Benedict XVI�s Recent Heresies


By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.

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Introductory Note: * A Heretic is a baptized person who rejects an authoritative teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.A schismatic is a person who refuses communion with a true Pope or refuses communion with true Catholics.An apostate is a person who rejects the Christian faith completely.All heretics, schismatics and apostates sever themselves from the Catholic Church automatically (Pius XII, Mystici Corporis, June 29, 1943).Therefore, if one is a heretic he is not a Catholic (Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum June 29, 1896).And most heretics convince themselves that they are not denying any dogma when they actually are.This page will be updated periodically.(All emphasis, such as bolding, underlining, and italicization is not necessarily that of the quoted author.)* Heresies from Benedict XVI used in past Heresy of the Week columns are usually found in Benedict XVI's recent heresies file.His worst heresies are found in our section on: The Heresies of Benedict XVI file.Other past Heresies of the Week are probably found in either the Heresy of the Week Archive or the Some of the Recent Feature Articles page or The Heresy of the Week Archive for those from years back.


Benedict XVI�s Pilgrimage of Apostasy in the Middle East


Benedict XVI address at Amman International Airport, May 8, 2009: �My visit to Jordan gives me a welcome opportunity to speak of my deep respect for the Muslim community, and to pay tribute to the leadership shown by His Majesty the King in promoting a better understanding of the virtues proclaimed by Islam.�[1]


Benedict XVI tells us to pay tribute to a man for �promoting a better understanding of the virtues proclaimed by Islam.�


After Benedict XVI visited the Al-Hussein Bin Talal Mosque, he had a meeting with Muslim leaders and gave an address on May 9, 2009: Places of worship, like this splendid Al-Hussein Bin Talal mosque named after the revered late King, stand out like jewels across the earth�s surface.From the ancient to the modern, the magnificent to the humble, they all point to the divine, to the Transcendent One, to the Almighty.And through the centuries these sanctuaries have drawn men and women into their sacred space to pause, to pray, to acknowledge the presence of the Almighty, and to recognize that we are all his creatures.For this reason we cannot fail to be concerned that today, with increasing insistency, some maintain that religion fails in its claim to be, by nature, a builder of unity and harmony, an expression of communion between persons and with God.Indeed some assert that religion is necessarily a cause of division in our world; and so they argue that the less attention given to religion in the public sphere the better.Certainly, the contradiction of tensions and divisions between the followers of different religious traditions, sadly, cannot be denied.However, is it not also the case that often it is the ideological manipulation of religion, sometimes for political ends, that is the real catalyst for tension and division, and at times even violence in society?In the face of this situation, where the opponents of religion seek not simply to silence its voice but to replace it with their own, the need for believers to be true to their principles and beliefs is felt all the more keenly.Muslims and Christians, precisely because of the burden of our common history so often marked by misunderstanding, must today strive to be known and recognized as worshippers of God faithful to prayer, eager to uphold and live by the Almighty�s decrees, merciful and compassionate, consistent in bearing witness to all that is true and good�And God endows us with the capacity to participate in his reason and thus to act in accordance with what is good.Muslims worship God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, who has spoken to humanity.And as believers in the one God we know that human reason is itself God�s gift and that it soars to its highest plane when suffused with the light of God�s truth� Together, Christians and Muslims are impelled to seek all that is just and right� And we are reminded that because it is our common human dignity which gives rise to universal human rights, they hold equally for every man and woman, irrespective of his or her religious, social or ethnic group.In this regard, we must note that the right to religious freedom extends beyond the question of worship��[2]


First, Benedict XVI promotes mosques as �places of worship.�According to him, to worship at a mosque is to worship the one true God.Second, he proclaims that mosques �stand out like jewels across the earth�s surface.�This is total apostasy!


Third, speaking of mosques, he states: �from the ancient to the modern, the magnificent to the humble, they all point to the divine, to the Transcendent One, to the Almighty.And through the centuries these sanctuaries have drawn men and women into their sacred space to pause, to pray, to acknowledge the presence of the Almighty���� These are simply mind-boggling heresies from the arch-apostate Benedict XVI.


Fourth, he says that all mosques point to the divine.Fifth, he states that all mosques are sanctuaries and sacred, and that they contain the presence of the Almighty.Sixth, he calls Muslims worshippers of the true God, faithful to prayer, eager to uphold and live the Almighty�s decrees, merciful, compassionate, and believers in the one, true God.This is total apostasy.


Benedict XVI address at the Basilica on Mount Nebo, May 9, 2009: �The ancient tradition of pilgrimage to the holy places also reminds us of the inseparable bond between the Church and the Jewish people� May our encounter today inspire in us a renewed love for the canon of Sacred Scripture and a desire to overcome all obstacles to the reconciliation of Christians and Jews in mutual respect and cooperation in the service of that peace to which the word of God calls us! [3]


Benedict XVI proclaims �the inseparable bond between the Church and the Jewish people.�Jews do not believe that Jesus Christ is God.They are outside the Church.But the apostate Benedict XVI proclaims the opposite by stating that the Jews are united to the Church by an �inseparable bond.�This is heresy.


