Baptism of 'X'" is an important, but separate issue.




MHFM: Thank you for the e-mail.  We basically agree with your comments.  In the documents which the heretics attempt to bring forward from Pius IX, Pius IX was not teaching that people who are ignorant of the Gospel can be saved.  Rather, he was teaching that good-willed people who are ignorant of the Gospel will be brought into the faith; so that if there is one of good will among them, he or she will, by the power of God’s grace, be enlightened about the Gospel and brought into the Church.  If a person remains in ignorance of the Catholic faith, it’s because that person was not of good will, as the Church has always taught.  Further, the documents which the heretics attempt to use were not infallible, as you mentioned.  


We have a book on this issue which contains detailed sections on the topic and on the statements of Pius IX.  In our section on salvation, http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/EENS_mainpage.php, one can also scroll down and click on the sections pertaining to this issue and Pius IX.   There is no doubt that people have misunderstood the teaching of Pope Pius IX. 






I like your videos.  That was the best I've seen about masons…


God bless you for the work you are doing. love IN HIM



More on Whore of Babylon



I think I see what you are saying, I don't think we are in disagreement on this issue.  The argument I was trying to make is the following:

If all the externals are the same between the false bride and the true bride,
then the externals in themselves cannot be used as proof that one is one and not the other--because both have these externals.

However, if one already holds the belief that an entity is the false bride, then the externals may serve as supporting evidence to buttress the belief.  In other words, as you say, it "makes sense" that the entity has these externals--but that is not the same as saying that these externals in and of themselves serve as any kind of proof that the entity is not the true bride.

You article, I believe, implies that these externals help prove that the entity is not the true bride.  For the reasons noted, I disagree with such a characterization.

Thank you and God bless,

Steve Hellman


MHFM: We do not say that because the Whore is clothed in purple and scarlet that proves that it is false.  The Bible clearly presents it as the false bride, the great harlot, full of abomination and fornication (Apoc. 17 and 18).  It goes without saying that the entity is false.  The fact that the externals (such as being clothed in purple and scarlet) correspond to externals of the Catholic Church serves as an indication that it’s a counterfeit Catholic Church in the last days.  That’s why it only arises in the last days and is contrasted with the true bride, the Church.  So the externals help identify what it is, rather than proving that it is false.  It is obviously an evil entity.




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


Thank you for all of your help and work.  I think God led me to your website to enlighten me and save me from the wicked works of the church of vatican 2.




Daniel Monaco




Dear Monks

What do you think is more important, to pray the rosary(15 decades daily) or read + study the Bible? Because I would really like to do both, BUT because not having enough time for both can become a real problem that is why I am asking your advice on this and PLEASE help me out with this, I need advice and guidance too you know.


MHFM: We think that you should focus on getting the full Rosary prayed.  Obviously spiritual reading and study (including of the Bible) are very important.  But making sure you are getting your prayers done is the first thing.


“Invincible error”


Dear brothers in Christ,

Regarding the newest message about SSPX, I would like to point out that there is no such thing as invincible error.  Among many possible quotes from Scripture on that matter, I choose this one from Book of Wisdom, chapter 13:

"For being conversant among his works, they search: and they are persuaded that the things are good which are seen. /8/ But then again they are not to be pardoned. /9/ For if they were able to know so much as to make a judgment of the world: how did they not more easily find out the Lord thereof?"

Let Our Lord Jesus Christ  convert all poor heretics. Let Our Blessed Mother Mary pray for them and lead them to the One and Only True Faith.

Vladimir from Croatia


Divine Mercy

Hello Dimond Brothers

I have always been in two minds with the Divine Mercy.  But having read what you say I began to doubt that it was true then I read the Father Fuentes interview again and it confirmed that the Divine Mercy is false.

"The second reason is because she said to my cousins as well as to myself that God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others."

These are the words sr Lucia used and she said there will be no others so why would God bring out a new devotion on the Rosary beads if the Rosary is one of the last Two Remedies.Whats also interesting is that Our Lady did not mention the Mass.Which sort of proves that the New "Mass" is invalid…

May God Bless you



Agreement in Rome


I'm a traditionalist catholic from Rome, Italy; I started to attend the masses since I was 18 in 1992 (the death of MR Lefebvre made all media to talk about that bishop and his traditionalist mouvement and that was the occasion to know the traditionalist issues); I was a devoted of SSPIOX, before I met the Sedevacantistes priestes… I found your web site in Internet and i agree with you. Best grets from Rome!

(I dont'know about my english: I think it's that of a student...).




New Mass


I want you to know that I have always known that the Catholic faith is the only road to salvation and all other religions are just window dressings. I believe that the reason the “New Mass” was created was partly because Satan had his hands in it and because the Holy Fathers were trying to make it easier and to attract more people to the Church and instead they just wound up in lock-step with the protestants and  today’s TV evangelists.  Jesus never said it was an easy road just the right road.


Richard T. Evans


MHFM:  Thanks for the e-mail.  The New Mass was definitely brought in by Satan.  Paul VI’s intention in bringing it in was not to attract people to the Church, but to Protestantize, invalidate and destroy the Mass.  That was the goal. Paul VI even admitted to his good friend Jean Guitton that he wanted to make the Mass Protestant.


Salvation and Contradiction?


Dear Brothers,


I am a Catholic brought up by Vatican II parents who has slowly found her way from the "mainstream" church to the Fraternity of St. Peter...  Currently, I am attending a SSPV Mass, but do not feel quite at home there.  I have found your site to be enormously informative.  I was well on my way to coming around to your points of view as the end of my journey.  But then, I watched the film on Israel you present amongst your other videos.


I will not get into an arguing match about the content, but will merely say that a web-site that teaches that one should not attend weddings, funerals, etc in Protestant churches is a very odd place to find a Protestant spouting (oh, so carefully, of course) anti-Jewish and anti -Israeli propaganda.  After all, the husband and wife presenting this film are going to Hell along with all the Jews, right ? 


Once again, I find myself moving wearily down the road to try and find the True Roman Catholic Church; I think I know where it's leading this time, however...


One other question:  You cite Pope Pius XII in many of your DVDs.  Pope Pius XII excommunicated Father Leonard Feeney for going overboard with the "no salvation outside of the Catholic Church".  Is this not contradictory?  And is it not up to God to decide who finally ends up where?


May God bless you, and Our Blessed Mother keep you close to Her Immaculate Heart.


Respectfully yours,



MHFM: We’re glad that you wrote to us, but we must say that your criticism is not logical.  You point out that we believe that all those who die as non-Catholics cannot be saved.  You then imply that there is a contradiction between 1) our position that it’s wrong to attend Protestant services even passively; and 2) featuring a video by a Protestant which contains very valuable information exposing Jewish teaching and activity.  There is no contradiction between the two.  Frankly, we’re amazed that anyone could think there is a contradiction.  It’s quite simple: even though a heretic is not correct in his/her religious beliefs and must convert to be saved, that doesn’t mean that he/she cannot produce something of value on a particular topic.  The videos we feature from people who are not Catholic are cases in point.  The same is true with our news links.  The fact that they are correct on those matters covered in the videos or articles doesn’t mean that they are correct overall or that we endorse their religious beliefs overall. 


Contrary to what you say, the video on Judaism is quite good and it doesn’t contain propaganda.  It sounds like you have been influenced by Jewish propaganda, according to which everyone who even brings up Jewish domination or criticizes Jews or Jewish teaching is considered racist or “anti-semitic.”  It’s false, but quite effective.  It has almost totally silenced any criticism of Jews or of Israel.  Most people don’t possess the courage to stand for truth no matter what the criticism, and are thus cowed into silence by this tactic. 


You ask about Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  You say is it not up to God to decide?  We must say, in charity, that such a position is modernist and heretical.  How can you say it’s up to God to decide – which implies that He will or might save non-Catholics – when God has already decided and revealed how people are saved?  That question/point you bring up is brought up frequently by people as a euphemistic way of denying the dogma.  The dogma has been defined.  It states that all who die as non-Catholics are not saved, without exception.  We must believe it and profess it.  You don’t this believe this yet, and thus don’t yet accept the Catholic faith.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


There are numerous sections dealing with the case of Fr. Feeney in our book and in our section on Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  You should consult them, as they address the issue in detail.  No one could be excommunicated for holding to the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  Either one believes this dogma or one doesn’t.  There’s no such thing as “going overboard on it.”  That implies that it doesn’t really mean what it says.  That idea is heretical.  You also should not attend the SSPV for any reason at all.  They are horrible heretics who have no faith and believe that souls can be saved in any religion.  They also publicly condemn Catholics who reject their heretical position.  A Catholic must not receive sacraments from them.


Purple and Scarlet



In looking at your website I came across your publication "Is the Vatican II sect the Whore of Babylon prophesied in the Apocalypse?" and in that you cite as evidence the fact that bishops and cardinals wear scarlet and red.

Didn't bishops and cardinals also wear scarlet and red in teh Catholic Church prior to vatican II?

If so, doesn't that seem to negate any argumentative value that particular piece of evidence would seem to have?

Thanking you in advance for your reply,

Sincerely yours,

Steve Hellman


MHFM: No, it doesn’t negate it all.  It confirms it.  The Whore of Babylon is a false bride which externally has all the features of the true Church, but inwardly is a fraud.  As a counterfeit “Catholic” Church, the Whore of Babylon has dioceses, a hierarchy, the property of the Church, vestments, ceremonies, "sacraments,” etc.  Thus its leaders wear the very colors that the true bishops and cardinals wore.  It looks like the true Bride of Christ, but is actually a false Bride, a false Counter Church which has arisen in the last days to lead people astray.  That’s why the Scripture say Babylon has fallen, has fallen, and has become the habitation of devils (Apoc. 18).  So it makes perfect sense that it corresponds to what true bishops and cardinals wore before Vatican II. 


Is the Vatican II sect the Whore of Babylon prophesied in the Apocalypse? [PDF File]


Right about John Paul II


RE: angry Emailer on your website:  I think you are so right about JP2 not really saying anything.  I listen to a radio station that plays clips of his, and all it seems to be is dramatic readings of scripture verses. That's it.  Be not afraid.. let down your nets for a catch....O Lord how great are your works..... and the fans go wild. Bless you.






It's beyond my comprehension how modern Catholics, the everyday Joe on the street, the Novus Ordo sect, profess to be Catholic, and when you ask them one question-Do you know what infallibility means?-They can't answer it with tradition in mind.  They haven't a clue, and moreso attack tradition as irrelevant in the modern world but are adamant of how the hear and now is what is important.  Jesus is truth-...many are called, few are chosen.  Brilliant, and saintly work Dimonds.  How satan and his minions conspire against you, methinks.  Mater Immaculata, ora pro nobis!  Have a Holy and Sacred '09.






So far I have been enlightened beyond my wildest imaginations.  I was very shocked and skeptical at first but am now seeing how certain changes have taken place not only in the real world over a span of many years.  I could see things I didn't like... but couldn't really put my finger on any one thing that's really put the world in the State it is today.  The La Sallete and Fatima articles are what put me into reality... Thank you so very much for this much needed information, especially now.


Norm Jesch




Subject: Astounding!


I will say this is an amazing website and I did learn much from it. I will also say that much of what I learned left me in a most somber mood. After watching the video on

"Why John Paul II was not the Pope" I was astounded at how this site views John Paul II.  The view of Catholicism as a 2000 year old religion that makes no room for any kind of change is difficult to reconcile for me. Jesus himself came and made changes of unbelievable magnitude in the religion of the Jews. He also by his grace allowed the Gentiles to be brought in and that is our salvation.  Lest we all forget Jesus was a JEW and a fairly orthodox one at that. I suppose that is why the church sat back and allowed the Jews to be destroy during WWII with nary a word of protest from the church as they "are" considered heretics and apostates. Sort of the view of the Crusaders that you could kill all Muslisms as they did not have a soul not being in Christ as a good Catholic was.  If you are not a Catholic then who cares, the old kill them all, let God sort them out way of thinking.


With the view of Catholicism espoused here it is no wonder that there are so few Catholic "faithful" and the church must basically depend upon peasants and such in South America for her numbers as very few in the US would follow this fanatical view of the church. There are no faithful in Europe as they have given up on the promises of the church.  I am a Catholic convert and view this church as the mother to all. All should come and join her in her celebration of the Catholic faith but to believe that we are right and all other Christians are wrong is the absolute pinnalce of arrogance. I used to think the Mormons beliefs were a bit strange until I found this website.

Yes, Jesus made Peter the rock upon which the church is built but in the last 2000 years it has certainly gone to hell in a handbasket has it not. If you truly believe all these

problems began with Vatican II then I know one thing, you have lost your view of reality.


…While not a prophet the one man who did a better job of bringing all together and letting all see how wonderful the Catholic religion could be and how rich was its heritage was Pope John Paul II. All others were merely popes, the figure heads of the church that few paid real attention too in any part of the modern world.  Only John Paul II was able reach out and bring ten's of thousands out to hear him and his doctrine of love and hope for all. Everytime they came out if only 2 or 3 would here his words and be

saved then it was worth it. God saved destroying entire cities because one man was found to be faithful. I wish you well in your anger over the what you see as the destruction of the Catholic and what I see as her salvation.


I wish you well in the practice of your version of Catholicism.


James D.


MHFM: Jesus came and instituted new things of great magnitude because He was the Savior and the fulfillment of the Old Testament.  All of it pointed toward and was fulfilled in Him.  Hence, the figures and the shadows were no longer of use and became void (Heb. 8:13; Heb. 11 and 12).  He came to establish the new and everlasting covenant.  You have many other misconceptions which one could certainly refute at length.  For instance, you implied that only South American peasants accept traditional Catholicism.  That’s not true.  You said that the Church tolerated or agreed with the murder of the Jews during WWII.  That’s not true.  That’s Jewish propaganda.  You said that the Crusaders didn’t believe Muslims had souls. That’s not true.  Every human being has a soul.  It cannot be saved without the faith of Christ, however.  That’s what Catholics believed from the beginning and also during the bellicose era in which the Crusaders lived, during which circumstances often required them to take up arms against the Muslims. 


You also mention the large gatherings of John Paul II.  Having closely monitored his gatherings, writings and utterances, we can say that his message to those crowds of people was no message at all.  He told them nothing of substance.  In fact, if one had to define what his message was it would be nothing, except perhaps to embrace humanity.  It truly was completely empty.


The fact that you claim to be Catholic is astounding.  The popes have condemned what you believe as heresy and modernism.  They have condemned the notion that dogmas can be modified and that truth is not immutable.  They have condemned the heresy of religious indifferentism.  They have made it clear that there is only one true religion.  You reject that and embrace the heresies of John Paul II.  How can you claim to be Catholic when you are so obviously not?  When you believe that classical Catholic teaching is so wrong?  When you reject what the dogmas and the popes have declared?  How can you claim to believe in Jesus when you don’t believe what He proclaimed, that He is the only way to Heaven?  There’s really not much that we can say to you, other than that you need to convert.  That will only come about when you humble yourself and stop imposing your own views of reality on God’s truth and rather conform your views to God’s truth.  Some people would consider your position to be compassionate and tolerant and charitable.  The truth is that it’s inestimably arrogant and prideful, to think that you know how things should be more than the God you claim to believe.  Recognize that God is the One who reveals and that you must be the one who accepts.  You really need to pray for your own conversion.




Dear Brothers Peter and Michael:

First of all, I want to sincerely thank you both for the work you have done in exposing the fraudulent practices of the Vatican II council and the counter-Church. It seems amazing that so many people would just go along with it, and not even at least wonder why all of a sudden so many changes have been made (since the Vatican II council was started in 1962). I myself have been struggling with all of this (as so many of your readers have expressed). Most of my friends, when I suggest that the New Mass may be invalid, think that I'm crazy and should stop worrying about it. But I'm not going to stop, because I know that the salvation of my soul hangs in the balance every day!...







Dear Brothers,


Your quote from Pope Leo XII, "sects who profess false teachings which are often inconsistent with one another and contradictory," could have been written about the BOD bunch.  They have no agreement on a definition of BOD; their beliefs ranging from it only applying to catechumens who have the Faith and are intending to be baptized, to those who believe the bare necessities of the Faith, the Trinity and the Incarnation, to those who have no faith but would if they knew it to be necessary. The only thing they agree on is that there is salvation outside the Church, although they won't admit that is what they believe.  The strange thing is that they don't argue with each other about it.  There is a huge difference between explicit desire and implicit desire.  If explicit desire were a doctrine of the Church, then implicit desire would be a heresy; yet these groups don't seem to feel a need to bring the "truth," as they see it, to the others.  If they had true charity and true Faith, they would be actively trying to "convert" each other.  They're not and it seems to be because they really have no faith; all they believe is that they DON'T believe EENS (Fr. S even referring to it as a "monstrous doctrine"); kind of like the protestants whose motto could be "anything but the Catholic Church."




MHFM: That’s exactly right.  All they are “sure” about is that there is salvation for people outside the Church.  Other than that, who cares.  They are firmly united on the one point of “faith” (i.e., heresy) which they all commonly profess.  That’s another proof that they are not of God and that their doctrine is not of God. 


In this regard it’s interesting to consider that the sedevacantist groups, individuals and publications which favor the heretical salvation view typically tolerate, in one way or another, groups and publications which are not sedevacantist.  We can think of a number of sedevacantist publications and groups who hate and detest any rejection of “baptism of desire.”  These groups and publications claim to be sedevacantist, and even to hold the position firmly, but they will endorse and/or allow the advertisements of non-sedevacantist apostolates and priests – or priests who themselves are not quite so firm on the issue and compromise it.  Isn’t that interesting?  The point is that they are quite tolerant of those feel they must accept Antipope Benedict XVI, but they have no tolerance for those who hold that one must be a baptized Catholic to be saved.  On a certain level it’s comparable to the interfaith/ecumenical movement, in which everything is accepted except for the uncompromising truth.  Every opinion is welcome except for the full truth.  This is not, of course, to suggest that a true Catholic would want or need tolerance from these heretics.  Rather, it is simply to point out their hypocrisy and that they are so adamantly and uncompromisingly opposed to the salvation dogma because they are evil.


Moses and Baptism


Dear Brothers,


This strikes me as symbolic of the Baptism controversy today.  God told Moses that all he had to do was ask for water and God would provide it.  But Moses doubted.  Like today; God says, "ask and ye shall receive," yet the BOD bunch thinks He can't or won't provide the water for Baptism if people of good will are truly asking for it.  That is unfathomable to me.  It's interesting, also, that Moses struck the rock twice - possibly signifying the two slaps of baptism of desire and baptism of blood?


Sorry to bother you with this if you've already covered it or if the idea is dumb; but I couldn't find it on your website.



From Numbers 20


6 And Moses and Aaron leaving the multitude, went into the tabernacle of the covenant, and fell flat upon the ground, and cried to the Lord, and said: O Lord God, hear the cry of this people, and open to them thy treasure, a fountain of living water, that being satisfied, they may cease to murmur. And the glory of the Lord appeared over them. 7 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 8 Take the rod, and assemble the people together, thou and Aaron thy brother, and speak to the rock before them, and it shall yield waters. And when thou hast brought forth water out of the rock, all the multitude and their cattle shall drink. 9 Moses therefore took the rod, which was before the Lord, as he had commanded him, 10 And having gathered together the multitude before the rock, he said to them: Hear, ye rebellious and incredulous: Can we bring you forth water out of this rock?

11 And when Moses had lifted up his hand, and struck the rock twice with the rod, there came forth water in great abundance, so that the people and their cattle drank, 12 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron: Because you have not believed me, to sanctify me before the children of Israel, you shall not bring these people into the land, which I will give them. 13 This is the Water of contradiction, where the children of Israel strove with words against the Lord, and he was sanctified in them. 

The footnotes say:  

10.  ...They were not commanded to strike the rock at all ... In a word, they did not glorify God, ... by representing him as the sovereign holiness and mercy; and the God of unbounded power.

12.  ... The fault of Moses and Aaron, on this occasion, was a certain diffidence and weakness of faith: not doubting of God's power or veracity; but apprehending the unworthiness of that rebellous and incredulous people, and therefore speaking with some ambiguity.


Examination and SSPX


I came across your site and researched some of the articles you have provided........and the commentary you have placed on there about them.  It is heart wrenching to me that you are so blinded by your desire to be right and only YOU to be right.  Your attack on the SSPX is something that requires some fundamental internal examination.  I am blessed with being a cradle catholic. And to have survived the church turmoil keeping my faith intact.  I have been even more blessed in my years to have always been able to attend the Traditional Latin Mass.

That is saying something in this day and age.  Mostly I have attended SSPX.  You speak out of turn......you misinterpret......and you slander.   Before there WAS a society.......the Holy Mother Church had emphatically stated that we cannot deny God's mercy.  For you to say that anyone raised outside the faith......NEVER exposed to the faith.......yet living a holy and devout life to the best of their abilities......is presumably damned?!?!?!  To declare such is to judge as God judges.   It is not for us to judge Gods mercy. Or to PRESUME we know what He will do.  Go back and READ the church teachings.  Don't interpret.......READ.  And remember the quotes you like to put on your site.  You know, the ones about those who are humble?  There are not enough of us left on this earth to suffer in-fighting.  We need to rally......not split asunder our remains.  Good day to you and God Bless.




MHFM: Many of the statements in your e-mail are false.  For example, you lie when you say that we slander the SSPX.  We do not.  Your problem is that you are not a real Catholic.  You say that we say that those raised outside the faith and not converted won’t be saved, as if we’ve made this dogma up.  Yes, we say and believe that; but we say and believe it because it’s a defined Catholic dogma.  It’s something that Catholics must believe.  The fact that Catholics must believe what dogmas declare obviously doesn’t faze you in the slightest way. 


It’s very simple.  At this time you do not possess any faith in the teachings of the Catholic Church.  That’s not an overstatement.  You couldn’t care less about what the Church infallibly teaches.  You care only about externals.  The Catholic Church, protected by the Holy Ghost, infallibly teaches that all those who die without the Catholic faith are not saved.  You reject that dogma.  The SSPX also rejects that dogma, among other things.  In defending their heresy, you reject Catholic teaching. 


Fr. Schmidberger, Time Bombs of the Second Vatican Council, Angelus Press [SSPX], p. 10: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is clear that the followers of other religions can be saved under certain conditions, that is to say, if they are in invincible error.”


Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Against the Heresies, Angelus Press [SSPX], p. 216: “Evidently, certain distinctions must be made.  Souls can be saved in a religion other than the Catholic religion (Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.), but not by this religion.”


These statements constitute blatant heresy against the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation; yet they are printed in the very best-selling materials of the SSPX.  In fact, almost all priests who even celebrate the traditional Mass hold this same heresy.


Pope Gregory XVI, Summo Iugiter Studio (# 2), May 27, 1832:

“Finally some of these misguided people attempt to persuade themselves and others that men are not saved only in the Catholic religion, but that even heretics may attain eternal life.”


Spiritual Attack


Question.  Have you ever heard of someone being under spiritual attack via a dream then waking up to hear high and low pitched noises like one was getting their hearing tested?  My girlfriend is on the conversion trail and after we went to Tridentine Mass yesterday she opted to get her first rosary.  We went to an antique store in town we knew had them and purchased one.  We had planned to get it blessed next week at mass.  I wasn’t at her house but she told me she was saying her rosary as she went to sleep (her first one) and fell asleep saying it.  She says around 1:30am she work up out of a bad dream.  She believes in the dream, she was seeing The Virgin Mary’s face, she thinks, but wasn’t totally sure. She knows it started out as something that resembled a beautiful face like the Virgins yet It started changing shapes and sizes, you know became disfigured.(she has a relatively big picture of her in her room now(Guadalupe).  She felt that whatever it was, it trying to attack her (Tara) and she remembered it had something to do with the rosary, then it’s nails were being ripped off? Again dreams are strange so she’s not sure who’s nails were getting ripped off just that they were being ripped off.   She remembers being very scared, then she awoke.  Of course dreams are just dreams but she doesn’t have bad dreams really ever she says and based on the fact she had just got her first rosary and starting praying it is odd. Maybe not odd buy telling.  What is more strange is what happened next, because dreams are just dreams.  Once she was awoke she was sitting there hot and sweaty from the dream.  She then she started hearing noises like you hear during a hearing test.  At first she thought it was in her head then her cat sat up and starting looking around.  She then realized it wasn’t in her head and it was definitely coming from somewhere.  At that point she was really scared and said she was thinking of calling me but instead started to pray to Christ and that’s the last thing she remembers and apparently fell asleep.  She’s not a hysterical type person, she didn’t even call me to wake me up after it happened.  She’s educated and not at all fanatical, I find it a bit odd.  Any thoughts on this? 





MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We would say, first of all, that people shouldn’t put much stock in those things.  As we’ve pointed out in some of our audios, it’s often the case when people give more attention to demonic interferences that they increase in their lives.  So our first recommendation to anyone in that regard is that he/she should ignore those things as much as possible and focus on simply getting into the state of grace.


That being said, it could have occurred because the Devil is upset that she is beginning to pray the Rosary and move toward conversion.  It obviously sounds like a demonic attack.  It also might have occurred because she is still committing some mortal sin.  Obviously she is in the state of mortal sin until she converts and her past sins are forgiven, but even one who is in the process of conversion should not be committing mortal sins.  We’re not asserting that this is a result of her commission of new mortal sins.  It very well might be a result of the Devil’s anger with her move toward conversion.  However, we should point out that when people commit mortal sin (such as fornication), the Devil’s ability to influence and bother them is much greater obviously. 


In fact, one woman contacted us and told us that demonic influences in her life were so great that she was unable to open her mouth to pray or turn her head toward a holy picture.  In questioning her about her life, we discovered that she was living in mortal sin with a man.  That was obviously the reason for the Devil’s ability to impede her spiritual pursuits.  So we would say it could be any number of things, but she should ignore it and focus on converting to the faith, getting into the state of grace, etc.


St. Thomas error




I was doing some research and found this bit of information.


REASONS FOR CHRIST'S DESCENT (from the Catechetical Instructions of St. Thomas Aquinas) "There are four reasons why Christ together with His soul descended into hell....

"The fourth and final reason is that Christ might free the just who were in hell [or Limbo]. For as Christ wished to suffer death to deliver the living from death, so also He would descend into hell to deliver those who were there: 'Thou also by the blood of Thy testament, hast sent forth Thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.'  And again: 'O death, I will be thy death; O hell, I will be thy bite.'  Although Christ wholly overcame death, yet not so completely did He destroy hell, but, as it were, He bit it. He did not free all from hell, but those only who were without mortal sin.  He likewise liberated those without original sin, from which they, as individuals, were freed by circumcision; or before [the institution of] circumcision, they who had been saved through their parents' faith (which refers to those who died before having the use of reason); or by the sacrifices, and by their faith in the future coming of Christ (which refers to adults).  The reason they were there in hell [i.e., Limbo] is original sin which they had contracted from Adam, and from which as members of the human race they could not be delivered except by Christ. Therefore, Christ left there those who had descended there with mortal sin, and the non-circumcised children. Thus, it is seen that Christ descended into hell, and for what reasons. Now we may gather four considerations from this for our own instruction."


I notice that St. Thomas first makes the error that men could be freed from original sin by circumcision.  Then he states that no man can be delivered original sin except by Christ.  I find it interesting that St. Thomas made both of these statements within the same paragraph.  This is the same error that Pope Innocent III put forward in his letter, Ex Parte tua, to Andrew, the Archbishop of Lyons, that you mention in your book.


Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Session 6, Chap. 1 on Justification: “… whereas all men [*except the Blessed Virgin as Trent says in Sess. V*] had lost their innocence in the prevarication of Adam, ‘having become unclean’, and (as the Apostle says), ‘by nature children of wrath'… but not even the Jews by the very letter of the law of Moses were able to be liberated or to rise therefrom…”


…Fortunately, we have the Chair of Peter to guide us:




MHFM: Yes, that’s exactly right.  Thanks for the e-mail.  That’s another very good example of how saints are not infallible and that infallibility belongs to the Chair of St. Peter. 


For those who are not familiar with precisely what we’re talking about, in Section 17 of our book on Outside the Church There is Absolutely No Salvation we point out that the Council of Trent contradicts a fallible letter of Pope Innocent III on circumcision being able to remit original sin.  St. Thomas also taught this error, which Trent later clearly contradicted.  This proves again that even the greatest saints and doctors of the Church are not infallible.


Crimes and Mercies




In the very troubling book "Crimes and Mercies" which covers the fate of German civilians after WWII, I found a couple of things I thought I should share with you.


First, a piece of a poem by Solzhenitsyn:


Zweiundzwanzig, Horingstrasse.

It's not been burned, just looted, rifled.

A moaning, by the walls half-muffled:

The mother's wounded, still alive.

The little daughter's on the mattress

Dead. How many have been on it?

A platoon? A company perhaps?

A girl's been turned into a woman,

A woman into a corpse.

It's all come down to simple phrases:

Do not forget. Do not forgive!*

Blood for blood. A tooth for a tooth!

The mother begs, 'Kill me soldier!'


* The italics are a quote from Russian propaganda inciting the soldiers to vengeance. The first line refers to the address of the house where the women lay. In the last lines of the poem (not shown), Solzhenitsyn confesses that he too took advantage of a captive woman.


A few pages later I found this; "According to American figures, a total of 13.3 million Germans were expelled from the eastern parts of Germany, from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and so on. 7.3 million arrived in the eastern zone and the three western zones...Six million Germans have vanished from the earth. They are dead, gone. Most of the 7.3 million who stayed alive are women, children and old people."


Now I know another reason why the certain Jews want the "holocaust" industry keep alive; to cover for the crimes of the Allied and Soviet governments between 1945 and 1950. And the number "6 million" explains the origin of that particular number, as it was the number of Germans who died during the expulsion from East Germany, East Prussia and so on. How many Catholics, from both Western and Eastern Churchs, died so that the state of Israel could be conceived? 10 million? 20 million? 25 million? Not to mention the other millions as well. The world was certainly punished for it's sins during this period. The brutality seemed to exceed the French and Russian Revolutions.


As for Mr. Solzhenitsyn, I now find that I cannot bring myself to read any more of his material. Now I understand the titillation I found in his works that I have read to date; the man seemed to be prone to moral degeneracy.





MHFM: Regarding Solzhenitsyn, he certainly did some tremendous things exposing the horrors of Communist Russia.  He was not Catholic, however.  We also pointed out in our News and Commentary that he was a religious indifferentist and an apostate.  Here’s a quote from an interview he did:


Solzhenitsyn: “Of course, one cannot declare that only my faith is correct and all other faiths are not. Of course God is endlessly multi-dimensional so every religion that exists on earth represents some face, some side of God. One must not have any negative attitude to any religion but nonetheless the depth of understanding God and the depth of applying God's commandments is different in different religions.” http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/arts/al0172.html


This shows that, in addition to being an Eastern Orthodox schismatic, he considered all religions to be more or less good or true.  This is apostasy.  This is additionally relevant because certain false traditionalist groups have called him a “prophet.”




I have a question.  I’m kind of unclear so I wish to ask both of you what I’m supposed to do. If a person wants to be baptize but doesn't know much about the church or the doctrine of the church. Should I baptize him/her?  Do I need another person to be his or her godmother or godfather?... And how am I supposed to do the baptize?


Can I just pour the clean water out of the faucet on his or her head and say like "IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, I BAPTIZE YOU, FROM NOW ON YOU SHOULD BE CALL JAMES, JOHN, MARY, ANN.....and so on (name of the Saints and the Archangels)


Is that the right way to do it according to teaching of the true church and true Jesus Christ that we are follow.  Help me.   And if that person is muslim or pagan is that O.K?


Glory to God,


Kim L.V.


MHFM: A person must believe in the Trinity, the Incarnation, the basic catechism, and accept the Catholic faith before you baptize him or her.  You must not baptize that person unless he/she believes those things and is committed to living the Catholic faith.  You can use regular water.  When you baptize, say: "I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."  Say the words while pouring the water, so that it moves and strikes the forehead.


The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic Faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts [link to section]


When you ask if it’s okay “if that person is Muslim or pagan,” we assume that you mean: is it okay to baptize the person if the person is converting from Islam or paganism?  It doesn’t make any difference, as long as that person accepts the Catholic faith and repudiates his/her former religion.  Concerning a godparent, if you don’t know a strong Catholic who could serve as a godparent, it’s not necessary to have one.  You can proceed with the baptism, assuming the person is ready.




dear mhfm, I'm new to this site and all the info on the new rite, I am most disturbed to put it mildly, because not only am I not at the right Mass , a valid one, but I'm even worst off because I'm divorced and remarried. tell me what I must do to be sure I don't in up in hell. Is being celibate going to do it?? 


sincerely herb  P.S I'm am 60 yrs old


MHFM: You obviously need to become convinced of the traditional faith and stop going to the New Mass.  One would need to know the specifics of your first marriage to have an opinion about whether it was valid.  However, from your e-mail it seems that you were validly married, divorced, and then you got married again.  If that’s the case, you are not married to the person you are currently with.  You obviously must remain celibate.




Dear MHFM,


I came across your website while surfing the internet and read many of your articles. If one exercises really serious scholarship, one will learn that the descent into heresy of the Roman Catholic Church began long before vatican 2. The pan-heresy of ecumenism embraced by Benedict and Bartholomew is just the most recent manifestation of the ills that have infected those who have lost or abandoned the Traditions of the Apostolic Church of our Holy Fathers.


In the love of our Saviour,

Mary Elizabeth


MHFM: Mary Elizabeth, you are not correct.  The Roman Catholic Church is the one true Church.  In our “Refuting Protestantism” section, we have a good deal of material which demonstrates that the primacy of the Roman Pontiff was recognized in the ancient Church.  The Bible also undoubtedly teaches that St. Peter had a primacy of jurisdiction from Jesus Christ.


Quick question: if you accept the first seven ecumenical councils, on what basis do you accept them, yet reject other councils in the early Church?  What makes those seven ecumenical?


Here are some of the talks which deal specifically with the proof for the Roman Pontiff’s primacy of jurisdiction in the ancient Church.  As those who listen to these talks will see, the Eastern Church also recognized that the Roman Pontiff had a primacy of jurisdiction.  [These talks deal with more detailed points and might not be as interesting for those who are not interested in these topics.]


Clement and Ignatius - The Early Church recognized the Bishop of Rome as the successor to St. Peter's authority - Section A of Part 2 [14 min. audio]


This section moves into the evidence that the Bishop of Rome/the Church of Rome was recognized as supreme in the primitive Christian Church (precisely because it inherited the authority of St. Peter).  This section covers the famous epistle of Clement of Rome to the Corinthians (A.D. 90-100) and the famous epistle of Ignatius of Antioch to the Romans (circa A.D. 110).  Learn what you probably didn’t know about these most famous documents of early Christianity.  These documents are some of the most important in the history of Christianity and they are regarded with great respect by essentially all students and scholars of the early Church, regardless of denomination.  Learn how they demonstrate Catholic teaching on the Papacy.  Hear the very interesting admissions about these documents from an Eastern “Orthodox” scholar, and how such admissions serve to refute the Protestant and Eastern “Orthodox” position.  (Section C of Part 2 will be posted in the future.)


Hermas, Victor, Irenaeus and Cyprian - The Early Church recognized the Bishop of Rome as the successor to St. Peter's authority - Section B of Part 2 [15 min. audio]


This section covers the evidence for the Papacy from the second and third centuries.  It covers Hermas, Anicetus and Victor in the Easter Controversy, Irenaeus, Cyprian and the rebaptism controversy.  It shows how, at this early stage of the primitive Christian Church, the supreme authority of the Bishop of Rome was recognized.  The primitive Christian Church recognized the unique authority and primacy of the Bishop of Rome because he held the universal jurisdiction which was given by Jesus Christ to St. Peter.


Nicea, Sardica, Athanasius, Damasus, Emperors - The Early Church recognized the Bishop of Rome as the successor to St. Peter's authority - Section C of Part 2 [15 min. audio]


This section finishes up the evidence for the primacy of the Roman Pontiff in the third century and moves into the fourth.  It covers the case of Paul of Samosata; the Councils of Nicea and Sardica; Athanasius and Julius; the Emperors Gratian and Theodosius; and Pope Damasus. 


Constantinople, Ephesus, Chalcedon  - The Early Church recognized the Bishop of Rome as the successor to St. Peter's authority - Section D of Part 2 [new 22 min. audio]


This section covers the evidence for the primacy of the Roman Pontiff at the second, third and fourth ecumenical councils (Constantinople, Ephesus and Chalcedon).  It also covers St. Jerome.  This evidence from the councils is especially important because the “Eastern Orthodox” and many Protestants accept the first seven ecumenical councils.  This section also responds to objections from certain canons of Constantinople and Chalcedon.  These objections are frequently raised by critics of Catholic teaching.  The section ends with more evidence from the early Church historians Socrates and Sozomen. 


Mt. Sinai


Dear Sirs,


in the video creation and miracles there is a big mistake stating that mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia, 30 years ago in 1972 I climbed all the way to the top on my own, quite a venture and it was then in Israel, because the sinai desert was then occupied by Israel, then after the camp david accords between Carter and Sadat returned to Egypt


yours sincerely


guido v.p.




MHFM: No, it’s not a mistake.  There are two claimed locations for Mt. Sinai.  One is in Egypt, in the Sinai Peninsula.  One is in Saudi Arabia, in the Arabian Peninsula.  The video shows why the latter is the true one.  We also sell a video called The Exodus Revealed, which is an excellent presentation which covers this issue in depth.  It shows why the one in Saudi Arabia should be considered the true one.


Jewish influences



Is it true that every anti pope of the V2 sect has been Jewish?  Jews as you are aware hold a lot of power in the world and both Communism and Freemasonry share Jewish roots.  Also want to thank Bro. Peter for his concise and realistic explanation on why Hell must be eternal.


Richard from Ireland


MHFM: It’s certain that the Vatican II “popes” have been heretics and not true popes.  To the question of whether they were Jewish infiltrators, we can only advance an opinion based on certain evidence.  In our opinion, the evidence is very strong that Paul VI and John XXIII were Jewish.  Paul VI wore the breast-plate of a Jewish High Priest and was of Hebrew origin. 


Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Paul_VI_pictures\ephod2.jpg

John XXIII, who was also clearly an infiltrator, actually told the Jews that he was “Joseph,” their brother.  We explain the significance of this in our article about him. 


Paul VI (manifest heretic who claimed to be Pope 1963-1978) [link to section]


The Scandals and Heresies of John XXIII [PDF File]


Antipope John Paul II was probably Jewish.  As a child, his best friends were Jews; he went to the synagogue and he played soccer on the Jewish side against the Catholics.  When one combines all of that with what he did for the Jews after becoming antipope, a certain picture begins to emerge.  In fact, Mr. Wise, a researcher in orthodox Jewish history and philosophy, said that John Paul II’s mother, grandmother and great-grandmother were all probably Jewish and came from a small town not far from Krakow.  He has concluded that John Paul II was Jewish:


Historian says John Paul II was Jewish


Antipopes John Paul I and Benedict XVI don’t seem to have been/be Jewish.


Rome will lose the faith


What about the claim that the prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette, “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist…” is equivalent to the following condemned proposition. 


"The Church of the city of Rome can fall into error" – Condemned under Pope Sixtus IV (DZ #730).


So does the message of La Salette contradict Catholic teaching?


MHFM: No, that argument is false.  It really should be obvious that such an argument has no merit.  The Church of the city of Rome (i.e., the Church of Rome) is different from Rome itself.  The city can fall into apostasy and be overtaken by the Antichrist, as it certainly has with the Vatican II apostasy.  The city of Rome was also overtaken by antipopes at different times in Church history.  But the Church of Rome signifies the Papacy and the Catholic Church itself, which is infallible and indefectible.  Since the Church of Rome refers to the Church, the Church of Rome will exist until the end of world.  It will exist with the remnant of faithful Catholics who maintain the faith to the end.


So the Church of the city cannot fall into error, yes; but Rome itself (the city) can.  The only occasions when “Rome” itself would be spoken of as infallible or indefectible would be in contexts which clearly and unambiguously equate Rome with the Church of Rome.  Thus, the argument that you have brought up is obviously false.  Those who attempt to use this argument are exercising bad will.  In fact, it’s ironic that the people who make this argument are generally sedevacantists who don’t like the message of La Salette.  In other words, they are people who agree with us that the Vatican II sect is heretical and antichrist.  They agree that Rome has been overtaken by a counterfeit sect!   They just don’t like the message of La Salette.


If, according to them, the city of Rome is necessarily the same thing as the Church of Rome, then they would logically have to submit to the antipopes and the false hierarchy presently in control of Rome.  For according to them, the city of Rome cannot possibly fall into error.  By not submitting to the Vatican II Church, these illogical people condemn themselves out of their own mouths.  The fact that they don’t see their hypocrisy serves to reveal the depth of their spiritual blindness.  They are just schismatic false traditionalists whom the Devil uses to mislead and confuse people.


Catholicism and the Bible


I came across you site and was browsing the site.  I have an uncle that feels the same way about Vatican II.  Putting that aside, the fact is that the catholic church dogma's, catechism's and doctrine add information or so-called revelation from sources outside of the Bible; making the claim that they are equal to the Bible.  Can the Bible be equal with anything?  If two things contradict each other, can they be equal?  On contradictions, there are only 2 possibilities one is right, the other is wrong, or neither is right..right?

When you compare to the Bible what the Council of Trent stated/affirmed under Vatican I, any reasonable person can see the immediate and glaring contradictions to the Bible; which is a main reason for the reformation, which God used to preserve His word as He promised…

Final note, I have many Roman catholics in my family and I realize a few things about them 1)  They know little to know Scripture  2) They are all trying to work their way to Heaven and avoid purgatory  3)  None of them can see that Peter, was assigned to the Jews and Paul the gentiles - alittle more believable if the first so-called pope was Paul and not Peter - but who needs facts when you have a body of extra revelation that trumps the Biblical account?  I pray the Lord will give all Roman catholics site and understanding that they me be set free, as the Son is the only one that can set one free.

God bless,

Mark Tanner
Independence, KY


MHFM: Mark, you are quite mistaken on many things.  First, you say that nothing could be equal with the Bible as a source for God's truth.  You don't seem to realize that the Bible itself teaches that Tradition is one of the sources of Jesus’ teaching, and that it must be accepted along with the Bible.


2 Thessalonians 2:14-15- "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle."


So in your e-mail you have contradicted the teaching of the Bible.  The Bible teaches that Tradition is also a source of Christ’s revelation.  Jesus delivered many of His truths by word to the Apostles, and they transmitted them in the same way to the Church.  Moreover, there is no contradiction between Tradition and the Bible or between Catholic teaching and the Bible.  To say otherwise is an empty assertion on your part, and easily refuted. 


The material in our Refuting Protestantism section shows that what you believe is not biblical, and that Catholic teachings are biblical.  The Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the leader of His Church (Mt. 16:18-20; Jn. 21:15-17).  One would have to be a liar to deny that fact.  Jesus instituted confession (John 20:23).  The Bible repeatedly teaches that man is not justified by faith alone (James 2:24).  Please consult this file, A Definitive Refutation of Justification by Faith Alone [PDF FILE], which gives loads of passages which refute that false man-made heresy of justification by faith alone. 


One must say that you are not, at this time, in possession of the Christian faith.  What you believe constitutes a rejection of the teaching of the Bible.   In charity we must say that you need to wake up and convert to the Catholic faith before you perish eternally.  You talk about the reformation.  If you read the history, it all began with a man named Martin Luther.  He was a Catholic priest who began to repudiate certain teachings.  He was literally making things up as he went along.  In fact, as he started to make up his new false version of "Christianity," he even said that he would submit to the pope if the pope rejected his views.  Think about that.  Luther eventually rejected the pope as well, but his willingness to appeal to the pope - even after he had begun to spread some of his new doctrines - really captures how you are just following the machinations of a man who was making it up as he went along.  He was used by Satan to preach a new gospel and lead many astray (Gal. 1:8-9).


V-2 “nuns”


Dear Brothers,


I am appalled at the filth that so-called "catholic" nuns support. I was looking at some of their websites, and everything they talk about is the same thing, all over the country: women's rights, peace, global warming, "animal rights," death penalty. It is repeated ad nauseam. There are actually pictures of these manly-looking "nuns" with rainbow flags and engaging in "women masses." One picture had a lady praying to a model earth. Another document tried to portray the sun as a "sacrament." And this alone proves Benedict XVI is an antipope -- because of his failure to act. I remember attending "catholic" school and getting into heated arguments with these supposed nuns. She was trying to teach that God was a woman, evolution, etc. She tried to make kids cross out words in the Bible such as "him" and replace them with "us" so it would be more "politically correct." I made a whole issue out of it, which culminated in my getting removed from the class. I asked the "priest" and he had no idea what I was talking about. Finally, I tried to tell a "bishop" what these people were doing and he said calmly "atheists can go to heaven." This was "auxiliary bishop" John C. Dunne of Rockville Center. Also on these websites, they argue that the death penalty is wrong. They even bring up quotes of the Bible which prove they are wrong, and say they were misinterpreted. They said they will not believe in the God of "certain popes, princes, and kings" who would execute someone for their crimes. They are willing to sacrifice everything they are required to believe just to prove their selfish philosophy. What a laugh!


Bill Hart


Converted from Homosexuality


I was baptized (1963) and confirmed as a Catholic in Boston Mass.  I heard a message at my church that homosexuals would not inherit the Kingdom of God. I was ten years old and had recently realized I was a homosexual (after this hideous voice in my head said "you are gay" I know it was Satan)… I felt rejected and very angry, now no one loved me. …at 21 years of age  I attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago for one year and ran out of money.  I did not return.  My church life was never the same.  I stopped attending protestant churches at that time.  After researching about the Church i felt drawn back to the Catholic Church, but could not bring myself to attend regularly because they seemed so liberal.  After finding your website, i realized that not all Catholics are liberal and that a true Catholic Church still remains.  I found your website less than a week ago.  After looking through your material i am wholly convinced of your positions and that God has sent you all to save souls, even those who assume they are Catholic.  Why?, unless one holds to all of the Church's dogmas and teachings, they are outside the church by their adherence to heresies and therefore lost unless they repent .  God has used your ministry to free me of sins I carried for many years (uncleannesss, drugs, cursing).  I can't wait to go to a validly ordained priest and have my sins absolved and be clean and forgiven, thank you Jesus for the opportunity through your priests that this is even possible, what a gift, i have renounced all of my errors as they come to light and pray multitudes of others will do the same.  Your ministry has helped to save my life and my soul, May God bless you at Most Holy Family Monastery. I have made it my life’s calling to help you complete your call and wake the church from her slumber and save heretics, schismatics, atheists and unbelievers.  What can i do, how can i help, i would be such an honor, thanks so very much. 




Thanks for 10-minute Fed video


Dear Brothers,


Thank you for putting up this 10 Min. Fed. Reserve Video.  It is done well and holds people's attention.  Our talk radio station is definitely on the case.  I just sent this page to them, as they are setting up a Web Site where this kind of information can be found…


Really Appreciate your putting this up,


Carol D.


Pope Pius XII


… Isn't it interesting that Pope Pius XII had so many lists of priests, bishops, and even cardinals who he suspected of modernism and heresy, yet didn't do anything about it? What good can come from keeping a list if you aren't going to do something about it? Of course the lists ended up in Angelo Roncalli's lap as he found out he himself was on the list! Just another example of why Pope Pius XII was such a weak and terrible pope…



Comment on “To Men of Goodwill”


I loved PM's pointing out of his discovery of the diabolical word change in the Gloria ("peace to men of goodwill" became "peace to his people on earth").

I thought I was pretty good at noticing these subtleties, but this one had escaped me.  It hit me so hard that I copied his note and shot it off to my father, who always claimed to hate the New Mass… 


PM also pointed out how the King James version of the Bible mistranslates this phrase in the Nativity narrative to "Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards Men", and then he asserts that this means exactly the same thing as the Novus Ordo formula "Peace to His people on Earth".  I anticipate that my clever lawyer acquaintance is going to say to "no it doesn't Billy, you see, "Peace to His people" is quite different from saying "goodwill toward all men".  He will say (so I anticipate) that "His people" connotes the faithful, not everybody, and therefore the heretical Protestant formula is avoided. 


However to me, this fact just serves as evidence that the author of this change is even more demonically clever than PM suspected.  Because if the Novus Ordo inculcates anything, especially to the young (I know, I had 12 years of their schools), it is that we are all God's people, God loves everybody, etc.  Therefore 99% of the people exposed week after week to this formula are going to interpret the meaning as "peace to everybody", which is of course what they wanted, otherwise why would they have changed it?  However, if pinned down, a sharp Novus Ordo defender can resort to an orthodox defintion of "God's people" as comprising only the faithful.  Ambiguity, one of their favorite tools.  


The dumbing down of language also serves their purpose.  The difference between the King James and Doauy Rhiems versions is night and day, even the very meaning of the term "goodwill" is completely changed by the sentence structure.  The King James' goodwill is the modern definition, a "desire for the well being of others".  The Douay goodwill means to "to love and seek the truth".  The men of goodwill, would become the faithful, God's people.  But we have been so dumbed down, it is probably a nuance lost on most.  Make us stupid then confuse us. 






Dear Brothers,
The peace of the Lord be with you.
My name is Jose… I am also a theology student… in San Antonio, TX.
I watched the video about the invalid new mass (a friend in Mexico sent it to me) 3 nights ago and I was shocked. I must tell you the truth and I really doubt about the authenticity of your congregation because it's pretty heavy stuff you're declaring. I must admit that I went to church last Sunday to attend for the children mass (I'm married and have two kids and my wife is pregnant with our third baby) and I had to get out because it was just like the video! No word sacrifice (table of the Lord was the wording at the begining), no word soul for the dead, and something you haven't included yet, no creed! This is the mass for children!
I must be honest and am a little skeptical still because like I said before, you're saying pretty heavy stuff…
Your brother in Christ
Jose R.


MHFM: You should continue to look at the information on our site, especially concerning the invalid New Mass.  If you do and if you realize that one must adhere to the traditional teaching of the Church, you will see that this information is the truth despite how many people in the post-Vatican II “Church” say otherwise.  You must come to a complete rejection of the Vatican II “Church” and the New Mass.


Benedict XVI’s back and forth


I noticed an article about Benedict XVI pondering changes to the Mass Liturgy and something really stuck out to me. According to the article "a high-ranking Vatican official says Benedict XVI is considering introducing a change to the Mass liturgy." Cardinal Francis Arinze, who heads the Vatican office for sacraments, says Benedict XVI may move the placement of the sign of peace, where congregation members shake hands or hug. Instead of taking place right before "communion" they want it to come earlier. Now supposedly they want to do because they believe it will "help create a more solemn atmosphere as the faithful are preparing to receive communion." Why they just don't remove completely is beyond me, unless of course they are trying to appease both the traditionalists and the modernists.

The reason that this seems really weird to me is because two days before this article was posted  Benedict XVI made his comments about justification by faith alone pretty much saying without saying the exact words that the Church is really meaningless, so why would it matter to him if the mass was solemn or not. How does a person go from one extreme to the other like that. Then I started looking into his past statements and actions and he constantly does this. He will make a traditional statement or action and then a few weeks or sometimes a few days later he will do something that appeals to the liberals who embrace the Vatican II spirit. Neither side seems to care because it seems to confuse or subdue them enough to where they don't want to criticize his actions. I know you have mentioned this as well, but I was surprised at the frequency when I started to look at the dates…




MHFM: Yes, he would just abolish it if he really cared.  He attempts to appease both sides by 1) giving the impression that he’s against it, but 2) not removing it completely.  He does this because he’s diabolical.  It’s also effective for him.  It’s effective in deceiving people of weak faith (i.e., those whose belief is not rooted in Catholic dogmas and inescapable conclusions, but is swayed by appearances and emotional attachments).  These people just cannot imagine that someone could be so evil that he would deliberately reject the faith and attempt to destroy it on the one hand, but also do things which seem to traditional.


To Men of Good Will




I was reading the Gloria from the Traditional Mass this morning, which says:  "Glory be to God on high and on earth peace to men of good will.


The Gloria in the Novus Ordo Mass reads:  "Glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on earth." 


Oh, how sneaky is the demon who concocted this "Mass." 


In the Douay Rheims Challoner Bible, Luke 2:14 reads:  "...peace to men of good will".


In the King James Bible, Luke 2:14 reads: "...peace, good will toward men."


"...peace to his people on earth" is the same as "...peace, good will toward men," meaning, again, that all men, regardless of their unrepented sins, will be saved, which, of course, is not only Protestant theology, but the basic theology of the V2 church. 


People who believe they are still Catholic don't seem to recognize this seemingly little nuance that makes them pray and eventually come to believe as Protestants.  Towards the end of my days as a V2 Catholic, I would get more and more irritated everytime the priest would say "for all" in the "consecration".  I had never, till now, noticed "for all" in their Gloria. 


This is just one more confirmation (which you probably mentioned in your writings and I forgot :-) that the V2 church is not Catholic. 




“Trad” group on Salvation


You may wish to review your position on the CMRI salvation.  [See some of these statements they make and things they quote which say that there is no salvation outside the Church.]  It does not square with what you currently hold about them.


God bless you.




MHFM: What you have to understand, Paula, is that every group which claims to be traditional Catholic claims to hold the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  They know they must at least claim to believe it in some way because it has been defined by popes ex cathedra.  They even quote it on occasion when it’s convenient for them or when it serves their purposes. 


However, they don’t really believe it.  They deny the true meaning of it.  To them, the dogma simply means that you should be Catholic because Catholicism is the one true religion, but it’s still possible to saved if you’re not Catholic.  To them, Outside the Church There is No Salvation = it’s possible to be saved as a non-Catholic, without baptism and without believing in Jesus.  Their “understanding” of the dogma is heretical.  Their “understanding” of the dogma empties it of all meaning. 


We have shown many times – including in our book – that the CMRI believes that souls can be saved who are not Catholic.  That’s heresy.  They even hold that members of false religions, including Jews who reject Christ, can be saved. 


In the Winter 1992 issue of The Reign of Mary (the CMRI’s publication), the CMRI ran an article called “The Salvation of Those Outside the Church.”  This is a word for word denial of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  It is equivalent to publishing an article called “The Original Sin Mary Had.”  The article, of course, inculcates the heresy that non-Catholics can be saved without the Catholic Faith.  And this is their position to this day.


     In the Winter of 1996, The Reign of Mary (publication of the CMRI) featured another heretical article called “The Boston Snare,” by Bishop Robert McKenna.  Bishop McKenna believes that souls who die as non-Catholics can be saved; he also believes that it is not heretical to believe that Jews who reject Christ can be in the state of grace, as confirmed in an exchange of letters that I had with him in the Spring of 2004.  Ironically, Bishop McKenna’s thesis in the article is that this “heresy” of denying “baptism of desire” and “invincible ignorance” was the Devil’s snare which was sown in Boston, when the truth is actually just the opposite.  Bishop McKenna and the CMRI (who printed his heretical article because they believe just as he does) are eating their words [“the Boston Snare”] right now by the scandal in Boston.  But let’s look at an excerpt from his article.


Bishop Robert McKenna, “The Boston Snare,” printed in the CMRI’s Magazine The Reign of Mary, Vol. XXVI, No. 83: “The doctrine, then, of no salvation outside the Church is to be understood in the sense of knowingly outside the Church… But, they may object, if such be the sense of the dogma in question, why is the word ‘knowingly’ not part of the formula, ‘Outside the Church no salvation’?  For the simple reason that the addition is unnecessary.  How could anyone know of the dogma and not be knowingly outside the Church?  The ‘dogma’ is not so much a doctrine intended for the instruction of Catholics, since it is but a logical consequence of the Church’s claim to be the true Church, but rather a solemn and material warning or declaration for the benefit of those outside the one ark of salvation.”


Here we see a good example of what the CMRI and bishops like McKenna really believe.  To them, the dogma means that only those who know the Catholic Church is the true Church and still remain outside of it cannot be saved.  That wouldn’t exclude members of pagan religions, Jews and countless others who are not convinced that Catholicism is the true religion!  One can see how this is a horrible and heretical perversion of the dogma.  Yet this is what the CMRI, McKenna and almost all the other sedevacantist priests believe today. 


In a desperate attempt to defend his heretical version of Outside the Church There is No Salvation, McKenna admittedly must change the understanding of the dogmatic formula proclaimed by the popes.  He tells us that the “true” meaning of the dogma is that only those who are “knowingly” outside the Church cannot be saved.  Oh really?  Where was that qualification ever mentioned in the dogmatic definitions on this topic?  Nowhere!  The Church always defined that there are NO exceptions and that all who are not Catholic are not saved.


Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 1, 1215, ex cathedra: “There is indeed one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which nobody at all is saved, in which Jesus Christ is both priest and sacrifice.”


Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra:

“With Faith urging us we are forced to believe and to hold the one, holy, Catholic Church and that, apostolic, and we firmly believe and simply confess this Church outside of which there is no salvation nor remission of sin… Furthermore, we declare, say, define, and proclaim to every human creature that they by absolute necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff.”


Pope Clement V, Council of Vienne, Decree # 30, 1311-1312, ex cathedra:” Since however there is for both regulars and seculars, for superiors and subjects, for exempt and non-exempt, one universal Church, outside of which there is no salvation, for all of whom there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism…”


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra:

“The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


Passing of Life


MHFM: King Edwin of Northumbria was a powerful 7th century pagan king in what is now England.  In 629, Catholic missionaries were endeavoring to convert him to the faith.  The king was torn in his decision between his pagan religion and the Catholic faith.  To impress upon the king the necessity to swiftly make a decision, one of his counselors expressed how quickly life passes in the following way: 


“Your majesty, when we compare the present life of man with that time of which we have no knowledge, it seems to me like the swift flight of a lone sparrow through the banqueting-hall where you sit in the winter months to dine with your thanes and counselors.  Inside there is a comforting fire to warm the room; outside, the wintry storms of snow and rain are raging.  This sparrow flies swiftly in through one door and out through another.  While he is inside, he is safe from the winter storms; but after a few moments of comfort, he vanishes from sight into the darkness whence he came.” (Quoted in Bede: A History of the English Church and People, 1955, p. 124.)


The king and a large number of his people were eventually converted and baptized.


False Secret Contradictions


Dear Brothers,

I was just re-reading your book "What Really Happened at Vatican II".  Something caught my attention and brought an interesting thought to my mind.  This concerns "conservative Novus Ordo Catholics".  My in laws fall under this category.  As I was reading the section on The Third Secret I remembered asking my Mother-in-law if she believed the version we were given by the Vatican.  I believe her response was in the negative or at best she was doubtful that it was authentic.  Now, a description/explanation is given to the world of the supposed third secret.  First, why give an explanation and not just the text.   Of course, we know why.  Secondly, if what we were given is not authentic then those who wrote it are perpetrators of a demonic hoax.   They have taken the known words of Our Lady, changed them and attributed false statements to her.  So what does this mean?  Simply to attribute the words or works of the devil to God, (which is where Our Lady's words would have come from) is a diabolical act of blasphemy and a sin against the Holy Ghost.  What it also attests to is that the perpetrators, which included Ratzinger and John Paul II are false prophets.  They have purposely given to the world a false prophecy.  He who gives a false prophecy and claims it comes from heaven is a false prophet. 

Consequently, these very people who deny the authenticity of the false third secret given to us by a false prophet, are the very ones who call one of the perpetrators (JPII) a saint.  How delusional is this?  In their mind someone can be a false prophet (by their own admission) and be a Saint at the same time.  This is truly a manifestation of "...God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying", because ..."they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.   2 Thessalonians 2:10



MHFM: Yes, the failure to accept simple truths and arrive at obvious conclusions is outrageous.  We also see this with a large number of false traditionalists on this point.  For example, basically all of them do not believe that the Vatican’s version of the Third Secret is authentic.  Therefore, they should plainly admit that John Paul II defrauded the world of the real Third Secret of Fatima and perpetrated a demonic hoax; and also that the post-Vatican II “Sr. Lucy” could not have been the true Sr. Lucy because the post-Vatican II “Sr. Lucy” fully endorsed the Vatican II sect’s false version of the Third Secret. 


But these false traditionalists and phony conservatives are too tied down by evil human respect to tell people the truth.  So they come up with other dishonest and ridiculous ways to avoid accusing John Paul II of perpetrating a hoax, and to avoid saying that the post-Vatican II “Sr. Lucy” cannot be the true one.  These ways include the ridiculous idea that there were two Third Secrets.  Suddenly there are two Third Secrets or “two texts”; yet it was these very people who pointed out, from pre-Vatican II evidence, that the totality of the Third Secret is just a single sheet of paper, 20-25 lines.  So if the whole thing is one sheet of paper, how can it now be two texts?  It can’t be, obviously.  No, this idea has been concocted simply so that these false traditionalists can continue to compromise – so that they can avoid having to tell people the truth and condemn the destroyers of the Message of Fatima.


Other Opinions on Exorcist movie




I, too, saw this movie 29 years ago when I was 18 and still a heathen, and it gave me nightmares for two straight nights. There are pornographic sacrileges, as well as utter grossness which I will not even lower myself to describe. It is a very disturbing movie on many levels and I would not recommend seeing it to anyone. Brother Peter's audio on the Connecticut phenomena would be just as inciteful into the devils actions.


But on a similar note; at the end of the Exocist movie, the younger priest has the demon enter into him, then he gets killed intentionally while possessed. In the Bible where Jesus sends "Legion" into the swine, which then jump off a cliff, what is the spiritual benefit or reason for this action? Does this action further prevent the demons from possessing people?.


Thank you for your help.


Sincerely, Howard AR. 


MHFM: The Haydock Commentary quotes Ven. Bede, who says: “Jesus Christ permitted the Devil to destroy these swine, that from their destruction, the men of that country might take the alarm, and be converted.”



Dear Brothers,


In regards to Bill's suggestion that you watch The Exorcist, don't do it.  It is an extremely vile and offensive movie... See this review if you are considering watching the movie:




There is nothing uplifting or beneficial about this piece of trash.  




MHFM: Although we haven’t seen it and had no plans to, based on reading a short review of it we would have to agree that people should not watch it.


Praying for Dead


Dear  MHFM


I was wondering if you could definitively answer a question that seems to get lost in translation among Traditional Catholics.  What is the proper course for praying for the dead?




1....The  baptised family member who is now in the Apostate VII church, who has been talked to about the apostacy of such church but refuses to acknowledge it for whatever the reason.  If this person dies never making some sort of public renouncement of the VII church can you still pray for them in the hopes that interiorly before they died they made some sort of conversion?  My gut tells me no but all I get from  the priest is....yes because we can't judge.......


If you can please help me with where to find such definitive answers much would be appreciated. Maybe some papal quotes so I can take them to others who get the same response from preists but still don't feel it's right.


NOTE*****  I am not trying to willfully discredit the authority of Catholic Priests,  I and others just have a doubt because such priests adhere to the BOD..BOB  heresies.  If they are correct so be it I would just like to know for sure. 


Thank You




MHFM: The answer to your question is that you could not pray for that person.  Since he clearly rejected the truth, he has to be considered a heretic.  Those who die in the external forum as rejecters of the truth are considered to have died as they lived (unless there is evidence to the contrary) and should not receive prayers from Catholics.  Prayers should be offered only for those who can be considered among the faithful departed.  Pope St. Gregory the Great explains: 


Pope St. Gregory the Great, Moral. xxxiv, 19: "There is the same reason for not praying then" (namely after the judgment day) "for men condemned to the everlasting fire, as there is now for not praying for the devil and his angels who are sentenced to eternal punishment, and for this reason the saints pray not for dead unbelieving and wicked men, because, forsooth, knowing them to be already condemned to eternal punishment, they shrink from pleading for them by the merit of their prayers before they are summoned to the presence of the just Judge." (Quoted by St. Thomas, Summa Theologiae, Supplemental Q. 71, A. 5.)


It isn’t surprising at all that those priests said that you could pray for that person.  They basically all believe in salvation outside the Church and that salvation is possible in any religion.  They really don’t believe in anything.  They are not Catholics, but heretics.  They would probably tell you that you could pray for someone who died as a mass-murderer.




In response to the person who wrote in about horror movies, you indicated that you hadn't seen "The Exorcist".  I think you should see it, as going from memory, I think it is a more "Catholic" movie than Emily Rose.   The plot concerns a young girl (the Blair character) who is possessed.  Her mother, a non-believing, nominal Protestant, calls for a Catholic Priest, in desperation, after exhausting all kinds of Psychiatric aide.  The priest who is first assigned the case, is also a trained psychiatrist, and is a total skeptic.  Finally, again in desperation, they send for an elderly, Exorcism specialist.  In a scene in which the young priest is trying to apprise the older (Exorcist) priest of the case, the young priest is still couching all of the phenomenon in Psychiatric terminology.  The older priest looks at him a puzzled way and says something like "and why is this important; just remember, do not listen to HIM, he is extremely clever and will try to confuse you" (remember it is a girl who is the subject of the Exorcism).


The movie neither leaves doubt about the nature nor the reality of possession, or the exclusive power that a Catholic priest has over the Devil and the fear the Devil has of a priest who knows his business (but he mocks the priest who believes in psychiatry).


I was similarly amazed that such a movie was made by Hollywood, and this one is some 35 years old.  It isn't perfect, I think there are errors in it, but it is powerful and the priests are made to look like heros. 








I just read the newest letter on apparitions.  It seems the writer is trying to convince you that because the Blessed Virgin seems to endorse the V2 church by her silence about it in her latest apparitions which he seems to believe are genuine.  Well, it's obvious why they had to get rid of the real Sister Lucia of Fatima.  She might have exposed the whole setup. 


So, in other words, in spite of a mountain of evidence that exposes the V2 church as false, if the BVM endorses it or is silent about it, then you are wrong, no matter what you say. This is Vatican II logic in a nutshell…


Jesus said we must believe ALL he has taught.  I can't find in scripture where he says MOST of or SOME of what he has taught, or which parts don't matter as long as you call on his name. 




MHFM: Yes, the fellow doesn’t seem to be influenced at all by the fact that the Vatican II sect and its antipopes deny clear Catholic dogmas.  All that seems to matter to him is that he should have been warned about this in an apparition.  Pointing out to him that the apparition is either false or Our Lady simply did not mention everything in it isn’t sufficient for him.  He’s another example of a person without any real faith, as Our Lord said (Luke 18:8).  Like so many others, he lacks a firm and rooted belief in the dogmas revealed by Christ.  It is by these that a faithful person measures everything.  These give a faithful person a strong conviction that everything not conforming to them is not of God. 


Thus, if undeniable evidence is presented that the post-Vatican II “popes” are manifest heretics, and that does not move you until you see evidence from an “apparition,” then you have no faith.  Catholic dogmas mean nothing to so many people today because so many are devoid of supernatural faith.


The Bible on Praying to and Venerating Saints Audio


MHFM: Our audio program, The Bible on Praying to and Venerating Saints, is now available on audio cassette.


You can order the audio here: The Bible on Praying to and Venerating Saints


The prices are 1 copy for $2.00; 15 for $10.00; 25 for $15.00; 50 for $27.00; 100 for $35.00.  People can also order by calling or sending in their order.


Pius XII and Fatima Miracle


I saw this story the other day. I thought you might want to read it since you posted the information about Pope Pius XII. I am not totally believing what the story is saying, mostly because I would think that if you would see something like that it would strengthen your faith and that did not happen with Pope Pius XII.

Pope Pius XII Saw the 'Miracle of the Sun'

By Antonio Gaspari

Zenit News Agency (www.zenit.org)

Pius XII wrote, "I have seen the 'miracle of the sun,' this is the pure truth."

ROME (Zenit) - According to his own testimony, the Pope who declared the dogma of the Assumption saw the "miracle of the sun" four times.This information is confirmed by a handwritten, unpublished note from Pope Pius XII, which is part of the "Pius XII: The Man and the Pontificate" display. The display opened in the Vatican to the public today and will run through Jan. 6. A commissioner of the display and a Vatican reporter for the Italian daily Il Giornale, Andrea Tornielli, explained to ZENIT that the note was found in the Pacelli family archives. It describes the "miracle of the sun," an episode that until today had only been affirmed by the indirect testimony of Cardinal Federico Tedeschini (1873-1959), who recounted in a homily that the Holy Father had seen the miracle.

Pius XII wrote, "I have seen the 'miracle of the sun,' this is the pure truth." The miracle of the sun is most known as the episode that occurred in Fatima, Portugal, on Oct. 13, 1917. According to the Fatima visionaries, Mary had said there would be a miracle that day so that people would come to believe. Thousands had gathered at the site of the visions, and the sun "danced," reportedly drying instantaneously the rain-soaked land and spectators.

Confirming the dogma

Pius XII's note says that he saw the miracle in the year he was to proclaim the dogma of the Assumption, 1950, while he walked in the Vatican Gardens.  He said he saw the phenomenon various times, considering it a confirmation of his plan to declare the dogma. The papal note says that at 4 p.m. on Oct. 30, 1950, during his "habitual walk in the Vatican Gardens, reading and studying," having arrived to the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes, "toward the top of the hill […] I was awestruck by a phenomenon that before now I had never seen."

"The sun, which was still quite high, looked like a pale, opaque sphere, entirely surrounded by a luminous circle," he recounted. And one could look at the sun, "without the slightest bother. There was a very light little cloud in front of it."

The Holy Father's note goes on to describe "the opaque sphere" that "moved outward slightly, either spinning, or moving from left to right and vice versa. But within the sphere, you could see marked movements with total clarity and without interruption." Pius XII said he saw the same phenomenon "the 31st of October and Nov. 1, the day of the definition of the dogma of the Assumption, and then again Nov. 8, and after that, no more."

The Pope acknowledged that on other days at about the same hour, he tried to see if the phenomenon would be repeated, "but in vain -- I couldn't fix my gaze [on the sun] for even an instant; my eyes would be dazzled."  Pius XII spoke about the incident with a few cardinals and close collaborators, such that Sister Pascalina Lehnert, the nun in charge of the papal apartments, declared that "Pius XII was very convinced of the reality of the extraordinary phenomenon, which he had seen on four occasions."…

MHFM: There are some interesting points about that.  Pius XII allegedly saw the miracle of the sun for the first time in 1950.  Pope Pius XII didn’t consecrate Russia until July 7, 1952.  He was slow to obey Heaven’s request.  Russia had already spread its errors.  So it would make sense that, in order to push and prod him to honor Fatima and do the consecration of Russia, Heaven would give him a special grace to see the miracle of the sun.  That may have been the thing which caused him to “repent and do it,” even though it was already late, Russia had already spread its errors, and his act would only grant a “certain” period of peace.  And as we know from the case of Pharaoh and others, if God causes someone to see such a sign or wonder it doesn’t necessarily mean that God is pleased with him.


Our Lord to Sister Lucy, Summer, 1931: “Like the King of France they will repent and do it, but it will be late.  Russia will have already spread its errors throughout the world provoking wars and persecutions against the Church: the Holy Father will have much to suffer.” (quoted in The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 2, pp. 543-544)


Pope Pius XII, Sacro Vergente Anno (Apostolic Letter), July 7, 1952: “…just as a few years ago We consecrated the entire human race to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, so today We consecrate and in a most special manner We entrust all the peoples of Russia to this Immaculate Heart…”




Dear Brothers,

Just wanted to tell you that while it's rare that I ever watch mainstream movies, I did see the movie "I Am Legend" where actor Will Smith plays the role of the last man on earth in New York trying to survive. In this movie we find that he's hunted by hybrid almost demonic creatures who feed on any remaining humans. At the end of the movie Will Smith's character is cornered by several of these ferocious demonic looking creatures and the only thing that keeps them from getting to him is a clear glass wall. The creatures constantly ram at the glass wall trying to bash it in until finally they break the glass and get to him... This was a very frightening scene, but even more frightening is the fact that that glass wall represents the thin veil that separates souls in mortal sin from demons who though invisible just can't wait to take those damned souls down to hell. Eventually the "glass wall" will break (death) and either we will be saved from the demons by what we do in this life, or we will be taken by the demons and suffer eternity in hell.


Horror Movies


Since you have commented on the dangers of rock music I wanted to send you some information about horror movies. I do believe they are just as dangerous and just as much under the influence of the devil as rock music.I feel that these movies are bad and should be avoided. A good example to look at is some of the popular horror movies and some of the things that happened to the people involved with them: The Exorcist, Poltergeist and Rosemary's Baby.

Here a piece of some articles about these things and a link so you know I am not totally making this up. Some of this information people claim is just rumors to add allure to the films, but other sources are reporting it as fact and most of it can be proven true.

The Exorcist

Nine people were killed during the making of The Exorcist movie. Twelve more people were injured and one of the sets caught of fire mysteriously. Linda Blair also had a nervous breakdown shortly after the filming. I also wanted to note that in the movie they used an icon or image of a real demon who was worshiped in Babylon.



There were also similiar occurances during linked with the Poltergeist movies. Four people linked with the movies died shortly after the production of the movies.

Steven Spielberg and Tobe Hooper made "Poltergeist" in 1982, which had a sequel, as well as a TV series later on. Ghosts were the main theme of this film, even though horrible things happened outside it. Many film crew members died not long after the film was made. Actress Dominique Dunne (22) was strangled by her boyfriend, 12-year-old Heather O`Rourke died of a common cold which became inexplicably complicated, while two actors died of cancer and organ transplant complications.


Rosemary's Baby

A year after the film Rosemary's Baby was released Roman Polanski (the director) wife, Shanon Tate was murdered by the Manson family.


MHFM: We haven’t seen The Exorcist, so we couldn’t comment.  But we agree with your statements about horror movies.  Catholics should not watch them.  That’s quite a fact that you bring up about all the people killed during the production of The Exorcist. 


It should be pointed out that the movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose is classified as a horror movie.  We do not consider it to be an actual horror movie.  It’s a film based on an exorcism and contains a great deal of Catholic truth.  As many of our readers probably already know, it’s based on the Exorcism of Anneliese Michel.  We have an audio discussion about the true story upon which the movie is based.  A discussion of the Exorcism of Anneliese Michel


While we disagree with a few things in The Exorcism of Emily Rose (such as the reason for the possession), overall we thought it was good.  Actually, it’s extraordinary that (in our day) a movie with so much traditional Catholic truth was turned into a major motion picture, shown in theatres, and has been viewed by millions of people.  Hopefully it will make some people think and begin to investigate the traditional Catholic faith.


Explain this Apparition


Hi there. I'm a Catholic 19 year old person who found out some months ago about all this Vatican II stuff and have been  wondering since then if it really makes everything invalid.

I've read a lot about it, and it really seems like it is the way it is, but then again, what do you have to say about the Apparitions of the Holy Virgin here in Cuapa, Nicaragua, that started in the year 1980? You can search that on internet to take a look at it for yourself.

So like i said, if all this vatican 2 thing would be true, don't you think the Virgin would have said something about it during those apparitions? yet She didn't say anything about it, not one thing. And that simply cannot be, because being who She is, and wanting the same thing as God for us, that is, our salvation, She couldn't have said all those things she said on the apparition message, because they would be of no good, if all this Vatican II thing were to be correct, because everything is "null and void" as you say.

So what do you have to say about this?


MHFM: In short, the answer is that almost all of the post-Vatican II (i.e., after 1965) supposed apparitions of the Blessed Mother are demonic deceptions – at least all those which in any way endorse or show union with the post-Vatican II “Church.”  They are false signs from the Devil which are meant to lead people astray and keep them in the Vatican II sect.  It’s not Mary who is appearing, but the Devil purporting to be Mary.  You need to look at this file:


False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section]


It shows that these false signs were predicted in Scripture and in Catholic prophecy.  It exposes some of these false signs and how they work to deceive people.  While this file doesn’t address the apparition you are asking about, it (and the other information on our website) should prove to you that all apparitions that in any way endorse the Vatican II sect, the New Mass, the Vatican II antipopes, etc. are proven by that fact to be of Satan.  As Catholics, we must adhere to and be guided in all things by Catholic Tradition, Sacred Scripture and the Magisterial teaching of the Church (i.e., the dogmas, the teaching of the popes).  You cannot deviate from traditional Catholic teaching to follow a supposed apparition.  That’s a deception. 


2 Thessalonians 2:9-12: "Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying.  That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity."


Matthew 24:24-25: "Then if any man shall say to you: Lo here is Christ, or there, do not believe him.  For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.  Behold I have told it to you, before hand.  If therefore they shall say to you: Behold He is in the desert, go ye not out: Behold He is in the closets, believe it not."


Moreover, even in true messages (which apparitions of the Vatican II “Church” are not), the Blessed Mother doesn’t necessarily warn Catholics about every deception, test or trial that will come.  People are expected to know their faith, live their faith, and take the proper steps to handle and evaluate trials and tribulations that will arise. 




I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your telephone debates. Just fantastic refuting of scriptural ignorance. I also enjoy the many articles that are available to read. My brother and I are slowly making our way through them… I live in Sydney, Australia… Keep up the good fight.  Your Monastery and your work will be in our daily prayers, esp the Rosary.

God bless,

Mark Turner.




Dear brothers of the Most Holy Family Monastery,


I have just discovered your web page and I was amazed at many of your claims re the pope and the Church since Vat2.  However, you support your claims with so much evidence that one would be blind freddy not to agree. I can only say "thank you" for what must be countless hours of research and study… Again, for what it’s worth, "thanks" and know that you have made a difference to a soul, who loves the Church…





New Church of Man


I wanted to make an interesting observation from an article on the News and Commentary section of your website.  The article was on the Bishop who is promoting the legalization of prostitution.  In the article it stated "In 2005, the Vatican released a document calling prostitution “a form of modern day slavery”. The document, developed at the First International Meeting of Pastoral Care for the Liberation of Women of the Street, added that 'sexual exploitation, prostitution and trafficking of human beings are all acts of violence against women,' and 'constitute an offence to the dignity of women and are a grave violation of basic human rights”. 

As is customary for the VII church, they never mention anything being an offense against God.  The greatest evil is to offend MAN.

Paul Smith


New Rite


I just came across your article about the new rite of ordination. Near the end is this paragraph:


Conclusion: This means that any Confessions made of grave sins to “priests” ordained in the New Rite must be made again to a validly ordained priest who was ordained in the 

Traditional Rite of Ordination by a bishop consecrated in the Traditional Rite of Episcopal Consecration.  If one cannot remember which sins were confessed to New Rite “priests,” and which were forgiven by a priest ordained in the Traditional Rite, then a Catholic must make a general confession mentioning all grave sins (if there were any) that may have been confessed to a “priest” ordained in the rite of Paul VI (the New Rite). 


This obviously is a very serious and very troubling matter affecting thousands of souls. Could you please show me where the details of that paragraph are covered In Church documents (Canon Law, Encyclicals, etc.)?


Thank you for your help.




MHFM: The article demonstrates from Church teaching (e.g., Pope Leo XIII’s Apostolicae Curae) that the New Rite is invalid for the same reasons that the Anglican Rite is invalid.  Therefore, it follows logically that mortal sins which were confessed to priests ordained in the invalid New Rite must be confessed again.  Your question really amounts to: where does the Church teach that one must confess mortal sins which have not been forgiven by a priest?  That’s taught by the Council of Trent. 




Subject: I knew I wasn’t abandoned


i recently found your website and believe i have finally found the truth, can you help me find a church in sacramento ca… i was baptized, and confirmed in the catholic faith, i left and became a protestant but was not ever satisfied, can you help me to find a good priest and correct my error.


Luminous Mysteries


Hello. My question is, may we pray the Luminous mysteries that JP2 instituted?


MHFM: No.  They are not part of the traditional Rosary, but were added by an antipope.


Brown Scapular and Suicide


Hello again,

I was wondering if a person has been a believer in the Brown Scapular and tried to follow the requests to get to heaven, but committed suicide would they be able to get in or would the promise be void?

What do you say to a person who is totally in despair and has lost all hope, is constantly crying, and everything always seems to be going wrong for that person?  She has young children as well. 



MHFM: No, the Brown Scapular is not a guarantee of salvation for those who die in mortal sin or outside the faith.  (This was addressed in our book.)


To your second question, we would say that she needs to pray for hope and pray for help.  We believe that the problem is a result of not being in the state of grace.  For such a distraught and despairing state is not a fruit of the Holy Ghost, but sounds most definitely like it is a spiritual problem. 


As always, we recommend the Rosary – the full 15-decade Rosary each day, if possible.  She should also get True Devotion to Mary and practice the devotion in it.  


Taken to Hell


I wanted to ask you exactly that very same question : is Hell at the center of the earth ? ! This same question came into my mind most recently  because I am right now reading a book written by a heretic which tells his true story about how the Lord Jesus actually REALLY+PHYSICALLY let him go to Hell ! This man was REALLY in HELL for 23 minutes !(it was NOT a dream !) and dear Monks I have to believe him because I really don't believe this man  would or could make up such a thing ! And what he experienced and describes totally supports all the Catholic teachings on Hell and what those kids saw in Fatima, it just goes hand in hand with what Catholicism teaches about Hell ! and this man is a heretic who up to this point believes in his SAVED FOREVER stuff and he has no relation to Catholicism ! It's just amazing ! But he describes Hell where he REALLY was physically for 23minutes as being at the center of the earth ! This book is so scary and such an intense read that I have a hard time getting through it and I'm actually getting anxiety while reading it ! I really don't know what to make of it,and I don't know what you guys are going to make of it, and he himself writes in his book that he has NO CLUE why he was taken to Hell ! It doesn't even make sense to him he writes. I have to believe his story. And reading that stuff made me pick up my rosary again and resolved to stick to it with the help of BMM, because now I'm praying for help in praying the rosary (because it tends to get difficult for me ). But that is a place I really don't want to go to ! It's so horrible, and terrifying the way he describes everything ! and it's so hard to digest,it's going to take me a while to absorb all of this into my system ! It really is a hard and intense read !


MHFM: The story might be authentic because, from what you are saying, there’s nothing in this account which contradicts the faith or endorses his heretical religious view.  However, one must be very careful of those stories because some of those “near death experiences” are demonic deceptions.  They are given to people to convince them that they are on the path to Heaven when they aren’t.


Palestine & Israel


Dear Dimond Brothers,

Most Neo-"Catholics" go gaga over Israel. They give their full support to the Jews and are complete Zionists. It seems most Traditional Catholics are the exact opposite. They completely oppose the Jews and their agenda, yet give their full support to the Palestinians. Clearly to support Israel is a completely unCatholic position. But can we really be Catholics and give our support to Palestine, which is virtually controlled by Hamas, the Mohammaden terrorist organization? Whether the Palestinians are the "innocent" people in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or not, it just doesn't seem very Catholic to support a bunch of people (Palestinians) who will most likely create a Palestinian State and impose Sharia Law. What do you think is the true Catholic position to take? Favor Israel? Favor Palestine? Neither?

Please tell me what you think.

God bless


MHFM: In our opinion and based on the information we’ve seen, we would favor Palestine. 




Thank you for showing the truth with your work.  It has clarified my understanding in a way that was needed.


Mark Signore



Thank you for allowing our Lord to work through you!


James Hardin, TX


Why Hell must be Eternal


MHFM: In consideration of the question below, we have posted a new file:


Quick Thoughts on Why Hell must be Eternal


It will be located in our “Spiritual Issues” section.


Safe to Assume?




Is it probable or safe to assume that those who are raised in false religions do not suffer pains in hell but only the punishment of eternal separation from God? I believe The Catechism by the church that was issued on hell stated that Hell was eternal separation from God. That punishments concerning everlasting fire in hell and to be tortured by devils is a common misconception, that hell really isn't a physical place but as said where souls who have not died in God's grace be separated from completely and always? It would surely be foolish to believe that most people are in pain in hell as it would not be compatible with an all loving benevolent God who would not want anyone to suffer? Also why dose God not destroy the devil and put all souls in purgatory where they could be renewed and purged of sin?  I'm greatly confused on this topic and would much appreciate the help, there are so many people in the world who really do not deserve eternal punishment!


MHFM: No.  A Catholic is not allowed to hold that people who die in false religions avoid the fires of Hell.  It’s defined that those who die in false religions go the eternal fires of Hell. 


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


What you are saying is contrary to the teaching of Jesus and the Church.  To assert that people don’t deserve eternal punishment, when God has revealed that He condemns them to eternal punishment, is arrogant and wrong.  In battling with many people of bad will over the years, one thing we’ve seen clearly is how so many people are dishonest and bad willed to the core, even if they appear harmless or nice or “good” in other ways.  Deep down they just hate the truth.  They are simply people who are not of the truth.  They cannot and do not deserve any reward.  In dealing with them, it really becomes quite clear why God condemns certain people forever.


Those who die in original sin only do not suffer the fires of Hell, but only eternal separation from God.




MHFM: Dramatically improved versions of our DVDs will be available in the next few weeks.


Hell at Center of the Earth


Dear Brothers,

Is it true that hell is under the earth towards the center?


MHFM: Yes.  This is shown by numerous things.  For example, when Core and his companions were punished for their schism against Moses, the Earth opened up underneath them and they were taken alive into Hell.


Numbers 16:24-33- “Command the whole people to separate themselves from the tents of Core and Dathan and Abiron.  And Moses arose, and went to Dathan and Abiron: and the ancients of Israel following him… if the Lord do a new thing, and the earth opening her mouth swallow them down, and all things that belong to them, and they go down alive into hell, you shall know that they have blasphemed the Lord. And immediately as he had made an end of speaking, the earth broke asunder under their feet: And opening her mouth, devoured them with their tents and all their substance.  And they went down alive into hell the ground closing upon them, and they perished from among the people.”


It’s also shown by Our Lady’s message on July 13, 1917 at Fatima.  When she showed the children the vision of Hell, they saw it in a light which penetrated the Earth.  They saw it underneath the Earth.


July 13 message of Our Lady of Fatima: “As the Lady spoke the last words, she opened Her hands once more, as She had done the two previous months. The rays [of light] appeared to penetrate the earth, and we saw, as it were, a vast sea of fire.  Plunged in this fire, we saw the demons and the souls [of the damned]. The latter were like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, having human forms. They were floating about in that conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames which issued from within themselves, together with great clouds of smoke. Now they fell back on every side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fright (it must have been this sight which caused me to cry out, as people say they heard me). The demons were distinguished [from the souls of the damned] by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals.”


There are other points that could be brought up, but these should suffice.


Complete Picture


Christ led me back to the true faith over 10 years ago.  Having found your web site, I am deeply indebted to you.   Just having finished reading about the heresies of Benedict, to say I am shocked is an understatement.  For years I have been troubled by his words and actions but never was able to complete the picture as you have done.  I cannot argue with truth.  Knowing and understanding this allows me to continue on my path of living the one true faith outside of which salvation is not possible.  Thank you, may God bless you and your work,  Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam,




Desert of Vatican II


Dear Brothers in Christ: As a traditional Catholic, born before the Baby Boomers and raised in the truly Holy Catholic Church that existed before Vatican II, also a former seminarian, I have wandered in the desert of the diminished spirituality of the Novus Ordo Mass and the "Spirit of Vatican II - that great destroyer of Catholicism " for more than forty years now... May God Bless and Keep You All Always - Keep up the Good Work for Our Holy Faith,


Ricardo L. P.,



More on purpose to amend




If I understand correctly what you are saying: a person who commits a previously confessed mortal sin does not have the firm purpose of amendment necessary to make a good confession and thus, makes a sacreligious confession.  This is not necessarily true, especially in cases of habitual sin, in which a person is addicted to a particular sin and is struggling to overcome the temptation or tendency to commit that sin.  Such a person could enter the confessional and have the intention to avoid those sins and their occasions and actually refrain from committing the sin for a time and then out of human weakness, fall and give into temptation again.  On the other hand, if a person went to confession with the idea that they will or want to commit the sin again which they are about to confess, then of course that would be a bad confession.




MHFM: You have misunderstood and misrepresented what we said.  The person who wrote to us said that he went to confession and did not have the firm purpose to stop committing the sin.  That’s a sacrilegious confession.  It’s very straightforward.  We did not say that if a person ever commits a mortal sin that he previously confessed, that proves that the previous confession of that sin was sacrilegious.  It’s theoretically possible for a person to have a sincere and firm purpose to not commit a particular mortal sin anymore, but then weaken in his/her resolve some time later.  Hence, the person would commit a new mortal sin, but his/her previous confession was not sacrilegious.  However, we would say that such a situation is rare.  There is also a grave danger in what you are saying about habitual sin and addiction to sin.  People who are “addicted” to a mortal sin are not ready to go to confession and shouldn’t be given absolution, as explained below.


Many persuade themselves that they are committed to changing their lives and to breaking from a mortal sin when, in fact, they are not ready to do so.  They do not intend to take the necessary steps.  They thus deceive themselves and commit sacrilegious confessions.  As St. Theresa of Avila said: “Bad confessions damn the majority of Christians.”  A person who is in mortal sin must have the firm purpose to literally convert from the sin, and to take the drastic actions (if necessary) to bring that about.  It’s theoretically possible for someone to get to that point, and then fall back into the sin; but in most cases where a person commits mortal sin habitually he/she has not, at any point, reached the level of a firm purpose to change.  


That’s why people who have been mired in a particular mortal sin for a stretch of time should not go to confession and should not be given absolution until they have reached the point that they are sincerely ready to change and not look back.  Too many think that confession is just a salve of conscience, while they can continue to sin in the manner they desire. 


Pope Calixtus III


MHFM: A few days back in our News and Commentary section we posted a link to one of Benedict XVI’s recent speeches, in which he describes the Muslims as “believers.”  It’s an expression of apostasy commonly used by the Vatican II antipopes: describing members of a false, non-Christian religion as “believers.”  It’s interesting that one of us recently (about the same day as the aforementioned link was posted) came across another quote from a real pope asserting just the opposite, of course.


Pope Calixtus III, to Skanderbeg, Sept. 17, 1457: “Beloved son!  Continue to defend the Catholic Faith; God, for whom you fight, will not abandon His cause.  He will, I am confident, grant success against the Turks [i.e., the Muslims] and the other unbelievers to you and the rest of the Christians with great glory and honor.” (Dr. Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 2, p. 434.)


There’s also another extremely interesting quote from the same pope.  In the next day or so, we will probably post it.  It has major significance to a number of dogmatic issues. 


Pope Pius XII


I have seen some traditionalists condemn Pius XII as a heretic. Was he a heretic? 


MHFM: There isn’t clear proof that Pope Pius XII was a heretic.  Without clear evidence, one cannot say that someone is a heretic.  However, one must say that Pius XII was very close to being a heretic.  By any reasonable traditional Catholic estimation, he must be considered an extremely weak pope, the bridge to the Vatican II apostasy.  He enabled the outrageous hoax of evolution to flourish by not condemning belief in it, and by opening the door for it.  He made statements endorsing the birth control practice of Natural Family Planning, which subverts the primary purpose of marriage.  He allowed the denial of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation to flourish, even though there is nothing in his encyclicals which contradicts it and much which refutes heresies against it.  He modernized Holy Week and thus, according to many, began the initial thrust of the Liturgical Revolution.  In fact, it’s interesting that many of the outrageous heretics among the sedevacantist priests reject Pius XII’s new Holy Week as essentially modernist.  These heretics, such as Cekada, Sanborn, etc., who all believe that souls can be saved in any religion, feel obliged to reject Pius XII’s modernistic Holy Week reforms.  Isn’t that interesting?  They attempt to use Pius XII to promote their heresies on salvation, by giving the false impression that everything promulgated under him (even if not specifically from him) is binding, while at the same time they reject Pius XII’s liturgical reforms. 


If we are to have an accurate and uncompromising view of the faith in our day, it’s important for Catholics to understand that Pius XII was not strong.  It’s important because there are many false traditionalist heretics who think that, if you just go back to the 1950s everything was fine.  That view lacks any wisdom; it predominates because few people have faith in the papal office itself (i.e., the infallible acts).  They are just followers of man, with no real faith in the dogmas and the promise that Christ gave to St. Peter.  That promise is an infallibility IN THE EXERCISE OF THE POWER OF THE PAPAL OFFICE, not in everything that is promoted or allowed during a pope’s reign.  But, since they are just followers of man, they feel that if they just return to the time of the last valid pope, they can follow whatever was done or promoted – except, I guess, when it comes to the new Holy Week! 


That view fails to recognize that the Vatican II apostasy did not begin overnight.  A whole body of bishops did not become apostate one day at Vatican II.  Most of the priests in the 1940s and 1950s were heretics, especially on the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  It was the very bishops promoted by Pope Pius XII who went on to sign the heretical decrees of Vatican II.


In this regard, it’s interesting to consider the comments of one “Fr.” Gregory Hesse.  Some of our readers remember him.  He is now deceased.  He went around giving speeches on traditional issues.  He was ordained in the New Rite of Ordination, and thus was not a valid priest.  He was also not a sedevacantist.  He obstinately spread serious errors on salvation, sedevacantism, etc.  However, he did condemn Vatican II as heretical, as well as the Vatican II antipopes.  He also condemned the New Mass.  He was basically a traditionalist “priest” with views which were similar to the SSPX (he did like their group), but his line was much harder.  He would condemn Vatican II and John Paul II as clearly heretical, while they would waffle.  The point is that here’s what he said about Pius XII:


“Pius XII was barely Catholic.”  If that was even his estimation of Pius XII, what does that tell you?


Firm Purpose of Amendment


Dear MHFM,

I confessed [a mortal sin]… to a validly ordained priest, but did not have the firm purpose of amendment. I committed the sin again.  I have since been praying the 15-decade rosary each day.  I tried to mention this sin and the previously confessed instances of it to a validly ordained priest in a later confession. The priest refused to hear it. He would not let me mention repeated instances. He said, "God wants me to be at peace."  I ask that you pray for me. I do have the firm purpose of amendment now.


MHFM: If a confession of a mortal sin was made without the firm purpose to stop committing the sin (that which is called the firm purpose of amendment), then that confession was sacrilegious.  A mortal sin was committed in making it.  Hence, at your next confession (when you do have the firm purpose of amendment), you would need to mention that you made a sacrilegious confession.  You would also need to confess again the mortal sin under discussion and how many times you committed it.


It’s not clear from your e-mail whether the priest understood that you were confessing a sacrilegious confession and therefore also re-confessing mortal sins which had been mentioned before, or if he thought that you were unnecessarily repeating sins which had already been forgiven.  If he understood the former, then he’s a liberal and a bad priest.  Sadly, that’s the case with even a good number of the “traditional” priests.  If he gave you absolution without allowing you to mention everything you needed to mention, then you need to go to a different (valid) priest and make the confession.  From reports we’ve received, many of the “traditionalist” priests justify various mortal sins. 


Certainly if a person is truly scrupulous and is repeating sins which have already been forgiven, or confessing as mortal sins things that are not, then forbidding a penitent to confess certain things would be the correct counsel.  But this was certainly not one of those cases.  Many of these priests are so liberal that they assign clear-cut mortal sins – such as a confession of a mortal sin without the intention to stop the sin – to the category of “scrupulosity.” 


Now Know


Good day!

I'm Joy from Philippines, 25 yrs. old, I'm a Roman Catholic and also my family… I follow your advice, I pray the rosary three decades everyday and also I read the Bible.

Brothers, when I accidentally open your site I know the real situation of our church now and because of that I didn't stop searching for the truth and even the end times and that is why I found this site. I have no other intention of sending you this but I just want to share this to you. I believe this could help us understand more. Brothers I know that the intention of this site and yours is to let us know the truth… I thank Our Lord Jesus Christ always and to Our Blessed Virgin Mary that there were people who are really very loyal and concern about our spiritual, I hope that your going read this... Thank you very much.

May Our Lord God bless you always…

Respectfully Yours,





I really like your website. What must I do to become saved? Can you help me to convert? I have been baptized and I am educated in the teachings of the church. Would you be willing to help me do this God's way? Thank you.


MHFM: You should start praying the Rosary each day, more than just five decades.  You should follow the steps in this file: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic Faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts [link to section].  And you should obtain the catechism and basic package from us.


Female Doctors of the Church


Dear Dimond Brothers,

What do you make of the Vatican II sect declaring women "Doctoresses" of the Church? I think it's to appease the Feminists. Every once in a while, the VII sect tries to please the Feminists, whether it be naming women Doctors of the Vatican II Church, allowing women to read during "Mass", or allowing them to serve as altar girls. I think it's all going to lead to the "ordination" of womenpriests. The VII Church has been trying to confuse people on the roles of women for the last 40 years or so to get everyone warmed up for the "ordination" of women. Considering all the changes in regaurds to the roles of women in the VII Church, ordaining women won't seem like such a big deal. They already have women "doctors", altar servers, readers, and some even give sermons in the Novus Ordo!! So the "ordination" of women won't be such a drastic change. They've been warming people up for it for years.

God bless


MHFM: Yes, we agree that it’s not something the Catholic Church would do.  That’s why the Church didn’t do it.  Just so our readers are familiar with what we’re talking about, the Catholic Church never proclaimed any women to be Doctors of the Church. 


In 1970 (Antipope) Paul VI proclaimed St. Catherine of Siena and St. Theresa of Avila to be “Doctors” of the Church.  In 1997 Antipope John Paul II proclaimed Therese of the Child Jesus a “Doctor” of the Church.  These declarations must be considered invalid, of course, because the Vatican II antipopes have no authority.  However, Sts. Catherine of Siena, Theresa of Avila, and Therese of the Child Jesus are all undoubtedly Catholic saints.


We believe that the Vatican II sect proclaimed women to be “doctors” to introduce (once again) the concept of change, to break down the bulwark of Tradition, and to feminize things, as you say.  It’s just another example of a novelty of the Vatican II sect.


It all makes sense




Thank you for your website and for bringing to light the information we need to hear. I can't believe how much it all makes sense. I am so sad and scared. I want to explore a traditional church, but the only one I can find is SSPX. Where can I turn to worship in a true Catholic Church that is not heretical? Can you help?...


Thank you,



“Baptism of Desire”


I asked my teacher about the issue of Baptism of Desire, and she explained to me that if someone meant to be Baptised but was hit by a car on their way there, God would pardon them and they would still go to heaven, also that if someone meant to Baptise their child but it dies first, that child is pardoned. I didnt know if I should believe her, but it seems like God in his mercy would pardon people in these instances. I dont know, what should I tell her? Is she a heretic?


Sincerely Daniel


MHFM: What she is saying is bold heresy.  To say that a child who dies without baptism will be pardoned, when the Church has repeatedly defined that such children are excluded from Heaven, is outrageously heretical.  Further, the idea that the person hit by the car will be saved without baptism is also contrary to Catholic teaching and the providence of God.  Before going to her, you need to become convinced yourself.  You don’t seem to be.  A Catholic cannot be open to such heretical ideas.


Here are two of the infallible definitions which demonstrate that her position is heretical.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Session 11, Feb. 4, 1442, ex cathedra: “Regarding children, indeed, because of danger of death, which can often take place, when no help can be brought to them by another remedy than through the sacrament of baptism, through which they are snatched from the domination of the Devil [original sin] and adopted among the sons of God, it advises that holy baptism ought not be deferred for forty or eighty days, or any time according to the observance of certain people…”


Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, On Original Sin, Session V, ex cathedra:  “If anyone says that recently born babies should not be baptized even if they have been born to baptized parents; or says that they are indeed baptized for the remission of sins, but incur no trace of the original sin of Adam needing to be cleansed by the laver of rebirth for them to obtain eternal life, with the necessary consequence that in their case there is being understood a form of baptism for the remission of sins which is not true, but false: let him be anathema.”


Regarding the unbaptized catechumen who is hit by the car, the following quote is appropriate. 


St. Augustine, 391: “When we shall have come into His [God’s] sight, we shall behold the equity of God’s justice.  Then no one will say:… ‘Why was this man led by God’s direction to be baptized, while that man, though he lived properly as a catechumen, was killed in a sudden disaster, and was not baptized?Look for rewards, and you will find nothing except punishments.” (Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 3: 1496.)


The Church teaches that the Sacrament of Baptism is necessary for salvation.  Those who die without it, such as an unbaptized person hit by a car, are not saved.  There was a reason that God allowed such a one to depart life without baptism.


Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Sess. 7, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, ex cathedra: “If anyone says that baptism [the Sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”


The teacher is in heresy.  If she persists in her position after you quote these dogmas, she is clearly a heretic.


“Catholic” High Schools


I read the part on your website about Catholic high schools, and I cannot agree more!  I attended one for three years in southern California. It was quite terrible!...  There were numerous sins abounding, including gay sex in bathrooms, open homosexuality on behalf of the staff (who attended pride-parades) and principal of the school.  At our school rallies they played extremely disgusting hip-hop music that was sex crazed.  The school "dance" team was so gross they might of well be giving lap dances instead of cheer routines.   About 70% of the school was sexually active by their senior year.  The school library, instead of housing great Catholic works like St.Augustine, had books on New Age Spiritism and Witchcraft!   I thought it was appalling.  There were even so many drugs on campus they had to hire a dog to sniff them out periodically.  Cheating and plagerism were rampant for the years I attended.  I'm glad that your website is exposing the problems with Vatican II and especially Catholic schools!   I think the schools are one of the most problematic issues facing Christians today.





I just want to let you know that the homosexuality in the seminaries stated as far back as 1978 in Kansas USA. My dear friend thought that being a priest was his calling. He with the total support of his whole family left to attend the seminary in 1978. Johnny was so shocked at what he found, every young man in there was a homosexual but him. He left after the first semester. His family was so disappointed, but Johnny still in shock and questioning his faith could never bring himself to tell his parents what was going on. He told me that every guy was bed hopping each night with the other men . Of course he was the total outsider…. These acts were known about in 1978 by the head bishops and others and approved of. I believe every homosexual back then was hiding their in the closet, life still behind the Vail of the church, never ever thinking any one would dare think those dark things of them. Of course years later it caught up with all of them as they pay millions for the thousand of children's life they ruined… I feel this scandal goes clear to the top of the church. It just a matter of time when some one speaks out about the sins of the pope, one person they cannot pay off. I loved the church. I loved the old Latin services and rituals….


Linda in Kansas




Dear Dimond Brothers

I was reading things about Garabandal and even reading small parts of Garabandal its Totally False.  According to the Girls Our Lady told them never to bring Blessed Rosary Beads or Crucifixes and that anything they bring cannot be Blessed.The Girls put their hands in positions that cannot be done by a human.  They were able to fly which is a sure sign of Demonic activity. They also said that Our Lady let them hold the infant Jesus but when the Girls were asked could they feel him they said that you can't feel the infant so this would mean the infant was an illusion by the Devil. The girls tried to say another Miracle would take place and that Padre Pio would see it. Padre Pio is dead and the Miracle never happened.  My question is what is your opinion on Fr Amorth I heard somthing about him saying that JP2 was his Protector.

Thanks for Reading this God Bless.



MHFM: Regarding Fr. Amorth, he’s a more “conservative” priest of the Vatican “Church.”  He definitely has some good things to say about the reality of the Devil, the power of exorcism, etc.  However, like any other supporter of the Vatican II sect, he’s a heretic.  He is a devotee of John Paul II (the deceased manifest heretic).  He even uses a statue of John Paul II at his exorcisms.  That’s really bad.  He must know about John Paul II’s horrible false ecumenism and acts of apostasy.  That shows us that even the most conservative among the Vatican II clergy are quite heretical. 




Thank goodness I've been led to your site! All this ecumenical crap and other nonsense has never sat right with me. Now I married a few years back (not in church) and now have a 1 year old.  Would like to have my marriage blessed and baby baptized.  Read about baptizing on your site… I will pray to the Holy Trinity for you all at the monastery and for all us Catholics being called from the mess that is the "church" as mainstream society knows it.  Thank you for all your help.


Christina, PA




Subject: What is the release of homosexuality?


My name is… I am Catholic… I have read the texts about homosexuality. I suffered a lot because I tend homosexual. Most chose not be so! I NEED HELP, I do not want offends the GOD! Help me free from this VICE Horrible, help me PLEASE!  Sorry, more writing bad English… I live in Brazil….


MHFM: Homosexuality is a result of mortal sin, as Romans 1 makes clear.  If you pray the 15-decade Rosary each day, stop committing all mortal sins, believe everything a traditional Catholic must believe, avoid the occasions of sin, and make a good confession to a valid priest, then you will be delivered from your homosexuality.  If you or anyone else is not delivered, it’s because you are still committing some mortal sin or are denying some truth of God or haven’t made a good confession, etc.


Communist Infiltration


Dear Brothers,

Quite often I find myself listening to Michael Savage's "The Savage Nation" radio program. If you've never heard of him, he's kind of like Pat Buchanan, very pro-conservative yet unfortunately, he is a huge defender of Israel and Jews and I've read on the internet that he's a crypto-Jew. Nonetheless, I was floored to hear him bring up Communist infiltration of the Catholic Church last night. He even mentions how the homosexual agenda plays a big role in the infiltration. He's the first secular radio host I've ever heard bring this truth to light. Just thought I'd pass it along.

God Bless,


Constitution and Separation of Church and State


I generally agree with your response to Ken regarding the US Constitution.  But I think you go a little too far in saying that one of the principles contained in the Constitution was a Separation of Church and state, thus guaranteeing all forms of religion.  There is no mention of this separation in the Constitution.  This separation has been invented by judges, much like the right of privacy used to justify the horrible Roe Vs. Wade decision was also invented.  It is true that the Constitution did not enthrone the Catholic Church as the only legitimate Religion and give it appropriate protections.  This omission has no doubt led to the gradual degradation of morality and of natural reason and virtue such that we find ourselves in the deplorable condition of today.  But not because it was designed that way.  It has rather been ignored and perverted.


I think it important to help people think about and understand it, to realize that the original Constitution (as ratified in the 1780s) only served to proscribe laws at the federal level.  The first ten amendments all begin "Congress shall make no law...".  It did not speak to the States, and at the time of its ratification, various States indeed had "established religions" (unfortunately none of them Catholic).  However, if a State such as Maryland, in which Catholics were granted protection by Royal decree (they were virtually unwelcome in other colonies), were to declare the Catholic Church the only legitimate Religion of Maryland, nothing in the Constitution would have prevented it.   It is interesting to note that in older books and articles, we see the reference to "These United States", not "The" United States.   Even the language of the original Constitution is telling.  In it (10th amendment) the powers of the various States are assumed to be virtually unlimited, with the exception of "few" powers which were specifically "delegated" to the Federal Government.  Note, the States were assumed superior, as they delegated to the Federal, not the other way around as is assumed today. 


It is also important to note that even though the founders had built in all kinds of legal safeguards, the "checks and balances", against just the kind of abuse of power (Supreme Court) we see toady, they failed.  They did not fail because they were naive, rather they anticipated everything that could and has happened.  But they failed because men simply lie, lie in the open, and other men do nothing to stop it.  The country has really been undermined in broad daylight.  The Constitution is ignored and/or misrepresented, shamelessly so.  Some like Washington realized that the preservation of virtue in a free society was necessarily linked to Religion, but because they lacked true faith, they failed to appreciate the importance of  choosing the right Religion.  Understand that they were only a few generations removed from Catholic orthodoxy.  They had some residual Catholic sense.  At least in the natural sense, they understood right and wrong.  But because they respected their own intellect, and all opinions (the democratic ideal) they essentially held (as did Pilate, "what is truth?") that ultimate truth was unknowable, therefore refusing to acknowledge any authority higher than man's consensus.


I think it also interesting to realize that the Devil had already won in terms of most souls, primarily protestant, and many also viciously anti-Catholic, in the fledgling nation.  But the Devil isn't satisfied with just the souls.  He wants to see mankind totally debased.  With rampant abortion here, and homosexual marriage right around the corner, we are certainly there.  However it is also true that the Constitution of the US, as originally constructed and interpreted, would also have protected the Church, and even allowed for the formation of Catholic States.  But we have a phony Catholic establishment and "Catholics" who care more about their labor union than about the souls of the unborn.  Ultimately we get the government we deserve.  We're about to get an even bigger dose of it.  


A Catholic King would of course be best, but even a "dictator", like a Mussolini or a Franco, who protected the Church, would be preferable to the American system as it has devolved.


Bill Mulligan           


MHFM: You are not correct.  The principle of Separation of Church and State is definitely contained in the U.S. Constitution.  It’s contained in the very place where the Constitution declares that the State shall have no official religion.  A declaration that the State will have no official religion is equivalent to a declaration that the State will be separate from the Church.  That should be obvious.  But it’s proven by the following quote from Pope Pius XI:


Pope Pius XI, Dilectissima Nobis (#6), June 3, 1933: “But, returning to the deplorable laws regarding religious confessions and Congregations, We learned with great sorrow that therein, at the beginning, it is openly declared that the State has no official religion, thus reaffirming that separation of State from Church which was, alas, decreed in the new Spanish Constitution.”


Here we see that to recognize “no official religion” is the same thing as “reaffirming… separation of State from Church.”  Thus, one doesn’t have to explicitly declare that the State will be separate from the Church to teach that heresy, but merely declare that the State doesn’t recognize Catholicism as the official religion. 


Thus, the heresy of Separation of Church and State is contained in the following statement of the U.S. Constitution:


U.S. Constitution, First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


Really, it should be obvious that “No official religion” means separation of Church and State.  It shouldn’t even have to be proved by a quote from Pope Pius XI, as we did above.  However, the myth that the Constitution did not teach the separation of Church and State is somewhat widespread.  We think it’s widespread because some people have an unreasonable desire to exonerate the founding of the U.S. and the Constitution from heresies against the Catholic faith.


We should also emphasize, for those who might be new to this issue, that when we say that the Church and State should not be separate we do not mean that the same individuals should be in charge of ecclesiastical and secular affairs (i.e., a theocracy).  No, what we mean by the union of State and Church is that the laws of the State must recognize Catholicism as the true religion.  Catholicism should be the official religion of the State and the State’s laws should be in line with Catholic teaching.


Gerry Matatics


I noticed Gerry Matatics on your list of heretics page.  Could it really be said that he teaches heresy?


MHFM:  Unfortunately, yes it can be said.  There is new information which demonstrates this unfortunate fact.  Before making these new points, we want to emphasize that we tried to work with Gerry when he communicated to us that he was in full agreement.  We have always wished for his best.  We acknowledge Gerry’s abilities and knowledge, and we like a great deal of what he has to say.  However, the fact of the matter is that he is a heretic and of bad will.  (As an aside, we feel sorry for his children.  It’s our understanding that at some point they held – and some still might hold – the full truth on the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation and the necessity of water baptism.  Undoubtedly they are put in a difficult position by the mixed messages and activities of their father.) 


In a public talk with a woman named Judith, which was recorded this month (November of 2008), Gerry stated: When Catholics like you or me or Tom Droleskey speak out about this…”  Gerry described Tom Droleskey as a Catholic.  Gerry also praised Tom and thanked the woman for having him speak.  Tom Droleskey is a disgusting heretic who believes that Jews (and other members of false religions) who reject Jesus Christ can be saved.  We demonstrated that in this file.  Gerry is well aware of this fact. 


We asked Tom if he considered it heretical for Fr. Fahey to teach that Jews who reject Christ can be in the state of grace.  Tom wrote back and indicated that he did not consider it heretical, but rather that he considered it to be Catholic teaching.  Thus, Tom is a clear heretic.  He holds that Jews who reject Jesus Christ can be saved.  (Tom was too cowardly to debate us, by the way, because his heretical position would be exposed and refuted.).  Not only does Tom obstinately deny the dogma, but he attacks those who hold the true position.  In short, Tom D. belongs to the crowd of baptism of desire heretics who not only believe that souls can be saved in false religions, but who detest and wish to extirpate faith in Jesus’ dogma that “unless a man is born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God” (John 3:5).  In other words, he’s among the very worst of the false traditionalist heretics.


That crowd is accurately described as the scum of the Earth.  They are abominable.  Gerry knows all of this.  It’s inescapable, therefore, that Gerry obstinately considers people who believe that souls can be saved in false religions to be Catholic.  Gerry is a heretic.  As much as one might want to deny it, it’s just a fact.  Gerry holds that one can believe that Jews who reject Christ are saved and be Catholic (e.g., Tom D.).  He surely will make empty claims that he doesn’t endorse that heresy in any form, but such a claim is completely false and disproven by his own words.  Further, by his promotion of a heretic such as Tom D., Gerry stands with and promotes the worst of the false traditionalist enemies of the dogma in our day: the tenacious “anti-Feeneyites.”   


This summer we also wrote to Gerry and asked him if he would be interested in a recorded debate/discussion on the baptism of desire issue.  We received no response.  As stated in the update to this file, one of us also spoke with Gerry for five hours last fall.  Gerry insisted that the conversation be recorded by him, and he promised (in front of his family) to send us the tapes the next day.  He never sent the tapes.  (That shouldn’t be a surprise.  It’s consistent with the activity described in the file above.)  In that conversation, Gerry confirmed that he does not hold the infamous Protocol 122/49 to be heretical.  Protocol 122/49 (which is covered in our book) is a heretical and non-infallible document (from a pre-Vatican II cardinal) which teaches “baptism of desire,” “invincible ignorance,” salvation for people who are not “members of the Church,” not of the “body of the Church” and not even “catechumens.” 


There are other problems, major inconsistencies, and examples of hypocrisy in his current activity and public teaching.  Gerry currently holds that people should not attend any Mass where Benedict XVI is prayed for in the canon.  As we’ve articulated, we believe that one can go to only a certain number of such Masses: the priest would have to meet certain conditions and one couldn’t agree with or support the priest.  We do not believe that going signifies an acceptance of Benedict XVI.  But that’s beside the point. 


The point we’re making is that if one is going to hold that one should not attend any Mass where Benedict XVI is prayed for, as Gerry now does, then one must be consistent on that matter.  If you are going to talk the talk, you must walk the walk.  If he’s going to say that one must avoid those Masses because it involves some sort of praying with Benedict XVI (a claim we reject), then obviously that person is expected to remain consistent with that position and not pray with anyone who doesn’t reject Benedict XVI.  That makes sense, right?  Of course it does.  One who considers it a compromise to go to such a Mass because it involves, in his view, some sort of praying with Benedict XVI must necessarily make sure that the people with whom he prays also reject Benedict XVI.  If he doesn’t, he’s a horrible hypocrite.


Well, while he travels all over the globe to tell people, among other things, that they should not attend a Mass where Benedict XVI is mentioned as the pope, lest they pray in communion with him, Gerry offers a monthly public prayer with the aforementioned woman (Judith) who is not even a sedevacantist!  That’s right.  Someone we know wrote to her just recently.  He asked her if she holds the sedevacantist position.  She responded by saying that her group “does not take a position on the Pope.”  So she doesn’t even reject Benedict XVI as an antipope!  (She also promotes talks by supporters of the SSPX; and she accepts the invincible ignorance salvation heresy).  Gerry offers a public prayer with her every month; he calls her Catholic and promotes her.  What more does one have to say? 


To sum it up: Gerry travels all over the world telling people, among other things, that they should not attend a Mass where Benedict XVI is mentioned as the pope.  It’s so important, he says, that receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ must even be passed up rather than involve oneself in some form of prayer with Benedict XVI.  Certainly, therefore, he wouldn’t compromise and pray with someone who doesn’t take true position on that issue, right?  No.  He offers a monthly public prayer with a woman who doesn’t even reject Benedict XVI’s claim to the Papacy and who promotes non-sedevacantists.  He probably hasn’t even asked her what she holds on that issue, nor told her what position she must hold on that issue.  Yet he travels thousands of miles to tell other people that very thing… amazing…


In the recent conversation, Gerry also described a Protestant named Chuck in these terms: Chuck Baldwin, perhaps in the total sincerity of his heart, believing that Protestantism is the true faith, still comes short of a true analysis of what is wrong with the human condition…”  He describes the Protestant named Chuck as someone who might be totally sincere in his heart.  That’s not something any Catholic could or would say.  It indicates that Gerry believes that the Protestant, who rejects Catholicism, could be in good faith – a heretical position. 


According to people who have heard him speak, Gerry also publicly advocates some form of the false no-jurisdiction position.  That position is refuted in this file. [PDF].  According to reports, he has also publicly expressed some level of doubt about the validity of the Thuc-line.  There are no grounds upon which to doubt the validity of the Thuc-line.  He also holds that people can passively attend non-Catholic funerals and weddings.  One person in New Jersey went to such a non-Catholic service passively after hearing him speak.  Those errors are significant.  However, his most significant problem was described above.  It’s his acceptance of the heresy that people can be saved in false religions.  That’s proven by his promotion of people who obstinately believe it and defend it.  As a result, no Catholic should regard him as a Catholic or promote him as one.  This update has been added to our file about him.




I just finished reading your ‘UFOs’ and I think you have done a splendid and thorough job!… I had also read your treatise on Geocentrism, and it was well done and a balanced presentation.


John Domen (MS physics, MIT)




Another question I have is this. I am a big supporter of the U.S. Constitution and that man was endowed by God with rights. You have mentioned the NWO, which I see is trying to rise and take control of the world. This includes destroying our liberties, including the right to keep and bear arms. Are Catholics allowed to defend themselves against tyrannical government if it ever gets that bad? Basically, is a Catholic allowed to be a patriot and fight for liberty? I know it's a spiritual problem of course.


MHFM: If such a situation did arise, then such action would be justified. 


All Catholics need to understand that the government of the U.S., while preferable to others which more greatly forbid or curtail the propagation of the Catholic faith, is still not ideal.  A true Catholic can only advocate for it with the understanding that the Constitution contains, at its core, principles which are hostile to the true faith and to a truly Christian society.  Those false principles, which have been condemned by the true popes, include the separation of the state from the Church, and guarantees for all forms of religion and thus for all manner of evils.


Pope Leo XIII, Longinqua (#6), Jan. 6, 1895: “For the Church amongst you, unopposed by the Constitution and government of your nation, fettered by no hostile legislation, protected against violence by the common laws and the impartiality of the tribunals, is free to live and act without hindrance.  Yet, though all this is true, it would be very erroneous to draw the conclusion that in America is to be sought the type of the most desirable status of the Church, or that it would be universally lawful or expedient for State and Church to be, as in America, dissevered and divorced.”


Hence, one could not be a big supporter of the U.S. Constitution except in the sense that it’s the best form government that is available to us at this period and thus represents the least evil option.  Moreover, one advocates for strict adherence to its laws only in the sense that departure from it in our day has paved the way for even greater evils, but always with the caveat that it is still opposed to the teaching of the true Church and the order willed by God.


St. Benedict


I would like to know about St Benedict. I try to look him up… to see the story behind him for some research that i am doing can you please help me and direct me where i can go and read about him.  I do not want to know about anyone in the 1900's or any in our time.  I would like to know the story behind the first St Benedict.  Can one please help me.  
Thank you God bless you
Virginia Zambrano Martinez 


MHFM: We sell a book on his life.  You can order it here: The Life of St. Benedict.




"... I finally found someone teaching the true beliefs of the Catholic Religion after Vatican II."


Best Regards,


Norm Jesch, 





Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
I've been thoroughly reading and listening to many of your articles and radio programs.  I'm sorry to say that it is all true and it makes me very sad… I have to say that what I think about what you say is true, but it leaves most of us without a true mass that I know of, that is.  As you can see, I know very little.  I was also very disturbed about what you have researched and written about.  They are hard truths which I have trouble accepting.  I read once somewhere, that the part of the consecration which uses the words "all" instead of "many" is very evil because what it does is let everything and everybody in....good, bad, and whatever.  It excludes nothing, which is why the church has allowed almost anything and everything.  This is very confusing to me.  I don't know what to make of it.
Thank you again.  God bless you for the service you do in educating us.  It is invaluable.  


Chris R

Most People are Lost?



If you have issues with the Church why do you follow Martin Luther's example and break away from the Church rather staying in the church and trying to reform the Church with in? 

Also you guys say most people will go to hell. You have no idea if thats true or Not, thats very judgemental and you dont take into account the Crowd that no one can number in the Book of revelation.

God bless


MHFM: First of all, we are Catholics who remain with the Catholic Church.  Any honest person who looks at the facts presented in our material can see that we have not broken from the Catholic Church.  It’s the opposite: the Vatican II sect has broken away from the Catholic Church.  It has created a modernist Counter Church which was predicted to arise in the last days.  The Catholic Church doesn’t need reformation.  The idea that it does has been condemned.  The idea was condemned by one of the true Catholic popes – all of whom we accept.  Since you adhere to the Vatican II Counter Church, you unfortunately do not accept the Catholic popes.


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 10), Aug. 15, 1832: “Therefore, it is obviously absurd and injurious to propose a certain ‘restoration and regeneration’ for her (the Church) as though necessary for her safety and growth, as if she could be considered subject to defect or obscuration or other misfortune.”


Second, contrary to your assertion, Catholics do know that most people go to Hell.  We know because Jesus Christ says so in Matthew 7:13.  It’s also a defined dogma that all who die as non-Catholics go to Hell.  Most people in the world are not Catholic.  Therefore, it’s certain that most people go to Hell.  It was also the dominant belief of traditional Catholic saints and spiritual writers that most Catholics lose their souls.  You should consult this file:


Few are Saved- Most Adult Catholics are damned


You clearly lack what we call the foundational beliefs.  These involve a firm conviction that the Catholic Church is supernatural, having been truly founded by Christ; and consequently, that heresy is evil, and that non-Catholic religions belong to the Devil.  Without these foundational beliefs, there is no hope for you to see the truth.  If you had them, you would have more respect for the dogmatic teaching of the Church, such as on Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  That respect would give you pause, and cause you to conform your liberal inclinations to what has been proclaimed at the highest levels by the popes of the Catholic Church.




I am becoming more convinced that Vatican II was a sham. However, I was baptized Roman Catholic by Father Ken Kulinski in Norman, Oklahoma. I don't need to be rebaptized, correct? He was ordained in 1972.
-Ken S.


MHFM: Yes, anyone can baptize provided the proper words are used and he has the basic intention.  So if he poured water and it struck your skin while he said “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost,” then it was valid.  However, if there is some reasonable doubt about this, then a conditional baptism should be done.  Anyone can perform it for you, once you are convinced of the issues. 


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” 1439: “In case of necessity, however, not only a priest or a deacon, but even a layman or woman, yes even a pagan and a heretic can baptize, so long as he preserves the form of the Church and has the intention of doing what the Church does.” (Denz. 696)


Relevant file: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic Faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts [link to section]


Out of Vatican II


I am a 47 year old single man who is deeply troubled by what has happened to the Church, to America and to the world.  I entered religious life in the '80's (the Dominican Order) and was scandalized by what I discovered there.  I later entered the Order that Mother Angelica started, the "Missionaries of the Eternal Word" and found a lot of charismatic spirituality which made me uncomfortable.  After leaving that Order I felt dazed and confused as to what direction I should go in and even now, at 47, I am unsettled and fearful of the state of my soul.


I know that God calls us all to a life of holiness, no matter what our state in life, and no matter what is happening in the world around us…. Essentially, I know I am called OUT of the apostate Vatican II Church, which I have always felt falls short of what the Catholic Church was since the time of Christ.  I recognize that the Second Vatican Council virtually turned the Church upside down…


The grace of God has assisted me in retaining the Truth in my heart so that I might recognize the ways in which I have drifted away.  I am thinking that the best way to stay on the right path is to return to the roots of the Catholic Faith, which are undermined in every way by the "Church" today.


Thank you for your attention….


In Christ,




Chinese New Year


Dear Bros Dimond

Thank you for your informative website. While it's a difficult position to hold to, especially when I can't really find anyone interested in the truth, your daily quote on spirituality and doctrine has been most helpful.

I would like to know if it's right to attend family gatherings for Chinese New Year celebration.  My relatives are non Catholics, and this is the only time that we usually meet. Though I do not join in their pagan worship nor eat food offered to devils, I feel it's a kind of passive attendance you mentioned in one of your articles.



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  We pointed out that passive attendance at non-Catholic funerals and weddings is not acceptable for a Catholic.  Can one passively attend non-Catholic funerals, weddings?  No.   We would say the same thing about participating in the Chinese New Year: a Catholic should avoid doing so.


“Father” Gruner


Dear Dimond Brothers,


I was going through the Spring 2008 issue of the Fatima Crusader and couldn't help noticing what a complete phony Gruner is.  The front cover reads, "Our Lady visits Her priests in India".  Gruner plays up to the Novus Ordo.  By all evidence these people are members of the Vatican II sect.  Almost all of the pictures in the magazine are of Gruner attending conferences with these people and/or praying with them.  Notably, in the centerfold, there is a picture of him standing in front of the Novus Ordo altar, which is really just a table, with several Novus Ordo clergy and laymen.  This absolutely proves that Gruner is in communion with the Vatican II sect and Antipope Benedict XVI.  Oh, on page 50 there is a picture of the phony Sister Lucy.  She bears absolutely no resemblance to the younger real Sister Lucy.  And of course in the back there is a picture of Antipope Benedict XVI with a petition to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  As far as I know, Gruner has never stated in his magazine that these Novus Ordo people who he is in communion with, must abandon the New Mass.  Of course there is no mention of Antipope Benedict XVI's numerous heresies and acts of apostasy.




MHFM: Yes, he’s pathetic.  He’s utterly pathetic.  He’s undoubtedly a heretic.  Not only is he a heretic for obstinately considering manifest heretics (the Vatican II hierarchy) to be Catholics, but he’s an outrageous hypocrite.  What you have noticed is an example of the disgusting phoniness which typifies him.  He tries to have the best of both worlds because he doesn’t stand for God or the truth, but what’s best for him. 


He gives the impression that he’s with traditionalists who reject or oppose the Vatican II sect, yet claims approval from and communion with the Vatican II hierarchy.  He claims to denounce the ecumenism of the Vatican II sect, yet (as you mention) puts pictures of all of these people (who are in communion with this false ecumenism) as if they are true Catholics and as if he is in communion with them. 


He claims to accept the phony “Sister Lucy” because he doesn’t want to upset people, but then dismisses almost everything she said in favor of the post-Vatican II false line on Fatima.  He claims she was silenced and misrepresented.  This is absurd because the impostor Sr. Lucy’s endorsement of the false line on Fatima is a fact.  It was proven at Fatima, on television, on May 13, 2000.