Benedict XVI, answer to a question during his flight to the Middle East, May 8, 2009:


Question to Benedict XVI: �Your Holiness, this journey has two essential dimensions of interreligious dialogue- with Islam and with Judaism.Are the two directions completely separate from one another, or will there also be a common message concerning the three Abrahamic religions?


Part of the answer from Benedict XVI: �� it is important on the one hand to have bilateral dialogues � with the Jews and with Islam � and then also trilateral dialogue.I myself was the Co-Founder of a foundation for dialogue among the three religions, at which leading figures like Metropolitan Damaskinos and the Chief Rabbi of France Rene Samuel Sirat and others came together, and this foundation also issued an edition of the books of the three religions: the Koran, the New Testament and the Old Testament.So the trilateral dialogue must go forward, it is extremely important for peace and also � let us say � for living one�s own religion well.�[4]


Here Benedict XVI tells us that each person should live his own religion well � no matter what religion he believes in!This is utter apostasy.


Benedict XVI, address at Madaba University, May 9, 2009: Religion is disfigured when pressed into the service of ignorance or prejudice, contempt, violence and abuse.In this case we see not only a perversion of religion but also a corruption of human freedom, a narrowing and blindness of the mind� You are called to be builders of a just and peaceful society composed of peoples of various religious and ethnic backgrounds.These realities � I wish to stress once more � must lead, not to division, but to mutual enrichment� I pray that your dreams may soon come true, that you may see generations of qualified men and women Christian, Muslim and of other religions, taking their place in society, equipped with professional skills, knowledgeable in their field, and educated in the values of wisdom, integrity, tolerance and peace.� [5]


Benedict XVI states that when you have different false religions represented, this leads to a �mutual enrichment.�


Benedict XVI, homily at the Amman International Stadium, May 10, 2009: � enable a fruitful encounter of people of different religions and cultures, and thus enrich the fabric of society.� [6]


People of different religions enrich the society, according to the apostate Benedict XVI.


Benedict XVI, farewell address at Queen Alia International Airport, May 11, 2009: One of the highlights of these days was my visit to the Mosque Al-Hussein Bin Talal, where I had the pleasure of meeting Muslim religious leaders together with members of the diplomatic corps and University Rectors.I would like to encourage all Jordanians, whether Christian or Muslim, to build on the firm foundations of religious tolerance that enable the members of different communities to live together in peace and mutual respect.His Majesty the King has been notably active in fostering inter-religious dialogue, and I want to put on record how much his commitment in this regard is appreciated.� [7]


Benedict XVI states that one of his highlights was his visit to the mosque.He also again calls for respect for false religions.


Previous Heresies of the Week:���������������������������������������� Benedict XVI's recent heresies file 

The Heresies of Benedict XVI file 




It is a proven fact that Ratzinger (now Benedict XVI) is a non-Catholic heretic.The Catholic Church teaches that a heretic cannot be validly elected Pope, since a heretic is not a member of the Catholic Church.Ratzinger, who is now Benedict XVI, is a non-Catholic Antipope whose election was utterly null and void.


Pope Paul IV, Bull Cum ex Apostolatus Officio, Feb. 15, 1559: �6. In addition, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity We enact, determine, decree and define:-] that if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy:

(i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless
(ii) it shall not be possible for it to acquire validity (nor for it to be said that it has thus acquired validity) through the acceptance of the office, of consecration, of subsequent authority, nor through possession of administration, nor through the putative enthronement of a Roman Pontiff, or Veneration, or obedience accorded to such by all, nor through the lapse of any period of time in the foregoing situation;
(iii) it shall not be held as partially legitimate in any way

(vi) those thus promoted or elevated shall be deprived automatically, and without need for any further declaration, of all dignity, position, honour, title, authority, office and power�.

10. No one at all, therefore, may infringe this document of our approbation, re-introduction, sanction, statute and derogation of wills and decrees, or by rash presumption contradict it. If anyone, however, should presume to attempt this, let him know that he is destined to incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul.

Given in Rome at Saint Peter's in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1559, 15th February, in the fourth year of our Pontificate.

+ I, Paul, Bishop of the Catholic Church��


St. Robert Bellarmine: �A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church.Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church.This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction.� (De Romano Pontifice, II, 30)

(This article may be quoted, spread and copied but the author’s name or our website: or must be given.  Copyright, Most Holy Family Monastery, 2005-2011.) 






[1] L� Osservatore Romano, May 13, 2009, p. 3.

[2] L� Osservatore Romano, May 13, 2009, p. 7.

[3] L� Osservatore Romano, May 13, 2009, p. 6.

[4] L� Osservatore Romano, May 13, 2009, p. 5.

[5] L� Osservatore Romano, May 13, 2009, p. 6.

[6] L� Osservatore Romano, May 13, 2009, p. 11.

[7] L� Osservatore Romano, May 13, 2009, p. 11.