Therefore, either 1) the true Sr. Lucy endorsed the Vatican’s false version of the “Third Secret” and the Vatican’s false interpretation of it, or 2) there was a false Sr. Lucy put in place after Vatican II.  Those are the only two options.  Honest Catholics know that the latter is the truth.  Everyone who rejects the Vatican’s “Third Secret” must hold the latter position.  But Gruner bends over backwards to have it both ways and thus he perverts the truth.  He claims that she was the real Sr. Lucy, but was “silenced” and misrepresented.  This enables him to avoid shaking up the Novus Ordo crowd, while disagreeing with the Vatican II sect’s position on Fatima.


Similarly, he claims that the Third Secret has yet to be revealed.  At the same time, however, he doesn’t denounce the Vatican’s (phony) version of the “Third Secret” as fraudulent!  Wow, that’s amazing.  Surely the Devil came up with that one.  There actually are two texts, you see… This allows him to not accept the Vatican’s phony Third Secret, while at the same time not accuse them of fraud!  Isn’t that great!  They just didn’t give all of it to us, you see…. What nonsense… What lies…  What pathetic distortions…


He claimed to denounce the Assisi-like abomination at the Fatima shrine, but at the same time he promoted John Paul II.  John Paul II was the one who, by his promotion of false ecumenism, was responsible for the very false ecumenism that occurred at Fatima.  John Paul II was the one who was leading the charge of apostasy, yet Gruner gave the impression that John Paul II was the light who was warning people about bad bishops!


“Fr.” Gruner, “God Have Mercy on us all,” Fatima Crusader 71: “To put that statement in plain English, Pope John Paul II is saying as follows: Do not follow the one-third of the Cardinals, one-third of the Catholic bishops, and one-third of the Catholic priests, who have been dragged down by the devil from their exalted position of leading the faithful to Heaven.  In other words, the Holy Father is telling us what the Message of Fatima is warning us about today. That is that one-third of the clergy (who are the stars of Heaven) have been dragged down by the devil and his co-workers — the Masons, communists, homosexual networks — and are now working for the devil himself; not for God, not for the Church of Christ, but for the devil.”


The point you mention about the New Mass is crucial.  It’s one of his most egregious sins of omission.  He never warns these people that they must not attend the invalid New Mass.  He endorses attendance at the New Mass in two ways: 1) by omission, his failure to tell people they must not go; and 2) by his promotion of the heretical Vatican II clergy who accept it.  The example you have given is a case in point of number 2.  Yet, his colleague “Fr.” Paul Leonard Kramer has given talks about why the New Mass cannot be considered valid.  Kramer even told one of us that he considers it of highly doubtful validity.  Think about that.  Gruner’s good friend and co-worker considers the New Mass to be gravely doubtful.  (Catholic teaching is that a sacrament that is gravely doubtful is considered invalid.)  That means that it must be avoided under pain of grave sin.  Yet Gruner doesn’t say anything, and gives the opposite impression. 


He won’t get away with his heresies, compromises, and sins of omission and commission before God.


1.    There was also the outrageous nonsense which his organization promoted with regard to Mother Angelica and EWTN.  This is discussed here: A review of EWTN: A Network Gone Wrong.  Once again, all of this was a calculated attempt to have the best of both worlds and to compromise.


Trent on Consecration


I am arguing with a V-2 apologist. He insists that the Catechism of the Council of Trent and the canons of the Council of Trent say that the only words necessary to confect the sacrament of the Eucharist are "For this is my body" and "For this is my blood" What are the canons and sessions of the Council of Trent that deal with the Eucharist? And my Trent Catechism has all the words of consecration on p. 238 for the wine which says he is wrong. I would appreciate the help.
Kenneth Connelly


MHFM: A number of Vatican II “apologists” make the very claims you are asking about.  At the same time, they purport to be knowledgeable and to be able to “refute” people such as ourselves.  Yet, what they are saying on this matter is outrageously false. 


First, regarding the claim that the Council of Trent says that only “For this is my body” and “For this is my blood” are necessary for the consecration, it’s simply not true. 


The Council of Trent makes no mention whatsoever of the words of consecration.  The words of consecration are not addressed in the Council of Trent.  It has a Decree on the Eucharist in Session 13, and a Decree on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Session 22.  Neither one mentions the words of consecration.  Considering that the Council of Trent didn’t even mention the words of consecration, it obviously did not teach that only “For this is my body” and “For this is my blood” are necessary for the consecration. 


There is only one general or ecumenical council in Catholic history which mentions the words of consecration.  It’s not the Council of Trent, but the Council of Florence.  The Council of Florence says that all the words – not just “For this is my body” and “For this is my blood” – are part of the consecration.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Cantate Domino, 1441: “…the holy Roman Church, relying on the teaching and authority of the apostles Peter and Paul… uses this form of words in the consecration of the Lord's Body: FOR THIS IS MY BODY. And of His blood: FOR THIS IS THE CHALICE OF MY BLOOD, OF THE NEW AND ETERNAL TESTAMENT: THE MYSTERY OF FAITH, WHICH SHALL BE SHED FOR YOU AND FOR MANY UNTO THE REMISSION OF SINS." (Denz. 715)


Second, regarding the claim that the Catechism of Trent also teaches that only “For this is my body” and “For this is my blood” are necessary, it’s again the opposite of the truth.  The Catechism of the Council of Trent says that all the words are part of the form, and that the words “for all” were NOT used in the form of consecration with good reason! 


The Catechism of the Council of Trent, On the Form of the Eucharist, p. 227: "The additional words for you and for many, are taken, some from Matthew, some from Luke, but were joined together by the Catholic Church under the guidance of the Spirit of God.  They serve to declare the fruit and advantage of His Passion.  For if we look to its value, we must confess that the Redeemer shed His Blood for the salvation of all; but if we look to the fruit which mankind has received from it, we shall easily find that it pertains not unto all, but to many of the human race.  When therefore (our Lord) said: For you, He meant either those who were present, or those chosen from among the Jewish people, such as were, with the exception of Judas, the disciples with whom He was speaking.  When He added, And for many, He wished to be understood to mean the remainder of the elect from among the Jews and Gentiles.  WITH REASON, THEREFORE, WERE THE WORDS FOR ALL NOT USED, as in this place the fruits of the Passion are alone spoken of, and to the elect only did His Passion bring the fruit of salvation."


Thus, the Vatican II “apologist” couldn’t be more wrong.  The fact that more than one Vatican II “apologist” is spreading these outrageous falsehoods tells us that they are probably repeating arguments which they’ve heard from one another.  They are so unfamiliar with the issues involved, however, that they haven’t discovered their mistake.


More on Halloween


About 4 years ago (maybe even 5), I learned from your website that a Catholic cannot participate in Halloween.  So, that first Halloween, I wasn't sure if my kids would complain, or be upset, or cry.....but they didn't...they didn't even care....or notice for that matter.  (And they like having fun just like any other kid).  And every Halloween after, the only reason my kids know it's Halloween, is because of the appalling Halloween decorations around.  (The dummies hung from trees, corpses coming out from graves, orange tree lights, etc....)
But I wanted to share something with you that I found interesting.  Over the past month, lots of people have asked my kids "What are they going to be for Halloween" My oldest son always answers for everyone else and says "We don't do that".... Here's what is interesting....everyone who reacts terribly to his answer, seems to be over the age of 45.  They give me the most horrifying look and it shocks me each time....like I am the worst mother.  One 60 year old lady the other day said, "What do you mean you don't do that"....and my son said "we don't celebrate Halloween"....she glares at me and says "Well, I ALWAYS let MY children go and they LOVED it.  It's for the children, you know"  Then she walks away...I wanted to ask her, "is it for the children or you old people?  You seem to be more upset than they are."...but she scurried away too fast. 
But (and I am not exaggerating) anyone under 40 who asks them, and are given the same answer from my son, will say something like "good for you....I am terrible, I shouldn't let my kids go."  And, I have spoken to quite a few different moms my age (and not traditional Catholic) that don't let their kids go either.
Anyway....thank you for your very sound Catholic advice.  I wasn't spared from this atrocity in my childhood, but my kids are (thanks to the Good God through the Rosary).  One last thing, when I first learned that we can't celebrate Halloween, I told a 65 year old sedevacantist...who obviously is a false traditionalist, she said "that's ridiculous....you sound like a 7th day adventist.....it's just for fun...you are too extreme."   I hate the way false traditionalists throw around the word "extreme".  It's the only word they can come up with when they don't have an honest way to refute the truth.
Thanks again, and May God reward you through Mary, the Mother of Mercy!

Bible on Praying to Saints


I would like to know where in the Word of God we are taught to pray to angels and saints. Jesus taught His disciples to pray to the Father in His name, not even in the name of Mary. I noted that one of your articles has Pope Leo XIII (?) praying to Michael the archangel. We are told in Hebrews 1 that angels are ministering spirits and that the Lord Jesus is superior to them and He must be the focus of our prayers… The Lord Jesus Christ is the One Mediator between God and man according to I Timothy 2:5. You are condemning your fellow Catholics but you seem to be very much in error yourself.


A. Horsford


MHFM: No, all Catholic teachings are in total harmony with the teaching of the Bible.  You really should listen to this audio, which answers your question: The Bible on Praying to and Venerating Saints [New 53 min. audio].


“Jehova’s Witnesses”


Dear Brothers,


In view of your writing a book on the Bible proving Catholic Teaching, here are a few things I have found helpful when escaping from the Jehovah’s Witnesses (and in deprogramming since), who are famously Sola Scriptura and Anti-Catholic:


1.  John 10:18 ‘No man taketh it away from me: but I lay it down of myself, and I have power to lay it down: and I have power to take it up again. This commandment have I received of my Father.’


This is absolutely crucial because it demolishes 5 of the major errors of the JW’s in one go:


A) The Divinity of Christ - Only God can raise the dead and so Christ must be God.

B) The Holy Trinity - If Christ is God, then He is also the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, since he was conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Father from all eternity, etc. 

C) The Immortality of the Soul - if Christ was unconscious when dead, which is what the JW’s teach is the state of the dead, then he could not have raised himself.

D) The Resurrection of Christ’s Physical Body - is the foundation of our faith (1 Cor. 15:14,17) and could not have occurred without Christ being 100% God and having an immortal soul so as to be conscious of raising himself (the JW’s teach a Physical Resurrection only for those who will ‘enjoy’ life on earth forever. They teach that those who go to Heaven are only spiritually resurrected, including Christ!).

E) The Existence of Hell – Christ’s decent into Limbo proves Hell’s existence because Limbo is a part of Hell.  Also Christ must have an immortal soul to have done so and he must also be God to have escaped from there with the ‘captive’ Fathers!!!


Of course, other scriptures support all of these issues as well, but this is the only one I know of that flattens all five in one go because it explicitly ties up Christ’s ability to control his own death and Physical Resurrection, and implicitly witnesses to his Divinity (and hence his Person of the Trinity) and descent into Hell (Limbo)…


No doubt you have all bases covered, but if not, I hope these can help.


God Bless,

Kit White


P.S. I was officially a JW for 3 years (‘studied’ with them on and off prior to that over about 4-5 years). For 18 months of that, morning and night (30 mins each), I would read their Bible in an ‘undertone’ (out loud but softly) - this was not a Watchtower recommended practice; just my own. This gave me a very sore throat but also a fairly good general knowledge of the Bible. Having read out loud, I was forced to think very carefully about what I was reading and so retained much more detail than if I had simply mentally read it.


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We also have this file, Where does the Bible teach that Jesus is God?, which is geared toward “Jehova’s Witnesses” and other people who reject the Trinity and the Divinity of Jesus Christ.


Confession and Purgatory Audio now available


MHFM: Our audio programs which prove that the Bible teaches Confession to a Priest, Purgatory, Baptismal Regeneration and Infant Baptism have been combined into one audio cassette.  It is now available for order.


You can order the audio here: The Bible teaches Confession to a Priest, Purgatory, Baptismal Regeneration and Infant Baptism


The prices are 1 copy for $2.00; 15 for $10.00; 25 for $15.00; 50 for $27.00; 100 for $35.00.


The tape is over 1 hr. and 30 minutes in length.  People can also order by calling or sending in their order.


Is Masturbation a Mortal Sin?


When that John guy sent the E-Exchange about self-love, does that mean masturbation?  Does it exclusively mean that?  Would praying the Rosary daily abolish all temptation to touch yourself?  Or would the temptation still be there, but your love of God will be stronger and thus you will not be able to bring yourself to crucify Him again no matter how strong an urge to do such a thing? 


MHFM: We regret that we have to address these issues.  However, due to the fact that we have received a high number of queries on this issue, it must be addressed.  Since so many are coming out of mortal sin and are convincing themselves that certain things are not sins, we must preach against those sins with some specificity lest people perish in their ignorance. 


Masturbation is definitely a mortal sin.  Those who took the time to read our recently-posted article against Justification by Faith Alone [PDF FILE] should have noticed a point which concerns this issue.  There are about three places where St. Paul gives a list of some of the main mortal sins which exclude people from Heaven.  These lists do not comprise every mortal sin, of course, but some of the main ones.  Well, it always puzzled many people exactly what is being referred to in the following passages by the sin of “uncleanness” and “effeminacy.”  St. Paul says that these sins exclude people from Heaven.  Does “effeminacy” refer to acting like a homosexual?  What does “uncleanness” refer to?


Galatians 5:19-21- “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”


1 Corinthians 6:9-11- “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.  And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”


Ephesians 5:5-8- “For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.  Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.  Be not ye therefore partakers with them.  For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:”


Well, some time back one of us came across the following point in St. Thomas Aquinas.  St. Thomas Aquinas identifies masturbation as the biblical “uncleanness” and “effeminacy.”


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. II-II, Q. 154, A. 11: “I answer that, As stated above (A6,9) wherever there occurs a special kind of deformity whereby the venereal act is rendered unbecoming, there is a determinate species of lust. This may occur in two ways: First, through being contrary to right reason, and this is common to all lustful vices; secondly, because, in addition, it is contrary to the natural order of the venereal act as becoming to the human race: and this is called "the unnatural vice." This may happen in several ways. First, by procuring pollution, without any copulation, for the sake of venereal pleasure: this pertains to the sin of "uncleanness" which some call "effeminacy." Secondly, by copulation with a thing of undue species, and this is called "bestiality." Thirdly, by copulation with an undue sex, male with male, or female with female, as the Apostle states (Romans 1:27): and this is called the "vice of sodomy." Fourthly, by not observing the natural manner of copulation, either as to undue means, or as to other monstrous and bestial manners of copulation.”


Thus, not only is masturbation a mortal sin, but it’s a mortal sin which is identified in three different places in Scripture as one which excludes from the Kingdom of God.  It’s also classified by St. Thomas as one of the sins against nature, for it corrupts the order intended by God.  That’s probably why it’s called “effeminacy.”  Though it’s not the same as the abomination of Sodomy, it’s disordered and unnatural.  We believe that this sin – since it’s contrary to nature and is classified as “effeminacy” and “the unnatural vice” – is the cause of some people being given over to unnatural lusts (homosexuality).


Therefore, people who are committing this sin need to cease the evil immediately and, when prepared, make a good confession.  If people are really struggling in this area, then they are not near the spiritual level where they need to be.   God’s grace is there for them; but they need to pray more, pray better, avoid the occasions of sin and exercise their wills.  They need to consistently pray the 15-decade Rosary (i.e. daily).  They need to put out more effort spiritually and then it shouldn’t be a problem.


We have made this response a “Frequently Asked Question,” and it is accessible from our “Many Other Topics” section.


Kiss of Apostasy


John Paul II kissing the Koran is apostasy and anyone with an ounce of Catholic faith should be able to see that.  However, when bringing this up with people who don't have that ounce (novus ordos) I am thinking of using this argument.  In one of the Gospels Jesus says "you betray the Son of man with a kiss".  Jesus tells us that by A KISS he was betrayed.  JP2 betrays him with a kiss also.  What do you think?




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Without question kissing the Koran was a very significant act of apostasy.  However, we believe that there is a more precise application to the betrayal with a kiss by the Antichrist antipopes of the Vatican II sect.  We believe it applies to Paul VI’s first major “ecumenical” event in 1964.  On January 5, 1964, the schismatic Patriarch Athenagoras (leader of “Orthodox” schismatics) met with Antipope Paul VI on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.  This was extremely significant because it was the first major “ecumenical” event which the world covered; it was sort of the “breakthrough” for all the apostasy and acts of indifferentism which would follow.  In that event, Paul VI exchanged a “kiss of peace” with the schismatic patriarch in Jerusalem.  We believe that represented the modern version of Judas’ betrayal with a kiss [Luke 22:48].  Paul VI, a demonic antipope who was in possession of the Church’s buildings, etc., would be betraying Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church by the apostasy of the Vatican II sect.  This betrayal would occur principally with religious indifferentism and false ecumenism, and it began with a “kiss of peace.”




Dear Brothers,
I would like to share with others how the PRIDE some people have stands in the way of them accepting the Truth of the False Vatican 2 and its anti-popes.
Pride is really the root of all evil and sin.  After I received the material with the dvds and books on your website I wanted to share this with my mother and I think everyone deserves to know the truth no matter how hard or impossible it may seem to be.  I can't get through to her and even she saw the books in front of her face and all the evidence she did not even want to accept to read them.  I told her all the truth about why I don't go to mass anymore(false mass that is)and why I keep saying ben16 is the false pope that their religion is not catholic...is in the book "what happened to the Catholic Church" and "outside the Church ther is no salvation" the proof is in there and  she still refuses to read the material.  Pride=stubborness=bad wil=sins of the faith.  I knew she would reject the material and say it's diobolic and she continued to hurt me by saying I am crazy for saying that Ben16 is a false pope. She said how can that be... I said "read the Book!"  Then I reminded her of the words of Notre-Dame de la salette.  She didn't say a word.  I hurt too much her pride.  She got angry and insulted me again.  I said to her that she was of bad will and one cannot please God without faith.  I am frustrated and now I think we won't be talking for awhile.  I believe there is nothing more I can do.  She is too stubborn and proud of her false faith.  It's like half traditional and half novus ordo.  Half with the devil half with God.  Sister Lucy said we had to choose one side.  My mother does many traditional devotions and acts: prays the rosary, communes on the tongue, goes to confession, wears the scapular, prays for the souls in purgatory, but beside that she attends the false mass, goes to the Legion of Mary, keeps telling she stopped going to protestant services and then goes again....It looks like confusion with a capital C.  So lost and I feel sorry for her and I do really love her, but I strive to love God more and his TRUTH.  Will my mother go to purgatory or hell...even if she wears the scapular and prays the rosary and offers sacrifices, practices the first Saturdays and first Fridays, gives to the poor.  I need your prayers for my mother.  Thank you and I hope I will hear from you.  I am really hurt by my mother's insults please console me brothers and my God.
Pat from Québec persevering to stay among the few.(thanks to you)
God bless


MHFM:  Thanks for the interest.  Unfortunately, she will go to Hell if she continues on her present path.  There is nothing more that you can do for her.  Some people are just of bad will and refuse to see the truth.




Hey brothers I'd like to hear what you have to say about Halloween.  Do you think this is a festival which Catholics should be a part of or is it nothing but pagan in origin?


MHFM: Yes, it’s definitely pagan in origin.  It involves people dressing up as evil spirits and the like.  It’s definitely not something in which any Catholic can take part.  We find it interesting that the day on which Halloween is celebrated (Oct. 31) – the day on which the evil spirits are supposed to come out – not only is the day before All Saints’ Day, but the very day on which Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses (Oct. 31, 1517). 


This posting of the 95 Theses represented the beginning of the Protestant revolution.  It’s as if Martin Luther’s act of revolution – which certainly released a torrent of evil and brought out devils – is being unwittingly commemorated by the modern world on Oct. 31 (the day dedicated to the coming out of the devils); or that Luther was inspired by Satan to make his stand against the true Church on the very day which represented the releasing of the devils. 




Dear Brothers,


Thank you again for all the materials I've received from you.

Walt Brown's "In the Beginning" is a 'must have' (I consider it one of the most important books I have), and I love the debate with Mr. Golle.  I live in Toronto… Thank you.


God bless,




Blessed Sacrament


Dear Brothers in Christ,


I have been following your website with interest and find myself in a spiritual conflict as I'm sure many other readers are. I was a Catholic convert in the  late fifties early sixties which I believe was before the Novus Ordo and preVatican II Council changes. Although I have been away from the church for a while I do have a strong attachment and defense of my Catholic faith and early Latin traditions. I was taught by Jesuits in High school and like some young adults strayed away from the faith for a while. I have stopped going to Mass recently since I believe it is the Novus Ordo style. However I have always had a strong devotion to spending time before the Blessed Sacrament and Forty Hours Devotion and I used to be involved in this in my Parish church until recently after I became aware of your website.


What is your view on this devotion and should one continue this in a Novus Ordo Church since by your teachings it is not a truly consecrated Host. ? What should one do ? I pray the Rosary but I found my greatest comfort being in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Is there any alternative ? I feel lost. 



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  The New Mass is definitely invalid.  It doesn’t have the form of consecration.  You should watch our video on the issue or read this file: The Liturgical Revolution: A New Mass [PDF File].  Thus, you certainly should not visit what is falsely deemed to be the Blessed Sacrament in those churches; for Jesus is not present there.  Please consult our file on where to go to Mass and contact us.

Consecration of Russia Argument


Brothers Michael & Peter Dimond ,

As I was reading this morning I came across a passage in Amos that corraboates what you were saying concerning the "conversion of Russia" in the message of Fatima.

You stated that "conversion" does not mean a converting to the Catholic Faith.  Amos 1:3 says, "Thus saith the Lord: For three crimes of Damascus, and for four I will not convert it:  because they have thrashed Galaad with iron wains". 

The foot notes say (Douay Rheims version) "That is, for their many unrepented of crimes. - Ibid.  I will not convert it .  That is, I will not spare them, nor turn away the punishments I design to inflict upon them".

Therefore If He will not convert them meaning He will not withhold the punishments:  Likewise when Heaven (through Mary) says Russia will be converted if... then He is saying He will withhold the punishments He designed.

Thought you would like to see this

Paul Smith
St Philomena pray for us


MHFM: Yes, we were aware of that.  There are numerous examples one could use, but the one from Proverbs corresponds to Our Lady’s words most precisely.  Everything fits with the fact that Pope Pius XII did the Consecration of Russia, as the response to the next e-mail will point out again.



Dear Most Holy Family Monastery


I read the article on Our Lady of Fatima and the conversion of Russia. I don't agree with your, interpretation of the message. You quote Proverbs and compare to Mary's words. In Proverbs convert and peace are one sentence. In Mary's message convert and peace are two separate sentences. Throughout Church History, the Church has had to face many Heresies. The Arian Heresy brought down more than 80 percent of the Bishops. Every age, the devil has raised his ugly head to battle the Church. It is no different in our own age. Satan chose Russia to be it's battleground against the Church in our time. " I will put enmities between thee and the Woman and thou shall lie in wait for her to crush thy head". You say that Satan has triumphed and won the battle. I believe Our Lady's words are true. The devil used Russia to battle the Church and Our Lady will convert it and triumph over Satan's proud head. Russia will be instrumental in restoring the damage done by Satan. Through the centuries and Old Testament times, God permitted  punishments  for long periods of time, many cases  lasting more than a hundred years. God will restore the Church in His own time and I still believe that Mary will play a part in her triumph over Satan. Thank You


 May The Infant Jesus of Prague Bless You

 Philip Schwebs


MHFM: Sir, you are not correct.  Many people refuse to look at the facts on this issue with an open mind.  They refuse to look at the issue calmly and rationally because they have been brainwashed into an emotional attachment on this matter.  They are emotionally attached to the idea that the conversion of all of Russia to the Catholic faith (and a worldwide restoration) is in our future, even though there is nothing which proves that.  This would include you.  You are so brainwashed, in fact, that you falsely assert that we are stating that Our Lady’s words are not true.  On the contrary, you simply don’t understand what she said. 


Proverbs 16:7- “When the ways of man shall please the Lord, He will convert even his enemies to peace.”


Our Lady: “If they listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace.”


The quote from Proverbs definitely parallels Our Lady’s words.  Your argument doesn’t hold up.  Though the structure is not exactly the same, one can see the clear parallel.  Your argument is equivalent to saying that because Jesus says to St. Peter (in Matthew 16) that he will give him the “keys” to the Kingdom of Heaven, that cannot be compared to Isaias 22:22 because in Isaias it says “key,” not “keys.”  Similarly, because Jesus says to Peter: “whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven,” it cannot be compared to Isaias 22 (according to your argument) because the language is not exactly the same.  In Isaias 22 it says: “so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.”


Matthew 16:18- “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”


Isaias 22:22- “And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.”


But there is no doubt that Jesus’ words to St. Peter are structured along the words of Isaias 22, even though they are not exactly the same.  Basically every professing-Catholic who addresses this issue agrees that Matthew 16:18 is structured on Isaias 22:22.  There is also a parallel between Proverbs 16:7 and Our Lady’s words.  It certainly shows that God uses the word “convert” sometimes to signify something other than a religious conversion – a conversion of a hostile enemy to a more peaceful posture.  The bottom line is that what Our Lady meant by conversion is demonstrated from the following facts, which are elaborated upon in our article:


Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite, The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 2, p. 465: “Let us point out right away that in 1930, in two letters to Father Goncalves, Sister Lucy was to express in a slightly different manner the requests of Heaven… [Sister Lucy]: ‘The good Lord promises to end the persecution in Russia, if the Holy Father will himself make a solemn act of reparation and consecration of Russia to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as well as ordering all the bishops of the Catholic Church to do the same.  The Holy Father must then promise that upon the ending of this persecution he will approve and recommend the practice of the reparatory devotion already described.’”[5]


So, according to Sr. Lucy, the message at Tuy that Our Lord will “save” Russia means that the Lord promises to “end the persecution in Russia,” thus corroborating the point that there is no evidence that Heaven ever promised that Russia would be converted to the Catholic Faith.  We find the same thing in another vision that Our Lord granted to Sr. Lucy in 1940:


Our Lord to Sr. Lucy, Oct. 22, 1940: “I will punish the nations for their crimes by means of war, famine and persecution of My Church and this will weigh especially upon My Vicar on earth.  His Holiness will obtain an abbreviation of these days of tribulation if he takes heed of My wishes by promulgating the Act of Consecration of the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with a special mention of Russia.”[6]


The consecration of Russia will “obtain an abbreviation” of the tribulation that is caused by the persecutions of Russia, perfectly coinciding with our point about what Our Lady meant by the “conversion” of Russia.  Most importantly, however, we can see what Our Lady meant in context by the conversion of Russia in a careful consideration of her words on July 13. 


The war is going to end.  But if they do not stop offending God, another and worse war will begin in the reign of Pius XI.  When you shall see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is a great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, of hunger, and of persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father.  To prevent this I come to ask the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays.  If they listen to my requests, Russia will be converted and there will be peace.  If not she will scatter her errors through the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church.  The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.  In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.  The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and it will be converted and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world.”


Notice, the consecration of Russia was specifically requested to prevent “war… hunger and persecution of the Church…”  This shows us how firmly set within this specific context Our Lady’s words were on the consecration of Russia – converting this enemy to peace from these persecutions of “war… hunger… of the Church.”  We consider this fact to be quite significant. 


So, as we can see, we have provided many strong points which favor our position on this issue.  Can you quote anything to favor your opinion, that she meant that the entire nation would convert to the Catholic faith?  The answer is no.


Everything fits with the fact that Pope Pius XII did it.  He did it “late,” just as Our Lord said he would, after Russia had already spread its errors and Communism had annihilated and engulfed a host of nations.  It would only grant a “certain” period of peace – which ended that horrible era – not a permanent period of peace.  And those who think that what did change in Russia – how it converted to a certain period of peace from its horrible and satanic era – was insignificant, demonstrate a callous ignorance to the horrible sufferings and the true nature of what was occurring in Russia and behind the Iron Curtain during that awful era. 


The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia

and the Impostor Sr. Lucy



Cardinal John O’Connor - Freemason


Dear Dimond Brothers

I don't know if you seen this photo but this guy is the Late Close Friend of Antipope John Paul 2 his name is John "Cardinal" O Conner.As you can see he is beside two freemasons.

Sean Keogan.


Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\News_Commentary_pictures\oconnor_with_masons.jpg

MHFM: Yes, it’s an interesting photo.  According to Malachi Martin, “Cardinal” O’Connor was a Freemason.  Malachi Martin was not reliable on doctrinal matters, but he seemed to be privy to that kind of information.  Certainly “Cardinal” O’Connor was a notorious apostate.  He said on national television that God was smiling on a person who abandoned Catholicism to become a Jew.  Thus, it wouldn’t be surprising if he had been a Freemason. 




I've been reading your site off and on for a while now.  You have so much information that is hard for me to digest. I didn't know there was so much difference in the RCC.  I'm having the hardest time wrapping my arms around the doctrine of no salvation outside of the Church.  I've not been taught faith in Christ is all a person needs for salvation.  I don't believe that gives a person the right to go out and live any way they want to.  I understand works are a witness of a person's faith in Christ.  The more I read on your sight, the more I question this teaching I've received.  Am I losing my mind?  Am I endanger of eternal hell fire?  Would you instruct me in this matter?  I really want to know the truth.





MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Christ only founded one Church.  That Church is the Catholic Church.  It's necessary for your salvation to belong to it.  Justification by faith alone is false, as this new document we just posted proves:


A Definitive Refutation of Justification by Faith Alone [PDF FILE]


So, you need to accept the Catholic faith to be saved.  Also, I would recommend that you begin to pray the Rosary and listen to the other information we have regarding Protestantism on our website.  Please obtain a rosary from us.




Dear Brothers,


I can't get over your website. It is so thorough and factual.


I've written another little saying; it's based on the three 'triple' sayings :The Way the Truth and the Life, Faith, Hope and Charity and Spirit, Water and the Blood. I was wondering one day if the three are connected in any way:


The Way of the Spirit is Faith

The Truth of the Water is Hope

The Life of the Blood is Charity


I'm not sure if there is much to it; just interesting! (That is the order they all appear in Holy Scripture; e.g. not hope, faith charity!)


The truth about water baptism being the only means of entry into the Catholic Church has indeed given me hope!


God Bless,


Kit White


MHFM: Yes, there is truth in the point you have made.  When one is convinced of the truth about the necessity of water baptism, it provides a solidity to the faith.  That solidity – that unshaken confidence in the realities of the faith – begets zeal and hope.  Numerous people have commented to us that, once they became convinced of it, their entire outlook changed. 


Benedict XVI on the limited permission for the traditional Mass


… on a flight from Rome to Paris, Benedict XVI commented on the SP:


"This 'motu proprio' is simply an act of tolerance, with a pastoral objective, for people who have been formed in this liturgy, who love it, know it and want to live with this liturgy. It is a small group, given that it presupposes a formation in Latin, a formation in a certain culture. But it seems to me a normal demand of faith and pastoral concern for a bishop of our Church to have love and tolerance for these people and permit them to live with this liturgy.

There is no opposition whatsoever between the liturgy renewed by the Second Vatican Council and this liturgy. Each day, the Council fathers celebrated Mass according to this old rite and, at the same time, have conceived a natural development for the liturgy in all of this century, since the liturgy is a living reality that develops and that conserves its identity in its development.

Therefore, there are certainly distinct accents, but a fundamental identity that excludes a contradiction, an opposition between the renewed liturgy and the preceding liturgy. I think that there is the possibility of mutual enrichment. It's clear that the renewed liturgy is the ordinary liturgy of our times."


This proves what you said in your DVD about Benedict XVI when you said, "Don't be fooled in he grants a universal indult for the Latin Mass."  Even JPII probably wouldn't have been so stupid as to make a remark about Traditional Catholics like that!


-Michael Rudnicki


MHFM: Yes, it’s definitely a calculated move to deceive “conservatives.”  It’s one that he could afford to make simply because the apostasy is already well in place, most of the priests are invalid, and it won’t have much of an impact.




[This comment concerns the recent comments on the discussion with the Protestant about faith alone.]


Dear Bro Michael and Peter Dimond,


The second comment sums it up precisely...why was he so upset if he truly believed he was saved?  His 'apple cart was upset a little', me thinks; not only his  false human pride, but his delicate stomach, which by the way a little Alka Selsa for the latter is known to cure in most cases.


Another David




St. Francis Solanus


MHFM: We have added the following file, containing a prayer to St. Francis Solanus and some interesting quotes about his life.  This file is accessible from our “Spiritual Issues” section. If you don’t already practice devotion to a saint or a few saints, consider adding St. Francis Solanus and this prayer to him.  It’s very effective for both temporal and spiritual needs to invoke the saints.  We consider him to be very powerful.


Prayer to St. Francis Solanus, Apostle to South America [Also interesting quotes on his miracles]


Below are some interesting quotes on his life, including one on Baptism.


St. Francis Solanus (Apostle to South America)


St. Francis Solanus lived from 1549 to 1610.  He was a Spanish Franciscan missionary to South America.  Though he is not well-known in the United States, he is indeed to be classified among the extraordinary saints.  He was gifted with an abundance of miracles.   He converted and baptized many natives and explored uncultivated regions.


Prayer to him:


“O powerful St. Francis Solanus, thou who explored and evangelized in the wilds of South America, please assist me in the wilds of this world and obtain for me, through our Lord Jesus Christ, the grace I ask of thee.  Amen.”


(Specify your petition and then say one Hail Mary in honor of St. Francis Solanus)


Description: St. Francis Solanus


St. Francis Solanus miraculously heals the mangled face of a five-year-old girl and raises her to life: “…the five year-old Maria Monroy had fallen from the second story of her parents’ home.  An iron latticework, which she had dragged down with her in the fall, had put out one of the nina’s eyes, destroyed her face, and split her skull.  When picked up, she was dead.  The desperate screams of the grief-crazed mother immediately brought the entire neighborhood to the scene; but nothing anyone could do or say served to console the woman or assuage the shock incurred when she had first glimpsed the ruin of her baby’s head and features. 

     “Above the bed of the dead child there hung a likeness of Fray Francisco [St. Francis Solanus].  Only when the mother’s eyes lifted to this picture was she somewhat calmed.  Beginning to pray before it, she experienced a sudden wild hope.  Loudly she demanded that someone bring her oil from Padre Solano’s lamps – at once!  It must have seemed quite hopeless to the numerous onlookers, but to pacify the poor mother, this was done, and the oil was applied to the broken little face and head.  The miracle which followed worked instantaneously!  The eye returned to its orbit, the break in the head closed, and little Maria returned to life with the exclamation, ‘Jesus, remain with me!’” (Fanchon Royer, St. Francis Solanus – Apostle to America, St. Anthony Guild Press, Patterson, N.J., 1955, p. 187.)


St. Francis Solanus miraculously crosses a river: “The river was wide and there was no boat to carry him to the opposite shore.  How happy were his Indians in their belief that, for this reason, they would have their padre with them a little longer.  But he, it seems, was hearing the voices which cried to him from the other side.  For a last time he exhorted his dear Indios to persevere in seeking God’s grace, in the Faith, and in love of neighbor; and he gave them his blessing.  Then, lifting up his eyes to heaven, he was elevated to ecstasy.  He now spread his mantle upon the water and embarked upon it without fear, and thus passed over to the opposite shore, leaving those who had accompanied him as far as the river in the extreme of astonishment.” (Fanchon Royer, St. Francis Solanus – Apostle to America, St. Anthony Guild Press, Patterson, N.J., 1955, p. 117.)


His extraordinary travels: “The diligent apostle did not content himself with ministering to his own converts, the Christian thousands about Socotonio and Magdalena.  As soon as he was confident that their feet were firmly placed upon the Christian path of life, he set his own to another immense tour which, owing to the rigors of the terrain which he chose to penetrate, was to prove a classic chapter in the marvelous epic of record-breaking travel and spiritual adventure… while evangelizing and instructing the natives he might encounter in the great wastes that stretched between the heroically founded stations.  But this tour was so largely devoted to the Gran Chaco that one imagines he must have known from the start that this vast, still almost completely unexplored region was the prize for which he would contest – alone and totally unsupplied with provisions of any sort.” (Fanchon Royer, St. Francis Solanus – Apostle to America, St. Anthony Guild Press, Patterson, N.J., 1955, p. 111.)


Witnesses to his miracles: “…eight hundred witnesses had presented themselves to testify under oath to the saint’s prodigies.  Among these, five hundred and twenty were Limenos.  The list included prelates, savants, physicians, army officers of high rank, religious, and ladies of prominent social standing.  Also a witness was the temporal ruler of them all, the Marques de Montesclaros, Viceroy of Peru.” (Ibid, p. 183.)


St. Francis Solanus believed that no man is saved without Baptism.  In his life, there is a story about a ship on which he was traveling which came upon a terrible storm.  This ship contained many religious, as well as natives who had received some instruction from him but had not yet been baptized.  “They ran head into a violent hurricane.  Almost immediately the cumbersome wooden ship went out of control, to become a mere chip on the frantically churning seas… Water was now passing freely through the hold.  In the midst of the tempest’s fury, the ship was falling to pieces beneath them; and as there was but a single lifeboat aboard, the disaster could only mean death for the majority of the company… the Captain made all haste to get the Franciscans and some of the more prominent passengers over the side, that they might be given this one last slim chance of survival [on a lifeboat].  Seeing that Fray Franciso made no move to join his brothers in the boat, Juan de Morgana implored him to hurry.  There was space for but one more.  But the missionary had already decided that he could not leave his stricken Negritos [the natives] to die abandoned in their agony.  Who could say that he might not be granted the time to administer Baptism to some of them?... [He said]: ‘God will not allow me to save myself by leaving my poor brothers to lose not only the life of the body, but also that of the soul, which is eternal.’” (Ibid, p. 71.)


Thus, he clearly believed that they would not be saved without Baptism, despite the knowledge or “desire” they had.  So he risked his life to stay, to make sure they were convinced of the faith and baptized.  He immediately went to work.  “… imploring [God] for the time to complete his holy mission, the priest immediately went to work.  There were so many to whom he must administer the Sacrament [of Baptism], and under circumstances which almost anyone else would have found quite impossible!”  (Ibid, p. 73.)


As he continued to baptize, the ship was actually broken into two by the hurricane.  When the vessel had cleft in twain, Fray Francisco [St. Francis] was hastily baptizing his Negritos.  He barely looked up as he heard the noise… Quite naturally there were many who were still hysterical from fright and the misery of their half-submerged positions.  But Fray Francisco was perfectly calm; and as the fragment of the ship miraculously continued to stay afloat, one by one, the frightened men edged into their places before him and the crucifix still held high by an arm which should by now have broken beneath it.  In this manner the hours dragged on, and finally the Sacrament had actually been administered to all who wished to receive it.”  After days of struggling on the seas in the face of the hurricane, God intervened with a number of extraordinary events which allowed the vessels to survive.  (Ibid, pp. 70-77.)


New Document refuting Justification by Faith Alone


MHFM: This is a new document which will be part of an upcoming book which proves Catholic teaching from the Bible.


A Definitive Refutation of Justification by Faith Alone [PDF FILE]


In just 26 pages, see how the ideas of justification by faith alone and eternal security are completely contrary to the teaching of the Bible.  This file uses the King James Version to prove the point.  Just scroll through this file and look at all the proof.  The end of this file also responds in detail to common Protestant objections and passages which are frequently brought up.  It covers and refutes objections from passages which Protestants bring forward from Romans, etc. on “works of the law,” from Ephesians 2:8-9, from John 3:16, etc. 


This file will be found permanently in our “Refuting Protestantism” section.


Comments on Recent Discussion/Debate


Hi Brothers…


This last debate shows again clearly that pride causes one to be so sure they're correct that they deny truth which leads them to their salvation when they comply with Grace.


He'd clearly (through his pride) rather go to Hell then HEAVEN.  All while thinking in his pride he's saved.


You display patience, charity, & knowledge.  You have more concern for his soul than he does.







If a protestant revolutionary is once saved always saved then why was this same revolutionary's day ruined?...


MHFM: Yes, the fact that he said his day was ruined demonstrates, in our opinion, that deep down he was convicted and bothered by the scriptural evidence which refutes his false position.

I listened to your debate. I've never heard of someone who would divide the scripture like this guy did. Kind of reminds me of Nestorius, who divided Jesus. I had a about 1.5 hour debate with a friend of mine over justification by faith and/or works, and purgatory at 3 today. He had no answer to 1 John 5:16 in the argument over sin. I hope it gets him to think.
Kenneth Connelly


No Gay Priests


I also read your article about rampant homosexuality in the seminaries and I completely agree. I only have one question: are you saying that a gay man cannot become a priest even if he endeavors to live a celibate and holy life?


MHFM: Homosexuals should not be admitted to seminaries and should not be ordained, even if they are not “active.”  The inclination to homosexuality, even if it’s not acted out, is not natural.  It arises from mortal sin (see Romans 1 and our article on it).  Those who are afflicted with it are afflicted as a result of grave sin.  Homosexuals were rightly not admitted to seminaries before Vatican II.  If a homosexual happened to be ordained by someone in the traditional rite, then it would be valid, just like the ordination of heretics could be valid.  However, it would be illicit and displeasing to God.


In fact, if a real Catholic were somehow able to regain control of one of the Vatican II dioceses, one of his very first actions (after outlawing the New Mass, condemning Vatican II, etc.) would and should be to immediately bar all homosexuals from all seminaries and religious orders.  That, in itself, would do an immense amount of good and drastically reshape things.




Dear Brothers:


I barely remember the remnants of the Tridentine Mass from when i was 3 years old, and my parochial school days were steeped in Vatican II.  Now, at age 47, I find myself searching.


Please pray for me as a renew my dedication to the Rosary, which I have always struggled with.  At some point, I'd like to correspond in detail on what needs to change in my life.  I have a feeling that if you pray for my spirit to be more willing with the Rosary, a lot of other things will follow more easily.



T. D.


MHFM: We’re glad that you came across the information.  As you continue to consult it we think that what one needs to do in order to practice and believe the true Catholic faith will become clear for you.


Faith Alone Debate/Conversation


MHFM: This is an audio of a recent conversation one of us had with a Protestant who believes in Justification by faith alone and eternal security (i.e., “once saved always saved”).  He had called us and left a challenging message which essentially stated that we (as Catholics) reject the teaching of the Bible.  The recording begins during a discussion of some of the scriptures which refute his false position on justification.  This conversation is another illustration how Protestants, while they claim to be Bible-believing Christians, completely reject the clear teaching of the Bible.


Interesting Conversation with Faith-Alone Protestant [1 hr. and 5 min. audio]



This fellow happened to be a Dispensationalist-type of Protestant, with very strange and heretical views on how certain books of the New Testament (including the preaching of Jesus) are completely irrelevant to the post-Resurrection Christian.  Instead, they think that only St. Paul’s epistles deliver that actual Gospel which applies to Christians after the Resurrection.  (They like to use and focus on certain things from St. Paul because there is much in St. Paul that can be misunderstood by heretics.)  But, as this conversation shows, when their heretical position on justification is refuted even from St. Paul they still reject it and hold on to their heresy.


Sample Section and Discounts on UFO Book


MHFM: There are now discounted prices for our book on UFOs and a sample section of the book can be read here:


Read a sample section of the book here


Discounted Prices: For those in U.S.: 1 copy for $10.00; 15 copies for $12.00; 30 copies for $15.00; 75 copies for $20.00; 100 copies for $25.00; 260 copies for $30.00 - Prices include shipping

For those outside the U.S.: 1 copy for $20.00; 15 copies for $40.00; 100 copies for $60.00 - Prices include shipping.


Click here to order and to view all prices


Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Website_Pictures\ufo_front.jpgDescription: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Website_Pictures\ufo_back.jpg


Comment on UFO book


Dear brothers in Christ,

I've received your book on UFO. Although of small volume, its content is absolutely convincing. There is no doubt that UFO is a spiritual deception coming directly from Hell. I've just recalled that there is one (or even more) of Bayside "prophecies" which says basically the same thing---that the UFO is a Devil's deception. Knowing these "prophecies" are also Devil's deceptions it is interesting to note how Devil mocks the unbelieving people. We can see the same his strategy in the case when the antipope Paul VI. looks his fellow apostates right to their eyes and says that the Devil has entered the Church.  Of course, it didn't occur to those poor apostates that it is the very same Devil who speaks to them about devil entering the Church.

Thank you for this book on UFO, and all other books you produced.  They all have the same purpose--turn the poor people of these last times to the One and True Faith. May Our Saviour Jesus Christ have mercy on all poor people and open their eyes.

Be blessed in your valuable and worthy efforts through the help of our Holy Mother Mary.

Vladimir D., from Zagreb, Croatia


More on Self-Love


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter:


Below are some interesting quotes from St. Alphonsus concerning the dangers of self-love.  These relate to your most recent quote from St. Thomas Aquinas on inordinate self-love being the cause of every sin.  St. Alphonsus quotes St. Augustine, Blessed Angela of Foligno, St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi and others who have written on this topic.  I thought these quotes might be of interest to others.


St. Augustine writes, that two cities may be built up in the heart of a Christian; one by the love of God, the other by self-love… Thus, if the love of God reign within us, we will despise ourselves: if self-love reign, we will despise God.  But, in conquering self-love consists the victory to which shall be given a crown of eternal glory… Hence we must, during our whole life, zealously combat and conquer the evil inclinations which continually rise within us, as noxious weeds spring up in our gardens. (Serm. XLIX On the predominant passion, par. 6)


All bad passions spring from self-love.  This is, as Jesus Christ teaches all who wish to follow him, the principal enemy which we have to contend with; and this enemy we must conquer by self-denial.  “If any one shall come after me let him deny himself.” (Matt. xvi. 24.)  Unless we banish self-love from the heart the love of God cannot enter.  Blessed Angela of Foligno used to say, that she was more afraid of self-love than of the devil, because self-love has greater power than the devil to draw us into sin.  St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi used to say the same, as we read in her life: “Self-love is the greatest traitor we have to guard against.  Like Judas, it betrays us with a kiss.  He who conquers it conquers all enemies; he who does not conquer it is lost.” (Serm. XLIX On the predominant passion, par. 8)


Death, says St. Basil, is the reward which self-love gives its followers.  The wages of self-love is death; it is the beginning of every evil.  Self-love seeks not what is just and honourable, but what is agreeable to the senses.  Hence Jesus Christ has said: “He that loveth his life”–that is, his sensual appetite or self-will–“shall lose it.” (John xii. 25.)  He who truly loves himself, and wishes to save his soul, should refuse to the senses whatever God has forbidden; otherwise he shall lose God and himself. (Serm. XLIX On the predominant passion, par. 8)




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  We just want to emphasize (because someone asked about it) that we’re not saying that to love oneself is a sin, but inordinate self-love is the cause of all sins.


Blatant Contradiction


Hello there.  I've been reading through your website and watching the videos recently, and have been quite amazed at how blatantly obvious the teachings of, and since "V-II" are wrong.  I'm not Catholic, but have been going to the Traditional Mass for the past couple weeks at a parish (well, actually an Oratory) that is led by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest… I am to meet with the Priest this coming Friday to discuss how I would enter the Catholic Church.  After watching the videos I did, as well as the articles I read, I'm unsure if I should go through with this.  I've only spoken to him once, and had mentioned the term "RCIA" to which he said they didn't do that there, and that he doesn't encourage people to go to RCIA classes, as one never knows what is taught at them.


I guess I'm hoping you'll have something to say on the matter!  Do you know of anyone in or around Green Bay, WI?  Or in Wisconsin in general (churches, priests, faithful, etc that you would recommend??).


Thank you for all your work, I look forward to hearing from you soon!





MHFM: We’re glad to hear about your interest.  You don’t want to go to the church you’re going to because those “priests” were ordained by bishops who were made bishops in the New Rite of Episcopal Consecration.  Thus, they cannot be considered valid priests.  They also accept Vatican II and are part of the Vatican II sect.  On our site we have the information on how to convert and we really hope you follow through with it.  We can help you to do this.


Miraculous Medal




I am reading The Miraculous Medal by M. Aladel,C.M. 


This is the original story.  Father Aladel was one of Sister Catherine's spiritual directors. Catholics during this time (nineteenth century) were all concerned with salvation of the soul.  No Mother Teresa of Calcuttas  or JPII's here, and the Church was flourishing during the time of distrubution of the medals.  "By their fruits you will know them."


 Reading books like this and the old lives of the saints (never the doctored post Vatican II lives), is a great aid in the restoration of the faith and how to think and believe as a true Catholic…






Thank you for your reply, but I do not see what the actual Pope and the post Vatican, have done for being call heretic.  Vatican 2 was to renew and review… tell me where JP2 was wrong.  The basic teaching of Jesus, the Eucharist, and his legacy does not change, nor he depends in man to come to us, because he is omnipresent, therefore, may be a few devils infiltrated the Church, and by the fruits will be known, specially when we do not look at each other with the eyes of love, seeking to understand and look at each other with eyes of Love.


We are all sinners, only by the blood of Jesus, and with the intercession of our Holy Mother, we have hope.  No longer we depend in Popes and teachers, we need to follow our Heart were Jesus himself will disciple us.  Thank you, lets keep open this dialogue.


Clara Mendieta Reg Nurse.


MHFM: All we can say is that you are in a fog.  You need to read our sections on Vatican II and John Paul II and wake up.   




i just finished watching a EWTN discussion on natural family planning, which i disagree on very much. this was the used example: whats the difference of killing grandma and letting grandma die naturally? " killing grandma would mean making yourself God"(using artificial contraception), "letting grandma die naturally you'll allow God to work" ????...(natural family planning) killing grandma would mean taking  God into your own hands is correct, but we have a sin attached that we call murder! letting grandma die naturally allows God to work in his time is correct, and there NO sin attached to that! how could this speaker on EWTN us that as a example to promote natural family planning??? i agree that natural family planning is LUST!!...


thanks for ur time,

david matthews




Explain to me, why there is so much judgmental, even if you say the truth and the Vatican does not.


Jesus is the truth and the life, in obedience to Christ we obey the pope, .


Jesus is the only Judge, and he would not let anyone of his sheep's be deceived, and the gates of hell will not prevail"


The worst deceiver is lack of love for one another, will be great to pray pray pray, for the souls to be saved, for everyone to love one another, and for truth to be poured, and is only one truth, Jesus and his Church, mine is better than yours in immaturity


He won already, now is our choice, keep plying Judge, that we are not, or love one another, and give fruits of the spirit.


What I am trying to say is, Let God be God.


Love to you all, and may my prayers be with you,


Clara NY.


MHFM: Without faith it’s impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).  The worst deception is one which hides, removes or perverts the truth, for without the truth one cannot be saved or truly love his neighbor. 


Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (#9), Jan. 6, 1928: “… the foundation of charity is faith pure and inviolate…”


Further, without the true faith prayers will be of no effect.  They will be rejected by God.  God desires obedience to His truth (i.e. accepting what He has said/revealed), not sacrifices (i.e. prayers, offerings, etc.) from one who cares not for His truth.  (He desires them from those who accept His truth.)  Saul was rebuked and cast off for offering sacrifice while disobeying God’s voice.  That can be compared to a person who preaches unity and “prayer,” but tolerates heresy, heretics and violations of God’s truth.


1 Kings 15:22-23: “And Samuel said: Doth the Lord desire holocausts and victims [i.e. sacrifices], and not rather that the voice of the Lord should be obeyed?  For obedience is better than sacrifices: and to hearken rather than to offer the fat of rams.  Because it is like the sin of witchcraft to rebel: and like the crime of idolatry, to refuse to obey.  Forasmuch as thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, the Lord hath also rejected thee from being king.”


Those who love the Lord love the truth.  Those who love the Lord hate evil.


Psalm 96:10- “You that love the Lord, hate evil.”


You need to remove the liberal mentality which tolerates heresy and those who promote it.  Denouncing heresy, heretics and evil men is not only not wrong; it’s necessary and justified.




After reading so many shocking disclosures on your site, are Roman Catholics not supposed to go to church?  Where does a Catholic find a church that falls prior to Vatican II.  I am sickened while reading this distubing information on your site, being a church lecture and trying so hard to do the right thing.  I have recently become engrossed reading… the Miracle of Fatima and our Mother's message and it seems to all be coming true.  That Third Secret would probably confirm everything that is happening today if we could see the real third sercet.  I am struggling on where to find a Catholic church I can attend service and accept the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. 


My Church believes and follows the order of Vatican II.  When I suggested that "man" changed the rules with Vatican II, they got angry with me and told me to ignore all of it.  I remember kneeling taking my Holy Communion and when the rails were removed it confused me. Why would you not kneel to pay honor to our Lord while taking the Holy Eucharist?  I was a little girl and remember how church used to me.....and I am sickened by what I am reading on your sight. Please advise.  If there are no churches, then how does one take Holy Communion or go to church?  Are you suggesting to avoid church then?  I pray I find the answers to these important questions.


Thank you and anxiously awaiting your response.

Many Blessings


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  If you contact us here, we can help you more specifically.  We also have a section on our site which gives guidelines on that issue.  But you would need to leave the Vatican II church you are going to and be in full agreement on all the issues of faith.  As you read more on our site, what is going on will become more clear to you.


Also banned


Dear MHFM:


Referring to the recent e-exchange by William who was banned from posting on a "Catholic" website - I have had my own similar experience.  About 2 - 3 years ago I joined a Catholic singles website.  In my profile, I clearly made myself out to be a sedevacantist who rejects the teachings of Vatican II.  After submitting my profile, I discovered they had deleted it and sent me a message stating that I needed to create a new one because the one I submitted violated their policy of maintaining Catholic principles.  I subsequently deleted my account with them.




Pre-Vatican II


Just heard on… Radio about a CCD teacher who was told not to teach the kids about the devil because it was "too intense and pre-Vatican II"!!!!!!!!!!! 


Thanks for all your good work. 




MHFM: Readers of our site will notice that the Heresy of the Week has been modified to Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies.  That section of our site will be updated periodically.


Martial Law in America?


Here is a C-Span video clip of House of Representatives Democrat Brad Sherman from California stating that they were threatened with martial law if they didnt go along with passing the Bail out Bill....


"The only way they can pass this bill is by creating and sustaining a panic atmosphere. … Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday that the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day and a couple of thousand on the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no."


You tube video clip [1 min. video]


MHFM: Very interesting… no one talks about the problem, which is that the Federal Reserve is a private bank that prints the country’s money out of nothing and then charges interest on top of it.  The fact that this is never mentioned by the media is an astounding example of how controlled the media really is.  This clip above – and the bailout that the bankers desired to have passed – reminds one of something.  The Money Masters covered how, in order to get the privately-owned Central Bank approved by the government, the bankers repeatedly had to threaten – and sometimes enact - economic recessions by using their control over the money supply, etc.  By doing this, they were able to get arrangements which were most favorable to them officially approved by various governments.  Andrew Jackson’s battle to kill the central bank idea in the 18th century is a case in point. 


Sheen and John XXIII


Bishop Sheen expresses his love of the revolution of "Pope John" and the council.


As someone in charge of the propagation of the faith, he should have been more concerned with bringing people into THE TRUTH rather than a universal brotherhood of mankind.


MHFM: Yes, that’s an interesting clip.  It confirms our previous commentary about Sheen, in which we pointed out that he was a modernist heretic.  He clearly demonstrates his approval of Antipope John XXIII’s Vatican II revolution and John XXIII’s approach of religious indifferentism.  He also repeatedly mentions his attitude of “opening up to the world” – which contradicts Scripture: “…a friend of the world is an enemy of God” (James 4:4).


For easier reference for our readers, here’s a link to the clip:


Bishop Fulton Sheen showing his approval of John XXIII and his Vatican II revolution [6 min. video]


Related: The Scandals and Heresies of John XXIII [PDF File]






Here's a quote from a blog on the Macy's Illuminati t shirt article: 


"...It’s pagan, but because you are a miserable, negative and hateful individual that prides himself on divisiveness and discord...”


This is exactly the same thing that the Vatican II priest wrote to me when I complained about the plethora of illegal Eucharistic ministers.  He didn't tell me I was right or wrong.  He just accused me of bring division and dissension. 


Same demon, obviously. 




MHFM: Yes, it’s all about accepting people… unity without the truth and without God.


Rabbi at “Catholic” Synod


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter:


I am writing in response to your most recent article posted in your News and Commentary section entitled, “Benedict XVI selects rabbi to speak at ‘Catholic’ synod”.  It is, frankly, outrageous to think that a Catholic Pope would invite a Jewish rabbi to explain their false interpretation of the Old Testament, according to which Jesus in not the Messiah, to supposed leaders of the Catholic Church.  Below, by way of comparison, I have listed some statements and actions from real Catholic Popes concerning the Jews.


POPE  BENEDICT XIII. His Bull on the Jewish issue (1450) declared: "The heresies, vanities and errors of the Talmud prevent their knowing the truth."


POPE BENEDICT XIV. Quo Primum (1751) denounced Jewish control of commerce and "systematical despoliation" of the Christian through usury.


POPE BENEDICT XV. Warned, in 1920, against "the advent of a Universal Republic which is longed for by all the worst elements of disorder."…




MHFM: Since we’re so used to hearing about the religious indifferentism of the Vatican II sect, something like this can sort of be passed over or minimized by many.  But when you really think about it, having a rabbi speak to a “Catholic” synod about what the Bible means to them is a proof of apostasy on the part of the one who invited him.





I came across your work on the internet, and its content interested me deeply.

I am loathe to accept anything without considerable investigation, so I decided to find a Catholic website, and ascertain the reactions there ...

I thought you might be interested to see how much I was able to discuss on the Catholic Answers website before the web page was taken down, and I have now, I believe, been prohibited from further postings…

Best wishes



MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Yes, they are a pathetically heretical group.  They accept the heresies of Vatican II, salvation outside the Church, and they swallow wholesale the apostasy of false ecumenism and the Vatican II antipopes.  As soon as any truth about the post-Vatican II Church and its antipopes gets circulated in their arena, they block it.  Thus, those who are following them will not hear any bit of the truth about what’s really going on with the post-Vatican II sect.  They are very evil. 


They are very much in darkness as a result of their human respect and their complete rejection of the salvation dogma.  But what’s perhaps most remarkable is the activity of so many of the laypeople out there who are part of their camp.  Since they have an interest in Catholic matters, one would think that many of these people, after becoming exposed to some of the truth about what’s happening – for instance, to some of the material covering the heresies of Vatican II, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, etc. – would be intrigued and the light would come on.  Sadly, with most of them that’s not the case.  Most of them attack the truth and ridicule it.  Many of them call it ridiculous – remaining oblivious and blind to the fact that they are completely wrong.  They are so deceived, yet so confident in their defense of the apostate Vatican II sect.  It just shows you the level of bad will and dishonesty out there.  It’s really pathetic. 




Dear Brothers and Sister,

Thank you for the recent update letter on your monastery.  I like the improvement to the website design… After seeking guidance from other semi-traditional organizations for a long time, it was a friend who pointed me in your direction.  Thank you for the frequently updated E-Exchanges, which recently have been useful to me and others…





Hi Bros Michael and Peter Dimond,


Just read your latest e-exchanges. Great idea on establishing community for women.


Will order another UFO book from you…


About the person who was asking for help in dealing with sins of the flesh etc....your mention of the praying of the Three Hail Marys is especially important.  People should say these prayers every morning and evening ADDING  the Following: "O, Mary, by thy holy and Immaculate Conception, make my body pure and my soul holy, preserve me from mortal sin all this day/night."  Saints have recommended this devotion and it WORKS. So try it and see for yourselves. Mothers and Fathers should teach it to their children. Young or old, sinners and the devout should adopt this good habit. Precious indulgences have been attached to this practice, by several Popes.


David S.






Hello and God Bless!


Although I have a lot of questions to ask, I will not send them in this email. I came across your site a few days ago, and I must say that it has not made my “life” any simpler.  To get right to the point, I want to make (with God’s help) subtitles in Romanian for the videos from your site…


Eduard from Romania




MHFM: Here’s an interesting point from St. Thomas Aquinas on inordinate self-love being the cause of every sin.


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. I-II, Q. 77, A. 5, Whether Self-Love is the Source of Every Sin?: “I answer that, as stated above, the proper and direct cause of sin is to be considered on the part of the adherence to a mutable good; in which respect every sinful act proceeds from inordinate desire for some temporal good.  Now the fact that anyone desires a temporal good inordinately, is due to the fact that he loves himself inordinately; for to wish anyone some good is to love him.  Therefore it is evident that inordinate love of self is the cause of every sin.”


Quick audio on Canonizations


This is a very short audio with some quick points on the infallibility of canonizations.  It quotes an interesting summary of points from a famous 19th century priest named Fr. Frederick William Faber.


Fr. Faber on the Infallibility of Canonizations [4 min. audio]


St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Great Means of Salvation and Perfection, 1759, p. 23:“To suppose that the Church can err in canonizing, is a sin, or is heresy, according to St. Bonaventure, Bellarmine, and others; or at least next door to heresy, according to Suarez, Azorius, Gotti, etc.; because the Sovereign Pontiff, according to St. Thomas, is guided by the infallible influence of the Holy Ghost in an especial way when canonizing saints.”


Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Session 4, Chap. 4, ex cathedra:

“… to this Holy See …. where faith cannot experience a failure.”


Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Session 4, Chap. 4, ex cathedra: “… knowing full well that the See of St. Peter always remains unimpaired by any error, according to the divine promise of our Lord the Savior made to the chief of His disciples: ‘I have prayed for thee [Peter], that thy faith fail not: and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren (Lk. 22:32).’”


Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Session 4, Chap. 4, ex cathedra: “…. in the Apostolic See the Catholic religion has always been preserved untainted, and holy doctrine celebrated.’” 


St. Francis De Sales: (+1602): “…to say the Church errs is to say no less that God errs, or else that He is willing and desirous for us to err; which would be a great blasphemy.” (The Catholic Controversy, p. 70.)


Pope Benedict XIV: “If anyone dared to assert that the Pontiff had erred in this or that canonization, we shall say that he is, if not a heretic, at least temerarious, a giver of scandal to the whole Church, an insulter of the saints, a favorer of those heretics who deny the Church’s authority in canonizing saints, savoring of heresy by giving unbelievers an occasion to mock the faithful, the assertor of an erroneous opinion and liable to very grave penalties.”[7][i]


T. Walton and R.




I too with others read and loved your UFO book, it was something I have wanted for a long time, a catholic book on UFO's.  I went to see the movie about Travis Walton when it came out and had thought at the time it was convincing but reading your recount of the facts I see now how false the movie was with its lack of factual events.


On another note I have a friend who communicates with R.I.… I was wondering if you could give me the scoop on this guy.  My friend comes up with some strange things from him like R.I. says there are no catholic priests left and that he R.I. is one of the two witnesses of the book of the Apocalypse.   I keep telling my friend to keep an arms length from him but he still keeps coming back with things from R.I…


THANKS for all you do, and with Our Lord's Blessings




MHFM: Thanks for the question.   Yes, the real facts behind the Travis Walton story are quite interesting.  We definitely had some hearty laughs about some of the more amusing aspects of the case.  For example, when Travis’ mom broke the tragic news of Travis’ “abduction” to his sister, she said: “A flying saucer got him.” 


Concerning R.I., in the Beware section of our website we have numerous articles about his heretical teachings and blatantly schismatic positions.  At length we proved, on dogmatic grounds, that he is not a Catholic.  In case there remained any doubt about that, just recently R.I. reached a new low and confirmed everything we said about him.  He actually denounced St. Alphonsus and St. Thomas Aquinas as heretics.  That’s correct: he denounced both of those canonized saints as heretics.  (He has also proclaimed that Pope St. Pius V was not a saint.)  This proves without any doubt that he’s not a Catholic, but an outrageous non-Catholic heretic.  He even said that if he “could pull St. Thomas Aquinas out of Hell, put his skin back on him, and then peel it off and pour vinegar on his wounds [to increase his torment]” he would do it.  Does one need to say more?  He’s a truly demonic character, a false prophet. 


What’s sad is that we know a few people who actually fell into schismatic positions (and thus outside the Church) as a result of reading his heretical and schismatic writings.  These writings specialize in distortions, straw-man arguments, exaggerations and slightly wrong conclusions which lead to disastrous results.  His writings were quite dangerous because they did run along Catholic lines in many cases, only to insert deadly errors here or there; but now they are even less dangerous because of his recent denunciation of canonized saints.  This should alert anyone who possesses even a modicum of fidelity to Catholic truth that R.I. is not remotely Catholic.  Perhaps now these few individuals who were spiritually seduced by him can see what spirit moved them: the evil spirit.  But perhaps not, since their own bad will – their lack of charity, pride, and Pharisaical tendencies – played a major part in the fact that they were deceived.


What’s interesting about his case is that, while he purports to be an uncompromising Catholic, it’s not an exaggeration to say that he is now on the level of the Protestant “reformers.”  That’s correct: he has truly founded his own “Church.”  This isn’t an exaggeration.  His few followers now rip prayers to St. Thomas from Catholic prayer books, and he boldly proclaims that he edits papal encyclicals.  He’s actually right there with the most notorious Protestant heretics in history – not in terms of effect, of course, for only a few pay attention to him – but in terms of content.  Many of the Protestants who founded their own sects said that the Catholic Church fell into apostasy, but that they were here to “restore” the original purity of the Gospel.  They also attacked the saints.  Though he would try to deny it, R.I. holds the same.  For he says that the Catholic Church has honored, approved and recommended heretics for about 1000 years now, and that he has come to restore the “Church” and the “Gospel.”  It’s only by a startling inconsistency that he doesn’t conclude that the popes who canonized and praised these saints (whom he considers Luciferian heretics) were not heretics themselves.  If the saints whom the Church canonizes are heretics, as he says, then the Catholic Church is heretical.  It cannot be “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15) if it honors, approves and recommends heretics. 


He took his schismatic position, that anyone who utters a statement that is wrong or at variance with Catholic teaching is necessarily a heretic – with no room for mistakes or good faith – to its heretical conclusion: by denouncing as a heretic every saint who made a mistake. 


On the other side of this, we have the false traditionalist idolaters.  They go to the other extreme and hold that a canonized saint cannot possibly make a mistake.  These false traditionalist heretics attempt to explain away every error of St. Thomas Aquinas, including his blatant errors on the issue of the Immaculate Conception.  These idolaters are so enamored by St. Thomas’ intellect that they cannot believe that he could have been wrong about anything, so they deny the truth.  The Catholic position, which we espouse, is that these great saints are in Heaven; and that they were great teachers of the faith and models for our imitation.  However, they were not infallible and made some mistakes.  They were human beings.  They wrote voluminous amounts and thus were bound to make some mistakes. 


In the coming days, we will have more information on the infallibility of canonizations, in order to refute false arguments made by those who attack the Church’s canonizations.


New Quote from St. Alphonsus refutes “Invincible Ignorance”


MHFM: One of us recently discovered a very interesting new quote from St. Alphonsus which refutes the heresy that people can be saved who are ignorant of the Gospel, the Trinity and the Incarnation (the essential mysteries of the Catholic faith).  This is important because many baptism of desire heretics in our day – who believe that souls can be saved in false religions and without belief in Christ – falsely assert that saints such as St. Alphonsus agreed with them.  This is totally false. 


This is obviously not to suggest that saints, such as St. Alphonsus, were correct about everything; rather it is prove, once again, that not one saint held the heresy of “invincible ignorance,” the idea that ignorant non-Catholics can be saved in false religions or without belief in the Trinity and the Incarnation.  This heresy of invincible ignorance is held by almost all people who believe in “baptism of desire” today.  Here’s the quote from St. Alphonsus’ book, The History of Heresies.


St. Alphonsus, The History of Heresies, Refutation 6, #11, p. 457: “Still we answer the Semipelagians, and say, that infidels who arrive at the use of reason, and are not converted to the Faith, cannot be excused, because though they do not receive sufficient proximate grace, still they are not deprived of remote grace, as a means of becoming converted.  But what is this remote grace?  St. Thomas explains it, when he says, that if anyone was brought up in the wilds, or even among brute beasts, and if he followed the law of natural reason, to desire what is good, and to avoid what is wicked, we should certainly believe either that God, by an internal inspiration, would reveal to him what he should believe, or would send someone to preach the Faith to him, as he sent Peter to Cornelius.  Thus, then, according to the Angelic Doctor [St. Thomas], God, at least remotely, gives to infidels, who have the use of reason, sufficient grace to obtain salvation, and this grace consists in a certain instruction of the mind, and in a movement of the will, to observe the natural law; and if the infidel cooperates with this movement, observing the precepts of the law of nature, and abstaining from grievous sins, he will certainly receive, through the merits of Jesus Christ, the grace proximately sufficient to embrace the Faith, and save his soul.”


The above quote has been added to this short article: St. Alphonsus rejected the idea that souls in invincible ignorance can be saved [This article is accessible from the Outside the Church There is No Salvation section of our site]


As we see, St. Alphonsus is clearly making reference to and agreeing with the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas below (which is cited in our book), in which St. Thomas denies that any soul who is ignorant of the Gospel can be saved.  If there is a person who is completely ignorant of the faith but who is of good will, God will make sure that he comes to a knowledge of the faith. 


St. Thomas Aquinas, De Veritate, 14, A. 11, ad 1: Objection- “It is possible that someone may be brought up in the forest, or among wolves; such a man cannot explicitly know anything about the faith.  St. Thomas replies- It is the characteristic of Divine Providence to provide every man with what is necessary for salvation… provided on his part there is no hindrance.  In the case of a man who seeks good and shuns evil, by the leading of natural reason, God would either reveal to him through internal inspiration what had to be believed, or would send some preacher of the faith to him…”


St. Thomas Aquinas, Sent. II, 28, Q. 1, A. 4, ad 4: “If a man born among barbarian nations, does what he can, God Himself will show him what is necessary for salvation, either by inspiration or sending a teacher to him.”


St. Thomas Aquinas, Sent. III, 25, Q. 2, A. 2, solute. 2: “If a man should have no one to instruct him, God will show him, unless he culpably wishes to remain where he is.”


In the Summa Theologica, St. Thomas further taught the truth that all men above reason are bound to know the principal mysteries of Christ for salvation with no exceptions for ignorance.


St. Thomas, Summa Theologica:  After grace had been revealed, both the learned and simple folk are bound to explicit faith in the mysteries of Christ, chiefly as regards those which are observed throughout the Church, and publicly proclaimed, such as the articles which refer to the Incarnation, of which we have spoken above.”


Saint Thomas, Summa Theologica:  “And consequently, when once grace had been revealed, all were bound to explicit faith in the mystery of the Trinity.[8][260]


Therefore, St. Alphonsus and St. Thomas, like all of the fathers of the Church, rejected the modern heresy of “invincible ignorance” saving those who die as non-Catholics.  Their speculation and erroneous teaching on baptism of blood/desire only regarded those who believe in the Trinity and Incarnation (the most essential mysteries of Catholic faith).  And this point really shows the dishonesty of modern heretics, who like to quote St. Alphonsus and St. Thomas Aquinas on baptism of desire to somehow justify their heretical idea that members of false religions can be saved by “baptism of desire.” 






I just finished reading the UFO book.  It's very thorough and makes perfect sense.  You've managed to put another puzzle together for us.


Most interesting is page 20 and the list of their messages: the bible is outdated....Jesus Christ is not God...false prophecies...global religion and government...false Jesus....sin doesn't exist....we can also evolve into gods...everyone is God...


All of these messages are part of the Vatican II theology; I've seen them all at one time or another in this false church. 


UFO belief is just another demonic religion.  Many of them are real all right and that's good to know because they reveal the fact that Satan is very real at a time when most people believe the Satanic lie that Satan is a joke. 





Greetings Brothers!... I received the UFO book and was enlightened.  Never thought that these might be demons, but it certainly seems to be the case.  Thank you so very much for your invaluable work!  God help us all in these apocalyptic times.


Sincerely in Christ,



New Name


Dear Brothers,

I've decided to start designing some more bumper stickers for the monastery, assuming you don't mind of course. I see that you have a new shorter web address, so I intend to use that one instead of the longer mhfm one, unless I hear otherwise from you. I'll likely email you a copy of what it will look like before I send it to print.

God Bless,


MHFM: Thanks.  It would be a good idea to use the vaticancatholic.com domain.  One of the reasons for having that name is that it’s much easier to use in situations of evangelization and for something like a bumper sticker.  For example, if you get into a conversation about the faith with a stranger at the store, and you want to make sure that person has an opportunity to consult the information, it’s much easier to simply tell him or her to check out vaticancatholic.com than mostholyfamilymonastery.com.  The former is obviously easier for the person to remember.


Perpetuity of the Papal Office


Some people I've discussed the sede-vacanist issue with resort to Denzinger to try to support thieir position that all the recent "Popes" have been/are valid ones.  Specifically they reference: Page 453 Chap 2.  The Perpetuity of the Primacy of Blessed Peter among the Roman Pontiffs.  As I have a discussion coming up with a non-sede-vacanist Independent Priest about all this coming up in a few days could you tell me if you have addressed this reference or could you please reply with your response to this?

Thank you!




MHFM: Yes, that’s addressed in detail in the “Answers to Objections” section of our book.  See this file: Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file].  Scroll down to Objection 6 and you will see a detailed discussion of those very passages.  Those who read that section will see that it’s not the sedevacantist who denies Vatican I and the papal dogmas, but Benedict XVI and those who support him. 


Pope on Slavery?


Dear Brothers,


During my Ethics class the concept of slavery came up in our assignment for our discussion groups.  One of the questions asked where were the religious leaders in the 19th century?  At the time I got kind of defensive, especially because I thought I had a rebuttal.  I had thought that I read something on the internet about Pope Pius IX condemning slavery, but now I can't find a source for what I thought I read.  Did I get this off of a bad internet source, or is there something from Pope Pius IX that I missed?  Is there anything from the Church that condemned slavery during that time?  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks.




Jude Miller


MHFM: Yes, here’s a 19th century condemnation of it from Pope Leo XIII:


Pope Leo XIII, In Plurimus (#3), May 5, 1888: “In the presence of so much suffering, the condition of slavery, in which a considerable part of the great human family has been sunk in squalor and affliction now for many centuries, is deeply to be deplored; for the system is one which is wholly opposed to that which was originally ordained by God and by nature. The Supreme Author of all things so decreed that man should exercise a sort of royal dominion over beasts and cattle and fish and fowl, but never that men should exercise a like dominion over their fellow men. As St. Augustine puts it: "Having created man a reasonable being, and after His own likeness, God wished that he should rule only over the brute creation; that he should be the master, not of men, but of beasts."


There are other relevant passages on this point, but hopefully this will suffice for your group.




Newest heresies from Benedict XVI….


Heresy of the Week


MHFM Newsletter, Fall 2008


MHFM: This is a letter about the recent activities of our monastery.


MHFM Fall 2008 Letter [PDF]




"Thank you for my eternal salvation and those who I may help with God's grace."


Ed, Staten Island, NY.


"The Padre Pio book is the best book I have ever read." Kathy, CA.


MHFM: Thanks for the comments.  It’s not the best book, but we’re glad that you liked it and got something out of it.




Dear Brothers Dimond:  I wish I could find a spiritual advisor, but have trouble trusting most priests, have difficulty talking to them.  Could you offer any suggestions?... Praying, but what else could I do?  Thanks so much.  I read some of your website every day. 


God bless. 


MHFM: Thanks for the question.  We don’t think people need a spiritual adviser.  We think that people need to dig into the faith and the spiritual life and get to know God.  People should let God be their adviser. 


In a similar vein, some other people say “if I could get away or move to a different place, then I could really dedicate myself to God”; or “if only I was able to relocate and get away from these bad people and influences, I could change my life.”  The fact is that people don’t need to go anywhere to dedicate themselves to God or change their lives.  [We’re not talking here about pursuing a religious vocation, but rather about people in general.]  They can do everything they need to do to please God and gain more graces for themselves right where they are.  That’s the transcendent thing about prayer and the Rosary.  No matter where you are – the city, the country, the jungle, the woods – you can access Heaven whenever you choose to.  No matter where a person is he can help convert others; he can help convert himself; he can gain tremendous graces, etc. 


So we would say that the teachings of the Church and the treasury of spiritual writings in Catholicism provide plenty of advice.  We also cover many questions.  So a person should, after praying for guidance, simply employ common sense and Catholic principles to handle other dilemmas he or she encounters.  But we strongly recommend that people make the True Devotion to Mary explained by St. Louis De Montfort. (Important Spiritual Information [more])




…I am having such trouble with temptations and sins of the flesh and I dont know what to do I tried praying the rosary, and there's no Mass I could go to.  What should I do.


MHFM: You must avoid the occasions of sin (e.g. parties, bad shows, etc.).  Consider where or what is causing you those temptations, and cut them out if they are indeed drawing you into sin or might be drawing you into sin. 


Mark 9:42- “And if thy hand scandalize thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into unquenchable fire:”


You need to have a strong prayer life and a true devotion to Mary.  If you do, and are praying the full Rosary each day, then you will get the grace to avoid the sins of the flesh.  But not everyone who says he is praying the Rosary really is praying it.  The question is: are you really praying it and thinking about the mysteries?


Also, we hope you don't listen to popular or rock music.  If so, that's a problem.  It will shut graces out from one’s life and move him into the spirit of the world.  Spiritual reading is very important.  Read the lives of the saints, the Gospels, etc.  Praying three Hail Marys for specific intentions or graces is also very effective.


Regarding Mass, we have a section on our site which explains that.  If you don’t have a legitimate option, then you must stay home on Sundays.


Forbidding to Marry


How do catholics interpret 1 Timothy 4:3 (KJV) Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. Does that apply to forbidding priests to marry and not having meat on fridays? I've also read Matthew 19:12 (KJV) which says  for there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heavens sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. Why does the catholic hurch prohibit priests from marrying? Weren't they allowed to marry at some point? I will be looking forward to your response.




MHFM: We should quote the passage, so that your question is clear to our readers:


1 Timothy 4:1-5 “Now the Spirit manifestly saith, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils, Speaking lies in hypocrisy, and having their conscience seared, Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving by the faithful, and by them that have known the truth.  For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be rejected that is received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”


There is a very definite meaning to this passage.  The passage speaks of the various dualist sects throughout Christian history.  Examples of these were the Gnostics, the Manicheans, the Cathars (the Albigensians), etc.  These people believed in two gods: one evil and one good.  They held that the evil god was the god of matter, and the good god the god of the spirit.  These groups developed a theology which was destructive to all use of material things, to more or less a degree depending upon the sect and their zeal for it.  Hence, they forbade marriage, abstained from meats, preached poverty (for to own material things was evil), etc.  The most devoted would even kill themselves to put an end to their material existence. 


There is no doubt that this is what the passage is referring to, as a careful study of Christian history will show.  These types of dualist heretics popped up again and again.  They became such a problem in the Middle Ages that the war against Cathar-dualist heretics in 1208 was called a crusade by Pope Innocent III (Carroll, A History of Christendom, Vol. 3, p. 175.)  So the passage is not remotely forbidding celibacy, which the Bible clearly teaches is superior to marriage.  See this file:


Refuting the Protestant rejection of the Catholic and Biblical teaching on celibacy


You ask, why does the Church prohibit priests from marrying?  Catholic priests in the Roman Rite are forbidden to marry because of the Bible’s teaching that the celibate state is superior to marriage.  But you should understand that in the Eastern Rite married men can be ordained to the priesthood, but once ordained a man cannot be married.  So a celibate clergy is a disciplinary law, but one which is rooted in doctrine and biblical truth.  This discipline began to be enforced in the early Church.


EWTN Response




Here is the response I received from EWTN, after forwarding them one of the email questions you received in regard to EWTN heresy...  just thought you might find it of interest...



Dear Linda,


A formal heretic is someone who knowing that a truth of faith is revealed by God or taught with authority by the Church nonetheless rejects it. Without such knowledge, the rejection of a revealed truth makes a person a material heretic (someone who holds a heresy), but not a formal heretic (one culpable before God). As Blessed Pius IX taught,


We must hold as of the faith, that out of the Apostolic Roman Church there is no salvation; that she is the only ark of safety, and whosoever is not in her perishes in the deluge; we must also, on the other hand, recognize with certainty that those who are invincible in ignorance of the true religion are not guilty for this in the eyes of the Lord. And who would presume to mark out the limits of this ignorance according to the character and diversity of peoples, countries, minds and the rest? (Allocution, December 9th, 1854).


Fr. Groeschel was most likely thinking of this truth in suggesting that someone known for his Christian faith and good works could be a candidate to be an example of the Christian life. Indeed, St. Paul in his letters uses the term “saint” (Greek: hagiois; Latin: sancti; English: saint) for the just generally, not only those in heaven, as all the just are “holy,” having God within. Whether William Booth was or is a “saint” in this sense, or is with God now, we cannot know. However, a “saint” in the canonical sense is indeed an example of the complete Christian life, including holding the fullness of the faith, participation in the Church’s sacramental life, and communion and obedience to the Pope and the bishops. For this reason the many good people outside the Church postulated by Pope Pius IX would never be canonized. They may be in heaven, however.


Finally, it is difficult to understand why anyone would listen to those who reject the living Magisterium of the Church obliged by the First Vatican Council on all Catholics for their salvation, in favor of self-appointed shepherds who by their own admission reject communion with the Bishop of Rome, while making themselves the judge of the Tradition – a role reserved to the Magisterium.


In the peace of Christ,


EWTN Viewer Response


MHFM: Typical of heretics, he attempts to use one or two passages from Pius IX.  In section 16 of our book on salvation, we have an entire discussion of these quotes.  In the passage which he quotes, Pope Pius IX is simply teaching that those who are invincibly ignorant of something are not held guilty IN THAT MATTER.  That’s true.  They aren’t damned for something they don’t know.  Rather, they are left in ignorance of Christ and the true faith because of other mortal sins and it is those mortal sins which damn them.  So the quote doesn’t prove the heretic’s argument at all.  And it’s not even infallible anyway. 


What’s interesting, however, and further confirms the point we’re making, is that in Singulari Quadem, after explaining how the invincibly ignorant are not held guilty in this matter, Pope Pius IX declares that a Catholic must hold one Lord, one Faith and one Baptism, and that it is unlawful to proceed further in inquiry! – probably in an attempt to stem the tide of belief that one could be saved outside the Church by “baptism of desire.”  The people who believe in salvation outside the Church almost never quote this part of the allocution.


Pope Pius IX, Singulari Quadem: For, in truth, when released from these corporeal chains, ‘we shall see God as He is’ (1 John 3:2), we shall understand perfectly by how close and beautiful a bond divine mercy and justice are united; but, as long as we are on earth, weighed down by this mortal mass which blunts the soul, let us hold most firmly that, in accordance with Catholic teaching, there is ‘one God, one faith, one baptism’ [Eph. 4:5]; it is unlawful to proceed further in inquiry.[9][313]


Therefore, even Pope Pius IX, in the very statement wrongly quoted by the liberals against the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation, admonishes that such theorizing about salvation by other baptisms and other faiths is unlawful.


Finally, it’s also interesting to see (once again) how the modernist pro-Vatican II heretics use the very same arguments as the false traditionalist sedevacantists who love baptism of desire.  That’s because they believe the same thing on that issue.  The “traditionalist” defenders of baptism of desire in our day are really the same as the modernist pro-Vatican II heretics on the salvation dogma. 


Vatican II word search


Dear Brothers,


I'm doing a word search on the Vatican II documents:


'Man' appears 1566 times; Christ, 1319; Church, 1302; God, 1019; Faith, 668; Life, 661; Spirit, 655; Holy, 371; Father, 243; Community, 161; Earth, 153; Jesus, 118; Kingdom, 77; Heaven, 77.




baptism, 66; cross 32; evil, 32; Jew, 19; forever, 9; condemn, 7; heretic, 6; devil, 5; Judgement, 4; fire, 4; immortal, 4; idol, 3; satan, 2; antichrist, 1; Islam, 1; Buddhism, 1; Hindu, 1; Infallible, 1; antichrist, 1; catechism, 1; anathema, 0; heresy, 0; schism, 0; apostate, 0; Hell, 0.


And would you believe it, the number 6 appears 1789 times!!! The year of the French Revolution!!! It all goes to show how diabolically manufactured the whole thing was!


God Bless,


Kit White


New Look to Website



I love the look of the new web site...good job.



MHFM: Thanks, we’re glad you like it.  There are still some modifications to be done.  There are still some sub-pages and sub-sections that do not have the header, the navigation sections, the search feature, etc. that one sees on our homepage.  Within a week or so every page (or almost every page) of our website will have those things. 


There is also another significant addition we plan to make to our homepage in the coming days.


Death Penalty


A friend showed me a pamphlet he acquired after a NO "Mass".  In it, the "Archbishop" wrote that a "good" Catholic could vote for a candidate who supports legalized abortion (and of course, many other abominable evils, since we all know the demonic-idiot he is talking about) if they took preferance for a candidate's positions on the pursuit of peace, economic policies benefiting the poor, support for universal health care, a more just immigration policy, etc, so long as his conscience allowed him to do such and that he did not specifically vote for the man because he supported moral evils such as abortion.  CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?  IT PROVES YOU BROTHERS ARE RIGHT!  Also, the Vatican II sects anti-death penalty stance is just sick!  For 2000 years, the Catholic Church supported the death penalty, and now all of the sudden we can't?  OUTRAGEOUS!  Does not the True Catholic Church 100% support the death penalty?
God Bless you dear brothers and your monastery


-Michael R.


MHFM: Yes, the Catholic Church teaches that the death penalty can be acceptable.  The position that the death penalty must be universally outlawed is contrary to Catholic teaching.  God Himself included the death penalty as part of His law in the Old Testament (Exodus 21, etc.).  It should be pointed out that even in Catholic states it was the civil authority, not the clergy, which was responsible for inflicting such punishments on criminals.


To pray in Nig.


Dear Brothers,


I am a Nigerian and have accepted the true faith courtesy of you people together with some of my cousins.  I live with my parents, brother, and sisters. We have talked to them on the faith but they always argue since some people had told them before that we were fighting and attacking the church - V 2. so they still continue to go to V 2.  For some of my younger ones, i know they would have followed me where our small group do meet on sundays and would have also accepted the faith but for my parents whom they are still very much under their control.  Brothers, please i want to know if praying the Angelus and our usual family night Rosary with them ( of course i always lead or my cousin who has also accepted the faith, so mystery of light is totally out of it ) is bad?  This is because if we do not call for these prayers, they all would be watching T.V at night and before you know go to bed so the family lacks total devotion though my mother sometimes call for the night rosary.  Little by little, i keep on telling them the truth of the faith especially my younger ones e.g  abstinence on friday which they have adopted , why they should not say mystery of light etc and hope that by praying with them too, our Lady would convert them on or before their death.  Please i need your urgent reply less i am right or wrong.






MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail and the interest.  We believe that you should not pray the Rosary with them, since they still accept Vatican II.  We would recommend that you try to find a place to pray by yourself, or with those who are in full agreement.  You should kindly explain to those family members why you are not praying with them.  If they change their position, agree with you and come to the traditional faith, then you could pray with them.


MP3 5


MHFM: By the way, the 5th edition of our mp3 audio disc is available.  This MP3 disc contains dozens of hours of our new audio programs, including recent debates, interesting telephone exchanges, recent audios and more. It also contains the recent audios against Protestantism (with the exception of the new one on the Communion of Saints).  It is not an Audio CD and will not play in most CD players. A computer can read and play this disc.


MP3 5 - can be ordered here for $2.00


Image of God


MHFM: Some people surely wonder what it means when the Bible says “for man was made to the image of God” (Gen. 9:6; see also Wisdom 2:23).  Does this mean that man looks like God?  How was man made to the image of God?  This has undoubtedly confused some.  The answer is found in the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas.  He explains:


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. 1, Q. 91. A. 2: “Augustine says: Man’s excellence consists in the fact that God made him to His own image by giving him an intellectual soul, which raises him above the beasts of the field.  Therefore things without intellect are not made to God’s image.”


So it is in the fact that man has been given an intellectual soul and intellectual powers that he is made in God’s image.  God possesses those same powers which He gave to man, but God obviously possesses them in an infinitely greater way.


Another Story


I went to visit my younger brother and his wife at their new home about week ago and he told me that the priest that lives across the street from them was ordained in the early 60's-   So I went and knocked on his door and asked if he would hear my confession...1st thing he asked me was  '' Where do you go to church?''   & I said, to the Latin Mass...He said ''Oh no, your not caught up in all of that are you?''  I said Yes...   He asked me that even though his own diocese offers the Latin Mass..Anyway, we got into a 2 hour debate over Vatican II after I told him that Im an advocate for the true mass.   Then he asked me questions such as, how many friends I had, if I had any hobbies, if I was married, did any drugs in the past etc....HA, there you have it, I knew immediately on why he was asking me those questions,  He was trying to find out if I was some kook, because anyone that professes One Baptism instead of Three must be some sort of a  mental case on the fringes of society...Go figure.. He even said that he would hear a protestants confession...I didnt receive the sacrament from him...Oh and by the way, Jesus loves you and all what people of false faiths have to do is live their conscience & need not convert..(according to him)- I told him I converted after watching you DVD on Hell, in which he requested a copy in which I forwarded to him with some of your other info..So say some prayers that he will adhere the info...Also I said the perfect example of religious indifferentism is John Paul II and Benedict XVI in which he replied  ''Im surprised lighting hasnt zapped you from the sky''     How sad


Steve from   Wisconsin




Dear Brothers,

Thank you very much for the vast amount of information in response to my question about the looming economic depression. I am currently watching
Money Masters and learning a great deal from it.

I will surely send a check to secure the 6 DVDs and 3 books of information. I remember hearing about this promotion during the Alex Jones Show a few months ago, but I have not heard the advertisement lately. I believe I have already seen some of your documentaries on YouTube, but I would still prefer to obtain the hard copies so that I can screen them to family and friends.

Thank you and God bless you.

Michael D.


Typical Novus Ordo


I remember it was around this time last year when I was new to sedevacantism and in my quest for the truth my staunchly N.O. mother was begging me not leave "the church" and had set up a meeting between a monsignor who would "set me straight and back on the right road". When I met with this priest (he was a true priest as he was validly ordained pre-v2) I began to question him about the information I had been reading in your books, and in particular, the no salvation outside the Church for all heretics, schismatics, Jews, Muslims, etc. His response was, "what kind of loving God would damn these brothers of ours." For some reason that quote of his has stuck with me, and represents the epitome of the Vatican 2 revolution, that of replacing God with man, and putting God on the same pedestal as false gods (demons and satan). In their earnestness not to offend heretics and worshippers of false gods, they blaspheme God almighty.


Wake Up



I'd like to ask what brotherhood you belong to which might validate your heresy? You seem to be a group of extremists, and, by definition of your heresy, Protestant, but it's difficult to make a reasonable assumption from the musings I've read so far.

thanks for your time and I look forward to any reply you might grant me.

You know nothing about the Catholic faith.  If you had clue about what's going on, you would see that the Vatican II antipopes consider Protestants part of the Church.  They praise Protestants; they say that they can receive Communion; they have agreed with the Protestants on Justification; etc.  That's precisely why the Vatican II sect and the Vatican II antipopes are not Catholic.  You are defending Protestantism.  Wake up.


St. John Vianney and the Protestant


“The Curé of Ars and the Protestant – The Curé of Ars [St. John Vianney] once gave a medal to a Protestant who visited him, who exclaimed: ‘Dear sir, you have given a medal to one who is a heretic, at least I am a heretic from your point of view.  But although we are not of the same religion, I hope we shall both one day be in Heaven.’  The holy priest took the gentleman’s hand in his own, and giving him a look which seemed to reach his very soul, answered him, ‘Alas!  My friend, we cannot be together in Heaven, unless we have begun to live so in this world.  Death makes no change in that.  As the tree falls so shall it lie.  Jesus Christ has said, ‘He that does not hear the Church, let him be to thee as a heathen and a publican.’  And He said again, ‘There shall be one fold and one shepherd,’ and He made St. Peter the chief shepherd of His flock.’  Then, in a voice full of sweetness, he added, ‘My dear friend, there are not two ways of serving Jesus Christ; there is only one good way, and that is to serve Him as He Himself wishes to be served.’  Saying this, the priest left him.  But these words sank deeply into the… man’s heart, and led him to renounce the errors in which he had been brought up, and he became a fervent Catholic.” (Life of the Curé of Ars; quoted in The Catechist, G.E. Howe, Tan Books, p. 71.)


Stories from Ireland


Hello Dimond Brothers,

I just wanted to let you know somethings about what goes on here in Ireland with the Catholic Clergy.  First off all these things are after Vatican II. A Parish in Dublin had a beautiful Church which had a beautiful Stone Altar with a Crucifix over it and a giant statue of Our Lady as well on the Altar. A few years back the Parish got a new "Priest". This "Priest" the first thing he did in the Church was ripped the altar out and you have to understand to rip this altar out he had to rip out the statue of Our Lady.


Everyone in the Parish even people who didn't go to Mass objected and said it was terrible.  When one man said to this Priest that what he did was terrible the Priest replied "I don't tell you how to run your home so don't come here and tell me what to do with my Church". My parish "Priest" asked me why I won't go to mass.  I told him because I do not support the new Mass.  When he asked why not. I said because the Tabernacle is pushed to the side people receive Holy Communion in hand, There are female altar servers and in fact there is a wooden table instead of an altar. Then this Priest said there is nothing wrong with communion in hand.  So I said to the Priest so why did the angel in Fatima tell the three children how to receive Holy Commuion. He replied he never heard such thing. There was another case here which I read about where the Priest put his phone number in the news paper so people could make over the phone confessions.  A young man who my dad gave the story of what the three children of Fatima said about hell.  The young man brought the story to the Parish Priest and asked the Priest to start warning people about Hell.  The Priest said to him "God doesn't send anyone to Hell".  The young man who was shocked at what the priest said asked "So what about Drug Dealers, Drunkards, Rapists, Satanists, Murders and all other sinful people you can't tell me they go to Heaven". The Priest then said "Ah they go to Purgatory for a while"… I would just like to ask one question in the bible it says call no man father does this mean that you only call God your Father? because We Call Priests by Father.


MHFM:  Thanks for the e-mail.  Those are some interesting stories.  The main reason that one cannot go to the New Mass is because it’s not valid and it’s not a Catholic Mass.  To your question, the Bible doesn’t forbid calling someone “Father.”  In saying “call no man Father,” Jesus is saying that we should regard no one the same way we regard God.  There are numerous examples of passages in the New Testament in which the term is used.  St. Stephen, who is without question one of the greatest saints, uses the term:


Acts 7:2- “[Stephen] said: Ye men, brethren, and fathers, hear.”


There are many other examples, including Stephen again in Acts 7:51.  The term is applied to priests in the same way that St. Paul speaks of himself as a spiritual father to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 4:15:


“For if you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet not many fathers. For in Christ Jesus, by the gospel, I have begotten you.”


UFO book now available


MHFM: The new book on UFOs is now available for order.  The price is $10.00 in the U.S. and $25.00 for those outside the U.S. (Prices include shipping).  We also have “Priority Options.”  If you choose “Priority Options” when placing your order, your order will be filled and shipped first for a charge of $10.00 extra.  You can also order through the mail by check or money order or you can call 1-800-275-1126 to place your order.


UFOs: Demonic Activity and Elaborate Hoaxes Meant to Deceive Mankind- order it here



Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Website_Pictures\ufo_front.jpgDescription: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\Website_Pictures\ufo_back.jpg


Books question


Dear Brothers,


One writer in the E-exchanges mentions a new book on UFOs. Could you please give me some information on this, its availability, cost etc.


Also, I would like to know your response to the SSPX's book "Sedevacantism: A False Solution to a Real Problem" (Angelus Press).


I admire the important work you are doing.






MHFM: Yes, the UFO book is now available for order here.  The information about it is also posted above.


Regarding your question about the book on sedevacantism by the SSPX, we are familiar with it.  Simply put, their book is irrelevant and pathetic.  Much of the book doesn’t even deal with sedevacantism.  The entire first portion of it deals with the "Cassiciacum Thesis."  This thesis is not sedevacantism, but rather the idea that a pope can materially hold office but not formally.  So the SSPX goes on and on about the false and confused “Cassiciacum Thesis” – something that is not the sedevacantist position – in a book which is supposedly about sedevacantism.  This is quite dishonest. 


It’s called a straw man argument: when one attributes to his opponent a position which his opponent doesn’t hold, and then refutes the position which his opponent doesn’t hold to give the impression that he has refuted his opponent’s position.  So, when people look at this book, if they are not familiar with the issue (as many adherents of the SSPX aren’t), they will almost certainly get confused and frustrated by the contradictory and disordered Cassiciacum Thesis.  This will cause them to say: “The Sedevacantist position is a heap of complex, contradictory and confused nonsense!”  Little will they know, however, that the Cassiciacum Thesis is not the sedevacantist position!  Little will they know that the sedevacantist position is extraordinarily simple and logical: A non-Catholic cannot be pope because a non-Catholic is not a member of the Church, and Benedict XVI is a non-Catholic.


The book also covers the actions of Archbishop Thuc.  This is another example of information which is not relevant to the theological arguments at the heart of the sedevacantist issue.  So, in short, the book is a typical of the SSPX: it’s lifeless and misses the point; it bores and confuses people with an irrelevant topic and discussion; it dishonestly uses a straw man argument to deliberately confuse readers; and it presents nothing to refute the irrefutable fact that the Chair of Peter is vacant – a position they illogically reject.






I am a traditional catholic in Oregon and my in-laws have started attending SSPX and I am wondering if there is any way that I could receive a copy of the Angelus with the articles about the Speech Bishop Fellay made concerning Baptism of Blood and Baptism of Desire and no salvation outside the Catholic Church.  I am trying to come up with some good ammunition with which to fight this fight but the devil seems to be running the show right now. I would like to obtain a hard copy but if I could get a copy of the actual document I would appreciate that very much.


Long live the one true Catholic Church,


Chad Kosel


MHFM: If someone really requires a hard copy of it to believe that Fellay said that, then we would recommend obtaining a back copy of the issue.  In it one will find the heresy, just as we quoted it in this file: Bishop Fellay of the SSPX rejects Catholic dogma by teaching that Hindus can be saved.  However, they can find the same heresy, uttered by many different authors of the SSPX, in many different books.  We prove this in the following file: The Society of St. Pius X.  Thus, if your in-laws are not convinced by the documented heresies in the book Against the Heresies (by Archbishop Lefebvre) and the other books – books which are available at SSPX bookstores – then they are not of good will.


Heresy of the Week


NOTE: The Heresy of the Week will return this Wednesday.


Saints audio


Subject: The Bible on Praying to and Venerating Saints


The Bible on Praying to and Venerating Saints


This is a great lecture.  Is it possible to get the text?




MHFM: Thanks, we’re glad you liked it.  At some point we will make it available in written form. 


Sheen and Communists




Regarding Archbishop Fulton Sheen; I read Dr. Bella Dodd's book, "School of Darkness," and she states that after she left the Communist Party, the Archbishop helped with her conversion. The intriguing thing is that when Dr. Dodd wanted to expose the Communists and their plans, Sheen dissuaded her from doing so. I don't know if this was from fear or some other motive on his part.  It would have been interesting to see just how much damage this one brave woman could have done to the Communists, had God permitted it.


I also found a poignant phrase that I wanted to share with you from the book, Catholic Customs and Symbols;"


"The cathedral was the workshop of the Church during the Middle Ages. It was vast because she had the whole city to train up. It was open on all sides because she was the common mother of civil society. It was high because she aimed at uplifting both mind and heart, and making for them a level just below the angelical and celestial. It was manifold in its members and elements, for she permeated all society and challenged every activity and every interest. It was all lightsome and soaring because it was the spiritual mountain top whence the soul could take its flight to the unseen world of light and joy. It was long drawn out because the long journey of life ends happily only for those who rest in Jesus. It lay everywhere cruciform on the earth, for the shadow of the cross fall henceforth over all humanity, blessing, enfolding, saving."






EWTN heresy


Dear Dimond Brothers,


I just finished watching Sunday Night With Father Groeshel on EWTN.  His guest was a "priest" (forgot his name)  who is the postulator for the "canonization" of Cardinal Cooke.  A caller called in and asked if the Catholic Church would ever consider canonizing a non-Catholic such as Martin Luther King.  The "priest" replied that the person must be a Catholic for canonization but it doesn't mean that there are not saints in other faiths!  Father Groeshel agreed with him and what Father Groeshel said next revealed his blatant apostasy.  He said that a good candidate for canonization is William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army!  A Protestant heretic!




MHFM: That’s quite a heresy.  It’s also what John Paul II taught in Ut Unum Sint.  If that doesn’t show someone that EWTN and similar groups are not Catholic, we don’t know what will.  Groeschel is an outrageous apostate; he’s almost at the level of history’s notorious Protestant “reformers.”  In addition to other astounding utterances of heresy, Groeschel has said that he “never bought” the Church’s teaching that it’s necessary for salvation to be Catholic.  The fact that EWTN continues to present Fr. Groeschel is abominable, but it’s not surprising.  They put him on because they agree with him.  Considering his beliefs, for them to put him out there to teach “the faith” involves a major mortal sin and demonstrates that they are a network of apostasy, despite some of the true and interesting things they do. 


“Material Heretics”


Dear Brothers,


I'm reading the article defending Sedevacantism. The argument that the 'popes' have been (all 4!!!) 'material heretics' is ludicrous. Surely, the one Catholic (the Pope), who is given the divine protection of infallibilty when teaching the universal Church on faith and morals, cannot possibly fall into ignorance regarding heresy by that very same power...'that thy faith fail not.' - what of all his advisors, etc.?!


God Bless,


Kit White


MHFM: Yes, the argument is quite ridiculous.  The reasons why it’s a false argument are covered in detail in Response to Objection 4 on page 5 of this file: Responses to 19 of the Most Common Objections Against Sedevacantism [PDF file].


Sinner vs. Sin


I keep hearing more recently & in the media over & over & over again that the God loves the sinner but hates the sin.  Is this true?   What bible verse says that ?  I dont think there is one but the media an everyone keeps hanging their hat on that.. Yes.. the bible it mentions many sins that the Lord hates, but what about the following verses:


Psalm 5: 5&6  ''The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes; You hate all who do iniquity. You will send destruction on those whose words are false; the cruel man and the man of deceit are hated by the Lord.''


Proverbs 6 : 16 & 19 ''The Lord hates a false witness and the man who stirs up dissension among brothers.''




MHFM: Thanks for the question.  You bring up some relevant passages.  Another verse that comes to mind is Wisdom 14:9:


“But to God the wicked and his wickedness are hateful alike.” (Wisdom 14:9)


So, the proper understanding of this issue is, in our opinion, that God loves the sinner in the sense that He desires the sinner’s eternal good: He desires the sinner to convert and gives him or her the grace to do so.  However, as the sinner is in a state of mortal sin, the sinner is hateful to God just like his sin.  That’s why, if the sinner were to die in that hateful state, God would punish the mortal sinner eternally in Hell.




Dear Brothers,

I understand that neither of you profess to be financial experts, but I see a looming economic collapse in the U.S. having some spiritual  significance. I see the forthcoming depression as being a much-deserved chastisement for this country's anti-family, anti-God, anti-freedom and anti-life legislation. I see an economic, global meltdown as another sign that we are in the end-times and on the eve of the anti-Christ's terrible reign.

We see the Federal Reserve consolidating Bear Stearns, Fannie-Freddie and AIG, the DOW plunging more than 300 points, the dollar hitting an all-time low and Americans starting to make bank runs. Do you believe that a Great Depression is imminent in the U.S.?

Again, I know you are not financial analysts, but as I greatly value your truthful perspectives on the crisis in the Church, I would also  value your opinion on these current economic events.

Thank you and God bless you.

Michael Dougherty


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  For some years now, in the “WATCH OUR DVDS ONLINE” section of our site, we’ve had a video and an audio lecture dealing with that issue.  We believe that those presentations answer the question concerning what’s going on in the economic arena.  Those presentations are at the same time fascinating and frightening.  One can see them on our “Watch our DVDs” page, but below we’ve copied the links and our description of them:



The Money Masters (3 hr. 35 min video)


This is a link to a fascinating and important two-part video presentation called: The Money Masters: how international bankers gained control over America.  On this topic there is also the excellent lecture by G. Edward Griffin below.  Some may find this lecture below better as an introduction to this topic.  It is certainly powerful and frightening, though it doesn’t cover the history and many other important points covered in The Money Masters.  Both of them are worth watching/listening to.


The Creature from Jekyll Island: Audio Lecture on the Federal Reserve (1 hr. 13 min. audio) – need a real player for this one

"G. Edward Griffin exposes the most blatant scam of all history. It’s all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. It's just exactly what every American needs to know about the power of the central bank."


While these excellent presentations obviously don’t deal with a strictly spiritual topic, and therefore are not necessary to know for salvation as the spiritual truths are, they are definitely worth watching.  This issue has also been addressed by popes, as we will see below.  The Money Masters video and The Creature from Jekyll Island audio expose the Federal Reserve System.  The Federal Reserve System – and this is sure to be a shock and even a jaw-dropper to those unfamiliar with some of this information – is actually a private bank that creates America’s money out of nothing and charges interest on top of it!  It constitutes one of the biggest secular scams in all of history.  (By the way, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Alan Greenspan, is Jewish.  The current chairman, Ben Bernanke, is also Jewish.)  This private bank, deceptively called the Federal Reserve System, essentially runs America; and the money masters have used their power, influence and deceit to get the leaders of other countries to accept similar arrangements.  The video quotes many prominent politicians who admit that the international bankers constitute an invisible government; these politicians also admit that the bankers control the majority of newspapers.


As The Money Masters video presentation so effectively shows, understanding the money masters and how they gained control of the world’s finance is the key to understanding major events in American history.  It uncovers the real reason for the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, President Garfield, etc.  It also covers the rise of the Jewish Rothschild banking dynasty, the most powerful family in the world, and the incredible way that it came to take control of England’s central bank.  The Rothschild family was said to hold half of the wealth of the world by the end of the 19th century.  This corresponds to the assessment of Pope Pius XI.


Pope Pius XI, Caritate Christi compulsi (#3), May 3, 1932: “… the wealth of nations is heaped up in the hands of a very few private men, who – as We warned you last year, in Our Encyclical Letter Quadragesimo anno – control the trade of the whole world at their will, thereby doing immense harm to the people.”


This video presentation reveals that, since the money masters have such power over the money supply, they can create wars and depressions (the latter by tightening the money supply).  These created recessions and depressions are used to threaten and/or punish governments if they resist the international bankers aims to take control of their money supply.  In other words, they are used to get countries to submit to the central-bank-in-private-hands system.  The quotations from Pius XI above and below confirm the accuracy of the message contained in The Money Masters. 


Pope Pius XI, Quadragesimo anno (#106), May 15, 1935: “This dictatorship is being most forcibly exercised by those who, since they hold the money and completely control it, control credit also and rule the lending of money.  Hence they regulate the flow, so to speak, of the life-blood whereby the entire economic system lives, and have so firmly in their grasp the soul, as it were, of economic life that no one can breathe against their will.”


These presentations are not only a history lesson, but will change the way one looks at the world. 


Thank you


I thank you, I love your website looking through and learning something every time I go to your website. I grew up as baptist not liking to go to church knowing that it wasnt real but i knew about God and prayed and always wondered what the Catholic religion was about. I did not really now why I was so drawn to the religion, but I knew there was something great about it. I was about 13 or 14 when I went to a "catholic" church (it was novus ordo, I knew there was something wrong but I still wanted to learn more) a few years went by I was 18 and had friends that took me to church and taught me about mass and how great god was. I met a traditional catholic man… I have been baptized and trying to be a good catholic. So thank you for putting together a website that teaches real traditional ethics and lessons.


God Bless



Mortal Sin



A question from another site asks; "Is it true that not knowing certain creeds/prayers constitutes mortal sin?"  One of the replies was, "In my daily missal (1957) from Laverty & Sons, Leeds, UK - it says it would be a mortal sin for any Christian not to know the Pater, Ave, Gloria and Credo and their basic meanings in substance."

Would you expand on this?

God Bless,



MHFM: Yes, traditional Catholic teaching is that to be gravely neglectful of one’s duties before God, such as to learn the basics at one’s disposal, is to commit mortal sin.  Similarly, if a person goes without any prayer for some time that, by itself, would be considered a mortal sin.  Besides, one who would go without any prayer for some time would certainly fall into other mortal sins.


Frequently we hear from adult professing Catholics who don’t know the basics about the Catholic faith, even though they have claimed to be Catholics for decades.  It’s one thing if they don’t know but are ready to learn and increase their spiritual intensity.  In other words, if they’re ready to change, that’s great.  But frequently, even though they have slothfully not learned or done almost anything to deeper their knowledge of the faith they claim to possess, they arrogantly insist they know the Catholic faith and refuse to hear the truth.  That pride – a spiritual blindness – has arisen as a result of years of living in mortal sin.  This is the mortal sin of neglecting one’s duties before God: to learn the faith, practice the faith and spread the faith. 


Book and FM




Am anxiously awaiting the UFO book....


Lots of great comments.  Right.  Freemasonry is not the only issue.  The real issue is sin.  Freemasonry is simply the leader of the one world government issue and they make use of everything anti-Christ.  Protestantism was not a Freemason's idea but it serves them well.  Everything sinful serves their cause to destroy the Catholic Church.  They've already set up our Catholic Churches into Masonic temples and thrown out all they can get away with that's Catholic.  It's only a matter of time.


If Catholics had recognized this false church when the first table was placed in front of our altars, and walked out, they could have not succeeded as well as they have.  It was us, the V2 false Catholics who helped and who help Freemasonry and it's demonic goals.




New Audio: The Bible on Praying to Saints


MHFM: This is an important new audio on the Bible’s teaching on praying to and venerating saints. 


The Bible on Praying to and Venerating Saints [New 53 min. audio]


This audio contains powerful evidence.  It covers this important issue from new angles and with unique points.  In addition to covering the biblical basis for the communion of saints, this audio covers the Bible’s teaching on venerating relics, images and statues.


This has been added to our: Refuting Protestantism and Eastern "Orthodoxy" * Audio Programs.


Last Days


Dear  MHFM    I just wanted to share some thoughts with you on the last days. I am  convinced  we are right now living in the time just before the second coming of christ and the final judgment. we are in the last days. there is just too much evil and sin in the world. and all the signs that  christ warned in scripture are coming to pass, and also from true approved apparitions and prophecies. dont follow or believe false  apparitions and  prophecies not approved by church  they are probably from the devil. all we need is sacred scripture, public revelation, apostolic tradition, teachings of early church fathers, and private revelations and prophecies that have been approved by legitimate authority. these are the only sources we can completely trust...   


                                         sincerly mark


MHFM: We don’t disagree with your comments.


Saints and Vatican II


Hi! I am wondering how one should see the saints that died after Vatican 2 like Theresa  Neumann or Padre Pio or other saints, if they were saints why didnt they oppose or expose the heresy of Vatican 2? If they didnt see it, how could they be saints? These are questions that haunt my conscience! Please help!


MHFM: With regard to Theresa Neumann, she died in 1962.  This was before Vatican II really got started.  But we’re not sure about her anyway.  With regard to Padre Pio, he died in 1968.  It was early on in the Vatican II apostasy.  Further, even Catholic saints and holy men don’t know everything.  Some people are under the false impression that they do.  Certain saints, such as St. Vincent Ferrer, mistakenly followed antipopes: i.e., men who claimed to be popes but had not been validly elected.  Saints can make mistakes, but they cannot be heretics. 


There is no proof that Padre Pio was a heretic.  He was simply unaware of the full scope of what occurred at Vatican II.  Thus, we don’t see any problem with the notion that Padre Pio is among the saints in Heaven, but he obviously has not been canonized by a true pope.  


Jesus and God


MHFM: This e-mail is from a person questioning the Divinity of Jesus Christ.  He is asking How Jesus can be God, yet have a God and a Father.


(Ephesians 1:3) 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,. . .


does Jesus have a father and does Jesus have a God?


(Revelation 3:12) . . ."‘The one that conquers—I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will by no means go out [from it] anymore, and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which descends out of heaven from my God, and that new name of mine.


MHFM: Yes, that’s the profound truth and the mystery of the Incarnation.  Jesus is God, yet He is also true man.  He has a Father and a God, while also being God.  As God (in His divine nature) He is equal to the Father.  But as man (in His human nature) He is less than the Father.  That’s why we see passages such as John 14:28, where Jesus says that the Father is “greater than I.”  But the Scriptures also clearly indicate that Jesus is God: “Thomas answered and said to him: My Lord, and my God” (John 20:28).  There is much more evidence on this point in this file:


Where does the Bible teach that Jesus is God?


Hence, understanding that JESUS IS ONE DIVINE PERSON with two natures (divine and human) clears away any trouble in understanding those passages which you cite.  A proper comprehension of Catholic dogma makes understanding this issue so much easier.  The perspicacity of the Catholic magisterium is truly remarkable.  Concerning an issue which has tripped up so many heretics throughout history (e.g., Arians, “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” etc.), the Catholic magisterium cuts through the fog by its precise definitions which illuminate the teaching of Scripture.  These definitions demonstrate the divine protection the Catholic Church receives in its teaching office.  Errors on the Incarnation, which have been the special object of the condemnation of Catholic councils, are made even more dangerous by the fact that they are propped up by misused passages from Scripture.  Without the Church’s guidance, one can fall into a pit of misunderstanding and false interpretation on these passages.


Pope St. Leo the Great, Council of Chalcedon, 451, ex cathedra: “… we all with one voice teach the confession of one and same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: the same perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity, the same truly God and truly man, of a rational soul and a body; consubstantial with the Father as regards his divinity, and the same consubstantial with us as regards his humanity… one and same Christ… a single person and subsistent being; He is not parted or divided into two persons, but is one and the same only-begotten Son, God, Word, Lord Jesus Christ…”


V-2 Seminaries


Hello Bro Dimond,


I want to thank you for all the research you have put together on this subject. The contradictions of Vatican-II are very plain to see.


I used to be a seminarian in 2 Catholic prep schools back in the late 1970's (at St. John Vianney Seminary in Richmond VA, and then at St. Joseph Prep Seminary in Parkersburg, WV), both of which were minor seminaries which have since been closed down.


St John's was considered a liberal seminary, even by the Bishop of the Richmond diocese who shut it down back in 1978 (there was "liturgical dancing" and rock music during mass, and also, it was rather difficult to tell it was a seminary... Some of us from St. John's then went to St Joseph's, which was much more conservative (and remained open until about the mid 80's). At St. Joseph's I wasn't as conservative as some students who had thought seminarians should wear a cassock & surplus. But there was one priest (Fr. Claro) who many of us believed to be gay, and we didn't have to be conservative to notice it. Fr. Claro was very effeminate, and a few students who were known to be gay seemed to have an affinity towards him… and with the recent gay-priest scandals that broke out between 2002-2005, I wasn't surprised that it would eventually surface somehow. I just never knew it was that bad until it all came out….


Your brother in Christ Jesus our God & Savior.


Tony Iglesias




Dear Brothers: I am shocked and bewildered to say the least that my soul is not capable of protecting itself from a diabolical trap set by satan himself self with the help of men who claim to be catholic but destroy any vestige of hope for us the sedavacentist (spelling) by the stroke of diabolical infusion of John 23d, Anti-Pope Paul 6th,and ensuing popes all anti-traditionalists.


I for one not to mention my loved ones who are either not aware or are not willing to listen to me a nut. However, none the less, I cry for their souls as I do for mine. You see they are subjected to what I am also subjected to and that is no church no sacrament and after 76 and the idiot apostate Paul IV destroying the priesthood by bogus consecration with most of the validly ordained priests dying away, no church no salvation. Now the question is: how do we survive and burn our way into heaven? There is no way or avenue is there? You wonder why I am scared of loosing my soul? There has to be a way, God would not allow us to fester here on this earth without a way for those of us who see the destruction. I saw this coming since 1960. I never knew of Cardinal Siri until now and the illegal methods used to destroy the appointment. I personally saw white smoke and I wondered why but was never told.  The Masons installed John the mason and the other apostates.


Saint Pius X, Society of Saint Joseph and others no good if they adhere to the apostate non-catholic Popes. You see, this leaves us nothing not to mention that even the validly ordained priests will be extinct in a few years then where does it leave us-no mass and more important no EUCHARIST. I traveled several miles to go to confession and at least if ordained before 76 I am absolved at least clear of the devils grip. And when I die, will I be able to receive anointing properly before death? This is more than scary it is devastating.


The crucified Christ has been abandoned and the average catholic does not know it and those of us who do are not left with a church we can go to and keep our faith. If one does not have a place to go and receive valid Bread and Wine, then all is lost for us and we lose our faith all together as we cannot keep up the good fight without the support of the Church which now does not exist.


Can you tell those of us who are desperate the answer? That is the question which trumps all the other…God the Savior of all who love and revere Him await His Divine Help. Could you please give guidance or advise? Thanks and God Bless.


Lou M.


MHFM: It's not true that the Church doesn't exist.  It exists, and it will always exist.  It's heretical to say that it doesn't.  Going to a church is normally something one can do, but it's false to say that all hope is lost if you have nowhere to go to church on Sunday.  In certain periods of Church history there were Catholics who had nowhere to go to Mass.  Further, if a person is convinced and has made a traditional profession of faith, there should be a place to make a good confession.  Where to go to Mass or confession today?


Regarding advice, we would say that you must be totally convinced of the faith; return to and stay in the state of grace; pray the full 15-decade rosary each day (if you can); dedicate yourself more energetically to the spiritual life and to the study of Catholicism.  Really cultivate a true devotion to the Hail Mary and the Rosary.  Keep your faith active by evangelizing and spreading the information to others.  This shows charity – a concern for others.  Try to learn more.  Avoid the occasions of sin.  Those are a few quick things we would mention on the matter of guidance and what one should do.




Dear MHFM,


I concur with you on Freemasonry being ONE of the evils, there are countless others.  One item I see with FreeMasonry is it's infiltration along many aspects of life today, not just within the church but within government and other areas of political focus.  I also agree  that by focusing on just one aspect one could loose sight of the real importance, faith and devotion.  I had the opportunity to listen to your debate with Mr. Golle.  This was truly eye opening as he consistently centered around one item and returned to it over and over.  The fact that how would one know when a valid Pope was elected and who would do the electing.  This was his ONLY rebuttal.  The item he seemed to miss on most clearly was heresy by deed.  Even if you eliminate ALL the quoted passages, simply look at the actions of these individuals.  It is more than clear in this alone.  Has he ever come back for a future debate with you?.....my guess would be no.


God Bless,


Bruce Knapp


MHFM: Yes, and even on that point, he was completely wrong.  As we pointed out, there are numerous historical examples where it’s not clear precisely when or how many electors were involved in the election of the true pope.  Rather, the election was simply acknowledged at some point by the Catholic clergy of Rome.  The same process could apply to a future valid election.  Thus, his only argument was refuted; and, of course, he had no response whatsoever to any of heresies of the Vatican II antipopes, including those in deed (as you mentioned).


Has he ever debated us since that time?  Yes, we had a debate on whether Vatican II teaches that non-Catholics may receive Holy Communion.  He argued vigorously that Vatican II does not teach that non-Catholics may receive Holy Communion.  As any honest person who hears the debate can tell, such a position is nonsense.  You can listen to the debate here:


Debate: does Vatican II teach that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion?  [39 min. audio – June 2, 2008]


After the debate, Golle wrote to us and reversed his position.  He now admits that Vatican II does allow non-Catholics to receive Holy Communion.  He now admits that what we argued for in the debate is correct.  But he thinks that Vatican II’s teaching, that non-Catholics may receive Holy Communion, is fine.  But it’s actually heretical.


Golle has also offered to debate us on baptism of desire.  He’s the only person who has been willing to debate us on that matter.  We have challenged many prominent sedevacantists; none of them have been willing.  If that remains the case, then we will debate Golle on the matter.  But we really wanted to debate one of the sedevacantist heretics, rather than a pro-Vatican II heretic like Golle.  This is because in a debate with a sedevacantist who believes in baptism of desire certain issues – the proper understanding of which is critical to holding the true Catholic faith in our times – will come up and be emphasized.  These issues might not come up or be emphasized in a debate with a pro-Vatican II heretic.  It’s very important that these issues and principles, which would be raised by a sedevacantist baptism of desire supporter, come up in a debate on the topic.  For when they do, many sedevacantists who believe in baptism of desire will (or, at least, should) see just how wrong they have been in applying certain principles and making certain arguments.  That’s critically important.  That’s why we’re really looking for a debate discussion with a sedevacantist who believes in baptism of desire. 


UFO book




was wondering if the ufo book is available yet?


MHFM: The new book on UFOs should be available for order this week.


Library sale


My Library is having a book sale on November 1 and needs DVD and book donations. I immediately thought of your books and DVDs to give them. The library will though be trying to make money.  It might give a lot more people the chance to see the faith.  Is it okay If I let them resell your material for profit?
Kenneth C.


MHFM: That’s fine.  Hopefully they will get circulated.





Would you explain or direct me to the info for Fasting and abstinence.  As I've heard Fasting should be done on Wednesday and Friday, Saturday for our Mother Mary, and Monday for others.

Thank you,


MHFM: Yes, certain days of the year are days of fasting.  You can find the laws of fasting and abstinence explained, together with the traditional Catholic calendar, in this file: Traditional Catholic Calendar and Fast Days.




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery, I love to listen to your tapes while I work. Even when I'm busy I hope they give me a good kind of… message. My favorites are : "Hell and the Brown Scapular" and "Death and the Journey Into Hell".


Thank you




Convinced and Freemasonry


Dear Brother Dimond,

God Bless you, not only for the information I have received from your website and within your materials (I have been reading the books and watching the DVD's) but also the ability to tear away the veil that has kept me blind for sooo long.  I can now truly say that I renounce the Vatican II church along with it's false Pope's (most recent being John XXIII,  Paul 6, John Paul II,  and Benedict XVI).  I will never again attend the Novus Ordo mass and have taken the "Profession of Catholic Faith for Converts" in the back of your book "What really happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II"?.  I am praying the rosary every day and working towards the 15 decades.  I believe firmly that "outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation".  My next steps are to find a priest that was ordained prior to 1968 and confess my sins, an all encompassing confession as I am not sure if my past confessions were valid since I cannot be sure of when the priests were ordained.  I am also working on trying to find a church and priest that hold to the above statements as well (I realize this may be difficult).

On some general observances, I have also read much on FreeMasonry in the past to learn of this vile religion...  It seems quite obvious to me that FreeMasonry is the true evil that seeks to destroy Christianity.  Their worship of Lucifer (the light) and all the monuments that are being constructed for his "coming".  I have listened to your overviews of this on your programs but was wondering if you had more insight.  Now that I am aware of it it seems to be everywhere!......

Once again, God Bless you and the Monastery for all that you are doing.  The site is incredible and I find myself spending more and more time just wanting to "catch up".  There is so much there......

God Bless,

Bruce K.


MHFM:  Thanks for the e-mail.  It’s very encouraging to hear about your interest.  Freemasonry is one evil; it’s just one aspect of the Devil’s plan.  It’s definitely important to be aware of it and to expose it, as we do.  We’re not saying that you feel this way, but some people out there tend to see everything with relation to Freemasonry.  They make the battle between good and evil essentially the battle against Freemasonry, as if forces pro and con Freemasonry define everything.  That would be a huge mistake.  When people do that, they often lose focus of the Gospel, the matters of faith, and the real spiritual evils (e.g., heresy, mortal sin, immorality, etc.).  Freemasonry is only one of these evils – albeit a significant one, especially when it comes to matters of modern states and the political structure.




Dear Brothers,


I have a question regarding religious images. Is it ok to have Russian or Greek Orthodox images in the home? I ask this because on some websites selling religious items they sell these - I don't want to assume they are ok just because a "Catholic" website sells them that this means they are acceptable.


Thank you for your the information you have made available through your website, it has reconnected me with the church that I thought was dead and gone… I was recommended this site by a friend.


Thank you.




MHFM; Thanks for the e-mail.  Perhaps you mean Eastern rite icons or Byzantine art or images and icons of Eastern Christianity.  Yes, if they are Eastern images or icons of Jesus, Mary or a Catholic saint, and they seem traditional, they would be good to have.  They wouldn’t be Russian or Greek “Orthodox” images because that which is Russian or Greek “Orthodox” indicates an affiliation with those schismatic sects which reject the Papacy.  The members of those sects do use the traditional images of Eastern Christianity, but the images themselves are not affiliated with and do not represent their schismatic sects. 


New Audio on Carroll


MHFM: This is a new, short audio discussion of an outrageous heresy.  The heresy comes from the well-known “conservative Catholic” historian named Warren H. Carroll.  Carroll was the founder and former president of “conservative” Christendom College.  The audio is a brief analysis of the heresy with some related comments on intellectual pride, impurity of intention, and other things.


Audio on an outrageous heresy of Warren H. Carroll [12 min. audio]


Warren H. Carroll, A History of Christendom, Vol. 3 (The Glory of Christendom), p. 340: “[He quotes Pope Boniface VIII’s Bull, Unum Sanctam] ‘… We declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.’


“[Carroll says] The great problem with this document comes in the last sentence, the last and worst example of Pope Boniface VIII’s tendency to overstate.  The rest of it is a clear, forthright, and effective exposition of the Hildebrandine doctrine of the place of the Pope in Christendom.  But the last sentence sounds like a claim of universal sovereignty, temporal as well as spiritual, and also – though this was not an issue at the time, more than two hundred years before the appearance of Protestantism – a solemn declaration that only practicing Catholics can be saved.  In fact Pope Boniface VIII, as we have seen, had explicitly repudiated any claim to be a temporal ruler outside the Papal state in this very year 1302, and there is nothing whatever to indicate that he was even thinking of the doctrinally separate question of the salvation of persons who are not practicing Catholics.  Rather he was addressing those in almost universally Catholic western, central, and northern Europe who might willfully refuse obedience to the Pope despite fully understanding the nature of the office he held and his supreme authority in the spiritual realm.” 


Not heresy?


To whom it may concern,


I reviewed your article and I believe you overlooked something. “Protestantism” refers to any number of various sects that have broken away from Rome. In that sense, you are a protestant. Realizing that to assert that would be ridiculous, I move on. Is Protestantism technically a heresy, or is it schism, or what? There is a great difficulty in identifying the one heresy that all protestants share in common, they are so opposed to one another in their own beliefs that it is almost impossible to single out anything. So, I would like to know how Ratzinger’s conclusion that “Protestantism today is something different from heresy in the traditional sense, a phenomenon whose true theological place has not yet been determined” Referring to Protestantism as the summation of all heresies is a flawed identification, they are not heretics in every regard, so I fail to see why his classification of what Protestantism is today is flawed.

What makes him a heretic?


In Christ,

Dan Henson


MHFM: No, sir, you are completely wrong.  A heretic is a person who rejects a teaching of the Catholic Church.  You don’t seem to understand that fact.  Protestants reject teachings of the Catholic Church, in case you didn’t know.  They reject Catholic sacraments; they reject dogmatic councils; they reject papal dogmas; they reject dogmas about Our Lady; etc.  That makes all Protestants heretics, most of them on more than one issue.  They are Protestants because they do not accept or agree with all the teachings of the Catholic Church. 


Protestantism refers to the general belief system exhibited by the collection of sects which broke away from the Catholic Church and which reject teachings of the Catholic Church.  Protestantism is, therefore, without any question heretical/heresy, and Protestants are heretics.  Thus, for Benedict XVI to say that Protestantism is not heresy is to say that the movement of thousands of sects which reject Catholic teaching, dogmatic councils, certain sacraments, etc. is not heresy.  That’s clearly an outrageous heresy.  So, frankly, your comments are absurd.  Any honest person who has a level of fidelity to Catholic truth can recognize that.  However, honest people are unfortunately in short supply today.


Since Protestants typically reject Vatican I, the papal primacy and the authority of the true popes, they are also schismatic.  You are the Protestant heretic and the justifier of Protestants, not us.


Pope Pius XI, Rerum omnium perturbationem (#4), Jan. 26, 1923: “The saint was no less a person that Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva and Doctor of the Universal Church.  Like those brilliant examples of Christian perfection and wisdom to whom We have just referred, he seemed to have been sent especially by God to contend against the heresies begotten by the [Protestant] Reformation.  It is in these heresies that we discover the beginnings of that apostasy of mankind from the Church, the sad and disastrous effects of which are deplored, even to the present hour, by every fair mind.”


Jungle Argument




The Jungle argument is hilarious and I find it hard to believe I actually used this argument myself as a V2 "Catholic". 


If God can't reach his people in the jungle who love and want to know the truth, then God can't do much of anything else and we are left to our own devices. 


MHFM: Well, once a Catholic becomes familiar with the dogmatic teaching of the Church on salvation (e.g., the ex cathedra pronouncements), if he still insists on that kind of objection then he has a big problem.  He has a big problem because his resistance on that point shows that he has a major problem with supernatural faith and submission to God’s revelation.




If I've committed mortal sin and have nowhere to go for confession then what should I do? Should I ask God for forgiveness? Are there any specific prayers I must say?

Also does it matter for one's salvation if one was baptized by a novus ordo "priest"?

Thanks, Richard


MHFM: You should make an Act of Contrition, if you have not done so.  Further, to be forgiven without confession one needs to have perfect contrition plus the desire to go to confession.  But there should be a priest you can find, who is valid, who can hear your confession.  On that issue, consult Where to go to Mass or confession today?.


Zambia interest


Bro. Micheal Dimond,


I honestly came across your web site by accident. However, I got interested immediately with what I read about the great apostasy, traditional catholic, and many other things.


I am a Roman Catholic since birth and my parents were also Catholic. I am 52 years old. The information I came accross were quite new to me. Especially about Vatican II and thereafter. Naturally, I thought I some get some more details. Hence my writing to you.


To start with, your video called "Abortion, Rock Music and Freemasonary" is very interesting and highly educative that made me so unhappy and made me resolve to help the youth and GOD fearing Catholic to fight it at all cost. The death and resurrection of LORD Jesus Christ should not be allowed to be diluted by such abomination as you revealed. Keep up this revelation. It is very important that the true picture is made known.


I had wanted to download the video, unfortunately I failed. Could you send me a copy of the video.


I am looking forward to hear from you and best regards.





Savages and Invincible Ignorance


Dear Brothers,


I was discussing about the dogma "Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation" with a friend. My friend asked, then are the savages in the jungle damned?  How do I answer this?


God bless and thank you




MHFM: As our book Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation [pdf file] covers in much detail, the Catholic Church teaches that those who die in ignorance of the Gospel are lost.  If they died in ignorance of Christ and without water baptism, it’s because they were not of good will.  Thus, you respond to the person by pointing out that the Church and Jesus Christ teach that knowing the essential mysteries of the Gospel (the Trinity and Incarnation) is necessary for all people above reason, and that all who die without that knowledge are not saved.  Such people were left in ignorance because of their mortal sins and bad will.  That’s Catholic teaching.


Since you mentioned the savages, the first thing that comes to mind is the quote from St. Isaac Jogues below.  He was the amazing 16th century missionary to the North American heathen.  This quote is also particularly relevant because a baptism of desire advocated actually argued just recently that our lengthy quotes from St. Isaac Jogues and St. Francis Xavier (the extraordinary missionary to Asia) do not prove that these missionaries did not believe in invincible ignorance.  Such an idea is absurd, of course.  The quote below is sufficient to prove our point:


St. Isaac Jogues: “Although, in all probability, I could escape [from the Iroquois] either through the Europeans or through the other savages living around us, if I should wish it, I decided to live on this cross on which Our Lord had fixed me in company with Himself, and to die with His grace helping me… Who could instruct the prisoners who were being constantly brought in?  Who could baptize them when they were dying, and strengthen them in their torments?  Who could pour the sacred waters on the heads of the children?  Who could look after the salvation of the adults who were dying, and after the instruction of those in good health?  Indeed, I believe that it happened not without a singular providence of the Divine Goodness, that I should have fallen into the hands of these very savages… These savages, I must confess, unwillingly and reluctantly have thus far spared me, by the will of God, so that thus through me, although unworthy, they might be instructed, they might believe, and be baptized, as many of them as are preordained for eternal life.”[10]


This clearly shows that St. Isaac rejected invincible ignorance.  His whole life shows it, as any honest person who has studied it knows.  St. Isaac knew that those heathen who did not come to know the Catholic Faith, but remained ignorant of it, simply were not preordained for eternal life.  As Catholics, of course, we don’t believe as the heretic John Calvin, who held a predestination according to which no matter what one does he is either predestined for heaven or hell.  That is a wicked heresy.  Rather, as Catholics we believe in the true understanding of predestination, which is expressed by St. Isaac Jogues and Romans 8.  This true understanding of predestination simply means that God’s foreknowledge from all eternity makes sure that those who are of good will and are sincere will be brought to the Catholic faith and come to know what they must – and that those who are not actually brought to the Catholic faith and don’t know what they must were not among the elect.  Many other quotes from St. Isaac Jogues and St. Francis Xavier all indicate the same thing, despite what some heretical liars contend. 


Culture of Death


Regarding an earlier e-exchange someone wrote of Paul6's quotation about the smoke of satan having entered the church. On the heels of that statement, I'd like to also add anti-pope JP2's infamous declaration of ours being a "culture of death". The same pro-NFP, pro-communist, pro-NWO, pro-satanic anti-pope JP2 has the audacity to make such a statement. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Make no mistake, this is a tactic that has been used time and time again by Freemasons and the powerful elite, known as "hoodwinking". And yet the masses fall for it because they have no love of the truth.

Spiritual Struggles


Dimond Brothers,


At the very end of your exorcism audio involving Analiese, you well remind us of the malice of mortal sin and that everyone should do their utmost to avoid it.


In this light I believe it would do us all well to share our experiences, successes and failures, in resisting temptation. Since there are fewer and fewer faithful priests who understand the gravity of our current situation (in part due to the fact that their apostasy has made them more ministers of Satan than ministers of God), we must allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into the Life, Truth and Way of Christ.


I am suggesting that you have a special e-mail category on your website where people are encouraged to share their spiritual struggles, successes and failures, with regard to their attempts to successfully detach from Satan, the world and the flesh.


We may be able to help one another in ways too few priests can truly help in the confessional today.


Although Satan, the world and the flesh sometimes interact, you can through discernment of Spirit see where the primary source is. For example, religious indifferentism is of Satan; notions of one world government is both Satan and the world; fornication and masturbation and pornography would be both Satan and the flesh.


It is absolutely terrifying the extent to which Satan controls our world through his minions to the extent that he has deceived us into thinking that he has nothing at all to do with the so-called terrorism that we are sacrificing our Christian soldiers to defeat. It is almost as if all governments together with the apostate Church and all other false religions are in the grip of the devil and are ministering to him rather than to Christ our Risen Lord.


It would be great comfort to me and I am sure to others to have some place through e-mail communication on your website to discuss our everyday struggles with Satan, the world and the flesh.


If one soul is saved through this effort, it would be well worth it. My hope is that millions of souls could be saved.


Yours in Christ,


James K.


MHFM:  We appreciate the sentiments, and we do post e-mails of this sort.  If one is speaking of people’s struggles in and out of mortal sin, we must point out that a true Catholic who is serious about his/her salvation should not be falling into mortal sin.  One who is serious about saving his/her soul must break from mortal sin.  Certainly the Sacrament of Penance is there for people who are converting to the traditional faith and changing their lives.  But I guess the point we’re making here is you sometimes here priests, especially those in the Novus Ordo, say things like: “I love it when people come to me and confess the same sin over and over again.  It shows their confidence in the sacrament and God’s mercy.”  We heard a “conservative” priest on EWTN make that statement.  If we’re talking about mortal sin (the priest made no distinction), then that’s a terrible statement.  People should not be confessing the same mortal sin over and over because that means that they have not broken from it.  It means that they have not demonstrated the firm purpose of amendment that they need to make a good confession.  If one is talking about venial sins, then it’s a different story, even though one should also try to avoid them.  But Catholics who are falling into mortal sin are not yet serous about their salvation.


Protestant Lie




I was perusing a website as I was looking up info on "The Great Raid," an American rescue operation of P.O.W.'s in 1945 that was made into a movie a few years ago.


Now in this war movie, one of the U.S. Rangers has a picture of Mary and he says to another soldier, "we're going to need a little miracle." I happened upon a website in connection with "Focus On The Family," a protestant organization as you are aware. I was browsing through their screening of the different aspects of this film. But in their preview, it states that the soldier has a picture of Jesus, not Mary. An utter, bare-faced lie!!!


I saw the movie in the theatre and I have it on disc, and there is no mistake.


The Catholic and Marian flavor of the movie, along with a re-enactment of a rescue of my dad's P.O.W. buddies at this death camp (my dad was at a different camp) prompted me to read a little book gathering dust called "The Glories of Mary." Within a year, I stopped attending the novus ordo sect's service.


I am eternally in debt to the Holy Spirit and to Mary for converting me to the true faith, and may the Holy Spirit and the Mother of God convert those at Focus On The Family as I was.







MHFM: That’s interesting; thanks for the e-mail.


Damned Souls

I read Annilse Michelles Exorcism and it said Baal,Lucifer,Beezlebub,Judas and Hitler Possesed her.Can the sould of a damned Human like Hitler take possesion of sombody?Then in an exorcism called warnigs from beyond it says that Judas was in the person.By the way if you havn't read the exorcism Warnigs from beyond you should try find it,the exorcism was preformed sometime during the 70's.It's good in the the Exorciam Akabor says that Vatican 2 was the work of Hell.

God Bless

Sean Keogan


MHFM: We’re not aware of any teaching of the Church which conflicts with that idea.  Regarding Anneliese Michel, we discussed that case in some detail in this audio.  It contains some interesting points.  This is the real story behind The Exorcism of Emily Rose.  A discussion of the Exorcism of Anneliese Michel  [19 min. audio]


Smoke of Satan


I read that Paul VI once said  "It is as if from some mysterious crack, no, it is not mysterious, from some crack the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God."  So how could on one hand someone reside over and orchestrate such chaos in the Church, which I believe he did, but then on the other hand lament the results? That is the real mystery to me.


MHFM: He did it precisely as a calculated and diabolical move to confuse people.  The Devil knew that, as soon as Paul VI made that statement, everyone would look around at everyone else for the cause of the smoke of Satan, when it was Paul VI who was the cause.  There is more on exactly what Paul VI probably meant by that statement in our article on Paul VI: Paul VI (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1963-1978)




So sorry to hear that Bishop Sheen was a heretic.  I kind of suspected it.  I have many of his books and he is well worth quoting most of the time.  Seems he was a player.  Pride steps in and we're lost. 


MHFM: Yes, he certainly was a heretic.  The problem comes when people attempt to please people and not God alone.  It comes when they start to conform or hide the truth because they are afraid of losing people.  There are too many out there who purport to teach the traditional Catholic faith but don’t really believe or are not serving God with a pure intention.  Instead, they wind up serving Satan.  They need to stop serving Satan.  Nick Gruner is a prime example.  That happened a long time ago to him, with his failure to condemn Antipope John Paul II and his promotion of John Paul II with positive pictures, well after John Paul II engaged in horrible, repeated and public acts of apostasy.  All of that was done to please man. 




…I also wanted to comment on the question and your response regarding Buchanan.  I like a lot of Buchanan's work.  In his book, probably 20 years old now, Right From the Beginning, he unabashedly credits Franco with saving the Church in Spain, implying that he should be canonized, an attitude with which I agree.  Buchanan says things which are ture, that virtually no one else in the media with any name recognition will say.  He goes as far as he can go I think and still be published.  Others, like Joe Sobran, who pushed a little harder, have been virtually blacklisted and cannot be found in any main stream papers any longer. 


That said, I cannot disagree with your conclusions.  Nevertheless, I think Pat deserves our prayers for his conversion.  I think it is incredibly difficult for those of his generation, raised with respect for authority and love of country, to really see what is going on.  I know I was a cradle Catholic and lifelong conservative, who hated what was done by Vatican II, however I had never heard the term "Sedevacantist" nor even contemplated the possibility that the Pope wasn't a Catholic until I was introduced to you.  Or maybe he is just part of the "controlled opposition", but I don't know, that would seem just too clever.  


MHFM: We like a lot of his work, as well.  He’s a fascinating speaker on many matters.  But whether we like it or not, we have to point out that he doesn’t serve God and he’s not a real Catholic.  When he called John Paul II “a saint,” that revealed the depth of his spiritual darkness.  This came to be after years of compromise and serving man instead of God.  We do not believe he is part of a controlled opposition.  He is, rather, controlled by his failure to believe in the truth and stand for it.  We hope for his conversion.


Abelard and B.O.D.


[Note: This reader is asking about a heretic named Griff who has been attacking the necessity of the Catholic faith and baptism for salvation.]


I am a little concerned with what he said but I know you can counter-attack his heresies.  But what makes me angry is that HE IS A COWARD!!... he wont even debate you, that's dishonesty.  He prefers to debate someone like me or those who are still learning to reject us and say that you guys are wrong just because we don't know much.  Like a bully from school who picks on the little ones.


To be a little more specific with what bothers me the most when I read them was that he mentioned that you, Brother Peter, did not mention in your book about Abelard and St. Bernard, he stated that Abelard was rejecting the "teaching" of BOD… I really need to clear this up and also to denounce this heretic.  I will let you know if he is willing to debate with you.  God bless you, good-bye. 



MHFM:  This is why we wish we had a debate.  For in a debate, pathetic arguments such as the one advanced above (by the heretic you are asking about) would be shown to be what they are: completely false.  That’s why the heretics aren’t willing to debate.  They prefer to spread their lies in forums where they cannot be put on the spot and refuted, to the delight of their bad willed friends and dupes.


The issue with the Council of Sens and Peter Abelard is this: it goes against the false doctrine of baptism of desire.  It doesn’t in any way, shape or form support it.  This point was mentioned way back in one of our first magazines.  The Council of Sens, during the reign of Pope Innocent II, condemned some 19 errors of Peter Abelard.  Peter Abelard was also one who, at the time, did not believe in baptism of desire.  His belief against baptism of desire was well known.  Among the 19 errors of Abelard which were condemned by the Council of Sens, guess what’s not included?  Yes, you guessed it.  There is no mention of his belief against baptism of desire.  So the Council of Sens (Denz. 368) condemned an assortment of Abelard’s false teachings.  It had every opportunity to condemn his denial of baptism of desire – which, as many acknowledge, was no secret – but it didn’t.  What do you call that?  That’s called the intervention of the Holy Ghost, sorting out the bad from the good.  It didn’t condemn his denial of baptism of desire because he was correct on that point.  He was following the majority view of the fathers on that matter.  [And just in case one of the deluded baptism of desire heretics attempts, in grotesque fashion, to read something against baptism of desire into one of the propositions of Abelard which were condemned, note that there is nothing at all in the 19 condemned propositions which even mentions the word “baptism,” baptism of desire or anything of the sort.  So it would just be another lie on their part.]


So, contrary to what the deluded heretic whom you reference says, exactly the opposite is true: The Council of Sens, by the fact that it did not condemn Abelard’s well known denial of baptism of desire, would be a point which weighs against baptism of desire, not for it. 


But then again, the fact that the heretic you mention thinks it favors baptism of desire should not be a surprise.  He’s an utter liar.  He’s the same heretic who thinks that one must be an enlightened believer to perform a valid baptism (completely wrong); that St. John Chrysostom, in a quote in which he says that unbaptized catechumens are excluded from Heaven, actually favors baptism of desire (!); that it’s wrong to say that the Sacrament of Baptism is necessary for salvation (the Council of Trent anathematizes those who won’t say that in Can. 5 on Baptism); and that Martin Luther might have been sincere at the very time he was viciously denouncing the Catholic Church and the Papacy as diabolical.  Even though we cannot have a debate on this topic, because none of the false traditionalist heretics are willing, consider this a debate response to one of their arguments.  For more on these heretics, this was the audio we posted a few weeks back:


"Baptism of Desire" heretics update [53 min. audio]


A Seed


Just wanted to let you know I was in our local library the other day and was about to use one of the computers and noticed that someone had accidently left their wallet and library card. I took the wallet to the librarian and she called the man on the intercom to retrieve it. When he came for his wallet and card, I introduced myself and told him I could have easily stolen it, but decided to do the right thing and turn it in. He was very thankful and he took ten dollars out of the wallet and offered to "buy me dinner." I kindly refused his money and told him there is one thing he can do to thank me, and that would be for him to watch the DVD I had in my car (I keep several copies of your DVD in my car at all times for occasions just like this!). I went and got the DVD… and told him that I'm trying to get people to wake up, and that this DVD would change his life, even if he's not Catholic. He then thanked me and told me he'd definitely watch the DVD. I pray he did watch it and perhaps it has planted a seed.






Thank you for your site.  I am trying to pray my way through all this and my head is spinning.  I am hoping the rosary and the intercession of The Blessed Mother will help me to digest all of this.


I have so many questions.  I guess the first is, if I, my husband, and four children were baptized in the NO church, using words that ended with "The Holy Spirit" as opposed to "The Holy Ghost" was the baptism valid?


Thank you.  I am filled with fear, sadness and simply overwhelmed at this realty that our church is not THE CHURCH.  Please pray for us.


God bless,



MHFM: Yes, it would be valid because the meaning is the same.


What is?


What exactly is Most Holy Family Monastery?  Is it a Sedevacantist group?  How does it differ from other Traditional Catholic groups?


I’ve read the info on your site and it is very impressive—in a disturbing way.



MHFM: We are traditional Catholics.  We accept all the teachings of the Catholic Church and all the dogmas, including all the papal dogmas, ecumenical councils and true popes.  We hold the sedevacantist position, that the Chair of Peter is presently vacant, because that is the true position.  Any consistent Catholic must come to that position.  We differ from almost all other groups, priests, societies, etc. which purport to be “traditional Catholic” today because they’re actually not Catholic.  Almost all of them compromise and deny the Catholic faith in one or more areas.  Almost all of them deny the necessity for the Catholic Church for salvation.  They believe that people can be saved by “baptism of desire” and/or invincible ignorance. 


The Catholic Church teaches that all must be baptized Catholics to be saved.  The dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation is at the heart of the battle for the Catholic faith today.  Essentially there are two camps: those who truly believe that one must be a baptized Catholic for salvation, and those who do not.  People who accept and/or defend baptism of desire today are on the side of those against the dogma.  Many of them also accept the birth control method of Natural Family Planning.  That is not acceptable.  Many of them teach major errors on Jurisdiction and other important issues.  But our books and articles cover these matters.


Only the Waters


Dear Brothers,


Thank you once again for your website.


I was trying to think of a pithy saying to sum up the Dogma, 'Outside the Church there is no Salvation… Here it is:


Blood and Desire, like murder and lust, simply fuel the fires of hell; Only the waters of Baptism can quench the flames of Hell.


Thanks again, and God Bless.


Kit White


Buchanan and B. Sheen


How does the Most Holy Family Monastery feel about Pat Buchanan and Bp. Fulton J. Sheen?


MHFM: Pat Buchanan is an interesting speaker and we like many of the things he says.  However, he’s an utter heretic.  He claims to be a Catholic, and even one who questions, in certain ways, the post-Vatican II orientation.  But he accepts the Second Vatican Council and the men who imposed it.  That’s horrible.  Worst of all, in an interview with EWTN he publicly called John Paul II “a saint”!  He came right out and made that statement.  Think about the significance of that statement.  That’s totally evil.  It shows that Buchanan is essentially an apostate: one who has abandoned the true Catholic faith.  He certainly knows what John Paul II did in trashing the Catholic faith and embracing apostasy.  He certainly knows or could easily find out what the Catholic Church has taught about the false ecumenism in which John Paul II engaged.  Not only does he think that John Paul II was Catholic (which is heretical), not only does he think that he was not a bad man (which is outrageous), but he thinks that he was a “saint”!  This shows that Buchanan and his pretension to be a devoted Catholic who stands for truth are utterly phony. 


Bishop Sheen was a man who had great exposure, being on television in front of so many people.  This caused many to be introduced to the Catholic faith.  However, Sheen was also a heretic.  He went along with the Vatican II apostasy.  He also rejected the Catholic dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  In one sermon of Sheen’s, which is so bad that it’s even criticized by priests of the SSPX who themselves deny the salvation dogma, Sheen said that the ignorant people in India are all other “Christs” and that “they don’t need to know” Jesus for salvation (on Suffering and the Passion of Christ).  Simply put, Sheen could hardly have denied the dogma that there is no salvation outside the Church more thoroughly. 


Even before he became a full-fledged apostate (which certainly happened after Vatican II), as he became more popular he seems to have shifted his message.  His message went from being more specifically Catholic in orientation to one which focused more generally with conservative and life issues, such as education, combating communism, proper living, etc.  This message was more palatable to members of various creeds.  It had a very secular emphasis.  This started him on his road to compromise and apostasy, but made him very popular with the non-Catholic world. 


Heresy at “Catholic” school


I go to a Catholic school that openly preaches heresy that just makes me sick.  One time our religion teacher even said, and I quote, "If somebody was a really good muslim or a really good hindu, then they could still go to Heaven."  I almost swallowed my teeth. At the time I didnt really know about the dogma that outside the church there is no salvation, I was confused because I thought if they dont believe in Jesus and the Holy trinity, then how could they go to Heaven?  Wouldnt they be confused when they got there? And thats just common sense. but to teach children basically that it doesnt matter what religion you are, that just makes me sick.  My question is what would I tell the religion teacher that tries to preach this or other various heresies and what would I tell the students?


Thank You,



MHFM: That’s quite heretical.  First you should tell them that such an idea rejects the teaching of Jesus in the Gospel.  Jesus repeatedly teaches that it’s necessary for salvation to believe in Him and get baptized, and that those do not will not be saved.  See section 34 of our book on salvation for many other passages on this point:


Mark 16:15-16- “And he (Jesus) said to them: Go ye into the whole world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.  He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned.”


Acts 4:12: “… the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ… Nor is there salvation in any other.  For there is no other name under heaven, given to men, whereby we must be saved.”


Second, tell them that such an idea rejects Catholic dogma, which declares specifically that 1) there is no salvation outside the Church, 2) that faith in Jesus Christ is necessary for salvation, 3) that the Catholic faith is necessary for salvation, and 4) that members of pagan, false and non-Catholic religions go to Hell unless they become Catholic before death.


Third, tell them that such an idea (i.e., that one can be saved by being “good” without being Catholic) has been specifically and precisely addressed by popes and rejected as heretical.  All of this is covered in our book: Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation [pdf file].  But here is one quote for each of the above points.


1 John 5:11-12: “And this is the testimony, that God hath given to us eternal life.  And this life is in his Son.  He that hath the Son, hath life.  He that hath not the Son, hath not life.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra: “Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity.– But the Catholic faith is this, that we worship one God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in unity... Therefore let him who wishes to be saved, think thus concerning the Trinity.

     But it is necessary for eternal salvation that he faithfully believe also in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ...the Son of God is God and man...– This is the Catholic faith; unless each one believes this faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved.”


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (#13), Aug. 15, 1832: “Now We consider another abundant source of the evils with which the Church is afflicted at present: indifferentism. This perverse opinion is spread on all sides by the fraud of the wicked who claim that it is possible to obtain the eternal salvation of the soul by the profession of any kind of religion, as long as morality is maintained. Surely, in so clear a matter, you will drive this deadly error far from the people committed to your care. With the admonition of the apostle that "there is one God, one faith, one baptism" may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever. They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that "those who are not with Christ are against Him," and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him. Therefore "without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate."


NFP & Divine Mercy


Dear Brother/Sister in Christ,


I was pleasantly surprised to find an article like this.  I was actually introduced to a group of missionaries from Peru and they also said the same thing about NFP and the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.


NFP is a sin as we do not surrender to the will of God.  One of the missionaries is an example of faith.  She felt in her heart that by submitting to the will of God, she did not perform NFP… she believed that God is a God of equilibrium and he will never give more than what you can handle.  Indeed, she only had two daughters even though she did not do NFP.


Regarding the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the group believes that Jesus already offered up his body, soul and divinity for our salvation.  We have no right to say that.  In any event, only the Priest should say that offer during consecration.  The group even pointed out that there is a passage in the bible where it mentions that the Evil will sit in the Altar.  That is what's happening with the Divine Mercy picture.  Others have found that the belt Jesus use in the Divine Mercy picture is a serpent.








I am praying that you can move beyond your massive conspiracy theories, constructed out of straw, and return to the one true faith that the Lord promised would stand, such that even the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. Your little movement is not that Church. The one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, under the guidance of the Bishop of Rome, Pope Benedict, is that Church. Turn back from error. Humble yourselves before the Lord. Mercy is ever available.

J.P. Gamaliel


MHFM: The Vatican II sect, which you falsely think is the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church, formally and repeatedly professes its communion with non-Catholic sects and leading schismatics.  But that doesn’t make any difference to you because you are not remotely Catholic.  You people are totally faithless and pathetic.  You couldn’t care less about what the Catholic Church teaches and what the Vatican II sect denies.  You don’t have the first clue about the real Catholic faith.


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File)

John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005)

Vatican II - false council


Second Thoughts


I am supposed to start RCIA on September the ;8th. I found your web site and am now having second thoughts. Did I understand you right that Post Vatican II Catholic Church's are not valid? And if not? Where are the Pre Vatican II Catholic Church's located at? I have not seen any that I know of. Thanks.




MHFM:  Thanks for the e-mail.  Yes, the post-Vatican II churches are not Catholic.  Do not go to RCIA there.  You are getting a modernist phony version of "Catholicism" which was invented at Vatican II and foretold in prophecy.  If you study the material, you will see what the Catholic Church teaches, and how the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church.  Contact us and we can help you.


See to Believe- John 20:29


Is it not possible that John 20:29 "Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed" has a deeper meaning pertaining to the current great apostasy? On the surface, it would seem that Jesus was intoning that those who believe in Him without having seen Him physically are blessed because they have the grace of faith. But a thought occurred to me this morning that John 20:29 could also apply to sedevacantists who have maintained the true faith inviolate, and have not gone along with the Novus Ordo, that abominable counter-church which seeks to "experience the 'divine' " rather than truly believing in the one and only religion instituted by Jesus at Pentecost.


MHFM: Yes, we believe that the message of the passage has many applications to our day.  One that comes to mind right away concerns those who insist that Cardinal Siri must have remained the pope until his death and/or must have appointed a valid successor.  They insist that Cardinal Siri remained the pope, even though he publicly recognized the Vatican II antipopes and the Vatican II sect for decades.  They insist on this because their faith is weak and/or non-existent.  Hence, they must have a man to follow; they must find a visible personage they can identify with (someone they can see), rather than remaining content to have a faith in the existence of the office itself without a present occupant (something they cannot see). 


Another clear application of the passage concerns those who fail to take the position that Benedict XVI is not the pope.  Here we’re speaking specifically of the more traditional types, those who are appalled by Benedict XVI’s heresies.  They recognize, on a certain level, that he’s an unbeliever.  I mean, come on, who cannot tell that he doesn’t believe in Outside the Church There is No Salvation, which is a dogma?  But they fail to take the position that he’s not the pope, even though they have major misgivings about his teachings.  They cannot come to take the position that he’s not the pope because it’s hard or impossible for them to not believe in what they see in Rome.  They cannot come to believe that the man in the Vatican, who dresses in papal garb, occupies the papal palace, goes through all the motions and ceremonies as if he’s the pope, is not.  They cannot believe that what they see – and what millions of others see – is not what is real. 


They cannot come to accept that what the world sees as the visible “Catholic” Church, which is in possession of the Church’s structures, chancery offices, etc., is also not real; or that it could really be the case that the true supernatural Church is the one which most people don’t see.  Since they only have “faith” in what they see, they don’t really believe at all.


On the other hand, a true believer is interiorly convicted of the fact that the Church is supernatural.  He is convinced that it truly exists on a supernatural level (in addition to being visible): that Jesus Christ, looking down on us in Heaven, truly removes from His Church those who reject the faith, even if such faith-rejecters and heretics appear to be part of the Church in the eyes of most or dress up as the pope in the Vatican.  A true Catholic is convinced that membership in this real and supernatural Church is inextricably bound up with realities that aren’t always seen.  He also knows that Benedict XVI is an unbeliever, which is obvious to the informed.  He thus knows and firmly believes that Benedict XVI is therefore not the pope, even though he externally appears to be.  The real believer knows this just as much as he knows that someone like John Kerry or some other pro-abortion politician or figure is not a Catholic, even though he appears to be. 


Devil at L.A. Cathedral


This is a blog, but I thought it was an interesting story.


From: http://www.creativeminorityreport.com/2008/08/devil-worship-promoted-at-front-lines.html


“I was able to visit the Los Angeles Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels yesterday. More will be said on its architecture in a later post. However, I did visit the gift shop, which has many nice Catholic books and other things. The problem came when I began talking with a man who worked there. His customer service couldn't have been better. His shiny jewelry and over-the-top attitude was a bit off-putting, but it was California, after all. My friend was looking for a rosary for his girlfriend, and the store worker started asking him about her favorite colors, what kind of clothes she wore, what sort of textures she liked, etc., in order to help him pick a rosary that best agreed with her fashion sense. So far, very Californian, but not a big problem. Kind of HGTV: Rosary Edition.

“Then he asked what I did for a living and I told him that I teach architecture and theology, and he said with a casual smile: "oh, that's great, my partner would love that. He was a monk for 4 years." Again, this was California, and maybe even the cathedral shop has legal issues about who it can hire and who it can't. Then I started talking to my friend about one of the architects who was a finalist for the cathedral design a few years back, whose architectural philosophy is radically anti-Incarnational and anti-Catholic, and the salesman said "well, everyone is welcome in this cathedral." Being cheeky, I said "how about Satanists?" He responded: "Satanists aren't devil worshipers, you know. I know some Satanists and they aren't devil worshipers." So, following up, I said: "OK, then what about devil worshipers? Are they welcome here at the cathedral?" He replied: "Well, devil worshipers are actually Christians, because God made the devil." Another woman in line chimed in with a smile: "that's right, God made the devil." I decided it was best to leave at that point.

“Honestly, I couldn't have made this up. A staff member of the cathedral gift shop might be the first and only person a visitor might talk to who represents the cathedral, as it was in my case. And what do we get? A person who gladly flaunts his open defiance of the Church's moral teaching and has a positive view of devil worship.”


MHFM: Yes, that is very interesting.  It really reveals the degree of apostasy among the members of the Vatican II sect, especially at its most liberal churches.


 Confession Audio




Thank you for another audio pertaining to our Faith (The Bible Teaches Confession).


The audio provided insights to which I had not been exposed. Of these insights, "Numbers 3:3" was valuable in three regards:

1. I had passed over this passage during previous readings and therefore missed its implications

2. The fact that protestant "bibles" remove the consecrated hands portion

3. Bible resouce from false church "bishops" also removes the consecrated hands portion ( http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/numbers/numbers3.htm) - not surprising but amazing none-the-less


Searching for additional detail on the removal of the "consecrated hands" detail I came upon a site for the first time (http://bible.cc/numbers/3-3.htm). It was interesting to note the similarities of all the cross-referenced "bibles" and that the KJ version included a footnote somewhat pertaining to consecrated hands (quite deceiving it seems)


Thanks as always




Dear Brothers,


First off I want to thank you for your site. I will be 77 years old in October and have been dissatisfied with the "NEW MASS" for many years. I had stopped going to Church for a long time because I didn't feel right being there….


I also need to thank you for leading me to finding out about St. Lucy's impostor. (Again, BLIND FAITH, only seeing what you are told and not looking for one's self.) The pictures of Lucy 1 and Lucy 11 are definitely not the same person. If anyone thinks they are one and the same, they are as blind as I was.  Please put me on your e-mail list and I am looking forward to hearing from you….


May Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother continue to guide you in your efforts to save souls.  Yours in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,


Gladys G.



Out of Context


I have been debating with Vat. II supporters over the years, showing them your materials, and they constantly say "you're taking the council out of its proper context by isolating the quotes" and "you're using your own interpretation".  But no, they are the ones taking the Holy Ghost out of the proper context (in their own minds) because they believe He is changeable.  They believe He could say one thing in the Middle Ages and a totally different "more ecumenical" thing today.



MHFM: Claiming that things have been “taken out of context” is one of the most common tactics employed by liberals, heretics and bad willed liars.  The people who believe in salvation outside the Church do it all the time when presented with dogmatic statements they refuse to believe.  The fact is that it’s rare for something to be taken out of context.  People say what they mean, and their words stand.  If something is truly given a false meaning by wrenching it out of its proper context, which is possible even though its rare, then it’s usually quite easy to demonstrate.  This is done either by focusing in on the precise subject under discussion when the words were uttered or by quoting other portions of the text which clarify the part that has been misused.  Thus, if someone is going to make such a claim, it should be very easy for him or her to articulate exactly how it has been “taken out of context.”  But the heretics who use that argument to defend Vatican II, John Paul II, salvation outside the Church, etc. can’t do that because what they are saying is simply not true.


The idea that the heresies we have documented from Vatican II are “out of context” is just another lie – period.  People who can look carefully at them and still believe that are just not of the truth.


Vatican II - false council


Comment on Museum



Interesting museum story, esp. JP2's Satanic robe.

The V2 church claims to be about social justice and they do not hide this fact.  The lie (and boy do these people lie) that the money was given to the
poor is told in order to infuse more V2 theology, which is to ignore the true Catholic teaching about sin and repentance (too harsh according to V2ers) and replace it with giving to the poor.  But, what, may we ask, do the poor have for their theology?

Another thought.  The rich have the Vatican treasures to which they have no right.  Why don't they allow the Vatican to keep their treasures and let THEM give the money to the poor?

Many V2 parishes have built buildings or sheds or have made room for centers where they provide food and used clothing for the poor: Mother Teresa centers; St. Vincent DePaul centers, etc.  This is a good thing, but they make it to be what Catholicism is all about.

A pre V2 priest who hated the V2 changes cited the scripture story of Mary [and her anointing of Christ with ointment – Mt. 26].  It was Judas who said the
money should be given to the poor instead.  This priest, who had just completed the building of a new church (part V2 and part traditional, as much traditional as he could get away with) said that we give our best to God and God will take care of the rest.

Another V2 lie, which is also included in BOD and BOB and salvation ourside the church,  is that God is incapable of doing all things so we have to sell what belongs to God… in order to give to the poor.



Vatican Splendors Museum


Dear Brothers,


My daughter and I attended the Vatican Splendors museum visiting in Cleveland. It was very interesting.

One display was Papal Tiara of Pius VII a gift from Napoleon .Very beautiful.And the ring of Pope Pius VI.


Then they had the Papal Tiara from Paul VI.  And in that one they said that it was SOLD and the money given to the Poor!  That was unbelievable!  When we know that was not true. 

They had some beautiful Chalices, Papal Robes, etc.  But then they had the Papal Robe of JPII.  My daughter and I laughed, after seeing the beautiful robes, because this one looked like it had lightning bolts all over it in abstract!  Of course they had the crooked witches' cross of JPII.  And they had this cast of the hands of JPII , , which we missed seeing.  But there was an article in the Cleve PD July 12,2008 . I quote:"A hand and parting gifts: Virginia Trivisonno of Mentor visited the Vatican Splendors exhibit at the Western Reserve Historical Society and Museum on Thursday looking forward to a spiritual experience.


  By the time she finished, she felt like a GAME SHOW CONTESTANT!  Trivisonno placed her hand in the bronze cast of JPII's hand "put my fingers on every one of his fingers" and was immediately declared the one millionth US visitor to have touched the pope's hand.   The museum's marketing folks, approached  her with a prize bag.

  "I was so tickled" said the 84 year old Trivisonno, who credited her own Polish heritage and love of JPII with the fortuitous timing.


This woman next to me, who was in our group, she was reading the placard and she said "I'm supposed to be the that millionth one" But she's Slovenian.  I told her, The pope knows I am Polish . Boy, he's my man"


This woman was so taken in by the "circus" atmosphere. Game Show contestant??!!!


Also, the Papal Tiara was there that Paul VI sold to the Jews.  But it did not say that. Instead it said that The Tiara was sold to give the money to the poor!!


Most of the exhibits were very beautiful, but they did throw in the fake popes stuff.  The Exhibit will be in Cleveland till Sept 7 then off to St. Paul.


Kathryn Rubio



Passover and Justification


Brother Dimond,

I am a Protestant seeking the truth of the Catholic faith and have enjoyed your website and the material I have been able to purchase from your website.  It's so very difficult because I'm struggling with Catholicism versus Protestantism and there seems to be so many differing views of the "true" Catholic faith.

I have recently listened to your audio tape refuting faith alone theology, and I had a question about this.  A common Protestant proof text of imputed righteousness is the Old Testament Passover night.  The blood of the lamb was placed over the door of the Israelites and the death angel "passed over" when seeing this blood.  The argument is that we, in the New Covenant, when justified are imputed the righteousness of Christ and God passes over us as well.  There was no inherent righteousness of the Israelites only the blood of the lamb which the angel recognizes.  Likewise we have no inherent righteousness, but rather Christ's blood covering us causes God's wrath to passover us. 

I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Please pray for me to see the truth.



MHFM: Thanks for the question.  You raise an important one.  There are a number of things to consider in response.  


First, putting the blood of the lamb on the doorpost – which was clearly a type of the Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ – was only one part of the requirement to be passed over.  God also commanded the Israelites to eat the lamb.  See Exodus 12:8 and following.  So, one not only had to be marked with the blood of the lamb, but also eat it.  The eating of the lamb signifies the Eucharist: eating the actual Body and Blood of Jesus.  But non-Catholics generally fail to see that part of the type – one which is, frankly, devastating to the denial of Catholic teaching on the Eucharist.  It’s also interesting that no one who was not of the family of God could eat the lamb (Exodus 12:43-45), just like no one who is not of the true faith can receive the Eucharist.


Second, if we consider the Passover in its greater context, the deliverance was ultimately about bringing the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt and delivering them from Pharaoh.  See Exodus 12:51.  But that wasn’t fully accomplished until the crossing of the Red Sea, with the miraculous parting of the waters and the destruction of Pharaoh’s hosts.  See Exodus 14:29-30.  If you were passed over, but didn’t follow through to the Red Sea, you would be destroyed.  The Crossing of the Red Sea signifies baptism, as St. Paul says in 1 Cor. 10:2.  Thus, it’s important to consider the deliverance of Israel from Egypt and from Pharaoh as a whole, rather than in the limited way the Protestant is trying to do it.  When one does that, he sees the following in the signification: to be saved from destruction one not only has to be marked with the Blood of the Lamb, but also eat the Lamb of God (Eucharist), and pass through the waters of baptism. 


Third, the marking with the blood of the lamb does indeed foreshadow that one must have the application of the Blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God, to be saved.  But those particular passages don’t get into the nature of that marking of the blood: that is, what that marking confers upon the individual.  Thus, even if one ignored the previous two points, the Protestant argument fails because it’s gratuitous to assert that the idea of being marked with the blood of the lamb necessarily means imputed righteousness and excludes an infused one.  For as the following Catholic teachings show, Catholics believe that it’s necessary to be marked or sprinkled with Christ’s Blood.  However, we believe that that the sprinkled Blood confers upon the individual who receives it a true sanctification.


Pope St. Leo the Great, dogmatic letter to Flavian, Council of Chalcedon, 451: “Let him heed what the blessed apostle Peter preaches, that sanctification by the Spirit is effected by the sprinkling of Christ’s blood (1 Pet. 1:2); and let him not skip over the same apostle’s words, knowing that you have been redeemed from the empty way of life you inherited from your fathers, not with corruptible gold and silver but by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, as of a lamb without stain or spot (1 Pet. 1:18).  Nor should he withstand the testimony of blessed John the apostle: and the blood of Jesus, the Son of God, purifies us from every sin (1 Jn. 1:7); and again, This is the victory which conquers the world, our faith.  Who is there who conquers the world save one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?  It is He, Jesus Christ, who has come through water and blood, not in water only, but in water and blood.  And because the Spirit is truth, it is the Spirit who testifies.  For there are three who give testimony – Spirit and water and blood.  And the three are one.  (1 Jn. 5:4-8)  IN OTHER WORDS, THE SPIRIT OF SANCTIFICATION AND THE BLOOD OF REDEMPTION AND THE WATER OF BAPTISM.  THESE THREE ARE ONE AND REMAIN INDIVISIBLE.  NONE OF THEM IS SEPARABLE FROM ITS LINK WITH THE OTHERS.


Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 5, on original sin, ex cathedra: “If anyone asserts that this sin of Adam... is taken away either by the forces of human nature, or by any remedy other than the merit of the one mediator, our Lord Jesus Christ, who has reconciled us to God in his own blood,made unto us justice, sanctification, and redemption’ (1 Cor. 1:30); or if he denies that the merit of Jesus Christ is applied to adults as well as to infants by the sacrament of baptism… let him be anathema.”


Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, a type is something in the Old Testament which foreshadows something in the New Testament.  The fulfillment (called an antitype) is greater than the type which foreshadows it.  For example, the Lamb of God (Jesus Christ) is clearly greater than, and different from, the passover lamb in the Old Testament which signified Him.  The same is true with baptism, circumcision, and other things.  Well, we know from a variety of things that justification itself in the Old Testament was inferior to the justification granted in the New. 


Hebrews 8:7-8 “For if that former had been faultless, there should not indeed a place have been sought for a second.  For finding fault with them, he saith: Behold, the days shall come, saith the Lord: and I will perfect unto the house of Israel, and unto the house of Juda, a new testament:”


The justification in the Old Testament could restore one to a friendly relationship with God, but it did not make people sons of God and heirs to Heaven in the same way that Jesus’s coming gave one the “power” (John 1:12) to do.  The point is that just as the other fulfillments are greater in reality and nature than the type, so is the justification given by the Blood of Jesus Christ.  In fact, the following passage specifically makes the distinction between what was conferred by the blood in the Old and what is given by the Blood in the New!


Hebrews 9:13-14- “For if the blood of goats and of oxen, and the ashes of an heifer being sprinkled, sanctify such as are defiled, to the cleansing of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who by the Holy Ghost offered himself unspotted unto God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve the living God?”


So we see the scripture distinguishing between the blood of the Old and the Blood of the New.  The blood of the Old covered sins and set people aside as God’s servants; but the Blood of Christ provides a true interior cleansing of souls and of conscience, an interior sanctification.  We see that again here:


Hebrews 10:1-4, 22“For the law having a shadow of the good things to come, not the very image of the things; by the selfsame sacrifices which they offer continually every year, can never make the comers thereunto perfect:  For then they would have ceased to be offered: because the worshippers once cleansed should have no conscience of sin any longer: But in them there is made a commemoration of sins every year.  For it is impossible that with the blood of oxen and goats sin should be taken away…. [Speaking of the Justification of Christ] Let us draw near with a true heart in fulness of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with clean water.”


In the latter passage (verse 22), we see a reference to the justification by the Blood of Christ.  Notice the reference to “clean water” (water baptism) because the Blood is given by the water of baptism.  Further, we see clearly that what the early verses (1-4) say was not given by the blood in the Old (a cleansing of “conscience”) is given by the Blood in the New.  This shows us that the Blood in the New provides a true interior cleansing, not just an imputed righteousness – a justification greater in reality and effect that the limited kind available in the Old!  All of this demonstrates that the objection by the Protestant is unfounded; and, when examined, it points one to the biblical proof that Catholic teaching is correct again.  This is not to mention the other passages, such as Titus 3:5, which clearly show that justification involves a true interior cleansing.   


Unbaptized not part of the Church


MHFM: Here’s an interesting quote from the ancient liturgy of St. James.  This liturgy arose from the apostle St. James, and provided the foundation for the Byzantine rite.  Notice the dismissal of the unbaptized, including unbaptized catechumens, before the Mass of the faithful.  This is a feature of all the early liturgies, but it’s interesting to consider the language:


Liturgy of St. James, Dismissal of the Unbaptized: Let none of the catechumens remain, none of the unbaptized, none of those who are unable to join with us in prayer.  Look at one another.  The doors!  The doors!  Be attentive, and let us again pray to the Lord.” (cited by Aquilina, The Mass of the Early Christians, p. 212.)


This represents the ancient faith of the Church.  So, contrary to the lies of the baptism of desire heretics, we can see that the apostolic faith of the Catholic Church is that the unbaptized, including unbaptized catechumens, are not part of the Church, not inside the Church, and not part of the faithful.  For more on this, see our book: Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation [pdf file]


Female Altar Servers



My name is Nigel and I am trying to save my soul! Sometimes, I am not sure I am trying hard enough but I have been refusing the NO Mass and its allies in
all forms for many years now. And, yes, the battle gets harder.

I am looking for a synthesised article(s) to refute the following activities: Women serving Eucharist at the altar to assist the priest
(I accept that the NO Mass functionally produces no valid Sacrament but the effect on witnesses in my family is still severe)

Women offering prayers at the graveside or a funeral to assist or replace a priest. (I accept that anyone can pray but that a priest can actually seek to use a replacement seems unacceptable).

Women leading parish advisory teams or liturgy teams.  For your information, I only attend the Old Mass. I am happy to call you if
that will help.

Nigel Edwards


MHFM: As quoted in our article on The Heresies of John Paul II - a comprehensive presentation [PDF file], three different popes condemned the practice of female altar servers.  It also goes without saying that women are not allowed to take over the functions of a priest at liturgical ceremonies. 


Pope Benedict XIV, Allatae Sunt, July 26, 1755: “Pope Gelasius in his ninth letter to the bishops of Lucania condemned the evil practice which had been introduced of women serving the priest at the celebration of Mass.  Since this abuse had spread to the Greeks, Innocent IV strictly forbade it in his letter to the bishop of Tusculum: ‘Women should not dare to serve at the altar; they should be altogether refused this ministry.’  We too have forbidden this practice in the same words in Our oft-repeated constitution...”


On this subject one could also consult 1 Cor. 14:34.


Comments on Baptism


[This person is commenting on those who deny the necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism]


Dear Brothers,

I have wrestled much with the idea of how God can condemn pre-born infants to hell, whether they be victims of abortion or still-borns. And there in lies the answer. I, as a faulty sinful human will never be able to "think for God" and understand His infinite wisdom. Some things we just won't ever know in this life why He allows certain things to happen. All I have to do is put faith in what the magisterium of Holy Mother Church has already dogmatically defined.

Here is an interesting thought to consider. We may think it's "cruel" of God to deny the beatific vision to infants who were victims of abortion or still-birth, but consider the fact that even those infants who do get born and nevertheless die before reaching the age of reason and whose parents or guardians never get around to having them baptised! Are those infants any less innocent than those who were never born to begin with?? Yet these non-baptised babies who die without baptism will not see heaven just the same.

…One could also think of it this way- If all infants who died in the womb went to heaven, then that would have to mean that all children who die before reaching the age of reason without being baptised would go to heaven also. That totally diminishes the notion of original sin! There would be no urgency for baptism, and one could "get around to it when they felt like it". And hey, if a child were to die before being baptised, then all is still okay, for he or she is definitely in heaven! God help us all.


MHFM: Yes, it rejects original sin.  Most people today – including most “traditionalists” who believe in baptism of desire, invincible ignorance, etc. – are modern-day Pelagians.  They deny the reality of original sin.


Comment on Communists in CA Schools


I thought this was quite telling.  So often people read over things not realizing what they read.  But the enemies of God and His Church always show their hand, we just have to  vigilant enough to recognize it when they do it. Here is an example from the news section from you website.  It says, "

According to current postings on the website (http://www.cpusa.org/article/static/758/) for the Communist Party USA, racism, sexism and male supremacy, national chauvinism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and anti-communism all can be blamed on capitalism. NOTICE: anti-Semitism is thrown in with everything else.  And some think communism isn't a Zionist organization.



Comments on salvation heresy


Dear Brothers,


I wanted you to know how much we Appreciate your… It seems like there is a Never ending supply of people who want to argue about Baptism ?   It seems like telling them Several times, would be Enough, but they keep coming back for more.  I especially enjoyed you reply to this Ott thing, as well as the Mejugorje one.  Hope they start getting the message... 


May God Bless you exceedingly, 


Carol D.


===========================================================(Letter to a friend: )


Good Grief.....It's a Wonder these poor Brothers have any sanity Left ...after all these idiot letters they get !  This Ott.... I'm getting so Tired of these nut jobs Constantly arguing that you can be saved without proper baptism.  Who ARE these dweebs???  By the time they type up the letter and argue about it....they could have Baptized the person with water and been Done with it !


LOL...I love this paragraph where the Brothers are obviously reaching the End of their rope....."It's a pity that the Catholic Church was stupid enough to define more than............... seven times.............. that outside the Catholic Church no one at all is saved, ...... "


Where to?


Where can I find a Tradtional Catholic mass today? I'm from Ireland and although I have not attended the new mass in awhile I'm aware of what a mockery it is. If I cannot find the true mass then can I return to the new mass and seek weekly confession at my church? Also I commend you for the great work you do, thanks.


MHFM: You can’t go to the New Mass, even if you have nowhere to go.  So if you have nowhere to go you must stay home.  The following file gives the guidelines on where you might be able to go today.  You will have to apply them to your area, but you must be convinced on all the issues first. Where to go to Mass or confession today?




Good morning Brothers,


I have been reading you website, viewing videos of yours and the books which came in the package I requested two years ago. Since that time I am closer to God and my faith is strong. Everything you write about the current catholic church was true for me. I was in 7th grade in 1958. I tried to stay loyal from there on the religion I had been Baptised and Confirmed into. As a matter of fact I was confirmed in 1959 I believe. I do stray. My sons tossed my box of books and videos when they moved me but I will replace them soon. 


My problem is not the difficulty staying on the straight and narrow etc. but finding a priest to hear my confession. I was looking on the web recently to see if such a man (Priest) existed. If I had missed him in searches a couple of months ago perhaps he had surfaced by now for a Google hit. I have asked everyone I know that is catholic around here and they lead me to several churches locally. I tracked them all down and each was flawed…


And then as any sinner does I find myself straying from the important mission. I have nothing in my life that brings shame to me nor do I forget to pray but I stray and forget the confession I need after 40ish years. I will try again to not stop hunting…


Do you have any suggestion on how to find a priest ordained before 1958? I know this covers the year but it may not be spot on.


I thank you for all you have done for me so far. Since 1958 I've know in my heart something was wrong with the Popes. After I heard you on Coast to Coast I knew I'd been right all along and was such a burden lifted. You can't know what it meant to me. You probably do! 


The time is very urgent, as you know, and I have been blessed with the time God has given me to find the right priest.


Prayers and Blessings as you walk your path everyday.


Ruth S.


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  If you consult our file on Where to go to Mass or confession today?, it will give you important guidelines on that issue.  If you contact us here, we can also help you with specifics.  The spiritual desolation of our day is certainly one most difficult aspects of this period.  It arises from the small number of people who stand for the true faith and the dearth of true Catholic priests.  It’s combated by a strong prayer life and an active interest in the faith: study, spiritual reading, evangelizing…


Comments on Music


Personally I would recommend checking out John Michael Talbot, Charlotte Church & Josh Groban pretty closely before allowing them to be recommended on your web site (or perhaps you have?)


Anyway my memory of Talbot was that he has an interesting background and the music he currently writes & performs is "fodder" for the NO church.  It's also my understanding that though Church initially recorded "good" music she has since changed her ways in regard to what she sings and how she lives.  I am not at all familiar with Groban but his web site does not give me any assurance as to where he is "coming from!"


I don't believe any of these are Traditional Catholics either!


Thank You!







I would highly urge restraint in who you recommend your visitors to listen to for "Christian" musicians. I hardly ever watch television anymore, and one night I watched a little bit of the "Jimmy Kimmel" show, not as a source of entertainment, but just to see how low today's so-called comedians will go to seek laughs. Jimmy Kimmel (an apostate jew) was doing a song about homosexual acts, and he had various pop-musicians sing different parts of the song (similar to the infamous "we are the world" song) and each "musician" would sing their part glorifying homosexual acts, and to my utter shock, Josh Groban was one of them who glorified homosexual acts. Take this information for what it's worth.


MHFM: Let’s be accurate.  We didn't recommend the Groban guy; a reader did.  We know nothing about him.  The song he sang was not evil.  That’s why we allowed the link to be posted.  We have no idea of what else he's involved with.  Second, we didn't recommend any of them as “Christian” musicians.  Since it seems clear that none of them are traditional Catholics, none of them are true Christians.  So the comments above, which imply that we somehow endorsed them as Christian musicians because we posted a link to a few songs as ideas for traditional music, are inaccurate on a number of fronts.  We don't have the time to check into the backgrounds of every singer of Christian music (note that we didn't say Christian singer).  We trust our readers to use discretion if they come across something that's wrong. 


Further, people need to be reasonable.  They must distinguish between benefitting from a particular piece of music, and supporting what that performer believes and/or does.  They are two different things.  There are countless books which can greatly benefit a traditional Catholic, in terms of gaining a better understanding of Church history or some other topic, which were written by men who teach other horrible heresies.  Some fall into a Pharisaical trap in this and other areas, and miss the bigger picture.  If one only purchased music (or other products) from traditional Catholics, there would be essentially nothing one could purchase today because almost all of them are evil and non-Catholic. 


We do appreciate you pointing out the fact that the guy did something that was pro-homosexual, which is abominable.  If people have other recommendations for music, we’re open to them. 


Infant Baptism

I greatly enjoyed your audio file concerning the Biblical justification for the practice of Infant Baptism. Too many Catholics have been swayed by Baptist & Campbellite heretical arguments.

Best Wishes & God Bless,
Joe Kelly


MHFM: Glad you liked it… the Purgatory audio, the Confession audio and the two on baptism will soon be put on one audio tape.


Mortal Sin


Dear Brothers,

Should a penitent give an estimate of the number of times he committed a particular mortal sin?



MHFM: The answer to your question is yes; he definitely should.


Music Recommendations


I have a few ideas for musical choices for the person who was wondering. I included the links of most of them so you could sample them first in case you are going to post this information. I can send you the Charlotte Church songs if you are interested in hearing them.

I bought this CD of Gregorian chants a few years ago and I really enjoy it. It is by John Michael Talbot. Here is a link that will give you a sample of each song


Charlotte Church has also done a few Catholic songs: The Lord's Prayer, Ave Maria, Sancta Maria, Tantum Ergo and Panis Angelicus.

Josh Groban does a really beautiful version of Ave Maria. You can listen to it at the link below


He also did a really great version of Panis Angelicus. You can listen to it at the link below





Following man


Regarding people like Michael C., Thomas D., and John G., they have fallen into the same trap they were in during their time in the Vatican establishment "Catholic Church".  Back then, they marched in lock-step behind counterfeit popes and bishops to the point of ignoring / denying blatant apostasy.  Now they have found other clergy which they idolize to the point of giving them pious-sounding awards and naming days after them.  They have to realize that if hundreds of Roman Catholic bishops could be wrong during the 1960s, so could a relative handful of more traditional ones today.  They assume that since these bishops and priests are right about the counterfeit popes and "sacraments" then they must be our God-given authorities to get us through these times, and must be submitted to.  I think they are definitely tailoring their beliefs so they can fit in at various Mass centers around the world and have their comfortable and traditional-looking "Catholic community" with their friends.  Plus B.O.D. is a more comfortable belief than the truth.



B.O.D. Heretics Update – Heretic Uses Outrageously False Argument


Dear Brothers Peter and Michael,


Thanks for mentioning you had requested two persons to debate you on the baptism of blood and desire.  I had read… Michael C…’s decision recently to directly attack your position…  and was disturbed at the thought of so many readers taking in their views without having the sound arguments available to present the correct positions…


I did decide to email Mr. C…, copying your request for a debate on that topic – asking him to debate you as well as to extend the invitation to any of his supporting writers.  I hope he decides for the debate. 


…I don’t understand why people cannot look at the facts as presented to them honestly, verifying for themselves, the writings and accuracy, and draw the proper conclusion.   There is so much at stake – so much at stake…   so many souls being misled and scandalized.


Praying for you and your monastery,


Pax Christi,



MHFM: No, of course they won’t have a recorded conversation.  That’s because they don’t want their false arguments and distortions to be refuted.  They are all cowards and liars.  We’ve challenged many of these sedevacantist heretics to a recorded discussion/debate on the issue.  So far, not one of them has been willing.  This is not a surprise.  Here’s an audio which addresses and refutes some of their distortions.  "Baptism of Desire" heretics update [53 min. audio]  Entire audios could be done which cover, one by one, all of their lies.   For instance, the heretic named Griff R., whose outrageous statements are covered in the above audio, made the following argument.  It’s supposed to lend credence to his belief that pagans don’t need baptism for salvation.  


Griff R.: “Suppose some ignorant savage living on an island is told all about Christ through some special Divine revelation, and even about being baptized in water. So then he goes to his neighbor savage and says, "Please baptize me." Even if this neighbor were to be willing to pour the water correctly and to say the right words, how could he possibly have the intention "to do what the Church does" or even to say the words with the meanings that the Church intends? Whatever such a thing could mean to the one who is enlightened, to the one being asked to the baptizing, the whole thing is only a meaningless ritual, unless he also be similarly enlightened. In other words, there would be real issues about validity, however pious and virtuous the attempt.”


His argument is that a pagan on the island – even if he got a special revelation, and desired to be baptized – couldn’t benefit from water baptism unless his pagan neighbor were also enlightened about the truth of the faith so that he could perform a valid baptism.  This is COMPLETELY WRONG!!!!  It demonstrates that Griff truly doesn’t have a whiff of an understanding of basic Catholic sacramental theology on baptism. 


The intention to do “as the Church does” – especially in baptism – is an extremely minimal intention.  It does not require a belief in Catholic teaching.  It simply requires a true intention to pour the water and say the words.  It’s literally that minimal.  That’s why the Council of Florence defined that even an unbelieving pagan can validly baptize.  Try to get that through your heretical head, Griff.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” 1439: “In case of necessity, however, not only a priest or a deacon, but even a layman or woman, yes even a pagan and a heretic can baptize, so long as he preserves the form of the Church and has the intention of doing as the Church does.” (Denz. 696)


Thus, if a pagan were enlightened by a special revelation – as the doctors of the Church explain would happen, if a pagan were of good will and couldn’t find a missionary – he could just get his friend or neighbor to pour the water on his head and say the correct words.  He would then be validly baptized.  So, the above is just another example of a completely false argument, advanced by a faithless heretic, in a futile attempt to defend heresy.  Their whole false position is based on lies, distortions, ignorance and a rejection of Catholic teaching.


By the way, there’s another heretic named John G.  He also attacked the true position of the Church on this issue.  John G. had been totally convinced, or so he said, after reading our book on the issue.  That is, he claimed to be a supporter of the position that one must be baptized for salvation.  But then he realized that so many of his friends and so many priests didn’t agree with him.  This troubled John G., because his faith was not rooted in God and Catholic dogma.  Unfortunately, it was rooted in man.  This is the case with every single person who is in heresy on this issue.  They are followers of man.  So John G. completely changed his position back to salvation for members of false religions.  Notice how he explains that what troubled him most was the fact that so many “traditionalist” priests didn’t agree with “Feeneyism”:


John G.: “Now these above named scholarly consecrated true shepherds, who refuse to compromise with error and seek to please God rather than man and who have been shown to be followers of the truth wherever it leads them, regardless of the cost, all are unanimous in their conclusion against Feeneyism while the two young bright men… beg to differ. Wow, that was a wake-up for me because I know that each and every man mentioned above would preach Feeneyism from the roof-tops had they known such a teaching to be a part of Sacred Tradition. But they didn't and we know from their other teachings that they are not afraid of human opinion and they do not cower or compromise the truth for the sake of convenience. So why do they all claim Feeneyism to be a false understanding of the Deposit of Faith and even an objective heresy that puts one outside the Church?”


Notice how much trust he has in these men!  He has no doubt that they would preach it if it were true.  How does he know that?  Is he omniscient?  Are these priests indefectible?  Wake up, John, these are the same heretics who believe that Jews who reject Christ can be saved.  They are the same priests who teach that one may deliberately avoid children.  John G. will be sadly mistaken at his judgment, having placed his trust in man (and heretical men) instead of Catholic dogma.  Then it will become clear to him that he has become a heretic by following heretics, who all believe that souls can be saved in false religions.  We also challenged John G. to a debate.  After waffling on whether he would be willing to do it, he refused.  An exchange then heated up between us; he even had his wife chime in.  Here are a few of the exchanges:


John G.: “I have heard those debates.  The one on the phone is always in a low tone.  I would love to debate you, piece by piece on e-mail (time permitting) if you would like.  Remember I have read your book and am very familiar with your side of the issue and briefly embraced it.


But you see where these debates go.   The one in the wrong refuses to admit his errors regardless of all the proof. 


But here at least you can say the “coward refuses to debate us”. 


Is there a way that you can make my voice as loud as yours on the phone?”


MHFM reply: If you listen to the debates, you can see that one voice is not lower than the others.  You must be referring to certain conversations, where the person just speaks in a low tone.  If you listen to the debate with Golle, then you will see that both are heard very well and equally loud.


As we can see, he was just supplying excuses in order to avoid a debate.  We continued to press him to debate us, but he refused.  His wife then wrote to us.  They attacked us with all kinds of criticisms.  We responded by challenging her to a debate as well.  Not surprisingly, she refused.  It got kind of ugly, and then John G. and his wife wrote to us (on 8/8/08):


“It looks like I have a crystal ball see the email I just sent. 


You know how it feels when you just can’t win no matter how right you are.


Facts are stubborn things but obstinacy even more so in some cases.


I’m going home my friend.


I’ll be back Tuesday.


God Bless.




So, in the midst of the heated exchange, he and his wife write back and make reference to using a “crystal ball.”  This is in the context of a discussion where both sides are making accusations that the other is not on the side of God.  We appropriately responded:


MHFM: "Crystal ball" is a reference to the occult, more evidence that you are of the Devil...


We haven’t heard from them since, probably because they have nothing to say about their endorsement of the occult.  Is it just a coincidence that these shocking words emanated from them in midst of this debate, in which they were attacking the true position on baptism and defending their heresy?  No, the words of the Devil came forth from them because they are of the Devil.




Dear MHFM brothers,
We are really struggling to find good Catholic songs on CD and we want to get it right, aren't there any you could recommend to us. Please. We bought some 'Songs for Worship' CD's but they're not Catholic hymns etc....
What to do?
Sorry novice here, about these Saint's what does that make Bl. Padre Pio???
Kind regards
The Mortune's


MHFM: We would recommend Gregorian Chant CDs.  If you search that on the internet, you can surely find a huge selection.  Perhaps our readers have some suggestions as well.  Regarding Padre Pio, it means that he’s never been canonized or beatified because the Vatican II “popes” are not true popes.  It doesn’t mean that he couldn’t be canonized by a true pope, of course, but simply that it hasn’t been done.


“Baptism of Desire”


[Subject: Baptism of Desire]


We seem to have a contradiction of dogma's here. Let me quote from "The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma" by Dr. Ludwig Ott:

Page 114

"The Spiritual rebirth of young infants can be achieved in an extra-sacramental manner through baptism by blood (cf. the baptism by blood of the children of Bethlehem).  Other emergency means of baptism for children dying without sacramental baptism, such as prayer and desire of the parents of the Church (vicarious baptism of desire-Cajetan, or the attainment of the use of reason in the moment of death, so that the dying child can decide for or against God (baptism of desire---H. Klee), or suffering and death of the child as quasi-Sacrament (baptism of suffering--H. Schell), are indeed, possible, but their actuality cannot be proved from Revelation.  Cf. D 712."

Why is there a contradiction? Shouldn't it be one way or the other?


MHFM: There’s no contradiction in Catholic dogma.  You are quoting the false opinions of theologians.  They contradict themselves all the time.  In fact, the position advanced in that citation, that infants can be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism, is heretical. 


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Session 11, Feb. 4, 1442, ex cathedra: “Regarding children, indeed, because of danger of death, which can often take place, when no help can be brought to them by another remedy than through the sacrament of baptism, through which they are snatched from the domination of the Devil [original sin] and adopted among the sons of God, it advises that holy baptism ought not be deferred for forty or eighty days, or any time according to the observance of certain people…”


Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, On Original Sin, Session V, ex cathedra:  “If anyone says that recently born babies should not be baptized even if they have been born to baptized parents; or says that they are indeed baptized for the remission of sins, but incur no trace of the original sin of Adam needing to be cleansed by the laver of rebirth for them to obtain eternal life, with the necessary consequence that in their case there is being understood a form of baptism for the remission of sins which is not true, but false: let him be anathema.”


Moreover, you are quoting from a book by Ludwig Ott.  Even though he wrote before Vatican II, and is used approvingly by many so-called traditionalists, the fact is that he was a modernist heretic.  Notice how Ludwig Ott blatantly denies the dogma in this following paragraph.


Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, by Ludwig Ott, Imprimatur 1954, p. 310: “The necessity for belonging to the Church is not merely a necessity of precept, but also of means, as the comparison with the Ark, the means of salvation from the biblical flood, plainly shows… In special circumstances, namely, in the case of invincible ignorance or of incapability, actual membership of the Church can be replaced by the desire for the same… In this manner also those who are in point of fact outside the Catholic Church can achieve salvation.”


It’s a pity that the Catholic Church was stupid enough to define more than seven times that outside the Catholic Church no one at all is saved, because (as the “great” Ludwig Ott reveals) “those who are in point of fact outside the Catholic Church can achieve salvation.”  It’s a shame that the Church didn’t possess this profound enlightenment, that it didn’t know that what it had been teaching “infallibly” for all of these years was actually just the opposite of the truth.


     In truth, what Ludwig Ott says above is equivalent to declaring that the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived in Original Sin.  There is no difference whatsoever.  If the Church defines that outside the Church no one at all is saved (Pope Innocent III, etc.), and I assert that “those who are in point of fact outside the Catholic Church can achieve salvation,” then I am doing the exact same thing as if I were to declare that the Virgin Mary was conceived in some sin, when the Church said she had no sin.  I would be stating exactly the opposite of what the Church had infallibly defined, and this is precisely what Ludwig Ott does.


     But shortly after explicitly denying the dogma that no one can be saved outside the Church, notice what Ludwig Ott says:


Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, p. 311: “It is the unanimous conviction of the Fathers that salvation cannot be achieved outside the Church.”


      But let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil” (Mt. 5:37).  From one page to the next, Ludwig Ott contradicts himself on whether those who are outside the Catholic Church can achieve salvation!  He even uses the exact same verb – “achieve” – in both sentences, but with the opposite meaning from one to the next: 1) those “outside the Church can achieve salvation”; 2) “salvation cannot be achieved outside the Church.”  His speech is not of God, but of the Devil.  Black is white and white is black; good is evil and evil is good; truth is error and error is truth; salvation can be achieved outside the Church and salvation cannot be achieved outside the Church. 


     For the pre-Vatican II heretics who despised the dogma Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation, it is no problem believing that there is salvation outside the Catholic Church, while simultaneously believing that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.  It is no problem for these people because they are of evil (Mt. 5:37).    


Pope Clement V, Council of Vienne, Decree # 30, 1311-1312, ex cathedra: “… one universal Church, outside of which there is no salvation, for all of whom there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism…”

See more in our book: Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation [pdf file]




Hi from Ireland


Hi my name is Marc.  I’m a catholic from Ireland…. I’ve been going through your home page and videos on youtube… I admire the courage and knowledge of the young brother in the videos… More priests should stand up and tell people the truth about Freemasons, the spirit of the world, etc…. But one thing on your site bothers me.  That is your article on the false apparitions at Medujorge.  All I can say is you really need to go there.  I cannot describe in words the feeling of Our Lady in that place.  She says if you knew how much I love you, you would cry.  I was there at 2 apparitions and I felt it.  If you were there when Fr. Joso speaks of it then you would believe.  You are doing a great job, but I think you need to visit there.  Peace and love from Ireland


Marc Brennan


MHFM: No, if we were there (and we wouldn’t go) we certainly would not believe it.  You have fallen prey to the false signs predicted in the Bible (2 Thess. 2:9-12; Mt. 24:24-25).  It’s almost like a spiritual curse, which has made you oblivious to the blatant heresies in the message.  You must go by Catholic dogma!  You are completely ignoring that.  Medjugorje teaches blatant heresies which endorse false religions and the members of false religions.  It cannot, therefore, be from God.  To state otherwise is blasphemous.  Have some faith in Catholic dogma!   You need to stop blaspheming God by defending a false message which blatantly contradicts the Gospel.


False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje)




Dear Brothers,

What is one to do if they are unable to find a validly ordained priest (even an older Novus Ordo priest) to go to confession to?



MHFM: Most people, especially if they can travel a little bit, can find a validly ordained priest for confession.  If a person is in mortal sin, he or she needs to make a major effort to find a valid priest who can hear a confession.  This section gives guidelines on that: Where to go to Mass or confession today?  If one simply cannot find such a priest, then he or she needs to have perfect contrition: this is sorrow for sin primarily for having offended God, and secondarily out of fear of the punishments for sin in Hell.


Celibacy New?


Dear Brothers Dimond:


An Anglican told me that the Catholic Church allowed priests to marry until the 8th Century. He claimed that the only reason the Church stopped allowing priests to marry was the issue of inheritance ( i.e. when the priest died there was a conflict of who would inherit his land - his children or the Church). I never heard this before but wanted to get the real story and stand up for the truth. I look forward to your reply.


Your website is inspiring. Keep up the wonderful work.


God Bless you- Patricia


MHFM: The first thing that one should understand about this is that the Bible teaches the superiority of the celibate state.  The Bible thus teaches that it is the ideal for a religious vocation.  On this point see: Refuting the Protestant rejection of the Catholic and Biblical teaching on celibacy.  That puts to rest the notion that a celibate priesthood arose from some financial or other consideration, rather than from the teaching of Jesus delivered to the Apostles.


Second, his statement that all priests were allowed to marry until the 8th century is false.  Canon 33 of the regional Council of Elvira in the 4th century commanded priests to remain celibate.  By the time of Leo the Great (5th century), celibacy was generally accepted as the law in the Western part of the Church.  While some could debate the full extent of its meaning, Canon 3 of the Council of Nicea in 325 also at least implies that clerical celibacy was widely spread at that time: 


Council of Nicea, Can. 3, 325: “The great Synod has stringently forbidden any bishop, presbyter, deacon, or any one of the clergy whatever, to have a woman dwelling with him, except only a mother, or sister, or aunt, or such persons only as are beyond all suspicion.”


However, in the Eastern part of the Church, some married priests were always accepted and still are.  That is to say, married men can get ordained in the Eastern Church; but men who are ordained cannot get married.  The allowance for the Eastern Rite priest is a permissible exception because it is a disciplinary issue.  But the celibacy of the clergy, which is observed strictly in the Latin Church, did not come from the 8th century.  It was observed much earlier than that and the reasoning behind this law comes from biblical teaching.




Dear Catholic Monks,

I would greatly appreciate it if you can help or advise me with the following situation.   This is very serious for me and some members of my family, unfortunately not so with all of them.

I've a brother (he's 30) who has a child out of out of wedlock (she's 4yrs old) , the child lives with her mother and he sees only the child once each week and pays child-support; both him and his now ex-fiancee have nothing to do with each other and are not on speaking terms other then on the brief minute he takes his child out, or brings her back.

Last year, he met a new woman, and has been seeing her ever since.  5 months ago, this woman claimed she was pregnant, which turned out to be a false alarm. (My brother admitted to fooling around still with this woman too, even now just as his girlfriend.)

Anyway, now they are getting married next week.

I told my brother I won't be attending his wedding, and explained (somewhat) why it was wrong as best I could. He didn't want to hear it…  So my family was raised Roman Catholic ( sedevacantist). Although I must say, now my mother is a declared evangelist (heretic) and my father who claims to still hold the Catholic faith, is still very VERY hypocritical in his ways, and says how wrong some things are, and in the next breath continues to go along with them (while still holding true that they are wrong, or he seeks loopholes, etc., )

The church they plan on getting married in is also an Evangelist  church,  another reason why  I refuse to go. So, my brother who has fornicated… has nothing to do with the mother of his child, and he again fornicated with this other woman who he is going to marry next week at a protestant place.  My father is STILL coming up with excuses why this may be alright for him to do, and says I have some right to what I say, that is.. "..if I want to take the absolute way of truth" (he calls me extreme).  But now my family turns to arguing and yelling that I should honor my brother and family and attend. I will not attend this at all, I see it as a great sin a lot of the things happening, not only by my brother and his now fiancee, but my father and family as well.

Please give me any advice you may have on this situation, my father claims to be a devout Roman Catholic and also has seen some of your videos, but
he is bent on finding loop holes on this, and if there's any more he or my brother can be told before they continue in this, I would be very thankful to hear from you.

I'll wait for your reply.



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  Unfortunately, we must say that your father is a heretic.  He thinks it’s okay to marry in a Protestant setting, in an invalid ceremony.  You should explain to him that he’s not a true Catholic and that he’s sinning mortally by his liberalism.  He tolerates mortal sin and heresy.  He fails to stand against the activities of his son.  You should explain to your brother that he is on the path to lose his soul, and that his marriage will be invalid.  As far as going to it, it’s simple: you can’t.  You shouldn’t go or get him a gift or anything.


He obviously doesn’t have any fear of God.  He lacks the first degree of humility.  This causes a person to fear God enough to avoid mortal sins such as fornication, which will send one to Hell.


Signal Grace


To MHFM: What is a signal grace ?


MHFM: We suppose people could debate the matter or have different opinions about it, but we believe that a signal grace is an unusual grace which serves as a sign from Heaven.  This can be something such as a spark that appears out of nowhere or something else.  One of the promises of the Rosary is that those who pray the full Rosary each day will receive signal graces.  But people shouldn’t look for signs or read too much into them.




Hello, can you recommend a traditional Catholic Church in the London UK area please? I found your website by accident and it seems to raise a lot of questions.


MHFM: We don't have a complete list of London, but we have a section on our website which explains certain guidelines.  One must be in agreement on all the issues before one receives the sacraments.  This includes accepting all other Catholic teachings and the commitment that one will never go to the New Mass.  Once that's done, perhaps there is a valid Eastern Rite priest who fits the guidelines who can hear your confession and give you Communion.  But almost all of the traditionalist priests today hold some heresy, so they couldn’t be supported.  We would also recommend getting our special offer and praying the Rosary each day. Let us know if you have further questions and we hope you don't go to the New Mass.  Where to go to Mass or confession today?


Unbaptized Infant


I was reading your web site and listened to some of the audios and watched your dvd.  I am a Roman Catholic but wasn't for many years.   I was taught that the Popes were elected under the power of the Holy Spirit.  Your explanations of the antipopes seem more like the views of many protestants - dispensationalists,  evangelists etc. 


I also was confused about baptism by desire .  As I understand you, and correct me if I am wrong.  I lost my 5 month old baby ( miscarrage ) when i was in my early 20's.  I was not attending any church at that time.  As I understand you - because my baby wasn't baptized nor buried ( I was never told I could by anyone).  my baby is not in heaven?  Would God really do this to an innocent?  My baby died in my womb.  So where did my baby go?


I try to do what God would want me to do but it seems now from reading your web site that men argue against men on what interpretations are correct.  No wonder the world is in such a mess.  I would appreciate it if you could e-mail me back regarding my baby.  I am really so discouraged now and don't know what to believe.


Thank you for your time.




MHFM: No, your baby was not saved precisely because it was not baptized.  That is Catholic dogma.  We didn’t make it up.  We’re sorry to say, but if you cannot accept that then you are not a Catholic.  Infants cannot be saved without baptism because of something called original sin, the sin of Adam which is transmitted to his descendants.  The reality of original sin is a dogma which Catholics must accept.  Original sin bars unbaptized people, whether infants or adults, from Heaven.  Unbaptized infants, who die only with original sin on their souls, go to a part of Hell where there is no fire.   Obtain this book for all the documentation: Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation [pdf file]  And look at these quotes below:


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Letentur coeli,” Sess. 6, July 6, 1439, ex cathedra: “We define also that… the souls of those who depart this life in actual mortal sin, or in original sin alone, go straightaway to hell, but to undergo punishments of different kinds.”


Pope Pius XI, Mit brennender Sorge (# 25), March 14, 1937: “‘Original sin’ is the hereditary but impersonal fault of Adam’s descendants, who have sinned in him (Rom. v. 12).  It is the loss of grace, and therefore eternal life, together with a propensity to evil, which everybody must, with the assistance of grace, penance, resistance and moral effort, repress and conquer.”


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Session 11, Feb. 4, 1442, ex cathedra: “Regarding children, indeed, because of danger of death, which can often take place, when no help can be brought to them by another remedy than through the sacrament of baptism, through which they are snatched from the domination of the Devil [original sin] and adopted among the sons of God, it advises that holy baptism ought not be deferred for forty or eighty days, or any time according to the observance of certain people…”


     Pope Eugene IV here defined from the Chair of Peter that there is no other remedy for infants to be snatched away from the dominion of the devil (i.e., original sin) other than the Sacrament of Baptism.  This means that anyone who obstinately teaches that infants can be saved without receiving the Sacrament of Baptism is a heretic, for he is teaching that there is another remedy for original sin in children other than the Sacrament of Baptism.


Pope Martin V, Council of Constance, Session 15, July 6, 1415 - Condemning the articles of John Wyclif  - Proposition 6: “Those who claim that the children of the faithful dying without sacramental baptism will not be saved, are stupid and presumptuous in saying this.” Condemned


    This is a fascinating proposition from The Council of Constance.  Unfortunately, this proposition is not found in Denzinger, which only contains some of the Council’s decrees, but it is found in a full collection of the Council of Constance.  The arch-heretic John Wyclif was proposing that those (such as ourselves) are stupid for teaching that infants who die without water (i.e., sacramental) baptism cannot possibly be saved.   He was anathematized for this assertion, among many others.  And here is what the Council of Constance had to say about John Wyclif’s anathematized propositions, such as #6 above.


Pope Martin V, Council of Constance, Session 15, July 6, 1415: “The books and pamphlets of John Wyclif, of cursed memory, were carefully examined by the doctors and masters of Oxford University… This holy synod, therefore, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, repudiates and condemns, by this perpetual decree, the aforesaid articles and each of them in particular; and it forbids each and every Catholic henceforth, under pain of anathema, to preach, teach, or hold the said articles or any one of them.”


     So those who criticize Catholics for affirming the dogma that no infant can be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism are actually proposing the anathematized heresy of John Wyclif.  Here are some other dogmatic definitions on the topic.


Pope St. Zosimus, The Council of Carthage, Canon on Sin and Grace, 417 A.D.- “It has been decided likewise that if anyone says that for this reason the Lord said: ‘In my Father’s house there are many mansions’ [John 14:2]: that it might be understood that in the kingdom of heaven there will be some middle place or some place anywhere where the blessed infants live who departed from this life without baptism, without which they cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven, which is life eternal, let him be anathema.”


Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, On Original Sin, Session V, ex cathedra:  “If anyone says that recently born babies should not be baptized even if they have been born to baptized parents; or says that they are indeed baptized for the remission of sins, but incur no trace of the original sin of Adam needing to be cleansed by the laver of rebirth for them to obtain eternal life, with the necessary consequence that in their case there is being understood a form of baptism for the remission of sins which is not true, but false: let him be anathema.”






I have a few questions I would like to ask.  Do you still print the magazine out regularly?  If so is there a way to subscribe to it?  Do you know of any churches close to Sierra Vista, Arizona that I could go to, that are not part of Vatican II?  And lastly, Under the old laws of Marriage Annulment, would on be granted if a Catholic knowingly married someone of another religion who had been married before in a church? 


I am not sure how I stumbled on your website at the beginning of this month, but have learned much.  I am in the process of trying to buy whatever books I can find that contain all the old church Councils and documents.  I believe doing this will be an invaluable resource to have now and for the future. 


I was like many, who have been deceived by John Paul II.  John Paul II was one of the reasons I started looking into the Catholic faith more.  But I know by what he taught and what you have pointed out that he was a heretic.  I find it sad that I had the idea about him and Mother Theresa being heretics, but did not know enough about the Catholic faith to pursue finding out for sure.


Thank you so much for your website.  I pray that all those who say things against you and what you write will look into it further and see as I have that what you say is true.


Thank you.  God bless you and protect you.

Anita G.

Palominos, Arizona


MHFM: Anita, you should really get our DVD special.  That includes very important books, as well as other publications.  That will give you all the important information you need about the current ecclesiastical situation.  You should also get Denzinger, a source book for dogmatic pronouncements.  You can get that from our online store.  If you are in agreement on all the issues, and committed to never attending the New Mass, call us here and we can help you with a Mass location in your area.


Regarding the marriage question: if a baptized Catholic marries a person of another religion – and it is not done with a dispensation in a Catholic form (e.g. before a priest in a church) – that would be invalid.  That would especially be true if the person was married before.  To better understand what an annulment is, please read this:


The Annulment Fiasco - The Vatican II sect's De Facto acceptance of Divorce and Remarriage [PDF File]


“Crime of Century”


Dear Brothers in Christ,

As I re-read the news, commentary and e-exchanges on your site concerning Vatican II and the foretold false Church, I think of the 100 years that Lucifer was given to try and take over the Church. Definitely the "Crime of the Century" that has gone unreported until your website was established.  Thank you for your inspirational Quotes of the Day.

God continue to Bless your work,

Tom Miles




Dear Brothers,


Yesterday I received your bumper sticker.  Thank you so much!  I hope it will catch peoples' attention and perhaps convert a few. 




New Audios on Baptism


The Bible teaches Baptismal Regeneration and that Baptism is necessary for salvation [New 33 min. audio]

Even though they practice baptism, most Protestants do not believe that baptism spiritually regenerates… They hold that it’s a sign of a conversion or a spiritual rebirth that already happened when one accepted Jesus as the Savior… This audio shows how they contradict the clear teaching of Jesus and the Bible on baptism and what it means to be born again… The biblical proof for baptismal regeneration is one of the easiest ways of demonstrating that Protestantism is not biblical Christianity… This audio covers many verses; it addresses objections (such as from Ephesians 2:8-9); it covers a well-known Protestant’s pathetic attempt to respond to the proof for baptismal regeneration in Acts 2:37-38, and much more


The Proof for Infant Baptism [New 11 min. audio]

This audio shows that the Bible teaches that infants should be baptized and that baptism can be done either by immersion or by effusion (i.e. pouring)


These audios have been added to our: Refuting Protestantism and Eastern "Orthodoxy" * Audio Programs


Abortion and Multiple Personalities


Hello Brothers

I would just like to know about aborted babies as they are not baptized do they go to hell?  On a different matter a man where my dad works regularly comes into the shop now he is said to have multiple personalities. Now my dad doesn't believe in multiple personalities and either do i we believe they are possesed.So is this man possesed.My dad offered him a brown scapular but the man refused because he says it puts him in pain and he gets depressed by it. Do you think he is possesed and if so should I recomend a priest to investigate him. Thank you for reading this.

Sean Keogan

God Bless.


MHFM: It’s a dogma that all unbaptized children – which includes aborted babies – cannot be saved.  This is a dogma, defined by the Councils of Trent and Florence.  They go to a part of Hell where there is no fire. 


Regarding multiple personalities, we are convinced that it is demonic in origin.  The individual doesn’t necessarily require an exorcism; he might be able to be freed from it by praying the Rosary, converting to the true faith, making a good confession, and getting into a state of grace.  So that’s what you should try to get him to do, first of all.  He must believe correctly, however, to be blessed by God and freed from his spiritual malady.  His problem is spiritual.


Apostate sede nuns on EWTN


Recently representatives of a new group of religious sisters, formerly of the CMRI, appeared on EWTN's "Life on the Rock" show which is geared for youth.  They had attended the recent World Youth Day in Sydney and were aglow at "finally being part of the church".  Obviously the hosts were in a bind because they had to reconcile pre and post Vatican II together.  One of the hosts, "Father" Mark Mary mention of the salvation dogma but spun everything in their direction.  The emphasis of the show was on "trusting authority" and "bringing reverance back into the liturgy".  It was Divine irony that the first question emailed in (before the sisters even came on) was about the Catholicity of Aboriginal dancing on the sanctuary as the warm-up for a "papal event".  The co-host, Mr. Doug Barry, said something like (my paraphrase) "we don't know what they could mean by those dances".  In other words, dancing around nearly naked on the "sanctuary" could be an act of worship to The Holy Trinity akin to a Catholic praying in union with the True Church. This tells me that some of the youth who grow up with poor catechesis at their NO parishes and schools are beginning to ask questions (based on obvious religious pluralism and downright demonic activity shown at such youth events) and God willing they will find the answers thanks to apostolates like yours.  Keep up the excellent work. 



MHFM: That’s quite interesting, and despicable.  It disgusts us just to think of their bad will and their apostasy.  It should be pointed out that, in addition to their horrible bad will, there was another factor which contributed to the apostasy of those nuns.  Shortly before their decision to embrace the Vatican II sect, their heretical sedevacantist group (which denies the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation) subjected them to a presentation/argument for the sedevacantist position by a heretical pseudo-sedevacantist.  In making his arguments, this individual did a very poor job of presenting evidence of the heresies which have been taught by the Vatican II antipopes.  The presentation on the whole was defensive and powerless.  This caused the already-faithless nuns to feel that the arguments for sedevacantism are rather weak.


Thanks to this weak presentation (and their bad will), they were persuaded that fidelity to the Papacy rests with the Vatican II antipopes.  This was because the pseudo-sedevacantist didn’t establish or emphasize that it’s just the opposite: the Vatican II antipopes are, in fact, the biggest deniers of the Papacy in the world.  The poor presentation and their own bad will left the heretical nuns with the impression that sedevacantism is based more on nostalgia, an exaggerated opposition to change, and a dissatisfaction with scandals, rather than on solid and irrefutable doctrinal arguments and proofs of heresy.  We are convinced that this was a significant factor in their decision to go forward into the apostasy of the Vatican II sect.  But one can see God’s justice on all sides in this situation.  The heretical nuns (who don’t believe in the necessity of Jesus, to whom they claim to be committed) received the just deserts of their bad will: being spiritually blinded and jumping wholesale into the apostasy.  The heretical group which they left also suffered a just punishment.  Since it chose to enter a spiritual battle (a debate) which it was not equipped to fight – it was not equipped precisely because it is without the true faith: it denies the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation – it wound up making a weak and feeble fight.  As a result, its group was mortally wounded (See 1 Machabees 5:56-61).


Finally, people cannot underestimate how evil it is to embrace the Vatican II sect after coming to the knowledge that it is a Counter Church.  It is truly to abandon Christ. 


More on Valtorta


A little while back a person that I know was reading Maria Valtora's work(the poem of the Man-God), so I decided to check it out because I didn't know anything about it. The person I know claimed it gave details about the lives of Jesus and Mary that are not found in scripture and she had told me there was a lot of strange things in there. I don't think her work is something people should waste their time with. There were a lot of red flags that came up when I was looking for information about it. For example: it was on the Index of Forbidden books, it was supported by Paul VI and it contrasts with scripture.  One article I read that reviewed the text  said that her work contains a lot of geographical, theological and historical blunders. For example it said in Vol 1 pp 195, 223 Jesus was using screwdrivers and screws didn't exist until centuries later. She(Maria Valtora) also claimed that the first sin was sexual and scripture does not teach that, that can be found in Vol 1 pg 30. In Vol 1 pg 7 it claims that "Mary can be called  the 'second born' of the Father" and Vol 4 pg 240 claims that she is second to Peter with regard to the ecclesiastical hierarchy. One thing that I found interesting about Maria Valtora was that her spiritual advisor claimed that she had written the text without correction, revision or review and often without even understanding what she had written. I find this interesting because it sounds like automatic writing which is a  form of spirit communication very popular with people involved with the occult. The definition of automatic writing is: Writing performed without conscious thought or deliberation, typically by means of spontaneous free association or as a medium for spirits or psychic forces….


Blessed Sacrament


Dimond Brothers,


Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

That is one of the Divine Praises.


Please clarify and/or respond to the following:


When the antipopes, since 1958, celebrate the novus ordo mass, is Jesus truly present? is transubstantiation effected? or is it just bread and wine because the words of consecration have been altered? and the antipopes, as you have proven, are heretics and therefor not part of the Church.




James K.


MHFM: No, Jesus is most certainly not present at the New Mass.  It’s invalid. 


The Invalid New Mass


The prayer simply refers and applies to those places where He is present. 


Encounter with Being


Dear Brother Dimond,

I am writing to you with a question and please do not dismiss this as some type of hoax or crackpot observation.  Please hear me out and if you could point me in the right direction or provide some type of explanation.  We (my family) would be most grateful.

About 3 weeks ago my family (myself, my wife and our 2 children ages 8 and 12) went to an amusement park near our home (Ohio).  This park is Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio.  We were all having a wonderful day and near the end of the day my eldest (12 years old) and I decided to ride a ride called Disaster Transport (basically a roller coaster in the dark, located in a large building).  Midway through waiting through the line, my 12 year old turned to me and said "I don't want to ride this ride, can we please exit"?  There were not any available exits so we rode the coaster and at the end he told me why he wanted to leave.

He explained to me that while we were waiting in line he saw a pair of eyes floating the dark and "ghost like" in appearance.  I could tell from how frightened he was that he was and is telling the truth.  It gets a bit more bizarre.  We left a few hours later and during the car ride home (after about 30 minutes) he tells us that he now sees this being outside of the car.  He described it as having long fingers and nails, blueish long hair and yellowish eyes.  It was not large in appearance 3 feet or so and the back end was more of a wisp as opposed to legs. 

He then saw it again for the last time as he described it circling up a telephone pole (corkscrew fashion) to the top and then that was all.  My question is why is he seeing this, what is it and should we be concerned?  I've been looking into this and to me it seems to be an Imp or some type of detached spirit.  The telephone pole part seemed to be it was bounded by an area and could continue no further.

I know this isn't exactly what you normally reply to but any insight would be most beneficial.  Thank you VERY much for you time and any insight you can offer.




MHFM: That’s very significant.  We wonder if the roller coaster had an occult theme or motif.  If so, that could be the reason why God allowed it to occur.  If it did have an occult theme or motif, one should not have ridden on it.  If it did not, then God allowed it to happen for some other reason, such as for a further confirmation of the reality of the supernatural world or because of something else he is doing in his life.


His problem sounds very similar to many other cases we’ve come across.  For instance, in this audio discussion: A case of demonic possession  [44 min. audio], we covered the extremely interesting case of a young man whose encounter with a similar unknown being sadly resulted in demonic possession.  He first saw an apparition; he then began to see it more; it then began to speak to him; it then wouldn’t leave him alone; it then began to command him; it then took him over and possessed him.  In these kinds of cases, the common theme is that the more attention one gives to these beings, the more power and influence they are allowed to have in one’s life.  This is because God gets upset if the attention to such a thing detracts from His power.  Your son should be made to understand that these things are completely powerless and can only do what God allows them to do.


What your son needs to do immediately is pray the Rosary every day, if he does not do so.  He needs to pray 15 decades a day, if possible.  He needs to ask Our Lord and Our Lady to protect him from this being, and for it to go away.  He should pray the prayer to St. Michael every day.  He also needs to – and this is crucial – ignore this being completely.  He shouldn’t look for it, and shouldn’t ever listen to it if it communicates with him.   You should probably explain to him that it’s almost certainly a demonic being who might be allowed to bother him even more if he doesn’t ignore it or if he gives it too much attention.  He needs to focus on his spiritual life, Jesus Christ, living the Catholic faith and making sure that he has confessed and is in the state of grace.  You probably should listen to the above audio to see how serious things can get if one doesn’t take the proper remedies and ignore such a thing. 


Lord’s name in vain


Dear Brothers,

I have a question about those who use the Lord's name in vain.  My brother uses the Lord's name in variety of profane ways very often.  However, I'm not quite sure how to exactly tell you all of his uses without doing it myself, but I'm sure you get the idea.  I have told him numerous times that if he continues to commit the sin, I will not help him whenever he needs me.  Tonight he wanted me to help him with something and when some things went wrong he got mad and committed the sin again, and I told him, "One more time and you can forget it."  He asked me why I had to be that way, and I told him, "Fine get out!"  Then he was really upset and left.  My V2 sister told me that he doesn't mean it, but I figured I gave him enough warnings.  Was it right to refuse him help, or should I have just told him not to do it again? 


Jude Miller


MHFM: Yes, the right thing to do is to refuse to him help him.  As you pointed out, you have told him numerous times about this very serious sin.  He has been warned, but he continues to do it.  So it’s very clear that you should not help him in the future.  Your V2 sister is completely wrong.  She is more concerned with respect for man than respect for God and, of course, she makes excuses for the sin.  But what should one expect from a V2 phony “Catholic.”  You might have already, but it should also be made clear to your brother that what he is doing is not just wrong and sinful; it’s mortally sinful and places him in a state of damnation.


By the way, since so many today have not been exposed to many aspects of Catholic faith and tradition, below are the Divine Praises.  These are excellent prayers in honor of the divine name.  These tremendous prayers are geared specifically toward making reparation for blasphemy and the taking of the Lord’s name in vain.  This sin has become so common in our day, in general speech, entertainment, etc. that it’s almost mind-boggling.  It’s truly one of the worst aspects of society today.

The Divine Praises

Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His angels and in His Saints.


Divorce and children



Suppose that a person (husband) of bad will marries inside the V2 Church someone (N.O. wife) that was previously married inside the V2 Church, divorced and was granted a false annulment from the V2 Church. Now that they are separated and the wife has moved out, and state law requires one year of separation before a divorce will be granted, what are the husband's options in order to continue to serve the true Catholic Church? Is separation sufficient for the time being?

Knowing that the N.O. wife is (in god's eyes) still married to the first (still living) man, will the husband be able to remarry as his marriage was not valid to begin with?

What responsibility does the husband have to try and gain custody of a child in the wife's care? Should the husband spend no expense fighting in court or should I put the matter in God's hand's and wait for God's will to be known?

God Bless you,



MHFM: Yes, if the woman had been clearly married before in the Novus Ordo – to another person who purported to be a baptized Catholic – then that marriage was valid and he would be free to marry again.  Certainly the traditional Catholic man should make an effort to gain custody of the child; for obviously the child should be raised by the traditional Catholic and not the N.O. “Catholic,” if possible. 


The question concerning to what expense one should go in this endeavor is another issue.  That depends on the likelihood of success, one’s financial means, the age of the child, etc.   For example, if the child is a teen then he or she will be free at 18 anyway.  One should consider all of those factors and make an informed and prayerful decision.  Another factor to consider is child’s level of interest in God, salvation, the Catholic faith, etc.  If the child has no interest in the faith, then fighting for custody might be a fruitless endeavor, for the child is going to spurn your religious instructions and admonitions anyway.  All of that has to be considered, and prayed over.  Don’t make the mistake of ruining your own life – or making your own life much more difficult – for someone who doesn’t care anyway.  People frequently fail to do what God wants because they spend so much time and effort worrying about people who don’t care anyway.  But then again, if that person is still very young and would be different in a different environment, that has to be considered as well.


Opinion or Doctrine?


Hello MHFM,

I have been debating with a couple of non-Sedecavantist and they conclude that Sedevacantism is just a theological opinion.  What bothers me the most is that they do not understand Catholic teaching and the more I give 'em quotes from the Catholic Church, (which I took from "21 Answers to the Objections against sedevacantism" article) and they seem to or are falling more into heresy.  One of them told me that it is wrong to make an opinion a doctrine but I find that the Church has declared that when a pope falls into heresy it looses authority.  They told me that they want more than that...I mean how blind are they?  But I do wish an answer, is sedevacanstim just a theological opinion and not a doctrine?  Because, the way I see it is that if a pope has solemnly declared that a baptized person who rejects one(or more) dogmas becomes a heretic and is no longer a member, but when the pope has declared this, does it mean its now a doctrine?  Or is it an opinion?  But then again it can't be just an opinion because the dogmas are truths fallen from heaven and it was condemned to say that dogmas are not truths fallen from heaven.  I do wish for an answer to this new confusion I just came upon. I will keep you in my prayers.  Thank you and God bless you.

-Bernardo T.
from Oregon


MHFM: A doctrine is simply a teaching.  There can be good doctrines or bad doctrines.  The word doctrine doesn’t necessarily mean a true doctrine.  For example:


1 Timothy 4:1- “Now the Spirit manifestly saith, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils…”


It should be pointed out, however, that while “doctrine” doesn’t necessarily connote something good, it is used in some contexts to indicate official Catholic teachings.  That’s just something to be aware of. 


A dogma is a truth of divine revelation which has been revealed by Christ and solemnly declared by the Church.  A dogmatic fact is something that is so intimately tied up with a dogma that, if it were not true, the dogma itself would not be true.  To relate this to our issue, it’s a dogma that heretics are not members of the Catholic Church (Eugene IV, etc.).  It’s also a dogma that a true pope is a member of the Church (Vatican I, etc.). Therefore, it follows logically – it’s a dogmatic fact – that a heretic cannot be a pope.  It’s something that, if it were not true, would render the dogma that heretics are not members of the Church false.  Dogmatic facts are as certain as dogmas.  So it’s certain that a heretic cannot be pope. It’s a fact bound up with a dogma.


So the only question is: is it certain that John Paul II, Benedict XVI, etc. are heretics?  Yes, it is certain for three reasons, as our material proves.  1)  They are not ignorant, but well aware, of the dogmas they deny; 2) They hold and teach things which are incompatible with the possession of Catholic faith, even if they were not aware of what the Church and popes have taught on those matters (e.g., the heresies that all religions are more or less good and that non-Catholics don’t need to be converted are incompatible with core belief in Christ); 3) They have solemnly invoked their “authority” to teach heresy.  Thus, it’s certain that they are not true popes.  To believe otherwise is to embrace something incompatible with the faith; it is to deny, in effect, the dogma that heretics are not members of the Church.


Freemasonic Roots of Darwinism


Dear Brothers,

I found some interesting information regard the Freemasonic/Jewish roots of the myth of evolution that I thought you might be interested in.

Charles Darwin's grandfather Erasmus Darwin was initiated at the St. David's Freemason Lodge No 36. Edinburgh in 1754. In early 1788 he also became a member of the Time Immemorial Lodge of Canongate Kilwinning, No. 2, of Scotland. Note: The majority of Freemasons in these lodges were Jewish.

Charles Darwin's uncle Francis Darwin was made a Freemason in the Tyrian Lodge, No. 253, at Derby, in 1807.

Robert Darwin the father of Charles Darwin was initiated by his father Erasmus Darwin to a Freemason Lodge. So Darwin came from a whole family of Freemasons who were linked to Jewish Freemasonic lodges. It appears the theory of evolution was invented by anti-religious Freemasons in Jewish Freemason lodges.

Hope this is of some interest to you,


Fatima Secret


Dear Brothers,


Far be it from me to question the truths of Fatima, but there's one thing I just don't get, and I'm hoping you can shed some light on this. Why would Mary decide to make Vatican II out to be the third secret. Why should V2 be kept a secret at all? Logic would seem to dictate that exposing this future false council would be something Our Lady would be very open about. I am trying to understand the logic of why it was kept as a secret at all. Thanks for your time.


MHFM: We believe that the simplest answer to your question is that God puts people to the test.  He allows heresies to arise (1 Cor. 11:19).  He allows spiritual deceptions to arise and He puts people to the test to see if they will adhere to the true faith or just follow whoever is “in power.”  Thus, He’s not always going to give the answer to the upcoming dilemma in a well-known prophecy or sign that is readily available to everyone. 


More on Valtorta


Maria Valtorta is author of The Poem of the Man God and other nauseating books.  The Poem is contained in several thick volumes.  The Poem was  condemned sevaral times by the  pre Vatican II church.  Its printing was forbidden… "Our Lady" of Medjugorje recommended the Poem as "a good read."

This crazy V2 Catholic woman I used to know would loan some of the volumes to her friends who told her it was wonderful.   She said she had read the entire dozen or so volumes three times, and I believe it because she had so many warped ideas about Christ and his Blessed Mother.  After hearing this woman talk for some time (she was also a devoted Medjugorje advocate; got free trips there about three times) I went to church one day and looked at  the beautiful crucifix hanging there.  I felt disgust because I identified with the Christ she talked about.  I also felt disgust when I looked at my statue of Our Lady of Fatima at home, but the feelings lasted less than a day because I knew where they came from and ignored them.  I've heard of
others having the same experience.

        One day, at this woman's urging, I took one of the volumes home.  I skimmed through it quickly and I don't think I read more than three pages worth till I felt nauseous.  I returned the book and told her it made me sick…

    This same nutty woman and others I knew were also obsessed by the Marian Movement of Priests, EWTN and any and every apparition that came down the pike.  She also liked to talk about her former bawdy life and many husbands.  I tried to talk some truth into her on the phone one day and when she had  nothing to refute the truth she yelled loudly, "Why don't you go down to the  chancery and have yourself ordained!!" then slammed the phone down very hard.

The Poem's "Jesus" fit right in with that kind of garbage, but when she went to confession she would say she had nothing to confess.  Lots of these  reverent V2 Catholics would say the same thing.  One terrible gossip said  she never committed a mortal sin because "I am a prudent thinker."



Nicholas V


MHFM: We found it somewhat interesting that at the coronation of Pope Nicholas V there was a symbolic act of condemnation of the Jewish religion.  Pope Nicholas V was the pope who reigned after Pope Eugene IV.  This quote is another interesting illustration of how far removed the actions and beliefs of the Vatican II antipopes are from the true popes.  Surely the following would be apologized for and excised from any post-Vatican II “papal” ceremony.  Such an action would be condemned as outdated/overturned by Vatican II and Nostra Aetate’s new vision of the Jews as “not rejected by God.”


Concerning his coronation and a procession immediately following: “The Pope [Nicholas V] was preceded by three banners and an umbrella; he rode on a white horse, bore the golden Rose in his left hand, and blessed the people with his right.  The ambassadors of Aragon and the Barons alternately led the Pope’s horse.  At Monte Giordano the Jews delivered to him their law, and he condemned their interpretation.  After the conclusion of the ecclesiastical function in the Lateran…” (Dr. Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 2, p. 31)


Conversion rare before death


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter:


Below is an interesting quote from St. Alphonsus concerning the idea of conversion to the Catholic Faith at the end of one’s life.  Although these types of conversions are possible, as you point out in your most recent email exchange (Specific Individuals in Hell), they are extremely rare.  St. Alphonsus states that these types of conversions proceed out of necessity, and that it would be very difficult for God to pardon such a person:


He that lives in sin till death shall die in sin.  “You shall die in your sin.” (John viii. 21.)  It is true that, in whatsoever hour the sinner is converted, God promises to pardon him; but to no sinner has God promised the grace of conversion at the hour of death.  “Seek the Lord while he may be found.” (Isa.  Iv. 6.)  Then, there is for some sinners a time when they shall seek God and shall not find him.  “You shall seek me, and shall not find me.” (John vii. 34.)  The unhappy beings will go to confession at the hour of death; they will promise and weep, and ask mercy of God, but wi thout knowing what they do.  A man who sees himself under the feet of a foe pointing a dagger to his throat, will shed tears, ask pardon, and promise to serve his enemy as a slave during the remainder of his life.  But, will the enemy believe him?  No; he will feel convinced that his words are not sincere–that his object is to escape from his hands, and that, should he be pardoned, he will become more hostile than ever.  In like manner, how can God pardon the dying sinner, when he sees that all his acts of sorrow, and all his promises, proceed not from the heart, but from a dread of death and of approaching damnation.” (Serm. XXXVIII On the death of the sinner, par. 8)




Converting to real Church


In this time, with the state of the church being as it is; how can a person convert to the Catholic Church as it existed before Vatican II? Is there a process? I know this may sound like silly questions but I just do not know. From what I find, there is now no real pope to ordain persons at other positions in the church and to thus guide non-Catholics into the faith. There is no one authority to declare who is and is not a member of the church, so it would to me sound like Protestantism where each person determines for themselves with no core central authority to define infallibly such things. I know these are days markedly different from the previous 2000 years and I do believe even today God will hear to those who call for him and seek his truth, and I have to maintain hope that one can even in this day convert to the original, first, and true Church of  God.




MHFM: We have a section on our website which explains just how one does that: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts. 


Concerning your second point, just because there is no pope does not mean that a Catholic cannot identify what he has to believe or who adheres to the true rule of faith.  That’s what the magisterial teachings are for; that’s what the dogmas enable a Catholic to do.  The Papacy is the principle of unity in the Church, as Vatican I defined, precisely because of the powers that rest in the office of the Papacy.  In other words, those dogmas and teachings which have come down to us from the previous popes who occupied the office remain the binding rule and the principle of unity even when those popes have passed and even when there is no pope.  Adhering to papal teaching and Catholic dogmas, and refusing to recognize as part of the Church of Christ those who clearly do not, is not in any way comparable to Protestantism.  It’s the antithesis to Protestantism. 


Maria Valtorta


Greetings, dear Brothers.  


Quick question:  what is your opinion of the revelations and writings of the Italian woman, Maria Valtorta?  Were these ever approved by the Church?


Sincerely in Christ,

Margaret Moore


MHFM: Thanks for the question.  We haven’t had the time – nor frankly the inclination – to study her writings.  However, a knowledgeable person we know did spend significant time with her stuff.  We do recall that he was convinced they were false and that he considered many things he read problematic.  Perhaps some of our readers can help here with specific examples.  We would also say that, generally speaking, one should be super-cautious about voluminous amounts of visions/messages which are purportedly being received by individuals who haven’t been canonized.  Since Jesus and Mary typically don’t say very much in the true and authentic apparitions, voluminous amounts to a non-canonized person is frequently, if not usually, a case where the Devil has been involved.




Now here's a good question concerning abortion. Those who have had abortions are not only responsible for committing MURDER but they are also responsible for that soul not having a chance at salvation/eternal life, because the aborted babies souls(since they are not baptised) end up in Hell, am I correct here?

HOW IN THE WORLD are those of us who are convinced and fully believe that life begins at conception and that you can't have eternal life without baptism supposed to view,deal with and handle these people if we happen to stumble upon one or some? I say "stumble" because ON PURPOSE I would want nothing to do with them and if I had somekind of advance warning of these kinds of people I would RUN THE OTHER WAY and try my best to avoid them, because for me MURDER of unborn babies and then their souls ending up in Hell (due to peoples selfishness+selfcenteredness and convenience) is a little bit WAY TO MUCH for me to handle and it's a BITTER PILL to swallow thinking about these FACTS!


MHFM: Like with any other individual who is involved in something against the faith, you just lay out the facts and the teaching of the Church in a straightforward, charitable and matter-of-fact fashion. 


Answering claims


Dear Brothers,

I have been debating some V-2 "Catholics" lately. They have made statements that I'm not sure how to respond to. One said "Sedevacantism is protestantism", another referred to Sedevacantists as being "schismatics". Another one asked me for proof that the V-2 antipopes are invalid. In response to that I sent them links to your PDF files regarding the V-2 antipopes' heresies. This person then claimed that "they prove nothing" and then asked for, "adequate documentation showing explicit heresy. Not JPII praying in a temple with a statue of Buddha. Not Benedict XVI saying Mass facing the congregation. But an encyclical where they are openly teaching error."

Could you please help me out with answering these claims?

Thank you very much,


MHFM: First, regarding “Sedevacantism is Protestantism”… you should respond by pointing out that the Vatican II antipopes agree with the Protestants on Justification.  They teach that Protestants are part of the Church and can be saved, and they have praised the worst Protestant heretics of all time.


Second, regarding “Sedevacantists as schismatics”… you should respond by pointing out that Benedict XVI teaches that Vatican I (they might not even know what that is) doesn’t need to be accepted.  Further point out that Benedict XVI praises the leading schismatics basically weekly, and that he has declared that they are part of the true Church.  That means that he’s a schismatic.


Third, regarding the documentation of heresies, the PDF files have all the information you need.  That’s what they are there for.  They not only cover their many heretical actions, but they cover (in more depth than you will find anywhere) the loads of explicit heresies in their writings, in their speeches and encyclicals.  For example, to just give a quick few, the file on John Paul II covers how in one encyclical (Ut Unum Sint) he teaches that non-Catholics can lawfully receive Holy Communion (heresy), that non-Catholics are saints (heresy) and that the Catholic Church is in communion with non-Catholics (heresy).  You need to look more carefully at those files.  The people you are conversing with probably didn’t give them five minutes of their attention.  You should keep in mind that the people you are conversing with are demonstrating bad will.  If they are indeed of bad will, rather than just unaware of their heresies, then there probably won’t be anything that you could show them to prove the point because they are simply of bad will.   That’s unfortunately why God has to send people like that to Hell; they could look at a thousand different proofs and not be convinced.  Any person who could look at these files and still maintain that John Paul II and Benedict XVI are not heretics is simply a liar and of bad will.  It should also be pointed out that documenting heretical actions – in addition to documenting heretical statements – does prove heresy; for heresy is manifested by deed as well as by word.


The Heresies of John Paul II - a comprehensive presentation [PDF file]


The Heresies of Benedict XVI [PDF file]




Dear Bro. Dimond,
I have been watching EWTN for a long time and accidentally, I opened your very intriguing and interesting website and I am hanging now of which one to believe and which one to reject because there are good programs in EWTN.  What I did is to keep my heart and mind open but I have such turmoils as whether I would continue watching EWTN channel.  What is your opinion about this?
Alejandro C.


MHFM: Well, you should definitely agree with us and not with EWTN because EWTN teaches and accepts heresies which are contrary to the Catholic faith.  As far as watching it goes, one could watch certain programs.  But one should not watch the invalid New Mass or other programs that would be a danger to one’s faith.  A person who is strong in the traditional Catholic faith should be able to determine which programs would be acceptable and which ones would not be.


EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [PDF File]


Levels of Hell


Dear Monks,

Are there different departments/compartments or sections or levels (whatever you want to call it) of Hell? Because not every soul who will not make it into Heaven is alike, and not all of the souls who will end up in Hell will have belonged to REAL EVIL people or real REAL EVIL DOERS like Hitler and his henchmen or Stalin or other dictators and communists and other REAL EVIL people. Most people in this world(the ones we are around most of our lives and meet everyday and spent our lives with and around) are not really good but they are also not really bad or EVIL. Most people live their lives in a LIGHT GREY ZONE( on a symbolic color scale ranging from white to black, white being SAINTLY and BLACK being EVIL, Light to darker Grey ZONE is where I would place the majority and average human being from any background or religion). As one of your videos states(death and the journey into Hell) most people won't get into Heaven not because they are bad but because they are just NOT GOOD ENOUGH, ok then where are these good but just not good enough for Heaven souls going to end up? And even for those who die in a state of mortal sin, not all of the mortal sins are the same in weight or seriousness, for example should somebody who died after telling a lie end up in the same place as a Jeffrey Dahmer mass murderer? or again Hitler,Stalin,Lenin ?



MHFM: Yes, there are different levels in Hell for different levels of evil people.  It’s true that most people who find themselves on the road to Hell aren’t as overtly evil as the characters you mentioned.  But they are liars at heart, and they don’t care enough about God and the truth.  Their bad will only comes out on certain occasions because much of their life is spent in indifference to God.  In the case of those who claim to be Catholics, their bad will only surfaces when presented with certain truths.  So they might seem to be okay, but God sees that interiorly they are liars who are not of the truth.  It’s not enough to simply not be really evil; one must be good and of the truth to get to Heaven.  That’s why Jesus said:


Luke 13:24- “Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.”


John 18:37- “Every one that is of the truth, heareth my voice.”




Dimond Brothers,


There are too many so-called Catholics today who have a very false notion that everything will be straightened out for them in purgatory, as if purgatory were even guaranteed to them.  You have done well in your recent audio to disabuse them of that notion.


My thought is that it would be far better to go straight to heaven and not have to depend on the prayers of the Church militant as you experience purgation in purgatory.


If possible, it would be far better to die in the state of grace (justified), and having endured all necessary temporal punishment on earth, have one's soul fly directly to God...




James K.


World War II


I'm writing to recommend Pat Buchanan's most recent book, Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War.  While not a religious book, its well documented and cited facts which recount the origins of World War II, all the way back to the late 19th Century and the First World War should prove nothing sort of stunning revelations to most contemporary Americans.  In the final analysis, any serious Catholic should easily see that the essential result of World War II was to enable the spread of Godless Communism throughout all of Eastern Europe, China and Southeast Asia.  However the near incredible way in which these events were engineered, the terrible slaughter and enslavement of millions of Catholics which occurred before during and after the war with the consent of the Western Allies, while all the while "good" Americans thought they were pursuing a noble cause, is both mind boggling and infuriating.  Of course besides Communism, the other great benefactor of the war was Zionism.


I think it is worthwhile because it really turns what I would say is the conventional wisdom regarding the history of this time on its head.  Churchill emerges as a villain.  Hitler is certainly no worse than any of his contemporaries.  Buchanan proves that Hitler never sought war with the West, in fact Hitler is quoted as naming the British Empire and the Catholic Church as two indispensable institutions in the maintenance of world order.  Hitler's two ambitions were to reverse the injustices of the Versailles Treaty and to destroy Bolshevism.   It is incredible how much what everyone "knows to be true" can be so completely backward.  A tribute to the quality of the propaganda served up by Hollywood, the news media and the government controlled education system.  


Bill Mulligan


Specific Individuals in Hell


Is there anything that says that certain individuals are in Hell?  The Church teaches that there is no salvation outside the Church, but is there any statement that this or that person is in Hell.  Certain liberals like to harp on this.


MHFM:  There are statements that indicate that certain individuals are damned.  For example, St. Alphonsus points this out:


“Three sects take their origin from Valentine.  The first were called Sethites: These paid honor to Seth, that they said Jesus Christ was born of Him, and some went so far as to say that Jesus Christ and Seth were one and the same person.  The second sect were called Cainites: These venerated as saints all those who the Scripture tells us were damned – as Cain, Core, the inhabitants of Sodom, and especially Judas Iscariot.” (History of Heresies, p. 38)


Thus, Scripture indicates that certain specific individuals were damned.  Further, there are papal decrees which state that certain individuals died as heretics.  It’s de fide that those who died as heretics are damned.  So, contrary to the liberal modernists, the teaching of the Church does indicate by such things that certain specific individuals are in Hell.  But it really doesn’t need to because it’s a dogma that all who die in mortal sin and outside the Church go to Hell.  Hence, all who fit into one of those categories go to Hell. 


Now it’s true that any person can convert at the end of life, even if that kind of conversion is extremely rare.  But there must be evidence of such a conversion in the external forum for a Catholic to consider that person to have died a Catholic.  If there is no such evidence, that person is considered to have died as he or she lived and is therefore considered lost.  Note: the presumption in certain cases is about whether the person died as a Catholic or not.  There is no presumption, but a certitude of faith, that if a person died a non-Catholic, he or she is without any doubt not saved. 


Jesus also indicates that most people are lost (Matthew 7:13).


Bible question


Dear Brother Dimond :


2 days ago at work I had an interesting conversation with one of my co-workers about religion.  It started when he told me that growing up he knew many Catholics and Baptists and that each one thought the other was going to Hell.  I replied and told him I believed that everyone except Catholics were going to Hell.  I explained to him that God reveals Himself to everyone.  It is just a question of whether or not the person responds to God's graces.  God knows everything and He knows in advance whether or not a person will accept Him.  If someone has no interest in God or religion then God will not bother to reveal the Gospel or the name of Jesus to that person.  Such a person is indifferent and is of bad will.  This leaves no excuse for invincible ignorance.  He seemed to agree with me, saying that it makes sense.  Further in the conversation speaking of Protestantism, I told him that Protestants reject certain teachings in their own bibles which was clearly taught by Jesus, such as the papacy, confession, etc.  He stated that the problem he has is that the bible was written by men and therefore he doesn't trust it.  It is true that the bible was written by the hands of men but with the guidance of the Holy Ghost.  I'm not sure how to respond to such a thing, for I've heard that argument before.  Can you please tell me the best answer to give the next time someone raises such an argument?  By the way, towards the end of the conversation, again speaking of Hell, I told him he was on the road to Hell.  Of course being a heretic he doubted it.  I told him what Padre Pio said, "You'll know when you get there", and then I told him it will be too late.  Once you get there, it's forever.


Randy R.


MHFM: Yes, just because a man does something does not mean that God cannot inspire him or guide him or help him to do it without error.  Consider this hypothetical situation: suppose a plane was severely damaged and was barely operational.  Suppose the pilot found himself in treacherous flying conditions, a massive storm, etc.  Could God guide the pilot to a safe landing?  Of course he could, and your co-worker would probably accept that example.  So, even though God used men to write the Bible, he inspired and protected those men in their writing.  God is all-powerful.  It’s not difficult for him to use human instruments in this way.  So your co-worker shouldn’t have a difficult time accepting the fact that, even though the books of the Bible were written by men (and thus they contain the originality and personality of their authors), they were written under the inspiration of God and are protected by God from error.


Pope Leo XIII, Proventissimus Deus, Nov. 18, 1893: “For all the books which the Church receives as sacred and canonical, are written wholly and entirely, with all their parts, at the dictation of the Holy Ghost; and so far is it from being possible that any error can co-exist with inspiration, that inspiration not only is essentially incompatible with error, but excludes and rejects it as absolutely and necessarily as it is impossible that God Himself, the supreme Truth, can utter that which is not true. This is the ancient and unchanging faith of the Church, solemnly defined in the Councils of Florence and of Trent, and finally confirmed and more expressly formulated by the Council of the Vatican. These are the words of the last: "The Books of the Old and New Testament, whole and entire, with all their parts, as enumerated in the decree of the same Council (Trent) and in the ancient Latin Vulgate, are to be received as sacred and canonical. And the Church holds them as sacred and canonical, not because, having been composed by human industry, they were afterwards approved by her authority; nor only because they contain revelation without error; but because, having been written under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, they have God for their author."(57) Hence, because the Holy Ghost employed men as His instruments, we cannot therefore say that it was these inspired instruments who, perchance, have fallen into error, and not the primary author. For, by supernatural power, He so moved and impelled them to write-He was so present to them-that the things which He ordered, and those only, they, first, rightly understood, then willed faithfully to write down, and finally expressed in apt words and with infallible truth. Otherwise, it could not be said that He was the Author of the entire Scripture. Such has always been the persuasion of the Fathers. "Therefore," says St. Augustine, "since they wrote the things which He showed and uttered to them, it cannot be pretended that He is not the writer; for His members executed what their Head dictated."(58) And St. Gregory the Great thus pronounces: "Most superfluous it is to inquire who wrote these things-we loyally believe the Holy Ghost to be the Author of the book. He wrote it Who dictated it for writing; He wrote it Who inspired its execution. "(59)




Dear MHFM,


I greatly appreciate any time or consideration you can give my email.  I was raised Roman Catholic, but left the church in my late teens.  I have gone to every denomination and read tons of literature.  My Dad used to talk about Vatican 2 and changes and how sad he was over it.  I am confused.  I don’t know what happened with V2 and I don’t know what Traditional Catholic means.  I do know that I miss the reverence of mass and I do miss celebrating the Eucharist.  If you can help me at all on my journey I would appreciate it.


There is a Traditional Catholic Monastery an hour or so from where I live, but it has been  blessed by JP2...............?  Thanks for any information.



Deirdre M.


MHFM: What you need to do is come back to the traditional Catholic faith.  You need to become convinced of all Catholic teachings first, and then we can help you with where to receive sacraments.  Some people have the impression that showing up at a building is the main part of religion or what being a Catholic means.  That is not correct.  First and foremost you need to believe in all Catholic teachings and reject all other religions because the Catholic religion is the only true religion – the one revealed and established by Jesus Christ.  You must have the true faith whole and undefiled to be saved (Athanasian Creed; Hebrews 11:6).  Thus, it’s necessary for your salvation to become Catholic.  So we would recommend that you begin to pray the Rosary, that you obtain our basic package, and that you begin to study the catechism and the material we have concerning the traditional Catholic faith.


Help needed


to Most Holy Family Monastery,

…i was just wondering if you would be able to help myself, my brother and my sister. we have made a friend who wishes to discuss our differing opinions concerning Vatican 11. this person recently discovered that we refuse to attend any vatican 11 masses. we only attend the  mass in the traditional roman rite. needless to say, on finding out, he wanted to immediately get in  a discussion about it. we would find it most helpful if you could manage to give us a good list of reasons why the novus ordo is invalid, and why vatican 11 is so bad.

thankyou kindly for all your help,

[name withheld]


MHFM: These two files have the information you are looking for:


Vatican II - false council

The Invalid New Mass


Baptism of Death


Dear Brothers,


This is from Philip Schaff's book, HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH… He's talking about Zwingli. 


"This liberal extension of Christ’s kingdom and Christ’s salvation beyond the limits of the visible Church, although directly opposed to the traditional belief of the necessity of water baptism for salvation, was not altogether new… Zwingli was a humanist, but he had no sympathy with Pelagianism. On the contrary, as we have shown previously, he traced salvation to God’s sovereign grace, which is independent of ordinary means, and he first made a clear distinction between the visible and the invisible Church. He did not intend, as he has been often misunderstood, to assert the possibility of salvation without Christ. "Let no one think," he wrote to Urbanus Rhegius (a preacher at Augsburg), "that I lower Christ; for whoever comes to God comes to him through Christ .... The word, ’He who believeth not will be condemned,’ applies only to those who can hear the gospel, but not to children and heathen .... I openly confess that all infants are saved by Christ, since grace extends as far as sin. Whoever is born is saved by Christ from the curse of original sin. If he comes to the knowledge of the law and does the works of the law (Rom. 2:14, 26), he gives evidence of his election. As Christians we have great advantages by the knowledge of the gospel…”


Even Schaff, a protestant, recognized "the traditional belief of the necessity of water baptism for salvation."  And the rest of it sounds like the usual BOD stuff.

By the way, in Fr. S's "Letter to a Correspondent Named John," he said "prevented by death" and "overtaken by death" so many times it seems BOD should stand for "Baptism of Death;" especially since he said, "The salvation of those baptized by way of Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood comes about immediately, at death. Such souls are brought by God into His Church at death..."  This is in direct contradiction to Cantate Domino, "unless before death they are joined with Her..."  Death is NOT the eighth sacrament!


Keep up the good work!  The audio refuting the latest BOD nonsense was great!  





MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  It’s interesting that Zwingli (non-Catholic heretic) also spoke of the visible and invisible Church.  This is just like the baptism of desire heretics in our day, who speak of people who are without the faith being invisibly united to the Church by desire.




Just visited your website and was enlightened.  Lucky for Catholicism that you are a fringe minority and when you die off so does your Medieval mentality and theology.  Who are you to say that ANY Pope, being Infallable, cannot change the teachings of predecessors, with new more enlightened and God-sent teachings?  Jesus Christ wants ALL to come to Him!  You limit and exclude that number to the "MANY", who you claim to be part of but whose numbers along with you are diminishing, hopefully soon, to NONE.

But, Please don't worry, because, yes, Jesus will even accept you into His Eternity, in spite of your own heresies.  You have after all been faithful in spite of your closed-minded and close-hearted positions.  God Bless and Keep you.


MHFM: Perhaps if you did your research and looked more carefully at our site, you would see that the Catholic Church teaches that a pope cannot change what another pope has infallibly taught.  This is because when a pope defines a dogma infallibly he is not making it up; he is infallibly setting forth what Jesus Christ revealed to His Church.  That’s why no pope can change it.


Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, 1870, Session 4, Chap. 4: “…the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra [from the Chair of Peter], that is, when carrying out the duty of the pastor and teacher of all Christians in accord with his supreme apostolic authority he explains a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the universal Church... operates with that infallibility with which the divine Redeemer wished that His Church be instructed in defining doctrine on faith and morals; and so such definitions of the Roman Pontiff from himself, but not from the consensus of the Church, are unalterable.”


Further, you need to wake up and realize that Christ only left one Church and it’s the Catholic Church. Refuting Protestantism and Eastern "Orthodoxy" * Audio Programs




I recently  distributed almost all of the 180 copies of Padre Pio's booklet that I ordered from you.  Recently, I received a card of Padre Pio  with the news that his body has been exhumed and now lies in state in San Giovanno Rodondo.  


Just in case you didn't know.


Mary P.


B.O.D. Anathema


MHFM: In our book ( Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation [pdf file]), on pages 275-276, we sum up some of the main arguments from the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church which contradict baptism of desire.  In trying to respond to them, one baptism of desire advocate named Griff has made a mockery of himself.  What’s worse, he has brought down anathema upon himself.  We will just look at one point of what he says now. 


“1) The Catholic Church teaches that the Sacrament of Baptism is necessary for salvation. - False. The Church teaches that Baptism is necessary, but nowhere describes the Sacrament of Baptism as being any more than being "of relative means," thus admitting BOB and BOD.”


False?  Just so we’re clear, this person asserts that our point #1 – our first point in a summation of the points against baptism of desire – that the Catholic Church teaches that the SACRAMENT of Baptism is necessary for salvation, is false!!!  According to him, it’s FALSE to say that the Church teaches that the Sacrament of Baptism is necessary for salvation.  But the Council of Trent specifically anathematized anyone who says that the Sacrament of Baptism is not necessary for salvation! 


Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547, ex cathedra: If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”


When reading this canon remember: 1) This is a canon on THE SACRAMENT. Thus, it’s infallibly condemning those who say that THE SACRAMENT is not necessary for salvation (just what the baptism of desire heretic cited above says); 2) All baptism of desire advocates admit that “baptism of desire” is not a sacrament; they say it confers the grace of baptism without the sacramental character.  So this canon not only contradicts their position, but it shows that the audacious heretic quoted above – who even had the opportunity to carefully review this canon – has fallen under its specific anathema by boldly denying its teaching.  He specifically says that what the canon declares is FALSE!  What an outrageous heretic…  These people think that they can just deny the words of infallible definitions and get away with it.  They don’t know what they’re dealing with.


We’ve also come across some interesting new counter-arguments and quotes which are relevant to defending the dogma against these salvation heretics.  We will be covering them in due time.




Hello Dimond brothers.
What is your take on Zlatko Sudac, a Croatian priest who, according to many, has stigmata? He was born in 1971, so after Vatican-II, and was ordained a priest on 1998, in the new rite of ordination. Would you consider his stigmata to be real or some how a fake? Below I have posted a link which covers an interview with Sudac.
Thank you!


MHFM: No, it’s definitely fake or of demonic origin (probably the latter).  This is proven because the “priest” was, as you mentioned, ordained in the New Rite of Ordination.  He is also in favor of Vatican II and Medjugorje.   Need one say more?  Well, we guess one could also mention that he is in favor of the Charismatic movement.  This is a false movement which is not of the Holy Spirit, in which false signs and wonders abound. 


False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje)

EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [PDF File]




Hello Brothers:


I have a follow up question to Steve’s e-exchange (More on Gravesites).  I understand from your quote from Council of Laodicea that a “Catholic cannot go to a non-Catholic cemetery or to the graves of non-Catholics to honor them, pray for them or to attend religious services”.  Well, I’ve been going to West Laural Hill Cemetery a non-denominational cemetery right outside of Philadelphia just because it’s close to my work.  As I’m entitled to my lunch break I refuse to stay in my dark and loud cubicle and always seek solace from my pagan co-workers.  Before, in the last 10 years (or so), I’ve been going there very often.  During some period of my life when I was despairing, low and lonely that I would even go there  three times a day. Iit’s been my asylum, this was during my N.O. times.  While I still go there every day during my lunch break I never pray for anybody there.  I go purely because it’s like an arboretum and gives me a quite time that I can do my spiritual readings without getting bombarded from those loud and obnoxious Americans that I work with.  Yes, I’ve been thinking about dying and death a lot in these long years.  Is it a sin that I go there for ‘recreational’ purposes without paying homage to anyone?  I need to know (gravity and frequency), because I never confessed this as a sin.


Please reply.

Thank you.


MHFM: No, as touched on below, we think that can be a good idea; for you are not praying for or honoring those who died outside the faith or attending a non-Catholic funeral. 


More on Gravesites


In regards to the E Exchange 'Gravesites of Relatives    Theres times I go to a N.O Cemetary and pray for the Catholics, since lots of people there died back in the 1800's  but the dioscese burys people there too...its a so called catholic cemetary, I have no relatives that are buried there nor do I know anybody there, I just go there at times and say some Hail Marys for the true Catholics that died there prior to Vat ii....Would this be acceptable?   Plus it brings tears to my eyes at times looking and being around all those gravestones...its a form of meditation to me, if you will...what do you think about me praying there?




MHFM: Yes, thanks for the e-mail.  Our E-Exchange below (and the accompanying quote from the Council of Laodicea) was meant to show that a Catholic cannot go to a non-Catholic cemetery or to the graves of non-Catholics to honor them, pray for them or to attend religious services. But if one is going to a Catholic cemetery, where presumably there are people who died as traditional Catholics long ago, to pray on his/her own or to take in the experience, then that can be a good idea. 


We say “take in the experience” because walking around a cemetery and seeing all the people who have come and passed – whose lives have been lived and forgotten – can be an extraordinarily powerful experience.  The events of their lives – so many lives, represented by one row of gravestones after another – which at one time seemed so significant, are now completely gone.  Seeing this, understanding this, taking this in cuts to the heart of true wisdom: how quickly everything passes; how quickly men are forgotten; and how salvation and eternity are all that matter in the end.

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\News_Commentary_pictures\graveyard.bmp



Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

I hope you are well.

Our Lady at Akita, Japan, October 13, 1973 "...With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests."  Pope Paul VI was Pope in 1973.  Our Lady at Akita acknowledges to us that he really and truly was Pope which also means that all the Vatican II Popes are valid as well.

In +JMJ,


MHFM: It’s not a true apparition.  Haven’t you realized that the Bible tells us that there will be false signs in the final days to deceive, if that were possible, even the elect?  See Mt. 24:24-25, 2 Thess. 2:9-12 and False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje).




MHFM, I haven't finished all of your salvation book, but i find it very revealing, and much truth in it.  … Jesus was sent to the temple, and was circumcised as all Jews had to be to enter into the Kingdom of God.  And as Catholics baptism is the new and everlasting circumcism.  We all have to be circumcised, that is baptized to enter.  Also, Council of Nicea explains beautifully how the Paulinists had to be rebaptized to enter in the Church, i haven't seen anything on that either, yet. That would exclude desire or blood, a noxious, liberal idea of satan. Mater Immaculata, ora pro nobis.




Was the “arrogant guy” addressing MHFM or God Himself in his email? I had to ask, as his diatribe and vitriol had the resonance of an atheistic communist rather than an obedient child of Jesus Christ and Holy Mother Church.


In the book, “Life of Pius X” page 121, the author quotes Cardinal Mercier from his Eminence’ book, “Modernism in Science;” Yes or no, do you believe in the divine authority of the Church?” asks Cardinal Mercier. “Do you accept outwardly and in the sincerity of your heart what in the name of Christ she commands? Do you consent to obey her? If so, she offers you her Sacraments and undertakes to conduct you safely into the harbor of salvation. If not, then you deliberately sever the tie that unites you to her, and break the bond consecrated by her grace. Before God and your conscience you no longer belong to her; remain no longer in obstinate hypocrisy a pretended member of her fold. You cannot honestly pass yourself off as one of her sons; and as she cannot be a party to hypocrisy and sacrilege, she bids you, if you force her to it, to leave her ranks….The Modernism condemned by the Pope is the negation of the Church’s teaching.”


St. Ambrose – “He who does not believe all that Christ taught denies Christ himself.”…


St, Thomas Aquinas – “It is absurd for a heretic to assert that he believes in Jesus Christ. To believe in a man is to give our full assent to his word and all he teaches. True faith, therefore, is absolute belief in Jesus Christ and in all he has taught. Hence he who does not adhere to all that Jesus Christ has prescribed for our salvation has no more the doctrine of Jesus Christ and of his Church, than the Pagans, Jews, and Turks have.”…






Dear brothers in Christ,

I would like to add a short comment on a recent letter from one of Novus Ordo "Catholics", that you rightly called "Arrogance..". Well, these N.O. people out there are insane indeed. Look what he says:

1.) "It is arrogance to say that God would never save someone who is not catholic, or outside the Church."


2.) "No matter how you consider yourselves Catholic, without humility
       you will never enter the kingdom of God."

So, in 1.) he says exactly contrary to what he claims in 2.). It's incredible. This kind of stupidity is supernatural. In addition, before 1.) and 2.), he says:

3.) "It is arrogance for you to say that God is no greater than his dogma when He in fact is sovereign over everything He created and revealed, even dogma."

Well, you stupid apostate, is your claim 2.) a kind of dogma? Is it?
Is God greater even than humility? Is He?

Please remember me in your prayers. I really need it because it impossible to endure this avalanche of apostasy coming from Rome without immense help from God.


New Audio: The Bible Teaches Confession to a Priest


The Bible teaches Confession to a priest [New 23 min. audio]


MHFM: This is a new audio which gives the proof that the Bible teaches Confession to a priest.  This has been added to our Refuting Protestantism and Eastern "Orthodoxy" Audio Programs.


Confessing Heresy


Hello Brothers,


I was hoping you could answer a question for me. I've been following the exchanges between you… and others on the BOB/BOD issue. What I'm curious about is if someone holds to heresy than renounces that heresy he or she would have to go to confession for breaking the first commandment. How would one go about confessing that heresy if the vast majority of priests hold to it and would tell the penitent that he or she is guilty of no sin. Thank you for your time, this is something that I've been thinking about since following your discussions.




MHFM: If one believed in and/or taught heresy against that dogma, then he could say: I ask forgiveness for denying the Catholic Church’s teaching on the necessity of the Catholic faith and Baptism for salvation.  There are a good number of priests who would listen to that and simply give you absolution without necessarily getting into their heretical beliefs on the issue. 


Arrogance… to deny dogma




I really don't appreciate your saying you are a true Catholic and I am not.  You don't know me or what I think.  One thing I do know however:  Your contempt for people who you don't think are "true" Catholics is arrogance in the eyes of God, whether your Catholic or not.  It is arrogance for you to say that God is no greater than his dogma when He in fact is sovereign over everything He created and revealed, even dogma.  It is arrogance to say that God would never save someone who is not Catholic, or outside the Church.  Who are you to say what God will or will not do?  Did you create the world?  Can you read the hearts of men?  You treat God as if He were a lawyer bound by the law, rather than the Almighty who, as the Bible says, does as he pleases.  Even the Church, out of humility, does not say who is in hell.  You, on the other hand, profess to know everything and speak for the almighty Creator as if you sat at His right hand.  Your problem is that you love Catholic dogma more than you love God, and you place dogma above God.  That is foolish pride.  And by the way, it is also foolish to say the Pius X's Catechism is not fully Catholic, or contains errors.  Pius X was well aware of Catholic dogma and I dare say he knew much more that you do.  No matter how much you consider yourselves Catholic, without humility you will never enter the kingdom of God.  Don't be so sure of yourselves or you own salvation.  Only a fool is sure of his salvation.  


MHFM: No, sir, you are so mistaken.  We are being humble in submitting our minds to what God has revealed.  You are being insufferably arrogant in refusing to accept what the Creator has revealed to His Church.  In your pathetic unbelieving liberalism and bad will, you cannot see the justice in what God has said: THAT IT’S NECESSARY TO BELONG TO HIS CHURCH TO BE SAVED!!!  To deny that teaching of God is abominable arrogance!  You are the arrogant heretic.  You even say that it’s arrogant for the Church to have declared that God will not save someone outside the Church!  What an outrageous blasphemy and a blatant heresy. God will not contradict what He has revealed in His dogma.


Hebrews 6:18- “That by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we may have the strongest comfort, who have fled for refuge to hold fast the hope set before us.”


Maybe you heretics out there can think about the above passage and try to get it through your unbelieving heads and hearts.  We love and accept Catholic dogma because we love and accept God, not the other way around.  But you cannot love God without accepting His dogma (Heb. 11:6).  You clearly have no faith in papal infallibility, and thus no belief in Jesus Christ.  You are saying that all the ex cathedra definitions on this topic are wrong and can be dismissed.  You are a disgrace. 


And like so many other heretics, you again bring up the Catechism attributed to Pius X, which we already addressed.  It’s not infallible and there is no proof that he had anything to do with its specific teaching.   The fact that you think you are Catholic is just another outrageous lie. 


------FROM SECTION 2 OF OUR BOOK Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation [pdf file]-------------------------------------------------------------


Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896:

… can it be lawful for anyone to reject any one of those truths without by that very fact falling into heresy? – without separating himself from the Church? – without repudiating in one sweeping act the whole of Christian teaching?  For such is the nature of faith that nothing can be more absurd than to accept some things and reject others.  Faith, as the Church teaches, is that supernatural virtue by which… we believe what He has revealed to be true, not on account of the intrinsic truth perceived by the natural light of human reason [author: that is, not because it seems correct to us], but because of the authority of God Himself, the Revealer, who can neither deceive nor be deceivedBut he who dissents even in one point from divinely revealed truth absolutely rejects all faith, since he thereby refuses to honor God as the supreme truth and the formal motive of faith.”[11][16]


     Those who refuse to believe in the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation until they understand how there is justice in it are simply withholding their faith in Christ’s revelation.  Those with the true faith in Christ (and His Church) accept His teaching first and understand the truth in it (i.e., why it is true) second.  A Catholic does not withhold his belief in Christ’s revelation until he can understand it.  That is the mentality of a faithless heretic who possesses insufferable pride.  St. Anselm sums up the true Catholic outlook on this point.


St. Anselm, Doctor of the Church, Prosologion, Chap. 1: “For I do not seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand.  For this also I believe, that unless I believed, I should not understand.”


Romans 11:33-34- “O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God!  How incomprehensible are his judgments, and how unsearchable his ways!  For who hath known the mind of the Lord?  Or who hath been his counselor? Or who hath first given to him, and recompense shall be made him?”


Isaias 55:8-9- “For my thoughts are not your thoughts: nor your ways my ways, saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are my ways exalted above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts.”


Gravesites of Relatives


Dear Brother Dimond,

What is the Catholic teaching on visiting the gravesites of relatives?



MHFM: Thanks for the question.  You should not go to the gravesites of relatives who died outside the traditional Catholic faith.  You cannot pray for those who died in heresy or outside the Church.  So you shouldn’t visit their graves.  This concept can be found as far back as the fourth century.


Council of Laodicea, Can. 9, 343-381: “The members of the Church are not allowed to meet in the cemeteries, nor attend the so-called martyries of any of the heretics, for prayer or service; but such as so do, if they be communicants, shall be excommunicated for a time; but if they repent and confess that they have sinned they shall be received.”


This clearly rules out going there to pray for them or to attend a religious service or funeral.  We consider this quote to be particularly important.  This is because we have been criticized by some – those we would deem compromising heretics – for asserting that you cannot attend the funerals of non-Catholic family members, etc.  We have also said that you cannot pray for those who die outside the true faith.  This came up, for instance, after the heretic John Paul II died.  One heretic in particular, named John L., stated that our position is wrong: i.e., according to him, you can pray for those who die outside the Church or, by all appearances, in heresy (e.g., John Paul II).  As this quote confirms, we are correct.  The aforementioned individual was completely wrong again, as usual. Our position is what the Catholic Church has traditionally taught.  You cannot honor those who die outside the Church by going to their funerals, and you cannot pray for them because they are lost if they die outside the Church.  To do otherwise gives a heretical impression.


Now someone might argue that this quote rules out going there for prayer or services, but not showing up on your own to look at the grave or just to be there.  Perhaps one could split hairs on that point, but if the person died outside the Church and cannot be prayed for and is to be considered lost, why would you be going there?  What would you be doing there?  So even in that very limited capacity, there’s no reason for it, as sad as it is to say. 




MHFM: Just an update: Bro. Michael has been involved in a major way with a huge project on UFOs.  It’s going to be a small book, which contains what he deems to be the most important and interesting parts of a vast amount of research.  Hopefully it will be finished soon.  A DVD on the topic might be done as well.


Makes sense


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


Thank you so much for the DVD's and books!  I was really blown away by the research.  Everything makes sense now. Could you let me know where there is a traditional Latin Mass in my area?... 


God bless,


Jackie Dean


More on Marriage


Dear Brothers,

Re: this question on the E-Exchanges page.


"the the hypothetical situation I'm referring to is this: Suppose a man and woman get married in the Novus Ordo and let's say the man was previously married also in the N.O. and he's since got an annulment in the N.O. but in God's eyes he is still married to his first wife, but yet the man and woman actually believe they are married because his "annulment" was "granted". situation I'm referring to is this: Suppose a man and woman get married in the Novus Ordo and let's say the man was previously married also in the N.O. and he's since got an annulment in the N.O. but in God's eyes he is still married to his first wife, but yet the man and woman actually believe they are married because his "annulment" was "granted".


My question:

If the the hypothetical husband was married the first time in the N.O. how was that even a legal marriage ? Most N O priests are not even truly ordained are they? How could either marriage be legal in the eyes of God?


Thx in advance,



MHFM: It can be valid because in marriage the two getting married administer the sacrament to each other, and the priest is just an official witness.  So if he was ordained in the New Rite, and therefore was not a valid priest, the marriage wouldn’t be invalidated.




If you accept Jesus as your saviour can you go to Heaven?




MHFM: That’s necessary, but it’s not enough for salvation, as shown here: Justification by Faith Alone refuted and the Catholic teaching on Justification proved by the Protestant Bible [1 hr. 30 min. audio].  You must also accept the fullness of the one true faith that Christ revealed, the Catholic faith, to be saved.


B.O.D. Audio Update


MHFM: This is an audio update which responds to recent attacks on the Catholic Church’s infallible teaching on the necessity of water baptism and the Catholic Faith.


"Baptism of Desire" heretics update [New 53 min. audio]


This audio addresses and refutes the heresies of Fr. Martin S., Griff R., Tom D., and Michael C.  The heresies of these individuals are held by countless other false traditionalists and phony “Catholics.”




Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra:

“The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832:  “With the admonition of the apostle, that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5), may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever.  They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him.  Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).”


Pope Gregory XVI, Summo Iugiter Studio (# 2), May 27, 1832:

“Finally some of these misguided people attempt to persuade themselves and others that men are not saved only in the Catholic religion, but that even heretics may attain eternal life.”


Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra:

“With Faith urging us we are forced to believe and to hold the one, holy, Catholic Church and that, apostolic, and we firmly believe and simply confess this Church outside of which there is no salvation nor remission of sin… Furthermore, we declare, say, define, and proclaim that it absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff.”


Pope Clement V, Council of Vienne, 1311-1312, ex cathedra:  “Besides, one baptism which regenerates all who are baptized in Christ must be faithfully confessed by all just as ‘one God and one faith’ [Eph. 4:5], which celebrated in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit we believe to be commonly the perfect remedy for salvation for adults as for children.”


Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439:  “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church.  And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5].  The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”


Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 2 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547, ex cathedra:  If anyone shall say that real and natural water is not necessary for baptism, and on that account those words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit’ [John 3:5], are distorted into some sort of metaphor: let him be anathema.”


Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547, ex cathedra: If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”


Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation [pdf file] COMPLETE BOOK


B.O.D. Debates Refused


MHFM: We recently challenged two individuals, who had been critical of our view on baptism and salvation, to a debate/discussion on the issue.  They both refused.  We will have more to say on this in a bit.  If any baptism of desire supporter would like to consider entering into a discussion/debate on this issue, e-mail us.


Sede Divorce Dilemma


Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
I've been reading the e-exchanges and regarding the issue of annulments/divorces, I want to see how you would answer this potential dilemma with the sedevacantist point of view on annulments. I say "potential" because I'm almost certain there is indeed a solution, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what it would be. By the way, I myself hold the sede point of view.
Okay, the hypothetical situation I'm referring to is this: Suppose a man and woman get married in the Novus Ordo and let's say the man was previously married also in the N.O. and he's since got an annulment in the N.O. but in God's eyes he is still married to his first wife, but yet the man and woman actually believe they are married because his "annulment" was "granted". Now let's fast forward say 5 years into the future, and all of a sudden the man and woman received your material about the great apostasy that is underway and they convert to sedevacantism out of the Novus Ordo, and now they realize they aren't really married afterall, AND THEY NOW HAVE 3 CHILDREN TOGETHER. You see, if they didn't have any children I could understand them parting ways knowing that to stay together they would be committing adultery. But since innocent children have been brought into the world and need a proper upbringing, do the man and woman still separate and raise their children as two separated individuals? Or could (or would it be best) the man and woman live together in the same house and raise the children as if they were together (yet they not engage in the conjugal act?) But that would be giving false witness to the children I would think. It just seems so damaging to the children to have the two parents separate and I am speaking from experience as I am the child of "divorced" Novus Ordo parents. I really would appreciate your expert advice on what the right thing to do is. Somehow I don't think there's a simple answer to this one.


MHFM: Thanks for the question.  They couldn’t live as man and wife since the man is married to the other woman.  To the question of whether they can live in the same house but as brother and sister, for the sake of raising the children and other conveniences, it can be done in exceptional cases.  We say “exceptional” because it is not ideal and would only be a rare situation, in which separating would entail a greater evil or would make their spiritual situation potentially worse.  It could only be done if they live in separate rooms (obviously) and are extremely confident that no improper behavior would occur.  But if there is a danger there, then they must arrange for different homes.  In the case that they would remain in the same house, but not as married people, they would simply explain to their children the entire situation when the children are mature enough to understand and appreciate it.


Those who would say that they could never remain in the same house as brother and sister are not taking into account all the exigencies of human existence.  Suppose they were extremely impoverished and couldn’t afford another home.  Suppose they lived in a country at war or which was invaded.  In those cases, they would have to make the best of the predicament and preserve themselves from sin in the circumstances in which they would find themselves.  So it really depends on their particular situation and how confident they are that nothing improper will occur and how difficult it would be to arrange different homes.  Ultimately it’s their salvation and so they have to be totally honest in assessing themselves and their circumstances.  But in almost all cases, it should not be done. 


Fatima Relevance?


Dear Brothers, I just re-read your article on Fatima and also the fake Sr. Lucy and what I'd like to know is this: What is the relevance of the Fatima messages today, since the consecration of Russia was done in 1952? Also, since there is no major triumph of Our Lady as far as world conversion to Catholicism as falsely interpreted by the Gruner group, what is the purpose of devotion to Fatima in 2008?  Maybe you have already addressed this issue.   Thank you for all your great work.





MHFM: The false traditionalists, who have brainwashed so many on the Fatima message, assert that if the consecration is done already then Fatima is no longer relevant.  It’s one of their techniques for intimidating people not to question their opinions, as if by disagreeing with them you are dismissing Fatima altogether.  It’s similar to the technique that if you disagree with a certain “priest’s” apostolate you are not supporting the work of “Our Lady.”  It’s completely untrue.  It’s a major distortion.  The statements about the consecration and conversion of Russia are set firmly within the context of the July 13 message, the second part of the Secret.  It constitutes only a portion of the whole Fatima message and event.  The Third Secret, which has not yet been disclosed, but which obviously deals with the apostasy in the Vatican, of course still bears as much relevance as ever because we are living through it. 


Further, the rest of Fatima, which concerns prayer, the Rosary, devotion, the sacraments, the miracle, the reality of the Faith, etc. still transmits the same powerful and striking message.  Devotion to Fatima in 2008 is as meaningful as devotion to it was in the 1950’s.  This is because Fatima represents perhaps the most profound appearance of the Mother of God in Catholic history, and perhaps the greatest miracle after the Resurrection.  It also concerns the lives of three saintly Catholics whose example is a tremendous benefit and inspiration to souls. 


As much as some don’t like to face this fact, the truth is that the statements about the consecration and conversion of Russia are set within the context of what Russia was doing during that period.  The facts absolutely support our understanding of what is meant by the consecration and conversion of Russia, and honest people who look carefully at them should see that. 


Fatima (the sign, the miracle, the Consecration of Russia, the False Sr. Lucy)



Vatican II Spiritual Fornication


I just wanted to let you know that it was right after my release from federal prison last year that I left the Novus Ordo and became a sedevacantist after someone in the halfway house I was living in presented your information to me. While I was in prison, and still in the Novus Ordo, I'm ashamed to say I committed the sin of spiritual fornication whereas I studied all kinds of "religions" in search of one that would give me some kind of an experience, some kind of power. You see, prison is an extremely desparate place to be, and while it doesn't excuse my sins, it doesn't surprise me that studies of occultism by prisoners is not uncommon. I found that every "religion" I researched had a common denominator- they all lead directly to evil even if on the surface each one seemed distinctly different. But I know this now because I sought these New Age practices ought for selfish ends. God has brought some good out of this by the wisdom I now have of knowing without a doubt that all other religions outside of the true Catholic Faith are false, AND THEREFORE EVIL. The point I'm getting to is that the majority of Novus Ordo go along blindly with V2 endorsing false religions without ever studying them to see that they are evil. First of all, they should reject ecumenism outright just because the church says so, but if they actually took the time to study these religions they would see that they are all demonic and evil. Matthew 16:4 says: "A WICKED and ADULTEROUS generation seeks after a SIGN, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah." This is the kind of spiritual fornication which God forbids but V2 endorses...




On what basis is Father Martin Sedevacantist?  Why would a man who could write these two sentences in the same paragraph have any problem at all with the ambiguities of a JP II?


"But you cannot handle, nor answer definitively, the question of how God deals with those who ‘fear Him and do what is right’ and who are ‘acceptable’ to Him, but who are still ‘outside the Church.’       "...your ‘Salvation Doctrine’ is not in accord with the Catholic Faith.  It is not in accord with the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, ‘outside of which there is no salvation.’”


Which is it Father?  Can one be acceptable to God but be outside of His Church; or, is the dogma, which you seem to be using in support of the contrary position really true?  Such blindness and illogic is unfathomable.  And why Father S, would you presume, that the omnipotent God would allow someone He deems worthy of salvation to "die suddenly", thus making a liar of Christ?  Would keeping the man alive and bringing him to Baptism be beyond His power?   


It would be funny if it weren't so sad.  It seems to me that such blindness and illogic could only be supernaturally induced.


Bill Mulligan


Communion Debate


I wonder what that Phony William Golle would have to say about this in regards to Communion Debate??


Quote from Washington Post Article: ''...John Paul II gave Holy Communion to British Prime Minister Tony Blair in 2004, before he converted from Anglicanism to Catholicism. In Johannesburg, South Africa, President Bill Clinton, a Protestant, received the Holy Eucharist at Queen of the World Church. And Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger gave communion to a minister of the Swiss Reformed Church at Pope John Paul II’s funeral.''






MHFM: Yes, thanks for the e-mail.  After arguing vigorously in the debate that Vatican II did not teach that non-Catholics can lawfully receive Holy Communion, Mr. Golle wrote to us after the debate and admitted that we were correct: Vatican II does teach that non-Catholics can lawfully receive Holy Communion.  He now argues just as vigorously that it’s okay for non-Catholics to receive Communion.




Dear Brothers

I am from Malaysia… I am 30 years old by the end of this year, was converted from Buddhism in 1990, and embraced a sede position after reading your materials just recently…

Thank you and God bless.

Jerome Ho






Quoting Fr. Stepanich (e-exchanges):


But you cannot handle, nor answer definitively, the question of how God deals with those who ‘fear Him and do what is right’ and who are ‘acceptable’ to Him, but who are still ‘outside the Church.’


The reason Brother Michael cannot handle nor answer definitively  Fr. Stepanich's question of "how God deals with those who 'fear Him and do what is right....who are still outside the Church," is because his statements are oxymoronic.  You cannot please God and remain outside the Catholic church.  ONE God in the person of Jesus Christ created ONE church with ONE baptism for salvation.  To worship God outside of this church offends Almighty  God.


Those who"fear God and do what is right" all, with God's assistance, become Catholic.  If they reject God's call in their conscience, and they do not become Catholic, they are NOT acceptable to God.  A child can understand this simple truth.


To insist that it is possible for man to be ignorant of the Almighty God is blasphemy…


I just passed the TV and stopped for a moment to hear a man bragging that he had spent his entire life studying theology and had earned three degrees in (Lutheran) theology.  He has, literally, learned nothing in spite of the truth he has "studied" for years..  Obviously this man is evil and unacceptable to God.  He is blinded by human respect and interprets scripture accordingly.  Vatican II theologians do the same and they will live eternally in the  same Hell as all non-Catholics.




MHFM: Yes, we are getting fed up with these salvation heretics.  We will be posting more refutations of them in the future, even though their arguments have been refuted in our book.  We have also challenged a number of them to debates.  Not surprisingly, not one of them so far as has been willing to debate the issue.  They like to promote their errors in forums where they cannot be immediately refuted.  We’ll see if any of them are willing to come to the table.  These sedevacantist phonies, who reject the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation, are in certain ways worse and more dangerous than many of the Vatican II apostates.  Even if they are too cowardly to debate, we will be refuting their false arguments.


News Comment


Re: "Boys in UK punished with detention for refusing to pray to Allah"


Dear Brothers,

To Peace to you in Our Lord Jesus Christ

I understand why these parents are so upset, the problem is that they should be upset with their sons.  These parents, who I assume are novus ordo "catholics", should be upset that their sons are refusing to worship their god.  Their "pope", their Vatican 2 council, and their catechism all state that the god of Islam is the same as their god.  So the parents should be punishing their sons for refusing to worship their god. 

These novus ordo people are so blind, confused and deluded that even when they follow the teachings of their religion and the examples of their hierarchy it drives them mad.

Our God, the One True God, is not a  God of confusion. 

Paul Smith


Fr. Martin Stepanich – total heretic


MHFM: There’s an old sedevacantist priest named Fr. Martin Stepanich.  This priest is actually “well respected” by many sedevacantists.  He claims to be a Franciscan and he loves to write articles about why he thinks souls don’t need the Sacrament of Baptism for salvation.  His arguments are elementary and easily refuted, but what we want to point out is that this priest is a complete heretic who believes in salvation outside the Church.  It’s necessary to point this out because this heretical priest is respected by many sedevacantists.  This just serves to prove again that the pro-baptism-of-desire crowd today is a crowd of pro-salvation-outside-the-Church heretics. 


This Fr. Stepanich is particularly devilish because of his deception.  As we will see below, his problem with the necessity of water baptism is clearly because he believes that all kinds of non-Catholics be saved.  That’s the reason he loves to spend his time penning articles arguing that people don’t need water baptism.  However, he attempts to hide his blatant heresy under arguments in favor of “baptism of blood.”  He spends most of his time talking about “baptism of blood.”  This creates the false impression that all he is arguing for is the (erroneous) idea that martyrs who believe in Christ can be saved without baptism.  But that is so far from the truth.  Stepanich believes that all kinds of people in non-Catholic religions, etc. can be saved, as will be shown below.


In a letter written to us a few years back, which was an attack on the Catholic position that one must be baptized to be saved, after going on about “baptism of blood,” Fr. Martin stated the following:


“You should be able, Brother Michael, to handle the reasons why there is no salvation ‘outside the Church.’  But you cannot handle, nor answer definitively, the question of how God deals with those who ‘fear Him and do what is right’ and who are ‘acceptable’ to Him, but who are still ‘outside the Church.’  You dare not tell the Divine Judge that such are to be rejected by Him if they die suddenly, either without having been baptized with water or without having formally professed the true faith.  You are not the one to tell God that He cannot or may not give the grace of salvation except through baptism with water or except through a formal profession of the true Faith.  God knows how to handle such matters.  You don’t know how.  God is pretty good at that sort of thing.  You aren’t.

     “Honesty and good will should prompt you to acknowledge that your ‘Salvation Doctrine’ is not in accord with the Catholic Faith.  It is not in accord with the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, ‘outside of which there is no salvation.’”


No, Martin, you abominable heretic… you who are without a whit of faith in the dogmatic definitions revealed by Christ… you better dare not tell the Divine Judge that people who die outside the Church have a chance for salvation WHEN THE DIVINE JUDGE HAS INFALLIBLY REVEALED TO US THAT THEY DON’T.  YOU, FAITHLESS HERETIC, BETTER RECOGNIZE THAT YOUR JOB IS NOT TO QUESTION THE TRUTH REVEALED BY GOD BUT TO ACCEPT IT. 




YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO BELIEF IN WHAT JESUS CHRIST HAS REVEALED TO THE CHURCH.  In your blind and faithless pride, you even have the audacity to tell us, when we are repeating and believing the dogmatic teaching of the Church, that we must reform the dogmatic teaching of the Church and change it to suit your heretical and liberal ideas!  You are an execrable man!  And, O dishonest apostate, you even have the nerve to act as if you are faithful to Catholic teaching, when your very bolded words above prove that you believe in salvation “outside the Church” (your words).  You believe in salvation outside the Church; you are a total heretic!  You are ipso facto excommunicated.  And the more articles you pen, in your effort to promote the false Gospel of salvation outside the church and salvation outside of baptism, the deeper the pit waiting for you in Hell becomes. 


Fr. Martin, your words above are equivalent to arguing that Mary has some taint of Original Sin; they directly contradict a solemnly defined dogma.  You are so blind, Martin.  You are over 90 years old, and you have spent much of your life apparently in religious life.  All of your years will be wasted because, should you continue on your path, you will without any doubt be cast into the eternal fires of Hell; for you are a faithless and dishonest heretic.  You are used by the Devil to attack the necessity of baptism and to confirm souls who tend toward faithlessness on their faithless and heretical paths.  The Devil finds a pliable instrument in your faithless soul, for you are a man without regard for the truth of dogmatic definitions.  You cannot bear the thought that what God has revealed on this issue of salvation is true.  You just cannot accept it.  So with all of your wicked heart you fight it and attempt to corrupt the truth in this area.  You make every effort to stop belief in the truth that there is really no salvation without Jesus Christ, the Catholic Faith and baptism. 


All of those people out there who are familiar with this abominable heretic Fr. Stepanich and those like him, and do not denounce them, are mortally sinful heretics as well.


Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra:

“The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832:  “With the admonition of the apostle, that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5), may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever.  They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him.  Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).”


Pope Gregory XVI, Summo Iugiter Studio (# 2), May 27, 1832:

“Finally some of these misguided people attempt to persuade themselves and others that men are not saved only in the Catholic religion, but that even heretics may attain eternal life.




Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,


I am writing to see if I can get some clarification on whether my parent's divorce in the Novus Ordo was really valid, i.e., that their marriage was null and void to begin with. My mother divorced my father when I was 3 years old. He was a violent alcoholic and would physically abuse my mom, me and my siblings. He even sexually abused my sister at one time. Did my mother have a valid reason to divorce him? He REFUSED to get "treatment" for his alcoholism which meant he remained obstinate in his mortal sins. What is a mother to do in a situation like that? Should she have instead of getting a divorce, separated from him? She has since "remarried" in the novus ordo as the annulments were granted. But I wonder if she is still married to her first husband in God's eyes. I would appreciate your opiion.


God Bless, and thanks.


MHFM: He sounds like a very bad man who did very evil things.  However, that doesn’t render his marriage to your mom invalid.  An annulment is a declaration that a marriage never existed in the first place due to a hidden or known impediment.  So for their marriage to have been invalid, one would have to demonstrate that some clearly invalidating impediment existed at the time they were married.  It doesn’t sound like there were any.   


So, unless there is some other invalidating factor that you are not mentioning, it seems that they are married and that your mom is living in an adulterous and invalid second “marriage.”  The proper course for her was to remain separate from your dad – and to possibly file for divorce for legal reasons – but she would not be free to marry again. 


The Novus Ordo Church, on the other hand, would of course grant the invalid annulment for her in a heartbeat.  The Vatican II sect cannot disappoint almost anyone, especially when your dad did such horrible things.  The fact that his behavior in the marriage is a separate issue from whether the marriage contract was validly entered into doesn’t matter at all to the Vatican II sect.  All that matters to them is the plight of man or woman – not disappointing them by reminding them of obligations toward God or by rejecting their desires for a new marriage.


The Annulment Fiasco - The Vatican II sect's De Facto acceptance of Divorce and Remarriage [PDF File]


V-2 Church


Dear Brothers: I just finished your little book about Padre Pio and he had it right.    I always thought that the Holy Ghost was missing in the Vatican II Church.  I have read your articles on this matter, and I know what your are saying is the truth.  EWTN embraces V2 and I do not know why these brilliant theologins, like Father Corapi, seem to think that everything is right with Vatican II.  The V2 Church seems to be more interested in gigantic youth celebrations, and celebrity status of its hierarchy.  I have not heard a sermon about the dangers of mortal sin and they rarely, if ever preach the horrible reality of hell.  It seems that the whole congregation goes to communion, but when I go to confession there are only a handfull of the faithfull to be seen.  There is something wrong here.  Tony


MHFM: Yes.  By the way, “Fr.” Corapi is a complete phony.  He doesn’t believe that the Catholic faith is necessary at all.  Any appearances of devotion to it from him are a bunch of nonsense.  He is a complete heretic who doesn’t have a clue about what’s going on.  We also hope you realize that you must not go to the New Mass at all.


“Baptism of Desire”




On your website you state the following: Many ask about the “baptism of desire” and “baptism of blood.”  This is the idea that an unbaptized catechumen (a person who professes belief in the Catholic Faith and is preparing to be baptized) can be saved without Baptism by his desire for it or by his martyrdom.  This idea has never been taught in any infallible pronouncement of the Catholic Church.  On the contrary, the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church proves that no man can be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism.


Perhaps you are unaware of what Pope Pius X said on this subject in his catechism.  I believe you consider him a valid pope, as do I.


"I he (a person) is outside the Church through no fault of his, that is, if he is in good faith, and if he has received Baptism, or at least has the implicit desire of Baptism, and if, moreover, he sincerely seeks the truth and does God's will as best he can such a man is indeed separated from the body of the Church, but is united to the soul of the Church and consequently is on the way of salvation." (The Catechism of Pope Pius X pages 32-33.  The implication is that this person can be saved if he were to die is such a state.  This statement does not mean the person is "on the way of salvation" but still must be Baptised, otherwise the "implicit desire" for Baptism is meaningless.  The Council of Trent also teaches: "the state of grace cannot be had except through the laver of regeneration or a desire for it".


Are either of these "infallible pronouncements?"  It seems clear that both Pius X and the Council of Trent are traditional sources and their teaching should be recognized.  I appreciate your research and wealth of information.  However, clearly someone can be saved without Baptism as taught in the above statements.  Besides, to claim otherwise is to say that God is not free to judge in ways we cannot forsee or understand.  He sees the heart and is not bound by anything except His own sovereign will. 





MHFM: We are well aware of the arguments.  In our book there are sections which specifically address both of the issues you bring up.  The “Catechism of Pius X” is not infallible.  It holds no weight against the ex cathedra definitions which contradict its teaching on whether those who have the Catholic faith and are baptized can be saved.  Further, there is no proof that Pius X had anything to do with the specific teaching of that Catechism.   The Catechism also contains heresy, for it teaches that souls can be saved “outside” the Church.  (Even many of the heretics who deny the dogma by watering-down its meaning would admit that saying that souls can be saved “outside” the Church is false; but that’s what the Catechism attributed to Pius X says.)  It is a clear example of a fallible document before Vatican II which contained heresy against the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.  These documents contributed in great part to the apostasy of the Vatican II sect. 


If there is a conflict, it is a clear sign of bad will to want to deviate from the indisputably infallible dogmatic pronouncements to follow the teaching of fallible documents, such as that Catechism.  A person would obviously only do that because he finds the fallible teaching more palatable to his liberalism; he thus chooses to depart from the dogmatic teaching of the Church because he has a problem with the truth revealed by God: that there is no salvation outside the Catholic faith.  The dogmatic definitions leave no room for exceptions.  Therefore, if a person is familiar with the dogmatic pronouncements – and our material makes people familiar with them – and chooses to follow the false teaching of that Catechism over the dogmatic definitions, he is a heretic.


Regarding the Council of Trent, it did not teach baptism of desire.  The words you cite are a mistranslation of Sess. 6, Chap. 4.  “Except through” is inaccurate, even though countless heretics quote it that way.  (Many of them have been made aware of this and thus sin mortally on that point alone by refusing to correct the blatant mistranslation.)  The passage says “without” (sine).  This has a different meaning than the false translation.  The meaning of the accurate translation is: Justification cannot happen without this or that; that is, you need both.  And immediately after the part of the passage to which you refer, it says this: “as it is written, unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God” (John 3:5).  In other words, there are no exceptions to being born again of water and the Holy Ghost to enter Heaven, just as it is written in John 3:5.


All of this is covered in our book; we recommend that you obtain it.  You can find the sections on these issues in the Table of Contents:


Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation [PDF FILE] – complete book


Regarding another point you mentioned, that God can do whatever He wants, that is an argument for Modernist apostasy.  God cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18).  That’s what a true Catholic believes.  A real Catholic knows that the Holy Ghost watches over the Church’s dogmatic definitions.  So if God saved people outside the Church (which He doesn’t), then He never would have allowed His infallible Church to infallibly define the dogma the way it did!  And there are many definitions which all repeat the same truth without any exceptions!  The definitions wouldn’t have declared that all who die outside the faith are lost (without exception) if what you are saying is true; on the contrary, they would have included all kinds of qualifications.  But they didn’t.  That’s the difference between true Catholics who believe in the dogma and people like yourself.  We actually believe in the dogmas and in what they have declared; you hold them to be meaningless. 




Dear brothers in Christ,

I felt compelled to lament over the news in your News and Commentary section in general, and the news "Boys in UK punished with detention for  refusing to pray to Allah" in particular. One parent said "This isn't right, it's taking things too far."  Excuse me? How far in praising false religions  is not too far?  When all secular media together with V2 sect controlled media, with all the V2 "priests", "bishops", "cardinals" and especially the "pope", during decades and decades are chattering about 'dignity of human person', about 'salvation of adherents of non-catholic religions', etc.—what could we expect if not the demand to bow our heads before false gods? I  mean, why not to praise false prophet Muhammad, if the false religion of islam is salvific? Why not? Did it ever occur to those parents that there is only one true  religion, and all other religions being false and abominable? Apparently it did not. They are accused right from their own mouths. I can see the similar horrible situation in my own homeland, Croatia, supposedly catholic country. The "priests", "bishops" and "cardinals" are praising  every single damned false religion under the heaven and yet they find  themselves  bitterly offended if the secular power does not praise them more than other heretics, apostates and adherents of false religions.

Let our Lord Jesus Christ keep and watch your efforts to spread one and only true, catholic, religion, through the intercession of Mary with Joseph.



New Audio on Purgatory


The Bible Teaches Purgatory  [New 25 min. audio]


MHFM: This is a new audio which gives the irrefutable proof that the Bible teaches Purgatory.  This has been added to our Refuting Protestantism and Eastern "Orthodoxy" Audio Programs.


Salvation, NM


Hello Brothers,

As a Catholic I do not believe that salvation can be gained outside the church.But I was just thinking I know Protestants,Jews,Muslims and other Churchs followers won't be saved.But what about people born in Countrys were they will never be told about Jesus or the Blessed Mother Mary.  But live a decent life will they all go to Hell?  The other day I went into a Church to say a few prayers but there was a wedding about to take place so I said I'd stay at the back.  But when I looked up at the alter the Priest was there talking to the people like he was discussing the lasted fashion design.Another time I went around to my Parish preist to discuss the Church which has the Blessed sarcarment at the side and has no altar rail.  He tried to tell me that there is no probelm with Communion in hand and I told him so why did the angel tell the three Children in Fatima how to recevie Holy Communion.  He told me that he never heard such thing…. Thank you for reading this God Bless.

Sean Keogan.


MHFM:  Thanks for the interest.  You need to stop going to the New Mass.  It's invalid.  A Catholic may not go there for any reason, not a wedding -  nothing.  That's covered on our website.  The Invalid New Mass


The people who don't hear of Jesus don't hear of Him because they are not of good will.  This is covered in our book on the topic.  There are no exceptions to the necessity of having the Catholic Faith.  That's a dogma.   Everyone who is of the truth hears His voice (John 18:37).


Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832:  This perverse opinion is spread on all sides by the fraud of the wicked who claim that it is possible to obtain the eternal salvation of the soul by the profession of any kind of religion, as long as morality is maintained… without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).”




First off, I would to congratulate you for your great work, fighting against the heresy, of what might the last days time.  I´m from Panamá (Latin America) and I´m in despair because, I haven´t found an ordained priestly who is not into the Novus Ordo rite and I have not been able to abandon this church completely, It´s so hard to believe that our church, doctrine and clergy have been subverted in such amazing ways.  I came across your website just by coincidence,  in a posted blog in the telegraph.   I´ve been reading your website during a week or so,  I ´ve been grieving about how much time I´ve wasted uselessly.


I always thought JP II was a great man, a Saint, but now I´m not so sure as you can see, after all the things I´ve learnt from him. The same goes for B16, who formerly was my "doctrinal" heroe… I´m repentant, hopefully on the way to salvation, if I mend my ways completely and get assistance from above…


Héctor Mendoza


MHFM:  Thanks for the interest and the words of support.  However, you need to stop going to the New Mass.  You also need to become convinced that John Paul II was an evil heretic.  You need to be convinced of all the issues and you need to make a traditional profession of faith.  That's explained on our website.  


A valid priest is not necessary for a valid marriage.  The two people administer the sacrament to each other with the priest usually acting as the official witness.  So the fact that many of the Novus Ordo “priests” aren’t validly ordained does not invalidate the marriages occurring there.  Likewise, baptism is also valid in the Novus Ordo because a priest is not necessary for a valid baptism.  Confirmation, however, is not valid in the Novus Ordo because an essential part of the rite has been changed.




In reference to the article "The Vatican 2 sect promotes idolatry by its general worship of man, by its particular worship of man in the new mass and by its promotion of idolatrous religions" 


Back when I was at Resurrection church when all the changes were coming about in the Mass, it was one day during mass that the realization that this was not a mass honoring God, but the reverse; a false mass putting down God and honoring man as God.  That was why no one no longer needed to kneel when receiving communion and could take the host in the hands.  Who was God, that he would expect them to bow down before him.  God should bow down to man.


This is what came to me on that day and ever since that day, I have read articles such as yours concerning the same thing.


I will repeat here again.  Back during those years that I had the dreams that came true, it was God bringing me back to the "real truth' and the "true Roman Catholic Church"


Sylvia Dixon




i love my catholic faith that Jesus left for me to help me understand. and as far as im i know nfp is what the church offers instead of bc witch it is not any form of bc. if you actually did your hw you would know that bc is an alternative to abortion wich in many cases babys are aborted all the time of chemical bc. and abortion is the death of a baby due to unatural causes. thats why bc is wrong. nfp doesnt in any way keep you from having gods will in  your life you have no barriers its complete life giving natural sex. there is ALWAYS a possiblity to pregnancy you have to be open to life in order to do this sex is ALWAYS your choice. your goign way out there in saying its sinful and trying to act like the church backs you up you want to be a good catholic learn to love the word of god without becoming stuck on everything word for word not even understanding what he means in his teachings…. by the way i love mother angelica shes done great things read up on what you write about before you go around trying to leads gods children away


MHFM: No, sir, you are deceiving yourself.  You are not being open to life when you deliberately try to avoid it.  When you use NFP you are deliberately trying to avoid life.  Wake up and start to be honest.  Mother Angelica is a complete heretic who believes in salvation outside the Church.  That is heresy.  She also accepts false ecumenism and has respect for false religions.


Why Natural Family Planning is Sinful Birth Control [PDF File]


EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [PDF File]



Angry with Vatican II sect


I'm a 19 year old of Italian heritage from NJ… I used to go to the Novus Odro but that was years ago and I knew no better.  The false Mass of that wicked, evil heretic Paul VI(who now melting in agony in a place where he deserves to be like no other man in history ever deserves their punishment) is no Mass, it is a non-Catholic service and an abomination.  And I swear before God I shall do everything in my power to make sure every one who claims to be a Catholic know this!!!  (One such non-Catholic who thought he was a Catholic, Tim Russert, a liberal menace, by the way, died...) The evil that befell the Catholic Church after Vatican II is enough to demoralize any true Catholic.  Those wicked, vile false-Catholics who have taken over all of the beautiful cathedrals, basilicas, etc., across the world.  And worst of all, the Vatican!  Why did this have to happen?!...  


MHFM: Yes, a true Catholic must feel outrage at the injustice and the apostasy of the Vatican II sect. 





We are Renee and Lovia. We live in Ghana and we are 15 and 12 yrs old respectively. We are scared and confused. We don’t know what to do. When I first saw your material I was shocked! I never knew all of this about the Catholic Church. There is so much we will like to ask you, because our country is totally soaked up in the works of the Vatican II and there is almost no way out around here… Also my sister and I started praying the rosary after what we saw and read on your website…


Important “Una Cum” Discussion


[It should be noted that this was a telephone conversation.  This person called us up and asked us about this issue.  If we had known that he was going to call and ask about this issue, many other points could have been prepared on the issue in general (e.g., the teaching of St. Thomas on these issues).  But what is covered is extremely important and sufficient to demonstrate the points, especially the new points covered.]


Conversation about the "una cum" issue, where one may receive sacraments, refuting radical schismatic views [44 min. audio]


File of relevant quotes


MHFM: Why is this quote below, from Pope St. Pius V, so significant in vindicating the position we have enunciated on where Catholics may attend Mass or receive sacraments in these times?  Why is it so significant in refuting the views of a certain number of radical false traditionalist schismatics on where one may go in our day?  Listen to the audio above to find out why.  [The accompanying file of relevant quotes will also make following the points in the audio much easier.] 


“When Cardinal Inquisitor, Pius had granted certain English priests faculties for re-admitting schismatics into the Catholic Church, the only condition then having been to refrain from reception of the Protestant eucharist.  In 1567, as Pope, he made the further, more rigorous condition of non-attendance at Protestant services.” (Robin Anderson, St. Pius V, Tan Books, p. 45.)


Background to above conversation: A reader of ours was concerned about the “una cum” issue: whether people may receive the Eucharist from or attend the Mass of certain priests who pray in communion with Benedict XVI.  This is done in the Te igitur prayer of the Mass in the Roman Rite, where the priest prays “una cum” Benedict XVI.  The Eastern Rite liturgies have an equivalent prayer, but with different wording.  Does this make approaching them for Communion absolutely off-limits?  Some are arguing yes.  Some are saying that to go or teach that one may go is mortally sinful and/or heretical.  This discussion refutes that false position.  It also proves that some of the more radical adherents of that position are without doubt wrong and schismatic.


It should be noted that none of this is meant to suggest that it’s acceptable for a priest or bishop to include Antipope Benedict XVI’s name in the Te Igitur prayer of the Mass (or the equivalent prayer in an Eastern Rite Liturgy).  It is not acceptable for them to do so, of course.  Nor is this meant to suggest in any way that all or most of the traditional Masses where the priest accepts Benedict XVI as pope should be attended.  In our view, only a very limited number of them may be attended because only a limited number of those priests would not be notorious heretics, as our guidelines explain.  Rather, this discussion, with the accompanying quotes, is meant to show how a traditional Catholic can be justified in receiving Communion from certain priests who are celebrating a traditional Mass and recognizing Benedict XVI as the pope.  It serves as a defense of the position we have enunciated.  This will be found permanently in our Where to go to Mass or confession today? and the Telephone Conversations section of our Traditional Catholic Audio Programs.


New Conversation


MHFM: This is a recent conversation with a German non-Catholic Protestant of some type.  He raises certain objections and asks questions about the Bible, Fatima and other matters. 


Conversation with German non-Catholic about Bible, etc. [18 min. audio]


Possibly tomorrow we will be posting a discussion we recently had concerning the “Una Cum” issue.  This discussion also brings out some new points regarding the general question of where it is permissible to receive sacraments today.  There is one new point in particular that is extremely important.  Before we post it we want to type in a few of these quotes, so that it’s easier for people to follow the points being made in the conversation.


Contra NFP


Dear Brothers,

I wrote you not long ago, wondering if you were too severe in your 'interpretation' of the Natural Law...as I don't think I could have had the stamina to have more babies than I did...and yet take decent care of them.  It only takes a Reminder like ole Margaret here to sober one up....and see the Down side clearly. 
My own father came from a family of 13 and he was near the end of the line.  Had he not been born, neither would I, I guess.   It's a hard one sometimes.


MHFM: Yes, that’s right.  That’s why the NFP issue (i.e., opposing it) is so crucial.  Just contemplating the magnitude of that statement – I or you would not have existed – is almost overwhelming.  It’s thoughts like that which put the issue into its proper perspective.  That’s why people cannot underestimate the error of this natural family birth control.  It’s very serious: Why Natural Family Planning is Sinful Birth Control [PDF File]. 


It’s a good thing that your grandparents weren’t following the instructions of the modern-day “traditionalist” priests who support, defend and promote NFP.  (That includes most of the sedevacantist priests out there.)  You wouldn’t even be here or have a chance for eternal salvation.




Dear Bro. Michael and Bro. Peter Dimond,
My brother and I have basically cleared all our shelves of certain books, dvd's  and music that we now know are offensive to the one true Trinity, our blessed mother Mary and all the Angels and Saints of Heaven. Please help us to build up an arson of catholic hymns and gregorian chants, books, dvd etc that will help us and our family grow spiritually and keep us busy.
We, the Mortune family wish to thank you all at MHFM for placing us on the narrow path. You all are truly sons/warriors of the one true God.
Heaven bless you always. 
P.s Is it also true that certain Saints aren't actually true Saints as in Saints made Saints after the 1st vatican? (obviously minus blessed Padre Pio)
Kindest regards


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  Those who have been “canonized” after 1958 (when Antipope John XXIII took over) have not been canonized.  Some of those individuals were modernists and therefore could not be canonized.  But the point is that the Vatican II antipopes have no authority to canonize anyone, so their “canonizations” are invalid.




Hello MHFM,
A while ago I wrote to you enquiring if you could help provide my family with information as I couldn't afford the cost of postage from the USA to Great Britain… I spoke with several friends to see if anyone could help in this matter.  I am pleased to say that a friend of mine managed to download all the audio and video files from your website, and all the pdf documents too.  These he has put on cd for me.  He has also kept a copy and is distributing copies to all the Catholics we know. 
Thank you for allowing us access to this vital information.  Keep up the good work!
Best wishes,


MHFM:  Thanks, we’re glad to hear it.




Dear Brother,
I am curious about people like the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. They endured tremendous hardships opposing the Second Vatican Council's errors while still believing in instances of salvation outside the Catholic Church; can it be said with absolute certainty that that belief was rooted in malice and not in honest error? Seminaries had been teaching salvation outside the Church well before the council and it could be that the archbishop was merely taken in by all the complex but false arguments the salvation heretics used. If St. Alphonsus Liguori was, then perhaps Archbishop Lefebvre could have as well.
It's just difficult to believe that Lefebvre consciously and deliberately denied any dogma of the Faith.
Thank you,
Adam Twardowski


MHFM: Unfortunately it must be concluded that Lefebvre’s heresy against the dogma was obstinate and therefore malicious.  Lefebvre not only believed in the error of baptism of desire, but he held that souls can be saved in false religions.  He actually indicated that it could be any religion.  No saint of the Catholic Church ever believed in anything of the sort.  Some of them were flat out wrong regarding baptism of desire, as we have pointed out, but they only extended that to those who believed in Jesus Christ and the Trinity.  They certainly did not believe, as Lefebvre did, that souls can be saved in false religions. 


If a person has heard of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation – especially if he or she has seen some of the dogmatic definitions on the topic, as Lefebvre must have – and still believes that Jews, Buddhists, etc. can be saved, that person rejects the dogma and is a heretic.  There is no way that a person who has seen those definitions can, in good faith, say that he truly believes them while holding that Jews, Buddhists, etc. can be saved.  It is a flat out contradiction.  A person who doesn’t have a huge problem in his conscience and in his soul, when trying to reconcile those two contradictory things, is just a liar and is not of the truth.  He is comfortable with the lie because he is a man of lies.  Also, Lefebvre was an archbishop who had studied these matters; he purported to be an expert on them.  This is further evidence that his heresy was formal.


Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Against the Heresies, Angelus Press [SSPX], p. 216: “Evidently, certain distinctions must be made.  Souls can be saved in a religion other than the Catholic religion (Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.), but not by this religion.”


Pope Gregory XVI, Summo Iugiter Studio (# 2), May 27, 1832: “Finally some of these misguided people attempt to persuade themselves and others that men are not saved only in the Catholic religion, but that even heretics may attain eternal life.”


Now it should be pointed out that Lefebvre, despite his heresy, was a bit more honest in one regard.  Notice that he clearly and bluntly says what he really believes on this matter.  He comes right out and tells you that he thinks souls can be saved in other religions.  What Lefebvre says above is exactly what the SSPV, CMRI, and almost every other independent priest today believes.  The difference is that these other priests are not as honest or blunt in expressing it.  They find euphemisms and clever explanations to obfuscate the issue.  This makes their heresy sometimes more difficult to detect.  But when they are put on the spot and asked the proper questions – and on the few occasions when they discourse in detail on the topic – their heresy comes out. 


[For those who might not have seen it, check out: The File on the Society of St. Pius X]


Pius V audio and the false Sr. Lucy


The Pius V tape is very informative. He really laid down the law.   Nothing like the lives of the saints to teach us correctly, but the V2 church says these sainted popes were too harsh.  Today we don't admonish the sinner; we hug him.  .


Re: weddings.  I saw a brief news item about the cost of weddings these days:  $28,000 average, but couples are paring down.  One couple made their own invitations and did several other things that cut their expenses down to "just"  $14,000. 


Looking through some papers I found an old… article asking why Sister Lucia changed her mind about the consecration of Russia.  Seems Sister Lucia changed a lot.  Changed her teeth, changed her convent (both seem to have changed at the same time) and changed her mind…


One commentator, quoted in the article, said the false Lucy theory is wrong because "risk of exposure" would be too great.  HA!  She's already been exposed.  They could have put Whoopi Goldberg in that Carmelite habit and these V2 yahoos would not have suspected a thing.  It's all so exasperating.  So many plots, so many lies, so many abortions, contraception.  CVS has a family planning section.  .... 






Subject: heretics can ordain??? What???


[MHFM writes]: "Being a valid bishop, on the other hand, does not require one to be Catholic.  So the two issues are distinct.  Heretics can validly ordain priests."


Where in the heck did you get this information, I'm dying to know…




MHFM: Well, we got that “information” from the teaching of the Catholic Church.  The Catholic Church teaches that heretics can confer valid sacraments.  Heretics can ordain and be ordained validly, but they definitely sin when they do it.  When a bishop becomes a heretic, he doesn’t lose the powers received at Episcopal Consecration.  A bishop will always have the powers of a bishop, as a result of his valid Episcopal Consecration, but when he becomes a heretic he loses his place in the Church.  He also loses any office and authority he might hold.  So a heretical bishop doesn’t lose the power to say Mass and ordain.  He can do so validly, if he uses the traditional rite.  But he definitely sins mortally when exercising these powers outside the true Church. 


That’s why the Catholic Church has regarded the bishops of the heretical and schismatic Eastern “Orthodox” sects as valid bishops who are outside the true Church.  It’s called receiving or administering a sacrament validly, but illicitly.  Maybe you should learn a little about Catholic teaching in this area (or about Church history, for that matter) before mocking us when we repeat Catholic truth.  There is no doubt that the tenor of your e-mail is meant to mock what we said.  [This individual also sent us things which further confirmed that his “question” was in fact a condemnation of what we said; that’s obvious, however, from the above.]


The fact that you are ignorant of this basic concept of sacramental theology is one thing.  Of course, we have no problem at all with someone who would ask us about this issue, as the person a few E-Exchanges below asked us.  But the big problem for you is that you send an e-mail with this sardonic tenor, which clearly condemns what we said, when you are the one who is completely wrong.  This is very bad, and it reveals a spiritual blindness.  We had simply repeated Catholic teaching.  Here’s the quote from Pope Leo XIII’s Bull regarding the invalidity of Anglican Orders, in which he teaches the same thing.  It’s obvious that you have no familiarity with the Bull or the issues dealt with in it.  He declared the Anglican ordinations invalid because of a defect of the rite they used.  If heretics could never ordain, then he would have simply said: their ordinations are invalid because they are not Catholic, as the reader a few E-Exchanges down also pointed out. 


Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “When anyone has rightly and seriously made use of the due form and the matter requisite for effecting or conferring the sacrament he is considered by that very fact to do what the Church does.  On this principle rests the doctrine that a sacrament is truly conferred [i.e. validly conferred] by the ministry of one who is a heretic or unbaptized, provided the Catholic rite be employed.  On the other hand, if the rite be changed, with the manifest intention of introducing another rite not approved by the Church, and of rejecting what the Church does, and what by the institution of Christ belongs to the nature of the sacrament, then it is clear that not only is the necessary intention wanting to the sacrament, but that the intention is adverse to and destructive of the sacrament.”


We could give many other quotes.  When Pope Leo XIII says the “unbaptized” can confer a sacrament, he is only speaking of the ability for the unbaptized to baptize people.  The sacraments of holy orders, confession, confirmation, extreme unction, Eucharist are all sacraments which require a valid priesthood.  The unbaptized cannot confer them validly.  Heretical priests can do so validly, but they do so illicitly (unlawfully and sinfully).




Dear brother in Christ,

Let me add a short comment to your answer to the reader who asks about valid ordination of priests. Namely, the pope Leon XIII in his letter "Apostolicae curae et caritatis" confirms the decisions of his predecessors that the ordination of priests in anglican rite is totally invalid. The pope (that is *the real pope*) didn't just say "the anglicans are heretics, therefore they can't ordain any priest". No, Leon XIII explained what is wrong with the anglican rite of ordination that makes it invalid. Sad to say, those very same things are wrong in V2 sect ordinations too.

Greetings in Christ through Mary with Joseph,



Order Change


MHFM: Readers of our site probably noticed that we moved the News and Commentary section above the E-Exchanges.  We want to make it clear that we are still going to be updating the E-Exchanges as regularly as usual, with new exchanges, quotes, questions, comments, audio debates, conversations, etc.  But there have been so many interesting news headlines of late that the News and Commentary section has become so frequently updated that we placed it on top. 


Sede Question


Dear Brothers,

I've been debating a Protestant on the subject of Sedevacantism. He brought up this issue, "If the Catholic Church has been in sede vacante for 50 years, then that would mean that for 50 years there has been no valid ordinations, and therefore only a handful of ordained clergy remain. When they die away of old age, then no one will be validly ordained, and therefore: no one will be able to celebrate Mass, hear confessions, consecrate Holy Communion, etc. and then the Catholic Church is dead."

I'm not quite sure how to answer this claim. What is the answer to this?



MHFM: The issue of whether the man in Rome is a valid pope (he’s not) is one matter.  That requires that the man in Rome be a Catholic.  Being a valid bishop, on the other hand, does not require one to be Catholic.  So the two issues are distinct.  Heretics can validly ordain priests.  Further, priests and bishops have been ordained in the traditional rites after Vatican II.  So it’s wrong to say that the only validly ordained priests and bishops are extremely old.  If you communicate to him a proper understanding of Catholic sacramental theology, then he will see that his objection is invalid.  


New Papacy Audio Cassette now available


MHFM: We’re glad to say that our audio presentation, The Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope [1 hour and 11 minutes], is now available on audio cassette.


You can order it here - click here for description [1 copy- $2.00/15- $10.00/25- $15.00/50- $27.00/75- $35.00]


This 1 hour and 11 minute audio tape contains the irrefutable biblical evidence that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope.  It also proves that the authority given to St. Peter transferred to the Bishops of Rome. 


To hear this presentation, which is now available in audio tape form, go to: The Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope [1 hr. 11 min. audio], which is found in our Refuting Protestantism and Eastern "Orthodoxy" * Audio Programs.




Hi Brother,


I just finished listening to the mini-debate you had with the SSPXer.  Brother, I am deeply moved by your zeal for his salvation.  He certainly sounded like an SSPXer according to my experience with them… What a great pity that he would laugh about the most serious matter of all.  He should watch MHFM's Death video instead of going off with his heretical friends.  May Our Dear Lord grant us perseverance in prayer...



Sister Joseph Anne


MHFM: Frankly, his lack of interest in the truth – his bad will – was quite frustrating and disappointing.  That was the predominant feeling coming out of the conversation.  With so many of these people, all that matters to them is the communal aspect of their lives.  They only care about where they show up on Sundays, the externals of the place, their friends, and the fact that they feel traditional and Catholic there. 


The fact that the SSPX and similar groups reject dogmas doesn’t mean anything to them, simply because they are not of truth.  It’s sad to say, but they just don’t care about the issues of faith because they are not real believers.  That was especially confirmed by his adherence to the salvation heresy near the end of the conversation.  The fact that the dogma declares that all who die as pagans, etc. are lost, when he believes to the contrary (that pagans, etc. can be saved), doesn’t even bother him.



…just listened to your conversation with the gentleman from the SSPX and found in him someone to feel sorry for. I myself and family attended SSPX masses for about three years. After being exposed to your material about 2 years ago I quit supporting them and here recently (about 3 months ago) after researching more of your material and others we left the SSPX… We lost friends because of our departure but our souls are more important, thats what this gentleman needs to understand its all there in black and white, centuries of popes and church fathers. So like all the other people like him he calls our Lord a liar. That everything the Gospel says and the Holy Spirit showers our "true church" with His word.......... is false. Wake up and lose the pride!...


Stu, Montana


SSPX mini-debate


MHFM: This is a new conversation we had with a supporter of the SSPX.  This conversation is revealing.  It turned into a debate.


Mini-Debate with supporter of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) [28 min. audio – June 23, 2008]


This individual had watched the Creation and Miracles video, which he liked, and he was poised to order of some our material.  He then asked us about the Fraternity of St. Peter and the SSPX and the conversation essentially turned into a debate.  This exchange covers some very relevant points, such as sedevacantism, the position of the SSPX, and other matters.  We think that people will find it interesting.  In an effort to ignore the truth, this SSPX supporter throws out an array of questions and objections typically brought forward by false traditionalists.  It’s almost as if he was following the false traditionalist playbook of objections and distortions.  These concern things such as whether Vatican II was infallible, how will we get a pope, the meaning of Fatima’s promise, the era of peace, etc.  The importance of understanding the truth in these areas, and refuting false arguments on these points, is illustrated quite clearly by this exchange.  Sadly, it’s clear that this fellow was not interested in the truth of the points being presented to him, but rather in looking for excuses and ways to hold on to his false position.  This exchange also shows us, once again, why baptism of desire is a devastating false doctrine, and how it has become the primary false doctrine (and justification for heresy) in our day.  This SSPX supporter attempts to use “baptism of desire” to justify his heretical belief of salvation for members of false religions. 




From: Canada

After hearing a radio announcement for the Most Holy Family Monastery several times over the past year, and frankly scoffing at it, I suddenly decided in May to visit the website anyway, even though I have been an active Pentecostal here in Canada for 25 years and a Bible college graduate.  I have been reading about the Catholic faith for two months, from the sedevacantist position taught by Brothers Michael and Peter Dimond.  I am now studying a 1928 Catechism, and I have already fully joined myself to the Catholic faith, outside of which I now realize there is no salvation.  Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate any priest or church group in this province which is free from the Novus Ordum heresy, so I cannot participate in a Mass...  I am praying the Rosary, and I was baptized by full immersion in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, in 1983.  I am also publicizing the teachings and audio messages of the Most Holy Family Monastery whenever I can, particularly the information about Benedict XVI, and I understand how Cardinal Ratzinger was undermining the faith for decades before his election, in collusion with the powerful antipopes who preceded him.  I cannot thank the Brothers Dimond enough for their diligence in preaching the truth and continuing their excellent research.


Cheryl Thomson


V-2 schools


Hello Brother me and my dad recently came across some of your videos on youtube and we have now visted your website and do everyday keep up the great work.  I am 14 years old so I have a few stories to tell about school things and it concerns religion I'll try make things short. First off I am a Catholic as my dad brought me to mass every Sunday and still does he gave me the brown scapler and told me how to say the rosary he told me everything I need to know and I thank God that he  told me these things after what I was told in school. One time in school we were reading this book about a protestant girl and a Catholic boy in English class.  One of the students asked the English teacher the differnce between the Catholic faith and the Protestant one the teacher repiled "there is no differnce"how could someone say such a thing and this is sussposed to be a Catholic School. But it just gets worse in Geography class we were told that Family planing is great and when I told my dad he said he'll be saying it to them at the next parent teacher meeting the real probelm is most of the other students now think family planing is good.Also in Religion class they try teach us all differnt religions and they tell us that all them lead to almighty God and as I said this is supposed to be a Catholic school… One more thing have you ever seen the demonic faces in the 911 smoke if so what is your opininon on them.  Please write back when you can thank you for reading this God bless.




MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  It’s great to hear about your interest in the faith.  It’s important to be clear on the fact that the New Mass is not a valid Mass and that no one may attend it for any reason under pain of mortal sin, since it’s an invalid and non-Catholic service: The Invalid New Mass.


Regarding your question about the face in the 9/11 smoke, yes we have seen the picture of it.  It does look like an evil face to us. 


Witness to “J Witnesses”


For the first time in my life today, I had two J-Wit's come ring my doorbell. At first I didn't realize who they were. It was two elderly women who seemed benign at first, and I thought maybe they were lost and asking for directions or something. Then they whipped out the infamous "Watchtower" propaganda and before they got two words in about their cult, I interrupted and exclaimed, "excuse me, I'll be right back!" and then I went to my closet and grabbed a spare copy of your Padre Pio book and brought it to the door where the heretics were still waiting. I said to them, "Here's the deal, let's trade, I'll take your information but you have to take mine also." The one lady began reading the title out loud: "Padre Pio: A Priest Who......Hmm, I really have no interest in reading this." Then I replied, "and I have no interest in your material neither. Have a good day." Now after the fact, I wish I had confronted them about their cult and called out the many evils and falsehoods they believe in. But at least they know where I stand. They had the chance to receive the truth, but they rejected it to their own misfortune...


MHFM: Thanks, we think that was a good idea.  Also, since the “Jehova’s Witnesses” reject the Trinity (and thus the Divinity of Jesus Christ), the facts in this article are important in refuting their main heresy: Where does the Bible teach that Jesus is God?.  Quickly covering how their rejection of the Divinity of Christ proves that they are not following the one true religion is a good way to evangelize them.




[EENS= Extra ecclesiam nulla salus: Outside the Church There is No Salvation]


Dear brothers in Christ,

I would like to share with you some thoughts which came up to me just by listening the conversations you had with some people. First, there is no doubt that the dogma EENS is a stumbling block for many people, as it was once for me also. They find it difficult, almost impossible, to accept. We, the people, easily forget that God, our heavenly Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, cannot, wish not, do any injustice to anyone and that He does not need our judgments about His works. We cannot, should not, try to correct Him, to counsel Him what is  better or worse. He knows everything,  everywhere, the  past, the present  and the future. We are here to obey God, to love Him above anything else, to love Him more than ourselves. At the first glance the EENS dogma does not appear to  have the form as "do that, do not do this", but at the second glance this dogma  is another form, another wording, of The First Commandment. 


Let us see how the Serpent manage to seduce the people to break God's  commandment, as he already did once in the Eden. The Serpent  is continuously suggesting us that "there are so many innocent people who die outside the Church, so how can it be that the Justice cast them all into the Hell?" Of  course, he would not like to remind us that this Justice is The Absolute Justice, who knows with absolute certainty what the "innocent one" would do if he/she continue his/her life on Earth.  Have you, dear reader, never experienced the situation when you were  certain that some man/woman is a very good, almost holy, person but some time after you discovered that he/she was a very cruel and hardened criminal? If you know that the  appearances can fool you, no matter how intelligent and smart you are, why do you suppose that the same thing can fool God? Why do you waste you precious time on Earth to try to invent the never and nowhere mentioned "exceptions" to the dogma, the God's Command?.. God can perform as many miracles as He wishes; e.g. He can nullify the law of gravitation, and make you stay alive when you fall from a very high building. Does this gives us right to hope that He will always suspend the natural law if we "innocently" transgress it?  Obviously, it doesn't. The background of all Devil's temptations put in human minds is in the  suggestions:"If the God is such and such, then He will respond to your actions in such  and such ways." The Truth is: Do not test your God for any reason whatsoever. You should never do that. There is no justice above The Justice, there is no mercy above The  Mercy, there is no love above The Love. "If you love me, keep my commandments."( John 14:15)… There are so many people who find it  difficult to keep the EENS because they think they have better love than "the strict sense of EENS". "And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death." (Genesis 3:4). Dear reader, please answer the questions to yourself: If you think you  have better sense for love than God's death sentence on all human race because of the sin of one man, then how is it possible to commit a sin at all? Can't you see that the denial of "the  strict sense of EENS dogma" is the total rejection of God because you assume you know better
than Him?...

May our Savior lead you in your holy efforts, through the intercession  of our Immaculate Mother.



New Conversation


MHFM: This is a new conversation we recently had.  This person asked about how to respond to those who say that Catholicism comes from Babylonian false religions.  Certain other “traditionalist” heretics also come up in the conversation.  The Divine Mercy Devotion is also briefly addressed.


Catholicism and Babylonian religion? and other heretics [18 min. audio]


Alexander the Great and the Pharaohs of Egypt come up quickly in this conversation.  To supplement the point that’s made, it could be mentioned that Alexander the Great was truly an Antichrist before Christ.  As mentioned in the conversation, he claimed on a certain level to be an incarnation of God, claiming to have been born of a woman and Zeus.  He also died at 33 years old (Carroll, A History of Christendom, Vol. 1, p. 206) and received divine honors. 


Also, one of the heretics who is discussed briefly near the end of the conversation has recently declared that St. Alphonsus, a Doctor of the Church, was a non-Catholic heretic!  That just further proves what we have said about this individual for many years: he is without question a non-Catholic heretic and a false prophet.  In fact, we have proven in our material that he is, in reality, a false Christ who has founded his own Church.  We even know a small number of individuals, who used to be Catholics, who sadly fell outside the Church through the evil influence of this non-Catholic heretic. 


Perhaps now that he has denounced a saint and Doctor of the Church as a non-Catholic heretic they can see the (evil) spirit which was guiding his works – works which influenced them to leave the true Church.  He is actually a Protestant, even though he claims to be Catholic.  He is a Protestant who condemns Catholic tradition and the saints, just like Luther, Calvin, etc.  A Doctor of the Church can certainly make mistakes, as St. Alphonsus did; but one who has been solemnly canonized by a pope, as St. Alphonsus has been, is infallibly a saint in Heaven.  The entire Catholic Church recognizes this fact as a result of a solemn decree from the supreme pontiff of the Catholic Church.  Those who don’t are simply not part of the Catholic Church.  What is mentioned briefly in this conversation about this individual’s ridiculous blasphemies against the Church constitutes just a tiny bit of the evidence that could be brought forward to prove that he is not a Catholic.




Dear Monks,

What kind of a scripture is 2 Paralipomenon 19:2 ? !!!   " WHAT IN THE WORLD"?!!!  I have never seen or heard of such a thing before!  Care to enlighten me pretty please?  So we are not supposed to help ungodly or bad, immoral, evil people in need then?  What about God Himself then, who (as the Bible says)gives to the wicked and just alike,takes care of the bad and the good alike,lets the sun shine and the rains fall on the wicked and just alike?  What about all those things Jesus said in the NT about loving our enemies that seems to contradict your WEIRD little scripture?  These are just my sincere questions that your weird little scripture brought up...................




MHFM: It’s a book in the Old Testament.  It’s called Chronicles in the Protestant bible.  The Scripture makes it clear that God will reject and be displeased with those who don’t oppose evil.  He will reject those who respect evil or support it.  He will reject those who fail to condemn the enemies of the truth.  There is no respect for false religions with God.  Loving one’s enemies involves sharing the true faith with them.




Hi Brothers,


Yes, the last few posted HOWs have been quite bad.  And, yes, this astounding evidence should be more than enough for… the SSPXers, the SBC, and anyone else who holds their schismatic position, to finally denounce B16 (and his V2 predecessors) as a true pope.  Well, having already made my decision on the matter, I will not hold my breath waiting for their conversion.  After all, MHFM has been exposing the anti-popes and their V2 sect for more than a decade and their adherents still refuse to acknowledge the facts.  Why?  That is the real mystery to me - the why.  Why do they have such bad will? I just don't get it.  Why do they hate their own souls?  Why do they hate the truth and hate those who love it?  WHAT IS THEIR PROBLEM?!!!  Are they simply evil or what?  I'm not expecting you to answer this email.  I only wanted to add my two cents, as usual.



Your Sister in the Most Holy Family


MHFM: Thanks for the comments.  The answer is, sadly, that they are just evil.  They don’t believe that the Church is supernatural; hence it’s not a big problem for them to regard a clear heretic (a clear unbeliever), such as Benedict XVI, as in the Church.  They value the comfort of their current position more than standing for the truth.  Finally, they are given a false sense of security by being surrounded by like-minded heretics who are also compromising God’s truth in this area.




MHFM: In case you missed it, we just added this week’s Heresy of the Week (changed on Wednesdays).  The last few from Benedict XVI have been quite bad.


Debate notes


MHFM: William, with whom we recently debated [Debate: does Vatican II teach that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion?], has written to us and admitted that he was wrong.  He has admitted that Vatican II does indeed teach that non-Catholics may receive Holy Communion.  So he is now admitting exactly what we said in the debate with him, and what he vigorously denied.  Here are some recent e-mails we received from him:




It appears as if I was wrong.  The Church does in fact, allow Orthodox Christians, in rare circumstances, to receive communion.  I will be happy to go public with a discussion on this in the future. (please dont call me 10 minutes before we are to discuss this) Please contact me if you are interested.   You may publish this e-mail.  My challenge to discuss sedevacantism still stands also.


[from William, 6/5/08]



Hey Brothers I would like the opportunity to again talk about the issue of communion for non-catholics. Since our conversation I have  studied the issue a little closer, and believe I can shed some light on the issue. I was  wrong in our previous conversation. The Church does allow Non- Catholics , in some cases, to receive communion.  I'd like to explain why this is justifiable. 


Also, if you arent interested in that would you be interested in discussing Religious Liberty.  You are on record as saying Vatican II contradicted previous Church teaching. I'd like to discuss the issue and show that Vatican II did not contradict previous Church teaching. Please try to give at least 24 hour notice for an informal discussion and at least two weeks for a formal debate.


[from William, 6/11/08]


But just in case someone thinks that William is beginning to see the light, which would be our hope, we can see that he still wants to defend Vatican II!  William wants to defend his new understanding of the heretical council.  He now wants to defend that it’s okay for non-Catholics to receive Holy Communion, as Vatican II teaches!  Isn’t this incredible?  These people are of amazing bad will, aren’t they?  Vatican II could say anything, and they would defend it. 


Along the same lines, we recently received a similar e-mail from another fellow, named Aaron, with whom we had a debate.  Like William, Aaron wrote to us and admitted that he was wrong about the main points he was arguing for in the conversation.  For example, he admitted that he was wrong when he asserted in the conversation that a person cannot be subject to the Roman Pontiff (after the age of reason) without knowing him.  He also admitted he was wrong for denying what we said, that schism is an obstinate separation from Catholics or the Catholic hierarchy.  He also admitted that he was wrong for saying that St. Vincent Ferrer was a schismatic during the Great Western Schism, when St. Vincent wrongly followed Antipope Benedict XIII.  In our debate/conversation, we refuted his false position on St. Vincent Ferrer.  When we did so, Aaron stated forcefully: “don’t deny the dogma, Peter.”  In other words, Aaron accused us of heresy for not asserting that St. Vincent Ferrer was a schismatic when St. Vincent believed that an antipope was a true pope.  Now Aaron admits that he was completely wrong on all of these points – which are absolutely central to the whole debate and the position he was espousing.  He thus admits that he was a schismatic for falsely accusing us of heresy when we were in fact correct.  So much for: “Don’t deny the dogma, Peter.”  He now acknowledges that he was completely wrong, just as we tried to tell him in the conversation.  But just in case one might think that his apology/recognition of his errors on these points might have humbled him, or caused him to realize that he is very deceived and blinded, think again.  Just like William, Aaron is as convinced as ever in his totally false position.  Now he is arguing for a different variation of the same schismatic position.  These people are abominable.


They are so dishonest that we fear that there is nothing that will convince them.  Even having falsely denounced people as heretics in a debate, on matters concerning which they now admit they were completely wrong, doesn’t cause them to realize that they are not on the side of Catholic truth.  It doesn’t cause them to realize that they don’t know what they are talking about.  You can see why, if they die as they are, there is no other place that God can send them but Hell.  They are so blinded by pride and bad will.


Moving back to William, it’s also interesting that in a recent e-mail he complained that we didn’t give him enough time to prepare for our debates. 


Come on Brothers!!!!!!!! You call people cowards yet the two debates we have had you gave me a total of 2 days and 10 minutes notice…


[From William, dated 6/15/08]


So he’s complaining that we didn’t give him enough time to prepare, especially for the recent debate on Non-Catholics receiving Holy Communion.  But look at this e-mail below.  This was from the same William, on May 29, before the debate.  He was begging us to debate him and he was telling us that we were wrong on this very point: with regard to Vatican II and non-Catholics receiving Holy Communion.  He was also telling us that we need to do our research on the matter, as if he has done his:


Are you guys really serious?  I mean how can you debate that person from Chicago, and not debate me.  He couldn't even name the Council of Nicea. Are you kidding?  Put me on your "phone debate" list please….


p.s. you misrepresented Vatican II's teaching in your conversation about communion.  If you read number 25 of Orientalium Ecclesiarium you will see the "separated" Eastern Church member can receive communion only when he states his belief in the Catholic faith.  That is why # 27 (which you quoted) says they must have "the proper disposition."  They have already received all the valid sacraments so a simple confession of faith is all that is required (to recieve the Eucharist).  After they make the confession they are in fact Catholic.  Notice in 27 it states confession(sacrament of) as a sacrament they can partake in. They have to receive confession before receiving the Eucharist.   SORRY BROTHERS DO YOUR HOMEWORK AND  STOP PICKING ON THE DISABLED!!!! CALL ME OR EMAIL ME AND I WILL CALL YOU. I HOPE YOU SEE THE LIGHT BEFORE YOU TWO BURN IN HELL!!!


[From William, 5/29/08]


So we can see that on May 29 he is saying that we don’t know what we’re talking about and that we will burn in Hell.  He is begging to debate us.  (He also told us that he would debate us “anytime, anywhere.”)  He is telling us that he has done his homework on this point in Vatican II, and that we need to do ours.  So we call him up and debate, and the rest is history: He now admits that what we said in the debate is completely true, and that what he argued for is completely wrong.  Hence, this is an interesting illustration of how confident these heretics are before their lies can be refuted in a debate.  But after the debate – after their false positions and lies have been tested and refuted – they are often forced to admit that they were completely wrong, as William and Aaron did; but, since they are not of good will, they still refuse to come to (and are unable to see) the true position.  


Divine Mercy


Dear Brother,


I am from Singapore. I just read the article on the Divine Mercy. I am confused.  If the Devotion is something to avoid , why then did the Pope approve of it.  All over the churches in Spore we have Novena Devotions to the Divine Mercy.   Pls advise.


Thanks & regards

Anna Marie


MHFM: It’s because the Vatican II “popes” are not true popes, as our material proves.  So what they approve doesn’t hold any authority: The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope [PDF file].  Please also consult:


Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File)

John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005)

Vatican II - false council

The Invalid New Mass


Entirely Rejected


Dear Brothers:

Since my phone conversation with you two months ago, I was able to find a priest ordained before 1968, made my confession and have ENTIRELY REJECTED the Vatican II Sect with all of its heresy, blasphemy and apostasy. The more I read your website, the more my insights from years past have been vindicated!!... Keep up the SUPER work on the website!!!

-Derek A.




Dear MHFM: do you believe the earthquake that almost destroyed the church at assisi Italy in 1998 ,where in 1986 john paul 2 prayed together with many pagan religions, was a sign that god was displeased with this idolatry?       


sincerly mark  CA


MHFM: Yes, we would have to think so.


Tech Trouble


MHFM: If anyone is having trouble listening to mp3 audio files with internet explorer, you might want to try Downloading a free Quicktime Player here.  Open the Quicktime player and then click on “file” and then click on “Open URL” and then copy in the address of the audio file you want to play (i.e., the URL ), which is found by clicking on the audio file you want to play.  You can also try downloading another free browser, such as Mozilla Firefox.  Also, if you have a windows media player you should have no trouble playing our WMA audio files.  (To download any files to your computer, right click and “save target as.”)




Hello MHFM,

It has been a pleasure being able to read, listen, and watch your material.  I have taken it slow but the way I see it, you are not heretics nor schismatics because you hold the True Catholic Faith.  It is a sad thing to see what has happen with the Church, and how the prophecy of Our Lady of La Sallete has been fulfilled when she said "...Rome will be in an eclipse."  I have looked at your website and I read your Quote of the Day, almost everyday since I found this website… I can't thank you enough for all the knowledge I have gain.  It is a blessing from God.  Thanks for the Book True Devotion to Mary, it has changed my ways of sinful life.  The Rosary truly is powerful against the Devil, I am a witness.  May God bless you in all your continuing work and I am patiently waiting for upcoming material you guys have come up with.

From Oregon,
Bernardo T.


Pius V


Dimond Brothers,


Thanks for your presentation on Pope St. Pius V.  I would have enjoyed late evening conversations with him.  Is it possible through prayer to actually have late

evening conversations with a canonized saint  such as Pope St. Pius V? or can we only hope for  intercession on our behalf?  I would be interested to know if he felt his response to  prostitution was consistent with the manner in which our Lord saves Mary Magdala from certain stoning.  It doesn't appear to be. I wonder why?  No matter how great, how pious, the particular Pope, I always find with St. Jerome that failure to understand the scriptures is failure to know Christ and that it is always best to seek the Word because that is one sure way to find Christ our Savior.


And I am truly amazed that people just don't understand how Jesus leads us to the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, long before we are dead if we only truly absorb everything he tells us to think, feel and do. Ex cathedra papal, magisterial statements are fine but they do not compare with being an actual disciple of Christ who have the power to lead others into the Kingdom here and now.


If you connect all your dots you will see that it is possible to sin no more and that is precisely how you enter the Kingdom, through great humility, and once there you say no to all of Satan's temptations from that point and forevermore...lest you become like little children...lest your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees...and so you actually enter the Kingdom here and now and live for the rest of your mortal life in the world but not of the world. It's not boring. It's really quite wonderful. The only problem is to get there. You see, sometimes you have to endure some if not all the sufferings of Christ himself or St. Paul. Most people turn away at some point from entering the Kingdom because the Church has never truly understood that the Kingdom  is at hand for anyone who has chosen through grace to sin no more.  I hear too much vague talk about faith...angry talk of heresy. The truth is that we have the freedom to choose either God or Satan and the vast majority of people literally

choose Satan. Has no one observed that all the antipopes since Vatican II have been tempted by Satan's false promise to gain all the power, the wealth, the glamour of this world...just bow down and worship me (Satan) and do the bidding of those who preach one world religion, one world government and literally attempt to

destroy the one, holy, catholic, apostolic church. That demonic path is of no interest to the true Catholic who is seeking the kingdom. What I am saying is that some

people are already in the Kingdom which happens to be the only sensible alternative to the political and economic systems invented by man for the devil in his attempt

to destroy man….All the infallible statements are fine but if you are still Jew or Greek, male or female, Democrat or Republican you have failed to enter the Kingdom which is the true fulfillment of the Lord's prayer which states thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I forgive those who have not chosen the Kingdom for themselves and their families but for the life of me I cannot understand why all people don't come to realize that Jesus truly loves us and asks us to sin no more and wants us to be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect.


Yes, you are correct. Salvation comes only through the Catholic church. But it takes a great deal of wisdom, strength and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit to discern the right path, the true from false spirits, the Way, the true Light (Christ) of the World, to experience what the early martyrs and disciples experienced in their relationship to Christ.


The early Church showed us how we were meant to live for Christ. As time went on it seems that Satan has distracted us more and more with his false promises.


Verily I say to you, enter the Kingdom and you will have found Heaven...no death, no sickness, no sin, no suffering...wonderous love, wonderous life, wonderous light, wonderous joy with Christ sitting at the right hand of the Father with all the angels and saints in worship of the glory of the Trinity. And our Holy Mother through the assumption is there as well.


Neither Jew, nor Muslim, nor Hindu, nor Protestant etc. can lead us into the Kingdom because none of them have experienced Pentecost in the Upper Room. True disciples and true saints can. Satan is totally opposed. And that is man's only problem. If we all focused more on our baptismal vows to reject Satan and his false promises and stopped falling into the trap of attacking God's creatures who may be prostitutes and/or heretics but are so only because of Satanic deception and temptation (including the antipopes) we would have a far better chance to taste heaven on earth than we do if we continue to think that it is God's will for us to kill with the tongue, the whip or the sword.




James K.


MHFM: We appreciate your interest, but some of your comments are off base.  They savor of a Protestant, Bible-alone mentality.  You don’t seem to realize that most people are too proud and don’t fear God enough to stop offending him.  Thus, strong preaching and measures are necessary.  The fear of Hell and the fear of punishments is usually the only thing which gets through to them.  It’s after one breaks from mortal sin that he or she can begin to understand the love of God and begin to serve Him primarily on that basis.  St. Pius V reigned when the Catholic Church was dominant, so those who engaged in mortal sins such as prostitution and adultery were going directly in the face of the teaching of the Church (not to mention the natural law).  Strong measures are frequently the only thing which will stir blind, puffed up sinners to change.  And that’s how a great and saintly pope looked at these matters.  Certainly St. Pius V arranged for the conversion of the prostitutes; he called for measures below the death penalty, but ones which delivered the message about the gravity of such evils.   If people are preached to in a strong way, they are more inclined to change.  For example, you can be sure that if even the Novus Ordo apostate “bishops” excommunicated all who voted or supported abortion, the entire country would be different.  Abortion probably would be illegal.  So to put the issue in general terms, it’s not only because people choose evil that they go to Hell and lead others there, but evil grows and finds a climate in which to flourish when it is not opposed by strong preaching and measures.


New St. Pius V Talk


MHFM: This is a new informal discussion of Pope St. Pius V, one of the greatest popes in Catholic history.  This covers some very interesting quotes and facts about his life. 


Pope St. Pius V: Profile of a Strong Catholic Pope [30 min. audio]


This informal discussion covers St. Pius V’s strict views.  It covers his insistence on truthfulness, his detachment from relatives, his measures against adultery, sodomy, blasphemy, concubinage, immorality, the disturbance of divine worship and Sundays, and pomp in marriages.  It also covers his renewal of the Bull Cum ex apostolatus officio of Pope Paul IV, his actions against heresy, etc.


[We also came across something else from St. Pius V which is extremely relevant to the issue of where people can receive sacraments today.  It serves to vindicate the position we have enunciated.  That will be posted soon.]


This will be found permanently in the Traditional Catholic Audio Programs section of our website.






My friend told me about your website. I told him I was wanting to learn more about our faith so we can teach our children. I'm finding that the Catholic church  does not  teach the same things.  Our catholic bookstore now carries christian authors!! I was shocked. We are confused now who do we believe in our catholic faith? Who is giving us the correct material? Your website is quite overwhelming! How do I know you are teaching the truth? I am a home school mother of 6. Do you recommend a specific home schooling curriculum and which books should I use for religion?  In the past we have used Seton home study and Catholic Heritage curriculum. I will continue to look over your website, a little bit at a time.  Thank you for your time.

Lisa Petrone


MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  You can know that what we’re saying is the truth because we are documenting what we’re saying from the infallible and authoritative teaching of the popes (i.e., the teaching of the Catholic Magisterium).  That is the authority that Jesus Christ instituted in Peter to guide His Church.  That is what all Catholics must accept and follow and by which they must measure everything.  Also, it’s important to note that “Catholic” and “Christian” are one and the same thing. We hope you continue to look at the material, and listen to the audio programs.




Greetings, Brothers!


What a coincidence.  The other day, while contemplating removing my Ron Paul bumper sticker from my car, I thought, "wouldn't it be great to have a MHFM bumper sticker" -- and lo and behold, there it was on your website!  I would love to have one if they are still available.  One more way to get the word out!  Thank you so much.  You are in my prayers daily.


Mrs. Margaret Moore



Pathetic Coward


Subject: MHFM- no authority and not Catholic hence lost all debates. NEXT!!!


MHFM:  We received an e-mail with the subject line above.  It’s from a person who defends Antipope Benedict XVI.  The person didn’t put his name.  We responded by challenging the person to a recorded telephone conversation about the matter.  Not surprisingly, the person ignored the challenged.  He even said that he would block our e-mails, and continued to send us easily-refuted arguments against the sedevacantist position.  What more do you expect from a bad willed heretic?


This is an example of the cowardice and insincerity of these heretics.  They can say anything they want when no one is there to refute them.  They convince themselves of their lies because they refuse to hear or to look at the truth. How shocked they will be when they die and are cast into Hell for stubbornly defending as a Catholic pope a man who holds that Protestants and schismatics don’t need to be converted. 


It’s also worth noting that some of the easily-refuted information against the sedevacantist position, which this individual sent to us, comes from an independent “traditionalist” bishop who recognizes Benedict XVI as the pope.  It comes from an independent bishop who thinks that Benedict XVI is the pope, but obstinately operates completely separate from his “hierarchy.”  So this heretic who e-mailed us is not only demonstrating his blindness by accepting Benedict XVI, but he is piling a double punishment of damnation on his head for promoting the information of an independent bishop whose position is obstinately schismatic for being separate from the “hierarchy” he recognizes as valid (i.e., the “hierarchy” of Benedict XVI).  In other words, the more he defends Benedict XVI, the more he condemns his own independence from him, as well as the independence of the bishop he promotes.




Dear Brother Dimond,


I recently discovered some of your videos on YOUTUBE. Needless to say, they are very well done. Your research and your obvious scholarship are the hallmarks of your productions. As I have always been fascinated and concerned by the "inconsistencies" of the conclave of 1958, I found your series on invalid popes and councils utterly enthralling. Not since I read "The Four Last Things," have I been rendered so completely spellbound. I have watched but a meager sampling of your videos. I hope to watch them all. The first few minutes of your 6 part series on Hell was terrifying -- which is actually a good thing! I suppose this is a largely rhetorical question, but: if all popes since Pius XII have been invalid (and all their subsequent priestly and bishop ordinations, as well), how does the Church return to validity? I, like yourself, love the Catholic Church. I join you in praying for her.


God Bless You,




MHFM: Thanks for the interest.  The Church continues to have validity even when there is no pope.  As long as there are true Catholics left, the Church still exists.  With only a remnant of true faithful left, we are in a situation that is exactly what Jesus indicated it would be at the end (Luke 18:8).  In our debates and audio programs, we explain ways by which a true pope could return to Rome.  The Roman clergy elected a true pope for the first millennium, so the Roman clergy could elect a true and Catholic pope in the future.  But the fact of the matter is that this Counter Church in Rome is a major feature of the end times.  So people need to focus on being traditional Catholics, getting into or remaining in the state of grace, and spreading to the uncompromising traditional Catholic faith to others.


Likes bumper sticker


Dear Bros Michael and Peter Dimond,


Bumper stickers are a great idea...we made our own several years ago...these are great ones, which we will put to good use!


Tks to guy who designed this one...


D. Shone

New Zealand



Love the bumper sticker.  Could you please save one for me.  I'll mail a contribution for postage.  What a kind gentleman to make them for you. 


It's the only bumper sticker I would put on my car besides the "Pray the Rosary for peace on earth"  I already have.  I'm listening to all the tapes.  Excellent teaching on all of them.  A good review is always good.  So many things are so easily forgotten or not known at all.  Some of these poor people don't realize they must leave their V2 churches…




Anglican Conversation


MHFM: This is a conversation one of us recently had with a Protestant who came across our material.  He asks some interesting questions about Church history, the Anglican and Episcopalian sects, the Eucharist, Scripture, etc.  It also covers the necessity to convert and to break from mortal sin:


Talk with Episcopalian [37 min. audio]




My name is Cameron Burton, please send me the DVD offer, a rosary, + a how to pray the rosary sheet, please.  I called the toll #, talked with someone and am intent on taking the first steps to conversion from currently Protestantism to Catholic.  Thank you for your help and service in answering my questions.


Cameron Burton



Bumper Stickers


Dear Brothers Michael and Peter,


….I bring your attention to the enclosed bumper sticker.  I firmly believe that you are promoting the whole Truth of what’s going on in these dark days… and so I thought that a good way to promote your cause would be for you to include a bumper sticker with each order you send out.  I hope you like them.  I had 250 of them printed, and they are on their way to you in a separate package.  I’ve kept a few of them for myself.  One of them now adorns my Honda CRV, and I kept 10 more to hand out to other people.  This is my gift to you in hopes that they may be an instrument to further promote the monastery.


God bless,



MHFM: Thanks a lot.  [This is an image of the MHFM bumper sticker which he sent to us.]

Description: C:\Users\mhfm\Desktop\Website Docs\E-discussions\News_Commentary_pictures\bumpersticker.jpg

Great Western Schism False Apparitions


MHFM: We have discussed in detail that the Great Western Schism (1378-1417) was a precursor to the kind of crisis we are facing right now in the Great Apostasy.  That awful period of Church history, with antipopes, etc., was comparable in many ways to our own.  Another way in which it was similar to our own period is that the period of the Great Western Schism saw a multiplication of false prophets and false apparitions.  This is another very interesting parallel to our own day:


“Among the darker shades of the picture of this period [the Great Western Schism], we must count the formation of sectarian Conventicles by laymen and the increase of false prophecies… The false prophecies, on account of their wide diffusion, demand a more detailed examination.  The difficulty of ascertaining which Pope was the true one, and the anxiety and perplexity of conscience of the chaotic state of the Church, led to a notable multiplication of visionaries and prophets.” (Dr. Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. 1, p. 151.)


For our article on the Great Western Schism, see: The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy - Massive confusion, multiple antipopes, antipopes in Rome, an antipope recognized by all the cardinals; The Great Western Schism proves that a line of antipopes at the heart of the post-Vatican II crisis is absolutely possible-.




If a woman were to fall away from the Catholic faith, then "marry" a man who was previously married (presuming validity here) and divorced from his first marriage (not annulled, of course), possibly having children together in this second "marriage"... supposing late in life she were to have a conversion and realize she must become a Catholic, would she have to refrain from communion for the rest of her life if she still lives as husband and wife with this man?  Can she receive last rites and viaticum at the very end, God willing, should that opportunity ever come to pass?  The reason I ask is that this is possibly the situation someone I know may fairly soon find herself in.  She was baptized Catholic and raised in the Novus Ordo, but knows enough about what the Church believes and the basic do's and don'ts for adults of the faith.  For years she has just flatly rejected them and does not in any way consider herself a Catholic, nor wanted to change that as long as I knew her.  I haven't had contact with this person in a long time, but it is someone I pray for, and maybe we may bump into each other someday.  What is your take on this?


Through Jesus, Mary, and Joseph




MHFM: Since that man is already validly married, the woman would clearly be living in sin by living as if she were married to him.  The only way that she could ever receive the sacraments lawfully is if she converted from her sinful activity, truly and totally.  It’s true that this can happen at any point in life, as long as one is alive.  So if one truly and totally turns from that sin, and has the firm commitment not to commit it again, even if it’s just before death, he or she could receive the last rites.  However, the idea that one would, for years, spurn the grace of conversion from this sin, but suddenly and sincerely embrace it just before death, is extremely unlikely.  St. Jerome says that of 100,000 sinners who persist in sin until death scarcely one will be saved.


Ecumenism conversation


MHFM: This conversation is with a woman who is completely new to the traditional information.  She came across our material.  What’s very interesting is how she explains that she began to go to Jewish synagogues and Buddhist Temples after seeing John Paul II do it:


Conversation with woman who followed John Paul II into religious indifferentism but is open to the truth [22 min. audio]




I suspect that the full brown scapular that is worn by religious is removed by them when they dress for bed at night.  Would it be appropriate for lay Catholics who wear the small brown scapular to remove it when they go to bed as well?




MHFM: Thanks for the question.  We believe that people should keep the scapular on when they go to bed. 


Rosary and N.O.



I just finished reading the book "The Secret of the Rosary".  It was a great book and I would like to thank you for having it recommended on your site.  It has given me wonderful insight on how to say the Rosary better.  On the last rose St. Louis de Montfort gives various methods to start and vocally pray the Rosary, I really liked those, it gave different ideas on how to start the Rosary and remained focused.  Thank you for this wonderful book.
I would like to also share one of my last Novus Ordo experiences with you.  About four months ago, I attended this big "Catholic" conference/ gathering of college students hosted by FOCUS, which brings together all "Catholic" university students from around the country.  There were two really disturbing books I saw "nuns" and "monks" selling, one concerning the "common heritage" of the Catholic Faith and Islam Faith, second was a book that talked about there being no necessity for there to be any veneration of Mary.  I found both to be pretty bad at the time, but after reading "The Secret of the Rosary," I find the second book these "religious" were selling to be close to horrifying (not that the other one was any better).  I'm glad I never wasted my money on that garbage.
Thanks for all you do and keep up the great apostolate.


Salvation conversation


MHFM: This is a short, but somewhat interesting, audio with a reader who was formerly from Jordan.  This person comments upon how when the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation is denied the rest of the faith becomes meaningless.  This shows us again how the belief that “baptism of desire” can save people without the Catholic faith destroys faith.


Conversation with man formerly from Jordan about heresy against salvation dogma [7 min. audio]


This will be found permanently in the Telephone Conversations section of our Traditional Catholic Audio Programs. 


Likes Debates




I just wanted to let you know that you have done a wonderful job. Your debates have been great listening.  I could not believe the debate with the vatican II apologist and with william.  I also could not believe the debate with the other guy. (aaron) I believe was his name.  His argument was pathetic. He was dishonest. He was purposely denying the truth so that he could win the argument. You proved his position wrong so obviously. It was sad that he just wouldn't admit it. I was shocked when he was calling St. Vincent and the other saints heretics..  You proved him wrong with the Church teachings you read to him, but he just wouldn't admit it.  It was shocking..  It was also shocking that he was saying that children of the age of reason are heretics even when they haven't obstinately denied any teachings of the faith.  That was also sad when he changed his position in the middle of the debate.. He sounds misguided..


We need to pray for him and for all of these people to come home to the Catholic faith.



                                                     God Bless



Bind and Loose


Dear Brothers,


Your site has been very helpful to me over the years in regaining the true faith and defending it. Thank you!  I can imagine what you’ve been going through these years defending the faith, just by some of the e-mail exchanges I’ve read on your web site and the personal attack’s against you and your work standing up for the true faith. It’s shocking  to see that most of the people today that call themselves Catholic have no idea what the true faith is. Very sad!  Could you please explain the passage in the bible; “Amen, I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind upon earth shall be bound also in heaven, and whatsoever you shall loose upon earth shall be loosed in heaven.” I have a brother and many others that brings this up every time we discuss the problems with the Neo Church, as if this passage gave the Pope’s free reign to change whatever they wished.





MHFM: It means that a pope has the power to bind teachings and laws, and to change disciplinary laws (not dogmas) and lift penalties (e.g., excommunication).  It certainly does not mean that a pope has the power to change a dogmatic teaching of the Church.  That is why Vatican I, the dogmatic council which most extensively defined on the papal office, specifically rejected any such idea.

Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Session 3, Chap. 4, Canon 3:
"If anyone says that it is possible that at some time, given the advancement of knowledge, a sense may be assigned to the dogmas propounded by the church which is different from that which the Church has understood and understands: let him be anathema."

Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Session 3, Chap. 4, on the true progress of knowledge:
"For, the doctrine of faith which God revealed has not been handed down as a philosophic invention to the human mind to be perfected, but has been entrusted as a divine deposit to the Spouse of Christ, to be faithfully guarded and infallibly interpreted."

Pope Pius IX, First Vatican Council, Session 4, Chap. 4:
"For, the Holy Ghost was not promised to the successors of Peter that by His revelation they might disclose new doctrine, but that by His help they might guard sacredly the revelation transmitted through the apostles and the deposit of faith, and might faithfully set it forth."

Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, 1870, Session 4, Chap. 4: “…the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra [from the Chair of Peter], that is, when carrying out the duty of the pastor and teacher of all Christians in accord with his supreme apostolic authority he explains a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the universal Church... operates with that infallibility with which the divine Redeemer wished that His Church be instructed in defining doctrine on faith and morals; and so such definitions of the Roman Pontiff from himself, but not from the consensus of the Church, are unalterable.”


New Non-Catholic Nuns


Hello Brother Dimond,
I heard you on coast to coast, and to be honest, as a 25 year old person who'd been baptized Catholic but never really practiced it, I was amazed at the info. you provided all of us listeners.  I'm astonished with your research.   Anyway, I live in an area without a proper sedevacantist church or priest, so I've basically just been praying on my own.
I live in an area close to two monasteries in southern indiana.  I was thinking of going to one for a few days of personal meditation.  I was on the website of the Sisters of St. Benedict and was astonished at the services they are currently providing...
psychological services  http://www.thedome.org/SeekGodWithUs/sm/counseling.html
and Reiki and "quantum healing" http://www.thedome.org/SeekGodWithUs/sm/eh.html
There was even a retreat titled "Praying the Eastern Way" based on Eastern "Orthodox" Catholicism.  Needless to say, I was a bit confused.  I'd heard of Reiki before but never would have associated it with anything to do with Catholicism.  Is this fairly common amongst nuns? ... to be trained in such practices?  Thanks a lot!  God bless you for your work and your website!!


MHFM: It’s fairly common among the nuns and religious of the Vatican II sect.  But it’s a mortal sin against the faith, and a complete rejection of traditional Catholic teaching.  One must have nothing to do with such apostasy.


Wants to return


Dear Brothers,


I am a 47 years old Uruguayan woman, resident of the US since the year 2000. I immigrated to the US after marrying my husband who was born here. I am a professional engineer.  I was baptized in the Catholic Church in Uruguay. But I was never confirmed in the Catholic faith, and even when I attended masses every now and then, I never went into confession nor I was ever an active participant in any church or faith community.   Some days ago I found some information on the books of the late Fr. Malachi Martin, and it was very enlightening to me. For the first time in many years I felt I wanted to become closer to the Catholic faith and to the teachings of Jesus Christ.  I read all the information I could find about Fr. Martin and the Latin Mass. And this is how I found the website of Holy Family Monastery.

I live in Tacoma, WA, and the only Latin mass offered in the area is at St. Joseph’s Chapel (Josephinum) in downtown Seattle. I would like to take the Sacrament of Confirmation, and attend the Latin Mass.


Could you give me some advice? Is this Latin mass offered in Seattle the True Holy Mass? Could you recommend any Churches here in Tacoma or Seattle, where I could take the true Holy Sacraments of Confirmation and Penance?


Thank you.

Martha H.


At local level


Dear Brothers:


I attached 3 articles I read and believe that you may want to post some of this later or at least for your knowledge. Nothing surprising to us but I being in this diocese am doing all I can to expose these scum clergy and apostate new ordo bishops and criminal redbird Rigali: One is the new high school called Pope John Paul II they are building about 11 or 12 miles from where I live in Upper Providence. It is bad enough 3 or four elementary schools in the archd. are called Pope John Paul II and one with a 15 thousand dollar bronze statue of antipope JP II inside one of the schools that should be destroyed since it is actually an idol.


The funeral mess at the Cathedral was an interfaith mess with the Jewish "community" Muslim and other false faiths. This monsignor about ten miles from where I live in his parish is now the head of the ecumenical affairs in this diocese. Last week he and a novus ordo nun with that novus smile were photographed with a member of the local ADL and a Rabbi in an article about common bonds between the Jews and the "catholic" novus ordo church. It just adds to the argumetn the Vatican II sect is a part of the State of Israel and Zionist movement of the new world order. The actual articles I think are more in depth when you read the weekly paper.


Dave B.


Lion Dance


Dear Sir/Madam,

After seeing part of the video clips, it reminds me that our catholic church at our country has start to allow lion dance infront of church entrance during Chinese New Year. I'm personally not a very good catholic, but by looking at his act, i have leave the church b4 the during final hyms is played. Is this Lion dance correct in their act?

David from KL, Malaysia


MHFM: No, you have to get out of that church; it’s not a real Mass: The Invalid New Mass.  You need to return to the traditional Catholic faith and praying the Rosary, and study the information we have about what’s going on.




Greetings.  My name is Christine and while doing some personal research I happened upon your website.


Needless to say I found its contents disturbing in the very least.  I am only eighteen, and I am seeking some kind of understanding, some kind of permanence in this beautiful religion, the one I grew up with, the one I maintain even while all around me young people are turning their backs on the Church. 


Thanks to your site, I have a better understanding of why they do.


I think the part of it that bothered me the most was at the very end, directly preceding the "hell is forever" quote - young adults DO NOT worship the Pope like a rock star.  My practicing friends and I were fortunate enough to see the Pope when he was in New York and I can assure you, we love him only because he is a tangible connection to Christ Jesus, because we understand and admire his devotion and commitment.  There are still good, faithful Christians out there, you don't seem to have met many lately.


I guess my real question is, how do you say that you are a monastery that does not accept the teachings of the Vatican Councils, that you make so many false claims against the Papacy and the Church?  Please, I only want to know.




MHFM: Christine, we accept all Catholic councils, including Vatican I.  We can prove that Vatican II is not a Catholic council, and that the post-Vatican II church is not the Catholic Church precisely because it rejects the Papacy. Our introductory audio programs demonstrate this, and we would be happy to help you more fully understand these issues.  But if you continue to study the material, you will see that one cannot be a consistent Catholic and accept the Vatican II counterfeit “Church.”





I happened upon your website today and was very interested to learn of your position on many issues within the Christian faith.  I'd like to learn more, but the sheer amount of info on your site is overwhelming! Can you recommend a handful of articles as a "starting point" to help me understand your beliefs from a broad overview perspective?

Thanks very much for your consideration.

Best regards,



MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  For someone coming from a non-Catholic perspective, we would recommend our video Creation and Miracles, the Padre Pio book and the Refuting Protestantism and Eastern "Orthodoxy" * Audio Programs.  For those coming from a Vatican II “Catholic” perspective, we recommend these audio programs, The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II Audio Program, Part 1, Part 2 [2 hrs. each part], as important introductory audio presentations/discussions about what’s going on.  We also recommend the other audio files in Traditional Catholic Audio Programs, and our $10.00 DVD special.  This is an incredible offer which includes 3 books, 10 DVD programs and more.



Dear Brothers,

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the EXTRA goodies you included in my box of books !!   I listened to your Audio on Justification using their own KJBible.  LOL....  You Really blow them out of the water!   … you manage to put in a way with your incredible knowledge of the Bible, that really Zings them.  Great Job!

I plan to send these books out to my family who Need them.  A book can say it better than I can, and there is something about the Printed Word that always grabs people.  Like it isn't real, until you read it in print.

I know I'll enjoy the many videos and other wonderful information you have Generously included.   I have been wanting to learn more about Padre Pio for some time now, and just not gotten around to ordering it.  Yikes, if he is thinking he will only make Purgatory; it gives us pause to wonder if we will Ever make it, at All ....

Thank you again for your extreme generosity,

Carol Delger


“Properly Disposed”


I listened to you newest debate with Mr. Golle and it was great as usual. I am actually surprised that he was willing to debate you again since he claimed that you had won the first debate. It is even more surprising that he took the position that he did and stuck to it the whole time because it is so obvious he is wrong. I cannot find one teaching or source that claims properly disposed means acceptance of the Catholic faith. Every source claims properly disposed means to be free from mortal sin, and his view that the Orthodox can receive Holy Communion is against the 1917 Code of Cannon Law: It is forbidden that the Sacraments of the Church be ministered to heretics and schismatics, even if they ask for them and are in good faith, unless beforehand, rejecting their errors, they are reconciled with the Church." (1917 Code of Canon Law, Canon 731.2) St. Justin Martyr described the Eucharist in this way: “No one may share the Eucharist with us unless he believes that what we teach is true, unless he is washed in the regenerating waters of baptism for the remission of his sins, and unless he lives in accordance with the principles given us by Christ.” Even V-2 websites define properly disposed as free from mortal sin so I find it interesting that he tried to defend something his own church doesn't even believe to be true. Keep up the good work.


God Bless


MHFM: This reader also found quotes from Novus Ordo websites which further prove that “properly disposed” refers to a moral disposition, not accepting Catholic teaching.  These just serve to confirm exactly what we said about “properly disposed” in the context of the debate with regard to the quotes from Vatican II, etc. on non-Catholics receiving Holy Communion:


http://www.notredameparishdenver.org/Sacraments/eucharist.htm- Any baptized Catholic who has made their first Communion and is properly disposed may receive Communion. To be properly disposed a person must be free of all mortal sins and have fasted for one hour before receiving communion.


Only Catholics properly disposed (in a state of grace) should make themselves available for holy communion. I regularly make an instruction about this during Masses. A person’s conscience should be properly informed and respectful of Church teaching. Freedom of conscience does not mean license.


Guidelines For Receiving Communion- For Catholics: Catholics fully participate in the celebration of the Eucharist when they receive Holy Communion in fulfillment of Christ's command to eat His Body and drink His Blood.  In order to be properly disposed to receive Communion, communicants should not be conscious  of grave sin, have fasted for an hour, and seek to live in charity and love with their neighbors. Persons conscious of grave sin must first be reconciled with God and the Church through the sacrament of Penance. A frequent reception of the sacrament of Penance is encouraged for all.

http://www.sjy.org/Church/Eucharist.asp- Catholics may receive Communion when they attend Mass provided they are: -properly disposed: that is spiritually motivated to receive the Eucharist;

-fasted for an hour before Communion; - are not conscious of any grave sin.





I have a fundamentally undermining question for you: Why would there need to be "false apparitions" such as Bayside if without them people would be equally (if not more) in the dark? Honestly, how many more people do you think would be saved if it were not for the "false apparition" Bayside? If anything, the Bayside apparitions only lead people closer to the truth and encourage praying the rosary, wearing the brown scapular, and opposing Vatican II (When hypothetically without it even MORE people would be in the dark about the evils of Vatican II and, according to you, would be damned).


You can counter-argue that Satan mixes truth with falsity, but I would reiterate that there would be no need to mix truth and falsity when, without the apparition in question, even more people would be going along COMPLETELY blind to what happened with Vatican II. The fact of the matter is that the Bayside apparitions awakened many more people to what is going on, and this is unnecessary (and detrimental to Satan even by your standards) due to the fact that most people were unaware of what is going on before Bayside and because more people are now praying the rosary and wearing the brown scapular. This is supported by a passage in the Bible by Jesus when he said how to judge fruits and how evil cannot stand divided against itself:


"Every kingdom divided against itself shall be made desolate: and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand. And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself: how then shall his kingdom stand? And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But if I by the Spirit of God cast out devils, then is the kingdom of God come upon you? Or how can anyone enter into the house of the strong, and rifle his goods, unless he first bind the strong? and then he will rifle his house. He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth. Therefore I say to you: Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but the blasphemy of the Spirit shall not be forgiven. And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him : but he that shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come. Either make the tree good and its fruit good : or make the tree evil, and its fruit evil. For by the fruit the tree is known." ~Matthew 12: 25-33


You can counter-argue that evil necessarily mixes truth and falsity as you claim is the case with Bayside, but I would respond that this is only relevant to rhetoric and propositions, and that evil cannot cause good fruits to be produced or produce good actions due to what Jesus said. Granted, there will be false miracles in the end times, but


I'm not arguing that all miracles are inherently good. I'm arguing that only those miracles that intentionally produce good fruits must be good due to what Jesus said about the nature of evil. Therefore, by Jesus' standard, Bayside cannot be said to be a false apparition because it directly produces good fruits such as praying the rosary, wearing the brown scapular, more awareness of the evils of Vatican II, and testimony of conversions and healings.


The bottom line is this: Why bring people closer to the truth and have them produce good fruits when they would have been completely in the dark and produced less good fruits in its absence?


Michael Pasquini


MHFM: Here’s what people need to understand about this issue: people who are more conservative in nature will look for something which opposes the novelties and the changes, for they know in their hearts that something is wrong with Vatican II, the New Mass, etc.  So if the only options for them were 1) a wholesale acceptance of the Vatican II Church and the New Mass or 2) the independent traditional groups which reject Vatican II and the New Mass, then many more people who have conservative tendencies would have chosen #2.  Left with only those choices, many more would have become independent traditionalists who oppose the main features of the New Church.  The Devil definitely didn’t want that. 


So to keep many of these conservative-minded people inside the Counter Church, and at the New Mass, the Devil offers them a false apparition such as Bayside.  This false apparition criticizes some of the “abuses” which occur at the New Mass, and some of the things involved with Vatican II.  The Devil further lures them in by telling them other true and good things in the message.  This tickles the ears of the conservatives; they know that there is something wrong with Vatican II and the New Mass, so they think the message is true, and then the Devil keeps them following the Counter Church by telling them the lies: to stay at the New Mass (despite its problems) and to stay loyal to the manifestly heretical non-Catholic antipope who imposed it (despite his “weakness”).


So it’s beyond question that Bayside, and other false apparitions like it, serve a major purpose for the Devil.  It should be noted that, in the process of deceiving these people through this false apparition, the Devil certainly runs the risk of providing an avenue to the true faith for a person who is more inclined to truth.  If such a one doesn’t know about anything relating to traditional Catholicism and then hears about Bayside, he might act upon the true aspects of the (otherwise false) message and then move down the path to what’s really going on.  That’s something the Devil is willing to risk, however, because there are so many more “conservatives” who will be deceived by Bayside and will stay in the Counter Church as a result, than there are ignorant searchers who will hear about Bayside and then use that knowledge to come to traditional Catholicism.  Besides, people who have heard about Bayside are usually people who are more interested in these matters and thus have already heard about the traditional Latin Mass, etc.   So the message is not so much alerting them to it but keeping them from it.


We know many people who have remained inside the New Church precisely because of the false apparition of Bayside.  We believe that their damnation will be attributed in significant part to following its false signs, as well as other false apparitions, which the Bible warned us about in Mt. 24 and 2 Thess. 2.  If they continue on their path, they will forever curse the false prophet Veronica Lueken and the false apparition of Bayside.  Moreover, Bayside contains clear heresy, as is proven in the file below.  If a person cannot reject it as a false apparition based on that fact alone, then that person has no faith.   


The False Apparitions at Bayside, NY [PDF File]


More Debate Comments


Dear Mhfm


Latest tape: Re: Non-Catholics receiving Communion


I remember reading these statements in V2 and the New Code of Canon Law about non-Catholics receiving Communion, but that’s when I believed (wrongly) in salvation outside of the Catholic church. It seems that the caller knows that this is wrong in any circumstance, because one must be Catholic and unattached to any other religion in order to be “properly disposed,” otherwise he commits mortal sin.  If he were to be convinced that the V2 church really allows non-Catholics to receive Communion, as its canon law, Vatican II, Catechism, etc., so clearly state, then he would have to give up his attachment to the false V2 church. He can’t do that so he must win his argument with a lie. Again--amazing.







I thought that William sounded like Mr. Golle, whom you previously debated. It sounds like he has entrenched himself in error even more so since your last encounter.


I just wanted to mention to you that the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security is researching new methods of torture, I mean, interrogation.


Perhaps a a tape of one of your debates with a heretic would suffice. After a few hours, there would be no physical signs of trauma, and any psychological trauma could be explained away quite easily. This form of coercion is most definitely superior to any Chinese water torture or Russian Soviet sensory deprivation techniques. And if the subject managed to maintain his sanity, most likely he would be a solid convert to the faith.







Dear Sirs,

As a Catholic convert, I have studied the scriptures for the last four years and am very unhappy with what I have witnessed. I have witnessed a change in the biblical Txt from that which I believe it should be, to that which takes away from the true meaning altogether. I have been told that I should accept the changes made, but I can not. I have never liked the present Pope since I first saw a picture of him. I firmly believe that he is going to destroy the true teachings of Jesus Christ.  Many Biblical wording has been changed, One such text is the words spoken by the angle Gabriel to Mary, the mother of God. The wording has been changed in the New Jerusalem Bible to, You who are favoured, when it should clearly say, Hail, Full of Grace. Mary was not just favoured, she was full of Grace.

I am very interested in becoming a strong member of of the true church of Christ. Can You help me.

Yours In Christ

Christy Carr.


Debate Comments


Dear MHFM,

I listened to your debates with William Golle a.k.a. Mr. Broken Record. I listened to both your first debate you had with him roughly 2 years ago and the most recent one. The guy is just unbelievable. In his first debate when he realized he has no arguments whatsoever against the sedevacantist position, he just repeated the same sentence ad nauseam for almost 3 hours ( something like:'' if there is no pope we have chaos and God would never allow that etc....''). After almost two years one would think that he became a bit smarter or that he had read a book or two, a quote or something. But no, he again thought he had an ace up his sleeve and when you again totally refuted his ridiculous argument, he went back to his old tactic. He just ignored all the quotes you provided ( just like in the first debate) and kept repeating one and the same phrase ('properly disposed') over and over and over....It is not easy to listen to such people and I really admire your patience.

Keep up the good work,

A reader from Croatia

P.S. Are you maybe planning to debate some of the more prominent heretics…  I believe that these debates would be very interesting and very enlightening for the faithful. As you have said :'' ....the truth is irrefutable, the facts speak for themselves...''


MHFM: Thanks for the comments.  Almost none of the heretics to whom you refer are willing to debate.  No matter how much they might appear to be confident in their positions, almost none of them want to face the arguments in a debate, in which they could not ignore the points we would bring forward.  



Hi, Brother!


Wow, I just finished listening to your debate with William on whether Vatican II (and the Vatican II sect) teaches the heresy that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion. This is the same William that has a degree in Systematic Theology from Seton Hall University, right?  It's evident that these V2 religion 'theologians,' 'apologists,' etc., are (bad)willfully trained liars, although William expressed reluctance to be compared with the lunatic 'apologist' from Chicago.  And I'm glad that you brought up the fact that the Church teaches that one need not have the ability to read hearts (sorry, William) in order to prove and declare that someone is a liar in the external forum.  These guys need to actually study the material they attempt to defend; but  no, that would mean they would need to find other jobs since they would have to agree with you if they studied it as well as you do/have.  They're such pathetic liars who obstinately reject the truth.  So sad.


Speaking of pathetic liars . . . I would like to see some false Traditionalist heretic of the 'bishop' Dolan variety debate you on the dogma Outside the Church There Is No Salvation, since they plainly reject it.  Or maybe a false Traditionalist schismatic of the Fr. Gavin Bitzer variety debate you on how one can accept the V2 hierarchy as the valid hierarchy, while praying for the conversion of this same 'hierarchy,' yet operate independently from it.  But they won't debate you. They say there is no need to debate, but the fact is that they are simply cowards and liars, which would be made clear to every sincere Catholic who listened to such a public debate.

Brother, may God grant you the strength to continue in this battle for His glory and the salvation of souls and may Our Lady watch over you tenderly.



Sister Joseph Anne


Uganda Faith


Thanks be to God for having made me learn of this webside, of which I think maybe the right place to solve my problems of understanding the Church teachings.

Well to start with I am a Ugandan, and I am writing on our Martyr's day, and I am glad I also got this side today.
Now my request is can you people Kindly send me passages on how the Catholic Church can help me along the following line.
1 The protestants opposes the Catholic church on the issue of salvation.
2  Other churches in Uganda eg the  seven days adventist oppose the Catholics on the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist what biblical defense do we have as Catholics to this.
3 Explain to detail who Martin Luther was, how and why he broke from the Catholic church.
4 The Jehovah witness do not believe that Jesus was both Man and God instead they say He was not God, can you help clarify.
I shall be very grateful to receive from you answers to these question and many more still to come.
I am a Catholic

Mathew Otika Maria


MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.  You can hear how the Protestant view of salvation is refuted in this program: Justification by Faith Alone refuted and the Catholic teaching on Justification proved by the Protestant Bible [1 hr. 30 min. audio].  The Catholic teaching on the Eucharist is clearly proven by John 6 and 1 Cor. 10:16.  Some of our archived radio programs discuss Luther; they explain why he created his own religion and broke from the Catholic Church.  [Radio Program and Archived Radio Programs (Debate)]


Regarding the “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” their denial of the Divinity of Jesus Christ is refuted here: Where does the Bible teach that Jesus is God?.  Check out our Traditional Catholic Audio Programs as well. 


Our website also explains how people become traditional Catholics.  We hope that you recognize that you must not attend the New Mass.


Papal Primacy


Dear Brother Dimond


I recently converted to Orthodoxy and baptized in a ROCOR parish.  Before I was a Baptist and early in my life I was raised an atheist.  First, as a historian, I came to realize the superiority of the LXX over any Jewish text.  Then I noticed that most Orthodox teaching is nowadays much more traditional than any other Christian teaching, including the post Vatican II, Catholic, at least as far as I was able to confirm.  Later I realized that most Orthodoxy has been taken over, though more mildly, the same way as Rome has been in 1958.  Old calendarist is what remains of traditional Orthodoxy, in my view. I read about the process of separation between East and West and, with the intent to find the truth, I ask you the following questions: Please provide evidence from the first seven councils or from the early church fathers that show that the supremacy of the pope was anything more than moral and that he was more than the "first among equals".  Provide evidence that the Pope had administrative jurisdiction in the East…


Even though I have sided with Orthodoxy, I believe pre-Vatican II Catholicism shows lots of evidence of God being with it, something Protestants lack.  I would very much appreciate your answer or at least direction where to find the answers.  May God bless for all the wonderful work you are doing.




MHFM: We have numerous audio programs in this section which provide that very evidence: Refuting Protestantism and Eastern "Orthodoxy" * Audio Programs.


The next archive for E-Exchanges (Archive 2) is here



[1] Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Vol. 1, p. 113.

[2] Denzinger, The Sources of Catholic Dogma, B. Herder Book. Co., Thirtieth Edition, 1957, no. 351.

[3] The Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers, Regnery, Co: Chicago, IL, 1963,Vol. 1, pp. xxiv.

[4] Denzinger 423.

[5] Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite, The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 2, p. 465.

[6] Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite, The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 2, p. 732.